« ■ '»I' J SEMI-WEEKLY. [VOL. II.] u i» Mimvaiuuinyr>"n» i—i jmm iiui^-« I’AYETTEVIIXE, N. C., AIMUI, 18, 1853. [NO. ISO.] SBOEs to ‘’"e. de'^v.^ ;■* l>UcJ u" I. • C. "!■ '!,i ’-1 -t, " iii hf 5j|, n.a.ie „n , ■' >"s; ■ ; T "Al.liiLi ’ A’ iJX, •n I’ • . .. j . ' ■ I. tC 'i 1 i ■ :■ •, ' ' .;udY :.;i A! ;’V '■■ -:Vv. N. ..;■ tl e ]•■ , * I -nU'fl • i.i- . x:--'’ I'r i- I!. ■man I .,■ ; pp'- ; •] . .j- .,,1. . . W h* '*' ! i upt ^ "?;n V, ir : , ;,V ' l.lN'-'f 7(,tf 4' PIII-VTKD in* ,1. 15. NKW15Y. i:i)WAin) J. HALE & sox, KIUTOIIS .\NI) nU)PlUET0U8. n .f Air tl'C Somi-NVeckly l>nsv.uvKn ^4 00 if paiil in . ivvK'c: '** it'p.'iitl‘liirin-the year of suhscrip- „■ I- *'> iftor thi' ycur ha? expired, p ,-;;o 'Vi t'^.’;y i)hskrvi;u !?‘J 00 per annum, if paid in if pai.l during tlic year of subscrip- . V V after the yonr has expired. >!>VF.KT1SI;MKNTS inserted for si\ty cents per !i’ lines f'r the first, and tliirty eents for each ^ early advertisements bv .«pe- c'I'trai’t'. at reasonable rates. Advertisers are j.'itoil t>> >t;ite the iinmber of insertions desired, or t'oiitimu'd till forbid, and charged aecord- f—> I.etters to the I'ditors must be p.ist-paid. .Vt'ir Sforh' Srasomthiv imotnls. --v.' ^ T'bcr respoi tfully be;rs leave to Infoini bis I 'i: -r^ and the public generally, that he li.is , ■. ,'^od his S^tock of \|'ill\(i IMHI^DiKR liOflDS. bnibra.-inj: a General ,\ssirtnu‘nt of V :\n 1 Fancy l>ry llinnct', MIs.mw’ I 'ti'Mron’s Hats. Wi>rstoil P.ittiTus. I'ln- ! n I!:i'aii l l’:ira> *ls, I?.'Ots .iiiil Shoe.s. SltiAU AN1> Ct'FKl'K. ,\c. iVe. 1*. SHKM'.VKl.l,, N'. r:h-\v«'t ' aner Market Sijuure. (ireon st. p., N r., April 1, 1>'>:'. s;'>tf WAUIU;N t'fl NTV, N. flTM' T I'ltty-r'iirtli Semi-Annn.vl ^vs,'i^ln of t]ii- Tn- I • ;t 'U wil! ci.inuience ou M-ui.hiy they'd 'f.Itui- \' ('li:ir,:i> :is bef're. Pupiis are roi:*ived • •• :uid charii-i fi'oin llie time of cntr.inco. per Se'" 'H f> r l’>o:\rd and l'nj:’i';b • • ■> Ai'.i'iciit .-iiid Mo.lorn I-.iiiiiintr''-. ^Iu.'ic. I'r uv- !:'i! r^iintinLT. at f'niier raic'. \'oc*i! Mii^ic Tl 'i ‘ iit'd N«-i‘dle-\\ irk ;.rvivti' : if' ''^■lil!in•J the fulle>t inl'i'rm:!ti"ii w ill Ite . • :ii'p!\ini. f.UAVKS .V AMI . oX. u ,T ;i. I'eo. ]>'>-!. > .tf ( \M't)N \i\rriN(;. F«K XKW VORK. I Xn-KI) STAtr.S M,\u, r.INK. ‘‘'itss side wheel Steanisliip llOANOKK, f 1-00 tons burtlien, IMward Cavinilv, commander, leavo? Kicliinoiid and I’eter^l.nr}: every Taesday after noon, and Norfolk every Wcilncsi^ay morninji, :»t 11 o' clock, with the I iiiteii i^tates Mail, arriving in New York next day. I assafre and tare, state roon\ iueUided, from Uieh- mond or I’etersbm-jr, NIO (Ml. 1 assajio all I fare, state room liiehuled, from Norfolk, Steerage p.issaco Iinlf price. Ilie Ko.'uioke lias now been runninc about eighteen months, diu'iiijr which tinu' she has never mi.ssed a trip, and h;is .-ilwiiys ko]it nji to her time. Travellers will find this i-oute the cheapest an^l most C(>mfp(,r pussaire appl\’ to 1^1 I>I.\M \ \\A'rS(tN, Itichmond. SA'I I, (i. r>Al*TlST, I’etersbnrp;. ■1. M. sMirii \ N.otoik. Febl'uarv 11. ISoo. (iS-;;m The .Steamship .1 AM I'.STOWN. of 1 }('tO tons burthen. no\T hi.iliiiiijr in Now \ oi k, ,atid to be commanded liv ('apt. l-ewi.s I’arri'h. \\ill he nddcl to the line in the f'prinjr. ^livincr travellers anti shij>pers rt eommnnication t^'ice a week between the above places by first class side-w lieel Steamships. Ps. t'SNToN MATTlNti, ' ti’ and r- d checked. 1-4, -'-I .iml li-1, Sup'r Carf)'i Sxla. ' in 1 Ih. papers; a su[ erior artiile. li’i'iiie K'rs. r- ' ived and f r sale bv S. W. TILI.'lNt;HAST \ )'o. ... Iv.-,.;. siii\(;li:s. K w :nt ] 1 .hin’per f-r w!;!i h the l est j.rice 1 o.* i.nid, J. .v‘t. W Al l'll,L. 4. lia'.:’. liOO'I'S AM) ® AH?; no-K ri'i'.'ivitiz o;ir .'JpPklN'!; ▼ ? :.nd SI'MMKi: >: ck ftlcnriem. !'.'-. b" ''. 'fi>ses‘. Im.v's. :itid Cliildren's P rt'. ."'iw.i s :in I eri hr;;..-in£r a preat variety ..f ' atid ipial- ' 'f Mhich were selected «ith crreat care fr. ni 't ;ij proved .Manufactories for the retMil trade. —A l..s:( >_ \ ’:ir;:e supply of Trunks, and C irpot P iirs: r.-ilt'. Ibndinp, and Pad Skin.s; .''h e Threail, .'I ar;i!;!es. and Shoe tin of a’l kind', foi- •■:y ;..w for 1 V S. T. f( A\' Lr.V ,V .si^^N. 11. I''-'-:. .‘'}-l';W l^"r‘sh Sj)rin^ (loods. Fel:‘v II V...V J. A. iM:Mi’,i:irro.