ork It'S, an.i t le '■•f; ^el- :: ' -ant Tl u (yohk. - ■ K iMi |l’l(l,i;s' ( *'lrin 4!./ itb 1“ ' [i ‘ ' lr\ ■ r ' VUY m> i: ■I: in- U v:t ♦ ll - U,i; ;»P. U'- ’y. :ind U, ’ J 'V.; h' • • V V t’ li Vi \s A I K. \ to 1 •ll. >.T' r« •on. til. II '( i»> hp of ni. nt ■ H T Cl itii ‘t. 11 of V* I'. lll- ■rely \ !' irn I V i> r. yut I' ,iv«r |. r I 5, ?*ir‘ iiif ll' ihiii''" Mill' lUl*-" nei 't sM* - ,M l-li .1 ■ Mrx. " ofth* >rA in ii»n* Kl> Mf ' V> OM H tIM- •olM \il» * ..♦r \T«. r* .'^jLBU'.u'nraemm \0L. ll-J \ A\j/rTi:viij.K, N JAM AUY 25. [NO. 1G2.J nAUMAN’S HOTi:r>, l.lUNTKP HV J. 1{. NKWHY. pnVAlii) J. HALK & SOX, Kl'lTt'llS AND I’KOl’HlKTOUS. jl f Semi " OniSKllVKH $4 IX) if jm'n.! Iti "fii .‘)0 if iitxid (Juriiis tin* vrnr of fub;*i-rir- ,r s,‘> .i;'tor tUo vcar has expircl. \\ -,'klv :>i!'ruvKK 00 ppr anninn, if pniil in sj .'i: il'p;ii«l during tlic venr nf suliscrij)- >?•' '*■> nt’tor tlir _vt*ur Iras ii'sortod for sixty ooiits per ^ 1.; lines f'>r the tiri't, :»iu1 thirtv cent.* for rnch ;nr>' H 1 ■ Pr Yeinly a^lvovfisomrnts >iy sj>i‘- ;it roasi)n:(l)U* rates. A'lvcrtixers arc (1 t' st.ito the number of inseviions des\rt‘i\. or : In- i-.intiiHH'.l till forbi-l. and oliargi*d aociird- I.ottors to the K litorsmust be post-paid. j{ \(;s. K \(iS, K \(iS. ’K 5'i!^ il'ocivt' KAl'iS f«.r J. F. .Ionian ('o . K.i1'"c!i. and want ;!00,utX) j>ouniIs .at tiie liijrh- -'.it I'lH'v. f.T cash, r tfii Vnrii and U rapjiinj: I'npcr. a Inrfjr l>.t, on L-i at innrnif^'-turors' pi icos. IJKA.NSitN A: .lOilNSoN, i II w iSul’vi'ssor* to 11. r>raii3*ju i .''.in, *’Otf iiusil POi'A'rOKS. V'l I j iliv I’lantiiis: .nnd Mercer l’(»T.VT(*?'.S, F vr sale bv nUAN.^ON Jt JOIIN.'^ON. Successors to 11. r>r.in»'n \ .''».n. ., ’• ]■ ■ 0"tf i ;)i’\in'.NKivSim* Noric i:. |riv:r ' rMTit)ors have this day fornicii a oopartnor- II •,; !•. ii:i l>*r the style «nd n.Tnie of J.\S. SNin’li !r the ]n\rin.so of trnnsat’tin;; a liener.-il .\pen- Otlicf r>r'*\viri j>ui!lin-/>. H ilminjrton, N. .Mll.iiS CO.'iTlN. J.\.Mi;.' C. .‘i\!ITII. ! ■ 1 I'lO-1 tn PAIN’I'S AM) Oll.S. 'ri> 11] I., White Lea 1. u ' 111. Window (ila'-s, Kire ]'ro)t I’aint, t Oil, Varnish. iiri'. Venetian Red. Litharge, lied I.ead. I'ln- u Sienna. I'llue. VermilUnn. l.:iinp lllack. . Ver li.^ri^. i hronie ireeti. I’.iris ireen. w. S.in l I’aper, I’fiint l?ruslu-5. Varniiih \\i:itpwa*h IJrusho!*. Whitin::. ^cc. !..w by y. j. lil.NSDALK. 7. 1''•>•!. OU-’Jin KKMOVAL. T'''I\IlN(;.'s 5: ro. take occ.'v.*i«in to iiif..rni t'.ioir fr i. i' tliat thev have remox-mI t' the NF.\N .\N1> >TiIlK. .No! 74 .\«>KT» ;Jd MHKKT. al..,ve ''./’////..1/>/■'///’///.I. itninediateiy adjoining: r.iust .V \Vinebrenner’.s Hardware llon»f, . .^^.siiijr prenter .•idvnntago? for trade, tliey * I .rased to see their former etistomers. »tre now recei\in". for the Sprin" Trade, a Inrpe -^t K-k of ’ Vv, Ifnishrs, Jloslrrtj and (ilovrs. And ft penernl .a«.s^'rtment nf "wz anil-rirmian and French Fancy Hood^. -'^h they invite special attention, «' lii-ited and promptly executed, i’lpiiia, .):in'y ]2, 1^•'|:). 00 '.'tpd IN'; li Trn IV - Y K'-r nis^oiA* riox. rjn !1K t'ojinrtnei-^hi], lu-r.-frir-rc i-xi«tinr betwci-n Wm. N\..lone.-> and linnciui 1!. Ni.hnlson i;- thi- .laV • li.sso.ved by nuitnal c.nsei.t, .And all j.ersons indebted to the lute tirm of .U>M'.S \ ».\. either l>v -Note or .\.c..nnt, are re.-pi it fully notified t.. rail at th- old .vtan.i uud “vttle In-b.ie tl'.e l.'.ili of I', briiafv next, or they will certainly find tiieir jiaj.ers in t!,,- hands of an »*i t»r *'L»lb‘.*tlon. All ha^l better et*Mi‘* and t!e, and jav«.- erst. W. \v, JOM'.s, ll. H. .NICMOL.SOX. •lany 14, IS.',.;. r,(l--Jtp,l m:\v vnov molassks. ?ale by r.ll.VNS(‘N X .lOll.NSON. •lan'y M, is'.'J, c.uif (*aicob:a SA.M’L .1. HINSDAI.K. AS Just received his supply of Kl'K^H ,\Nl> tiK.Nl INK ti.VlvUL.N —growth of 1>’’)2. AS1’,\ K.\(i( S. 1U;.\NS—l;a^l^ rhina. Karly \ alentine. r.arly .Nhdiawk. l.arge IJinn. —I'.ariv I’lloiid Turnip. \\ iiite .‘'ujr.ir. I'arly t1.it r>a>',ino. I.on;^ r>l'od Kel. t orn. Snjiar ur Sweet, ( .\1’>n.VjK—Karly V(irk, r.arly Sn'/\'- Knrly flat iSattersea. I-.u-^e Kiencli Ox-heari. I.arire ^ i.rk, l.ar;ie F.n'jH^Ii I'nmi lle;id. Fine llruniliead .''avov. t .VI 1.1 Fl.( )\\ F 1{—l!arly l.otiJon. f ,V 11 Ku r— l,on^' (iraiiu*'. l',:ir!y Horn. rF.l.F.llA N\hite Soli.l. ( I 1 L .MllFU — Farly Kiiisian. F.arly Clustrr, l.‘>n>|i.n Loi;i: (ireell. hi(i ri.ANl’—l.ai'^e I’urple. I.hi 1 I ( 1'.—liuyal ( ali'iape. I.:ir;^e ireon K c IK ad. I.-e ,M Fl.i i.\ 1‘iiie .\pple, .N utin''ir. \\ Iter. >Nli)N—\\ itliersfu'M l.irse Kf), \ eM"w .''i!