Mnw—arcaTi .miiumig— vol.. II.] ““ pr,lNTi:i> l!Y J. li. .NKWliY. |.;i)\V\l!l) J. II.VLK &. SOX, l-:;;|T()US AM> I'^OIMUKTOJIS. I'AYI'/rTKVII.lJs X. C., FEP.Rl AllY 1, 1813. [SO. IGl.] \EW I>RIJ(J STOIll': ^I^IIK subscriliiT lmviii}r tiiken the Stoic 1 on (iiH'on street, kiidwn a.s tlie Mc- riiersoii Huil.lin)!. tu'urly opposite Dr. llob- iiisoii s Slioj). iy now receiving ii fresh nml ■well assorteil stock of wS the .'oln;-^Veeklv «h5.>^r.i: vkr 1 00 if in | !)rilrs, ('licinicals, M ('(1 ic PailltS, if the year of suhscriji-j ^ f)\(‘-Stliiis, 5Ul(l IN'l'tunUM'V. ; ,,r .it'tcr the year lias exi'irod. | Topethor with :i pnol assortment of Hair, Flesli, Tooth, >""1 \'hitew:isli IWnslios; t'litiiiinir. Tooth, jiinl \\v .k!y (M.svr,vKu •>_ 00 per annum, if pai.l ,n ^ Surfiieal liiMr.imeni,.; ('.ahanic I'.atteries', .'io. ic. .Ml ri.; ."lO if pai'l ihirili;j; the year of suhsevip- I'*-* otlers low for Catih or on time to ]>\\nct>val ' I enstomer?. ,,r s:. I-' alti'i- the \ear has oxpireil. I Onler.s respeetfully so’ieite.i from Country riiysieians ami others, who may tlepend on proeurinp fresli anil fiennine articles, ami that ?io pains will be spareil to ^ive .'atisfactiou both in iiuality and price. .'1 KDiTAi, I’kkscuiptio.ns carcfully and 110 c u I’a t el \' ]' re 11 a r eii. J. N. fciMlTII. Jaiv'y •J-1, CiL’tf yi>Vi;KTl>i''HINTS inserteil for ^i'cty cents per if b’ Srst, ami thirty cents for each , J jiuMication. Yearly advertisements by spe- ■*'*. reas'titable rates, .\dvevtisers are i ti .'t ite the number of insertiiMis desire'l. or . j'l .-.iiitinued till f(>rbid. and charged accc'rd- i> I'Ctters to the Tditors must he ]>o,-.t-puid. \\M. II. MiliAliV, (oitnttission «fivrrhant^ V. ll..MlNt;TON. X. : 1 I- attention A^ili be paid t^ selling and ship- St ■ro and Produce, and also to the For- ■ ,Jv. conslirn their (! • , ;r ' I -:i J t' Tw.u It 1 by f;r?t .,r J tV";a V I'ssel. KliFl'IlKNt r.S: }• F '. V.>'.rler X fo., S;i’.i_-.i'., V. C. i M. V M .cksv:’le. \ V'idii i 'n. I.e\iuL'ton. ,i !iii IV Hr" ' n. S.ilisbury. ,i !; \ -I. 'lartine. I'aycttc'i!le. ■, j.i, ■ .-::tf i‘i,\N riM; ihvta roKs. i;i>t rc-i‘elved and t.u- s.ile bv L.WVKC.NCi: oi TUOY. ds t'i liim can nly biat alter the\’ aio PM M'S, OII^, \r. i.ns. ri ni; n nrn; ■JO bbls. Ulake’s Fire-)>roi>f raint, I.inseed (>il, Tiain A’e^et.-ible or Ilosin (>il, Chronic Yellow, (ircen, (in Oil.) Paris *• •• I’utty and Putty Knives, Cojial \'ai-nish, lUiiek Leather Vainish, P>rown .Japan •• ,S:c. For sale b.w by J. N. SMITH. .Taii'y l!4. 1^':\ r.'Jtf .11 sr uix'i:i\i:i), •* 'asks liii-e. r>o\cs ( heese. 10 »'urn Sheller^. .■> IJarrels Pickled Pi.rk. init' Salt. IJFNUCW. KYI.I-; \ CO. I'ayeiteville, .Jan'v 1.’I. tlJtf MiCDK'AL N(VnC!:. ; TIKIS. C. ll.Vbi; rcsi.ectfiilly of-j JB ^ fers his professional .services to the ! citizens of Fayetteville ami it.s vicinity He j may be coiisu.ted at the ((nice tiirectly over j the new Dniii .''tore of .Samuel Hinsdale, ■ Souili Ue&t corner of .Market Siuarc. i July ‘.i'.i, lSo2. l:’,tf ' FOli SALK. I WA(iM\ ANl) TFAM Ml I.KS. two of the mules' o years old. .\11 in trood repair and order for running. .\])ply to ‘ II. HI! A \S( )N. or >. liUANSoN. Dec. 110. IS.'ili. ;j:jtf ;T«(R. lS.r2. m-sisip HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AMD SHOES. M’iK now ri'cvivin^ uur Fall Stock, to which invite tlie attention ‘>f liu\cis. H.M.r. sai i:i:tt. August 1S.')2. r.'-tf ili li I m N' friiK \ (OLIJU.i: 'i'O lil iLl). ! s '•!'N->rniai Ccille^'? wit', receive Sea’.ed 's | 1 t.'.i 1 ■'> ’.' ck on tin- ’•!' Ft.b,-!: i:; , * • ;i i.i a ('.iHoirc liutlilili;.:. • Tir ='f tiic bui’.dljii: w:’’. be ".10 feet, jilt J' teet. Nil. -f riioUi.' ‘J'l. The buiidiii'Z i>tructcd i f the ^ e.'