SEMI.WBEKt, Y FHazBJar*flE3BHmBenBBieB FAYKTTKA ILT.K, N. C.. APIUT. 4. 1853. [NO: 182.] IM’JNTHI' HV J. B. NKWHV. i:i)\v\in) J. iiALK & sox, KPlTt'US AND rnoriUKTOUS. . r t'i ''r.U $ l 00 if paiil in ■ ^t .'ill if p:iiil (lurinj; the voar of subscrip- , „ ,p .il'tor tlio _vo:ir has cxjiirtnl. \v. t'k\v t'iiri!vvn no^or unnnni, if piiid in ^ ... . .‘.ti if pai'l ;luriu2 tlie vc;ir iif stil.'crip- . !• ' i"‘ ;iftor the _vp:ir h:js o\pirp>l. \1.i. ri>!•'11.N 1 S iiiscrtoil fur >i\tv cents per !'■ lini'' f"r tht* tirst. aiiil tliirtv oonts fnr ciu'h "•I:; piih!io.iti'>n. Voarlv n'h ortisomcnts hy s]>c- ' . at rato^. \ilvorti>;cr.'i arc -lati' iho ntunlior cf insert’'.ns ilc-.irt'il. ur ■V « >• intinui‘>l till fi>rbiil. and oharjrod aci-i'r'l- 1" the K.iUti'rs must ptisl-jiai'). '■ ijir Fill/' tt> ril/r anil H’-vv/cro Plank /'nat/ (’■■inipanj/. V'w T.TTKvn.i.K. Mai l\ •2'^tli, \:inual of tlu* Stm-kh'iMi'rx of tlii i-inv wi’.'. lie hi'M at tho Fayi'ttevillt' Hall '>ii ■ ; ihiir-'Iay in April—tho 1 Uli day of th« at 11 KDWVUD I.r.K WINSI.OAV, Prcv t. rv ^\all•hnKlll and I’otM'li' *! I’ro- timos. .irs'i' !n'A'i:i\ i:i). Pd,s Ml'.ss I'ril'.K. llt’rrin^-'. (' K. ld'l'Tl\ l\r«"n >tr»%-t. .irsr Kix'i:i\ i:i), ;; s 'nios. .1. .loiiNsox — MAS .irsT HF.CKlVi:!)^ r.r.T.S, M’AV (IKI.I'ANS MOl.ASSKS, lit do. lariro Vtdlow I’lantin.ii I’otatoi's iiiMKi llis. Northern Uaro'.i, fllilMt Itt.x, S. (’arnlina do. luuu hii.shels (t.its, l‘lon;.iiis and •':istiti'j;.i, inat*ksniiths 'Foots, 17 hlids. ('ulia Molasso.S. —.M.Sd - 1 liLrht fonr-horst? ^Va;rou. and T-io, \r. Till).';. .loilN'^ON rayetti'vilU'. Kol>'\ l.''-'.:I. By?y r \MiM!Ki,i.'!'(»N 1 r>n'.r!iv, 1 llarno>^ I'lTr Foi: 1TI St. ■_’tf Ail’. ■I. .1, Jiiv(‘rv St;il)l ‘ TIk' iiiKli'r-iuii' irrv ^.n tl'.i' S at il,;^ pi; I'ontimi'' dVI^tV I'd Sl- t“. 'I'licy iia\c a>od tUfiv Stock to t!u“ pnlilic as t.- m; lately laru:ely lui vi and can n>\\ i.i]Vi- i; ■ d liorsfs, ( ani.i.c' and I'ri- vcis a' 'Vin 'iif 1 'lUi'l ill tliv South ern (••■nntr\ . 'rii.inkfn! fir tin- '.arire jiatro!!- a;re heretol'ore extended t" ii. we v.,!icit a eontinuation ot the pnMie favur. W !■ a sati^f.ietcry trip t" all \vlio may t'> tr.ivel. t-'t?" St.ilile.s at the U O't eti l of Mi;nit'"rd '■xw-.'., where one of the I’r.'prii'ti'rs may :ih\ay> he t"nnd. ^r at the Store firt do. r l!a>t of Mr. I,i:ttfil-'h. .1. W. I'dWKKS \ •(>. Fa’. etto\i!lf. Feli'v I''-'.:’., 71 \ 'iO \ Norici'.. \ tlemi’it. .1 all' V 1.1. p r'^oii'. ind.eht. 1 t the t iriu.ition ot the i- n. all- re'[U'''ied to , al and I.i'. \ II V. prr\ >'i|- rd,;i. of M. N. I.,.; la.ii^e iianir liate > ,M. N. I.FAIIV .irs r \:\'A i:i\ \:\). K. l.l'FTF. Person street. S(i-:’,t 1000 \t l.lVFKi’oKl. SALT, u y\ .ir.vr Kr,('Ki\ r.i). \!A'-M\1'F ''L»TIllNt,. ;t; f;- d- i. •- and Sli'.'^s. II r-i'.v ire and ’!itlorv. .'..I. Is M’.a-c-. r F,. LFFTF,, I’erson “tvcot. '• 1 \ :h>'}hl(' 'I'oirn Projirrt^ nt Aurtinn. II,I, ho oM at tlip M.arket II oi-ie. nt I'J o'chi.-k Monday the isth .\pril io'\t. the I,"t ■ ii • r.f-et ki^own :is the ramphel'i ' 't; a I.ot on F,ow ar t!;e ll.i'.li lay e ■rnf'r: a I.- t ;n rear of d'tt- . '■ n I’er-on street containin'.! n>'oit one acre. 1 iv. pr.'j'ertv helot'.^s to the e;ate of \Firtin '11. ai.d «;'.l lie S'lld oti a er*' lit of s:\ months. ■'iiof^ witii ap^vo\.*d seevirity. f. A. M.-MII.I-AN. F\ r. K. i.r.i.n;. Au.-t r 1, -J.’., I's.',:'., 11' ' " 'ill'll els Alu; ;ii u.t ■;i' hi: i' . S ■ t M s • bM'. Citv M 1,-^' P .r', I’ll I'.r' s N .. : in h:dt- 1^'- \. 1, i! i:'i iibi'. fr"'li . 'aught M .‘ill i ..\e ' Drie i Ilei rill'', I'll' bi 1-, P1:U!:;- \ e ,t.' 1" hhd-. M k. n 'II. w. M. j,\ri;i\. i.K\^riii:u liAxns, U'!.(; in.Y stretched, cemented, .anil riveteil. Q 'I’lit* ahove r>am!s are sold I’O per cent, h'ss than New ^ ork nianiif.ietnrers' ]iricc.*. f’ash will be re- Itiired in every instaiic'. For sale bv ^v. II. LiTTHin.on. Fayi'tteville, Nov. li'i, IS.l'J. ;’,ltf sxri'l' AM) i’OliACCO. .MANCFAi Triu;i{, No. Chatham st.. Now Vork, OFFl'l’iS for sale the folhiwinir ai-ti(des. warninted of superior iiiiality: — Maecoboy, Seottdi. Coarse French llajipee and otlier SNl FFS. Also, Fine-cnt r>l!ACC(), in tin-foil and iiajier-^. •\ rioro )iartli'itlar descri]'tion of the various article.s can be kno.