tt-t ' V. ! ' the u, ' 'Ml, ■" ■ =r,'" ci ui!l , ''‘?4 f.v„. .. ^ i.!e| ''41 V" ' '•fn •'-t he ' ■ni’V “R^ ..J ■UN »iial '■'■.If 11 •, Ui-t ■! .V,, i . V, ; III I 'f- ’’ c ., on *1 rt; P«- : ' 1 Ihm' ■' Li. ■I I I'f., "..u.s .,f ;.v.' iv. i.u (-U.S. !’ iri I' j- I'mJ ' ■' ic:q •11NSI>ai.e, .l\(.KU ■' ' ' 5 i;r ! W:\ !; ( \S'j Hr ts per month. a ¥ ;(f- 1» rri ’ kii- hii rk li T /V rth rv - mi/ l»u- in* J B SEMI-WBEKL, Y. .iinn.f j iiriiiiurf ■' I'll III! I I iimi'iir [VOL. II-] FAYETTEVTLT.E, N. C., FEBRUARY ‘>2. 1853. [XO. 170.] I'lUNTEI) BY J. B. NEWBY. rr F'r KDWAIM) j. hale & sox, KDITOUS .\N1> PROl’RIETOns. ^ {I,,, .-ipini-NVoekly ('•Bsr.nvF.n $4 00 if paid in Iranoo ^ clurinp the yenr of subscrip- (:,n- '’I' y***''' expired, the UeoUlv Obsf.uvk.r i;2 00 per annum, if paid in '• Ancc I'liid during the yenr of subj-crip- j,. .,r iO after the year hiis expired. HiVrr‘TlJ“KMKNT.S inserted for sixty cents per ,f 111 lino-) f"r the first, nnd thirty cents for each ■c li!'.; puhlioation. Yearly ndvertisonients by ?pe- f.intriut'. f>t re.ison.ible rates. Advertisers .ire • ’.itr'i t «t:ite the number of insertions desired, or ' -si'.', ho continued till forbid, and charped aeeord- Letters to the F.ditors must be post-paid. WESTERN RAII^RWD! A MKIiTIM; OF 'STOfK- n Tiirnrntine .l.rr« and Ifnch'crs^ I'l r.lVKI> this day nnd for s.\le by illO* Hl‘-15the sum of FIVE IH*X- DllEI) THOrSAXn POLLARvS hav ing boon subscribed to the ('ajiital Stock of the “WKSTEKN HAIL IIOAIV’: Public Notice is hereby Given, In com- plirinco with the provisions of the (^barter, for :i r.ENERAL MEETING OF THE STOCK- ll()hl>EUS, to be brill in tlie Town Ilall in the Town of Fayettkvii.i.k, oit *lto»n1ay the I I//I flftfi of •Itarch ifr.rf, at 11 o’ clock A. M. IV G. MAC RAK, Cbalrman of the Hoard of ('pmmissioncrs. Favettevillo, N. Feb. 10, 1'^67ft rETKii r {. 1' JOHNSON. t)S '[ lOI>\UTNKUSnU>. 1i;ir ui'ior^itrned h.ivc entered into a eop.irtnership nri'ior the name anil style of (5eo. W. Williams ,S: f.T tilt* I’Hwecution of a penera' business. Loc.a- .. , th.’ siiiiic .15 oc:Jipied bv J. I*. Williams for the last '.^rs ' 'V. WlLl.IAMS. J.NO. D. williams. Fo'ruary 14. lS->'. t'-'^tf 'erx) bushels sih:D oats. 0. K. li:i:te. FeVy 1*^, 1'^':’. ren Turpentine .\xes, just to hand and for Noric’i:. ■'UK Suhsoriber havin;;. at February Term. A. D. IS-).", of the Court ot Pleas and Quarter Sessions of r.ljiden t’ounty, taken Letters of Aijministration on the estate of IJeorpe T. Uarksdalc. dceeascd. hi-reby gives niitice to all persons havinp: claims aj:iiiist tlie es tate of the deeeasfd. to jirosent the s:inn', diilv authen ticated, witliin the time prescribed by l.iw. otherwise this notice ■will he p1e:idi;l in l»ar of their recovery. l*el)tors to the said estate will please to make imme diate pi vm Mit. I’ATRiri; Mi nrnv, .\ Fe'ruar/7. 1S.')3. (i7 -!w Ti l! I iii’.u "No ricK. II ■WlNl* obtained an t^rder of Court to that efTect. m NTORK l\il i\E\V CflODS, rB^IlK subscriber lias taken the Stand fornterly occu- jH, pied by Sam'l .1. lliiisd:ile, Southuest coriicr of .\Larket Sijuare :iiid Gillesi>ie .street, where Jic has open ed his NEW STOCK OF i'all and ^iovdn. Ills friends and the ptiblic (ire refjuested to give him a call, as he is determined to ?ell verv low. S. S. A REV. Oct. 0, IS-'i'J. Fl'-W d.' salo by F^ \s 14. 'm!.F H. L. MYROVER 5: CO. (iStf Imperial .\romatic Schiedam Schnapps • -^ppriived medicinal Holland tiiii. For tes f.':1 at oiir sti've. ir. L. MVnOVEP. 5; CO. i. IJStf n;ri(.in'L\(i ox c\n: teak, ' . 'i-ribir' havine purchase.I the Steamers ■r.'reen and .''.'uthcrm-r and T"w I’lmts, lately :!