\ er .'•kiii. VAi:>l,rV I'...:b’e (•.u^ 1. r.Vli.''N 11’—L"tir Sni-H'tii. IM.l’l’KU l.ar-e r>ull N'.'.e. .''wi ct .Mi'iMit.-iin. I’l’^1^K1N I'i.ii:p-ctii-ut Field. U,\1*1S11 — F iriy 1,' tijr .''car!et. Fnrl\ .'■carlet Tiil' dp, \\ hite Turnip, lii.ick Fall .''paiil'h. .\Sll I,ari\ V*‘i!iiw I'.tisii. TUM VTO- l.ar-e He I. I'ear Sh:iped. Tl 1!.N 11*—K.-irly Sprini. I’ur; le ti.p lluta liapn. l.arj;e l!iij;lisli W.rl'olk, — ALSO choiLe asvi.rtnient ..i' FL^^^ Fit SF!T>, F' r -ale t'V S. .T. IliN,'Ii.\Li;. .L-iii’v 1‘J, Jin !u:i)r(:i:i) fakk. 'i’iuiMnrli 'I'ii-licts bct\v(*oii Wilmington. N. mid lialti- li’.ore. tare^j'lo. Via Weldon, I’etersliurg. I’icliniond, \ Wash ington City, or via Weldon. I’orls nio'.illi !ind Nnrfolk. F'-.>- Tickets apply .at the Office of tli(‘ Wihninjrton and Unloigli • t.ail Ilo.-idt’onijiany at Wilming ton, or nt the Othce of the r.altiinore .''team l':icket t'ompany, .and of the I’.altiin.ire and Ohio IJail ]to;nl (’cmpiiny. I’v.ut Sired, I’altimore. .le.n. 1, IK,-.::. iioc Ki'i.sii .'^!ir,i;Ti.\(;,s, V the bale or halt bale, for sale bv ^ V. T. n.VKill .SON. .luU l:j. Ih.'i'J. Stf A Ni:\\ l.N\ K.N'I IOX. nndei-~ij;ned inadt> all invention >f a .Smut B M -ivhine. v. hi. li he wM) in'Ure to be prrfect in the 0\tl‘jic‘icpti of siiu!» in v heat. rind wishes to ilit'orin Mill (Iwiiers tiial he is ptutltig np !iiachiiie at I ninn Facto- j tory. oi: Deep Kiver. eight miles .North ol',\-iiboroiigh. j M_\ tnachiues are compesed of three distinct princi- j I'les, celiti ifuga’. scowi ring and reaction. It t,ikes tlie I wlie,it tbroiigii three operation.s in going through the I ni.'iciiine once. j ,\!iy 1‘ersons buying a niacliine, .after tryiii'^ it. if it I dn-.-s iioi c’enn T^lu•nt. damp or dry, I will take it back. : I’ri'M. Sevcnt\-fi\e |>'!!;us, ‘ All lriter« addre^^ed to New Sn'tem Post Office. : dolph .oiintv. 1*. 1>. FKlOKM.XN. ; Oct. 1-. ;;n wi nii \\\) wwm (iiioiis. ^rr I'.ave received in i>art, ami are now receiving I large .aiiil geiier.il assortment ot ST.M’LK and 1 .\Nl ^ IMO cunsi.sting in part as tollu\v>; Sn;--r r.!.u'k. llrown. (il-cen and F.lue Clotlis: Siip’r l.l.n'k I*' C-'k'.ii t.aiicy (’:i,'>ii!ters; S.Ik pl'ish nn*I \eSet ^ •■'tMig''. 1 s"iiie vi T\ till': ULick. w hi;>- and coli.re l ir Mi't'iin .Satiii an I l!ncli.'«Ii Sdk \ e*lings: I ine t'ruvats; • ol!,;r.--; Ac. Ladie.' Ibevx (mi.hIs Iii;i\ lie f.iund — • ' i'lliiiM'. and lilaci.. figili id .and watered . !e 'i'. ; pi.ain and (K-ored do ; rich white I'll V.iiit.' .‘Vitill i:> relo'e. ,Vc,: 1‘litlted I ari' ).rinted it >b->: lln-.'li'h. French aud .\merici',n priiite l I»inall figured and higlilv V- ci'cd i:e!,i !iv . ii;,.!!', 1 ; Fn;;ii«li .itrl Flenidi .\leri- 11".'; i.i\3'iri'd (i :.r»- T- \ i. t.iii:iaiil Tartan 1".. •iicrT !; r.r; 11'.: o. 1 d.. : p^ ni I ashmen 1’: .; : : col H.'iiil'.i/iiit ( ■ itc.n : '11 i (• I .\'i'.ii a (' '.nrg'.11: 1 L.iiiia ('!otl:N: Fho U '■inn- extra fiiio;i |!!:(i'k .\lpacas, .silk and ; ( I’-red \'e'u;~ lor cliiidrcn: .Scutcii. \nieriiaii (i iiiL h.iiiis and prints; .S):,i«j>; "e>; II .'ier_\; ,''.:k. L.aiiib W.iol and ,\Ie- ,S')i!i:' ,iiid lirawii': a handsotuc assortment ol Hib- '. Vringes. (i:mp riii'l Velvet Triminiiig'-: Swi>s. •I I,et. Stripe ! ,ii:.| riaid Muslills; .Sw is' and .laci’liet •.;.itg a»;d in-ertin^'-. Infants' F,ii;broidi-re.l W.iists, ■ I-all It ,ip-: Fiiiiih w..rk;-d 11 and kerchiefs, (,'oliars ,!:i i r nder'!eev> «; Ucal Thread Lace ai'.d Linen Ld.i- iiig: Ll -.le and t ’..ttoii do, With ;i I'lil! a-i' rtiiieni .''ll". ', I liibreli i-. I’.II.I' II,.f ealli:ii'! it' i, m. F:-. r;i. b,.; ,l.i. L.i il'> t K ill • r IVinnets. Hat* with iii.'iiiN i,:.v ■itri:eni , ('api", Hoot” I'thi r article loe oi tlie !nr t and lie t luei'. \e I. 1:1, Hie -•i; a rea- wc ha\e e^ er oi’crt-,! our friends and cus- le invite tliem a'i caii :i' ea:i\ ;i> ,'ii- uniiii- fi r a- aliv V .11 SI’ FF.V. hhd'. (new C1"I' ^ erv Alv an.i (iranulated Suc ns. •lan'v 1(1. 1 superior '.irdcii.is AI.';,is'c> I. .St, 'rin.\, Kctiiied, I'ni'hei ■'uit.iV'le f. r faiiiih u-e. *1’. e\,uiiiiii- [' r 'heni'c!\ev. « .■ expect t., itin r hoii...- ill the trade. F.,'.'t corner Market .Sijnare. and No. 1 (ireen Street, Fa.\. :t. vi le. C, .\Lt,.\ It Joll.NStiN CO. .''(■I'teiiiber r.', l.S.'il?, 'J7tf U ('ward. \i,L pkuso.ns i.M)i:irn:i) 1 : • ,1'iiii'lersigned, »« Kxeeutor of the last Will 1 Ti>tameiit of l>r. \\’illiani Andres, dei '.l, in Mpportiinity of p.