i: 'i.-. ‘1- iii- , ',tf •Ohs "'1>S II g\ ™ SHOES. ,o\ !;!t. r.! 'i n. I ■; ; a H ijiN. 3 war::. A-3ID 0C “- ?i |\ VOL. n.] S E M I-W E E K T rAYKTTKVII.I.K, N. C., Al’IMI, II. 18;'3. [.NO. 1^1.] R>. II A I iaeSS&aiI^L£KSZSfiKS£BBBSaBBQSKf':iJ i«iuM'i-i‘ i;v -I. n. m:\vijv. i;j)\V\Kl) .1. II VLi: ct SON. ^:!.ii.ii'.s A\i> rnoi'Rir.Tous. ' " ofUlv On>F.K\j;u 1 (.to it'i>ai,l in ' it'j'ui'l 'luriiij; the vear of . .'iT r tl'.i' yo:ir lus oxi'iroil. w i!; 't i:\ m >■_’ i>',> jHT aiiimin. if paitl in ‘I'l i: pai l ‘luriiiir tlu' vc.ii-of sulisi'iip- . V r the year ha-^ expiteil. i. 1 " 1^11''^ ii'^ertcil t'.'T >i\t_v Cfiits piT • • ' : the tu st. aii'l tl.irty eeiits [\v eaeli . : Vt-arly aiK orti'oinents by spe- . . •, i; ri"i'''iialiie rate-;. .Vii\iTtisor"; are , • • -■ •. tl'o nniiil'er of iiisei ti"!!';'lesireil, or .l it;'! t'.>rl>i.l, aini eh.arj;eil aeeori- . ; . ;ti ! ' t • t!ie IMit .r, !iiu.t lie p i.'t-j'ai'l. N,)ri( i: 'VO 'i'ir\M:i,Li:us. , , -. , V : , . ; ~ oil liaM'l a haii l- -- . •■. I l.t • f a” kii..ls of s. J 'i/ixs, (ind ('arj)Kt (il’.oiir.K r>i;\M'T. l; l l'a\ ette\ I*- H vV iioiiM:, (i 11 :irihrnrr, ( • r-'^('( rirs. I v\ r. 5'E i:v l!.M\ i\ — ■ ■ ■ ' ■ i,;t rr; : I ■ .'1:' .•■•r ~ .Z I! t>-: 111 •,■'.1 t'l ’.I't remii.i* S:. ■•■s. ^>■>'.0 r'-'f t':.‘ '.'a» 'ii: '■ ' II!-! .'^■..p)M ;--: a 'tlr ii^: a nv.u; 1 hf p'oa' - ' 'T ‘ ' f.- t'r^ i;i -.nr t'l r. I- 'rm: srns( inni:u Is ii 'w reeei\iiiir his Stoek of Sl’HlNC AND SL'M- M1!K ctiiijii.>itinji of llra(ly-nm(l(^ Clotirmo, €'»llarM, and llratvi'r^, uoo'i's. s!i()i:s, AM) iiA'rs, -\U lit hi.« own spleetion. whieh ho ean warrant P(|ual to liny in the market, aivl to he sold low for cash. r>etween the Market lliiii.'^e iinil Fayetteville Motel. N. U. nice assortment of 1U)YS’ L'l.OTlllNCJ also (■II hanil. ■Vpi il ), 1SL‘-.3m I'li 'rv dollaus ii!:\v.\Ki>! R an \\\ ,V\ fV 'in the Snt'srritnT. on the I'.Mh inst.. a Ncirro man naniol I.I KI',. ahoiit live tVet ."ix i r »'ii;ht Miet;e hi*jh. dark eom]'!i‘etei|. li.a.' a sear on tlie '-.'le of . lie of his eyvs. «hieh one not reoolleeteil. h\it hi'lieve l to ho the ri;iht eye, i stout Vmilt, \\vij;hs nlvuut 1 7•') or 1 ''!• l ounil,'. lit' w.is pnri-h.isc'l in iNl'i from Mr .lo>i,ah K. Hrv.an of till' t.'Wi;. lie Il ls n'l.itiM’-i in the'onnty nt'S.imp- >■ n, aiiioniT them a hait hrotlier named Sam I’oon. — a t've- n;aii i 1' c l..r, :i:id ma\ ]'o~'itily In- lurkini: in that lu-iLrhl- iih ■ -d. ;is 1 am int'orincd he was “icen ahont tlu-re a short time 'inee. I’o'-'^ilily lie may have ohlain- ‘d llee I'apoi -i. ;iu i i.' i ndeavoi-iii;.; to esi :t|.e to .a tree State, as I luidei'taiid some tree persons o!' color re in, vi- 1 fr.iiii Samp-' ii eonnt\ l.;st week ti,» Indi.iiia. .\ ii'w.ird o|' Tt'ti I>oII;irs will I'e LMven for his ;»p]ire- lioii'i.in a:id delivfi v to me. if t.ikcii in tliis eonnty; I'lfti’L ii I ITS if taken in any other eoiinty in this St.i*.’ tu 1 !'■ I'jed in a safe .!ail; or Klttx l>'il’.ars if taken ■ lit of the .St.lie.— so that I ::et him air.iin. M. N. I.KMIV. rivctto'. Mar.-li 1^'- ^Itf 1' I'. l 'l'l'.N li.i.!', wn\i mwm. [mw\. V t h,i\ t ( a )0 'ii\ {or I r.iM'.! ii;. i'li-u . i -:it:Ni'.| ;;,'l [ n par. .1 t. ri‘- a; ’ati .r.' !'■ r li^.-nr inc.-, ou as fa\ ivalile t-'l ms -1-. ot!;e;- '• :i;i ai ii ' I'lKl't fi'KS: .\\iN I'. II Al.I,. .1 . ! . .'^11 K.l'Il t.Rl>. W'^I Waiu>kn. T. 1 1 \\V I.! V. n I>. W'lI.I.IAMS. llV.NUoW. ^\M. L \riu.\. A\’.m .'I' Imvkk. WB AS taken an Otiiecon Hay Street, West of the fl B Hotel Utiildin-is. •July 14, .}_tf U. M. FORWilUllMi rOM^lISSKlX >li:i{(ll\M .\T Fay«'llevi!lo, I\. V. March 10. IS.'il. ('.'J-tf w. w Ai), WITH KAV\i'-ii vV (;if,M('nn:, O n 111 10 \ 11 B: It 4' IIA A 1.>I al*‘r NEW YORK. riisfonmry ailv;iiifrs on .\av:il Stores, if. March ■). 18o:1. 71-tf hakI'R, Ju., A TT0I5M:V at law, |S S \S taken an ofVicc next door to Wm. 1‘. Wright's H n I.aw (iflici- on flreeti street. lie wilt attcn.l ;m'l pr.acticc in the ('oii'ity an ! .'^tipcrior ('onrts of ('umlicr- lalid. l)l.a.ien. Itol.i s-m and Sam]i5oii. March ‘J;!. l.