-t brick-, and tinisl.ed [material' I’npos.ds will be nceived I'nr I a ai; I carp- litci 's Wi.rk. ? atcl^ i.i' tn- w 'rkii'.i-n wi’! • ard the:n^elv:■s :,i.d f:K i I'ur ;ii.; i:;cat;nns. aj'p'y t'j H. ( r,t\e:i, at i ■ 1. srl Ilf Trusti'es will als.; meet on the sanjc ;tf the bi.Dldinirs and lay i-il' tl.e groui'. i'. u 1' a:d is ri guested to atiei.d C, H. U II.FY. Fs- jfT; ."^ec. F>- ard Tru-tcc-., *.l-tt I (.AKDivN si:i:i)s. II'T r,Li F.I\'FD, a^re and creneral assnrtnK iit M • inilreth's celeViratcd ; AHD1'.N .'^I.F.l'.''. wai- •'• ■h and ff'-uuine, of tin- ;:ri'\\th • f i '-.J. . -r.ebv S. T. HAWLKV \ SUN. ■ . - 1"^i.l-lw •S!0(> Ili:\VAlli) IS” I.i. be ]iaid f'lr the upprehen-ion and cunfinf- »* :.icnt in j iil of a man by the na!nc of ALIi.X- !:■ 1U’(.)\VN. He is .aliout •’> feet D» « r II inches , ." itlicr stout biKit. Wfi;rh> about D'.' or ITnHis , .ht ccii red iiair. r.ither iiu-'.iiicd to led, d.irk eyes. i>nic\ freckivd in tlie t'ai c. He is very f.olite • i;g. He ki’led u nc^ro boy of mine la-t ninht. ( a.m'kik.'N WUKJHT. '■ Riclimond ='o.. J;in. lio, I>).J. tUtf Who iVMiild have it? ='ii; K'liihh’>ih ni>nf on fit*' ^hhtai '/ ' ■ opjtiisif’ (liP Mrthnhat ('Inn-ih^ /»y ti)t yinw (iiji:\'i' iv\'n:KPRisi:! to HSiiiit*!! ''•rih',T> w.iuld respectfully inform their :i 1 th‘- public, they h;ive eiiti-red into , fi.r tiie purpo-e of conductitij; the ^eneiai K lU'SlNl'.SS in all it" various parts. And 1 :-.I 'i.-tl Workmen, fully uudiT-tan'iing tlii ir i .e ii-- hc'^itafion to ci.moare \\i,rk witli :i ;.r ;ii Fa; «'ttc\i’.le as t.' ; tji le and dura- : ■ >':rni inny be kijown hy reference to \. II. ■ . li w /ik for the last two years. ‘i’ I work t-/ cive general satisfaction for ■ I ,iie ia the neatest manner low for ca'^h. PIFK .V F.KAMN. ' H. I’.tr.. J.xMKs Di’.\siN. . " ■ ••. Jaii'y 21. ]'''>•]. t'.litl "M i l' A.M) 'I'OliACCO. Sorter ijoriU/trd, d.VNl FACTI l!FK. Nil. }-J Cliatham St.. New York, ri.!‘,S ■ .r tl,,. fullowiiig articles, warranted ' •‘ ■■r ii'taiity; — Maccoboy, Scotch, Coatse ; .n I i.tiier SNL'FFS., Fine-cut :ii and p.ipers. / i description of the various articles '■■tiding for a full price current .IS above. f,l.:;m Temperanfv Btolcl. I'lic iVo[)ri(’tr)r takes this op- n'l iiiitN t'! inform the Temperance commu- i-i 1 the public in pcneral. thal he still ii iiucu. iiv lie Inis done for the last six Till-: i.Anci:.-T i:ii!Bo.\, ,\M) Tuni.MiNt; IKII Si; l.\ WAS VOltK. '/'ItiniKts fjr. Slcttritx, IMl’OllTFll AND lor.MFR OF S!I,K^. .MIL! !.\KKV, \\\) F.\.M’V liOOPS. 162 Broadway, N. Y., B B '■'' ■''•'•re and i-; dail_\ reofiving and oirer- B I iri'j at the l.i.we't Prices, a Comjilete assortment .'t IN HIS I.INF. Cl mpri'-iliiT all the \arii'U.‘^ ~t_\!e-- and de^ivrn.-'. consistii'.g of IJIack and l''a!!c\ Silk-; Marct’liiirs, I'ion'iicc’s. Shawls. 'I'rimiii'ii'is: l>on- ijcl llilihons; 'I'alit'ia ;nul Satin Ui.)- hons; !)r( .-s'rrinni'.iriLrs of’all kinds; 1’aiihr)i(l«‘rit's; I'lriu'h and ILiiiilish ('raj)t‘s. ('ra|)(‘ lasst's. Silk Cra- \ats; (Jlo\cs of' a!! kinds; Sdk Lacc .Mitts; I );ir'_jcs, I.aces; W hit(‘ (Joods. llosit rv. L. C\ 1 landkcrchicls. The undcrsiji.e'I wuuld in^itc the j.tti'iitinn of his friends and tin- Tia lc’v. He will utiiT ;:reat induiemcnts to CASH AND Sll(»in’ TIMF, 111 YKllS. TI10.MA. i; TK.\It.NS, ’•>J llroadway. r.etween Liberty .street and Maiiieu I,.me. N. Y. .laii'y 1.'). is.'.;]. ''1-Sm Superior i'ourl. ■M hill and ithers, J Pctit^ in V"-. tor The F.vei '.it'is i.f D.ini>! .Melvin. I Distribution. B r h.i\:ng been rcli-trcd to the undersi^rni d C.immis- 'ioniTs tl. t.ike the acc..nnt in this c.iiise. the dis- tribiitec'- of ;l;e late D.aniel Melvin and all otiicis in in terest arv‘ hereby nutitied to be :ind ajipear before them !it Lii/abl■til^o^\n, on Fildav the 4tli day ot Feb'v ne.\t. .M.