ork, ''"'k YORK. l\\Ts ■■F- nn n i,ns' K*'»1K r" • iCc. o2.1y !>.. !lds visit. to -i'iM ' ' ■' 1'' iitUi. : - ^»>Cv of >iu-uv I 'II in. '■ '■".-ly. init * r. - r.;«. ■ V jrk, # . •. ,^ V > , HK, ' '! 'n. ■ tft ■ -‘T . wilitil ■ ■ r ,n tiiiie "k '-■ V >MUth- ;et i'rio. s. 47U r^r Sale. . ’ in ;l>f 1= - 'I' i> --i: iiii.L. - - - .. ■. ,-!;t !^i '•='r I« ir B. : r L- r:;, and , 'I '-IN. _i n; sM K. ! i.’ -,:i I Itf (iontI"- . n J ■ I ; ’ ■ Ik : ^ ■ -1 ■ . •' ' -T ■ a i !: ■■ I'e- i.if.’’ r:''* „ - ; -I r lat’ ' I rnT:re!v :■ ;,f. - ; i_' ’ '>• -u. 'i i >y- .t a HALK. \d: I'kt „ fH. . ,d >t "f * ... ,T» ,,, Inl* , St r ■" .tfr ,1 , 31 ..I II.' Itil • ■ Mf* ' ‘ III ‘ • 'I nl „ nil'* I. t.lf' SEMI-WEBKl, Y. jefsi 11 f". H' ~T "' I TT~rnifriiiii|pjjf^iii« n ihijjipmbi >4Au«.4feA!ii H.j ■'rnfc^Maaar»»ft- g—w————ww»»3» """li;lNTKl> 15V ,). IJ. NKWIIV. l^inV VHI) .1. II V!^i: sox, ,M ror.s AND i'uM'nir.Ti)r>s. ^ ;\Vi- '!;’y ■.'iisi.i;\i;n ('(' ifjciiilin - ■ I it’ ■ i 1 during the yrar -'I' Mil -oriji- ^ I- :1 I' _v.';ir liM-- exj'iri-1. -VI'-, ■ '. •!'- \H-r :>nninii. if in ... it'I'ai'l ilurilijr the yt'ru- ■•('siilis.-riji- , - ■ ,,r;. r :ho Vi-ar has (‘>.i>iriil. ^ ^ ■n;INT:- in.'’lU‘'l I'l'T ]..•;• :;ii, , V 'ii 't. ami tliirty cnits iVii- c:u-h ; ' , :i: 'II. N i-arlv ailvt'i-li'vnu'iits l)_v s;k‘- f. ,t ; oi'i'ilc ratfS. A'lvcrt'.M'Vs al'O ’ 1- i:an’'IT "f iiisi-rtii'iis U siro'l. it . • I-’ til; tfi'!ii^'. aiul I’har^otl accor^l- j. ^ ' t.' i!.>- IMlt- rs isni'^f lie j ust ’ aiil. WM 11. Mrl{ \i;V, tor:!i:tissinn «rrlnatf^ Wll.MLN'i TON. •iir' i'.n"" '■■‘i l t^^ -■ !'ii!;r ai • .V, - 1 I’l l aa i ’ I" :1 1''AYI:TTKVI1,T,R, N. C., .rAXUAUY 27, 185.1. aaawB^caiJK»M>gcmapti4fcaaaDatt^^ .11- th.-r ■ : N 1 \ y tir-! 1 i.ltlNTKr i !' .\ '■ . X \ . I - a. \. r I.W I'lN ro’i'v'i’or.s V- : -i'. \ I V ■ ^ V ! \v r: \ n:ov ! ’J %V M.I.i'.si!'. II) !!i 11,11. m:w Diu g stork r^l'^UK }nliscril)i'r li.Mviiiir taken tlie Store I on (IreoTi .street, known :is the Mc- rhtT^iiin I'.uihliiifr. nearly o]i|)osite l>r. llol)- iii^un ^ Slni|i, i« now reoeivinjc a fresh and well ;is.urteil stock of Drill!;.-:. ('lirmicals. AhMliciiu'S, Paint:', Oils, I)\('-Stuti’s, aiul l\'ii\mu'ry. I'"et!ior with ii nii, .1 assortment of Hair, Fle.sli, Tooth, r.aiiit. and Whitewash l‘>r\ishes: ('tiji|iiiig. Tooth, jiiid Siirnie:'! Iiistrunients; (J.alvanie I’.atteries, vS;e. »\e. .\11 I’t which he olVcr.s low for Ca.-h or on time to {>in»-tiial ei!st"niers. *rdcrs resix i-tlnlly soru'ited from Conntrv rii\ sicians :i!’d othrrs. who may dc)iei;d on jirtienrin^ fresh and ”eniiiiie artieles, and tliut no ^>ains will lie spared t.> pivi' .-ati^fat tion l.oth in ynality and price. >IKKU AI. 1’KKJ^I KII‘TIONS carefully and t'ceiualilv la-ej'artil. .1. N. SMITH, .lan'y L’l. l!^.':\ t'.-Jtf rn \'/'s, 0/1., ,S-r l.r.S, IMHr. W 11 ITT, l.K.Al). lilt hills. I'dake's Fire-proof I’aint, I.iiisoed )il. 'fr.'.in A'l'iri t.ili’o I r Itosin Oil, I'lironie \ i llow, lirren, ■ in (>il,) r.iris I’litty and I’ntty Knives, • '"pal Varnisli, lllai'k 1.rather \'.irnish, I’row 11 .1 ajian •• vte. r r h\\ l.y J. N. SMITII. .l.my L'l. is".:. ' f-tf .»rs r uix i:iN i:i>. • I ('a-ks Itiee. 1' !■ ‘\r> lifC'C. 1:M ..rn Sliellei llarr.ds 1‘ickk-d I’- vk. li i Sa. ks Salt r.KM’.cw. KVi.i; .V rt». I .»_\ fUi‘% i’’. , .J.in'y ‘Jl, >'lXi THK LAliiJKST SILK. IIIHOOX. A.M) TlMAIMIXf.' iiorss: IX xcw vokk. V. Sfearns. Ml^DiCAI. XOriCK. BVK. THOS, ('. H.M.L re.s]>eetfully i>f- MJ' fers hi.s }>rofession:il .services to the citizens of Fnyetteville and its vicinity He lii.iy lie consulted at the Ofiice directly over th>‘ new l)rn;i Store of Sanmel J. Hinsdale, Soxith West ci.riivr of Market Si(iiare. .Inly -J'.t, IN'.ii. l;Uf FO|{ SALl*:. %lK^A!!ON .