1 Ip III uni— SEM I-W EEKL, Y mtfsaaemem ■ I iM—»»i—g—TO.utJiw^-i»w.!m?-'gw^^!/Mma;HgWiiwg\'iuiiMiLOMaMifejl'iW^ wn'tiH.'iUli [VCil.. I1-] I'AYin'TEVIIXK, N’. C., NOVK.MHKR 18, 1852. " i'll if iTlT [N(l. M1.J I illM K!) MY J. 1}. M-nVliV. U) J. H VLi: iV sox, ; i;r» AND I’liorillKT()KS. ,. . . ,;-\Vi‘okly Duskhvki: 00 if ptiid in i ■V 1 I if I'liiil ilnriiig the yo:ir of siibsorip- j -. r tiu' yo;ir lias i-xitiroil. II : ■•:•'i: VI I! $2 00 JV'T MlllUIH. if Jiaid ill J ;t iluriiip tlie vfiir I'f .•■ul)scrii>- ■ ’i: till* yoar lias cxjiiroil. 1 i ;, i , ' I'M liN r> iiisfi-tc'l rir sixty cents per I - •■•r the first, ainl thirty eetils fur each ■ Veiiv!\ i;>K vvii'i-iiictits hy s]>e- - ,r rea>.'U: 'lo rates. .V'lverii--ei'. are :ie t'le luiiiil'i r of inserti.'iis ilesire'l. o'’ ; ni 'l ti!! f> rlii^l. aihl eliar;.reil aeeiTil- ! ■ :;rf' t : t!.i' 1! litors must he i'ii.~f-]iai!. li»r. T. U. II A I 4 II, H.\S taken an OHice on Hay Street, \Vest of tlit lintel IJuiKlin^iS. .hilv 1 1. ls‘)l. 4-tf 1. •lOli.N I). W 1I,I,I.\.MS, /‘oiilmission ft tut i'ortVifrfii»i^ • fierr/nmt^ Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. y. 18.',!’. r,8tf lMX)lv BLM)!:!IY. THOS. H. TILLIiWGHAST, Anderson Street. Se{it. «. ('in li. M. ()iu;i:i.L, I'dr.WAiiDiNc nnniissiuN >ii:k(’h.\m .\t E';iyi*tlfvi5lf, A. i'. iliilill I. U I'OinVAUDlNC .\N1» ro.MMlSSKiN .MKKt’llANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. £2 IIKSONAL iitteiition ^iveti to the sale or sliijmioiit of Naval Sti>r»'s. 1 liavi- ample facilities for com- I iliictia^ the husiness; lar^ewharf uikI store sheds to ! keep sjiirits Ironi exposure. Nav.il stores will be siiippeil j to any htaise in New Yitrk. or to other iiiarki-ts if aiivisable. :iinl lilier.il ’aHli ailvaiices maile oti coriNig;!!- I nieiits. 1 refer to tlie I'ollowinj; di,"tillers: I 1'. llaiiiauii. Wayne roiuity, j ('h:iniller Hal!, .lolinstou Co., !,ovrtt I’eacoek, ('ohinilius Co., li. 11. r.ardeii, “ “ 'I lu'S. li. \ ail, I’ladeii j Messrs. Smith, \ Inirrani, .Johnston 'o., I Mf>Sl S. '/. \ .i, .lolics. “ I Messrs. .''mith \ .loiie^, ‘pt'iii vr I'oiiiilaiii, ll.-i^., “ l.evi r.aili Mnv -JO. i;.- MKS. K. WAI/rON ! 11.vs just n'turiH'd from the Xor-h, witli a new and beaiitifii! assortno'tit of M 1 1/ L 1 N 1^ !l V (}()(> 1>S, coiisi.'tin;; of ,''ti-aws of various kinds and jiriees, of hei' o\Mi selection, and thv latest rlylc; \’elvet. Silk and Satin Hats. Also, n lai'ite !i."Kortnicrit of l)res» and .Monrniny Caps, ;ind ;i \ariety ot beautiful Head Hresscs. lar^e assol'tment of the most 1 ashion.able l>ress Trimminjrs. Al.so, l>rcss. Mantilla .iinl Cloak I’attcrns; eml.roidrreil Sleevi's ami Cliemisi'tts. lioth Swiss and I..-ice; a lar^e assortment of the best i|uality of Kid and Silk tIlo\es; childrens' ditto; a pretty style of l>race!ct«; \'clvct Culfs and Cutf I’ins. ■\ll oriler.s from tiie country pronijitly attended to. October 1, ol-Jni w atc’Ti!:s, i':Lin ~ ^ S ^ 111'. sul),'THier is now rvcci\inir his ALM.W.ACS. Jirincrs’ nrid Plnntors’ A*fninnn' Thv f 1 I'lirncr’s 'CT'Oj-^.maiiac for 1H5:^. .lust received, i:. .1. iiALi: i SON. Sep!. I.AN!) FOR SALK. .Msrch l;i. In.I. \\ \N'r oi 111 mom:y. '1 U'd to llic. bv III tly me ’f! ■ nu‘ t.' ■ ui\ei>. t!;c ; til s.'ttU' -par’ 1 s: .la'.ui. rv, 1' tl^:^ a'i l ’..n.'ci’ ki;TH.\N. -I li SrAlJK cV \V1I.L1.\.MS. UllOl.i-.siAI.l-; lij'.AI.KKS IN F'oi'cs^ ti (tmi S9omcstir S>r»j €oois^ IIAV ^»Tiii:i:T. Fayetteville, N. C. [.I. M. \V 11.1,1.VMS. ;31ARBL1': i FACTORY r/^7- C '• n. ■Vi.ril 1’^, 1 t.i. I'l. VN'I'S. >y ! 'r li: .-ry a iariTe and i l h '’.I'e and iiardy ri:>n(« 11 •nd (’ruar.K iital Trct s. l! .i r;j;ri . whi. li I an bv pai’ked in bn\i-^ • ; t! e ,1 iiiitry with p'. r'' -i safety. 1 ' the ! --t time ti set out lt-es, 'I’lei--. aw’lorries. \i:KS. and ll:U’ly in th- Stmtl.vrti .'>t.iti‘>. 11. L. ilOLMI.S. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W. C. 1 Vi ,4 I'll i; on und.cr J. •• I’J. nier urnal ; t! of rv.iiit and I’liliiCss street?. }S-tf g/ . ;. ■ llv r:l',0, TWO biHiMs \r,{i\i; ( now I FAl.l, STOCK or COiA) AND Sl!,- vi;i{ \VATcHi:s AND .j;avi;ij;v of ^ every desciij'tioii. Also, pl.itcd C.-ike Il.iski'ts, Camlle- sticks and Castors; fine Cutli'ry: doulile anil sin;j!e bar- 1(1 (inns; Colt’s ami .Mien's Kevolvin;r Pistols; self cock- iniT and common I'istol-; Powdir l lasks; .''Ion I’ouclo.s: (Jaiiic r.aiis; l’ercns>ioii ('ap:-; \'iolins: I'lntc"; i'ilir-: Accordcons: Mii.-ic lioxes; jrold. sil .cr and steel [lecta- cles; aiul a iricat \aiicty of other articles in the line, i^ood assortment of t'l. X'K.*^. I’nrchasers are nspi'i ifully in\ited to cull and ex amine. W.M’illi'.N J'iliOll. Se[>t. ;!0, .':ii-:;m f* Clocks .•iml Watclo's rM':i:i''d aii'i wair.inte l. ,\lso. .)e\v.'!ry nf every descri]iiion neatly rep,sire 1. subs(‘riber oUers tVtr .sale loni) acres of fine Iti. 'I'iirpcntine and Timber L.VN1>. in llobesoti coun ty, aliont four miles North llast of bumberlon. Nearl.y the whole tract is he.-ivily timbered, and there are sev- » r:il beautiful situations for a residen’e. I’.ut a small portion has lieen I'h'ared. It lies as hijih and healthy as any land in tiiis le^^ioTi of country. Also, six unimproved i.ots in the town of I.iiniberton. I’ersiiiis wisiiiiii; to purchase will make ajiplic.-itioii to llobert 1’,. 'i'roy. in l.umbert'in. or to tlie subscriber in [icrsoii. 12 iiiiles from the village, oli the Jhirliees- ville Itoad. John a. howland. I'liif ■pt. l:i, is.-.j. C. IV A A DMSaVS, LwnEii. T. ii\!i;i! sti\'s sKiKi:. .'1 ; receive ; C. iniiipi att -ntn n l.lTTl'Kl.oll. R' ■in St. etij^.i'^cd pi.iiitj are rc MU'.'t' d t.. 'end rl:2. 1-^J. -1 ;n' .!, Ihi.L L \M> I'OU SALi:. i;l'.l MM., i - Uichmend ’ii>n!ty, 1 v ill n I I'' ‘il I'.^y !i; .No\em'ler. i tier :;t ■ T aci'i s nf I, in 1. I'he I.e.iid is a i lli.i Tract, and h;.s m, isi it .lOllX liANK.'^, rtnpiissiuN \M) ri)i{\\AiiDiMi mam, Wilminjjton. N. C. '^’'11.1, atti'iid t" the s ile or jiurchase i2!r. . i'. and 1 > him. ■ iispatch • f Produce, ii'ii.'nmeiit-' .lan'v 2'b r ‘I’J. 8 00 ulo.lo. Ik- of the - e.i' in. in teu Oct J''. :;-'tf If ali'l (jr. Ill .'.r,-iv,,d •.\cs. Ill \v cri']!, fu 't \v \ k. 1' r s ill' bv CH S HANKS. ■ L'ett : Turki Pll!»'l!.'' C.irpetin;r>. new sf. le .and p.-ilteriis— l'russcls. three pl_\ . Inirraiii. \ (. iieliaii. l»rn,ir- nd l!u>:s: I'ioor and Tab.i' »il ( 'li ths; I’aiua.-k, \-ri l. and emlii'ssed ('urt.nii (Joi.d.-: si;per tine 'llrSk wam'j:!), I^AHHKLS of TriIPKNTTNi:, ■*sP ™ i7 ^ y ® ” for I)istillcry at ihePbink Ko:oi I5ri(l"e on Uis' I'ockfisli. 'I'he bc.sj niari:et prici- vill be' paiil. For tiirthor information. itKpiire of.fohn \V. Mur phy, nt the liridj^e, of of A. A. McKethan, Fayeiteville. i)ec. IS. ].V,l. ‘ 4!ttf iliO^H>VAIi. SA\n, .1. HixsnAi.i:, :zz3il ,\.S the pleasure of informin;^ hi.- cu'tomora find the j)UbHc, that lie ha.^ t.moved iVi.m las Old .''tand to the next corner above, ^jeiu-rar.y known as* the ‘’lllake eomer.") ilavin,:r fitted up his Store with every conveni‘nct» for conductinir biisiriess, both wholejab" and ri't.iil, t(» the best advanla;:-e, Jie solicits a continuance of the* kind favor he has erijoye 1, with the assur.-inuc that elfort on his ]>art sh.iil be vvantinpt to n;erit it. Hi?) Stfick coiiipri.ve.-v a full asscrti.i. i.t oi lU'tiole.s in his lino of business, all of t!ie b( st ipialiiy: Di’UL's, Metl-* ieiiies, ('heiiiicals. Paints, Oils. Dye StutFs, Patent .Med^ icines. Perfumery, choice Teas, Seed, (ilass, Putty, Tiiotll and Hair l!r;ishes. Soaps, Potash, \’c. The utmost care given to the ]irc)i.;ratljn of I’hysi* ciatiji' I’reiterijitionH anJ Family Keeipeti. July 1:2, 1N')2. titf .\NI» MA'\I FA TL lli:H JF PLAIN AND JAPAN 'D/I n ^//T, (')f)})(r^ 'I'm Plate and SJk (t Iron Works. lllanket,-; I’.r.'o .’ilid 'I'oims \c. •JO Crate: and, P.ras.