S 13 M I-W B B R L, Y. Vi'l,. II ] I'AYH I'TKVII.I.F,, N. C., JANUARY 13. 18').-?. [XO. 1,30.] 0W\\i\) .1. IIAM-: & sox, '''I* I'KoriUKTr-Ks. , , .\\\-,-klv (>iisn:vKi; 00 it'I'liM in ’-I if i':ii'l ilurinj: the itt' oxpiroil. IV V’' I'l 'K.t;'Kli 01' jH'i- iinir.iin, if [Mi.] in vj , i i;'ji.ii'l'!’.;rli'.;j: t!ie vi-ai---r'ii'^oiip- , N. i ! ■' al'ti i’ til'' h:\s ovi.iro I. •f-"Tl>r'll N 1 iiisvrti'il for •*i\ty ri'iit-: . 1 i r tl c l'.i\'t. an'l lliirtv ceii*!' fu' C:ir1' 'II. rl_V Ivort !>t llli lit s Ily "] 1‘- .\1\Tticrs :ir>- iSIMC'K I'Oli SAi.K. subscriliiM- har for .o.ik* l‘)0,i!00 hanl i)iir!it wliirli Ik- is uillinu to sc]l .-a tlic lowist iii.'.ik'.'t Ami ho iiiti'inl.‘' t'« k-‘'p a ci.n- >t.uitl_v on hainl. ill'. Mct’iir.ll.'^ON. I ^111' I’.iurK. r.i.i.iNt: ii«n .!: l.itKiiy IN.iiif, hitolv .1 an' 1-11 roi'iii str«'et, lirli-.iv niH’niiif I l)v M:iriili Mc- nV i)7--'t Hn'ici' of l!ii yv, In h( V liy IU^( th>- th ■iribie rato: . , ' ' till' 'Hir.ihi'r ot iU‘.'>in'il, nr ■ ti!! fiivl'itl. aii'l i-liavLi'1 a> ;- i l- 1-^ . t > t'lu' K'!it> rs nmst nt" j.r.st-pai'i. I \10\ Ar vDi'.MV. , r '■Xl.i;''!."!’..'' 'I 'hv li'Stitiiti 'ii wiil ho r'i\n',r : | tiv' ITth it .l:!im;irv. uiiiKt tin' i-ar> ,M Mr. .lAMK.Ji l‘ATTi;i:Si'V «1„, is «,-H ,lay i toiit a!i'i cfi.i’iciit iiistvu'.'tor. . •./•/■ S'-.-s' ‘II nj F!i. .I/ »/-..• . W: ■ Svr'.lii;;r. aii'l \li‘Htai Arith- ", ' I It I •' ir HPliiar, (1 '■ . r:!pl.y. •' nu ' 1 hi'jhor hraiirlu" Maiii.-- , ' t lii- 'l at tiic \i'a.iciiiy f'.’.-Six i I', . ^ u' w i-ll Ilil. \f. . r '■-■r ■' 'i '-‘ ‘ Ti’i;'''' ■=■ .iiui.s i'.wi.tii;, >t,, • « • t r, ;iml I). Ii. \:w. Co.. ) /A, ./;)■’//^ that tl'.i Ti‘ will IK' a nit't't- li (if iho ('ape I'coji !• Navi j:ati(i!i ('( ;iip.iM\ i>i iltiiiii^t nil Mmiilav ITtli. aii'l at S'.uiii'H'i \ iil>' i.n S itur l.iy thf 1 lif aimai V. iii't. l’>y (T'Kt t tin" I'nai 1 cf i s. •1. .l \t'l\S()N, ’I’rcas'r '•>1 f fthoC. I', ami l>. !!. N. ('■>. (iffiff r.f l!:f C. F. :;iiil II. II. \i!V. Co..) I’i I ts/,iirr‘llfli. ./'Ill tj I), ) is ht’fhy ;:i >(';>. that si'ai.-u pr.-al 5 will ■ t thi' ■ i t' ( I iiii'ii;iy. to I'xi*- rl. ; i 11 tii.aiiii'"- ti' l>> ilci'.i- on li;-- lln ' of ii.'i Ki\rr inq.: ■ MMiii. iit. tiiitii tlu-nt!i oTici: t rv. t'utc tho « Hr. T. Bl. II A I 4.; II, AS tiikcn nil Ollicc on Hay iStrcet, West of tli^ Hotel IJuihliiigs. July H, 4-tf .f F liv , ■1 . l>;r> K( iN. (I t>M 'I'rcas'r I '•■'iij.'ill V. JOILN I). W IIJ.IA.MS, i'onnnission an ft S\>nv{(rdhig Fayetteville, W. C! Fell. ',t, noOK THOS. H. TILLINGHAST, Aiidersou Street. .^'ri.t, -2.\ r,,n If. M. ()!iUi:LL, roiiw\kiiim; nnnns.sKix hkhuia.m at I'ayrSSt'vaSir, ,■%. i\ Mtu't'li lf\ ls.')l. (>2-tf Sl'AliR cV williams. WIKU.KSAI.K Dr.AI.KltS IX ttiifi Kfomvstic Mfrtf imootls^ IIA V Fayetteville, N. C. •I. 15. srVMI!.] [.). >1. WII.I.TAMS. .'I'ri! v,;tf Ii. L. ll()LMi:s. AUorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. 1AM ■>'t>o'iviiir n nmcli liirgn- STOPK OF' liiim u.onal, c‘plisl.sting of n coitijik'to iis.SortiiU‘nt of Dry (.Joods, (Jrocorit's, 1 larduaif; and Cutlery, — .Vmonp; whitii tiiay l»i- fnlini!— I.ailio.s’ fin‘ Hrc.ss (tooi'f*. I’Miuii'ts, aiicl .“in aRsiort- iiuMit (if Dress uii.l I’xiiiiiet Tii;f;iiiiiif;s, of tlip latest styU-.s. —AI.SO— IIntA, Ihiiifx mill SIiorSj Ni';;ro I’laiikcts ami Korscys, r.airfiinc; and I’opo. with a largi- .-iipiily of Ri:.M>V-M.\ DK «'I. )T 111 N( All (it till" aliiive (loixls h.ivo ln‘(>ti rcct’iitly [diiTh.T.scd, unl will he .iol.l low at wholo.sak- or retail.' W. K. NKtoHi;, Maft Collier >}arket .‘'(piarp. Sept. ('i, o;;tf S r \U!J, sox & (’(!., {L.\TK MAI.T15V .v ,TAKi:.^ 147 Water Street, New York, i'll'ii’ Colistan'ly o’> haii'i a hi' L"-' :!";(■'tM’CT't I'f -MAT.';, CAPS. :;!i,| .iil \\V of tlieir own inatiilfafh'.iT, wliicli they oifer to casli ai..i ti;r,c buyers on tiie most liheral terms, :it a .