morr, • '■‘rri.v an,i ' '‘■I'iiic nit;,, . I'ALS '‘'IT.,p,’ ' "»h ■- »n.l '*•.'• urti, "*> as ! t't>, ‘t»t ■Uf - y >i r«. ■‘II. av.i .1). M. -k.M, ’ - RI\. \!.L: S' Al.f, ■ /■ ': ■‘P! !. »ns. ', AN.- \V;\ . \!| -l> ' 1? 1, \n'. 1 f- I r r*tr • ll.l.- loll I '• V.-iU >111' ;.l ' ■ Ml • nil ; _ i\rl ■ !■• i>> W ' \9i SEMI-WBEKL Y. VUI,. 11.] j3mag»K!aaagwB FAYETTEVILLE, X. C., JANUARY 11, 1853. 1'K1NTH1> HV .1. li. NKWHY I’DWVH!) J. HALi: & SOX, and imuh'uiktohs. :i1''■ i; r. r ti>o sj Ml if paiti (hninj: the jear of suViScrip- .• V. .ittff tho vt‘;u* has oxpircl. OU'^KKVKU (Ml }U‘r aiimnn. if piiiil in DI'.NTAI, NCVI'ICK. ^ • l^ASON. a (tru'lunte «'f .Mcliciiic tiiul IHmi- T • luul hjiv'mji been :i pr:ictiti>ner 01 the latter for tlie hist 8 yi-ars in this State. wouM re- sptc'tlull\ make known that he designs .sjiemlinj^ a jior- tioii ofliis time each year in K.VVKT I’KVILI.IC. fij-i?'’Uoonis f »r the jire.sont at tiie i'ayetteville Motel, ouii-Wce'.ily kk !j;l (10 if pail in , where lie maybe foiin.l unless j.rofes.sionaby ab:i‘nt. iai»i (hiring the Tear of suViScrip- | '> the rej:ular reeeipt of every thin^ new aii'l iuteri'.siiiijr, l»r. Hascn bcfis leave to say to those 'vho tliink proper to favor him, that they can have all the benefits the art ean pos?«il)Iy confer. ■>. MUf - j .'iO if pai'l ilnrinji the year >f subscrip- \ ,r s ’ ixi after the year has expired. ' J: an V is: ]U*n’ \pVl'r.Tl>'I^Ml-^ inserted for !i\ty cents per I’) linos for the and thirty cents for cacii j>ul)lii">tioii. Yearly advertisements by 'pc- , ^.,,,.!r:K’ts. at reasonable rates, .\dvertisers are 1 t > state the number of insertions desired, or ■ i-..iitiinu‘d till forbid, and char_;red accord- ,>y f-‘>= Letters to the Kditi;rs niust be pt st-paid. ( \uim:i's AM) urc;s. \ l*.'^. Super :! riy ,':irp»*tin;^, .',u •• K: 'r Oil (Y'th J- I. r'- ieiU - f ll-'artli l»u>:;s. lat--’.v vcceive-l. ti. W. TlLLlNtlHASr ,4 t'O. tf DE.N I'AL srK(;i:i{Y jU. w K. i:i)\vAi;i)s h.t i taken a room at ll.irma>‘s Hotel wlicrc he may be fmind at any ' .d all tinies uf the day, and otlers the most efht'ient and a|>j>roved means i;t his art to the eitizi'iis (d I ayetteville ami vicinity. All opera ti I). ■ IIS wai ranted to give pcrtect satisfactinu. For .irs'i' 1{|'A’K1\Kl). iialf bi i^rht Steel llOKS. I'!! •• polil.,.d - •• i-xtra. 1" “ t’ollins' \ Simmons'Turpeiitine .\ \i s. !•' •• heavy Timl'er le l>y ‘ TIIOS. .1. .loilN.^ON. Near the Hank id' Ca]ie I' % Wi'iifi il /(> for MKN to work (hr ) l.;.;cst iillCCS W M I'C [ JN>. 1'. ( nr. , b.r wl.i. h .4 i.r. W 11.1.1 \M: .'.■)-tf n vV ( a’l aihi settl ■b NO rici:. indebted to tlie eoru erii- o.. and'ti' \ .lolm>- i ; and th..-e ha\ili_ e! «i!l plea.M- iv:;der tii.- ' T!1'»S. . I''".:'.. Thos. .1. .I,,Iin- I'- rc'|ucsti-I to > ajiaiiist said •KHINSnN. 10 r.’ .U S'!' Kix i:i\ i:i), N. New 1 larjre Mullet.-. 'a-^ks New nice. — AI.SO— 1 :'.ise fine city-made liijht lb" t-. ] •• •• •• w aterpro f do. •J'l Sinus, many kinds— sonic tine. — .VI.SO — p:.,p press and Ovrr Toul.s; I'ants and Vi'sts. '{ wiiioh will be sold on re.-isoiiable tei'ms. by Tin tS. .!. .loll NS 'N, Near tho Ibi’.'.l; f Cape I'l .r. Fi; ■IlevK.e. l^ee. :!4. IS-.J. ^.-tf Scd^rt irick on s. k TilK 'iTlSi; on the Measure of )*ama;;es. by Tin- i. ; e Sed'.;^.-w ick, lid K liticn. revised and sirt ai’y ,\1> further •supplies of The \N orks ot I'aiiiel \\ eb- ;• r I. V ; Will.-. Wide World; gnr. el.v: l»a\ > . f I'ruc- . iira'e A_u:’ar; lb'.* llaimonist: Methodi>t llymti>; ' V 1, lie of the -Nl. r’. t'hurcb: School I’look-^. Vc.. lor ! . I K. J. ll.M.i; \ SON. .V .\i: I ’Ml- aielersi>nicd wishes to hire, for the next _\e:ir. Necro Men, to work :it my I’.'tilbry, and 1’ atT. Il’ih priccs wi'.I be pai 1. T. S. Ll TTKltl.oH, 1' •. . 1^-vj. ■■•■■'tf Ml’SK' NOTK K. tSI’oKKSSuIl I.OF.IIU be"S leave 1.» int'orm the I.a- ii( s and Gentlemen of raycttexille. that be has • tod him* *lf permanently in thi.s place, for the pur- •f ^i^inU Instructions "u the I’iaiio ami fniitar to : Ladies, iiuil to the (.itntlcmen on the Kiiite. Violin, - iiv other instrument, lic'hns in hi possession recominendat;. ii> fr"m the icipal 'oi;e;res of this St.ite. and woo.M happy t .‘bit them to those who may think f - r- • es. He can be found ;it the ; - I.- fa^ ■ rable. b liS. No'i'u i:. l.L ]>er>ons indebted to M. N. LKAUV. previous to ' the formaiion of the coparfnei.'h'p of M. N. Leary ; -V Son. arc rcwue'tfl t » call and make immedi.ale ,-et- tlcment. ‘ M. N. LI'.VKV. | • y .■>‘'.-:’)m I in jh'in't rnnit m s^tfi/tn' Art i fici al I'atli. ar ha' joii;.; Ilf,'11 a di:^ider.itnm in I'ental S> i nee to arrive at 'onie nietho.i by which the many crevices in uhicli food i' b«.! v' d about ,Vi Teeth mi;il;t be avoided. The plan now a'b pted fuini.'-ln' this, nith- iiut .any of the inci'n\cniem c- '.