SEMI-WEBKIi Y. WHitijji w I i"jmjmJwasn»*."riajr353»^!i3'.i.i,j>MEaBaMggaw !!'^aBBSR3TSRisss:sBnnE«m VOL. H.] I’AYETTEVIl.LE, N. C., JANUARY IS. 185.1. [NO. 160.] ^iMUNTKn BY J. U. XKWHV. EDWAIH) j. hale & sox, kditdus anp i’uoruii:TORs. V -e for tbe Scmi-Wcekly Obsf.uvf.ii 00 if p:iul in IviiK-e: subscrip- . ,,r i.') lifter the year has expircil. tion. t'r • f rtht \Vcekly (>bskuvbr i*2 00 per iininim, if piiiil in alv.anc*;: •'?- liiiring the year of subscrip- tioiv or iil’tcr the year l>as expiroil. VUVKl'iTISl'MKNTS inserted for sixty cents per u*re first, and thirty cents ff>r oach Yearly ailverti.senient.s by spe- i»l (•ontnii'ts. at reasrtnable rates. A'lvertisers me to >!tatc the number of insertions dosiri-'l, or j[,ev will he continued till forbid, and cliar-red aceord- in'iy f-js" Letters to the Editors must be post-paid. 1 I NION Al ADKMY. MlUn KXKIU'ISKS of this Institution will be resumed I on MONl'.W the 17th of .lunuary, un>ler the care ,n 1 airecti'’n of Mr. .lAMF.S IWTTl’.HS* >S who is wi-ll ^aiwu as competent and efficient instriicter. "ifrmf '-t Tuition,p^r Sr.txiou of Flrr Month::, viz: Writinp. .Spelling, ami Mental .\rith- mctic. Arithmetic. KncliJ'h Grammar, and (leoprraphy, U t>0 iiiMi (IreeU. and the hi-iher Lratiches of .Mathe- unties. ^ 1:2 Oo Do:»rJ can he obtaiudl iit the Acaden>y for Six dollars rermM'tU. inc’-mliu!: washing;, v^e. r.v order of the IJoard of Trustees. JOll.N TAYI.On. .>5ec'y. Jan. 8. 1!-V^. Mr. and Mrs. Owen’s Boarding School. ] VCni’VT* l)i>\lll>IN'> S('ll(iOL f r (!ir!s. in d r ’ tl'.e m!Uia!r’!iient of North ’ar>'lina To;u-hers: in ■'Tie the healthiest villai;es in the State. i Tlie miist th"io\i^h instruction is jriven in all the ■ c.nmi''n hninches ol study, and (if des'.rod) in Music. ; Litin. and French. | r.irti' ular attention is paid to the .“^tore nceounTs of the vmiriiT I-'xdics who boar-1 with the l‘rincip:i!s. .Tn l rverv other means is used to prevent e\tr:ivaj;ance. i F r ni're particular information apply j T1K>.S. 11. OWKN, Tarboro'. N. \ Jr.n. \v. 1\ HASON, M. [).. srSifiEOnV S9E.VTIST, . c \ rNPFr.'TANItl\r that I>r. IJasf'ii ittfeinls visit ing FavPtroville. wc take pleasure in sayi«ip to o'lr frifn'i? and adpjaintanees that no one ha-i ever visited thi> place who has operated so p\trnsivply rtndwitli t'ioh sMcces”!. e have known I>r. I’lasnn for seveml rwrs. have had the benefits of his skill in our fainilit s. SK'I lin most cheerfully rec( mnietid him as a Dentist. S.., everv way worthy the rejrard and c nfidence i.t th-'Se who mav need his professional servii-t-s. t'lTlZKNS OF SALlsr.tT.Y. ‘ IIavino heen informcil that I>r. Basoii in- • \;>itinp Fayi tteville and Wilminjrton. I take ^ri at r .:i?are in eommcndinp to my fri**nds :iiid aciiuairit- tu'e.'i his skill in the scicnct of l>ciital Surgery. I'r. C..V I1 has perfortned operations in my own family’, and i'.tli' Seof many of my acpiaintanccs. .md has j;iven asliersiil satisfaction.” \\A1U)KI.I.- N. U. Similar testimony from other distiniruished itMW’.nen well known, may be seen ut his rt ii!S. Jan. 7. .|.''-tt UUICK rOI{ SAM',. ■^UR subscriber bas for sale 1.^0,000 bard burnt I5H1CK, which he is vvillinc to pell at the lowest maiket price. .\iul he intends to keep a supply con stantly on hand. IIr. Meriir.itsoN. Jany .I, 1S.-,;J. 57.;5,„ Vini~n\Vs'\\ A 1*\\ I.I,LlX(r IKjl'SF, m I'ersoti street, belov.' Liberty l‘oint, lately oecnjiied bv Martin Mc- riuiHon. dccM. 111'. .mJiMIKU.^ON. .lan'y o, isr>:^. i»7-;:t Offifc of till' r. F. am! !). R. .\av. Co..) /*ifts//oraiii//i, ./iDi'i/ l\, Ih.’i'}. ^ l^T (TK'K is hereby rivcn. there will be a meet- 1 « if.;: of the Stockholders of the Cape i’ear and I>eep lliver Navi;»;ition (\;nipany. in Wihnin}rton, on Monday the 17th, and at Summorville on Saturday the 2'J I of •January, inst. l>y onler of the Hoard of l)ireclors. J. J. .lACKSON. 