S B M I-W E E K L, Y MBBBSKsnnsn ■emenseaDe* vol.. II.] r.win’TKvn.ij:, n. c., dk( r.Mnc.it t, is-):*. |'|!INTI'.I’ ItV ,1. 1!. N’KWIJV, i:i)',V \l!l) J. H.VLK & SON, i:i.irons ANt> 1’1uh*ku:t^)US. , : V ffklv Ouskkvkh ^4 00 if in . SI .'.0 if pniil during tlic vear of sub.^orii>- . -s , iftor tlu‘ year has expiml. ■Wof’.vlv Oii.^K.uvK.ii >5- (Ml por iiitnniii, if puld i»i , ’• i l>;iiil tlic vi-ar of Suhst-rip- r ■> ’. ‘‘0 aftor tlir year lias expired. '\ I'.U 1 Hi.serted fur sixty cents per '■ lilies iVir tlie first, and tliirty eent.>* for each ... ■; ,,r ]i. ';r;c:ition. Yearly ail>erti.sements hy sj>e- ;i ; .i i>. rea.sc>nahlc rates. Advertisers :ire t ' state tlie mniil>er of insertions desired, or ' ,• i-oiitimiod till forbid, and cli.'irprd aceord- •; 1.otters to tlie Kditors must be pO!«t-pni*I. • I tn‘l Sn peri or ('ourt of Lnir. I \I. Tl'UM of ('nniber’and Superior (\niit -.V, r ;r tlie trinl of Civil causes, will l>e lieUl ,i.i \l‘'nday in February 18'r_’. iSuitors ami .r>' hereby Uufit'ied tlureof. and will g>i\crn I>. c;. MA(' Clerk. l7eo«tr .NO'l'K i:. ri'r.l’i. (’H the l-‘jth i>f Deccnibor, AT A1 i'- ;:!• r ■ Sio- k of ;K)DS. _ i.rfbubly ever ofTercd in this market, ' l'»).N.SlsTINt; OK •:I (o oct rit's, H:ird\\ar(' and [ iv. Hajiiiiiii, iron. Salt, COli' aiiil Molas.^cs. rti >11 of I’.u- new. j»ireli:ise.l iliis Smu- > .1 Thi- .'•'alt' to Continue Iriwu J.iv !•> dav . M, 11 ISIIAN.^ON. ■ iiii.s indebti'd t ' H. r.r:nis.>n. >.r II. ire re'(uested to make iiunieiliate [’ay- ro I'ni: i‘i Hi.U'. ;i :Vc the I’l.'St llTiee. at the .’sralul kli" _ 11 VaT'!, we kcoj). Foil lllllK, and €'arria;;r!«., ; ; . '■ 11 1 l’.i"eiiirers t- the iieiirhK DODCF/S Virginia and 4'nroliiia h'reti^ht, n/id l*arcd I'l.r/jrrss. ^■^IIF. proprietors t ike pleasure in anuotnieiu}' to the I merchants and public jreiierally of F.-iyetteville. that they have estab'.ished iin .\;,ie»ev ut this place, to .•ittenil to the receipt, ihdivery, iiml fi.rwardin;; of every description of iiiercl’undi/.e to and fmiii Ne'v York, via ilniinf;ton, Weldoa, and Noi-folk, every W cdnc.sday' al\d Saturday, n cb.-irjie of S|ieci:il iiiessen^ers. :ind at , .'ucli low rate.s is v' ill jrive Nnti.'faction to all who pat- t ini/.e this F.xpref.*. The tilliiif; of oi-ders. large or .'niall. in New Voriv. l>o!iton mid iMiiladelpliia. the col lection if notes, dr.ifts. bilLs. \c., the transnii.-sioii ot (•old. SiUer. or F.\clianges. will nuet with every atten tion: and we wonhl respectfully solieit of the Fayettc- \ille nierchaiits the carr\in«rof their orders of beavy frei-ihts or j>.icka;re.s from .Nt w York, as by this route they may obt:iin tln'ir nierchandize in less time by f to 7 days than by any other line. 'V. li. 1’A1U.''F.N X CtV. I’roprietors, IJO,'). l>road\v;iy, N. V. AC.KN’iS: Mc.'m>. STAIIK IK'K, Fayetteville, N (.’. .INO. M'TT, Ksn-. \\ iliiiiiititon, N. T. I’.. (’i:o\VKl.I.. Ks.j. Norfolk, Va. •J. V\ t KMu'(>t'K, Fs(|. Itichinond, Va: K. F. FOJi l’Ki:, Fs>[. I’ctei sbiii g, V.-i. No'.ember l! I, iN'i’J. 4l»tf lU,ACK.SMI I'll rOOLS. Minis' r.KI,l,0\\S, from IM to inehes. Stocks !ind l>i» s to cut ;iny si/,e. right or left. Scrow riatci, fur White or I'.lack Smiths. Kiigliwh pattirns. Hand and .''ledge Ilamniers. “.Vtwooil's. ' M'liise hole \ii\ils, fi.jin to 17'»ll.s., -'Wilkin- s"ti \ .Vtwoi.d's.” ranillc Viccs. American patterns. \ ices, all weights, hau l aii.l tu lu'h. I'.nglish ]'nt- tcri;s. I'ili s .iiul i;.is[,s, of e\cry .si/e and description. F..r .sale by ' Ct)Oi; .V .lOllNSt^N. N .v. 1''.‘>J. 4G--:v\ Ur n.\S tiiken an OtVice on Hay Street, West of the Motel liiiildin^s. July 14, 4-tf JOHN 1). V 1L!J.\.MS, Com:2iissiois and I'orirartiittg Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. y, is.'.ij. t;;;tf HOOK HiADICUY. THOS. H. TILLINGH&ST, Anderson Street. Se]»t. hS-')J. 24 C>ni i{. M. ()!{i{i:ij., forwirdim: r(nniissiii.\ hi'ki'iiam ,\t Fayctlovillc*, 1'. Murch !•, Ih-'>1. \VIL1;M)1 i. li\lVi:i{. FOinVAUDlNt; ANW (’OMMlSSiON MKIH'IIANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. tJIMlSUN.