vol.. II.] 8 Fi M I-W E E M li 1 AYi;rri:vn.i,E, x. c., jam auv ^>o. 7j-iNTi:i> r.v ,T. n. newuv. j;i)\V\l(l) J. HALK & SOX, AM> riioruiKTDiJs. . ^ Oii't UvKn !*?4 (*0 if pnitl iti , -ii .Ml it'paid during the ycaf ot>ubscr‘i|i- , v‘, tiu’ vciir luis exi'irvi, n: '•* ‘ W.M'u’.' I'H'i.K' KU 00 per iiiinvim, if i*i nJ .'.i: it'jKii'l iliirinp tlic voar nf MiliSi’l'ip- j. s ' : iit'trr tlu> _\car lias i"xj>iit>d. . 1 rs in^^^‘^tOll t’or si\t_v (.•onts per nissDLi rioN. ••1- forartiK'rsliip lK r. tut..re cxi*=tina botweon Win. -H- W. Jones mid Huiuiui 1$. Niciiolson in tliis dav di.vsnlvcd l.v mutual And all juT^^uns indohu-ii to tlio l.ito tirni (,f JONHS .v MCllOI.SON, *'itli.>r l.y N->to or Account, are n..tilicd to call at tliV old .'>taml anti settle bft'.irc tiif I.'>th ot' l’ t.fuai v ut‘\t, or tln*^ «ill I'crtainly tind tlicir p;i|u!’s lii tliv I'and'^ of -Vll iiitd In'tti'r cuin*,' and Ect- u\:\n dlicfi- tor cjjlcction. aiid save cti-t. ( i:i) I'AKK. ! 'J'lut>u;rli 'J'ickots bet\v'oii 'Viliuiufrton, N. and I’.alti- iiu.ro. Fart' .Nl;’,. Via Weldon, l’»“t*‘rsburp, liicliniond, \ W;isl.- iii” ton City, or via Weldon, I’ort.f uioutli :ind Norltdk. l or 'I'icUets a|i]ily at tlie Utlico ! • I lilli LM' mmmsrn Ki [NO. Kil.j ■BMit WfaflM Al’V'l’' f W. w. jom:.':. I». 15. M('l!t)|..>^(lN. ■any 14, G'i-i;tpd m:\v ciM)i‘ Moi.Assi:s. ,'HOU sale )>y I'.l!.N.‘'t >N .lOll.NSON. J.-iny « t'.a- the tirst. and thirty cents for racli , ■ ■ .■.■iti.'U. Yearly advorti'Cineiit.'' by '•pe- . t'. 'It i tM'onab’.c rates. .Vvl . ertisei s :ire ; ,t te tlio number of insertions desired, or I.,. i-,>iithiued till forbid, and char^cd acci'ril- J-, l.otter-^ to the I'.ditors jnust be jxist-]>aiil. n:i;.ii i\\ i!i of I," 1{ \(JS. K \(;s. for J. K. Jord^in & Co R I'}; s; " VC'-eUV i; . al’.d :’,i'Ipoiuxls .it the high- : : i-, Ivr c;.,'h. .. .i ^.irn and trapping I'apor. a larjTe lot, o'.i ; • j'ricfs. i!H\>si»N iv Johnson. t" 11. r>r:ihroti \ Son. 1’ ■ t'.ntf SAM'L J. iiinsdali:, \S jii't ri'CCM-Ml bi-^ s'ljiplv ii;.M lm; o.vi;di;n si;i;i(‘- • \S1' Vli.VCI s, NS— llarly Ciiitiii, r.any \’aleti'ino. i.arly .Moiiauk. I.arjie l.iiiia. Id'.I. IS -L.irlv lilooil 'rniiiip. and Ualeigh — —- Itail lioad ('onipaliy at Wilming ton, or at the Otbci' of tht> liiiltiinor>' Steiim Packet Coni])any. and of the l’>altimore and Oiiio Uail Uoail Coini.any. I’r.itt Mreet, lialliniore. .Ian. 1. ls:,J. KOC'lvi'JSIl S!!!:!:T!N(;S, the bale or lia'f bale, for s.de by Jtilv IS,-.2, C. T. IIAICII SOX. Stf AM» hite Su I'ariy flat I!: I-on>r lUoijd 1 C i n. .''iiinir ano. I. f S w 1 • kC' V {(■ !Kisii iM)rA'roi:s. W r.aUin^: :in>l Mercer I’OT.Mor.S, I-', r .'.lie bv 'lUlVNSON .V JOHNSON, .''iicccssors to II. r.iaUM'U \ Sou. • . IHHf i>vii r.M'jisiiii’ No'i'ici:. : hTs liave this day loi-nied :i i-..partner- > the s!\le and name of .1 \S. M 1'1'H c\r!,iri. I A!;i:oT iii_\ \(.'k. I!a''',v Siit'a!' I.:’!!*" I'iarl x 1I.it I’.iil i '. I.ar-e l-'i ciu'h l»\-!u";it l.at'K'- 1 "’k l.arue KiiL.isIi l>iiiiu lit:i I'ine 1 )| iuu1k-.i I . l.lv— 1.. II I.on;.' •raiiire. I .irlv II ni. W bite S.did. Up ■ •f iran'.ictiii;; n n's Uuildinu' .MII.M: J .V .\i r ( . ('leneral ,\ircn- i inin''t. ii, N . CO.- M N. c. SMITH It 1-1 'U iv\i\ rs ;• di.. v-v \Ni) on.S. ^\hite I.'vid. Wind'iW t;ia>-s, 1 ir. pr"of I'ainf. :>r,. V.irnish. Vviieiiau lied. l,ithar£re. I’.ed I.ea'l. I'm "uiiii.i. •I’lU''. X'eriuidi' ii. 1.mui]i lll.ick. Vprdi/ris. Chrome (iro n. I’.iri- (Ircen. . n 1 I’ap'T. I’aiiit r.ru»!.t \’:in:i.'h " ' llnis.liis. Wiiitiir.;. \c. « by S, j. VI i;. '■!. ''-i;ui UI:M()\ AL. \ C(>. take occasion to inf"rui their t^it tliev have rcmoveil t>i the Nl'.W ANIi -i 'KK. No! 71 NOKTH od STIU.LT. ab..>r /'////-.I /•'/•.’/./’/// I. inimedi.itely .. Ij ’iniuy i u't incHrcnner'.s Hardw.trc HoM'i'. 'in^r f;re.itcr advnnt.-!;:es t' r trado. :lie;. d to see their former customer?*. .. .\v receiviiiL'. f- r the .''j riu" I'l idf. a larc' ’ >'k w* liru!>Ii( s. Uosin u ond (Ilore s. .\nd a ;reneral :i'S.'rtnie!it ■ ( ■z and (i(Tniaii and Fn rc!i Far.cv Co-ids. ci:i.niv ( I CL Mi;i-.K l.ar;\ Ku, .~:;.n. r.arl_\ ( iu.'t r. I."ii'b'i; I...,,.; (iri-e I'.iiii I’l. \Ni' l.aitre I’urj lc. 1.1. 1 1 I Cl.— K" \ al ('ab'i.a^e, l.;iri.« (li I rii I (' II. a I «■». \ : 'S. Mi:i.nN_l-i,,.. Ap; ic. N luniv;.'. '’.ter. (•NIiiN - \\ 1-1 In I stie’.d L.ittfi 1I ’. \ cli" V. \ • I- .'klu. l‘Al;.'-l,l.\ —I), uou- CuiUd. !• \i;SMl’- 1.. I..