S E M 1-W B E K I. T. mu' I I'1 I>PM|II IIHIII11^ ~|H ll> IIMII Mil- "•] I'AYI'/rTI'.Vll.l.K, X. C.. .lANUARY (!, 1853. l>i;l>ri>n HV J. 1>. NKW1>V. '***S3Bcac«affiES)B^:BaESE3Bcr3i3B:»i-;2K$«ase=^:i*scsiae^HSE&:aEs^x; 'eeWe»* T riHVAHI) J. IIVLK i: S0.\ l'[)jTOilS AM* 1’1\(U*K1K I'tUlS. j. v. Mii-Wct kl.v (>|ISK!;\KH if pai'l in ■1 ■■)i* if j'ui'l liming tlii-vcar of 3ul>5ci‘ip- ,J. V.', •I, r ihi' voar has cxi'iri'il. Wff'ix y Oh-'KUVkk *■_’ 00 j)or nnn\»ni, if imiil in „ ,. "I'l if I'-iiil liuriuf: tlie voar cf .'uli.scrii'- .. X ; ' ;iftt'r the year has o\i>iri'«l. l IjTlSl'Mr.NTS insiTtivl tV>r .'ixty octils per i)i:n'i\\i. N(vri( i:. nASiy, ri 11 ruiiuiito >t’ .Moilieinc :im! Doii- t:il Surttory, au'l haviin; hi'cn a jiractitiinuT it till' l.'Mtcr lor till' ht-^t year? ti! th\^ State, woiiM r«- s]>(‘i‘tlully niaki' known ti;at ]io thsijriis Sjirjidln^ ri por tion of his tinio 1‘ach year in TA V KTTr.VI i. . Koonis 1 T tiie pn‘S('ut at tlu' hayctt'-vilU- Hotel, ■ \ piJ P 1 I I 1 »’F1 I?. 111 the ri'trular recript ot every tliinifnew ^a!5«. :?iAiSY A\:\ i lie }rla(l to accoiiifiiotlate a few l!iiar*UTS. ■ w y She also informs her frieuiis an l the jnililic j that she iatetuls to carry on th« l)usine^^3 of .Mantua- niakin^. I'ay^'ttveillej Sept. 4, ‘Jotf ' n’.i'l ititerer*tiiij:, l)r. lia-^nn hej^s li’ave to sav to tho.se ''ho think jiVnper to favnr him, tliat tliey i-a;i Jiave all tlu' lieiielits the art ea:i iH'ssiUlv eonfir. I Ijm -t f r tlie first, and thirty conts fur ea' h ^-atiou. Yearly al^vorti^■oments hy sj.e- it n ri' ’nahle rates. A'lverfi^iTs are the muiiluT of insi'ftions ilesireil. or i.tinr.e'l till forhid, r.ii'l ei!.ir;.:'.l . r I l.etters t" tlie Ivliti-r.--must lie p‘ ^ Ds. I'/i's AM) iiri;s, SiijK'r l'!y rarpeiir.,% t ",.,.r Oil I'li.th 4-1, !Hearth Hvijrs, lati.’.',' ro;•^■;^e l. S. W. TlLl.lMi'ilAST \ (■! S f to Hire /;)/• NIKN to v.= rk ■_’..L>t J l ice ( )>tr ..n i;. ■ p:,M. .5N( I. [t. Yi.:r. it.'. f r v’ W II.1,1 VM: ■ 'i-tf .11 I 1 l.uv-' Ni 'v nice. — AI..'■•|'- .' ■ city ma'ic ;:L'ht I’ll. w.itei' •• >!; ■ ", ’iianv \l.'s- • — I'ri'» and Hvor I’ai.ts .ui l \ 1 .lo. fine. lirfiiick an Dmnn^is. >!' I'll the Measiire i>f l'ama'es, hy Thc- r.:. ''ii '.v. -'I K'liti.ii;. rev .^ed a;i 1 ^roat'.y IS.-,: •■)''tf 1)1 : N'l'A!/ sru;!’:i{v. b ^ room at ‘ ‘ ‘ m.iy be found F.DWAHI’.'' has taken n H.-irman's Hotel where he at anv and :dl times of the lav, am 1 oflers the most etiieii'ii! .ir..| .-ipproved nu'ans if hi^ a 1 1 to the l itizens of F I V ettev ille and v ieinii *. . \11 ■ I'eratii lis war rail ted to li'. I' perttet s:;ti.'lactloti. ‘ I'.'C. l''"c If .11 sr III N half bri-h Steel IlOF.S. poli-hed e\tra. lit •• ( III!ins .'v Simmon'' Turpi ;itiii'.' .\xes. her lu heavy Tin F-r ' I'.-e by Tllo,. .1, .I(i|j\,';oN, Ni .'ir tlie H.'iiik .if('a|«' Fe.'ir. .lan'y I''-.: -■>''.tf NO'l ici:. A i-i. tho.--e i idebte.i to th e e. tieci ns of i'hos. .1, .(.diu- . ^ >. n \ Co . and l.i'ete \ .b’hti* .11. are rc'|iie'it"l «o oall an s.'ttlo: an 1 th.'c b'l'ii.--- rl.'iinis ag.'iillst sai'l • •or!i . w ill ■lea'C reu l.'l the s II.le. THo.'., .]. .InllNSoN. .1 ..' V 1>' ■ •'.-Mt NO'l 'u i:. 4 1,1 Ill'll in 'o'h-i '1 :■ M, N, 1.;. \I’.Y, ) revii..is to '■ .i..n .if tio' .- t,,.'i'h;p .-f M, N. I.e :ry ■\ .'"11. ■;re '.•■-t- 1 to e,i I .-m l iiiak' imnii' liate 'i t- ti' 111. t;f .M. N. I.K.VKV. • lali'v •"|'i--':ii } il' I.i . f -i VId R i ' h- . .1 r : ■f '• cii.i in ! Il ;ital il e to li . . .. - ,1.: t'l • 1.; .! i 'i-.- V.li.v li tlu- !aali\ . ri-.ii ' S in ■.1 - d lit -iC :'.i ' i' 1'. i-th i iig'ot be :IV •i:, I.:.;:i a. "pt; 1 fund 11. ' ::ii'> *1 h- out .'l!;V i'f the l..-":.v eilie;^,' ' '.viiieli i' '.V I' feart'd woiiM ae.-'.oi; a;-,v i'. i hl' t.. th 1 eill'.r attai'hed to tie- pl-ite a et n.eiit i' al ’■ ..1, W i,' . 