uijwiuum SEMI-WKKK L ij!ggj.'^TAV3ww3r?v5ar:L3g:-rr~-. ramr-»-;-'g3riJS:.* ‘^''* "ju gjavinat*:.'-!.' M'-'.vmiBWtcxBiS VO!.. II] KAYKTTKVILT.K, X. (\, .lANl AUY i. 1853. [NO. 150.] ■«k: It; do '■'- -k I plar. I thick 1 I'KlNli'*' 1>V J. ]>. NEWUV. l’l)\V \{(i) J. UALK it ?^0X, AN1> nilH'illKToKS. .■ ^ (1.. $l (>0 iT j'liul in ■( 'i'> ii pui'l tliWii'S ^ .. stuT the ve:w lias fxpircd. \', i'i:KHVK.u anrmm, if paid iu - i- ••?- if i*aid during the jcar of SiibScrip- ,. I ! r.fter the year has cspifcd. 1 inserted foi; sixty cents per * ,,i l‘> linos J'.>r the first, and thirty, ccnt* f»r cacb iiK\\, KSTA'n-: von sai.i:. I'aVFTTK.Ml.I.K, Dor. 1, 18')*^. IX IM l'vSrAN('E of a I'ccrec niado hy tlie Scpteni- bt'r Tcrtii of the ('ouTitv (”ourt, on .Mi)nihi_v th(‘:!i! of Ja'n’y,' 1 will sell to the liighest liiiMer (iit tii»j M:ukt>t that v:ilii;il>le lot. on^tho west siili* of (iilli'spic street, adjoininj: the pri'inises ’.if Mrs. l?;i_vnc. Said lot >H'long!J lo the (?tat* of the hiu> Mrs. Henrietta Canip- bvU, and will he soM on a credit of ^’x H'0!ith«. M. V. .lONKS, r.xecntor. r.i ts JSIadcn Si;j)cnor CoKti. Melvin and others, "j I'cfition v>5. V for The I'xecntor? of Ihiuiel Melvin. j IH'trihvition. 5T havinp Vee’i referred to the nndersipnrd ('onrnis- sitiners to take the uo-,’omit in this eauHe, the tli5- .eorii’..^ ieaiU a^l^el tisemeni.s .‘•pe j ^ Itaniel Melvin and all others in in- I ,. • at n'aS'^naWc rates. Advortibers nuv-j t(>re«it are her«1>v nr>tifit'd ti be and t»ptioar I'vfore thoni >ite the nnmher of insertions desirel. or :it Kli/.aheiLunvn, on Friday the iJ'.Uh daj of .1 in \ next. , .atinued tUl forbi*i, *nd charged accord- [ \V.ViuVkN 'uiVs/,0\\ . Dec. 8. 18o2. f.ltt FlK!vlMU>i)F KOOl'lNC;. i^rnnris Shrntoit^ SLATE AND METAL liOOFEU, i^o., fH^lIANKFl’L for past f;ivor% )»ofcs to call I'nMic flt- fl- tonti.'H ti> SLA I'l' 110(^1'INli. (loiio u!i the upprovo'l pviur\i'!e. rool^ liy-liti'r. ti.alitor. j»n«l j be|>ost-pui UACH)^r 1111**'. Si^lcH and ' -W. n: Ll'TTF.TU.OH. -VJ. PHNTISTUV. -r's V-' \ n h.avlt’t: loca- till in ra.vfttevil’u'. n'.ay be found third door WaNTEP, I !?.viuu:i.s t(F Trnrr..NTixK,' ^ Sf ^ for distillery at thel’lank Uoiid i liridtje on I’.ig IJockfish. The host market jirice will be i'aid. F('r further infiiriiiatl'iii, inquire of.Icdin \V. Mnr- ]iiiv. nt the l?riilf!;(‘, or of .\. .\. McKeth.'in, F.ivetteville. bee. IS, 18.', 1. ■ -Iftf FAI.L ;)OI)S. K are I'occivit'p on>- FAI.I. and V.TNTl^U (;)(>1>S, W w foiivistin}; of a larire .stork of Miitrifintrv fnsft Including Turpeutiiu' Tool*;; bar, bned. hoop, ronv.d. and si|\ial-e li'on of all doscriptious; t’.erman, American, Kngli.sh aud Cast Steel. HoIIonv uih! W Wart'; lirxils :uul S)mk\'; Saddles, Saiidlorv and Ivcatlu'r; Hats and ('ai>s; Slaplt* Prv (Uxxls; Mith onr usual hcavv stock of ca€£ «21&4S :: o^:: Be n £t-iV (' oiintry Merchants who jiurohase in this place would do well to call ni'.d o\aiiiitif our stock. J. & T. WADDlI.b. Sept. l-'i. ls.">i!. I’litf I*. '3'. S?.. IS \ I «« IB , AS ti'ken an Oihceon llay Street, West of the Hotel iinildin^ Julv 11. is.'.l. 4 tf JOHN \). \\{\AA\MS, ComniisKion tsttd S'ortrftrtlhts;^ t ?Svrrhfrnf^ Fayetteville, N. C. :i Feb 1 inorp dr.i-iiti'.e than the oM way of >lieetin^ S'lvinf; in lumber, and trreater seev.r.ty t, F.enhiiW vV KnIc's bh ck, and will be ; Th*- ]• \v price at w’.ich Slate Uoofs are now^ etlVi'tinji a jruiiist tire. ■ ft\Te l will rF'fif tlidSf' re'itiirinp his services, rk \> arr.nnfc*L wimJ lie tlatters hiinself l-.e can - : ti. n. having ftkm j:re:it ] ains t- tpialify . .T tl'o i!istr\u'tion ‘f -ne of the tir“t l>enti“ts •: i. ... IvV.». O^tf rL\NTS. >/ •. ju'^t lirr(ivfh , ,■ :in a fl'v.- . f those beaufifiil F.vor- I rcr-. t'i.