\F(iia: I.n.MdtN. WaUUFN V, INSl.uW. Dec. f*. oitt I'lifiT 4 \ii\i:iii{i:.\i:ii, IMI’oIt. F.IIS AND DFAI.FKS IN Foreign and Domestic !I\I!I)\V \l!i;. t'l TbKUV, .Vc., Nit. c»>^ 1 Nkiitu Tiiucd .‘^rKKi:r. Betwr.'ti ,\rch anl I’.ace, • Wcbt side. Ii K suhscriher, being interested in tiie ;.bove lionse. B wiiuld resnectfullv invite his fiiei.ds to ^rive tiim a call. * ‘ W.'d. .M. CAlFH;i:. .lan'y 1 >i. 1>'.‘).'!. i(l-l!m i.AW ki:nc i: l kov Have received their Full Stock of Groceries, Provisions, and Liquors. - .\ I.SO — him to retain .'I'i ii.s pri;.i- n«iw prep.irv 1 to ib. :iii% BSsiE’Cfii >i(f ill A. A. M( kirniA.N ^'1 II I. continues t.p c.irry on thi- '' MtP.l.XC-F lU'.'^l- K’i;cs. :.t tli;- rcni.aiiis of jii-. ol 1 .stauil. l.iliett;. n;t lie r'-tuii.s th inks 1 iv the libci'.il patri iiage h>- heri t. i'i.r.- rci i i'''d. aicl hopes by strict attentini; to biisim .-^s and a dcsiri- to gi\e entire .-atisfact'.on. to merit a c.iiilini:auce nt the s inie. H.i\iiig kept tlie gic.iti-r portinn ol hi~ ’fuiibrr.' at a distance tr.iiii t!ie manuf.-.ct. r\. he has n'l li.ii: I a lar; and Well si.let tl- I b.l of t hor' uj 111 v .sc.-iMinc I liiuber, e\*-ry descript:nn u^ i i;i hi' '.ii~l!;i - . wbicii eli.iblc- -I rkmen. I!-- i> tlifift.. \- in lii-^ line in the very l est si_\le. and •■n tin- nio.-.t ;.i\ ti i i;;o ii.' low a- .any W'.ik ot'tiie - .mi- '(U ;litv in Hi- ■ n hai. !.; !- tely f.nislicd, ^ Hali.uches. ! .r 1 nr L' I.. ;- c'; •> !»i.cka« .i_\ >. an I lla;;.;;. .\!«o. nearlv tin’'lii d. In Carria.;es tor L’ ho.--. -; !’(• Kar .uche.' i. r 1 and '2 h'.rsi s: I'J l“i..e';;aw a_\and I'.ii l'.l: .C': of whii li are nf the ;i|i.-;; apj ri.\c ! n’.iii and ti!.;^!i. and will ci un .irt- v. Itli ;.i l!u- I'. . i.,t' s !■ r neatnc'S and .iural.ilit. Having bcfii fn;’;i' i d ;.i tin- a'' 1 w-iae'- f'r tl .• ] ast y.ii'. hi' w.iik ■' w.-" 1,■ V. M. a I, i he ri 1 r' 1 ■ old cust-.mer' t pi. •; ■ ; dur,' : Wi.rk \v:ii raiiti'il It ! L' iiinTitii-, ai: 1 re|.a;red fri c of char;.:e sle n.d it t .i' b;. ba ! wi.rkniaii- •“liip 4ir m.i'.i rial, w itliin ti' llKr.MKiNC ei.eciit^ 1 at ,'hc rt i; ticc. atid n:; re.i- .'!e tei nis.'v Is.’J. VAYivrrvwiAA: r>RANrii Clolhiijo- j'iShihli J. M. WHITE & UNDERHILL, Dnipn-.v. Tailors, iiiiil Wlioii’siiic itiid Ilrlail ( loliiirrs. BIO .\ND /\rsfiu ,Sfrrff, tii.i/ (Jnur tn IhiiiL' iif S'\!.VE:TTSOVia.i.a-:, i\ F ^v(^!lld beg leave to inform the eiti/.eris of I'.iv- V V ctteville a!;d vicinity, that we have just receiv ed n lai-g' as.'ortnient of F.M.L ,v UINTFll CI.OTII- !Ni. m.I nil fact 11 red exj.ressly fi'r thi.s m.arkct. I’lir- chasers will tind it to their interest to cx.amine our bet'oi-c l-.u',ing. - \ g’.i d assortnuMil iif .''hirts. Drawers, ('ol- hii “, Cr.ivat'-. Hi.siery. iii.d line Cloths .md ('.•nssiiiUTes. .Ml o! wliicli .'.ill lit* sold at .New York wholesale prices. Having .se.-ured tin* ser\ii-es of some of the liest praetic.'d wmkmen, tlie T;iili.iiiig iliisiin-s.-; will be lied on !is ii^nal, ami all oi-'Ims ior line ciothing will bo cM’ciHi'il ill tlo- most 1 ishii.nabli stvle. i )rt..ber 1 '.‘.I.’. ' :;',o.f W insKKV. d ^ A 1! 111.1 of viTV tine North Carolina UY H W lllSKKV, for .ale by C()(.)i; .vc TAVl.dll. Dec. I^.'.o. h:'.--2'.n W V.N'r Ol' .MOMn! y \\lI.l.'eHmy .''I'lMi:!; fU'.Si h r.SC I'., fvo miks B from the .M.iiket. i n the F.i \ etien ille ;ind V. cstei Ti I’ianl. iload one i.;' ti.e desirable and healtiiy J.laces in the conn.y. -Mso, In >!iares of I’ayettcville and U osterii I’ Ib ad .''tiicl.. and -Vf .''hale.-ot Fayetteville lloiei .''lock. With the largest .stock of lle.idv-in.ide C .\ !! III i i'.S and I’.l t It i 11;.'' 4'\er o'lcre.’ in this p’.ac ■ over s^'.Unu v.i.rih conijilctely tini.-licd. .