11. It tie- ,'ame tiiiii'. toini,' an vrtitici ii I.,;.' .1 ar;;, fi.t r i"!"i' r> >,;.i'-it','. .-m 1 lo'l 1 ■ :iu' : '■ ' 't-i:. in tie p' 11- T!..' tl 1 o.-ing ii!;;te'l K hove reeeive l in ]>art, ami are now n-eeiviiij: a lar^e aii'l ;;»'neriil assortment of ST.Vl’I.K anil K.VNCN lt|{\ (KKtitS, eoiisiritii!}! in luirl a.s fi>llo\v.s: Snper lilack, lirown, (Jreeti ami I'lliie f'loths: Siip'r l’la--k l)iieskin famy ('assimers: Silk plsish anil \elvet \ e.ntintrs, ■' 'oi!i“ \ery tiiu ;i Itlaek, wiiite anii efd'ireil (1 r.'inailin Satin ami r.ngli.?': .'^ilk Vestiii^ix: I'i’ie ('ra vats; I'liIIars; vVce. .\mi'njr.“t oiir I.;tilies' Dress (iooijs m.ay he foiinil — I’lain lil'k (!roijerhii;*-. aH'l Mack, tijznre'i anil >v:itereil Silk: riih rroe.nle ilo.; (ilain ;iml fi”nrel ilif.: rieli white figure 1 (In.; ]ilain white sailn lii ieii,'>‘. \e.: I’rinteil Satiii ('a liiiiere.'; j ;'!ttvii 11' !.es; ilu^li.'h. I'lionh anil-Vint'rie.in pnnteil I>i l.ii;is: small ti”ure'| aivl hiirlily eii'i-i e l l)e!:iii.s i.i- ciiil.lii ii; aiel I'rem li Mi ri ll is; il.niml: ;l.u-e I’lipHn: \'ii tiiria iii'l 'r.irt.in 1‘lail.'; ijiac:; t 'i'>’>vus air I'l.a’iia 1'lut 1,>; 1 lark r>"ialM/..iie. -i iio- extra line:) Illack Alpaias, .''iik ii!i-l • \\,;rp; iNihnviJ \lxls I»r iliiMren; Scu'cli, I'rem h aii4 Amerieaii (iin ihatiis iUiil ]>riiits: .'■•li.nvis; •M.intillas: ili.-^iiTv: .'■'■ilk, I.:u:i'i s Wool aii'l Me in.o Shiit. .iii'l 1 r;nv 11; a liaii'lM'ini'a^'ortli.''!it ■ 1 llili- li 'Ms. Fi iiijres. aiel N’elvi t 'I'l iaimiiijzs; .''wi>':. •lai'-imt, .■'tii|n-il ;i!iit 1‘lai l .Mii,>lins; Sv.i-s an'l .laeuiii't ali'l InsiTtiiiuS; !'>fant.-"’ l',iiil.rni'h-reil Waists, I!' -'i ainl I‘;i;.>; i'riMieh-w itrl,;-'l 11 a:i'lki-rehiets, aii l i' ii'iei'.'lee'r-i; lU al 'I'hrea'l Laee ami l.inen K‘l;i- l.>!e aiel ('..ttnii ihi. \\ jf!i .1 full a^'-'i tiiient nf punnets. Hats. ('.tps. r>iii ts, Siine>. I nilirella:’. 1’ir.-nnl*. "iili ina'iv "''•>ei- arlieles imt eiiiinn iati 'l. iiiakiii" mir a?.'io tn-.i-iit one nt Hie lar- iTi'st .iii'l ln .'t we !i;i\e e\■, r litlei e i 'iiir I'rieii'Is .iii l er.s- t ri'T'. .''II We invite them all to e.ill as ear'iv as eon- I). Sc W'. 3f(*Fiai!r!ii AVi; just reoeivcil, in aiMitiuu to their former .'■tuck— 100 ke;:- .V Ml..'!, 10 liliiLs. .Sugar, L’O lilds. (Irannlati-il (litto, 10 .)it (lifces huiulee l’>a hale.s (iiiniiy (,'li»th, 4-1 eiiils Itojie, *> t' iif Sweih s i*ncl K'-.gli^h Imn^ • >0 ke^^s jmre and extra M hite Lend, ;>0 hoxes Window (ilass. 4(i hags !>ro)> .and Ilnek Siiot, -• kegs I'FFli I’owdei'. — ,\ »— Loaf ami ('rii.‘-lied .Siig.-ir-s, r*ar and I'aiicy .'^uaps, Mai t-.er( h ill liarnds tm., half-liarrels, f !iee.«e, .''jiir'', I’t-pjiel", (iln^cr. .'■■imtV. Itidijm, 'Madder. .S]iani'li ilrov, II, .''alts, .''alt]ietre, .''aleratns. Nutmegs. Mai.c, ( !i)\es, \ i-asl I’owdeis. .'sperm (’an lies, wiih a general a's.,itn;( lit of DKV (:»(M)S. !’.( i( IT.S AM) sH(pi:.':. iiAithw Aiti; A\[) crri.LKV. \\ e iitlv'r the at> ■•id pa|.cr. Sept. 1. (iood^ at H. }'iiee“. fur ’:ish or W. MeLAriMN. jrtf [.Vo. iSt.j 1 Ilfits! lints! Caps! ('ttj)s! Itonts S/tocsl jF.lLL l\0 \ll\TKIUTOIt, m ! Subscriber h.is reccivod one of tlie largest as- . i sortments in his litie tliat lie hns ever oHrr**d.*,n this market; to vhich he Tvoiilil call the attefitlon of bii# Iriends and the puhlio in general. Among liis stock niiiy_ be fdiiiid nearly every style and quality that cun he founJ , in tliis^ nv'rket. lie would «iiy to nil those desirinff gotiilg in his line to give him a eall, as he i.s uM'‘''niiTie3 to .sell low for ( ash, or on time to punctual customers/ at wholesale or retail. .H)I1N TIIO.MSUN. j Old Stand, Sontli-West (,'oruer Market SouHre/ j Sept. ‘2’*, 18.')2, o'.'tf We invite onr friends and the jiiiiilic to call and ex- — ■ - uniine i.iir Stoek: it is LA IK i K .