SEMI-WEEKL, Y. [VOI.. II ] wmiiinB —1,11. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., APRIL 21, 1853. [NO. 187.] V- I’ I'UlM'HO 15Y J. li. NKWHY. l\)\\\\U) J. H VLE & sox, [.;iilTor,S AM) I’UOrUlETORS. ^ t', S.nii-Weokly Obskuvkk I (X) if paiilin .'(i> if p:\iii (lurinj: the your of sul)serip- s.'. Mftor till* yoar lias cxpircil. W; - k':.' (Mi'KUVKU $2 (H) per nnnuin, if paid in . > ■ :)r» if i>!u»l durinp the yeiir of suhscrip- . aftiT the year h:if> expired. , i;TI>r'll'NTS inserted for sixty cents per ... . ■ i'.>r the first, and thirty eents for eiu-h • J ]>u' -. Mtion. Yenrly advertisements by spe- :rr.. i'. rates. .Vdvertisers are I '• -to thf ininiher of insertions desirel, or ■ M,' I- 'iitMnied till forltid. and charped aooord- r l.v'tters ti. the IVlitors must )>e post-paiil. ^'0 roiilrnctorN niid ; \1 > win III* rect'ived hv the ('ommissionors r>() Lahorers irn/itcd^ nt per datf colored preferred. rjlUE above price will be paid for Rood hands, to work on the lower Lock and Dam for the litxt four or five months. 1 ersons hnvinj; Negroes which they wish employed, will niake apjilication, during tl»e month of April, to Hall l!oIlinger. at the Fonudry, to (’ol. Alex. Mur chison, (U‘ to Col. Nathan King. Jt)IIN liOLLlNCKU. March :',0, 185.'',. si-:!m Kn itcvi'i’e. for the construction of a I’rick u "li >'.itc runf, one humlred iVct in length ••11 ■ rc.idth, ten tVct clear in the j>itch. c rcccivcil for tiie entire work, or . ! - s f-r the delivery of I'JO thousand I r the itii' T necessary iiintcrials. , . ... ] V |i I’.s fi.r la_\ ing the tirick. w ith or with- • t; .Il l t'T 'lating the roof, and the necess.a- ■ -. I ' «;.ik. «ill be considered. . t . > i’-mti-ns of tiie b»iilding may be seen ■!i :it t'ook .lohnsun's, where all • • riiiiit’ '11 will be given. , • 1;.; I.- h.'Uitb'il in on or bcfi.rc the .'>th of WAUr.KN WINSl.OW, I .T*HN II. I'sxiK. - ("oin. ( II Vl:I.F.S 15. MALI.KTT. I \i.iii ]•;. i>'o. s.^tt NI'.W S'l'OCK Ol' ',P!!i\(i iMi snnii-R lioons. niiw receiving a large and well ■ f ct'iiipri^ing ;i ticncr.-il '.()()])S, Ut':ulv-ni:uK' C'lothinu. - aiiil Hat.- niitl (.’aj»s. 11 'iiuar** and C'lilli'rv, (Jroforif.'. SaddltTV, ^.Vc. ♦\.c.. » .M !i>w for ('ash. '.r exchanged for Tur- • uiitry IV' duce. ' hi' ’riiic>t thanks t'> h;*; old friends nnd r ; if i/t.eral p.ilri'na>:f heretolore vxtcndtd • f the '.line. N. KINC. Si'-tf : I'lvMi.) n-i-t-rs h.-ive this TIIE Sl RSCKIIiEU Is now receiving his Stock of STUINC. AND SU.M- MKIl (U)ODS, consisting of i Kca(ly-iiuul(‘ Clothing, i NhiriM, t'ollai>, and Drauci’M, uoors, SHOES, and iiais, I -\11 of his own selection, which he can warrant equal to any in the market, and to be sold low for cash. . CKOUGK IMIANDT. I Uetween the Market II..use and F.aycttcville Hotel. N. 15. ,\ nice assortment t>f 1U)YS’ ('LoTIIINli also on h.'iiid. April I, 1S.'.:1. Si'-.^m FIl 'rV DOLI.AliS REW AIU)! U.VNA\\.