\ilof wliich I w i!i .'cil at Very r •'i.ii'4*,l prices or negntiable notes. .''^o litio- ;,!i.ntioii h.'.s been paid to the ca!! male by me after the tire ol the ’Jd .bui'y. oil tho.-e!.ted to ni“ t p >■..! ai: I t ie. 1 a!;; indu. ed to ..fici- ibv alii.x c ii.-i.j ; 1 t \ at i i- iiu i d pi le' t.) enable me to rebuild my ; . L I st.ib!. iiment and c .otii.ue niy bir-iiies:- W it h coll \ cli ii I1CI“. I li.iii i ( n.-'tes in proper iiaii Is for colb-ction. if lO't p.iid -- ".n. 1 !.,.v.ja!i lav accounts niaio'i.ut to tiie l>t.l.ii. > . J. ■ A. A. .McKhTn.XN. .M..rch 'S. . l^'i’J. TTtf .■>>.Jh**. I'!' y 11.!. ; ■ cts. per p.iuiei c:i>h t'-.r all cb an cot- a t ill .Tfi : ii deli\er«-d to .1. D. Williams. .!. l',:\I'ttex ; I ;ii;, ).'-ui i_\ rca'iy to [i;i: In operation ma le to him. a I’ajcr .'iiil in this lieigir'iorh-.' 1. and am de-irons of Sei.t. IS. IS'.J, :'i.j :: \ r..;; in tl.:.- laarket. .Mi- .o-jc.-t is to |.'ay mu: l; : r I,. ' a' 1 c.i;; .itb ld. ai. i h..pi- tioit 1 ma_\ iii.t t.e t.iiced t . li -tant i!:ar!“t' I. r lay siiiiplies. I h.ive :'.!’.,.K_i 1 wi:ii Mr. \\; t.i f.'ceive :ind pay I'lail la. -1. \ en-d t ■ i.ini. D.VvID .Ail lll’in. V..- et; -1. Is-J. « s-lf a>r. T. E>. I! A I El, I \.S taken an Office on Huy Street, AVest of the' Hotel liiiildiiig.s. July 1-J. lsr>l. 4_tf JOHN 1). W ilJJA.MS, f.'omutifision anil roi trartling • fierrhnHt^ Fayetteville, W. C. Feb. ls.-;L‘. (;;itf BOOK JU.XDi'JlY. THOS. H. TILLIKOllAST, Anderson Street. So[it. IS-'iJ. i.>4 ()m II. M. OliUl’J.L, fokw.uidi.m; r(\ )!i;!!rii.\.\T .it B'ayctU vilSe, X. i'. -Mnrch 10, lo.'fl. CJ-tf S'I'AIJR WILIJAMS. WHOLFSAI.K DEAI.KUS IN I'oreign an(t BPamestic Bh'sj fmooils, IIAV s rKi:i:'fi\ Fayetteville, K. C. .1. n. sTAiMi.] [,r. .M. wii.i.iams. A].ril -js, 11. I.. IIOI.MI'.S. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W. C. rfj^FFICI'^ on corner of Front .and Princess street.s, H W under .Journal olhce. Dec. PJ. 4S-tf McDONAI.l) .V McMAS'n:U, DFAI.F'IS IX (1 roc( rics. Li(j!ior.s, Prorislum;^ i^yc. Cli.l.KSlMK STUKKT, Yellow IbiiMing, lictween the .Market House and P>ank of the Stall . I .\V2:T'ri:vis.2.F;, \ Dec. Di. IN.'.-J. oltf .lOllN HAMxS, (OM)11SS10\ AMJ FOIlWAKIii.M; .\GL.M, Wilmington, W. C. attend to the sale or piireliase of Produce WANTED TO PUUCIIASK. f'OI'DS PINE ^VOOD, to be delivered ori niv Wharf during the iie.xt si\ months. T. S. LUTTi:ilLOH. Jnly 22. 18‘»2. D»tf NKW iiOOKS, f? .VTIF .^THU'ART, from UhickwooiFs Magfiiiuc; A Martyrs iiml Heroex of the Scottish (’ovenant; Speeche.s ot Haytio and Webster: Uodolphus; Seven Hisc Men of (Ireece: .\iint Patty's Scrap Hag: Abbutt'rf doling hristian: Ditto (.’orner Stone: Hullions’ Sallustr Fiuer.son's Arithmetic: \c. F. H.VLF. .*!: SON. VFFKTllEK SI 1*PLV just leceiv-d bv K. HALE & SON. AL'MAXACS. "i'he I'arnu'rs’and PI,'liitor.s’Almanac iiud Turners N. C. Almanac, for ,]iisf received.- j i:. J. HALE & SUN. j Sept. I.'). 100,000 Acres X akuibUr'ilMBKli I I..AA'I)S for sale. ; ^I'^HE Subscriber jmn hased ail the Land.s belong- j f ing to the Estate of Abram Dubois, ilec'd, lyiuf^ I princip;illy in llolie.son county, and on both sides of Lum- I tier Ki\er, the diiferent feiirvevs coutaiiiiii:; I Over Acres; i .V large jiart finely Timbered, and conve/iient to Lumber ' lliver. where a large iiiiantitv- of Timber is now rafted i to the (ieorgetown market. Lands are very ' valu;ible botii for tiie 'i'inibei' and Turpentine, for whicli purp.ose ;i large jiari is well suited, being in a region where the Turpentine yicld.s more abundantly than any other section of the .'■'tate. The Lamls will be sold at a iow price, aiid iii iua:itltie.‘ to suit purchager.s. Intormation resi.ecting the title cun be obtained by afipiying to the Hon. It ibert Strange, Hon. C. Dob bin, or A. T. .Smith, Estp, (Attorneys at I uii'leri^taiid there are many trespa.