1 reas'r •*«ttl of the ('. F. and 1>. U. N. Co. (Iffico of t!ir r. F. niitl 1). K. \iiv. Co.. I .Ian >f o, ISj OTICK is hereby "iven, that sealed j.roposals will be receivctl at the Oilice of this (’ompany, ti> exe cute the work yet rem;iininir to be done on the liii'.* of t'aj'C l ear and I»i ep lUver iiiiprovenient, until the 11th day of Febi'ii:iry next. l>y order of the l>(.>ard of Iiircctors. .1. .1. .1 A(,'KS( Treas'r (d'thcC oiiipany. f>i*. T. i>. IIAI i;; II, .\S taken an Office on Ilay Street, West of the Hotel llitildings. July 14, 18.>1. 4-tf JOHN I). W ILLIAMS, f'ommifision atifi Foricttvding Fayetteville, N. C. Feb. 9, r..‘5tf JiOOK bindicuyT THOS. H. TILLmGHAST, Andersoa Street. Sepi. 5, 18.1:2. 04 Cm M. OlUil'AA., FiiR\v\iii)i\r. {(niiiissioN }ii:Rriii\T at Fay*tievi!le, 1%'. C.^ March 10, l.s.',l. «2-tf STAIUI cV \VHJJAM8, WllOLKSAl.K DKALKUS IN roreign tnuf SPontcsUr Utuj Goods^ HAY .vniKirr, Fayetteville, W. C. .1. p.. STAHK.] [|j. M. WII.I.IAMS. I AM receivinjr a much larger STOCK OF (JOODS than usual, consisting of a complete assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware and Cutlery, —Among which ntay be found— Ladies’ fine Dress Goods, l^onnels, and an .Tsaort- ment of Dress and I’onnet TrimmiHgs, of the latest styles. —ALSO— IldtHf CapSy ami Shoes, Negro Blankets and Kerseys, I?agging and Rope, with a large supply of IIKADY-MADH CbOTIIIN(i. All of the above (Soods have been recently purchased, and will be soM low iit wholes:il« or retail. \V. F. .MOOnK. Kast Corner Market Sipuire. Sept. r>, IS-iL*. i!::tf Foil safj:. AC,ON AND TKAM MULES, two of the mules years old. All in good repair niil order for j inning. Apply to Dec. 20, 18')2. 15HANSON, or N. UKAN.-^O.N. 5:;tf New Iron Steamer Zephyr will leave Fayotte- u villo every Mi nday, W ed’.U'sday :ind Friiiay morn ing !it 7.] o'clock. Ketiirning. v.iil le.-ive Uilminpton every Tuesday, Tlinr.'day and .'''atui-day morning .at 7 (I click. For froi;^lit or pa^sacre. apfilv to C:i]>t,nin 11. Mcllae on i.oard, o;- to •lantiarv ll>. 1 S."; T. S. Ll TTi;m.(HI, Ajceiit at Fayetteville. .1. \ i>. m. iIai; \ CO. .'.gciits at \ •'..'^tf I I'itC ll.'p'III rs' S'ra>'>h(>af ( 'nmunfn;, Of; 33a.\b^:5»v^ •' j'rcp.'ue 1 v.itli .''tiamers •• r.i" and I!. L. liOL.MKS. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. 1' F It 1'^ Mi corner of Front and I'rincess streets, under oflioe. Dec. 12. 48-tf AIcDOXAi.I) vV Mc.MASTKU, i>r.ALi:us IN (froccricr', f/rpiars^ I^rovislons, i^c. \ eiliiw Ihiildiiig, between the Vlarket Mouse and Hunk of tl'.o .t:ite, B' AV!:TTs:vii.ri:, c. Dec. H>, ls.')2. 'ijtf .)()1L\ HA.NKS, ro^nnssiiiN wd piMaviRDiM; Wilaiiiigton, W. C. 11.L attend ti> the sale or purchase of I’rodnce V V Mild will ship with disp.itch all consignment.' :ind !i coiii|.lcin. nt of Tow Hoars, t.i carry with dis- patrh all Freight' -liii ped by thenu betv.ern Fayetti*- ville .-Mi*! V. i'.iiiington, i.r to .-niy i!it'nnedi:ite l.tndings i-n the iliver. .loHN HANK.''. Ag't. W ilniin^'ton. 1'. W. McLAl UlS. Ag is. FjyetteviUo. .^'ept. IS. A (wun. rjiHK refurr. of lr>w w.-.ter ron li-rs it necessary that fi tlie .‘^tcamer hatham -.hoiild !>e emj.loved as a t >w be:it. she will not tluretore run as heretofore, on .my regular dnys. until further notice. .IN*. 1>. 1LL1.\MS. ,\g't Caj'c Fear 1). Co. .Mav 1-’. ‘.'0-tf .^ACKS Wm. II. II.ill's Flour, in I'Mi ]Ii. s icks. •Jl'M'M) lb«. superior Mountain I’utter. in small kir.s. 100 casks Liaie. For sale bv D. i: \V. McLAruiN. Jiuv 10. r.stf 1 Ii:a!) Qr VKti:ks, ^ . i:Jd Ue,i?’t V. C. .Militia. ^ j liA-NDALSiVILLK, Jaii’y 4th, IS.i.'J. rS^llK Officers and Privates of the }-M tU^iment ot ft t!ie North Carolina Militia will attend at the ■ '• lal parade ground, (Cross I’oatls.) oti !^aturd:i.v t!to -'t!i inst.. thf* purpose of electing a Co’. C.uu d t. I-fi.l thf vai-aiicy occasioned by the resignatif^n of Col. i’i’t'T K. Smith. JAMI-.*' C. D \\l'^. ’■''-"t] I.ieut. ‘oL Com'd’g. I)is>.oltfllon of ('opartttcr.s/iijf. 'UK Copartnet^hip lieretofore existing under the name and style of .'I. Vi'. .McNair A: Co. is this day i vi‘ i 1,\ mutual consent. Sprinirfieid. .?:inuary 1, IS-':?. 