\n by settdinjr for a full prlfc current a'; above.'y l-'i. I.''."':’.. Ol-oui Till-: LAlKiKST ~ SILK. nmm. and ti{immix(; iiorsi: IX xi:\\ vohk. '^I^Ktnfds (m. Sfcdnts^ iMrcin’Fii ANM jor.iiFi: of SILKS, AM) F.\N(’V (iOOl)S. 162 Broadway, W. Y., I n \.S now in Stor- and is daily receiving aTid ofTrr- H E ill'.’’ .'It the l.owc>t 1‘rices, ft complete av.'ortnient "t (;()(*li.'' IN I! I.-; 1,1 Ni;. compri^in^; all the \:irious ''t\!c'; and dc'i;in, consi^tini: ot' r>l:ick and I'aiicy Silks; 'Marci'lincs. riorcnccs, Sliaw Is. 'rrmiiiim'js; IK'I lvil)!)f»iis; 'rallcta and Satin l)ons; Press'rriiiiiiiinus of all kinds; i aiii)r(>idt l ies; I'rciich and l!iiniis!i ( rapes. ('raj)(‘ lasses. Silk (’ra- \ats; (i!n\t's (»r all kinds; Sil!; Lace Mills; liare'jes. 1,act's; W lilt (' (I()(ids. i 1 ()si r\, L. (I laiidkt'rcliiers. The ;iiidci'.Li.c.l v.oiid in\ite the iiticiition if his Irii 'oi« :it, ; rra'Ie i;'nir-i’ .. lie will otTcr '_'rcat r«R YiillK. rxiTi:i) srA'ri:s mail lini:. GOODS. mooke: I ^IIF’ firxt clii““ Hide-whcol Steainshi]> I’OANOKI’, IJllO tons burtheii, l",dw:ird Cavindy. commander, leaves Itiidimond and IVtersbiiri every Tuesday afier- noiin, and Norfolk every Wt'dncs^lay morninir, at 11 o'- (dock, with the I'uited States .Mail, aniving in Nev; York next day. l’.'issau:e attil fare, state room included, from lliidi- niond or l'eti‘!slnir*r, ^10 i». I’assa;'!' ami fare, state room incl" led. fron) Norfolk, ^'.t (1(1. St-'erapre pas' i^re half price. ; The lluanoke has now been ruTininjr ;ibotit eighteen nionths. ilni injr « hich time she has iicvi-r missed a trip. ; and ha" alwa\s kept ii]> to her time. j Travellers will tiiid this route the cheape-^t and most CoIlitVprtable. For ]>asaiTe lippl.v to U'liI. iM \VA'l'S()\. r>i(hniond. SAM'l, (1. F.AI’TIST, l’et>rsburs. .1. M. S.MITII X l!ia>.. Norfolk. F(d)ruurv !■{, is.'i:!. The Steamship .1 ,\ \1 F.ST( >\N N, of 1 1(Ml tons burthen, now buildin" in .New \ ork, :Uid to lie connnanded by Caj't. I.ewi.-i I’arrish. will bp ;idded to the line iti the Spritiu', ^ri'iii;: ti ,ivellei-s and .■'hi|.p-rs n foinmunicatioii twice .1 week between the above jilaces by tirst class side-wheel St earn ships. i'!n:i(.ini.\(; ov (W!»i: rH^IIl'- subscribers havin'.: iiun-liasi'l ti 1- i;vcr-re properly o’ the tiow prepare.1 miiijrton aiel ed to tluiii. ■;t. 1'i:Ar.. .'stefiniers ;iid .'Southerner and 'l''iw I’.oats, latel\ Henrietta .''teaiiiboat Ciui\»anv. are .MCW w. I ,\S r.F('FIVFD !i hiri;e S»nck of AND S CM.Midi G O P N, —ro\sisTiN(; OK— r.adit's’ I'ino Dressc's and Dress Trini- minixs, I’oniu'ts, SIkx's, cVc., To which he would c.all the ;ittention of the Ljidie? in Town and ('ountry. ■ - ALSO I siijirn'ia' Jf'.t t'f Ik'-aifif-niiuh- L'U>th ;///, Ifafs,' liiitifa, (I'aifirs aiiif fur (irnlh mrn. \ Mui lIi I'd, I s.');!. r'-Hf m;\v I'lHii & .m:\i (iiioiij;. r?5^III'' subscribeis are now receivinjr from .New York, -iS- a larj;e and assortment of Stdjilr (1/1(1 Fdiicif Ih'ji (loods, CIKX’KIMKS, nAi:i>WAltH, Hats ('a]is, nunts ami Slioo.s. .\monir which are: rt.fTee, Sit'jar, Cotton I>a^>rin;r, Halo Hope. Nails, \N indi>w (!lass. Swedes and Fn^Iish Irim, Sack and .Mum .■^alt. Imperial and IJlack Teas, I’epfit r, Alspiee. iin;:er. Fowder, Shot, l!ar i.ead. I>.ir and Fa-icv Soap. To|ie(her with n preat variety of other articles, to v.l'.ii'll they invite the attention ot the public, ami wbicli they are determined to sell as low for Cash, or (ui time to those who pay promptly, as any house iu the Soutli- ern coutitry. I’roduce of all kind.':. ;it the hijr!ic?t tnarkot pricc.“. taken in exclian^re for (loods. ' M. LFAN & JoNFS. Summerville, N. ('., Uec. 1 . 4itf I!')fr/i/,iss\s \crhr(il Wahr \\/i((i. fR’^lIIiKF are several hundi-ed of these Wheels i nope- !/V> {yOfinfrtj Jfirrrliaitfs!! r Jllir, St'r»?rIlil*I’T{ Im.s now on hand anl offers fof J5- sale the following arti( les, viz; 1 groce 1’. ajid M. Yeast I’owders, ‘J “ Seidlitz I’owder.s. 2 “ I5al. C. ('ajistiles. ;> “ Captor Oil.—jissorted size?*; 5 “ Kss. lV|>]iermint. ■”> “ •' Cinnamon. •') “ “ I.oinou. *) “ I’arejrorii’. r> “ Laudanum. “ OpcMleldoc. :] “ F.ritish oil. ;■! •* Harlem ” 0 “ Tiirlin::t(in’'» r>n!. 1 ‘ I’.iin Killer. Tojrcther with a hir^ro supply of Dyostufi's, Drupa, Paints, Oils, \c.. v^c.; all of which he offers low for ca“!i, or on tim*' t'> j>nnctiial customers. .i. N. S.MITM: Drujr-rist and Green St. Ftb. ly, ls.'),‘l. 7(»-tf to forward ■':i X ctte\ il!e with d' , all frei I'. U. I' ■)';itch. •iits or .1. II. _BL ration iu ditlerent couutie •tween W'd- i'root'o*'th'!r L'reat ad\.inta;res O'!