^-iG. T'.'tf .UniN \. 111(11 ARl)SON, AT'r(>K\ i:v AT I. \\v. (att.'r .hitif ni'\t.) attend the Courts of V W .\ncon, Hichmun l IJohesoti, lll.aden. and 'ohim- I'us Coiinties. .\Hdri'":. liruaViethtown. Bladen Coniity, N March 7. 7 l-' ni ( I! \i{i.i:s i; wKs. r* ob: i' T i o s:. \v!!iii.i;s \i.i, AM. i:i;tAll. 1'|;ai,i:i: in i'jn Ft ‘: i/s, '///,/.■. .., S.'i{'c. Fayetteville, N. C. 7:'tf ^lli: I NDKIISICNKD are now UKt’KlVLNC their St(a’k of IVI'IW fiOODS. I N1>I:USU:N1:D are NOW UKt’KlV ck of Spriri^^ SjujnsH^r Ciood^;, Consistinir of :i full ass rtinent of Ladies’ atul (lentleiiieu's l>ro-.s (!un(l>; a laVi^o Siijiply if u‘iitli‘iii(‘irs and Uny"-’ Koai! v-iiKule ( lotliiinr; I*aii:iiii:i, lii’^iidin. Silk, auil otlicr liat^; l>i)iint ts (if vai iiius kinds; a lartri’;is- t^di'tinoiit (if anil Shni's; Sad UCi v, I latilware, i fiicci i( s, hi iii^s aii i .^l^•(.l- ici MI'S. Oiir frn nds and the pahru’ w ill ph ase c.all and exam- iu(‘ imr .'•'■tock; it is lar;.'!’. ;■. iid wiil l.c on veaso;i;i\)le terms. ,|. T. COl Nl'lL \ C \IN. March li 1, 1 S.)o. 7^ ‘Jm u. Mrr('!ii:LL. i/■ //’. Ii'iir, (ii//ispii- S‘r''' f, I'r Iji.I.Y. 11 K. .'iVR.'\Ht. riii>'. s. Lt 111 !ti.('ii. .1 ■ MI 11. 1 ■( H*K. i», i:av •\ -\ 'l( K K 1 11 \.\. '! h" i ( N h. 11.1. N \ . H W .\. 1KI'M,\N •IamI ' Kvi.i:. r >-!■ I ; vi s. ul.i rJ; U-V' , H ti T NO'l'K i:. pin: s.,' ri' r ! I • . t M lo- M \ I - ■ lie t.'ik'ti the ~h p 1! ,\ M' .'v> .i :i ... n i.i iiit.-o is r\II.n|;|\.i r.! SI- l|:t.-t,_ h id io n .■'t t:iii \t- • I a-'iir.-d t:, a i,- I >rKi('ri;S: f.r.O. McM II.: . Tn-ident. II. I.. n:. \ i. C I n sident. .1, (i. 11 K ! i I K K11, .\tl.irnev. C. .\. M.-Mlld. \N. Secretary. il". McM;iip, , ./'MIN II. iaiK. .. Km alive I'ommittce. ■I.VS. K^l.r,. I I ' - p'an of \li Tf VI. I\'! n \\i r must i-.imnif'tol it«\f iT c ii.in'iiiity. t’.r it i-.in he ijcin. ti-Iiated that wo ,' i'. I 1 w ii! .11 the !a'! s'. \ year n|.« ai d' .if i.'M "i ' . i' 'i.rii;. *• in !::e ,N. i t'; i ;ir. ;n.i .Mntiia! t’.im| iny. t' -li'.uM ! i\i. p-.id t" i:aAe kept the same in I- . t'.'i' f. rei;.:n ■ • • ..V comy-an'*'' that 'uni II I'l- th.iii we !■ ive a.•til l 'y p.ii I: and yet th- V rth I .ir. -i.i M-.il'i i, ('•■mpinv has rei-ei\ei li. twci-n ...-,1 V, . nil n ■ re fr' ». . nr e.m.muiiitv tl an it has ].:ii.| n i’ n.i ar^ 1 u: ; r j I in t «• .tlier p'.ace are t'av-ra 111 tiie \ .i .t- tate, tor a: ■ii;y h i' I' .’ e ..pora'' e . .rji ii ■ 'fd a I'p’ ica t'oh i the ( I iii[ an;, i' ii-.w ■n f iv.iraMy. h iv- t.i the Mil ’lint "f l.iced up. n u til ni mm; \!\s. r. mona'.han. " : ■ t t’ l’.A!{(. \I \.v. at re- .\i; 1 I .r • ■ (.r -.ri- V p. r .\!i\ I'ircct- r. auth r;'" I .\;-i iit. or .''••. ret iry. may App'.;. it' 1 '. '•'..t the;, wi'i n t ^e 'mm Pni: iintil ai ! r i ' tie h'.•■■•’itive it; I’...a|-.|. i.-f' M 1. 1'! i“ Rt'O'int.-1 tienerai \ _• I.: ■ t:,.. ( i!!: ".v.-. - W e ■ ■■ ' t.- a • t ' i'l' (ii.^I. \!,m;ii.i.. rr.''t. (■ \. M '.’11.LAV. Sec'v. ifiinj Jj/r InsnI'lliii'P «.\' I'lii'f rpiMIs t March 1. I'-'-'io. w. II. ('Aii\ i:u, IiKAIKU IN Drii (I'im''-. (I nx'f'rhs, a ml .. ; .t. . r from N. I' cirner ''l.arket S.|H.iie. next to 1>. Tiee'* Hat s- c;[een 'tieet. r.\vr.T'n:viLij:, n. \ f.-.;’" All kill K .if I'roduce taken in excliaii;;c f. rio. I-, r-'i.'y I".'.;-.. " V M. IH 'I'SON. ero / s s: #». i #. vrt: a. Fayetteville, N. C. March i:\i. 1-',:;. ^1-V W OU I'll \ llLMO’l r, ^.'1 ( ri>suu*s ro .1. I). \\ Ii.!.i ) rii:\VAi:i>iN: i' >1 KIK’HAM.-, KAvr.iTi \ ii.i.i;. N rni.D .sl'A.Mi f»K ll.M.I, A .IiiIIN.soN.) j. V. WOK i n.] [u. r. r.i.i.io rr. Fet r'.i.ary I*".. 1''•'i:; •-y SlWKli \ WILLIAMS, V. ii(u.iis\i.i; iii;.\i.i;i:s in ttinf Sfinmstir If rtf imooils. El \v sriti:i:T, Fayetteville, N. C. J. It. -T.VUR.I [.I. >i. WIM.I \Ms, Apr^l 1«'-J. S* t! II. L. ll()LMi:s. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. ^ pV l l' r. «'n VI.WV'IS h.is Oil haiid. (iKoci'.KiKS .\NI) r \ISlMN.s. li:i.-.,n Mii.l lard, tloiir, coffee. 