- Si., .th, 1 l^i ri.li — ■ lUl.i .N '>e. c t M uiit.iin. I'l Ml’KlN ('••uiiectiiut Fie’ I. li.\l'i.'sjl — I'.iiiiv l.i'iii: .''I'.’iiul. l.ir..\ .'^c.ukt li.ii;:p. \> ;..;e 'I'i;n;:p. k f':..; .■'j-:;l.i'll. Sl^il \SII l..il.\ Vl-.;. w l;-,; 1 I.M \T* • 1..U -0 be I f.n .''h.ij f 1. TinNll- l.:U-lv Spiill- i'ur' i- ! '1 Kiitu 1. A M:\\ 1 N\I’N'I'IOX. undersi;:iied h.is made an invention >f .a .'^mut B. .\l ichine. wliich he will insure to be prrfec* in tlie •‘Ml.ietioii o| smnl ill wiietit. ;ini| Avishes to inform Mill 'ivMiel t!h,t lie i' pu'liio.: liiav him- nt 1 nioii I'aeto- !'.ry. on I»i>ep l:i\er, i ij;lit miles Noi tii of .Vshboron^rh. M,\ m-iehine'- are ci-ni|)osed of three ili.'tinct ]’rinci ]>les. centrifuaal, scoWeriiiK :ind rcacti'>li. If tnke>^ tli*’ wheat tiirouph three operatii iis in ;;oiiijr through ;!ic niaeiiilie olicc. .Xiiv persons buxine :i machino. after trsiiii; It. if it does ii.,t eleaii wheat. iamp or dry. 1 will lake it back. I’l i. e Se\t !,ty-t;\e Uollais. A ’ letters Mt|.|i i >sel to New Salem I’^'-^t ( >tVu -. l!;in- ti"!) ii county. r. 1*. \N. Ort. i.‘. ,,1V TILL I.M) \\l.\Ti;!l liOOIIS. I. 1; ive te- •■ive I in part, and are now re'ei\inir * * a 1 ir;j:e .-ind iri nera! .isvi.rtnient of .s; I'A I’l.F and I .\N'^ I*K\ coiisistinjr in ;>.irt as t.i'.lows; .'supi-i r.iack. r.i'iWii. (ireen and i'.'ue Cloths; .''up'r ik !'• 'kin l'.ii.i_\ ;' i.'^iniers: .''iik plush and \ e ; •ij-.. ■- ni' \c*r\ tim-; I'.l iek, white and color*‘d til'..;... .''aiiii and Li.^li !i S.Ik \'e.^t.i."', I me Craxats; c V \lil'Ii_'t our 1. id'-e-' III'. —>; (nt'!' In'. \ 1 (• i'..iind i’i i:ii i;i L (1 roll.tIm lie, ;ni'i le.iek. li;:.ured .ilid \...tcreil Si. I ;e it I'roi ,( ;e do.: p'.ii n :tud t: irured do ; rich w lute I'V 'ei white .-N.itiU Ib'reuce, ,^c.; I’riiilxd ( ..-.inuier. l’.iii« priiite.l II Ln:;li-h, I'reheli ;ii d \li.ei'.e.-.n [ ri' 'e I liei.ij:, , liirnic.l .Mid hi;:ljl_\ ( ....-re.l llel.uti* '(T c .'it'dlen; i;ii',:i’'!i .Uld I'renell Meri- e , ,ri i !::i;.i,el: (;;;iei I’ rpiin; \ i' toriaan l 'I'art.iu I'l..; i': > ill led \ • ae.i Cobui and 1 ..IIlia Cl''Ihs; lllaek I’ 'III .1 .ui-. ‘■ •lae e\t;a t;ne: liiai'k .\lpaea>. .''iili and ' C. tt :■ ...'...re.l \ e.xet' I 'f t!ll^ilen; .'^ei.itch. \ II tt’. Iiii.;- :iiol prints; .''h.ivl-: ' ■ I . ll'.'ieix: ■ ..k. I..imb - \s..111.Uld Me 1.'. !..i'liie ;i.rtment ol jlili ■ mp ;ind \i ’.xet i rinimlii-•. .''xxis'. .i:i'l I laid >wi" alol .l.o-i.io I il.ii.;'; i.ilar.l' l',r,>Uroi,le« ."i Waist'. illiC.i).'; I'l'Uele w •'iked 11.1 nd kiM eb ii :Collai> l lui-a i L.oi- all I I.ilieli l!dj HARMAN'S ii()Ti:r., i'at/etlevil/r, V, ^I'he .'tih.scrilKT liaviiiit falu'ii Hotel, formerly kiioxvn :i.s the I’b.VN'I’l'liS' HoTI'd,, situated at the fi.ot of H:i;» Mount, Hay Street, l'a\.tti’xilie. North ( res|icctlully inlorm.s his Iriends .and the public that he is now en:ra;:c(l in refittiiijr the tiuildin'i', wliieh is .supilied w it'n entire new Fnriuture. and is jirejiared to accominoilate the travellinjr jaililie. Havin^r hail some experience in the business in ihe toxvn of I’ifts- boroujih, N. C:, ht' flutters himself that h«' will be vble to jrive satistaction to tlio.se who may lavtir him xvitli theii' comp.any. His rooms .are lai;^e inid airv. He has l.ai'LTe .and convenient St-'I.le.'^, a>i'l a gooil and faithful 0>;(ler. JOHN H.VllMW I' eb T 1 (. 1 H.)i2. (Wiif non:!.. ^B^HK subst-riber liax ini:r I'lUchas.d the Hotel situatel * on the .s>outh-l\ast corner of ('ourt House Sipiare. and latelx known as Stuart's liotel, would infmni the )iub1ie that he is nwxv ready to accoinnioilate boarilers by the xlay, v.eck or month. ilavinir made considera ble outlay in I'urnishiiifr and retittinjr the Fstablishment. he hopes to be able to give sati>l;ictioii to all xvho pa tronize him. His 'I'.aMe sh.'dl lie turnished xvith the bent the rn.-irket aHuril.'^. iiis |!.ir xvith tlie be.'^t ot i^i- (jiiors. and his Stable w ith a jilenty of good ]irovender and faith! ul ((stlei s. J. A. (ill.CHIMST. June 1 ;;.tf (WllPI'/l'S AXl) KTGS. VDS. Super 8 I’ly Carpeti'ig " F ;')(( •• Floor Oil ( loth 4-1. .\n assortment of Hearth Hugs, l.-itelv received. S. 'V. TILIJN'MIAST .V CO. l>eo. IS.VJ- f (tutrd to Hire for (htc Yatr. NF,(illO .MI'].N to work on llriat.i. inr wliirli ■3^ Pj? the liig!r-st price- w ill b- juiid. JNO: l>. WILLIAMS. Dec. U7, IH.'l'. r)i')-tf I ^11 F undersigned wishes to hire, for the next year, txventy Negro Men. to xvork .at my Histillery. and on the Hoats. -High prices will be paid. T. S. Id T'FliLOlI. I I”.', IS'.J. .V,!f T1 tiSV J ILL I..' glad to a .''he also iiil>rm? that 'In- intends to carr% making. Fa . ettveille, .sJept. 