BBOBBR S Fi M I-W B E K L Y FAYICTTKVILLE, N. C., NOVKMP.KIl 30, \m [SO. 1 i7.] i»as«*3B*s6e6e:aa3iSiaBiS«mHBt*3:x3itiLiiai;«5CiS5i£a-;fiB5BBecc«B»e«iaK U’SgaMfcggtf: |.him'K!) r.v II. Ni:wi',v. i;j)\V\lU) J. II VLE & SOX, i ;>lTfi:s AND IMKU’UlHTOr.S. nCPl;i(li(‘s' Ividinuj Hats and (Jontlo- mcn> I’i'Ung i'ap«, f.u-siile at tlic IJrin-n Strict HAT STOUK. Nov. 1'.), - - ! -’lo >iisKU\ r.ii 1 00 if in j . . si .'ii if j>:iiil durlii" tlio your (>f !iul>.s.-rip- | .iiti'i-:’io year lias o\i'iro'K V, Oii-iKiivi'.u (10 ]icr aiuiuin, if paiil in i . •: sj if pai'l uuriiijr tlio yoar of siiliscrip- , .".'.'tor tlip year lias oxj'irci!. r’.‘, r'.'M.'H'NTS insvvted for si\ty rents per : iiiK's fur the first. aii'I tlilrty cnitF for c:uii :iti'>n. ^ ft'.rly a'iM'rtisiMiu nts hy spe- '!V UAttS roi’FKK. lu SniAlt, Aii^nsi 2i). IS.'.J. 1>. CKK. -j:>tf .Just rocfivcil mil] foi- 1’, I*. JOHNSON. 'JOtf / ■ a; jilsi \i if c fieri lie IIo MM The iarics( sior/c of (ioods ever ojfn'cd 11 I'AVK/r'n-virjj-, x. c. hj, If si Aiifriist i2'>, ]8’)2. L’fitf liYK \VIIlS!v!:V. BAliUKJ.S, a prime article. jii«5t rci'oivofl and f(ir sale by WIM KlNtJS iS: (’(). —Ai,S(';-. .‘’0 lia;;s pi iine FT.ATi 11;iI.'*, ept, I-'u i;c,tf \V. I 1 !• IJOOK lUM)i:KY. JIAIJIMK has rcsmiied tlio r>i>.>k :s. at roasi'iiali’io rates. Adverti.sevs are >i:itf tl’.e iii'.ml'er >f i)i';‘'rti''ns ilcsirel. or I' 'lUinued Till furl'id. and i lu>r;jed aeewrd- Letter5 to tl:e i'ditors lut'.st he post-paid. 1. ,11 jujuqjawi r.ii.diKp: H • lUisiiu'ss at tlie new Store iie'^t ili'Or to Mr. Heasley. .lewcller. where lie will reeeivo and t-xeiut'' liimlinjr in any !‘t_\le tlesired. Auiiu*it I. ‘.j'tf imu .11 s 1-i;!x ri\|-,i). ^ S \(’KS I.lVl'.IU’ool. SAM. iUi.'ii tinsli(-> Ahnn ditto, in lia^s. • hl.(N. s'v,'i't ^^■■’‘l^ses, '■■■ Ub’.i. City M I'nik, L'li *• l iriro si^e N". -1 Maikere’.. Ill l-.’f KhN. No :2 d... i,v’ fi'—ih Mu’.'- ts. . liMxes Ih'ied lloM'in.'. liiii liMv, IMantin^ \ eatinp: I’atat 'es. ];■ hlids. sui'ori >r I’laomi. 1). W. M. l.AnUN. N-v. -I'l. V'’2. ^'■tf y,VA\ COODS. ■!' '. rrot r now reeeivinp his I'nll a;:d Wiritei' K. I'lnipr'sir.j a Lrencral ;iss.irtn;-'nt ..f ('irovvrie:', llaruwnir, (’nnkcw. ■■"II. Nails, and T\* itii\ '.rt r’l'S I'.iit nienlioiied, «hiih lie oiler at ■ •r r’.'iail. — AI.SO— ~ ri'M.'s an 1 iioc':. s‘>!iie verv fiii;'. made s’’ filing, en'.lirai-ing several .stjiK-.s f’ity made. —— ■ ; . d M..l«^^e-.. ^ -:.ti Ms^ r..vk. ' 'tVi e. var; Uiixis. l.r '.vn - I - Cr O' AM' WINTI.U (;())l)s, ,ru Kali and Winter (niods are nnv.- here, and re iily for sale. Our stoek of |>IC\ i' !:n-^r and bettt'r than any former season: A'\!> «'rTI.8:UV is hard to e.pial. i:!l Our stoek is larjre, eniial if not snperior t.i ;!ny li.jiiuT \c:ir. ! .\ii of whiidi we woidd he "lad to c\eti:'.njre for al- U'.o'it :;nv kin'l >'f j r!»!uce. fur ea-h, nr to |'nnetii;il riis- t.iin'-r'i (111 time. (’(>OK \ 'I'AVl.oK. 11,’7-tf 'i'lu' l ':i% rl t('\ il!(‘;iii(l W 'st{'rii IMank lload (’onipany will reeeive and consider a proposal o.i piMp"^:'.’-:, tiv p- r.-'iiis who may oe lisposed to enter in- t' a e- ntiaet. f;>r kec)'in;x tlie line of I'lank Hoad Irom r,;\■■ttevill!' ti‘ A--'d' .i-i.ulIi i:i eoiriplete r i.air for th.' year. I'liey wil: ,*tritc the piie- p"r miie f-.r ti;e whole IT :;liv and will leave the pi 'j- -s vls at tlie v of the «'oiajciny. > aled and dicoi tod to tlie I’l i sid,-nt ami 1'ii'oi i.f llir !•'. >V . I’iaiil; IJoad ('oinjain'. I'.y rler, KDU'D M'K UI.NSI.i.'W. I’r.Ht. Nov. ». is:,::. ^i tlMl» Noriri:. \rri 1;' \Tli\ will l.e ni.-ide :it the j r* '' lit .'c'^!on ol til*' l.cirivl.-iti^re t 1 iii'-i'ii firate a rom;.ae.y. to ■ Ie c.'illc'l the N.,ri!i ('ai olina .''team (’ai ria^ie and I'lank lo- I 1 ’ iD-.nan’'. lii-l 111 rjjlins lar;xe .and splendiil l’iiildi;i; has now heen in H- -siieeessful >;)eration .Mey lisi'.i. The l!ed- din;^ aiiil rnniitnre nf all kiiid.s i.s iie’>v, and the rooms eoiivenicnt and [ileasant. Tlie Ta'ole is alw.ays fnnilshed with the hest the market -aflord.'*. allied t>y a fine vec;et(ilile j^.-irdi'ii- lloardi rs, I,od:;i'i-v, and I’r ivelh'rs will (ind desirahle aoeommoilati4(iis and attentive s» rvants. No pains will lie s;’:;red to t;i :> enl r- itis 'avMoH. '■•'.ilieH e.i:l ',e vitli laij;e. airy, front iion'-lc r-io!l)'‘. I'oiM en ':it ly uj; 1 haiid."=o;uely furn'.shed. .