\ Vp r'-o-’- .i'd. at th'ir Old Stand, a rich and ex- - ve St'ck ot N// a„f/ I'anrii DRY COODS, ' the Ffishi.innble Sty’e« for I.adies' and Press tio.nis, Kmbr'.-d'Ties; black and co- M ! ■ i-i. - f the !:tte.-r .iiid most fashionable st\’"-s: 1 white ('rape .“'hawls; black and 'or'-d title",; French Worked f’oIl:irs. (■hemiz‘'tti , ■ i \Pa-'in riidfr'.''leevei.: b«t qnu’ity Ki'l - vil'k -iiid kid fini'^h di*f->; F.ridio'' ;iii.l Cott..n and Siik iP'Siery; Fmbroiilere.l ■ n'. iVc. .VC. . t l*aper nn 1 Oil Wiii'lnw Sliadfs, I-”iro .(’irp'-t M:io; and S if'licls, \ ;i!i.se.-4 : T> n jliiiK Trunks, .''ilk anl (iiiitr- ii mi I'nihrflias and P:ir.'!S')Is. ■a ranriLtia, Ftraw. and other SiMiiiiK r Ilat.s. ’ ■ f 'Iii'in.ililc I>innct.«; .'Iis«os’ liloMmors ■ ti tN; Kn-nch Flower.', Ijoiuict Lining.s, _also_ ‘ ' .’ Ti’s I'iijo lirtfvts, anl fiaitors; li.T- 't r. T' anl Slipper.s. A hands-iiin- lot II' I ly-iiiale (’lotiiiiij:, of warranted niatcrial.s and Wdrkniaii.'liii). v.;,iit of (iood« ir> onr line will please pive us a K. L. &. A. PKMi:i;i!T()N. ■ Hj-4t NO’I'K'i:. •• ' iri' iti'lebted to II. P.ranson, or H. Pranf'on n. ;irf reipiestod to make imnie'iiatv payment, iii'i \, :ice cannot be piven. The books aii'i '!o. h:inds of Cbarl - Penbow. who is au- ttU- H. 1U;.\NS(IN. . : H.H }- 1 w i'in:i(;iri i\(; ov cm’i: i'i:ail subscribers ba\in;.r purclii'cd the Ste;inicrs « Fvi r-n iu and Southerner ainl Tow Po.-its, latelv the pr"peity ot the llenriett.a St»vimho;it •'oinpanv, are now p.i-puo.i t. i'orw.;r'l ^\ith fl.spati-h, l.i t\veu Wil- miitjrt- n an'l 1-:ri ettc\ille, all tVi-i>;hts or goo'is cntrust- e'l t' tiiein. F. N J. II. P.DPFPTS. Fayette\i!le. Feli'y 14. Is.'i;’,. tiStf I dispa'ix il MjI.vb:: ^H^IIP uii'b r'-iune 1 inf>rms the pntoic that hois now H runi;:i;..r a d:ii';y line of !i;ht 'Iraft .■'teainers on t!'.e r.-i; ■■ pi' ir Piver. i-oii';'tinp of the f' i’ow ini: l)o.its; Ni '.v Ste;;nier Zi'pli’. r. M:ij. r Win. ParneM. 1-T inches 'Iraft. Fanny I.utterh.li, I J •• p. wan. (ine f tl'- SC* b.' it-i wdl Ifave F.ayettevil'e ov^rv morn- in’.r i.''iinda_\s eveoptci at 7 o'clock; and W ilminrt"n every d;i\ .''uii'l.iys e\ce[itpd > at o'clock, lan'iinL' - Is aii'l p.is'.^enpers in Fayetteville in fifteen hours t!l> r' :i ter. li . ii.t ii'le.) !'..r thr«e bor\ts should be «ent to the care t' .1. !•. ,\P Pae .V t'li., or K. ,1. I.utterloh, at \Vi'.niii!ii-.n. wli'i will I' rwar'l at the usual ra?eof ctini- nr'!' IIS. The ,'te.in;ers Zephyr ;m'l .M.ij^r Wni. Par- lit t: ar.‘ e’eg.intly tiuiiisli; i tor the accommo'iation of p.i>seii_crs. Passa^'e to or from \\ ilminLiton. is V T. S. H TTPli 1, • II, ,\'^ent. F.iyetteville. Feb'y 7. )>>■'>:’.. t.' tf i:. .L LT r ri:KL()iL r.HwiriDiM; k;i:\t ind nnniisMii.\ Mi-Rciiivr, ,\M* AC. PNT F(*il STi'aiiit’i' Maj tr W in. P.irnett. Fanny I.utterloh. P.'wan. wilmin;t()N, n. c. Ki:i)rc'i:i) iwin:. TIm "iiL'li Tickets liotwcrn W :«n l Palti- niore. F;ire >'] ■!. \'i.i Wet'lon, 1‘etersliurp, Pichnion'i, \ W ash- inpton t'ity, fir vi;i Weldoii, Ports- moiitli aii'l N"rf Ik. Foi- Tii'kel'* ••ipl'ly at the Ofiiee —_^-__of th«‘ Wi!niinpt"n lUi'l It.aleiirh - P;iil (’ouit..-i!iy at " ilmiii;:- ti'.n, or at the ('•ffice of the Pnltiinore St. am Packi t ('ompany. nnil of tije I'altimore an>i (ih; i Puii i'oa'I Company, Pratt Street. Paltiniore. Jan. 1, IS.',2. tf 1 VAI.t AI!!,!', PUOPI'.ltTY for S;ilo. Subscriber liavinp removed to Terine«seo, de- ^ sires to dispose of his resilience and land.s in the vicinity of Fayetteville. He therefore ort’er« for sale, on aceomniodatinp terms, his resilience at PO.SK HIM,, and the tract »t 500 acres of land attaclied thereto; and also the .Meatlow' F'arm tract of 1000 acres, adjacent to the former. Previous adverti.sements have ilescribed the residence ■ind laniis and their advantages. Persons desirous of further information can obtain it from Mr. Isaac H. Hawley, who ha.s full power to sell the property and give deeds. W. H. HAUDIX. A up. 80. 180'J. 21 'I'Ih' Sul)srril)(‘r sliJl tii)U(> to -i4rfy ot> the ('AHINHT PI .''I- NKS.'' in Fayetteville, and in addition to' his K.'t.iblisliment on How Street, near I'.celc'.'s Prid^e, has opened a l.arpe WAPF. ItdOM on H;iy ritrei t. nearly opposite the Fay.'ttoxille Hotel, an-1 one door F.i-t of .Messrs. Hai-h \ Son s, j where a peneral assirtinent of ' riiiiMTUR!:, .Made bv competent and faithful workmen, may be ha l ' at price's corresponding with the times. Also, an as- : 5oi-tm«>nt of Northern-nia>Ie Fl'PNITl PI,. selected by : i himself whieii will be soM at a very mo-ler.ite a'hance. DLNCAN .McNKlPI- ' Nov. K». 