\N1> TF,.\M Ml'i.l^S, two of the mules w W ;> yeai's old. All in jrooil repair und order fur running. Ajiplv to 11. I!1!.\NS()N, or N. I’.IIANSON. l>ec. -20. iS.'i-J. tf I'.liiL NTOik. \m. WRY C400!>8, IB,lit Si nMsti% HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. "IS^r ii now reeci\in;' o>ir Fall Stock, to wliicii T w we invite tlie attention of liuvers. HAI.L \ SACKKTT. Aufrust l!:'), ISol!. I'.'-tf 54' I t . I :\ FH. a l .r-.- ., • - .-.■N-lirat. d ' i T. .I.! >s. 1 ' \K1>' N >1 -r- i:. • ' I! \V, ! f V Iw : ! ' p1 I’-r 1 % ?■ ■ Ml l> i’*:‘ H. •t I It I. r 1 1 •r i: ! i:x- 1'- . ■u 11 -t ! , He l’>i nr. ( \ 'ir ;ht _1 itf n!!Mi;i!'K \n;- .iftinuiii if SII.K'. MI!.!IM:HV, .\M) F\M’V CnODS. 162 Erc.'dway, N. Y., i’l .''tore and i- daily n . i-ivand i tl‘r- 1 • .-^T I’viif ', a ■■ ii;p'> t- .1 .'■■i-tiaeiit ■ ; 1'n n I." l.lNll. (•"m’■ri^.l)ir all t!ie various '• ! 1' '-'.'K'. >■ n'i^^Il^ ' f !*>!iick I'ancv Silk.; Marcc'Tmcs. I'!>rt iu-‘‘s. Sliiiu I.'. 'rrimiiiiiiL^s; l»(>n- 11- t i(il;hnns; 'I’ali'fla and Satin Ku)- l>'>ii'; 1 'rrniiiiinii;.')l all kiiul.; I'.nii»r>i(lt i i(‘s; I 'ri-ncli and I'jiiilisli ( f i( lajx- Lisrs. Silk Cra- (J!'\cs ()t all kinds; Silk ! ( ‘ Mi'fs: l>:irL^(‘S. I/:•>>; !’.r (inod.^. 1 lo.'-K'l'N , , 1 l;indk»‘rc-liirl.. ;:i- i v...ii!d iii\it' the :ittcnti"n "f hi.' • T;.idi‘ irvl.i-i al'v. He will.itlir Iii'i'al ( \>i( AM' .'Il-'IIT TlMi; F.r^ Fi:s, Tllt.Nl.\> C STKAKNS, li’ij jlroadwny. l.'^iMtv 'rr*-ct ai:d Maidi ii Lane, N. •n-Sm V. Mily KurR)! out in Fart. A. A. McKI'/rilW ril.l, contiinu's to carry on the ’AKHIA'I1 I’l ■''I- NKSS in .-ill its l'r.>iirl;( .'. at t!:c n niaiur- of hi' o! 1 st.ind. opposite Lilicrty I’oint. He rctui-ns t!i:.nks for the libcr.a! p.itr.'iia;re h«“ lias ln-r.-ti'l'nc ii i civc i. and li'ipes hy strii t attention to Kn>ine's .lui! a di-'ii v to ^ivc enfirt- sati'fartion. to iixTit a ontiniiaiue of the s inn-. Mavin;: kept llu- urc.itrr portion ot' his Tiiiilicrs .at .i distance tV.>ni the iMatitifaetory. he has on li.ind a lar;/-- ai.il well S 'lei ted lot I’f thorou-hl\ seasoiied Tinil>er. ot e\TV desei iptii'ii (ised in his lui>ine>-^. whiidi enal>h" liini t'l retain all iii.' principal « 'rkiiien. He i- tlieiet(*re now ]^repared to do an_v work in his line in the very liC.'t stvle. and on the nio.'t favoralile term.- as lo>\ a> ■any w oj k ot' the :;;n ■ ._n ilit in N . • He has i n li.ii: 1. eoinpl.-te’y f.'ii'i.ed. > Ilarouches, lor 1 or L’ h' r-e^: ti li..i kaw;i \ s. and 1.1 ,\' o. i.e.irl_\ fni.'iied, I'l (’arjiaiiev tor 'J hor' 3; liii ouehe' for 1 and J iior-fs: 111 lit ikaw a;.and o(i l’iu;.r',iii All of wliieh :ire of tiie most ajiprove 1 jilati and fini-ti, and will i-oinp.are with any v.ork in the I'. Stati s 1'.: neatne-^ and d\iraliility. H.i\in;r I'ten en^a^. ! m th"' ;r" \c l.’ir;!.:'s-> !■ r the ]'a't !.'•* _\eai'. hi' work is well kliowii. and lic relers to old cii't -ni-r' 1 r j : f ot it> .liii.i* ;ty. A 1,1, Work Will raiiteil tor 1'J inioitli'. ainl l ej^aire l free >.1 > har:_'e slu iii.l it t li! l>;. had v. Tknian- -hip I'r material, witliin that time. 1’ki‘Mtn v; 1 xei-nted at short iiotife. and on ren --oiuiMc t-rms. .lan'v m;. l.'s.'l.'. ot* rAVICTTKN IM.K l!i{,\.NCIl I Clolhiilii Jistal>!isiinu,'iit. J. M. WHITE & UNDSRKiLL, DrniHTS. Tailors, iiml Wlio’icsalc iMiil licfail t'lolhicrs. a 10 ti*iiliatn s YOlSli; AM) I'cfson Stro.f, iir.i f ihtiii- t> Jinnk uj' C'lijii' J-'rir, rAvacTTS^vBB.i.ao, i\ T I', would Ite" leave to inform the citizens of Fay etteville and vicinity, that we have just reeeiv- ed a lar;re assortment of F,\I>I. \ \\ 1,\ TMK Cl.i)'!'