-iying at February Term .iinty I ourt. Siii'li. however, as jTeter it. •• ». -tel upon lit their own r«-sid*-nces. im'ikim- tT' : i'.,i iiT, by an iudiviilual full;, inipowered th'-ni. to whom it i* expected they will ■ M fo'.iipi.n5ation for hi* trouble ns i« reas.,na :'-i«;ai, K. K. TItoV. lix'r. 1Oi'-;.’t ll'iil li xid to (hr ('odl Fields, i ‘.ling of the l>o.irl of f'omini.ssioners np- r \ct ,,{■ tlie late leneral .\ssem- ir .!ina, iiK’orporating the •• f .stei n Kail ■ ',■ •1' -ietei mined that bo'd;s of «ubseription ' ' iipaiiy should be opened at the T-.wn ILiIi .. 'I F ••ttevjilc, at •> o’clock, 1’. M .. of U ed- ■ > L’1 da’, >f Febru.iry next. .\t which time u i .>1. w ho may feel interested in the con- : f:..-- Ill 'St iiiiportaiit work are iinited to at- ■’ >,p expected from several of our lead- "pen*‘d nt other point.s as soon an ar- I'e made for that {>urpoe. D. McUAL, " V I h'n IJoard (’onimi.-.sioner«. [«iiiTi!i;!;x. &r. ■ "i i next iiiiiiith i.-, eonsiilered b\ m.any to be t nie to set out Fruit Tree.s, Kvergreens. ' Kasjiherries. (Jrapt* Vines, Figs. and oit. ;:>-[ii.r;illy; ail yf which 1 have u large and ('(>r.\ rv ( A LL ] i-rs' i's l;a\;t'i: c!.'ims iiraiii.-1 ti;o .Mity are - » reijuestvl to pri s’ iit them t ' .'ohn \IcL.ioriii. Clerk of the '0111,ty Court, f 'rtliw itli. 'I ho-e iieL'le. t- ing t'l ilo so prc'iou..! to lin- 1st i,i;. of Febin.aiy. will I'iso the o]ip.irtui:it_\ of having then ac. omit- p:,,"e 1. .N'.tice i.s .a's'i given to a’l C ,uiit_\ Ofljcei ' l ecti'erj ot public ni'Miics- td h.ivc thei'" ,-eveial aec.uiit' r> ;i,l\ to :a\ before tiie "’oiiiliiitt-e of Fiii.ince .m i iics ia_v tile l.'t !.i\ ^ f Fe' rnar-. n*'\t. as re ; ,ir.-d bv law liLMINii, V\ \l, McMILL \N. .1 \s. \\, .-^Tu \\;i:. C'.ianiittee of Filiaiict‘. Fa’, flicv i’le, .lan'v I'J. Is.':’, o',' tlF the sill s’-ribt-r. on Moielay the a .Ni ;:ro ni,iii iiaiMcii I’lLN. lie hes lil;jh. ai: l wei^iis iiboiit l‘.'(t oner, and l.e sometimes keep- it E B A V ,VY ft"ii l-’.ili o.,-t' i.vr i« It .'1 feet IM ii p 'lii.'i'i; Ills hair i.s tii"l lip in str;!-.'.rv; j,-is very I.irge he;i'l. large eyr', and ;roo i teeth, lie c.in re,i'i a:i'i v. l it", and po-isibly may V i’fe hiiii'ol! a pa"-. Hi- a^e I'.*. I v'ill give the ab'.vc rewaril l',r the apprelo'D'ion aii'l 'o ’: i-i v to i!ie. or to .-iiiy .lailei’ in this .'•^t:ite -.i that I c.ili l'!iu again. o| the above boy. I wi'il .-ivf :iTi a'llirioiii' rewar'l snliii-leiit t;i c''>!ivict any wliit li.il 1 ilr,i '•;iid biiv. ot N-JMI f..! person or ]'crs ai!U.-,'Il ' N c A. •'II lIAllltI.soN, , 1 -I'.tr I'oi: ,sAi.i:. Tlioni:istown Llinr, llydr.aulic ( emeiit, ( .ijcined lM:ister. and r;,i.steriii'.: Hair, -Vpl’lv t'l i;LV!;iti.v .lan'v in. IS.-,.;. 1:0s:: K. r-u: K\v f' iis }i:ive b>*en growing with n»e for the I ' 111 be t ikeii up wit)i tiie earth about the . ■ ' t" ;itiV 'listaiice with a certainty of living 'I .’rovk th, Order! will receive ]irompt ' C. I.l T'lKKLOH. ’• -'If* : up],lied to poiit jiuid applicunt.s. (10 'Jt Hl’Al) QrAltTKKS, \ liid N. C\ Militia. (y .J.111’3 4tll, lS.')o. r aii'i I'rivates >if the 4-"d liegiment of '■'ll C.ari.ljt,;, .Militia will attend at the ' l>" 'iin'l, Cros.s I'oads.) ’n S;»tiir«lay tho * ' '• I'Urpose of electing a (,'ol. (’oni’d t. o" y ijceaBii'iied bv the resignation of Col. .i'aMK.S C’. UAVIS, Lieut, (’ol. Com’d'g. •II I'V 1)01.1.AKS^ pai l f,,r the a[iprehen»ion of the thief ' h'liii my plantation on Thur.sday .■•'ling cliesnut sorrel .Mare, S.nidle and 'I- toiir voar^ old last spring, about I’lA '■ ”'te iii:irk:^, exi-ept perhaps on one of li.'i- u *(;ar on her back from u hui't ■ - lightly iniirktMl witli the gear. A ‘*■'1 "i'll i,e paid for lier recovery. C. SHANNON. ' I, I.''.-,;',. OXSKiNMKNT, '‘‘•w Lard, of excellent ijualitv. IL KOSK. 5ytf M:\v »i01> MOLASSKS, I' ‘I'lality, just received and for (wile l>y 1‘KTKR r. JOHNSON. G'.M s'l'oij M have Cfininiodions brick ^V.•^re!lon•■ev in the re.ir of our .''tore, in which we store f' ttoi; niid other produce. lb V ^\. .^IcL.\I iilN, , Nov. 1. ::T-tf li \\A. 1oNTl.N’rF to r,-',rry on t!ie I'Ol'.MiIt^ I’.F.s j \ F.s.;. ,/ with ul! its branches, in this }ilace. '{'be\ have added, within the l.-i.'t sii months, .^lOUO worth ol' I’at- terns. :ind ai'e i.ovv prepare.l to furnish Millwrights with .Machinery, at short notice, for \\ heat. Corn, firist, :ind .Saw .Mills. .Steam .Mills repaired throiighont. Our terms .are cn.sh on delivery; Id per cent, will be added for every .‘iO dav.s an account ma_v st;iii.i unpaid. We I'annot c.'irry on thi.s biisine.ss on the credi' .'