\\ from the Subscriber, on the I'.'th inst., a .Negro man named I,I KK, about tive feet six or eight inches high, dark complected, has n 4>n the side of one of his eyes, which one not recollected, but believed to be the right eye,) stoiit built, weighs about ITT) or 1M> pounds. lie purchased in 18l*i from Mr .Tosiah E. Hryan of this town. He has relati\es in th- t’oimly of Saiiij>- >on. among them a half brotlu-r named l>oon. a free m.'in of color,—and may possibly be lurking in th.-it as I am informed he was seen about there a short time since. I’ossibly he n>ay have ol'tain- ed free papers, and is endeavoring to es-ape to a free .'^tate, as I uuderst.ind some free persons of color re moved tVom S.-impson county last wt'ek lo Indi;in;i. ■ V reward of Teu l)ol!ar.- will be ;;i\en for bis aj’j're- hension and delivery to me. if t.ikcii in this coiinty: Fifteen Dollars if t.iken in any other county in this St.itt' and lo Igcd in ;i s.ife .lail; or Fift_\ Doll.-irs if taken uut of the St.-itc,—."I that 1 get him aj;:iin. M. N. LKAP.V. F:ivette\ illc, March "J'.K sitf iM'.W GOODS. rMIHK I NDKUSIOXED are NOW llEC'EIVING their -BL Stock of Hpriii" SmniiKT Goods, Consisting of u full assortment of L;i(lies’ and (lentlf'iiien’s l)r('.ss noodp; a largo ^M'litlcineir.s mid Huy.s’ lleady-inade C'lotliiiip; Panama, Lofilinrn, Silk, and otIu>r Hats; IJonnots (if various kinds; a lar;;c as- sortnjcnt of Hoot.s and Shoes; Saddlorv, Hardware, (Jroceries, Drugs and >Ied- icinos. Our friends and the public will please call and exam ine our Sti»ck; it is large, and will be sold on reasonable t»'nns. ,J. T. rUl'NClL X’ ('AIN. March 'Jl, l!^-">:?. 7S-i!iu I'ISII! EISII! rST Received and for sale: M.ickerel No. 1 to S. Alsu, Mulletts in Oak Harrels .ami large size. I’ETKll P. .)OllN.‘ON. March l^i. ■ 77-tf .1 500 r.USIlELS OATS, lbs. N. r. Hacon, For sale by (JEO. W. WILLIAMS Feb. 24. & ro. n-tf I HKSIl COKN MK.U. K Kl’T constantly on liand by Feb. *_>4. GEO. W. WILLIAMS TO. 7I-tf nC7^ I iiiii now rct'oivinjr my stork of Sl’llINC! and Sl'.MMEU (iOODS suit.ablc for Ladies’ and (Jentlenien’s wear. Also, Hats, Uonnets, Shoes, &c, &c. 1‘ETEU 1*. JOHNSON. March 10. 18.-).3. 77-tf U. Ml'rcllEl.L, yirr/z's Itmr, (iSfrrrf, VLWAYS has on hand. (UUK'KKIFS AND I’HO- \ 1.''1(>NS, liacon anil lard, tlour, coffee, sugar, tea, mol.'isses. rice, pe]>]ier. spice, ginger, tobacco, snuff, matches, meal, corn, Irish potatoes, dry cod-fish, dried beef, nos. 1 and macki'rel, .1 aii'l bbls.. no. o same, mess pork, buckwheat Hour, candles, soap, whis key, br.iudy, rum, gin. wine of various kinds—all of which have been bought for cash, .and will bv sold low for the same. Thankful for p.ast favors, he hopes bv a strict aUentioii to busiues.s to merit .a continuance of the same. M.irch l'.». is:..‘>.. Jl ST Kl'X'ElVEI), ('asks Kice. 4;') Uoxes Cheese. 10 Corn Sheller?. a Harrels Tickled I’ork. 100 Sacks Salt. DENDOW', KYLE .t CO. Fayetteville, .Jan’y ‘24, IS.'i:]. (>litf c'op.MrrNEUsiiip. ri^HE undersigned have enterctl into ii copartnershiji JL under the name atul style of Geo. W. Williams & Co., for the prosecution of a general business. Loca tion the s.ame as oc:ujiied bv J. D. Williams for the last five years. ' GF.O. W. UMJ.IAMS. JNO. D. WILL I A.MS. February 14, lS.'