SEMI-WB'EKLY. [VCI.. II) fgr;sCTgwjBafc*Mxju’~iL'iMwj'» c—nau» I !■ II npi"ii’AMu 1'AYiyrTKViij.F,, X. r., ricnRi’AUY 8. is'k!. [NO. ICO-] I'lllM KI' liV .1. ». Xi:U l!Y ki)\v\i!I) j. Mali; & sox, kihti'Us \ni> riioriiiiyroiis. ‘ i-’ily (htsKin ku n-J (»{) if in sj it'pai'l iluriiijx t!io year of jsubsrrip- >■ •!. r tlio > raf lins CM'irpil V .. 'A ":-'i i’>'l"'i' ammni. if jiaiii in ,. s.’ ''r' ■•'I'aM (liniivj: tin* yoai- uf siihst-i jp- . i- :ift r iIk* yi-ar has oxnin-!. ,vn;T'''! ‘ ^ t‘‘i‘ f-ixty fi'iits |>i>r . . fi'f till' fir«t. ami thirty I'eiit' for each ,j - i.;:l ^ early auvc'rtisenit'iits h_v n'.is.iiialiU* rates. Ailvcrtisors arc . 'tit' the luuiiliov of iiisortiona (lesired. or •■ >I'.iimio'i till fiirl'id. and charjrwl nooord- j.,- I.i'ttcrs to tilt' K'liturs must lie post-paid. .(^h -^( s '.Vi,/ .V. ("uro- /;■•'/ Mihfnj, KAVKTTKVILI.K. .lany I’ lll'li. ,\. 1'. Mol,fail, nil I!N-CtioIl ■.I '.’i :it tl’.p Toiirt ll-mso in thi'‘ pl-ice "n . ■''tit I'l'l' v l>-vH. l.t. (’oliiiH'l. t" ftipi Iv . J,)iiil liy tlip ri'si^Ti.ii j. II of l.t. t'.i!. I. .It till' time ainl j'I.-u'e, an election \)aior. t^: sujiti'v the p'ru-e \acnted >n- ‘r. i.rTTKiu.oii. ( I'oniiuMu ;’)’’>d I’.ejr N. ^Ii’4iti.•l. I .., 1.' nt’ Xatliaii Kin^ will r tl:.' - of l.t •'o’.i’ic! :'.;'il T, ; llV tiie I Ctilj/INit;,'!! ,.f l.t, f(.l. • .> ): li,M on rridtiv. Ixti, Fe1>. 1''':;. . ■ '-Ite trn'Mds ot ('apt, I'. Hall Nvill t II • r r' ■ ■■tVi. f :^f Major ;'.oil lU'ginient N. (, . , .lit t>y proiuotii ii. i ■ f ;'.:icc on I'rid.iv. l^th. l.^'i:’.. ‘ I’.lti: VO\{ SALK. >f tinil -'r •■n '-"n :ici‘>s, Ivinj - 1 k. near Lower l.ittle li''er. 'i'he t '1' tiiiil>*T very tine, .•siid as yet ■' .in'l \\it'.;l:: --i ini'e .!' i;;;\i^raf 1o J : ' the l:nvl u::iv ^ e h:i l. if 1. J. f. IP ‘IM'U. Ill Irish Potator.';. (tor plant- ' i ‘ it. K t sale I'V n. i: ■]'.. .■ '• *!tf !l'■■■/,i'lutil ami ( ' : I-.-: ivi‘ ! ;mii! f .r -a'- liv •J. N. SMlTli. -n >• ' Itf I O'l WSil. . V ier. I!o,.>. ('re.nil T.'irtar. lA'ia't'. !■ r tlav rii... Ma.Mer. . I’r-'Wn, I’-ath r.ricU, - - .J. F..r sale liv ,1. N. .".MITH.' Crcrn Sr *'.Uf ii>1’I's Illsrom. ■ ’nnie ..f l-.-.'T' r: - I . Ilist.^rv. inr re- i;. i:. .J. n.M.i; :->n. Wli.liK'.W .AL.M AN \(\ -i ’ rUTII vo'iuiie. jii't rtccivfd to, i:. II \i.i; sitN. ( TiT:Thc’ai.s, v.vr. 1 '■ 'n. Knirlish. ; h' Iron. ! vilrotr*'!!. ■ ■ iii'l Miiinine. F ^r sale •I. .'^.M!T1I. i‘;rc.-n ,t. t.ltf li 1 i.AN'i'i\(. P()’r.\'i'()i:s. ■ ' .1 x! rc! !,ived. in j.riiii*' ■ rder. f^r V.lLf.Kl-MJS X o. r-:;. -''t NKW C’KOl' M()I..\SSK.S, *;i]e In- r.H.VNfSON jw, ;10U.NS(*N: J;in y lo, 18.VJ. SAM-L J. HINSDALK, ! S •'!"!' lecetved his snjiply of FKKSIl ,\Nl> i B iil.Nl INI, it.VKl>I',.\ SI'.I.L)—;^rywth i»f 1S,*>*. •\si’.\i; A(il lU 'IN'-' Karly ('iiinu. I'aily N'alcntine. Karly .Moh II >v k ■ I,:ir;xp Lima. Id'.I.T^—K.-irly I’lood Tnrnip. liite Snp.Tr. Karly H;it 15:issano. 1,(111" l>IiK>d lied. Corn, Snjrar i>r Sweet. i\\r.r..\(;!;_i:.uiy Vork. Karly Sujrur I,oaf. i^arly flat 15.-itter.sea.;.ie French Ox-heart. l.arjre York.;re Kiijili-*!! I'rnni Head. Fi'i*' !>niiiilieail !^;irov. .1' M Liri.OU i;i; —Farlv London. * C.\Ki;oT—1 .on;i ()ran,LU'. I'arlv Morn. rri.r.iiv whit’e .^oiid. I'lt'l .Ml’.lil’i—Fariy lliissian. Farli ('luster. London Lon;; (Iroen. l'.'ii I’LAN r — Liirjre I’nrplo. rii-l’.oval t’,-.hhage.;.ie (Ireen Ice Mead. Ici' (’oss. —l-ine Apple. N lltnle^^ Htei'. 'Nli>N—tl lier-^ficii I.artre nei? Yellow Siher Skin. I’AllSLK^ — I'ouI.Ie -nrled. I’ \11S\11’—Lons SiiMMiiti I’i.l’l’Flt —l.,ir-e l!nll .\ose. Svvei-t M(>nnt;iin. I’l \I!’I\1N—t'liiinecticiit Field. U,M*1.SI1—F.-iily I.oMjr Scarlet. F.irly .Si'.'ulct Turnip. 'Vliite 'riiriiip. I'lai'rv I'a’.I .'panisli. S'.I ASII Lar’.v Y.llnw I'.u h. i' >’d.\ i'l *—L:;r^i- llr'd. I’c :!• .''h.;]>ed. T'. llNIi’ I'.^irly Sprint:. Purple t.iji Piiita P.a;_'.i Larj;e F.ntr'i-'Ii Norfolk. — .\I.SO— >h-‘lce iissorin.cnt of FLl\VF.P>. SFLI*. For s;i!e bv S. .1. lIINSli.VI.F. •lan'y I'J. !>■■’>’. .'I'.'