‘-iiirlit .-I'lvai', i' fidiii cost, 'riieirloii^ eNperieiiee in this >,i-a’.. h of .^iiic.-is eii;;!'!cs them to otfcr to huyevs sel- *l'n;i met witli. and an exainim.tioii ff ~tock i- par ticularly invitC'l. *f'!or ' i-t -pect i iiily .'■•iliciteii. ;i:i'! jiai'i to packin:r lt 'od': for liist.uit \ i:!:. »N C(I.. 1 17 \V,it»'r .Street, New Vi.ik. ; Ji. V a: -C-.srsei f,r.MHi:R! LrMiii:u!! li.ave oiir Sh-:1!ii Sinv Mill in se.cccssful opera- * V ticn, miles fro»n ! iiyc’ttovilh-, near the llalei;rh il'iail, and are i.repaix’d to execute orders in our liite. .v. we I'un tno /,’ ,‘tiri/ or (\rr>i!'ir Sin-i, we cart fill hills at the shi'rtc^t notice. \Vi> e.in furnish I’ine, i’opl.ii- :;nd .)unip; r I I ■ M i;K1!. av.d of alin('‘?t .Kiy U ncth. >nr ! ■ r. for trnriifulness (.f line and .smoothue.**^ o* f;i •... : j,,. e:p:al to ar.v c'.er delivered in market; .J()Ni:s 1!AIM;11K. March ;'.o, 78tf esjjecial attention trade. I'eccmhev 1 1. r Jr. and Mrs Owen’s Boarding ScliooL i’.i I VI'l N'i .S('11(M)L f'r tiiiN. iiii'i* r : r .N rih Car 'i:ia T a, I.iT': in -• in tin' .''t ite. .t ■ : u_^ -tructlon is ;;iven in the ' l.\. if dcr’.i't .1 in ,r 11 i' 1 t‘> the .^t >rc acc int- ■ , - ti .;r i with the rrii.c j a's. .;!i I ^ -V I ; . M'.'vent e\i::i\ • r ' h!' ■VIM I t ion a ('j ' v t i 1 11.'S. II. r,n;...p •. N. c. W. r. I5ASON. M. !).. sf g:o,^' i9i:.vTtsT. •r.',\NM'. . tint I'r. IJ.'i’ii ii'"'Trl' \i'i u ■> t:.’Ke ]'’ea«'ire in ' lyii t ; . ■ 'ar.ce'i ;>iat no one h. c-.t ' >it. ' ; crat 'd e\t:: .s': c have known I>r. 1' '• n f r se.er: '■ i tl- J'eiielit'i if hi' in "r fmr it rin’.ly rccommti l h':;i as ;t ' .■;.ti- w..^thy the rearm'd rOi'i c iiUdclici- I -• 1 ai' ).rof« s-ii'na’i '^t'rvi. c-» ci rr/KNs OF s vi.isr.cKV. N . l iiit’iriiH'd tint I'r. i; • _■ K :yctt^-ville and Wi'.min_f ’U. 1 »ak.- _*r.- nuncndin;: to my fr'.cnd' a. ' ■ i ■ in the sci'net if Itfntal •.;i -.;';y. 1' - ; r: irnie I oin'i'ations in i^i.v ow n taniily. m • ;:i:iTiy o' my ai-.(iiaintai;' *’~, and i.a- • - tl>;'acti"n. 11' *‘>1 I'I'F. 1.1 . - nii!ar t. -tim'-ny from othci- • e'l known, may !>e 'cen at l.i' r^ ■n;-. rZM ti h'l "1 S’l-aiMcr '/•; L\r will lca\e l'a\(tte- \i’!c'\cry M. nd i;.. ^\ cdnesd ;and l'i id:iy nv rn- ■•‘t . ; k. Ki turiiii,^-. will le:,\e iln'-iirton ■y I III -I ,'. I hv.i'-d IV and S.itiir.l.ay m-'ininir at 7 ' '■ 'ri ■ ^ r ; p'v to r iptain 1!. : e .;i 1, , rd. or I T, s. i.i i ri;i:i.()ii. A- ■!.t a- r.iV( 'tcviVe. .1. \ i>. M, i: \r. X CO. 1/' a: iiniiiiL’ -i. ;i;\iary I-. 1"'.:;, rrii'K .,1, ■ ■n corner .1 I ront and I’rince**; Fti'e ■•‘fiiMl oiilce. I’ec. IJ. .JS.tf nONALl) \ Mr\L\S'ri:!L I'l: VI.nils i\ (n r l.rj!t>:rs. Prnrl slo/is, tVf. How r.itildin;.:. l.rtwecn the M:iiket Hon' ot t!ie State. r . I'ec. IH. ls-,J. :»;id I’ank iltf •( !> -ilni r.-M 1.3 >s:. .lOlIN HANKS. (OinilSSHlV \M) rilRUARDlN,: \(;i:,\T. Wilmington, N. C. th li» cpt ’ II.I, atr.-n.i I. and \sill sli'. him. 1". 1 i;!i r pnrch-!' *.itch all of I’roiln'.’o. iii'ii'j'iinciil - [ 0\{ SALi:. ,\N1> Ti'l.\.M MI LKS, two of the mules years old. .Ml in good repair and oi-der for runnin>r. -\l'l>'y to II. I?1!AXS(»N. or N. liltANSoN. l*ee. 12(1. ls.-,-_>. \IILL!1M 1. Foiin AIU'INii AM> ('tMMI.ssi(»X MJHICIIANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. tl-Kl iSnXAl, attention jriven to the sale or shipment of .\aval .Stores. I have ample facilities for con- dnctiinj the husiness; larirewiiarf :in(l store sheils to ^teeji ei.-iilK IVoui expo>-!ire. Naval stores will he “hipped to any hon.^-e in .N(>w Vork. or to other markets if ad\;sah!e. and lil.eral cash a Iv.ances made on eon.sijin- nieiit.x. 1 n I'l i' to tlie fidlowin^r distillers; II. Il.innnm, Wav ne ('onnty. ( iiaiidler Hull, .lohnst'in Co., Lovett l’-acit(’k, .’oIiMuhus ('o., n. II. Harden. 