\n exp' r^-iice "fiin y,-;ns will enahU- llie lessee, she lioj'es. to ”i'e ;;ef.vr.\l satisfaction. ANN r.r.OWN. .1 iin • 1. i ->-'0. L’S-tf li vuM \N s no'i’i:!.. 2- V E-: £' 1' E: V Z E. s. i\ TIu‘ siiiisvri'iHT liaviii;! takc-11 tlu> Inriro Hotel, formci’.y kno\M\ :is the I’IjA NT!]t\S‘ llnl ill.,, .situated ;it the foot .>f Hav .Mnant, il.iy Street. r.i\etteville. North Carolina. iiilorins his troMids ami tlie piihlie that he i'i now en.-, iu;e l in refiriiiiLC the hnildinir. which is snpv’.ied with entire m u- r’Kiiitnre, :iiiil is ]>r(-parcil to a comnmd.'.te tiie traM\i;n^ ptihlie, Havin;.!- iiad some exp. rience iu the hnsine;-' in the town of I’itts- lK)Ton;ih, N. In' ih.ttcrs himself that he will lie ahle to ;::xe satisf-ictio.i to those w1i> nviy Ciivor him Avitli their c.>mp;iny. Hi-; rooms are larpc and airy. Ill' l.'irue and coiiveuieiit Stalde';. and a jiood and t'aithlid *-;ller. .lOilN H.VIIMAN. r-^ v IT. 1--J. W are now reeeivin>; ninch the L.\ ilUI'.ST STOCK of BUY Huts, C’a[)s jitid l»oniU‘ts, Sho‘s, Hoots, l iiihrcllas, »Sjc. I’.ver offered liy ns in this place, to which \\e p.irticii- l.-irly invite the atfenfion of Mer. Imnts, as we are de- termineii tmt to he tiiidersol l. STAUll WILLIAMS. Aiiiinnt "Jo, :^!ttf their FALL m:\\ (axiDs. ii 1', nndersifiiied are now roeeivin BL SKxK.if «T*S- » E3» «* (’onsi.slin;.^ of a full as'^ortment uf /'.ilit's' :uul (I( ntlciiu'ii’.s !>rfS' Unnils. a lariro -til ! ly ;if ilc;iuy-inailt^ ('Intliiii>r, Hats, CajiS ;uil liiiiuiets, a l.n'jif a^s! rtiia'iit nf jjoots ,iiHi Shoes, ! j ifi’vi;i! 0, (Ii i.ct. I i( s, ih ii^s aiiii'^, DANCL\(r A('AI)i:MY. .1. WOllI> hag the j'le.': the ii i f aunonr.cinsi (c and \iciiiity, that he will commence hi« !>’.V( l>(i !.i SS'»X.S tr c young l.adies. 'dis--", s as: 1 Maso-rs. e.t the F.tvc tteviile Mall,- DlSSOIJlTiO.X. Firm of Le«‘te o: .Idhnson i;j this il.-iy dissol\cd. liy tnntnil eon.seiit. Tims. .1. .) olinson is alone ;in- thori/edto ^^eftle till’ concern. ciiAS. i-;. l:,lti:, Octoher 1, THOS. .L .KiUNSoN. S.-M aiul 1 i V. j)ii! 1' Irr intgiiinj: ;.nl Kcjic, .'Miii.s, fi'i-n. ite. &.C. Ale. V'.'c iiaite oiir 1'ii •nl'^• an I the j uiilic to call aiuI ex on 'ihni-'.'av t!u; 'J-'-th dav of 1*. M- Ti e t l,-s.^ ’.;n tioii la ot tl:( ‘ r ! ti! i: re 1.-'^ j! _■ I.e.'-s .ns !t I- tientli-meu in t!;'- :■ t I o '! i'.e ;'i.!’owii;;j; p.irynj 1) ilice-. I’o!)-' a. 'li e S'. ;i 1 r.onrka. Sclioitich. C:,i;i aii.l ii.i !ior.i:.' t. {■-..v'A iij>.ion :: where tcrn;S he ni;ide !!:o-, I’l ivc.te ( ia,;-i:s ill he .ilten six '.r eiidit :ire m.- r.p. .Nov. ‘JU. L"-’J. (o; ein'. er. at -> o clock iii;. ri.H'd id’ the { I’.- i will (-inniMnee hi? tiu' Siiuitt Cr.r»trr^' Wn.17.. I !:;ia Wiilt/, i'olka Ma- i-.Ie, Temtiete, I’ol- tl.e F ' ti'-^i.le liotef;. le lien t ’ass« s t‘‘ Airr' ■ ii;- .^toc! latili- t> i>t 1' LAl'.Cl. .1. ci;i lii he kio.-l ■ ii ac- .M IL \ CAIN. 1 rB'iHF ■ on fh' dio fork an I !'(>R saij:. '.I'Hr..'' t'F L\NI>. SoMth f >' 1. j"inin:r the t.iv.n line, an-1 lyiiiL the F.tst si-Ie of the Sontln iio ri:L. •.de^eriher Ii.-ixli;;.' pn^•!^l^ed thf Hotel rlte.ntc't uith-Kast c-.iiier of Conrt llo'a>e .^iiuare. atid la'^'\ l i'.own ;.s Stuart’s llotil. \MHild inf.irm the jr.i'oi.i- the.t he Im 1IC-.W 1 r;i ly to .;.-c>.T'imi"i;i!e hoarders i-\ '\. '• eeiv o:- >:i lit!:. l!;n'l;jr i!:.:de consiiieia- l,le ..ii.i. y in i;triii!iiii;i and telittiii:: th.' i’.>tahiL''hmeiit, lie ii'.; > oe a’ole t > _i' • ::\i>;ai tion to ;dl w i:o ] i- tri id ' ■ h'm. His '!’.-'L!e -Ird'. he t riii.-hed with the Im-'I tl;e'.i t at!'.-|.ls. hi' I’ lr W’tii tlie hest ot Li- ipii I', and hi> Staoie witii ;i p!ent_v of jrood provender aii I !i ilhl’ll ' I.'tli rs. .}. A- (.ill.CHKIST. .iiio.-1':;-tf N[]nn:ii\!LLi; liOTKL. i 'i'rrc'. r,-' dl’.i.'. ,ve. vVe. re I'UT' W'tll ;in i w ill ’ne sold, •'e t. ril.'. ..fC.;jie Fear. I lej I'io i ir ev-i,. .hiHNSo' A!-' N > I'iii> Ian I will lie Miid en'.in ilispose i of, «ill In' "d .'f .J;;ni..i! \ In . a i hari.e-s hoi-' j.rcN iouly I ;o;i oil t in lots, rid at I’lank and if 1*11 Mic I. (’. IKMdFU. J i tf g,i ere fSlllF. iin-h ir _-:.' d wouhi r":pe-tfnlly inform S tlie l it;,’ !■.- . • .'^umn:ci > ille. t’ue \:ci;iity. , aii-l the pu'.’.ie .‘'11' r;illy. tiiat she ha-^ optMied a of r.iittrUiinnH’tki, «he wi'l lie |.leii*-e'i to a’C"mmo!a*e .