\b >itti tition given to the sale or shipment ('f Nav.il .'toi-( ,s. I have .-imple facilities fur coh- dilctilig the business: I.u l'cw harf and store sheds to keep sjiirits from exposiii-e. Naval stores will be sliipf'cd to any house in N-w York, or to other inarket.s if advisable, and libcr.il cash advances made tui consign- meiits. 1 refer to tln“ lollowing distilli i s: F. M.'iniiuni. \N a\ne ( oiiiUy, Chandler Hull, Iolin.iton Cn , Lovett I’eacock, Coliunbvis Co., I!. II. Ihirden. *• •• 'I'hos. L. Vail, r>ladcn Messrs. Smith. ,V Ingram, .Johnston Co., Messrs. \ .1. ,loiies, Mi-ssrs. Smith ,V .lones, S))eni i*r Foiint;iin, I'^sip, l-evi r.ailey, lis'j.. May 20. lsr,L*. ■ li:’,-ypd S'l'AKIl WILLIA.MS. WIMtl.KSAl.K 1>FALFI;S IN I'orri^H attfl tPomrstir i9ry ^oods, II %v stri:i:t, Fayetteville, N. C. J. 1.. ST.MUi.] [.J. .M. Wn.LI.\M.‘». ,\p'il 2H. is.'.-J. 8t;tf II. L. IIOLMi:s. Attorney at Lavy, Wilmington, N. C. I'l'lCK on corner of Front and I’rineess stiects. w tmi F.\l.l.:ind W I NTKIl I i( >( )l).'s, n large stock of under .lournal >thce. De. 4h-tf Noru i: IS iii:Ki:in .i\i:.\, III AT applic.ition «ill be m.ide to th‘ present Ses- i ot till- (liiiir.-il .\-sembly of North Caiolina for an .\ct ot Incorpi.iatioii tor .\sl*\'s t'rci-k I’ivisioii. I No. '.Jl^. S..ns of 'reinperaiice. t'reek. ('nmbcrl.ind coiinty. N. C Nov. 17. I's'.-. locati-d roiiAv I (). I nni: Mti. liiaii'.it'.i tilled r ib.ici- M:.\ ;;i. 1' .lit. •tur ■ iilinucs ICC.'11111, Asl. 4.-.U ail 1 sell, on of" ni.imi'ac- . I TI.l'Y. V.‘itf ma le t •"'I’' lian 1 a lot .f ti Hi M KKI FS li \\c will exchall^ic f r I’l' for our I lace of NO TIC i:. I’M!!' uiideisi::iied continues to manufactvire Spirits Turpctitiiie 1! \1:KI;I.S. Those lo.vv on hand guage 4:' to |.') ga’iioi.s. ;.:,d .Hi- mio’.e of the l.c,t -ca-oiied Mfhite oak. l*i.-*tiilers vvaiiting a iroi.d article. «ili do well to c.i’.l :ilid exaiiiiiic. ColUracts to deliver barrels I l.KY. H. L. llllAMUF.llT. J7tf for the 111 \t tw elvi M:irch -JJ. loiith" • n tavoi:iK!c ti-rnis. S. 1.1 TTFIi 1,011. Votf roli sam:. ,-f . ffcT'* for sale her valuable .'sl'M- -ll’l.NCK, now twcupietl by Mr, J. F,. tr^ke p'.e.isure shovviii'j it to ;inv vvlo srAi’.Li: lu si\i:.s’s. Tiik ^iili'cril'cr iiitoiids eat rviiig on the above biisiiies a s from the Market House, ini- I -nire I’lank H-i.id. in a pleasant r the Hon. .). C. l>obbiii. and iv lu re rise. Ap]'iy f ) -I 'hn 11. look a:»d I, ler- f-' S.VU.VH A. l.KFTi:. 47-H smj: ou ui:n'!\ r.LK ivuKJ.i.iNt; n>rsr. on Hay- '. oecnpic l by Mr. I.siac Hawley —- i; 111 >l:m.s. l‘os'e^>ion given 1st ci;o. s. iioim;i;s. 47.;t !:ns ri:irs ijfk. | I’e .1 \>ook of «»i\ty-three h>uble ^s o pai:es. containing ••liil! det.-iils :v career of l>aniel Web-ter. late ■i States—including :i brief oiit’iiie 11 ition. :is liepri. siMitatiV-. Sen.i- 1 Si;ite — with stimni iry -if liis views I i' •iue>tioiis of the day." \C. •, this is an iiiterc'tiiig book, which r> ad and jiia serve. It is .in nbly Mr W i biter s public scrviees. > 1 w lilt t ■■ read. ■r copv , al.d the Viook sent fl i • ot ■ Collie in perlect s.ilety and c.ire- C.isli jivdcrs addre^'cd to .\l\ihoii«o a ci.i, N C., will meet with | roiiipt II i '.11,1.1. •Jt WAN'l' llsiiu.. Having added coii.», nb'.e Stock, he will be able to «c- coinniodat- the jtiiblic. for pa't favoii. tiiiuatice. ,1. W. rttWFIlS. ,lan'v i;*'. riiankliil olii'its coii- .lOilN liANKS, (■(nniissKiN \Mi FiiiiwiRiiiM; Wilmington, N. C. I LI, attend t.i tlie s.ile or purchase of I’rodiice mid will ship with di^;•^:llch ull consignnienls I) him. . is'.:;. -Jis-f.m JOM'PII l{. lIlillXXD.Il. i' n Ti I s j»i I « \ AMt FORV/ARDING MERCHANT, Prompt personal a t tent ion given to ull Connign- nienls. and Cash advance" made on 1‘rodui c to be shi]>- ped to other port-- or soKi in thi' m.iiki t. Feb. I J. 1 >■.■-*. 