•. "f the Henrietta Steamboat Company, are re.l to fiirw.'ird with despatch, V)etween il- HI 1 Fayetteville, all freights or p ..ids entrust- I F. N. •^i!!e. Feb'y 14, l‘*0;5. iinian copy. & J. H. Kor,FUT> r.sif E'OK yv.w YOKK. IViTEl) STATES .MAIL LIXE. T' ^ f.r'it cl.'iss side-wheel Steamship U(*ANOKL, . '■» t'>n« hurthen. IMwai^i Cavinly, cenimander. - r. hmonil and I’etersburg every Tufsday after- ',■1 Norfolk every Wednesilay >n"rninp. at 11 o'- t)i the L aiteii States .Mail, arriving in New ;? 'lay, ind f ire, state room included, from Rich- :• l’ctersb;»ip. $10 00. ■ • and f:ire, state room in‘huled, from Norfolk, r _ff. y,TC:r>crn half pricC. I '^iTii ke has now been running al'out ei;jhteen I itic which time she ha.s never tni>scd a trip, ' " s kept »i> to her time. ■ " I-' will find this route the cheapest and n>ost Fipr jiassape applv to H1>LAM .V WATSON. Richmond. SAM L (J. RAPTIST. IVtersburR. .1. M. SMITH A; 15U0., Norfolk. ■ irv H. l -' V'l. liip .J AMKSTOWN. of 1400 tons btirthen. ' ■ 'inj ill NfW York, and to be rommaivled by i, i I’arrish. will be added to the liii’ in the r. travellers and shij'pers a cfimmunication Vietween tlie al>ove pl.ices by first class s^‘'.iiii‘>hips. I shall, nn the 'JSth d.iy of February, instant. ." t the late residence nf (lenrjrc T. I’arks'iale. deceased, expose to l‘u>>lic Sale the personal property beloniriiij; to saitl estate, consisting of .•>tock, f.-irmiiig uteii'^iis, jiork, corn, fodder, carts. wa;.r'ii. two barouches, nai'f.->, horses, hotisehold and kitchen furnitMre. Vilacksmith tools, and thirteen negroes—women and children. ■\t the place near the Clarendon Uriilge. in Cumber land. on the 1st d:vy of March ui‘\t; coin, fodder, p.'vk. farmin'r utensils, an'i the p« rishable property there of said estate. .Vttd a valuable Wacksniith and carpenter named Mile. at the Court House in Fayetteville, on the Sth day of March ticxt. .\t the I'aily p!aie, near F.iyettcviile. on the 'Jd day of March next, the i>erishable | r.iporty of said estate there. ,\t the old nark." lale p^.-.ce. near .'^innmervire. on the 4th of .NLirch next, the furniture and perishable j.r.'per- ty of .“aj.l e.state there. And at the place t;'.ar .Limes's, i’.i Ulaib-n, i>n the 7th Martli next, tiie c..rn. fodder, hogs, and the perishable property of s.>i-l o'itat*’ at that place;---and v.irion other articles too tedious to inctiti.m. The pre.)>erty will l>e '..Id to the h’.jhest lii'hier on a cre.lit (>t ."ix months—the purchase, giving boti.l and approved 'i-cuiify l>et>-re the propert\ is remo%ed. The s.'ihs will commen..’c ai 11 o'clock. r.VTKICK MritlMIY. Administrat.r. F’ebruary 7. Is.'i.!. •.7--’w rr!U‘i:x rixi*: i>Ls'i’iLij:iiii:s FOR S.\LE. WILL sell my Turpentine I>istiHer;es an.l l ixturcs; one a hbl.. the other a I-') bbl. Oiie i«; sitiwited at veras!»orough and the other seven miles F ist ol' that place. .\lso. my .'' Ilorise^ .and stock of C.oocls at each place—for cash or negoti.iMe notes: all in good order an ! in tisc. 1). .1. .McALISTKH. Feb y f. IS.'.;?. ',7-4t Ooldsborough Republican & I’.itriijt I f.nus and send l)ill to J- Me.\. J>. W. McLauriii Have just reccive.l, in .‘iddition to their former Stock — 100 kegs NAILS, 10 hhls. Sugar, lit* bbls. (r;inuhitcd ditto, 00 Viags Cotfee. pieces Dundee lingging, 7 bales (luntiy Cloth, 4") coils Hope. t) tons Swedes and I'rigli.h Iron, '>0 kegs pure and extra White Lead, r>0 bo.xcs Window (Jlass, 40 l>ags |)rop and liuck Shot, -o kegs FFl'tJ Powder. — .VLSO- iukI Crushed .''up-ars, I’ an 1 Fancy Soaps, Macki'rel. in barrels .and half-barrels. Cheese. Spice, Te^.per, (Jinger, Snutf. Ittdigo. Madder, S]tnnish Hrown. .'^alts, Saltjietre, Saleratus. Nutmegs, Mace. Cloves, Veast Powileis. Si>erm Catidles, I'tc.; with a "CTier-il .asst.rtmeiit of I>IIY (!OOI>.'>. I50t)TS AND SHOES. HARDWAKE AND Cl TLEUY. U'e offer the above (WjoiIs at low prices, for or good papt'r. D. iV W. McL.WlllN. Sept. 13. It'.'i'J. ‘J;')tf K(‘wanl. WJ .