-til v. honi.T> [deM'.int an-i liealthtid, her ir.'e all'l i o|ii|i|..i|.iii;>;. \ pains viil he sj'ale.l ko ;i.,iv I iM'i i', xr rs. .vr. " '.oa ^ 1'. Fillierts. rii-a/il Ni Wa’nnt^, r.iT’iar’l' Is. See.)'.l;.-!’-;’!!-^. iitn'. : - i ;r«. Kxce’-i: r and I .d _'’i. .J’.wt receive i thi'* d iv an! f"r ( HAS. i'.ANKS. . ■-'.j M*.u(>i:s \'v Arc'i'i')N. ■ •' I le.'.'lidier Term next, if I’i;!:;'-. ; ’aii I ' I wil’ -cl! ::t I’nlil;e Ancli -i. :if the I F.i\etteville. fir ’;ish. t've va’r.a- ; . ,. Cntl', Wallace, Sinit’:', lle.'tcr, and Ihif '! Hats! (( (Ills! li tufs (.y r\Li. !^:r2. '8 on her. The \'illa.r !i'l i omiii--'i > • ;; h r n .i-. ea' !•• ai.d •r V. it !i a all. .'•lie i> .d-'i prepared ti '■ to i.’U .Mndcni>. I’ii .itih aN ■ > 11 F, .'^lIh^, riher li:i sortmeiits in his 1;: l.i li Ke:: to w liieh he rll.i' .111' f-'UI. ! T. pi! 1> in tills i.i.i.ket. in Ills line to >.-1'. 'i,.v. f-.r C: .at whoi. - lie or r ( I'd St: to S.-i t. ‘J 'l. 1''-J • ;l; _■ ,-:\h cei\ed one ot the hiriri '‘t -•i-- that li" h.-is ever otier.-i| in on!d ejiil ;i,e ntt.-ution of Ids !'- r.i’. All!' i':r hi.' -'•■i k ;aa\ ;.iid th t can Ik- fonnd • ! V t ' .d! iho-e li -.-irin _ '•oniohife uitli !?o;ird fl'ilil I’o.ud ■■f "' per month. F. I’lAll.KV. IS.-.o, 1-tt S;iii.>.'.- r\ille. N. C.. .li'.tie 1 to ^l\e !;Ull a I I... a - ! i>h. I r n tino- to j ii>, ■ tail. .I')!!.'. ( I. Soatii Wf.'t •I,.., TISC^. TlASSl wrii.l, lie •'.id : . a ! 1- callN I'll nini' d.ite a f.'W !' laidt I", r friends an.l the the l-ii'iiii 'S of Mantiia- 111.d e.l -ai;eis. TliwM.- UN. .Market S.uniic, •J'ot 1. 1' ■ li-n L.ine. adjoiidejt iH'r si:ll ki: tl;C f thi M ' IS!’,!'r.v. -}-'.t' A cjidt'im -V ' ■ ■' ' ^ u!(' vV l''iMna!c of Mio Stndi’i T: till: Insti'iuion •n t!i" ‘J'.'th and -.utli Nov. in-t. T! 1 the jiulilic ;j‘'!ier.iri.v. «r, ii.- A- I'. >lcLi: Friu^ ^ 1 1 tf OisJv Kicriif «!il ill l*as*l. ,\. ,\. McKi:ri!A.\ I 'l.;, ettvcille. Sept General Agency an:l Comniissiou Business. rgXlll'. Snli.'criliers h.ive this'l.iy entered into a c >- ^ ji.i; tner.'-hip under the .-tyle at' Will 1 AKLll. U !F1 FIFLH .V f- r the }.nrpose of .loin;: ;i u'otM r.'d afrem y and eominis- r;..n hi;>iin-.'-, .aii-l in t fieriinx their st rvee- t- the pnMie i'.. .-iijiaiiis t!..y t.attcr thii'isehes tiiat tiiey will lie .e V: u'ive'.'^a. tion to all tlior • wiio may consiix:i air. .lo I'-. \i:.i-s. niei I h.indi/e .■;• toiuitr\ pr...luce t.> them eith'T t.i sell on commi • !. i;' or iorv ai'l. .Vs it '.vill he oiir ^rreatest aim to pl«;i-e. we j. e,!-" onrsel\i >. to 'j.arc no ). lins ii. tiyiilu to ;ii\e ^r ' sati'faet:on. 'I'ia V re'^-.eetmllv solicii the p:.troliai:e . NOl'Ki:. ''HO.'F. indehted tliefirm of Leete.S; .loliiison. are r.'s- _ peetftilly reijnested to a>iiie furwar.l ;in 1 setfie their re.^perthe diip.''. The hiisiiiess will he cond'.icted in fntvive hy t!ie >m- dersi;inel on his own aecDiuit. at the o'd stand near t!i-‘ Cape Fe:ir ISank. where he hopes to see (M (.\nii \ .xi.i i:ii) Fiill'!M>.s, iiiid the tradin;.f I'.nhiic iiem rally. He has on liaml and will lie reei ivinp slioi t'y. h’s Fall and \\ inter .'tock .f Dry (lood^, 111'oceries. Ilar.iwaie, (’rockevv. ’utlerv \c. ..Xe. :::iif ‘ ‘ Tlio-:. .l(»lINSoV, l’>Ali(;.\!NS! l\\VA'.\\S>\\ N my recent vi'it ?o N\ w V..rk. niy principal ohject v.'.is to r('f workmen n!.d mat.-rial for the ]eirp. ^e id' i.iaiiuf^'.e- tnrinn .''ill; Hiii--. After trt'ttiier tlni'e. a;id tindiinr it dirlieiilf to ;:et fii.'t r.itc Workmen to come .South. I irave np the | i ') ect ot jiro- i iirinu: anv, coiise [iiently pnr.'has.-d a larve > of Sn.K H.Vr.'!. .\fter makin;r my pnr. hi-r-e, I cn;.'a;.red. a srentlcnian as ]irincijial \v rkmai:. Irj cam ■ well re- cojiimer'h d. He ]e;.rn**d his trade in luiroi.e: aii.l ii r the last 'cveii years ii.“ ha>i heeii e:ii)iIoy(d ir a l:ii-'_e manuia.-uiriii;.: e-i •t'’i-iiU;i’nt in the city ot Ne"’ \>rk. 1 then j'foi-nrt d fa>hion:’.hie hlocks and Iii.itc! .'.!i'! am now f.tirly at work Blanufacturiug Kiuety Hiits per montli, ,\r..l will ii.ive s.mie of them for sale hy tiie llutli in-it. In i-r-ler that I m.iy not Iu- ovei''to- kc'i. ! o!Ver C..r sale. \'!' my late pnrv:i.:.-?e of Nos. I.'t, '-J-l. end od ipialitv F.\SHliiNAF.Ll-; Sf^iTS. Mer.haiit' ma\ save money liy )iuich:isili;.r of me. if \mi j'liridiase in New \ urk. it !s olti ii a ni'Mith h.'toce \ III recei^ e them. I .sliad in a '.'lori time f,- aide t-. fiirni'h nicr d: Hits witii* of ,MV OWN M VM i'.