-j-hc.-id .\ieHri \c. 'KX'Kii:E£V. issortc'l Cii'ckerv, new 'tvle. imiii itel li'-i'ini Tract. ■l-ed. N.oib ire .f . F.i-. e;:, t-ri.-!' I • iina. i.:-. N. c M.\!n if tne N i. I .S( 'N . JO-sKl’ii il. I ii .T2 .T! B S a « AND FORV/ARDING Df^ERCH.^N CSf'. vi(rv tiiu- .1 \CK «t' ck . t >ct. kit.ds. sALi:. '' or !'• V'iun.r M'd'"^. with D.'s. \\n.l.lAM.. n-'tf Liv erpool. niakin;.r our ;is,si'rlment —.\I.SO_ Coffee Sli’.Ml-. I >. !ind Pi rto Hie ■J(i I.;i;ruil-.-i ('o!l-, e. Id I'lcneii lli.iielv. bN. al.d s S..d P.l Is, 111. U. i;:ar. \'{)U i!i: vnnli \N!) lot I'Oli S K\A err vvi-.^!' •• 'I-'' ]:-v ll.iU>e al. • li..!. Tiie J r • 'rt- i’ in t'.e vv -1 i T. c H i' l .;-_e .i:; 1 e.'uvti.;- , i;t ’ r ■>; a-i in nd -.I'd'-r. , t. I. ^ .lit:; a!-, ut i wo V t-> s. : , ■eli -:;t ve^et:i,,;e :,t. 1 l:eaUt;M' tb ' ' ajci’v T I >!,,■ u;e i;. .MAi.ui.n' t'' I'.r;. ■ I ..t; . L’d to . Feb. Pn •U.. r iJ. !' in tl. n ,:- -v -. ■ n Pr ' m:.ri Cons'),.!!- t.. lie JU iiiKi.i; I.ai. 1 in T!,. re nr.i I 't’i r- ■iiit v. s aij:. f. r 'lie hi' C:,,'K.- lj- lii. ( 'racliers ,\n !(";o!iment of H .Iii>t r.-ceivi d and Inr lJuttcr. t 'loili'iii: u;' ;idy-mad' .lie bv W. ■iTLLIN.llA.';T ill \D!ii-:i' .\cp.r ' i;i • I T' 1 V,. 1 l.'.I.II ; lit -.lie b \c' :it t. d , . d; r;:;. :_ii rail' ::l; it .le > AND •1' Pine ■ liv .-I. I >r I. 1' c >. 1 tf iC’DUl.X Th :i l-'avcttevil’e r fiinl.er p.;r- 'U I r j art: ■ OF V 2«; i:i.! ,\ii.. No rii i:. [,r- ' ! rnty t'ourt. 1K . i vi.l Se’.i at tl'.e C i- ('a'li. n va'ual '.e !!• . -U. Also, a li't on M- • ’ te I fenrv W. A ih ''Si:ll KiNt; Hi. ir.c. IlV •tfuilv iiif ri;.' tl.' c. inity that lie ii-.s ..pent -t t 'tl-! . t. a'ovi’ t!ie ' ’a;-' .. 'i.i .'p a ci.ntpleTe a .■lel>rate I nvinnlaci r.-'ii • ! V OS. in II' - T!o-'i- nd h“ tie'! i ,• -uperi' v.iod Ca'. i;-tr!iini n' fiirc t'.-els r in w ill. I.lie, I t: './el.' !•' 'V-i ; :.i'Iit N .. s. ai; I s ha.e (■I :. Ti - fini-ii ■ la.ir- WlLlvlNSON vV l>F.Al.F.r.S IN (' f'l ■ f.' -, Ilrij. F"r ’ T'-ft i' i rN.I. ;'", AN!’ IMPoinri: £»£:m202: u \.\\\ AT V, liiil.K'.M.K AM lilirket St., Wilmington, W. C. .\UJ. 7. 1 itf MALIJn r \ PAl LMII'.U. Orocers •Uc, rlitnils, l’t.% HEW YORK. [J. uk K ad II I rellii.'C'. i.er .III I he pi l i'l , PoNAl.D Ml .Ml!.I.AN. Sk I Al I.'ir of I’lt* liirrc \\:i!rli. i!:n Mrrrl. s'3\s.yjy. ! II W'F, in my emplo;, iiient compett nt vvoi kmen, iind am I re]iaied to do all kinds of w..rk, either in CoPi-i:i;, TIN ..r SilFFT llloN. 1 have ..II hail.! all the iiecess.irv materials and tna- chim-ry foi- m.-:kini; I'actory Cans and Drums, and to do all kind'* of tact 'ly Work ih.'it call be ilone by any simi- liir F'taiiii'hment in the .'^t.ite. ,\lso, for sale. Patent F.ictory Can Iliiigs, v.Tryinjf li-.iiii to 1 I inches; Drum liea.ls. \c. KO-tl'lNti, (iUTTFU AND LKADFll Pll’KS put u]> ill the best manner. .\No. just rcLiived, a full sujiply of COOKING >• TOVIol the most approved patterns, some of them very lar;re, tor liotel and plant.alion use. Alwavs oil h.anii a good assortment of TIN \V,\I’,E. C. W. ANi»I!K\VS, South F.ftbt corner .Market S.iuare. Mav I-'.. 1'1-tf m m tairsijH. »llcS^oaethi 5* tUctllasli't' W1-; JLST ui:c;:ivi:d a comi lete sTOCii. of ii;r«c«*rir« :37ael Fnibraciii'r ahiuist every articie usually kept In tlmt line, at the ^ KLLOU lU'li.iilNtJ. n few doors above the State Ibiiik and one lnor above M. \V. .lessup's, on (lil- lespie street, and would be j'lenscl to exhiiiit any thing in their line to those w lio m.-iy favof tlaia with ;i call. —ALSO— ll:inl\v;ire, Cutler}', (.’nicke’i’y, Glass-ware, WonJ-* ware, Jji([U«r.s, IJodts iitid jSIiocs, Hats and Caps, and a good as.sortiiieiit of Dry (loods. To the above Stock we ivould I’cspcctf’ally Invite the attention of tile public. |rr^.’ountry Produce taken in excluange for Goods. Fityetteville, Sejit. ], l2Jtf S [list Sto il I'cccivcd !i!s or (k()()i)S. [ \ll l.\!! V.!