1. I S-'i'J. •oinmi.i], te a few l’.o:,rders. iuT frieii is and the public x'U the t.ns'.ness of .Maiitua- •J.'llf _L I a I'l M I'M i; I'. (I - ' a 11 I .- li ;: ' iii'l 111' ; 'I Fliilli'li AL.' ■ rtmer.t Ft -I . W ; ( t f FL'iWi; l.v dd'Ii. J; ]• .11 S 1’ invite .special attenti.m. ted and promptly e.xecute 1. I, .lall'v I’J. l''.'i.’>. • ('’•-'.'tpd VFFW 1 1. I' \er. id (jr.anul.'ited .''U” ir.' Jnn'y 1 n_ i^.‘ ('Ol N'l'\ A LI. ] ' r' t.x I.ax ;i‘ S H1\S!»\LF • > '-■Jm iii:ri:i\ i.i). ;. sepcri'r C:u’deiias M"'.- , .'^1 I I'l -i \. K e!i IK-' L C, ■. '.^e ;,,r f;,;i.!:\ l::'e. ll I'-l-'. ',e .III' ii a I mi .■'h i . I liii I ii.'t emuiicr il ^.•'t al..! iH '! t lll'T'. X Il .ellt. a 11 1 '■ .! a' lea- ■ 1 I ..It .1, I... .rlliie'it ot I’.'.nnet''. Hat', Caps. 1'' t*. ,;.i'. 1‘ u'a' wiiii many I'lher articles '■ 1. Ill ikinu "ur as'"i'tn:eiit i iie i t the l.ir- we l.ixe IX er o|]. TC'l oiir trieli'K aiol eii'- xe iiiv ti‘ theiii ;il! t" c i;' a- e.n'y a> imi- x.amme t.'T thems-ix e», ;is xve expcit t'l :iliie a« .ilix .'tiler li"U'e in the trade. e"ii,. r Mat k' t e. N. C. •!utier 1'.'. I % I I'l 1 No. 1 (ire. J('HNSdN n stii-cf, CO. •JT tf JiliniilHllLlii; IIOTI'li. \1IF undersigned wouM rf'pecttuliy inbirm the citi/eii.' of .''iimiiierx i!U‘. the xicinitv. aii'l tlie ]iublic generally, that she has opened a of iliitcrtiii»nne:it^ xxhi-r‘ 'he will lie ple.ascl To aceoniliii d.ite all w ho may e.'iil I'll l.er. I he \'iii.ige is ple.i.'.ilit ali l healtilful. Iici ll' ll'e l:n lUI'l e..lu!;M'li''US. N" p lills will bc ^palf d t'l ro;i'!er 1 ee;i' !e ati'l e.'iiil' il taiii(' ali_\ Xx ho i..x or her XX ith a cnM. .''he is a preparc'l to acci.nii a’ ite xvitb F.oai‘'l from l-> to •II .s III'bill«. I’rice of ilo.H'l ['Ci month. i:. F.VILFV. Suin>iiei:' e, N. .Iniie I;!, IS'iJ. 1-H' AM> COACll-.MAKKKS’ E£,i it S0 SIM il A'f . TliOMiS ,',!1('K!'\:/!E i m\. Ill ll'illiniiirr St.. riiilliiiiorr. M ! ‘OKI' i; 11.' a II I 1 'ea'.er> i n II' .l; .''kill', .'^ad'lie Trees. 9 Ln;;'i'h ileioU iiii'i Ueins. tiiitli \t cL'. .s^tirrii]''. Haiiie'. I’liti". \’. .spring', \xle- i.f all kinds. C.iaeh l.ace. IILN r h iil.LOl,.''. Hub', .sJpuko. ('.arriage ai,.] rile F.oit'. I’atent ('.tnxass. Carpeting, aii'l every .irti- c'.e ci'iilieete'i with cither branch of tile bu-.ine>s. xxhich they are | ri pare.| t'> ntfer t" pmiefUul cii't..nierf on :is "ijo.l terms a' any other Inui-'e in the I niic'l ,>tates. .V^eiit- f'V the -ale of T.ipe’' .'-e’f-Jj list i ng I’.XU.'^ .'iVid .''Jieiiecr's lilli THI.L.''. (ii'.ler' ]ir"iiiptly attei. Icl t ■. .\'l'il cs> llll)>l\S l]\(hlA/li: .MINS. Mi su’ Noru'i:. 3 SI!OFFS.'s( »R LOLIIH begs leave t»* inform the l,a- B dies and (ientlemen of Fax ettexille. that lie has located himsvdf permanently in this fdaco. for the pur pose of giving 1 iistruetion.s on the I’iaim and Guitar to the Ladii's. and to the (Ientlemen on the Flute, Violin, or any otht r instrument. He li.'is in his possession reriminiPiidations from the jirincipal Colleges of this State, and would he liajipv to I’xliibit them to those who m.ay think of engaging his serxices. lie can be found at the Fayetteville Hotel, rerni' favorable. 1V;>‘ I’iaiios Tuned and Jlepaired. iKc. l^.'iJ. ,',.',tf S})iifliriHr M(tlc (tnd /'ciiutlc Arndimif, ILL commence it« fourth sojsiot!. in the nexv building, l-'itli February, and close its .sclicil.as- tic year l-ith Hee. IS-'i.'!. Or;iai;i/.ition aii'l ch.arges as heretoftii-e, .Mr. .Murphy esce|iteil, whose services, if nei-essary. will be supplied by ji competent AssistanC For particulars addres'= the jirinelpuL .lA .M F.S H. mU'NT. .'smithville, N. l»ec. ;!0. .'ifi-rim :si:i:i) uYi: ion sali:. J. .V T. WADDIf.L. .I.’iii v 1. is.':!. .''itf PIANOS ro!i SAI.i:. ''IIKLF xeiy good second-haii'l Fi!Ui'>s for *ale. .Vji- 1-ly to ■ J,. II. Vx HITAKFIL lan'x I. 1 .‘)iitf WAY FJllM. tlHK Siibst'rihers li.-ive f'M'ilied n coi'artnership ur-” der the mi’i'S and Stylo of ?»»Ti:!>7aAS A: IK OK.Hi:,' ■\n'l Tiifiv >'e fottnd at the foot of Hay .Mount, in the house loMiieily occiipieil t>v H.ali .lohnson. They have received their FALL AM) Wl^TFill eoii.i.stiii^ in i>urt of e'taplc- Pry (idmls, Hardware niid Ctitl' ry, IJoot^ &. isljiic.s. Silk- I.catlier, Haggiiijr^ Hope, Twiiie^ Ac. Als(», ;i ofiitM-a) a.