‘ Chi’ii rim'. Cre]’’."mciiia. .l.apon- ' c. 1,1 Tirri.oii. .. -„-.j "Uf coj*\u'rM:!Js!iii‘. • '• -Vf 1 h“.ve thi-i 'l->y f ■ri-.'i-d a Copart- i-.r ;■ r ti e firm ai’-l styh' of UUANSttN ‘h*’ St:i!' I f 'rinfvlv ■ 'cui'iel bv 11 lr;ii\- N. VN's IN. CA1.\ IN FI .-,;;tf i'.li’vNSON liLAC'K. : TO II. N “'‘N. . . .-'.iMISSlnN Mi:n'IIANTS. a\!> in *i Provision**. Xi'., :V\ .'TltLllT. FAVKTTKVII.l.K. N. C. - ,s ' .'. '.tf [ • !•.! ^. K. ir\(.S! KA(;S!: RACJS!!! r^il'Nl'S AV \NTK1> I v t}i* f-r which th*' kpt \k\W p:ii*l in o wiU t*'- cnnipnrt' f:ivi>rably vilh f*ny other kin'I ot tir*-]iro»t lii.i.fiiip. SI,.\TF CIintNFV riFFS made to .-.ny paaern. They are an excellent remedy for smokinj; chiiii!ie\«. and seldom fail t'' etfcct a cure. r-iV" Tin and c. j.per (iutter-i. I.e.ade>- Fipes and Heads, m.^de to an_\ pnttern, Kiid e\ei-y kin! of f.re- pioo} roftini I ut 'U or rejmired in th« Kest manner, on rensom'ile terms. F. S.. in “I'lii'itiii" yitir f'atror!a;re, feels confi'iont of eivinc enli.'-o >- (ti.‘.t'acti>in in all c:i-*'s where a thorouiih knowledpe of his lnis;nes> is re(uired. Fayettevil’e. Sri>t. 7. 1.'''J. ,1 i.d 1. be .1 .v lan \ '’f Kab‘ij:h, a' heie- 11. l’.rans>'n S >n. :it the i'.n'' eas-;d t. --e nil the-r -M cust-mers i;i;vNS(iN ..V I’d.ACK. :,;:tf ON C'ONSK.NMlvN'r. ■g F.l'.lS I'oKK. JB. S r 10 •• Fi-ih llerrinps. .lust received aiid for s.ale by wil.LKINf.S \ CO. \ >v. S 1‘'.'2. •’It*'- rr;n:R p. .Johnson ]E 9 AS iiist receive ! fr.'in New V..rk. the larprest and M 8 lie«t -elected stm k of Foreign and llome.xtic Prv CH*ds. Hats, Sliocs, P.onncts, HardNNarc, C'ullcry. vVc.. Tliat le ever ofTcr'-il f‘ r sale; all of which will be ‘•••'•1 ;it the lowest market price. Mis friends and nil wlo> »i>-h >>uv are respectfully invite.l to call and exan.inc the ds and I'liccs. Au^n.st -J.-., 1-.V>. •J'-'tf I. ANP I'Oil S ALi :. '!IIF. s’ib-crit er otTers I'or ‘'.tie 1»«"> acres of fine Turpentine .nnd Timl.pr I.AN1>. .i ll' t cs.wi coun- IV, ab.iut f.ur mi!e« N'>rth Fi“t .M' I.p.nibert'.n. Nearly th'- wl'.-.’e f.sct ii he;ivil\ timl.i rc'l. and thcr«‘ are eral licaii:;r\i! sitii.'itims tor a re- dence. pnrtiiin h i' been clcare.l. It ;:es hi;ih !i>i any bind in this rcpion of c on-.trv. I 'll I :sH (ioops. (tj[k Fir.cr.S C».v]^etir.5rs. new style and ) atterns— ■^af lirus-elp. three ply. Inttrairi. \en’tian. !iru|.r- (iv‘ti and Uups; I'loor jutd Table (111 ioths; Uamask. I'uikey-red, jiiel embossed (’iirt:iin (ioods: super tine Bliiiikets: P.r:.ss and. llrass heail .\iidirons, and .''hovels and Toiiirs v'^c.. \c. ko’Kb:kv. ■Ji> Crates .-is'ni ted t'rockery, new styh'. ’.mi'- rto 1 di i cctl\ IV' III l.i\ crpfiol. m.ikiIIii our .I";''I t ment complete. _,\1,S> — ■J’> I’.bls. CofTee Snji.ir. ■'i Ilhils. N. t>. and I'orto i'.ico Supar, I’ajr-i 1 apuir.a CoHee, ‘J old r.i'iicb !’>randy, •J'l Ilf. bbU. n!\d bo\es Soda, r.utter. nnl Ficiiie ( r.o kers An nKs.irtuient of Ucady-made ('hithinff. .lust receiveil aiel for s.»!e bv S. W. T1I.1,1N;IF\ST C». Oct. 1. ISoli. "-'‘f BOOK IJIiV!>5'JlY. THOS. H, TILLIWGHAS’fi Anderson Street. ?('j.t. f . 21 ''•m K. ,M. o!iih:i.l, roK\v\i?i)i\{; (fnniiss{{!.\ );Fii( iiAM .\t E'uyrSlcviile, i'. Mnrch lf», 1S')*1. S'l'AlHl vV M ILIJAMS. WII01.KSA1.I-; DKAld'l’.S IN M'ot'vifi lt (ttid iPotBK’stir S9r*f Goods^ la %v ^'rni:r/t\ Fayetteville, N. C. .(. U. ST.MIK.] [■»■ M .April "JS, IR.'i'J. iiJC2dta&ifc.iicaarTT aws&yycrafty»^;aasaBJ— \\\um I. (;\vvi;h. F011WAIU>IN(5 .\ND iOMMISSloN MHlH.'llANT, WILMIKGTOW, W. C. |-;!IS0N.\1, ;tt!:'iitin!i piven to tlip =ale or shipment of Nav:il Stores. 1 have ample facilities for con- ductin" tiie bii.siness: lar^irt'wliMif and store .sheds to kee)> sjiirits from expo.«ui-e. Na\al stores will he shijij>ed to any house irl New York, or to other markets if j advistiblc. .and liberal ca.^h advntieer’ nia'^? ccnsign- j nieiits. 