^v.steni. neither ilo we intend doing so, HAI.L I5oLLIN(iFn. .August li, iStf UAIUJAINS! liAlUJAlNS!! IN niv recent visit to N*vv \'ork m.v principal fibject was to get ■workmen and inaterial for the purpose of ni.-iiiufac- tnring Silk Hat*:, .\fter getting there, and finding it diflieult to get first rate w’orknK'n to come South. 1 gave up the pn spect of pro curing anv, con,sefiuently pundia.-ied a l;irge stock of SILK*'ll.\TS. After making my punhase, 1 engaged u g*Mitleman as princip.al workman, who cyiiM' widl le- commended. He learned his trade in Furope: :nid f'lr the last seven years h' has been emjdoyed ir a large nianufnctiiring esfaldishnient in th'eit.v of New \ork, 1 then procurel fashioiniUle bloi'ks and materials, and Hin now fairly at work Manufacturing Ninety Hats per month, ,\nd will iiiive sonie of them ready for sale by the llOth in.«t. In order that I may not be overstocked. 1 oti'er f.ir .«ale, .\T ('O.ST, niy late purchase of Nos. 1st, 'Jd. I and od ijuality F.\S H lON A I’.LF %l§ol€skln 1^9 IT S. i Meri hantH ni.iv .save money by jinrchasing of me. If j yon j.urehase in New York, it is often 11 month before tiicin. ! ■ 1 shall in a short time be aide to furnish merchants i with Hats of .M V OWN M ANF F.VTTF I!K. at N. Vork I prices, to-wit: .No. 1 at •'j'42, No. 'J at •'?•!(), and No. •! I at ]>er dozen. ! I titke this oj«f>or>niiity of returning ni\’ tliank.s to tny I former euMtomer.s. and invite them and other well dis- j poKed patriotic gentlemen, that are in favor d SLP- I'OIITINO .soFTHLP.N MANUFArTVUKS, The Mtliseriiier I'.aving tnkcii the larL'o T|ii _;j Motel, I'orinerly known as the l’L,\NTFl’.s' I'.L, situated at the foot of Hay Mount, I Lay .Street. !• ayotti'ville. North t'arolina, res|»ectfully inforiKs his friends and the ])Ubl!c that lie !,'» now enga.s^ed in refUtiu;; rhe biiildiiiir. which is .su}iplied with entii-e new Furnifiire. and i.« prepared to accommodate the tr.-ivclling |iulilic. Having had some experic'iice in the busiinss in the town of I'itt^- burongh. N. C.. he flattcr.s himself that In- will be •••ble to give .satisiaction to those who may fiivor him with their company. His roiiins are Inrge and airv. lie Int’gt' luid e’liivenieiit .Stahles, and a good and fililiiful (>.'tler. .lOlIN H.\HMAV. Feb\r 17. IH-'.-J. c.Cif H()'n:L. ^I^HL subsci'iber having piirchasvci the Hotel situated on the .''onih-I^'ist ctirner of Court House Stpiare. and Lately known as Stuart's Hotel, would inforiii the public that he is ni*w ready t > acconiiiiod.ite boar'ter.s bv the day, week or motith. Having inaih- consid> i:i- ble outlay in I'uriiishing and refitting the Fstablishnient, lie hopes to be .•;b!c to give satisiaction to all who pa tronize him. Ill" Table r^hall be fiirni.''hed with the best the market ati'oiils. his liar \sith the l>est ot l,i- ■ pn rs, and his .'^table with a iilenty of good j.rovendcr and faithlhl (‘stlcrs. ■j. A. (ilL(’lilt 1ST. June U'l. IM.'i:;. ;;-tf y^lLL be gla'l to a few lioardt'r,-'. .''he a'so iiifornis her friends and the piildic that >he intends to carry on the bnsine,ss of .Alantna- ni;iking. Fa\ettveille. .S^pt. 1. lS.->-_*. ti^lf XlMMimViLL!-; !!i)T!;L. .■ 3 fH^III! under^igne'I vv.mM re'pi-ctfiilly inform ■ B the citi/ens of .Siiiiiiiicrv ille, the ' icinit v, all ! the public gcneruily. tli.it she lias opened a tiotfsf of where she will be ]ib';i'-e'l to iiccoiiiliioilate a'l vvhoniav call oil her, I lif \ illage i'; filea';int :in l l:i-;iilhtiil. her lioi!'!- lar^e coiniiioiliovis. .\o pail'S will be snnrcd to render agreeable .and coiiifoi table any w in, may lavor hei- w ith a e;i 11. .''■be i> a'-io prep.ircl t • accoinoiiate wi»h Hoard from l-> to I’ll St'.i Ifiits, price of IJi'ar'l - per ne nth, F, I’.,\ILF.V. Sum>iie; ■.'Me. N. .imu- ]::. 1.''.".l’. 1-if H.B IS ffP ll\g tl M:, *Vr. TIHIMIS k \o. IJiiltiiiiort' Si., riiillimorr. IM roHTF i;.'"' and 1 ie;i!ers in ! i oj: .''^’Kin>. Saddle 1're^s. Ll:glisli Heads and Iteins. Cirth Webs. .Stirrups. Haines, l;itis, ,S;c, .''prinirs. .-Vxlesof all kiioN. Cc.arli Lace. F.FNT FFLl.OLS, Hubs. Spoke.-. C.irriajje and Tire llolt'. I’atciit C:inv:i“«, ',,1 pet;!i:r, and every arti cle ciinnectc'! with cither branch of the bn'^im-.'-s. which thev are |'rep:ir> ,i to i.-lfer to |iui.' tu.il eii'tonier> on as j:ood terms as any o'.l'.er hou-ie in tin- Fnited States. .Vgents I'or the sale of Pope's Self-,\v)juating P\l).S and .Spencer's 1 Ui I'UFL.s. ][;-Tf" (»rder> promptly attcii'lc.I t". ,\ l'!i ‘‘^s Tiiin!\s >!\(’hi:\zii: \ No. !’