'ily WILKINSON cV i:sLi:u, i>i;ai r.i’iS in ('ill! t'r 'tiini'ir>f, yoni'in i rmts, Inhn' ro, II III/ Siil/tf, ANi* iMrt»i:Ti;i:s »f ,si :*s:iCioii izivwi « A f \V!I=>I j;s.Vl.K AM* !l!;; All.. Market St,, Wilmington, N. C. Au; lltf OF WOSl'A. LL percoii'* V ho are indebted to me, by note or ac- coiiiit, a re "iniii'->tly rt*'iue.>,ied t.i i-ell.c [>aifi»u- l.arly tho^e i My bii.sincs indii! rviu e cbts dll ie.|iiiri illlUot I Nov. 1.'.. I's.VJ me before the 1st .liinu ii v. l'' »J. me to i.i.ilkC tiiis call, and longer •_'iv ell. A. A. McKLTI!\N. lot:' I IM.VS'I'S. \VF >,ow ready f..r ihdivery a bir.;e and c h dce ». oitment of irecndioiise Hiid hardy I’l.-iiits. It ore s. .'•hrub', 1 riiit 'el (iriianicntal I'n l o. Lvergreens, (irape \'ines, ,Vc , vvhicli can be packed in bo\es :ind sent to any p.irl ot the oiuntiv with per'ect s.itety. 1 iilt^o consider thi-i the bc>^t t.nie to -e; out Itosc-.. 1 recs. r.asj,berries. Strav.l..-rrie', tii.ipe \ iiics. and Hardy IMaiits efi erally in the S .ntheni ."t.it.-.s, \li orders .'ill receive proiiipt attention. C. I.I TTKULoll, Howaii St. I’er?oni havii.g engJige.I plunt» are re'^iic.'ti'd to send for them. N'oveiiibei 1 "J. l'' »i; '( ) I > s i Kr PINK L\NI>. with ii 1 dwel- , and oiit-biiildings iii it. V good the house. There are about lH.IMMi lit. and a g..,.d deal of Timber on the ;i.d n Lo.k s Creek, lo miles tr-ni ;'o' I'.a.st side of Cupe Fear I’.iver. Ap- ■ 1. . r on the premise', or to N. K. .Mc- ■: '.r an . iiil' rmatioii nci ting it. U M. .1. PH AKKIS. 47t;:n> NT/A srOC’K. ■ i; crs are rei-i»iving their Fall purehx- fJ »/>/,•.s ttjtd Slttlionrry. t.i I great varlet . of SCHOOI, P>0()K.S, >.i;.lTHi:»LO(ir‘ AL. Mi.liK AL. LAW, /.i.iilKAPHJCAL and Ml.'Cl t.l.ANF- - '.a^i'd to thi.S State. The most eh-galit \\l> l»K Wl.lt IS;>OKH ■' « j'’aee. . \Viiiiii;r Papi'r, l*en aiul 1‘nikct , . I ,k St:uiil.', Kiivcln|i(‘s, I’lirt I t .'l"U:iis, Ihawinir I’apc'f, IViifil.s, ■ . r .-.rtieles iisuallv kept in a Uookstore. K.' .1. HALF & SON. I M\u^ s s('H()()i., KALi:i(JH.; - ■ I erni of thi.s Scliool will coinmoncc oti the | (he board of ii pupil, with tuition in . and .Music, is OO. for a term of 4 J Y. would sa\ to our Country friends, that it would be a coiiveiiii-nt time, when they come in with the'.r C«ittou and other pr'^liie -. t . all and -ettle. and obli-e U-) .ilid '.irhaij.s .save c.'st to tbelilseives. J. iV T. V. AI.'ilLL. S l.'^'/J. snia'd h t ..f MF.SS PlUlK. N- to* II and Peas, ,ni.d any to U . P. Ihinies, at thing Luni- Looiv \ r riiis. VSM \LL TKACT oF I. VND FOK SALK. contain ing 7'xt acres, more or b >s. lying 1:.' miles below Luniberron. three mib s from Lumber Uiyer.—a very healthv placi-. good liuildings. :ind every thing iiece.ssa- rv tor Plantation business. It is well timbered loi Turpentine, brings line I'or generally planted. -M’p'.'’ l>eitoii. lor information. ..... . HAHDV P.A11M>. IlobcHon county. Nov. 7, 1X >2. l-tt [•AViOrri^v liliANC 11 lot hi HIT ri*tul)lisliin‘nt. J. M. WHITf: & UrJDERHILL, llriijirrs, Tiiilors. uiul Wliiilt'snli’ iiiiil licliiil (lollHVrs. IIO \i:W ^ ANU /, iH jt iliior tr, /innh of Co/tf' I’l'tir, M ALLK’l r \ PAl LMil.U. tirocers ami i’ontminskoit rhttti/s^ 1 :{5 NEW YORK. p. MAbbKTl'.] [.1- I’AV l,Mlbll. All-list I'-. 1. T. C. WORTH, r{|^l!ISS!('\ Ull KU1{\V\I!II|M. IlKKCIMM, W 1LM1N(; rON, N. (’. Feb, 1, l.".'-L' ,\. .1. ^ .1. r. .h)m:s, Goncral Agents £t Commission Merchants; \i aa.Tii\iTO\, i • p.irticiilar attention given to the sale of Tim ber. Lumber, and Naval >t >i s. Libcr.il cash advanc>-s on coiis,'.;iiniciits. i >tt .lOSl'JMI .1. IJlMMI'r, 'u>iiiisi*>'i4>ii «V B'**!'v»SI.ll*r‘lmiit, A.M) I.N (i li( M'Kill KS, HALLS P,riLl)lN;. WATLK STllllF.T, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prompt attention given to the purchase and s.ilc ot , Produce; returns reiideretl with de.-patch. lU lcr to 11. P. ll ill. Ks'i.. Pres t of the ibanch Ihink of the Stat.