Tn—im -[gii Ti I mm mi mm i! i ■ S E M 1-W FiEKli Y JV!Vr. VX-M:3C RttKStBaBf \()L. n.] FAYI:TTKVIIJ.E, X. C., DKCKMnKU 2, 185*2. [NO. 118.] K^aaiiiirpi'iw niii jgjgj?w;iaar»*i'we.»^ DOlXil'AS Virginia and .\orfli C'aroSisia l''rci •• /it ^ l^iirk'd^t', nnii l*(frrrl K.r/>rrss.' priijirietors t ike itli'iisuro in .■unutiuu'iii'; to tin* B iiH’i'cliJiiit.s :iii(l [rciu imI!y nl l':i_v.-tt'\ilU\ : licit tlu‘\ li;ivo estalilislii'il au AjToucv at tliis jihifc, tu , attiMul 111 tlie recoi])t, lclivi“ry. ami Inrwanliiijr of evorv 'U'scrijitiuu of t>i and t'rxni Nvw Volk, via I ilniin;fti(ii, Vi t l luti. ainl Niir!\i':i, i'vi m- \\\-|iu sila_v : j ami Satnrilav, in rliar^rt’ ot s|ii‘ci;i) ni'S'i-ii^«‘i's, amt at Midi liiw i'atfs MS will jrivi‘ satisCartiun to all wlui j at- . I inizo tliis I'.xpross. ’I lie lillinjr i>f «ir,K-i‘s, lariro or it' ('ai l tliirinc tlic yoar of siil),-orii.- | sinall, in Now York, r.oston amt riiihnii-ljihiii. tlu' c«)l- ' li'i'tion of notvs. ilrafts, l>ilis. \i\, tlic tiaii^iiiis.-iion >f (Jolti. Silver, Of Kxilianjri-s, v.i’l meet willi i-vi'ry attcii- ti'in; aiiil we wonlil ro^jn-ctlullv solicit of tlie l'a\t'tto- vilK* iiicri-hants the carrvinjr of tlieir oiiU'is of liotivv froi'^lits or packa^^fs from New York, as tiy this route they tnay oUtain tlu*ir nierrl\an>li/.e in Itss time l.y 4 to 7 ^ia^^ than !iy any other line. \V. r>. I’AIU^KN \ fO, rro>iiiA't-rs. l>,;iMKl> BY J H. NHWHV. r,i)’A \ui) J. ii.VLi; & sox, 1; U'l'llS AND IMUirUir.TuUS. • • •'li-Weekly (>iisi:n\ i:i: { ()t> if jiaid in , >if I'ai'l ilurinj; the ^ oar of snliscrip- ; •■• V the year Im.s CTcj ireil. i)!;^Ku\ KU S- >(» |n'r annum, if paiil in : ii' rtftt r the year lias cxiiired. 11 ^i; M MN’I'S inserteil for sixty eents pi-r ;■ lines t'-"' the tirst. un>l thirty oents for vaeU , liion. Yearly ail\erti-enn‘nts hy sj>e- at reasonable rates, A'Iverti>ers are V. ^tate the iiuinher of insertions tU-yirevi. or titinnO'l till forhid. nnil charjre-l :iceor>l- I.etters to the Kditor? he fiost-paiil. / SitjH'i'ior ('otn l of Lmr. 1 \1, rrilM of ('ninber^inil Snjierior ('ouit ^ i r tiial of t'ivil i-aiisi-s, wiil he heM 'I :i lay in l\'hrnary lS-'>’_’. Snitois an.I : notified thereof, ami will j;o\ern 'iili'.lv. 1). (I. MA’ KAK. *'lork. ■ ' ■ ' lTe..w t' ■JOo, l!roaih\ay, N. Y A:::N MesMs. STAUK \ I’KAllt K. Ka> e! te\ille. N (V .l\'0, M TT. i'si|.. \\ iliiiinL:ton. N. I’. T. W. cut IV, Kl.L. Ksj. N..rfo!k, Va. \V( M )l)t'( K'K. l!s|. l\ithnK'mI. \ a; II. F. iMcrslair-, \ a. Novcinhi-r’J4, 1S'"J. I'ltf ni*. T. I). II A 11^ II, \S taken au (Hlieeou Hay Street, West of the Hotel I’nihlinjis. .tuly I t, 18‘>1. 4-tf JOHN 1). W ILLIAMS, 'om»nisNit)n atnl i'ot'trartfinfi «9terrhttNf^ Fayetteville, W. C. I'eh. -J. iH'i-J. HOOK THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Aaderson Street. Sejit. iSoL’. L’ tlni H. M. F!1!1\VAR[)!M; (’!!M-1!SSI(!.\ ^!I;|{( I!.\M ,\T B'';»yrMfviS3*, .X. miu\]\ 1. laivi'R, FOIlWAHDlNd AM) ('()MMISSION’ .MKrvClIANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. imSoN.^L iiltention jiivi-n to the sale or shipment of Naval StoicM. I have .im’ile facilities for coh- (Ineliiijr the; laijrewhai f and store .sheds to keep sjiirits from exposnre. Naval '-tores will he shippei! to a!iy house in New York, or to ..thcr iiiarktt" if advisahle. an>l liheial eash advaiici s on eoH'i';!i- .Mireh lU. l^^l. t,J-tf meiits. 1 refer to t!ie fi'Howin;' di'ti’Ii i;. Il.'iiiiiiiin. :iyne ( ouiity, ('handier Hall, .loluiston ( o., l.ovott 1‘eaeovk, Col'aiatiss (’>., r., II. l!:i;'Ion, TUos. L. Vail. Idaden .Messrs. Smith, v Intrrani. .John Mf'^srs. /. \ .1, .lones, M s'ls. ."^iiiith .Itnies, Spi’i:c' i- roniit.iin, 1 I.evi |!;iili’\, l!si[., Mav --‘O. IS.'C’. v.w on iho l:’th. .