\Tr.ll (ioitys. .1 e I, U- V VN”» 1 I'.'v p.: ; t. _'Ur.- d P.; I i: ■ 1 1 lo \ ; .1 ." f.\Pl I. .Uel '.-.rt a' i" 1"W ill' C'.i til.'; .''iip l V pliisii all I V. t white uiid c >l"re.! .n_'; 1 ir.c t r;i\ at-: SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND 4 M.i: .a all Dr. ' 1.. 1 \iic 1 i. an 1 rill’ V' liite ' till i .iri' priiit-’ i i’. . AI.1.1 TT.] AuL'U.-t 1... 1 r.\i I, F I 1 T. C. WORTH, r(i-lM!SS!lA .\M! lllliU llilllN!. .HKIUllWT, \S lLMiN(.'i ()N, N. r. . i.. I'.'rJ ' "’f III I ■ tt. ll \V r Fn i.i'ii I. M . rin iiiii. \i: I Vnii r. t.ne: \ M\ .1 (. ibciii at Ne.v ^ ■ rk . .• i!-t ilit;> re. ■ ivi:i;_'. t!i>- i:ite't .Di - I I..r Piano and . other in- i_-. witb .Ni.i thern Frb, ; - >- ei, .i. i-d to r. .five allj. ol l.-re 1 I ill F-: ; 1 t! '' ■ ■"inM-y. in 'lend t'- :i:.v .inieis l'r.>;o .''Vr;n>; er r ”.'tn.i, '-.:;' or ::ria!.^i 1 : ;t I i"';it‘ I J* - Ii*'' ^ r iir.:. ‘ ili** i.ist '* ,\. .!. \ .f. ’i\ General Agents & Commission lyicrchantSj Ei.Tss'^c- ro^. >. I . P irti -I'.ar a;;. Mt'iiiii 'jivei. t.i the .•^a^e of Tim- l-.ii II » 1 1' : riK_' -. . l-Ji p.-d all.I 1 l>l: h.lli ! \ llii.ii.t -. LlUllliel'. HIl c..!i' ,;i;i!ieiit - ir a: I Nav.ii ■' l.A.eral cash ad\. ■4:;t - Disi ii.icnr 1 to. illii'INKi: fn Prof. the c.i'Ui': V. if Mu -i A( IN'; Al \1)i:mn. : -I I'.ts h!^ i-oiiipliuient;- to the I.a.b. n ..f I'avett: i','. ••.nd vieiuAy. a; ■ ■ . - ’be-il t! :.t he j lol... i S »o opell -■ )L a;- .Soon as siitiicient i iic.ur.i;.' am> IN (iK(x'Ki:iK., ■ IIAI.I/S FCII.DINC. WATFP. ^TllFFT, WILMINGTON, N. C. prompt :ilteiit..in ;:ive!i to the purchase and s.lie of Pro.hiei.-; r.’tunis ren.ler d with .b spati h. p.eter t" F. P. IFi!!. I.' p, Pre-i t of tiic l!raiich P.aiik ol til- .''t.ite; .^I.•^'r^. C. T. ll.i..rli ,v .'' .n, I .-i-. ettev liie. (let. i-.th. I'-'.::. U .. ali l a-.id I II iei- ill": l.'-'i ai Wit’i .1 fib S) 1.1. ■ -. Cm! n "t cnnnieir ;.:.'.'t .-.li.l ■ : t. me'.’--. veiiieiit. sell a' F.i-t Fay. ticv i S.tela n AM 1 n than may be loUlid II i d .ilei u atiT.-d ; ill ed do ; rich W liitc i cnee. ,Vc.; Printed be.~: Fn;:’.i-'.i. Fieiuh : ':ii:i.l ti;^nre.l al."l hi;jlil_\ Fni’lish and Freiieh Mcn- ■ II'liii; \ ici.in.i.iod Tartan .rr-.11: 1 I.a’ii:i C!'.ti.': P>l.. k I p.::i. k .\’p;ic.is. .''ilk all'! lor c'/ilnlr.'ii; .''•■•'(ih. - and jiint'; ,'^liawi'; alei \b- ■ !i; .l-U.ient ol liib- = t 'I rniimiii>;': w i.". in.-; .''V. I.'.' and .lacoin t P.!iilii "i ll re l \\ al'ls. i I a 11 I kerc il ills. ( .dial' I Fice and Filicn Fd;Z- MILITARY GOODS. NO hi.' a"oirnieiit may be tour..'i >Vatrhes of 11 kind-'. troJii to •'PJ'i; jroM Fob, (iic.r l and Ch.iiii': “'.Id .^e:;ls -in I Kevs: siiver F.ili .•in 1 'iuard tis .'iii'i kevs: l!rt a'tillin'. I'ar-iiii”' :ii;'l Finjrer- . ,:i ;i:ie sto.-k ; Cutl-pili ‘; P.racelets: e.,i.l ;hl I r .'-|i''. fad. s, Thinible-i an.I Pencils: j:.ill Loekcts; Cl';'.' ai.d .Mica's P.evo]\er.-; (.’iii'ss men; .\ccordein': 'i’.ver .''po.iU'; .'ilver Cups, \c.; Milit.iiy (ioo.ls of all kinds; a f:ll.' b t of Cli.t ks. and almost c\ -r.) thinj: .-ailed for in his line, v\hicli will be sold che.-ip .or Cash, or on shm-t time to th.'^e that will \av pre'Cli'e I i-/ Wafchc' and .lewelry rei air( \ e- I'h; I in; .'il\ i;oo\i IF.tel. iht ir bills when d as usual. Wafchc' and Jewelr 0:.l (ii.l.l and .''iher l;ik n in ex. h,in;ie. t- /T -\Il th'.se in l. t.ti I Iiy Note . r llook ace mil'l Jiav b\ the 1't of NoS eiiil.er. I. 1 lunt. ( let. F.NS', V. uths A.?:i Sejit. IX-'i'J. t.- V I ],:iid f'lr BOO rs. iii l t’hiMrcns' dric 1 Fruit. tf WADDU.F. ;;'ttf ,M;\1 I'lilM iV rE^MlF >ubscribers are iinw rceeiv'tijj. from Niw \dr!', ;i l.ir^ie ;i;i.l j:.-iier:il ass.u tincnt ..t St(!j>l( and !'uic;i l)r;i ;i:ori:i’ji:.'^, iiahdw ll.its and llnnt.s- au. .\nioii;Z whii li are; ('.ilT'c, .''U'jar. Cottoii F>a;::^ii;^. F.ale Kope. Nails. U iudov,- (i!a'>. « ede.'and F.n>:iish l-’i.n. S.ick aii-1 .Vliim Salt, luipt'ri.