-ind will be sold on ac- '/'he hn'ircst Stock' of (ionds ft'Cr offcrcd ci>niiiiodaiiii;r terms. J. T. (.'((I'Nt'11.. \ ('AIN. i ‘ , . NI’AV (JOODS. fT II 1 niiders'.gned are now receiving’ tlieir F.VLL . S'KH'K of m^ 'f;iisisting of a full assortment of .a^lic.s' ami Ieiitl>. im ii’s Press (imxls, a largo «uj-|)ly «»f lli'.u]y-iii;nlr (’lufliiiiir, II iLs, (’aps and I joiuict.s, ;t lariti; assortiiiciit of IJoots atul Slioi'.'s, Hanlwan-, t Imcei ies, Dni^s ami .Mrilii ini'S, Saildli i V, Crtu kiTy ami (Jlas.-ware, (Itiiiii}' ami Ihimlce Ijiigiiiiig ami Uopc, Nails, Iron, iVo. I'tc. Ac. .\ngnst ;;o, liltf % i/s: ('afiiiK'f I'linii f nrr. ('/iftiry, iSc. rS'^HK 'a' si-rilier is i\ii;g thi'lai-est as.rtment JB_ in ills line e-. er Iteruie puii hash'd at r!ie North, \\ hieh. ti'i^etln r V. ith his own in.inuf.icture, mnkisiiis .■'lin k \ 1 i_\ ei:;i;piete, cuKsis'ing nt' .///.s7 rrn h'd!^ I>( r Stcdiin r Funujf^ Kcr.'iy.', •leMis i.iid !!la!iket.s. Hasket'; and 'I'libs, as.scrted, llo'.v’.i iid'.s .^Hl! .'';i« ^ Aii\il5:. lielhiwsand Vises, T-’i Ke;;s Nails. Class, S X 1(1 and 10 x 12, White Le;i.«, j l.in.Nced »il. r.KNUoW, KYLE TO. Sejit. -JT. IS.'i-J. 20tf , V\l/i AliLl-: for Salo. rSj^lli', Sii'is-rilier having removed to Teriiiessee, de- tl sii'os to disjHise id‘ his residence !ind lands in the »ii iT;ity ..f I'ayeisMvil!... He therefore oll'err foi" .^nlo, i-ti .•ii coi.ii'rioil.ititi;: terms, his residenee at liOSH UlLI.. and ti.e tract i;| .■.()() acres of laiifl attaidied thereto; and alsci the Meadow I’arm tract of lOOO acres, adjacent to the former. I’revio’.is advertisements h.ave described the re.si Icnce and landp and their a lvai*tiif£ k. tV.i Ho r il;fi ■; Ilia tiiiil ean oi,tai;l . '.'li'j li.;s full p'jwcr to in th ! ;ier ! ra‘ie. milt lass's, ."1 li. t;ini'.'. \c. 11 Ilic imv't ten;:s fci Ca fil'Kis >i;n Ixianls, I 'UK ai'it !'v 11 H-ii s. t.l.lt .1 W their • .\!i M.>m’: \NA'\.\V I'ri ia I ), t. I t I'l III'!,'; hi' hail I .b( r. n!)rr sliii the (',\i{|n:;'i in a CO I f I'aniel \!.-th..r''t !1\ 111 lioi'k 1! \!.i; .V ."ON. .f Th.- \V id-‘ W ..r'. I. t^iuf'. ri’.e Maimonist: M. K. I'hurcii: E. .! tini'i's t..e ii'iial there III i_;iiviit of Viii’t I np in strii I teeth, lIl'l ’f .-I V. A Ill- Will I ; KIM i 1-r tl'e next ;, i-ar, k at mv 1‘.'‘:'',-- TV, ,ti I il be ]i:! r. s. U TTKItl.tHr .Itli.i'.M h I.lent. K. M 'den. Hich price 1 iri'i slier jiriiiiii; i:l,. re 1 b% h' ' .:'o :fi\ inrt 1 i M'.\N .Mr.M.iI.L ;>a MTSK’ XOTK l: R I, HH 111 begs leave to infirm the I t (ientleiiien I'f Kay*-tti-\iile. th t h f p( rmai',.^nt!y in thi' } i;n e. !' r tii ii^ Instrnetii'iis "li the I’i-i!'" an l ii'l t'l the (leiitlemen I'li the I ’lUt''. \ i' .;ii. 1- !ii-;:tinn'iit his )...sM -sioii recomnien hit!' !is Iriiiii tlie J.i n n 1 KAl.L AN!' Wl.N'l’Kll .-TfM K (M »N 1 n:l^ cooDs. 11'.t\ 'el wlii-h liav W ii', !’, .M,i!igiil!i. 11 li'i;. j:i;'l many n:liei mined and v. ;'ncs,ed M.i.li I’M’ir. li I ii:t I miael. II \V1 n. lip wii,. i: t ,tll in.'ti \.\ r (M' r \’}ii:i; t;i:>i iiM* i*i!r i>ii th 1 l.crilch I n,r:l I it' f.iiirth '•til I'ebruary. an ]i,.,., ] t ifg:inizatt Mr Nli'.rpiiy •■M-ft te'l. m |i I l.y a '-.inq tiie jirin ■l.\M! ni >1. Plank tiM'K m;!:i \i.i.: I HI' I 1,' t.Cll,:- t ir:m:ti:ii 1 will .11 at liiili;- IdlKM III! t 1 . '.iiin:iir; (\i. v.Vc. sru\ !>^ V wit Ndin'ff ('AKOLINA l ATI-: M- tH*n. in i>) 1 h.iYf all !:»'v till t* \ W\\\ I i:rn.\N. IMT.HI ;i si.MVN i:iJ. » \ Oi.JJiI- i HAS. r.AM ilMllf' rl.ii “111.I IVt t l()K SALi.. 11 her 1>',\ :;!.L1N t' i,.in i. nil Ha\ niiiiint. .ille. Till !1 rw III': it’i al! emi- 1 |ii’.r di.i'iau U. 1’. LAIN. t"U r (J'! I fill n f thrse Wh Ni.n.i I .irmiiia. liver the I 'lmiiiiin i'.ini i)\\ IJJ.INC rj''lli: Sub-erib. 1 I iiOl Sl',. with abiiiit . Lt h:.'