-, entrust- w heel. IIOKT TIMF KCVLKS. ti >TK.\ HNS, F.i vettc\ i iMON Li\i:m S'! \r.Li:s. F\vr.Tri;viLi.i;, n. c. 1 i; >I’i: I F.'I t M.S are prepare! to t'urn'.'h ititrsf’s .\i;n:a! >t. .b hn's r. the towti . e’.ock. NO ru’i:. ^l^'ll' .\i;n:a! ^I•'Otin'.r of the 1".-ar'l of Tru'tees ot (•..'lo-To wid lie he'd at the M is intc if Oxtord ont'.e :'.iliia\ of \lay. M. It is desirable :r.! the mem- h'^iiM be |irc'ent. as it is proposed at that t'.me t'l ■ u the I'tr.e’ -■ tis of suitai.l" ('o’.’e;:*' buildii.'js, . : • .ivran'jemeiits for le'tit'. contr iets I n- ;- f !ar::e ' ni’ linirs ar>' isixiti-d to 1 e presei't. : • r- t ^ uttili'.: iii ' id'. l’.\ .f ler of'he I’.oar'l .1 \S, T. Llfn.F.loIlN. Is.'.;; II Tiiey ar« f th> tie;_ Tiie.r >' ".o;. ,...1 b W e~t of th. They aI^^: P.eil.snn'ti. L * A Fi tei.'ianre, at 1r 'in tiie .''te iiM They wi I tik ’] lie_\ I; pe. !i' teriiiin.ition to [ roii.i'_ I 1 t. w 1:! 1 f arritt::('s. antf roii nast:. red t' carr\ I :i" rj'r~ t •V t.'. 11 re I'l o. l ilrj 'I' •k ni i\ 1 M. ( a\' l:a\= i: ril-llo!;> ■ hort notii II ; sTrii t 'UI •at t- .V \\ a!t. n.l.iti. e c \i:i;i \ ter. 1 (!'• . n I.iv rtel^I ■ lio-rit l*;i I '! a r Fi. .\.' • ..!' pub. .■ Ki;\\. \'je, •'■•Jtf ..lid I :.t- ;i; hi'-. tiieiits to (' \.''II AN n Tll().^lAS 1 'iJ i’l '.111way. r.ctwi'en Ld'.rtv stret Mil 'lai'len Lane. N. V. .L:try 1'.. I'-':;. I’. 1-Sm Ti-mju’ntttrr iSotcl. 'I'lie Proprietor tak(‘s this oj)-' J '! tiiiiity to iiiiorm t'lc Teini.eranee com in u- ■ nity. and the public in L:cner.i!. that he still c..nt;nMe', as iie nas lor the h.'-t six t ■ ke. 1 till- ab"'e-natne.l ll .u~e .'n ••rrict!\ f.-m- I s riiaiiktul I ’f pa-t fav. rs. he WouM who w nt ,i .juiet. cmforta'.’,e .m.l i !.. :i;; h ', wl/lle s! •I J 'Il'.I l!l the l itv. t'l j:ive him a , '■ Th ' !■ U'.' i' ' . itc'l f'T bu'Mii 'S metl. be- - ■>!►. *2^ 4 •>1.. ei«-ai- \\ :i >. ali'i til.- lan.|ili_' 't n:' .'t ' f the Ste,uiib..ats and Il.iil- in the eitv. FLU All fAVI.dK. N 1 .V V .;k. i V '.I --'.III ;!:> >1/I'KAt V Co. No. 84 William Street, I' rii>r'.f M.iideti L.uie. NLW \(iKK. IMI’iiKTLllS OF ^Wri»//#>iiirir.s Hoods. nn H W Wf T'otl- U ho art' it. arc • ] iiest' I- i.'bt' due me befori ' - re i'lir* ■» no t' tn.i . I.- :; 't )>0 i:':\en. . 1 s.', ' ()!' MONKA. I'leV.fe It' me. by n re.jUeste-! t., sott'e- I'lKlM’UOOj KOOi'IM.. B'retaris Shi uton. :L.\Tr: AND imoi r.i:. .'c. [Nth-. I tl;-iy i th. pait;.'U- 1 >t .l.anuary. 1 ' ■- .mI’.. ati'i r rgiii \NKFri. a tet\tion to .'Ipproved p-ili it' niole d'M.a' ie th: I. \Ti: I ■ IMi. A. A. McKF fll \N. l.;tf e!.. Ii till- . '.| ■. ao'i w ili. li ." :;l /■ r I' —.")(> tons peni\i:in (iuano. ..e‘.-'l from Us wi'; i lease sen i 1>. .'V \v.‘ M. LAI KIN. :. '''’tf w \N ri:i). -:‘n:iT-i;\i:ki:l coofff.s. Appiy t.. N. KINC,. Kini^-’iurv. N. - ■ o;:tf 11 irman. the 11iMlse is iiori:L i'oK sALi:. H !• it present oecnpie.l bv .1 hn known a- the IMantor'' Il- tel, \I..uiit. Favette\iiie. i- ofTercl t"l III l.e h.i'i whenever de-.ri-d. 1 h :,i,L ha- been rh-.roUL'-hly rej.aire.i '■t t'.v. Ivo months, ati'l is now. tnjiether with ' 'sarv .lilt buildiniis. in complete and band it now enioys a lal'.:e share o! the h eal eu't .m. wliieh, in th‘ h itids ol a c tnpe- • niii'‘t bf greatly increased >iy the :i .- !.n l coiitem|dated Hail I’o.'id, the li- 1 w.;i prole.bly be far tV'.ni this IF.use. , . i-rati ii s iiiake it fi very desirable pro|>erty h;~Ii’:ic: to et'.^fipe in the Hotel bu'ities'. or t-i T je-irous to make un iinestineiit in j.roper- - iL' ill value. idatin". N. A. STFUMAN. \V. T. llol’.NF. March H. IS.V.l. 7.'.-tf l\ III'/ HI ! I Ti.e pri . onit a re l.a' .1. i II' otiii'.:. si.Mi; • iiiMNrv rir riiev are an e\.-e; . lit I't !o ari'' '. i'l.'Ill tai' t" . fi.-. t a E-.! I ;n an l Heads, ma'le t j iMern. :.ii f.r..-,t' ro..‘'i.,L'- 1 lit ..|, r rej ..'n i it rea~"n.ib'e tern;'. F in 'oiicitiii;^ \oiir patron; friviii^r entire sati'tacto n in a’! c:i klo.,v'.-.!./e ot h'- l.ll'ilo..