-i I'eeenilier. AT liL \C’KSM! !'ll 'I'OOLS. iMlT!l.''' ri'.I.l.f i'\ S. I'ri.'ii ’J4 to 'V' im-hi's. StovUs !ln^l I'ivs to vmu ;'.i»y si/e. i-iijht nr K (‘t. Screw I’iati s, for U hite or l^laek Smitii.s. I!n;i’ish jKitt-rns. 11.111 1 and S!edc:e Il.imni'-r-^ S TAIil! WIM.I VMS. wiini.KSAi.r. r-r.ALKi’s in ifoiin'stir tPrtf tiootfs^ Bi \v ^T!fa:i:T, Fayetteville, N. C. .1. It. ^T.VIU!.] [.I. .\pril li', iH'i'J. WH.MAMS S' .\nv i \t>V(.od’s fioiii Ml t" 1 7 I’-'i !1. L. ■ ilk k of ;ooi)s^. tY. r*‘’l in t!ii> !ii:n*kot.' *!v ev» It H - r\ , (»rixM'i it's. Unrtiw ari' ;u)( t’:», I'j[iii'.i, U>jn\ Iron. S:\lt, V. ( ;iml .Mohissc'i. Mouse-h. !e t'>n Atw I s. ■ I’arailel Vlee'. Ameri/an patterii'. \ ii-es, a'd wi i^'lits. ii;.nd and 1 >m h. leriis. I i’.; ^ and I’, isp'. (,'f every si.'e f.iid •’t >• ripti 'n. K'T s:.!e l.v ( >s; .l>!!NS(1N. Nov. Jl. is.'iii.’ 4'. ’.w i'.i!h pat- Attorncy at L?.v.’’j Wilmington, N. C. 1'!• I• ■ r, on e.u iit r .1 I'r-nt and I’rinccss .'ti-eets. 0:]-ypd I- reeeivin^ our FA I,I, and \V1.NT1!U !>I>S, I ovisistin;z of ;i lai ;ze stoi-k of IiK liidiir.; 'i'ln peiitire 'I'ool^; I>.;iid, li!'0|,. round, an-1 si.n.irr 'run >f all lU-sci iptioii. •. ;orni;;li, .\mer;caii, I'^nirlis 1 ami l :..-;t .'•'tee!. 1|!>!!(5\v :uu1 N\ (Xl'l'Mi W arc; IJools t'.nd Sh(M >; S-il(!U s. and ! .cai her; and Sirsii'f ih v V. il!‘. (lur I'.snr'l sloe!: »t cr^ :: fci :: [zci !c LAM) VOII sam:. ^BTIIH Kuhseriher olTers f«r .sale Kmhi ares of fine I. 'rurpeiitiiie .iiid Timber LAN1>, in Itohcson i-oitu- jy. ahoiit four )!ii!es North J’ast of l.,iiiidterfon. .Ni arly the whole tract is Iieavily limi.ered, inid there are sev- -ral hcautiriil .situations for ii residence. Hut a small portion has hecn eleareti. It lies as hijih and healtl.y as any land in this rejriou of country. Also, six uiiimjirijved Lots in tin- town of i.umherton. I'erMi'iis wi.sliin,!^ to purchat-e will make a]>plic:ition to Itolicrt 1’. Tri>y, in l.nmhertou. or to ihe suosciiher in |ier>oii, 1 li niilet! from the vill.ijre, on the liarl.ies- ville Uoacl. J(»HN A. laiWI.ANK. Sent. ] l.'s.'i'J. I’titr W A.\'l'i:i), UAUKKLS OK Tl lM'r.NTlNF.. ■'S'* V • * S'* P T I fir Pistillery at thel’Iank Itoad lliidjie on Id;r llockfish. The liest m.irki t price will l.e p.ii'i. Fi.r fiirtlo.'r information. iiMjiiiri-of .lohn \V. .Mur phy, at the riiiil),e, ur of A. .Mci\eili;in. F.iyetteville. i)ec. IS, ' r.ttf ilEMOWi. “ SA.MM. .1. iliNSDALi:, St;: the llo ciisKuiiei’s ami I fjoin his (»ld ciiil:i'.iv known :.s 1>. uniler .li'iui. •. IL’. Ihce. 4S tf (in: 111 1!\ i’,\.\lvS, \\l) i’iMiU.\nlAT. .'.lid do well t. Sept. 1^. ■all 1 v.r .M tl:is ;ilir '’■•i-lv. .V T. \S \!»!ill.l.. i \ ;•■■ »■ coll vemerre -;.V* .;ii 1 I'l • 'it : II i:mic'.‘ of the .■!s-i;:'am that no 111' rit it. Hr-,-.;-, \ie l- . l-:.n;.t Me l- I’llM V. Tooth llu new. purch-i'. l tli’.s .''iim- 'n>i-■ fr ".ii >l.r. to da. II. r.K\\S>iN. ■ No ru’i: js ni'JM'.iiv [Til VT application v.iii he n:ad»‘ to -'.i-n i.t till- ll.! .\.-s--i;.’.!y ..1 t' r an A-t ot Ii:c4n p"iatii n t.’r Ashv's T'.-.d 1- ! ! H- !trat!?"H. I i.ike iiiihudiale No. -JI". S. I t reck. t’ond'- N .V. 17, 1> • t iii-l Temp f-vlil'.t’ • ratio N. ( T VI S5‘>- I ill: I I l?LH\ • ll. i'. St t ii. c"'. at the Stand kn. . 1. ve keep. Fo!; IIII.!!, ■.uhs.-rit.; B. maunt-.kC*'U' t'lr.'d T H-! o. Miv :‘.l. {> 1 I.' rs the n. : I’r. Mr.l'llT 47 tf ' S'’111. undei n. Till'i'ec.ti t.. I': ;;aU. wi.itf oak. 1 wc’i! t.. ; r tl . ■ ■•.rncl c..ntinu>' . 1! \i:i;Ki.s. 1 le 11 (.IN i:.\, t!:.' presct;t Se. ' Ol til aKilill: I'fvek lliv;>i,i..i 'id near .\s’.\^ ati 1 s -ll. .t' m.iiin . I Tl i:\ V- tf i-tiir*' ll ii.itid _iiaue • ii>-1 r.: e. -r; .|- all ept. V/iiiuiujton, W. C. ILL at ten I t.i tl.e > I’e . r ] u;. h:' .■i:..j wiil • . him. 1 ■ ■ '• of I'roducc eoi.'irniii'-nt- V «) A c.“) ;t Tin'... . !:h,nke-' ail.! T"i: l ir 1 C;!r; . ' 'N. t'li-. e f:... !■ a . d. a nil i-lid- ; ! -i: ' an 1. I’.i. : . ncv . L'-. T;.’.:.' 1 lit. It- 'IIM' A. I- line fS .Tl g ^ 1 A.'