-'Jin s rou A(;i:. have ctinniiodioiis tirick 'V;i:clniiiscs in the fr,r of ■•ur .'t' re. in which we •-t.'re cotton ■lice. 1>. .V W. .McLAI KIN. , ;;:-tf FALl. A.\l) WLNTHR STO(’K OF S'l'APLK I'AX'V \)R\ (JOODS, l'’or I 111AVK jnst received niy Stock of ST.M’LF AND FAN('\ I)lv^ (JOOl)S, for the F:iU und NVinter trade, consisting in part as follows; ('lotlis, ('assinieres and N estings; plain, bl'k and fiji'd Silk.s; fancy do; Iil'k jind I'ld d Flench Merinos: Fujilish do: hi k and col l .\lpacas: French and Fn*;lish jirinted I Delains. i some enihroiilered ami very h.andsonie;) .Me- I rino Shirts and I)i*aV'’ei’s: \^ool Shawls; aiul ('rajic d4i; Fl.-innels; Woi-Mied Cajis; Pionnets. Sacks and Mulls for Children: Nc;j:ro Pdanket"; mid n f\.\v ^ood heil M'aiiket.s: (.*arj>ets ami Hearth Hu^rs: French ami .Amer ican Prints: tiin^rlianis: lileached and lirown l)omestics: Osnubnr^rs: Malhro Cumds: Id'k and col tl ('otton Velvets: Velvet Triniminjrs: .laconi't and Swiss Muslin: IJishoj) and Victory Lawns: Jaconet and Swiss Fd}:ini;s and In- sei tinj;s: Linen Trimminjrs; Cotton and Lisle Kdginirs; Infants’ Waists: Frinjien: Ciinps; Picnic .Mitts: (iloves and Hosiery: Kihlums. lionnets, (iirls’ Flats and Straw Trinimin);: Haniask and .Merino. Also, a jjoihI assortment of Shoes !ind P>oot5. for La dies, (lentletnen. P>oy-. (iirls and Children: toirether with Inany other :irticli s not enumerated. ni;ikinr inv stock complete; to which the attention of my friends and the tradinjf piihlic ^renerji'ly is inviteil. Cratefid for j>ast favi'rs, 1 hope In oflVrinf: jjoods .-it reasonahle rates ti> continue to sh.are a portion of public patroiiaire. North-West Corner .Mai’ket .Stjiiare. No. (Iri'en st., Fayetteville, N. C. 1*. SH L.MW FLL. I^ept. llo, IS.'i'i. A NKW J.Wi'.N'riON. rg'^HF. nndersi^ned has made an invi'iition >f a Smut H M.-ichine. which he will insure to lie jierfect in the extr.ietii'ii of smnt in wheat, :ind wishes to inform ?dill Owners that he is i>nttintr up machines at I'nion F.icto- tor\, .III liivfi-, null's .North of ,\.-.|itMiroii;rli. .N!' tn.Tchines are cnm)«ii>ed of three listinct prim-i- pies, ceiiti ifniral, scuerin^ and reaction. It take.s the through three operations in "oinj; throuiili the nifichine i>nce. .\ny ]ierstiiis huyin^r a machine, after trying it, if it does not clean dump or dry, 1 \iill take it hack. Price Seventy-five i)ollar.'i. .\ll letters audn ssi- I to New Salem Por-t >frioe, iJnn- '.lulph conntv. P. P. FllFLMAN. Oct. 1_’. iV.'.ii. ;;n S'^fl I {(‘ward. fiom th. i.' at.unt ~i ti'.'t 111 inches jionnds; his hail' i> lon.i tic'l up in strings; h-is \i 'IV N'lv. 1 i; \cs. 'tin ii'Cfivi and t pri. !vA(;s, K \(;s. llAi.'' fi'r .1. F. .1 1:111 \ Co , uaiii j..,uniis at the hijzh- f. r cash. ('"!:■ n \ ;;i. l Wr;;] piiu Paper, a lar^e lot, on 1 n. .11;.'.;. :uier.'' price->. P.H.\NSuN .v: .loHNSON, Siu‘> cs»"rji t': 11. P.ransiiii \ S 'li. .1.: 17. I 'oo. *;"tf liMMi iM)rA'i'()i:s. ^^F.I.Lon Piaiiti.iu .''n l .Mere r PuTATtiFS, 1 a ]■■ .r s; .L-in'y I'l. l''-’>-I. II \LL '.c liy l’.i:\NS()N \ .loHNSoN,' to 11.! Son. t.dtf vv rrv -III the Fol NIHIY lU SlNFS.' t’>n. or at the (itlice (’"nipany. and of the t'ompar.v. Prritt Strei .Lin. f, r-'.-J. inf"rm the [inhlic th:if he is •M t:;nd carrying on the a> ve ■ iii-iie-i. He r't':i o' thank- t"r the :;:i' receiveil, and hope; liV a strict ::;id a dl•^ire to ple.isf all al.d ■ II. t' merit !i continuance of the rk tu lie made »f the Lest iiia- ■'•■I'l \i :,rkmen,—ha\in>; a more ■ '' ‘’li aiiv ma'le in the .'^t.ite tor iir:ilii';i . : .-ind sli"iild any ot it tail ■*i f .1' n.'-a'.^e! eithi'r in woiktn m- ' ■ «1 ' repair it free of chargee. ' -• • hiiv. wiiuhl d" uell toc.ill and ex- ;.c i.' 'li-termined to sell low lor c:ish ^ . received and promptly attended to. ' ' ■ ' ’I'' ’.y eveciififj at short nitic»? '''^i' iM:Ksnii‘ No'ricK. '• thi.- day f rined a eoptirtner- V .11'^ n.iiiie id’.1 \S. C. SMl'l’H I an-actin_r a (ieii'-ral .