>ahimore Street. r,'V] r. \i,i iMoitK. .11 r Ki:c'i:i\i:i). Cl l.r L t'T lii'tiller'i. W Hor'^e ati'I .Mule Ciilbirs. tine lot I'f Sa,ldlery. lleady-ma'Ie ('lotiiiii^. Foreign aii'l l'ome*.tic Li>|iiois, .M.sij, ;i inf ul Xiiftli Caruliiia r».\(’(tN, L. LI^LI'L, Person street. Nov. 1''^. l.".'.'J. Utf ('Alil’Krs A.Ni) i{f(;.s. ^ V1>S. .Super ;> Plv 'nr)iet'iig, .',u •* Fbxir oil Cloth 4-4. -An .'iSMol'tment of Hearth P.ngs, lately received. 1 W. TILLIN(ril.VST \ ('O. I Dec. 1S.-,L>. .VVlf I Wantrd to litre for Our Year. ! NFiUo ML.N to ■w'lirk oii (loats, for which 1 the highest j riees w-ll bn pri'd j JNO. 1). WlI.fd.VMS. I I'cc, 2T. 1S.*-J. -tf i ^IIF unilersigned wi-iiC.K to hire, for the next year, j ivveiity .Negro Mt n. to work at my |)l»>ti!lery, ami ! on the Pouts. High prices will be paid. T. S. LFTTKltLoU. I)‘'c. IS-')'.’, .'i.'itf .MI SIC NOTK'K. FUOl K.S.soll LO|;illt beg" leave to inform the La dies :ind (ientletnr-ti of Fayetteviile, that he has | lorated hiinB'.df permanently in this place, for the pur- | pose ol givisig lii.Structii ns on the i’iano and (iiiit;ir to the Ladies, and t>> the tientlemen on the Flute, A’iolin. i or any other instriinietit. j He ha.« in liis possession recominendntions from the j principal Colleges of this State, and would Vie happy to j exhibit them to t.ho^e who tnay think of engaging his .service.M. He can be found at the Fayetteville Hotel. Terms favorable. IP-Pianos Tuned and Repaired. Nee. L’?(, 1«.->J. tf ; S/itif/ii'ii/e .Male ami I'enialr Aradetnif, %7 lliL commence its fourth session, in the new » V building, I'ltii l'’ebrnnry, and chi'"’ itv ."icholas- j tic year Kith Hec. 1S.>1!. Organization and charges as j lieretofoi-e, Mr. Murphy excepteil, whose services, if I necessary, will be su]>plied by a competent .Assistant. ! For particular.^ address t!u“ jirincipal. •I.VMFS H. PKKNT, , Siiiithvi!lc. N. Dec. .”0. .'ircOm si:!:i) liYi: for .^am:. J. .V T. WADDILL. •L'ln'y 1. 18.-);;. -'I'ltf I’IA.nOS I'Oli SALi:. ^S'^HItl-’F ver\ zood sectind-han l Pianos fm-sale, ,\p- I vb to ■ ' l.-in'v 1, IS").';. L. H. WHITAKFU. .'>f'tf .H’sr \l!l’!'Mt.'' un'.l Putnams NLT.r:izines for .Tannarv F. J. HALF \ SON. ■ j Jan'y .T. 1'-i.l. MOW JJAIiKRY. ^H^IIL Sul"*,Tiber bus established n Unkerv on I’.ow .'•tieet. on the Lot two dooriv Hast of Duncan .\tcNrill s Cabinet .shop. He is prejiarcd to furni'h ' Families, lioat-i. and the put)lie generally, with P>read, ; liiscuit. and Cakes of various kinds, of the best ipiality, 1 !!• h*' has procured the services of one of the best . I’.akers in the.''fate. Prices reasonabU*. (iive tne a ealb ! ’( HAS P.ANKS. ' Fayefteville. I>ec. J.S, lS.'i2. o-'i-tf llA'FS, CAPS STRAW CiOODS. %\«0\ TAVK.OK. No. 160, Broadwayj New York, | Mantifiirliirrr mikI Commission Dpnlfr in linls. I’nps, .Mr:i\\ (ioo'.ls. liiitlfrs’ iSlork. Triinminfs. kr. VT.WLolf.S lm«x experience in these iiarticular • branriies of business, j.iined t'l his fncilities in tiie mannfactnring. enables him to offer inducements to ■ I'lirchascrs tliat cannot be h:id of thoK" who purdiaf-e ‘ tlieir jroii'Is .it second or third hands. His present stock j is e\teii,"«ive and well a'soi'te l for the country irade. | j ar.d will lie constantly added to bv fresh iin]iortation,"i, : \n*l from his own nv.inufietor .. Particiihir attention paid to oi'Iers bv mail. j .binuary 1. j DiA'FAL srR(;i:RV. Si^IL W, F, FDWAIJD.S ha« taken iMOW FIRM. '^1^1! K .Sul).*scrlber.s have ft>rnied a copurtner.ship un- .B- der the name and .st\lc of A: l50"U.ltlA • \i '1 nia.v be fouinl at the foot of Hav .Mount, in the' house fornu riy occupied by Hall .• .lohnson. They have received tiieir FALL AND WINTEK (lOOD.S. einisisting in p.-irt of ^'t:iple Ih-y {i(ioi|«, Ilai-ihvaro nml Cntlery, Boots? *.V: siiocs, Sulc Lcatlier, Hope, Twim*, A:ci ,\].s(i, a gt'FicraJ as.sorliueiit fif ( inx-eries. ;) clio'ce si'icction of Jiiijuor.Si ^Ve keep on hand spnli Varn. from the Deep Uiver M • t’o. at Faetorv )uii'es. We will t;ike in exch.-inge for' goods, country produce of any kiiel. N. A. STKDMAN. V.. T. HOHNK. Oet.J. IS.-,2^ 8-itf NKW (;OOI)S. raiHF undersigneil are now receiving their F.VL*^/ -i STOCK of fiTioS □:» Consisting of a full assortment of Ijiulios aiul (Di’o.ss (iiKid.s, ii lar^o' .siijiply i>f lleady-inadf Clotliiiir, ll.it.s, (’ajis and J}i»iiiiL‘t.>J, a largn Ji.ssori incnt of lJuot.s .-.titi iSiloo.'Sj Hardware, (Jroeerie.^, J)ni«rs and Medijinos, Saddlorv, ('rockiTy and Ulas.^ware, (inniiy and l)iindeo and Hope, Xai'.s, Iron, All*, if. ivc. We invite our friends and the public to call .‘ind nnuiie otir .Stock: it is I...VK(iF and will be sold on ac-" conunodating terms. J. T. COl.'NClL & C.