-!) FORWARDINa MERCHANT, •_’‘l (‘rat. I’irectly t:. •J-, p,i. Hi, ’ •JM f -> - I ' :2n H: -.1 i.ivc ■ 6> '>|f • J.; ■ I'd I\. ! ^i. i:„,., -....l c ii'ii'ete. ll... l.f nii-nt lie-i t F.- Ti .nipt ]o-i nil.I ( .1 h. . th.'r p .I t-; 1-J. I '-s m.-ide o :!d ill th..' ;;ven ti I' arkct. all .n-ii'.:!!- e t. Lc s! ti 1 V r- \ I • w n.- it ..nv ;|M- .1 l;n l.l zl. 1 ■ !:uv !’.! J.: I'MK - r.i rv> ■' ear- !i the 1! a \ ill . !,-.l Api-.y t\ ■ ir’'i't il..u-c. i:ii- k K 1 I. in a p;c;;s i:;; ('. n h.^' ll. a'..l ^ h i e t.) .L.'mu H t'.'.'k and SAiiAii A. i.flt::. 47- 't V V"vf ^ al.'.' r> ■ iin 1. r 1 a-t W. U IH-f av. :.e S’ .1. W.' Ja \ _ ■J". ■f Ins N lew s whi.-h ,11 ah!y .•rvices. ^! j: ou M; I‘V.! I LINC IIOFSF, .11 Ilay- .i.-. u!.ii‘i| I'v Mr. Isiac ILi'.v^ey — .^i,n;s. I'lo-'. s-;. II ;riven 1st ;ko. s. hoik;i s. ■:7 "t '\ !:!;s'i'i:irs ui'i:. — . 1i-...k of -'xty three d u;Me • int!i';.di'.r ••lull .h-f li s ;! IT of Fall I’l i l.ster. late ' ■ t. t;.' '^u -in J a > i i't oiiFiiie • :■ ii F.i^l 1 ■ -1 ;.tati\i . S* li.i- ' • - u’li iry ' ■! I “ ■ 'In'. is :.n iriJi r stin;.r honk. , •• • ■;;; I pr. ^••r^ 1-. It is ai \;r \\ . : :-ter'.'3 i'ii^';i. . t read. f c: ; . and the h . k -i !.t free ..f ‘ 1- .• ill p-!-i!'t «'.f«ty and e:.f- r' !; i.r !'1 ■- ad.lrc'x d t"'o ,. N t .. widnieet with pr« \iipt IX I'nil ,> riNF I.ANH, with a .o.l dwel- . . .Iie 'tid . lit huildin};s on it. A ^o.o.J - til.. h..iis.-. There are ahout IM.IMKI - cut. and a 'jood ot Tiniher o:i the I ..II‘s I'reek. 1-1 miles Ir-.m ' .• L.i't side of I'ape Fear Kiver. .\p- i'. !• >.n the premises, or to N. K. Mo- _ . I- .inv inf' rmati.iii rC'^j.ectinvr it. \V.\I. .). I'ilAIMtlS. ■. 47t:;il» \r.\\ sroc'K. i' rs are reccivin-' their Fa!! pun.dia- \\ LL p. V- \ \ {' ^ wU ar Iv.r.v .\|;, h in itil N , c.ituit. are th' d.^ot r:ii St; lu'- me ^ re.p:i!-i ' n;.' cariii..t I c --'i' Ol' • iud -'it i t- m -. ;y rc |Ucst. ■ I- f t-. I;. , 1.;, If ! a u . ■,' a:, 1 I hay:: !. V ■i'■«. rtm.-nf ."Irul Fr;iit • rape v M'iit to ai I’.i'i.herr; I’hin;- >;c .\!! ..rd l»I. W'i's. •ad\ )• r .h-Viv r\ a I i rc.':; lo.u a le I ii-. r ■ d I ;r:ia!iii't.t.- I 'i r> W h ll e:: 11 t"‘ p.i k f the c ointr • with per the l>e-t tiiiu- tl -ct oil' >. .'^traw h'l r."liii’c \ ii.e 1 va''V ill tlic S'.iith.T'.i S'at:-s. ;s .vil! !■ •.-five at'i-.^'i. ( . LFT : F!.1.''!1 havin-.r en".'i"".i iilants are re II \N. 1 '.tf 1 in pirt •t valet'. rec'. ! i-. l\ I’d tin 111. N .\emher !l’. 1. I!o .. :.n St. li'vte i to se l:.t;' v> ii.KLNso.N vV i.sli:k, liF.ALFi:S IN r ' . /V ■ /'■, A ■'>, diii' AM) lMl‘i>llfLU> >F r W Hi )Lh> A I,:: .\.\!> ItKT.MI.. Plarket St.. Wilmington, N. C. Au.-. 7, l>."d. Htf M Vl.Ll'/r r V.V I’ATLMll.U, tr(frrrs futif ^'nn)tns:iio}t tfSrr- r/tfjijfs, I'{.■> KLW YORK. x; vi.!.;.i'T.] [•'■ i‘-\' lmii.::. Ae-a^t I-;. 1^'i'J. T. C. WORTH, ('(!Vii(ssi'\ \Mi !'(!!;\\ ^irni'ii\.\T. W !!.MLN(.'I'ON, N. i'. F.h. 1. vr- •■■"tf A. .1. vV .1. \\ .)om:s. General Agents k Commission IVIorchantS; V* i * ^r-.' Vavtic liar atS i.ti.i'i '^ivn to the :-,de of Ti'.i- her. l.nmhcr. aii l \a\al St. i,s. Lil.eral cash advaiicc- on ; ■n.^'.iriiiiioiits. N. '. .ind r. r- ..r. 1 a;_'nii a ( !i| I'n nch Fr:'.!'.i!v. '.N. a!. ! tio.\.’> .'' liitttcr. ai. i I'icnic t.'ikcr .\n a-^'.'rri.ii lit i t Fc.i'ly-nia'le 'h thin;^. list received ai.'i ! r .-■;Ie i'V S. \V. 'I ;!.!.!N'lH ’-.- T ,'i; cn. .!. I'-'iJ, "’.tf the ple.isure of ii..'i.rniin;r li' th.' I'ii'.ilic. that he has nniovi I t'l the next eorn'.r ah.jvr, (c in.ik.' •.•.iriier.’'I vi;•■,'■ li't. 1 Uji hi.; .^*ort‘ with .;iii.i' tiii,ir ''•'.siiic;-s. I 'lth wh. li •e.'t a.i\aniau-,, he .-oli. its a . Iviii.l favor lie has eiijoye I. with t!.i cl'iiit on his p.lit s!i;ill lie w.intiii’,! t> I!'-> '■'t.ick c. niprisi's a full :i." .r(ii;. n In'. ii'.iC Ilf I ,.>iiie; s. all of iho U\ -• .|ua;ii icines. I'hemicals, I'aints. t)i’s. live St-i' i-ii i’crfi mery,choiceTea>. Sied. and ll;.ir Fti .'^h .‘'o;.p:-. l’ot:i‘ !i. .Vc. 