.i a mill' w e>t ‘.f >1 ies. with • iai ge ati 1 ” >1 vi'iiK'.it til:111iii'i''- I’er'oii fin I i'OK .J. T. WAMHI.L. at ad\ al;f use for s.'iw mills. wheel- now in ■ lied tiieia t r'ieid.irlv f.»i t Water ..i'l' (V!i I hax i.miiienfl them 1 f :i iow h 1\N().S rou SAI.I. tteviile, .^oV. Persons desirous uf it frism Mr. lsa:ic l>. Sell till' J rcpc’’ty a!id V.-. H. IIAIIIHN. W ar« now receiving much the L.\H(«EST STOCK of 1>!1¥ Huts, Caps and I’onnots, Slioes, IJootsi (’i!ihrollas, Vc. liver fiflfered by tis in this ]>lace, to which we p.irticu- larly invite the attention of .Merchants, as wp nrt de* termined not to be undersold. . , STAllU & WILLI.'VMS; August 2'), '2((tf •>0,000 Him. o1‘Wniiled. I tv ILL 8i cts. jier pojiud cash for all clean cot-' ton !!ud linen )t.V(i.S, delivered to J. I>. Willirtnis,- in Fayetteville. I am nearly rf.ndy to jint in oper.'ltion a I’aper .Mill in *hi,>) neigliboi hood, and pni desirous of getting niy rags in this market. My objicf 13 ‘o pay as ninch for r.-igs .as I ean afFord, and liojie thiit I may not be fi'fced to distant markets for niy sujiplies. I have arranged wit'> Mr. Williams to receive *»nd pay for all rags delivered to J.ini. UAVID .ut lil’lli'. Fayetteville, Feb’y ‘J 1, B8-tf 'i riiiM'.N'ri.M-: land i ok sali-:. -^aie. .-Ii-ros of L.VNJi on .lames ('reek, .a. i.fid io .'i. re? oo «'v|iieri' Creek, in (’nnibcrlatid, cniiveiiient to the \\Cstern Plank iln.ld. heavily tiiiibpred, and .'idiiiiralily adapted to the ni:ikiiig of Turpentine. .\].plv at this (ttlice. Ni.v.'^S, 1S.-,1. 44tf L\Nl) roll salk. VAM AIH.F. tract of Land is offerc'l fi.r sale, .. A i i.nta'.niiij: l’20 acre.*, 5yi'‘if mile-i wi st of Fay- fte\iili'. in'; r the F. W. I’laiik i; ' id, >idioiniii:r Mrs. ‘m'U a’l ’i iither.'. with a gond d.Telling an ! otfier fiecrs- :.;ry ■•’it-|i. i;'t■\.ell w.iteri d and ln'althy sitiiatii-n. \pply .'I.'.a to !>. (I. .Mi'Hiiiiie in Fayetteville, or to !a-. 1!. 1'ii!i;i‘ on the premises, f.ir particulars. •> - it sro!:.\(;i:. 'i.ni”'i.iiis briek Warehouses in the r .■'r'l.'e, i:i '.\hicb » t.)re cotton and ]•- V W. .\!lLAMUN. ;,T-tf II iS: l’,r/LLl.\{;i:U ,N! i; to earry on t!ic Fol NIiKV IH SIVLSS. with aU Its lraiiel.es. in this jdaee. They have added, within tin- hi'':t six month-*, ^?|0i»0 wot-th of Pnt- t'-riis. :tnd ai'c now (irepared to fnrnisii Millwrights with lehinei-y. at short notice, f-r V> heat, t'orn, Crist, and Saw Mii'.s. .''team .Mill-' rep.-iired ihronjrhoiit. !r.r tert:i' ate l as'i ot* delivery: 10 per cent, will he a i'll d t' r e\ r_\ .Iii d;iys .an »ic'oiitit Tftny .•'tan I unf>;iid. We eaiiiiot earry on this bii'im-^s on the crelit ?v5teiu. ne;ti.>r do we intt nd doing S'l. H.U.L P.tH.LlNCF.Il, istf xo'j'K’i:. ^S^HF, undersigned continues to ?piritff -B. 'luipentine i’Ali1..S. Thoi?e now oii tiand guagc 4o to 4-'» gallon.'s. :ind aic *iinde of tlie be.«t seasoned white oak. Distillers wanting a good article, will do^ well to call and examine. Contracls to deliver I’.ariel# fox' ilie next twelve months n*ade on favor.able terms. T. S. LUTTEI!L(H1. March IS.'i'J. Tt'tf t A^il^IC:^^/r(l^^f. I500K8, VMKl’ilC.XN Fruit Culturist. Dowuin"'s Fruits an«I Fruit Trees ^if America, (’ole’s American Fruit Hook. Northern Fruit Culturists. (Jrape (’ulture anl the Strawberry. Kural .Architecture. Rural Homes. Colman's rr.ictical Agriculture. Stejihens’ l!ook of the' Farm and J'armer's Jnide. .Mien's American Farm liook. Liebig’s AgrieiiUural Chemistry. Fessetiden's’ j(’omplete Farmer an! Cardener. Farmer’s HictioMnfy.- Farmer'^ Cyl' }>edia of .^lodern .\gricultuie. F.aulk- ner’s Farioe.'''S Trer.?»ire. Iluist’s Family Kitchen Gap^ den. Stew.'irt's St.ahle F.conomy. Dana's Muck ?.lannaf/ i Hrowue's .Vmerican .Muck Hook, liana’s ils.say oa Mil-' I nnre; .\mericati P.