ip*. 'to •'P«. •.:r,g. also ^ale.l ”-'c. if. ■ ■' n tk. I hill!! andI • r: •!'Ii SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL. IT.] VAYHTTFA (IJ.K, N. C., FEP.UrARY X 1853* PUlM'Kn HV .J. 1>. NKWHV. i;inv\l!l) J. HALi: sox, \M> I’P.orinKToi'vS. , 5 -5 , s*'’ui-" kIv (»I!>r,KVK.U NM 00 it'ill , >; t .'.i! ji r:i> 1 'Invinjr the yc;ir if sul'sfiij'- , -i -i. r ;lu' vi'.'ir lias oxiarfl. \\ n:;'!mn; *'J •>(> |>cr Miuium. if ji:iiil i;i „ . sj .1' t I'.U'l I'ii'iiiji t!io ye;ir 'if sut'si'rip- rtin' \ •'•H' Ini'* oM.ifi'.i. ;‘i;TiSl'M I ^ Iiiisl'rtivl I'lr fiivfy .cuts pfi- !..r till' tir't. :i!i 1 tliirty rviits (or ciu-li ’ ,!■ li. ^ (Ml i\ ;-.'lvi'rtisoinentp li_v spe- . :it r.itos. Ailvortisors aro . • .' 111- tV.c mnii'H'r rf Inpi'rticns tlosireii. or ■ , .i!tinu(''l ti!! aivl oliarcroil .-u-curil- f. t'> till' IMit-fs must lie ji ist-pai 1. PKBRSMaBSMSaMaHBStVHKBHMBHK^HHBa : i rs l*‘ i; I //ic/i! . i 'aro- i' VVI'TTl'Vn.I K. .T.ni y L-'., I'-'.;':. r;'_. A. 1> ''II I ;i’i. :s;i ’ > :if tlio 'i-nrt lli'iisf ill tlr-^ ] ’-u-e mi I.''*!-'', tm- l.t. (’i.'i.ti. sa)i|ily \}j :Ul IV >; n-1 li\ tlie iii !■: l.t. (’nI. : • : sniae tiiiu' :;ii ! e. an I'.It‘i t:"ii \|ii "r. ti‘ Si;j i'N till' ]•!;: »' v.'U . ti il hv ■('. i.rTTi:i;i.oii. i •; ('“niniM^ ! r>f.'. N. i’. Militia. if t. Natlia til*' . \:li':!llt l>y ^0 hoM if l.t I the n si;.!.; Ill Fri lav. Kin.; wii! M lli-t. N. ■ f l.t. (•■■1. 'til Fel,. P re .if Mai. iT ’ y ]'i- a:: ‘T'.- ti. ‘ ; ’ .-r > Vi .‘ . on s\m:. I-:!'" .if t'lnlifr i.n . k. nr ir I V. i-r I. [. ■' t;;;ii.''r ’ ver_\ . Mii'l •.'.it^’Ti a I n^a^ 1 ' .] i;. Ili.ll will ^ i-Kiit N. C. V-.'k I- !! 1: _ t T till- J. Iv’.- ‘T!. . S \ !!• XKW CUOP MOLASSKS, sale l.y 1?UAN8(»N & JOJl.VSOX. .lairy lo, lS.'i2. OOtf SAM'L J. IIIXSDALK. .\S ii-st 1-H'.>iv,..| l„s sM|.ply cf AND t'l.Nl I .\ I> SKKl) — ^rowtli ol’ISTi^. asi>ai;.\ci S. 1M-,.\NS—l^ai'iy ('liiiia. r.-!> iy \ •il.'M*iu«;. r.arly Muliawk. I.ar;re Lima. 111.1, l.'— I'.arly I’l’iUi'il Turnip. liite .''ii;rar. I^irly ti.it l>a»“;iiio. l.oiiLT ISIihmI llcij. Ciini. .'siifrar nr Sweet. V'Ar.l’.ACK—i:aily Ynrk. I'arl\ Sugar Loaf. I'.arly tiat llattersea. Larire I'reiii'li (K-iioart. L;ir;j-»‘ NOik. L.'ir^e I’tiirlisli I)runi Hoail. I iiu" I)i'iimlu'.ail .'^avov. .\l l.l l'].0\\ l.i'i — I’.arly Li.ii.ltui, t AKI!()|' j.1‘1115 ( h aiijie. I'.ariy II..in. t KI.I'IIV V, l-.itV Siili.l. t I t'l .\IHhK li.-iily itiii-sisn. L:irl\ Clii.strr. I.i'iiili'ii I.iiiiir (Irccn. l.i'i'! I'L.WT l.ar;re I’urjile. 1.1. 1 ll I I! Ittiyal •'.!I li:i l.nv^e (ircfii Ke lliail. Ice ('('ss. Tine Apple. NntiiS'-u. \V:,ur.' t’NlilN -A\ I Iiierstie'ii I.;irirc e’.' .w .'S;!\ cr Ski:i. I'AHSl.l'V l'..iit.i.. fuil.-.l. r \i‘\i;>- 1,.;,- .111.. th. I’Ll 1 r'l; — I ,.rir*' liii’l N-i^e. .'^v. ret .M.'uutiiiii. I'l 'li'ixIN t ' !!!l",-tiM!t I'h-M. I; \lilSll L illy L.tiii.r rift. L.;ii\ Scailft ’I'luiiip. hitc 'I'un.'p. I'.lai k 1 .i!! I ■ iiisii. V S II _ l \ l'.U:-h. ■; I 'M A I'l ^ I.!:,■ I. r.-. 1- SI: !. TI KMl- - F ;r’y S; ri-,- 1 'mi !''(• t.'ti Kuta !• . i 1 ar;.. h N- rt ,k. — .\!.S‘) V . i. r : vin.i'iu . : FI.uW FK ::FFI'. I :■ -..;i- liv S. .!. HINSI FALL AND WlNTKIl OF S'l’APLi: iV !’AN('V DKV (iOODS, l'»r 1 K ll.Wl] jii.st n-eeived my Stuck ofST.M’LK .\NI» B- F.\N(’\ I)i;\ (iOODS. fur the Fall find Winter tra.le, coii.sistinir in part as fulldws; ( hitlis, i :issim( I’t'.s am! \ estinj^s; iilain. bl’k ami fifi'd .''ilks; I'aiiev ilo; lil'k anil eid'il French Merilio.s; Kmrlii?h !>: Ill k ami enl'il .Miuieas; French and Ijiglisii printed Uelains, j .some emlimidered Jiiid very liandsome:) Me rino Shirts and lM*a\vcr.; \\ nol .'