>f{. HHtf 7!^-:5mr>d POI'ASII, Yeast I’onders, S..d:t, .I.i.-es, Indigo, S|i:ini>h Hrown, .''oa| Fttin IfvvUle i'nndi! Mannfacton/. TRIHE siibscri)>er still continues to nianuf.acturo a su it perior article of plain and fancy t’.VNDIES, at the d'l st;ind. (No. T), Green street, •'! doors North of the Market House,) where lie would be happy to see his ohl friends and customers. CHAULES 15ANKS. March i, IS.'):!. 7;>tf HARMAN'S HOTEL, FayetteriUr., f’. The .subserilier liaving taken tlic larre Hotel, formerly known as the I’LANTKKS’ Strec situated .at the foot of Hay Mount. Street, Fayetteville, North Carolina, respectfully informs his friends ami the jiublic that he is now' engaged in refitting the building, which is sup]died with entire new Furniture, and i.s jircpared to accommodiite the travelling public. Having had some experience in the business in the town of I’itts- borough, N. C., he flatters himself that he will be able to give satisfaction to tl:os‘ who mav' favor him with their company. His rooms are large and airy. H« has large and convenicHt Stables, and a good and faithful Ostler. JOHN HARMAN. Feb’y 17, 1S12. f.iitf \c. J. I EA VE r I'EVILI.E ^iiTnii mwm. nniruv. mpany is now organised and prepared to re- .I.iny ;;i, 1,V.:;. A'r 'vwi: 11 V II (> II n I 1 Hops, Cream Tartar. l)xtract'. for flavoring. Ma l.ler. fiath Brick, For sale by N. .''MITH. Green St. ».hf :i) sk;n. 11 c 11 a XI «* r 'I' .\ NI'.W I.NVI'.N'I'ION. MIV. nnder,sign‘! has made an invention >f .1 Smut Machine, which he will insure to be perfect in the extraction fif smut in wheat, and wishes to inform Mill Owners that he is putting up machines at I'nion Facto- j tory. on Deep Kiver. eight miles North of ,\shboroo^li. j .Sly machines are composed of three di.'iinct princi- . pies, centrifugal, scowering and reaction. It t.akes the ■ wheat through three operations in going through the [ ‘ machine once. I ,\ny persons buying a nmchine, after trying it, if it . does iiitt clean wheat, damp or drv, I will t.ake it b.-ick. I 1 I l*nce Seventv-five Dollars. ho'|'i:l. ^■^IIE subscriber having purchased the Hotel situated -■ on the South-East corner *f Ci>urt House Sipi.-ire. and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform the public that he is n«w ready to accommodate boarders iiy the day, week or month. Hr.ving made considera ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the Establishment, he hopes to be aide to give satisfaction to all who ]>a- tronize him. His Table shall be furnished with the Itest the market affords, his I5:ir with the best of Li- (juors, and his Stable with a plenty of good provender and faithful Ostlers. J. A. GILOiniST. June 20, 1S.')2. 3-tf SIMMI'UIILM': llOTKl.. 