\( fi i;i’.. at N. Vork price-. to-\\it; No. 1 ut ‘-iJJ, 'J. at S->’. and N>i. d :.! * 'I' ]'• 1 .lo,.-ii, 1 t.ike this op|iortn.iiiy of i etnmin^-my tli.a’iks to my foMiiei- eii.-'i-mei s. and iinite tiiem an i other we.i dls- p -se l p.'.tii' ti" "entlenieu. that ar" in !;iVor .t Si 1’- lMilTiN> Sttl llIFi’.N MANl FA TI ilFS. ^•ei^e a cad oil or after the o|lth ill'll.. :i= 1 exin et t . li.ive re.-oiv f. r .'\(iihiti..n iiii'l s.ile Hats of niy mvn n...initae- tiire th:i! •'.■■nii'.t lie surpassed in .'t\le an 1 duraldiity, 1 woiii'! l.e plea-ed t>. every ;;:em'.cmaii, in e ..ln- t rv or t.-w i;. an'l v. ill l;ike ]deasiirc in i xl diit.nir the H^t.'. and .-rh. vCiiif: the .lilf' ient j.roce-,s the;, p-.i-' till', ii”!! Imm the lur i n the skin until re.idv f."- h;‘ |ie,i,L liA\iI» (il.v;. l'avettc\ille, .N. Oct. ^1 111 Ll .Vi’.L;: i'Y for nil!'! .Siili.'-. r'di" r ha\;ii;r sirt s to dispose! of hi.' \ieiiiiiyiii !’a_v ctle\ille. 1 oil .;• ■ -m;'iod;iCin,Lr terms, li, and th ' tlM.'t I'f-jni! ;icri s I f l.and att.-ii i:e-l tin ret 'r us M,:!! Sair,! ' e i • 1 lanted - vesle, ('\ lamovei! to le;.ie .-s« e, m ■ ri sidetiee and lands in ili [e tt-'; e.d; « 'dlVis f. r sah s rcM lence at UuSi-; illid.. ; I L'io.'‘.i, an L!is a.M) :s}:i:u. Ki'C!.’n.Ti> and ;■ r .si-.'.e, !’ -.tra-(ine !1 \ aeiiiths,. fl 1 i.i Hi-!!-i1!.1. lr.!ie I'r.i.'--; .‘-eed, ^c. *.■’ je,! Ill the ;_!’i !i:: 1. i’l'U' ne V v. hi', li sl.oti'd !m\v . ;.'.'.-.i. .S..ii-|.-;|. lM;!i'p(d-a. an.I Ufe-- 1 r.i, 'i’ai t:;i ini j ■ ti}i also the .Meadow F.irni tra .t of !)'■'» :u r. s, adj.iceut l.i the ). I i:ii !'. I'-.-.-'. i- '\ adveftisi'nu-nt.s h.ive deseriheil the resi'it iice and la’i'is ail.1 their ad\alita;ics, l’( isoi:.- desirous of fnrlhir information ohtain it li'on) .Mr. l>aae l». I!;n'i'\, «ho ha.'' lull povvtr lo ,'e’l the property and -Ive deeds. Vy: ’v :i': -.1. al.tiil r- 1 :s am: ■ j 1. ALSO, 1 Ih.:- rectory, a valu Nov. -JO. Ih'i't’ ■Ilia J'l- )-Lt An, W. H. IIAllDLN. .!■ , h.M niuht.- omiii- n size, !!,.-.r:.s o: tiio rrjiiM.N'i'iM-: land i'ou sale. g^oi: S.iie. o-.t:) aeri-s -.1 ;t .r.if’.iC.-5 Cnek. B' :;ii 1 r,p( .o res on l’\prtss I'leek, in CwmLeiland. co:iveriie:.t to the Westera I’lank I’cad. heiivily lind.ercl, a;i.l adiidr;ddy adapted to the niakin;.: ol Turpentine. A] ply at this I >!Viee. N. iS-M. 4»»f .A •tie. N-.-.t I.AND I'OU SAi.i:. '. LC.MlMi trai t Ilf Land i.' oil, red l- r sale, ■ita'idii;! acres. Isin;.: 'i'. miles we>t t' Fay- . ne;ir the F. \ V>. Flai.k iloa.l, adj.iinin;; .Mis. i othei.'. with a j;oo.i l.vclli.’iir .an.l otlo r nee. .'- ^ In !i>iWi-.'i \v-i;i-rcd .iii'i lie:’.lihy sitnat:en. .'v Sion t > 1>. (!. M. linih ' in F.t\elteville, i-r to . 11. .Mclhilli,' .'11 ihe pi emis».s, for pal !icni;;rs. mu' 'I'.'t, iN-'iJ. •' s'l'ij.wi:!) i)n s'i'i: ^ the \V;i!', h C;,n;i, i., 1 !i; etu" Ja a Koan Mar.,'. :di(a;t o'l! in toI( r.-d.l-' . o:. iiii. n. se.ckii-.'a ei iriiet.-i on her -ii !t .'. lia ' ;i io; ■ l.'a.Ur af ai. 1 lu r neck. .\nv infi ima.tion «ill l.-j ili .iikiuiiy n'.-iive.l, aJ.dre.i>.a*(t to me at Hi!i'>^ Store, llai. l. ipli -ai-.inty. N. C., i.r a liO^ tv.d r«waid v.ill 'oe ^ ai.i i- r the iccACi v of iht* ?>Lirc.- Vil.MiV il. ll.'.M.MONb.-'. N.iv. ii=i, M\'A)\r\\. Noric'K. P>K. Tili.S- C. H.M.L respectfnlly of- ii lir.-; his profes.-iui.a! servic* s to the citi^.ens ot Favctieviiie i.n.l i«s \icin’MV !!?> r.i.'y ’> • e inS’l. ie-1 at ihe l lace idi eclly Ov. r' the a-'-..' |)rii;r Sr. re cd'.'■'anun 1 .j. L’ii.sdale, M>i;;h Ucst conn r I.f ALirktt .''i^r.ire. -I I’v :j;'. i:'tf AM) Ni:\i mm. V V o;her (ir N'.N- -U st)::a;i:. have eomin.elious l.rieic W.iieh'inses in the rear i-f our .''’tore, in whi.^di wc .■-tore cotton ;i]i,l idiice. J». W. .McLAI'I.'IN. . i^--M. o7-tf a ^y^Ill’. .'-'u!:scrihcrs h.ave lornii-l this .l;iy :i copartner- Si ^ll.p. under the firm of .MclxiN.M.b C; MeM.V.'r- ri.l’.. lor the ti iinsaction of a irencra! (iioifi''/, tfiiif I 'iiti'ixitni .\ii.l c'ipcv t to iT. tdve tlieir fiiil .''toidi hy tlie l!->tli inst.. .at their .''tore on (.iille.'pie street, a few ink. Fa-, ettev; .\n-. IS.- doors aoove the 11. .M.lioNALi). .:d;in i:. .Mc.m.xsri:it. 1 •> ir .lulv ]:; Roc'Ki'isii siii:i:rL\(;.s, liale or halt hale, lor sale liv t'. T. HAiCH .'i S»N. str J>. A:. Mel it 11! !*] II n ad lii;..ii t > tlie'.r furnicr and the public NVater .