1 refer to the followiii.ir distillers: F. Ih'.nnum, Wnyne Cf,\inty, Ch-.mdier llall, .iohnston Co., j l.ovett Columbus Co., i;. II. Hard.11. Thr.f. L. V:;il. Fdaden .Messrs. Smith. liipram, John.'^ton (.’o,, Messrs. Z. .1. .biurs, “ Mc.-;srs. ."'mith X .bmes, “ Spencer Fouiit:iin. J.sq., “ Fevi H.iilev, j^S'p, .'0. Mhv on-T-.d J.,,, WIbbTAMS. M’.tf J.ILL 1>H¥ «OODH, miitn i» vi/s^, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. ■^S/'F ,\1’>F now reeeivinp our I'all Stock, to which V w we invite tiit! attention of buvers. HAFL X SACKKTT. Auiust i2:’. lit-tf H. L. iiOLAH'lS. Attorney at Lav/, Wilmington, K. C. LAWRENCE &: TROY Have received their Fall Stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquora. —Also— A ?r;iall lot of Ixoady-mado Clotlnna^ Crock('ry and (Jiassv.are, IJoots and Shoos, Hard\\aro anJ Cutk'ry. Wo have on hanl the following (JK(K'Ei;n:>; Ilio. Fiipuira. and Maracaibo Coffe«>; F rto IVieo and Cii^ia Supar; l,oaf. t'rushe.l and. 'otiee dit»o; A’aman- tii.e and 'I'aFo'v C-ii'dle*(; Fancy r.!:d coinmon Far Soapr I’earl and Corn Stai-cii; Fejrper, S])ice, rJinper, Nutmeps. Cloves. Ciiniamon, Tea. iVc.: Salt^ Irori, Molasses, Ko.; .Sole, Upper and Harness beatlier. 1‘R()VIS[()N’S: >fess Feef, and smoked and dried ditto: F.eef Tonpie#’,- and “Tonpue.s and Sonrid"”; No. Mackerel, in bbls.: ■No. 1 ditto, in kitt.s; Salmon and I'ickled Herrinjr. irt hbls.: l,ard. in bbls.. kecs an«l kitt.s; (loshen .and Oairj IJutter; Choese, Fickles, i’reserve.s, ice. l.IQEOUS: Fine French llrandy; Common Porrrrsti” d’tio: OUT Rye Whiskey: ReetiHt'd dltbi; f^leat- white ditto: Country ditto: New Knpland Hum; Hollalid Oil;; F^rt and Ten»- riffe Wine; Common Malaga ditto. We I:ave a large lot of Liiiuors which we offer l^'if by the barrtd. We keep on hand, always. Fiaeon. Flonr, Com. &.c. We offer .-inT of the above nMux'd C>ids a*» can ))e afforded in this market, tor Casli. or in exchanr^ for Country l’roluce, or on time to jmnetual cusiom'rfl' l.AWUFNCF ,'c Tl’OV. Sept. F'), 1S.j2. ■tjl'i'F'l' on c'Tiicr d' niulcr .louriial i.tliee. l>ec. li. Fl'ont and Frince.'-s street‘ 4S-if Ml PON ALP vV .Mc\L\S'ri:R, FFAl.FKS IN (I r(ic( ri r>'. fJ!jir)rs. l*ror: .• 4-r. (;ii.Li:siMi: stiikkt. b ellow F.iiildi'ic, between th- M:irket House and Fank but a ►ai: :in i lie.t :! riHV-H AKR!\ AI.S. .Mm"ud'^. 1 b.**:.; Nnts. 1 b*»x !, 1 'V' ' Ibii'ins. 4'-' i)r. b >xf‘s d >. 1 bhl. \ nz FT ;-t'. 1 ■ l*r>,n-s. 1 bM U"W Cur- . , ,1ust rec* ivocl this d;iv h;.1 t--r CHAIILFS f'\NUS. .'i:!-l.'w I’crs f, F.b in per- M-ie i\ unimpr‘*vcd b-'t* tr. tli»* T*ii\n • f b»::iii*eri wishiii'.^ t- purcha -e v i’l make :i]>plicnl . rt i',. Tro;>, in l.uii.'.:>Tt-n, the -i,- ..n, F.2 i.ule'* fruin the >ir.a;j;«-, . ii tliv IFii l.v M' Sey t 1 ■ .loHN A. Fo\VI.\M>. KJ)\vi.\ ;Lovi':iJ, At tlir si:n of Ihr larir Wnlcli. liiP Strrct. j Ills 4»s.u sr,i.rB»j i ^ ^r«‘ccivcd liis; I"f S rocic oi' (i'O(M)S. i i>nsi'ti.;p of If .Ff ircirf/. SILVER AND PLATED WAPtE, AND MILITARY CrOODS. ' A MONC. his ;.-'ortment m:iy b,- f iii'd Writ.-lo'-; ..f :«11 kind'. fr.>m^'- t' tr-M b'b. C.irn-l :'.ud V^*st t'Imin'^: pold S*-als and K«*\s: s.iv»t |-ob :\nd *iu:u I Cbains and Ke\s; Ureu't-piiis. Fur-rinr' :tnd Fin-jer riup«, a fine stock,; Cutl-pir.': Fnic.det': poH ind ■•iUer SpectMcb-', Tliimbb-' ;uid Fencil; pol 1 I. --ket'- C..’t s :md .Mleii"' F..-v..’\er'^; Cli. -^ men: c,.rdeoii'^: x:'\er S]'—.ns: silver Cu;', \c.: Military C ...d' i-f n’l Kinds: a fit-.e b't of ( bick*^. :;nd :dm-sf e\erj> tliMi^ *I f.'r iu hi' line, which v.ill be s.d.j idieap f. r CnOi. >!• ,.n 'bort time t- tlfse that A', ill j.ay their l.ilhs wh:‘ii jro'ciif id. t-t'- ■ W;itcbe^ ai' 1 .’-wiry rep.'i>-d -t- u'u:il. (I'd C.nld and Silver t.-iken in ►xdrinpe. J »..>■ All tbi'«e indi bted by N"te or l’""K ae.