\ren- P.iiiMiii'js. U ilniin^rton, N. MILKS COSTIN, .lA.MFS C. SMl'l'H. • 1 ni /g luNTlNl F t. M with a.i its hraiiches. in thi-> place. 'I'hey have adde 1, within the la^t six month.s, worth of Pat terns. and are now pre[iared to furnish Mill« ri^rht.s with 'l.o !iiiiei-v. at shiirt notice. f"r Wheat. Corn, lirist, and Sau m;.,. .-‘Ti'.im Mi!'.' repaired throii^hont. I >nr term- ;ire « .'h oil delivery: per cent, will Le i added f"r i voiy '.'.'t ilays an .•icc .iint may fl.'.nd iinpai'l. \Vi- . anii' t carry on thi- Im.iine.'.s nii tlie crcilit 'ti in. ui'ithcr wc intehii doin^ I1.\LL A lloLLINC.FK. .\iii^iist Is,. 1^-')‘J. l>t;' li \K(; \INS! |} \K(;.M.\'S!! IN niv recent vi'it to N«v* 'i ork, niy ]nin‘ii>al o)iic-t was to tret wi.rkmen a:. l m.ili-rial f"i-the purpose of rininufac- to.rin-- Si’ik ILit-i. .M't'-r "ettin;r there, .Hid findiii.: it difliciih to ^ct fir>t r.ite .Mic ,'^oiitli. 1 ":ive up the prospect of ]iro- ii.'i' neiitly piirch.ised :i lar^ri' 't-ck of ,\fter niakiii;' my jmri h:i'e. 1 en;.'aL'‘'i| 'iitleniaii a** principal, who cJine wi-11 re commended. He leariieil hi ; trade in Fiir- pe; ami t. r the last '-even ve.ars he has heen employed ir a lar^re nianufacturin^ est?ilili>hment in the city' of New ^ i.rk. I then iirociired fa'hioiiahle hiork.s and materials, and am now fairly at work lYIanufacturing Ninety Hats per month, .\nd will ii.ive of them ready for sale hy the 'JUth iii^t. In order that I may imt he overstocke.l, 1 offer for "-tile, ,\ r ('li.sT. my l-ite purchase of .Nos. 1st, ‘Jd, Hiid -id ipnklitv 1'.VS 11 H tN 1»1,1', I^cITS. rcli isin_'- ol' me. If iicii a iii"ntii vou r.'i fiv c them. 1 -li ill in a short time hp !il>le to fnrni.'h merchants with Hats.)f MV OWN MANI F.W •irP.F, at N. York to-wit; No. 1 Jit INo. '2 at and No. .> lioc'Ki'isii sin:i:i'iNc;s, ■ BY the bale or h.ilf bale, for s.ile bv C. T. HUdll .'i SON. .lulv ]:;, l.s'.:!. Stf \ PIANOS rou SALi:. ''HUFF, verv "cod si ion ! iiaiid Pi.-in' - fi r sale. plv to ‘ L. 11. V, !!1T.\KL1:. .fan'v ..I'tf M: \ BAkgJlV. r B^H F S',iii-,-rib.T has 0. .Street, on thf I,. Mi Neill's ('abiiiPt Shiiii Faniili' s, l’.o;it.', .-ind tiie vv rkrm n t' curii._ aiiv. SILK H ATS. ■.nbwcn! 1 ;ind •r> an- no reli'Tal a - nO^I'.adif's' Uidiui^ Hats and (ich11‘- men s Hiding Cap.s, for sale at the 'Jrt'cn Street II.\T I). Nov. 19. 18.-,2. 4.-,tf iinsii poiw roKs. ^^JOPiTHFRN Yellow, for I>lantin”:, for sale bv I’LTi.ll P. .lOll.N.soN. .lan’y 11. IS'd. Di^N'i'AL srii(;i:iiY. 1>. \' . I'. MllV.IIHS h;is taken ro.iiii !it Harman's Hotel wherein may be found ;it any and all times of tin lay. and oHi-rs the most eflicient and annrovcd laeans r 1.: * ,1 . • ' .... ... his :irt to the citizens of l''ayetteville and viciiiity. Operations warranted to give perfect'^faction. Dec. liT. lS.->i;. If All L’ll 10 •• 111 *• For .sale by .lan'v IHoG. sid'cribi r. on Miinday the ctrro man name.l HLN. Hc high, and weighs about I'.Ml , ;ind he sometimes keeps it ry large head, l.'irge eyes, ale! goocl teeth. Ill’ can read aii'l wi-iti*. and ]>onsibly may wiite himself a pa-s. Hi' age is "J'.'. I will give tlic abovf rvvvar’’ f. r the a]i].rehea'i'in and delivery to me, or to ;iny .I.-iiier in this St.ite so that I can get him again, of tin- ab.ivo boy. 1 VI ill :ivc an .i.lditional rew.-.r 1 of fur prooT suthcient to convict any white jiers'iii c.r persons of liarbi rin:: s li'l b.'V. C. HAltlllSON. ( lintiiii, Sali'j's n t’.i., .N. C., Nov. L'li, b')lf liKDici:!) 1'aim:. ’riirniii_rli 'I'iiki'ts li't\vi'(Mi Wilmingfiiii, N. ('.. and P>alti- m.ire. l .ire^Hl. Via Weldon, p* ?cr«toirg. Itli, \ Wii'li- ington City, or via Weldon. Port't- ni"iit!i and Norfolk. For Ticket'^ apjily :it the Oflicc of the U ilmingt' ii and P.aleigh il.iil I’oaiH'"inpany at Wiliiiing- of the liahini'-re .''tean^ Pai-ket ' I’.iltimore and (Uiiij Fail lioud t, P.altiiiKire. .H s'l' iii:c'i:i\ Ki). HOZFN half lirifrlit Steel HoLS. L'li •. poli.slH-.l extra. Collins’ I'v Simmons’ Turpentine .