-; Messrs. C. T. H^iigh .V Son, F:»\ettevilk. (»«t. loth. i’.l-Iiii FAIJ. ;OOI)S. F are receivinj consisting of iSjtrdtrtirc oftd 4'itttrrtf^ Incliuling Turpentine Tools: bar. band, hooji, round, and square lion of all descriptions; (ieriii.'iii, .Vniericaii, Fngllsh iilid Cast .Steel. Ilollou and Wooden Warr; Uoots and SluK's;Saddlt's,SaddU'rvand f„‘atlu’r; Hals and C'a[)s; Sta[)l(‘ Dry (ioods; witli our usual hea\y slock of aeosc :: MiZ B 2. h Country .Merchants who purchase in this phiee Would do well to call and examine our stock. J. \ 1. WAlUilLL. Seiif. 1.'). -Ji;tf i'ui:sii (;oo!)s. MKCF.'' t arpetings. new style and patterns— 0^ P.riissels, three ply. Ingrain. \’enetlnn. hriig- i;ett Mild P.iigs; Floor and Table Oil Cloths; l>aniask, Turkev red, and embosseil ( iiriain (iood.-; super tine Hlaiikets: llr.iss ami, Prass head iidirons, and .s^hovels and Ti iigs ,\.c., ,\c €'ie>( ki:ecv. ■_M» Cr.-ites .assorted Crockery, new style, imported | directly fi i in LiviTjiool. mMkiiigoiir assortment complete. | —.\LSt.»— I IM.ls. Cofi'ec .'^iig.ir. I ■'i Hhds. N, O. and Porto P.ico .'sugar, | L’ll P.a;;s l.agiiii.i t'otiee. j i; Ca'Us old Fiencli IJrandy. j ■J'l lit. blil>. and iio.xes .'^..il:i. IJiitter. .ind Picnic Cvackirs .\n .assortnieiit of Ke.ady-madc Clothing. | .lll.sl I ' cei-. ei! .and lor .-.ilc bv | S. w. til: inohast co. Oct. t. i''.‘i'j. ;’.itf I'.DW i.\ ;i.ovi:!{. i \I Ilif jkiuii of llif luriTf Waltli. Il:i) .Mricl. #rf. OM> sT,s.y:K 11 \s just r'c‘i\cd Ids i'vi.i. Stock o:' colisl.stili^ oi SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND MILITARY GOODS. j t.M(>N; his a--.'.irtnient may l e found atches -it all kind--, from to >^l J.‘i; goM Fob, tJu.ard and . Vcsi Chaiiis; gohl S»:il.-and Kev sdvec 1 ol. and tiiiard Ch.iins .ii.d Keys; P.rc;i>t-pin>. llar-nn”s and Finger- I rings. ,a tine ,'tock ; Cull-pin-i .-iivcr Spert.icU'S. 1 iiiml [.AND Foil SAU:. ^0^111'. subscriber ollei'S Iwr sale ItMH) aeves .»f fine I. Turpentine and Timber L.VNU, in 1‘obeson eouu- jy, about lour miles North Fast of Liiinberton. Nearly the whole tract is heavily limbered, and theie are sev eral beautiful sitiiiitions for a residence, lint ;i fiuiall ))ortioii h.is been cleared. It lie.s !is high and lieiiifhy as any land in this region of country. Also, six uniinproveil Lots in the town of Liiinberfefi. Pi isoiis wi.'hing to purchase will make apiilic.ation to llobert F. Triiy. in Liimbei ton. or to the subscriber in person. 1 li miles J’rom the village, on the llarllees- vil’.c lload. .JOHN A. PiO’.VLANl). !^e]it. l;>, Lotf \VAN'n:i). *1' Tl PiPF.NTlNF. * * • * * ^ K * I* tor Listillery at thePl.nr.k lUmd Uridge on P>ig Roekfish. The bent niarket pric‘ will be paid. For further information, ilKiliire ot .b.lm W. Miir- jdiy . at the bridge, or of .'i, Mcivelhaii, Fay etteville, i»ec. IS. IS.'.I. ■ 4'.'ff llSCMOVAl- S.V.M'I, .). )I1.NS!)Al.i:, ( lieini.«t and .\S the pleasure of int'oniiing hi.* customers and the pulilic, that he has reniovid trolil his Old I Stand to the next corner .ibovc, (generally known as I the ••Pilake corner.”) Having fitted nj> his Store with every ciuivenienee ; for conducting business, both vvhoUsale and retail, to ^ the best advaiit;ige, he solicits :i (ontiniiaiice of the j kind t'aviir he has enjoye I, with the a.ssiiraiicc that no 1 ellort on his ]iart sli.-ill be w:intiiig to merit it. I His istock com)«ri.ses a full assortment of articles in I his line of business, all of the best i|Uality: I)rugs, .Med icines, Chemicals. P.-iints. Oils. l>ye Stiifts, P.-itent Med- ; ij-iiies. Pcrti.mery, choiceTeas, Seed, (llass. Putty, Tooth I and H.iir Unishcs, Soaps, Potash, iVc. I riie utiiio.st care given to the jirejiriratljji of Physi- ; clans' Prencriptioiis i.nd Family Itecipes. .Inlv l.H-'iJ. Ctf .M*:\i FiisM m m;\i liimos. • HrS' •He»Has1er JIJAVll.irST KFCFIVLI) a d t.M I'l.KTt: STnf'Iv and l*rovi^ionH, Fiiiliracinir almost every article UHiially kept in that line, at th(‘ YFLLO\V l>ri i.lil N(!, a few doors above the State Pciiik :ind one door above .M. W. .lessnp's. on (iil- lespie stin't. and would be jdeased to e.xhibit iiny thing in their line to those who may favor tin m with a call. — .VLSt.l— ll.irtlwari', CutK rv, Cruckcrv, (Ilass-wari', Wixid- Uarc, Liijtiiirs, Boid.s