^liaAvls; i':tssimere and Crape do; Flannels; \\dr>ti-d t'aps; Fi.iiinets, Sacks and Muffs for ('hildren; Neunt l>l:iiiKcts, :iiid :i few jrood lied nirinket.s; (’arjiets ami llc.irth llnifs: I'veiicii and .Vmcr- ican Prints: Iii!;ihiims; l.lcache.l and lirown lioiiiestics: *snaliur;rs; Malbio (J K; td'h and col'd Cotton Velvets: Velvet 'rrinimin^s: .laconet ami Swiss Muslin: P>ishop and \'ictory Lawns: .lacoiict .and .'wlss Fd;;inps and lii- ,'^ertin;rs; Lim n 'I'l immiiiiis; Cotton and Lisle Ldfiiiifrs: Infants’ Waists: I'liii^es: (limps; Pictiie Mitts: (iloves and llosier\; Kililioiis. P.onnets, (Jirls' Fl.ats and Straw Triniminp:: l>amask and Mciimi. Also, a iiood ass'irtmcnt of .s;ii(^es and Hoots, for I.a- ilics. Ciciitlcmen. ll i\ s. (iirls and t 'hildren: tojrether w ith many other articles not cinimcralcd. makiiiu iiiy stock complete; to whi'h tlie atti ution of lay friends and the tradiii.i' pid'lic irenci-.-dly is invited, (irateful for p;ist t.avors, 1 hope liy otlciin^ jroods at ri'asoiialile rati'.s to continue to .= h:ire a pi'rtir.n of pulilic patroiia;xe. North-West Cori'cr .Maikci .''iiu.irc. ,\o. 1’. (Ireeii St., Fayette\ille. N. 1‘. SlILMWFLL. Se(>t. '2'k IS'C’. li*.t-tf A m:\\ i:n\ IvN'fiox. f^S'^lll’ undersiirni d lias made an invention vf a .''inut H M.iidiiiie. \\ldidi ho w ill insiin- to lie perfect in the O' tva.'tioii .1 ^mut in wlu-ut. lasd \>i?-he> to int^.rm Mill O.vners th.it he is puttiii;: i;]i iii.ichine> at Fnion I'acto- ti.ry. on Lcs p l:i\cr. ci”!it milc.s North of Ashlioriniirh. .My ni:u hini s aro ci.n^j i 'cd of three di'tinct princi ples. cent 1 it Hi.'Ill, 'cowcr.n;.' and rf.ictiiiii. It taki.sthe w he;it tlirouiih three opcr.i tioii* in froinjr tl;i "ii;ili the machine once. \ny { crr-'ins Imyine a macliin*'. ;»ftcr tryinir it, if it ilocs ii 't clc.in wloat. d.imji or ihy, 1 will take it hack. Pricc .’>iM ci.tv-five l»i.’!:us. lett.Ts ;i Idrc^sc 1 t.. .New Sal -m Pi >l i inicc, Itan- d.'pli coiintv. P. !*. f KLIiMVN. [CF’I-ndit's' Riding Hats and (i!ontl(‘- ni(-n .s Riding Cap?, for f-'ule at the (irecn Street Il.\T STORt:. i). c.FK. Nov. I'.t, 1H.1 -l-'itf IHIMI PO'I'A rO!:s. ^^ORTIIl'MiN Yellow, for planting, for sale Iiv ^ » PKTFll P. .loMN.'^oN. Jnn’y 11, IHo-'^. o'.itf DIvN'FAL srU(;i:KY. ^''' I'-*’" taken a m'y I'ooiii at Harman's Motel where he may he found at- any and all times of the d:iy. and ofTi-r.s the most eflicient and .-ippriived means ot his art t« the citizens of Fayetteville ami vicinity. .Ml opei-.ations warr.anted to {rive jierfeet s.-itisfaction. Pec. liT. If^-'ili. .')'i-tf .H s'l' !n:(’i:iVKi). DOZLN half hright St.'el IIOFS. L’tt '• j.olished •• ' •• extra. 10 “ Collins’ iS: .'simnKiiis'Turjiciitiiie A^e.s. ]() “ hea\y 'I’iiidier “ For snle liy 'l'llO.'. .1. .I()II.\S»N, Nc.'ir the Rank cf Cajie Fear, .lan'v ;5, 18’>3. .'iiitf V .vorifi;. LL jiersoiis in.lcLted to M. N. LF.'.RV, jirevions to Oct. TJ. 1' ::IV .V Son, are reii>iested to c.all and make immeiii.ite si-t- llemcfit. .M. N. LF.VRV. •lan'y :I, IS':!. Oti--!ui I *J,( M)0 V (or //i irr^ '/'i.'rftr/ift/n Ijftud (inl yjills for s'llc. IN’ jmrsnai'.ce of a Pecree if the (’mrt of F.iiniiv for theconnty fd S:imji:-iai, Fall i'l rm uili he sold ;it .\iicti.iii. on Mi.mlay 'Jlst Fctniiary iie\t. at 1 c’c'i'ck P M., at the Court House in Ciinton. upon om- ;ind t«o years credit, with interest .alter one yc.ir. ( tie pt'i cent, of liie purchase money to tie pai.l in l avh. the LAM'S AM» .MILLS of the la'te (leirg.- T. P.ai ksd.ile, kliox'n f. rr.ierly as the NLiileit Mil'.s. iili'I the adji.ining I.aivls, l_\iii'_'iii .'^amji'oii a:id llladeii c..unties, .''o!.! in ptii-elsof 1^(111 and iipv.,ir‘! suit pur. h,i^( rs. Pioiid' and 'i'ho Siii)srrilx‘i' still cnn- iiiiue.s to carry oh ihc (WHtNF.T P.Uf^l- r NK.'^.'s in F.ayetteville. timl in iidditiim to \ his Fstalilisliiiieiit on Pxiw Street, near Fccle.s’s liridpe, has opeiicl a large V>'.\R1’ ROO.M on Il.-iy street, nearly opjiosite the Fayetteville Hotel, and one door I'ast of .