1S'>1. L keepK oil liand an assortment of Fisk's celebr.*- ! ted .MKT.VPI.IC PI Pl.U, ( \SFS, which h.ive ' lieen liiirhlv recfininx’nded tiv Willie P. Manpum. Henry ( lav. Lewis Cuss, Win. P. Kinp. an'l many other il lustrious charact**!’'.^, who h.'ive exMinine'l an*l w Jti3e>.ti tl their utility. III 10 ;^ y (I). 0 ;f of ('ape I'ror Jlonk Stoch'. rmify with an Or'ler of (''oiirt, I will sell at 'I 'iket Ib'iisf in Fayetteville, at 12 o clock on t Ma\, ](! Shares of ilie f'ii[iital Stock ot the ; Fi'ur. The ensuinp Hividen'l will be le- X iiinriths' cre'iit. Stock will be transferred ’ "f pur(diase money. •l.\.Mr;S P.iNKS, .\dm’r de bonis non of .Vnson Pailev, dec d. CHAS. K. LKKTi:, .\nct’r. * ' S:!is rilO.S. J. JOHNSON II.\S .irsT PF.CKFVKI) - •d:i - nkw oPPK.WS MOI.ASSPS, 'lo. l.irpe Yellow Plantinp Potatoes, ‘ Northern Pacoti, ' ' N. ('aroliri.i do. !■ . liels (),it,s, ' _dr- ari'I ('a'tinps, I' : -iniths' Tools. I Cuba .Mola=sc3- —APSO— ' II- 1,,,. (. Waj^oii, and 1 IJnppy, 1 Harness TIKiS. .1. .JOHNSCN, Person st. 'le, p. l.'y Is.'i;;, 72tf MPlil,i,LT()N PUOPKIITV FOU SAPI':. T. .1. J. Litdi, >• liidiiijr Hats autl (icnth*- ' ' I. , for sale at th« (ireen Street H.\T I). (;K1v •lotf ('nh'uuf Furniturr^ Chairs^ i\r. f ■IHK subscriber is r(‘ceivinp tlie larpest as.sortment I in his line ever Irt-fWe purchased at the North, which, iopethcr with hi.s own manufacture, makes his Stock very complete, consistinp of (Miair.«, 'I'al'U'r^, Sofas, IJcdftfa^ls, Wa.sli stands, IJiirciHi.s, Ldokiiiir (ilasst's, Side IJoai'ds, Seen tarics, A'c. Ml of whicli will be sold on the lowest terms for (’ash, '""'■'"I liAKKU. Oct. :10, 1H.>1. _ .70,000 lb«. ol‘ Kajfx fWIl,!., nav m cts. p*r pouml casJi f«r all clean cot- t.„, Ih....; KAtlS, Iklivercl lo .1. I>. in F.iyetteville. 1 am nearly ready to in opeiation a Paper .Mill in this neiphborhood, and am desirous o "eltinp niy raps in this market. M3’ object is to pa3 as much for rnp« a.*i 1 can afford, and hojic that I may not be forceil to (liHtjiut inurkets tor my supplies, have arranped with Mr. Williams to receive and pay for all raps delivered to him. D.VVIU ML’HPH\ . Fayetteville, Feb’y 24, 18.')2. t)8-tt fB^HK hiphest cash price paid for Turpentine, White I Oak Staves, and Oak or .\she Headinp. t .all on Ja.s W Stranpe, who can always be found at the Still. .Mcl,.U:UlN & KTUANii:. Feb’y Jft, 18'.3. ^Oti' MKDK AL NOFK Iv 11. THOS. C. HAI,l, respectfully of fers his professional services to the citizens of Fayetteville and its vicir.ity He may l>e consii ted at the (^Hice directly ovpr the new l>riip Store of Samuel .J. Hinsdale, South West corner of Market Stjuare. July 2'.'. pso2. l:',tf ( lIlvMK'ALS, ^'c. Citrate Iron, (Fnplish.) P;utat«* •• Phosphate “ Syrup lotPule Iron. Iron by IlytlropeH. Iodine, lod. Potass. *• Pea'I. Piperine. Salicine. Kreos'^te. (.^'uiiiine. Cit. Iron aii'l ijuinine. For sale by .P N. S.MITH, t.ireen St. Jan y II, IK.'i;:. (’.4tf i\iii{i;\is & .m\\ No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. i ^n:is Ei A.\TK r.Vl THK SAPP OF .\1,P KINDS OF ffvrrov \M) wi)()i.i.K\ inniiMiRv ami ‘‘.^1 a 11 SI I'a V (II Vr r ’« A r I i c* I e OF i:\ FPV HPSCKIPTION. (’oiiiprisin*; lij'ltinir, ('aid C'lotliinii, r>()l)l)ins. Shuttles, Pickrrs, Uolk'i* Skins. Kollcr (’lotli. Oils, &c. I'ec. If., 1".')2. .*)2-ly YV> {'oifufrtf m}ivrchfnti^!! rpiHF, SCPSC|UP>Pll has ii"w on han l anti offer** f'>r ■ >ia!e tlio t'ollowinp articles, vi/; 1 iriii-e P. aii'I M. ^ east Powders. 2 •• Seidlitz P'UV'Iers. 2 •• Pi.iP C. ('apsules. “ Castor Oil.—ass0rtcdsi7.es. •* F.ss. Peppermint. •') •• •• Cinnamon. *' “ Penion. ."> ■■ Pareporic. •• P.iu'lanum. 8 •• Oi'otlel'l.N!. .‘I •• Hritish Oil. •• Hail cm •• 0 •• Tiiriiti'jt'n's I’al. 1 Pain Killer. Together with a larpe supply of I)\rxtiiffs. Hrups, Paints. Oil', 10.. Ac.; all of ^liieh he offers low for cash, or on time ti» punctn.al r-n‘fomer.'». J. N. .''\11TH, I'ruppist and Chemist. (ircen .St. Feb. I'.i, I>.'.:1. 