\N.\WVV from the sxtliscrilier. on Monday the 8« ‘J.'ith Octo)ier. !i Negro named llEN. He I is about ■’> feet lo inche-; high, and weighs aliout V.'O pounils; his h’.ir is hmg. and he someliiues keeps it tied up in stiings; has very large head, huge e\es, and good teeth. He rea I aii'l write, and possibly may write himself a p.a-^^. liis nge is li'.'. ! I will give the at’.ive reward for the appndiension and iie’iivery to me, or to any .L-iilcr in this .''tate so that I ‘ can get him a’.;aiM. of the aiiove boy. 1 will gi^e.•lu ad'iitional rewar.1 of Si’JnO for j.roof ^ sufheient to co!i\iet any white person or persons of; harlxiring sai.l bov, C. .\. HARRISON, 1 N. c., N..V, I'o. I,';-'.-.’. lotf STOKAGi:. 7^ E have commodious brick Wurehousc.s in tlie w F rear of our Store, in which we store cotton .and other produce. 1». & W. .McL.\UIU.N. Nov. 1, 18.^)1. S7-tf UA(iS, RA(iS, I{,\c;s. WE still receive H.\(3S for J. F. .Iordan & (^o., Haleigh, and want o00,000 pounds at the high est market price, for cash. t^'otton Y.nrn and Wriipjiing Paper, a large lot, on hand at manufacturers’ [iriees. 15KAN.SON & .JOHNSON, Sticcessors to II. Rransoii Son. .Jan’y 17, 18.'>:?. GOtf liRICK EOR SAIJ^^ ^I'^HE subscriber has for sale I.j0,()(i0 hr.rd burnt 4 RRICK, which he is willing to sell at the lowest market price. ,\nd he intemls to keep a supply con- st.antlv on h.aiuL lir. McPHEHSON. Jan'y IH-'j;’. 57-‘im RocKrisii siiei:tix(js, ” LUMP.ER! LU.MBI:R!! /■ E have our Steam .''.aw Mill in successful opora- tioii, H miles from Fayetteville, nenr tl-.e RaUigh .‘'tngc Road, and are prep.ared to execute orders in our line. ,\s we run two Rotarij or Ciroilar Suhk, Ave can fill bills at the shortest notice. We can fr.rnisli Pine, P« :ind .1 iiniper LUM iJl'It. .and of almost any length. Our Lumber, for truthfulness of line and smoothness of face, shall be ejual to any ever tlelivered in market. .JONES .S: 15AHHEE. M.arch :10. 18:.2. V the bale or half bale, for s.ale I>v C. T. H.UOll & SON. July l.^, 18.->i.>. 8tf iM'W m\]\ k m mu's. rBllII'^ subscribers are now receiving from New York, _BL a large and general assortment of Stdplc ami Fancf! Drij (>oods^ G U( )rEKl ES, II AlimV A RE, IIat.s and ('aps, Iif>ots :ind Shoes. -\mong which .ire: Coffee, Sugar, t'otton I’.agging, P.ale I’ope. Nails. Window ilass. ."^wedes and English Iron, Sack and .Mum Salt, Imficrial .and Rl.ick Teas, Pepper, .\lspice. (iinger. Powder, Shot, liar Lead. I5ar and Fancy Soap. Together with a gieat v.iriety of other .iriicles. to which they invite tlu attention of the iiuMie. and which they are l‘. termined to sell as low for C.ish, or on time , to those who pay promptly, as any house in the South- . erii country. ; Produce of all kinds, at the highc't market j'riccs, taken in exchange for Cioods. McLEAN .S: JoNES. Summerville, N. C., Dec. S, 18-M. 47lf liv TWO liOllRS IIIIIVK C. T. IIIIOII STIIKI’, Fayellevilir, i\. Jan’y tll-IY \.\S\) FOR s.\fj:. rH^HE subscriber offers for sale loou acres of fine M. Turpentine .and Timber Ii.\ND. in Robeson conn- l.v, about four inile.s Nortri E.ast of Luni'>erton. Nearly the whole tract is heavily timberi’ii. and there are sev- er.a! beaiilitiil situ.atioiis for .i residence. P.ut a small portion has been cle.ared. It lies as high and he.ahhy as any l.uid in this region of coiuitiy. -\lso. six unimproved Lots in the town of f.iiniberton. Personi wishing to purchase will make iipjdication to Ilobert E. Trov, in Lumberton, or to the suhscrilier in person, 1 li miles from the village, on the Harllees- ville Road. JOHN A. P.OWLAND. Sept. 1C. 18-V2. -.i'-tf jest received, SACKS LIVERPOOL SALT. 10>0 bushels Alum ditto, in bags/ •SO hhtls. .sweet Molasses, "0 l)bls. l''ity Mess Pork, 20 *• hirge size No. :J Mackerel, 10 half-bbls. No. 2 do, UO hhls. fresh caught Mullets, .