-sers on these* Lands, to all of w ,'ioni notice is hereby given, that the law will be enforced against all such otVender.'*. A]'pl;cation for aiiv ],art of the L.aiidscan be made tiV my.s» if, or to .iohn '\iiislow, Ea p. w ho is duly author- i.sed to m.ike sale of the same. THOiS. J. C'L llTIS. Fayetteville. N. Sept. I, 18-45. 70tf Ml SR-. L. and will ship witli disj'jatch h!1 consignments .*‘'-0m JOM'i'il II. IILOfiSO.)!. « .TI :% AND FORWARDING IVI2RCHAKT, \\'A\'n:i), r.\!;iiKi.s OF Tl, fi r Di'tilli-ry .it thel'!m'.» Uo::.i I'.ii: Uockii'ii. 'i'lie bi-'t market ].rice wi’,1 be pi id. F • .r f uit !icr i ii! .rii'. ,;t i .:i, i n. uir.' .1. .1. n \\ . \f u r- phy. at the F.rid.'c. or ...f \. ;'I. k thai;. I'avctte\ille. Di-,-. 1^, is.->l. ■ l-.,i l’.rid,:e F. \niiT\KFK. t'.rmer\v Profe'-'i r of Music in Can ' i.a woirnl i c'].crt!u’'.v aiiiL.iince Prompt per-^onal attention given to nil C.,nmcn- lli-.t I.,. l,:,s, 1 i:i F.;\ctti'v iilc tor the pm ;. 'Se of mi‘nts. andl'ar-h advances made on I’l'oiluce tv be ship- te.ichini' Mii'ic. II'- w.iiild be \cr\ h.ippy to ierei\»‘ the I*’"' I'J other pulls t.r sold in this market, nimc' th..-.- who wi.--h iheir .!.. u;rlile.'s iti'triictcd in t!.,.' dfii'^htai br:;’;ch nf ti ni.-ile h; rature. lie ma_\ be !' iUli i .;r Mr-1. |;a-. ni it'. It ncc. \'in al Music taugl.t in ..uni c[; o w ith in>ti in tinns tu the Piar.o. Tl rtiis >■ 1 'i ] cr .^'iiart. i-. i’.M;. t;n i -i-;d rcpairc.l on vt ry acci.mni.idating terms. D. e. 7. 1^'i'J. .'.utf 1{A('(>.\! !{ \( ()\: JIllD.''. le- an.I .''li aldei'i. f .r •■ ib bv U. II. I.I TTLIM.'Ml. Dec. ) ;; 15 (iLOVii'Jl, .\I l!ic m’::!! of llir larsr Wiilrli. Il:n Strpct. UBS 11 vs )iist r‘ccnc(! his I. S roc:: or (iO()!)S. i!i:\TiST!lV. E>. i'. ."'nr- ^L'l-n I'. i in r ■M r I-- ; \h SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND TtllLITARY GOODS. M.'iikct. l‘.enb'"W .v K\ii > wait on tli..'e ie.|iiiring hi' -\'d W'.ik w.uiMiU.-I. and'I.ict:oi). having ta hini't if iindiT t iie ili't; net i' in .New lingl.ii; I. Dec. -JJ. lb.'.-.’. k. .'ih’t w ; ^i r\ hi- llitliV i.-n gi'.'at 11 ’‘1 oIU‘ o' ' hitiir elf In- cai. p.ii!;-' t.i .in .lify the ill'; Di'uli'!' riRi:-P!i001' KOOi’lNC. I'rfusris cist on, SI.ATi: AN!> .MIM’AL 110011:15. r R 5 1! N K FI I, for p.i-t f,i\ois. be;.-" to cail piil.ii.' :it- fi tcntioii to K'. )i iF S Ni i, d'.i. ■ .’ii the mo~: a|iJ.|o\e.l piiiu iplo. ni.-iUiii” r..o!.>. lijrhtd. ti^lit i. .iioi d w M\ -lic'ti;.'.:. e:;e> i Icr sciilMty against lloof-i ;i)i- now i.lVclfd I other kiii.l 1 f fire-pi f;r more diualile than toe o 'i\ing in lumber, and 1 he li.w price ;it wiii. li compare lavoi'ably with Uoolin;?. SL.\TK CHIMMA' I’lPIi'^ mridi- t.. an\ p.-itti riiev are :in evcellent ii'im'.ly f..r cl.ii.n.i and sc'd iiii .ail to i i'ect ;i i ';re. Tin and I upper liuttirs. Leaiie'- Pipe Heads, madj to an\ I'attcrn. and every kin I ot' fii pi' ..f rooting put (,n cr rep.aired in thv b. .-t maiini i-. i aiii A M''Ni hi' .imi-nt m.ay 1 ;■ !• , hinds. ii,-,ii 1.. S;1J'.: L i F't.. Cnnrd and \ est 'h.ains: I’.d .''cai' .tlel Ke; s.l\ei Fob :i:id liuaid Chains a .d l\e_\F.n .;-^:-pi'.', rings and Fi.iger- i in^'. a fine st.'ck : Cu.i-|ii:-: i’ let.-: iiohl uiid 'i: \ er .''| oct;.i '.es. Thinil.i.-.' al.d Pt l.cils: g.'o! Lockets; ..It ' .11.d .V'.en - Kcvolicis. Ciic's men; .\i cordeons; -silver Sp'ioii'; '’.incv Cep'. \c.; M.’iit;'.ry ( i f all kind.-i; .1 line i, t of't 'li . and ainio.'t e\cryli.ii.L; called :..r in hi.' lii..-, hieh v. ill be sohi chMp ti.r (’a'h, o>-..n sh.i. t time to tl.i-se tliat will I ,i% tlicir b.'.I.s when prc'enle 1. I , at- lies and .Jewelry rejiaired as usual. ('id C:•! i and .''iher takt ii in exchange, r-;- -\'d those indeiiti'd by N'.ite i^r Hook account, loii't piiv l;v I’.i- 1st of r. Fa\'ettevi;ie. Oct. 1. 