\les.srs. Haigli vV Sun’s, where .i general assortment fif lTTHi\ITl Ri:, .Made l\v competent and faithful workmen, may he had at jirice.s corres]ionding with the times. Also, an as- sortuien* of Norlliei n-m.id(> Fn’vNriUHl', selected l>y himself, which will he sold at a very moderate adv.ance. HL’N'\N nicNFlLFi. Nov. 10. i«r,i ;;stf R 3 F keep.s on hand :;n assortment of Fisk's colelirii- BH te.l MFTALLIC 1*,F R1A L C.\S FS, which have liven highly recommemled hy Willie 1’. Mangiim. il‘'riry Cl.iy, Lewi.s Cas.-’, \Vn.. R. King, and many other il lustrious (diaracters, w ho have exiimine! and witnessed tlieir util ty. A'r J. M. HKASLKY'S A('w Jrwrlry Storr, Ih'j/ Strnf, mar flic Marldt Iloiiar, V he found :in nnn.siially large . and rich variety (d’ Watches and Jewelry, ;') dozen pair of the latest style Cull Pins; I. iiair latest style F.ir i{’>ig: large lot .''ilver Ware: Forks: !^poons: Ladles: Cream Spoon*: Sugar 'I'oiigs; Cups. .\lso, large lot Plated goods; Ccdt’.s and various other kin.is of Pistols: douhle-liarrel ’iiins; >urve\ nr.- strmn'’n!‘ SI (‘Ward. ■^0 P P® fr- ;i| the «u>'.-:ri!>or. on M 'J itli t>. t.’t er. a N. :;ro m.;n name'l s :i!iout feet lo inches high, and widghs ■J. !■ i’ll insli i ''lit-. s. i t(>r i! /// '•//- .1. N. ill'll. i (>!: , li.o;. t,ri-k Wa:c h we >! \ W 't re. ;li W I p McI • AI ! ■_m es in the I-. rton :iiid ,\i i:i\. poiinl-: his hair tie.i up ill .»iiii,_-- 1 te.'th. lie wrir.' i;imse’* a p I w II gi\ e the is h.iit:. .•'.iid li l;iri;i‘ he:i !:1 w I 'te. all II- ■tlllK : large 1 p. > the He I'.M) keeps it. •\es. ji!id PiF.N. alio'.it I'ec. -J7. I'-'.J. ('iiinhn'lairf 4 SPL. d I.;, - t" 00!i a. res or mcrv'. to :iM roved sureties reijuire 1. pV Ml R1 II . . c. M. F. har'- \ (' 1 t'' me. .'I- t-‘ an; t him airain. ot th 1’ ^iM' :in :.d lit t'I ciiir. ■ .'t an; ii'.g - lid ti .y. J 11. imj ' n (' u :iI I t r the appreiii- .l.ilicr in this a'.'.ve I'.iv. :i! r.'w.irl ot .'sJiMi «ii:t,‘ per ■ .;i ; r ]. that I for pi'.of A. 11 \i;i;isuN. 1.- SiiiK rior ('oiirf of L'ur. I.\L I LRM ot Cunilierlaii.i Siipi ri'.r Court iV. l'..r the trial ot Civil cau-^es. will he lieM i-i. tl.e SI .. .in 1 Nil'll I.iy in Fehru.irv Is'iJ. Suilors and \‘. iinc" ' s :ir 1 r‘ ^y n.ititicd tlur - 'f, am! wii' - ;vcin thei.i: el \; - .ii'i in diiigh . I). M.\C R.\!;. Clerk. Ni'V. 1^'J. ■47i*"Wtc nc AUs: ( K.AUS! (iCAKS: .’.'iiiil I.:i .1 'CtiuaCii'r Regalia. lUi:u i;i s. ‘Jiiiiu .\mi ii >.a. •J ihii Hen Fr.ink’.in, '{ C.iiniiasses .Vc. .NLJ. 1 I5KKK rilier lla^ yiid Chains; M.ithrmatical In- .T M. RKASl.F.V. ;‘i7--m \'0\{ SALi:. for sale li v(.S. \l .\c. \S1I. II. ! ( r. !a T l\tr:et- M ' i'll r. Path i.r V r - • N. I r : I ; \(;s. \i . r*." for .1 .:,t :.111 linn ] •'•'F' ‘p.i; \N>' |\ e-- r.- t.. 11 \(iS. F. .I.ii-.I ui .V oiui.l'- .at the h;._'h- Ki:!)i ( rj) I 'I'iirmt \'. ilinhi- ;. r. a large lot, .MII\.t\. r.r;\n'^"U .K >'-n 17. 1 .•k. !.?!>!! LLI.i »\\ !'() I ,;i 1 Ml A'l'Oi'S. •.■.■I p.'T.VToF.' \M liol' i *S . 'iiiic p.: i.iT' li s I . S, Hi'’..r\. : F. .1- Ii.\!.i; > A!.M W \(\ HR \\.t*\ Micce.-'oi' t'l 1!. I'. 1 .I'UlNSi >\, l.ran-- ;i Si I'.oif iii>-:inv, Pr: Ian. 1, I'- '.Mi i:. Ii 'I'i. kt'ts ji.'twt'cii 1, \. C.. ai.d P:, ti- iie. Fr.re Vi i Weld'.n. :ei—Iiurg. R I '.'ni'iid. .\ Ni.i'h- (' t_\. ^ in Wei l. n. P.irt" nth rid Norf .'k. I' 1 Tii kt-!- aj i'l V at the ( MVu ■' the W iliaiiigti n and R;i!eiL:h il R ' id ('..n.j .ii \ at \\ ihiiit g- ( lilice I't the I‘..dtii:iiii‘.‘ .''!i :im Pai ket 1.1 t!ie P.altiiii .re and lliio R.-iii Ri.a.i .''tie. t. Raltiniore. .'--tf .>iiiu La I iiii.n Priuci .li :,i.;. Lli: I, l’liii.t;iti..:i. I‘:nu te’ t... ;!(il Ml ( '. ’II. |Ue't:i. :’.l"in l,a t elelira.l.a, F. r -.lie l.y Oct. ’Ji'. l-'''i-J. ■JI II: I >; I ojiiiii N.. •Jl'lMi V. riega, ptuno, luilter... ■rt'!iit:i. ( II A- i;.\'>KS. tf \’l!!iU'AN ! • • I TH V ■ \L IK t I, vV K .1 Ai.S. \c !U)LIJ\(;i:U m • FoIMiI;v RCslNFS.'