A A W a r-israaieRars II.] I’AYF.rrKVll.I.K, i>i:!\ri:i> liv ,i. n. m:\vbv. :j)\V\Ki) J. HALE SOX, ■ ; :TiM;s and psioriui;I’dks. I>r. T. I>. B B A.'^ taken !ui U>ice on H;»y Stroot, Wt «t of the Li 9 l!(>tel HuiMiu^s. WILLI November 2:], len o .iulv 14, 4-tf \\ Uly On - \ Ji'1 if jiaul in ■ 1 TiO li j :til lUiriir^ the year uf viMT has o\i h’C I. « t t ‘ KH j.-i r :iiuuiiu, if imi*] in J '•= if p i’.'l (lurliip: t!io yo:\r .‘t* su>'srri|>- JOilN I). WILLIAMS, i'o^Uinisston (tut! S'onrarttin^ • TS«’rrhfisit^ Fayetteville, N. C. Fel). y. 1 - t ;.iur the year h;i oxpiro.l. \ ; '!T’=>. 'I' NTS iu?*ertr l I. i* :*:\ty |H*r t''‘V t!u' t’r>r. uiul ihirty vH‘i\ts vwr\\ ' . t : !L ^ I'l V }- U r'. ti -(. nuMsT^ hv S! 0- ^ « i \'Ivt rtiv‘i s .Mr*' HOOK THOS. H. TiLLIHGHAST, Anderson Street. Sept. n. 1 m FOUV\'AUblN(; AND ('4>MM1SSH»N wvwlMwt WILMINGTON, N. C. attontioli given to (he p!ii|ttiient (»t Naval Stuns. I have aii»|»le UfMIities l(»r **ihh- •iu*‘tin:r the l»usinr>s: li:t i f anI stfire ^‘!u*^ls tu iil 1k‘ phi :it rr.;'* 'U:i '.e r.'tl* li. AL o:{iii:Li >i i‘o llie nu nhrr nf insrMf»ns u*>irf.l. m* -. = ■ ■; 1 t: 1 t'orhid, nn*i eliar^^e-l if - - ril- i.' vv-' tl'.e r.'Utv*rs'.nu: t 1 v' : 5t-': ai-l. roriU iFvDiMi rii.iniiv^iov -n lirnAM’ >t MRS. V). w.sr/rox 11 \s jur t r(‘tiirno(l froisi the North, -with n no\t- aiw! l>eautif’il assortnuMi^ f.f M M. L ! N K li V Cl 00 I> S , eMitr-lstint’’ (*t‘ Strrvv.'s of vai'ioiLs kimls am! f»f her I'wn ii-ii: uii'! I!k‘ hiUst stvle; keep c\]^n^un\ Naval st-m-s nifl he Phipne'.! I A'elvei. Silk au*l Satin Hnt:-. Al.co, to any h-.uie in Ni w York, or to oih^r niark^'ts if j hir!:rc as>ortnient of }>re-s an-I .M-*urniiiir Caps, arnl a iKlvij'rthle, anti liheral eash a lvanoes nia*le on con>^ij;n- variety of lii'autitiil Ii(‘ail !>i*es.s* liieiits. I i‘(‘iVr to the foilowin^r '!:stilIM.s; K. Hanninn, avne Connt v, • • Ciiauflh'T 1I»»I1, ,lo!iTi*-ton I'o., l.ov»‘tt Pfacoek, ('ohimhu.*; ’n., U. W. I'ar.irn, “ Thos. L. \ a:l. IVa«h'M Messrs. Sinitii, \ Ingram,-It hnston 'o., Mi-ssrs. /. \ J. .lonrs, Messrs. Smith Jones, Sj't'nrer 1-ount lin, K-^., Iavi llailv v. I's'p, May *Jn, Is-J. '.'"^-yj-l [NO. m:>.] - 3^ arnl Turner Sept. l”>. Trv«: fs’ ;»iid AlmnlHii' C. -\]iiiat»ac, for Just reeeivetl K. J. WALK .S: SON. I.AM) !'()k SAf.L. * * t» k « « k ft * 4 t A largt' assortment of the iiiost fa.-oionahh' !Mm>ss Trimniin^r^. Also, !>re.ss, M.u.tilla a!i*l ak IVitterns: I 'mhroiticri‘ I Sleev«*« ;nul ('hemisi*tt, l*i th Sv. is*-' aii'l j Lae**; a hnye a'^»oriun'nt of th»* l»^‘^^t oitality *:!' I\i(l an«l Silk (ilo\e.'’; r!;ihlren.'' !itto; a jtretty *^tyle of l*raeeie^s: Velvft ami (’uif Pins. All oplors IroTu the country ]»r( niptly atten‘le'1 10. U tohi r 1. i ‘ ;; ] u A'rc’iii:s, \(. Mftrrh in, ls.’>l. GJ-tf >> £ J 4 J A CTOi IV, ^ 3 ^ II!', suhsn-ilKT is now r«‘ecivi::.r Ijis !-■ \I.I. S'l'OCK f >K (:(iI,D AN!) sn.- VKi: V,ATci!i;.> AM) or 1 V\ w r Ol- MONl'.V. : ^ * :«ro ii^ h'^ ie-l i . nn\ 1 v n->tr •. r ae- *. -r-* -. r?- \]\ rt* • r-. -;f I r.» srti ;«* —-'art il'a' • • A '■ > i i■ • t* hi'. •«11 \\ * 1". »l..'• ■ >r^. 1 ■ • ■ _. •' ? -'W'- s 3ni* I • makt.* tiii: i i -*• -t "i-i* ^iven. S rAUlt vV W ILLIAMS, wiioMisAi.K hi:.'.i,i;ns in roi A. A, M:Kr.THAN. 51 A V N'i'2iE:i: C', Fayetteville, N. C. f' t r • t ft - V , ^ 1 V V' »* « • -tv V • .Vj.:-;; IS'J. [.!. ,M. WI1.I.IAM,. tl »« » -i r-i % I'LW rs. \ « * t \\ rr ■ ; \ t»T ■!' % ? I Ji. t’i Ii •';*» • .t . I v' . V. i; h S'au a '• i.U' ail \ * t (iraii* ar. I liar'lv 1 k I i.l h .Ml‘| r'iM* V'iMi : r*:- .-t > itVtv. I • • • V VAW' T^' >--t ' ,:r I ’.V - I i-V \ ■ \\ t S- »itl.. 1 !. >*.,u s. t»\-» Mt» 'I. LI f ri'ULor K. St. V ! t II. L. 1101.Ml.S, Attorney at Lav/j V/ilminstoiij N. C. Yil'i-'l'K • rm-r f I'r-'nt auJ Pi ir./c.-s ^t!•eet^, ^ un*ier J-. uM.al •- e. I’ee. I J. . •) r , v> every uesenptioii. " Also, platr*! r.ikc P;::-ki ts. ('anHe- ®tirk^ an] Ca**t»r:'’ iiin* ('utl»*rv: *l ‘ah1* jin«l sin*’']*- h ir- * ^ t»‘l *luns: I'oh's aini Allen*> Kevi.lvi»ijr ]*:sto;>: self cock- i in;.