- re.,11 Fa\ettc\iile. Sept. 7. I''."J. th r ...II 1 I at- ■n till- m 't fb-r ti ’iiv.eiit. heiti'_' t!’e lar.:e't in tlie city. ■I ’ar.:.' an 1 we'I ted .'^■t' ek. i-oli- t rich Scirt- nii'l Cravat', Ib 'iery, ri!|e’ ts. ,'sii »|ien lel '. .'-tocks. L.itl'loll '. ."^ii.rts ,tll i|ualit;.''. vvi'. llaviti;: 1'isiiii'- the l.i't t«*'tity \car'. r\. a- they have m;i h' si|.-|i ar- t'lat th.-y are re, ei\ini: by .almost ste:;:'i. r. (lie . hoie. 't >s 1-^ tlie n;;irki't .'ioor i'. 'ur. I'.'.si I' need oiiU 1 11! to '.iti'fy theni'eUes alti.l"' tile Furni'hiii'j line ma'. be touii l here. F.'-.a' ■ b.' to,., I p.irt (I.'...'. I tl'ier ( .■ili'l NapoN "II Tie~. been el|-.r l::e I ;!i t!i I', mm.-lit i' linn. r.iii'..renient - in Ilui ■ aii'i Fa.xettexllle. F-b v iM‘AU \lli:li:!) dispa rcii. ri'iiii; uu lei'iijne.! inform' the public that h«* is ii‘'W M ruiinii'ir a .jai'y line of li'.:ht draft Ste.iniers cii the C.ip.' j-'ear Kiv, r. con'i'tinc: of the tori.iwiii'.^“: New .'Ste.imer /.ep!i\r. M.-ijor Win. Fiarnett. 1'' inches Irai't. F.iiiny Lutterl.'h, H •• K.' ('>ne i.f th. se b'.ats w ill leave F.i\ ctte\ ille every morn- : in'.: Snn'lav" 0'.. epte.l at 7 o'clock; aiel Wiimintrt. n e\e,y ,l;,v .siin'I.ivs exceptci at o\ 1 ck. laii'iiii:: "o.i is an 1 ]ias'enuers in F.iyetteville in title.-ii hours therea!!er.' iliteli.b"! ;'or tlu“e I'oats sh.'Ul 1 be >, nt to th'- can- of .1. |i, M.d'.a."' X ('.i,. ..r 11. .C Lutteil..h. at ^Vilmin,:t■■I!. who will'i at the ii'Ha! r.ate ,.i coin- mi'-i.iii'. riie .''te:imi rs /,eph\r ;iiei M d .r in. nett are elej.iiitly flll lil'he'l t!ie ,ae.'. nimo.iati..|l .1' passeii>rei. l’;iss . _e t.i ''r Ir 'in W 1 ^mIii j^toii. •'>d. T. S. LlTTLlll.oil. A-eiit, Fiy.'tt.'\ 1,'. Feb'y 7, I''"' '. ' '.tf I'. .1. LL r ri:uLoiL FPKW\rdl!\C \i:iAT \Mi rinPliSSiil.N ili;i;cii\\t, AM' .\'.i;n ;■ F"i: .''T.-amer Ma jor \\ m. Il.irnett. i'aiinv Lutterl.'h. llowan. V. i’.AIINdTON. N. I . F'^b'v 7. I'li .'lia in North Carolina. For iver the common llntter or anv otiier wheels now in use f.a- saw mills. I'lenth ret'. r to tlio>e wlio h:i\e applicl them to ills. We can rec..;ii!:;( !."1 tlie'ti I'aiti'-''l.T f.-r I'criorit .' in cases i f a low lic.i'l ot water, or difler- K'UdliFi'S. ih.:;- '.■'tf tlieir bac k W.lter. We 'till keep a siijiply >'f ^Vhoels, snitabb* for cut liea'Is of w.Iter, at Wilmiii.ton. .Nev bern. \\a‘«hing- toii. F.dentoii and Fayetteville. Tiie wheels m.'iy also be ha l of II. .V. I’.revar.l, idneolntoii, and Uriah Wells, I’etersbur;:. \'.i. I’ers'Mis wi'hin.r to obt.'iin the rii:ht tons' the wheels, will be served on application to 1). .McNeill Co., Fa\ ettc\ iiie, N. t ’. 1). A. ]>. Feb v 2:.’. .MeNFIM,. A. McKFTH.W. .1. .McALISTFlt. tf WAN'I'i:!) 'PO lU’iU'l!ASi:. CoKl'.'' I’lNK W()0|>, to be delivero.I on mv Wharf durini: the next six month'. T. S. LLTTFllLoU. .Jnlv L-L’. \sr,-2. l'»tf ;ioe M« I». .• i-lpe' : i. II1 mi * -t IllJiIllirr, o u iiri (• :i t II- -I • ulIj ■J IV c. w. am)!m:\vs isi itihii \i[n('i/llii/ (il W (ir( hnnsf ami S( ( l SlH'( . UALPll \ ((>. •J.. FT 1,Ton ST.. N, YoF.K. ' •■'1 ill’, f' r sale a lar;:e aid seb-et ass,,rt?nent f f A-i icu’tnral ati'i II i ticultural 1 mp’ rni'iit'. coti- '1 l’!oU'.;h'. an.I ( :istin''s. ('oru Slu'llers. Straw Tliri 'lier' and Scp;trators. Fali- s, .''cvthes ;iii'l .''iiatlis. (Irain t ('utters. .■';iusa;r' ( niter- ami Il'iW'. K.ikes. Hoes. II.IV ninl Shovels, ('.iris. W a'.ion s. \\ lieil fs I'l'tWi-.'ll ami llalti- Via Wei.Ion. Il'l. W ::SM- ton. or at i{i:i)rc i:i) \'\\i\ 'riir.iiioli 'i’ici Wliniinuton. N. ( tiior.'. Far.'.S 1 1‘ctersl.urir. lli. lii in^rt 'i. ('it\. or \ ia WcMon. I’orts- ni 'Uth ami N •!!■ ' k. I- "I- I i.'kets ap]'l\ at the t lfTie»> t th.' \\ ilmiiiut. n ati'l llab i^h lail llo.i.l ('iiinpaiiy .it \\ilniin;.x- ' (Mli. e of the F.iitimiir*' .''team I’acki t I of the I'-altimire ami (ihio Kjil Koa'i tt .''treet. F.ahimoie. 'i.btf i; u'tural ate !"U;.;h'. an I'C I’owei I'. I i r:dn r e ii'^.ir Mii . F.. , I \ \ . kes ;i ti For;.'. >ia,b. 1' will be made ac. 'istinir Ciilt.'rs nil.- M M; '. ^ S-.itbr N1 iniifi ban-.'W Ac, 1 i'-' 1. 11 ii-.Ien a’ I'.'l tiii'"! -: I’eri I’l.iti'' I'U't, I’.'U.Ire .Malinl'actuiers o M uehin*-; 1 ‘a iiie!' X-ent' for the 'ab I'l 11 'wer .''ee.U, a 1 irj(> v.'irii ty. iviaii (iituio, .''Up. I’iiosphate l.iliH', tte'. ( (larco.i! Hust. Plaster, i\c. f Scliiieb|_\ s lle.ipin;: ami Mowing ILin. .''traw and Cutters — ■ of \\ m. llovev's Patent Straw Cut- ter- ti'.ii li’ .Mar .