\iNi .\ugust oO. iS.-)i'. L’ltf m sTOiii: iM) M-;w (iddiis. subscriber has taken th» .staml formerlv occu* _H- jiied by .Sam'l .L Hinsdale. .Siuthwer5t corner vif Market .Square and (iillcspic street, where lie lias open ' ed his N'j-iW .S'j’Ot'K (>F I'ftll aiitf I9*i»iter Hooflfi. His friends and the jmblie are reipiested to give hitn ti eail, a» he i» det‘'rjiiined to sell very low. S. .S. A UFA', Oct. IS.-,2. ;{4-r.m i). !b W. McLaiirin •vA’F. .iust received, in addilion to theiv furrnof .Stock— loo kejrs .NAILS, 10 hhds, .Sugar, I’O bills. (Iranulated ditto, • iO bags (’olfee, i»0 pieces Dundee Ihigging, 7 bale,*: (Innny Cloth, 4.'» coils Hope, f) ion:5'S'.\ edes atid I'.nglisli Iron. •'”>0 kegs pure and extra White Lend,- • lO boxes Window Cilass. 4f> bags Drop and Huek ."^hot, ~'i kegs FFFd Powder. _.\I„SO— l.oiif .ind Crushed Sugars, l?:ir ;ina Fancy Sonps, AL’ickerel, in barrels and hfilf-baJTelj!, Cheese, Spice, Pepjier, (iinger. Snnfl', Indigo, JfaddefV .Spanish IJrovvn, .Sglt.-s, Saltpetre, Saleratu.s. Nutnie.gs,- -Mace, Cloves, A east Powders, Sjiertii (,'andlep, &e.; vritll’ a general assortment of DRV (]OOD.S. HOOTS AND' SHOFS. HAP.DWAIU: and Cl'TLKHV. ^\ e offer the above (ioods at low price.s, for Ca.sh of goo.l paper. D. & W. MeLAl'PvIN. .Sept. L5. L''12. 2‘”)tf l',\Ll> A.M' Wf.N'I’Kfl .SIOCK OK S'FAIMJ: 1-,\.\('V DRV (iOODS, B'or I fll \A’F jii'^t rei-eived iny .sti>. k of .‘'T.M'I.l' AND FANC\ DKV (iOOHS, for the Fail and Wmter tra le. coi!'i''ing in ].;ii t a,- lollows: Ci .tl.', ('a'-iiiK res ;'.n'f \'e>tiii'^s; iilain, bl'k i:nd fig’d .''ilk'i t;ii:,-\ do: bl'k ao'l col 'l I leiu h .Metiiio.v; Fii^lish •I": bl'k ;'i;'I c> 1' I ,\lp:ic:i.'?: Fri'iich ati'l F.nglirh j'linled he’.V'li'. •‘■ IlK' I iiibn idi Ce l .ilel very h:iIidso|iie: ,, Me rino .s li 1 it s .'iii'l Dr.r.ver': Woo! .shawK: (’.'issiniere aii'i Crape do: I'lannel.-'; Wor.«teil t’ap'; lluniu-ts, ,Sack,-> and ^lllt^.■' !oi I'hildreii: Ni’gro |.Iaiik*'ts, and a tew goo'i bed I’.l.-ink' ts: Carjifts an l I!e:irtb Itug'; French aii'l .\mer- ic,iii Prints; 1 tin;^!iaiii': lileachd an>l brown Domestics: (lsuabiir_:s: Maibr" .of.d':; bl'k .'iiid col d 'otfon \ eivets: Velvet Trininiinu^: .Liciiiet and .'•wiss Muslin: Pisliop aii'l \ ictorv L.iwns: .l.ironet .iii'i .'^vv !ss IMgings ,ind In- M'l'ting': Linen Trimmings; Cotton and Lisle Ldgiiiixs; Infant'' W.ai'ts: Fiingis: (iiiiips: Picnic .Mitts: (iloves :>nd H' sierv : llibbons. lionnets. (iirl? Fl.its and Stiav\' Triminiii.;:; Daina''!; an ! ,Meriii.i, ,\lso. a "ooil assi.rtnient of Shm-s and I’oots. for La- dii's. (ieiit;> men. lloy ,'. lirls and ('hildren: together with m:inv other articles not enumerate I. nnl.ing my stock . oiiiplete; to which the attention of my friend.>) and the trading public generally is invited. (Ir.iteful for past lavors. 1 hope by offering goods at reasonable rates to coiiliiiue to sli.’iie :i portion >(' [lublic (i.itroiiage. North-U\st ('oriier .Market Sijuare. No, '1. (ireen st,, Fa'vetteville. N. •'. P. SHFMWFLL. i’, s. 1 keep eonst:iiitl v on hand :i goml assui iment ot .Salem C-i'.-'imere'- and Ker,--eys, Sept. -J.'.. ISVJ. ’-'‘.l-tf IInteld.iss's \ ertic(d \Vtter Wheel. fH^HFPK are sever.il hundred of these Wheels in ope- B ration in ditler«'nt countie.s in North ('arolina. I'or firoof o) their great .advantages over the common llutter wheel, or any other wln-ils now in use lor saw mills, we coiili'lently refer to those who have applied lliPiii to tiicir mills. We can reconiineiid tliem parlicularly fur tln'ir superiority in (.asen i.i a low head ot water, or back vv.iter. We sli’.l keep a siii>pl.v of Wheehs. suitable for differ ent heads of vsaier. at Wilmington. .NewU-lTi. Vvashing- t.in. Fdenion and Fayetteviile. The wheels may alai> be had ( f F. P.revard, Lincolnton. and L'riuli Wcll.s. Pete -sbnrg. \'a. Per.''o!is wishing to obt.iin the right to use the vlioels. will lie .served on ap[>lication to D. .Mc.Neill i.V Co., Fa\ ettevilh'. N. C. D. .McNFILL. A. McKFTHAN. D. .1. .MeALlSTFR. FeVy 2--*, 1H4;> __ _ RVK WlllSKKV. 1L\U1!FLS, a prime article, just received and for sale by WII.LKINOS i&^ (.0. —ALSO— :I0 bags prime I'K.VTHLUS. Sej.t. l'>, Ls--.:2. U)tf TALL AM) WINFKR (iOODsT ril Fall and Winter (ioofls are im>w here, aiwl ready for sale. Our stock of l>8(V is large room at Harman's Hole! where he ■ f LX'' may be found at any and all times of the • Im.v. and olfi-rs the most efficient and approved means of hi:' art to thecitizt'iis of Fayefteville and v'vitiity. .Ml opcr.itions warranted to give perfect satisfaction. Dei', •J7. iS.'it!. .')