-, aiel t fHiinion Pi>;.'l.: Po\vf|-i* r!:i>ks: Slnu Pouches: Iiamo Pa-s; iV-rcus^i* !i t'aj s: \'i'.]ins: I‘!u"es: l ift s: ' V', iioM's; ;roi.] ,cr an>l slcrl ~ ^ 1 eles: an«l a i^'^at varietv jf uth«*r .-.rticlis in th* iine. 4 k A gotnl a^'^oMnnat »f ( L*h KS. Purehasei's are re>pe-.ltullv to raTi aTvl ox- : amim-. ‘ ‘ ^VAIMILN Plllwlt. Sept. ;in, 1S.j2. :>w-;*.m i ’lorks aivl rvpruriMl afii v.anaiiieL ! .M^*o, .li‘>srli*v of r\(M‘v «le - riptl' ji e.eaflv rr;.a’r**'l. • • I • t . I Li>v UhliK i iil'.si! 4^-tf > 1 % * k *v;.. i\v-i .VO •■r e \ I , f \ :a!.ts= are r u >0?'. 1 .lOllN HANKS, KiMVtissidN \\i) ruiawiuiiM: Wilmington, N. C. TWO i!(!iii;s r. i. iiiiiiiiNii\'s sjoKi:. I I';»\*S5‘i sin . 3: . i\ t \ ]• nii 1 pat ttTIi* .Ian‘v 1" I • k • .. K- - I •’ ■ It' 1 • — • t f ^T* ! LT. attt'i. 1 t' V V ::n I V. = thi sa:*‘ ' r purchase of Pr«'ihu e. 1' I* w:i!i i.'‘Vvit* h ai! c 'i;**itrnnK‘nt' UJa-h‘ t* i!&;i2*^ni^r f 00 U ln'l", l,..lf ;;]iil «|r. I'l-N. new er(t|t, fir>t ot th\* s^'ason. in trn ^i.\\n lr'*ui Nev; \«uk. P* r ^ h\ (K t :^s. ,-tf ' CH S i: \NKs. t !. ill!.!. iv- S ii ! i I.. L \M> i'n{{ s \ia:. f. i « * >-. ni 1 Til » I* . : I' u t • • • a • • Lat:: * * ill : I r v,a '! t»:M- t\ ’ V a ■ k > »> » • II I t ' .T'Tv', I >• ' ' « ;*r. ' t!«*r at ' ' » e 1. :• i ^ a »i ir a liio* t' ti.e m '-'‘t : 1 i. 'i ri*i 1 h:i> »i- i : T" II' i’.i N‘ • f b ( «. * i 111 ' .»r« t • f ' • » ) I. V .Y3 n i ^ fi O N Ml FORWARDING MERCHANT, A v.#r\ *'v'‘ »t fk Oet. 1^' J ■ 1 * • k •« J • 4 t • •• - »v . ^In^•. with 1'. ‘s. WILLI \ \is. :'stf ^ PiPri.S i'-AVi 1,.-; 8Jf P*]-ns>.’.;-. tliiTf pi\. Iii'iiaiii. \'i*:M-tia:j, Pr’iir 'M^XX anl P»uir>: Pln..r an*i 'I'al-';*- rj, il,-; 1 m.i^^k. « lurk(‘y-re'l, an»l eml*TurJain tiouiis: -ai» fun* Pti.inkrt.-; P.ra."s anvl, ilras''-ln*a'l AKiiiii lis, an-i S1m\h and 'I’ongs \e.. S20’Fi5:i:iv. 'ratvs - »!t«“l t'r-'rk(‘r' . inMv sfvh\ in:i - rt(-l • * 1 'lircft :y iV' ii. Li\ i-fpt ■!. ;kiu : "ur s •riim lit »-‘ !riph’ie. — A I.Si; I:M>. I* Su-ir. -■ !11.N. ». ;•?..! 1*. r» . I*! L'H r»a-js I a in.iM ‘ , nirar, L’ ('m I*. 1 \ I > • ■ I . . ‘■r ' ' 1' 4 1 « • I I*. • .« ft..' • t Mv; \ \LL »N. I • • V \\l> i.OL' i'(0* • •'P* ^ • } • 1 I W - • I I* . T M ■ - rv ^ lit ii . U. ■ I, • • • . 4 • ' , p»“'l t’l I ’l pf!‘ « a . V t\f r ] -I • r n !•! in th.i'* ••tr i:^‘«‘n t • -iM P-.ii ’k'n- " iii:L a- . ;i Pi o.iiK'v t i c -liip lil.ftl (k*W. TPri:i:L m 1.:.:. i :.i ■ :.*■ lit !*• ari* ;i ’ J * a . ■ • • J ► 1» ' \( i: I -• ••! 4V... . .1 > . I . \ « I I •» . » k \N ai.4 . r. 11 r \ ; i ■: ::i'rs \m» ;T ] >*•■' 1.1 I’ji: ' «T an*‘ k'^'A \:\'.i I t • *’» i’urp' titlfo* 1. \r.- .• A :i ti:»* 1 •!! i. ai I It J'l lit. hhls. aiil h‘.\c Su'hi. mil Pii-nie ('rak»‘r'* An rtnu'Ut »>f Koa'ly-made (’I 'lliiTri. Ju t r. ( :v ■! aa l for ''.■•,1c L\ S. W. Yll LINt:iL\ST I V ('() Oct. 1. •I ^ •’It* • / I » I : I'' V «*n I - • • ' i t WILkLNSON vV ]:S!.i:iL • lit t- !l I'l't ..= \v !•» l*.-i'i iirh J'UTJS t T: - lM»l. Pk -:rl n m Pa\ett : ■ 1 is:\ kST.k?.;‘5.\ t ( I • kt V f k • I k'l r. \ :■* :■»: * - - - kj / * • 11 /. f/'f "ourv. o, : ^ . r :.»• I !a‘n.i . . I:*.- .'Ur '.Ti '- V nil ri,.* I ri'Tf; K' L\Ai-I* MlLLAN ^ 1 "’.J. \ w ll\s iii.-l liir 1'\i.i, S !»)( ;; oj- (iv'a)i .S, 'n ; / rf/•/ » ‘ It i'V »• - t J . / X, •/ f}\ r;i * imi \n\|'n( (iisijsis. Hi:!. I V T \T T., ,1 'I I fF I NO'I'K i:. . :» \\ i-\ x'-v * ■ ir.ontu - 1 kt lat, a: t - f 4 • V . l>e.fn»' ■ r. 7ta ’irt I! ‘i> • s»s:5:so£i si\', \'^A A; W IpiLK^AI.K AM* i:i lAIL. ri=irket St., Wilmingtou, N. C. r I ■ . 1 rri »■ t • . * * ^' ' ' k •» I ' ' • . . t S f \PLi: ah 1 ’ >, « -‘i; ; u ::« !• :t*t a - :-.p v « A 5 ? fr/? ^c¥es7^el3\^/», SILVER AND PLATED WAKE, AND MILITARY CO CD 3. a'->or!m« ht ij.a\ * -na-I \\at *] o ,-i •. I. 1 T . . J • 4 ' • ‘\ s’ e. i' -r 'a-a. a % alu: . X 4 . ji- ur-* ■'•.1 ifK I t « ii Ni;.: h i; L.iin.’. I : t:.‘e ;.Tt H nrv . A \ • r. i:r SLLL KiNi-in i;V. • • I ! > M VLLI'/r i’ \ l’.