«'p i'Ceepor's Manual. The Hive and Ho ney Hee. Handall's Sheep Husli'ind^y. iiicliardsoi? on the Hog. Homestic Fowls and the Tests of the Farm. Youatt on the I’ig. .skint;er's 4’attle Doctor. Hinds’ Farrier. Vfinatt afid .Martin on Cattle. Clater on Hor se:'. Horsemanship, including breaking: and trainings ^c. ,S;c. For sale by E. J. il.VLi: & SON. No\eiiiTier ■ .d se ond-li.'ind I'iaiios for sale. .\j>- L. H. w!irr,\Ki;K. i)l.s.S()LI 'riON. .' r'h'-p heret' f ire existin'. iliMii- n .V lii.'i' k is this day . ,re*m*'nt. '! In? bnsiues- ‘ the un it-rsi^ned. ' iind'.'r the li.'solved by d the Firm . P.1,.\ K. !!AliM.\N’S E' A V r T v i s. s. sc, .■%. v. ^ „ '1'ln' -iili.-criiii'i I in'c.'t h rH'^iir.ur. aie raMon in ■ ;,i-..i.f , f tin ir g whet'!, oi- any otli*r w e conlidi'iitiy reii r t ! their mills, e ean : their 'iiiicriiiiit_\ in ,,:.i k w ati r. We 'till keep a sti]'p!\ "f ^Vhl ■ nt h. ids Ilf r. :i_t W;imin/i :.,l, Kdelit i'.i Jli'l i'a;. etti \lile c'!-:!) I’AKi*:. , 'I’lirorttrli 'riilctts bofwci'ti i W ilml::gti i). N, C., and P.alti- ' more, Fare^CI. Via Weldon. I’etersbiirg. Hichniond, iV Wjish- ingti'ii ( ity. or vi.i W eldon, Ports- mouth ,-ind Norfolk. I'or Ti.'kets ap]'ly at the Hlice of t!ie U ilriMngton and llalei'ih Hail Hoad C'.I/O::n'.y at Wilming- of at the OlVico r>t' the i!;iltimoi-e .'■'tcsm Packet i.inv. and of the Haltiniore and Ohio Mail Hoad •-.lav. Pr.itt .''treet, riaUlniore. ■.;:-tf P,AKi.AlNS! IJAR(JAINS!! N i»y recent visit to Nuw York, niy principal object was to ge' tv;irk»ncn an l material {r>t »he purpose of manufac turing Silk Hats, .‘.fter getting there, and finding it dit^icult to get tirst rate ' workmen to come South. I gave up the I'rosj.ect of pro- ! 1'iirinL' xnv. con«ei)uently pun ha«ed a large stock ol joifc'ha''^e, I engaged i,.\\v' r,()()Ks. rW^HK st,H.'^'i’IllPiFPi.S have on hand, nTT>l offer foi' .a. Sale; North Carolina Sujireme (’ourt Reports, in sets or' siii"le vo1tji)>p». IredcH’s Dige.st atid l)igesteil Manual.- N. C. Civil I’ractiee, Forra Hook and Swaim’s .Justice. Story, on Hailineiits. ('oiitiiet of l.aws, I’artnershipf F,iuity Jurisprudence, Kipiity Pleadings, Hills, Agency' Sales, and Contracts. .\rchho!d’s l.aiidlord and Tenant: Nisi I’rius; Crimirt-^ , «1 IMeadings, I’ractice and .\p]ien H.T, Chiity, o!i Hills, Criniinal l.aw, Contracts, and I’lead-' ! ing. ‘ Starkie, on .Slander, Kvidence,- and Crim. Pleading, i^ug'len, on Vendors, Powers, and Property. I’owel), on .Mfirtgages, and Contract.^. {^mith, o:; Contracts, .-\etions .-it Law,- find Chancer/ Practice. Uussell, on (’ritnes. Factor'^, ftfjd .\rhitration. Saunders on Pleading and JWif{ence. ^VilliaiDs. ois F/xecutors, and Personal Property/ Hoftinan's t^2.tl study, and Masters in Chancery/ .American Ch. Digest, and f-eailing Cases, r. S. Digest, and Criminal Law. I Hrootu’s Legal Maxims. Hale's Pleas of the Crowr?/ Collyer on P:irtnerships. Hill on Trustees. I’ark oi# : Dower. Wills on Evidence. Stejditn on Pleading.— .larnifin on Will^. Fe^rrve orj Uenjtrinders. tLf.abb oi> Heal Projverty. I’yles on Hills. Sedgewick on Dama ges. (’urtis's Kipiity Precedents. Adams’ Eijuity.—■' .Mitford's Ph'adings. Mfrcrpifen on Husband and Wife. ' .-Ithefley’s I/>»w of Marriage. Cary ot» PMrtnership.— , ('ooke on DefaitiiifJoff. Doiryjtt, itnil KaufTinaii, on Civ- ! il Law. Uoper on Legacies. Dart on Vendors. Green- leaf on I’.vidence. Uoscoe's Criin. Evidence. Uock- well’s Spanish and Mexican Law. Lube’s Eijuity Pleadings. .loues on Itailments. Barton’s Suit in Kijui- n.K H,\ rS. After f.-iakifi? ^ gentlem.'in as princip:il workman, who car>e well re- , Hofhertsoii on Succession. Gresley’s Hijuity EJt-* iiimended. He learned his trade in I'.iirope; n*xl hir Toller on F.xecutors. Heaves on Domestic lle- fTlV: 111 s . ‘ vviil contirnii' to carry on bus’iiess li.riuerly on-'i|iied by H. Hrans iii .V .Son, lii'.iiis'.n Hlack. Hi' kee]is eonsfantl^' ’ Mipplv of ^rocerie.