'nj;ar, tea. inohi-'-'es. rice, pepper. spiia>, tiiirj-er. t-liaecii, siMitK iiKiti he-', meal. com. Iri'h p. i -.:. ilry co'l fi'h, dried lii et. nos. I an.I ‘J m.ackei-cl, ;ind j li'ils., i:-.. l! -^alile, IOCS' pork, hnckwheat thuir. ealldlcs. so.iji, whis- ' key. t randv. rum, "la. wiiu'ot' vai'i'oi' kinds—.all of ttliMdi h.ive iiei-ii h I'!"';! f.ir ca.-!;. an.! will Iu> sold low f ir the s.inie. ’rhankfii! f..i- p:it f.av.irs. he hopes tiy a strict attention to lur'itn'is t i iiici-it a continnance of the same. \ March K'. IS',;:. 7"-;;m I vv 'I'll!: iji:i) sK.N. n V !> > !i a I i\ A 12 V ?2 a n I v r H H \ \ Ii just rec-,-i\cl .a ;;1. I complete '’.'c!; of' M a t.l'>or|,i;il m-.. to v.hich they V. "111.1 invite the .a; !e:i I ;..n •.! t); .> ei I i / e,;' and ^nl r I'ui I- in'j' e.iiintry. 'I'lie;. will seM |..w l..i- i \>ii. « r on •■me to pUIli’tll:;! C-, : .lUi'.'-s. T' j liT'e!,:!-.- I t' ‘ ir (i ■■ Is fcr e.i'h. ;i|,.| till- wiil e!.:ilil.' t'l. Ill to 'e!l l.iiW. 'I'hey h.ave facilities th.it m:;!i'. I. ii' s l.ave ii' t: thev have a::i-llts ‘■^taliii.'Iied in I'lii i t. :'!.i ^e^v V.irk, v. ho a’.w i_\' a ivi'C them ot any chalii;e ;n al^^ h ' in the:/ liro', .ail.I who j.iit. Iki'i 'y w). ti ti.ii jr'in' are t’. l.e had. We keep ti'v. a;. ' on h .1. 1 a sii’.i n Ii't a:"'.rtiMer.t of f..|-ei_'n an.l d'lmi'':!.- I.iri. i': l.o-.t'. i'inhe] aiel r.i'. '.'n .''i:;jar-: Hi... .Iu\ i ;iiid l,:._:iir.a '..tf,iiieei;. Ilvsn and Ili.icK lias; .Nev. i'io in> and ( iil :i Mo’.i'- s.-'i T:iMe arel So k S;,.!: !!:o- m. |,:,,-.l. M--^ I’,ok. M.'-s Keef, Smoke t V.. ■•:. I';;. e.| V, l,;-, N., 1, i: ;i-, 1 Mac'.ere'; r.orier. t'ii 'e'e. I'l nr. ^l'•.al. ( "in. ()it'. T' ’ ai'c.i. i'alrlle'. '' ]|| S..!eraf;'. I;, !;- :. M.ol- d.'r, .''I’ice. i’ei.pi r. (linLT'r. .Nnt'o ( inain-T;. Fp*- ;a .s.i.T'. .'^.ilt|.etre. Ihir lu :cre. ('.it^Ty. • r...-kery, and (il-'i^ware: aiel a ' ii!' tv ..t ■ ;i,. r - .. i'. SKW DIITT^ r 3 II1', snhscrih(‘r havini; taken the Store I 'in ('.reen street, k-.u.wn as tlie Me- riierson lliiihlin;:, nearly oppi'site |)r. '.’loh- inson'^ Sliop, is now receiving (i t'resh aiul well assorted stock of l)iui.s, ('lu'inicals, .M(*(li(‘in's, !\iints. Oils, Dyt'-Stulis, :iii(i !*('irii!iK‘rv. 'I’o.rether with ii "ood ass.ii tment of liair. Fle.-h. 'I loth. j Faint, and Wliitew.ash liiaishes; (’nppinir, 'i'noth, and SnrLiic.al Instrnments; tlalv.anic I’.atteries. .'ve. \e. .Ml of which he offers h)w fur Cash or on time to j:iii!ctiial cnstomi'vs. Or.lers respeetfnlly solicited from Connti-y riiysieian« .and others, who may Jepi nd (.n procuring fresh .an ! ueiniine articles, and that no jiains will he sp.ared t.i I j;iv(- s.itisfaction hoth in i|i:ality and jirict. I £ I.Dlc.'.l, I*Ktsri{iPT|(iNS careftilly and aci iiratelv prepared. J. N. SMITH. I .lan'y l!‘l. IS.";;. 0‘Jtf li.iliiCIlY. r.i s 11 Mil. i-rlher has e^talilishe.l .a F.akery on I!ew on the hot t'.vo doors Fast of Unncan i Ml Neill's ('al inet .sle p. He is j iejiare.l to fiiinisli Families. P.oafs. and tiie pnhlic generally, -with i'.ie.-.d. I’i'eiiit. und Cakes of vari 'os kinds, of the^;est ipiality. as he has procured the servires of oik> of the hi st i Fakers in the State. Frices reasonaMe. Civemea call. ] CilA'S Fa vi'ttev ille. l>ee. l)-.'i2. F.ANKS. i>-> tf 'I h'-y take thi' n.elh. •! o;' •all i their e. iintry tiiiiid' fort h. ^t -wed ..11 them: alei inteli I ineica'" their ti'iiiier triole tliat .1 iiinili'e 'ixpence i' w>.r: Vi'lhivv Fidi; iiii.r. lii-f.vt .-n t' F.ai.k of till' .■'ta!.-. ;!ii'..'.c March Jl. 1-' '. a 1111 v ral ].:■ tr. ■ncr in view a - .iVV ' Mu'. : 1! 1 th small AM) 'I'AL!.: f'oiHf' Oitr. .f//, A in^ >)>t unit II (ii'ii thut vU rurn/ n B'lH! f 1 II F siilicriher has imvv on hand. ;i!i 1 v. iil se’,1 che;ip S fi.|-e.;'h, his hit■_'('and w. Il a",.!-te.| Stock of *ln- "'.e an.l douMe liarrcl .''ll!’r Cl'N.-;. of the '.e:,t make, and lato't 1 itlern *. .M' >. Colt's Patent l:e]ie,itin;r I’is- lol'. and A’m a s F»evo'.vers; Shot i’oU' heM li.anie llajis; I'ow.h r l ::i-’.