\LLMll.U. (•^yoct'i's :::*! #?/#/•- rAvf;;/.v. j:j“> C'rctM * L'Jnwi ! I'n v. iiite sat^i 4 \'i wos—Mrs{(’. NEW \rn i T‘ 'I- * :\ 'i I • i tl. r.i J. »• !•■* '!■’ silt I I 4 • * . V. V.WA.^ T 1 J [j. P.VI I.MIIK ■ ■ m I \ ^^a^ket al-ov* ti.e ('ar U'**^ tf- ik»' ‘T* ri »* .]■■' ar ' 'r*m*‘tii ■ • • r^-h ^'rr:^-'i I* ‘ : Ut-'. t'M'f*. N- i'l K ? 1 an 1 :-«i. 'i” • i'U •* hav^' \u • • # » t -♦ 4 i . ^tf i . C. WORTH, ‘.-••If, .lU-1 ]:• f.- H* r. • » r in jy \s> T Ir V 1 ■ t : (ii'I'mSshin nii rciiw'.klim. >!KR( in\T, W !LML\(.’i'ON, N. ' ■“ ! I m vr- « . ’•» I .n% 'V ’ . ; 1 - ■ ; .1 ;i ‘ • • - 4 • •! 1 ' t' I 1 T 1 . »• U y pjni;'' a’ 1 *.n- i an' with N rtf;*T’! Pi.^’:*h P \ • > S :] *T I‘i k. i'T' un. ii ai. I liluf ’!■ tlis; Saj.'r p.! i« 1 >•• n f 4..' \ t ’;.-- I -*: v'^.-k pitish au-l \rUat \ ' nil* \f‘‘. f;n^ ; i ... -k, whito yii 1 eoh-rr 1 « *; r .' I* k'^ . * !. .Ml 1 L . .: "tl k": iix \ tn:, n;_ ; 1 un i 'l a * ;i ( . r : vc. At _ - t ■ n r L-. 1 1 *!■ ' (I - 1'* n;.* v L** foi;-.-l PI;: f». !v til' o . ii; , •. J: ! • a t j iri ?i i u attT''«l >iik: I ' ■ i’.r- ■ ^ p a :i :*i.‘l tua- ! |o.: i\t h hiu* *'ovr:i.-c. A*-.; Printfii .■^.1*. . 1.i.;t 1. !*ap; ' v 1 P -L*--; 1 . I'i‘:;’]i ;i!'i A !.i'-i»raji I riiitr-i i»*’ :• : ^.i.a. .r»-i a!- ‘ ^ .■ \ r.-i l’»*^ .hi- f,,r t \ ; •'li ;.:i>l I i I;. Ii M ; i- II r 'i' r-- ! iniK'l: »l;,i -r i'--! -liaa!:-! 'f.iiran P. t S-; r =’ -I'vl Al[‘:t‘ '■ ’■ ar_" -all ! L:.T.::i ( ' Plark 'onif »‘\tra : * ■*. P aek \'jiata>, S'lk .-.ii'l ’.'tti^n U a?-; : ; I \' . 1'^ 1;. . :> 1 \ n * i = ' ; t ' * • I * • • V«■ ; 1 ‘ I .1 ' ■ rill. ..:r; l*r;:^- ^ 1; ?:S, Pi’’’ .*• i ;*: I all kiial.'. !:.-m ^> t* -T^PJ'': -M i;: ri an-l t *i.aiII**: tr -M aial K* ' "il\♦ I ■ -h ; - u?t !-i Phaii:** a?i‘l l\*". >: !»ia i • pin. L.tr-r'.’;::.- '\u-\ h iniM - k i . : ’ui-pin-: !'.rae*‘l»'ts: an ! .a t «■« silvrr S: *i t ; -h s. 'l'himl»h's an«l l\ *n i!s: tr-»M L-- k 1 • *’ '!r's .‘ill.I A’:!‘-!k'' lI'\olveiv; ('hr-" Ui* n: \er(.r>it**-n^: >i!\«*r Si- "-Mri' (’ups. vVc.; Milit.ii”- *P*'iis .i all • Ik kiii'ls: a tlia* lot \-f rh>i k*N. ai.'l ev. * ih **alh*l f -r in h: linr. whirh will 1 »• sM eh*ai> I’or t'.j.-h. «.r n k short ;iun* in th*'** \hat will :-av thvir t-i:!> \n1k*u pr» r: f»t-.‘•L ’»'* .at. !:*-- ;i!i.| .!rv.« lr\ as u-uaL * • X »i-l li '!•! au'l tak^n in i \« hai!irf. ' • .\11 tl»» 'f ip'!i4.t•• 1 h\ N« to i V H'- k a'**‘«» \ A I' ‘la^ a / ’it* M 4 • 1 • * \ .1. '{'. .lO.NLS, Gen2r?.l Agents & Commission rflerchaut r* ft3 . £ ; la P I ■ r ■!. " !• i 1 • • • •« • a t » • i r i.i'i I. ' ! ■ • r - f.,. ,, ♦*'11* i!l* f « P . ■r * i ' i * ■ » t »• • ' • 1 . . I : V . (I: . . t T-1. ' t !• -In > ^ -■.*- y rtr:‘ii:-« i t M.. ..f P;i M .*• a..»1* aMta;!:- ri n t-> tin* >a^0 of fiin- a!ai--*nt t, >tr::-»--i Pl.i i 4 P Ilim;/ai: ! Iri' -r? : . l.i‘. K ’ ■" ;(M-i (*.i: .. Lt' : \\ w r ai‘ 1 I !i ^T'-:v» ' I-'*. !‘*;*1 'l!,ia il!*': L!'*1i‘ ali'l ^ ntt 'H 'i'>. \\ '.ill -k UiW a- ? m o! ..f }’• » .-•r « ....'ir 5*: ' .-1 * . ■ -t'. I - I, : Mr- !!!■:- * ■; '-rt t t PlK- : 'i r. Ill II w i' - . .tt'l • .al: i .Li»* Mi.-t iauhrni i. r*‘*I \\ . i 11 an*I “i\ i I'-llar> l.-\r V.\\\-X vav \.\ til** 1st “1 Nn\*‘Uih r. ■ « • I a ' « ■ tf \ ilha L i unt lU>v> I S. . I a r\s\ V J1 It*. :;?i ; :.:i'in-ri^ !’'■• ts. J. \ i. W AM IL!,. > i’.: -h p i'l fni* aricl F'ruii. •« a^l L; !i 1 L": ‘ n L ! •- m\ B i t \ i: w f lll.N. ) r. L»Uu^» r. y.».‘ .. T , ■ Ii Li - >cr,a‘ t a-- •• a-1 va h*-i « P’lf I. * i }. I I !i e*f .1 fr‘-m tl;* ‘* iui.tr y. 1 f. L. St MiMliNLP. i'r r of Mu-ie. ! i-:t tiM‘ La'li' •= n f 1 1.1 ‘P a' ' * • ; i:! •; • i n' • L ‘ - t • i-r: •.: .a* 1 \ ^’Mii»^. a:;-i ft .t h^* • !'• ! - t ' MpfU a n ui'.- :4‘iit i i;e«>urai:*- .h)>n»ii .1. LiriM r r, kV. L'»!-%»aas;; rcljuiir. .\.M> iMiALiii: L\ i;i;(M'ia:ii:s, HAi.i..^ i;i ii.i>iN.. \v.\ti;h .'^ikki.t. WILMINCtTON, n. c. Pr 'Utpf aTt- n*lou gi\»‘U to T'k* pur 'iasc an*l .