'I'hc nlnii 't c.irc jiiveii to the l.rep;il .t‘.l,;l of I’hysi- e':;;i.s' i’i c'. i i,,ti.)ns .ind I’ainily ilecijK >. .(illy I'J. iM-'.-J. ' ' I'tf Fiini l\!! )L\! HlOiiS. tfSr I I Av; .(' ST iniciiiVFii a ! nMrii r::: rn k 5naiEt! I.iiihracil cr a'llli' evi-rv arti.'le ;if tiie \ KLLilV. l;t lijdNC. State I’aiik au'l onr ;.h.,vo lesoie ^treet. ami woiiM he nit: \1 ll:- si"!i of !lif l:ir-' H5S n vs jii Will ch. Hay Mrt‘d. r('cciv('( ! his (i()( )!'S. MONC. a'd xin.’s \■c^t Cli;iii,>; :_1 t'h.iins :iii.! K l it.:;.'. :tine F’.tf T I-: vv.iiihl S:i\ t'l oiir 'oontry It iei.'ls. i* >n:d hen they i-..i:i'- ill with 1 othi'r ;>ioiluei‘. to . :i!l ai. 1 'ct:;". aii l to then>r-elv '. J. .v r. w \iiiiLi.. their «'ott'.n ohlifre us and p> rhap - Nov s. IS.'.:.’. A -mall •Jtf of MF.SS I’uItK. 1 •ii .S' ttmf Sldtiaitvry. I ■ . a .'peat varietv of .''(’llOOl, I’OtlKS, ^ ll THLoLotar \L. MFl'K AL. LAW, I.. i.l.i;it.\l‘HH ,\L aiil \ilS LLL.VM-;- -li'r 1 to this .''t.ite. The mo't ele;;anl %\i> S']£%VMi p!:iee. . Writitf,' P;ipi“r, P«n :»inl l’.*tkct Ink ■ 'I •r articles iisiiallv kcjjt in n F.ookstore. K.‘ HAI.K SON. ; J •.-> .('[l()OI., !{ALlOKill. • T. na 111 this School will coiniiicticc on tlif LOOK A'r I'llis. VSMAI.L TIIAf'l' OF LANI» Foil S U.F. c .nt iin- injr 7'>" uer(s. more or le;s, Iviiei li ii.iies heiov. Liimherton, tliiee miles fr 'iii Luinhcr Kiver. a vei_\ he.-ilthy phi.'e, - 1 huiMi-i--. atel ■•v.-ry thur' ne rv f..r I’l.-intation hiisinos. It i Turpi'iitine, hrin^rs l;ne ( ..rn and ^en'-rally plant.'I beiton .)osi:i'ii .1. LiPPi'n'. four II* S'ii vvv u i’i* 3 jiil Ilf, A.\:> in H.'.LLS laiLldNC. \V.\'!i;il S'MtF.FT, V/ILMINGTON, N. C. I’ronipt attention ;:i'.e!i to the purcha-e ;’U.l sile of I’ return- n m! i i d w itii ni f r to F,. 1’. ILiil. l's.( of the : .\1 "i .'. '■ f- • let. F;iii, iS-i-!. _ :it.-l’. I’re.' t of the ImMIicIi Ivatik liaf'li .V Si.n. F,IV ettev ille. ■:;}-:;ni H. .\pply tor inf.irmati. n. \S . I HAUl'V (dl tiio'tiirr'l !■ r s. ai.'l ali> thiiijT i;:irii! ;it Lum- s'r.\iii;rc’K, Tro^/^ tVnr ir.oN i'(>rNr.i:n ani> .^!.v('lll^’lsT, M,iiiiif'tinir r i/ Shdiii Milhniul llmlnn^ M n>* /(I r. GiLVnR A^TD PLATED WARE, AND ' MILITARY GOODS. i his a.-^.rtmeiit m.iy he fov.n.l \V;itel;e of ’s. lv> 111 to •'^l'J‘>; '^old I'oh, (iuard !iud j ■_eM .''lals .iii l Kevs; .-ilvvr Foh au.l tiuar.l | I.r. as: j'iiis,;;s aiel Fin^er- .■k ■: t iitl-pin-;: Hr.icelets. jrold ami rh’m’'l'‘s :in'l 1’emils: fro'. l Lockets: Colt's and .Ml.’u's '{.-v'il v er-; (’hemen; .\>;eor.leoiis; vil-.. I- ,p r II'; silver Ciip";, .Xc.; .Military Co.ids of .a'l Kinds; a tii.e p.I ot l''. .ii.'l alnii.'t ev cry thin;.: .die.I . t..r i;. hi' ul.i. h wiil lie '..M che:ip tor ( ;isli. or on ; 'h..It time t.i t!io;-e tl-it! p.ay their hills when pr> 'enie I. J:- • Watches an.I .le-.velry rep,lire.I as iisual. ol.l 'I .Id ;iiid .ilver taken in ex. Ii:ai;re. - .\il those )!..iehtcl hy Note or T.eol; ac.;ouiit. must pav hv th - 1st of ,N.i\cniher. F;.yettevi’h-. n.-t. I. Is.'.J. :’l-tf 1 hlli iV lilHlltN. II!'. .'..ll - ■! ihers .ire now rcc. iv in;z fr.'tu New York. S. ;> lar;ie j;*'lu‘r:.l ii'S.ii'f.iic;il ..1 Si'ijiU' (in^l Unj CiUX'KItlKS. !i Al’i!>\VA!;M, 11.its iiii.l ('iip', ]> luts .'^hii'. s. .\iii.iii;; which .tre: ('..tree. S-i;_Mr. t'ott'.n Fa!.;;in^'. N.ii!', W in.iov. (:!as. Swede,; ;ind Fii:: Sai-; and .\lnni S-iIt. Imperi;il .mi.I I’d l’ep]ier. .\lspice. tiitiirer. I’owder. liar Le Bar aiiil Fane;, .''.u p. To..:i'ilo r V. i;h a ;ri e;it variet v of ;;r:iclcs. to whicii they in\it ' thi .it: iitii.n ol the puUlie. ;in.l vvhi. h tIm'v art' .*let(*rniine'l t'l .s(‘ll as h>w tor ;ish. or on time t.i th.ise v.lio jiay promptly, as any honse in the South ern country. I’r..diice of all kiii.l";. :it the liiL'h, i;iken in exidiaiejc lor I.-;. ■.I'-ual’i.v k.i pt ii. that line. :i r.-v. .io.iis ah'.-.e the M. . .!