'I'hos. [,. \'ail, !?iaden “ Mes-rs. .Sniith, \ Ingram, .Ldinston ('o., Messrs. /,. iV .1. .Ion(>s, “ M«s:rs. .Sniith I've .lones, “ .Sjicncer Fountain, llsip, “ I e\ i liailev, Ms'p, " May •JO. I**-,!'. ‘ >i:’.-ypd I’ILL .\T(!(L iS.ri. i;JOOS>P4, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. II \I:F iiiw receiviiifr our F.ill .stock, to which we invite the attention ‘f hiivers. HALL \ SA K!1TT. ■ NUL'M'^t 1 S.'i'J. It'-lf l)!i(l( n Snjx ri))' ('uurl. Melvin ami ithers, j 1’etitinn vs. y for T!'e M';(>r'ii'ii-5 of paiiie! Alelvin. j Uictriluition. fT havin'; hf.”;t referred to the tiTider siirned (’ommis- sioners to take the aCc.nnt in this cause, the I’lis- trihnt('cs of ihe late ji.iniel ,Mel\in :i'id all othi'rs in in terest are herehy notilied to h‘ and :ipji''.:r hei' re iheni •at l.lizahethtow n. on Fi id.iv the 1^' th ih; v of .Ian'v ne.'.t. M.\rr, LI; ■ l.oNl'tiN. W.\it:!l',N ',\ INSI.'.'A'. Dec. 18.')2. .':ltt No. 70, PINE Street, NLV7 YOBK. i o ,'78 T3 a ! o.\ .la S': i: 1' Es \ For. Tin; sai.l >f ,\i.l kini's of riiTi'!i\ i\i) W'HiLi.iA wi) “M \\rFA(’Tr[n:irs .iirncLi-s’ Or i;\ LKV i>Fs.'i:ii t;on. (’o!ii|)ii.-:inir {{(‘liiiiLT. (.':ird C'iot liiiiir. |{o!)!)ins. S!i!iil!cs, i’ick'i-s, RoiK-r Skill.-, !vol!( r Clolii, { I>ec. It'i, 1 S-")!-’. ”>2 1y MAP I'WCTOiiY. ^ RI. w v-i . ;' : ■ •,.. ' • •' 15 T. illKili .'t SON’S STfiHK; Ih TWO DillMJS \:;!iV S'.'tyoSU’^ isEc. 7%. V, Jan-y iI'X ' no-lYpd f •’ I e M&3Sira a of th. I.AW {ii:\('i: cV '1 K(;Y Ua'.-‘ received their i'a'.i .St ck of Groceries, Provi.sion>-, and Liqi: — .\LSt >— .‘=ni:!ll lot of l*‘adv-!i::!(l( (’rorh* r\ and (ilass\s arc*. Sl'iocs, !!ard\\ar(' a.nd ( crs. ('loiiiina-. ootr^ and it !(>rv. .1- •:! . Me j. \' \ m kin. \. 1 €’ o n B 11. mmi s s I«% A N I • FORWARDING MERCHANT, nieiit- pe 1 t- I ; I’r .iupt p'T'-'iia and ( -h ;ol\ ani ■‘her p irt' r >• ifent^ji ”iven to all Consi;j;n- > made on I’lo.lnce t j he ship- in thi> market. II) KS Wni, II. 11..’r'^ F’. ii-. ' . I'"' 1!. - . ' ii '. 'ii] crior >lonn':iin l’'i:tter. \r. ;.'l;s Lilli:'. For s.iic I'V 1*. \ w'. Mci vniiN. .‘iMf I h: \i) \iri lius. ) 1 ).! ]\''j't V. (’, M Hi:ia. 11 wi'Ar.-viM.i'. J .Ti’y 4tli, 1 no I’rivatt'S of tilt' l .d II" j.n ■•'.t ■ 'ii ('irolin.a .Mjliti.a wi'l att i;d at th.' J .ind. Cr(''S on S.-*i.r la_\ tii ' piiri" ~ • of e'l*. till': C ' ia i t. V ■ ca>'oi;e l hv th" re-l;^!! it;":; t C il. .1 AMI S C. 1. WiS. Ilit. c ■. c,,nr I --. 1111 .INm \ ll.Ll.\.\ i:s! V. ILKLNsO.N V miAi.Fiis in i -a. y-rh, nu-^ Siiuf'r', \NH iMrii;TLi:s i»i:E2BOJi ijivwv ,\ r \viiii:,K.s.\i i; .\m> Market St., Wilmington, N. C. (Rily lliirsif oiif ill l*arl. .’v. A. Mclvl/rilAX OF .Vi.. sri:\Mi:ii sor'i'iii'.iJM.K n a' ll.l. ''MV r.".' t-... , v r;. ladSa- V T t^ir’lav, ;it 7 ' ” k. 'I.. I’ti l arri'e in 'Vj;- mi!:-.'t n at 7 ■ '( ' >ck 1’. ^l. .\n I «i!i 'e '.ve ihirn-'t .n cv. rv M • nda \ .1 nd I'iiii ' ! !at ! l! • doi-!;, .^l.. and :ir- l.^.M Iltf M VLLI'/r r \ PAI LMII JL mrorcrs tmd ^'ontuiissioit i:t'> I'l-oiii NEV/ YORK. MAI.1.1 IT.] [.I. ,\ll?M»t I'l. i ■'•’I’J. r.\n,MiKK. IStf Fa' ■•ti ville 111 \t n; .null'.:. w. M. oura'.Li,. .\-cnt. '.■.-tf a \ FAN N'l LI Ti |e;i \ (• T. C. WORTH, (iiMMi.ssiii'. \Mi ruiawKiiiM. iininiwT, \\ ILML\(;'l'OX. X. .ll. 1, 1^'J ‘■•‘>»f ' ■ V ' iiL'IW will continue the merea-:- ■ ■ I '•■,1, I, n lit re, in ;idditi'.n f‘i the ' •• .- ri’i'i'ivin? !;c,v i."" K. an 1 wid c n- •t . r.'-ral -t'.ck, suited t- the tr.l le if • fry—:ili of v\hi' h w ill lie -' ’d at \ ■ r;. ocornni'.'Latin" ti'iin.s. Ht'coidi ;!- ■ r.i. r fr:‘’iids of the lat(' firm, and the - . I' _M\e liini a call, as he will s)'are no -i .-o^sry 1. I.".':! w lOli SALi:. i. t'Try .la( k, six years ohl ’lext ’ ! 