\xes. heavy Timber TIlOS. .1. .JOHNSON. Near the Hank of Cape Fear. oOtf NO ric'!:. 4 l.L jiersons imlebti'd to M. N. LF.MIY. ]ircvioiis to ^ \ the toiiiiation of the cojiartnership of Nl. N. Leary Son. are rei|uested to call and make imineiliate !;et- Ih'nient. .M. N. LF.MIV. .laiiy IK.,:’,. .>i)-;Wii (If/7 N ({)/• iiinrr) 'rurpnithu Ijtiiil fi/i)l ?i!;!ls ior sftlr. B N jiursiiaiice f ;i I'ecree of the Court of I’onity for ^ the cou;ity ' f]isiiii, F.dl T. ini l'' ili, will be sohl at .\iict:oii. on Momi.ay L’lst Fibniarv next, at 1 I'clock P .M.. at the Court ilou,''e in ( 'lintoii. n]ion .me :ind two years credit, with interest after one year, one pel cent, of liie purchase money to be pai.l in c.i'h, the L.\NDS .V.Nl) MILL.S of the late (leorge T. llaiksdale. known formerly as the .Mallett Mills, and the a Ijoining Lanils. IviTigin Sa^llp^^oI\ :ind P>hiden counties. Sold in jiarcels of ijlMl and njiwal'ds t.iiillU acres or iin.rp. to suit jiui-' hasi rs. llon.l:; ainl api.roved sureties renuire.l. P. MFi;Pll\. C. M. L. Dec. L’7. 1?'''J. ;s ('innhcr/n.’id Suprnor ('oiirt o/ L/nr. VSPFl'lAl, TLli^i of ('imiberian I Superior t'ourt (if Law. lor the tri:il of Civil caii'e>.. will be held .111 the sec.nd M.iiiclay in February 1 J. .Suitors ;in.l Witnesses .ire li. rel.v notified thi-rcof. atnl v> ill govern themselv c.5 acordingl v. D. (I. .MAC 1:AF. Clerk. Nov. '2'-K I!'-''-’. 47powtC C'KJAUS! cnrxKS! ( KJAliS! ■">•101) La Clift Itegalia.Legalia^, ’>"11(1 La I'lii'iii Principcj. 'it . ^ ^ 'Tiu' Su!)scril»('r still con- fiiiuis to carry on the CMHNF.T P.TS!- N FS.S in I'.ayettev ille. and in adilition to his Fstablisliinent on Pmw .Street. ne:ir Fccks s ISridge. has opened a large W.\1!F IIOO.M on Hay stre. t, nearly o]i)ioj-i(e tiie Fayetteville Hotel, and oiie door l.:ibt of .Messrs. Haigh .t Son's, where a general assortnn'iit of FlJllAJTL 1), .Made by competent and faithful workmen, may be had .It prices corresiiomlinfi with the time."!. ,\lso, an a»- ,'!ortment of Ni.rthern-made i'l KNITL IIL. selected by liimself, which w ill be bold at a verv moderate alvance. Dl'Nl’AN .McNKlLL. Nov. 10. 1,‘.->1. ;{Stf K 8 hand an assortment of Fisk's celebra- b8 ted .M1;T.\LL1C liCKl.M- ('ASFS, wliich have I been highly recommended by Willie P. .M.-ingum. Henry I Clay. Levi is Cass. n.. K. King, and many other il- I lu.'trioHs characters, who have examined and vvitne.sse.l their iitilitv. HARMAN’S HOTEL, Pafieitevifle^ €\ Tlio £ riber having taken tlit* larffc! Hotel, formerly known as the Ph.VNTKHS’ HOTFL. situ.'ited at the foot of ILiy Mount, Hay .‘^treet, Fnycttevill'*. North ('arolinii. respectfully inf. rins his friends and the public that he is now engag.-d in refitting the buildiflg. 'vrhich irt snpplieil with entire new Fiirnilnre, and is prepared to accomnio.|;iit* the travelling public. Having liad some experience in the business in the tow/i of PJtf3- borough; N. ( .. lit* tiat'f-rs himself that he will be ;ible to give satisfjiction to viho may t.ivor him with their com)iany. His roi'ins .are large and airy. Ho lia.S large .nid convenient Stable*!, and a gO''>'3 snif faithful Ostler. JOHN IIAIIMAN Feb’v 1 7. 1 J*.”)!*. t)(>tf Viori:!” ^■■^HK subscriber having purehnsvd the Hotel .situated on the .South-Flast coi ner of Court House Square, and lately known as.Sfimrts Hotel, would inform tLo public that he is nww re.-idy to acconiinodate l>&arder.» t.y the day, week or month. Having made considera ble otitlay in fiirnishing and rc^itting the Kstahlishinent,' he hopes to be able to give satisfaction to all wlio p»- troni/.e him. His Table sh.all be furnished with the best the market alfords, his J»ar with t‘»e best of Li- j ipiors, and his .Stalde with a plenty of good provendef vT ,1. \i. f}i:asli:y\s J(‘Vv(‘lry Stoi*(‘, 7/ny Siriit, nrar the Murl.i f flmtsr, _ I and faithfnl Ostlers. I .Tune I’l), 1 A. GILCHUIST. :5-tf nS AY b> for.iid an uiiiisn.-ill'.' l.-irge .7 a and i'ich variety of ."iiiOn .L-nny Lii: 1, o'Hiii Pli.ntati'.n, .'