^.viitnicnt of (Irureries, inc-hidiii^ a { Iloice .•'ckctioii «if l.iiju irs, We keep on hand sptin Vai n, from the lioep H.Tvef .Nf' Co. at Facto* X |i|-ices. We will take iii ticiiaiige for’ goods, countrx juoxluce of aliv kind. X. A. STFD.MAX W. T. hokm; Oct. 4. oiitf m:\v (ioons. rg^HF undersigned are now receiving tiieir F.VLL' JL SIOCK of U-mf 9 «Mc> w (’onsistii)g of a full assortment of l.adic.s’ :uul (leiitloiufii’.s j)ress (IoikI.':, a lar^^ supiily Ol Iteafly-uiado ('luthiiijf, Hats, Caps aiij JJumiets, a large as.snrtiiu-nt of liimts aiul Sliuosy Hardwaix*, (Jruex'rifs, and Mt'diciiies, Saddlery, ('roekory and (Ilasswarc, (Immy and J)miJee l>ao-ring jiiid l^upc, Nail.s, c'ic. tVc. We inviio our friends aii'I (he jiiiblic to call and c*' .amine our St ick; it is L.Vl’CK .".nd xxill be sold on ac- ci'ininodating terms. Jj T. (.'OFXCIL ii C.VIN. Aiigu-t oU, ‘JItf m rnrni m m (ioiiDs. IHL :Mibseribel ha« taken tin* Stand iormerl.v occH ■ 'B \ Market .SijU.tre ati'l (!ilie»pie street, where he h.ns open' e'l his NKW ST(»CK OF I'ali and Oooils. Hi." friend-^ and the public i:r»‘ re(u*'^te.l to give him li c.dl, a» he i3 dl'ioi laiiied to .■^e!! verv 1;.h . S. S. AHFV. Oct. 24-r.m Kosi: ( in.Di'i'oks. \i.i I'T'ignP'I. Kxneiitor of the li'-t Wii' '• .meiit of Hr. \\ iiii.im .s>. .Vii'lre'. le.-' i. • • 'rtunitv of p.aying at j'tdiruary T'-nii ;’ifx C-.urt. Such, however, as j'retvr it. i 11 :it their own re«;idem es. ix;xik'I- I II;;. by an iiidiviiju.al t'ullx t iu)"ixx t i e'l ti' in. to whom it is expected they will ., .nsati'.n for hi^ trouble a« i> rea.i iiia 11. i;. Ti:oV. Lx r. . U re.jU ''erk ol tl illj I : O" ' I'.'e ,1„ N 'tN-e !■ "1 pi.i. ." I t ■ '.'IV tie!' illll' JI 'lit t].' Cmiit. t"it ' lo the I't I 'f i. :.x I n ; ail.'’, th ■!l I' . I. . 1 .1' with. ia_\ "f ii\ ii‘.. unty are hii l.auiiii. '! li-'e ne^fie, (■ I'cbin.'ii'x. w.'.'. •,1M. p .1. I' : ■ C III iia: F)iV'tteviVe, .lan'x l'_’, IS. t b. r • r.ii aee. iiii! ' r.- 'e ■: Fill nee . Tin - i:iV :■> re jllil e I IiX la'.x i IdAllN'i. \MI. Mc\|ILL\N. J.\s. U. STll.W'IF.. (' '’..lilli.tex- of Fin iiiei .V.i t 1 F .\N\'\ .\^ 1; II. ti.e ,'u! riber. oii Monday _';ii I'.-t. iiei, a .''.ei;ri- Inali li'iliod bl'N. ilielie' hl-ll. ah I xvei-jh.' a'lollt I' l"i._'. ai'.'l lie sonietime> keej il '’ XI IX ..liiic I.e.I'l. large exes. .i. le.i I .... 1 XX rite, and p' "!l.!x ii:av ii;s aui- ;.e ;i'" xe leu.ii' l !• r tlie .apprehen^ixm nii'l . or t'l any .I.tiler in th'- ."t:.te ' ' that 1 ".'lin. i't t In' ab.ix e b"X . n ad'l'.tloo.il n-uai'i • ! •'SiJ"!! f. r ] !' f "lixiet any x.hit'- pi‘l^ 111 "1- pel.'.iis i.l "ii; )eet 11: ■ 1..' hair up ill string' tl I I II. Hi' I • i:il.,'. '; a !': .Il l:' I iiiiii .eill tl the He r.'ii > il :.;i'l 4'.V1 No. Faltini ire i;,\! Street. fIMoKF. .H s r Ki:c'i:i\i:i). i Ll i; tor HiMil’.ei's. K Ilmse and Mille Collars. .\ tine lot ot .'^aii'ilery. F>eady-iaa'le t 'h tiling. F"rx':gn aiel llonie'ti.- l.i'|U"rs. a int td Nortli (’.ii'oliii.i (.'. I'.. li;kt!:, i>i.'o„ N V. 1'. 1 1). \V. 31 el iuurin AVF. jiirt i'ecciveii, in al'liti'Tii to tbeir fonn#f Slock— 1 (Ht kegs N.\II.S, 1 (• hhds. Sngiir "II hbls. ir.'itiulated ditto, till bags Cofl'ce, •"ill pieces liiindee Ihigging, 7 liales iunny ‘'l?ith, 4.'> eoil^ Ite.p^. (i foil.'; Sxvedes .and l-’nglish Iron, oil kegs pure .and extra White Lead, 'ill boxes Windoxv !lass, 4«'i liagR llrop and l?uck Shot, -o kegs FFl''(i I’iixvder. _A LSO— Loaf and Cru®Ued Sugars, llnr and Fahcv Soajis. M ackerel. ill li.arrels ;ind hall’-b.arrel.^i Cheese. Spice. I’epper. (linger. Snutf. jndigo. Mad(fef% .'^patd.'sli lirowii, .'-alts. Saltpetre. Saleratiis, Nntrr.egs/ .Mace, ('loves. ^ east 1‘owders. Sperm (';indle.=. kv.: witH .a gener.al assortment of l)HV (iO(»l».''. IK)OTS .VNl/ Maiiiif.ifliirt r iiiiil I’oinniisNioii Hf.ilcriii lliils. sH(»fs. hai:i»\\ ,vi:f and cftlfuv. Mraw (iooils. Iliilltrs' Mdfk. IriiiiiniiiJrx. i\r. T.V\ Lolong experience in these jvarticular lii'aiichcs of business, joiin'd to his facilities in the maiinfaetnring. en.ibles him to of^'er inducement® t" pui'ehasers that eaniiot be had of fhosp who purcha«e tiieir goods .it .'eeoiid or third hands. His present stm k exteii.'ivc .aii'l well assorteil for the country irade, and will be constantly adih'd to by I'resh importiition*, ai.'l t ri'iii hi- oxvn manufactor , . i'articiil.ii- .'itteiition p.iid to order.o by innil. .1 annaIV 1. 'iij'-oin .11 s r ui:('i:i\ i:i). y .