\ 'ie-rri].ti\e mail. •h l-':l. it.iloiiue will bi ■ir .11 .ipplica- P(l*:;m N, I l' ». Co a M.L, WHK.Vr, CORN, SAW MILLS, ANI> MANFFACTI lt!:i: OF P '/'in (irr. ('op/nr. S/n ( I Iron AN If .JAP \ N and 11 .V\'Ii ill iiiy am prepareil lit V. orKt.u'U. aii'l f Work, either in materials aiol ma- '! I irimis. ;in.| to .lo lioiM* L\ :iTiV •mill' ;• nient compet t'l d,i :i!l kiiels CdpPFi:. TIN or SIIFFI' IKoN. ! Iia\e on hand :dl the nee.".iry chinerv for makinir l .ii-t. ry Cansai all kin’ll of fictory W'.rk c;m t lar Fst.ibiirdimeliT in the Stati'. ,\lso. for sale. Patent Factory Call lliii.LTS. varyinjj from I" 1 t iiK lies: l»rnm P.ea'Is. ,Vc. ilOOFINti. (iFTTKK .\M> LFAHFl! PIPKS I put Ilf. in the l.f't manner. I .M'- I .just received, a full supjily of COOKIXi of the most appr'iM-d patterns, some of lli'-m verv larjre, for hotel and ]i!antatioii use Alwavs on hand a {^ood assortment of I-T Mill .•spin.ller Il.'ilance Irons and I>rivers, .in'l (■;u'lf:oon8, Hotchkiss Water \Mieels, 11 1 PolleiSj kept constantly on hand, und foi make (if-ariii;: and Sh.'ittinp: tor Wheat, \I. ami Factories. Steam Fnrines 'if any ■ . re'l. (irate jiarf* and Fiirniice Fronts kept U I wish t'l make additions to our machinerv f . eiiabli' u- to d. this, those imk-Lted by iitit vv'ill iile.'ise come forward and settle. 11 M.L «: r.oLLlNdllK. • J. IH,',:;. T'itf ' h liiirnin^ I'liiul and ('finijtlunCi, • I'l't received and for sale by ,J. N, .SMITH, Cren St, ivVi. ,f TIN W.\I!F. W. .\M>i:iiws. South Fast cfii'lier .Market Si)uare. '.H-tf May l-'i. 1 I{\('()N! Ii\(ON! IIIIDS 15 Dec. IJo, 1S.VJ .‘'^i.les !im h.millers, for s.ale bv W. 11. LCTTFKI.OH. l-tf (iltf I’l A NO I 'OR SALi :. 'Nl> II AM) Pl,\NO, of jrood tone \jiply at Febv 17. I \MILV I'LOI K. L\\ |litre:.i sii|iori'ir Fainily Flour, .\lso. lti '^ I'H'iW Phiiitin^ Potatoes, by (JKtJ W. WlLldAMS it CO, b'.ttf iM)i{i;\vs & m\\ No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. (ITI I J'i'S 1TI It ' il ^ '1'^ Tin: S.\LF OF ALL KINDS OF riliriix \M) WIKILLKV >l\( lli\l’K' 'M* “.n a IS il t'i\ «• 11» I- r ’« A I* 1 i * I OF K\ IlKV DKSCi:lPTH»N- (!onij>risMii^ lieitinjr, t’ard Clotluu^. jtoi)i)ins, S1mi1II(‘s, Pi( k>rs, Roller Skins, lioller Clotli, Oils, 6cc. Dec. K-, I.S.32. ''--'y MLSIC. fP. \\HIT.\KFIt. formerly Professor of Music J» in Carolina ('oIIcl'i'. wouhl res)iectfully annnunce that he Ikis bi.'.ile.l in F.i.\ ct te\ille for the |>urpose of te:i.!iii;;: Mii'i.'. lie w ou Id be Very 11 a ppv t o rece; VC t he ii imes 1 !'thos,' wli'i wi'h tlii'ir ,laii;:liti'rs instiiicte.l in tiiis .I 'liihtul br.inch of female literature. He may be f.iuii'l at ^lr>. lla'.ni' s re'i.Icnce. \ oc.'il Music lai:"ht in c.inn.'ctiou with insl luctioiis on the Pi.ino, Terms 1 .'i per i.iu;irler. Pianos tiiiie'i ainl repaired on vry aecunimo.lating terms. ‘ Dec. 7. l.'^.VJ.-.-.((tf ! SAand co.vcii .m.\kki:s’ gg.i n HP iz',a K t:, A'r. TllOMlS ,Ml(Ki;\ZlH & J22 iiiiitiinorr St.. IJiilliiiiorr. Wr M POKTFP.S ami Healers in Ho;: Skins. Sad.lie Tree.=. ■ Fn^rlish Heads and Keins. (iirth Wdis. Stirrups, ilames. Piitts. .Vc. Sprinjrs, .\xlest.f all kinds. Cnaeh | La.-e, I’lFNT FLLl.OMS. Hid IS, .'spokes, C.'irriajre and j l ire P.olts. Patent C.alivass, Car(ietin«r. and every arti cle coMiiected witli either br:inch of th‘l.iisiiiess, which i thev are prepared to offer to customers on as , ' eo()i| terms as anv other hous ‘ in the I uited .States. j 1 .\irents for the sale 'd' Pope's Self-.V.ljiisting P.\DS and .''Spencer's (il(i THFF.S. Orders promptly attendeil to. ' .\ddress Tinnns inrhiAzii: \ i No. lialtinmre .Street, ! p.iV]' I5ALT1MOUF. LAND roiv SAI.K. * llIF subscriber offers for sak* lOOlt ucre^.s of fine Turpentine aii'l 'rinibor l..\ND, in Robeson coun- IV, about i'oup miles North Fast of Lumberto». Nearly the whole tr:ict is heavily timbered, and there are sev eral beautiful situations for a. residencr. P>nt !i small |iortion has been cletired. It lies a.i^ hieli an'I healthy as an.v land in thjs rejrion (d' countiy. ,\lso. six unimproved Lots in the town of f.nmborton. 1 to I Siilf(MM})cr Sill! c!in on the C.MMNFT Fd Sl- in !'a.\ etti v ille. :in.