1^.'.■J. ".l-tf 1’. VV. A.N'DinCWS. EJralff ill t ^ -— 12. I^.'C*. WILKINSON vV i:SLKji, DEALERS IN Vurtiijn Frintf-^ 7'i>f>fro, iliul Silliff. AND iMPoirn:i;s of II.W.WA AT WllOLKSAl.K AM) UKTAM.. Blarket St., Wilmington, N. C. Aus. 7. ]>-M. lltf .MALLi'/r r PArLM!i:ii, imrocvrs esjttd f'omftnssson r/i/fijf.v, i:j.> Fi'otif NEW YORK. [j. !'.\.ILM1KU. IStf iin.I \'»;.tches of p. MAI.LK.TT.] Aii'.riist 1*1, ls.’i2. T. C. V/ORTH, (UMMISSION .\\l) FU!l\V\l!i;iM, VdlRt'ilAM, \Vl!.MlN(iTON, N. (\ Feb. 1. l''oo. tifitf A. .1. .1. 'r. JONKS, Ge'Aeral Agents St Commission MercliantS; Jj-tV' Particular attention given to the J*ale of Tim- > i.r. Lumber. «ikI Naval Stoics. J.ibcral casli ndvances oil eonsigiimenls. l-’tf 11. 11. c’oij:, fB •/! olcstile i ier^ Cor. of t'«ntre .Market .''p.iee mid Pratt 5treet, IJAl/riMOKK, Mr..'v l-'i. 1 ■' f.M-t 1 o.Mar wwMm ,1. FOIIWAUDINC AND ('O.MMlSSIOX MERCJIANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. IifEIl.'^ONAL attention given to the sale or shipment of Naval ."^tores. I have ample facilities for cos- ducting the business* Inrgp'tvh.Trf and Store slieds to' keep spirits from e.xposure. Naval stores will be shipped to any house in New York, or to other markets if ailvisable. and lilieral cash advances made on consigu-' ments. 1 refer to the following distillers: E. Hannum. Wuyne ('ount}’. Chandler Hall, .Jidiiiston Co.. Lovett Peacock, Columbus Co., P.. H. Harden, Thos. L. Vail. 15biden ‘‘ Messrs. Smith, i'i: Ingram, .Johnston Co. Mes.HrM. Z. & .1. .Jones, “ Mcs-si's. Smith & Jones, “ Spencer Fountain, Esi]., *• Levi Ihiiley, i'so.. May 20, 18-32. 03-ypd I NION U\ i:Tr\~STA!Ses7 F\YETTKV1LLE, X. (\ rg'^HE PPiOPltlETOll.S are prepared to furnish thtf B- Public with fiorsefi, l'itrriaq;€H^ nud FfPIl They are also prepared to carry Passengers to any of the neighboring Towns, on reasonable terms. ’i'heir .'stock may be found at the Stables formerly occupied by Messrs. Philips & Wooten, a few doors W est of the Telegraph Office. They always have in attendance good Ostlers an^ Pieinsmen. £rcr A FOriMIOP.SE rAPItlAtJE will be in at tendance. at short notice, to convey Passengers to au(? from the Steam Pionts. They will t.ake H orses on Livery at rea.«onable terms.- 'I'liey hope, by strict attention to business and a de termination to I'lease, to merit rt share of public pat-' rotiiige. J. r>. A.SKEW .t CO. l)ecen»ber 1 I. 18.’>2. f)2tf LIVKRY STABLi: lU’SINE.VS. T1!K stil;5criher intend!! car rying on the above busines a» usual. Having iidded consider able .Stock, he will be able to ac commodate the public. Thankfui for past favors, he solicits a coii- tinuance. .T. W. POWERS. Jan'y 20, 1852. 5Stf A .innll lot ol' li.-ailv-niiidi- Cli.lliin^'. '"“'“'“/.X-.i,,,, , Cr)ck‘rv and (ilasswarc, Hoots and nfidi'iit of tiiol ollj.'il i 1 I. t! Slioi's, Hardware ainl Cuth rv. We have- on hand the following (JIIOCKKIKS: Uio, I.aguir.'i. :iud M.aracaibo C'offec; Porto Hico and Cuba .‘'iigar; Loaf, ('rushed and Coffee ditto; .\daman- tine and Tallow Candles; Fancy and common .''oap; Pearl and r'orn Starcii; Pejijier. Spice, (iiiiger. Nutmegs; (*lo\es. Cinnamon, 1 **a, iVc.; .*s;ilt, Iron, ^, tc., .Sole Fpper and Harness Leather. Mess P.ctf, and smoked and dried ditto; P>eef Tongues, and •• l ongues ami .Sounds ; No. •'> Mai'k« tcl, in bids.. >;((. 1 ditto, in kitts: Salmon and I’ickled Herring, in nl.Z-Z,ned House on sii'ktiy'ivi^ | Lard, in bbls., kegs and kitts; Coshen and Dairy Thankful fsr jiast faviU'S, he wouhl who want a |iiiet. comfortable iiml 'e - to[.ping in the city, to give him a . ’ I I- i^ well located for business men. be- '•» ortlautli'«t., lli-oadway. ■ 'I'-' of iiio-,t of the SteainboatH am! llail- ELDAU TAYLOll. «;i -oin at Auction i ii 1 1‘AY the lOtb day of Februnry next. '■ I at Public .