SEMl-WEBKLiY. r. K-'i.iJww*«3sgggBeaitf [VOI,. n.] FAYKTTFAILLE, N. C., I'Eimi AUY 15 1853. [XO. 108.] PlilNTKO HV ,1. ». XKWBY. fimAlii) IIAI-K & SOX, f.plTOHS .VNl> I’KOl’UIETOUS. F-rt;- n . f,,T the Ohskkvkr $4 00 if paid in .. ,>n .'lO if paid during the ye:ir of subscrip- ,r .*■> i!tfr the year has expired. WofkU OiisKKVKR $2 00 per annum, if paid in , sj .>0 if paid durinfr the year of sub.vrip- after the year has expirotl. inserted for sixty cent.'* per . ,i, ,f li! linc!^ f«'r the first, and tliirty cents f«r each pu>iru'ati"n. Yearly adverti.senients hv spe- iitrx't'. at reasonable rates. .Vdvertisers are t- -itate the number of insertion.M desired, or „:tt .Miitiiiued till forbi 1. and charged accord- otters to the Editors must be post-paid. DCT^I'.xtra now Imlled Huckwlieat, small baps, rec'd this day and for sale by I$IIAN8UN .S:'J()HNt;oN. ()-itf F eb’ ^ I 'I'lK'rf Ix'inir no Uatt* of I'rciirht ('s- tnblislied by the Steamboat l.ines on the (,’ajjc Fear Kivcr for Cuano. it is npreed that froni this date twon- ty-tive cents per bag will be cliarjred. T. S."],rTTi:HI,()H. J. I>. 11.LIAMS. I’lrs'i I'. F. 1$. Co. K. M OUKKld,. Ap t Ilcnriitta 8. IJ. Co. JAMKS HANKS. for IJrothers' Line. Feb’y 1. 18-jO. C()l'(illS, COLDS, iIsI'LI HNZaT Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. .Iayne',1 !Oxpei-toratit. .lat'kson's Cou^ii l,o/.en";cs. l!us)iton’s (’od l.iver Oil. istar s Ualsain of AVild ('herrv. s! .1 Fcb’v .'5. 18'>;?. M!:!)I( AL NOTICE. 'I'llOS. (’. fl.ALI.. respectfully of- fcra his professional services to the citizens of Fayetteville and its vicinity He may be consulted at tlie Office directly over th" new Dru'i Store of Samuel .1. Hinsdale, South est corner of M nket Sfpiare. •July ‘J*,*, is.')2. ];’,tf For sale bv hinsd.\li:. Rnil lloitd to the Vont Fit Ids. 7 I of the l»oanl of ('ommissioners ap- , ■ -.-i iiii'Ier tlie late Act of the (General .Kssem- the ••Western Hail Hoad (\>mpany," i rtlor'd tiiat Ho.'ks of subscription to the said . - v -lioiiKl be opened at the follow ing places, to- Feb'V isKi'j) () \ rs. lU'SllFL.s t'or .>^ale bv . 1;UAN.4oX & JOHNSON. .m:w drug STORr> r j I! K subscriber having t.aken the Store I on (ireen street, known as the Mc- 1‘herson i’.uildin^. nearly opposite l)r. Rob inson'.'* Shop, is now receiving a fresh and well assorted stock of Dni^s, C’hcniicals, Modicint's. Paints, Oils, Dyc-Stnlls, and IN'rtiunorv. To:‘ther with a >;ood ii‘isui tn\ei»t of Hair, Flesh, Tooth, I’aint. ami \' hitew:;sh Hru.-'lies: Cup]iin}i. Tooth, and Sur;ri( al Instruments; Ci:il\.inic liatteries. \c. \c. .Ml ot which he otlers low for Cash or on time to punctual customers. Orlers respeclf'.illy solicited from ('ountry I'hysicians and others, who may depenij on jtrocM-inp fresh atid genuine articles, and that no pain.s will be spared t.' jrive sati.-'faction buth in iu;t.ruy and price. .''1 KDK'AI- I’uKsritiinio-Ns carefully and accurately prt jiared. WAN'rHI). SriUIT-I?.VHHr,L COOI HI Dec. 17. 18r)l>. X. KiNt;, .\pply to Kingsbury, .\. C. 0:Uf Oi*. T. W. ES AK;ill, \S taken an Olt'ure on Hay Street, West of the Hotel lUuldiiigs. .)uly 1 J, 1S.')1. 4-If .1. N. . W'nilntrt 'n. ;>n Friday the 2*'th of Febru:iry, un- - lirtH tiiin -f the Conmiission-rs named in the viz: ^^■?sr'. r. K. l>ickinson. Tlios. H. AVriirht. \ T '’ ir, (lilbert Potter. .Idm Mi-Kae, Sr.. O. i. .’.I', J. Delb'sset. Jr.. Jlobt. \V. 15rown. and D. ^ 'J, r*:ir. (Jii';:'. in (’liatham county, 0!i Saturday the • Fi-' ruary, under the direction of Messrs. J, i-:ni'.:htun. Peter G. Evans, Evaniier Mclver, ; i; A. .''tunrt. Handolph county, on Mond.ay the L’Sth irv. under th.