| in .I'l'litioli t. t.'iblishiiient oil II..vv .^ircet. F.-cles's Pii id;:e. o]ie|]C'| ;i larLT'' A I! hi ItOOM on Hay street, nearly ..('posite the F.i.\ ettevillc Hotel. !ind one Fast of Messrs. Hai^di vV Son's, where a ^ assortni' tit of I ! liNlTTRi:. Ma'le bv competent and faithful workmen, may be had at prices corre'pou.linc; with the times, ,\Is.>. an as sortment of Noilhei n-ma.le FI UNFI I I! I',, selecud liy fiimself which w ill be soM at a\erv mo.lerate a.Ivance, DFNCAN McNFILL, Nov, K». l'--")l. •‘■'^tf ■ O F keeps on h:iml an ass"itm'iit of I ;sk s celebra- Efl te.l '.IFTALLIC P.CP.l \l. (’.\SFS. which have lieen hiixhlv recomiiH'iidcd by Willi*' P. .Man;runi. Henr\ |( l.iy. Lewis Cii'S. Win. K. Kin;:, and many other il- ! lustri'iiis I'li.irai'tcrs, who have examined and witnessed ■ their utilitv. . I I ('(il)in(f /'/(rniInrr, ('hairs, .\(\ ! HI F, subscriber is receiving thelaru:est ;issortment in his line ever bi-fore piinhased af the North, which, toecther with his own manutacturc. m.iki .» his .''toi-k ver.v -oniiilete. consisting of (’liairs, Tallies, Sofas, l>cilstra(ls, ;i.'li St;iliils, IJtircaiis, liiinkiii^ lllassr.''., Siil(( IJoarils, Swrt'tarics, .Ml of which will be sold on tht' lowest terms foi Cash, or on short time to i>unctual customers. .lOllN W. llAKFIi. Oct. :u». is'ii. ib'itf •70^000 ll»K. of Waialril. 1^VILL pay ii.^ cts. per |iouni'( ca.^Fi for all clean cot ton and linen K.\(i.''. delivered to .1, D, Williams, in Fayetteville, I :im nearly ready to put in operation a Pajier Mill in this neighborhood. ;ind am de'iroiis of gettiii'' my rajrs in this market. .Mv object is to pay as much for r.igs as I can sAtfor.l, .'in.I hope 1 may not be forced to distant B»arkets for mv supplies. I have arr.iiifred with Mr. Williams to receive iml pay for all r:irs ilelivercd to him. I)AV1D Mftrfi'Mn. Fayetteville. Feb'y '_M, ls.')l!. ('..^-tf ^HIIIF iindersigiiO'l. having purchasci Mr. Tlios. iJ. l.iitterloli's Distillery aH'l ('.lopcr-shops. have en- tere l into ('op.'li'tni 1 ■ iiipi iiii'ier the name of .Mid.iinrin .X StraniT''. f> r the purimse of carr.\ing on the Di. (ille- ; ry -if Turpentine, and the nianiifactiire of .-spirit rels. I D, McLAFIMN, I WM. Mel, \Fi:iN, JAS, W. STUANiIF, Feb'y i.^^. I''.'.". 7(»tf I LL.MP.i:U! LLMP.LU!! j B'E^F, have .uir .''team .^iiw Mill in successful opera- j ^ V tioii. ^ miles from Fayettt'ville. near the Ilaleigh . .''•tage P.oti I. .'iii'l ;ire ].repared to execute or'lers in our line, ,\s we run two I!“hirii or Cimiiiir Sinr^, we rifi fill bills ;it the slu.rtest notice. We c,in f'urni.'^h Pir.e, Poi' aii'l .Innipi'r LI 'I Fill!, .'i/i'l of .'ilinost .-my length. Our Lumbi'r. for truthfulness of line ami siii,'othi)es of I'lee. shall be e,iiial to anv ever delivered in market. .loMlS cx UAPvPdlF. , March :’.0, IS-VJ. 7stf @1N1 FND erecting a .'s'flLL on the Western I’bink P.oa'l. '.I miles from Fayetteville, where N. King \ C'l. formerly one. ,'ind W"iild be j.le.ised to see th. »e making Tur]ii'ntine before they make anv engage ments. as the lute improvement ir.:i.le by me in distil ling will eii;ible me to "ive j'ocl prices Ibr the raw ma-, N. KINC. De,-. 17. 1".VJ, "lotf VWA. AN1> WlNTKll .'^TlH'K OK S PAPLi: iV I'ANC'V DUV (JOODS, S'»i* B II WF, inst receive.1 my .''tock fif ST.M’Ll', ,\ND F.VNCN Db^' titiOD.''. for the Fall and Winter tra'Ie, ci'iisi'ting in ].art as follows: ( 'loth', ('.'issinn res ;ind X'estings: )il.iin, bl'k ••ind fig’d Silks; fancy '1": bl'k and coFd French >Ieriiio.s; FriLdi.i'h do; bl'k and col d .\lpacas; French an l Fngiish jiiinted Delains. r s-nii.' embr.ii'lered and vcr.v hamlsome:) Me- riii.i Shirts an.I Drawers: Wool .'shavvls; ( assimere aiel Craiie d, : I'laiimds; Worsted Caps; P.onnefs. Sacks and Mtiff'* f'lr Chililien: Negro lllankets, ;ind a few good bed P.laiikets: Carpets ami Hearth Hugs: Frem'h and .\mer- icaii Prints; liinghims; ble.iched ;iud b»(ivvn Domc^-tics; I Isnatiures: Malbro (loods; bl'k ami cl d ('otton el vets; X'elvet rrimiiiiims; .lacom't ami Swiss Muslin; P»ishop and Vii'tory Law ns; .l,iconet ami Swiss Fdgings :ind In- sertin;:s; Linen 1 rimmings; ( ottoii aid Lisle Ldgings; Infants' W.iists; Fringes; tlinips; Picnic Mitts: (iloves : ami Hosiery; Itiblioiis. I’onnets. (iirls^ and .