\liich it wa-: feared \v..ubl nceomi'any it. Tiie ti'th beii.:: att u I>ed to the pl.-ite a ceiiient i,- applie.I, whieh. at tlu' >.ime time, foini-i an .\rtificial (iiim. of arv f.nt or cob r rc'Hiisite. and liold> tb.e tceiii tirm in thr;r place-s. The t« i t!i bein;.; uiiite.l at their l. 'sc. and to tlo* plate u)'oii wiii. h they .are set. ac'|ulres a tireater de;;ree of tiriiine--. and soiiuitv than when mouiited in the nsual way. .Vu' tber ;;reat ad\an- t.ii;c is clean!:!.e"-' there l>eiii-.r no rreviccs, thei'' i> no place for the lodiiment of biod to \;ti ile th* -;a i\.i i^r infcet tlie liicath: au adv;ii’.i.i;:e wiiich will be rc.i lily reei ;rui/e 1 by all w lui lia' C ui-ed tceih as they li;i>c U'V.;i':\ been mouiited. N. II. wbo wi>b to avail thilii^e’.vc'. >I tin- al'"Ve decide'! iinpro\cment. are invited to W. F. IbVSoN. ,M. !».. II. 1'. s, .'''iiriijii 1‘enti't. Fa \ ette\ilb', N. l>ee. 2s. 1 s.',:2. •'.■.tf .11 K«. i^AKY WILL be glad to accommodate a few IJour.lers. She also informs her friends and th-> public that she intentls to carry on the business t>f .Mantua- makii.g. Kayettveillc, Sept. 4, ISo'i, 2.‘5tf \i;\i i ILL i,\i) \ii\ti;r (ioods. !■' have received in part, and are now receivinii W W a lar^re and fjeneral assortment of ST.UM-F and F .\N('\ L>H^ (ioobs, consistiiiji in jiart as follow s: Super lUack, I'rowu, (Jreen and IJliie 'b>ths: Sup’r lUack iKieskin fancy ('assimers; Silk blush ami velvet \ estinjrs, (some very fine:) Itlack, write anl colonel (Iranadiii Satin and Fiiglish Silk Ve.itings: Fine ('ra\ats; t'olljirs: .S;c. .Vmoiifrst our Ladies’ llress (looi’is may 1)0 fomid-- IMain I’l k t iroderliiiu'. and lilat k. Iijrnred and watered Silk; rich llrocadc do.; plain and ti^niH'd do.: rich wliite fijrnred do.; pla:n white satin florence, \c.; Printed S.iliii Cashmeres; 1‘aiis printed Kobe>; FiigH'h, I’reiieh and .\mcrican ]ii inled Uel.iins; small fiirurcd .and hi^rhlv cob'ied helains ior children: Knsllish and Fi.-neh Meri nos; cojored lianin 1: (;i;ice Foplin: X'ictoriaan.l T.irtan I’laiils; colored .\lpaea C.ibui ”s ami Lam.i ( lotlis; lilaek l>omI:a/ine, i -^ome extr.i line; I lilaek .\lpaeas. Silk and ('ofton Warp; coloreil Velvets for children; .''eotch, Frentdi ;ind .\ (iinghams and pi int.-; .''liawis; (iloxos: II -iery; Silk, l.amti's Wool and .Me- riiui .'^hirts and liia\\ers; a handsoiii!' as-^ .rtlacnt of Itili- lions. Friiiges. (uiiiw and \'el\et Trimniin^>; Swi.-,s, •laeonet. .''trip-1 ati'l !*'.aii| Mi.-.iii''; .''wiss and .laconet Liluili;.' .aiiil ln'ei (ini;: li.i'ants’ llailoc.i.b re I W a >ts. l!o'o( S .111 1 ('.ap-; Fl i neh-w orked 11 an ikei ebiei's, s .nil r iidcrsleev ( !'hn ad L.acc an I l.iiun Li!;i inp; l.i.-o' a a 1 ('..t ton do. W ith a full a.'.'ot tiiieiit >b'.c>. I :ilbrelbi>. IV.las I'.ot eiiunu i .it( d. making gest aii'l we ha\e e\ t ifiiei s. So w e inx ;te veiiii nt, and e\,imine t sell a rea'..nal.l II 1). ^V. Me li an rill AVL jnst received, in addition to their former Stock— KH) kegs N.MLS, hlnls. Sugar, ‘JO bbls. (Irannlated ditto, • )0 piece.') Diiiiilee liagging, 7 bales (iuniiy Cloth, •Li coils l’o]ie, • i tons .Swedes and Knglish Iron, • )U kegs pure and CNfra White Lead, >ii( boxes W indow (Ihiss, 4ti bajfs Lrop and Ibick Shot, -■> kegs FFF(i I’owder. — A !..>()_ Loaf and (’rushi'il Sugars, l!:;r an I Fancy .Soaj s, Maenei'cl, ill barrels and half-barrels, ( lieese, .Spiee, I’eppei', (iin;;er. Snuff. Indigo. M.-idder, Spanish lirown. .''.alts, Saltpetre, .''abr.afiis. Nutmegs. .Mace, Cloxes, ^ cast I’owicrs. .Sperm CandUs, >Vc.; with a assortment of IiUy (iddliS. l’,(KlTS AND SIIOFS. M \i:iiw.\!;i; .\.\d crTLLitv. We offer t;ie above Coiids at low prices, for ('ash or d pap Vpt. 1 D. W l.v.-.L'. .McLAllllN. J'tf f I’.onnets. Hat.-. I'.ip-. Ib.ot-. l>. with many otln-r aiiiebs ar a>-oi tii;eiii one of the lar- r otlere I our iViends a leiii a'.l to call as earlv r themsel^^^ inv othei' li' iiM [i\0. 158.] ■E9CflHSIB3KSSBidBS93lil Ilata! Hals! Caps! Caps! Boots Shoes! Ni:\v (;oo[)S. ■'■'■'‘■'ni-L JXO WINTER STOCK, 1852 WK V ^ A »M % It I' -I - "■lHh ^ubsc^iber has received one of the hirgcst nn- sortinents in his line that he has ever oflered iit « » « » UM @^9 ('onsisting of a full assortment i«f liadit'.s’ aiiI (JcTitit'liU'li’s ])re.s.s (Inotl.s, a large i which lie would call tlie attention of Lis supply of lieadv-niade ('li.tliinjr, Hats, ('aps am! ' ‘he puldic in generaL Among his stock may Hutu'u ts, a lar;.re as.surtiu. nt ..f H-uits a.ul Shoes, ! thiT umrka i l.inl ware, (I nu i'rics, l>ru;;s and Mt‘lieiiu*s, S.iddlerv, ('roekery and (ihissware, (iiiiiii}’ and Jlundec* and Jlcpo, Xail.s, Iitiii, I'^e. I'^c. I'^c. We invite onr friends and the public to call and ex- L.MKIF .-uid will be sold on iic- J. T. (’OI NCIL CAIN. amine our .'