11 IE iiiKlersigned would respectfully inform the citizens of Summerville, the vicinity, and the public generally, that she has opened a MMotrse of MlntvrtahiiHfHty where she will be jdeased to accommodate all who m.'iy call on her. The Vill house laige and conimodious. .No jiaiiis will lie sj to render agreeable ainl coml’ui table any w ho may favor her with n call. She is also jir' pared to accomodate with T’.oard from l '» to 20 Students. Trice of T>oanl per month. E. T.AII.EY. SuniKierville, N. June 1^, IS.'rJ. 1-tf Dr. T. 1). II A I II, H as taken an Office on Hay Street, West of the Hotel T>uildiugs. July 14, 18'.1. 4-tf RriM. ORRELL, F(iR\v.\Ri)iMi rn)niissi(i\ iiKRcnAXT at Fayrlteville, IV. C. March 10, \Ho\. G2-tf W. \VHi rEHEAD7 WITH RAYXER cV (illAIORE,., V «11111««I > \ :ti I: ii c ii at ^ 15 I W;il«‘r Slr‘el, NEW YORK. fii.stomiiry ailvanrcs on .Niival Stores. &f. March r,, 74-tf .lOSl'.PH 15AKER, Jii., ATTOU:\i:V AT I.AW, n AS taken an office next jloor to AVni. B. Wright’s Law office on Green street. He will attend .ind practice in the County and .‘^iijierior Courts of Cumher- laiid, Hladen, Tiobeson and Sampson. March 2:’,, 1S.')3. 7!'tf JOILN A. RICHARDSON, ATTOK.\Kl AT I.AW. WILL (after June next.) attend the Courts of .\nson, Richmond, Robeson, Rladen, and Colum bus ('ounties. Address. Elizaliethtown, IJladen County. N. C. March Mil.' i-ei\e a).plication terms a^ other (\anpanies. DIT.ECTORS: for In-iuraiice, on as favor:ible I ' nicrit ;i continuance . \ j ril 1 1 HANK Ol (API A |>ril ir l oi D Avon K. H.m.i.. ,1. (J SlIKIMO.KIt. Wm. W.MlliKN. S. T. IIawi.kv. .loIlN I>. \Vll.l.l.\M. Wm. .^l( L.m kin. Wm. Mt Imvkk. \\\ —Then ...^ired a >emi-Aiinual Dividend of Fi'ur ; • t r- tin' >•'. ckliolder> 'It the jiiincipal i I'.raiolus mu .and ail. r the Jd -lay .May next. 11. 11. S.VN AGK. Cashier. 1.. i:\rv DOLLAliS UEWAUI). \ W ay ff :n "iir \IilI. on 2 1 in'tnnt. a Ncl'To . I’. na;:ie I TLTFit. the property of V! Iw.ird •r. t‘.r wii' appielien-ion and lielivery wlu're we r iiiiii. tiie reward will be paid. It ID ut ye.irs oM, about f, jeet high, and I- U'ir lly .vi-.iT' larj:e whi-.kers. He was '■ ,i er'.ai-d eiiinty, l.y .Mr. Far'juhar'l ('am- ■ h. m.i. 1. iiow lurking. KIDDLK i MARTIN. ■ 1. .''i'.-2w HANK nK t’ATK KKAlt.) Aruii. liltli, 1] • .] M>-.tinir "f the .^t'ckh'-Mer-; will t>e ■: til- T>aii' ill'.: Ilou'c ill iliiiiiiglon on _ I i.-iv o! M IV next. ‘ H. K. SAVAGK, Cashr. nuts |{. \ W. W . liOlUNSON ' '‘Vr.|i rlieir ■ 'p.irtnership on the 1st of '“T" Hknuy Lii.i.y. 11 h. .^lVKtlV^.U. 'I'ihk. s. Lt TTKUiAiii. .loIlN II. Cik>K. D A. 1:av. A A. .'I' Kktii.w. K». .'1( Nk1I.I,. N \TIIAN A. Stkdman. •Iamk.' Kyi.k. 1 OFFK F.RS: GF.O. McN'Kll.I.. Tri'-i,)ent. II, L. MYROVEH. Vicc Tresident. J ti. .'i|IKTHKl;D. Attorney. C. .V. McMlLL.VN, Secretary. McNElI.L, ) .IdHN H. ('••oK. >■ Executive Committee. J.\S. KYLE. > The plan of Ml TIM. iN'riMNCK mn-t commend itself to oiir Cl inmiinity. tor it can be iemon'tr:ited that we have ^aved within the last six years upwards of *:'•>.'"Ml by insurance in the North ( arolina Mutual ( ompanx; that is. we >hoiild have paid to h.ave kept the 'ame in»‘ in the foreigti joint >;tock companies that sum no re we have actii.illy j aid; aiol yet the North ('ar.