!!- 5N('i, manufactured exjiressly for this market. I'ur- chasers will find it to their interest to e.vamine our stock before l3iiyin;f. Al..*^*)—,\ ^ood .•’ssortment f>f .''hirts, l)i-awer.s. 'ol- lars, ('ravats. Hosiery, and fine Cloth.s and ('assimeres. ,\n of wliit li will he .Sold at N\'W \'oi k w holes.ile prices. Havinjr secured the serxice.s of some of the last jiractical workmen, the Tai’.oriii;x Ilusiness will he (ar- ried on as usxial. au«l ull orileis for tint? clothing will he executeil in the most fashionahlc style. October liS, l^')l!. o'.'tf WIMSKFA. TV\ 1! IIIII.S of vorv tine North Carolina H^'F W HISKFV, for sa'le by COOK \ TAVI.OK. .'n. I.''*>12. .'>::-i;m WAN'I' i)V .M(>M:V! K v, !i.i, sell my srx'.\':j: i:\ri:. fv.. mii. s ■I Iroin tiie .Market, on tli»‘ F.ay et I ..nille ;:iid \‘. estcrn ri.iiik Koad oi;e of the mo't desirable and heaithy pl.iees in tlu‘ eonnty. .Also. l»l Shares i l' Fayi'ttcvil’e aii'l WesU-rn I’lnnk I’.oad Stoek. and Shares nf Fayettevil'c llot, l .'^tt>ek. With the lariii'st stoel; of l!»'a l\-madi- '.Ml K 1 A 11'.S and lil (iliins ever o.l'ereil in this plaee—over Woit'i—e.'i.ipht I I V fii'.i.'hi I. ,\11 I'l v.liN-h 1 wiil,'>'.lat very reduced priee.s fore.ish or ne^rotialile notes. .'-^O littl" ;,tie;it' HI has heeii paid to the e ;ll lli.lde liy me alter the tire of the lii! .I.in'y. on thos;- ind;-l,te I to me to e.iU .ii;d set;le, that t am iiidui i-d to o;N-r the abo\e 1 :o;i, ! tat ii de.ci'il piiee.' to ei:;;li!e me to ifbiiiM my I'aMi.iL’e I striiilishmei't aiel . oi.tiiiue my i'ii''i;-ss with coii\ t ii.i ;u e, 1 'h.'ill pi .1 e note' in prop('r haiels for coll 'eti'n, it not paid M. 1 ha\i' ail m\ aeeouiils ma h’ out to the 1st .lan y > VI. ' A. A. MrK FT! 1 ,\ N. M arvdt I ^ v'J. 7 I tt B ^V1I.!. .. I'ts. 1 er pound i'.:. h for all . ’ an cot Ur. T. I>. li A M \S taken an illficc on Hotel Huildinjis. .hilv 14, IH-'.l. Street, West of the 4-tf JOliN 1). WJLLIA.MS, iUfinmission a sift • ficrrhidtt^ Fayettsvillej N. C. Feb. !i, ]S.")i>. (^^tf HOOK Y. THOS. H, TILLIMGKAST, Anderson Street. Sept. 5, 1801.’. 24 Om M. okki:m., r()![\v.i!ii)!\(i i(nii!issi(i\ .\t Fayi*lfrvi5!e, i\ [NO. 10:3.] WAXTKD TO l‘l RCHASi:. CORDS PINK AVOOl), tr» W delivered ort niy Wharf during the nest six miuitbs. T. S. .LUTTKULOH. Jnlv L’2. 18.VJ. l!*tf xi:\v IJOOKS. .\T1K STKW.MIT, from l{lnckwood> >fflgH*lnef Martyrs and Heroes of the Scottisii Coveuantf I Speeches of Hayne and Webster; llodolpliu.s: Seven I Wise .Men of flreeei': Aunt I’atty’s Scmp Fcig: Abbott’S i Vounpr Christian; Ditto I'orner Stone: Bullions’ Siillust; I Fmei'son's .Vrithmeti.'; iV«-, E. .J. 1I.\LE SON. VFl KTHKU SI 1‘1’L\ just leceiwd bv K. .1. I! A Li: & SON. j A!..\IA.XA('S. I 'I'lio I'arnirrs' and Plnnlors* Almanac Almanac, for iSH.'i. and Turner's N*. (, Se)>t. ]•'>. Jnst received, .1. HAI>E & SOX. AIri'cIi 10. 1S.')1. l>ec. Sl'AUIl WIIJJAMS. AVHOlFSAl.i: DFALFllS IN M'orvi^at si3(t r.^onsesUr ^ioosls. IB.VY ST5H:i7S', FayettGviilGj N. C. .1. U. STAHU.'I [.I. >S. Wil.l.’AMS. .\|.ril 12.''. SCtf if. 1.. H()!.Mi:s. Attorney at Law, V/ilmingtGn, N. C. OFFICF on corner of Front and I’rincess streets, nil Icr .Journal ofiice. Dec. iL'. 48-tf aIcDONAL!) McMASi i:!!, DFAMir.S IN (irorn'lrs. i*ror> t >ns, ;n.LKS|MK STitKKT, Vcllov,' ihiildii;'.'', hrtween the .M.irket House and IJaiik of the Sti’.te. i\». vs:TTa:Vfif>?.!:. Dec. 1 U, is.'iii. at ti'ii aiM aii . ii; F.i\et'i \ a l-aH-r 'V:. ' ;retti:i;I l':y I’; a' l\u;ch lor r.i;_ not he loie, d to ha\ I- :.l l a 11 e l for all ra-' d-li .1. D. \Mllian;'. put in i.poiM I '.I.II I K V iS. de,l\ el-'-d : 1 .