1»r^ A’l per« ns who are indebted to the late lirm * ' V'.euse to make payment without fle'ay. to M. . •'1' N:iir. a» it is desired to settle the business as soon I •TAMKS A McCOLM.VN will continue the mercan- ^ ’ “'■'■.;-:ni;s« at tiie old stand, where, in addition to the ‘ "!i hand, he is receiving new ^oods, and wiil enn- !.nue to ki'cp up a general stock, suited to tin* tr.ide of i.1,5 si-.'t!.,!! of i:..untrv—all of u hi«di will be sold at very ■w j.ficfs ,,„,j accomniodafing terms, lie cor*lial- , iiiviti.>i the former friends of the late firm, ;ind the I I "Vi.; ^'.-ncrally, to give h'.ui a call, as he will spare no ill trying Id please. i 'I'rint'fiflil, .Fanuary 1, IS-I.’. 58-"w r()R"s.u.i:. \I>KAUTiri,'L Cray Jack, six years old next ■''I'ring. three feet, nine inches high, and well p..rji,,ncd; is a tine ibal getter, which can V>e a.«cer- iin.-il ,,y ri'ferencei > Mr. J. Davis -s-ho has his first colt. ‘■e ri'si.len> e is four mil.-s from Wilmington. S.aid fM Uiiij hetweeii 2 feet 11 inches and :! feet hijih on i:iy it p,!i. fouled. Any person wishing to purchase ‘^“1 Jiii-k Can me at I’obeson’s I’ogt Office. Lck County, N. C-, by the last of January IH-'jO, C. J. HVIiD. X. IX.-.';. r)8-;5t A1) \i 1N1 s'l' II A'l'() R’S SAL I-:. idl: M)>)-icri>,ei> having received special letters of ■'*'^'*'>'ii^triition (,u the estate of Hugh Mcl*hail. m' i oVitained an order of sale, will, on ■’'' /I''’ lith day of J.-iJiuary next, at the late resi- iJ*'*' •'* '^'■♦‘eased, nell all the peri.shaWe property , "I'ciriw to said estate, of stock of cattle, fit sheep, house and kitchen furniture, ^ ""•i'.: and tni pentine uteti^ils, ci’Op of corn, fodder, Di^ !and gear, one bug^y and harness, and • fi} otlii r jirticles. Also, a few sticks ton tituher, ex- •'=>>'^tlis, and well g(»t. DUNC.\N SILWV. 1«^V2. 58-1., ma le to him. .''ejit. IS, 1J.")2. gnments 2H-()in Pi. srK\.Mi:u soi^rnKKNKu ILL le.ive Fa.vettevil’e every Wednesday and.'-a- tcrday, at 7 o'clock. ,\. M., and arrive in Wil- mi:igtnn at 7 o'clock 1*. M. .\ntl will leave \Vil:nin,!;ton every Mond'iv :u>d Tinir>'l:iy. at 12 ii’clock, M., aiid ar rive in Fayetteville next morning. H. .'>i. OKI113LL, .'.crent. '2!'., IS.-,2. S-'.-tf .''teamer F'ANN\ LI T1 j| TF.HLOli will in futurv* leave r a vettev ille on Tuesdav and Frida.v mondngs, .it 'i o'clock, and Wil- niingti ii V\’t'iiTiesd:iy s .and Saturdays :it 12 o clock, and run regularly, c.u-r\ing fr-ight .and passengers de.-p.-itch. July 22, lS.'i2. .and passengers with T. S. LrTTLIlLOH. Stf TMox r.ivi:uv s'faiuJ'S, FAVKTTKVILIJ;. N. C. ri:01’!’.!i"rolis are pr-parvd to fiimish the B I’liblic with BMorses^ f a»uf ffStfs;!s:iCN^ M O St StSiiK. They .are also prepared to c.arry I’assengers to any of tlu! nt'igiiboriiig Towns, on reasfiuable terms. Their Stock may be fonnd at the Stables formerly ^iccupied by Mi ssrs, 1‘hilips oc \\of»ten, a le\\ doois West of the Telegraph »ifice. Tliey always have in attendance good Ostlers anil Ueiiisinen. \ Ftni-HOP.SF. CAIUU VOF. v.iil be la at tendance, !it short notice, to convey I’assengers to and from the Steam Hoats. Thev will take Ihuses 0:1 Livery .at reasonable tevn.s. Tl;e\ h pe, by strict attention to bu.-iuesjs ami a de- terniiinition to, to merit a share of public pat- ron.ige. J- I*'- ASKKW CO. December 1 1. 18.>2. f.lVKIiV srAlUJ*: lil SLMvSS. Tiik .^uliscrihor intends car rying on the above busines as tisual. Having added consider- :ible .Stock, he will be able to ac commodate the public. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a con tinuance. J. \v. rowEiis. Jan’y 20, i8-'>2. r>8tf V n .71 a H1 o \ AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, rron»i>t attention given to all Consirn- iiiciits. and Cnrili ;idvaiicc."« m.ade on I'roduce to be sliip- ped to other |»orts or eoal in this market. Fc'i. 12. 