* direction of Messrs. I. H. Foust. Henry 1>. Elliott, John H. Troy, and r>r'"ir. . vi.iiri:', on tlie 1st of March, tinder the lirec- • Ml -ri' ,binies .''loan, Lyndon Sw.aim. Andrew ' , 'A " iin S llaitkin. C. 1*. Mi'n>lcnhall. R. (5. • ii. Ilf Albri>:ht, l>avid F. Caldwell and John .V. ■•.,t;T‘.uc i'j'en. as at I’avettevl'de. DUNCAN .McHAE. Chairman Toard of Commissioners. ■. I'’ :. tiiiti fWK! ri;vii.i,K m\i mmmi io^iimw. ' ; ‘iiy i * t>ow or>;:anised and prepared to re- ’ ' i-.iti-'hs for Insurance, on as favorable : I ompanies. Dir.Et'TOKS; .NOTUi;. 3 ,\A INfl si*!d a’! i;iy intere.'it in ■ B Stables. I will liereaftt'r act .•! Staldcs until further notice is iriven. Jan’v ‘-M, Is'i SMITH. t.-Jtf the I'nion Livery s .\''ent for sai I l\h\ is: J. 15. ASKEW. I'.Otf AMi:iM(\\N MO ClIAllI.OTTi;. N. c. E5\' ,B. Etr/i'MSf WS:. fN offerir.j: my .-ervieos ti* thv' ti avellinir public as tl.e proprict. r of the .'.mcrican H.itel. I wi!', refrain fn in all iinnectss.-iiy biinstin;x. l>i;t wili assuie tjio^e win. sti p with me, that ruthiii^ which jiers^nal dltirts on mv | ;irl can accjtnpl''!i to c iitribute to thi'ir conifirrt \\:!1 I'e lett undone I lie buiM;ii;is haveali been thori'U'jhlv r/- paired and lurnibhc(i with cntirelv iie\s tunuture. It i."- situ.ated v. ithin :il>out thi eo liumlre l _\ ai 'i.i ol the Hciiot. Tl.e .''ta;re OtVu-o i.- l.i i t at tlii l!.te'. Tin- Noilbirn St.icc :ind u’cp;ii!s daily, tin- Western Stajre tri-weeKl\. Hein>; atrent at this ].^;ce. fra'oi’- rs pa.'sine will receive all the attviitii.n that 1 am able t : bcsiuW. .M V Jlli'tt^t ;■? — “I Studv to " j'.EiiirM;. J.iii'v 14. I-'''". til -;;iu r..r »ale 1 ni'\ /M/ V7X OH.. cVr. l.r.S, PI UK WHITE I.EAD, k® HU \ibls. l’>lake's I'ire-jiroof Paint, Lin.-iecd ()ii, Traiii Vf;.:t't dile or Uos^n Oil. t limie ^ idiow, tireen, (in t »il. i P.iris l‘utt\ Mild I’litty Kiiive.', (' ■pal N'aniisii, l>ia; ’iv L( iithi-r A'arni.-h, I'riiw II .J.ipaii •• iVC. b\ J, N. MITH. t'.i.’tf .irs'i' K!X i:!\!:p, C.isks llice. i:. Umx,- I'll I'M 'urn Slie •') iJ.-iiri-l.s r 1(1(1 Sacks Sa’.t. ic!v P. rk. P.ENl’.O'vV, KVI.E r.i v‘tte .l:in'\ ‘_’l. 1 Suiii’iKr R(>{(lni('t ''HP, s-il'scrit'er oilers f>r sale. tt rms. his .>ui;niu-r Hi 'itleiu-e •ut one mile and a ipiaii.T li' in Avon K. Hai.l. .1. (I. Siir.pfiKUO. \Vm. Wauhkn. S. T IIaw Jonv I), Williams:. C. Hknhow. Wm. McLaviun. Wm. McLntykk. ‘ ' Lmi y. Mvti’-vru. " Id rTKIU.'ill. ^ !! ■ -K. I!av \ 'I'Kkthan. M- Nkill. W .\ .'^TKPMA.N. Kvj.e. OFFli EllS: :.E0. McNEILL. President. H L. MVPvOVEH. Vice President. •i G. SHEPHEP»I). -Attorney. A. Mc.MlI.L.AN, .‘•Secretary. >. McNEILL. ) ;1N H. 'Ot>K. > Executive Committee. KYLE. ) ' !' MfTf AL IvsfnANTE must commend itself . iriity, fir it be demi'nstrated that ne ■••''hii'. the Ia^‘t six years upwards of-is-IK,(••() ^ ill the North Carolina Mutual Comp:iny: iiM have paid tn have kept the >anie in ; :t. rei'.’n j int stock companies sum VC )i:ive actually paifj; and yet the North ! f'^ mp.-iny has receivel between .'S-'ifMtd rr fr.'Hi our community than it has paid — 1:-re.—sh.iwinp that we are favi'rably s';t- ■ i irc'.! with other places in the State, for ' ;;iy has «one into operation favorably, hav- ■r;r:iiiised applications to the amount of I..', t^ e t'ompaiiy is now jilaced upon a linn t-:' n'’th"rised .\j:ent. or Secretary, may ( ii,.iic. v,nt they will tint Ite bindinjr until .■ I' Executive Committee or the P>o:trd. 'I I. McOaHV, Esq. is appointed (lencral . • ii;|'any. We invite applic.-itions. OEo. .McNEILL. Pres’t. M '’M.LAN, Sec’y. ■ ; ■ ' tjtltf (i’IKKXSItOROrCJH ■' Lt^r Insurnnrr Wz/vV f'oni'n. ' ' ny. as its name indicates, is upon the 1 .ripU. and embraces two distinct de- ; ! ■ • :t: f.,ife Insurance and Trust depart- :i»fracti\e combination >tf*rs to Policy ■■ !!ie 'irdinarv security, without destroy- * t t': ;i full i>arti-ipation in the entire pro- ■ ’iii'Tiv. Premiums will be received, in : ar.p.iially, s«*mi-annually, or qu;ii terly, as -'I • ! ui ,n .It the time the I’olicy is issued. 