-.111 I.";;1 ;y ti 1.'. t •i h-i 'I. anil .am ';e--;r '•.is in tiii' m;irk‘ t. My o!.;ei-t to j . - as I can atVi ;d. i.iid hope tuat 1 n; o distant markets for my supplies, wi.h Mr. \\' "i..:..' to recei\e .-.iid ) M-red to him. DA’n ID Ml I’.l’HY l'el.'\ lit. i"-tf .(OllN J’;ANKS. lo^nns.^iDN \M) F!)inv\r.M\i; Wilniingtcn, W. C. ^^rn.L !itti tid to the s t’e I r ]Mii will di.s. I’roiluce. i"iiments ma le t> MISR'. 12s t-’m \l BLIiSSd.il. V .'a 111 A AND FORWARDING RIZnCHANT, c^*. €\ g- F. wFnT\KF!;. iS J ■ in C,',ro'.:i;a t olle. th:it he 11 1' :■ catod in I teieliii;;; X'lUsic. lie w ^ !.::t!;i ' ; ; til 'M' V, i,o >. i' 1'ormerly Pr.it’o-' r of •. Would re'-pertlully .aimoe.n, • 'Se'fvilie t..r tiie o;' id he Vel \ h.lpjiy to r. . ei\e tile tiieir rt‘;-_diters i-i ■ 1 uet' d in mints. I ed t . Fell -1 it per-mal attention ;iseii to all Consi'^t\- liice to he shij>- •11;.1 C.'sh .-idvar.ee' made i fli‘-r I'orts or .sold in thi.- IJ. l^VJ. rki I 1()0,(K)) Aci'('s Vulnahlo TIMIJER j L.\.n I)S for .‘^ale. : ri'^HK Snbscribei- has {mrchas'cd all tlje Lands belong-- j j in.i; to the F.state of Al.rani Duliois, iicc'd. lyinjC I principally in Kobeson county, and on both sides of Luni- I her lliver, the diirereiit snrvevs containin'.' I Over 100,000 Acr‘s; I A l.-u-fiC jiart finely Timbered, and convenient to Lumber I itiver. where a hir;."e inantity of Timber iij now rafted { to tiie (;eoi-;j;e(ow 11 maiket. Tlie.se l.nnds are very' ! vahi.ible both for the 'i'imhcr and 'I'urpentine, for which ■ purpose :t lar^e p.irt is wei! suited, beinir in a region ' w here the Turjientiae yields more abundantly than any I otiier section of the State. 'J'iie I-ands will be sold at ,a iov,- priee. and in miantities to suit purchasers, j Inlormation risjnciiiifr tiie title can be oblaincd by ."Pl'iyin^ to the Hon. llohert Stranire, Hon. .Jas. (’. Dob' I bin, or A. T. Sn-.ith, Fs'p, (Attorneys ut Law.I I 1 understand there are many trespassers on the.sc' j l.aiids, to all of wliom notiee is hereby >?iven, that the l:iw will be enforced ajrainst »i1l such otl'eniler.'. Aj'jilicatioii f ir ;inv p.irt of the Lands can be made ti» ; niy-ielf. or to .iolin Winslow, ils p, who is duly author ised to make sale of tiie s.ime. THOS. .J. (.'L'ltTIS. F.iyettevil’c. N. C., Sept. 1, 184.5. 7jtf r»i*.WAl’»l>lNCi AND ’OMMiSSK)N MKIU.'HANT, WILMINGTON, K. C. Pr,llS(>N.\L attention ^iveti to the sale or slnjinient of Nav;ii Stor(‘.«. I h.nre ample fnrilitien; for coh' ductin;;’ the bii.'iness; lar;rew h.irf and store siieds ti> keep spirits from exposure. Naval stores will lie shippefi to any house in New ^’ork. or to other markets if advis:iblc. and liberal cash advances made on consijrit- meiits. 1 I’cfcr to the follow iiif; distillers: F. Hanntmi. Wa'^ ne Cotuitr, Chandler Hall, .Johnston Co., Lovett Peacock, Columbtjs Co., P.. H. Harden, “ ** Tims. L. A'ail, P>ladon “ Messrs. Smith, v't Injrraiii, .luhnston Co., Messrs. k .). .Jones, Messrs. Smith 5c .lones, “ S)iei:cer Fountain, llsfi., “ Levi P.niley, Ksq., “ Alay 12(1. J»^.-ypd IF I r.i- .] !ih- llU S.., ithcr ‘innur ('inirt. I pet; ■ II w \N’ri:i), I’.AI’.P.FLS OF TFP.PFNTINF. t r liistil'.ery at tiieP’aiik Koad i;rid;_'e on pi:r Pockfi'h. The br't market prii " will be paid. For I'urther iiitormation. lii‘(uire ol .loliii W, NIui - I'iiv. at the l’.rid:re. or of \. MeKethan. Fayetteville. i>ec. 1.", l,".'.l. ' 4'itf !’-A('0N: li \( ().\! f mill.'' .''! ics and .''l|oulder«. fi r sale by • W . 11. 1.1 1 f i:ui. 'H. Dc. 11::, l^'oi:. '! tf taiiLTlit r ]\-.'hi;shr M. V 1 Ilf t,)l fJl4 ,l,^t >■ r.i S>r,‘t. Til. y \e. nt r' . t Dai.iel Alilvin. I 1'i'tri'-iitioii. • ■ ■:! l e!' irl • • the 11 rid'T : ^r.ed .