1S--.2. r.4y wiLKi.Nsox .V D FALK IIS IN Con fi tmnaf t/, I'orrii/^ IViu'/k, Tolnm o, itui! Siltin'. \ND imi’oht::hs t>F !*i:KaOii SI\VA.\.% (KiiAilS AT WMOI.K.-i.VI.K AM> IH-n’AII.. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .Kug. 7, I'^.'.l. 11 if MALij-yj’r vV I’An.Mif'jj, iirorvrt; and f'ontmission eiifiiits^ NEW YCRK. r. M.\r.LKTT.] [.I. I*.\t LVIKR. August K). 18.12. 18tf T. C. WORTH, (ini)II.SSl(l.\ .W!) KlIKVWllDI.Mi lli:i!rilA\T, W il..MIN(iT()N, X. C. Feb. 1, 18-'2 C,Otf A. .1. cv .1. r. .u)Ni:s, General Agents & Commission MerchantSj u II.7J i\ I’articular attention given to the sale of Tim ber. Lumber, and Na\:il Stores, on consignments. .1 FOKWAUDINO AND COMMISSION MKKCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. t^KHSONAIj iitteiitioii given to tlie .sale nr shipment of Niival .Stores. I have ani{ile facilities for con ducting the Vuisiness; largewh.arf and store sheds to keep spirits from exposnire. Naval stores will be shipped to any house in New York, or to other markets if advisable, and cash advances made on consign- meiits. I refer to the following distillers: !■'. Ilaiinum, Wayiie County, Chandler Hall, Johnstoti Co., Lovett I’eacock, Columbus Co., 1’. II. Harden, “ “ Tho.'. L. Vail, Hbiden “ Me.ssrs. Smith, \ Ingram, Johnston Co., Messrs. Z. & J. Jones, “ Mes.-'rs. .“^mith & Jones, “ .Spencer Fouistain, Ksq., “ Levi Hai'ey, Esij., “ May 2'>, 1t>:>-ypil FILL STOIR, m. €JOOBS, ■ HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. i; .\r, K now receiving our Fall Stock, to which W » we invite the attention of buyers. HALL .c SACKKTT. Aii-ust 2:’, 18.',2. If-tf STARll, SOX & CO., (LATK MALTI5V STAR!!,) 147 Water Street, New York, LKl* const.antly' on h.ind a lar^c assortment of II-AT.S, CAl’.S, and STHAW (, of their : own manufacture, w’hich the.v offer to cash and time i buyers on the most liberal terms, at a .slight advance ' from cost. Their long exjierience in thts ijraiich of bu siness enables them to oiTer inducements to buyers sel- I dom met with, and an examiii:iti(ui of their .stock is jiar- ticularly invited. Onlers respectrully solicited, .and especial utteuiion jiuid to packitig goods for distant trade. STAKI!. SON .S: CO.. 1 17 Water Street, New York. December 11, 18.'2. .'d-ym Jilfiilcn Superior CuitrL Melvin and Jthers, "J Petition j vs. . I for j The Executors of Daniel Melvin. J Difitribution. 5T having been referred to the undersigned Commis sioners to take the account in this cause, the dis- j tributees of Ih.e late D.aniel Melvin and all others in in terest arc hereby notified to be .and ajipear beiVire thcEi at lilizabethtown, on Friday the 2;»th day of Jan'v next. M.\U(;l-:!l‘ LONDON. V.'AKHLN WINSL(»\V. 8. 18.')2. oltt Dec. LUMliER! I.UMBER!! K have oiir Stc.nm Saw Mill in successful opera tion, 8 miles from Fayetteville, near the Raleigtt Stage I’oad, and are prepared to exccutc orders in our line. As we run two Ilotartf or Cirruhtr Sairr, we call fill bills at the shnrtest notice. We can furnish r'inc; l’»plar and .Iiuiijjer LC ,M 1?1CK, and of almost any lengtli. Our Lus'.iber, lor truthfulne.'is of line Jind sinoothnesjr of face, shaii be e'^pial to uuy ever delivered in market.- JONLS & BARBEE. March .30, 18.j2. 78tf 31Aiil3Ll: FACTORY, mwm & jBip, Wo. 70, PINE Street, N2V7 YORK. c ».11 m NKI :n s;!i «■ 8S.\”a's FOR Tin: sALi: of all kinds of roTniN \\i) \vaoLLi:\ '.i\riii\::iiv and ^^iAXLFACTLRi:irS ARTICLKS* of EVKUY DKSCUirHO.V. (’oinprising Ileltiiii;, Card Cjoiliin'r, Ho!>hins, Slmttics, Pickers, liollor Skins, Uoller Clotii, Oils, &C- Dec. If), 18.32. r.2 ly j7uvri:xci: 'I'uc.y Have recei’. cd their Fall St(>ek of Grocerie.s, Provisions, anrl Liquors. —A L.S(>— \ siih'dl l^)t of lv(*ad\-m.'ido Ciolliin;:, Crockeiy and (Jiasswarc, lioots and Shoes, Hardware aiul Cullory. We h.ave oti baud the folluwing (illOrKUlKS: Rill, Lagiiira, and Maracaibo Coifee: Porto Rico anl Cuba Sugar: Loaf. Crushed and Coll'eo ditto: Ad.aman- tine and Tallow Caudles; I'anc.v aiil common Ibir Soap; Pearl and (_’o;-n .