‘^ale of Pi iur»-: rvtuin> i«*ii»l‘*rt 1 with •p-'^jiatrh. Prt; r to II. P. llaL. L>ip, Pi't V I ,,i tiM* Prauch Pank :-f tlo' Siau : M»--rr*. r. i. iP*iuh \ S I t‘tt**\ilie. ()» I. 1 -iiii. i r*t! Ljt'k. ] •>. ]'• "t I uii r**r*a-. Par utauy other tnuch?* IV -t r’lMnn-i riT.* ■ ur : -rt a:«• J.t • or «’. th»* !.ar- t‘i-,'t air- ' • ^ V. '• 1: :• \ 0 ! • \ ‘* r • • ti. I'o. j oU T 1 rl *!! • ia U'l 4-U'-'- T*'Hu-! s. S:• \\ t* in^ *T.■ Ihi*? I all t* o ill as t‘ .v\y a^ r -- n- \‘ni»’ii»^ an i o'ia o ne I r iIm n.* a\« :;s v.e ( xprot to i 11 as r‘ r* ri.aoh* anv otIk r h -u^r iu th** trakh*. . L.t.-! (' ■rncr ''laiktt .^MUar'a ami .\o. 1 (irvan Stia*et, Pfiy-. M.‘M.1‘. N. Al-flX'P .i('llN.-t >N ,v ( Srptrll.'hiT P\ l'*lt A'l 1 »*« fivii: ' ;i M’U li l Sl'M’f^ Ml' (jOtll’S L tiian u-»’;. 1. n-'i'^tln;: *f .a t-«'L']»h to a""] tnmnt of tl .n Li'* i' ' t;;e Wiy* \ V.\- I!.'tel, k.‘ ma*!e iih 'Uu. •IJ ::t :n. n. si'AUP.rc K, Trof/^ »Vtr I’or/,,, IKON’ Fot NDKli AND .MACil LMST, M!II" f'"’f KI'''r if Stiiirn .V '//>' miil Ifnih r>i, M ;n Drv (JfMxls. (; r)ci rirs. I l;ii(!ssart 4 I tit!( rv. Aiii- n^ \vhi».h mav la f»»un I ]\i\ La'Iio."* i:ar P i.n^M, ai: ! an .*.^»'rt- rnent ot* 1 an l Pm)i:]j» ' -t*. U s. • \I.SO I '•I . I•» . . I.‘ 4 ' ‘ i j ]■ rl: ’ - ;!i'v fr i« Ti l-, that v.a-’i’-l ft •. ii« ji t :i«-V in with 4 t ‘ • 1 -- Va*, an-l ^ t : t Im'UI \ 1“^. f. waJ'*MLL. iJtf T' ; int • f MpMi:K. \AH)W VV i lliS. I! II uii' h*r. i;: TO ' L -is tin* A ;^oiit ot the a hove 11 ; I'rhuK-nt, uili i‘h*r any urllcle'S whivli may Le • v.ante^L on aj-plicati n to hin». '* J:o ft^!‘ r»m Mill.- manufarture'l hv ^Ir. St:irh. c\ h;\v* % hcvn trst«*(L au'l art* highly upproveJ on tlie lUank j K(fal.s aoitut 1 a\« ttevillc. i:i>\V^J) LLi: WINSLOW. N**trro P^laiilkrt. an*! Pai'L-'i’L^ :n»*l llojn^ with upp!;. ..f LMAnV-‘M.\I*i. PLo'rniNti. L.r. »• iii-i n io:: i*ha5*(*'i. /-• a lar ire A 11 ' • t I h t ■ ; i L', \ 4 ■ 111 • Ttii'l will l.t' low at hole.'^.tk* or i vtail. W. P. MOOIMI. Mast *.truer M.arket S^juare i::;tf Sept is-m:. I |'a\a‘tT('vill(\ Sept. t, IS.*]. M.L TllM ToV LA>'!» PmP S\LL. c.n-.ln- W. 11. :\L KAV.] - >'r^'.s. luoia* or le"'. - loih-^ Loinw ’ mile.s from Lunih r :i m\\ « ’ huihiiii^'-. an i every tlnn_r n*' ■ -a- • : :i bu'-iiif'S'i. It is will timLi*-'i fa- ; 'f. - iiiu* t orn ::n'l IN as. .ami an\ thii.;_^ . t.-L Api*ly t> W. P. Jiarnes, at Ltnu- : nr ' iou. iiAi:i)V iL\i:Ni:s. Nov. 7, ]^rr2. linif [.F. IL KuP.LJlTS. M KAY vV ROIll'jrrs, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, linitr.il l'(iniiiii>si()ii Forwiinliiis lltTcli.-iiils, South A*'at‘r stre**t, 0 dooi'.s helow Market, f ! i ll!. S'iiHK. ]M. 21k H.SEISP ^ n P -ul••^'I■i^.■! ■' :ti\' iinw reci'ivinj; I'roiu New \\irk, ii -* L.r;^v ili\ \ gi'ni i .i: a *rt:a;*ut (»f Sfit'ilt (ttul Funni Dr>; (i )r)(!s^ (aiori:n;i:., HA!;i>\VAiu:, Hat^ iiU'l linnt'; aiul Sluus. \mou>: w hich are : T'-e. Su;rar, t'olt -u Pa^:rin;I, I*al*' Pope, Nail.®. V» inlow* Sv. r-les ami lln^rlisli Iron. Sm k anl Alum Salt. Imptuial aa-1 Phu k 'l eas, Pfppor. Alspivi*. tiiniirr, lN>\vJrr, *'^hut, P»:ir L* .i'L Par ami P.iuey S^ .»p. ’I'otii'lhor uilli a urrat \arlotv of uhrr wrticit'^. to ft whivli they in\lte tin attfution (a tiie puhlit*. .ami whiel; tl.t*v aro di-trruiin* ti (»» sk-W low lor (\a:*lu * r on linu* 4 to those wliu pay j)riunj'tl\, as any Lou.se in the South- i rn eountrv. k Pr'i'luff- of :»11 kinds, af th* lii;_'hest market prii’i.-'. takvn in t\eli:in;:e fur (lontL*^. McLPAN JON PS. Summe"\ilh\ N. t'., !>ee. S, Is.il. 17tf I'AL!. w i:vn:ii, (o fhr CifrAt iis uf l\nh ff'villr. 4 • ' P YOU visit \\ ilminii’tfin this Pali or Mo not k fail to call at the Mei*ehar:t 'F.aihjrint! and flofhinir ;>ton‘ tf St'ol'l' X P>AL1>\'»IN. 'I'hey arc riow op» iiiii;r one of the lariii st a^:^ortiiu‘nts of HATS, CAPS, ECCTS AND CHOES. 1 LI ri:\ iLij: mLWc ii I ( )*r I^stuldishnHMit. ^ PartiiaPar attention paid to the sale of all kinds oi ( uuntry Produre. J-ihe!*al ca.sh advaneei made on ; eoiKsii^Miments. { j Kefi'reiiee* .John 1>. Starr, Ps p, Pros't .f tlie Ikink ' of h .a\ ettoviilc. Vi p - n, WHITE UNBERKILL, : r^. :iiit| \\ iiolt ‘Tie itiiil Kctiiil Clolliicrs, 5 SO ll*i{lifnn Strfce^ .