( '.'Mp’t, on (ril- >■1 to e'.tiioit any ';.: ill llieir line to thi s'_- «lio i i.iy f.ivi r tin m witli a call. — .\LSO— n.ii.I;*, Cutlery, ('nH-kery. j \V(.c(l- \V;ire, LiijUnrs, Hunts :iiiil .'^lii.i's. ll:.tsainl Cii}*.-^, :iii.l a oii'hI assortnuiit nt’ ihy llooi!.-. To the ali.ive Stock wc v.oui.l r« spcctliiily invifo the attetiti.'ii of the piihlie. t'j; (’oiintry I’roJuce t:iken in exch.ainze for (Jooils. I F;r. etteville. Sept. 1, 1 ll-tf FACl'OllY. 1^,- I AM reeeivitifi ii much Iiirjrer .STOCK OF G00t>^_ thnu ^^^vl^ll. eoiisistiug of u complete nssortroe'nt ot !)ry (Joods, Ciroccrios, Hiirdwarc and C*utl‘rv, —.\monir v.hiih may he foiiiid— La.lies' fir.e Jiress (loods. r>oiineiS, and an tissnrt- ment of l)re.->s and Honiut Triniininj;!;, of the latest styles. —ALSO— Jld/.i, ( Hoota (HkI Shi)r,i^ N'epro l>!;ink»‘tj and koi'.'i ys, Hagjrin*: an.l Hope, with a larjre supply uf II LAUY-.\iAl)K CLoTlUNG. .Ml of the .(l).ive h.ave lieen recently purcliu.scd, u'.id will he sold lij'.v .it wholesiile or retail. w. F. .woolu;. Last Corner .Market S.iuare. Sept. t‘i. 2>:if J.AW Rl'NClf^ TKOY ILive receive.1 their Fall St. of Groceries, Provisions, ?.nd LiquGr.*;. —ALSO— A small lot ot !it“ad\-i.iatU' (.'lollnii'j. Crockery and (Glassware, Uoots utid .'Slj(j(.-s, 1 laidiv,ai'c and C’!!!l( rv. V.;- h.ive oil haicl ti.e follou'.r;,' r. Slot’i:ill Fio, I ;i"uira. m'i-I 'daiiicai’oo ('..ti'. .-; I’, rto I;,c. ;ind Cal;;i .■i!i^ar: Loaf, Cinslicd and ( olice .iltto: .V.iaman- tiiic an.i l.illow (',i:i iie.s; Fi.ii.' V ;in.i ci.ntlnon i^^ir .''^onp; l ea rl .iii'i 'orn ta r-ii: i’epper. .'^picc. I >i.""! r. o ■ niej. ; I lovis. i iniiainoii. T(a. ."ait. I. l.. .'l las s, v\c.; Sole, Ippiri-.ii l l!;une" i.eath**-. I’i’i iSl(iX.: .''.less liet'i. and siiii'ki'd ;in.i *]i^i( I ii:11. ; i’*■■ I* ncjues, anl “IiaiLT.I.' aoii ; No. *11 lilils.; -'■I. 1 .lit'., i:; kit‘-t .•''lin nil ;m:1 I’icK'le.i ilerrilo^. ill l.h.s.; Lard, in hhls.. .’.ud kitts; (,i./s!ien an ! l)airy Luttir: hecse, i’i- l iv.'. i'r-'i rve i.h*r>i:."’t Fine Frcn.;)’. r.r.iniiy; Conn.ion liomoPti’- di'.o; Ol.l i’ve V. h;.::key: ii'. cti!'e.l 'iitlo; cie;ir '.vliito ditf..; Coenfry ditto; Ni">. i^in'.rian.i liuiii; }!.,lia'id tiin; l’..rt .au-i Ti-nc- ril;'-.‘ in.'; C(,;,n:!o:i .'d;;I:.";i fii^to. \'i e have a lar^e lot i f Lii.ii'ir.^ wliich we oiror I'.v^ >y the iiarrel. We kee;> .in lian.l. always, ]>;ic''ii. Flour, C.irn, i^e. V> e oficr anv of the above name l (too.Is a.- low >i3^ can he ail n'.hal in thi-; market, for Ci'.sli, f-r in c;:c'haiijro for Ci.untrv I’ro.iuce, or on lime t.i punctual cusioiners, l.AWKL.Nt E ii THuY, Sc).t. 1-",. ]S.V_’. o.'.tf L I.o riilNC;! CLOTHLNul ('nH nml I .ii’iDiiif 1)1 f'liri- j/oa hmf t'/stuh. rr! f E T H i’i nii.lersi^n'd has just -5, his .-^f ck . hi^ 'eiiO'f C'ioths. Cassiincres aiivl Ct.nsistinj: of h'.ack. lir.iv;ii, ;rreen and Llue Clotlis, ol various .lUalities; fancy and (.h;in .'^ilk. Satin, Velvet and Cassiiiiere Vesiiiius. of the liiost fashionable colors, .\lso. l)oc-s!;in ;iml fancy Ca.ssiineres, of the niott fash-- ion.'ihle selections. A select assortment of '51-'.\ DV-^F.i !,>E CLOTIT- INi. e.insisting of Overcoats, Over-sack.s, close-bodiei> .“^ack and Frock Co.-iis, of vai'ious styles; fancy ani.l j.Iaiii silk !in.| .'.is.«imere Vests, of superior cut aiul w ork:.iaushi]>. an.I of the most fashionable colors. l’‘rboiis vvishinf: to purdiase any of the above articles, •■vould do well to call and cr.amine his Stock. Tlio ;?ul).sciibor contimies to carry oil the T.Mf^OHlN't! lU’SIXI'S.S, in all its vari.ius lir.-inches. As he ha.s fciken in.-^tructions in Cuttinfr from one of the best instructers in New Y ork Cit_v, he Hatters himself that he can carry ou tlie- biisiness with more success than it lias ( r.i heretofore liceu «hme, ani will spare no j'ain.s to please those w ho may favor him with their j'atrou:i}ie. He m.