‘'t.-ircii: I’ej>i‘t r. .‘'pice, tiinger. Nutmegs; Cloves, ('innamon. Tea, >Vc.: S.-iIt, iron, .'i(ilasses, \c.: .''ole, rpper and Harness Le.ather. 1*K«)VLI()N.*: Mess llcvf. atid smoked and drie.l liilto: Reef Tongues, j and ••Tongues and Sounds' ; No. NL->ckerel. in bbis.; j No. 1 ditto, in kilts; .‘^almon and Piekled Herring, in bbls.: Lard, in bbls., kegs and kitts; iosheii .md Dairy Rutter; Cheese, Pickles. Preserves, \c. LK^U'OIIS: Fine French P.randy: ('ouimon Doniestic ditto: Old R.' c >> hiskey: I’vectitied ditto; clear whiti- ditto; Couutr.v ditto; New Kngiand Rum: ilolla'td tilii; Port aiid Tene- ' /-'.'-'it'!’- Hj; fi‘^1 l?y CEO. LAUDER. TWd OOllliS liiSVii C. T. ll.lKiil k SUX’.S STORE; fl\'ayc*itcvilJt', IV. V. Jan’y 20, 18.>2. .5o-lYpd f ^MIL .ETNA’.rancc Comp.Tny of Hartford, Iiav- ing j'.aid the tax impt'sed by the Revenue Law of the late Legislature, will continue its Agency i« r.-iyetteville. under the nian.-igement of tho undersigned, wlio is prepared to issue Policies of Insurance on liuild- or (ioods, either in this Town or in any part of tlic State, (>:i pioper jipiilicution, description of the Property, .’^c. '1 he -KTN.V (^OMP.ANY has been in operation about :;(l years. Its capit d is §;500,4>00. The Hon. Thoa. K. J^race was its lirn President, .ind he still holds thut’ oilice; and if its first Directors are still activ* aiid eliicit.:it Uiciiihcrs of the Roard. It has at all times K!i.“taiiied the liighest cli;ir.icter for the frulenee of its maiuigt Mifiit. and for the lii-erality with which it iu.s cwv adjusted iis losses. E. J. ILVLE, Agent. March 10, 18-31. C2-tf Liberal e.ash advances j;:tf C|' t'-- V A'l' J. M. HKASr.KY’S J(;welry Store, ^!"!j Sttrct, nrar the Marhrt Tfomr, 1.\Y b« found an unusually large and rich variety of ’jU . Watches and Jewelry, '^■{.‘-^.'5 •' 'h>7.en pair of the latest style Cutt' Pins; i tsiiv,. u- ' **'*■ !”‘'r latest style Ear Rings; large Ladles; ('ream Spoons; »i,,l • ups. .Mso, large lot Plated gools; Colt’s ^' '■''■her kinds of I'ist^ds; double-barrel (itins; &c. '>1833 'inipasses and Chains; .Mathematical In- .r. M. BEASLEY. 57-2ni Ai;\v \m\ & m\\ (iiioiiN. fSIIIE sub.scribers are niw rec«-iving from New Y'ork, B ft large iind general assortment of Staple and Fa/iCif Dnj (; IK)CE lil ES, 11A W Y)\y A111-], Huts aad Cap.s, U(»ot.s anl Shocf?. Among which arc: Coffee, Sugar, ('ottou Ragging, R.ile Rope. Nails, Window, Swedes and English Iron, Sack ami Alum Salt, Imperial and Ulack Tens, Pepper, Alspice, (Singer, Powder, Shot, 15ar Le:id, Rar and Fancy Soap. Together with a great variety of other articles, to which they invite the attention of the ])ublic, and which they are determined to sell as low for Casli, or oh time to those who p:iy promptly, as any house in the South ern coutitry. Produce of all kinds, at the highest market prices, tukeu in exchange for Goods. McLEAN & JONES. Summerville, N. C., Dec. 8, I80L -i7tf .J. Lippn'T, ANI> DEAL!-: 11 i\ (JiiO(’Ei;iES, IIALL'.S RCILDINti, WATLil .STREET, WILMINGTON, N. C. Prom]it attention given to tiie purchase and sale of Produce; returns rendered with despatch. Refer to E. P. Hall, Es p, Pres't of the Rranch Rank of the .tate; Me.-^srs. C. T. Haigh & Son, Fayetteville. Oct. loth. IS.',2. :51-^m N. {}. ^TaTuU CK, Trot/, TllOX rorXDEIl and .MACIIIXIf^T, Mnnii/di tiirrr of S/rcnt Mi/ls itinf Itoiin'S, MlU tif tiff Ictinfi^j / *foitiffiSy ii'c. rg'TllE undersigned, as the Agfnt of the above Estab- ■ Hsiiment, will order any articles which may be wanted, on application to him. '■'he Steam .Mills manufactured by Mr. Starbuc't have been tested, and are highly approved ou the Plank Roads abotit Fayetteville. EDW'D LEE WINSLOW. Fayetteville, Sept. -t, 1851. 2(ttf W. II. McKAY.] ?L IL KORERT.'