-liiia \lutual Company lia-i receiv.-d between >;.,(Mio nnd .V'.iMiM nioM- from our community than it l.:i paid i.ut for l.iS'e« here.—showing that we are favorabl\ s;t- u ite.l. as c nipared with other places in the State. f.,r Insurance. (Iiir C*'mpatiy has pone into operation favoraldy. hav- th*' dav wf oriranised application- to the .aiiioiint of S:] D..00(1, and the Comr’aiiy is now placed uj'on a firm fiL.tin". ,\nv Direi tor, autlu'rised .\gent. or Secretary, may receive ,\pplications. but they will not be »>inding until ■ II I have ;o->, \c. to I Ilf their entire i'r. Tli'iiiias C. H.'ill and Hen- /' • II ofl'ice fiigcther. .•idji'iniii" their fiT- r I' l-cni.v occuiiiei] by Mes'rs. Dobbin \ ; .-re tliev niav be con.'ii’ted. and v*here - i,.-:-. .it the .Vpothecary .'^tuic. IK'Xt r l itluT of tiiem may be lelt. i i I'lirt int to them that their acc'nints ’r : i earlv as practicable, for which M- ciiL'aircd tiie -ervice of Mr. .bilin .'eiier.iiiy be found at the.r office. - ‘ , * ^.'^-tf N')TK i: ro 'I'R \\’i:lli:rs. I rkci ],- c' Tistai'.tly on hand a hand- Miicnt of all kind of . I ('tirfxl ' ;ittciition. (iEORGE I5RANI)T. : e >| House and Favi tteville Hotel. S2-;’.in >11.DM \N HORNE, '" /'. Hardicnrc, (groceries, i\-c. I 11 i:tti:vii.b.i:, . ■ 1) re^iiecifiiUV inform the citizt*n» and tiie ;:ene|-.ill_\. they have just returned an I ;ire receiving their Spring Stock •iii^ Ilf , /v, (I'rrmrii*, Ilrti'hrurr, (-r. ' II :t', suitable for the sea»on: Ladies' ■ 1 ■' t-. Shoes and Slipjier'i a large as- 1; made Clothing: a great many articles and we w'luld be ple.ised to have ii'i > \iimine for themselves. ■ ;it f. our care from our friend.s and cus- '■ I'ri.iiii.tlv attenled to. Hltf *•' ;ippriived bv the F.X(‘cutive ('onuiiittee or the Hoard. ' “'."‘.1^ tt-'/j'" "M Mci\RY. F'J. i** appointed Geiier il Vu^ent of the Comi anv. We invite a| plii atit.ns. GI.o. McNFILI.. Tres t. C \ M.MILLAN, Scc’v. l eb v 7, 1 GRO('F,RIE.''. TR(>\ ISlONS, \c., to which they would in'ite the .-ittention of the citizens and surround ing country. They will stdl low forCv'ii. or on time to punctual cu'toiner. They pnrcha'^ed their (ioods for ca-h. and thi^ will enable them to sell i.ow. They have facilities that many hoU'^es have not; they have fiL'eiit' established in Tcilliniore and New York, who ! alw:i_\ a.hise them of :iiiy haiige in articles in their line, and who purcha-i‘ only when bargains are to be had. \\ c keep alwuN- on h.-ind a splendid as>iort?Hent of f ireiirn and dotne>tii- I.i'|Uir-'; I.oaf. Cru'ihed and Drown .''ugars; Rio. Juva and l,ai.^uira (’otiees: (ireen. II\S'iii and lUack Tens: New (>r;e.iiis and I'uba Molas- se>;; Table aiid Sack Salt; D.-icon, Lari. Mess Tork. \|e-; Tieef. Smoked Reef. Dr_\el Venisun; No. 1, 2 and Nl ickerel; T.iitter. Cheese. Floiir. ''leal. ('oin.;. Tobacco, ('.indies, (''ippera'. Saleratiis. Indico. M:id- der. .''] ico. T'-pj'cr. (!ii;ger, .Nntmei:'. ( inamon, l!