■)() boxes Dried Herring, loo Ithls. Planting & eating PfltntoW/ 30 hhds. superior I'.acon. 1>. & W. McL.VURIN. Fayetteville, Nov. 22, 1852. 45tf XEW AXI) CnEAT‘7u)01)S. SAM now receiving my usual assovtment of K,\1.L CiOODS. all of whicli has h» en pu:chased for Cash,- >iy the ]>ackage, which will enable me to sell at uuconi- nioiily low prices. In addition to my usual stock, I have purchased (i large lot of He.-uly-niade Clothing, which can be .SohJ at very low prices. Country men-lifints .and others are invited toesalti inC the above stjck, as it id oi;e of the hirgest ever offered in this .''tate. J.VMES K\ LE. Sept. :!0, 1852. 31 tf f INTEND erecting a STILL on the Western TMank Road, !• miUs from Fnyeltcville, where N. King & Co. formerly had one, and would be jilcased to see those making Tur)>entiiie Uefore they make any engage ments. as the lute improvement made by me in distil ling enal.le me to give gf»od j>riees Jor the raw ma terial. N. KINO. Dec. 17, 18.V2. Gvtf Clinton. Sanij n C.... IM A NOS roR saij:. 1 "Hnr.E ply t.i'v 1, I''" verv iroo'l st d-han.l Pi.iii. s f. r .s.ale. .Vp- L. F. WlllTAKEi;. r.t'.tf MV.V BAKl'JtY. f H^Hl'. .''ul''>.riL'er has cstaMishc.l a P>.ikery on Row ft Street, on the Lot two ijoors F.-i.-t d' Duncan Mi-.NeilTs Cabinet .''hop. lli- is pr>-pare.l to furnish Families, P.o:if-. ar..l the puMic with P.rcad. I'.i'euit. a:i I Cake of v.;rii:us kin.Is. of the best quality, as he has i rocureil the .^ervice.x of one of the b« st I'.akers in the State. Prices reas.-nable. CivemeHcall. CH.VS ranks. F.'wettevi'.le. I'ec. 2?. IS-'.J. Jj.j-tt 1M)Hi;\VS & JKSIP, No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. r.’'R Tin: sale of alt, kind.'^ of CnTlllN \MI WIIDLliA ,11\nilM:iiV .^\D ‘•'*.11 a IIII l*a c* III r e r ’« A r I i i* I e OF EVEP.V DE.CllII*TION. C'onij)! isiiii; Hcltinii, C’ard liohhins. Sluittlcs. Tirkt rs, Skins, Roller C'lotli, Oil.- Dec. D', I.''-'2. nC/^Ladic.'^' Ilidinix Hats aiui (I'cnt'o- men's Uiding Cajis. for sale at the (ireen Street !|.\T Sl'oRF. lb ’EE. Nov. 1'.', 1.''.2. 4'>tf small AXI) 'VWA.: f'omr f'otisr »?//, Aitt/ J( t t/ou (I (I'lni fhtlf triH vih r;/ a Biilf! fMlIlE subscriber has now on hand, ami wiil sell clieap for cash, liis large anti well assortel Stock of sin- i gle and ikuble barrel .'^liOT (il’N.''. of the best make, ' and latest p.atterns. Also, Colt’s Patent lie].eating Pis- j tols, ami .Mien's Uevolvers; Shot Pouclies: lianie Rags; : Powder Fhisk-N; Percussion Cajis; \c., ,'cc. i Rifles of all kin.Is constantly on haiiii. and manufac- i tured to onler, and warranted to Iroin 10(j to ."iU*! | yards. j Persons w ishing to .an.v of the aliove-named j , . . . articles, will do well to give me a, and they may I. lotllllli^, sure to find the greatest Ihirgains ever oHered in this town. of every thins in the gun-smitli line will be done at short notice, in the best manner, aiul for a small charge. .M. A. IIAKEI!. Sign of the Wooden i.lun. H.iy Street, ojipositc tiie Marble Yard. I'ayetteviHe. N C. August D'. IS'.2. ' 17-t; WAX r OF MOXEV. VLL jiersons w ho are indebted to me, by note (>r ac- couiit. are earnestly reiiuested to settle—particu larly those debts due me before the 1st .January. ]8;>2. .My business rcnuires me to make this call, and longed’ indulgence cannot be given. A. A. McKETIIAN. Nov. 1,'). IS.V2. 4Rtf For Sdlc.—f)0 tons IVruviaii CivianO/ Those who have engaged from us will please semi in. D. a; W. McLAVRIN. Feb'y 7. 18'>;5. Ootf ^ SXri'F AXI) tor.vcco. I*et€f J^orilffgrd, MANl'FACTl P.ER, No. 42 st.. New York. OFFER? for sale the following articles, warraiitei^ of sujierior iiuality: — Maccobo.v, Scotch. Coarse I French Rap]>ee and other SNUFFS. Also, Fine-cut ; TOI>.\CCO, in tin-foil and papers. 