't, nine ii;cln ' hi^;h, aid wcil • ; ' I'mI ;_'et:er, which can he a>c( r- ■' 1 Mr. .1 |)av is who liaK his fir-'t co’t, - ' 'T n/l « from Wihnin'/ton. S.ii'l ■■■ 2 f vt 11 i)idies and o teet hi:.'h on i. ,\ii\ ]i(T'')n «i*hii!;; to piirtdia^e I r. -- )||,. . { l’.o>ic(,n’s l’',st Offi('('. . N. C., hv the last (>f .l.annnrv |s‘i'’.. r. ,j. iivi:i). \'i'(){i\s s.\LI'. aa\:n'.r receive>l special letters of ■ Il tlie e-tate 'if lllfpfl M'^rhail, " - •■t oiM-d ;ia or(|er 'if .“^ile, will, i«rv ' • 'if.Linuary ne.xt. at the h'ife re-i- i ii'i' i. ^ell all the pcrishahle jiroperty (te, c(.iisi.'tii!;r d stock of cattle, ' ' I'p, h'in>.' a’el kitdien furniture, ' ' ■■■!’■•' utensils, cro[i of corn, fod'ler. 11 " 'I 'iCMr, oiw- h(ip'/v .and Sw»rTX'.‘‘-*, untf ■ ' ' .U.'o, it few sticks ton tiniher, ex- : u, / J.,,, . . DLNCAN SHAW. •".M-t.-l IMOX !ork. :md Uil- IL’ o'clock, an.I a "ci;L''i'l ' with rTii;i;i.«iii. Mf lim:u\ s'r\!’,Li:s. r WI'TTFVIl.LI’. n. ' . LILTOI;.'' u.-e iicpi.rc'1 to Cinni- 3 I’lr',ic With ifforsf's, i'arria^ra, am! togs SiiSii'.. They are it j.: -pared of the !i( iL'hhi I iiiL To I, -, Their .''tock ni-.v he I'.il occiipied hy Mv-> ■. I’hilii w 1 -1 of tl ■■ T..'liipii (itii"' 'i'ii.-y .ilwa; J i’.eii.'lii' :i. i-.v A FOI tendan -e. .it h fri i:i till* >! ■ im •ash advance: »::tf h:ive i i; H'tl;- ■ rt 111 ti( i:oi,t>. d :.t th( Wo K c\i:i;i.\(. e. t'l coiivev I th( I’ii'^v'-nri-r.-- to any iihh' to'nii^. ■ .'^tahi* ' f'li iiH rly •.ten. :i feu- doors i_o'.•> (I'tlcr' an.I V. iil Le in at- 'Cn;iers to .and A. .1. vV .1. J()xi:s, General Agent.s & CoRiniission Merchants, l’:ir;i'’'il. r :it(entlon '.liven to the s:i1e of Tiin- i.rr. Lnmlii-r. :iii.| ,\ii\;il .'■t. n s. LiL on consiLinii-i iits. .i()si:i‘ii J. LiPi’H''r. i A: C'«»rw;»rliJ»K ,\.N!) Di:.SLi:!l IN H.VI.LS i;i ILIIINO. WATLil STKKKT, WILMINGTON, N. C. I’rompt ;iiteiition ^iven to the purchase .and sale I'roduce: |-et!irns rendered with de«p i: f. r to i;. 1 ol till' .■'t:i ie; M (let. '".Iil. 1 ;■ c.'l'linncs to carry ou the •' VHIll.VtM' IH ► N in nil i*' >.r:i'ieh''s. at the rciii:iii.s of his old 't;ii;.l. oppovi.c f.ll evty I’o.nt He rctiiins thanks f..r the litieriil ].;itr'in:i^e he has heretofore received. ;ind hop('s hy strict attention to hu'ini '^s :ind a de.»ire tti frive entirt' sati'factii n, to nierit a continuance of the same. Haviiiz kept the s:re:itev portion of his Timhers at a distance fr. Ill the m;in;;;’act..ry. he Inis mi iiand :i larjie ;iiid well •'(•!•■( !(■•! let ol'ihor.ni^rhly seasonr'l Tiinher. ot e\ery de^( ri].tii ii used in hi lai'iness. whicii eiiahles him to ret;iin :ill his principal Workmen. Ht' is ihercfore now prc].:irc.| to do :iny work in his line in the very Lest «tvle. i'lid on the most favor:v'ih' terms -a? low ar iiT;y walk "f 'he same t|U:ility in N. C. He has . II hail.I. completely tiui»lied, s Fiiroii.dii's. tor I or '2 horse.*,' f. lloek;i w:i_v:ind L’. ItuL'gies. .\1“". nearlv lini-he l, 1*1 ':irriaie« ft.r "J hor'*e'; JO I’.aromdies tor 1 and J l,or.«e.*: 1 l’,ock:i w.a_\ s. ;ind ;10 I’.n^gies; .Ml of which are of tin' most ai'jiroved phin ati.I fini-h, tiV'l will C'liiijiare with any wiu'k in the I'. .Stat(s for ncatnes* .''ii'l diirahility. n ;i\ii’g 'leen eiifraK'-'l in ihf ali.-TVe liu-;ine=:^ for the I ;ist JO ve:irs. his work i. well known, an.l he refer* to (.Id cii'ti rirrs for ]>roof of it.s liiiraliility. A LI. wnrk warranted tor 12 tiimitlis, and 1 rejiiiirial fre«' of clmrge shoiihl it tail hy h:id workman- i ship or niateriiil, within th.at tim*’, j;-V- r,n>\ii;iNr, excclifed ;it short noti.-e, and oTi re:i- '••.nai.ie tei'int". .lan'y J'i, l>oJ. I WAX'I'I-:!), HAIIHH,'^ OF Tl'IirilNTIM:, for *>i.stii!ery at thei’laiik lioad r.ridge on IHg r.ookfish. The Lest mai ket price w ill l>e piiid. For further information, impiire of .lohn W. M ur- phv, at the F.ridge, or of A. McKt'thiin, Fayett('\ille. jiec, IS. IK-.K ‘ 4'.ttf W(' h:.ve i n haii.| th(' followiioj; ».H iCKHI K.'; iii”. L;;;rnir:i. and ^Lal■:u•ai'o.