. e-. in tVi' ].' n e. 'I h''\ l,M\e C I':"liti rp'i :l I.; I’at- re 1 t . fiiri:i'h Millwrights with • f r \\ h. .it. Ci.rn. ir;>t, aii i ROC Ki'isii s!i!:i: riNcs, the l.ale i r hall 1> ile. t- r '- .le I'V C. T. H.UCII SON. .hi'.v IS.-,-.'. Mf §5' !’i \Nos I'di; s \i.i o-h.'llt. I ’’IIRKF %erv -. i d se, P y t.i J.-in'v I. I.''.' .11.1 Pi-: L. 11 V. HFi AKFP.. •'.•'.tf MAS S'SI5 3i. / ■'tiii: .''uhscrilicr-^ h.-.ve toriiH’d a «-on;;rtni rr hi:> tin n_ r tlie irime ami style of s'i'i:!)M \N \ liouNi:. .\ii'l ni"._\ lie finind ;it the foot of Hay Mount, in the house tornii rly occr.| ie.l l.y Halt .V .l..''.nson. 'riie\ h.i\e ncei\cl tiieir FALL .\N1> \\iN'rFR (KMipS. -i>n'i'ting in part of S'taj li' l>ry (Ii-'uls, 1! iriiware Mul (’utlery, I^iut.s A: Siiiif', Suit' l..':it!iiT, l{;iggi!ig. lii'iH', 'I'witio, i\i-. Also, :i irnicr;! iticlii a clinic \Ve keep on li.tnd spun ^ .■irn. fr..m t!.e In ej' Ri'.er M. t o. at Fait 'iy jirici>. We will take :ne\thaii.ge f''|- g" I !', i-iiuntrv pr idui e of an\ kii; 1. N. A w. ■; Oct, L is-'.-J. ^111’ suhscrilier lias for sale I'id.iiOO hard liurnt RRIt'K, which he is willini: to tell .at the lowest i M.irket price. .\iid he intends to kcc]) h siijijdy con- | st:iiitlv on hand. | lir. McPlIFRSON, [ •lan'y IS-'.;’.. .'j7--’ni j Dilit'f nf liu' r. F. and [I. li. .\iiv. Co.,) j I'lttsl/iti'oiitffi, .Jtiti'i/ .‘I, j I ^^OTICF i-' h- itdiy given, tliat sealed j.roposals will j he rci-eived at the Oflicc of tliis ('..iiip.any, to e\e- | cute the work \ et ri uiaiiiiiig to he di ne on the line of j Cape i'ear .ui'I I'reji Ri\er IniprovcnU'l;t. until the lltii j liay lli Fe'.ru.-iry next. | lly older of the l>oard of l>irectors. , .1. .1. .l.VCKSt IN', Trea^'r I ■'i7n] of the Company. | i.iMin:u! umhi:r!! ~I T F have our Steam Saw Mill in successful opera- } ti.iii, miles fr.iiu Fayette\iHe, near the Raleiph [ .''t;igt' Road, and .-ire prepared to exeeiite orders ift our 1 line. As we run two llularii or ('urulnr Snvf. we eaii ; till liiH.s at the slu.rtest notice. We can furnish Pine, j pKplar and .Iiinip'T I.F \I P.FR, and of almost any length, j Our Lumt.er. t.ir truthlulness of line and smoothness j i f face, shall h‘ Cijual to any ever delivered in market. JONFS vS: P.ARP.FK, , March :10. 7Stf i tlARMAX’S HOTEL, M\iifeft€rHl€, €t Tlio siibst riJ>or having ttiheii tlio larf»c Hotel, formerly known as tlio I’liANTERS’ HOTFI,, situated at the foot Of Hay Mount- Hay Street, Fayetteville. North Carolina. rc.»pettf(illy iiifornis his friends and the public that lie is now engaged in refitting the hiiilding, which is" supplied with entire new Furniture, ami i.j prepared to aceomniodiit^ the ♦’•avellinK Tui^ilie. 'Having haii sotii^ experience ih tlie inisiness in tiie town of Pitt.s- liorongli, N. he flatters himself that he will he able to give satisfaction to tliose who may favor him -with their oonijiany. His rooms are large and airv. It.TS large nnd convenieHt iSta'uics, and a good andf faithful Ostler. JOHN IIAKMAN. Fp1)'t 17, ^I'^HK ^nbscriber liaving purcliaswd tlie Hotel situntcd on tiie fhiith-Ka';t corner «.f Court House Square, an.? lately kiiown a.S Stuart’s Hotel, would iiiforin tl.e jiiihlic that he is m«w ready to accommodate bonrdera by the day. week or month. Having made considera ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the Fstablishnient, hp h'Tpe'? to !‘e aTiV- to jrrvo fSatirfaction to all who p*v- troni/.c him. His Table shall be furnished with the best the market aflToi-ds, his liar with the best of Li- (piors, and hi.s Stable with h plenty of good provender and faithful Ostlei-*!. J. A. GILCHRIST. ithh*? '.zri; ri-tf MKS. MARY ANN^lliS()X.~ WILL be glad to ficconinn.date a feir V>‘^nr'!