70-tf Li:A'nii:u p.ands, ~ r ■lHOpor(; II PV stretcheil. cemented, and riveted. I. The above Paii'l* me ,«oId 20 per cent. less than New York ni:inufafturei-«j' pri«.-i-s. Cash will be re- juire'l in every inst.aiic". For s.ale by W, H. PCTTKUr/)H. F.ivetteville, Nnv. I'). IS'i'J. oltf .\i-:\v IV. F. nooiii-; \S PPCPIVPK a larpe Stock of SPUIN(i ,VN1> II SPMMPP ii O O D 8, — roNMSTINfJ HF— [.adic'-'i* l ino Drcssrs aiul Dress 'I'riin- niiiiL^s, HonntM.-. SliO('s, To which he wouM c.ill the attention of the Pndies in Town and ('ountry. — vpso— .1 ai'fu'ri'ir ('it nf Jii-iiil!/-md'le ('Inthin'j, lints, Jlniifx, (I'tiifi rs cm/ Shuf ii, for (i\ utl iuru. .March 2:!, IK.',:!. ' 7!'tf m:w Fiini & (kioiis. fBlIIK ««b;»cribei‘s are n'>*c receivinp from New York, B 11 l.irpe aiitl peneral assortment of Sffij)lr and i'dnrii Drt/ (lond.s, (JROC’KinHS, HARDWAKE, Hats and (’aps, Hnots and .\monp which are: Coffee. Sijj'ar, Cocton Pappinir, Pale Hope, N:(il**. Wind'iw (!las«. Swedes and Pnplish Iron, Sack and .\biiii Salt, Imperial and Plack Teas, Pepper. .Vlsi>ice. (iinper, P*)wdT, Shot, Par l.ead. Par and I’ancy Soap. Topetlx r with a pre;it variety of other articles, to which they invite th*- attention of the public, and which they Hre determined to sell as low for C.iuh, or on time to those who pay prouiptly, as any hoii«e in the South ern country. Produce'of all kinds, at the hiphest market price«. taken in exchange for tJoods. McPPAX vt ,IONPS. Sujnnicrville, X. t’.. 18-)1. -j/lf HotchLi ss's I crfn'ftl (i/cr H /i ( i. fMlHPPP are several hnmlred of these Wheels i n')fie B ration iu dillVrent counties in North ('arobna. For jiroof of their preat advantapes ov(‘r the common tliittei wheel, or any other wheels now in use for .saw mills, we confidently refer to those wlio have applied them ti> their mills. We can recommend them particul.u-ly fur their superiority in ca.se« of a low bend of water, or back water. We still keep a supply of Wheels, suitable for differ ent Uead« of water, at Vvilminpton, Newbern, AVashinp- ton, Kdenton and Fayetteville. The wheels may also be had of K. .V. Prevard, Lincolnton, and Uriah WeII.s, I’etersburp, Va. I>e4-«4on« winhinp to obtain the ripht to use the wheels, will be served on ,‘tpplieation to D. ^IcNeill & Co., Favetteville, N. 0. I». McNF.IPL. A. A. Me KPT HAN. ju. S. McAPlSTKll. Feb’y 22, 1849 tf w an rF.i) 'VO piiucnASiv COPiHS PINK WOOD, to be delivered on my Wharf during the next six months. T. S. LUTTKH 1,011. Jnly 22, 18.)2. K>tf JUSr KKCKIVKDr A PRIMK lot Mountain flutter. New Orleans and Cuba Molasses. .Tava, Papuira and Kio Coffee. Kugar, Hice, &c. WORTH & ELLIOTT. March 7, 1853. 75tf 8T.3 IIKW \\U\ R.VN'AWAV from the subscriber on the l.'^th Inst., three nepro fellows, Plijah, Pizamond and La fayette. Said neproes were between the ape of tliirty and forty, of a dark yellow coniplection. stout built, and about fivi* feet ten inches hiph. The above neproes were hired from Uobt. .\lston, of Cliatham county, and 1 expect they are now harboring about his ]ilantatiun, where they have wives The above rewartl will be paitl for the apprehension and delivery of said neproes to me. or tw‘_*nty five dol lars for the delivery of either one of them. 1). w. non PUS. L;iniberton, N. C., Feb'y 18, IS-'):!. 72tf I'OK SAL!:, T^^IXl'TV years lease of timber on S0(> acres, lyinp on Crane's Creek, near Lower Little Piver. The preater portion of this timber is very fine, an-1 as yet untouched by an axe, and within a mile of n;ivip;ible water. The ripht t'> the land may be had, if desireil. on reasonable terms. J. C. HOOPPP. Fayetteville, Jan. 18.'):l. bl-.'!m BIHH ]IiLLSTO,\i:!i. 4)jr4‘;«t Kednrfion iia E’*a'ice. Mrsic. H F. WHiT.MvKn, formerly Professor of Music tLj» in Carolin;» Collepe, would respectfully announce that he has locatetl in Fayetteville for the purpose of teachinp Music. He wouhl be very happy to receive the nnmes of those who wish their dauphters instructed in this delipliful branch of female liter.iture. He may be found at .Mrs. Payne's residence. Voc.-il Music taiipht in connection with instructions on the Piano, Terms jier (Quarter. Pianos tuned anI repairetl on very acconimodatinp terms. Pec. 7, 1S'.2.—oOtf ^ADDLKltS’ and rOArH-.MAKFUS’ IM,i Ml MP Mi t-:, K(;KX1'0.\. MOliltlS CO. K^NTINPP to make to ortler, ami keeji constantly / on hand M'retirh iSarr Of all dimensions, warranted to be of be.