.Illto Pali. t. l :jil(i(i ('onnicsia. ;;il:iil La 'elebrada. For 'a'.e by Or*. :_i' l''‘il.‘. L'niMi .\nil rosi.i. I’ MHi 15,n Franklin. i;Him N, riega. "HUM N>ptuno. •Jdnti Volnntev". l!(i»l nita. ( HAS. HANKS. V/atches and Jewelry, /V'«j .-> dozen jiair of th ' latest style Cut! Pins: ^ 7 'lo. ji.'iir latest style Kings; large lot .Silver Ware; Forks; .Spoi.ns: Ladles: Cream Spoons: Sn; Tongs; Cu|.s. .\l*-o. largo l(it Plated good«; Colt'.s and various ' tlier kinds of Pistils; double-barrel (iu’is; .'surveyors' I’oinpasses and Ch.iins; .Mathematical In struments. ^:c. X.>. J. M. IJFA.'^LFY. • y li. 1 s'l'l. .')7 'Jm Hinc'K roK sM,i:. r 2''H F, sub-:i-riber has for s.ile I 'lM.iKiti hard burnt I P.llICK. whii-h he is willing to sell .it the lowest market price. .\ni! he inteinls to kccji a supjdy con stantly iwi han'I. Hl. McPHKILSON. .Ian y •>, ISoo. ot-oni Offii-f «f tlip r. F. mill I). K. .\iiv. Co.,) I"llfshorfiin/lt, Jiin'j/ '•>, Is,),'). J ‘^t^oTlCr. i' hereby given, that scale.I [>roposa!s will .i. ^ be re. eivi'd at the Olliee of this Ci.nipany. to exe cute tlie work Vet remaining to be done on the liii-.' of a|ie Fi ir and Dee]i Uiver Improvement, until the lltii \H{s. Mary ann uHisoN. ^ ILL be plal to aceoniniodate !i few I’oarderH.' .She also informs her friends an'l the public that '•he intends to carry on the business of .Muiilu;i-' making. Fayettvcille. Sept. -4, 1S.')2. 2.^tf SI.^]}!KHV1LLE llOTiiL “ jk \ fMIHK undersigned wmild respectfully inforrri JL the citixen? (d' .Sunifnerville, the vicinity, ..fiJirjl, aiid the pulilic ge^P^i^lly, that she has opened li iiottse of where she will be pleased to accommodate all w ho may call on her. The Village is pleasant ami healthful, her hon.-^e large ;ind coniniodions. No p.-iins will be sparrd to *-ende>' agreeable t>nd fo»'*f'’/'tabh^ any who may favor her with a call. She is prepjircd to acromodate witli Co.-.rd fronr 1-j to 20 Students. I’rice of iJoai’d !j>8 per month. L UAILKV. Summerville,- N. C.. Jan^; 1-T, 1-tf SADDLKK.^’ AND COACII-MAKERS’ li.M II D W.f 12 Tiifl.iiis .Mi{Ki:.\zii': & w .\i). Ba Hi more .St.. B:i!liinore, ..f Fi'briiary next !>v or'ler of the 1 •.ird of Directors. J. .1. .I.VCKSoN. Treas'r of the Compiiiiy. LIMIJKK! Ll'MliKR!! MA\ MlIF Sul iscribers h.'ive formed L dcr the n.iine .nid ‘t; le of .s ri'.DM \\ \- FiU.^5. pal tner'liij) un :ni:. liO! the ■\nd may be f. iinl at the foot of Hay Mount. h"Use I'lirmeriy o.-cnpled by ll.all \ .lohn-i.n. They have reeeived their F.VLL .\ N D WlNTLll (iOdli.s. I .11.'..'ting in part if St.ipli' I>ry ChumIs, ll.inhvarc tiinl ('iit’i.Ty, A: Shm'.', .s .le l,fatiu r, ]>air;;iiii:, liopi', 'rwiiu*, All.'. .M.'O, a '.o'ticral a.'.sort iin iit nf (I rui i'rios, iiii lui'iitiir ;i clinic,' .^clcrtiiiti nt’ iiiiiimi.-.. We keep on hand vj.un ^ arii. from the Dceii Fiver Nf. ('o. at Fact.iry prii'es. e will lake in exchange 1 \'r • .."d, C'.untrv pr. dll'e of aiiv kin.L N. \. STFDM.V?,'. w. T. H(H:m:. Oct. I. IS.'.J. .'lUtf fMl’OPiTFPi.'^' aitd Dealers in Hog SkiriA, J^adule 'Iree^/ Fnglish Heads .and Heins, (iirtli Webs, Stirrups,’ Hames. P.itts, \e. .Spiings, .Vxle.s of all kin.l.s, Coacfi Lace, IHl.N T FFLLOFS. Hubs, Spokes, (.'nrriage ftrtff Tire P.rlts. f’atfl'it CttfiTM';'. Carpeting, and every arti cle cciiinected with either liranch of the busi»M'.‘-s, which* they are prepared to offer to punctual Customers ou as* r F h;ive onr .''^teani .Saw Mil! in s-ucccs.'fnl opera- ' good terms as any otTfer h'o'iw fh the United StuteS. tion. S mill s from Fayetteville, near the Faleigh i Agents for the sale of Pope’s Self-Adjusting PAD^ anil .Spencer’s (ilj T1'EK.S. »rder?f pTonrp?ly «ttcir.ied ta. Ad:l*ess TlIOII.l.S lIU'KE\ZfE k Sn,\.S. No. -2'2 Baltimore .Street. 45A] ILVLTI.MOPiF,. Stag:' loiad. ami are jirejiared to execute f'rders in our line. .\s we run two Hdtun/ or I'irrular S-ntK, wf* ran fill biil> at the shorte.'t notice. SVe can fiirni.sii Pii;e. Po! ia r and .1 uni per LF .M HF1{. and d'almost any length. (Mir Liniiber. for truthfulness of line and smoothness of face, shall be eoiial to .