\b:\v \oi:k; AND ti ./f (hmr til lianl: nj ('ijn I'••nr. . ■ '*-- h :i\e to inform th^ :iti/*ns of Fay- ' 1 \ieinitv, that w e have just reeeiv- -.. nt ,i FALL iV WINTFit (M-OI H- ■ irt i (‘xpressly for tluH market. Pur- : it to their interest to exaniine our irjf^ 1 i Wm. (i. Ih'oadfoot, ('ash'r, do, ' Liijah Fuller, J^‘'p, . i Messrs. 'ook tS: 'I’aylor, “ ('ook lV .)(»lirisoti. I'a vetteville. J r. Iluhhard iV Clintnu. S.inij'son cfuntty. ' Thoma.s J. Mori.sey, Ks(p, Lumherton, Kohe.son. J Pi. IJroVkU, Kf?cp, \Ve.sthrooks, Phidcn. ! Oet. S. lKf,i>. :!:;V ('/nflf iti(/ ftU(f Ftiftrt/ Drr^s (iOfjfJ.-t ( ver hefoi(‘ oflVred t > the eiti/(*n.s of N(U‘th ('arolina: i aiunnir whi«*h mav he foun^l everv variety of Pusiuess r k k' ■ (*oat>. Pants*, late.st yt\le. and \’ests of ;ul the r.auii.;^ i * * ^ • ‘ eolor-*, as well as phiin k'^atiu atid t’assimere. Their ! neTs- and heautiful assortment of Fa.-'hion.a^^le ()\ er-*'oat*^ ; eanimt fail To ple;^se. 'I'he “Patent Make Seam" Shirt sold (uily hy this iiouse, is an artiele whit h every frontle- I. -\1IL now ree('i\in;x ‘''Jr I ail Stock, to which mau ou^ht tf» wear who wants a pleasant iittin^i and* desirable ^'•arment. Shirt (’ollar.‘s rnder ^larmf^nts. ih>ves, \e., Xe., in great vai-ii^v*:- All selling love i* r cash. )ur Merchant l'aih)rin;r l>0]tartment is conducted hy cuttcrs of rmim nt skill: s.i that wo arr st m11 times pre pared to make suits to measure, on the most ai>]irovrd style. .\ splendid assortment of ('lutli^. t’a‘simercs .•iud N'cstirvg^s alua^ K tm hamL SCOTT Si PALI»W IN, Merchant Tailors, lmj>ortcrs »f lloisery, t'.issi- meres and VebtiujTs, and I)eale^*s in lleady-nnide (’lothin^ of their »wn superior uuinufacture. 1^7-tPT we in\it(‘ the attention ol huvers. MAl.L h SATKKTT. P.*-tf Au;ruFt 1 iiES ^I 1 > f c ■ • ‘ '.-rtment of Shirts, drawers, Tol- i" . and tine Tloths and Pas>imercs. . - ' i ;i Now York w hole-aih* pi ice.s. t n* -ervices of some ot tin* hest '■ f iiorin,!-' P>usines.s w’ill ht* car- i a I f.!-dei> foi‘ fjiie clotijing will • i ; f! dii'Uiahle stvle. f f NOTK’M. f IIM .suhhcrihcr has taken the St»>re T»e.\t door to ILiIK^ Saekett's, wiiere lie int luUearryin^ on the TAlLOPilNi IU SiNKSS In all it.s la‘:inche.s. Ilavinjr hal prnttical irsf»^*rivuce iu most (»f the Atlantic cities, he feeU asjjured that he can please the niost fastidious. All or iers will he executed with neut- neh.s and desjjati-L. \lilitary iJresscri made in tJic latest and moKt aj'[H'ovcd styl**. A ^H'neral assortment of elmice TLOTHING on hand, w hiidi will he Kohl low i'ore.ush or approved eretlil. 15. M()NA(JIIAN. . IL IGtC A b: ^ 1L\(;S Java. La;j.uira and Wm i'otfee, llhds. t'liha ;ind Porto P»ioo Su^ar, lin r.aii-els liefnu'd Su;,rar, r> Ur.rrels pranuLated ia)af Su^ar, li P>o\e?^ doviLle-refiiied Uo., *Jn IIhd.-^. swei‘t Mil:i>.es. Imperial, lly^ton and (iunpowder Ttay, (Intss Matches, ItMl Ihs. j^round i'epper. Pepper, Spice and tiinj'er, r,(HI Ihs. Sal. Soda, ■1 liliLs. ('npperas, 7 hl(Ls. and h!>ls. “PagleMilLs” Siiuff, 5^0 Ihs. Sf'h‘ Ijeather, 1 hhL Alum, Putty iu P/laddcrs an.* Tin Caniiterj, S X io and Ut X 12 tilnss, 24 do/. Veast P(»wders, Par Soap, 100 Ive^s Nails, (assorted) Ite.'^t brands, Colgate and HulPs tine Soaps. Vud a great nianv other goods for sale low hy IL PPANSON ^ SON. Ill i'l suhscriher otfer.* iV-tj' sale lOflO acro4S of fine Tui’p'/ntine and 'Fimhf^r I^AN I). in Kfd»esort couu- )v. ahout four miles Nofth Hast of Lumherton. NcJirlv k the 'Ahoh* t?\*K*t ir herivilv timhert‘d. and there are .sev- 4 eral heautiful sit\iations fr»r a residence. Put a snrall portion has heen cleared. it lies as high and heullhy a.s a.iv laii‘1 in thi.s )e«ri(»n of CiUintrv. k k A.l-o, six unin.j.ro’.e i ia.ts in the town of Taimberton. Persnus wisliin;^ to j)ur(diase will make application to Pobert P. 