1 A more partii-ular description of the various articles' ' can be knot\-n Iiy sending for a full pi ice current as above.- ! Jan’v I.'), 18"i:5. 01-^hn Roller , &c. r.2-1V STARR, SOX & CO., (•LATE MALTRY STARR.) 147 Water Street, New York, on hand a l.argo assortment of and STRAW (lOODS, of their 1 S' \ 1(1' El .s.'> REW^ARI). fr«in the Sub.scriber in Moore county on -l .y night the Otli instant, a P.ridle and Sad- '. -;i: I'l pacing Iron fJr.'iy M.\RE. ivcry dark.) r.-i;ir in forehead, with some gear marks, e l that the .Mare was .stolen by a bright- ” iiviiig in. or about Fayetteville, by the name • t a \V;i'den. an>l that he has sol.I her some ten ,\l.M,i-e county and Fayetteville. 1 will reward on delivery to me of the .^aid r :i!i\ infonnation so that I can get her. JOHN SINCLAIR. ' ket P. t).. Moore countv. ■ 08-.3tpl 7o the Widoirs and Minor ('hildrtii nf fhr Snhfii r^'if'thr Mr.rirnn tfir \\ u!- iiirs (Ht>f Mhidr f'/n/i/n ii nf Suftfirrs irlin i/irtl ill thr sf rn'rr dj (he I iiifcti lit (tvi/ ; snii'r 1 1 A N iiicndnient has been made to the Pension making .in allowance to the Uidow-i and Children of Soldiers of the Mexican V.'iir. or the \'idows and Children of any .''oMier who did in the service of the Cnited St.ites in any War since 17'.'0. 1 will also procure .1 Pen'^ion for any Widow of a Revolutionary Sddier —the Law having been amended. Come imme diately; JOHN M. P>hSE, •\gent for Pensioners. Fayetteville, Feb'y 8, 18.',.'’,. tn-'it FOR SAI.i:, ■^^INETY vears lease of timber on SOO acres, lying on Crane’s Creek, near Lower Little lliver. I he greater portion of this timl«er is very fine, and :is yet untouched bv an .ixe, ati'l within .i mile ot navigable water. The right to the land may be had, if desired, on reasonable terms. J. C. IHtoPEK. Favettcville, Jun. 18,'>.3. t>4-r’.m fresh Jiirr/iin:!^ I'luid and ("amj)lii/tc, .Just received and for sale by .J. N. S.MITli, fJreen .'^t. Jan'y ol, lS-'>.'], , POl'ASll, DI'.X'l'AL SFR(;ERV. B'KK. W E. EDW.\HI)S has taken a Jn room at Harman's Hotel where he Tf'y T ’ may be found at any .aii'l .all times of the dav. and offers the most efficient and approve-l means of his art to the citizens of Fayi tteville and vicinity. All operations warraiite.l to give perfect satisfaction. Dec. 27. l.''')2. -Vj-tf AT .1. M. lii:ASU:V'S X('\v J(i\v'lrv Stor', Jloy S(r>rf, vKtr '//' Marhit llnis', \Y be foutel an!v large »;4tf WTRroCLD respectfully inform the public that he is V w stiil .at his old stand carrriiig on the above bu'^iness in all it--.^ branches. H‘ returns thanks for the li!.eral patr'inage he ha re.'civcd. :i!id h .pes b\ .a strict attention to bii>iiu‘ss. an 1 a desire to plea'^e all and gi\'e geinTal .sati.''laclion, to merit a contiiiuum'c ol th* siiine. lie w.arrants all hi« work to be made of the best ma terial and by expericiK-ed workmen.—ha^ing a more il an*l jiT'fU'ltc'ti Sfnit/i, he fiatters him.self that his work will compete with any made in the State for St\lf'. elegance .and liira1«ility: and sliould any of it fail in twclvi* months i with t.air u.^agi*i either in workman ship or nriterial. he will repair it free of ch.arge. Persons wi.'hing to bu\‘, would th» well to call an^l ex amine his w..rk as he is .leterniinsd to sell low for cash nr on short time. Orders thankfully receive.I and promptly attended to. i; i;i>,\ 1 K1 N i neatly executed at short notice nnd b'we.'t possible ]>rices. Favettcville. .Ian. 1S...‘1. 6.>tf i'bse:^ei SAM'L .f. IIIXSDAL!:, of FIIESH AND growth of lsi.'i2. .irs r RiX’EiN i:i). DOZEN hall 'iright Steel llOES. 20 •• poli>he(i •• extra, lo •• ('ollins’ iS; .'^iinmons' Turpentine .Vxes. 10 •• heavy Timber For s.ale by ' TIIOS. J JOHNSON. Near the Dank of (’ape I'ear.'^ .^. 18.-,0. .'