‘inv ever delivered in market. JONFS .V P.AUHFF. March :'.(). lSo2. 7Stf MAUilLS: FACTORY, -Jv— ji s r ri:ci:ivj:d. i Ll’K for Distillers. Horie and Mul' Collars. A fine lot of Saddlery. Ueady-inade Clothing. Foreign and Domestic Liquors., u k)t of North Csrolinu J^JACON. C. E. LF.ETE, Person street.- Nov. 18. 18G2. -14tf receiving from New York, rtmeiit of M'i'‘ QlEoFesh'ist Mer. IriT'.ts ni.'iy s ave money by j. von piirclia'^e in New ^;ik, it is i pr:i :it -S-;" p 1 take this opportunity of returning my thanks to tny f,.rni r cii-itomers. an.l invite them an.l .>ther well dis- pi 'I'd ). itriot'..- geiitlfiiien. that are in favor of SFI’- Pol’.TlNC sol rilFKN M ANIFACTI IILS. to give me a call on iir after the 2»th inst.. as I expect to have exiiibition and sale llat.s of my own nianufac- tnre'that cannot be surpassed in stvle and iliiraiiility. I would be ph-a.-e.l to see every gentleman, in coiin- or toww. and will f.ake plea.'.ure in exhibitiiij trv the Hats, and showinir the dilferent process tfiey j>a>s throii 'h from the fur on the .skin wntil ready for the DAVID F;tvpitc'ville, N. Oct. -»Uf ^ C'AlilM: J S AND Rl’(iS. •'« •' FI Oil Cloth 4-4. An asdortineiit of Hearth P.iiirs. lately received. S. W. TlLLIN(;il.\ST .N CO. I'ee. IH.'iJ. ''-''-tf W(tnt to Hire for One ) (nr. Nll'FKO MLN to work on I'.oats, for which the hi'jhebt prices will be paid, .JNO. D. WILLI.VMS. r)'>-tf .■'^t.'iMi.;l.e 1 .1 P.akiry on Pmvv I tu.i d"or Fi-'t of Diincan He is prep.ire'l t.i furnish piib'ie generally, with P.reail, F.isciiit, mid 'akes of varioii'kiii'ls. of the la st ipiality. a.s he ha*; pr'iciired the servii-es ot one of the bi st F.akcrs in the .''tate. Price.s i'e. (ii ve me a c.ill. CllA S P.ANKS. F.'iyettcv ilie. Dec. 1 ^'iJ. .i i-tf \i:v, rni^i & (iitiiiis. rg^iHi: Stuolf (iii'l I'diiai Drij (iood.s^ cV. )>']•: in n.M'iDWAIlK, li lt.- ami loll Is ainl .''lino.s. .\iiii;ii;_ whii'li are: (\iflee, .Sugar, Cott'.n ilaggiiig. Hale liope, .Nails, \S iinlow (il.'iss. Swedes and Fnglish Irun, .Sack and .\liim .S.ilt, lni[ierial and P.l:ick 'leas, pepper, .\Npice. Oinger. P'lw.l.'r, .''h.'t, li.-.r ilar and F;in.-y .Soap. Togelher with a gi-('at varii'ty of other articles, to whicii tliev iiivite tin attention of the inibHc. and which tliev are d. i iniiied to -eli as bivv for Ca-^h. or on lime to those wloi ii.iy pr'iiiptly, as any house in the .Soiiih- crn .'oiintry. Prixlu. e of all kinds, at tiie highest market prices, taken in exchancre for (ioo'l.'. .McLKAN i .IONi:s. Summerville. N. C., Dec. S. IS-il. 4tf wm.u k .lllM i'. No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. € .’T2 B':i£4'Ca.t.\TS Foil Tin: SALF. OF ALL KINDS (U’ r'lTi’iiN \\i) wiioLi.iA ii\( I!Im:kv .i.\n ^^.^1 :s El 811'a i* I «J r o r ’« A r I i o I o OF KVFKY DKSCltlPTION. C^)ni{>risini^ 1»c1hh;,;, ('ard (’lotliinir, l>()l)l)ins, Siniltlcs, Pickers, Roller Skins, R()l!(‘r C'lotli, Oils, &c. tlieir F.\LL lar-c and Ni:\\ (.OODS. rg^HF umb rsigned are iiow rcc ivin SL STOCK of G:I> □!> n Consisting of a full assortment of l.,.nlii-.'' and (lenflenn'n's Drc.-s (im ls. a .•'Hl'jdv nf lu*;ui_v-in;idt‘ 'lotliiliiT. Hat"-. ('.i|is Hniincts. ;i lar;.:c ass'irtni' iit nf IJonts and .Slim s, ll:iidvv:in', (irocfrics, l>riiLrs and .^li-diciiu s, .'^..diiloix, ('inckory :md ('Wtiro, (iutiiiY and iLtiidc.* l>:i;jr_L:inir :nid Ht'ju', Nails, Imn, Ac. i\;c. A.-. We invite >'iir Irieiiils and the public tu (.•.-ili :ind e.x- amii.e .iiir Stm-k; it i.' L.\ llO 1'. ai..l v. ill be i on ac- c'lniiiiodating terms. .1. T. ('id .Nt'll, \ ('AIN. .\ii;ru-^t :.n. 1 .'-.■'I'. l!l t!' \!;\i fiTiiiii; i.\ii iaioiiji. fH'^HF subscriber taken the .Stand loriueriy occn- ■ pied bv S.nil 1 .1. Hinsdale, S.nitlivvest corner ol .\Iarket .S.|ii:ir(' and (Jillespie street, where he h.-is o'len- ed hi.' NF'.V STOCK OF S'itH am! His friends and the public an' rei|iiested to give him a call, as In' is determined to sell verv liiw. S. S. .