^t ijuality, be- inp made from Purr blocks sebvtcl l>y them from the best quarries in France. They keej> for sale C’oioiino, (’ocalica and l'’>soj)Us Mill- stoin's; l^nrr Hlocks, Bolting Cloth, Scr(M'ii \N ire, C'alcinod I'lastt'r, Hydraulic C’cinont, S:c. Ortlers from anv part of the country proninfly nttend- e l t'. 16. n. 4>l£iS 1:1.1.. ,\pent at F.ivettevil’e. .N. C. Tiioins )iii'iii;\zii'; & no.\s. \i). 221 n.iiliiiHiri* St., HiiJliiiKirf, fMPOUTPPS ami Healers in Hor .Skins, .s.addle Trees, Pnplii^h He:itls and Pcins, (iirth U'ebs. Stirrups. Hames. Pitts, .tc. .'^piiiips. Axh s of .all kinds. Coai-ji Lace. PPNT FPLLOP.S, Hubs, Spokes, Carriape and Tire Polt.s. Patent Canv.-iss. Carpetin'i. anfl every arti cle coniiecteil with either branch of the busine.ss. which they are prejiareij to offi'r to punctual customers on as pooil terms as any other house in the L’nitetl .States. .\pents ft)r the sale of Pope'.-i Self-.Vdjusting PADS anti .Spencer's GKi TUPP.S. Bs’j'f” Orders promptly attended to. Addresa TlliDlAS ^nrKKNZIE SONS. No. 222 P>;iltimore Street, 4tiY] PALTI.MOUP. D. W. j^lcTjaiinii V ■VVp jii«'t received, in .iddition to their former Stock— 1(10 keps NAIL.'?, 10 hhds. Sup:;r. 20 bbl,». Crannl.ite l ditto, 00 V);irs Coffee. t)0 pieces Dundee Pappinp, 7 hales (Junny Cloth, 4') coils Pop(>, 0 ton« Swedes anil 1'nplish Iron, ;'.0 keps j ure and extr.a White Lead, .')(( boxes Window (ilass, 4C. baps Drop and P)uck Shot, •J.') keg.s FFFG Powder. — ,\LSO— I'.oaf and Cru'^bed Sugars, Par and Fancy Soups, Mackerel, in barrels and half-barrels, Chee.'^e. Spice, Pepper, (iinper. Snuff. Indipo. I^fadder, S]»anish Prown, Salts, Saltpetre, SaleratuH, Nutmepp, .Mace, Cloves, Yeast Powtlers, Sperm Cnndlef", kc.: witK a peneral assortment o? DPY (lOODS, HOOTS AND SHOPS. HAPDWAPP AND CPTLPPY. AVe offer the above Goods at low prices, for Cash or pfiod pjiprr. D. W. McL.Al'PlX. Sept. 13, IB-'j'i. 2-')tf PLVNO LOU SAU:. SKCOND-II.VND Pl.VXO, of good tone. .\pp]\'at this OiTice. Feb'y 17. March 11. 7t'tf F) Dec. UAC'ON! liACON! HHDS. Side.s and Shoulder.s, for ealc bv W. H. LPTTKPLOir 8, 1H.'12. r.4-tf (aX)l)S WF, H.WP nov.’ in .Store u L.\P(^Pand WF.l.L SKLPCTKD STOCK OF SI*iei,V€>l .S.ViP S I'.lt.lMF. Ml .'^uninicr Hats, IJoniiP Sin I's, Ui’ady Made (’!otliiri«r, I’lnbrelLi.s, and I*;ir.i.‘^'>ls; which we are prepared to offer at \V I]** A 1.1'] on the ino»it reasonable terms, aii'l to wiiich we invite t!ie early attention of .Merchants makinp jmrehases in this market. Marrh 1 I, 1 !■ STAllP \ WILLIAMS. 7''. tf Tin- LAIir.KST SILK, innnox. a.m) Tiii)r.>ifXG iioisi: L\ m:\v voiik. TIi 01/1(1,^ (w. Sfrant,^, IMPOUTKU .VXD JOPPPP OF SILKS, MIIJ.LNKRV. .A.M) FA.M’V GOOl^S. 162 Broadway, N. Y., n.\S now in .Store ami is 'l.iily receivinp aii'I offer- inp at the Lowest Prices, a complete assortment oftiOOD.S IV HIS LINK, conij risinp all tlie variou.s styles and desipns. consistinp of Black and Lancy Silks; Mnrcolinos, Lloreiicc's, Slia\\ Is. 'rriMiniinifs; IJoii- iK't Ribhoiis; Taircta and Satin Hi:)- l)ons; l>r('ss'I'riinmin^^'^ of all kinds; l''inl)roid(*ri('s; I'rc'ticli and l''iijlish ('r.'ijx’s. -'ra|)«' Lisscs. Silk ('ra- \als; (ilo\'s of ail kinds; Silk Lac(' Mills; UiinL'^cs, Laccs; W hite (ioods, Hosit'ry, I.. (\ I landkcr'!iicfs. The ijjiilersipn'il wouM in\ite the attention of his I friends anil the Tr;i'io p'‘!ier;iily. He will otfer preat iii'iucements to C.V.'^H .VN1> Silt HIT TIMP PI \ IMl.S. THO.MAS i; .TK.\15NS, J;2 Pr 'a iw.iy. I'otween Liberty street aii'l Mai'len Lane. N. ^ . Jan'y I.'.. IS'.;!. ' '•l-V >1. THAI V ((), No. 84 William Street, i ! Corner of Mai'len Lane, NI'^U \*1{K. | IMPOPTPPS OF j OettHemen's M'ltritisliiit^ fmoofls.] IN this Fstablishm*tot, beinp the larpest in the city, j niav be found a larpe :ini| well sele.-ted Slock, con- j sistinp in jiart of rich Scarfs ainl ('rav.at-^. liosiery, j (iloves, Pnder (!arni(‘nts, Suspen.l-rs. .Stocks, l.onilon I and Napoleon Ties, .Shirts of all ipi.cities. llH\inp ! bc(“ii enpapeil in this husinc*s the bist twenty years. fcinnK'iit is unnecessary, as they h ive mad‘ such ar- ranpements in l!uro]>e that they .'ire receivinp by almost every steamer, the choicest poods the market aHonls, and purchasers need only call to satisfy themselves that every artit le in the Furnishinp line may be lonnd lu re. I eli'y 2'). P'S/'i:’, 72-oia I nion Agrlvullurdl H (ireJtousi’ mul Seed Slorc. ! ll.VLPH ( (>, I 2:5 FLLTOX ST.. .X. YOPK. FFPP for P.ale a large and Kth-ct a.sjiortment of .