^s; Fereii'>i. n C;ips; ,Vc.. .^c. Kities of all kin.is coiist.intly on hanii. and iianut'ae- tnre.l to or iL-r. and wai:ant‘ d to shoot from 1"U to '•••• \ ar l. Fer'-otis wishincr to j.nrch.asf* any of the nhove-named •arlicle'. will do wci! to liive me a tri.al. and tliey m.ay 1 I 'uce to tind the i^;a-atest li.ai^ain.-i ever ofiered in ill: > t'. s', n. I'.' ’■•i'rii.;’' of e\ cry thiiicr in the "nn-smith line will htr- d .ne at '!. -rt iioi.ice, in tlie hest manner, .and for u small charge. M. A. r..\Ki:i’i. Siprn ot tiio Wooden !nn. Hay Street, oi>posit« the Marhle Yard, Fj} cttevii'iC. N. C. .\llL":’st ISo'J. 17-tf \\ liio liavo tho{3;;!it e(^ -tf K \(.s! I’ \(;s:' 11"., pr.ce w ;d oe pa.'l - V F.FXl'.--'V. KVI.F. Co.. .\.:e;,r. ! r ■ Faj .t M::1. Ka!. N. C Favet'.-.:i'e. \\ irch D . 7" 'm i'lsii: I lMi! SFST Keceive.i an.i ;. r \Fi K. .M'l./, .^ln!'.^tt' in >a'\ F .ii.'' a ; Fl.TFU i’. M.ircli 1 r. l No 1 t. »11N-'N. 77-tf )if!r (',!rrl'i /’ K^icLHsJiinent on thr Militar)/ ] (! I'‘ n. thr ‘h "h^t ('Itnrch^ 1 fr- iitiuii ,;i Mmn I'liil Sin>t. \ (.ki:a r i:N'i'i:in‘Risi:! | Z''ay‘H*v«il* t. hccsitJ lo ! '*|IF. .'^I'.'.'crihers wi.nld re>pectfully infoim their ;. '.ci. !' and the ■IrM;ei-^liip fi r th R NOTK t:. S.-30 i:e:\v AssBi. \ N \ \ \ ! I "I" 11,.' . .[!. .'It the 1 '.th Fe.- rner of Fr .nl rvnd Princess 'tre ; !er .Iour::a! ;.t"li’C. 1_'. »'^-tf ■ F’ V. .lit I'.'v : .rue ’inil'-, Sai.l ■ r' li l.i'Mr eoiiiitv. Ill .al n v. II the ■t .le- ■/ fir( f ..ivi S'-tt;-'. a- I. . ; ,1. A '.ILciiiU'T. at I jx r tinq- v> t: ail ( i 1 F /. 1 ha::d-. t. Miir- h .(■dIN F.itLMN. il I;i:mo\ \L. La-vvrence & Troy hy IF F iiTier .1 Hal .. ..IT' ..ll'i pri. mOO(N. iir .Nev' '^t'.r - ; T" ! f..r tl.e (•■ii:iitl : i!:tr\ j ri.dnei- in '. i an 1 for -a’e, ; - I —. Prov i.sioii-i, I ■ t'-r;.. '. A :i r e. II iw.v.ire, . II It- .ind P, >nnet.a, .. -tjc I.iipiors. ' . ilies. .VC., ,\c,. .Vr, \I,SO— . I lar^ff aii'l Furter trade. lj;in;:e fi.r ■ n 1 ■;.(• :iciieatc'. ; '. . ! ea.l.r.li i ' t'A.i I Fife I :i-'; r;iii. i. uni Tju': .|e| irt- •tive con ciliation off.T' t > Policy 1 ■■ : : 'il- tlie r'lii.. ry ■ecnrity, without dc'troy- la-'r v;_ht t.. a tiil’t pi rt'i. i oa t ;..;i in the entire pr>i- ' I .. . •. . Fre’ciiim-i wiil !.e r .-i-ive.l. in ■ ;-'i, I ;'i • r :iii' i: : i\. .iIInHal 1. or ipi.at terly, as liri'. l.e a:rree | iip"ll at the tii.:e ’'ae P. i:.'.. i' i"Ued. Ir. ;l:e TIMST IiF.P MlTMFN'i’. lap v t S,\'tem. tlie tl.'. hieiit- m.i'le 111 t h e Co m pa iiy a re entirely i.ption- : ’ V. -1 •! [i. j - t .r, a' re.; ,r Is the am"unt .an ! the ! T II ul.i. i. th'-y are ni i h-. .\ party ma_\ p.iy in .as i.. . !, r : - :‘ti.-. ii.it 'e-- th.an ..ne 'i iiar. and as of- T :. .1- 11! I'. 1.0 e.,n\ei, . ;.t |"r him. witle.iit .snv . i.'. ja- t 1:0 i| !,mii t" I - a'.nue hi- pavmi iit'. .and may w:!!. Ir-^vv them at l.i' p'e:is.,;re. .■s . ..I! f.i- pl ir, of ill (‘omp.anv. th-re is cre.-it- ei ..t .ai d ti:e -viiie t::ii“ an a-'Ur.inca' ; at I ■ ■■ ,1,./ ;I tJi .'-■I-' V-,' -- and / jTi'VDH’-n I'lr Sei. P-nnphlet- fi-rni‘i!ed Fv the ('• Tiiiiaiiy. OFFI' FP.S OF 'I'liF CcMPANV. liiiei tois li.alph i"irell. Fxndon Swann. .lolin ,\ Ciinii-r. I>. I . '.M"e'1. F.iidi d (ireene, I'avid McFean. Fi 'iai l .Sierlint:. .Fdin M. I.oiraii. I>. P. N\eir. I.. ". o...;!,iirn. K-.hert M. Sloan, Kohert P. l>ick. Henry I!. I.iilott. I’m'1.lent • IFalph (i .rre'l. \ I'llent I.yndon S w aim. Se ii-t;iiy an.l TreMsurer -I*. P. \\ eir. \ t I' l Tiey - .lohn \ . (iilmer. l:\an Ph\-^iei:in F.lvvin Watson. NF I». t' iiii^uUinir Phvsician'- - l>. C. .\leliane, \F U.i .1. I.,, r. e. \| I*.; I'. P. Weir. M 1>. fieneral .\'.feiit William II. Cumminr. i:~,, ,\ny informati .n relative to the ('ompanymny lie h:i 1 liy ad'lressin^ !