't DKI’AHTMENT, or Dc'^osit System, ’■ m h- to the Company are eni.rely option- ■ - t'lr. as rejrards the amount niid the 'iifv are n.nde. A party may pay in as tii't les- th.ati one dollar. i and as of- '■ ‘ 'iiifiiieiit for him, without any olilijra- ; "i to ciiiifinue his payments,—an I may ! ’ it h'n p': .isiire. pi in of this t'ompany, there is creat- j >11 till- -:ii,|P time an assurance fjoi/ti/i/i- at 1/1 iirl:ntss—and a jjrui ition for j fur Siilr, on .ici-i iiiiU' hitii'^ on il;irrinL'’t. n H;ll, the t H"U: v'. The Dwellini H‘'ii"e i> fini-ln d ;ii;d p’-.steiid. li;i- ;'.\e r. 'ms I II th“ l;i tlf"r, i.' thirty iV i t t« ei.ty -evt-n feet wide, with i;;ne fwt. Kitehie.. Sniokt- H''»i'>\ I'.arn .-in l .'•^'riMe. A }T' d wi-il in the \ iid. ;iii ! .'i \e; :.! sprin^rs im tin- premisi.>: and a ic.s i t i Mi'i. PtT- ins dc'irii;;: tn j tirv,-ha>e can scr tin- prt-uii'' - • a apiilic.-ition to ilie suli.'L I it;i \V. 1,. ('A 1. L.\ I.'^. Feb'y :, i>;-:U NO ric i:. •lAME.'' F. FtiCLKliS havinj: t ikiii the "flii'c f"Tinerly occupii-1 by th,*' late Dr. T. N. t'ameri’H. on Orecn strei t. ne.v.t door tn the ofiii e fit' W. p.. \Vri-lit. .\ttornev at Law, rfspeetfullv otlVi-i his ] r"fe'sii,n.i! servicvs to the pc«'ple of Payettc\iHe and county o'' (’umber'iund. He will be found in his OiVice at all times, exiept when pii fessionally eii^ra^ed. Feb'y 1. t.'.tf \\M. II. McRAMV, 4'out iti ission • llerrh mttn WII.MINCTON, N. (' Particular attention will be p.-iid to si-llinjr and ship- pinjr .Naval .''tnrcs and Produce, and also t > the For- w ;irdili}: 111 tii.oiis. Mi'ichants wlm coiisijin their (im.ds tn him can rely on their tudii;: f'Tw.irded tiy lir- I buat after th-y are discharired tr"in vessel. KErEKFNi'ES: F. Flics. E. VnjrliT I'o., .'■.ili'm, N. C. T. M. V. 'in- \LH-ksvilV. Hunt ,\d It rton. Le\iii^tnn. J‘.bn D. I’ro vn. Salis'torv. J. H. iV Martine. Fa\i tte\iile. Jaii'v •_’(», 1S')1. " '''-'tf w AN'l'i:!). It.'.HPELS (IF TrP.PFNTINi;. {■■r I'istiUery at thePlank P.oa'l on i’.i;: lli.. kf;'li, 'J'lic ti^"t m u krt pricc v. ili b • furt’ni I- iii!''>n, ;ii |aire . ! .Inhn . .^l iir- ||»«. or WnEiUMl. f\S I Id. p;iy cts, per pouni’l cash for all cot ton and linen ll.\(;S, delivered to J. D. Williams, in 1-ayettcN ille. 1 am nearly ready to put in opi'i ation a Paper .Mill in this iieijiliborliood, and am desirous of fiettin}^ my rajis in this market. .My object is to pay as much lor ra'^s as I can allnrd, and hojie that 1 may not be I'orced to distant markets fur my supiilies. 1 have arranfred wilh .Mr. ^Villiams to receive and jiav for all ra^s delivered to him. DAVID ML RPHY. Fayettcvilie, Feb'y 24, ISi'):;. r„S-tf MrSR\ SF. WI1IT.\KEH, I'ormerly Professor of Music J» in Carolin.i Collejre. would respect fully announce that he has located in Fayetteville for the jiurpose of teaciiiiifr Music. He would be very happy to receive the j names of those who wish their d.aiigbters instructed in this ileliuhi'ul branch of female literature. He niay be ; found at .Mrs. Iia\ne's residence. \'..eal .^lusic tau;^ht ^ in connection with instructions on the Piano. | Terms per (^iiiarter. | Pianos tuned and repaired on very accommodating terms. Jiec. 7. 1>02.—■VHf K5)Wf.\ ;!.)VFJl, -U IliP si::!! of llif larfp V.:itc!i. liny Slrcrt, [BUS eis.n sivi.yn,) I!\s just n'cciv(i(l iiis ^Stock t;i' (lOODS, I cmisi.stinjr (I SILVER AND PLATED WARE. AND MILITARY GOODS. A M(*N'i his ass, it!;ieiit may be ('niuid Watches of ..'ti ail l.iiiils, troni tn •'old, ii5ard aiid I \'est ('hi.ins; jro’d Seals and Keys; silver Fnb and (iuard il'iiains Mill Key.s; Pireast-pins. F,ar-rin;;s aiii Fiu^er- rlii};s. ,a fine .stncki; ulf-Tiiiis; lir.iceiets; [lold :iiul siht r .Spect:.'