■ C‘.!i'ee: I’: rt - liico an.l Ci;i7a SiiiTar: I,oaf, (■r;i“!ied an.l 'olic(' ditto; .\diii i:i:i- tine and Tall -w Cr.ndle'; F.ni'-v an.l laimnion l>;ir .'^o.ip; i’earl .aii'l Corn .•'tiircii; I’ejiiK r. .'')iitc. i lii;;:cr. .\utme_'s: Clove«. Ciniiiini'n. Tea. \c.; .'■:(!t, Iro;i, .^!ola^sf■':. »\c.: S.:le, Fjiper an.l ILiriU'S-i Le:itlier. I’!5(>VI.ION.: Mess lie -f, :ui'l smoked and .Ii ic! litf'.; licel' T •iil'i'i s. an.I ••r. ngiic'' :iii'l Sonmls' ; No. Miu ker.'l. in LMs.; No. 1 ditt.i. i.i kitt-; Sii'nion and 1‘i'kled Utrring. in L1il«.: I.:;rl. i:i keg? an 1 knt'; (i.'sheii nn.l liiiiiy : llutler; Ciu;cse, I’ickles. I’r .'crves, Cvc. l>K,M()i:S: I Fine Fi'en' h Ilrandy; Comiii'.n H'^niestic .iitt'i; Old l!ye W!ii.»key; llectilied .|itt"; clear w hit.' di!t ■; Country ditto; New Fnglan.i Hum; lloii:.!!.! (iin; I’oi t :iii'l 'i'e;ie- | rifle ine; Cmtii'ion Miihitra ditlo. V,'e hiive a lalije lot of Li iUoi woisji T.e i'llVr I-’'.' hy the Liirrel. VVe keep on !i;ind. alw:i_\s. nac,Ti. Fh nr. C..rn. ,'vc. W:' .iller ;iny of tlie ii'i.ive iiamcl ioods as low ;is can he ;ilforde.l in this niai l.id, fi rt ':!--!!. or in exch.inge for Coiintrv Iluce, or on lime to pniictinil cu*t"iiiers. 1. VWlMlNCi; \ TIIOV. Sejit. 1'), l*'oJ. J'itf OX ('()xsi(.nmi::n r. IHW.S. riKK. 10 •• I'ish Herrings. * .Inst received ;i:id for sale hv Wii.I.KINC.^ .t- ’0. N'V. I'-'rJ. 4 Iff. lii nr-.nce Compa.ny of Hartford, hav- iiig ].aid the t:i'; imp. ''I l y the !Iev'nne Law la!;' I.egis!:.;lire, v.ill eonliniM' its Agency irf !'.:y. ttcvi’le. ini'h-r (lie ii;:;n:iu ment (.fth" nndersigin'd, Willi'-, p-'o.r.veij to is-nc i’i.hcics of Insnranccon linild-. in-."; 1 f (I either in this To-.vii or in any jiart of t!,‘.‘ .Siiiti . on pT'.per api'icatii 11, v!eserI}ition of the I’roperty, .vc. Ihe .I'.TN \ coMl’AN\ Ill's hc.'n in opernti.in ahout .’.O ye.irs. If: c:il'ita! is 'jhi' Men. 'Ihos. K, l!r,;.c was its first I'red.h lif. aiid he f-till liohlis that cflice; -’t!'! severiil i.f it- tir.-t Lirectifs ,'ire still ,nt;tive iiiid fiii. iciit I.'.cm^^rs of the i^. :i7-.|. It h:i“ :it :ill linies. 'iistiiined th(> iiight st eh.irii. U'r f* r the j'-rviih nee of its matia'^i'enient, an>l for t'.ie liher:ility ‘,vit!i which it h::s cvtr adjusted it.s lo.ssrs. Jl. .1. n.sI-M. .\gcnt. Mardi lo, (iii-tf Lll !•: IXSTKAXC!:. ’ rfl^HF. old estah’ishe.l .lltiia li.mr.ince Conip.Tnv of .a_ ILirttord; Connecticut, liae recently ad-led to it^ File iII-r.raiice Lii..5lne.«s. whi' h it i.n.s mi'intaine'l witK •uch nn.-x inipleil cr'ilit for njiwar.ls of thirty years, fv Lll-II INSl iJANt'il li''y.-irfnie!if. The snl'scriher haf? !i( i ii iippoii ii-d \genf in this aft well as in tlio Fire I'e- partiiiciit (.f its o] i r.-itio';^; and. is prejiarcd to take risk«* .;!i th(‘ livi '■ (.f wiiite p., r." .ns or slaves, (.n as jn *(l tcrin.s .a-i any other ('. niiiiiny, aii'l at lower rates thar^ tin 'o of the .'dntnal '■ tiipaJrlc'. The ea[.ital 'f tiiis'h'prirtnient is .S i iiO.OriO. epfirelv distMii't fr 'i 1 tliC capi'iil of the Fire I'epartment, .ari(l,’ with its iU'i nnr.iIiitloiiS. reserved exclu'-^ivel.v to jiay lo3- ?-cs on Life !I '-e.rance only, rolicic'; will he is~ued psiy- ' a'.le util r 'lea;!i, .ir m-'.n iho }.artie> ; eific'l acT'". >.i-rivinp at a Spe-- 1-. J. HALIi Favctte\iile. Nov. IS'il. ii i’!:'ri:ii r. .joii.Nsox SS iii'-t receiv(''l from New ' ofk. ihe large?t aufl hei^t .-('le'-t.'d stock of F‘ reign and !'^ me, tie j)rv (loods, Hat.'. .Sj'.ov's. iioniK'ts, llar(hvar('. ('ut|(M'V. v.Vr.. That he evt'i- of1'erel for siile; all of which will he sold ;it the lowest market |iric('. H is f riends a nd all wiio w ish 'o Iiuy are rc.-'pectfiilly invitcl to call .aid e:;amiue the g Is and ]'iicc«, August ’Jii. l.