>l'-tf ('k;ars! ('k;ars! ( k.ars: .")000 i,a Joseiina (lift Heg.alia, 4000 Regalias, -11 and rich variety of Watches and Jev/olry, ! . .'lOOO La I’nion Principes, ooo .leiiny Lind, ■')00U Plantation, ."OOO P.anetelas. 31)00 (Vinipicsta. ;JO(M) La Cclebrada, For stile by Oct. 20, lS.'i2.* 2**MI .\nibrosi.a, ‘J loo I’en Fr.anklin, 1*000 Noriega, 2000 Neptuno, L’(MM) Voluntero, 2000 Murenita, CllAS. HANKS. at’.tf copartnership tin >. 1'. n. i> St or ll-.v. tinw in -eiK I r's;, ip' nkel Ru .1 .. I ail' d d .tt‘ ips: ! Is. j’ lO, dCl. -at' on of i\ ilc ds at pi \Ni‘ R ( llOICi: TEAS. ‘■IVI.Ii ;.)-day, Exfri-fine fmperinl Ten, Hyson • Oolong “ S. J. HINSDALE. 11, 1-,-,.^. '■•8-tf \\\ H. Watson fino-cut ■ TdIIAi'CU, in tin-foil embossc'l. For sale RRNNSON &, JOHN.'^ON. ’1, 08tf Veast Powileri, Sofia, S jiices, Imligo, Spanish Rrown, Soaps, &c. J. Hops. Cream Tartar. I'.xtrncts. for flavoring. .Madder, I’nth Rrick, For sale by N. SMITH, (Ireen St. Ohf IB supjily SEED- For sjile by B. & J. w E> 1 If''- ; e an nsur. ■ : ^ iiid V ina'-b le.^ ' * 'I - ill* of 1 ‘ ■' til* ikI r* IlS i •t tr.. . line. Ve 1* r dr'. ■ ' ■ -I' S f Sa ..-r- .1 I - -A W AN'PEI), IH5LS Turj.entine, delivered at m}’ Distillery in this place, for -dipst prices will be paid, i!'.. einjiloy two or three pood turpentinc- ■rv ■ p. W. RIKiERS. N- Feb’y 10. 18.',.3. 08tf L\ STOliE, Ihis'ielv .‘^eed O.itrt. I’>n-:licl, liread Corn. 1’' uiid ; liacon. barrels. Plmiting Potatoes. I''>iiii«is New Lar'L For sale by THOS. J. JOHNSON, 2 doors west Rank of C.ipe i'ear. Jan’y :’.l, 1«^..3. CnivMlCAl.S, ^:c. Citrate Iron, (Engliish.) Lactate “ Phosphate “ Svrup lodidt Iron. Iron by Hydrogen. Iodine, lod. Potass. •• Lead. Piperine. Salicinc. Kreosote. Quinine. Cit. Iron and Quinine. For sale by J. N. S.MITH, (ireen St. Jan'y .31, 18.-.3. ''4tf IRLSH IM.AXTIXO IHVrATOl^S. RARRELS just received, in yirime order, for s.ileby WILLKIN(iS & CO. Fayetteville, Jan’y 25, 18')-3. 6.3-(>t XEW GOODS. their F.ALL A I.SO, '■''1 handsome Ruggies, warranted well inade I' w price. For pale by THOS. J. JOHNSON. 1R.',3. OTtf A':'- ■NOriCK, indebted to M. N. LE.ARY, previous to ‘'•i!itio;i .(f the copartnership of Nl. N. Leary rsted to call and make immediate set- M. N. LEARY, OU-Gui flf^HE undersigned are now receiving JL STOCK of «m X9 mm Consisting of a full assortment of Ladies’ and Gentlemen’s Dress (jood.s, a large supply of Read/-made Clothing, Hats, Caps and Honviets, a !ar/'e assortiiicut of liootH and Shoes, Hardware, Groceries, Drugs and 3Iedicinc.s^ Saddlery, Crockery and Glassware, Gunny and Dundee IJagging and Hope, Nails^ Iron, &c. &c. &c. W'e invite our friends and the jiublic to call and ex amine our Stock; it is LAU(JE nnd will be sold on ac commodating terms. J. T. CtJUNCIL & CAIN. August oU, lbO«. A.S jil-if received his (iENClNE (iAUDEN ASPAltA'ilS. RE.VN.'^ l,arly Cbin.a. Early V:ilenti;ie. i;.irly Moh.awk. L.arge Lim,a. REETS—Early I Ilood Turnip. AVhite .‘^ugar. Early flat Dassano. Long Pilooil Red. Corn. Sugar or .Sweet. CAP.RACE—Early Vork. E.arly Sugar Loaf. Early Hat Battersea. Large Frt'iicli O.x-heart. L.arge ^ ork. Large English Drum Head. Fine Drumhead .^avoy. ('ACLIFLOWEK—Early London. CARUfJT—Long Orange. F.ariy Horn. ('ELERY—White Solid. Cl'Ci: M P.ER— Early Russisin. I'.arly (Muster, l.ondf.n Long (ireen. EdCi PLANT—Large Purple. LETTI CE—Royal CaV.bagc. Large (ireen Ice Head. Ice Coss. MELON—Pine Apple. N utmcg. AVatcr. ONION—Wethersfield 1-nrge Red Yellow Silver Skin. P.ARSLEA'—Double (,’urleil. PARSNIP—1-ong Smooth. PEPPER—l.iirge Hull Nose. Sweet Mountain. PUMPKIN—Connecticut Field. RADISH—Early L(mg Scarlet. Early Scarlet Turuip. AVhite Turnip. Pdack P’all Spanish. SQUASH—Early Yellow Bush. TO.MATO—Large Red. Pear Shaped. turnip—Early Spring. Purple-top Ruta Bag.a Large English Norfolk. —ALSO— A cboice assortment of FLOWER SELD. For sale by S. J. HINSDALE. 