“sf»','»v^- Trimming; Dam;isk and Merino, ,\lso. a 'loo.l assortment of .''hoes .'ind Hoots, for L:i- iFh's. (icntlemen. Ib.ys. (iirls ami ChiMren; together with many other :irliclcs not enumerated, making my stock complete; to which the .ittiMitioii of mv friemls and the [ trailing public generally is invite.L (iratefiil for jiast I favors. 1 hooe bv iffering goods at reasonable r.ites to I C'lntinue to sh;ire ,n ]w>rtion of public ji.-itrouagr, I North-W.'st ('orner .\larket .''.(Uare, No. J, '!reen st,. Favi'tteville. N, C, IV SIIF.MWFLL. I .''Cpt. -■*>. I^'-i'J. 'J'.l-tt I iioc'Krisii siiKi:riN(;s, > the Ii.-ile or half bale, for s.ilo bv > C, T. H.UtIH SON. I .iiiiv n. is.'i'j. stf Only I2in*iit »iit in Part. A. A. McKLTilAN ^TII,r, rontiniies to carry fin the (W I! 1! I.VC-K lU'.SI N F.'s.S in all its branches, at the remains of his ild st.iiid. oi')iosite Liberty P.dnt, He return.s tlmnks for the liber.-il jiatronage hi* has heretofore received, and hopes by strict .-itfention to business aid a desire togivo entire satisfacfion. to merit a continuance of the same. Having kept the gre.'iter portion of his Timliers at a distance from the manufactory, he Int.* on haml a largo and well selected lot of thoroughly sotisoned Timber, of every descri|ilioii used in his bit-inoss. which enables him to rct.iin all his principal workmen. Ho is thert'fore flow prepared to do :iny work in his line in the very best style. :in l on the most f.ivorable terms—tis low any woi'k of the s.^me iiuality in N. ('. He has on haml. coni[iletely finislieii, S P.aroiiches, for 1 or 2 horses; C, it'i''k'!*.vays, ami D’. Huggics., nearly tinished, I Di Carriages for '2 horses; i 'it* liarouche>‘ for 1 and - horse."; I'J P.oekawavs, ami oH I’liggies; .Ml of which are of the most approved pl.nn .nnd finishj !imi will compare with any work in tJie St.ifis for neatness and diir.'ibilitv. H'lvinp' I ee^ e.ngaged iu the above Imsiness for th(» ]iast llil ye.'irs, his work is well known, and he rcfer.s to old ciistoiiiers for jimof of its diir.iliilit.y. JGrir” Ai.l, work warraiifci! for ]'i inontlis, and rrv:ii*-ed free of cliaige should it fail by bud workman- biiip or material, within that time. ; IIki' viiiivi; eveeiite.l nt «bo»-t notice, und on rca- son.ilile terms .lali'v l’'i, Isr^lJ. 50 OFLD respectfully inform the j'Ublic that he i^ still at his old stand carrying on the jibovo business in ail its liraiiches. He returns thank.s f«.r the liberal ].atrona.ire he has received, and hojies by a strict attention to husitiess. and a desire fo please all :iml give eeneral sati«fn''»i''fi. to merit a continuance of the ‘.'line. He warrants till his work to be inmle of the best mn- teriul and by experii ticcd worknien.—having a more I rjn ri- 'f.,/ :ind /uiii/irnl Sniiih, he flatters himself that his Work will compete with >ifiy made in the St.ite for .sty 1 el sartfO .'•.ft'! d(ir;ibility; and should any of it f:iil in twelve months (with fair usage) either in worknian- .«hip or m.'iterial. he will re]'air it free of charge. Persons w ishing to buy. would do well to call and ex amine his Work as he is determine l to sell low for casli Ilf iTi «ho^t t?!n“. Or.lors thankfully received and jiromptly attended to. l'LlP.\lPil.N(i neatly executed at short notice iind lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, .Ian. l!i'., l.''^’i'’. r).",lf Al’I LK 'FLI), IM:AD! nifir.\rif:r,ritf \ 'ir.rn \r. iint si,. e'iHi,iishri i.-i venr«c hjo; * hy I*r. KinKfiin, .\ W. rnrnrr f Tlunl and riuon is,' PlnPnlflphiii. |{ L \ I'! — yor'I'I i \ \ I > >! \ \ I hK >|>.— \ \ icornii'^ lifp nr a prr- ttiMPirr Kirkrlin on Sr!f Minn »nly rfiits.— 'rhi» ju^t p:ittli'>lit f. lil!»‘(i u iih ii*( liil inlonnsttion. iii tho a:nl *>f thr }ntifi:in •♦rfin-'*. ff adijrrs‘»»’s iL>el. a'lkf (M ni-iiiii'MMi mimI it|() a';'*, ainl li«- rrad l>y lll. 'I'll** v WiiaMr atlvre ;ui«l Hnpr#''--*!vf* wnrnin;: it "ivos. u ^il |»re- ven! \rar' ot inNrrv ami '•nir»*hf»". nnif sa\e annually tUiiusatxl^ oC liNf'. I’armt'. Ii\ rfa.lin;: il, \\\W learn hnw lo prevent lTi«» »le’-lrnrij«.n o|‘ rljil»lrm. A miiiti uirp ol •J.’irent'i ini l«»ei! in a letter. nr!lrtMsr«l t.» Or. Kinkt-iiit. N. \V. r«»ri)»T of 'Thiril nnti I’nion -fr’-*>, PUilrtdplphia, u ill iMivure a utuW r mvt'lopr. p» r r* ltjrn (iiaii. I*«T'‘oiix »it a ili'l Hice may ad^lre-^N Dr K. hy Idler, po'-l pTuI, and he enr«‘d at I of' M)#diriiie'', ii frrf Ion’ll. c . foru :• riledhy sendi np reininar.r**. ;md pni iip '. rure fn in danias»v .