^tock: it comiiKnlating terms. Au”:ust oil, lS--r_*. liltf .///>/ Kt r( (■( n'( (!. Sit (iiiKr I'atum •rsys. .Ic.'iiis and ni.'iiikets, Haskett .and 'I'ul'S. :isSortei], I’lowlalid's .Mill .Saws, -\iivils, IJollows and Vises, 7'» Ke^s Nails. (ilass, .'S iL 10 and 10 x 12, W hite Lead, Linseed lil. 15F.N1’,0W, KYLK \ CO. Sei.t. -JT, IK.'.J. liPtf as we cxpe in the ti :ide. ■ilS- ■t to L.a.-t Fa \ ci:> Sept. Corner .Market .■'■in.ire, :tii I .No. 1 tireen .'-tieet, vi'de. N. f. ALr;.\'i; .JtiHNSoN CO. ■nib. r IV. I-:,.*. -JTtf .Nov. S, ■ .V ’va a e. nild say to our ('iiuiiti y ti ieii(K. it \.diild .a e iiixenient lime, when tiiey c’lMe in with e, t.i call :in.i settle, an I -t to theiiise'n •'. .). \ T. W \1»'ML1,. Ii:tf .f MF.SS IViIlK. F w be their Cott.'ii aii'l other ..Iviige r.'i .an 1 pirliaps save c ('ith'iiid I'nniiitirc. ('l/a'irs, tVc. r Hill L sub.-eriber is r eei\ii!g the largest assor'.i.U'nt H- in his l!iice\er b. i\ re |nireh.asel at tlu- North, w liieb, to;;etlier with bi.'^ own ni.annf'aciure, iiiaki s !iis Stock vei_\ ei.iiiiilete, con.'i'ting of (’li:iirs, 'l';iLlcs, Si'tiis, lii'dstcad.s, A\ ;isli ,''tand.-’, l>;in*:iiis, liiHi’Kii'ir (;i;i>.si's, Si'lo IJiianls, .'''ei retiiries, Ac. .\!1 of which will bi- Sold oil the lowe>f ter::.s fel Cash, or on sIi'Tt tiaic to pum.fual customers. .MMIN W. Oct. ;:n. Is.',]. ILVKFil. ;:.'tf Is.'.J. Miiall -wt f r\var(l. the .«ubs and -nance of ,i E N tile Ti'.:aginu his e\i!:e I! •■ !. .'.'tf iiiity ( -old at .\iiet."ll. oil M. Iiday Jlst 1 ' k r .NL. at :i;e I '.iur: II '.i-e i an I two vear- > ;' l.t. wirb itit-re-t per cent, of tiie ipK! i ! |||.,|:,.y !•' L.\M>S ,\M> m‘iI l.S ot the la'le known f. r;r.4rly .i' thi- M I '.ett 'lii' i_\i.ij in .'■.ainpson .iii I Iliad. !• in >rr ) l'tirp nluic l.nucl Mills for s'l/r. I’eeiee ..f the I' lit '’f F iiiily for ;iiii| S'.n. Fail Term Is'--, V i!i be l.iii.ary ne\t. ' Kntou. up 'i .t 1'l in e.-.-li. th -e r Farksl.b |3p \N.\W AV troiii the .«ub>;criber. oii \Ioii hiy ■ & L th Oet..ber, a Negro m.aii name I lil'.S. is it'ont '• Icet I'l inehes high, an I weighs about I'ound-; his hair i.- long. an.I he sono tiiiic> '^^ep tit'd U]> in string-; has xery lal;^e he.el. large eM good teetii. lie can retd Mil write, jinl po-.-i write himself .I pa>.-. Hi- .aire i> 1 will give the alioxi reward f' r tim apprebi D ie'.ixerv to me. or to my .Liib r in t!i;.-> ."-talc ' get him ag.iin. of the alnne b..y. I will '.xi'e an id litio!ial rewai l of I f ;-pro..; -nfl'.eient t.i emviet an-- w’lit.- _ ■: :i or p-.-i.- > t !i..i'■ ring - iM 1 ,,v. C. A. II \Iir.lSoN. «'’!:.tun. Snnip.* n t\i., N. i'.. '.ov, L‘n, 1.* .J. l.y’.i FAI-K ANI> WINTKK .TnCK >:' S'lWl’Li: vX: I’ANC'V \)\l\ COODS. SILWl’ just ree. i\ed my St. . k .r>TAl‘!.;-; ANH F.\Ni \ l'i:V OdtM'S. t I: ■ Ir. . ill j-.ii t ^ iua\ Ku)\ »!i aii'l llMlfl, \> hert 'I'lu' Siihscrilx r still tinues to earry on the (!!1 N i'. T '5'*^! N F.''S in Fa\ette\ille. and in .addition to \ his Lstii’-iiisliinci.t on F>o .v .treet. near ' 1'.. les s I'ri Ige, lias o]>ened a !.-.rge W ,il!F \ .\Lr.\r.Li: PiioiM'jrrv tor saic. ra^lll’. Subscritier having removed to Ter.nessee, de M .'iri s to dispose of hi? residenc« and lam's in the vicinity of Fayetteville. He therebire oilers for .sjile. on !uromniod;itinir terms, his resid»oice at I{(l.''K HILL, .'iiid the tr.ict of .')riO acres id' lain! att;ic)ied thereto; .iiid .also the .^lc.ldow■ F.arin tiact of 1000 acres, adjacent to lh(‘ former. I’revi.iiis :id\ ei tisements have descriln-d the residence .and binds .and their advant.ages. Persons desirous of fiirlher information can obtain it from .Mr. I:»aac lb llawb’v. who has full jiowcr to sell the property and gi\e deeds. W. H. HARDIN'. Aug. ;;o, ]s.v_>. 21 rrKPKN riNE l.vnd rou sai.e. S^'^oR sale. 'V.i:^ ncres of l,.\Nl) on .Lime.s ('reek. :mil •'i40 .vcres on I'yprcss (’reek, in (’nmlierl.aiid. convenient to the W’csteni I’lank Roarl. heavily timbered, and a'liiiir.alily ail.ajited to the making of Turjientine. .\pplv at this Office. Nov,‘-:.k. is.-,I. 44tf He would sa}’ to all those (lesiritij? goods in his line to give him a call, as he is determined to sell low lor Cash, or on time to pinictual ciistonieri*, at wholesale or retail. .KHIN C. THO>LS()N. Old St.and, South-West Corner Market Souaro. Sept. 2'), l^o•J. 25'tf 7/W; largest Siock of doods ever offered I hif II.-! i W are now receiving much the L.VnOK.S'f STOCK gf ! WHY I flits, Caps iiiui IJonnots, Siiocs, Boot?, ! Liiil)icl!as, &:c. I • I Kver ofTered bv us in thi.s place, to which we pnrticu- ' larly invite the .attention of Meridiauts, as we arc rfe- tcrniiiied not to be uiiiiciboLL isTAllil & WILLIAMS, j .August‘Ji), 18',i!. 2l)tf •>0,000 ll>w. ol* ISa^N lVanU*«l. K)\ ILL pay ;;.t ets. per pound e.ash for al! clean cot ton and linen RAt!."