'frov, in Liimb(‘rtMU. T to the subscriber in peis^.n. IJ milep fr*.m th‘ viria;re, *n the Harlloes- ville Koa*L JOHN A. P.OWLANb. Sept. Lk (.-'-’-J. “jdtf C. \V. AA1>RI':\VS, S.fefaZci* iss WAN'rLl), RAPPP.LS OF TURPENTlNiv \rr l»i'-'tillc**y «t t-iiePInnk y^>ai? P»rid^e on Hiir Koekfiash. Tiie >»e.>t market tn*ic*e will be* paid. For lurther int'ormutiotu in'iuire of Jolin V»'. r\!tir ' }>hy, at the Pri(*:re, ol* of A, A. >JcKf*than, FayotteviiKrr bee. IN, ]Noi. . ^ 41*tf -r ilF.3H>VA5.. SAM'I, ,T. lii.N'SDALi;, ^€T 54 SsJ, - r?» > I .- ..r Mas the pleasure of informinir his eustoracrs ami tiie public, thut b.i* has r,‘i,lo^,-d iVt.m his (Md .'^tand to the iiext corner above, i^i^enent’ly km»wn the “l*dake corner.’’» llavin;.^ fitted up hi? Rfore -with evrry eoTiveniencc* foi’ eomPietfnir bu.=:iiu's.s. both v. lMdesale and retail, t»^ the best advantage, he Holicitri a eo!iT:nu:*r*ce of ihc'* kiiul favor he has euiove L witii the a.‘?surance t!*at nc 4 4 etfoit on jiis ja'trt ?hall he wanting tr* merit it. Ili.s Stock eonjj ri^’e.*’ a tull )rtme»:{ f,f aj*tich“^ \v hi.s line of >>u*f!ness, all of tlu' oualitv: Prucr:-^. Med-' ft • k • icine.s, rhemicals. Paints, (Mis, Dye Stuffs, Patent M(m1^' icliies. Perfum(*ry, eluMce Tf'.'i*. Seed. Olass, I’uUy, T(»otU aiitl liair P»ru‘'he.*, S* af»-, IV.tasii, i\c. The utnntst care g:\en to the prc[»:'‘r'itiDTi of Physi cians' Prescrii)tions ami Family lU'cipes, July 12, " Ctf ritisi i\i) !‘.!5 il’j! • . PJr# FJ/f,*7(*r I •.Ml M\Nrr.\riL iiiiii or pl.mx ani» .iapan 7V / // » art. ( '()! S/;r f fmn U orL s. 'i'in Pi (tic uml T? ll.W il in lav euivl- vijo ut eraap.*-tent workmen, an.I ft * * * . Li a.m |r's ;ir«d to d> all kiiids of w«>rk. cither in ( oLp;.::. i\s ^r siii.iiT ipon. I h:iv. t.n hatid all tiu* nerenvurv materialif and ma- 4 vhlj.ei v Jnr Uiakifiu I actiirv Cans .ind I^iums. and to lo :j1I kio ir; f;.t t 1 , v. "ik that van be done hv anv .iiuii- k » • I..!* L'l;ilt!i"iiiiO i,t in tlie .''t.it**. .\h f'*r .''aie, l\ateut f act«.rv ( ;:n Pvin^j?, v.arvinir frojii '♦ t‘» 1 \ invoe'.; ih’um P>eads, INC. (ILTTKi; ANi> LKADIlll PIPFS put up in the manner. AN*>. jiist rvveivel, a full suj>f'ly of C'()()KI\Ci of tlic most ?i pr"v»*4t p.iTterns. some of them v* ry la!ire. t -r hotel ;in‘i plantation v.sv. Al\»a\.- on hiii^d ;i ;:oO(t uss^.rtmeni of 'I'IN WAlU'l. t . w. ANMMIUS, South Fast corner Mark* t S-juare. Ti H AVi: .juaT ki;ci:ivi:d a complkti: srocF-' i J of ^wrocra-ic.'^ «?9f! IProyi.*^;oEi!»i, . , F.:nhraeiujr ahn'^l every artii*!e i!su,i'\v kept in that line, I at the VLLLtiW P/l'li.l;INi, a lew d*;ors above the I State Ihink :nid onr L»or above \L V»’. J‘. ?su’» t, on (iil- ! les’aie ?*treet. and wouhl be plea.^ed to exhibit anv thin*i . k ' in tlicir line to tlio^o v. ho m.-iy favcr th( m r. ith a ealL .\LSO Hardware, Cutlery, (Voeiiery, tMiiss-’A'arc, Vs'om*]- ^vurL^ lii((U'rrSj Fiootsand •'^hnos. Hats an*l Caj'S, anl a jroinl a.'.-'ortirier.t of Dry Good^. ^ 4 To the above Stock we t.ouI 1 rc.sj eetfuily invite tlif^ attentiiui of the pe.tJie. (\»uiit:y Produce taken in exvhfin?:c f .r io(.d-;- Fayet*tvilie, Sejjt. 1, l.s'»2. ‘-!;Jtf LAWIlESCi: *5.: TUOV Jiave received tiieir 1>.11 «»f Groceriosj Provisicnsj and Liouors. ALSO ! . I I IM.tf i :V* > f V » ♦ » . V i* • ff » -t. A siiiall lf)t of !{ofi(h-rnndo C'!othini:i Crockery aiul Bor;!.- ami Sljo('.-ft I i.aniAvaro aiuI V*'e have on iiand the huloM-in.r ■ t (:!:ocEH!i:;; P»io, Laguira, and Mar*acaibo ^^’oiree; I'orto P,iv*o (''u>»a Sugar; I."af, ('rushed and (^-'fce ditto: Adam.-iii- j line j»ntl Tallow (,'anda‘s; Fancy aTid eotiuuon p*ar >'nap- [ Pearl and ('orn Starf'li: Popp* r. Spiec, (nn-'e:*, N.itmeus t’loves, rinraimon. 'l« a, :\>*.: Salt, li-ijn. M »i«- •- • k \-V I . * ^111/r'r*ri!)('T still (*OII- | ^ a!id IL'mcjs Leatlier. tlnuo'^ to cari-v on the (’.VBINKT ^»FSI-i ft . 4 * . . . . i '*11.'^in Fayerfe\ille. and in atMition to Mess Peef, an«l .«moked ,and dric • litt *: Pe^'fTr*je." hi* M,**fahli>lnnent ui Puw Street, n^ar * and **Ton/ues and Sounds' : N(». n M:‘cl."