^. McKAY .5^ RORICR'rS, Wholesale and Retail Groccrs, Cfiicral (loimni.ssion k Forwiinling M(;rcliiints, South Water street, 0 doors below .Market, Wil9iiiis;;toii, IV. €'• Particular attention paid to the sale nf all kinds of Country Produce, l.iberal cash advawces made on consignments. Reference* John D. Starr, Esq., Pres’t of the Bank' d‘ Fayetteville, Wm. (}. P.roadfoot, Cash’r, dt>, F»yctte'ville. Elijah Fuller, Esq., Messrs. Cook & Taylor, “ (,'ook & Johnson, L. C. Hubbard & Co., (?linton, Sampson county. Thomas .J. Mori.sey, Esq., Lumberton, Robeson. J B. Brown, Esq., Westbrooks, Bladen. 33Ypd Only Riiriit ocit in Pnrf. A. A. .McKr/i'IIA\ S'TILL continues to carry on the ’ARRI.\C'E Rl'ST- NF.S.S in all its lir.anchcs, at the reni.ains of his old stand, opi'osite Liberty Point. He returns thanks for the lilieral p.-ilron.-tge he h:is heretofore received, and hoj-es by strict attention to btjsiness and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a continuauce of the same. Having kejit the gre.-iter portion of his Timbers at a | di.“t:iiii-e from the manufactory, he has on hand :i lar.ce and well sciectcd lot of thoroughly seasoned Timber, of every desi rijition used in his business, which enables him to retain all ids priucip.-il workmen. He is therefore j now prepared to do niiy work in his line in the very ' best style, .and on the most favorable terms—as low as any work of the same quality in N. C. j He has on hand, completely finished, I .S P.arouches, for I tir 2 horses; ■) Rockaways. and LJ Buggies. i .■\lso, nearly finished, ) in Carriajres for 2 horses; | 211 P.arouches t'or 1 and 2 horses; i 12 Rockaw:iys, and otI Ruggies; .Vll of which are of the most approved plan and finish, and will compare with any 'work in the U. Statis for neatness ami durability. ll.aving been enga.i^ed in the .above busine;»s for the jinst 20 ye.ars, l;is work is well known, and he refers t»> old customers for proof of its durability. flfcqy'Ai.L work warrautotl for 1*2 inonth.>J, atul repaired free of charge should it fail by bad workman- , ship or material, witliin that time. ' RKrAiniNO executed at short notice, and on re.a- terms. .lan’y 2*i, I8r>2. 50 W A.NTKI), P.ARRKLS OF TCRPENTINE, for Distillery at thcPl.aiik Road Rridge on Ri.g Rockfish. The best jnarket j.rice will be jiaid. For further information, inquire of John W. Mur- phv, at the Rridge, or of A. A. McKethan, Fayetteville. i)ec. 18, 18-31. 4Utf nA(’().\! JiAC'ON! HHDS. Sides and ShouMers, for sale bv W. H. Ll’TTERLOH. ;5. 18-32. 54-tf INSURANCE. llE old estnbUs’ued -Etna Insurance Cohipnny o( -IL Hartford, ('onnecticut, has recently added to its Fire Insurance business, which it h.ts maintained witlf such unexanip’.ed credit for ujiwards of thirty years, a LIFE INSl R.\N('K l>ejsartment. The subscriber has been iippointei! Agent in this as well as in the Fire De partment of its operations; and is prepared to t.ike risks on the lives of white persoJis or sl.sves, on fis go»d terms as any other Comp.-iuy, r.nd at lower rates thus tliose of the .Mutual Comi«anies. The c:i]iit:il of this department is $1.%',000, entirely dl.‘rtii:ct from the capita! of the Fire Department, and^ v.itli its accumulations, reservel exclusively to p:iy los ses on Life Iiisurinicc oiily. Policies will be issued p.'iy- able alter death, or upon the parties arriving at a spc-' cificd age. E. J. HALE. Fayetteville, Nov. IS.3‘2. Lil’H INSURANCE. rill'e Wine; Common .M;ihi;ra »!itti>. *t«»rrr> t- 1 • , , , ... We have a large lot of‘ Li.jUors which we oiFer low i ' g 'I nders.gned has been appointed Agent of tho by the barrel ‘ | .K. North « arolina .Mutual Life Insurance Company, ■ We keep on hand, always. P.,icon. Flour. Corn. S:c. | J:'"'’-'’ Participates in the profits of the? We offer .anV of the above named «iooi?s as low as ‘ “r.iuml premium for life member- can be afforded in this market, for Cash, or in exchange | " ‘>1; «'0*;e, may be paid for (,'ountry Produce, or on time to punctual customers. note at 1:2 .Sept. L3, 18.32. LAWRENCE & TitoY. 