-il and l.i.-uk 'leas, Pejijie.’. .\lspicc. iili.”er. Pouder, .''ii 't, F.ii- l.t-a t. Far au'l Fancy ap. ToLrether \,iih a j.rca! vaiictv i 1' otIi r articl(.«. to whicii tiiey invite tin .•itt. nti' ii oi tlie pulilie, and which thev :.re .ietermincd to ^,•ll as l..w b.r C:isl., or on lime t,' tho'c who p;.y promptly, as aiiv h..Ufo in the .''onili- , crn couiitiy. Pvodoce'of all kinds, at the Iiivchcst market price?, t.'iki II ill excl.aiijje lor It.'ods. Mcl.FAN .'i JoNFS. t Suinmervil'.e, N. C., Dec. >>. litl rihcr still coii- tiniies to e:irry on the CAlilNFT 15FSI- NFSS in FavettCNille, ainl in u.ldition to his I'.'tablishmeni on Kow .treet, lie.-ir l!ccles ' I!ri.b.^e. has ojiened ;i l.irire U.VKK on Hay 'treet. nenrly oj.posite the Fayetteville ,;i.l Otie door Fa.'t of Slessrs. llaigh \ Son'», win. rc a jicner.-il assortment ot illl-MTURl', Made by coinjK’tent and faithful workiiiei), in.-iy be had at prices corn ^1-. tidiiiir wivh the times. Also, an as- 'i.rtment of Northern-m.-ide FI 1!.N1TF1!F, selected by hini'elf which will be Sold at a verv moderate (idv.-inee. DFNCAN MoNFU.L. N.iv. 10, F''.'l. ^Stf rB 1', kee]"" on han.l an asi. vtment of Fi>k's celebra- Li ted .MFI'-M.I.IC lU uIAb ('.V.'^F.'!, wliich have been hi..;hly r. •"mnieiide.l by W iliie P. .Maii.irnm, Henry v ’.av. r.ev.is Ca>'. Wr.i. U. Kis,;.^. aid many otlu-r il- lustriou.' cliar..-;crs, \\!io li;ivo (.xaniiiied and witnessed th'-ii utiiitv. LAWRivNCE cS: TUOY lliive rec‘‘ived their Full .Stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquors. —ALSU— A siiiiill lot of Ueadv'-niadc Clothiii!^, Crockery and Glassware, Hoots and Slices, Hardware and Ciillery. AVe have on li iiid the followinij GlUJCKKlEjS: Rio, L.-ignlr.i, .*111(1 Maracaibo Coffee; Porto P.lco and Cuba .'^ugar; l^oat', Crushed and Coifee ditto; Adatnaii-' tine mill Tallow t.'andles; Faticj’ and cf’innion P>!ir Soapj Pearl andC'orn Starcii; Pep]>er, Spice, (.linger. Nutmegs; Cloves. Cinnamon, Tea, \c.; Salt, Iron, Molass'js, Sole, Fppcr aud llarneas Le.-ither. rilOVlSIONS: Mess Decf, uml smoked and dried ditt>; F>eef Totiirues, ! and ••TonjjuCH and Siiim.ls’ : No. ii Mi:ck«'rel. in libls.; I No. 1 ditto, in kl(t3; .'^.‘ilhioti .‘iiid Pickled llerriii}i, in I bids.; Lar.l, in bbls., kejre and kitts; Cioshtu nud Dairy I Jiutter; Clieeso, Pickles, Preserves, I'c.c, I IJgi'OK::?: 1 P'ine French Pr.-indy; Common Domestic ditto; Old llye Whiskey; lleetifie.l ditto; clear white ditto; Country ditto; New Kngland Hum; Holland Gin; Port and Teiic- ritle Wine; Common .NF-ihijia ditto. We have ft bir^e lot of Liijuors which -we offer lovf by the barrel. Wf kee] on han.l. .ihvays, P.;ieon. Flour, Corn. &c. We offer any of the above named Goods as ’>ovv a.f can be affor.led in this market, for Cash, or in o:cchau^-c for Couiitrv Proilucc, or on time to puiKtt'al cii.'toniers. LAWULNi F .“c TUoV. Sej.t. 1-3, ]>•■>L’. 2Gtf d c e\a.ir.i!c iS'ilia ii iK r N. C ;' F, iii 1 II It ! \, il il u... ii,\ ■■ir ..^^.l^tll:.■Iit ■i- . :ii i .■ i ..iir li' ., a:; t'l .-all e lluii;, ei\. '. as « .il her b"Ur-.' il. tin- tr.n . II.-.ml .No. I ireen \L1.X II .!o!lN.'-ON .V C.ipS. P..Lit'. til. r alli.'b ^ ii of the lar- li l,' ami cus- •'.irly as (iiii- t to exp !-:id.' I i >0(i Ain:, 1 .''hoCr Street, CO. 'tl a mu I;--!: till Il h T CK. OF (i loDS ;i!i te a"orttliei.t of I, • ■n Fist i- at tl: made known. ■tteville II..tel. A-2 :'it n or 3* a^z ^ • .-. t . i.;.r C iiiitry friend', tli.-it it would I , ' • 11 i-iit t'' V. I.( n they come in with 1 ' ti. r : . t., .-.ill aii'I s tt'e, .ind i-'.i -ip' - 't tii-’liisclvi's. J. ,-c T. W\DDll.F. IJtf t .d' MF>S P' PK. I (X)K .\'J' rins. , fp \C'l' OF L.VND FoK .'^.\!.F. c ntaiii- M -. more or les.s. Ivin^ 12 mi!.'- ' .-e.w inilett from J,umber lliver. ivcry ’ bui!.lings, and every tiling i;i i:i-~s:i- ... busiiie>is. It is well linibere.l bir . ' J' tine Corn aii‘l Peas, ami any thing - i. .