^, delivered to .1. I). Williams, in Fayetteville. I am nearly rea«ly to put in operation a Taper .Mill iii this neighborhood, and am (icsirotis of getting my r.ags iu this market. .My object is to pay as much lor rags as I c:iii affoni, and hope that I may not be f'orced to distant markets for my supplies. I have arranged wiih .Mr. Williams to receive and p.iy for ail ra^s delivered to him. J.)AV11> ML'UPllV. Fayetteville, Feb'y i; L lb")'.’. t>8-tf NOTICE^ ~ ^H'^HK inidersigned continues to nianufacture S[iirits -BL Turpentine i'.VRKKL.S. Those now on hc.iid guage 4i5 to 4"> gallons, and are made of the best se.Tsoncd ! white oak. Dibtillerg wuntiug a gi.od article, will do well to call and examine. Contracts to deliver liarrela fcr the ne.xt twelve mouths made on favorable terms. T. S. LUTTERLOIl. March !>•_», I8.'>l>. 7Gtf CO!l- lU'Sl- •t. Iiearlv oppo^ite tie 1- I'.i.-t of .Me-^'.s. lb. rtnu lit • t Fa_\ ette\ ille .li vM .'^oii'.> y. . L 1 \‘' r bv competent and faiiliful workmen, m.iy be Iniil ■ ,,i-.e?|».nding with the limes. an as- soitineiit f N I' I' l'inade I I RNl l'l 111-,, .-eleeti'.l by him'i l*'!'. will he so! I at a\'rv moderate .advance. Ill NCAN .MeNI-II.L. Nov. lil. 1>.-,1. oSif : ill li.illd an a>-oI ti!.> lit of F. Iv s celebra- i;r\LI.|i' I’.bblVl, 1'\SFS. wbieb have n'. ninieiided l>y W :|;e P. M.ingui i. Henry I'a-'. W n.. R. iviiig, -lid oilier il- l-.i til -, who ha\e C-\al;iiln I :;i. 1 v. ;tlir,-.-e 1 ,M: at pr! 19 I.AM) FOR SAI.E. A V.\Lr.VI>LF, tract of Laml is ofTered for sale, * » conl.iining 'J'Jd acres, lying 'i.! miles west of Fay- i etteville. near tho F. A: W. I’l.aiik Road, adjoining Mrs. i Nott and othei's, with a good divclling and other neces- ; s.irv oiit-hon-es. we’.l w.itcre.l ati'l he.'ilthy situation. ! -\pply Soon to I>. (i. McDufli .bis. R. Melhiftie on the jiremises, for p.irticulars. .liine'J''i, 1S',1'. 3-tf sr{)KA(;i:. L have comnioilions brick Wiirchouses in the rear i f our Store, iu whieh we store cotton and other proibice. L>. S: W. McL.VCRIN. Nov. I. IS-M. 37-tf paree \ th'ulh ' I LI ii building, 1'ith F ar loth I.iec. Is.",;'. • r.'. .\ir. Murjdiy ry. will be stipp' ■ i iilars .oi ' ■ . N. I’ .Mil/r and hnn'df' ‘ fouitli SC.--: '1 bruary, aiel eb I irg^.!ii.’iiti. n iin I ■ h.arg excepte j, wli ise servici 'ie 1 by a eo|!;peti‘nt rcs.' tiie .lA’di;.' , Dec. \rtnh III >1. iji the new it- - ho’;: - II. RRFNT. ;.t pi.r- i. Dec. J7, J'HI a I'. -IS. 1 (III :m I tl •oUl.ti 11 ri ■ le a.ijoiliin'.; .- t. !i !- an 1 .]'! I e ! -in I f.' MI bl'HV ( II id)i rlii/id S/i/.uriiir ( mirl !‘L( I.VL TFl’.M of Ci.mb. rb.n 1 f l.aNv. f- r t!ie n ;,il ; ;■ ('jvii c.iu-. .ii ihe Il I .Moiid.iv in i't liri. try b'- i-’. Witiie--c «; ar * hereby n ititie 1 !ii> reof, a: tl., ii. \ - .i. i 1 lin^l V. 'd ■ip. 1 re.jUU ei|. M. i;. .'.-'.ts I jtir. r t onit Vi.! I.e held Miitor- .III 1 win e'.-n I'loth-, ' ■•'ilk-; fa III ■1..; Ill k ..I I'eV.itlK : r;i! Shirt •! and \ V 1 ; bl'k an 1 CO I c I'd; ■ eiiiorii an 1 Dim w ler. I •r-: W, D. •: (.!:()i.()(.i('Af. \( . SI K\ i:v '-r TIIK .'^T.XTK OF Nnirni (’AHn!.!N.\. Si': 'K. K'^I ,N|'iiiteresling Report pnbli-lied I.y liieeti'.n d'the l.egisbiture. ■ upon t!ie (ieological ; . Mineralo'.;ieal Resourei’''. .vc. oi the .“-late of .. ' f' .Ina.— so f .r a“ his op, ralion- have, thus, .• M f.e i.--iie i froni ;!.•■ Register Office, in i ■' : r .1 few weeks. i „ - w rk vn ’ ni l’;.- a voli:me of ’.'.O pp.. R vo., and * ■ t!>- - i at Vi eents a cojiy. ,\ny per-. ii remitting ’ • u..! re'ci'.e a ^’opv by mail, free .if pi -taee. N.. .MAC i:al. 17i . t beg;, ■ipes, lin. 1- ;K.\ToN (l.’vl.KS. •ji'.-::t ( iCAliSl CICARS! ('H.Ai:s .'.iMiii L.I .l..-et;i. 1 ' ii: •'jIMiil |,;l bllioll I'lill .'ilHHi .b-nnv Lin.l. •'.'Il-ll i''..ilit;iti-.Ii, -•I'I'I l':;neteli-, jouu ('.(lupicsta, ;• •> M I L;i I eb'l '> ;ida, For sab- l.y (let. JO, l''oJ. ' 40 Reg;ilia-. L'OlHI .‘Mlli'l'osi.l. J "II Ren Fr;il.k o(i(ii> \'.,riega, -jomi N..j.tmio, •jiiiiu \'olunt(-ro, JO'IO .Morenit:i. (’HAS. RANKS. -ting-; iibiin. bl'k and lig'd 1 Fletieil ’lerll!' I'ligrisi! I cn. Il an'l bn :'.ish pi .me t :il; 1 v.-ry h;i iid--.|ii ■: \|e- ..1 .'•ha .V ■ a.-- inel e ,ii. i I ; b' i.i.ets. Sack- al, I I’.'.mk ;iii 1 ;i ’--w Z'-- 1 bed Ile:irt!i Rie.:-: Fte|i. iiai..| \'ii r- iile;ii iic I ;lli I lir. -a 1: li;e-tj. -; . M U :ili 1 eo' .1 ('. 11o;i \ e. x - t.-; ■olii I .til I .'-nl" \Iu'lin; I’lsle j- :.e; :i :i ! 1-- I .d>;ii;. - :i l.d II; rrimniinu-; • .t: r. ;i:i I I '-b- l.d;^ ng ; Fiinje-; (limp : I'icni.' 'litis; i. ive- I’loiinet.-. ‘iir!- l l.i:- ;m.| .'~lr.. v a.-.v .ii; 1 '.leriiio, i-»d ;i-'Iliiie’it ot .-'lio(‘> :inl 1 ■ "Ii. for La- ii-'ii. Ro \ • iir' - :i 1. I I hil.lren; t '_'et 1j. r v itli •alii. 1. .1 lot eiiuni'raiel. iinik'.ii;.' my -toek whieh the ;itteIilion of i:iy friend-; :m.