^i int. must ].av by the 1-^t of N' \en;ber. Ki'■ ctte\ille. •>?. F I’''-. .,1-tf of the .“t.'tc, iv\^ Fee. 1>. l''’>-. WAN r OL MONEY. 4 FL persons w !io fire indebted to me, by note or nc- | V count, lire ctirnestly re']Uested to "et*le—p'trtiTii-j '|'r~l lat'.v those debts due me'before the 1st .lanuiiry, ; A ' ' 1 111^ I I I > I V •. Mv’buxiness re.piires me to make this ciilb and lonper ''I'^WO doors above the Fo-^t Otf-ee. at the 1 knotrff indulgence cannot be given. ‘1 as the Wapon Yard, v.e \e j . Fop, HiUi , ^ McKFthan. IS«r!«c« ?«*?«! Not. F>. l8->_. I t,, seiul l’as5e:i;_ers to the ne.cl.hor- inp to\;ns and vlll.’^pex. We also kee]) on hand a lo‘ (>f (JFOCFFIF^' fir country friends, wliich w e w i'l ev( L'li.c";' !'■ r Fro!n(. c r>( e>‘rv kind. WM. 15. Wir.KV, H. L. i:i;AVl^’T'T. >'ov. L»»i, -'tf 3IA11IJJJC FACiORY, S. i' .Itf made t .''ept .lOHN jr\NKS, rOMMISSK.N W!) ri(ll\V\IUMN!: ACIAT, Wilmington, N. C. " 11,1, Mtri-od t' tlie sale or purdia>;e of Froduce. with di>i';itv-h all consipiiments 1 v:M ship ' liim. 1". 1^‘-J. m\.n\ n. V it ."52 M B I AND FCRWARDmCJ MERCKAKT, ll'itttiifurtoi:, ,V. f'. By LAUDED. TWO UUnns ABUVE T. T. IIIICH SON’S SIORF;, 1-^nyetI«*val8t’, .T:in'y -JH, .'.S-lYpd C. W. A.M)IIi:\vs, f^oaSoj’ isa f=5l»vcsi/ A CARD. rjJ^IlF, return of low water renders it ne'-ee-f,rr thrif ' JL the Steamer Chatham shoub* b:» employed «• n tow ' boat. She wi'il not therefore run as hcretofon,-, on »*.ny repular davs. until further notice. ,)N0'. I». WIFFIAMS, Ag't npe Fear S. V,. Co. Mnv 12. inr.2. . i;.l :itt-ntioii piven ti* all C.>r,«ij:n- ,d t : 'ii : d\ .ni’> made I'U Fi'i-'luce to t>e .s;r.p- tb^r i' irt t-r >■ t~Jf~ Fr oe^'t J urnt'. p-d t.. I V \! di f)t >on Instj- o ''-.r.dey tl.e 'd day of .I;>nu. r> had ncf.'r the Ir-'itute at Sev-n AI. SAM-L .1. HINSP.XLI-, and B>ri92 Sl'.t Old N. V. !' '■ ■’•'I'>• J) ■ \- F- ard d Tr’i-tccs. r:j-:'t COMMON SCHOOLS. I >F j;>ir.F.K 10. 1^’)'^. ,;_ t I C 'II h' Ofi ’c .f the Ch'.irmiiii of tl:' ■ir' i-;y in .Fi;i'i try l^-'-;. that daj- m- lit!', '.VAi:i» 1,FK W1NS!/)'V. Ch'n. tl;e r’e:.sare of iiiforiiiiiip his cusfi.n the pubiic, th t h(“ h;i' rcm' '*‘-i tr .in .'^t.-ind t. the next e .rner ab .ve, pi-iicr:il!-. kuov.n a-^ tlie ••I'dakc .'..nier." : f.,r C"’. iu.-iiiip ’ -S. b 4h .de :.n'l r--t.*';. t. t!.- b.-'t ■■■. !v;uitnre, lie S'oicits ;i c. t.t-i. the k':'.I f:iv..r he I'H' eui..yel. with the a"-urnncc th it lo. . ff. rt his part «hu;' be «:ii>t-;;i; t. in-rlt it. Hi- .'^toi'k (■ ii;;t1 ! is liijc .1 ii:es. Cbei-.iicv.U. F»'.nt'*. O l*>e ."tMt's, p: iciiic'-. Ft-rluinery, rb tl'.'i' 1 ea^. >•• 1. (dii.*-. 1 • Mid Hair Flushes. S> a)''. I’otash. \c. The utm..«t oai.- nivou t-. the prepHniUOn viaiis' Fre-crip*i’us :md Kar.tily Henpe.s. .lulv i-J. l"-'-:i. ;i ; ..M I'TO'» nt of !T •f tlo-iiC't ijU:i'.Hy: iM l'.j \F,\V FIRM & \i:\i coons, «:uLs‘'‘r’.L‘'i« Mr ji nii'l cr*n'‘r.‘il nf Sfnjth- ntui I'll nr ji f)nj (ino'fs, llats all 1 ( I'' ''fs ;tna Sii ,\moni Ci.ffce. Soir:!r, C.itto Niiil'. ind"W ( .‘-'•o-k ;ilid Mum Sn't Fcpper. .\N;>ice Ci- F.nr Fo:id •■V y. rV. 1 Itf Ib.-ifs ;ma w bicii erf": F>:ih' [-''pe. \vrdc«; 'IV 1 I'l!,.- - J Iron. Imi»‘ri:il »!:d F.l'X'k Te.:«. F. -'d-r, Sh'.t. Far and I .incy .''i iip. w i t h 'Tit -. Mcd- Iit \'.ed- %. T..oth r Fhy-'- tf T"jrerc.fi- ■■■. I,!, 1, th‘-\ tb' ' are 'b tvrmined t'l ‘■ell t.i t’oi-e who pron.ptly. r-rn i'our;trv. F,-, b:. e'..f !-.'l r.i th^ taken in ex''iiaii;:e f.>r • =. ds. vr.ricty of tiior ;ir*.,-:rs. ’■ .i> f t’o' pii' V . :;;r’ v h s b'W fur Cntb. I r t ve s aiiv 1 onse in the South- V.WI.MIKU. i>tf ■V.i' SuM'i'.erv: N. ■' . I'ec '.Id.FAN .(c .lovr> s.-.F rtf / y.'tb .V l'( ri'tlr S( niiniiri!. 