-'>-tf .irsr Ri:c'i:i\Ki). DO/FN half briirht Steel H(M-;S. o,, 10 •• 111 •• For sale bv .lan'v .‘5. IS'i-. polishe'l •• •• extra. • ’olliiis' .V .'iminons' 'i'lirjieiifine ,\ies. heavy Timber TIIOS. .L .lOllNSON. Ne.nr the Hank of Cajie I’ear. ■■>f.tf Li:\'riii:R rands. ^ B^ Hol;oI (i II l.\' .'tretchc.l. ci nieiited. aii'l rivete I, t The ;ib,ive P>;iniis are sold L'O percent. b'>s than NevT A ork matuifacturer*' [>r;ci s. C.isii will be rc- juircd in everv iiist.incFor s.ile bv ^V. 11, LCTIFItl.OH. F'.iyettev ille. Nov. 1''.'>’J. Itf Wilmington Her.iM cojiv one ni"iith. and ,-mm;i1 nc- •' M'Uiit to W. II, Liltterloh. .H s r Rix 1:1 \ i:i). .-\CKS LlVLIiPoiiL .s.\LT. liHMi bu>hels .\’nm ditto, in bag.'. • lo hhds. .iweet Mol;is»es. ■ '•1 bbls. (’ity .Me^» Pork. 1^0 lar'.:e si/e No. o .Mackerel. 10 half bbls. No. do. ■JO libls. fresli caught Mullet.--, .■)0 boxes Dried Herrin;'-, lOli bbl.. Pl.-iiitilig \ e:iting Patatocj;, ; 10 hh'Is, siijicrior Ihicon. D. \ W, ,McLAFi:iN. F;iyefteville, Nov. 1,’J. IS.'iL*. f-'itf I lireeirrd on i'onsii>)nnrnt. i A ND for sale chea]>, .’lO bbls, \\ HL‘'KF\ . .INO. D. VvlLLlAMS. May L I s.',2. .sstf | SMAIJ. AND FALL: f'OUIC OlH\ f'OitiV .1//, An'l f't i/ni( a (inn (hot vlU i tirn/ n Vmlll , f ■^HK subscriber has now on hand, and wii’. sell cheap 1 I. forc:ish. his large and well assorted .Stock of sin- | gle and double barrel SHO T tiCNS. of the best make. ; and bilei»t prtttern,'^. .\l.'*o, (’olt’s Patent Ke]>eating Pin- I tols. and .Vilen's Itevolvers: Shot Poncho: (iame liags: ! Powdi r Flasks: Percii.ssion Caps; \c.. \c. I’lifles of all kinds constantly on hand, and manufac- ( titred to order, and warranted to shoot from lOll Id .")(MI ; yanls. [ Persons wishing to iiurchase any of the above-n;imed I , ,1, arficbvs. will do well to give me a trial, and they mav ! " itnesse.s are hereby liotitied thereof, and will govern ('ahinet Furniture, (^'hinrs, rw'^HF, subscriber is receiving the largest as.sortnient JL in liis line ever before purchased at the North,- which, together with his iwii manufacture, makes his .Stock very cotuplete. consisting of Ciiairs, Tahle.'r, Sofa.s, 15fd?»tt'aJfs, atiii StaiTx].-!^ 15ure:ui>, lioukinj^ (Hasses, Ride IJoanls. Secri'tarios, i'cc. .\11 of which will be s.)ld on the lowest terms foi Ciisti/' or oil short time to jiunctiial I'l'.stomei.s. JOHN W. P.AKKR, Oct. ."0, ih:,]. S'W NO'FIC 1:. Vl.r. perroin imb'bteil to ,M. .N. LF.\1«A. previous to the formati.m of the vojiartnershij) of NI. N. Leary ,V .''on. arc renucsted to call ntid make inimedi.-ite set tlement. M. N. LF.\ll\. .Lmi'v l''^”i'I. .')ti-;’>iii 1‘.i.OOO r/r/7,s {or more) 'I'l/r/x/itijte La/td and Mills lor sale. fS ptil'MMtice of a Decree of the Court of Ki|uity for the county of .Sain|ison, I'all Term 1S->l!. wiil be sold at .\tiction. on .Monday lllst February next, at I i clot-k P M., at the t'ourt House in Clinton. up«m one ami two ye.irs credit, with ii;t> rest alter one year, one per cent, of tiie juircha)*!' money to be p«id in cash, the L,\NDS .AND MlLf.S (>t the late tleorge T. liark,|«dale. known formerly as the Mallett .Miils^. and tin- adjoining Lands, lying in Sampson and Hlailen counties. Sold in parcels of L’Od and upwards to I'lOO acres «ir inorr. to suit piii'clia.-^ers. lloiuls and approved sureties required. P. MrUPHV, AL K. Dec. ‘-’7. 1A.-it.^ ('uinherland Superior ('ourf of La jr. V.SIM'1CL\L TF.PiAl of Cnmber1:ind .Superior ('ourt of Law, for the trial of Civil cause?, will be held oil tlie second Monday in February 1S,">'J. Sniffil’fi and ■'iii'lVv'.' '‘oT.vroKs, ow, fi,r jihinting, for s:ilc by PKTKR P. JC INS(»N. 60tf t»give Me a ctJl on or after the 20th inst., as 1 expect to hare j (V,,'” fvirmer «v'son;^| AKD rcufty for exliibitton and Kale Hats of iny own manufac- . C'HTI.lilCV is hard to eciunl. ture that eanuot he stirpnswed in style and durability. ^ ‘ ,, . k • 1 !•>„* 1 be pleased to see every gentleman, in cot.n- , iKOCK« I .tocft 15 Inrge,, equal if not trv or tow K. and w ill tiilve plea.snre in exhibiting the sujierior to any former je.ar. #• fliitK and hliowing the different jiroeess tliev pns.s 1 .VU ol which we would e g af o exc lange * through from the lur on the skin until ready for the most any kind ot produce, £**r «.sh. or to pnnctu.d^ DAVID (JKK. tomers on tune LOOK, ^ T.A . LOK. Fayetteville, N. C, OcL 0, 18.02. SJU' 1 betlenibcc, 18u_. I be .lure t« find the greatest P.argaiiis ever ollereii in this town. lt p:iirii'.g of every thiii'j: in the gnn-smitli line will be done at short notice, in the best manner, and for :i small charge. .M. A. P.AKFIL .Sign of tiie Wooden (iiin, Hay .Street, opposite the Marble Yard. Fayettev ille. N. C. August 1 •'■. l'S.'i2. 