| the !ie :rener:iliy is invited. (Irateful f. r p;i-t pe K_v otfering g' ...1 :it rv i-ikiIib- r.tte- t.. -bare i portion of piiblii- p:.troii.'ige. -t ('orner ,\l;iiket .'-'juaie. No. (lie.-n xt.. , N. c. r. SIILMWFL!.. 1 eel. l,i-!i:\ ri;,y. be'.vi lu'tr;.-o- , : tl'.iii i!tilit^ 3 b ; l';.,nn. W \h:‘’ f. r I liil Iren; Ni 1 ll.'inhi-1 -; • arjiet- :in I K-an 1 'rin? i •. m;- I >-n;itiiirr -; M i .' r ■ (■ \'i ! et Ti !i.lining-; .l i ;ind \ ictof v Law ns; .! -ertiii'.:': bin* 'i I r-' W :l- -ts; :i,..i lb rv; ::: '1 iiin;; Dam \’,-o. ;i ;;o.(d ; dit '. • il lit eni‘-li. M.'.liy .itio-r .al le eo;n[.b-t’ ; ! pu tavois, I II eontiiuie t i N..rdi-W 1 ;i V etiev bi i*. 1 keCj, c-inst:int'v on hand a goo I a-s. rtiiicnt .-^a!em ' issiinei e- and Kei scvs. Se„t. -’.-I. ' •-■'•■tf M()m:v! r^/two mibs '.i_\ ettevi’le :in 1 Wi-.-tM ii ■ t .b5lr.i' '.e ;il;d he:ilthv V. an r ()!' WII.I -e!! my lro;ii tlu* .M:ir'i\et oii tl.C I’biii\ l '1 the 11.■ ■.’;o i - in the .■•iin.ty. til -'of F.-'Vitti i;., 1 ! . k. ml Ml .'b:irt W ith tiie l;irj:. v.oek an 1 l.b(.(.li;s . VI 1 olb r. wofil. coinplete'v fill.sin V er;. ; e Inced pt ;. i - oT e:i .->■> litt'.e ;itu-ntlon h;is l.v me ;itter the tire ot the 'J1 .b.ii'y, on tb. -e in ietitcl to me t-i e;i’,'. ;ind, tb;.t 1 :im iu.luced tiioiU r the :ibov e ]iroperl V at reduced pri''( - to einib'.c me to rebuild liiv ( an i;.-.;e F-:;ili’.isl;ment ;ii; I eontinue my business w ith C'liV eiiieliee. 1 sh;ill pi.I • !|o'e- iii |.rejiei- ii;il|.’- fel' collection, if not paid SO..U. I h;ivcail my :ice..unt 1 ,-t .1 an V I A. .Nbireh -J'.'. bso-j. HALL vV i;OLIJN(;E!i ^ lONTlNl'F to c:irry on the FOI’.NIiRV BC.SINF.S!?, ^ • with :ill its branches, in this place. They have ad led, within the bist sis months, .'?liOO worth of I’at- teriis. ;ind .ire now prejiared to furnish .Millwrights with M:ic!iinery, at short notice, fer W heat, (’em. Grist, and .'.iw Mills. .'-te;im Mills re]iaired tliroughout. Our terms ;ire c:ish on delivery: per cent, will be a 1 b-d bir every ;I0 days an account may stan.l unpaid. W e e:mnot c;irry on this bu-iness on the crelit system, ncit!;- r do vvc intend doing so. HALL ROLLINC.l-R. A.iuni:t U. is.'.-J. IStf AGRICi:r/!'VRA r. books. VMKllIC.VN Fruit Culturist. Downing’s Fruifs and Fruit Trees i)f .Vmerica. Cole’s American Fruit r>ook. Northern Fruit Culturists, Crape Culture an*i the Strawberry. Rural .\rchitecture. Rural Homes. Colman's I’ractical .Agriculture. Stephens’ Rook of tho Farm and Farmer’s Guide. Allen s .\merican Farm Rook. Liebig's .\griciiltural Chemistry. Fessenden’s ('omplete Farmer and (Jardener. Farmer's Dictionary. . , Farmer’s ('yclopedia of .Modern .\gricultiire. F.nilit- lii fa.'etteville. or to ner's Farmer's Treasure. Uuist’3 Family Kitchcu Gar den. Stewart's Stalile Feonoiny. Dana's Muck Manual. Rrow ne’s .Vmericau Muck Rook. Dana's Essay ou Ma nures. American I’ee Keeper's .Manu;il. The Hive and TIo- ney 15ee. Rand:iU's Sheep Husbandry. Richardson on the Hog. Domestic Fowls and the Pests of the Farm. '\ouattonthc Dig. Skinner's Cattle Doctor. Hinds’ Farrier. \ ouatt and Martin on Cattle. Clater on Hor ses. Horsemanship, including breaking and training, vSlc. &e. For .-iale by E. J. HALE SON. November lK'>:i. (ttevil’e aii‘l Wc-fern I’lank ... ,,f j';i V e’. te ville li 'tei .-^toek. ,f Re;idv-m:idc t'Ai;i;l.\(.KS ‘I in llii- pi.iia—ov. r "S.iuoo 1. .V'.l of vxbiell 1 will sell :it r’l or negoti;it'b- i.oti liei-n paid to the c:ill made 1 made out to the McK KTil.\N. 77tf Si:]'.]) RYE FOR SAI.i:. J. .s: T. W ADDII.I.. .'i’itf i)\\ i:li.i\(. ii(h si: H F .''ubseriber wishe- to si H(ll .’^l], vv itl; :ilioiit 7 aei ;ib->nt h.i':l';i mile we-t of Fa' I OR SAl.i:. , sell her DWLLLINli V ot L:ind. on llavinouiit. ■tteville. The House is T' 1‘IANOS EOR SAI.i:. '■■V. verv 1 second-hand I’ianos for sale. .\[i- . r, ■ I,. H. WH1T.\KLR. Dl.^SOfA riON. ' ; rtner-hip heretofore existing iii:d(-r the ■! IJiMtis'in Sc Rbick is this 'lay diss.dved l.y - i ;_reement. T!ie bn-iuefc* of tbe Firm ■ ! i.. the u;ie!> r.signcd. C. RL.\i 'K. i, i«-,.;‘;:t ■ !-:/neil vv;'! .-.iiititiue to c.'irry on bu-iness ' I : irmerly oceupiel by H. Rranson .v .Son, ■ . l’r..i;-ion Si Rhick. He ket-]'» -oli-tantlv ■ i a . I -upply of groi.-erie-j and provisions, ■■ 'ill -c ;i b.vv tor eiish or on time to punctual •■ivi- him a call. C. I>L.\('K. , . .‘(b-if -forie.'. with 1 large and 1* -m:i!l roi v(-nient Oiitlmuses. i’cr-ons dcsiruii will pb-;i-- apjilv soon. F.i'. ettcville. Nov. I. ni‘ with :ill col pur-liasili 1’. LAIN. 40if !!olclih'i 1 irtiral H i. f gill LRL are se\cr;il liuiidred . f th r.itioii in dilfeieiit eoniities in .N' jiroof of tin ir !u- \y/irrl. ■se Wheels in ope- ii l li ( a ro!in;i. For wliei !• A l!