ainJ Siiucs. Ilatsainl and ;i oiiuil a.s^ili tUK iit id I b'V (nioils. To the above Stock we would respectfully invite the attention of the public. p-ry^' Country Produce taken in exchange for Ctoods. Faj, etteville. Sept. 1. l^-VJ. I’-tf .Ml Kr.icelcts; gold and and Pencils; goLl Lockets; •n's llcvolvei'-: Ciic's men; Vccordeon*.; >iher Cu|", Xc.: M-.lilnrv Is of all of Clock', and almost every tliiiii; called which villi be sold cheap for Ch-1i. or on tlo >e that will pay llicir bills when Colt' silver Sp'Miii kiinls; a tine tor in h.s lin sll'il t time t presen’cd. \'«atihi s atid .Icwelry repa're.l a Old tloM and .'silver taken in exciiaiige. liz.t .Ml tho'c indebted by N. 'c or I’>ook mii-.t pay by the it-t of November. F.iettev ilie, Oct. I. I '-.’il.’ nal. :;i-tf Hv ;i:0. LAUDICK. TU(i mniiis iiuivc r. t. inicn .v sjin’s sTniit, l-\'iyolit*vilit , •lan y L'lt. l,v,')J. .'.-'>-1 Vpd w. A\I)m:\vs fi>raU*r isi c. I ■iviii',r fri’Ui Nev. York. UtOii .V, li.'h Iron, Tca.s, X. B. s rAUi’.rc'K, Trot/, .Veer nioN KOrXDHll ANh MArillXlST, Mani'tiiiliiif f of S/fiiiii M ll/s mill lioilns, Mill (iiiti'iiiifot 'ill L'iii>l>, J^/iiii'ihs, ii'C. nni'. undersigned, as the .’.gent of the above Fstab- V I*>rson Strr I' w '■o.'it,lining full infoniiatioii, apjily' to ALDFKT SMFDKS. 4b-:U No ric ]•:. L of a l»eed of Trust to me executed by - ■ V lliiiiter, 1 shall expose to s;’Ie in ' lo . on the Isvday of .lunuiiry, 18-'»d, ■ ' . Ill of the Capital Stock of the b -p I’linT Navigation Comjiany. Terms, MAI KICI-; (^.'\VADDF:LL, Trustee. Vi 15 A CON. ' l.llS. S1I*KS. For sale hv ' COOK A; i’AVLOU. - 47-2W Nl'AV BOOKS. ■‘" I t!ii. C;il,in, 11 reply to I'liclc Tom, bj '' i'll if Va. Lives of \Vclii!i*^toii and 1'^ would beg leave to inform the citi/eiis ot Fay etteville and vicinity, that we have just receiv ed II large assortment of F.VLL X UlNTI'di LOIH- IN». manuractnred exjiressly for this m.irket. Pur chasers will fiinl it to their interest to examine our stock before buying ) V good as.Sirtment ot .'shirts. Drawers. Col lars Cravat.s. Hosierv, and fine Cloths and Cas.simercs. All’of which wiil be sold at New York wholesale prices. Having secured the .services of ;-.n»c J''*' practical workmen, the Taih.rii.g^ 1Wis.ir*ss wiM be car ried on as usual, ami all orders or tme clothuig wdl be executed in tli;‘ tU'ist fashionable style. »ctober liH, IS.',:;. Vtf wanted, on application to him. '"he Steam .Mills manufactured by ,Mr. Slarbiic\ have been tested, and are highly r.pproved on tlie Plank lloads about Fayetteville. FDWl) LF.i: WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Sept. 4. 18->1. i**tt W. II. McKAV.] JtOlU:UT.S. McKAV uoBi:irrs, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, IlfiiiTiil roiniiiissioii i\. Ftirwanliiic Mt'rcliaiils, South Wati r street. > doors below Market, \Vi'• prvf Particular iittcntion paid to the sale of all kinds wf (N.untry Produce. Liberal cash advances made on consignments, i Uefercnce- .John 1>. .Starr, I’sq., Pre.s't of the Ihiiik ] 1 uf Fayetteville, | ! Wm. P.roadfoot, Casli'r do, , i.„ Liijah Fuller, Fsi., j .Messrs. Co'k X Taylor, •• Cook iS: Joluisou, J I L. t’. 11 iiWi»nl X iV, fliiiton, Sampson county. : Tliomas .). Morisey, Kxi-. Lumberton, llobesoiK i .1. 15. P.rown, Fsij., Wcs^tbrooka, lUadeu. Oct. S, 1S')2. |lUr> suSsfrU»rr« jiv- .iii'I a>Nortui III oi Stdjflc and I'iinr'i Dr,i iiAHDVv-.Mn:. Il.its anti t'ajis, liuots aiul blmcs. Among which are: Cotl'ee. Sug.-ir. t otton liauging. Bale I’lojie. Nails. W indow (;|ass. .''Wi'des .ind lln .‘s.u k and .Vliiin .''.lit. Impi'i'ijil and L Pepper. .M.spice. linger, Powtbr. .'slmt. P.ar I.e.id. Par and Fancy .'soap. Together wiili a great variety of other uriicles, to which they invite the .tttciitioii of the public, and which ihev are ilctciuiiued to ^ell as hivv f.ir C;iah, or on time to those who pay piomptiy, as any house in the South ern country. Pro.luce*of all kinds, at the highest ni.irket prices, taken ill e\cliange for tioods. McLKAN iV .lONKS. .''uninierville, N. l*ec. S. IS.il. 4itt I’Al.l. A.Nl) Wl.N i'Kl!, 1 Cnnf t'> th’ i'lti'/.ill!' of 1' ili/rllrril/\ fF voii visit Wilmington this Fall or Winter, do not fail to call at the Merc!;ant Tailoring and Clothing Store of SCOTT iV li.