*ri. She also informs her friends and tlie public that she intends to carry on the Imsiness of >Lintua- making. Fayettveilie, Sept. 4, IJStf O.III-isVILLi: IIOTKL. ~ ^MK undersifTTied wo»rld re*pcctfiilly ir^«-*ir# the citizens of Summerville, fiie vicinity, and the public generally, that she has opened a Miotsse of where she will lie jileased to accommodate all who may call on her. The Village is ple.-ts.-int and healthful, her house large .-iiid commodiou.s. No pains w ill be spared I to ri-tider f*g 'et’al'fe amf coml'ortnbic anv -who may favor her with a calL She is also prepared to accomodate with Board froir# I-’) to -0 Students. I'rite of Roard per month. K. BAILKV. PummervTlle. N. >K-'i:J. }-tf sadih;eiis’ and coa(’JI-makkhs’ ti.iMl n R r., A'c. Tiioliis .MU'[(i':.\/rii: IVII No. 32i Ijiilliworc Sf/, niiMirnnrp. IMP( ►RTKPi.'"' and lV''nler.* irt Hog Skins, SaiMle Trees,' F.ngli‘«h Hc!id« ami lltin.^, tiirth Webs. Stirriip.s,- Ilames. Ritt-T, kt. Springs, .Vxles of all kinds. Coach’ L..;"'*, RFNT FFLf.OF.-^, Hubs, Spokes, (J arriage and Tire P.Mt.?, Pa■;e^t ^’.Tma*s. Carpeting, and every arti cle coiinecfed witFr ei*>i^r b>anc'h of fne business, which' they are prepared to fdl'er to piinctnal customers on as" gooil terms as any other house in the L'nited States. -Vgent"! for the sale of Pope's Self-Adjusting PAL>8 S:)^n'^r'E TKKKS. Ktf" ()rders prompflj" attended t-7. Address THOMAS MACKENZIE {. SONS, No. ‘I'l'l i5altiniore Street, 4f»Vj HALTIMOUE. JUST RECEIVED. ^ LUI-: for Di.stillers. ’•■'1 incur lit' !iiiccrio; ■ .'(‘Icctii'ii i.f liiniinrs. :i>M AN. R.’Ni-;. :’.-Jif bn^; 10 per i-eiit, w iM Le Iiia_\ s’-i" d UI! pMi'l. 1 the crciit s\ stem. .\ K Ubs- li .U.L :i. 1 I L w'i isc. 1 '-> r.\'i ()! s. . ed. in [ v; V» ILLK': V, \!k; \i\m |»ur«h.is»'l r.T I \ \U. \1.NSl! Nw I I i 1 . my W;iS to i V. ot'r.iis-n purp.ise ot maiiiilai.-- t". .M'ter getting ti.i-re. difhcult to get (ir.'t r.i'c \ e up the pl-i I'l-t of ].|-o- a huge >t' :-k of !-■ ha'o. 1 en;aged rkiioni. v.ho cume -iveil re- '■C^II F. y Street. M.-N, c, F:,P: ; ■>. F Pi'i-uit. MU'! a- he has i l^ikers ill 111 l'a\etti-\ i! B \[\ !'jn ' ';d.. d T ha:- I ■'ta''; d.. I a P.akery o»i Ri.w tiie Lot tw I d'.i.rs F.rist of l>iini-aii t Sh p. lie i-i prep.ire 1 t'l fiiinish ^iiid tl.e pi. . g. witii F.ri-.ol. ■' of \arii.;:- kiu'i". ot the lii->t i,i i-e.j the ^ei\ii-e.. ol i ne ot tin te. I ri.-i.'Il I." I:.ill’.-, liiveme.ii « H A'S P. \\k.' ec. I^'--J. •'•'i tf (.’OODS. ei\i!iir their K 11 v . Ill'-I m:\\ S’^HK un'ier‘-i;.ncd arc now ST( iCK Ilf Coi.sisting of a full .-iss.irtinent of /'.ilii --' (M'litlfiin irs '!!!.|'!v Ilf !!■ ;i! v-in.i.!c ('liith:ii'j-. !i t>, ;t largi’ a-'nrt iiicTit nt i>'H‘ \i u [ • vr\i i iU.tJ Cv M. \l niF 111. a l,ir'.re riliers are i iiid ..lel'.i, r^d ,i;v. •i'ei\ing from New V ::iciit 111' Ilk. (■Ml[ hi- ti li.is liee ■•i:i.-ii:rii.L' e-•:;! ;i-'h;iient in ih' ;■ e;i I r":-ore'i f-i'i;i. n;!b'..^ !;locl.. 111! ii.iw fairly at W'.rk Manufacturing Kinety Hats per month, Vr.l vl I iinve .--I them reiidy fi.r s.ilc !•> th'* L'llth 'I ir a l.irge i ii\ of Nev. Vi-ik. and mate^i.l^s, and f'l i.t be overstocked, j.iir.-h.ise of .No-. I orti 11 liu fi riiiei if tn .1 \ 1 I r.i I Kin If y it'.r rill The puiiiic til -f .ti I I' .i i on till . He rer:ir.:- ?;! I. . I-I-I I >. ■ d. and h'ipi- - ii;, i :i .i( sire t t . m- rit a i niitinu ep;;i;- d fr»‘e of (di.irg(‘. w i.iii ' do w ell 1(, .-aFi and cr.- term':n*'l t-j s*.-ll I'-w lor c.-i'li In ov'Ier tioit 1 m iy ■. .\ r ' I.''T. m V l:i ijiiality F.\.^H1')N \F. lit'. iiiMV save mi.ii'-y liy jnirclnisinu ot me hasi- in Ni w York, il is olten ;t month I efoie i \ I. tin'iii. i in a di'irt time 'lO :i>'l«' t > furnish nierch;ints • of ’\IV OWN 'd \.'^l i'.V 'I'l Ri;. at N. Vi'iU , uit: ,'n ■. I :it ■'SPJ. No. '2 at .i :!;. and .No. ■) •r di'/eii. • thi' iip.p. rtiinity of retiirniiig my thanks to my •r-; Mier^. iiirl invite them aie! ..ther well dis- .lie '.gentlemen, that are in favor ol P- s»r IIIi;rn m\m f.