2i;tf ON C'ONSICNMENT. RP.LS. PORK. 10 “ F'ish Herrings. Just received an.l for sale by WILLKINCS & CO. Nov. 8 18-32. -fltf. j one-half in cash, uiuj the other half j months. I l»ebtor.s' lives nia.v be insured by creditors. A man I may insure his own life for the exclusive benciit of his i family. The lives of slaves may be insnrei. This system is rapidly growing into favor, all oTCr I the civili;£(id world. It is one by which a family, for a j sm.iil Slim annually, may be in'ovided for, after the : death of its he:id, on whose exertions they may Lave I tiecn dependint for a support. It is a gootl investment j of money, even it' one should live long after taking j out a Life IVli-y. FIxjilauati.ry pamphlets, and the I nccess.-irv Blanks, furnished on application. £. J. HALS. Fayetteville, Juno 1830. 72 rr/rER \\ .Johnson .vs ju^t received from Nev.- York, the l.irgest and j best selected stock of Foreign and T>i inestic j Dry Cioods, Hats, Sliocs, HoMiicts, I Hardware, C’liticrv, . , , , ^ »i .1 if , 11 r 1 • 1 -M r’I SL LSC iiILhiib have on band, and ofTcr for Hint he over ohercd fur s;t>e: all oi winch v»ul ho sru;l ^ S re* LAW ROOKS. Dec. at tho lowest market price. His friends and all who wish »o buy are respectfully invited to call aii'l exaiuiue the goi.ds and jirices. .\ugust 2t), 18-32. 2^tf LAND FOR SAU:. rW^llE subscriber offers for s.-ile lOOO acrcs of tine ■L Turpentine and Timber LAND, in Robc.-?on c.iuu- ■ jv, about four miles North East of I.umbertoii. Ne.arly 1 the whole tract is heavily timbered, and thei-e arc scv- ; eral beaiitiiul situations for :i residence. I’ut a s;p.:ill j [lortion has been cle.-ired. It lies as high and iiealthy ! as .TT'.y land in this region of country. j Also, six unimproved Lots in the town of Lumberton. I Persosis to juircliase v>ill nnike ajijiliojition ; to Robert E. Trov. in Lumberton, or to the subscriber in jierson, 12 miles from the vill.nge, on the Harllees- ville llovvd. JOHN A. ROWLAND. Sept. in, 18.32'. 2t;tf FA 131 i (iOODiS. ^ E are receivin.g onr l’.\LL and NN INTER (lOODS, consisting of .a large stock of Sifirffinsre and Including Turpentine Tools; bar, band, hoo]>, rounl, and s-iuare Iron ••fall «U'scriptions; (JtFinan, Aiueriean, Enjjlish and Cast .^teel. 15. W. i). 15’3«!>01V, .‘^nr- geon Dentist, having hicated in Fayette- HolloW aild W 0(3d('!l \\ arc^; ]?()OtS and Silocs; Saddles, Saddlt'ryand 1 .('atiier; Hats and Caps; Staplt* Dry (tOCkIs; ville, may be found third door below the Market, Benbow & Kyle's block, and will be happy to wait on those requiring his .services. .\11 work warranted, and be flatters himself be can give satisfaction, having taken great p.-iins to qualify himself under the instruction of one of the first Dentists in New England. Dec. 22, 18-32. '>ltf [CrLadies’ liiding Hats and Gentle men’s Riding Caps, for sale at the Green Street H.VT STOKE. Nov. 1?,. 1852. D. GEE. 45tf PLANTS. Tifore Pi (nits just lircci VMON(t which arc a few of those beautiful Ever green Trees, the Chili Pine, Creplomenia, Japon- ica, and iJeodor Cediir. C. LUTTERLOII. Dec. 22, 18.32. o4tf ' 11RE-PROOF R()0 I IN G. fra nets Shcnton, SL.VTE AND METAL JU)()KE]l, &c., rff^H.VNKFUL for past favus, bogs to call puWic flt- jL tention to SL.VTE KOOFINC*, done on tiie most approve(I principle, making roofs lighter, tighter, and more ilursible than the old way of sheeting, effecting a saving in lumber, and greater security against fire. The low price at which Slate Uoofs an* now ofi'ered will compare favorably with any other kind of fire-proof Roofing. SLATE CHIMNEY PIPES mad® to any pattern. They are an excellent remedy for smoking chimneys, and seldom fail to effect a cure. Tin amf Copper Gutters, Leader Pipes an«t Heads, made to any pattern, and every kind of fire proof i*oofing put on or repaired in th« best manner, on reasonable terms. F. S., in soliciting your patronage, feels confideat of giving entire satisfaction in all cases where a thorough knowledge of his business is reriiiired. Fayetteville, Sept. 7, L&ii. with (jur usual !u'a\v .