>• 1’ " FIK. Secretary and Treasurer. Jan'v L-o. l^'oC ' K-i' meiit' ped tl Fell mn !!. u n Tl I s I a \ AM* FORWARDING KERCHAKT, Pr.'Tupt jifirs'Tial atienti .;i i;iven to a'l ('on'- and f 'a'ii advance' m;ii!e on Pr . luce to he s othei- p .rti^ or .sold in thi' market. IJ. l"o';. •'.7y t" l: Nr: ■. O. hel :i (':ir".'i lit"!!. N. .. "Se.l t" i e ’ n \\ ri-i.t-' or 1. • ■ r u . >■■; v> i '1 1 otiii. ni'-:.' in a: a 111 Mjri w hitc cv : n tiiC 1 I'i' v''. in F' , !d f'.r her de'i > • ■li; i l ti e State V. M. M.::. I, 1 ). l^'i.: MOL \SS1:S. Fi r!,i:i:. 77tf a Hli!'," iVc March I''. fir si. ('iiF \p. 1'v ■FI FK P. .ItillV'- i\. 77 If I'OK s \Li: o!{ in:.\ r. ■;ilF tine ."FMMF.l: i: Ii-1 I' F N t F. now occn •lit • pn' *'• J.AU KFNCi; Ti;ov sl tf Ik.It I ■ I i-i i.t. f 'lirtiiiIIoiik ^]'inuii'tiii'C. fH'^lll'- Sr;.-vv C;iiiip NFinnfaeliirin;: Company continue E t l mannfaetare. in the nente't -and tiest «tyle, ( F.e ilv-made Clothlnp:, till of \\|i,.;i’ 'rhr*'liintr Machine'^, from two tosix hoi'c pow er; Ciitfii..^ Maihines ,,f .liffei ent ^i/ev; I (oulile and Sin- t_.'e Woo: ( ..idin- MachiiKs: Mill and F.aetory Cear Saw and Ori.-t Mill Irons; IMl'c Tools. 'ottoii arn and W....I p.il '. .VC. ,ve. per'.Ill- wi'hiii'i^ to purehasf' would do well to pivo U' a call lod'ore purch:isin;r eN>'where. as we .are de- t rniined to 'idl cheaii for cash or on fiiiH' to punctual deal* rs. )iir lonfr experience in the Manul.aetnriu(i hii'ine-' en.ahli" (is to fe.d iio lie'it.ition in savin;: that our Work 'li.all not he surpassed hy .any Shop in the South. Thankful for the lii.er.al patron iL^e heretofore hestowed. we rcspia'lfully Solicit a continuance of the SMiue. Ml lett^'i’*^ nddresi^ed to the .\^ent ^if the ( onipfinv, :it .''now Camp P. O.. .Mamance n.a. wid receive prompt attention .\o ri( i:. • ' t i\ iT|i; their F^il.eiie*^ sC' t.a- r 11. .'-. 1.1 (dv a]ip'ication. as I in- \\ ii.kiN>()\ vV i:sli:k, i»:i.\FFi:s IN {'ii)i f'fiti'Uiiri/. Ti'hiui-n, iihil S .\NH IMPOFTFP.S OF S5 i»b:kjoic ii\\%>i I AT WlIoFKsAl.i: AM* IlKTAII,. Dflarket St., Wilmiugton, N. C. up. 7, 1 s.'i 1. 11 tf M vLLi:'r r \ iv\rLMii:i{. 4>iror rs ami 4'otttitiissioti *T3cr- rhfttifs^ NEW YORK. r. M.M.r.r.TT.] [J. r.M i.Miiii. .\u"u.st |(i. IX.'iJ. l.^'tf T. C. WORTH, rinniissi(i\ wii FiiiawiiiiiM; ^ikhciiwt, wiLMiNcrrox, .v. c\ Fell. 1, IS.',:; tiOtf A. .1. .V .1. .io\!:s. General Agents & Commission IrTercliantSj Particular attention j.'-iven to tin' sale of Tim- l.iher.-il I ash .Tdv .ances ■t;:tf i Mr .1 SC":..'I i;ivi . r C. F. l.e Mal.-h 1- . F Fr n immi tu.i mile.' W I eiy. -\p]'iy t.i I liV 1 town. Pos- •lohn !! C lok l.FllfF. c. tli.at th y have entereil inti piirpoM- of ccniliictinL'' t!ie General ('AUF.IACF, F.F>lMi>S in all it-^ various jcirts. .\nd !iei:i;r F.ith ]iractical workmen, tiilly tinderstaiidiii;! their tiii'in* '*. they !i:ive no he.'it:;tion to compare work witli : ':v e-taioi'hmelU ill Fa\eltcviF.e ns to st v le .and dur.i- Fii-ty. f th” firm may Fc known Fy lofei'.'nee t" .\. H. \'i ii.ttiel.r> iron work t'.ir the last two ;. e.:rs. \i e wairaiit all Work to ^'ive {rener.il sati'l’acf.uii for t '.N ■' ■> e m.illtli'. K ; airiii ' d-. ne in tlio neaie>t manner low for c;.»li. PiKK \ i:i:.\N!N. J A": s li. Pu n. J.wi.ii P.n.vMN. i'.i V eit cv i'.'.e, Jan'\' Il 1. l .''o;'.. (llltf .11 s'p Ki:L'i:i\ i:i), Ca-ks IFce. J-, P,oM Cl;ee.\ • 1(1 C .rn .Shel’er--. .'i F.arrd-! PieUle.l Pork. If I Sack.? Salt. P.FNFoW, KVFF. .V Co. F lyettevillr, .Fan'y 121. IS.',:’,. (.i.’tf (’01‘AK'rM:KSliil>. rCI^HF ui'..ler>i;.rn( .1 have entered itito a eojartnership i.1 i!i. Ii-r tlu' name and 't'le of C..., W . William': .V riARMAVS nOTFJ., 'I'lio Kiibseribt'r liiiviiig taken t’.io larjro Hotel, formerly known as the PI,.\NTF!l.S li"e' V situated at the foot of llay Mount, ^ ~ i IFI y .Street, Fayvtteville, .Noi'th t'arolina, re;.pccii\illy informs his friends juid the pnhlie that he is now en^a;icd in r; fittinr the hiiildinfj:. which i.s siipjdieil with entire new Fnriiitiiro. .and is prepared to acia nimodate the tr.ivellin^ jmhlic. Havinfr had Some exj'ci-ience in the tmsiness in th;‘ fown of Pittii- hoi oii}:Ii, .N. ( ., he flatters himself that he will he aFlo to tive sati'tactioii to tho.^e who may favor him with their coiiijiany. Hi.