'I' resumed ■r \>r- bt-L-r- ..f th; ■ liistitutio:i wi . H .1 iiu ry next. Mi'- Cli'arb'tt" IF St..ne. lioen se(*iired, who brii'ps tV* '■■■i ri; :.s a French scho'ar, a pT- iid p.'iiiitcr—wlr.ch chart' ter she has - ■ she became as>oci-ited with t.ie . '.mpotent :^^-is;ancr will be s.'.-ured, ■■ ,d th '.se intere'ted t- jilace the in- .;he-t ]'o- ‘.>)b- pr lunds. ' 'i'.i have b*en enlar;ied. :ind every ne- ■ '1 madi' f'lr the eonvcuifnt boarding of ti;.- op-ninp of the s'diool. Hoys board- ■ wi.l be \isited every eveniiip by the ■■I ♦he \erv u‘most attention will he r ati'i intelhv-tual culture of the Rtu- ' ;• anv number of .“tufleut* c.an be pro- tV.isii to ^7 [>•••' nK»nth, e\clu- ■ ■'ii- 12 r !•') can V^e jirovi'led for in I’t' cip-il. . S.iiiti /'■' f' ffovt, I ! : i di r .'Fithem.iti-s ME OsiSv C?*ir£it out ill S*a*’l. A. A. McKl'/rHAN ^T!FF continues to carry on the C \UF.F\{. F Fd Sl- NFSS in all its bnuiches. at the r.-maiiis ol Ins oUi Fibertv Foint He returns thanks tor $10 .'.0 h .',1 r N C ]Ci O't 17 r.\ (HI iif iii>ifruiiient \.e. furfilshed at Fook.sellers’ price I». .MFF.\N, I*riiicij,al. Dec. 'i, '.1-11.1 Sh ■’ >r\!ML SON & CO., ' MAFTFV k STARH,) Water Street, New York, Si .. . ,, Pir-e a"ortiuent of - I r.'. :.ri'l S'l lMW COOKS, of their • I'-. "I,;. lilliey -db r to c ish and time ; .. ].il tei-ms. at a slipht iidvaii!‘“ •' (•■ perience in this oramdi of bu- ' i Ib-r illdlicomerits to buyel-S sel- ! I'l i \:imin:ition o( their stock i' )iar- ' ' I ii 'l' r- r' Spect fully soliciteil. and ■ t') p;wkirr^ pooiiM tor d:staiit .-T.M'.K, SON .V o.. 1 17 Water Street, New Vork. I. I -.2 n!-:^m IIS’ i*loi (;hs! im.ol(«hs! I’t.i^, 1» a 1, ij\ ,, , line. As we run tw il" v.tiohs:ile, HMM( PFOb'tlHS and IM.Ol i.H t'ASTFNtbS. which were I ■ niiir'iet Th“v V i’’ '>•' “•'d t> .... th- ■ ' i.iar- stau'l. opposite thelibei-'d patron.pe he has hcretof,re bo,,es bv strict H:tention to business and a ^ entire .sl.tisfactio,,, to merit a continuance -t th s«n . . . ilavinp kept the preater portion of his J distance fn.ni the manufactory, he has on hand « anl well ti deeted lot of thorou-hly seasoned l imber of cverv de.^cription used in hi.- business. " him to retain all his principal worknien. He is » now ,,rep.ared to do any wo,-k in his line in th best st\le, and on the most f.ivoiable terii.i -as low as :,nv work .d'th‘ sam- -itiality iii N- • He ha« on liMiid, completely finished, : S I!:trouehes. for 1 or - horses; i tl R ickaw.ays, anil 1 ■’> Fiii"gies. ^ j .\lso, nearly fhiisbed, 1 ' ](i Cai riapes b.r-J iior.se.s; j •’() F,:u-ouehes for 1 and 'J horses; j 12 Ro.-kawavs. and Fu^es; i All of which are of the most -l-l>r—l F’;-" ] :ind will compare with any w oi k in tin. tieatuess aii'l durability. , Havii.jr been enpaped in the above busiiies.s T-i ti t i.a>^t 2l years, his work i.s wdl known, anl he reteis t-. (dd customers for proof of its durability. \ l,r, AViirk warr;iiitcd for 12 iiiontli«, and re,cured'free d charpe should it fail l.y bad workman ship or tuaterial. within that time. It-ir Rkimhin*; execute.l at short notice, and on ren- .lan'v 2i’>, lS-i2. LLMMEK! IJ MPER!! ««r I- have our Steam S;.w Mill iu successful opera- W - >-■ - :i— FnvetteviMe. near the baleiph I'ALL ANP WlN'l’l'JL B ^,^"2 'tt. {'nri^ I” if' I'n}!'th nU-. Ii’ vou visit Wi'r.iiupton this t-'all or Win'.-r, do^ not fiiil t.. c-,11 ru the Merchant T;iih>riu2 «nd Clothiup Stor--' of SCOT'!’ .K FAFF" IN- 'i'hey iir- hot. openinp ; one of the hirprst as« rt:n-nts of Chilhini; mir/ I>ra danrls f., p- ,-e offered t . the c:ti/er.s of Ni.rlh CaroV.nn: niaour v'hich n.av be f .und every ' -f J Co'its Funis, l.ite>-1 ‘tvle, and \ e.-t* of ad the uic.np ; cob.r« as v.ell a- pbiiu Sntiu and Cassimere. new and beautiful assMrtment of b.ishionable Over-* oat cannot fail t,' ilcMS^. The “Fatent Make Seam _ sold oiilv by this house, is ;iii .irlicle which »\ery pciu.