\Hl’KU’S aii'l I’utnam's Magazines for J.'innarv IS'.::. F. J. HALi: & SON. ‘ .'.an y l>. ]!--'i:‘.. Air.V HAKi:ilY. fB^ilF. .Subscriber has established a Il.akerv on Ihw i fl .'Street, on tin- L it two iloors I'^ist of llunc.in ' McNeills Cjibinet .''hoj). He is prepared to fliiiii’‘ll I Families, lio.ats. and the piiMlc gehrrnlly. xvith Dread, ! I’d', nit. and Cake« of variou.c kinds, of the be*t 'pl.ality. ! a' lie has )irocured Ihe services of on‘ of tlie best I Ilakers in the .''tatx‘. I’rices re.asonahle. (iiv* me a call. ! ( HAS HANKS. Fax ettex ille. Ilec. ‘JS. IS.'rJ. .'».')-tf ' IIA'I'S, C APS cV S'J'KAW (JOODS. %\««\ TAVI.OIS, No. 160, Broadv/ay, New York, A. Wo rift'fl' the al)ove (.ioods at loxv prices. fi»r Ca.sli of good jiajier. L>. iS: W. Mcl/.'FItlN. Se]jt. lo. IS.'i'J. 'J.'itf 1 it;' (' A II \Hi:iSoN. I. I**'.-.’. 4'itf II ■! ll uvl to thr I'nlh. ' g i t the I’.oard of Commi.'sioncrs .ari- . .' r tae .\et .,! the late (it nera: .'.s-eni- ;na. incorporatin'.; the ••^\^'t•ln Kail ■ - 1' : •••I'lii.neil :hat b' ik' I't ' u>i'''ripfioii • 'li "iild be ojiened at the I'l.ixii lla'i ■ i I' ett. • e. at o o'clock. I’. .M., ot W I' 1- - i. : Fe'hrnary next. .Vt whieh time XX i. niav feel intei esteij in the cnii- I e't important work arc imited t... at- •' f .peete'l fr.im sever.'il of our lead- ; en»*'l at other points as s.;..u as ar- I ' e inadi for that i.urjiose. i>. «. .Mi ll u-;, Ch'n ISoard Commissinner' iiii.i,!i. ivr. ' '' ' ni'iiith is con>idered by many to be I me I ' -et out Fruit Trees. lAergreens. ll'i'j/'/erries. (irape \'in's. lig'. and t- /> r.i’ily; all of which I have a large and - ' ■ iiavc Ijeen grox^ing with me for the '' t ikeii up XX ith the earth about the ■ • 111', dir.taiice with a eertiiiiity ot li\ing ' gr..,\th. Oriler.s will rcccive prompt ( . LI T'I FKLoH. iqijilied to j.ofct paid ajiplicants. lill-llt I'OK .s\l,l'„ I'hiinia.'t "W 11 L;i \ lirau"'- t'( nil nt. . 'i-ilie l IM l'te l.i'iei in-' ILiir 111 1 .\;-plv t'l LliVLKI.V .I.iii'v lo, other pr Nov. 1 F h.'ixe 1 tear >'i' I • lucf. , I "•'.I. s roK '"inmiiilious l.riek Vvateiioip 111! .S|"l'e. in xxhieil we st Te I*. \ W. .MeL IKi'i:. ev in tlie I 'itti.n ail'! VI i:iN. ;;7-tf il \f.i. \ IU)LM\(.!:ii g ItiNTIN' r: to e.irrx .m the Fol'NHK^ I'.I'SlNFSS. H with all it' braiiclies, in thi' pl.iee. ’l'!:e_x have •ad'led. xvithin the la't -i\ nionl! '. ."1000 xxorth ot Pat terns, and are iioxx )ii'e)iare'l toliirnish Miliw ri'.:ht' xx ith .Machinery, at -hiiit n 'tii c. f"i' Wheat. Corn, Cri't. and Saw .Mills. Steam .Mill' repaireil thi'oughout. Our terms are cash on de'.ixr_\; lo per cx-ut. will lie added for every o" days an account max 't.ue. uii].aid. We r.'innot carrx' on thi' loi'iness on the ere.lit sj. stem, neither do x»e intend douig s.i. HALL i:oL!d.\(iFK. Augu t U. I'^ol.’. l'''f H \Pv(;aINS! P»AU(;Al.NS!! >\ 11i;ai) Qi Airi i:ks, } \. ('. .Militia. ^ ILJ.K, Jali’v 4fll, el I’rixates of tlie Fid I’epiinent of " arolina .Militia will attend at the , '» 'iiei. -Cros^ ItoadH, > on Saturday tin- ' ' • p irpiKc ol' electing a Col. Com l t. ■■•■a.'ioned bv the resignation of Col. J AMFS C. UAVLS, l/ieut. Col. Com'd'g. II I'V |)Ohl..\KS I'o 1 I'.r the a]iprehenfiion of the thief j ' !i "111 my plantation on Thur.sda^ i ,\nd will have some - i.e.siint S',rrel Mare, Sa.Idle anil i iiist. In order that 1 may not be ir xear- o]iJ l;ist sjiring, about l-i’, ■ ' iiiark.i, e.'icept perhaps on one of ' a -■_' tr on her back from a liurt ' ■ -.iglit'.y marked with the gear. \ • i’.'ii'l for her i-ecovery. C. J. SHANNON. ' . 1. is.',:;. (;0-ilt o\si(;.\mi:n r. Lard, of e.xcellent ijualitv. 15. KOSi;. 5‘.»tf i'lint’iii. .s^ampsiiii Co.. N. 1 ALL A.VI> W IN TKU .T(X’K oK s r \PLi: V.V i'A\(DiiV (joons, SIl.W'F i'l't reeeix.' l my .''t'lek of .^TAl’I.F .\N1» l .VNiA |iK^ liMOli.-'. t"i- tiie I .ill ;.ii'l winter tra le. i"i.si't:ng in part a' lolb '.X': t'l' ili'. 'a"inu i‘ s aiel \ i stin-,:'. \'l.iiii. bl'k and fig'd .'^llk'. t iii'-x do. b' k aii'l eol'il I'i'. lid: Metiim.^; Fii^lish do; ill K aii’l eor.i .\lpaeas; French aii'l l.iiglish pl'inte.i Iflilii'. .''iiiK' enibri'i.li I'l 'i and xery liandsome: i .Me- ! Ill" .''iiii 1.5 .'iii'l I'r.ixver': Wool ,'JliawI.--: Cassinii'n- and Ci:.peii... I'l.iiiiK'ls. \\ "i-.'teil Cap!?; I>onnet>, .Sacks and Mull- :.'1 Cliildrel:; .Ne;_ro l;l.inket«, and .a Icxx gooil beil I'.I ilii^el'; Carju t- and lleai'th llilg'.' French and .