■'tieit. miii'’, N. C. TILL NFS A .il!t I I/l'l liAL iU)t)KS. '.'■I i; -': Culmrist. Ilownii!"’'' Frtiit-« ar.d i i \meiica. Coles .\meriean Fruit Fruit Cultnri-ts. irape (’nlturean.l Unral .\rehitectnre. ilnral Ho:nes. !■ ' \-,’rieuhure. .'^rej.heii* 11-ok of :lw iiulde. .V’h'ii's .\ineric;i;i F.irm - \ irieidtnral Cliemistrv. Fi'';^ !id.,-!i’s ; .I'.ei (i;ir.ientr. Farmer s Ilict;on.irv. ■.M of M.-dern .\;,'ricnlture. I'.iiiF*;- i. ■■.'■ire. J»ii;st’s F:i:,:ily i'witehen dir- F.roivmiy. I'ana's Muck NLinnal. ■i Muck liook. l)aiia'.' F'.'.iy o i .NL-i- !•; Tiu- Hive at; l Ho- ' Sheeji Hushandry. l'.ichar.i--')n 1 -t.,- I’ ,w ' an 1 the I’e't.' of t'.ie I’.iriii- Sl;diner’s (’.ittle l»otor. Hind.-' I •' iid Martin on Caft'e. Cl.iter on llor- ' , includii;" l.reakiiic: and traiuinj.', : ! . i;. HAu: .SON. .u sr Ri:ci:ivi:!). ■ r iI; ^ti’lc: s. alel Mu'e '. .t ■ f .,id'lh ly. m i le Clothing. :iii l I»onie.-t'.e !.; pi ,-r'i. . t I't X irtli Caruliiia 15.V(')N. C, li. LliF.'l’F.. rer>'iii 'treet. ■ lltf •ontinue> t'l Ciirry on the C 111’. I '.C. 1, Fd in .-til it- hran.-he-. .it the remains of hi^ 't:ind, opp. 'ite l,il)crf\ l’ He n turns th.iiik.- the liiier.d jiatrouajre he has herttoforc iiopes I V siiict attention t entire ^ri:i.'fae:;on, t Hi i^ tlie.-ei. in the \ 1- .d'l I-r ■eei\ cl. and l.nsine'-s aii'l a d.'sire to jlive nii.-rlt a coiitinnanec. of the .‘ iine. H.i-.inj: k.'pt the pre.iter je.rtioii of his I’iiidu r.- at a di''';tn.‘e froiii the nianntactol y. he has on han.l a larjre and V.e’.l selected lot ..f thoron-'.lv reas .ne.l Tiiahc r. ot ever\ description n'^ed in his lin'MU.-', won h cn:ili.> - him to l et.iin all his principal workmen m.w prepared t-. d. : .-.tiy woi k in his lie*-! stvle. and on tiie most favoralde teiins - a.- low ;inv v.ork ot the same ^lU.ility in N. C. He has on hand, completely fini.'hi'1, S IJaroueiie^^, fo!’ 1 or h' r'.''’'’.' I'l Hockaways. and 1-! I’.n Al-- I. ne.irly lini'^hed. ]M Carria'jc:-! f r horses: U’H ISaroiiehes P.r 1 .iml '-I horscf;: 1'i Koekaways. atid d(l llll;.' iCK: .Ml of wl-.ich are of the most rove-! ]da!i at.d finish, and will eomiiare uith any v.ork in the C. St iHsfor neatness aiel dujalnlit.v. Ha\in«r heen etiLMfred in the above liu^iiie.-s for the p.a-t ‘J'l veais. his work is w«'ll kt.own, and he rclets to old customers for proof ol its dnrahility. A I.I. W'ii'k warraiitfi! fir 1- iii"iitli,' repaired tree oi ch.‘ir;^e should it la -Iiip or m.iterial, within that time. i;Ki’.\ir.iN; ex'.'-nted a*, sln rt not; >oiiah1e t'-rms. ;ri III •■ally. I h": Hirkiu' 11' Fii'v .li >HN .! Wil.: A. A. ire I' if ilieir S'rieiids ! N.ii th ) i.i t' l.uilditi): i:. WIii i \KFll. : W. WHl I’FIFI.lh !!. Sni THALL. Wil- l'v::rKi:i xi r-; !’;.;■-'.;v. .^anr.iv Fll:-. X Mit. hell .Cdin i> '_w^oii, 1‘otter ,X Ki'hler. 1.0. I'e \ (i 11. Fian-h, an-.l .1.111. 1' r.I-tf SVA\ !)rv '^IIK •I ilier is III ■k, colisis’i I! v«- I.- (.f ('ofrt'C, ('roclvt'ry i i.irt \s .ire. 1 l^its and C’a'»', lioo'is 51 :;l'.w-\varc, Wliiii' ! 1 V.'hicii l.e oiiers i ' ti. 1 ' for saie a ial :uKi il liv w or'i;maii- ,-e, an 1 on rea-’v I.''-.::. ’ ! tit .Vuctiou, on Tuesday the Tth.lay I inhi-r next, FOl'll NKtJFiOFS: Om- r- I \1; r.ovs, one jroin;' on S. one 7. !. :dl verv likelv. One H >rt>e, 1 ye;.r.s ’ '.he. i> ’ ir N ite negotiable at I’ank, or in- !"r ca di. 1 .I.V.MKS DODD, As t. ‘ 1H.S P.ANDS, ' d! \' tretched. c'meutel, iiiid riveted. ■’ I- 11jire ;-ohl ‘JO jier cent, les.s than ■ itiirer-' jirices. Cash will be re- -■ .;e- '. For sale hv W. H. LUI'TKltl.OH. . ill. IK.'i-J. oltf ii‘-i .i 1 , -ijiv one month, and .‘^end tic- li i Merhill.' ^*^5 llcYvnrd. tr> 111 tii(. priliserilirr, on Mond.iy the " ''I', a .\«-;rro inaii uatued lU'.N. lie ’ ' airlies hi^h. and 'vseijlhs uliout I'.IO ' '■ hm;', and he soiin*tinies keeps it y- h:i \ery lar^^e lieiid, large eyes, and •h c.-ii, atid possibly may ' ■ His a^e is -'K ' I eWard for the apprcliei)Hioii and • f '■ any .l.-iiler in this Stale so that 1 - oil. i.i t)|,, hoy. :e|.|i>jot,„l rewiii'ii of for proof i t iiiiy wliiie peraon or )>er»ons of A. H. W iirrPiKf.I), ( \),'ich iV Ijii^lit ( \irri nirc Mtinnf dcturcr^ OFLD resjiectfiilly inf.»rm the public that he w and SIkx's, i»a--'>V- j M.Sd - j N.liN. i>i'!;t!liT. Willdii’.V (ll:;ss, I ,ul. ('!; • - , I' i'li, iVc. (.Vie. th.' Most )'e;i>om l.le tv-rms. He ol- .