■mti;:s- I' r. fiko the .-lei ount in this eaU'e. the d;s- • ' I ■ tf l'::;ii-; \I' ;\iii :'n 1 all othe rs in in- !:ei i oy notitieil to be and appi-.ir before them tilt' '.Ml. on i rida\ the 4th dav of Fei \ next. .m\i i;fu' London U.MIKFN WlNSI.'iW. 1-vj. :.!tt ilLVriSTIiV. (.Ul \ r ivN'n inMiis!:: :11‘ i" Jo ‘ - , . M r^-'i i; *-.’- : • i.ii vie, t>:at i i - ’ ’ .t, 1- 1 t • I . u f'.’irv A II. r.^ f "^1 k ii- imier low f'f di. .Jam' - ij I. 1 ■ 1 \M) ro!5\(’( U!(r F.itr-ff'trtf. AN;N. id; MN. I lit? K. \, York. v.ar;’ili'ed Seoteh. Coar:-> M FF.' A1-. •ut •r s ■■ .. . T-;.t' .n of the v-.;'lov- .,r‘; l'-- I ■ ■ ! .1 full pi iee current ■ - ’■ 've. ;i-.;m i;i' !‘i’f)pri( 1 f>r take.-; this oo- ■ r , l-m the '! em t ii-ra I! •''■ eoiinilll- I .1 j.,t'i.ic iu ;,'eii"ral. tlial he still , - j|,. i .'.,!ie f ir the last -IX :■ e ii.iiiied House on strictly'I' m- 1 haiikliil f-r past f.ivor-. he wovtld . n ':it a 'juiet. comfortable and • I ; Kir 111 the eity. t>i frive him :i . U' l: !■ i-ated for biihiin'■ men. be- )•'{! BSroaiJ«:t y, : 0-! ,,j' the .'■^teamlioats :ind Itail- 1.1,DAD T.Wi.Oil, f, |-:;m i liST \ \iiM;iiiii;\!:!i, I Mil II.IIKS AND DFALFP.S IN Foreign and Domestic jn>\\ \!M:, ( I I LKK^. vVc.. Nd. C.^'5 11! I II Til M’.II Stkk.it, r-;-ti> eii ,\ 1. 1 an 1 llaee. est - ide. i 1; !'iil r. b' iii^' ii.teri ste 1 in the ;.!iexe hoii'e, V.. iild re-i.eetfuliv ill^ite his friends to ^rive him , ,.,,1. ‘ ■ W.M, ^l. CAK'i'ia;. .;:.u’y 1". 1 ;l-l.’m I. \\\ !•: ^ 'I'Kov H iM- le- eiv- 'l their F.ill .''toik of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquors. ALSO - .\ sniall lot (»}’ Kcad\-made ('1»1 him:, (’rofkcrv and (il;is.\\arr. liools and Shoes, liartlwarc and C'nllcn. W e have 1 11 h.iiid the tollowin;^ (i liOt KKlKS: Kio. La-uir.i. and .Maiac-.ibo Coffee: Porto Kic. and Cuba Su:ar; I. 'af. ( rushe.l .-.ml Coffee ditto; Ad.iman- tiii • ai d i'.-iilow Caii'lles; Faney and imon I’.ar S.'ap; I'e irl uti 1 C, r;i St.m ii; I’epp' r. Spiee, (iiiijier. Nutmciis; , Cl...I-'. Cinnamon. Tea. .Ve.; Salt. Iron, .Molasses. \c.; ' ,'^ole, I iilier and H.irness Le.ither. IMtOVlSloNS: M« ;s.s Hecf, and smoked .and dried ditto; Peef'ron"ues. and ••Toii;rues and Sounds' ; No. o Maeker.d. in bhls.; ; .No. 1 ditto, in kitts; Salmon and Pickleil Herring, in i,h'-.; i. ird'. in bhN.. keirs and kitts; (b'. hen and Dairy I’utier- Cliee'.-, I’ickles. i’reer\cs, ^:c. I>!(M )!!.: Fine Fieni h P.randy; Common Domestic ditto; Old i i:\e W hiskev; F.ei tifieil ditto; clear w liite ditto: Country I ditto: N-« r:ii;-dand Itum: Holland (iin: Port and Tene- | rifte Wine; ( ommon .Malajra ditto. i We h.ive .a lar^e lot of ].ii)Uors which we ofler low ^ by the b irrcl. ! ' We keep on liaini, .alwuys, P.acon. I'loiir. ('orn, \c. \\C offer anV of the above n.-imed Coods as low as | c;in b(! all'orded in this m.irket, for C.isli, or in exchaii^*' i fi.r Country Produce, or on time to punctual customers. j.AWKFNCL \ Tl:o^ . II. \V. '• Etriil>o^v. Siir-1 ron I'eiiti t. ha\ili;i located 111 I'.iMtti - \ die. ni.iv be found third door below the M.arki t. l’>i nhow Iwl'- ' b'oei;. and v.ill he happy t ■ wait on tho«,. I'eijuirinir his ser\iees. .\1! woiK warranted, .'in l he tl.iitei' him "Il he lan ;:ive sati'fiction, havin;.' takf'ii ;ri eat pains to ipi.ilitA liimsi ;f under the instrurtion ot uiie of the first Deiiti-ts in .New Fnjrland. Dee. HJ. ' Itf i'!ui:-!MU)or KooriMJ. S'r ft nr is Shrftfnt^ SLATi: ANI> .^ll•:TAl. IKMU'l'.K, ^H ANKFCL f..r p.i't favors, l.i-s to c.dl pe.hlie :'.t- tlii.' del;„)!tiil br:il;rii of fi.maK‘ lilel.itiirc foiiii l at Ml'. Ilavne's rC'ldeiice. \ oral in e.,nnecti";i \,ith instruetIoii> n t!ie P’ar". , Teriii'^ per ,‘iiarter, I’lanos tuned and repaired on very ;iec.'mn'od:it;n terms. Dec. 7. 