-iy he fotind at the Store recently occupicl bv Mr. .L M. I’.easley, on the North corner of >Lnr- ket .''ijuare. Hl(iII (j li.^\ If .\M. Sept. I--., IS.’i-J. T'1KK-1‘U001' IU)Oi'lN(J. i^i'ftnris Shciifosi^ SLATi: AN1> .MKTAIi IIOOKEIJ, &o., rH^HANKFFL for past f; ivois, begs to c.-ill jiublic at' H tenti.'U t.i .'^L.XTF. ilOt>FlNtf. done on the most a|.pr.ive.l principle, inakiii": roofs li^lifer, ti^liter, ami more diirahle than the old way of, cft'ccting a savinjr in luml-er, ami {ireater secu.-ity against fire. The low ]irice at which .''late K.iofs are now oflered will coiiip.-ire favor.-ihly with :;iiy other kind of fire-proof llootin j5. SL.\’fK CHIMN'F.V Vll’F.S made to any pattern. They :ire an e.xcelleiit remedy for smoking chiinnevd^ and sehloni fail to efl'ect a cure. gi.^r‘-Tin and Copper (iuttcrs. Le.". le'* i*ipe.5 .vnd Heads, I., any p.-ittcni, and every kin 1 of firo- pioot rooliiipr put on or rep:iired i;i tie* bejt ninnncr, ou reasouahle terms. F. S., ill solieitinp your patrona.ire, feels eoufi.K nt of* ;ri\in;r etitire satisfaction in all cases wkere !i thorouglr knovvle.lfre of his business is reiiuircd. I'.i'tteville. .Sej.t. 7. F'' !-. 2 Ll .MIJKii! l.l MliKK:! F. have onr Meant Saw Mill in sv.ecessful opera- V tioii, inile.s fr-:n! Fayettevi'.ie, near the ilalcigh St:i;re I’oiid, and are ]>rep:ire.l t i ex'. cut.; orders ir* our line. we run two H i Oiii . r ''i:''.'.I’lr S'n'-.i, v.t- can till bills at the shi.rti-^t m ti. U • can t' Fine, I’op’ar and .1 uniper Ll n.l . falno.s! a:i\ Irn^t.i. Our l.ur.ihcr. for tn.tiiruli.i-■■• of lit..- snm. thi.t ss ot face shall be e;r.!il to any ever delivore.l in market JOl'.LS i-.Ai;i ,.i;. Mi-.rch :'.0, ' '-i' iiv (;i:o. LAMDi.R. TWI) I)(l»i{S \!;ilVK r. T. il\!(ill i snws STOKK, Fay‘llcvilir. ."V. .lan'y •_*>. 18.VJ. iV,-IYpd C. W. AADKI.WS llonlei’ ill Ntovc*'*, Iron n Sllot, market nrii MANFFACTUIKU S/icct iron 1‘LAIN ANl> .lAl 7V// rial i Ol'/i's. M LKVN .'i .lONKS. N. He. 17 tf ILMINFS. IJtf county, Nov. I. I'^ i'-!. i-'.wr; i i'i.oi.i.i: ni.'.Wi n (Motliiiiir l'>sli!b!^sint! iiL J. IVI. WHITE &. UNDERHILL, k itni.s, l*i‘!i>, I'iiivcliipfs, I*(irt UriiinTs. Tiiilitrs. 111(1 WliolcN’d" iiiitl Krliiil (lolliiirs. " ■ tiais, I >iiiwiTi_ir I*.iJ»or, I’fiicil.s, ||0 \g:\V AND IV,.«,n Sfrrif, luor to Jin ah of I "tr, FAvi-:TT5':viLa.E*:, . •nt of the abov e Fstiib- articles wliich may Vie re^iiF illi'lcrsijnie.l. :iS the .V;. J5. li.'iiiiient. will order any wantcl, on .-ippiicati .n to him. '•'he .Mills maiiufacture.l by Mr. St.irbuc'c have been tc.'ted, and ale hifrhly approved on tne Flank Iloads ab'iut Favettevi at the .Meichaiit Taii.irin^r .iii.l Clot'.iil;,:^ ! are n.w opcniir.r | Fayetteville, . II LlAV'l) LFF. WINSLOW. -,1. L’ntf th- boar.l of a (dipil, with tuition in i': l Music, is SilJ.-j (Ki, for a term of i:if:rinin;r full information, apply t.i .UdH'.UT .SMKDFS. 4'-.-:’.t \o i l( K. L'ci-.l of Trust to me cxeeutc.lby l!iintT. I .shall exi.ose to srle in on the 1st .l:iy of .Lmuary, 1H.'>;;, ,!•■ of the Capital .Stock .if the ■ i.!\ r ■■avii'ation Company. Terms. ■ ll lilcK II. W V1>I»KLL, Trustee. 4r,-il.I \ { ^ ).\. ! I ' .-Il'LS. sale by coo]v \ T.XYLoH. 47-:iw Fui- ex.iiuine our F wouhl be^ leave to inform the citizens ot ^a_^- etteville and vi:-inity. that we have just recoiv- eil a larjrc a.ssorlnu'nt of F.VLL .V WI.N'l’l.K LOlH- INO, Hianufacture.l expr' ssly lor this market, chasers will HilI it t.> their interest st.ick before buying'. ,^I () \ jriMxl assortriient of Shirts. Drawers. ol- 1-irs CravaH,'" Hosiery, aii'l tine Cloths ami Cassinieres. \n of which will be sold at New York wh.ile,s;ile prices. ILiviii- secured the services I’r ept. L 1 McKAY.] [■'• >•■ MclvAV cv: ii(^in:irrs, Wlioles?.le and Retail Grocers, It'Hrr.d I’omuiissioii ^ rorwardiii? ’Ifri'hiiuls, S'dith Vi'ati r street, 'i door.'^ below .Market, I'articular atfenfioii i.;ii>l to the sale of all j Liberal cash advances ma of Country I’r coiisij.'nments. JUferenee- .John I), .'