/»a, in i»lds.. . j ^ k.* Fcvlv s Pridje. lia- opem*d a l:irge W.\KF | Nt>. 1 ditto, in kitts: k'^almori .*ind I’ieklerl licirifjg. ii rn liay street, nearly opj*osito ih** Fayetteville | b>d«.: L.**rd, in bb|c., kegs and kii't.®: (rosi.oa r^nd i»airv H- :■ 1. and da.or Fa-t *d' Mcs.-.rs. Haigh \ S'.*n‘s, > l>uttcr: ('hi*eife, I’ickles, PreM rves, \c. V. l:cre a err»^ a' itment fd FrjlA'lTI i 11 . ,\fa(h‘ I v eftnn-erent and faithful workmen. miy Iu* had at pr'.acs cnrro.'spoutling wivh the time';. Also, an as- siu’tmeut "T‘ N--rihern-uiade FI PvNFfLKF. selvtvd by iiin--e':'. whl. il 111 be .'oM at a verv inoflcr te advance. M'NCAN McNHiLL. N.O-- in. 1*--]. ;;,^tf J.IQI'OKS: Fine Frem-h Pran ly: (’oninioTi ]> mestlo ditt-i: Pye >\ hiske\: Piectitie/i ditto: el«ar white ihtte; L'oTuitrv ditto: New Fiigland Hum; ILdl-ind (lin; Port Jiiid Teii*.- riflV Wine; (.'uuirafui Malat;! ditto. ! >Vp have ft large lot of Li-nior;? which we olTer low bv the barrel. ft We keep on hnr^d. nlwriv- Ihic-'-n, F'lonr. (^orn. I \\ e (d!er afiy ot tlie nb(*ve mitiied (iools a? Iowa* r? ir- i; k.'.-j.- ..1, h.us.l ;ui :i-' .rii,.. nt - f I'L-k's c.-U‘Lru- i in tliis rii'trkct, f.T ’sr.1i, or iri e.Kcliin;'.'.- t. I \:::'i'Ai.I.!i IU i:i.\i. Si.ivf ffr fonntrv I ro.liae, or on time cr.st. h(’i'’n l.!_:dy r-■ ■•nn.iendc'd f'y V. illie i*. .AL-iu^um. M(*nry t iav. l.t vkis ar ft \\ ! i. H. Kin;r. nnd many other il- lti-Tri*:u^ char..vters, who have extimined arid witnessed tiicir utilit \. v 1 '» f • • Sept. lo, L^‘2ft i.AunLN'(; i: TIlcV. 2-lif 1 c].()’i'iiL\(;! rLO'niixc;! ('ttfl fj'inninc hff^rr th.tv'hf rr! T undersigned has just received anl opener JS_ his Stock of Clotli.', C'.-Issiiiirrc's and W.«liu2'."5, Consisting of black, brown, green ntal blue ('hdhs. of {•'Aiii, ^001>H. Y::>re receiving our F.\ LL and WlNTFl^ Go()L>S, V V ccuisi.-'tinc: d‘.a l.irL'e st a’k of « ■ FlfTrffirarc (fitft Inclutling 'furpevitiue Too!s; l»ar. Van !. hf»oit. ru\in(L . various? f,ir.*\v arid ]'hun S^ik, Satin, \'elvet and s.iuai" Ir- n d* all des-Tipiions: (ierman, .Vmerican, j and ('assiinere Ve?tings, of the nmst fnsliiomible colors. Fngii.-h an-l (’ast Stvel. ; Also. i>oe--kin and fancy Cas.'^lniert's, of the most fasli- lloHow 'iMil Woo'Vn Warr- !Joot -huI i IIO!,()\> \\ OO..Cn U arc, OOOi. .IIUI a t-ekct ;t.^sorl!ncnf of R»;.\!'V-.M.iI)i: CLOTII- SIkx's; Sa!(llc.ft Sa(l(!l('rv and Lc'athcr; consisting »f Overconiv, ()ve! sacks, elose-bodief? Suek r?T>d Frock (’oats, of varicrs !*tvk*s: fnnev und lial.s and C'aps; StapU' Dry (io^xls; \vit!i O'.ir ii.'iial lii'avv .‘^tock of OTii E- XS2>«: :: S3S ia 4 I • 4 nu I'-■ t'ounfr\ Meridiaints whi» juirchase in this place Would do well to call rtud exaJkiine our stock. J. \ T. WAD1>1LL. S;'l-t. I’v. 1^'2. 2*;if iRi.rji:LL*s uKPoirrs. p I S'r j-uMi^hed. \>1. 12 f*aw, and Vol. 7 F |ultv. Pi h V '^'l ‘'O and -S‘L 'fhese an- small vohTmes. in c.n>vtiuei:vi of the Kepiu tcr nmkintc new arrangements j for fiUs^iil.lng. P.cuuil ex^'hantred for Nos. as usual. l>ec. V.L IN-M. F. .L HALF SON. uooi-in(t. S'rtsttris SLATi: A.M) MHTAl. KOOFEH, kc., XNKF'v'L for ]*ast favors, bega to call pubMc nt- tpution to SL.X'I M i\(>oFlNi, done »n the most ! plain silk and (.'a?‘:iinere A'ests, of 4*^uperior cut workmanshit), and of the ino^t f.i*»luoraMe colors. Persons ishing to purchase nny (d‘ the above aiiieles; i would do well to ^all and fxamine his Stock. The sulJscriLor coritinius to carrv on the T.\!LOKL\f; l>rSL\nSS, in aJ >ts vari(‘us ^ ranrht s. As he has taker* ^n.Ttrnctions in (’utting from one of the bc5t instriieter;* in New York City^, )ie^ flatter^ liimself that he can carrv on the 1 btisiness with more success than it lia® ^ \ \ • lieretofore been d*-ne, and v ill spare ncy pains to plei^se tho?c who may fi' or him with their patronage. He may >h» found at thf* Store recPTitly occupier^ bv Mr. J. M. lieaslev. on the North Fnst corp>er of Mar-' ffCf’.M (aJAflA.M. ket Sjuar'>. S#"pt. Til, 1?')2. LLMma’i! LlMi)i:U!! have our Steam Snw ^Fill in pticcessfu! ■'ij-errf' . , .. , ,1 WV tion, N miles from Fayetteville, near the llaleigh- ,-.I ,,rove! i.niuTole. mnkni^ r-of, hplitrr. t.d.ter, an.l • ^ pr^.,.,,red to exeentt- or.lers in o„r move .luiM.le ti.;u> the ol^l ^vay ol sheetinp. ftreeTing iv Cru’or Srn-.r. we aiu in lun.I.er, an.l -n-.