|isoin Salt'. Saltpetre. H.irdware. ('iitlery. ('rockery, and I ;ia;ir': and a variety if other ’o l They t.ake this method of thanking the Cummunity anil their country frieioN for the ver\ lil.eral patronage bc'towed on them; aioi intei.d, by sellimr N l.ow, to increase their former trade :ilwa\s keeping in view that a nimble sixpence i' wurth a >low shilling. Yellow Ruilding. between the Market House and the Rank of the .'■^t.ate. Gillcs|iie Street, Favettevillc. .N. C. March 21. I.".'.;!. ’ 7stf R.\(;si i{ \(;s:! 4k4k4k LRS, RAGS wanted, for ® F ^ F • * P * P * r whi>-h the highest market price will be paid bv T.FNROW, KYLE .'t CO., .\"ents for the Manteo T.-ifx'r Mill, Raleii:h, N. Fayettexille. March 21. 1H."):1. 7'^-i'm Norici:. Ki:\v \is». .\N.\W' \N from the subscriber, about the l.'ith of .I Illy. l^-M, hi' tieirro j:irl .''arah. S.aid negro is about D> ye.ars of age. black, with large white eyes, large limbs, weighs .about l-'!o poumls. .''aid jiirl is siippose l to be lurking in the nei>rhbor- hood of Mr. Isaac U right s or Gen. .McKay's, in RIaden countv. The above rew,ard will be jiaid for her delivery to me. or her confinement in any jail in the State of North Carolina. W.NI. G. Rl TLI.R. All letters aihlressed to New Salem Tost Office. T»an- dolj.h countv. T. T. FREEMAN. Oct. 12, I's.VJ. S4Y lli:.\TISTI{V. n. \\. K‘lll>OW, Snr- :ref>ii Dentist, having locateil in Fayette- rT'Y . ville. may fie found third door fielow the Market, Renbow \ Kvle's block anil will be h;ijijiy to wait on those rci|uiring his services. .Ml work w.irraiifed. and he flatters himself he can give sati'faction, having t.akrn great pains to qualify himself under the instruction of i e >f the first Dentists in New ringland. De-. 22, l.''.-)2. ( HAKI.ES HANKS, r o.1’/’m: V TMo.r, WHOLESALE AND RLTAIL DEALER IN aj.^- is pleasant and healthful, her ’ ]■',.,uf. f.Vmjr.S TohaCCO, Sliuff. it'C: odious. No j.aiiis Will be sparnl CSKi:C.\ XiTKI^KT, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 73tf W. H. CARVER, DEALF.R IN Drif (hods, drocerics^ and Provisionsl od iloor from N. E. corner Market Square, next to D’ Gee's Hat Store, Green street, FAYETTEVILLE, N. (\ kinds of Troduce taken in exchange for Goods’ Feb’v •’), IS.'):’. r.itf r0RA('('0. and sell, on of maiiuf:ic- J. CTI.EY. H.*»tf AMVAilCAS HOrEL, CHARLOTTE. N. C. .t. fN offering my services to the travelling public ;»s the jtroprietor of the .\merican Hotel. I will refrain from all unnecess.ary boasting, but will assure those who stop with me, that nothing which efforts on my part can accjnipiish to contribute to their comfort will be left undone The buildings have all been thoroughly re- jiaired and furnished with entirt'ly new furniture It is situated w ithin :ibout three hundred v.irds of the Depot. The Stage Office is kejit :it ih's Hotel. The Northern St.-ige arrives and departs d.'iily, the Western .''tage tri-weekly. Reing agent at this place, tr.-iveller.s passing will receive all the attention that I am able to bestow. Mv motto is—--I studv to please." A. RETHl'NE. Jan’v 1 L (Hl-oin AT. IH TSON, UOI SM: Fayetteville, W. C. March 2'.'. 1S.')3. 