. :i s. riii’nbles and Ppi’.cils; ;roM !,ocke:s: , '..'t's :ii; ! Ailen's I’.evnh eis; Chessmen; .\ccnrde.iiis: silv(-r Sp inii.?; siivei- i'iips, i*,;c.: .Miiii.iry Cnods nt' all 'kiini.s; a tine Int ni'Cineks. and almost e'. ei y 11. in;; c;,Ilt d Inr in his line. iiicii wiii be s.ild che.ip fm- ('ash si.nil lime Im iI.t!.at will p.iy their bills I'resenU d. Wat.'lr's and .fewelrv repaired as usu.mI. (•Id (inM ;iiid .vi!\cr taken in excl'.a;!_;re. I Ail ti;. -e indel.trd liv Nnt^ or I’ook account, ! miisi pay by tlo‘ 1't of Nd\cndier. JOHN I). W l.MJA.MS, CoiHniifisevn frn! jrot irartHn^ • ficrrhant^ Fayetteville, K. C. Feb. 0, IS.’,::. (■,:;tf IJOOK THOS. H. TILLIKGHAST, Anderson Street. .‘^ept. IS.')!’. 'ji f.m il. M. OJilM'JJ., ri)-ni!ssii!.N ,\T l'ay‘tU*viSlr, ?5st. C'. March DJ, 1K.')1. (VJ tf \v. II. (’.\!ivi:ii, DKAI.r.K 1\ /)/•// (•oud.s, (Iroccrics, ami ]*fovisiouf^. • )d I'onr from N. E. corner Market .''•iiiar(‘, ne.\t to D. Cee's Hai .■'tore, (ueei; sireet, FAYKTTHVIIJ.E, N. {'. Pr:'7 '.\Il kiii'ls of Pro'iuce luken in exchaiii^e for tioinls. Fill 0i;V y'i'AlMl WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE DEALLHS IN i'orvh';ti assd B^omvsiic Goods, siAi sT2tz:irr, Fayetteville, N. G. I'AI’vI!.] [.I. .M. WilddAMS. , 15. .\iil ii lIS. 1? 5?. W. B5f8al»OW, Stir- sreon Dentist, having located in F.ayettc- ■' '■ ^ ^ ville, may be found third door Vielow th* ■Market, Ibnbow \ K'yle's block, and will be happy W wait on those re juiring his service.^. •All Work wari :inted. and he Hatters himself he caii pi^ e saiisfactinii. having taktn jrreat pains to qualify himsed' under the instruction of one of the first Deiitist» i in N i njilan.I. j Dtc. 'J-J, IS.'.J. j WILL mi L iniVKl!'. ' I FU11WAI:DIN(} AND Co.M.MI.^;sioN MEUCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. FEHSON.Mi att‘ntion eiven to the s.ale or shijiment of Naval Sti re.«. 1 liave ample facilities for COH- I diictinir the husine.'-s: laijzewli.irf and store sheds tW i keep spirits from expo.ure. Na\al .stores will lie shipped to any house in New York, or t(> other innrkets if advisable, and liberal cash atlvanccs iiiade ou consigit- meiits. 1 rel'cr to the following; distillers: F,, Hiinniim. W.ayne Ctiiinty, Chandler Hall. .Johnston Co.. Lovett i'eai ock, t'olumbus t 1?. H. Uarden. Thos. L. Vail, El.ideu Messrs. Sinith, .S: In”;vam, .'uhuston Co.,- Messrs. Z. .S: J. Jones, *• Messrs. .''iiiith \ Jones, “ Spencer Fi.untain, “ Lev: Pailev, Es'i., May -UK lK.->-J. ' ‘•3-ypd Norui:. rg^Hl'- nndersipned continues to mannfacture Spirits -fi. Turpentine I’.MIRELS. Those now on hand uuiige 48 to I ”) jralloiis, .and arc made of the best seasoned white oak. Distilleis v.iiutinj; u jcood article, will do w(ll tn ca'.l and examine. Contracts to tieliver Rnrrels for the luxt twelve months made on favor;ilile terms. T. S, LITTLHLOH. Maich -2. l.'SoL’. 7otf sr.if 11. ilOLM «.*• »U w hen Attorney at Lav/. 'Wiliiiington, N. C. i ril'L on corner ot' Front aud Princess .'trects, under Ji.iirnal oilice. Dee. 1L-. 4t'-tf F.'i \ cite', ille. ( let. L 1 ' :n-tf [ li\'. at the !>ri lire. Die- IS. l'«.M. A. .M K. t, F:. N el leville. P.'rf C.''T RECEIVED, a l.'H'je aiol ‘reneral :iss.,itnient Laiidretb's ccielirnted (i Al’DLN Si.V.I),'-, wvr- r;inted fresli and ir -nuiiic, nf tiie timw th of S. '1. H.\\\LLV .V SON. i;i - !w Fnr s.i!e tiy .1.1 n'v I'C, l^'-'jn. A1(M> Ki'AVAKI) 1LL be ) ;iid fnr the apnreheiixion ;ind cn:ifin“- W w nient in jail nf :i ni.tii Ly tlic name nl Ll..''- ANDER P.RcUN. He i.“ ahniit".'. feet Id i r II inrne^ hijih, rat'.ier stout b'lilt. \veii;bs almiit Ii>.> or lid ll'S.. lipht o]i.ied hair, r.ither in'-li'ied to red, dark eyi-s. and is somewlnit freckled in the la ’*. He is verv jiolite in speaking. He killed a ne^ro bov of miae lat ;ii;il.t. ( A.MKRON WRKiilT. Sprinprf.cld, Richm'ind Co., .L;n. 