\L’ert*>, P» diet'. I anva^M'rs, nnl a\l oihern snppio d u I i li I lie alniv r w ork at v erv low ralr**. .Inl\.l-.VJ. ' » Jiiiini/ii i. I>;/sjiipxin, ('hrunic !:r y• rrouf !i!>/, Di. nf the h'ii/iii'i/x. 8 A1 TOllY, ftmwrprnm P’-riv? 'ersoiis wishing to |iurchase will make application j Uobert F.. Troy, in Luniberton, or to the .M/bsKTibor I highest *ra |ierson, I'J miles from the village, on the Harllees- Staves, : I in pe ville Koa'i. Sejit. 13, ISo'i- .lOHN A. HOWLAND. rash ]irice paid for Turpentine. White ind >ak or ,\'lie Heading. C:ill on .Iits. . Straiijje, who can always be found at the Still. McL.VLLMN X .STKANCi:. Fcb'v t». TOtf ■ U‘- * , u Bv I.AUDER. TWii iiiiaiis tiiiiii; r. T. iiwiiit» siiN's store, FayellcTilh', Jan'r-20, Gl-IY 10 barrels I?f)im(‘r's Salem AL'iiuifac- tnred Linseed ()il. 'J'”) barrels superior DistilTer.'i' f'llne. for .‘?nle low. A constant supply kept on hiiiwl at the lowest market, bv .TNO. If. .V T. MAIITIXE, Hay st. Fayetteville, March 28, 185‘J. 80-0t .\nd :*ll di'*en'-e« iiri^ific a di'^ordrr# d J.ivf^r or StornMeh. '‘Urh t ot»^iip:ni«»M. I tiUiM*''. or IMood lo ih»‘ Head, \ridity i*f Si* .\an »’M, Il»:irihnPi. |nr r«M.d. I'ullnei^s or W I iiziii in tli‘ Sloniarh. Sowr Lrurt:uioiix, Sinkiiij: or I’hillt.rini: at tli»- pu o; ;)i»* Sioinacfi. S\\ iniiriiHt'ol itn* HejtiL lhirri(d:ii>t Ihfru ull lirfail>ni:». rhrlierinif ai the Ifrari. i hokini: or Snjrornt- in«! Srii'^atHMi' u hfr*n in a lyini: po-.iur«*. I Unint**.-of'Vixitifj. poin or W b'i li* lorr t!i«' l'» \rr, hull pain in tlie ll«*;uL Pe tirienev ol'IS r^piralion. Vi l|ovv>>e's ol llu-^kin am! K\«-v I’iiin in iIm* Sid«*. Itark. LiRiW'-'. Atr . Sndrlrn .rin'be.-^ td li»*;it. Ml tin* n« Nh, t‘ons!anl‘ liiini:inin”s oi* Kvil, and ireat Ii»‘pr»*'>ion i*i r^piriis, / V\N IM- .trertnallv. "ntrd hy I|OOFT..\ M»*S ('T.LIMtK (iKKM.XN lU r I'f'-KS, Prepiretl hy l*r (’ M Jark^on.Hl the (German li« in** Slor**. .\o. PJO .\rrli Sir* et. Phila»l« Iphia jMiwrr o\ t r Ih** ;ihove is not I'Xreirrd. i! *'«jiimII«m|, l»\ any «»th**r pr»*pari«tion in ihe (’niie»l ^laT#**.. a** t!»e i ur« > iittesl, in nrtny raes alwr'‘kiltnl physieiau'i had t.iiled The'.e *»re uorlhy tiie «lfeniion of invMl;d. PoNse*:«ine •;r»‘:il virlu«‘S in lh«* r*'t'titu-alion of'diM*H'-e> of the Liver and U’^.'^er l*l:»n»l'‘. e\erei-»in:* the iko^i viMrrhiiit' p«»u» r» in v\ Mkt»e'^ and at [ f'*riion*i ol lh»* tli*;«‘Ntive ortai.'*. th»*y art* with'* I, sal*-, eriain. an«r ! plea^aiil. 1 i:k.\i» ^ M» nr. i*n\\ (\rri». I Trtun ihr l»o>t' n Pa e. 1 The r#lil»ir «aid. --d — •|lr. H*>ofl:»iid’' Trlehrated (lerinnn fUtiers for th#‘ riire of* I.iv# r i rt.iiiphiiiii, Jauf'diri- I^p»-p«:j t. hr«»nir nr Nervon^ rte!>ility. in d«*vi»fvi*»llv ‘*n**'d* t!i»* niovi |H»piil «r nn-dii ine'i of the ijay. 'I he^ie ltitt* T'‘ ha \ e ln*« n H'^rd l»y :h*‘n'j«n(N. and a Iriend hi onr elho\> 'iaN s Iu* ha' tiini-'t Sr Tt vvwni an « lunl and j»#*rnianent rnr** ol Li\er ( oiiipiaint tVoiii iIm* U"** of thi'i ''eiiMily. We areeonvinr«d that, in the n»* ol t!ie«»‘ Uitirr«. itie pHlient ron^lanily "ain-* «‘tr« t i.'ik anti vii!or —a fart x' orlh\ of er«*al ronviiU-ralion. 'Khey are pU*an«nt in ta-'l^* and '*nn‘lL and ran he UM*d liy p**r>oiis uiih li»e n;o*'^tdf- lirat»‘ Nioiii:i||N with safely, under anv eirmnistanre'i. We aro •»p»*:« kii\2 from «-T|MTi**n*»* and to the ntflicl«*d e ailv i'‘e lluMr n^ e l,ook \v«*ll to tlie marks of the genuine 'I’hey h^xe the f\ritteri sisnHnir** of (*. M. Jurkson Upon itie rapp^-r. and lli»* nain*» blow ii in the lM-iih‘. u ithont uhi*h thry are Mi»nrioii^. Tor sale, \\ hole- vale anil rt'lail, at the (;KI*M\.\ MKIMrLNK STOIJF. N*». \rrh Str**et. «»ne door helow Sixth, Phila., and by re* «perlable t|eaU*rs j»»*n»T:'llv thr*nt»hont l!*** eonntry. Also, for sa^e hy S\M’L J. HINSI>A1-F;, KayrtievilUv — W’hoU->*Mlt* A;r nts for North and Stiuih Cartdina, II.\\ IhANU MAnRAI, fc '*>. 'h>.rlpslnn. S. r. Near Harlleesville. J?. (’., on the Ifith ultimo. Mrs. MAIITH.V ST.\f'KHOUSK, wife of Ijunc Stackhousc>' ormcrly of Uichn;oii(l connty, N. C.. ageJ oo.