\pricnltural and Horticultural Implements, con sistinp of Plouph“, and Castings, (’orn .'^hellers. Straw Cutters, Horse Powers, Threshers and .Si parators. I''an- ninp .^lil!s, (irain Ciaillet', Ki'ythej! and Snaths, (ir.ain Mills. Sugar .Mills, Poot Cutters, Sansape Cutter« and Stutters, Ox Yokes and Pows, Rakes. Hoes, Hay and Manure Porks, Spades, Shovels, ('arts. Wagons, Wheel barrows. vS;c. Fiehl, Gartlen and p’lower Keedfi. m larpe variety. Fertilisers: Peruvian tiuano, ,Snp. Phos]ihate Lime, Pone Dust. P. utlrettes. Charcoal Dust, Plaster. &e. JLuiufaeturers of .Schnebly's Peapinp nnd Mowijjg Machine: Daniel's Hay, Straw and .Stalk Cutters — .\pents for the sale of Wra. Hovey's Patent Straw Cut ters. A descriptive catalopue will be sent on applica tion by mail. March 22, ls:>.'’,. 80*:^m LNION F.lVLliY STAliI.KS, FAYKTTKVILLP, X. C. rjllHr^ PPOPHIKTOPS are prepared to furnish the B. Public with Miorsfs, aiuf Mttgffies, rOH MM M Mi Mi. They nre also prepared to c:u-ry Passengers to any of the neiphlioiinp Towns, on rca.sonalile erm«. Their Stock may be found at the Stables formerly occupied by Messrs. Philips t Wooten, .a few doors West of the Telegraph Office. They alwaj’s have in attendance ^ood Ostlers and Pieinsmen. A FOl’P-HOPiSP C.VRHLVGK will be in at tendance, at short notice, to convey rassengers to and from the Steam Poats. They will take Horses on Livery a reasonable terms. They hope, by strict attention to business anl a de termination t>j please, to merit ft chare of public pat ronage. J. ii, .^?5KKW, Agent, Dcccmber 14, biii €>is3y Riii’sit out in Pai*2. A. .MclvL/rHAN ^jJTILL continues to carry on the (\VP){1.\0K lU’.^l- .NP.SS in all its br.-iiiches. at the ri-mains of his old staii'l. opposite Liberty Point. He returns th.-inks for the liber.il patroiiape liR has heretot'ore received, and hopes by strict attention to business and a desire to give entire satisfaction, to merit a eontinu:ince of the siime. Havinir kejit the greater portion of his Timbers at a distance from the manufactory, lie lia.n on iiand a large anti well selecte'l lot of thoroughly reasoned Timber, ot uvcry ilescrijition used in his liusiness, which enables him to retain all his principal workmen. He is therefore now preparetl to do any work in his line in tiie very best style, and on the most favorable terniii—hh low 1:3 any work of the same (piality in N. C. He has on hainl, completely finislictl, S P.irouches, for 1 or 2 horses; t> Pockaways, an'l PI Puggies. -Also, nearly finished, lo ’arriapes for 2 horses: 20 P.aronches for 1 and 2 horses: I'J P« ckaw.iys, and o(» Puppies: .\ll of which are of the most .approved jilan and finish, ami will conijiare with any work iu the I'. Statts foi neatness and durability. Hnvinp been enpapcl in the above business for the; jiast 20 ye:irs. his wfirk i.s well known, and he refers to fibl customers for proof of its ilur.-ibility. £tjf“ A i.ii work warranted for 1*2 months, and repaired free of ch:irpe .‘h'.ul'l it f.iil by bad workman ship or material, witliin iliat time. PKrAiRi-NT. executed at short notice, anti on rea sonable terms. .Lin'y 2'i, 1S.")2. ,")0 LAUD AND IJACON, At J. Si T. W ADDILL'.S. Feb'y 17, l^^'.o. 70tf Smilhville- Male and Femile Aeadeiviil 7 ILL commence its fourth session, in the new. bnihlinp, loth February, and close its scholas-: tic year loth Dec. lS.')i{. (>rpanization ami charpes a.« heretofore, Mr. Mur)ihy exeej'ted, whosu gervices. if necessary, will be supplied by a competent Assistant. For j.articulars addiess the {irincipal. .1 A .M PS H. P>nENT. Smitliville. X. C.. Dec. f!0. r)(i-im OCI.D reKpectfuPty inform the p(iblic thiit he is ww stiil at his old stand CHn•^inp on the above business in all its lirancht-S. He returi’.s thanks for the liberal patronage he has received, ainl hojies by a strict attention to business, and a desire to jilease all and give peneral ti;itisfac*ion, to merit a c'lntinuance of the same. He warrants all his work to be matlc of the best ma terial aij'i by experiencc'l workmen.