- ro.ms are hir-re and uiry. ii'-' ha.'s larze and convcnie'-it Stahles. iin.l a jjood Hud faithful (l.'tlcr, JOHN HAUMAN. Feh'y 17. IS-VJ. tititf iio']'i:f.. ^2''HI’ suFscriher h.avin" puiTha=:?d the Hotel sitti.Tted ■ on the Soiit and l.Ttely known as .Stiiari's IF tid, would inform the ]iuhlic th.it he is m-iw re.arly to aeeomnnidate hoarders hy the d:iy. week or mi.nth. H.ivinjr madi* eonsidera- hle outlay in furnirhin;, and refitting: the Kst; ’nlishment, he hojcs to he aFle to ;:ive satistacti.in to a’l who pii- troni/.e him. liis T..Fic li.iil he furnished with the hest the market ;iirords. his !>ar with tli> hest of I.i-. (itioi s, and iiis StaFle with :i plenty of good ]irovender and faithlul Ostlers. J. A. GlLCinUST. .Tune 1 S-')2. ;!-tf finniljUiLLiriHVi’EL il'lF un h'Tsi^in-.l would rc-iiectfnlly inforn. the citi/.eiis i f Summerville, the vicinity, aii l tlie public jrenerally. lliat slie h.as opened li SEoijuv or wl'.ere she \Ciil Vie j h .*se l to ai comiiiodate .all w ho may. call on her. 'i he \ ;!l:i..:e is pie ifant and healthl'ul. liec house lat'^e and comnio.lioi;No pain.' wili he spared to re:; Icr a^rreea'ilc an I coinfoi table any who may favoi her with a c;.ll. , She is also fiiepared to accomodate with P.oard from ]•', to I’ll .Students. Price of ll iard j.^r month. K. I’.AILKV. Snm«';crvillo, N. C., .Tune ].T, 1 1-tf ami:ri('an lio'n^fT^ CHAP.LOTTF, N. C. ,s. M^syj'sssws:. ^ N ofl'erinijr my services to thi' tr.ivi-Hiii" pnhlic as thf; i£ pi iprietor of the .\niei ican Hotel. I w iil refrain from all ui.uei issary l>o:ihiin;r. tuit will assure thos(' who stop with n:c. that nothinjr which iiersonal efforts on my jcirt can ace mplish to contribute to their comfort will bo left undone The huildiiiis li.ave all been thiirouiihly re paired ami fi’rnislied with ('titirely new furniture. It is .'ituated within ah mt tlii-ee hundred var'is of the nejuit. The Staj;e Of’ice is kept at th's Hotel. The Northern Statre ariives and depaits daily, tlie \Vestern .'^ta;ie t ri - weekly. P>ein:r airei.t at this place, tr.ivellerst pas.'in^ will receive ad the att.'i'tion tliat [ am jible t(> liestovv. Mv motto is—“1 studv to j'lease.” A. P.KTHrNE. .lan'y It, 1 S.",:’,. t',m \v>L n. McRauv, 'oiii in ifisio:i • JSi'rrh it at, WlL.'NllXr.TOX, X. (’. I’articuhnr attention will l:e j..iid to sellin" .•md .”hip-. {lin^ .Naval Stores and Pri.i’.iice, iiiid also to tiic For- wardin,^: ' f (loods. Merciiants who consi;.ii their fi.iod;: to him ean rely, on their bein'.r forwariled hy first bout after they am discharged from vessel. IIF.FF.KFNCF.S: F. Fii.'j. I'. .V. Vojrler ov: Co., Salem, X. C. T. -M. Voiinir. Mocksville. Ihint iK: .\dderton, I,exin"ton. .lohn 1>. P«ro'.vn. .s.alisbiirv. ,F IF ,v .1. Marline, Fayetteville. .Ian'v 'J'*, Is'i;'.. r,0(f \V. IL McKAV. Whclesalo and Retail Grocer, (initiMl ('(iniiiiissioii \ rorwanli!;^" 'is rciiiuit, '’.ith Water street, > (hi( rs below .M.aiket, %'} iliD:eiE,*;toii. 4'. £• if" I’.iriicnlar attei lion jiaid to the sale of all kind? of ('ounti v Pr. duce. Liberal cash advances made oii consiu''liments. llcfercnce- .Toliii I>. Starr. Fs.p, I'ros't of tlie Hank ' of Fayetteville. | Wm. C. P.ro,iiir..iit, Cash'r, do, Fiijah Fiilh r. F,' (.. Messr>. C,...\ ,v 'I'aylor. | ('(Koi \ .Fdinson. i F. C. HuFbai'd iV Clinton. Sampson county Thomas .1. Morisey, F'.p. Lnmlierton, P.olie-'on. .1. P>. P.rowii. F.sq., ^Vest^.rook.s. F.la.Ieii. Oct. S. i^.vj. .^r,Vpd F;:vettc^ die I tl Co.. for the ].ro'ecntion of a ireiier.il bii'ines;. Foca- ti-'ii the same as oc;npi.'d Fv .1, 1'. W i'.liams for the last five vears. ‘ (.I'o. \\ . W IFFI AM. .!NO. 1». WIFI.I \MS. I'l liruarv F). l?.'i.1. l.Stf »'j'''l!F ."tib'ci iliei" ha- I :;ii F-.i Cl IF il ifo. ,l;iva 1 Hh Is N. O. 1(1 Fioxcs superi d Ml r,AR(;\L\S! liAlM; ALNS!! H N my recent vi.'it to New \ ,.rk, my ii priiici[ial i.l.Ji. t w.is t I L'et workmen and mat'irial for tiie pnrpo';e of matiufae- turiii" .Silk Hats. .