*' mall oupht to we.'t desir.ible p-irment (ibivcs. Kt:-y ic., 1 'o'l.- Merchant T:uloi iiip Dei'artment is condu. ciittrrs of .-miiu nt skill; so that we are al all times pre ]areil to make suit' t> stvle. A splendid assortment iiiid Veslinps always (iii hand Their Coats .Shirt iit>- who vants a pb‘:is;int tittiiip aii.l Sldrt Co’lurs, Fnder (larmeuts. preat varivty. .\1! selliup b.w for I'.l by ]ire- ■asiirc, on the most ap} roved of Clotlis. Cassiiuercs iu thi' market K. K. 12. I ' v\ HJviNsox i-N i:sli:r, FT. Md'l'.S IN f'. , J' !■• i’jr Fn'ifi, ’li.hari O. mill Sm'j!, and iNiiMFFi i',i:s of ss s'3:r^3>sfi KMsts, r \V !I •!. !•''M-K ''■•I' HI T.\!l.. Market St., Wllniinston, W. C. Au-. 7. l‘^-'d. MALLL/i l' Ov i'Al L\Hi:iL iirortrs f'oitnuissioit t^Scr- rjinttis, KLW YCKK. I'. i.!;tt.T [•' .\i: :n*^; !'■. 1> '2. T. C. WOilTH, (in:i!!.NS!(iN AM) 1 !li!>\ W ILMlNii'i'^LN. N. F -’.. i. ’ A. .L .L '\\ .10N!>'. General Agents k CcmnrIs3ion Merchants, fj.-' F:irtic'd:ir attenti 'ii piven t i the J-ile of lim- f.»r, Fuuil't r. and Na\al St i.n C' iisipomcnts. .jOSi'/iMI .1. LP.‘lM'n\ B’»r\T55rilisi)! .’3‘i AN!> DKAi.KlI L\ (i IMX'KH 1 KS, : IFM.FS l!riFl*IN(F WATldl STbFFT, ■ wilivii?;gtok, n. g. Prompt attention pi'-i'u to the purchase and sale of 1 with despatch. I., Fie'i't of the F.ranch I’ank F?n ANI> M vntfaCTFRFR OF T'FAlN ANI» .7AFAN 7V/i M arc. 'I'tn P/olc nnd SImt Iron Works. STEAMER SOUTHERNER WILL leave Fayetteville ( very Wednesday and S;»- tunhiy, at 7 o’clock, .\. ^F. and arrive in Wil- minpton at 7 o’clock F. AI. And will leave Wiliriin^ton everv Monday and Thursday, .ot 12 o clock, M., and ar rive in Fayetteville nest nu.rninp. II. M. ORRELL, Apctit. 85-tf April ifvv: tl a all kinds of work, either in Fib,r:il ‘■h sdvhrre' •Ftf am prepiircd to do Cid'FFF, TIN or SHFFT IKON. 1 1 avc ■ har.'i :dl t!.‘ -"^^iry m.'iterir.ls nnd inP.-- chiuery for m.ikiii'^ l actory Can and I'rums. and to .lo ;dl kinds rif t'actory work tiiat can >'0 done by any simi- Inr F‘^tabli‘.hmeiit in the State. Also, for sale. Fatent Fa. tory Can Rinps, varyinp from '■* to Ft inches: Fniiu Fc:ids. \c. F.ool 1\\;, t.FTTFi: AN1> F!,..Fi:U FIFF.S j.ut up in the b' st manner. A’vo, r*ceiveil. tu’i supply iif (.Ot^lvlNCi STt)Vl '^. of the u'."st approved pait. i ns, stur.e id" them , verv lavpe, f.^r hotel anl }dal.tati..u v.se. _ \lw:i\" on I'.ai'.d a iroo'i assortment i f TIN ARF. C. W. .\NliRFWS. South Fast corner Market .^nuare. May F'). ls')-2. w AN'ri:p 'ro rrii(’iL\si-:. CORDS FFNF W(!OD. to >.e delivered on „>v Wharf durin-.: the next s;x months. ' r. S. LFTTFRI.OH. jntf rpHF Steamer FANNV LFTl I TFIJI.OH will in future lr»ve Fayetteville on Tuesdsv a.nfl Friday iinorninps, at o’clock, .and W il- niinpton Wednesdays and Saturdays at 12 o’clock, nnd run repularlv, carVving freight and pnsseneer« with despMteh. ' ‘ T. S. I.FT'JERFoH. .lulv 22. htf il .Inlv 22. lS-'2. Co, INTl'ND en ctiujr a STll.F on the Wc.stern Flank Uoail, mib's Ir r.i Fayciteville. where N. Kinp formerly had one. and would be j>leased t* 'rOHACCO. su>.scri>.er continues to receive and sell, ftrk’ .H. frinr.'if-ieturer.s’ account, aii pradc.s of m'annfno- tnred Tobacco. J- ^ I Fl'A . May SI, 18.V2. ^^f N()TK:e. lY VIRTUF of a Deed of Trust to n.e executed bV Mct’ullouph ^ Hunter, I shall e-pose to spIv in the town of Fittsboro’, on the 1st day of .lanuxrj, l!.''v!/ T\\ FNTV-FIVI': Shares of the Capital Stock of the Caj.e Fear and Uee]> River Navigation C-'inpany. Temi*/ Cash. MAFFvK'E Q. W ADDFLL, Irutrt^.-e. Nov. 21, 1S-V2. 4'i-tlJ ~\rFi7ic'ri:i), reap! nillT.\(II'.1.I’I11.\ >J!;ilH'.\l, HOI SR. elahlifti'.i l.*> yr.-»r« «c. * l.y Hr. Ktni-rlin, -N. U . curner nf Tliiril iinit L nmn ^ui»>sy I’liiUil-li'hiM. „ . KK.VIi:—^ oITII AM> .M \.\l!f^‘)D.