-'-'iJ. :iotf L\XI) i'OU SALi:. fHlH!' s’.iliscrilier oflers t’..r s:i1e iMMt acres of tint' S- J'lii'peiitine .an.l rinil.er L.V.Nl*. in Hoheson conn- ■\v. uliout four nuh'S North Ivist "f (,n*idierton. Neaily the whole tract is ht'avily tin:li('red. anil t!u i;' arc sev eral iH'autilul situafi ins for ;i residence. I'liit :i sina'd iJI'i: IVSl liAXCL. ^B’^ini I'nileifigned h;;s l)een appointe'l -\gent of the -jH- North Carolio'i ,\l;;tn:il Life Insunince‘‘onijmnj'- ll'. cry Iii.mher for life ]i,!r f icij.ates in the profif.s of th(? tliipiiii;.; 1 the aniiii.al premium f.ir life niemher- ,'liiji. where it amonnt-i to n;;o or more, may lie paid oi e-h:ilf in c;i-h. and the (;thcr half in n note at 13 monrh=. Iteotori*' lives nn'.y l,c insurrd hy creditors. A mnr* i!ia.\' insni (> hi.'’ o;«t! life for the exchisive hcnefit of iii? 1'ainilv. The I'ive.-' of .'-liive.' mav he insure'!. Th i' ^y.'tein is r:ipi.ily growing into favor, all ovcf the civili/.e(l worM. It is one hy which :i famil.v, for * sni.all sum aniiu:illv. may he ]iroviiled for, after the death of its he;:d. on whose exertions they may liavo ti«'»» dependi'iit tor a su]-; -.it. It is a gorid investment of money, even if (ine slioiihi live lonCT .ifre.* t.'ikinjf out ;i L:!'c I’olicv. tixph-iiiatory )i!imphlets, and the neccssarv Hh-n.ks. furnisiu-d on ajiplic.aticn. i:. .1. n.vLL. F.ivf-tteville, .)n:;e I''-’!''. 72 rn^HM L.VW IU)()KS. -I'lJsCKir.nnS have r,n inn.'l, r.ri'l offer fof jiiirtioii has heen ele;ir any hind iri thi^ re; .Mso, si \ unimprov c Versons wishing t.i to i;..hert 11. Troy, in i'l iiersoii, 12 miles IV viile Iloa'L I'd. It lies as hinh. a'l I healtiiy :i in 'jf coiintry. I L' ts in the town of I.nii'hi'rf. n. j'Urt’hase will in:ike a',i]dic;itiie.i Lum'i-rt.iii. or to ihe siil.^'-rioer ■m tl.-e viliaee on the IL'irlie^''- _ ot rendered with ILill. M> 1‘res t of the I’.ranch Ihink -'^rs. T. ILiigh \ .Son, F:iy»'ttevilie. ■>. ;. l-:’.m Tht w i.i t.ike 11 They h"ji('. terniiiiiitioii t Jt| t '.Iil-*!-. t - ( n Lit ittelltii > m‘0'it iL.r.' n t.> I i:. |)e-rt»d>^r 1 1, L!\ I'JIV rf:i'..ViaLle tern,.--. Ill 'i rte.^'® 'tivi I dc‘- i»r of piiSIi'- p:»t- ASKL'V \ ( O. .'iL'tf IIOWL.VNH. •J‘.tf i Hec. 1 HAC'O.N! IIACOM HHI>.''. Sides and .Shonl lers. for salt' hv W. H. Ll TTF.KLOll. .'>1 tf W INTKli (ioous. ] So .\(. //. h \T W M. I5i:asli:vs •r(‘w«‘lrv Storc‘, ^ I'f'ir thr Murk ft IlnuKr^ • I A\ he fViiind an unusually large ■ :itid rieli variety of Watches and Jewelry, ' ■/' ^1 piiir of the latest style Cuff I’ins; • !' iir hitest style M;ir Kings; large 1 I'-' >|.'ions: Ladles; Cream .spoons; A'.-.I. l;ir;re lot IMateil goods; Colt’s II I.- .,1 l’i«tols; douhle-harrel (iiins; ''I 'l - uii'l Chains; .Mathennitical In- .J M. Iii:.\.SLKV. s r.MiLi: iiJ sim:ns. 'i'MK .-'iiliserilicr iiifi iiiN rving on the ahovi- hn-*ne» as usual. H:ivi:ig ad'lcl consider- aM.' .''t.'.fk. he will tie alih* to ac- r’onimodate t!i(' [iilhii;'. 1 h;ini\litl for yiiist favors, he solicits a eon- tiiiiiaiice. .1. w. rtnvF.RS. JO, Ih.'.J. tf ,m:\i i iiiM & .\i:\i (iiKiiix. -i^jhscrihers are now recei\ir»g from .New \ork, a Irtfi'e .•l.fi'l 'Xt'^tieCiil ;i^.^orimeiit of Sfnp/c out/. Di'n (too(/s, (;i;0('KIUl>’, MAltDWAIIK, Jfut.s anti Cap, f>.ittt« and SIkr'.s. .\mong wh:di !ir»'; ('offee, Sugiir, Cotft.?» I’.aggisg. I>nle Hope. Nails. Window Cl.-iss, Swede^and Knclif^i Iron, S.ick and .Mum Salt. Imperial and lii.ick lea% I'epjier, .Mspiee, (linger, I’owder, Shot, l!ar Leii'l, liar and Fanc.v .''oap. '1’ogetlit‘r with a great variety of other articles, to which they invite tin attention of the puhlic, iiu'l which they lire lietermined to sell as low for C.ish, or ou tijiie to those who jKiy jiromptly, as any htmse in the South ern ctjiintry. I’rotliice tif all kinds, at the highest ni.irket prices, taken in exchange for (jootJs. imcli:an (& .ioxi':s. Summerville, X. Dec. 8, 18-31. -17tf X. Sl’AUiU ( K, Ti'Off^ .>V'#r IVr/.’, n;o\ I’oi X!)i:n and .m.