'JO, l^•ln. (iltl Wlio noiiid la:tvo itf J Ctirrlinir IJsttnhfon (Jt> Mifi/dii/ ojtjiostft' tltf ^ h}‘t'i'liy troutnnj nn MuDifon! Sh'Cif. (inKxv i:s'i\'Aiiniis]'A I'ayefto ^^Eiiiic!! ri’^HE .'^ubseribers would respectfully inform their I friends and the jmblic, that they have entered into ( aMwell, Rich’d fireene, David McLenii, i copartnership fur the jiiirjtose of condiictinjr tlie generiil John ,M. Lopan. I>. P. Weir, E. W. i('ARlU,\;E PiCSINES.S in all its various parts. .And ■>'t M. .‘Sloan, llobert P. Dick, Henry IL '''■Is fiirni.shed by the f^'ompany. US (iF the ('oMPANV. ■I’>:ilfili (lorrell. Lvndon .Swiiim, .John -V haljili (jorrell. 'i>rii — I.yndon .Swaim. • 'fi - Tre.isurer— D. P. Weir. ■"'hn Gilmer. ' ' i 'h ian—Edwin Watson, M. 1). i;,„s_i>. ('. Mcbane, M. D.; J. L. 1*. Weir, M. D. "illiam H. Cumminff. - '''•''riiiation relative to the (Vimpanv niuy ‘‘'t' D. P. W'EIH, Secretary uiid Trea.siirer. - M;-tf ’ '"'iATl.NK \ X I'S, lor sa!(* hv PdlANSON & JOHNSON.' I'OK SALK. otiers for sale !i2> acres of fine Tur- '* I ■ii inititr L;ind, in Cumberland coun- '■ 'f South River, and about 3 miles 'r ,-s ij' iiig ,ii„,ve land is not sold ^ ’’’ tlie hipiiest bidder on the last .Sjit- at iiiy own residence; nt whicti time "■■1 ..e ntlier property itt'ered for sale. would do well to call - f'tr tiiemselveB, previous to day of ' "il! bo povfitivc. WILLIAM H. MELVIN. 0i-Ut beinp both practical workmen, fully understandinf: their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any estalilishinent in Fayetteville as to style and dur.a- bility. One of the firm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfield's iron wurk for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve months. llepairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIER .S: RRANIN. J.4MKS H. PiKR. Hkam.v. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 18.j:!. (i:itf Hily Hetriif out in A. A. McKl'/rilAX ^M'll.L e'.!:tii:ues to e.irrv ou ;he (’A!IR!A(M'. RC.'^l- liS.-; in ;ill its br.uiclie'!. at the rem:iins d'his old -t Hid. opposite Liberty Point He returns thanks for t!. • li'.erai p:itinn:i;re he has heretnfnre receive.l. and hope' bv stricT .ittciilinii tn L.lsiticss and ;i desire to give ei'.lire satl';:icti«.ii. t.> nu rit a c 'ntinu.ince nf the s::me. H.ixini: kc]it the ere.iter [mrtinii «.f liiv Timbers .-it :i 'i-'taiice Iri'iii the nianu1:ietni v. he has on hand a large and well selected Int nf thnroU'jhlv seasoned Timber, ot ev'-rv descii|Minii used in hi.' bii-iiiess. which « nabies him to n t.iiu all his unrkmeii. He is thcrefnre iii'W i re] are l to ■!■. a:i\ wni k in his line in ihe \ery best -tvle. and on the no't f;i\or.if.le terms, as lev, ;;s :;ny w >rk nt'the same ouility in i!e has on ban 1. coin|>leteiy fmi.-hed, ^ p.: rnU-fc^. lor 1 nr - ll T'eS '■ R' ckawa;. s. and In I’jTiei. '. Iie:i! ', \ tin- -lie I. Ill i':irr :i'.e' fnr bors.-': lid i’.;ii-nuche.~ Inr 1 .'ind 'J linr«-es; Ibckav.ays. .and n(* lluggies; A’.! t whi' h tu-e nf tl.e lie St apprnved plan and finish. .Ill 1 will I'•;;iprire with any wnrk in the I . .''tatis lor neatness .uei diirabilit. Il.niii'i' lieeii eiiLra'^’cd in tb' ahnve busine.«s fnr the p.ast "Jd M'.irs, work is well known, and he refirs to nM cu.'tnuieis Inr j.rnnf of its dur.ilii'.ity. C-tJ -Vli. work w ariMiitftl f"'ir I’i inanths, a\nl repaired tree nl'char;re simubl it tail I'V bad wnrkman- >hi]i nr nia'r:al, within that time. jw.' Ui;e.\lu:NC. executed at slmrt notice, and on rea- Snll.lbie terms. .lan'y i!s.‘i'J. V. VN'r O’r' \]ONi:V! f WILL sell my St'VMI'l! U F.I I > I’.S ' I', two miles I frnin th- .Market, on the I'ayettexille and Western ^ Pl.ank R.'ad one of the iilnst de.'iruble and healthy jtlaee-.