59-2m /■IHI] Subscribers have formed M. der the name and style of srEI).\LVN nORXi:, ,\nd may be found at the foot of Hay Mount, in the house formerly occupied by Hall I'i Johnson. They h.ave received their F.\LL A.NU \\lNrLR (j(JOD.'', consisting in part of Staple Dry Gooils, Hardware and Cuthry, Roots Shoos, Sole liCatlior, ]iaggiti!j:, Hope, Twine, «.tc., a general a.s.sortmont of Groceries, including a clutice selection of liijuovs. We keep on hand spun A'arn, from the Deep River M. Co. at Factory prices. We will take in exchange for goods, country produce of any kinil. S? . . 'lozeii jGiir ot‘ the latest stvU* Tut* IMns; 7 pair lute^t ,-tyle E:,r iliiigs; large lot Silver Ware; Forks; .'Spoons; L.adles; Cr»-ani .Spoons: Suf^ar Tongs; Cups. .Mso. l.-ir^e lot Plated gooits; Colt's and various other kinds of Pi.-tols: double bm re! tiuns; .‘Purveyors' (’oini'asses und ("liains; M:ithei.iatiral In struments. \c. \j. J. M. r.EASLEY. Jan’v*', IS-'i;’. .>(-2m A. 'I'he Sul)seril)(‘r sti" A. STEDMAN. T. HORNE. R2tf con tinues to c.arry on the C.VIil.NET RLSl- ■ NESS in Fayeite\iile, an.I in adi'.iiion to his Establishment n Row Street, tiear Eccles's I'lridge, h;s opened a large Vi .XRE on Hay street, nearly o]>posite tlie Fayetteville nnd oi'ie door East of .Messrs. Haigh \ Son's, f^encral ;iss.u‘tment c.f FI ll-MTL'R!:. Made by competent ami faithful workmen, may be bail at jiriccs con esi'oiiding with the times. Alsf>. anas-' sortment of Northern-made Fl’llNlTl KE. selecte*! by • him.self, which will be sold at a verv moderate advance. , DINCAN .McNElLL. Nov. 10. 18.-.1. E kec|is on band an assortment of I-isl. s eelef.ra- i ted METALLIC lU IllAL CASES, which ha\e j f»een highly recommended liv illie P. .Mangum. Henry C’av, Lewis Cass, \\ui. R. King, and many other il- j lustrious idiaracters, who h;ive ex.ainined and witnessed | their utility. ! Oct. 4, 18.V2. FAI>[. AXI) WLNTER (JOODS. OCR F.iH ami Winter Goods are now hero, and ready for sale. Our stock of I»I£ V is large and l.etter than any former season: ll.%ltl>WAICIil A\l> ’l TI..I>KV is hard to equal. —Our stock is large, equal if not superior to an.v former year. All ol which wo would be glad to exchange for al most any kind of produce, for cash, or to punctual cus tomers on time. COOK I'i: T.WLOR. Se])tember, 18r>2. 27-tt XEW CR()P ^Ol.ASSES, A SUPEIIIOR quality, just received and for salo by ' PITER P. JOHNSON. Jiin’y 11, 18.-..3. I AM receiving a much larger ST(K^K OF (iO(>D.' than usual, consisting of a comjdcte ,'issortinent of Dry (Joods, Clroccrios, Hardware and Ciillcry, —Among whicli may be found— Ladies’ fine Dress Goods, Bonnets, and nn assort ment of Dress and Bonnet Trimmings, of the latest styles. —ALSO— l/ats, CopH, Hoofs and Shoes, Negro Blankets and Kerseys, Bagging and Rope, with a large supply of READA'-MADE CLOTHING. All of the above Goods have been recently purchased, and will be sold low at wholesale or retail. AV. F. MOORE. East Comer Market Square. f>, 1852. Cnhinet Fin nitnrr., C'hairs, ^■• ^H1HE subscriber is receiving the largest a^.-ortmcnt W ill liis line ever before jiurchi'.sed at the North, which, together with his own ni.inufaclure, nmkishis Stock very complete, consisting of Cli'Airs, Tables, Solas, liodsteads, A\ a>h fctand.'', lJureaus, Looking Glasses, Side Roards, Set i taric., iK.e. All of which will be sold on the lowest terms for Cash, or on short time to jiunctual customers. Jf)lIN AV. RAKER. 8.’>tf Sept. Jan’j 1.2, 18u8. rOBACCO. HE subscriber continues to receive and sell, on manufacturers’ accoutit, Ml grades of manufac tured Tobacco. J- UTLE\. May 31, 1S52, T' Oct. 30. 