-itcr security ji.^Min.-t tire. | ..],ortost notice. Me p,.,n fnrTiif.1i Pine. Tl.e lo'.v iyu--.-.t uliuh Slate lloof^ jire now ollere.I will ; i>o,,!,u-.•m.ljnniper LU M I'.KU, of nlm--.t :,nv lencth. Compare lavoraldy with any other kind ot tlre-proot j ^Lumber^ for truthfiilnesn r.f line and s!u*»othnes» iionting. sfca!! b« etual to anv e^er delivered in market SL.V I'F ( inMNFY rirFS made to ary pftcrn. | * - JONKS a JiXiniFF They are an excellent remedy for smoking chimney#,• ^Lnrcln W 1853. 7Mf * and ^'^bioiTi fail to el^ect a curt?, ;Y t’in and I’ojiper (iutters, Leafle** l'ipt*s and Heads, made to any pattern, and ever;\' kin I >f fire- ].loot rooting put on'or repair»:d in th^ l>est manner, on j ri'^nK Subscriber beir:g f*nxions to crncf ntrate h;.-. rcasoii.ible terms. 1 bu.'-inei^s nutre, otT. rs f'' r sale Ids farm n Aslipolo, F. S., in solicltinir vour pafrorage. l>els confident if in Hoheson county, containing nearly (»N L lHOF>ANI> "iviit;T entire satisCa^ ti-'ii in all case;4 wlierc a thorough A(Ml FS, from 1 V* to 2Ht! (.f -(^hirh is nr.der culri vati. n. LAM) FOR SAU:. l.nowle'lir‘ of his bu'^ine'^s is n*f;,uif«'d. Fa^■et^^*^ iUe. Se])t. T. lS--'2. 24Y 10PN SiiFLLLKS AND STRAW Cl’TTKKS, Fi/r l»v P>FkANSON ?ON 2'df September lo, 1^*‘2. W ilndngton. S«»pt. H, 1S*’»2. 'I'OOLS. I ^I'ho \\ AUSWV ^ i a I'FFNTFUS’, rdacksmithy and Coopers' Tool?. will leav(» Fa vetteville daily, at half' ^ ^ ^^Al>I)ILL. t \ M ! Sept. 2S, 18o2. *^Otf :^past 4 o'clock, A. M., commencing tlie 1st day of July. 2-tf >IcKINNON & AffNFlLL. PLTLR W .UULNSON Shoes for Sffle ftt (\>sf. fKXllF srib^criV-er will ^ell r)tM> pair f»f Ladies^’. Misses', Ia_ and Children’s Slioes, iiaiter.s, ami Sli}ipers at 40 • . • 1 r X- V' 1 ^ and : while tlic us.sortment is gooiL \S just received from New' \ork, the largest amt . K^epteniber 2 22-tf Blank Warrants for i«tlc hire,. f;-est selected stock (»f F(»reign and Uomeitic Dry (Jood-s Hats, Slioc.s tioiinrts, llarduarr, C’utlrrv, tVc., June 14, \V. S. LATTA. SC(Vr r AM) .L\i'KS()N. Thnt he ofTerc.l for s.ilc: nil of wliieli will Tie sold j rST received, a supjdy of ‘*Scott aTul Jackson,’ wish *0 buy respvctfully call and O'A'inine j his Cont^'iiJix^raries, by C. AV. March. liiai lie r\rr f)nere«i *oi '•* .j n ' .. ‘ *m i • ■ at the lowfiit mark'd ]»rice. His friends and a»i who j Headley's new Work. \Lso, I) vmkl kb.stkr and the goods and pnce.^- Au^uf t 26. i:. J. HALE & SON. 2Tv 1852. ]»roducing crvtton exfiemely Well. The bai.-ncf v o- d- land, and considered some of tJie best hu.d in the con.n- ty. On tlie prcmi.‘’es are a dwellirig and nect rs.iry out-hous^*^: two cotton gins. f«nr by hf r*‘e, the other by f watei'. SitMatrd in a.-- good a rieighb« rho-d :• in the c(»untry: h gocu] school nov»- in opei*ation ur.d^r tlu* care of the Hev. Mr. MacHon?tld, within one-fourth of a mile of the dwelling. From 1'• to 2n h.rnfJ;* could he profit ably employed in farnnng. It is also h gcod b cnticn for a country store, heirrg fr- in 40 to rri?^s (’i.^taiit frf'm FHyetteville and Clieraw. the prineipnl rT:; rket towns, and in a thickly settlei country. A fnrther tie- scription is deemed unnecessary, as a purchnstr wtuild he sure to examine for him«elf. Also, Hnother tract, contvinlng ficre?*. lying (»n the we^t bank of Lumber river, beinc -r-.od Torpi-ntiTie and Timl>er LanL and ab^ut S miles fr. rrt the alto\c described land. Terms will ;»ccoT7imodatin {. Mes^•r.^. Wiley Alforl, John Pun^l!, anfi r*unc:iV MarNair inill show the lands. MALCOM Pl'HCFIL. October 2, 18r)2. : "tf ^TAC.F leaves V. AF^SAW -l.vily .n :he .‘.r.lvv' of th.* cars, say 10 o’clock :i. m., aial aiiive*. in 1 -lyettr ville at 9 p. ni. McKlNNoN *v .'mv ;ii AvJ-il !-•