\( ri i:i:s, togiveme r.-ifti-r the ’-'Oth in.'t.. as 1 e\p"ct to h;ive )i,i- evliiliitii'M .-ind -ale ILitsof my own manufac- tiiai c^inn-.| lie siirp.-issed in style and din-:ihility. ■. Oiild he ple.ise'l t'l ‘•ee e'l'iy .gentleman, in try or t-.'.vv. ai.d will t.-.ke pleasure in e\hi>.itin and ':ii.w;ng the dilVerent iroees> they throu'.h fi'i in th*’ fur on tla- skin until head. C. Oct. l" -')‘2 I INC ettevil'f •oiin- r the dv for the H.WIli (iFF. ;!itf 1 pri'iiii.tly 1 :if. tti-ndcd to. ..i.rt notice fi.'.tf .\n a- ('aimm:is \M) in’(;s. VI'.- lO • i-'.mcnt I).c. 1S.-1>. Super .. Pl\ '.ir|.eting. Floor (111 Cloth ! 1. f llc.'irth Riitr-^, lately received. S. W. TiLLlNc'li.'v.'^T CO. .'i.'i-tf Sld^ll' II/hf Id/K'i I) 11/ (> noils, i;!:(b'i:i;iK.. ii \i!i>WA!’j;, ll.it.- aiil (':i]i', 15 't- :iii'l Sli"i-.s. .\ni 'n;r w hii-l. -ire : (’"iree. .'■'Ugar. • ' '”.'ii R.igging. Pale Rojie. .Naii-^. W iii'lou (1 :as>. '.V e.hs :i nd Lti:;li.'h In.ii. S.-ick :iiei Alum .'•'.•lit. Imperial an ! P.iai k Ti :is. p. I-;-. ,\'sj- -i-. C;ii„; r. l’"\\ r. Shi't. ^i|- I.e.;.I. Fi.ir ;iii'I ! .-iio-;. Si.ap. T.g :iiil- w :h a e t var^ty of other artii-lc:.to \' hii-ii tl.'-y ili\ 'te th. ;t!"iit:' .! the liuh'iM-, and isliit h they ;u- i|.-1 erm i; d t" ■ i-'i ’■ w I.r 'ash. or on time to those who ji.-iv ]ir mj'tl;.. as any h'.iise in the Soiith- •111 ii.:i’:try. Pil'd.ICC i f ail !;iii'Is, at the highest ii'.-irket jiiices, taken in c\ci;:!ii;,M. f,.r • ionds. AULF.AN .V •lOVF^^'.. .''iim:ner\ille, N. C., Pcc. |s.,l. Iitf imhh;\i s cl JO! p. Wo. 70, PirJE street, NEW YORK. ! t «.115 IS i i o .Ti 3: m n \ ' FOR THi; S.M.i: >F ,\LI. KINDS oF (inriiv \M) wiiDi.MA Muiihnri am) ‘■vlE a E) n 3';i v I «i rc* i* ’ .1 r! i r I v ?*” OF FVFRV 1»LCRIPTI0N. ('()ii;]>i’isiM:f licliiiiiT. Card ( lot In nil,'. iioM.ms. Sliiittlcs. rickiM’s. lioIN-r I Ski(L', ( loth, ()ils, ic(‘. l?'iiiii 11-ir i\v:iri', (i i iu-crii-s, l>rtig S.iddIcry , ('riickiTv and (il:i."'v;ir‘ ;illi| Ibtllili'i' l»:ioiriii;r ;niil ItnJiC lr"ti, Ac. \c. \*. We in' itc nur friend .-inline our .''to'-k: it is c. liiiiiiid aiil” terias. .\il;n!>t .'.O. 1 Mill'. ts. ( ' :iIK ( F \LL lar-. ; :it!(i .'•■Ik .-: i-ilios niiiiy Nails, and the puMic to c:;il and ex- , \R(i|-l nnd nil! h.. M.ld on ac- ,1. 1’. Ctd NCll. .s; C.MN. iMtf m\ vroiii; m m iiooiis. ' .'■'I.iud il rniei’\ occu- .'^oi!th w( st c"l ner ef et, w liere he has open- ^IlF .'iiliM-i-iher has taken th. [lied hy .'';im 1 -L Iliii'-'Iale M :rl>et .'.|U;:i-e and iilles’pie stn ed hi.' N vN .'^'i OC K OF i'fi/l and His fri^-nds and the public .-ire rci|iies;fd to give him call, .'IS he is determined to sell \n \ h.w. S. S. AP.FV. (lit. |N'_’. .'l-'im Dec. Hi, ',U-lv (•" .No'i'K !•:. ' I I- tiii' d.iy fi'inied ;i cojiart ^ -Iirl n.iiiie of .) \•'. '11 I II ! tiaii.-^ ii-ting a Oeneral ,\ge;j- ' i-- Il Riiii iin:.:'. \\ ilmin"ioii, .N. .MILLS COS UN. .J.\.M FS C. SMFi'll. i;o-ii(i A.M) oil.s. White L-ad. i ndo w (I hiss. Fire proof i’aint. \ .-iriiish, ' Red. Litiiarge, |{cd Lead. I ni- '• u'-. Vermillion. L.-.n;p I’duck, ■■ Chrom-(ire(!u, Paris Creeti, ! I I' ipi-r. Paint P.riishcs, Varni;h ■' II!.. ii( Wliiting, kc. S. J. HINSDALF,. f;0-‘_’in Wa/ifr/l to Uiif for Onv ) mr. V* NI',(;R(I MI'.N to work on Roats. for which "^he ilivfhest priees will he ]i.-lid. JNO. D. De, WILLI A.MS. tf '■ IIK un ter-ign'vl widics to hire, f ir the next year, Negro Men, to work at my Di:+tiIIery, and llizh pviccs will be paid. T. '!?. LFTTFRIOH. Dec. -J'.i, l.H.',2. ryn oil th* ■Illy “>oat* i;ui. j-'iiittitrth; S/nil/ii'illf Muh (hk! Fcnutlc A(‘H(/('iin/» ILL (••immeiice its fourth se.ssion, in the new- building, loth I’ebruary, tmd cl»s* it.t scliola.s- tic year |.'»tli Di.'c. lS.'j:’>. Org.ini/.ation and charges us l;erctofore, Mr. .Murphy exeepte.l, whose ,Hif\ices, il neces-arv, will be supplieil by u eompelent Assistant, i’or particulars address the prineifial. .JAMK.S H. HRKNT. SmitLville, N. C., Doc. W. 5ti-hn Cifhi/tcl l'nr/iitiir(\ Chairs^ tV^’- II1’, .subscriber is receiving the largest assortment in his line ever before purchased nt the North, which, together with his own manufacture, makes his Stock very complete, consisting of C'liail’.