\uction, at the Market ■ill of I'ayetteville, at 12 o'clock M., all ■ low l!().\'l's belotiginp to the ‘•Ileu- ' "inpany." viz; The .Steamers Ever- " "I'-r. and 'I'ow- lioats Henry Clay, I’en lake, Averasborough, and Chapel '-i.v, iiine and twelve months’ credit - Sale positive. J. JI. COOK, President. 02ts Uutter; Cheese, Pickles. Preserves, &.C ijgroit.^: i Fint^ French Hrandv; i’»mu\ou Domestic ditto, OKI | live Whiskey; Kectilie.l ditto; clear w hite liitto; Country j ditto; New Englaii'l Uuni; llolhii;'! Oiii; Port and Fene- rifl’e Wine; Common Malaga ditto. • We have a large lot of Liijuors which we offer low by the barrel. ^ } ' We keep on hand, always, Haeon. Flour, (’orn. iNc. i We (dler any of the above numed (iooils as low as can be afforded in this market, for ( ash, or in ex liaiige for ('ountrv Produce, os on time to punctual customers. LAUUFNCE .'c TItOY. Sept. l.->, „ i.ooK A'I' rms. V SM ALL TirVCT OF L.\ND FOP. SALE, contain- in.' acres, more or less, lyinj: »'iles heh.w Lumberron, three miles from Lumber Kiver,—a very healthy place, t-'ood buildings, aiid every ry for Plantation business. It is 'veil timbered for fine ('orn anl Jiinl any tning geuenilly jdanteil. .Apply to W. P. I’arn.-^s, at Lum- berton, tor information. HAUDV P.APvNES. Kobeson county, Nov. 7, 18-!>2. -J^tf tiding entire islact ion in nil cases w iicre knowledge of his biisimss is riijuirc.l. i'ayetti-v ille, ."sept. 7. 1>.>2. 2t\ '/'hr Stock' of (iijod.s cvct’ ttffct'cd _ W ar e now l ecei\in;: n;ui h the !,.\ P.( i 1 I •'1 0( i\ oi iniY !I::ts, ('a|»s aiu! I’onncts, SIk^cs, Hoots, rmi):-c!!as. iVc. F.ver offered by us in this ]>laee. to w’liich we ]>avticn- larlv invite the atnntioii of .Mci. In.nt.-. as we are de termined not to be underhol 1. STAIlll ,'c Wll.l .\ugiist 2‘), I.''•'>2. .\o riri:. fBlilE undersigned continues to maniifaetiire Spirits & Turpentine HA H ItliLS. Those now on hand yiiagi' to -b”) gallons, and are made ol the best seasoned white oak. Distillers wanting a good aitii le. will do w ell to c.ill and e\.!miiie. Conf i :ii ts to deliver P.arrels for the next t'.velve montlns laade on f'a\or;ibh- terms. T. S. LCTTIiULoH. wi'ain ,1.\M." 2Htf .March 22. D 7otf W ANTKl). SP1U1T-15AUUEL CK>rEUS. Apply to 3_ KINO, Kingsbury, N. C. Dcc. 17, 18o2. 'r I'OliACCO. ■^HE subscriber continues to receive and sell, on nianufaetuiers' account, :dl gr.-ides ot manufac tured Tobacc/o. J- ^ I LL\ . .May ;;i, 18.')2. '••'tf (’OL()Ri:i) !)A(aji:inn:o PYPKs. again open for the reception of visiter.i?, ...tB or those w ho ma_A v. ant likem sses ol’ themselves or families, single or in groujis. and in every stxle im- agiivitfife: fir 1 have i^eceiitly ]iurchns(‘d a variety of fancy eases, to suit all tastes. Honrs for children, f rom 11 .C. M. until 1 P. M. Instructions in the .\rt given, and apparatus furnished if wished. My Hoom is in the same place, Hcnbow’s lUiildiiigs, near tlie liauk of ('ape pefir. T. O. SMITH. Dec. 1'5. AND MANFFACTl KF.K OF Pl .MN AND .lAPAN 'I'iit U ('>)})/)( r, I'lii l*!(tt(' (uid S’lctf Iron U orL's. fll .WF. in niv i nipbiv luent competent and ani vii'i'ai'i'd to li. all kinds of Viori;, either ill COPPK!;. 'i‘lN or SlIliFT IIION. I h:i'’ on haml all the necessary materials end nia- ehinery for m.iking |-'actory ('ansaii'! Drums, and to do all kiicis of i.u torv v.ork that be by any t;inii- lar iistaliii.'iiiaent in the .''tate. .\1.-". f' T S ile. Patent Factory Pings, varying from to 1 I inclK's; Drum P.eads. \'c. Iloo! INti. Cl'TTKll AND Ll’ADFU PIPES put nil ill the best ni.iniier. .Mso, just leccivcd. a full supply of of the most .-ipproved |iatterns, some of them \erv large, for hotel and pl.