-e -I •■;> -f I t'orrian S^fyittrslir IJfftrors, (IM live Whiskey, ohl N i-h F.randy. -\pjde I’.randy, C.irn Whiskev. N.'1’.. linn;, and .\ni. tiin. His lOKLK.N Ll'HOLS were .^elected with -nre, and are of siqierior ipiality. 'ihe; consist ot (iodard l’.r;in l'. Ot.-ir.l ditto; Old London Dock ditto; Henise ditto; .’-■iiiiaiia I’.nm: St. ’roix ditto; Holkiinl (iin: iri.-h Whiskey; 'inrry lirandy: Madeira \'»ine. su perior; Slictry ditto, ditto. Fort ditto, bonie very tine; Sicih Mad.'ira \S ine; rham]iai,irn Wine of the liolinger and I'ilur bran is, in ipiaris an-1 j.;;it.s; .''ji.irklin;^ Hock, ditto, ditto; l’e[ipcrmiiit Cordial. \No a lar-e lot of th'.-ch";ipe.'t CKJ.MIS in the place. ‘ ■ W. DilAfCHON. Sept. lo, IS-VJ. P.AC'OX AND L.Mil). riLLI.\M INT^ I'.F, oilers for, ti.’) Lbs. prii ie 1>.\'1>.N. 10 I!b!s. Clear Mess FOlIK. I J Ilb'.s. Leaf LAUD. October *J'>. l«-")’d. :’.7-''iW S B V’'” received. IIH) ke-.s N \I LS, liildids. .'' ■J'l bb!". (iraiiiilaie! diit.i, I'.tl h.ii:> C.dTee, r>U piece.' biui'lec ilatijllnji, 7 idles tiiiniiy ('loth, ■1.') coils Hope, •; tons .’Swedes and I'iiielish Iron, ■">U ke;.:s ]iure an.l extra Wiiiie Lead, .'ill l)o\es Win.low (Hass, ■Jii liaj.‘s Dro]i ali'l llilck .''hot, •J-'> kc^'s FFF(J I' iw.ler. — VLS(t— Lo.if and Crushed .''Ujrar.', liar and Fancy S'laps, ALiekerel. ill barrels ami haifdi.irrels. Cheese. Spice. I’cpper, »iiii(rer. Snutf. iiidi;.: Spanish r>rv>wii. Salt^. Saltpetre, Saleratn.' Mace. I'loves, Veast I’uwders. Sperm C.'indles, .Xc.; with a jTi'iicral assortment of Dii\ litiiiD.'', lU)() 1S .\Nl> SHOLS, .VKH AND CF’J lddlV. We otter the above t’loodc. at low j.iiee;. fol’ Ca'ii r jrood jiaper. 1*- ''* ■ ."dcL.\l LI.N. Se]-t. l:), IS-’i'J. . Alan.ler, N iitme'.;s. J-.ti Want oi*' ajom:v! 3V\ ILL sell niy S/ .VMK/i' />'I.'S//>h.Vf'/.\ two iiiilf- from the M.irket. on the Fayettcvilie and '.Vcstri'i I’lank Koad—one of the nii.'st d\.Mr.i'>le ;iiid. healthy jilaces in the county. Also. Ill Shares of Fayette--ilk- and Western I’ I’.oail .“'tock, and dO .'■^hares of Fayetteville Hotel .'^tock. W ith the lar;.;i'.'t stock ot lle;;.ly-m.;de t_ .V II il I ,V( i I.s* and Fl'titilF-S ever (dVeiv.l i;’. tlii* place—over Worth—comiiletely linished. .Ml ot which 1 willse.l at \erv rediiccd j.rices or negotiable notes. .'•oj little :ittiiitioii lias beea p.-iid to the call made bv me after the lire of the 'Jd .Lin’y. on tli.ise iiidebte.l t.'i me to call .in.l settle, that 1 .ini in-iuce.l toufi’er the abiae jiropi'rty at reiliiced jirices to emible me to rebuiM m\ C.iiiia.iie L.^tablisliment a id e:.!itin’ie niy bu.'-ines.-^ ^.iIh coin eiiience. I >h;dl place notes in pri ]>er hands fur collection, il >>ot pai.l '..on. 1 have all niy accounts made out to the I.'t .laii’v iS.'.J. ' A. A. .McKLTH.’vN. M.ircfi J'.i, 1^-'»J. 77tr 11\LL iS: ^ ^(^NTINFF. to carry on tin- FtU’.NDllV I’l SINKSS. X y with all its branches, in this pl-ice. They h.c-e a.Idl'd, within the List six months, ■'jiKitii) worth ol I’at- t.'riis. isii'l ar- now prepared t.. I'nriiish .Millwrights «ith Machinecy. at short Iloiice, f..r W heat. Corn, (iri>t, ;i:id ,''aw .Mills. .''team Mills rejiaired tliroiishout. (•ur terais are cash on ile.ivery; 10 per ee’it. wid be ai.lded t'.ir evcrv liays an account may stan.l lUi'.aid. We cann.'t carry on this bu^inos on the credit stem, rcitli. r do we int- n.l do*n^ s.>. JIALl. k I'.OLLiNCFl’v. lo'c.'^t 1-''^. I'-.'.j. L''t: '^IlF. s'.d-'.riber has t.iken the .''land former'y oc(‘u-» pic.I by .*:.!ii'l .1. Hir.sdale. Southwest corner of' .Market .S-.|i!i;re •mil (iillespie street, where he h.*.s opeit-'- «. 1 his I'/.'i .''T'.t 1\ *>F ir.s friends .-iiid the public ar«‘ re!|ii sled t-> jrive him c;dl, he is deiermine'l to tell verv kav. S. S. Aiinv- (!-. t. '.I. IS'iJ. ;M-t(iii } lot r It hi.'-.s's J (r'irn! W (t!(r Whcclt ra\HFKF. are several hv.iidred. of these Wheels in opC'- Ji- ration in different eounties in North Caridiiia. For' proof ot't*;t'i!';.;re:i*;it::;.;es over the common ttilttei'' wheel, or any other wheels now in use for saw niills,- we confidently r. ter t > those who h.ave apjilied them toi* their ndl’s. We can retonunend them i'ai'ticul;:r!y fi*r' their snj'eriority in c:ises of a low lie.iil c’f or* back wHtei-. \ve still keep a Eiipjdy of WlieeLs. .suit.-ible for differ- ent he.