-', TiiliU'S, Sof':i.', l>('lsti‘:i(ls, :isli l>tue:iiis, liOdkiiig (Jlasscs, Sulo lin.trds, Sc( i(d:irif.«, kc. All of which will be sold on the lo’sve.=:t terms for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. JOHN W, llAKER. Oct. no. lUanks for sale here*- I). & W. 3u Hiiinrin Et S \^'l^ .just received, in addition to tlu'ir lormer ie Stock— ion kegs N.MLS, 10 hhds. Si:g;ir, •Jtt !iM: . (ira-.uihited ditto, fid h:lgs ( ollee, .'id pii'ces Dsiiidee Polgging, 7 b.iles (Iunn_\ (’lotli, I "i coils Rope. '• tons Swi'.lcs aii'l I'.nglish Iron. ;'iO ke-s pure and I'xtra White Lea'l, ■ lO b.-.\es Windov,- (ilass, •bi h.igs IM'op ;ind F.iick Shot, kc;;S l-'F|-(i Powder. --AI.SO— Loat’ai'.'l Crush d .''ug.irs, P,:ir an l i’auc.v So;ips, M.ickcnd. in li irrcis and half-bari'cl», Chec'-c. .^pii’c. Pepper, (iinger, SiiutV. lii.ligo. "NLidder, Spani>!i i'.rown. Salts, Saltpetre, .'^.ileratus, .Nutmeg.-. Mai^e, 'love>. Y east Powders, .'^perni Candles, \c.; witli a gcni'ial assortment of DRV C.(!Oi».'s, ROOTS A .N D SlIOFS, H.\RDW.\RF AND C?'TL!;iiV. Wi- ofl'c'r the aliove (Joods at iw price.--, foi* C.-’pii or good p:ipcr. D. iS; U . McL.‘\l RIN. Sejit. l-'i, 18-»-!. l2-itf i vwA. a.nD \vi.\ri:R codds. FR Fall and Winter (Joods are now here, and re.ady for sale. Our stocl; of l>ISV is large ami better than any former season; 19 ItSiVI'.i CCS-] A \ V is hard to equ;!.!. )« !S05’8? B —Our stock is large, criu;il if* not superior to any former year. .Ml of which we would be glad to exchange fur al most any kind of produce, for cash, or tojuinctiial Cilr- tomers on time. t'OOK i't T.'VLOR.- September, IS.’il'*. Ii7-tf llv (IKO. f.AUl)!':!!. i TWO iiiiivi: c. T. iniu: ji siivs stuse, 5'ayrltevillr. 7^. /. .T;in’y-JO. fil-lY' | f.\\’ receiving a much largrr ST:U t\ (»F 0(>OT>S I than usual, coiisi.sting of a comjilete assortment of Drv litjoiis, (lr()c('ri('S. llavdvvaro and C'litlory. -—.Among v.hich nr;i^ V.e fonnvl — L:idies’ tine Dress Coods, R ’iinets-, stud an us»ort- ment of Dies.; and i’.onnct Trimmivigs, of ti.:* Infest St vle,-». Cdjix, lioo/x If,id r*\' . Nc'.rro l!l.-i?ikcts and Kerseys. P.agging nnd R‘ip(', ■wit’'! ' a large supply of R F, A DY-M A D F CLOTIMNC.. j .\;i of tiie ahove (ioods have been rec.’iitly pii'*cha«ed, aii.! wii' he soM low at whfivs.-ilc or (••L-i.L W. F. .^!00nF. Fa!-; f'orn‘'r M.-iiket .‘^qu.-ire, .'■’opt. (’i, l‘'-'|-J. -oft I.AND EOii SAU:. fg'^HF siih'^criber .■tiers t'lr ?a-e looo acres of line H_ Turpentine and fimber L.\?nD. i'V Roh**«ron cou’n- ■;v. :t’ii>iiit I'oui' miles North Fa-'t of Liimberton. Ive.’irly th;* '.vhulc tract i-" heavily liiiibo^ed. and there are ;?ev- j eral l.e:;-,iiiful situ.Mtion ’ f'lr ;i re>id‘*'»'ee. P.ut a small I p-irtii'U has l.ecn clcared. It lies as liigh and healthy ' as any hind in this region of country. ! .'.Iso. six unimpvovp l Lots i'l the town of Lumliertoii. Pcr.'^’onS wisliing to purchase will make application I to Rotiert 1'^ Troy, i:i Lumb'. rt-on. or to *he ‘•’Oiseriher I ill {'crson. lli miles froni tW? vii'iaije, on tl.e Hav'.iees- ! viile Road. : .]()!!N A. HrnVLAND. j Sept. K>-V_>. -'>tf Ii(crir(il()fi ('nn>iii'inn,nit. A NI> for Sale che;>v, .'.O bbl'*. ''i l!l>l\l.\. i .»NO. D. WILMAMS. I :.! iy A IJ'-'il!. JSMALI. AND TAI.L: I (omv ifnfi 4'omv »!/#, I And i/il tjon n (i'in> that viU r,i, r)/ n P,:TU- ^ r'2'^'ll-i r-T.lv'cri'-.er h;i'»'n.‘'w hand, and will -ell cheap 1 ^ I'lr cash, his large aiul well atTSnrted Stock of .sin- .