\11FY. .'U-I'lll .•t. 1>. A: W 'iiiUirin nldition to their former )2-lv Di. :7. 1K'> g ^ .just received, Hid kegs N \ 1 LS, 1(1 hhds. Sugar, !!(• bbls. (iranulated ditto, tlI bags ('o'f ee. .'ill pici-i'S Dundee I’agging, 7 bales (iiinny ( lotli, I'l coils P.ope, I) tons .Swedes and F.nglish Iron, 'ill kegs ])nre and extra White Lenl, .'lU box“S A\ indow (Jlass. 4(> bags Drop and Piuck Shot, 'J.') kegs FFF(i Powder. —ALSO— I,oaf ,'ind Crushed .Sugars, Piar and Fancy .Soaps, M.-ickerel, in barrels and half-b.-irrels, Cheese. .Spice, Pepper, (linger, .SnnM'. Indigo. A[rthier, Spanish Urown. .s-alts, SaUj'etre, .Saleratus, Nutmegs. ■Mace, Cloves, Yeast Powders. .Sperm Candles. ,S:c.: with a general assortment of DllV (lOOD.S. HOOT.S AND sH(»i:s. h.\i:dw.vkf and ( Ttlfiiy. We offer the above (!ood.-j at low jirices. for (’a?h or good papt r. D. Vi. .McL.\l Ill.N. Sept. Id. 18'')J. •_’■)(f n. LAIIDFR. TUii fni:i;:s iiiiivi: r. t. iruiiii siir.'; sTdia;, E’'ay*Jlc*vi!!r, .Jan'y is-'.;;. *i1-TY t.\M reeiiving a nnndi larger ,''T(M'K OF (lOOD.^ than n.sital. consisting of a complete :issortiiient cf , l)rv (i(!o;!s, (Jroc(‘ri('s. 1 lardware and rutlory, .\iiiong wliiili may be^frnnd — L.idic'' tine Dress C.iod*. P.ontfet.5. and' .-in a.>»»ort- meiit of Dress and I’.'.nnet Tiinimings. of the latest .-.tvles. —.\LSt» — J/iifs, Ciijix, (i)itf Negro Pil.inkets and Ker-;ey«. P>agging and Iloj'e, with ; a larire 'Hpiilv of 1! F.\D'l-M,\ 1 L CI.(>TH FNd. ,\li of till' above (ioods have been recenfJy purchased, ai.'l v\i.l be sold low lit wholoale or ret.-iil. u. F. MOtHlfl. Fa>t Corner .Market Sijuare. Sejit. \ !.AN!) FOR SALi:. fSlHi: siibscri'.cr oll’ers for sale H»0() acres of fine] y_ Turpentine find Timber L.^ND, in Uobes-on coiYn- j I jy. about four miles North Fa->t of L.inibvrton. Ne.irTy j lo.' whide tract is heavily timliered. uml there are sev- j [ cral beautiful situations for a residence. Hut a sni;ill i i ]ioi tion has been cleared. It lie.* as high asd hetilthy | I i.s any land in this regioii of countrv. .\lso. six iinimiiroved Lots in the town of Lnniberton. | Persons wishing to purchase will make ap]ilic:ition ^ , to P.obert F. Troy, in Lnniberton, or t-i the subscriber , ; in ]ier.'oii. Ill niiics front t’nf' village, on the Harllee \ille P. oad. ?VHN ROWLAND. Sei.t. Id, IS.VJ. '-’(Itf 1 > \M) OH.S. White [,ead, W indo'.v (Hass, 1 :re-proid' I’aint, \ .■iriiihli, ' I’ d, Litharge, lied f.i-ad, I in- 'i.m*. \ eri.'iillion. I,amp Illack. . Chrome (Ireeii, Pari.' (ireen. ■ '‘-per. Paint P)ru.shes, Varnish ' Wiiiting. \c. S. .J. HINSDALE. G(J-l!ni l'*HF on ler-igned wishes to hire, for the next year. twenty Nc.7ro Men. to work at my Distillery, and on till; Uoat' r Hi'-h iiriccs^vvill he paid. ^ * T. S. LUTTIinLOH. S'ltf Dec. 1 S/iiilhrillr Mal (tnd I'cniftlc A'(t(lcJiiij^ ■W B/ ILL commence its fourth session, in the new V* building, l-’)th I'ebriiary, and close its scholas tic var l-'itli Dec. Org.ini/ation and charge.'?-as heretofore, .Mr. .Murphy excepted, whose services, it necess.irv, will be siipjilied by a coniiietent Assistant. For i-articulars the principal. ('(thind rttniilnrCf ('hairs^ "^HF sid.seriber is receiving tne largest assortment , his line ever before purchased at the North, .IKS) 4'HrE.I.ICl is hard lo equal. TALL AND WIN'n-lR (IOODS. OFll Fall and Winter (Hoods are now hero, and ready for sale. Our stock of I>31V is large ind fietter than any former Keasini: SB .i it l>IVfS37 SmitUvillc, N. C,, Dcc. .JAMES II. lUiENT. which, together with his own inan^rfiie^nre, makes his Stock very complete, consisting ot Cluiirs, Tallies, .'>ot‘as, Uedsteiids, ann tStaiids, IJiiroaus, Ijonking (}lasso.‘«, .Side Bdiirds, Sccrotarios, i'ee. All of which will be sohl on the lowest term;? for Cash, or on short time to punctual customers. JOHN W. BAKER. Oct. .'50. 18-31. Onr stock is large, Cfjual if not sujierior to any former year. LKATHER JJANDS, [IIIOP.OCUHLY stretched, cemented, and riveted. The above l>an’is are sohl 'J(( per cent, less than' New York manuf.icturers’ prices. Cash will be re- luired in every instanc'.