^tarr. Fsip. I’res't of the Hank of Favetteville, ! Favetteville. of some of the best Husiuess will be car- for fine clothing will be exei'uteil in the most fasliioiiablc style. October 2S, workmen, the luiloiiiv;^ ried on as u.sual. and all orders I'.'tf K:&iMiii!«! lOO uhoU of the s'.MSon Oct. I'S.—:5Stf h.iU', half ;inl qr. Im.xcs, new ( n.[>, tirst I, in t«‘n dnvs Cr'iin New \ork, l oi * ■istf ■ ('irs liANKS. Will. (i. liroadibot, C.ish'r, d.i, Llij.di Fuller, F.s.p, .Messrs. Cook Taylor. 1 ('ook A; .Johnson, J L. Hubbard .V: Co., Clinton. Samjtson county. Thomas.I. .Mori.sey, Fsi.. Lumhertou, Itobeson. .1. U. I’rowu. Fsi., Westhrook.-j, llladen. Oct. H, IH.jii. Hi I .'^uiiuiierv 1 i-ALL A.NI) W IN ri:u, I’ltn' to //'■ of' Fif/r!ti ri!!> . gF vou vi-iit \\ ilinii’-Tt .ii this F.ill or W int- r. do not fail to c;i!l Stor.- of SCn'l 'i' F..\LI>\\ IN. The *i!ic lit till' ;!ss'‘rliiu:ii{s Vi ( ' I'/lll I IHf lllli' J'llllli/ /'/'C!'S (tiiOils i-ver before otfered to the titi/.ens of North ('arolina; aiiioii'i wliicii may be t.iuud I 'xi ry '.aru'ty ol l.U'incs-. Coal,-^. Faiit,-^. kitist tty!.', a i l \ est-; of ;.ll the r.-iL^iii;; colors, as well as p!:iin Sal in aiol C:'.sdir. re. Theiv new an.l licautiftil rlmciit of ■■■.■;sh:..i. i!>!.- Ove; -('oats cannot t.iil to please. I lie ••I’atent \i; sold only liy lids house, is an :irtl;-le w iii; h ci man ou;;lit t.i wh.. v.;;nts a pl.-a-^aiit desirable jrarmciil. Shirt (';. l i.'ur (a.ivi.;, \e.. .':c., in It vaiicty. .M! ■••■c le on ' Tailorinjr Hcpartment is coi:.lucte I by i cutters ot' etuiiu nt skill; so tlnit w c are ai all tinics \ rc- ; jiared to noikc suit^^ t'l iiieasure. i.ii the sivle. s]iUn ii.l iissi rlmeii'. i.t ^ ;■> ami \'estiii^s alwavs on h;ind. SCOTT .S: r.ALDWlN, Meichant Tailors, Imjiorters of Iloiserv, Cloths, Cassi- incres an.l Vcatiiifis, and Healers in lieady-ma.le Clothiuy: of their own siijierior m.inufacture. V* ilminjrton, Sept. 14, 1S->'J. "Ji-tl.I fll.WF in niy employment compitint worKinen, ami am prcp:ired to do all kinds ol work, I’lthcr in ('Ol’FFll. TIN ir SHFFT IF.oN. 1 h;ive on hand all the uec-S'.iry i::atei-i;ils an.l nia- chiiu rv fU' makin;.r Factory ;ins aiel nrutiis. an.l to do ••ill kiii‘1.-^ ..f f.-K t.iry vv..i k that c:.n he done liy any sinii- l.-'.r F't iblis’naeul in the St:'.te. .\No. fi-r s.ile. Patent F;;cloiy Can Kings, varvinjr fioiii ‘.I t.i 1 I ii'.-h-.’s; Hritm Ue,i‘l'-. Ni'. i;ooFiN(i. (ii'Tiia: \M* li;.\!;::k fiffs put Iiji in the best lotMini r. .\lsit. Ji: t received, a full siipjily of .•»'ro\'!■>;, of the most .-ipprovv-'l patteiiis. ^ome ol theiii vi’rv !;!r'.'c. for hot*‘l aii'l pl.' Alv.iivs on hand a Mav 1-'.. 1S-VJ. i a..-s.irlment of TIN W'Alir. ('. W. .\Ni»l!F.V,S, Seiitii Fiist cor’.KT M;irket S.jUare. i - if ■■I ;Uii Shirt cry ;^> iitlc- filtin;.; aint t Lirments, ]t:-Z lovi' for t a I'111'. I'•el l'a;:;--i;acr..s */iW » liOOkS. : ibin. a rejily ,',ck of''a!l kinds. V,i. Lives ol Wellington ami l ()5{ SAM-:. V vury fine .J ACL and H or HI youiij: Mules D. .S. WlLl ■ ' Oct. b. l^-iL'. with .S. WILLIAMS. PiiY UdRD «J3, HAT3, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. lu AFiK no'v'' receiving our Fall Stock, to which V w «e luvito the attention of buyers. ^ and Ciirryiiii;. .Mechanic's ree..;vc'I bv u. r.‘ H & ^ON. MIIA'II c:i)W W aN'I'KO. Any one havin^i a tirst rate one to sell, will please apply at the (Jbservcr Othce. .Sejit. 2i. August 28, I8'»-. HALL &, S.VCKETT. lU-tf CHECKS, AI..MANACS. 'The I'arnuMs’ and Planters’ Almanac and Turtier’s N. C. Almanac, for 18o ’.. .lust received. K. J. 11 ALIO & SON. Sept. l‘>. PKTKR P. JOHNSON Has just receiveil from Xew York, the larjcest and best selected stock of Foreign anil Domestic Dry Go(k!s, Hats, Shoes, Bonnets, Hardware, Cutlery, That he ever ofl'ervd for sale; all ol which will be sold !»t the lowest market price. Hi-'^ frieiula and »U -Kbo wish *0 buy are resjiectfully iuvited to call and examine the jifoods and j>riceB, Auruat iti, IbG'-L 20tf m riiJi lAi) liooii?;.'