\LI»W IN, They arc now oi>ening one of the largest assortments ot ! ('lotliiiiii (Oul Finn If Drrxs (,'noil. ever before otlereil to the citizens id" North Carolina: ; among whicli may be biuml every variety of P.usiness j : Coat.sr Pants, latest style, and Vests of :ill the raging ' ■ colors, as well as j.lain Satin and Cassiniere. Their ' new and beautiiul assortment of F:ishionable (Ker-Coats cannot fail to please. The ••Patent M,->ke Seam'' Shirt sold only bv this house, is an article which every gentle- maii ought to wear who wants a plea.sant fitting and desirable garment. Shirt Collars, l iider C.irnienCs. (■loves, \c., iVc., in great variety. All selling lovs for cash. Our Men hant Tailoring Heirirtment i.s conducted by eutte s of emiiu ut skill: so that we are at all times fire- p.ired to make suits to measure, on the most approved style. .V spleii'lid assortment of Cloths, (.'assiuteres and Vesliug.s alwavs on haml. SCOTT I'c P.Al.DWIN', Merchant Tailors, Importers (d‘ Hoiserv. (Moths, Cassi- meres and Veslitigs, ami l)ealei's in lleady-niade Clothing of their own siip^'rior manufacture. Wilmington, Sept. 14, l!(-tl.l PL \1 MANl FACTl KFIl onfK r. [NO. 119.] I AM receiving a much larger ,'sTOCiC (,)F rU>OD^ tliali tisiial, eciisistiiig of a complete a.ssortmeut o^ Dry (iooiis, (IroctMitJS, llaid'.vare and C'utk’ry, — A»ii iig wliiih may be t'ound— Liidie.s" tine l)ress. Cooils, Iloiinets, and iin jissort-' nient of iJn.'S and P.oniict Ti immin;^s, of tlrO latest stylcti. —ALSO— J/ii(., Ci'p^, /toofs IIml S/totf, Negro IJliiiiket.s ami Kerseys. P.aggiug and Rope, witit a large supply of UFA1*V-M.M)F CLOTHlNti. .VII of the above (ioods liiive been rcceiitl^’ purv’hiiscd, and will be s«dii hnv at wholesale or retail, \v. F. .\)o(»iti:, F.ast Corner Market .S'piare.- Se]d. r„ LK.-,:,’, i:;jif ! TORY, la\vui:nci: 'i koy Have received their Fall .Stock of Groceries, Provisions, aud Liquors, —ALSO— A small lot of KMidy-inad(' ClotliinjXf Crockt'rv and (ilasswaro. Boots and Siiocs, Hardware aiul Cutk'ry. We have oli hand th*: following CUOi’FJllHSr llio. Lagiiira, and .NL-iracaibo Cotfee; Porto Rico auj' Cuba .'iugar: Lo:if, Crushed and Cod'ee litto; Adatufin- tine ami Tallow C.indles; Fancy and comiijoii l>ar .Soup;' Pearl and Corn Starch: Pepper, ispice, Uinger, Nutmegs; Cloves, Cinnamon, Tea, \c.; .'salt, iron, MoliiBSCS, .''ole, I’ppcr and Harness Leather. Me.ss I!eef, ami Kinoked aiul dried ditto: Reef Tongues,- and ••Tongues and .'sounds' ; No. 8 Mackerel, in bbls.;- No. 1 ditto, in kitts: .'suhiion and Pickleil Herring, in» bbl.s.: Lard, iii bids., kegs and kitts; tJoshen aud D.iiry Rutter; Cheese, Pickles, Preserves, &C. Fine French Rramly; Comnum Domestic ilitto; Ohl Rye W hiskey; Rcctifi»“d ditto; clear white ditto; (.’ountry ditto; New Fnglaiid Jtiini; Holland (jin; I’ort uml Tenc-^ ritle Wine; Common .M.ilagu rlitto. We have a large lot of Li«iuors vvUich we olTer low by the barrel. We keep on hand, always, P>aeon, Flour, Corn. ic. W e otVer any «if the above named (.ioods as low iiH' can be atforded in this miirket, for Cash, or in e'schangi^' for Coiiiitrv Produce, or on lime to punctual customers.- LAWUliNL'i: i TROY. ."sept. l-'>. 18.->‘J. L'titf cTu rn 11 nTTTT' ia rnnsG] (.'n/l (iml >.> it))inte l» t'urr >/ou Jmy elscichrrr! fB^HF undcr.^igned has just received and opened' ids .'sl(.6k of C'loths, Cassiniorcs and Vcstinujs, Consisting of li'ack. broVMi, green and blue Cloths, of vari'us iiiialities: fancy and plain .''ilk. Satin. Vflvct and Cassimcre Ve.stings, of the most fa.ihion.'iblc rolors. .\lso. Itoe-skin ar.ii fancy Cassimerifi, of the Uiost fash^ ioiiablc selections. fir.r A .select assortment of RFADY-MAI'F CLOTH- IN(>. consisting of Ovcrco.its, (>vcr-sacks, closc-bodicd .