^ in tlu' cnunty. Also. Id .s;i,n,es of I'.iyetteville :ind Western Pl.-ink Road Stock. ;uid ^'.d .'shares of I'ayetteville Hotel .Stock. With the largest stock of Ready-made C.U{RL\(iES ;in l P.n;(11 L.'s C-. »T offcreil in this place—over ."^-'idOO worth—cniiijiielely tini.sbed. .\l! ol which 1 will sell at verv reduced prices for cash or negotiable notes. .''\i little .-itfenfion has lie(>n p.iid to the c.ill made bv iiM- after the lire of the "Jd .lan'v. on those indebted to me to call and settle, 1 ,ini iiidiieed to olfer the above property at redtieeil prices to enable me to rebuild mv C.irriage I'.stabli iliiiient and continue my business with convenience. I shall ]>lace notes in jirojier bands for collection, if not paid somi. 1 have ail my accniints ni.'ide out to the 1st .Jan v 1 H.'iii. A. \. McKLI II.\N. March -J'.', 1 sr.-J. 77tf I'AVi'/rri'A ILL!*: liUANcn Clothing J. M. WHITE & UNDERHILL, Ijriiiicrs. Tiiilors. iinil Wlioic.snic anil Krtail I'lolliiprs. IIO Street, AND Strvt, ifuor to liititk uf (’n/>c Fmr, FA\irrTB^vii.i.i:, v. AND MAM I A( Tl'RIiP. OF PLAIN I'ln II (//■('. ('apjur, 'I'm SJtcit Iron ork's. AM* JAPAN (Vid IH.WE in my employment competent workmen, and am j'lep.ared to dn all kinds of work, either in ;C(H*PLR, TIN or SHEET IlDtN. '■ I h.'iM on I all the nec«-s'ary materials ai;d ma- i cbiner\ for making I'actnry ('ans.-iiid Driim.s, and to do all kinds nf I'actnry w ni k that can be d^ne by ;i!;\ ijimi- lar Et.ililishment in the .'state. j ,\l.'o, f.,1 s.lie. Patent Factory ('an P.ingx, varying ' from V to 14 inches; Drum P.eiuis. \e. i ROOFINU, c;1'TT1;R and leader PIPES j put lip in the hest manner, j .Mso. just received, a full ply of t'OOKI\(; STOVI-^, of tlie most approved at terns, some of them verv large. fi>r hotel and plantation use. \lwavs oil hand a good ass.jrtinent of TIN W ARE. C. W. ANDREWS, .‘■'uuth East corner Market .■'ijuare. Mav I.'i. 1S.-|1>. ;ti-tf r,\('()M r.\( ()M HIID.'^. Sides liiid .''hniilders, fnr sale bv W. H. LI TTERLOH. oJ-ti' I'Al LMlLPv. IStf 1 a!) Dec. i: rilJK-lMiOOl' UO(>»’l.N(i. “I Slirnfoii, SI..VTK AN!) -M1:TAL IK )()!•'!:P., , rBIHANKFl'L for J.ast favnis. begs to call pul.lic :it- ’ B tentinii tn R001'lN(i. dnne on the nmst i approved firinciple. ni.aking roofs lighter, tighter, and , more durable than the old way of sheeting, ell'ecting a 1 s.iving ill lumber, .'iml greater security against lire. Ihe Inw price at whii ii .''late Rool.s .are now ntiered will cnni|iare l.ivi.rably with any oilier kind of fire-prool'j Roofing. j SLATE, CHIMNEY PIPES tnade to anv pattern. They are an excellent remedy for smoking chimneys, i General Ageilt.S & CommiSSlOIl iKCrCn and sehli.m f.til to ell'ect a cure. B i... TS fi -'%• ’• Tin ami Coi-per Cutters. Leade-- Pipes and ^ p^-ticular attention given to the Heads, made to anv pattern, an.I every kin l ot hre- j stei.s. Lil.eial- puiof rooting i.nt on or rei.aired in thv best, on • coiisiKnniciits. reasonable tei ni.s. F. .s,, in soliciting your patronage, feels confident of giving t*ntire satislaction in all cases where ;v thorough knowledge of his business is reijuired. Favetteville. .'^ept. 7. IS'i'J. -1' McDONAU) vV' McMASTLil, DEALERS IN (Iror( rics. Ufjuors,, I*rorl>li>us, S, \ (;iLLK.rii-: .Ti;i:!:'r, Ve'low P.uiMing, between the .M:irk:'t IL ase an I Hank ol the .'^tate, E'AY::’r'ri:vjrr5:, Dee. Id. ls.'._’. oltf .lOlLN IJAN!^, (■()V.31!SS!(I\ W'J FCRW’IlIM.Mi ACLM, Wilniiugton, N. C. ILL attend to the sale or of Produce. V W and wi’.l ship with dis'ialcli ail eon.signiiielits ma.le tn him. .''Cjit. 1.''. iS-'.J. l!''-(.:m Jl)Si;p!l H. IHiOXMM!, V .T3 H « E « A AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, Prompt personal atteiitinii given to all Consign- ! ments. an I C.