18.»1. SADDLERS’ AND ('OA('ll-MAKERS’ l#,f K IIM « iK, Tiio.MiJi No. 22! Balliinore St.. Haltimorf, IMPORTERS and Dealers in IlogSkitis, Saddle Trees, English Heads and Reins, Girth Webs, Stirrups, Hames, Ri«s, &c. Springs, .\xlesof all kinds. Coach Lace, BENT FELLOES, Hubs, Spokes, Carriage and Tire Bolts, Patent Canvass, Carpeting, and every ai^ti- cle connected with either branch of the business, which they are prepared to offer to punctual customers on as good terms as any other hoitse in the United States. Agents- for* th« sale of Pope’s Selt-Adjusting 1 ADS and Spencer’s GIG TREES. Orders promptly attended to. Address T1]0)1.\S II.^CRENZIE k nONS, No. 222 Baltiiuore Street, EEP cimstantlv HATS, CAPS own niaiiufacturr, which they offer to cash and time buyers on the most lilieial terms, at a slight advance from cost. Their l.)tig experience in this of bu siness enjiljles them to otler iiulnceinents to buyers sel dom met with, and an examination of their stock is par ticularly invitdl. Orders resjiectfully solicited, and especial attention paid to jiacking goods for distant tr.ide. ST.VRR, S(»N A: CO.. 147 Water Street, New York. December 11. 18.'>2. iil-3m HATS, CAPS S'l'RAW GOODS. TAYLOaJ, No. 150, Broadvzayj New York, >laniif:irliiri*r tiiul ('(MiiiTiission Deakr in Hals, Capsf Straw (loads, llallrrs' Mork. Tri mini lies, if. T.VVLOK'S lon.s experience in these pnrtictilar’ branches of business, joined to his facilities iu the manufacturing, eri.-ibles him to ofl'cr inducements to' purchasers that c.-innot be h.-iil of those who purchase their goods .it second or thir.l liands. His firesent stock is extensive and well ;issoi-ted for the coui;try trade, and will be const.iiitly adde.l to V>\ fresh importations^ and from his own nianufactor.v. Particular attention pai'l to orders by mail. J.ini’.iry 1. D-'.o. •)tl*.3ni ' THE LARGEST SILK. RfBBOX, AND TiaMMIXGl HOUSE IX XEWJOHK. T/iOinas G\ Sfearns, IMPOllTER AND JOBBER OF SILKS, MILMM'RY, AM) FAN(’Y GOODJ^« 162 Broad-ivay, N. Y., M.\S now in Store and is daily receiving and ofTcr- ing at the Lowest Price.^, a com{)Iete a.s.sortment ofdOODS IN HIS LINE. eonii)risiiig all the various ' styles and dcsign.s, consisting of lihick and Fancy Silk.-'; ^L'lrccline:^, l^'ion HC('s, Shiiwls, 'i'riminiii^^'^; Roiw net lilhhons; 'I'aHcta and Satin Rlb- Loiis; Dress'rrijiHiiings of all kinds*^ I'.mbroidcrics; Frt'Mcii and Eno;iish Crajjcs, Crape f.isscs, Siik Cra vats; (Jlovos ot’ all kinds; Silk Lace Mitts; Hiireges, Laccs; \\ 1‘iitc (ioods. Hosiery, E. Handkercliiefs. The iindcisigiicd would invite the attention of hiaf friends and the Trade generally. He will offer great in.’uceiaents to CASH AND SHORT TIME BUYERS. THOMAS G STEARNS, Di2 Broadway, I>twecn Liberty street and .Maiden J.,anc, N. Y. Jan’v l.->. 18.-,:j. ' i USf i \VilBRKNKR7 IMPOR.ERS AND DE.VLERS IN Foreign and Domestic ILVRDWARE, CUTLERY, &c., No. North Thirb Street, Between .\rch and Race, (West side,) i>sasi.ADi:i.pniA. rH^Hl* subscriber, being interested in the above house,- _B_ would respectfulh’ invite iiis friends to give hiirf il call. 'VM. M. CARTER. Jan’y 18, 18.'■).^. Cl-2iu Taylor^s TemperaHee Hotel. The Pro[)rietor takes this op- p^rtunity to inform the Temperance commu nity, and the public in general, that he still continues, as he has lone for the last six years, to keep the above-named H-iuse on strictly Tem perance principle.-^-. Thankful f«r past favors, he would again invite all who want a quiet, comfortable nnd cheap home, while stopping in the city, to give him a call. This house is well located for business men, be ing !¥o. Corllasedt >»t., isi-ar Brond way, ami the landing of most of the Stenmbonts and Rail roads in the city. New York, 1^3. 13Y] CALTIMQRE. EL DAD TAYLOR. 61-3m wanted to ffrchase. CORDS PINE WOOD, to be delivered OB' mv Wharf during the next six months. ^ T. S. LUTTERLOn, Jnly 22, ^ ,9 1.