^iick ami Flock o.-it.-., of various style**; f.tJicy and plain silk Mild ('.I'sjuiere \'cst-'. of .•superior cut aud workm iuship. aud of the mot fashionable Colors. Persons w ishing to purchase any of the above articles. Would do well to cuil and examine his Stock. 'I’lie >iiLsci iiior coiitiiuio? to ciirrv on the TAILORINU RI SINFSS, in all its vaiioii'* br;:iiclus. As he has taken instructi.in* in Cutting from one of the be>t iiistructers i:i New York City, ho thittei ': himself tl;;;t he Can cnrry on the businc's with more success th.-i:i it has heretof. re been done, and »ill spare no p.iins to please th.ise w Iio may favor Liiii w ith their p.itroiiairc. He may be foun i ;it the .'siore recently ficcujiied by Mr. .1. M. Reaslev. on the N.^rili Last corner c>f Mar k'd .s.,uare. ' I!! (Ill CRAII.VM. .•scpl. 1*1, IS-'i’J. -d -lui ,\M» .I.VPAN Phl/c Ut(l Sfirct Iron U or/.v. IH.WF in my emuloynient compeiont workmen, uml am prcpareil to tlif .ill kinds ot work, eilht-r in C»PPFR, TIN or SHKKT IU»>N. 1 h.ive on hand all the tu'ccssary materials and ma chinery for m.ikin>: Factory C.-ins and Drums. :ind to ilo all kinds of factory work that can be done by any simi lar Fstaldishnient in the State. .Vlso, for sale. Patent F.ictory Can Rings, varying from to 1 4 inches; Drum Reads. .Vc. UUOFlNti. (JI TTKR AND LFADFR PIPKS put up in the best manner. ■\lso. jnst rerfiv(»tl. n full su]'plv of COOKIXCJ of the most aj>proved patterns, some of tUeui very large, for hotel and plantation use. \lwavs oil hand a good assortment t>t TIN W.\KK. C. W, ANDUK.WS, South Ka»t corner Market .'s(|unre. Jl.-iy l '», 1H.V2. 1'1-tf m F lliL ,l.\D \il.\M coons, i; I'linvPKOOK KOOFiNl^. Francis Shvnton^ SL.VTi: AN.> MKTAl. KOOFKP., &c., f ■^II.XNKFI L for jmsi favors, begs to ««1* public tU- i tention to SL.VTil ROOFlNCt, done on the niosj^ approved principle, m.iking roofs lijihtcr, tijhtcr. *uJ more durable tiian the old v.ay of slicctinp, elFcctinf a 'aviiig in lumber, and greater security ag.ainst fire^ The low j.vic'j at w hicli .''late Roofs are now ofiercd will coKip.ire fiiTorablj widi any otLcr kind of fire-prool.' Roiitiiig. SL.KTi; CIIIMNFV IMPFS made to any pattern.- They are an excellent rci.iedy for tlii>king chiiuueye, and seldom fail to idlect a » lire. Copper Ciutters. Lender Pipes and Heads, made to any pattern, and every kind of f.re- pioof rooting pul on or rej'ttireil in th^ best manner, ou reasonable terms. F. .'s.. in .soliciting yoiir p.atfi.ii.Tge. feels confident of trivinu entire s;iti)«l:iction in all eases where u. thorough knowledgi- of Id." liiisiiitss is rciju;rcd. Favi-tfi'ville. !s»-pt. 7. 2-1Y I.r.MBKU! l.l MiU:U!! nj~ Vj have our .“sveani .''aw .Mill in Buece.ssful tiperat— lion, S miles from Fayetteville, near the Ralcigif St!*ge Road, and are [irejiared to execuJe orders in our liiie^ ,\s we run two L'olari/ or Cirrular 8air», we Ctti^ fill bills Ht the shortest notice. W e can furni.'»fc Viite^ Poplar and .luniper LIM RFR. and of almost any length- 0»r Lunvlier, Ibr trutUf«lne«» tr{ line and 8inoothne**3- of face -h»R eqiisil tw any ever delivered in Market- JONFS i; P.ARRF1-. March oO, ISol!. Stl LAM) FOU SAiTk, IIF. .Sub.scriber being unxioiis to conccntriite liis^ business morv, olt’crit for sale Ins farm on Ashpole, KaifxinM! Kaisinsr lOO whclc, half and (jf. ti(*w crui) of the season, in ten days from New York. Oct. 28.—Wtf UANI^.^ H)K SALK. \ v«rv fine .I-VCK and 8 or 10 young Mules, with | - I, VI 11 I 1 V \i s: I stock of all kinds. Oct. i;, 18- D. .S. WILLIAMS- ]8tf FALL STOliR. 181)2. HdRD WVl/SK, HJ^TS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. I HM/ SUick, to wWiet I vvc iw'itc the attetifwa of buyers.