\R\L\N'S llori'.L V i: r T i: V1 r. 1. s:, 'I’liO Mlb-'CriliiT ll.ivili;r takl-ll l-.rmerlv kno.\n ;is ihe I’ •;it advaiit:iges ovi-r the common tbilti r anv other whe--ls now in u-.- for s:iw luills. we coiitidently reler to tho.-e who have ;ipplled tin-in to tlieir mil’.-. Wc e.;n iiiiiien i llieni p;irl-.cnlar; their snperi. lily in cii.-es ol a low he;i I of wati '.;iek vv:i'er. We ^^lill keep a siipplv of Wheels. for i‘i;t hea'l- ot w iter. ;.t W i 1 111iII;.:Ion. .Ncvvliern. Wa f.r diJfer- d.i!,.;.- fiie liirirr ’L.\N rFlis' ., sitimte I ;;t the f,,. t o!' il.;'. M-.llllt. treet. F.iyvttev ilb-. N. r'.b I ;il oliii:i. rnis his friends ;md tbe j.nMi.- rh;il e l in l efitting tiie buiidin'.:, v. liieh i- 1 .H s r liECElN El), fl' S 3 I * ^ |i»>- ,>» iioTf; re.-j.i 1 ’‘iiily int' lie is now eiig;lp KUp^lied witli (-nfire new Furniture, ;in 1 i- prepar to acevmmodate the travelling public. ILiving ii:id some e.\perience in flic biisi'ie-s in t!ie to-.v;i oi I’itf^- lioroii:ri;. -N. ('.. he tbitt;-rs hiin-elf ti.:it he will I..' .ilile to give sitisfaction to those whom;iy favor him with tbeir . onipany. His rooms birge an.I ;;irv. He h;i- birge and i.-oijvciiicut .'^t:il,!c; faitbtui Ortier. JOHN ll.VliMVN. bi'.tf toll, Ldenloii iilid i':i\etfi-v ilb he ha.l ol 1’.. r.r.'.l, l.'.oc l’cfer>!.urg, Va. Per-.n- wisliii.:' to ol.t;; will lie serve.l ell appli }■ iivetlev ille. N . ( . Tiie wheel intoii, :in i L ' Ilia' ;dl \V| i-i_’iit lo Il«e ;Ih- D. .McNeill vV »' .McNI'.lLL. A. .MeikKT .1. McALl.'- I ;ind FeW’y 2J. I S I'.) i‘Yi: II AN. rr.i:. i' tf Feb V 17, IS.', priiin* :irtiele, .jii-t receive.1 and WILLKIN'IS OC (’O. •Jl.if Wi.b .;id I’utnam'.s .Magu/ines for .f;inuar E. ,J. HALK i: .^iON- ' iio'i'i;!.. H K Mibsci'iber having jiiirch:is( 1 th(- Hotel; on the .son:li-K;t-f (-orner of ( ourt House :ind bitely known as .'-'tiiarf b, wi iiiibbe th;it be is ii ov ready to I ' -r has t '11 the Lot ' *'abini_t Shop. at- ^tablished a I’akery on Row two doors Fast of Dujieaii He is prepared to funiish ;ind the pulilic gt-iierullv, with Rread, ! troni/e him. ),e«t tne market ;if!oi'!s, lii: and his .'^tahle w itii A. ■ 1 • ;i'Kes of various kinds, of the best |uality pi'.i iir.'1 the services of one of the hist ' the .-tute. I’rices reasonable. Give me a c.-ill. CHA.S RANK.S. '"'t.v::!,. |i,.p iS'LRAW CiOOIKS. TAYf>>R, No. 160, Broadway, New York, I' Miiri r ifiiil Commission Dfiilrr in Hiils, Taps, ■ ' il Dlls, lliitlers' Slock. Trimmings, &c. '•‘biiir.s; ex[icricnce in these jiarticulnr ‘I* 'KM if business, joined to his facilities in till ing, eii.ibleK him to (,fll'er inducements to tii;(t eannot be had of those who purchase h it -ec-,,i,,i or tliird hands. His pre.sent Mto(-.k ' and w(-ll assorted for the conntry irade. 111 l,i- coii-tutiily added to by fresh importations, "»n manufactory. itnated ■^i|il;ire. nid inforin tbe ommoihi tc boa rders i iiv tbe day, vve.-l; or m-ilith. ILiviiig m;ide consi'lera- ! l)i«' (jutbiy in furnishing ;in'l refifling the i-.stabiishnient. ■ hi? hope.s' to be able to give satisfaction to ;ill who pa- HIa Table sh;ill be fnrnisiie 1 with tlu- ;iir with the b(-st ot Li- )liors, ami ms .-laoiu mu, a jilenty of good provender and faithful Ostlers. .J. A. (jILCHRIST. .June SniMl'RVILLE I!!)'!'1;L. f ■^IIL undersigned would respedfully inform i the citiz«-ns of •'Summerville, the vii.ii!ity, and the imblic generally, that uhe has opened a nouse of MUttvrtainmeiit^ vrhere she will be pleased to accommodate ail who may call on her. The Village is pleasant and healtliful, her h(»uso l:i**rc :iu(l coiiinnnlious. No pains will be Hpjirod to render agreeable and t>i»iiifoi table ai»y wdjo may lavoi her with a call. She is also prejiared to ac.comojlatc with Roard from \:> to :!0 Students. Price of Rourd per month. E. RAILFV. Summerville, N. C., .Iixnc 13, 18-')2. 1-tt ‘ II' :'tteiitii,n tiaid to orders by .r -, ! I - . * ^ 5(3* jUi WIIISKiV. R.Mt lll.LS. a le l.y _.VLSO~ JO bags prime fc’lb\T11 LII.''. Sej't. b'l. IS-'.J. _ I'ALL .\M) \V!N'1'::R (JOO!).'^. A ^1 R I'ad ;in I W inter (b.oils ;n e iioW here, and rea’ly M y b.r s;i!e. Our -tock of 3>2£V (j;4>l>is large ;ind iietti r than ;inv former season; BI \ €’5 is hard to e.pMl. *584X'B>StJ S’>-—i't'ick is large, eijual if not .-Ntnn'rior ti* :inv r VfMi’. ‘.\1! of whicii we wiiiild be glad to exch;inge for most any kind of produce, for cash, or to pnnetual toiners on time. Septeinl'er, IS ili. MEDK'Al. NOriC i:. ■ XR. TIIOS. C. HALL respectfully of fers his professional scrv.ees to the 7 citizens of Fayetteville and its vicinity Me d may be consulted at the Ofbce directly over ^ the'new Drug Store of Samuel .1. Ilins'l:ilc, South West corner of Market .Sijuare July i.H-Vj, al- COOK .V T.Wbol r-tf i:Uf JUftnk \[ arru.uts for sale here. M'.w JiToiii'; i\i) ^i:w cooiiN. fH'^UF' subscriber h:is taken fhe Stand formerly occu- JL pied by Sam'l .L Hinddale, Southwest corner of Market S«iuur«) and Gillespie street, where he open- eilhisNFVV STO(’K OF i'atl ami Wititer Hoods. His friends and the public arc requested to give him a call as he i.s determiued to sell very low 11. \\ urn n:L!). j (\)(irli tS' Liu;id ('inrlti^c jhtnufaclnr( r. ^’l,r(;l 1,1) respce'.fnliy ini' IM i! i‘ pul '.'