\)iply to \V. P. liariies, at Fum- HaRDV JiAKNFS. iL’tf .tv, Nov. 7, IS.-,2. U i;i I t'A llJJ*: liKANCll . I ' '(IF rv J III WHITE & UNDERHILL, •.inul Wliulcstilt* urn! Krtiiil (lolliicrs, *10 Ifitdam Strtet^ Ai:\V VOBili; AND ' . > ! to I’xmh of ('tipt F^’dr, 6 r:TT8:vii.i.i:, €\ •-ive t.» inform the citizens ol Fay- 1 vieiiiitv, that we have just receiv- • u! of FAFI. WFNTKPv CLOTll- i- i exj.resftly for this innrkct. ' •' t tlu'ir interest to Pur- examiiie our N. U. srAiilU C'K, Tro!/^ •Vf’tr \*orh\ niox rol NDKlt AM) MA'IIIM.'’^T, j Mititnhi'liirt r of Sf'iitn M iUa ntoi linihrs, M ill \ (h d I'l ill of illl Ill/I'/.', J ‘/oilifliS, \ TRTHF under.sigiH-d. as the .\geiit of the above Fst.’ib- jjL li'hmeiit. will . rder ;uiy aiticli.5 «liich iii.-i v be wanted, on applii-atioii to him. '•'i,e Stc.-im Mill.' manuf.-u-t'ired by Mr. St.Tpbuc'j h.-ive been ti'.'ted. aiid are highly approveil on tlie Plank Koa ls about Fa\ettevillc. FDW’D FFF WIN.^I.OW. l'a\( tteville. .‘'ept. F l^il. lil'tf W. IF .M. K.W.] [-J- 11. 1!oi:fi;ts. McK.\Y V.V IvOHUrj S, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, (inirr.il ( oiiimissioii \ roruanliiiir Mcrcliniils. S.iiith W .'Iter street, b do(/is below .M.-iikct, Wiliiiiii^foii, li. p-if Par'ifular attention pai.l to the sale ol all kinds ol Country Pi-(..luce. I.iberal cash advances made on ct^nijigniiK-iit!!. Pieference’ J(din I), .''tair, F.sip, I’res't of the P>:iiik | of Fayetteville, Will. J. Hroadfoot, Cash'r, do, j Fayetteville. FlijaU Fuller, Fs(p, j ' * Messrs. Cook iV: Taylor, I “ Cook \ Johnson, j F. C. Hubbard v'i: Co., Clinton, .‘'ampson county. 'I'hoiiias J. -Morii.By, F;*.)., Fuml/( I'toii, Kobeson. .1. n. P.rowii, lS(p, W eslbs’ook.s, lUadeu. 'Oet. H, IS.VJ. -’>V XOTICK. f B^lIF subsci’ibcv ha:i t ikeu tli*» Store B next door to Hi*lf & Sackett s, wh‘re lie intends carrying ou the, T.\lI..OKFN(J P>FS1NFSS ill .all it's bianchta. lliiving !iad practical experience ia uiost of tho .\tlantic citieSi he fe*I» assured that he can plea.se the most fastidious. All orders will be executed with neat ness iind despatch. N. B. Military Dresses made in the l.-itest and most up[irovcl style. A general :issortment of choice Cl-OTHIN(» ott Dr\ ciuods. (; I'oct rit !lai(hv;irc aiul C‘ull iy. — \iu.ii'.r v\h'..!i may I'C toiuid—- Fadi.-'’ tin.’ Dr" l.le liiiels. a'i.I metil stv il a .111 i IJolilicl I I . an as>ort- the l.itc.-t Ni’gr.i a larg .\’.l ot th. and w il! • e Sept. Ifnh ink.ts ipply . I)»3g — .\1..'0— . If III f ,S,^0»'S, and Ke!-''■^^. P.a'-;.:i II'.X ■111.1 I’ope, V.ith 1 I;FAD\ -'.MADF Cl.oTIIINO. \e t;...id liave be* u recci.tly purchased, low at w li.ib.'s;ile or nlail. W. F. MOOlii;. Fust Covuer Mafkel Square. 2otf hi Vi'OCk. IHj-i. S-'ALL i005>S. I' :\r*' -yw I’A!..!. IN \ l-K i •ii'i.-'liii;: *-f:i .'-tiKk of I’u’hi '.' ii! .'I'litine Toi'l.-: b.ir. band. Ik.op. round, aii-i s.jii.-ir.- 1 roll ol all ibv-cripti.ii’..': t.eriiiaii, ,\mcricaii, i!iig:i:-h ai.d Cast .''teel. I lol'ow and \\ oot!m W art'; l>oots ;iiid SaddU s. SuiMicry :ind l.‘ather; Hats and C'ans: Sl:u)!e Drv (ioods; C i'.()TliL\(i! C'j.OTIliAc;! Calf itiiii i.nnuiiif f,ifi>r' i/ott }>v]j ils-tj-Jicrr! >111^ timlersiiined has just r'jcciv..‘d and opciie.l J3L his .'^t ick of C'loths, Ca with oca- iF'iKil heavy .'^tock ot t'otiiiiiv .Merchants who purchase in tliis place oil'd d I well to call and ex:imine our stock. J. .M T. WADDIFL. liiitf MS.ISISP HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AKD SHOES. F. ■ rtment of Shirts, Drawers, Cd- r_\, an.l tine Cloths and CassiiJieres. Id at Ne-W ^ (;rk w holesale jiriccs. !' • “crvices of some of the b‘,st i.M- Tailoring Itusines.s will be car- . :.'l ..11 order' for fine clothing will hand, T.’hich will be sohl low tVr cash^ or appmve.l ' f:i 'hionabie style. 1 ;’/(tf 1 August 12, 18-32. 