—iiavinp a more fiprri')ir,;l and jirurliriil he flatters himself that his work will compete with any made in the State for st\le. elep.ince and durability: and phoiild any of it fail in twi'lve months (with fair usape) either in workman- ship or mtiterial, he will repair it free of ch.-irpe. Persons wishing to buy. wouhl do well to call and e\- uniine his work as he is determined to sell low for cash or on short time. Or'lers thankfully received and promptly attended Nj. Jtrj';'” PKP.U PING neatly executed at short notice ami huvefrt p'issi?)le prices. Fayetteville, .Ian. 2''>, IS')-'>. ti.3lf ljiv('ry Staf)l('s. The undor.sj;;n('d cnntiimo to carry on the I.IVF.KY PI'SI- NF.i'S«t !ii»s place. They have lately largely increased their Stock nnd can now offer to the public as good Horses, Carriaptss and Dri vers as can be foiiinl in iie .Sowlh- — ern ‘ountry. Thankful for the larpe patron- ape heretofore exten'lcl to us. we solicit a continuation of the public favor. We promise a satisfactory trip to all who may wi^h to travel. JSK-i!}''’Stables at the West end f Mumfii'd .street, where one (.f the Projirietors may always lie found, or at tiie Store first door Past of Mr. I.utterloh. .1. W. POWPPS It CO. Fayetteville, Feb'3' 22, l.''-')o. 71Y JLST llKCi:i\i:D, SACKS LIVF.PPOOL SALT. lOOO liushels .Vlum ditto, in baps, o(t hhds. sweet Molasses, bbls. City Mess IWk, 20 “ large size No. o .Mackercl, 10 half bills. Xo. 2 tio, 2^1 bbls. fresh e.iupht Mullets, An boxes Dried Herring, 301) bbls. Planting & eating Pstatoi«, i O hhtls. superior Paeon. 1). .t W. .McLAt niX. Fayetteville, Nov. 22, 4.‘>tf LAND FOR SALK. rWlHP subscriber offers for sale 10(K) Hcres of fine M. Turpentine and Timber L.\ND, in Poheson coun- jy, about four miles North Past of Luniberton. Nearly the whole tract is heavily timbered, and there are sev eral beivutiful situations for a residence. Hut a sm.all portion has been cleared. It lies as high and healthy as any land in this region of country-. Also, six iiniDijwovcd Lots in the town of Luml>erti^>n.. I’ersonB w^i^hing to purchase will make application to Robert F,. Troy, in Lumberton, or to the subscriber in person, 12 miles from the village, on the Harllees- ville Road. JOHN A. ROWLAND. .Sept. t.% 1852, 2f>tf EI>\VI.\ Gl.OVKH, .11 the Sinn of t!ip liirirc Watcli. Hay Strfcl, (tiis ai.i> sT.i.rth) H \s jHSt rcct'ivcd liis I 'at.i, Sto k of GOODS,’ consistinp of If SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND MILITARY GOODS. tMOXG his assortment may be found Watche.s of all kinls. from ijiS to -Sl-o; gold Fob, Guard and Vest Chains; gold Seals and Ke^'s; silver Fob and Guard Chains and Keys: P.reast-pins, Kar-rinps and Finper- rinp5, fa fine tJtoek): Cnff-pins; Pracelets; pold and silver .Sjieetacles, Thimbles and Pencils: gobl Lockets; Colt's and .Vilen's Revolvers; Chess men; .Accordeons; silver Spofins: silver Cujis, >S:e.; Military tJood.s of .ill kinds: a fine lot of Clocks, .‘ind almost cveiTtln’ng called for in Jii« lioe, which wiP be sold cheap for ('ash, or on, short time t'j those that will paj- their bills wlien presented. W atches and .Jewelry repaired as usual. Old (iohl and Silver taken in exchange. .All tlioxe indebted by Xote or Book account, must pay by (lie 1st of Xovember. Fayetteville, Oct. 4, 18'»2. .Tl-tf Drills and Medicine. SaSh EL .L HINSDAT.E g^S NO'tV RPCIOIVIXG additions to his large Stock Medicines and Chemicalsi ■ I His arrangements with large importing I)rug Houses in New A’ork and Philadelphia are such, that he can al ways procure imported Drugs and Chemicals of the very' best ipi.-ility. .All the Pharmaceutical Preparations and Comjtonn.Is sold by him are made under his personal superiiitemlence, and Physicians and the putdic insy rest assured that they are genuine. He respectfully solii-its orders from Phys'cians at a distance, as well as from those in the adjoining coun ties, feeling confident that he can sell on as good terms as any house in Xorth Cai-olina. .\s to the nuality of hi.s Drugs, ho refers to those Physicians who have been his patrons fiir the past ten years. 6':iV Particular attention pail to orders, anil to the piickiu'.; of (ilassware. SAMl'PL .T. HIXSDALE. Druggist and .\]'ot!ieearv ,\Lir(h 21. 18.'.::. 7,s-2m .M'LLIC’TLD, UKAD! A Morsi-;. ocf:,|,Iishr.l L"> vmr^ * hy I*r. Kink4’!in, \V. cnriH*r »f '1‘liinl and I’nion SlrtttH, l*hiLulri{>hiH. liE.VlJ! —Vor'I’H \.