\liier- ican I’lilit-, .iie..;h.'inis: tilere he.l and Lroxvii l>onie>tie>; 11' :i.i! Ill ri:s; M a I oro I i N; bl k .'i ii* 1 ci il 11 I i .t ton \ el x e^ s; \'e’xet TI 1 la la 111 u': .lai'oliet aiel .''xxi^'. Muslin: Lisiioji aii'l t I'V Law 11'; .I.ieoiiet :ind Sw 1.'.' F l-iii^saiid In- sertiiijis; Liiieii 1 I'liiiiii;iig'; I "tt'in ;ind Lisle Ld;lin;rs; Intaiit-' Wai-t'' Fiiiigi '; (limps; I’ictiie .^litts: (iloxcs .'iii'l ll. siery: KiMmns. leiiinet'. Cir!.'' Fl.its and Straw Tl imniiiig; I'aliia'kand .\|ei ino. ,\l'o. a L'l'o I .is'i'i tlaeiit Ilf .'^iiiii's :nid Hoots, lor L.a- ' lie'. i ell tie Men. l!o} '. C i I'l' .'III'1 ('hihli'en; toget her xx ith ni.iiiv .ither articles not eniiiiii r.'ite'l. m.iking my stoek eoiajilete; t.i whiidi the attention of l.iy friends and the tiadiii'.; public gen. T.illy is inxited. C,rateful for ] ast laxi'i'. 1 hope liv ollx'i'iiig gooil^ .at reasonable rates to c'liitiniie to sh.iie a portioii of public patronage. Noith-WCsl Ci'ii'er .M.'ii'ket .''ijuare. No. li, (ireen st.. F.i’xett.xill... N. C. V. SIIF.MWIILL. i’. 1 keep coiist.antly on hand a good ass.jrtmcl.t ot .'I.-ilein CM.s>iniere.' :illd Kersexs. Sept. l‘'''rJ. ‘J'.'-tt IlolcItL’is.s's \ntinil \\ (tt(r \\h((l. rgillFFL are sever.d hundred of tlnsc Wheels in ope- .BL raii.iii in ilillereiit counties in N.Tlli Caridina. l or ol their ):reat ad> ant.tiies over the common flutter Li: i{ \\i)s. [inoiMi ;iiLV stretched. i-i meiiteil. and l ivetexl. B- The atiiixe r>alel> are N'exx York iii.inufacturei's' luirx'd in ex cry iiist.uic •. F.iyetteville. Nov. I'l. 1>- ilniiiigton Herald copy count to \\ . II. Liitterloli. .1 -JO per cent Iil'ii'e.'. l’.'is!i ' For .»:il«- liv W. II. lA rrFl’.LOH :;itf one Month, and scud > than be re- Di'A'I'Al. sriMii'.liV. ^ r> I'- FI*WAI;1»S has taken 1! B room at Harman's Hotel where he ■ ‘ niay be found at any and .all tinie.s of the 'lay. and otfers the most ethcix'iit and approved tne.ans of hi.'art to the citizens of Fax etteville and vicinity. All operations xvarraiiled to give perlect ^atirfaction. 1000 tlier wheels now in use lor saw mills. ler to tbo'e who have applieil them to x'ali reeoninieud tlulil particill.'irlv (i-r in cas s of a loxv head of water, or ork. and '!• ali\ I xve eoiitiijently r ' their mills. We their sii|ierioi'ity ' h.ick xx.ater. W e still keep a supjilx of W iieel.s. suitable for differ ent hea'is o', water, at Wilmington. N'ex>)crn. Washing ton. Ldeiitou and F.i> etteville. The wheids IliaX also ! tie had of F. F.rexai'd. Lincolnton. and Lriah W elhs. i I’ctersbtirg. \ :i. i I’ersons xxish ng to obtain the I will be serveil on application F'.f. *'ttcvil! ‘. N. V'. I ight to use the xvheels. to I>. .McNeill .V Co.. M.W l{Oi> MOI.ASSKS, '1 I'y. just received and for .sale by FFTKK 1’. J(JlINSoN. ‘f'iMl POl'A'TOHS. f'-r jilaiiting, for sale bv I’FTFK 1’. JOllNS(»N. Tj'.Mf 6N niv reeenf xi.'it to .N\xx \oik. ni; princi|iai obj*‘ct xxas to ^et xxorkniiMi and Miatei'i.'il t- r the ])iirpose of ni.iiiiifac- tiiring Silk limits. .Vftcr getting there. ; .0- :ind fiii'ling it ililli. nit to ^et tli't r.ite ; pr." workmen to conie .''i.ntli. I ga\e up ti.e ]‘io'jiei t ot pio- , win eiii'in^ aiiV. coiiS"!|Uently piircb.i'eil a lar"e -toek ot xx e SILK H.\TS. .Mter makine my ]iurelia'e. I engaged a gentleman an priiu’ipal worKiiiaii. xxli.i c-iiiie xxell le- eoinmen'U*d, He leariK'd his tradi* in I'.mope; .iiid toi the last seven years Ik* has been eni|iloxxd ir a large maiixtfax'turing xHtalili'hiiii’iit in the »'ity ol Ncxx ^ I then procured lashionabie blocks and n ^tei'ials, am now fairly at xmrk Manufacturing Ninety Hats per month, f them ready for sale by Ihe ‘JOtli j ox (.I'stocked, 1 oiler for sale, -ST COST, my late piin hase of Nos. Ist. 'id. i and ;;d Muality F.\.''lIloN Al’.LL j Jfloleskin i^aSTS. Merchants mav save money Ly purcha.sing of xne. If] \ou purchase in New Vork, it is often a month bcf.ire j voii rec(.ive them. j ■ I 'hall in a short time bp able to furni'h merehants x^iih llatHof MV OWN .MAN I FACT I i;l':. at V ^ ork J.rices, to-wit; No. 1 at No. li .it >'■■ •* at |*er do/en. 1 take this opportunity of retiirning my thanks to my I'oriiier eijstoniers. and invite them aad other xx«‘ll di?^ tios«“d parriotie gentlfmeii, that are in favo? of .''t I - FOllTINti Sor THKUN .M AN I'FACTF I!KS, t.. give me a call on or aft r the lidth inst., as I ex[>ect to have ready for exhibition and sale Hati»d’ni\ own ni:niul:ic- ture that -annot be surjiasmMl in style and dur.'ibility. 