13. MONAGHAN. ictc now receiving our Fall Stock, to which e invite the attention of buyers. IIAFF SACKFTT. August-Jo, IS.-,-J. P-'-tf P.,\GS .lava. Fagfiir.-i and Hio ('ollee, i\ Hhds. Cuba an.l Porto Ilico Sugar, J(l Harrels lU tined Sugar, o Darrels ei-;niul.-itel Foaf .'^ugar, ‘J Pxixes doubU'-retiiie.l Do., Hlols. sweet .Molasses, Imperial, Hyson and (iiinpowder Teui», ‘iO (iross Mulches, ]0t» lbs. ground Pepper, Pepper, .''^pice and Ginger, :>UH lbs. Sal. Soda, 4 libls. Copperas, 7 bbls. ami blil.s. -Fagle Mills” Snuff, 5U0 lbs. Sole Feather, 1 bbl. Alum, Putty in liladders and Tin Canisters, ii X io and D> x 1- taass, 1*4 (loz. Veast Powders, Hill- Soap, Itrt) Kegs Nails, (assorted) best l>ranJs, Colgate and Hull’s tine Soaps, And a creat many other goods for sale low by ® jl ui> Ave/»v .t- FALL AM) WWlVAl, t Cun/ to thr Cifiy.iiis of ]',ii/i'lli riHi'. t ra 1-’ You visit W ihir’igtoii tiiis Fall or N\ inter, .bi not y la'il lo (’all at the .Merchant T.iiloriiii; an 1 Clothing ' .St.ir.’ of .''COTT \ F.VFDWIN- They arc now opening I one ot the lar-est assortment.* of I ( 'I'lth iiiif muf I''i(nrij (lOoJn ' ever iK-fore ollVre.l to the citi/.ens of North Carvilina; j anil ii^ wi;ii'h may be found ( very variety ol ilusincss j Coats. Faiits. latest style, an.I \'est.s of all f!ie raging i colors, as wi'll as plain Satin and Ca'-'iiaere. 1 heir : new and be.intiful as.sortment ol'I'.ishi.iiiabb' 0\ er-C.iat"; i c.-inn.'t fail to plea-,’. The •’Patent .Make Seam" Shirt i sold oidv bv this house, is an arlicie v\hich every gentle- ■ man ought to wear who wants a I'leasalit titling an.l ! desirable garment. Shirt Collars. Fiider GaTiiieiits, ; tUoves, iVc., \c., in great variety. All fc-vllirvg low for ! cash. Our M('r(’li.nit Tailoring Departnient is conducted by cutters of emin» nt skill; so tlirst we are at all times pre pared to make suits to measure, on the mo«t approvod pleii.lid stvle. A and Vesting September 2. BUANSON & SON. 22-tf iHs.irtnient (d' Cluth.t. ('assinieres alwavs on hand. SCOTT P.AFDWIN, Merchi.»nt Tailoi’s. Inijiorters ( )' lloisery. Cloths, Cassi- meres and Vestings, and DeaWrs in Ke:\dy-iuade Cl..thing (.-; th.‘ir own superior manufacture. j ilmington, .''cjit. 14, 1S->’J. 2i-tl,l 'I'he \\ vKsvw StaoiJ will leave P'ayetteville daily, at half past 1 o'clock, A. M., comnicnciiig the 1 St dav of July, •j.tf ‘ >IcKINNON & McNFlFF. IM'VrEU 1‘. JOHNSON H.AS just received from New York, the largest best selected atock of Foreign and Dowcatis Dry Goods, ilatjf, Shoes, Honriets, Hardware, Cutlery, A:c., That lic rver offe»e^ for sale; all of which will T>c sold at the lowest market price. His friends and all who Sept. 1-'.. is.'L’. nH'j);:Li;s ukpokts. n I ST putili'hed, N •^1. 12 1.hw. and Vol. 7 F.iiiiity. C> Price •'>'* and Nt',. These are .--n:a!l volume«. in c.iiisciueiice of the P.epoi’tcr m.-iking new arrangements for piislilil.iiig. Piound v(«'«. exch.’iii'ird for Nos. hs usual. Dec. P.', 1>-'.1- ' F. J. HAFF S: SON. r!li!:-l‘IiOO!' UOOl-lNG. S'r/mris fiihvatOH^ s]j\'r!’. AN1 > -^1 i-'/rAL 1;()oi’kh, &C., ^ n * II \ .N i’v I F F for j'.-ist f.-ivors, begs to call p»iblic at- ^ tention to SF.Vfl', KOOPISG, done on t'.ie most ,-ilipi’oved |.riiiciple, making roots lighter, tighter, and liiorc diir.ible liian tl:c old w.-ty of sheeting, effecting a s.iving in liimbir, and greater secnrity against tire. Tiie low price at whiiii Slate Ito.ifs are now compare favorably v^ith any other liooi'in". SF.\'TF CHIMNFV PIPFS made to any v'tttm-n. I'liev are an 1‘ACillciit remedy for smoking chinirre;.#, and seid.iin fa’>i to effi-ct a cure. j[;-j/-Tin and Copper tiuitirs. Lea.le*’ i’ij>P» »nd Heads, ma'le to any ]iattern. and every kind of fi?e- pioof roofing (lut on oT repaired in thy besft mauinT, ‘>u I re.'isoiiable terms. F. S., in soliciting your p.-itronage. f^el* (’onfident of givinii entire .'Satisfaction in all cases where a t-btyrough kiiowk.lge of his bnsiiiex' is required, {•'ayetteville. Sejit. 