-iils i.f water, at \\ i!nii’i.;, Newbern, Washin'J-- ton, F.dei^ton iind F.iyetleville. The 'trheels nia\’ also’ >ie had of li. .\. l^re'.ar.l, Lincoliiioi!, and Uriah Weils, Fetersbr.rir. \'.i. i’er."«.ns \vl.--ldii;.r to obt.-iin the ri^lit to ns'e tlie wheels,, will be served on ai»plic:itiou to D. McNeill ^ Co.»> F»vetic\ille. N. C. D. .McXKILL. A. A. McKKTHAN- D. .1. McAldSTKll. Fel.’y i’J. 1.'^!^ of tf rS’'!!!’. Steamer FANNV LUTf I THRLOil will hi fiiturr leave F.iyett.'ville on Tiies lay and Friday nioi iiiiifrs, at (i o’clock, ;ind W il- min^ton l\ ednesdays and Satuv.hi,\ s at CJ o’clock, ftn-i rtin regvih'.rly, carrying fici”iit .inJ ].-..-’.«eii"ers with despatch. T. .S, LI TTLi*. L^)ll. .lulv JJ. ^tf 'I'Jic Isrolher.'’' St( Conipan'if ^S prefiiired v, itii .''(eaiiii rs •• /h uth. r.^ and •• Doi/i/ii'x-f S a:.’i a coiii)'lem Tit of 'i'ow Jloats. to carry with dis-- jiatcli all Freights siiip]'e.l b\‘ them, lietweeii 1 ayette- ville and V> i’miii-toii. or to any i;iten:'.ediate landiii^s- on the I'liver. .'(ii!N i!.\NKS, ,\ij t. W :lminj:ton. D. W'. McLAUlllN. Ag’is. Fayetteville, i .'-'cpi. IS, IS-’-'J. 'JB-'lin A NKW INMvN'nOX. f H'^HF, nndersijjned has made an invention d a .Smut B .■Machine, which he will insure to be pt ri'i ct in the extraction of smut in wheat, aiul w i Owners that he is pnttinji up machines at I nioii i acto- torv. (Ill Dei'p lliver. eijiht miles North of .\.-dd oioii,:^li. .’\1 V machines are composed it thiee ilirtinct )irinci- pli'S, ceiiti ifni,ral, scow ei ilif!: and reiielioli. 11 take.' the wheat tiiroiieh three ojicratioiis in ^oinir throni:h the machine once. .\nv I'crsons br.yin_:i a machine, after tr\ina it. if it does not cii .iii w lu .'it. damp or dry. 1 will take it ba; k. I’riee Seveuly-tive Dollar-. .Ml letter.' lilressed to New Salem I’ost (Mbce. Ran dolph county. !’• 1’- l l‘i-l-M\N. Oct. 1-J. i'noJ. , N. C. ’. A. HARIUSON. Nov. I’ i, 1852. -I-Jtf Ktill ''oi'.linii. s to c;irry on the above business in all its brtiiiehv!-. He velurns thanks lor the liberal patroiia^re he has received, and hojies i«y a strict atten tion to ).usines.s, and a .lesire t.. jdease .all and {rivepen- «'ral s.itisf.ietion, to merit a i oiitiiiuaiice of the same. He warrants all his work to be made of the best ma terial and bv experienced workmen; and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair nsaj:e) eilherin work manship or material, he will repair it without cliarjre. I'ersons wisliiiifi to bti,v, would do well to c.ill and ex amine his work before i.nrciiasin}:, n.s it cannot be sur- j.assed for .«tvle, eleirance, and durabifrty. He is ile- termined to sell low for cash or on short time. Orders thaiikfullv received and promptly attended to. Iifc-,)'' UFI'AllU.NO neatly executed ut short notice and lowest )io».'^ible jiriees. Fayt'tleville, Feb. i, l.S.'i'J. (iltf i)\V KLLLMi iKHJSK FOR SALi:. rilHH Subscriber wishe.s to .sell lier DU'KLLINO £ llOl'.SK, with about 7 acres of L.and, on Hayinount, about lialf a mile west o{ Fayetteville. The House ia ‘i stories, ■with 4 larpe and 2 small rooni.s; with all con venient 1‘ersons desirous of pur?lui-sing, will please apply soon. IL I‘. L.\IN. Fayetteville, Nov. 1. l^'tf ('dJnnft Ft/rnihfrr, ('hairs., tVc. fE’^HK subscriber is receivinj!; the larj;est assortnient H. in his line ever before ]iurc!iased at the North, which, tixi-elher with his fiwii manufacture, makes his Stock very coinplete, consisting of ('Iwiir.-^, Tallies, Sofas, lJ(‘dstc:nls, W.i«li Stands, jJufcaus, liUiildtii: («lass‘s, Side 15(>;iids, Seen t.iries, tS:c. .\11 of wliich will lie .solil on the lowest terms foi Cash, or on short time to ]>unctnal customers. .]OHN W. ILArCFU. Oct. ;!(). 1851. oOtf .>0,000 or WaiiU d. H \\ ll.L pav d.l cts. per pmtiul cash for all clean cot- M ton and Unvji ll.\tlS. delivvvi d tn .1. 1>. W illiam>. in Fa.setlcvilU. 1 am nearly ready to j.nt in o].eration a I'ajier Mill in this neijrhborhood, and am desirous ol ^ettin^ mv r.i^s in this market. .M,v object is to pay as murii fi.r razs I can afford, and hope that I may not be forced to distant m.irkets for my 1 ha\i- ;irranj;ed with Mr. Williams to rrci'iM' ami pay fur all ra"s delivered to him. D.V\1D .Ml 1.1 IM. Fayetteville, Feb’y JJ. l.'^-'i’J. b.'^-tf Jusl )■('(■ ivcd, per Stcar.u r Iut>i/i>f, Kerseys. .leans an-1 lllankets, Baskets and 1 iib.*i. assorted, Itowlaiid's Mill-.‘''aw s. .