1 xvuuld be pleas*d to we every gentleman, in cot n- | trv or toxvu, and will lake plea.snre in e.xhibiting tne and showing the diflerent prop..ss „u;'si\.'n\-Vind'of produco, foi^ca.h, or to punctual cus- thi-oUL’h from tlie lur on the skin until ready lor the most anv mu i u i i’ook ■ T.WIOR head. DAVllMJFK. ' Favelteville, N. (’, Oct. C, '.832, Jiltf 1 beptember, 18o_. l». McNFlLL. A. A. .McKKTH.VN. I). J. McAldSTFK. Feb’y 2li. 1H40 _ lO i: W illSKhV. r. \i;UFLS, a prime artiide. just receivol and for .sale by WILLKINCS X CO. _.\I,SO— b;igs )iriiii“ f’F.VTHKIlS- .'*^ept. I'). iJs-'ili. 2i)lf I'AiJ. AM) \vi\'n:i{ (;ooi>s. Of’U Fall anil Winter (iofxt# artr now here, and rea«ly A.r 3idc. Our stoek of l>IC V »K>I>.*» is large ami butter than any former season: II A 16 WWA KK V i.t hanl «o ecjntl, Cii’BSOf 'l''B5 11'^.—Our »tock !»■ large, eqinil if not superior to any fornu'r year. .ill of svhiciv we woulil he llad to exchange for al- .irs r liix i:i v i'.i). S.\CKS LlVFin-ouL salt. lOIIO liiishels .Mum ditto, ill bag.s. oO hhds. sxveet M"Ias.'e>, i o'i bhl'. Citx .Mes> I’oi'k. HO •• large size .No. M.'iekorel, 111 Indf bills. No. L* do, L’O bl)!.'. fre>h caught Mullets. .■)0 I'oxes Pried ILrrin;:. 10:i bills. I’lalitilig vV eating I’at.'it'ics. lo hlids. siijierior l’.ac”!i. 1>. .V W. .MeLAl IllN. Fayetteville, Nov. 'J'J. IS.'i'J. 4.'itf Ri ci iml on ( '()f/si^/iui( /it. 4N I> fi r s lie cheap, -lO bbls. W lll.''l\F\ , JNo. 1>. WILLIAMS. May t. sstf SMAl.i. ,\Ni) I'AIJ.: i'omv Oiti\ t'ome .1//, Anil ifil i/nK a (itut flnif iri// inrrif a Hull! rg^in; suliscrilier h.is noxv on hand, and xxiil.'«(’ll clie.ap ■_ fiirca'Ii. his l.iree and xxell a"orU'd .'^tm k of sin gle and double barrel .SHOT (M N.''. of the best make, and l.itest jiattx-rns. .\lso, Colt's Fatcnt lle]ieating Fis- tols, aii'l .Ulen’s Revolvers; Shot 1‘oiulii's; (i.uiie l'*ags; I’oxvder Flasks; 1’x‘ri-ussioii t'aps; \c.. \e. i:itles of all kinds con>‘t.'intly on hand, and m;iiiufac- tiired to order, .-iiid warraiUx'd to shoot from lOO to oim \ al'ii .-i. 1‘crs'iiis xvishing to ]iundiase any of the above-named article', xvill ilo xxell to giv«' me a tri.il. and they may tie sure to tind the greatest |!:irg.'ii:!>* e'.cr ottered in this tow 11. F.(']i.'iiring of every thin:: in the ;tiin-'milh line will be il'iiie at short notice, in the lie.'t ni.iniier. .'iiid for a small charge. .M. A. I!.\KFK, .''ign of the Wooib-n (Inn. H:iy Street, opposite the \Lirl>le Yard, I'ayi'ttexillv, .\u:rust 111. IS.'iL’. 17-lf >i:\\ A.M) (’III'.AI* (.001 )S. f.\ M iioxv reodving my usual assortment of F.\LL (iOOD.S. all of which has b*-eii piiridiasn^l for Cash, by the paidiage, which xvill enable me to sell at uiicom- inoiily low prices. In addition to my usual stoek. 1 have j)in'cha“ed l.-irge lot o" lleady-made Clothing, xxhieh x'aii lie ?oKl at very loxv jirice.H. t'onntry niendiaiit.*! arrd others .are invited foexam ine the above stock, as it is tine of the largx’Ht ever efl'ered in this State. J.V.MFS KVLF. Sept. ;:i». is.')-j. >un’ .flJST RKCKIVi:!), ~ Ilbhs. New No 1 large .Mullets*, li Casks New IFir^. _A LSO— 1 Case fine city-niade ligfit lioots. 1 “ “ waterproof do. 25 “ SIkk**, mtmy kirxls—sonic fine. —.%Lk^O — Fine Dres.s artd Over fonts: Pants and Vest."?. All c*f xvbivli will W aolfl f*« reasonable terms, hy THOS. J. JOHNS^)*??, Near the 15ank of ('ape Jear, ]r'ajcttc.vill«. Due- tifi, .11 sr inx’Kivi:!). I»0/,FN half bright Steel IMlF.'s. ■JO •• poli.'lied •• •• e.xtra. lo •• ('oliins' \ .Simmons'Turpentine .Vse."!. lo •• heavy Tin>l>i’r “ For sah' by THOS. J. JOHNSON, Near the Hank of Cape Fear. Jan'v ."i. l'S^-*i2. -iiitf NO'i'ic'i:. LL persons in.lebted to M. N. LF.Mn . jireviou'* to the fiirniatioii of the copartnership of NI. N. Leary .X Soli, are reiiiu’sted to call and in.'ike immediate set tlement. M. N. LF.\[l\. .lan'v o. IS.'i:;. .'di-i’.m A ('ithinrt I'urfiltitrr, ('/ntir.s, i^'C. rB'^IlK siiliFcriber i.s leceiving the Largest assx>rtni»'li* JL in his line ever before purchaseil at the Nofth,' which, together with his own manufacture, fn.ihes iiis’ Stock vefy complete, eonsistifig of (’liairsj Talile.s, i^ol’as. Bedsteads, AViisli iStaiids^ ))nie;»us, Ijookitig (Hasses, Sixlc Hoards, Sorftdai it's, .\11 of which will be sold on the loxvest terms foi Cash/ or on short time to punctual cu'stomers. J"!!N W. r.AKFU. Oct. :)0. . 