7. 24\ r tOllN SHFFFFliS .\ND STll.VW CFTTFKS, For sale Viy II. 15UANSON & SON. I’'Cptemb«r l-'5. lP-)2. J-)tf TOOLS. [■ MlPFNTinbS’, 151acksniitUs’ and Coopers’ Tools. / “ J. & T. UADDIFL. :iOtf :’uner('S auvl Vestiiii^s, Consisting of >'lnck. brown, green ,‘itid blue Cloths, of various qualities; fancy and plaiii Silk. Satin, \ elvet and (.'assimere Vestings, of the nn st fashionable colors^ Also. D.ie-skin an.l lancy Cassimcrcs, of tlie most fash ionable selection,-.. ! -V select assortment of F’F,.\DY-]M.1DF CFOTII- i 1N(>. consisting of Overcoats. Over-sack.', close-bodied Sack and Frock Coats, of vari(;iis styles: fancy an.J plain silk and C.-issimere Vests, of superior cut and workina'iship, anrl of the most fashionable colors. Persons w ishing to pnrcliase tstiy of the jibovc nriiclef;, would do wt.'ll to call ntul e.\«mine his Stock. The siilifJcriFer contimu’H to carry on the T.MLOKING FF.SiNJ;.''S, In a;! its various braiielu s. As he has t:.kc!> inetrni’tior'.* in Curling from one ol' the best io'tructers in New York Cit\, he / hinis.’lf that he can carry on thei ' I'.usiness with more success than it li.-is* heretofore been done, an.l will sjiarc iiof pains to please tho^-e who may Ikvor lin» with their patronage. He may be found at the Sti-re rccrntly occfipieti bv Mr. J. M. lieasley. on tho North Fast corner of .Mar- ket .^ipiare. Se]'t. l-’i, lS-')2. HUGH GKAH A.M. 2b-om TV- have our Steam Saw- Mill in auccessful opc^i' tion, S miles from Fayetteville, near the llalcigh Stace l^oad, and are prejiarcd to execute orders in ouf line. As we run two J,’ftary (.r Chriif/ir Saif.", we can , till bills at the .»hurtest noticc. We can furnish Pine, tiered will i .,^,,1.]viuiper FF MI’Fll, and of al;m>st any length, kind of fire-iiroot j j,„j„i,er, for truthfulness of line and sniootlines# of f'-»ce, sUivll be e(iual t'j any ever delivered in loarket. JONFS & liAKItFK. Msrch ZO, 1852. . 7btf LAM) FOR SALK. subscriber being anxious to concentrate his Sept. 28, lSo2. Blank Warrafits for sale here* Shoes for Sale at Vast, f g ^ IIE subscriber will sell 500 pair of Ladies’, Mis-ses’, Hi and Children’s ShoesT Gaiters, and Slippers at cost- Call while the assortment is good. W. S. LATTA. June 14, 1852. Wtf J SCOTT .\.ND .J.Vt'KSO.V. rST received, a supply of “Scott .nnd .Jackson,” Headley’s new \Vv>rk. .\lso, D.vniel W ebster aud wish *0 buy nre respectfully inviteil to call and eianiine I Lis Contemporaries, by C- W'. .March. the goo(Is anrf prices- £. J. HALE & SOX. I biisincifs more, ofli rs for stile )iis farm on Aslifole, in Robeson C(uinfy. coritaii.ing nearly O.NF THOFS.VND .\CUFS, from F'lO to ’.itUl •(f w!^ifh is under cultivaiion, [iFodncing cotton extremely well. The balance is wood land, Hw-d ronsiilered '■onie of the best land in the cor.n- \y. On the premises are a dwelling and all necessary out houses; two cotton gins, one by horse, the otlier by water. Situated in as good a neighborhood as is in the etmut-ty; a good sehool now in o])eration trader the care- ot the I’cv. Mr. ^lacDonald, within one-fourth of a mile of the dwelling. From 15 to 20 hands could he profit ably employe(i in farming. It is also a good location for a country store, being from 4U to 50 miles distant from Fayetteville and Cheraw, the principal market towns, and in a thickly settled country. A further de scription is deemed unnecessary, as a purchaser -Nvould be sure to examine for himself. Also, another tract, contvsiuing 300 acres, lying on the west bank of Lam her river, being Turptiitine and Timber Land, and alwut 8 miles from the above described land. Terms -will >»e »ccommoda;ing. Messrs. Wiley Alford, John Purcell, and Duncarr AlacNair will show the lands. MALCOM PUIICFLL. October 2, 1852. ^TAGE lc.Tves W ARSAW daily on the arrival of th*-* I. m., and ar McKlN^O^ Oct. 20,. 185‘i. ville at 9 p. ni. April 12. McNKlLL 8111-