—A viaoroiiK l*f-> or « rrc Itcitnre .if’ntli. Kinkrtiii on Svlf I’re« rv«ii..n. Mily rerUs.— 'I'lii' liiMik jiiit ptiiiii«tieil. is tilled with iisi-fal int'oriiiation, on llir inriniiitir'anti of ilic liiiiimn ori-ans. Ii !ol.lre>*ef ilseir tho'ie maVi-.i"- Turnentiue before thev make any eiip.ape- , y,,inh, iiiinhoiHl hikI olil nnil 'hi.aiil lie re;>l liy nil. .',c'c,e bjte’ivu rovcment Iiiach- bv me in distil- j Tlie v.-,IuhI.I..- :olvi.e h.,.I i.niir.-'uo v ;,rnin: it tiy.- «ill pre ments, .1. ' ! . , ■ nm- v.*nt ve«rs «.f mi-erv ami MUUrin^", Jni-i Mi\e nniiii:«lly K.oii'hin.i' hup will enable me to pive p"oii pnilS tol nie i.iw mn | ^ l'.Hr..rt«, by re.-oline ii, w:l! lr;irn Ic.-^ m y»-vmi ih« ; iteMru'-lion of ilu ir rtii'ulrfii. ' .\ rciiilltaiirr of ‘i.l rent'* inr!"Kec! in n !•■ t'er, io.'lrc««riI to Hr. ■ Kiiikcfni. .N. \V. ronier ol'I'liird am! I'nioii ^in riv Uliis. ' will rn*nri' » l>ook. iimii-r Pi'velojic, p r rcttirii ii.i;’ Pi r- n- f t c. terial. Dee. F >N. 1 S.-.2. KING .-.Itf SCOTT F.AFDWIN, rtcrs of Hoiserv, Cloths. C.-i'si ;iud Dealei-s ’roduc‘: returns reioh rt J^'fcr t'l F. F. II ill, 1/ ,f the State: M.--vrs. ('. ' (let. loih. lN-'>2. iiaiph .V S'Ui, Fayetteville. :M-:’iu w AN ri:p. -F.AFRFL COOFFRS. .Apply to N. KINCi, King«burv. N. C. ;VUf JfiV/ Merchant Tailors, Im; iiji'res and \ C's'uip Cb.thiup id'their ow n superior manuf icture W iliiiiugtou, Sept. IF F*'-i_. Ready-made 27-tl.I rT7-Ladi(‘s' liidiuLT aiul (x ntlc- „.,.n s RidinpCaps, f.r sale at the C.reen STORF. * Nov. HI, 1S.V2. HAT 4-'.tf ST(M K OI' COODS orders in our AW,/iV or /’irrc'/nr we can nil (dlls at the shortest notice. We can '"h’ .I,„rn.er l.r'IRFR. =.nd..f almost ■..inl n tl,. r.,r tr:t>,;ol-.- .* 'f ^ -,rr 'livevi-l -.a lua. S't. ii'NF:- I 8 \M recei\iup a much larpT , . , tl.an usual, consist inp of a complete assortment of Prv (io*ds, (Jr>C(‘ri('S, Havdwart'and ('nlltM-y, .\monp which may be fiuiiid — 1 allies' fine Dress C.oods. F.onnets, and an assort^ ment of Dress and F.ounet Tiimminps. of the latest -AFSO- 7/./AS-, ShoiA, .Vrpro Rb.nkets’and Kerseys. Rapping and Rope, with a larpe supply of RFAI»V-M.M»K CI.n'HIN(J. All of the alxive Coods have been recently purchasdi, iind will be i=oId b.w at wholesale or letail. N. P. srA'.UU C’K, Troif. ,Veiv lUOX FOl’NDKH AND .MACHINIST, Minni/'xrtui ' r >>f' Stmrn M nuf />’«(''. c.s, !nil "/ 'i/( f.'i'iii/.s, I'hoKjh^, fR^HF un b-rsi'li.ed. as the Agent of the above I'.stnb- a lishm-nt. \sill order any articles which may he wtu'tf**!. on !U'iiru.*:Uion to liim. , , » '’’he St':nn Mills niii!iut':u'turotI l»y Mr. Stnrlnicv nrnr been tc'ted, and are hiphly app’oved on tlic Fl.-ir.k Roads about !• ;ietteville. , i />iv F.DW’D LFF WlNsLOW. 4. IS.-.F [.I. IF ROFFRTS. NLKAY iV ROin:R'rs, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, (Irner.il I’tMiiiiiissioii \ FitrNMirtli'.Fi V.crrliinits, South Water street, tl .loors below Market, Fartieuhn- attention paid to th‘ sale of all kinds of Country Froduce. Liberal cash advances ni.fle on consignments. Reference- .John D. Starr. Fs.)., Fres’t of the R.ink of Fayetteville I'ayettex ille. Sept \V. H. M. KAY.] r^'TViO SFlF.n Dec. 17, F‘.j2. hm\m & JESll’. No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. FOR THF SALF OF AFL KINDS OF ri)TTll.\ AMI WflOLI.IA' MArill\f:KV AM) "M.\.\n’.\t"n i!i;irs .\i!Ticid;s" OF KVFRV DFSCUU-TloN. C'onini'isni!^ lit'ltniix, (. ard C lothing, Hobbins^Shilflics, PicUcrs, IJollcr Skins, Roller C'l(»tlu Oils, l>ec. lb, isr>2. srAPLi: iusim:ns. .livtMiire ii.ny i.il.lres» l>r. .S. l>y lelirr, (;h,>1 j. li.i; ami l.c iiri-4 nr i *' r'lrkn^e* of iiWirinf?. .lirrlion«. &r , forWarrtfit t»y v^r.itirc P-‘ i reiiiiiian*’", "n.l I'lil ii|. w'ire tr.iiii ilan.at'e. . . I (’.