.e he W # still eenliiiu. s to l ai iy ..;i ihe .ilio\e lni-iin in ••ill its br;uu'hes. II.- retiiiiiS;- for tie' libti-ai ].;itlonai:e he li;is reeeive.i. ;in I hopes l y :i slriet atteli- t .oii to l.iis!n.'s". ;i!i.| I de.-.i e to I b ;;re ;ill :in 1 giv e geli- .-;illslaetl.iii. to i;i rit ;i eoni 1 ir.ianee .,1 the s:inie. II (* -,v;i ••{■ ;iits all li.s wol'lv to be iii;ide of tbe bi*;-i l;ia- •eii;il liv e pe li d workmen; and sliouid ;il;y til it b'il in t .vel\i- iiionibs ■ with f’;iir ns;igi-) either ,n \tor’.;- i.iaiishiii or iii.i:eri;il. he will rep;!'r it without charge. Persons v.i: l .i'ir ( i buy. woiibi 1 i well to . -.II ;.nd e\- ainini.' his v, .'ik l.eioie piii-, !..isinu. ;is it e;inii"t be siir- I p;isscd bir ^t\le, e!eg:mee, ainl ibii;ilii!ity. He is ile- I'.•niiin.'d t.i -el! 1...V fl r c;isli nr i i; sin rt tioie. Orders tbankiuby received :ind promptly attended to. •: ,v RFI’.M!’.!'.- neatly c\e-\icl ;.t sho;-; in.-tite :ind lowest pi.-sjble prices. ' F;iyeitev;ile, i’.-l., 'J. b".VJ. I'-Uf ! EAViyr I’EN iLLi: RR.\NC’il CJlolhiiUv I'iStablisisJiH nt. ‘ J. M. V/HIT2 UWDERKILL, j Driijii'rs, Tiiiloi's. iiib! Wliol'.salr iiiu! Ilcliii! I'loliiitTs. I 2 2 0 I'f illutiit AND I* rsfjtt S/rttf, nr.i t dcor to lion/,' 't A. V. I' would beg leave ti> inform t!ie citi/.ens of F;iy- V w ettevilb-and vicinity, that wc fuive just receiv ed a large assortnnnt of F.\LL \ WlN’l'F.R CLOTH- lN(i, iininul'actiired expressly for this market. i’ur- chascrs will find it to their interest t.i ex;i!iiine our stock bebire buying. ALSO—A good assortment of Shirts, Drawers, Col- birs. Cravats, Hosiery, and fine Cloths and Cassimeres. .\ll of which will be sold at New York wholesale j>riccs. Having secured the .services of some of the best ]>racticai workmen, ihe Tailoring I’.usiiiess will he car- ricil on as u.sual, and all orlcrs for fine elothiiig will be executed in the most fashionalile style. October *2S, o'-Ut Ri:i)rC'EI) EARE. Throu;;li Tiekid.s between i W iimingtoii, N. C.. and Ralti- : nmre. Farc^l-5. Via Weldon, I’etcrsburg, Richmond, i't Wash ington ('ity, or via Weldon, Ports mouth and Norfolk. ! For Tickets ajiply at the Office —the Wilmington and Raleigh -~ Rail Road (’ompany, at Wilming ton, or at the Oflice of the Ib-iltimore Steam Racket Company, and of the l’>ftltimore ami (.Ihio Rail Road ('on. -iinv. I’raft Street, Raltimore. j .Jan. 1. l^.J. ii-'J-tf r»AR(;AL\S! r.AR(JAL\S!! '11 N my rei-ent visit to N«w York, my H jirincipal oliject was to get wor'.imeu ;md niateri:il for the purpose of man if’ac- turing .''!ilk Hats. .\ft»-r getting t'lcre, ;ind finding it diflieiilt to get fir.-t r.ite workmen to coinc South. 1 gave up the j.rospect o''pro- i-nrin.r aiiv, coiisei|iiently purchased a large stock of SlbK II.V I.'-, .\tter m.iking my purchase. I engaged ;i '.leiitleniaii as principal workman, who came well re- coiiiineiide.l. ile learned his trade in F.uropc: and for the last seven ye;ns he h;is lieen employed ill a b-irge ni.;nu;';iefi:ring c-taMi.-liment in the city ef Nt-vv York. 1 then pr-ieiired fasbionab!..- blocks and n.-'iterials, and ;mi n ivv fairly at work Manufacturing Ninety Hats per montli, .\i;d will h;ive .some of them ready bir sale by the 'JOth inst. In order ‘bat I m.iy not be overstocked, I oflcr !'or sale, A I' COST, my laie purclnisc of Nos. 1st, ‘Jd, ; and od niialitv F.\S H lON-V R L L I Merchants may s;ive money by jiurchasing of me. If I YOU jiiirchase in New York, il is often a month before I you receive them. j 1 sh.-ill in a short time be able to furui?li merchants ! with Hats of .MY OWN M \ N I 1 .\CT b R F, at N. York j |irices. tfi-wit; No. 1 at ^1-, No. at and No. o i at S:!0 per doz'.-n. j I t;ike this opjiortunity of ivti-rning my thanks to rny j former i ustomers. and invite them and other well lis- i j.os' 1 patriotic gintleniHi. flmt are in fV.vor ot Si. 1’- ■ I'OltTlNG sol TilFUN M \NiFA»'Tl ilFS, to give me 1 a call oil or ;if'fer the 'J"! h iiisf., as I expeel to h;ive j re.oly for exhibition aiei s iie I bi ts of n.y own manufac- ' tiirc that c;muot be snrp;--se.l in style aii i diir.-ibility. 1 I would be pii'ased to see every gcntlcnnin, in (-otni- : try or town, and v\ ill f;ike (.Ii-.-i.-ure in exhibiting tbe 1 Hats. :ind showinir the dilbr.