-isli adv.inci s made on Pr.'iduce to be ship ped t«j either ports or sold in this market. Feb. IJ. l>.'.lj. C,4y I \\ i!>KL\so\ V.V’ i:sjj:k, DEALERS IN (')/> f'/ctiuiirri/j Funlijn I'ru/fs, ^ nff, TnhnrrOj an if S,I lift', ! AND IMPORTERS OF Eavv.v.\.i : Ar WHOLKSALK AM> UKTAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. ‘ Aug. 7, is.'il. lltf MWAAVV’V PATLAIIKIL Oracers ttiid ioaujtisfiioit •JBer- ! l'.J5 I'roisI I NEW YORK. p. MALLKTT-] [J. ! August 1(1. 1S”/J. i T. C. WORTH, ro)i'i![.ssi(i.\ ,i.M) r{)Ku \!;i)i.N(i .iiciirni.M, \\ ilmi.\(;tox, n. c. Feb. 1. IS.V! fiOtf A. \ .1. T. .lONKS, (M)i.ojn:i) i)A(a i:RRK(vrviM:s.- Mv Room is :igain open for the receptinn of \isiter., or those who may likenesses of theniselve!? ir families, single or in groups, and in every style im aginable; fnr 1 have recently fiurehii«ed a v.iiiety of I'ancy cases, to suit all tastes. Hours for children, frora 11 A. .M. until 1 P. M. Instructions in the Art given, atid apparatus furiiished if wishe«L My Room is in the' same place, Jieubov«'s Buildings, liear the l>:ink of Capo Fear. T. O. SMITH. Dcc. lo. 5'i-“2ui LOOK AT TULS. V SMALL TRACT OF LAND FOR SALE. conUin- ing 7>'iO jicre.s, more or less, lying 12 miles below l^umberton, three miles from Lumber River,—a very heaitliy place, good buildings, and every thing noccssa- ry for Pl.Tiitation business, it is well timbered for' Turj>entine, brings fine Corn and Veas. and any thing generally planted. Apply to W. P. Barnes, at Lum-' berton, tor inforni.atioii. HARDY BARNES. RoViPson couptv. Nov. 7. IH.'i'J. 4iitf unparaLLELLl) DISPATCH rSf'tHE undersigned informs the public he is now JL running a daily line wf light draft Steamers oir the C:i)ie Fear Itiver. consisting of the following boatsr New .'steamer Zeiih_\r. ■Major Wm. Pi.arnett, IS inches draft. Fanny Lutterloli, 14 *• “ Rowan. One of these boats will letive Fj'yetteville every morn ing (.Suinhiys excejitcd) at 7 o'clock: and \ViIniingtou every day (Sundavs excepted) at o’clock, landing goods and passengers in Fayetteville iu fifteen lioura thereafter. tioods intendi.-d fnr thcfie boats should be sent to the care of .1. & D. .MtHue \ Co., or E. J. Lutterloli, at Wilmingttui, w ho w ill forward at the usual rate of eom- I missions. The .Steamers Zephyr and Major Wm. Bnr-' I nett are eleg.-intly fiirnislied for the accommodatiou of i pa.''Singers. I’ass.igc to or I'rom W ilmington, -^.‘L T. S. LITTERLOH, Agent. Fayettevil’e, FeVi’y 7. lh-3S. UGtf Raleigh Register. HiD.'boro’ Recorder, Greensboro’ Patriot. S.-ilisliiiry Watclimaii. publisii 3 months. i:. J. LL rrKiiLoii. fijrw.irlmm; ami nniMis.sioN AND ACENT FOR .Ste.'imer Major Wm. P.arnett. Fanny Lutterloli. “ lUiWan. WILMINGTON, X. C. Feb'v 7, 1S.‘>;). ()> ;>iii itSj ale of Tim- sh rtdviiiices 4;:tf I'oit .sAij;. W w E woubl beg leave to inform the citizens of Fay etteville and vicinity, that we have just receiv- \OON .\ND TH.A.M .MCLE.s, two of the mules ed a large assortiiient of F.ALL iS: WINTER CLOI'H- years old. Apply to running Dec. 20, All in good repair and order for 11. BRAN.SON, or >. BRANSON. G:uf DRY OOODS, H^lKD WKIRB, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. WE ARK now receiving our Fall Stock, to which we invite the attention of buyers. August 23, 18o2. HALL & SACKKTT. I'J-tf IN'Ci, manufactured exjiressly for this market. Pur chasers will find it to their interest to esiimine our stock before boying. AL.SO—.V f;nod assortment of Shirts, Drawers, Col lars, Cravats Hosiery, and fine Cloths and Cassimeres. All of which will be sold lit New York wholesale prices. Having secured the service-,5 of some of the best practical w.'ikmen, the 'railoring will be car ried ou us usual, and all orders for fine clothing will be executed in tlie most fashiottable style. October 1>8, 18.V-*. .SOtf VVlllSKEY. B.VllHELS of very fine North ‘'.'jrolina RYE WHISKEY', foe sale by COOK & TAYLOR. Deo. 20, 1853.. 