‘^tock ot QS. 1. ^ & 8>. JS Country Merchants who purehase iu this place would do well to call au l examine our stock. J. & T. WADDILL. Sept. 1-3, 18.32. -'-J*' l-KKSII COOIKS. 5^ ajr Pir.(’i:S Carpet-ngs. ne«- .style awl p.-itterns— P>!.s.'three ply. Ingrain, Venetian, Drug- gett and Rugs; Floor and Table Oil 'loths; l*amask. Turkev-rcd, and e^l^bos^vd Cnrt.ain (Jooiis; super fine Rl.'inkets; Brass and. i5rass-heau .Vndirons, u»id Shovels and Tones ilvc.. .-'cc. 20 (’rates assorted Crockery, new stylo, imported directly fi'om Liverpcwl, »aakin:ourassortmei»lcomplete. —ALSO— 25 Bbls. Coffee Sugar, .3 Hhds. N. O. and Porto Rico Sugar, 20 Bags Laguira Cofi'ee, 2 Casks^old French Brandy, 20 Hf. bbis. and boxes Soda, Cutter, and Picnic Crackers. .An assortment of Ready-made Clothing. Just received and for sale by S. W. TILLINGIIAST & CO. Oct. 4, 18-52. 31 tf SiY FISH. : ^EW Ml’LLETTS, in Oak Barrels. Just received ^ aad for sale by PETER P. JOHNSON. Nov. 29, 1852. Blanks for sale here. Norlh Carolina Supreme Court Reports, in sets or single vo’umc?. Ireiiell’s Digest and Digested Manual. N. C. Civil Practice, Form Book and Swaim’s Justice. .‘^tory, on Bailments, Conflict cf Lav.'s. Partnership, Equity Jurispi'idence, ivjuity Pleadings, Bills, Agency*^ Sales, and Contnict.s. rcliboM's Landlord and Tenant; Nisi Prius; Crimin al Plcailii'.gs. Practice and .Vjipendix. Ciiitty, OH Bills, Criiuiaal Lav.', Contracts, and ing. Stnrkie, on Slar.der, Evifience, and Criin. Pleading. .Sagdea, f>n Veud;>r.i, Powers, and Property. Powell, 0!i Mortgages, and Contracts. Smith, on Contracts, Actions at Law, and Chancery Practice. Russell, on Ciir.ics, Factors, .".nd .Vrbitration. Saun.lers on Ple;iding an.i Evidence. Williams, n Executors, and Personal Property. Hoti'man'j study, and Masters in Chancery. .•\nier;c:in Ch. Digest, and Leading Cases. I’. !. l)igost, and Criminal Law. P>roimi's Maxims. Halo's I’lens of t!ie Crown. Collyer on pHrtnershijis. Hill on Trustees. Park on Dower. Will.'? on Evidence. .Stephen on Plcadin.g.— Jarman on Wills. Fearne on llemninders. Crabb on Real i’roperty. I'yles on Bills. Sedgcwick on Dama ges- Curtis’s Equity Precedents. Adams’ Equity.— Mitford's I’lcading.s. M.acqueen on Husband and Wife. Atherley’s Law of Marriage. (Jary on Partnership.— Cooke on Defamation. Duiuat, and K;atffnian, on Civ il L.iw. Roper on Lrg»eie.‘«. Dart on Vendors. Green- leaf o!i Evidence. Roscoe's ('rim. Evidence, llock- well's Spanish and Mexican Law. Lube’s Equity Pleadings. .JoncBon P>ailments. l^arton’s Suit in E(|ui- t.v. Robertson on S'.ieccssion. (Iresley’s Equity Evi dence. Toller on Executors. Re.-ives on Domeatic Re lations. l.ewis on Perpetaity. Ross on Vendors.— Wat.wn’s .\rbitratioH. Hare on Discovery. Blackburn, and Bell, on .'ales. Pulling on .Account.s. Ellis on In surance. Blanchard on Limitations. W’ills on Uses. Newland ou Contracts. Fell on Guarantees. Curtis’s Conveyancing. Tanilyn’s (Chancery Evidence. Vattel's L:iw of Nations, .\ngell and Ames on Corporations. Cruise on Pieal Propert.y. Barrill’s Law Dictionary. CoiHe on .Mortga.nes. Hu.i;hes Equity l)raught«man.— Wheaton’s S*ilwyn. Kent’s. (Poke’s, and Bl.ackstone’s (’omuientaries. Kinne’s Ivent and Black.stone, &c., &c. The above will be sold on reasonable ttruis. Other Law Rooks procured to order for members of the Pro fession in any part c-f the i-tate. E. J. HALE & SON. Ni:vv srocK. r’J'’.HK Subscriljcrs are receiving their Fall purcha-' ses of nooks and Stationery, In addition to a great variety of SCH(K)L BOOKS, they hare the THEOL()GlC.\L, MEDIC.'VL. L.WV, HISTORICAL, RlOGRAPnK.'.VL and MLBCELLANE- OL’S works, suited to this State. The most elegant stockof K3 25Li:» A.’¥S> l»KAY2iR BOOKS ever seen in this idace. iilank Books, Writing Paper, Pen and Pocket^ Knives, Ink, Ink Stands, Pens, Envelopes, Port Folios, Port Monai.^, Drawing Paper, Pencils, x\nd various other articles usually kept in a Book-store.* Oct. 4. E- J- hale & SON. Blank Warrants for sale hcre^