\ftcr •rettin.' there, ^ . and tindin;j; it difhcult to ^ei first rato /■ "i,'( ItiriHc ( 'and II .fiaun/uctoni. w. rkmm to come South, I pave up the pp .-f.e. t of pro-- r^'XHF 'ubx ribcr still continues to inannfactiire .a su- cnrin;^ anv, con'-'ei-|ucntly jiurchi.se l a lame stock of fc pcrior article of j’aiii atid fanc.v C.VNIMFS, at SIFK IFVTS. .Vfter m.ikin.Lr my i nn hase. 1 cniraped the ol 1 stand. i No. ■'), (ireen 'tn'ct. I'.'doois North of a jjent^man as principal wor’.^ma^l, who eume well n'-. Ite.l C;;Vciy. i)\iL\ i:xi>i:i ri:i). n i‘i oi;r stock of ('hina. CO, (' \KS Falkirk Ale. ■^C/ \No. a liaiids iine ad lit ( rockerv. i l.is'W .ire, ^Vc. S. W. TlFFlNCi!.\ST M.irch Ifi. IS.-.F P.FSIIFI II,'1(1(1 II.s • r sale P Feb. LM. s (I CI S. N. c, p o-. n. CFO. W. V. il.FI \MS .;• CO. 71-tf th" \l:'.rl;et House, 1 where he •,%ouhl be happy to see his old frieuils and customers. ( H.VKFi'.S IF'.NKS. Mar.di 1. 1S.-:F 7;’tf A m:\\ in\ i:\ rioN. rpiHF undersi;;ned 1i,t« ma h' an invention if a Smut M.ichine. wliich he will in-;nre to be [iPi'fect in the ii^st. In or! r tlft I may Hot be ov ei ■-toched, 1 otfer extraction of smut ii' whe.at. and wishes to iiifm in Mill . hu' sale. 1 ( I . mv late^ ) urch.ase ot Nos. 1st, _d, Ow nei ' that he is j ut tiii'.i np machines at Fnion Facto- o'> 'I'lalit v t ,\S 11 loN A 1>LL tory. on l)ee]i lliver, eii;ht miles North of .\shborou.rh. My machines are eom]ios>-d of three distinct princi- eommendi d. He F'unu'I liis trad.e in r-iu ojie; and for. tlie la-^t seven ye.ars he has been employed ir a lar^'-p manuiai'turinir e-tah'i'hment ;n the e ty of New \ork.' 1 then ]ivoiMiri’d f.i-l-.o liable blocks iii; 1 material?, and ;.m I'.o'.v fairly at v. .rk rflanuiacturing ninety Kcits per month, . .\nd v ill h.ave some of tli. iii ready for .'^ale by the lioth {5-r- tier. Lumber, and Naval .Stores, on coiisii'nment.'!. the fir't of .May. when T. O. SMITH. • -wild '■ Iil o\ O.N'I’K \( T ,| t receive.! l,v F. .J. IFM.i; ON. 1.1 lie tIKl h It 'll/,' Sf-it /,' f ,r Snh. ' ' * ; i e;ir Faiik. F'.r terms, aj.ply lunty. North Caroli- l>\\ lit DINON, .\-ent (iftheS, C. Manufacturiii}; Comiiany. Snow Camp. F(di'y 'I'l. lS->d. i l-bm N. IL srAKlU'('K, Trot/, .^\^r 1*0rI., 11!()N FOIWDKK AM> .MA’IIIMST, Miiinif'lic/iircr II/' Slrnm HU (uh! Jtoi/ns, Mill (,% ann>f nf' ii/l J’ldiiiflis, il'c. rH'^HF, undersi;med, as the .A^ent of th(' above Fstab- lishment, will order any articles which may be wanted, iiu apiilieation to him. '’’he .Sfeam .Mills manufactured bv Mr. .Sfarbuc\ have Merchants may save money by ]iuleh.asinir of me. Tf you jinrcli.ise in .New York, it i.s often a iiioiitli before vou receive them. I shall in a short time be able to furnish merchants v.ith liats of .MV OWN .M.\NFF.'v( i'Fi:i;. at N. "Wirk ]irice-;. to-wit: No. 1 at V II!, No. l! at :inI No. 3 at Jier do/.en. 1 taive this opji.'i tunity of returnin;r my thar,l«tomy former customers, aie! invite them and otiier well (lis- posed jiatriotic gentlemen, that nre in favor of SFP- i PoiFl'INti SOF'l'HFUN M .\ N F F.\C’i’l' II F.S, to "ive me i a c.all on or .after the i^iith inst., as I expect to have j ready for exiiibitien and sale Hats of my own manufae- \ 1 ' g ' f \ f !—^ •• • ^ • am\ (li F»«r *v . lir- . ture that can>iot be surpassed in styl(“ and durability. I V M».\v I. \ I. "'eon Denti-it. havln.iir located in F.-iyette-| I vvould he ple.-ised to see ev(>ry ^rentlem.aii. in coun- ^HI. subsci'ilii'r continues to receive and sell, on i ' ' ^ i'fi* vili(‘. may be found third door below the. frv or town, aiul will take jdea'ure in exhibiting the m.anufaeturers account, all irrades of maniifac- ^ .Market, Itenbow \ Kyle's block, and will be happy to ; Hats, and showini; tin* different process they pas:* J. I TIdiY. j w.ait on those rei|uirin,;; his services. throii;;h tViiiii the fur on the skin until re;idy for the !' itf i .\11 Work warrante l. and hi' fhitters himself be ean beail. 1>AV11> (li.K. l'U!:sii CORN aj!:ai. F.PT Constantly on hai.d by C'.'.O. V..' WIFI.FVMS CO. Feb, l'F 71 If nr ! mil now insi niv slork (ti .''PP.IVC .