\('iiim.^t, Mu il II fiK-hi r>r of N,'.■/„» M HIa mnl li"i/i is, M tH (!rn riiii/ nf fill hi inis, I'ftnii/hs, dv. f gl II F. iuidcrsigiie.l, :is the Agent of tht‘ at .\e Kstah- B li-hment, v.i’l ordi'r :iny articles which may he w iW.tetl. n >».ppn :it\>in to him. "■l;e Steam .Mills niiiniiLictnreil hr Mr. Starhr.c'c h.ave tiet n te*red. and iire highly apiiroved on tl:e Flank Uoa'l-! ii’.oiit F:>\etteville. ni>a l> LLM WIX.'^LOW. Fii \ etteville, .^('pt. 1. l^-H- W. II. .McK.W.] [•'• 11- I’**lHinT!. M( KAY .V K?>r.i:irrs, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, (IciKTid t'ommission \ Forwaniiii? ^Icrcliaiits, South Water sfrt'et, f. thxirs helow Market, tt-i'.' Particular attenfioti puitl to the sale of all kinds of CMinfry I’roduce. consignments. lleferencc- •John t». Sfatr, M.'ti., I’rcs't of Hank of Fayettevilh*, Will. (!. Ilroadfoot, Cash’r, do, 1 i.',^yettevillc, FliJ.ah Fuller, F,.?(|., Messrs. Cook & Tayhir, “ ("ook i'l: .lohnstiii, Ii. C. Hn>(hanl X Co., Clinton. .Sampson coTinty. Thomas .1. .Morisey, Ms()., Luniherton, Ilobeson. .L H. ISrown, F.st(., ^Vesthrooks, liladen. Oct. 8, .^.TVpil Ividinjr Hats and (Gentle mens Hiding Caps, for sale ut the CIroen Street H.\T sToiiio. Nov. 10, 1802. lll^V I). \% .''iir- t'tte- I.iVR-."al ca.sh atlv.inceJ made ou „Wl i'. BSvaiiiotv, ;reon I>enti»f, Iniving located in F . ville, tiiav I'e foiind thir.l (I'loi' ;>;• Miirket. lienhow .s: Kyle’s hlock, :ind will V>e li;ip]'y to wait on those retpiiring his services. AV! -iork warranted, an'l he flatters himself he c:in ^ivo s:iti~i’:iction. h.aving t:»krn great p:iins to riu;i’ity himself niider the instruction of one f/f ?he first Hentists in Xe'.v linglan'l. l>cc. JJ. is.VJ. oHf PLAXrS. More Plnnls just Rrcrivri!^ \M((NC which are a few of those heautiful F.ver- trreeii Trees, the Chili Tine, ('rephnnenia, .lajKm- if'rt, and Peodor t'edar. ('. H'TTMHLOH. Dec. I8-VJ. r,4tf I IUK-PROOF KOOl'iNC;. Franris She at on ^ SLATK AND MF/I'AI. ItOOl'Kdl, &o., ra^H.VNKFl’L for p.'ist favors, liegs to e.ill at- M_ tention to SL.\TK HOOFlXd, done on the most approved principle, making roofs lighter, fighter, :ind more dnrahle than tlve vhl way of Hiecting, eflecting a savin" in lumtx'f, niid greater socrrfify against lire. ’The low firife at which Slate Hoofs are now ofVeretl will compare favorably with .iny other kind of firc-pi‘t>of Hooting. Sr.-VTI'i CHl.MNF.Y PIPES made to any p.'ittern. They are .in excellent remedy for smoking chimneys, and seldom fail to effect .a- cure. 'I'in anti Co}>per (ratters. Leader Pipes anti Heatls, made to any patt“rr»f iiml every kind of f)re- pioof roofing put on or repiiirpfl in th® best manner,- on reasonaHe temnf. F. S., in soliciting’ymir patronage, feels confi.f«5il of giving entire satiitfaction in nil cnses where a tho>»wgh knowledge of his b'istnc?B is rer^wvrvl- ^ Fayetteville, Seyt. 7, .TOlfX A. Sejif. l:’., IS.-.J. I' \M, ^ are receiving our F.\ LL :'ii. w w ci'lisistiiiLT of :i largt' stock of BS:srhr’3rv tnifi f'suffer Inc^fJ.'Irng Trr.*i-onfine Tooi.'=; h:i‘'. hand, hoop. r..‘::id, and s'|iiiire Iron of all descrii.tions; (icrinan, .\meriean, I'lnglisli and Cast Steel. iloilow and \\ oodcn \\ afo; lioot;' and SluK's; Saddifs. SaddU'i’v and I .'atl:M’; Hats and C'aps; Staph* Dry (^oods; with oitr ^^snal h*aNV stock ot Be(K bo: ^ c t':: as la e> jpt-.V" Country Mtn hiints who imrchasi' in this i)lace would tlo well to call and es'tmint' otu- etoek. .1. .V I. V).U»M!.h. Sept. lo. J'-tf rui'.sH (;ooi)s. Pir.CF.S Cafjictifigs, iirvv -tyh' and p‘te-j.eJ— ISrussels. three plv, lr.Lrr:iin. \ eiieliaii. Hriig- gett and Hiig.s Floor and'Tahle oil Cloths; Damask, furkev-red, and emhossed Ciirtiiin (loods; super tine lllanki't'*; I5rar»and, F.r;i-s h»a-l .V-ndirons, and Shovels and Tong^ iNc.. Bi5:E5V. •JO Cnifes assortcl Crockt ry, iiew «tyh', imported dirertl-yfftnn Liverpo-d. -nak^ig oiir assortmvMt ..