^ ALM.VN AC'S 'Flu' I'annors’ and IMantc'rs' Almanac and Turner’s N. t’. Almanac, for 18od. K. .J. .fust receiveil. HALF & SON. vM'. Mechanic's I imiiri-,: and (’iirrvit)^ .Ju ^t received bv F. .J.'HALE & .SON. Mll.Cll COW \\ \S'V\A). NV one having a first rate one to sell, will plait»o apply ut the Observer Office. -7. August 2o, 18-> UALL & SACKKTT. H»-tf CHECKS, .Sept. l’>. IM'.'fHiri*. .KMINSO.X HA.S just 11‘ceived from New York, the largest and best seleclcil stock of Foreign and Domc'stic Dry (Joods, liats, Shoes, Bonricts, Har^^war(^ C.'utlery, Tluit be ever otffred for sale: all of wh.i'iU ■will be*»(T»l at thf l&weat in.jirket price. His irietifrs all wjto wish *o buj ane rvspectl'ully invited to cull aui4 exauoaae the goods ami jrrices. August 2Cj ol.esou coutif.r, containing ticurly ONF. TllorS.ltSI> .YCl’.K.S, from l.Vo to •.i(M) of w hi«fe i» under cullVvaJron. l.roducing cottnn extri niely w*l'!. The b.ilanee is woixl- land, and considered some of tUe l-^st land in the coun ty. On the premises are a dwcriing and all neces?«»y out hou.ses: two cotton gins, one by horse, the other by' water. Situateil in as yood a neighborhood as is in tlie country; a good school »>w in operation under the care of the R«v. Mr. MacDonald, within one-foi»rlh of a mile of the dwelling. From lo to 211 hands could be profit- 1 black, tignri'ii atnJ TV at«*n‘d ably employed in farming. It is also a jrood loratioir for a country store, being from 10 to .'»> miles iistant from F:iyetteville iind Cheraw. the principal market towns, and in a thickly settlcl ftiiuuSry. A turther de- scrij^iMB ii) deemed uiinece.sr.iFy, a» a pnrchaser would be •■*nre t»> examine for hini.'telf. Alsor another tract. contai»inj* •••(> .ncres. lying oir west Iwuk of Luudier river, bei«* good Turp«ntinc Uoiiib iyiiie i :«ome’extra fine;) Rbtek Aljiaca*. Silk and and TinilK*r Land, and about 8 miles ti'oni the above ♦ 'otton W -iric colored Velvets for chiblren; Si-otch, described bind. Terms will be aocoinmodanng. French and .Um-rican (iingli«m>. ami prints; Shawls; Messrs. Wiley Alfonl, .lohn Purcell, and Duncaw .Mantillas: (.iloves; Hosiery; rtilk. Lamb's Wool and Me- MacNair will show the hisids. rik«>.'**hirts and Drawers; a fci:uid»>me assortment of Rib- ^ Iwin.s, Fringes, (iimp and Velvet Trimmings: Swiss, Octolier-, ISoi. .Laconet, Striped aisid Plaid Musliiis; Swiss and .laconet , — ^ ^ Fdging inid Insertings; lufaii*t.s’ Kmbroidered YNaists. SCO! 1 Robes and Caps; P rench-worked Handkerchiefs, Collais "■ \'ST received, a supply “Scott i»nd .fackson, and I'ndersleeves: Real Thread La.(je and Linen Edg- Headlev's new W ork. Al»i, D.A.vrKL W>nsTKR andl ing; Lisle ami Cotton do. Contcmporarie?, by W. Mr.rch. H. J. HALR & .SON. WF have received in part, and are now receiving a large and general assortment of ST.M’LL a**d F.VNCY' DRV (iOODS, consisting in part as follow.^: Super Rl.'ick. I’rovvn, (IrfPii a»wl IMue Cloflis; ."sup r RIack Doeskin faiic.v Ca>simers; Silk jdiish and velvet Vestings, (some very fiue;) Rlack, white und colored ('iranadin Satin aud Fiiglisfr Silk Vestings; Fine (. ravats; Collars; iS:c. .\niongst our Ladies’ Dress fi'oods may be found— Plain Rl'k (iroderhinc. and b Silk; rich Riocade do.; plain and figured do.; ricii white figured do.; plain white .satin tiorence. \e.: Printed Satin Cashmeres; Paris printcl Robes; Lnghsh. I ronch and American printed Delains; small figure.l and highly colered Delaius for chil4reu; Fnglish and French Meri nos; colored Haniiel; (Jbice Pojdin; Victoria:»j»f| Tartan A Plaids; colored Alpaca Coburgs ai»d Lama Clfithr. Rlack the MALCOJI PURCFLL, 35tf and JACKSON. W'ith a fall assortment of Bonnets,. Uats, Caps. P.oots, ^ Shoes, UmVelhis, Parasols, witViiBiany other articles | not entimierated, making our aswirtment one ot the lar- j gest and best wc hav« ever offered our friends and cus- | tomers. So we invite them all to call as early as con- j veiiient, wid examine for themselves, as we expect to ! sell a.' reasonable as any other houst; in th« traut*. corner Market Siuax'e. and No. 1 (Ireen Street, j Fayetteville, N. (.’. ALLX JOiLNSQN ( O. dej}tember lit, 1852, Oct. 20, ON CONSHIN.MENT. 1 BRLS. PORK. JL * * 10 “ f'jsh Herrings. Just rcccivcd aud lor sale by YVILLKINUa & •iltf Nov. 8, I85‘J

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