1'' 'li. -ii tf \t !tir M2II of Ihr larnf Walcli. llii} Mn'it. ssfs s r.i I'lt. II vs |u,'t - \!,i, S roi ; m.si.'tin,: ot SILVSR AND PLATED WARE, AMD MILITARY GOODS. M>Ni his :isi,i tment m.iy bo '■ un 1 V. .it h"s all kinds, from s;-> t,, i-,,h. (iu.nd and X'l 't Ch.iins; .M Sea’' :iirl Ke\s; sihe:' Fo'i and !il;ud ( hains and l\e\s; I’-re.ist ].ins. F.ir-rite/s .and Fin.L'er- rinj:'. a tine 'to.-k : 'u;t ) ir.': peetai !»■> y:-' I rr;-t:\(‘(i n:> iti’ COODS. \\ i!,!;!\'s().\ A- i;si,i:i!, DFALKPS IN ('■lii f'l itioiKi n/, Fiifii'/i-i Fnnfs, Aitf.-', TofiiiriO, iiiii Sii'ip, AND IMPOPTFPS OF EIWVSA K-ARS, AT WIlnl.KS.M.r, AM) KKTAIL. lYIarket St., Wilniingtcn, K. C. Au r. 7. I'^'.I. lltf .MALijyrr p.m lmiiik, irccvru attfi f'oitmiissiois ,JIcr- c'HStifH. rjLW yoRir. f I*. .MAI.bKTT.] [j. PACLAllKU. Air_ni.-t D'.. l^'-li. l>"tf 'ihi I to tention to .''L.\fF IIOt»Fl\i. doi. [il'l-oved I riiu i]de. makiii;^ loots lijihter W an Jit Ancliofi Sept. 1'). IH.'jl!. LOOK A VSMAl.F iiiL' 7')i acres, more or le.s'^, lyin I2;tf rms. SMAl.L T!'>ACTOF LAND F!>K S.VLM. coiitain- \V '1,,. 1(1(1, ,i;,y of February next, ■ at Pub;;e .\uction, at the M:ilket I. ■ ; Fa\i ttfviile. at 11! o'clock M.. all i i'l'.'. i;(»\T.'^ hi loii^rin^r to t!ie ••Ileti- ' ; ij any." viz: The Ste.-iniers Lver- ‘o r, and Tov.- poats Henry Clay, 1''n Lake, \ i-rasborou^h, atid hapel ’.. iiiin- !.nd twelve months credit .'iti\e, .1. 11. COOK, Pre-Iident. Cl2t3 injr i ')'i acres, more or le.ss, lym}^ 1- miles btlow ' Liimlierton. three mile.s from Lumber lliver,—a very i hi'althv plaee, rood buildin-s. and every thui}: necessa- ! rv fur l’!ai;l;ttioii luisiiiops. It is well tiinln'n*'! or ; 'i'urpentine, hrin;rs line Corn and Pens, and any thinjj; ! ^.ri.nerally planted. Aj.ply to W. P. P.arnes, at L«m- I hcrton, \-ir inlormation. HAl'iDV HAIINLS. P.obeson county, Nov. 7, 1H."»1!. ‘^-tf W AN I'Kl). H^W(> SPIitlT-PAKUKL ('OOPKKS. Apply to KING, Kingsbury, N. C. Dec. 17, 1 oil tilt ti.iiliter, and iiioi'e durahlt* th:in the old w;i\' ot shi‘i*tin^, eliei-lin;x a •-.■i\in;r in lumber, and ;j;!ei;'r -eciiritv .a^.aiM,--' tiie Tilt' low I riee at w liii h Slate Poofs are now ottered will i;oinpare t:i\oi;ihl\ with iiiiy other kind of fire-i’ioof I’.oi.fin'/. SI,AIM CHIMNKV Pli’FS made to any pattern, fhev are .an e\eel!eiit remedy for sniokin^^ cliimiie\', :,nd 'eldom fail to efleet a eure, J I'in .and C. pier (iiitter.-. Le.idev Pipes and Heads, made to any pattern, and every kin 1 of' firi'- jiidiif fin;r put on or re]iaii\'d ni tliv be t manner, on F in solicitinjr your [lati ona;re, f els confident of "ivinir I'litire satiilaction in hII cases where a thorou'rh ktiowled^re d his Ini-incss is reijiiircd. Fayetteville, Sept. 7. IS-'ilI. -lY S'oc/i' of ever oJjCTcd hij >/.s! now recei vi 11;,: mui 11 t he L.\I!C i'.ST i" i 0( K ot Hats, C’aps and i’onnct.':, Sho‘'S, Hoots, I inh’.M'llas, vVc. Fver ofTered by us in this phice, to which we i)articu- birlv invite the .attention of Mendianfs. ;is we are de termined not to be undersol.i. STAP.Il \ WILLIAMS. ,\u;riist ll^o-. I’litf x)ri('i:. niidersijrned continues to manufacfnre Spirits a Tiiri.entine''l*..\ HP FLS. Those now i.n h.ind •in.ijre p; to 4"> ^'alloiis. and are made of the best seasoned white oak. Distillers wantinjr a *:ood article, will do well to call and examine. Contracts to deliver P.irrels for the next twelve months made on favor.ible terms. T. S. LUTTIIKLOH. March 12-J, 1^-V-’. I'OliAC’CO. su>>scrifier -ontinues to receive and .sell, on M- maii’.ifacturers’ account, all tured Tobacco. Mi-v :;i. 1S.