-on^^d^te. — AL.so - 2'> lUil-i. Coffee SiigiU-, H-lnls. N. O. :ir,(l l’o;^o Hif'o Sugar, JO l>a'.:^ Lagiiira 'of](ie, J Casks idd Freiicii l!riiiiil.v, JO lit", hbl:-^. Lt,>xe.* Smla, Hutter. itn^i Picnic Crackers. An as«^ riment f>f Head.v-made Clothing. .Tu'-'t rt^ce'ved a?*d for sale bv !J. W. tlLLtX(;irAST & CO. (Vt. 4, 18'>2. 81 tf N'orlli Car'ili.ia .Snj ri'nu' C('^.rf Pie]iorts, in sets or single vot.nnics. Iredell's Digest aii'l Digestetl .Manu:iL N. Civil I’riictict'. Form l>ook and Swaim's .lustice. !'tory. on I’.aihnents. Confli:.-f of Law*-. Pa'-t>>ei-ship/ i-l'|!>ity .hirispi udence. ll.iuity Fleadings, Fill®, .\gency' .s.-ih s. and dntracf r. Idi'i'd'^ Liindlor'l and Tcn:in^; Nisi Prius; Crlmin- :il i’l(':iditig“. Pr:ictice !in l .\i-pendix. i'lity, on llilU, ( ;i'.;iin:\l l/.'.'.v, Contr;icts, and Plead-' ing Str.rkie, on Slainler. Mvidence. an.l ('rim. T’leading. s'l'iiden. on Veiiilor-:. Powers, and Property. Po'vell, r-'i Mortg.-ig's, and Contracts. .''initli. on t'otitr.-'c'', .\cti"ns at Law, and Chancery i’ractice. Ptissell, oji Cri’-.u's, r.Tcti'is. niitl .Vrbitnition. ?^a:iM'icrs on Ple.adiiig :in l llvi.iencc. William'', oU F.vecut.irs, aiel Person.-il Property. HofVnian's Le..‘:i! :'t:;'ly. and M:isters in (’hiuicery.' ia('ri".in ( li. D'tgc'^f. and Leading Cases. F. S. DiLicst. r-:(.l Cri;uii;al L;i «v. Hi'i om's i.egiil M:i\iiiis. H:>lc'-' I'lo't*'of the Crown.’ CfiJlyei” on P:iI'tf.ershii''-;. Hill on Trustees. Park orf Dow er. AVills on Iv. i.lence. .*^10] hen on Pleading.— •larmau on V. iils. Fiarneoii Leniainders. Cr:ihh on Heiil Proiicrty, I'y’c.s (in Piii’s. .Sedgewick on Dama ge?. C*irti*t's F..;uit.y Prcce'h'iits. .\d:ims' Fqe.ity.— Milford's Pk':i.ling-=. Maciiueen oil 1 Instiand .'iml Wife. .\therley's Law of .M:irri.-ig''. (’arynn P=irtnf'rship.— Co-.k^■ (.-i Dcfiiiniition. Dum.-it, :ind Kaoffn-nn, ot> Civ il Law. Hoj'er on Leg;icies. Dart on Vendor.-;. (Ireen- leat on Fvidcin-e. K. scoe's Crim. Ilvidence. Hock- wt'H's S;ianish and Mexiciin Law. Lube's Ivji’.ity l’lertdi!0':s. .lones on F.ailiiients. Ihirton’s .Suit in F(|ui- t\-. P,oh. i t-ion on Sncecs'^ioii. (iresk y's Fiiiii'.v Mvi- lier.ci'. T ’k'ror* F.\('cutoi ■=. Itenvcs on Dem( .«tic Ke- hatioii''. r.owi.- on i’er’KtUit.v. i!o-»,s on Wndor^,— \'.'.atson's .'.rhitration. 1 L-irc on l>iscover.v. libi'-kbnrn, iiii'l Fc’.l, on Sales, i’n’ding on Aec '-nnt". F.llis on In surance. I’.liinch;i!'l on Limitations. Wills on Uses. X"“'»;la^d on C.m'ra' ts. Fell on (!n.'.rantec.“. Curtis’s ('otiveyanciiig. Taiiilyn's Chiincery ilvhle*^'*'. VatteF? L:iw of Nations, .\ngell ;ind Ames on Corporafions. rrui'--.' en Iteal Propt'rty. I’iirrill's La'sv Dictiomiry. (’o'nt' e’l M..rr./:>ges. Hughes Miuity l.>raught.«:iian.— \Vhe!iton’s St'lwyn. l-le-t's. ('t)ke's, and iJhickstone's Ci.mmontaries. Kinne s KenfnntI lllackstone, \c., &c. The above w ill he sold on reasonable t« rnis. Other Law I’ooks jirocnred to order for members of the Pro- I fession in any part of Uie State. I ■ K. .1. HAI.I-: & SOX. srocK. are receiving their Fall purclia- I'KSH. F.W lVft'^I,?,KTTS, in Oak Uarrels. ar«l for sjile by I’ETKii r. 20,1E852. Blanks for sale here .Inst received .Tonxsox. 48tf X!:\v ^S^HM .Sub^crib^i^f’ f ac.s (d’ Kooks ami Sialioncrtf. In .ad'Iition to a great variety of SCIK)(H. HOOKS, they have fhe usual rII llOLOf• IC.\L. MF.DU AL. L.\W, HL'^TOHIC.VL. ItloCH.VPHlC.VL nn«l MISCKLL.VNE- (iFS work« suited to this State. The most elegant stock if 151351.4\I> BfOOK^ ever seen in this place. J?l:ink l?o(ik«, Writing Paper, Pen and Pocket [•viiivcs. Ink, Ink Stands, Pens, Envclopcis, Port Folios, Port ^loiiais, Drawing I’apcr, Pcncils, And viirious other articles usually kept in a Bookstore Oct. 4. E. J. hale & SOX. Blank TV arrnn's for sale hsra,'