« aii'l proviriions. ' low tor cash or on time r.» {lunctual i. , C. HJ>.\CK. '>i;-tf .11 .s r !(!•:( !i:ivin_'tak; u tin- large - bad f M'l, I 'riiii'l l'i kli 'V. ;! till I’l. \ N 1 f l>.'' 1’e;ei'sbiiI '.r. HoT;:I.. siti'.af'.'d tl..' t i f !! '.’. M 'nut. , i ll.i'.- Stieet. ra'.ette%il!e. N.rth (' ir..!iiia. , will be ser\ !l',r;iy iiiti.niis his fri-'ii'ls and th.' piibli'.' that ^ Fa\ ctte’.illv. ' h" is II'. .V eii” igi'1 ill refitting the biiil ling, which I-. 'iijij.ru' I with I'otire now l-'uiir.tiire. aiel i' i.roparc 1 , to’aiTommodate tin- travi-I'iiig publie. H.i\iiig had | i s-iitH' ‘X in tlir in xLr f »\sn nf , I bopot'.-li, N. c.. he flatters himself that he will b- able , to 'iive sati-^tacti' n to those who may favor him with | their I omp.'uiy. Hi;- rooms arc large and aiiy. ^ | i He ha large .iiid convenieiit Sl.ibh .s, and a goo.I aii'I ! ' fa'.thlul O.'tler. . i i .H)HN 11A HM'xN. j , Feb'v 17, 18.">1'. I >-;rd, Lilico I lill llie applicatioii lilTer ■hillg- Thi' whei'ls may als« llitoii. ai.'I L l iali \\ e; ;s li^ilit lo li,''' me w to D, McNciil \ N. C ,Mc,m;ii.l. ,\. \!( L:i;th \n. F.-b'v 2: 1ST.* i: \\ illSKl•/^' Tfl '• HHKI.S, :i . I ^5 VMLLKIN. — ,\ !,SO— ;’.o I'i’.'/s prime * liA i'liLHi'. 1 r. I' tf H'HHKI.S a pri:iif' article, jii't received a»id • S C(». •iitf Putnam’s ^L■*'J;?lzines for .lanuarv E. .J. HALE \ Si»v. ■ M -V ISA Si 8:IIY. i b. r h.i estalili'-hcd ;i Hakery on How . ttic Lot two door> East of Diiiiean ■ I't :';iiip. 11,. ii4 j.ri'pari-'l to fiii-iii'h ' • and tio' public geiierally, with Hread, * ■ .,1 - of various kind', of the be;-t ijii.ility, i I'! ii'i'd the services of one of the best " ■ '.tl , Price.^ reasoi.ai.le, ii\e me a. call. CHA’S H.VNKS. '■ H”e. -jx, ,-..',-tf ’ -\!*s S'ri{ \\V (JOODS. i\^0\ TAVI.OK, ifio. ^roadwayj New York, , ’ ''ifii l (oiaiiiisMon l)c:ilrr in Ilnls. Taps. ■ ' !I;t!Hrs Slofk, Iriinininirs, iVf. , ■ ’ img e.\pTience in these particular ‘t oii.'iiie joined to his facilities in -, ''iiab’.i's hiiii to offi r inducements to ' ‘tin t be h.'id of tlwee who purchase ■'lid -.r tliinl hands. His present stock I ''"Il asroi-tcd f .r the i inntrv irade, ‘ • lOtly add-d t '"a t' IKVrKI.. sii b.se) j her ha'iing purcha^ and pnbi; th. cd the Hotel 'itiiated onth-l'.ast Co! ncr of Court House Sipiare, ilily known as Stiihit'.s Ibu'^l, woiiid ii.form th;- that he is n .W n ady to aceomrm. late board-rs by the dav, w«-e'.; or month. ll.iviiifr made e.ir..'idi'ia ble outhiv ill iunii'liin;; and refiiling the f.stabli'hmeiit, he lii>pe.- to be ;»ble to giv ' s;iti.-fact’i.:-« t. i all who J'a- troiii/e Iiim. Hi- 'I'.ihle shall lie fiirui'lie'l wiih the best the inarki-t allords. his ilar witli tlic best of 1,1- i|iior-. and his Stable Ail\j a plenty of good provender ahd fiilhldl Ostlcj,'?. Sepf. ]■>. is'ili. AND WIN'l'Ki: C(H)!)S, H F'lll 'ind Vi'inter (ioods are now here, at; I ready „r s,'ib',' o„r stoi'k of g>UV 4;005>!^is l..iuc nd bi tter than an v former season: Si \ IJ 2>"i* .V fi.. k 'lLi « i i- hard to e.,iia.. 'dU? y Our .-toek is large, eMUal if not uiiei'ior to any ormer year. Ml of whicii w* would he glad to exc.i:in;j.e f ir al- foi- c:i;-!i, or »' piiiictii'il eiis- ('OOK ..V T.'. VLoi:. •JT-tf A. 11. v> nn'i- ('odcJi A’ ('airiff!:i' Mn/ntfai ftncr. ^a.’tH'l.l) respeetlilliy inf.'MU the jmb'ic tli..t hc V • still conliniir' to '.-irr_\ in 'he a!'-\e oe.-'iiie.-.' in all it*- !>r.-Mi.'ln's. He return.'’ t:,a.;ks lor tiie liberal j .itiona're he h:.s n'ci'iveil. .-ni l h'lj'cs l y a striet aitfli- tioii to l.iisiiH S', and a der: rc to ]i!. .i.-e all and j;ive ge'.i- ev.il tacti'i;i. to ir.i ri! a eontiuuaiicc • 1 the same. 1!