-,L>. lei-Iet Tl.imhles aiel I'mcils: •/ I o!t ' :uid .\l;en'' Uiv..l\ers: Ch. " men; silver Spi on>: .'i;\er Cups. .Ve.: .Military C is Kind>: a tiio- lot ot ( In k', .and almo.'t eM ; \thin^ f r in hi' I'ne. ".hirh \vi'd '>e .'old ciit apfor C;i'h short time to thos>- that will ] ay their 1 .'.Is pre.-elited. W at. he and .li'welry repaired as usual. (»^l Col 1 and >il\! 1- taken in e-.eiianL'’e. J}.-; ‘ ■ .Ml tho'e indebted by Note or P>oi>k ui mu. : pay h\ '.he 1st of No\iia!er, Fa\ ette\ ille. (>cV I. I : L ol I and ■ Id Lockets: \r. or ieou'^: -.alle- T. C. WORTH, (• (I jl 11 [ SS! (I \ ,l \ I) I |i 1; W \ I! II1,'. 1. >1E U(’ I! INT, W ILMlNC'i'ON, X. C. Fe’o. 1. 1''-.:; '-Otf A. .1. iS' .1. 'I'. .io\i:s. General Agents £i Commission Elerchants. ixioN i.im:uy stables, FAVFTTFVILLF,, N. C. fg^HF PPvOPltl FTOltS are jireparcd to funiish tlie fi. Pnblic with Miorsvs^ anti JBiig^ics, roll MURE. They are al.no prepared to carry Passenjrer.s to any of the nei;rhborinr Towns, on rejisonable terms. Their Stock may be fouiul at the Stables formerly oceui.ied by Messrs. PhilipB & Wooten, a few doors# West of the Telegraph Otfice. They always have in attendance good Ostlers .iml lleinsmen. A FOFP-HOPvSK CAIUII.VGK will be in at tendance. fit siiort notice, to convey Passengers to anl from the Steam P»oats. They w ill take IFirses cn F.ivcryat rea.sonable tenriS. They hope, by strict attention to business and a de- termination to please, to snerit a »h.'ire of public pat- ronape. J. l>. ASKKW & CO. December 14, 18.-)i2. 5l!tf S\. AADinCU l>va!t*r ill ;’Mf S. '1^ \v5S>.'^5a'%i;’i:’».'v, J,. ' Particular attention •/iveii t h. r, I.umher. and N.i\.il Sto:« s. l.>’ oil coiisicrum*. nt ... \. . Il the s.ile of T1111- leral ca?h advances lotf r.ivLin STA1MJ-: JU'SlMvSS. Thk sul't^criber intcixls car- rvinji on the above biisines as usual, n.-niiift added consider able Stock, he will be able to ac commodate the public. Thankful for past favors, he solicits a con- tiiiuauce. .1. W. row EPS. .T.-.n'v 120, 1852. 58tf H. II. OOLi:, 13 i !olhf rr, Cor. of Cvmtre M.ir’Ki t Space and Pr.itt street, !5AI/ri.M(Mir:, Ml). .I.iii'v 1ll^'o. tDl.Mar w. s'i'AunrrK: Troi/. IV/-/.', li:oX I'o; XPKlt ,\M> .MACIIINIS'I’, M il’ vf'tr'!’I'l /• of ( t ■ ! ri !!• I o/' I’lllH'lIl 't' ^HF. New Iron Steamer Zephyr will leave Fayette- Sfrdill M ills muJ ISnllfi'Hj .)//// !.'/ ,, , ’ ' McUae on ' ville every Monday. W'ednesday and Friday morti- I ill" :it 7.’, o'clock. Peturninir, will leave Wilminirtoii ! every Tuesday, Thursday and .''afurday imirniii" at lock. For freight or j)nJ'.''a;re, .‘ipplv (o Captain 11. AM) MANFFACTFUFll O;' 7V/V S/!(! Iron PL \1N .\N[) .lAlWN 'I'm and U 0/7.V. rrades of mamifac- .1. UTLKV. •tr)tf ('oi.oRKD i)A(a i:iiKi:() rvPKs. V Room is afraiii o]>en for the re‘e[ition of visiter.*, ftr those who may want likenesses of themselves or families, single or in ^roup..^, and in every style ini- a^cinablc; for I have recently purchased a variety of fancv cases, to suit all ta.stes. Hours for children, from 11 .M. until 1 i’. .M. Instructions in the Art given, and apparatus furnished if wished. My Rootn is in the same place, P>enbow’s Puildinszs, ne.ar the P>ank of Cape Pear '1- O- «MITH. Dec. 15. fll \ F ill my employment i-oi.;petent workmen, and atii prepare.I to do all kinds of work, either in Ct)l>Pl.i;. 'flN or SHKFT lUON. I ha', e on hand all the neees- ary materi.ils .•>nd ma- chinerv for m.ikiiiL' l'.:etory Cans .and Di ums. and to do all kinds i.f t'aetorv work that can be 'h.ce by .any simi- l.ir listaKli'limei.t in the !