•i!n! SI M M F il (itXip.S .^uit.ilile tor Fadies' and (leiitlemen's wear. ,Mso, Hats, I’omiet-;. .S|im.s, \c, .\e PFfKIl P. .lOllNSON. .^larch 111. F^.'i.'o 77-tf ture l Toliaeco. May ::i, IS.'i-J. ]des. ceil t riiii;j^al, scovveiin^r and reaction. It takes t!iO vvhe.it tlii'ou;.rh thiv'e o)ieratioiis in {roinj; throuLrh tlie maehine once. .\ny pel ' iis Fuyine: a m.ichine, after tr;. in^ it. if it does not clean wheat. dam)> or dry, I will t.ik*' it back. Price .Seventy-five ItolFirs. •Ml letters addressed to New Salem I’ost Ofliee, Uaii- d.ilph coiintv. ^ P. P. Fltl.FMVN. Oct. pj. i‘s.-,i2. ' ;;iv iliATISTOV. Id. \V. SHMS IJ i:\V A »!) IFF be jiaid for the appridiension and confine ment in jail of a mati by the name of ,\FF.N- .\NItF,I! FiPiflWN. He is about ”i feet 1(1 or II inciies hijrli, rather stout built, wei^z-hs .about Jiio or 17*1 lbs,, has lijrht colored hair, rather inclimal to ri'd, dark eyes, and is somewh.it fri'ekle.l in the face. He is verv jiolite been tested, and nre highly ajijiroved on tfie Pl.ank in speakin;;. He killed a lu'^ro boy of mine last ni^ht. riv(> fatisfaction. h.aving takf-n great ji.ains to (|ualit'y i hims(df under the insti (iction of lUie (d' tlie first Hentists | in ?\evv t.n^land. ' 1'ec. uj,'is.:.i.>. .Mtf ; nC/M.:i(iics' i{i(i!iix llals :irjl (iiMilli'-1 men's Killing Caps, for sale :it the (ireen Strei't H.\T ' S'i'op.K. Nov. I'.t, IS.- It. (iFK. ■l.'tf Fayetteville. N. Oct. 1'. l.''-’>-. 'lUf ( !io!('i: 'n:As. >5^ F.CFdVFH to-day, I’xtrn-tine Im]ierial Te.a, *• Hyson “ (tolollg “ S. IIINSHAI.E. Fcb'v 14. SI POl'ASli, I \L NO ri( i:. F!.-. In M i.i-.- to inform h-- friends. | l ivetteville and ^ur^ounding i- t i :"|uent a |ip! ica t i'lli ' to vi - i ! , . lie lee' compelled to ' ^ i . h hi - time is fully oeeil- - \ I c t.,re 1.1 to .1V t h it he Il 111-' llifli NFi v , to leniain a: II,. reirrets lieing iinatde i i h--:;t I \’r'a-t Powders, Sod.'l, Spices, I ndi go. Spanish Frown, ,'^oaps, iVe. .Ian'v -11. 1 IlojiS, Cream Tartar. F.xtract.-'. for flavoring, M.idder. liatli Piri(d, For s.ile by N. .s.M ITH,' ;reen St. C.hf Pioads about Fayetteville. Fayett('ville, Sejit. 4. IS.” FDWMt FF.F WINSI.OW. iMitf ( M \1 \ IKK )K.S and lliseipiines of the Methodist Ih i I Chnn h. A fresh siipplvjust received. ■ 1. K. J. half: & .sox. '' D ^ 510 • BMPFI’I AL. (iunpowder. Hyson. Young Hyson. to- loiig. IIovvi|U:i, Pecoe TK.V.S, selected expressly for mv ri'tail sales, tor sale by S. J. HINSI).\LF. Mandi HI. If^-v?. (i-lim .irsr iji':('i:i\i:i), HIIHS. prime New Crop MOL.\.S.S|;.S, bv CKO. W. WILLIAMS .'i CO. Mnrch 17, 185o. T/tf CWililKtN WUICIFI'. S]iringfield, nichinond ('o.. .Fin. ‘Jd, iSod. (iltf IM A NOS |'Oj» S ALi :. S’^HPiFK verv go(id second-itand Pi.inos for sale. ,\p- I ply to ' L. F. W HIT.VKFi;. .Fin’v 1, IS'io. .')iitf l-lsiL i'lSII. l-isil. fr.sT received and for sale, Maekeiad, Herring an Mullets. .Mso, Codli-h and No I Mackerel and against otlenders. .Saliiioii in kith. 10 hhds. new crop 'lolasses. bv i W. H. t,'Ai:VFPv. Murch 1, i6Gh 7itl' ' Miu'cb 1, 1833. KOI’.lvSON LANDS I'OU SALi:. i ra'^Hl' subscribers having pun h.iseil the entire inter- I est of Thomas .1. Curtis, Fsi|. in the land.* lately i ] owned by him in the county of Kobes ui, now offer for sale about pt.IMX) .acres in quantity and on terms favor able to jiurchasers. Most of this L:nid is well adapted to the Timbi'r and Turiientine busii.ess. Persons w ish- ing to jmridiase can c.all ou either of the subscribers. .Ml peisons are hereby warned uoi to tresjiass on any of these Lands, as the law will be strictly enforced .70SKPH THOMPSON. llolHlKT S. FPvF.Ni'H. TS-.lin /M/V7X O/L, i\'r. LP.S. PFP.i; WlllTF LKAD, •JO bills, P.lake'e Fire-proof Paint, Linseed ()il, Train “ X'egetable or Kosin f)il. Chrome V(dlovv, “ (Ircen, , in • til,) I'aris “ Putty and Putty Knives, Copal \ aridsh, Pihick Leather V.ariiish. Prown .lapan '• S;‘. Ff'r sale low by .1. N. .Taa'y 1’4, 1853, ‘ ‘--'f

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