81-V TBIHE subscrilter coiitinues to receive K. manufacturers’ account, all gradc.'^ lured'co. May :U, 1H.V2. IlKWAHI) I 'W'KT'ILL fie paid for the !ijiprehension and confine- i ww meiit in jail of a man by the name of ALKN- ! .^NDER RliOWN. He is about •'> feet IO or 11 itiches high, rather stout liuilt, weighs about Di'» or 170 lbs., has light colored hair, rather inclined to red. dark eyes, and is somewhat treckled in the face. He is very polite in speaking. He killed a negro bov of mine last night. (’AMY.RON WRKillT. Springfield. Richmond Co., .Ian. 20. lh’).‘>. tlltf IMA NOS l'01{ saij:. ^HRFK verv good second-h:ind Tiaiios for sale. .\p- plv til ‘ L. F. \\ HlT.\Ki:U. Jan’v 1, IS.'.::. o'ltf WORTH ELLIOTT, (srcc r.ssoKs to j. d. wimjams,) roinVAUI)lN(J k (’OMMLSSION MEllCHANTS, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. (old .'^TAND f»F HALL A JOHNSON.) I It .1 risii. I'lsu. risii. I!.\K(;A1.\S! liAUCAl.VSI! tN my recent visit to New ^'ork. my ]> object was to ^et workmen ! A\'()KTII 1 .and 'ii.aterial foi-the purpose of maniifac- i ’ ’ ' ' ’J tiiring Silk Hats, .\fier getting there. , February 10, IS.i.T. and findiiifr it diflicult to get first r.ite I ” c.’'!' \ l> W’ll I 1 Workmen to come South. I gave up the prospect of pro- j Si -A K iV >» Iivi>IAAiO, curing any. conser|uenlly j.urchased a large stock of | W HOLESALE DEALERS IN SILK HAT.*', .\fter making my ).iirihase. I engaged ; a gentleman as principal workman, who came well re- j commended. He learned trade in Europe; and for i IIAV SXKKI^T, the last seven years he has been employed ir a large j manufacturing est.iblishment in the city of New Yuk. I I then jirocured fa'^hionable blocks and matcri.ils, and , am iK>w fairly at work i Manufacturing Ninety Hats per month, , .Vnd will have some of them rc:idy for s.ile by the 20ih inst. In order that I may not be overstm-ked, 1 offer 1 for sale. .\ I' CO.''T, my l:ite jmrchase of Nos. 1st, 2d. I and ;’.d ijuality F.VSH loN.VRLE mltfpieskiH 1^9 IT S. j Merchants mav save money by juirch.-ising d' me. If j you purchase in New York, it is often a month before | you r*ceive them. 1 shall in a short time be able to furnish merchants | with Hats of M^ ()WN M.\Nl F.Vt II I!E, at N. \ ork Poreigii aint ifomrslir M9ry Ooods^ Fayetteville, N. C. J. n. STARR.] [J. -M. -WILLLiMS; April 2s, IS.-,2. Si'.tf ] L L. HOLAH'.S, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. o hv ,\e w 4i()0(l.s for I. (’. riroMsoN iig a larpe and well selected Stock of O O 1> S, ' o'titleinen'^ tine F'.ashionahle Moleskin, I -I'ilia, LeL'horn. and a large variety of it II.\T.'' and C.VTS, which will be Hohl low : !! n-'ortrnent of Cit'ntlemen’s, I.adies’, i’loy- , ('hildren's. and Infants fine ' i[ier:i>, Oxford Ties, Riiskins. RO()T.'' ■'vliii h he is willing and anxious to ex- ' on lihenil terms. J- * ■ T. .March 2?t, IH.j:i. SItf NO'l'K’E. I^IIL .''iib.scriber has taken the shop between Drs. Malli'tt .Mc.^wain •'ii'l l.ccic''- Rridg‘, where he intends I !irviiig (/II the T.VILORING Rl SI- •' all its branches. Havinghad piactical experienc*' in iiKist of the .