*. For sale ^T \i. H. LUTTEKLOH. FHvetteville, No^. H). IS.")'2. dltf Wilndiigtoti }^er:ild copy one month, and send ac count to W. H. Lutterhdi. jrST RKCKUE!)^ S.U’KS rjVEIlPOOL SALT. 1(MH» bu.shels .\luin ditto, in bag9/ hiids. sweet Mcdasses. .^'i bbls. ('ity Me.'s Pork, 20 large size No. o Mackerel, 10 half bbls. No. i: do, l!0 bbls. fresh enugh*' Mullets, •^0 boxe.s tiri^d Herring, IfM* bbls. Planting & eatin" Pfttatoes/ Id hhd.^. sii]ierior IL'icoii. D. .V W. McLAI'RIN. FayetteviH.*. \'ov. 2*2. T'8-')2. 4.''itf Ni:\V AND CHKAP (j7)ODS. f.VM now receiving my nsnal .‘issortnient of F.\LI/ COOD.S. all of wliieli b-en purchased for Cash/ by the p.ickage. which will nra to ^ell at nncom- mi-nly loiv prices. In a*dir'i-on to my usual stock, 1 have pnrchaseil (£ large lot of Ke,' Clothinji;. whitli can be soli? at very low firices. (’onntry nierch>rnt^ and others are invited toexam inc' the above ftock, a.s it is one of the I;irgest ever oflere(? in this i'tate. JAMF.S KV LE. Sept. .30, 18j‘2. _ :ntf jrsT RKci:jvKiv Hbls. New No 1 large Mullets. 'A (.’asks New Kice. —ALSO— 1 Case fine city-nnidf light Hoots. 1 *• •* “ Traterproof do. 2;'> *' Shoc. Tiiany kind.s—some fine. —also— Fine Di‘(>ss and Over (,'oat3: Pants and Vt'sts. All of \vhich will b* soM >n reasonable terms, hv TH(»S. J. JOHNSON, Near the Bank of Cape Fear. F’avetteville. Dec. 2i, IS-')-. 5otf .M.n- 4 licrcirrd on ('(ynsirnmrnt. ND for sale cheap. oO bbls. W II ISKL\ . .iNO. D. WILLIAMS. 1 sr)L>. ?Stf SMA.M. .\ND ’WWAr. €'o:nv Otn'i f'omr A>rd Ifi t I/OII d (i>n> th(tt frill rnrr/j a Bull! rjS'^ H F, ;;ub-criber has now on h.nid. and w ill sell chc'tij) E_ for cash. hi. l.u-gi'and well assorted .Stock of sin- t:le and doubie barrel SHOT (H NS. of the best make, | at or retail. 11 a tu! J fats! Cfi})s! ('ap.s! tioots S/iocsI I’lLL l.\n \il.\TKR STOl'R, )M. TBIlfE Suhsc.'^bc'r has refeiveit one of the iarffe(*t as- fl. sortnuiits in his line that he has ev-er ottered in' tlii.^ market: to which he would ctill the attention of his' friends and the puulic in .Among his stock may be foiinvl nearly every style and p:.‘ility that can be found in this m:ii*ket. He would say to :»’d tho.«e desiring good-M in his line to give him call, as he is determined to sell low foi* Cash, or on time to puC'/tnal customers,' JOHN THOMSON. and latest iiatterii‘«. .-\l>.o, Colt's P:itent llepeatinj: Pis tols, ;in 1 .Mien's lievolvers; .'hot Pouches; (lame i’ags; Powder Flasks; Percussion Cap.?; iNc.. \C. Hifles of all kinds cor.stantly on baml, and manufac tured to ordei*, and war>’anU'd to shoot 1,’oin lOU to uOO ytirds. Per->'oiii5 wishing to jiurclinsc any of the ahcve-n.'inicd iirades, will do well to give me a trial, and they may Blanks Jor sale here. All of which we would be glal to exchange for al- ; i,e «ure to find- tho greatest Bargains ever ofTercd in most any kind of produce, for cash, or to punctual curi- • this town. toniers on time, COOK iSt T.VYLOIl. Kepairinct erery thing in the gun-sinith line will bo Seiiteniber, 18.j2. l.’7-tf : done at short ruitioe, iii- the best manner, and for .1 sm.nll {charge. M. A. BAKER, 1 i^igti of the Wooden (Jun, ?[ay* Street, opposite the .Marble \ ard, NKW CROP MOLASSKS, 4 SUPEIUOK quality, just received and for sale by PC.XlSr.lV P JOHNSON'. 10 f 1853; Fayetteville. N. C. IT-tf Old Stand, youfh-W’cst Corner Market S.jiiarc. Sept. ‘2'.. 20tf ri RPKN'I'INK I.AND FOR SALlv tlOIl sale, acres of LAND on James Creek,' ^ and 040 acres on Cypress Creek, in Cumberland/ convenient to the Western Plank Road, heavily timbered,' aiid admirably adapted to the making of Turpentine. Apply at this Otfice. No^. 28. li’’>I. 44tf SCOTT AND JAC KSON. Br.^'T rereiTod, n supply of ‘*,‘'cott and Jackson,’' ffeadley’s new Work. Also. I).\mel W euster his Contemporaries, by C. W. March. E. J. HALE a aoy- Oct. 20, lgu2.'

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