*' w. rra;.ts all hi.' work to b‘ made of il.e best li;a- t' lial .lie! \ c.\; . i',v;:eed V or’^ivii i.: and sin al 1 .'.ny >1 it fail in twelve n.oiiths ; w ith f.iir n -;ige either in work- Inaiisliip er mater'.il. he will rep.-ii it withouf !iarjr‘. Per-'oi.n w i -liing to bii v, w oiild do w ell to eall aiel o:^- amine his \Vork ii.'fon- piu'chasing, as it i iiinot be siir- pa'seil for St vie, ( lega)ice. ;ir;'l diii'abilit;.. He is de termined to sell low ior I'.'ish nr oil short lime. Or.lers th.-^iil.fully received an 1 pn iiiptly attended t >. I Hi:i’,VIHl.'>i ne.'itly e.'iecuti d al slmrt notice 1 and lowest po>.'i''.h‘ price.-*. ! Favettevilb', i-'ob. Ih.i’J. '>ltf I rAVi'/r'i'i'A nJ/i: !Mi.\N( ii k: s.’’ ,4.>!.! lations. Lewis on Perpetuity. Itoss on Vendors.— Watson’s .\rbihafion. Hare oir Di»i“ve»y, IHacVbrTh, [and Hell, on Sales. Pulling on .Vccmints. Ellis on In- siir.-dice. Hlancli.'trd o;i Limit:itioii,-J. Will.s on Use?. Newland •!» i'ontracts. Fell on Guarantees. Curtis'y Convey.'incing. Tamlyn's Charreery Kfidence. V.ittel’sf ' Law of Nations, .\ngell and Ames on Corporations.- the last seven years he has been emjiloyed in a large m.itiuf'acturiiig (*stablishnii*nt in the city of N'l’W ^ ork. I trii'ii procured fashionable blocks ,'ind materials, and >!M iiow f.iir!' :it v.'f>.’>!{ rrlaiiiifactaring Ninety Hats per month, .\n 1 will have some of them ready for sale by the 'iOth in.-'t. In orilei- that 1 ni.i_\ not b( »f\ i. to a.i d, I itti i , Heal Preperty. P>urriU's Law Dictionary - tor sale. .\ i ^ \ *’''*■ - o.. . , _ , | ,,,, >|,,rtgages. Hughes Eijuity Draughtsman.—' aii.l-id i|uaiit_\ 1 .\.S| lO.N.v 1 Wheaton’s Selwyn. Kent s, Coke's, and Hlackstone'i# Commentaries. Kiiine's Kent and P.hrck-tosre, &.i., a:c/ The at'ivi will be ■»»>id on reasonable terms. Othei Law i>ooks jirocured to ordef ft.r members of the Pro-' fession in anv part of ?h* .St.-^-fe. E. J. HALE SON. S'i.'tjildissiiiieiil most any kind o( proiiiice tomeis on tinu'. S I*tem'in'r. 1S.:'J. .J. A .fun(‘ .1LCHH[ST. :!-tf V L a. 1, ■j’l), 1 Sii'illKHViiiLH iHlTi'L. I would respectfiilly i'jform by fre.sh importations, tory. a p.lid to order.': by mail. 50'''.ta IH 1'^ mide;-. the cili/.-ns d'.Summerville, the vicinity, d the public generally, that .she has opened a MSotesf* of (tilt titCiii^ where she will be jdi'iu^ed to accommodate all who may call on her. The Village i.i pleasant ati'l healthfuljier house large and commodioii;-}. No [lains will be sjiated ti r'iider ajireealilc aiel comf'oi table any wdiu ma^ favol lier with a call. .s^he is also )ire]jared to aecomoJ.itc with Hoard from 1to 'Jo .''tudents. Price of Hoai'd JjiH iier month. E. HAILEY. Summerville, N. T’., .Hine II?, 1H.)‘2. 1-tf !)btnk Warrtutts for sale here. I* Al/ NOriC’i- 15'^tH. 'i'llos. c. I!\i.l. respectHilly o!- fers his jirotes.'ioiial ser\ii'cs to tiie fi'i/.eas of Favetteville and its vicinity He may be consu'tid at the Ofhce directly _ov,r the'nvw Drug Store of Samuel -J. Hinsdale, .'-ioiitli West corner of .Market Square .1 uly -0, iH-'il!. 1 l:;tf [MiW M iniiJ till I'", subscriber hai- .i.ui taken the St.'ii>d t':‘rinj:*ly occii- ja pitdby .''am’l .1. Hinsd.ile, ^.uithwest corner ol .Market S«p,ia.re and CiHe-pie street, where he h.-^s open ed his NEW STOCK OF S'ftU (fisff tl'iafcr tiootfs. His friends and the i»ublic are renue.sted to give h:m it call, as he is determined to sell very loW'. S. S Oct. '.I, l: j-- A HEY. l-r,m 1 U)t lunLX J. M. AvHITS & UMDLRHILL, l!rii|it I'N. i'iiiiiirs. !iii;i W !i(i!rs!ili“ iiii!' iiftiii! (lothirrs. ilO H'UHittt} V«£5 3i:; .\NI> S‘'rrtf^ nr.i t (liior to J>tnk >>t (’ijn' I'rur, i'. y" i'l woli'.d beg le.ive to iiifi'i ni the citi/eus of Fay- V V etteville and vicinity, th.it w‘ have jnst receiv- (•c| a lar«re a.'