-\iivils, liellow.v and \ ises, 7-'i Kejis Nails, (Hass, S X lo and 10 x 1-, White Lead, ].,inseed ()il. IILNHOW, KVI.E .'i: (’(). Sejd. -J7, l!^r,-J. '-Tftf SMALL X'SU ’VWAr. A nd /it /;nH (lint that u'iU iirr>/ a Jt'h'f! y to inform .Mill f MH F sub;^criber has now on liaiid. and wii: sell cheap lor eash. his larvie :i!id weil ass.irted StneU i;l vin- file and double barrel SHO )' OFNS, oi' the bi ..^t make, ati'l latent p.'ittcri:''. .M^’o, ( idt I'atciit liejicatinp: 1 is- tois. and .\;lcii‘s Kevo’ve.-s; Shot I’oiichcs: (J.iiiio ilajts; I’owder Fiasks; I’ercussion Ca] s; ^c.. iXe. iliili'S of Jill kinds conslaiitl,v on h:ind. and niannfac- tiiicd to oii’.cr, and warranted to shoot Ironi H'O to -..'K) var Is. I’crsons w ishinfr to purchase any of the al ove-nained articles. V'.'iU .b» wcii to j^yv** UH' a Vrial. and*,'. niay be sure to iin-I the ;.:re;itest I’ar-ains ever olTcred iii this tow n. I!f p.-iii iii;; of every thin" in the p'in-s:nitli liiii! w ill be done at slioil notice, in the best ti'.atmer. and for a small . M- -V- l-AlxKH. f'ijrn of the W ooilcn (inn. Hay Street, opposite the .Marble V.irl, Fayetteville. N. .\ucvist li). IS.»J. 1 I-It ;;iv ILL leave Fayi tt.-vioc ev; ry W. .liies lay :ind Sa turday. at 7 oM.ick, A. M’.. and r.rrive in W il- miiuvton at 7 I'i’clock i’. M. An I will leay V.^tort evcrv Monday atal Tlitii'> laV. at I’J o chjci., -d., ai’.d ri\o in Fa\etteviile iiex' April J'’., I'S-'. J'l. .M. OllllELL, A'rcnt. .'^.■)-lf Xl'AV AX!) C11I:AI‘ (iOODS. g .\M now receiving my usual a.'j^oi'fment of FAI.L S (lOODS, all of whieh has le en purchased lor ( ash, bv the packa;:e, wliich will enable me to sell at uncom- nienlv low jJi'ices. lii addition to mv usual stock, I h.-ive a lat'fre lot o: Ite.idy'-madc Ch.thin.;:. w iiich can be .smd at \ei V low prices. . . , , Coiniirv merchants and others are invited toexam me the al,ovJ stock, as it is Mie of the lar-est ever ollered in this .^tate. Sept. ;;o, tt^.-i-j. .JA.MLS KVLi;. ;’,ltf THC ('i:Li:iiRATCH HICK [’ATIAT COOKINC STOVF., >r mivaiactMl. PKKSON'S wiio liiive unAile contracts with .1. F. Jor dan ii C’o. for furnishinj; K.\CLS, are liereby in formed, that we will |)uy cents per lb. on all Cotton Kairs. Hope and UagpinSii.‘Uvered to us after this date. 11. IjKANSuN & SON. March 11-1852. T^tf .M:W FI113!. /H'MIF. Subscribers have f..rmod a copartnership un- S. der liie name nnd Myl-J of A: 11085 .\nd may be found at tl:e foot of Hay .Mount, in the ii.mse fiirnurlv occupied by Hall iV .lohiisoii. 'I'liev have received tiieir FALL .VND AN INTER ;OODS, eonsistiii't iu part of Staple I>ry Good.';, llaidwaro and Cutlery, IJout.s iSc Shoes, Sole f^cathcr, IJngging, Uope, Twine, &c. Also, :v general assortuieut of (Groceries, ineludiii" a tlioice belection of Litiuors. as for sale by tlie Siibserili>er in llalei^rh and Fayette- xille; in Haleigh at iVrs Shop on Fayette\ille Street, and in i-’ayetteville at Mr. A. M. CampbeU’s. 'I’he Suii!?enber hereby forewari;s all jitrsons trom pnrchasin}' any of these Stoves from any per.son either in or out of North Carolina, except from himselt or his i. a ^i--. prosecute any person infi injiinp his right, eitlier by pur-- , Lo. al 1 actory pnees. W e ^tke lu e^c « ehasinp. .‘eriuif, or-sing, any except those obtamed j gooils, eouutvy Induce of am k.nd. ^ from luuisell. JOSCl’U W’OLTEKINO. 1 'i'* ;Ulci£b.A5vlll?,12:i. tSVS ^ Oct-4,1850, A C\\i\). fH^Hl-^ return of low w.'iter renders it necessarj- that? S. the Steamer Chatham siioiilii be eniidoyed as ti tow boat. She will not run as herelofove. «n any fe‘'ni;.r days, iinlil fuithcr notice. .iNO. I). V,1 LLl.VMS, A^’t (Jape Fear S. F>. C’o. May IJ. IN'-’- -'O'v' Ki:i>rci*:!) fark. Til roll,irli I’ickct.'^ bctwcei^ Wi!min;rton, N. find Haiti' more, l are-'i'l^. \ i.i W eldon, I'etersbnr;;, Uiehnion !, \Wash- iii”^ton City, orvia W'chlon, Ports-' month «nd Norfolk. For Tickets aj.ply at tlie Office .—^?i'-i ■ the Wilminjiton and llaleigh' p^jj-,1 Uoa.l Company atWilminjr- ton, or at the Office of the Baltimore Steatii Packet (.'onipanv. and of the Baltimore and Ohio Hail llouii Company, Vratt Sttreet, Ualtiiuore. .Tan. 1. lPr.2. WAx rKi) ro Fl KciiAsi:. rOKDSl’lNE WOOD, to he delivered orJ Oj IP QP i«y Wharf during the L0». .Jnly 22, lS-,2. lii^civcifon 4 ND for sole chepp, ^ ^vlLLlAM.>, S8tf Maj 4, 1852-

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