-uitatioii use. ,Vl;vavs on hand a good assortment of TIN AV.\IH'. c. w. ,\ndi:fws. .South lliist corner .Market Smiare. May I'., l.‘=.->2. '.H-tf glNTF.ND crecting a .STILL on the V.'esterii Pl.-ink Koad, miles from F:iyetteville. where N. lung iSi Co. formeily had one, and would be pleased to see those making Turpentine before (hey make any eiijrage- ments, as the l~te improvement made by me in distil ling will enable me to give gooil j.rices for the raw ma terial. X. KINO. Dec. 17, 1 P')2. 5;Jtf N. n. S'l'AklU C K, 'i'rotf., .^V#r I’oi’A.*, lllOX I-'OfXDKK AM) MACIIIM.'^T, Mictv ^\ti-liirrr nf' Stmm M llf:^ nud Itoi/rm, M tU (['V. fH'^HE undersigned, as the .Vgent of the above Estab- _Sl lishnietit. will order any articles which may be wanted, on aiiplication to him. "’iie Ste.uii Mills iirinul'actured by Mr. Starbuc'v have been tested, and are highly approved (ill tlie Plank Koads about Favctteville. FDW’D LEE WINSLOAV. Fayetteville. .'>eiit. 4. 18'>l. 20tf W. 11. .’vicKAY.] [.f. II. P.OiJFllTS. McK.VY vV ROiil'.irrs, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, {I'ciKTiil ('(iiiHiiissioii \ Furwiininis l!crr!i:uits, So'iUh AVater street. *> doors >.e’.ow Market, Particul.'ir .-ittenti. n I' lid to the sale of all kimls of Country Producc. Lil.iral ca.-h ad\;.nc:-. made on consi;; liliients. P.i-l'crence^ .John D. '^tarr. F-^ii-. Pres't of the l?ank ] of Fa\etteviile. I Wm. (!. Ib-oadfoot. C;,.h'r, do, j F.lijah 1-uller,|., ] Messrs. Cook .'t Tiiylor, | Cook \ .lohlisoli. I L. ('. Hubb:(rd Co.. Ciiiifon, Sanip.soii county-. ■ Thomas .1. .Morisey. Esip, Lumberton. llobesou. .1. P>. Ilrown. Esj., estbrooks, liladeu. i Oct. H. 1^^')2. S3Vpd rElIIE New Iron Steamer Zephyr will leave FayeftC' -EL ville every Monday, Weduesd.'^y and F-'ri'hiv ;norn-‘ ing at 7A o'clock. Uetiirning. will leave Wilmingtori every Tuesday. Thursday and .Saturday morning iit 7 o'clock. For freight or j>assage, a]iply to Ca))taiu K, Mcltae on board, or to T. S. LI I’TEllLOH. Agent at Fa-vetteville. J. & D. McKAE CO. Agents at Wilmington, .lanuarv 10. l.^-’i-j. oStf 77/C Jlroilicrs' StantdHmt Comjiany, OR S.S prepared w ith .''teaniers lirotlf ri^" and DongJnxs'^ and a comjilenient of'I'ovv iioats, to carry with t’is- patch :dl Freights shipped by them, between Fayette ville an«i Wilmington, or to any intermediate landings on the lliver. JOHN li.vXKS, Ag’t, Wilmington. D. i'i W. ?dc!..\l’I'IN, .Ag'ts, Fayetteville. Sent. 1.‘'. IS.'ri. 28-Gm \\ AN r OF ,MONi:V. 4 LL persons who are indebted to me, by uote or ae- i\ count, are earnestly reiuested to settle—particu larly those debts due me before the 1st .lanuary, IS.>2. My business reiiuires me to make this call, and longer indulgence cannot be given. A. A. MoKETHAX, XwV. 15, is:i. PlVrHR P. JOHNSON I W’BTAS just received from Xew York, the l.-xrgest and U H. best selected stock of Foreign and Domestic Dry (ioods, Hats, Siiocs, Hoiinet.s, j Hardware, Cutlcrv, AtC., I That lie ever olTered for sale; all of which will be sold I at the lowest market price. His iriends and all -who 1 wish hu\ are respectfully in>itcd to call and examiDe 1 the goods and prices. .August -6, A CAKI). The return of low water renders it neceswiry thal? the .‘'teamer Chatham should be employed as a tow boat. She will not therefore run as heretofore, on any regular days, until lui ther hoticc. JXO'. D. WILLIA.MS, Ag’t Cape Fear S. li. Co. May 12, 1852. * ^'O-tf riUIE Steamer F\NXY' LUTf I TEKLOH will in future leave Fayetteville on Tuesday and Friday mornings, at (T o’clock, and *1 j mington Wednesdays and Saturdays at J2 o ^lock, run regularlv, currying freight aftcf passengers witi# despatch. T. S. LUTTKKl-t>tl- Julj 22, 1852.

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