'I'hc SlocL' of (ioods ever off (red hi/ K.s! W are now receiving iiiiieh the L.VRGE.'sT .'TOCK ot J>ilV I hits, C'aos aiul Honncts, Sho'js, lioots, I nihrt'llas, tSjc. Ever olTi'ied l>y us in this jilace, to which we parlieu- bulv invite the attcntinii of Mereliaiits, as we are de termined not to be uiulersol.I. STARR & WILLIAMS. August -Jo, 1S.')-J. Udtf _ IMOX Ll\ i:UY S'l'AULKS, FAYETTEVILLE, N. rniHE PROPRl ETORS are prejiared to furnish the B. Public v\ith itorses, Citrria^^i’s, atid JStts^ies, M-OiS iSBieK. 'I'hcy :irc also prepared to ciirry Passengers to any of the neighboring Towns, on reasonable terms. 'I'lieir .Stock may be found at the .Stables formerly occnjiied by Messrs. Philips & Wooten, a few doors West of the Telegraph Otlice. 'i'hcy always have in attendance ' good Ostlers and lleinsmen. iir#- A FOCR-HORSE CARRIAGE will be in nt- tendance, at short notice, to convey Passengers to and from the Steam Boats. They w ill take Horses on Livery at terms. They hope, by strict attention to business and ti de termination to please, to merit a share of public pat ronage. J. B. ASKEW, Agent. December 14, 1852. AMI'.KICAN A!-M.\NAC. TW'ENTY'-FOURTII volume, just received by E, J. ILILE & SON. 11. !l. C'OLi:, El 'liotvaeiU' i tothicr. Cor. of Centre M.-srket .Space and Pratt street, J5Ai;i'LM()ltK, Md. Jiin'y 1'., IS.'.:',. (30-tlO.Mar X. IJ. srARurcK, 'frot/, \'orh’, 1!M)X F0rxi)i:u and 3L\(’IiL\!."T, j Monvt'lAfturfr nf Slrtiiii MUl. and llmhrA, of' n// lii »t'f. I ... — . . ,, , i fH'^HE undersigned, as the .\gent of the aliove I-.stal)- j J5. lishment. will ni-der :iny articles which m;iy be wanted, on ajijdicatioii to him. '’'he Steam Mills nianut'actured by Mr. Starbuc' have been tested, and are highly aj'proved on tiie Plank Roads about Fa vetteville. liDW'D LEE WINSLOW’. Fayetteville, Sept. 4. Jdtt W. 11. .McKAY.] [-J- H. ROBERTS. McIvAY cV ROr»i:R'rS, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, CoiiHiiis.sioii X Forwiirdiii}! .Mcrrliauts South Water street, b doors below Market, Wiliiiiiistwia, !V. C\ T’articular nttention paid to the sale of all kinds of Country Produce. Idbefsil cash advances made on consignments. Reference- John D. Starr, Es^., Pres'fe t>f the Bank I of Fayetteville, j I Favetteville. Elijah Puller, Esq., f Messrs. Cook & Taylor, j “• Cook & Johnson, J L. C. Hubbard & Co., Clinton, Sampson county. Thomas J. Moriscy, Esij., Luiuberton, Robeson. J. B. Brown, Ksq., Wuatbi'ooks, Blttd«u- Oct. 8, 1862. SSrpd' 77/C Ih'othrr.s’’ Stcd/nhoiil OK,' Is prepared with Steamers •' lirnlli' ts" and " and a complement of Tow" Boats, to carry with dis patch all Freights .“hipped by them, between Fayette ville and W iliuingtoii, or to any interme'liate laniUngs on the River. JOHN B.\NKS. Ag't, Wilmington. Sept. IS. IS-’j'J. liS-liin T' A C'.VUD. HE return of low water renders it necessary thot the Chatham should be employed as a tow boat. .She will not Iherefore run its heretofore, ®n any regular days, until further notice. JNo". D. WILLIAMS, -\g't Cape Fear .S, B. Co. May Ili, 18o2. IKJ-tf Stoamboafs at Auction. 0\ THURSDAY the 10th day of February next, Tvill be sold at Public Auction, at the Market House in the Town of Fayetteville, at 12 o’clock M., all the STE.\M and TOW BOAT.S belonging to the ‘-Hen rietta Steamboat Company,” viz: The Steamers Ever green and Southerner, aud Tow Boats Henry Clay, Ben Rush, Lady of tlic Lake, Averasborough, and Cliape) Hill. Terms—Three, six, nine and twelve months’ credit' for approved Notes. Sale positii^e. J. U. COOK, Tresident. Jan’y 22, 1853. 52ta Blank Warrants for sale Itere^-