} "W have receive.l in part, and :ire now recciviieJ w W a !;ir^e and jrriier;il asM.rliiient of .'■' l'.\ I’I.L aiel F\NC^' HllY OOOliS. c.'insistin^ in i>art as |..llows: Super IMa.-k, Frown, C.rci'ii ami I'.lue I'lotl.s; Suji r I’ilaci; Lioeskiii tancy ('assimers; .'^ilk pliisii and velvet 'I'tstiti^s, isoiiu' very line;) I’dack, white and ef.lored (! raii.-uliu .''atin and I!ni;!ii!i Sii. \ c.stmj:'': ! iae r;’.vats; C ill.irs; vVc. \:non.'st ..ur Ladies’ Hr.'.'S Coo-ls may be biund— I l-laiti F.i"; Cre.lerhine. and hlack, ti-run 1 an ! watere.l Silk- rich I'.i-ocade .lo.; plain ami ii"ure.l d..,; ri.di white I frM.i cd do.; jd.iiii white s al..I lioreiice. .Vc.; Fnnte.l Satin Ca.'hmeres; l';iiis priiit.'.l U..bes; Ln.,:lis!i, French an.! \merican priiite.l Felaii.s; small iijrure-t and hi-hly c.krcd Delains for children; F.n^dish and 1 rcmdi .\ien- iios; cohireil tlaiinel; (ilace i’opiin: Victoriaaiid Tartan I’laids; c-,-lore‘l .\lpa.-a Coburvrs ;ilel Lama t loths; lilack F.ombazin.-, (.some extra fme;) I’.h'.ck Alpacas, Silk an.l Cotton Warp; colored Velvets for chiMven; .Scotch, FreucU and American Ginjrhams .iml prints; Shawls; Mantillas; (Hoves; Hosiery: Silk, Lamb's U ool and .Me rino Shirts and lirawers; a handsome a..~sortment of Ilib- tions, Frinires. Cinip and Velvet TTinimiii;rs: Swiss, .Jaconet, Striped and Plaid Muslins; Swiss aiul .laconet Kdpiii" and Insertiufis; Infants’ Knibroidercd Waists, ^HF Sab'ciibt-r heinjr an:-in;.’, t.i ei l>ii>i:;i is more, olb rs t. i I; ll.i . n m llohcsoii county, contai’.iii.'r nearly O!. 1. 'J iK \i I’LS. ti'oin I'lH t'l .f V. hlch is uK;ler ci; uroduciiur cotton extreiuely welt, f !!•'halai.i e Hol>e»aud L'aps; French-worked Handkerchief.H, Collars and L'ndersleeves; Heal Thread Laeo and Linea Edg- LANS) rOR S.M.r. •:;t'r hiif •■•l!])ole, i .S.VND iv ;tion, .1 «vood- land. ..nd cons;.lei- S'.nie of the Vest !ai..l in ti;'.- c.iun- ty. On tlK 1 r-mises a dve’.liir'nn-l ;\!1 r.fc-ssi-.ry out house:-; two cotton rii:s. one I y hor'-e. the oilier by water, .'-^itii.ited in as jrood a neiL'h>i. rhood .is is in t!iu conntr3': a m.-.i'l S'-hoi'l now in operati..n under the care of the F.e»'. Mr. .M.icHi n.-il.l, within ore-f mrth >1 a mile of the dvvcllii!':. Fn.ta I'} to liO haii-!s could be j r.itii- ably empl.iye.! in farminjr. It is also .n pood h rntuii for a country store. bein;f from 4'l to •”>*> miles ai'taiit from Fa vetteville and Cher.ivv. the principal i;.arket towns, and iu a thickly settled country. .\ furth.'t de- scrijition is deeme.l unneces.sai-y. as a purchaser would be sure to examine for iiimself. Also, another tract, containinc "(JO acres, lyn^r on the west bank of Lumber river, bein^ soud Turi .i.tme and Timber Land, and about S miles from the above describe.l land. Terms will be accommod.ntin?. .Messrs. Wiley Alford, .John Furcell, and .m A,, ti. iun,i.. rc*rji.r.. Octolier-, SCOTT A NO JACKSON. sox. rST receivetl, a snipply of -‘Scott «nd J.T-kson,’ llcadley’3 new W’ork. Also. ;x-.xir.L Wf.u.s .-."R aut* ing; Lisle ami Cotton do. hfs Contemporaries, by C- W. March. With a full assortment of lionnets. Hats. Cajis, liiKits, j,. j u.vLL £ Slit»es, Umbrellas, Parasols, with many other articles , ISo*-. not enumerated, making our assortment one of the lar- . — pest and l^est we have ever offered ourfriends anl cus- | f'I'V \ M }'j NT. toniers. So we invite them all to call as early a» con- i ^ * veuient, and examine for, as we expect to | W sell as reasonable ns any other bouse in the trade. ; S. “ * East corner Market Siuaix*, and No. 1 (.»reen Street, Fayetteville, N. C. ALKX 11 JUlINbON .V '^O- September 10, 18-'i2. BBLS. POUK. 10 “ Fish Herrings. J„« rccci.ea a..l fo- j CO. Nov. 8, 1852.