^tafe. ,\lso, for s.ile. I’atent Fai-tory (’.111 Pin.trs. v;irvinu' from to I 1 inches: Drum Peails. \e. KOOFI.NO. Cl fTKK AND L:'.\D!lil PIPFS put up in the best m:;iiner. ,\lso. just reeeived. a full suj.ply of C'ODK.I'VC; of the most approved p.itti rns. some of them very large, for hotid :'.t»d plantation e.se, \lwav3 oil hand a good assorfmint of TIN V.'.VflF. ’. W. .\N DUF.'.VS. South Fast -orner Market Sipiare. Alay 1'.. 18.')l2. !'l-tf rl NTKN D erecting a STl LL on tlie Vi'estern Plank Koad. miles from Fayetteville, where N. Kiiii: \ ('o. formerly had one, and would hi' ple.ased to s(>e those making Turpentine before they make any eiiga;re- ments. as the lute imjirovement maiU- by me in distil ling will enable me to give good prices for the raw ma- teri.al. N. KlNii. Dec. 17, 78.32. "'otf rpiHF. li'idei’siened. as the Agent I'f the abr.ve F.ita'i- lishnieiit. ill ofiicr aiiy articles w liich may be w.infi'I. on api'l'i'ali'iu to him, '‘'he .team .Mills m.anufaetnred by Mr. St.irbnck h.ive been tested, and are highly aj'proved on tlie Flank t’voad.s about Favetteviiie. FDWD m;:: v.inslow. F.ayettevi'le, Sept. t. P'-’il. l2IUt W. II. McKAV.j [L n. I'.Ol.iiilTS. McKAY vV uor»i:ii'rs. Wholesale and Retail Grocers, liriitTa! r)itiiiiissi(i!i \ Foruaniim Vcrr'iaiits. Soiith AVafer street. doers hi low Market, to the ."lale of nil kind.s of Country ProdiU' consignments. Peferenee- .lollll !>. StHIT. Lsi(. of F.a_\ etfeviile. ( Wi'i, C. r.ioadfoot. Cash'r, d-., , Farffteville. Llijah Fuller, Fs>|., Messrs. Cook \ Taylor, i Cook \ .lohn-ion. j L. c. Hubh:ird .V Co.. Clinton, Sa>ap«on conntj. 'I'hoimis .1. ,Moiisey. Fsii., Lumbertori. Piobegoii. .L 15. Ilrown, Fsip, W e.''tbrooks. lilaileii. Oct. IS.'il’. "oVpd .lanu.iTV PA. .1, or to T. S. LFTTFltLOH, Agent at Faretfeville. .1. X D. MillAF & CO. Agents at Wilmington. .’>htf I - ,Particul.-ir aitefitio)! p:i l.iher.il c:ish advaiiet s made on Pres't of the lla»;k '[ 77/C Jirnthrrs' Sicat/ihoal ('onipa?ijf, 1 on Is prepared '.vftii SteaTiier:^ ” Ifrollu rx" and •* Dfinrjhifx’ and a comjilement of Tow i’.oat.'', to c.irry with dis- [ pnteh all Freijihts shipped hy them, between Fayette ville ami Wilmington, or to atiy intermediate landings on the Piver. .lOllN 1>.\NKS. Ag t, Wilmington. D. ,’i: W. McL.\UlUN, Ag'ts, Fayetteville, IS. 1^8-tilii Pi';ri:ii v. .jouxson \S ju.st received from New York, the largest and be.^it selected stock of Foreign .■’.ml Domestic \\ AX'r OI' MONl'i'i. j)j.y (4oods, Hats, Shoes, Honncts, VLfi per.sons whf» are indebted to me. by note or ac- •' I 1 iVr connt, are carwestlv reiiuesfed to settle—particu- • l.l^d^^ Jl O, I N -it 1 „ larlv those debts due me before the P?t .Tanitary, 18.V2. That lie ever offered lor sale; all of which will be sold Mv busiiiejs rrtnires me to make this call, and longer at the lowest market price. His !nen s ant a w 10 inllulgencc cannot be given. | wish *0 bny are respectfully invited to call ami examine A. A. McKETH.VX. I the goods and jirices. ' t.•>.’ l«"e> lOlf Nov. 15, ISCilL •iSlC Augusi 'iO, 5- A CARD. fg^HF retrtm of Iott water renders it necessary' that B the Steamer Chatham should be employed ^s a tow boat. She will not therefore run as heretofore, on any re"ular day.*, until further notice. JNO. D. W11.LIA.^IS, Ag't Cape Fear S. P. Co. yUy r_% 18'>2. ‘ fO‘-tf rS'^HF Steamer F.VNNV LLTt I TKKLOH w;!] in future leave' Fayetteville on Tuesday and Friday moridng.K, at •> o’clock, and Wil mington Wei^tiesd.iys and Saturdays at 12 o’clock, and nm regularlv, carrying freight and i..a.i.'engers wit’n despatch. ‘ X. «. LLIlLKLOIi. July 22, 1H52.

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