17-tf SEW AM) C’HKAR (JOODS. Bam now receiving my n.sual as.sortment of F.\LL (iOOp.S^ ^l] ,,j- which has b'-en purchased for Cash, by the package, which will enable me to sell at uncom monly low prices. I In addition to my usual stock, I have ]iurchased a large lot o." P>e;idy-inn(^e (’lothing, which can be sold I at very low price.s. | Country merchants ami «)thersare invited toexam ine I the above stock, as it is one of the largest ever ofl'eret.1 1 in this State. .I.AMK.S KA'LF. Sept. ."iO, 18.')2. ;51tf ~ J li siMi iTc I: I \ 1: i), H lUils. New No 1 large Mullets, i "F '2 Ca.'sks New Uiee. —ALSO— ] Cawe fine city-rnade light Doots. 1 “ “ “ iraferprwvf d«. 25 “ Shoes, nifinv kinds—some fine. —ALSO— Fme Dross and Over f"i>j»f8; Pant.s !\nl Vests. All o( whick will be sold on reasonable terms, hv TIHW. 4. -lOHNSON, N(*ar the Dank of Cape Frar. FajeltoTille, Ucc- 24, themselves accorvlin^ily. l». MA(’ I:AF„ Clerk. I 7rn »v f ’ Nov. -J'.J, ISo'J. ( KiARS! ( K.ARS! ( K^ARS! .'lOOO La .losefiiia (iift Itcg.alia, 10M0 Itcgalias, .'(OUO I,a I'nion Prt»!~jf»«*«, 'JIMIO .Nmbro'in. .■>000 .lenny Litnl, - >00 P.en Franklin, ■')OOn Plantation, -"OO Norie.tra, :;ooo Panetelas, Neptuno, 30U0 Compicsta. Voluntero, :1000 La Celebrada, ’-OOO Morenita, For sale by CHAS. IL\NKS. Oct. -JO. IS'.-J. ' I)\\ I'LLIN» ItOl Sl*: FOR SALi:. ri'^HK .Subscriber wishes to sell her DWKLLING I HiU'.SF. with nWiut 7 acres (d' Land, on Hayniount. about half a mile west of fViyetteYille. The House is ■2 stories, with 4 large ;ind 2 small numis: with all con venient Outhouses. Persons desirous of pur;hasing, will please «fp[dy soon, 11. P. L.AIN. Fnytttevilie, Nov. 1. 40tf ^^’fust received^ per Stcatucr luiiimfi Kerseys, Jeans itwl Blankets, liaskets an»l Ttibs, assorted, llowbwid’s Mill-Saws, .\nv»fy, Hellows and Vises, To Kegs Nails, Glass, H X 10 and 10 x 12, IVhife /.e.*td, Linseed Oil. BENBOW, KVLE & CO. Sept. 27,18-Si ‘-iOU — Ci 'I'hc Sul)scril)cr si ill llnues to carry of) the CMll.SF’T P>IS1- N F.'^.s in Fayetteville, and in addition ty his Fstablishmeiit on Ilow Street, near Kccles’s liridire, has opened a large AIIK HOOM on Hay street, nearly opposite the I !iyett«*villo Hotel, and oiie door F,ast of Messrs. Haigh ,& Son’s^ where a gener:il assortment of FLlRiMTUniC. Made bv competent and faithful workmen, m.iy be ha(f at iM'ices corri*s])onding with the times. .\lso, an as-' .sortmeiit of Northern-m.ide Fl'KNlTI 11L, selected by himself which will be soM at a very m-.derate lulvanee • DCNCAN .McNFILL. Nov. 10. l.'^ol. HF keeps on h.-iml an assorfinent of Fisk's eelebra-' red .MFT.\LLD' P.ntlAL CASFS, which hn?c been highl.y recommended by Willie P. Mangum, Henrv I Clav, U'wi.s Cass, Wn.. li. King, and many other JK I lustrious characters, vvhv) have examinc'l and wituesseU i their utility. ! Hats! Hats! ('a»s! ( 'aps! Boots tSf Shoesf Fill. IMI Wl.M'HH STOI'K, M rH^HF. Subscriber has received one ot the largest as rJr ^H^HF. Subscriber has received one of the largest as- M. sortmeiits in his line th.-it he has ever offered in this market: to which he wonld call the attention of his friends ainl the public in general. .Among his stock may be fouinl nearly even- style ainl ipiality that can be fonml in this market. He would say to all tlu.se desiring Is in his line to give him a call, as he is determined to sell low lor Cash, or on time to ]>iji.etual eusti>n>ers,- at wholes:ile or retail. .lOHN C. 'iiI(>MSON. Old Stand, Soutli-AVest Corner Market Souare.- .Sept. lS-')2. TiiE rKLKinrnTfi* mlTTr vrt.M COOKIi\il STOVE, fS for sf.ilf by the SnV»fcrif»er in Ualeigh and bayctte-' ville; in Italeigh at his .'ln»p on I-ayetteville S^reet^- and in Fayetteville at Mr. .A. M. Lanipbell s. The SiiivKcriber hereby fuewams all persons from' purch.-isitig .'ny of the>»e Stoves from any jicrson either in or out of North Carolina, except from himself or hi.» duly authorized Agents. He has purcha.sed the »iv« right to vend this Stove within the State, and will jircsecute any person infringing his right, either by chasing, selling, or using, any exoept those obtaine» from himself. JOSKPH- AVOLTEKINfi. ■ Raleigh, .April 10, 18i>l. alman^vcs. The Farmcr.s’ and Planters’ Alinana^ and Turner’s N. C. Almamie, for 18o.^, Ju^t receive'f-' E, J. IfAiJfi' k bON.- Sept. 10.

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