1 *J,( K)0 ar/7 .V (o/‘ i/iorr) 'I'urjH nti/it Ld/td (U)(i Mills for siilr. W N jiiirsiiaiice of a Hecree of »he Court of Fijfiity for is the eoiiiity of .''ainj.roii. F‘!ll Term L''->1-’, xxill lie soM ,it .\itetion. on .Monday L’lst Felirnary next, at 1 X'clock 1’ M.. at the Court House in Clinton, upon one an ! txxo ye.'irs credit, xvith interest after one year, one | Mj,,le by competent and faithful workmen px-i cent. ' ' ' ‘ ... - L.V N US AND .Mil 'rii(' Suhscribrr still coi»^ tinues to carry on the ('.\IIINLT I’lLSl ' NFSS in Faxetteville, and ift .'iddition te' his Fstabiishmeiit on I!oxv .Stix-et. near Fccles's F.ridge. has ojieiied » large W.VltF/ I’lOOM oil Ila.r street. Clearly oj>po?l{c the I ayettevillc Hotri, a.'id oile door Fast of Messrs. llaigh \ Son's,* where a general assortment of FLIRMTUllI'.. ii;av he h‘Af f tiie ].iirx h;isc money to be ]>aid in cixsh. the | prices corresponding with the time*. Also, an as- ILL.S of the late (ieorge T. Uarksdale, ] «orti»ent of Not^Wurn-made FFllMTI It K. selected by rly a.s the .Mallett Mills, and the adjoining ; J/tinsotf, w hich will be .‘sold at a very moderate advance' in .'','ini|isoii anil liladeii counties. Sxdd in | 1)LN('.\N .McNLlLL. Nov. 10. HK keei>« h«»id .i»i )>.“?(ortment of Fi"k’:« fe.I MFTALLIC F.FKI.VL ('ASFS, which haxV kiioxvn I'orme L.'inds. l.ving in .''.imi parcels ot' ‘JIMI and upwaf to i'll 1(1 acres or more, to uit purchasers. Ihiiids and approved sureties required. r, .MlnrHV, t'. M. K. Ucc. 117. l.s.'rj. o7»ts (.'tinilx rhtnd Si(//(rior ('oiirt of fjoir. VSl’FCl.M, TFllM of Cunilierland Superior Court id' L.'iw. for the trial of Civil c.aiises, xvill be held xiii the seeoii'l Mond:iy in Ftdiruary IS.'i'J, Suitors and Witnesses are herebv not«lied thereof, and will jfovern | tlieiii.'elves accordintrly. Nov. H'.J. IS.VJ. \K O. y, .\K. c.Vr?4. 47eoxvtC to CKiAliS! C'KiAKS! CKiAltS! 'ilMIO La .losetiiia (lift I’egaiia. l^wKI l!egali:i?^. ililill La Fniou Principe.'*, UllUil .\nibrosi.a. ’lOOO.Ix'iinv Lindf i^'Hio |»e>i I* rankl??^, l^otio N(iri'ga. iodo N'eptuno, :J(MIO V(d''Hitero, litarti ,^lo»ej‘ita. ‘•II VS. P.ANKS. of.tf • iKiMl Plantation, ;;aoo Panetelas. ollllO ('om|iiesta. ;{IKIII La Celebrad.a, For sale l>7 Oct. 11(1, 1S.‘)1!. i)\v i'jjjNc; ''llK Sr*l*»jriln'» norsi: for sam:. ri'^HK Sr*)*»jriln'» wi'ftie* fo Ner l>W K!.LlN(i I lloF.SI',, w ith i+l'Kiut 7 acres of Land, on Haymount, afioiit half a mile west of Fayetteville. The House is l! ptorie*. with 4 laige and l! small rooms: witli all con venient Outhouses. Persons desirous of purchasing, will )llea«^c a^>^>^y '■'xion. II. P. L.\1N. Fnyettrvdle, N»-». I. 4t>tf rccdvcii^ ^tcr Steanicr F(inny Keri»oyi», .leans and Blankets, Ba.*kets and Tubs, assorted, Howland’s Mill-Saws, Awvils, Bellows and Vises, Kegs Niiils, frlass, 8 X 10 .*%nd 10 x 12, White Lend, linst*ed Oil. , BENBOW, KfL* & (!'0. i5cj.tr 1:7, 185::,- been highly rex-ommended by Willie P. .Mangntn. Henry Chiv iTexxis Cass. W'm. K. King, and many other il-; Instrioii.'* (diaracters, who have examine.I and v,it;icssed theii utility. ■ II(tt.s! Hats! i'ajt.s! ( '(i/fs! Jioofs Sf/tocs! I lLI, \S\i \\\\m\ STOIK, 1852. .Subscriber has received one of the largewt as- B. sortnients in his line that he has ever otl'ereil in' this market; to which he would call the attention of his friends :uni the public i»J general. Among his stock may : b»' fonJtd wrarly every style and •mality that can be found in this market. He xvould say to till tlioSi’ Ica'ii'ing goods in his line to give him ii c.dl, as he is deteinimed to sell loxv for Cash, or on time to puiix-tual ••iistoniers,- whoh'sale or retail. .ioHN C. THOMSON. Old Stand, South-West (.'orner Market .^iiuaix*.' Sept. Uo. IS.VJ. :^‘.’tf ^Tiii- rKi^Ki5iMn:i) 3i rh imM COOKIiXti! STOVF., B ? for ,»(1» f>y t>ip Subscriber in Ilaleigh and Fayette-- arr*f F.ivetteville at Mr. A. .M. ('ampbelFs. The Subscriber hereby forewarns all persons from' purchasing anv of these Shoves IVoni any person either i-n or out of North Carolina. x>:SC?^t iVom himself or his duly authorized Agents. He has pur'chased the exclu- j ‘•ive right to vend this Stove within the State, and will- : j»rcs'**cute any jierson infringing his right, either by pur- [ chasing, .selling, or using, any exdept tlmse obtanied^ from himself. JO.'^KPH WOLTFKlN(j. tiStf Raleigh, ,\pril 19, almanacs. F'cinners’ aiui l*hintci*3* Al.TufiiittC' and Turner’s N*. €. Al-*iaHac, for 185?. .7nst receive;*-^ K. J. HALIC SON. Sept. 1-3