-^'irtiiu .it of I’.VLL ,'c 'N I'Ll! ( LtfTH- IN’ti, nriniiiaciiiri'd t xpressly for this mai'ket. Pur- ( hasers v, ill tiii l it to their interest to examine our ^toek befoi'e buying. ALSO—A gooil assortment of .''hirts, Dr.iwcr-^-, C’«l- lars. Cravats, Hosiitry, and tine Cloths and Cas'inieres. ,\11 of which will be sold at New York wholisale prices. Having secured tlu' services o!' S'ene of ti.e .test |ir,'ictical workmen, the Tailoring l’.'jsiiies:» will be car ried on as usual. ai»d .ill onlers for line ch.thing will be executed i.i the most fasliioualde stylo. October IS.")!’. "‘‘’t ~ \\insK!:v. H.M; iVKf.S of very tine N-)vt;i Carolina RYE V.’Hl: ::EY.- i'-- vie by 'V TAYLOri. •iTt,■il't-ni Merchants may save niftiK V by vurehasing of me. If \ oil piircha.se in New York, it is ofiVu iV yao«th before you recv'ive tiu-m. i .ic.-iil in a short time be »We to furnish merchants with Hats of MV OWN MANt FACTFHE. at N. York prices, to-wit: No. I at -St'-Jf No. 2 at «»nd No. 3 at per do/.en. I take this oi.portiniity of returning ~iy thanks to niy former customers, and inviti- tln-ni :.mi otVr well d).-*- poseil patriotie reMlemen. that are in favor of SI P- PtH,riNG S(H TilKHN M A N F F ACTI' H !>'. togive me a c;vl! on or after the J'u;''- inst.. as I e\j ect «. have ri'adv for exliibitioti and s.-ile Hat"? of niv own iii.-inuiac- tiire that cannot 1.*' siirje 1 Would be )ileaseii to > sse 1 in .'t;. le and d>i:*abi!ity. 1 e everv genllem.m. in coun try or tovv’,'.. and will t.-ii^e j.;*-'.'*siir H.'its. aj'.d 'how ing the dillert tlirou;j;li troiu t’.'.^ t'lr on the sk head. Fav e'ttevilie, ?>. C, Oct. exhibiting the process they jiass until r^ftitv for t!ie DAVID GFE. ;‘.4tf K() (’ K !•' 1S i 1 1N' 1' IN i»*S, '.'lo or -.IfUi.le. for c. ■ I*' bv ,!iilv 1'5, IH.rJ. ?^*N. 8 ft' Nl'AV ^I'^IIE Subscribers arc feceiVitig tLtir Fall jmrcLa-' f ses of attd Stitliouery. In addition to a great vaTiety of SCIKXTL HOOKS, tiiev have the usual TH F.OLOCiICAL, MEDICAL, L.-\W, Hl.STOHH’AL. P.HICH.VPHH’AL and MISCELl.ANE- (>rS works, .-niN-d to this State. The most elegant stockofHJBa.l'> XMi t»KAYKU UOOK» ever seen in this place. P.litik r>i:iik:«, Vvrit’niyr Vaper, Pen ami Pinkct Kiii' is, Ink, ink Stiimls, iViis, Imivc1o|k's, Port Fulio.s, J’urt 31uiiais-, Orawitig J*ajicr, J*eiicil.«, .Vnd varlou> otT'^:* articles usually kejit in a Hookstore. Oct. 4. E. J. HALE & SON. A Ni:V\' INVF/N'DON. ffl^HE uTidpr.^igiied has made an inventiiui >t' fV Smut K Machine, wi'iiih K»> >vill injure to ho perfect in the extr.-iction of smut in wheat, ami wishes to inform Mill Owners that h-“ ip jiat^ing up m;ichines at Union Facto- tory, oil Deep Hiver, eight miles North of .Vshborough. ,M V nia> him J ave composed ot three di.stinct jirinci- iih'-. Cl ntri'.rijrai. scowering and reaction. It takes the wheat thiougii three operations ingoing through the m.'iehine .'oce. .\:*c ri*';-.?on.? buying a machine, after trying it, if it do.'s nor clean wiieat. damp or dry, I will take it back. I'lice Ssventy-iive Dollars. Ml letters addiossed to New Salem Post Otlice, l\an- •deifdicountv. 1'- i'- 1-HEEM.SN. ! Oct. 12,18-yj. G4Y !)Utnhs for mlc here. Ni:w JiOOKS. ri^HE Parlor and' t?i« C.abin, a reply to Uncle Tom, hy I J. T. Randolph of Va. Lives of Wellington aad I’eel. . . Morfit's Art of Tanning and Curryiiij. Mcchamc S* Own Hook, kc. &.e. Ju?t 2*ecejTel'hy E. J. HAwE A SON. Nov. 29, 18.32. SCOTT AND JACKSON. fU.ST received, a sn{>ply of ••Seott and ./ackson,’’ He.idley’s new Wori(. .Mso, DvNiKr, WritsTEK ;inip his Contemporaries, by V.'. March. £. J. n'Af.E SON. Oct. 20, IS:-)'.'. 1 Nl'/\\' HOOKS. EN’S WIVES: A Shabby Genteel .=itcry; and tho^ Historv of Henry Esmond, E.S';.: liy Th.^v keri v. Loomis’ Log.arithm i'a’olos. .Mortit’s t .-.f Tanmn;.', and Carrying. Paiutcrb' and Oiiderj’ Conip.;u;on, a. - Doo. ^