(x.kiellers, .Ne-.v* I’dlers. I Hiivas>er», anil all other* I wiili the above work :>t very tow rntcs. I..I. ^ l!Vi:rv July, ISj-i. MVKIC C’Otll'B.Al^T. Jin/nificc, Dt/x^trji.fin, C/iro>iic or Jtrrro!/.' DthihtVy Dittflff' of (he Kiilitfi/f, .\ml rH .ti»e-.«e nrWinE fr..i:. n li..>r.lrr«-.l biver or Ptomarli. Mioh I'.ii!slij>:niim. 1 or 1^1.‘.al l'» lh* llcail, r^t.'iiiarh. .NHn'c;., lleiir'I.i'n. Hirt'T'l .'or FimmI. or Weitthl in ihe Siomci li. r^oiir r.rurlnlimis. Siiikiii* or I IntleTing n( Ihr pit ..f ihc Sl"ii'.iOi. Sv. iiiimitiL'o( tlif Heart, (liirrird hi;.*- Ilitrii-iilt Itrrallonu- I'luUerinc nt (lie lleari. Choking or Snfr'ifiil- ing S.-11'ali..ii' w h.-n in h lyiiiB in.^tare, l»lii.Tlei«s of Vision, l ot* ,.r WVI.s l.ilore the Sipt.l, K*-ver, Hull (.ain in Iht- !!e * firieiiry «.f I’ersiiiralioii, \>ll.>v. nr'« of the ^^Iln niirt r>e-.. pi.in ill •'II- Hirfe, rhf*!, I.iiiihs. &.•.. s-e.li)»'n l t.i'ke~ et I niiriiiiic ill Ihe rU-»h. «,'i.nM»nt liiit|:ininsY of f vil, at d (.rrht 1 (. pr.-'suin ol Si>irii'. /-.■\ N l,.-, ir. rtM .nv r.ir.-.l hyl .!! IH lol l. A M I'S Ct.I t ei: \ « »■ T> ^ «;KU\1\N urt I KttS. l‘rf|..re.! I'V I’r «' J: r* « ' *1 'lie t.irman .V«iliriiie i^Iore. .No. 1-J.' \ni: sir. i 1. I’h irt'-c." ^ 'I h. ir ii"«»-r i.Ttr ll.e alM.vr ili'e..>e! i» n'-t -I' ll- " ‘ ' ' ''' hy any olher [•r.-varaVina >h ‘he I n.lrit Si iT' a If. i ui.'- ' in IK.I.S: ra-Cr, r.ll. r'K.iliii i.liyi. :«n~ h'..' 1 " ' .1 Uiut'f** ire worihy i» »* ii*i' r ■ n Will, tb l.roadfoot. Cash r. do, Flijiih Fulh-r. Fsip. M.cw-i’s. Cook T-i'b'c Fiiyetteville. . . , Ih. 'riiv. snbsi-rii'er intends car- ..•r-.i virtue' in the ren.rn >in.n >.1 > 1 1 • - I rtrinil'i ♦’l(l»’ .•»»' til tT** .^i vMu.z on t:,e ab'>ye u*^.ial. ilaving added consuior- tlifl. »-i!i. icn'-’ii, fi.il ivlde Stuck, he will Ite able to ae- c.iinnio.late tlie public. Thankful for i>ast favors, he .Milicits a con tinuance. J. AV. VOW F.R S. .Jnn’y 20. is.',2. T.Htf I pleasaiil. l‘*ptar M ,r ., ( '.infou, Sa.npsou . inn>y .hk’l 21 .Ma.-. i, ui h 1 »> It.- .h-, !• i:i t;- ;!t' :ii' I i-r. 1 ■ SJas-oj^^. V. , I.' ss ( K'i’- ',r\. I'.r.-.l-l. cii . i; S". W'- 1S-.2 2 -tt' I h.:ii.a- .1. Nb , i'- i . i, 1’ I’r 1, 1 -1 . ' '' l.iimbv': 1 Ol, ib.iot r-iT. V.,,,;: l‘.!itlen. j’Oli s.\! . i •; ti • . ' s ON AN i> 1 i-A M ■'■1 i 1 i'.S, tW.l I'l tllC II"'!--'- 1 \\ :;nt li !nr I il; ( il.- hii! 2 ' iii'- \ ,-ars old. All ill ■ Appiy t'- rep.-rn- aiei ..rdci- In' ; M i i; \'S> OI- ; \ i;b ANSI'S i 4 (vlNii.) cook A ' , r'A ’O.i. i-'*' ' 1' 1 • . a. j:'in . pi. p.'SV :vd r I'Ji: :'y' Sicanun)(tl i'oinj^fttrj^ fid “ liKAH AM' I’K h'r.'iii il.c- ll«.'t..i. I ' The •il'.ior «a.il- Her. ‘J-il— , r- J -Hr. .-U t.r.l.'.l I 'to . i f,.m,.1aini. Jail.-.iliie. I.V'|»|M'. ' lir-; - r ' . .leMTVeilly oneof th- a.o'l r-l.;.'.*/ a. ^ i I 11-^ J’/'; Hitler'ha ve l«-eii iiMil'■> .ti'ii •••«'' • ’■ ' ' ' ' ■, ». «,• I ^rr Ue ha* Uii.ivclf r-^ceivei^ >■> ; ; '^VcTr /•/« rh: i. nnil v.p..r-n f' l «« rtliV"‘ i-ri-.I or, r. ' ■ n . i„ta.tean.lsn.. ll...-Hl.- .i: 1.^ m-. ■: (■; I-r -t.a.vr?:. W'lh .'i.t. iy t.Prl-r ar;. t '■■■■.. I ,r>oro io''' :.Mt l.i tl:.- .T!ic! J r V I'r'l tl. I’le t'lar!.* of rh'- mure „r ■Ttiir'- 'C. V. .:a'i '"n tU' n ih.' «r.’ 111 [lie i'iuIp, TT.tiioin 't’cy ■.le*' V.ili, .'te.111.01 .-1 •* >e;:t of T"W -bij i ! \ foil, "T t • '■ .:o;iy i;\' . M. !, \I !! r, t'' fc irrv wi:h dis- I ■ I-, ri fayette- | A!«n. for laidir.rfs \Th'>li-' le •-.in^ton jnxnnAb art ’'evil> ! ^i\l^ retnU, I .’«o. I'-*' Arrh ^trt■t't. . ne ■' (lf;iUr- prncriiU ' Ai«r>. Tor *-tle hv .*AV!'!. .1 •aTl tla- tros! f'.r .rr.i.ii'.ni . • :>fC »,t tti‘ o ■ J hi-T tl*c i*r'.tte:? " r. 'r whole- . t'r O. , 'F'ffrNr , rhl’-* . t'V Tf .•aslii-"! '•"iTnt^. lirvsi: VI I r-.ve'ir-iOr ■' ■•rmt s'.mh Ct.f.'.in-^ 11 s r Bloc!,- rr -‘fs

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