-nt process they pass tliroiiuh from the fur on the skin until re;idy for the LAW J{()OK\S. SURSCRIRFRS have ou hand, and offer for JL Sale: North Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or single vohimes. Iredell’s Digest and Digested .Manual. N. C. Civil I’ractice, Form Rook and Swaim’s .Tustioe. Story, on Raihuents, Conflict of Laws. Pdrtnership, Eipiity .lurispiudenee, Eijuity Pleadings, Bills, Agcncy* t'ales. and (.'ontraets, .Vrchbold's Landlord and Tenant; Nisi Priua; Crimin al Pleadings, Practice and .\ppeiulix. Chitty, on Rills, Crimiual Law, Contracts, and Plead- I iiig- Starkie, on Slander, Evidence, and Crim. Pleading. Siigdeii, on Vendors, Powers, and Property. Powell, on .Mortgages, and Contracts. Smith, oU Contracts, Actions at Law, and Chancery Pr;ictice. ! Russell, on Cnmes, Factois, and .\rbitration. Saunders on Pleading and Evidence. Williams, on Executors, and Personal Property. Ilofl'man's Legal study, and .Masters in Chancery. .-\mericaii (,'h. Digest, and Leading Case.s. U. S. Digest, an.i Criminal L.-iw. I Rroom's Legal -Maxims. Hale's Pleas of the Crown, ('ollycr on Parluerships. Hill on Trustees. I’ark on Dower. Wills on Evidence. Stephen on Pleading.—■ .larman on Wills. Fearne ou ilem.-iinders. Crabh ou Real Property. Ryles on Bills. Sedgewick on Dama ges. Curtis's Eijuity Precedents. Adams' Eipiity.— Mitforil’s Plcailings. Mac'iueen on Hust>andand Wife. .Vtherley’s Law of Marriage. Cary on Partnership.— Cooke on Defamation. Domat, and Kauffman, ou Civ il Law. Roper ou Legacies. Dart on Vendors. Green- leaf on Evidence. Roscoe’s Crini. Evidence, llock- well's Spanish and Mexican Law. Lube'.s Ki|uity Pleadings, .loneson R.-iiltnents. Barton’s Suit in Ivjiii- ty. Robertson on Successiim. Gresley's Eijuity Evi dence. Toller on Executors. Reaves on Domestic Re lations. Lewis on I’erpetuity. lioss on Vendors.—- Wat.sou’s .Vrbitration. Hare ou Discoverj'. Rl.ackburn, ■ and Rell, on .''ales. Pulling on Accounts. Ellis on In- siiriince. Rlaiichard on Limitations. Wilbs on Usis. Newland on Contracts. Fell on (iu.irar.tee?. Curtia'a ('onveyaiicing. Tamlyn's Chancery Evidence. Vatlel'a Law of Nations, .\ngell and Ames on Corpor;itions. Cruise on Real Property. Rurriil's Law Dictionary. |(’oite on Mortgages. Hughes E-juity Draughtsnnin.— ■ W heatou’s Selw yn. Kent’s, Coke s, and Blackstone'a j ('oniiiientaries. Kiuue's Kent and Rlackstone, ic., &c. The above will be sold on reasonable terms. Other Law Rooks procured to or-ler for members of iLc Pio- fessioii in aiiv part of the State. E. J. HALF k SON. 1 Oct. 0, 18-3;;,. ?. S. ARFV. head. F.I vetreville. \. (’, Oct. lS-'i2. DAVID GFK. ;Utf WHISKEY. R,\RRKf..S of very fine North Carolina RYE WlliyivEY, for si'.le by COOK & TAYLOR. l)e‘:. ':0. CU-'-ui R()-'K1'isH Sill’: 1 Vi'IN(;s, H3V the bale or lr;lf bale, for sale by C. T. ILVIGH & S(»N. .Inly i:l, 18-V-‘. A NI'AV [NVEN'riON. undersigned has made an invention »f h Smut M Machine, which he virill insui-e t-> be perfect in the extraction of yntst Jn wheal, «nl wishes to inform Mill Owners that he is patting np machines at Union F.acto- tory, on Deep lUve»-, eight miles North of .Vshborotigh. My macbnu'.^ are composed of three distinct princi ples, centrifugal, scovvering and reaction. It takes the whe.-it throogb three operations in going through the machino uJice. .Any prrsons buying a machine, after trying it, if it does not dean wheat, damp or dry, I will take it back, I’rioe Seventy-five Dollars. .Vll letters addressed to New Salem Post Office, Rhu- dolph eountv. !’• I'P>'ELM.\N. Oct. 1’-', IH.jl!. NEW SrOCK. ■'I! I] .'Subscribers are receiving their Fall purcha se.-; of tSooks ft it (I St9{ lottery. In addition to a great variety of SCHOOL ROOK.'^, fliev fi;»ve the iisu.-il T H F( (LOGICAL, MKDlC.iL, lllS’i’ORIC.VL. R10G11APIU(\VL and .MISCKLLANK- OC.-^ works, suited to this State. The most elegant st.ick of I'lIAVKU BOOKS ever seeti iu tiiis l>lace. Hlaiik IJooks, Writing Paper, l*en and Pmket Kiiive;s, Ink, Ink Standt:, Pens, Envelope.'', I’uit l'\)lio.s!, Port Miiuai.s, Drawing I'aper, Pencil.^, And various other articles usually kept in n. Rookntore. Oct. 4. E. J. HALL A SON. NEW I500K8. ri’THE Parlor and the Cabin, n reply to Unde Tom, by I J. T. Uaudolph of Y:\, Lives of Wellingtoa .nul Peel. .Morfit’s Art of Tanning and Currying. Mechanic’s (Jwn Rook, &o. &c. Just received by £. J, HALE & SON. Nov. 20, SCOTT AND JACKSON. JUST received, a supply of “Scott ."^nd Jack.«on, Headley’s new Work. ,\fso, P.wikl TTrbste his Contemporaries, by C. W. March. E. J. IfALC & SON Oct. anJ Blauics for sale here. NEW^ nO{)KS. EN’S WIVES; A Shabby Genteel story: and thes History of Henry Esmond, Ksq.; by Thackeray. Loomis’ Logarithm Tables. Morfit’s .\rt of Tannin*; and Currying, raiutcrs’ anJ Gililers’ C«>uir>.-i:>ion, ii:c. Dec. 13. !-• jiOy. ■Mi

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