■V fii'ie lot of Saddlery, K-'.td-^-’nnde Clothing. Foreign and I'OTnesfic Liiiuorn. ALso, a lot of North Carolina liACOX. C: E. LKKTK, Person street. N>^. ]fr,2, 44tf 1 .E A r 11E R R.\ >Tds, TTHOKOFOHLY’ stretched, cemented, and riveted. The above Rands .-ire sold l!() per cent. le^!* thari New Y'-rk m:i;^facturera’ prices. Cn?h will be rc- \nired in cvcrv inEtrtnc". For ?ale hv yv. H. LUTTERLOH. Fayetteville, Not. IT), 31tf WilrtingtOTr Her.ild copy one month, and send ac-' count to W. H. Liitterhdi. .u STlilXEIV ED, SACKS l,lVERT>()Of. ALT JAtMl bn-^iels .Alum ditto, in bags/ ^ o'> tihds. Sweet Mohisses, ;!*■> bhls. City .Mess Pork, "iO hirge size No. o Mackerel,- fO hnlf bb’.s. No. 2 do, ‘JO bids, frc.'^h ra^ight ^lullets, ')0 boxes Dried Herring, >00 lihlT. Plantirg & eating Patatoe?'/ 10 iilid.'^. ■■^ujiericr Rp.con. D. & W. .McLAl'RIN. Fay?tt''vil1e. No-f. 2''. 18ot?. 4.'itf ! NEW A.M) (’HI:aP (JOODS. f.\.M ni-'\-r«‘ceivin'.r my usual assortment of FALT-' (■;ool>.', (,f w hich has b'en purchased for Cash/ i by the jiackage, v.hich '.viil en.iblc me to sell at uncom--' , rr*o»ily low prices. ! In to iriy ntual f'toek, I 1 ave piirciiased ii i large lot ol' Rea'Iy-niade ('lothir.g, w’nich can be soli? at very low ])riccs. (’oiintry merchants an l ot'ier.l are invited toexain ine‘ fhi? •ibnve ?rtock, a^ it is one of the l.-irge.^t ever olFerec^ in tiii-5 St.-ifo. J.\MES KYl-E. Seot. ■■^o, 1 S.ji?. 31tf ]”>!?. New No. ] large Mullets. '2 Casks N^-ff Rice. _also— 1 ('ase fine city-niiule light P.ooti *■ “ “ Tv.nternroof ilo. fr' NF.VV CHOI' M()I..\SSKS, tSUPElllOlSlnualitv, just received and tOTsnlchv PKTFR P. JOHNSON ' .I.->n'7 11, IK.'i'w. gle and doiihlc barrel SHOT (il NS, of the best make, j at wholesale or retail. late-t jiattei iis-. .-Ms'u, Colt s Patent Repeating Pis- tol.i. and .Mien’s R-'V'ilvorJ^ SS-it Pouelie’^ (JiiWe Hag'll Powder Flasks; Pei'cussion Caps; vVc., k". Rifles of all kind? constantly on hand, and iRnntifac- tiK'.'.i to orde;’, aiid '••^''irrantr.'d to slioot from 100 to •'>00 yard?-*. PerTir.'J’wiiidng t3'purcha.=!e anv of the aVio-ve-niir^ied arlicles^, 'Till do well to fpve m« a tr;«l, tlii'y may be sure to find t-He greatest Btt^'gair.'s ever olfcred in tl'is- town. PiCpairir’.g' of eveO' thin^ Hi the gnn-.smitli lino will bfe done at ?lw;*t notice.^ia the best manner, and for a small cb;i.rge. M. A. P>.\KER, | Sign of the Wooden Gun, i itay Street, opposite the Marble Yard, Fayetteville, X. C. ' i'-'-iK-t-10,-18-32. 17-tf llo Shoes, inanv kinds—some fine. —Al'stf- Fiiie Dress and Over ’o;its; P.-intS and Vests. 'f wh-ich will hr> s'ohl on reasonable terms, bv TH-oS. .1. .H)HNSo‘N,- Nchr the Hi-nk of Cape Fear.- F.lycttcville, t>c-. iM, 5;jtf Hnfs! If(f1s! ('ffiK.' ('dps! JJocfs S/iO(’s! FILL m wm STOII. 18.52. THMIK Siihsci'iber Im;* rec6-.'v(>d i^ne of the largest ns- .H_ sortiiicnts in his liiie that hc has ever offered in thi.-? m;i*’kct; to which he wo-Jbi (*all the attention of his' Iriends artd the public in general. Among his stock may he found nearly every idyle and ]siality that can be foiiiid in tills market. He would ^ay to all those desiring goods in his line to give him a call, as he is determined to «fe’d low fo.’ Casii, or on time to punctual customers,- .lOliN C. THO.MSON. Ohl Stand, Soutli-W’est Corner Market Square. Sept. -J-'*. 1H')2. ~Otf I I KPlvN I'I.NK I.AN'i> FOK S.\T,E- sale, 31*3 acres of L.\ND on .Tames Creek,- and b40 acres on Cypresn Creek, in Cumberland,- convenieiit to th? Westerrt Plarik Road, iieavily timbered,* and admirably adapted to the riiakinjt of Turpentine, .Anply at this Office. Nov. 2«, 44tf SCOTT~\^n JACKSON. rST received, a .supply of “Scott .nnd Jackson,’’ Headley’s new AVork. Also. D.^^•IKL AVEnfiR an'* his Contemporaries, by C- ^V. March. E. J. HALE i SON - Oct. 29, 18^2.- .1 rntm