\l» >L\.\Hf)ol>.—,\ viircrrms Life nr a pre- iHMtnrr •Iraih. Kirkriinon Srlf I’rc'^frvaiinn. Only •?.■> crnt**.—• lionk p'iMi>hf‘«L is rilU rl u itti iivrtiil infornKition, on the ni\d nf the hinuan It uiilrr'^scK il'ivl. :iLk‘ (> \oiiih. Mnil ulil ami Ik* tiy tiU. 'i’j'f V ;nfv CO aiul iin|ir«’HNivc \v:«rnit>i» it will pr«* vf'ijt ytvirs *t' iiii'>«Ty ami ^uir»*rinif. mm'I smvi* an!!U;tlly thou^aiHli »!' Uv«*v. hy Trv.ilini! it, will ItMrn huw l»> preveui ihe -\ rt'tiiifia»iro of in a l« ttrr. fn Pr , Kinkrlin. N. \V. mrnrr o* Tliini and l'nii>n 'itn »*t. IMiiladflphia, ; \> ill rnsnri* a rnv«'l«*pf*. p#*r rriiirn mail. Prr.simsi at at di'itJM*' r may .idiln-'is Dr. K. by letter, (post paid} nnd he cnred »l h“mc. of tn^ilirino*. dirrrtinp«, fcr . forwarded by s**ndlrp rnnin inri*. and ( lit np mire tr» in dani.-i*!^. |l(ink'*»‘l!f‘r'^. \evv-( .\"(‘ntv. i*fd!( r*«. Canvis^rrs, and all ofhcr* «nppli»d \'iih fhc almve work at very low rates. July. K>'2. ?*- I.IV i::i£CO.ni*l.iAI.\T. ./iiniidicr, Ihixpejifiii, Chrnnir or \fri'owt JhhUily, of the Kidufi/x, , .Anil :•!! (ii'-pjojes tVoiii ii (ii^onlrrrd I.iver or Stnninch. neh a 'i i.»Ii|>:Uinn. t'lilliio-^. or lilm ii lo llie llcail. Ariilily of ihr. s=liiitt'rh. .\:iii-e,i. Iletriiiiirn. I>isfiit fur Food. I'uiliip** or Wr'tli: ill Ihi- Sioinrich. r^oiir Kriir|:ilion';. Sinkine or Kliitu riniC Ht till' |i:t of ill*'^^ll’lllH«■h, S wiiiiiiiiiii; of llie lleiol, IlMrrir^j iiii'i llirtii III! Itri-«lhii:f- Flulleriii" Ht the llejiri. Chokiinf or Siitlorat- in> :'«n:iUon w lull in n if inn tiostiirc, IHionesi ol Vision, or ^K rlx liWore llie Si;>|i|, l'ev*r, llull p:iiii in Jlie llenit. I(e- lir'n-nrv "T I'lT'P'riilioii. b ellow cs^ of the f^kin anil Kyes. r»iii ill llie Siile. lt:o k. 'he>l. l.iiiiUs, &c . Snilden t'lujhes of llest. I!iirnin'_' in Ilie l levh, (.■|>ll^l;l^t liii:ii:lnint!s of K.il, :inil (.'rent I>t'|iri'sion ol S|iirils. > / - W Uce!r.-. tii:,llv nirpil l.y HR IIOOFL ANJl't* rf:i.K.B«ATtn- mi rj'.j!s. IVep.rcd liy Dr V. .M. .Iiu k-on. «t the Crrimn M' liirinc ^^llre. .Nji. |-J(1 .\rcti Sireel. I’llii;^(l^l(ltli.•l. T'li’ir |Mt\s er ii\er llie ;il>oV(* ili*^cas«*s i? iini eitrelled. i! ei|iiHllej, by liny oitii-r prejKirHtion in the I’ni|.-d f^l.-iies. hs Ihe rurc.'i nltc.'^t, in nmny nfier skilful (liiys'u ians Imd failed. 'I'lie^e Hill*'rs are u oflliy the alK'iiliixi of inviilids. Po.»M*«'.n5 irreril virtues in the reriificalion I'l di'ierisi's rf llu' I.iver «nrt le.t.icr clniids. evri isini; Ihe ir.o^t searrhiii* jMWers in wiMkne'ss anil al 1 {VniiMis ihe diueslive oTjeitnH. tliey are wilhal, I'erlaiii. untl idea.cinl. IM’.AI) AND l!K ftl.WlXCKIl. Kroni Ihe lloston llte. The rifitor c'ul. I’er. ->.Jd^ r ■‘Ur. Jl'i"(l:ind'' ( > U-lir:iU'l fJerman Hillers for ihe nire of I.iver ('oiii|il;iini. ,lriio lin e, llysj>e|ii«ta. hronic or .\ervin« deliiliiy, i> ili-sprvedly one of the iiiosi |Hi|iul«r ux ilirine« of the day. 'riie-e Itillers li:i ve lieen ii'ed t>y ;lioiisands, mid a Iriend hi our elbow *• he has hiin«elf rerei\ed an elfeciUKl and |>eriiianent cure ol Liver CoiiildHiiil from Ihe lisp of ihis remedy. We are rnnvinfed ihni.. in IhP «se ot ihi se Hitters, the (mlient ei^istatillV eain* •trenct.'ii aiid vit-or—a fart « ortby of creal ronsideralion. 'I'liey are plea.sHJH in tasie and smell, and ran he used by persoiiK wilh the n»>st de-' lirate siomirhs wilh safely, under any cirriimstanres. We are •jieakirj: from exiwrienrc and to ihe affiirled «/• advise their iise, l.4Mik well to the marks of the eenuine. They have Ihe wrilteih i«nalnre of ('. M. Jarksoii upon ihe wrapper, and the name hliiw n. in the boitle. without which they are spurious. I'or nale, w holts* sale and retail, at the ;F,I!MA.\ .MF.IHf'INK .=JOfIK. No. !2() .Xrrh Street, one door below S*i,\ih. Phila., and liy re* ^pprtable ilealers penrrally ihninthniii the country. Also, for sale by PAM'I. J. tllNSl>AI,E. F»>etleville. N. — Wholesale .\>rents for .North and South Carolina, H.\V1I,.A,M* HAIiRM. ft ro . rharleston, S, Near Hnrlleesville, S. C., on the ICta ultimo. Mrs M.VRTH.V ST.\('KHOL’SP, wife of Isa: c .Stackhoute, ormerly of Richmond county, N. C., aged r,~\, - Hlank's for sale here.

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