\t- 1,11 tir- cities, he feels assured tliiit he *‘aii pU'ase the most fastidi*)UH All irders will be executed with neat- ii. I?. MONAGHAN. «l-tf (;iiEi:NSitoRorMi Mil ft/ft/ Jjifi 1 nsttraare tV '/'I'lf'f C'oni »/• fJ’^HIS Con']euiy. as its nam* indicates. )>; upon the M riiiitmil firiKrifih, and enibrac‘s tw o distiiK't de- partment^. to-wjt: I.iff Insur.ince and Trust depart ments. This attractive combination offers to Tolicy holders double the ordinary security, without destroy ing their right to a full participation in tin* entire pro fits of the Company. Treniiums will be received, in ca'h. either annually, semi-annually, or ipiatterly, as mav be n-'recil upon at the time the Tolicy is issued. In the TRCST DKTARTMENT. or Deposit System, the pavmentx made to the Comi>any are entirely option al with the De)>osifor. as regards the amount and the time at which they are made. ,\ party may pay in as muh or as little, (not less than one dollar.) and ;is o- ten, .as m:iv be conveiiieiit for him. without any olnig.a- tion upon'him to continue his j.av nients.--and may withdraw them at his pleasure. So that, on the plan of this Company, there is creat ed at one and the same time an assurance il dnilh^ii jinid (irmlnhli in tirkiir-i.isuul o />i'Vi.'ion for fjt/ ttfje. I* furnislM 'l l*y tlio OFFICERS OF THE C(»MT\NY. I,in.(.t„rs—Raliih Gorr(dl. Lyndon Swaim. John A (Jiliiier D F. Caldwell, Rich'd Greene. David .McLean, Richard Sterling. John M. Logan. D. T. Weir, E. . Ogi.urn, Robert .M. Sloan, Robert T Dick, Henry L. EUiott. Tresident—Ralph Gorrell. Vice Tresident —Lyndon Swaim. Secr‘t.irv and Treasurer — D. T. \\ eir. .Vttorney—.lohn A. tJilmer. Examining Thvsiciaii—Edwin Watsim, M. D. Consulting Th.vsiciaiis—D. C. .Mebane, M. D.; J. L. Cole, M. D.; D. T. Weir, M. D. j (ieneral Agent—William H. Ciimming. | Anv information relative lo the ( omj'any may j be had by .iddressing J(din .M. .\gent at Fayette- | ville, or I’ 1 Secretary and Treasurer. Jan’y 2.'., IK',:J. * Kiicoiir(tre Home ^lamtfaclarc. ^b^IIIE Sn«w Camp .Manufacturing C ompany continue to manufacture, in the neatest and best style, Wheat Threshing .Machines, from two to six horse pow er Cutting Machines of different sizes; Douf.le and Sin- irle Wool ('arding Matdiines; Mill an'l Factory (iear Saw and (irist MiR Irons; Edge 'lools. Cotton ^ arn and Wool R.lls, kc. kc. , , „ . . Tersons wishing to purcha.oe would do well to give u« a call before purcha.sing elsewhere, as we .are de termine.! to sell eheaj. for cash or on time to punctual dealers. Our long experience in the Manulacturing liusinrsH eiialth-H us to fewl no hesitiitioii in our work shall not be siirjiassed by any Slioj) in the Siuth. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretofore twelve months liestowed, we re.ipectfully solicit a continuance of the Clinton. N. March 11, IS.',:!. MOLASSi:S. 40 CtiirtM', .'>iiL'nr, In»n, Ac HH DS.. — superior (|Uality. also — ’ , for sail' TETER T .Man'll Di. ’7tf (’hfat, 1>v JOHNSON. 77-tf C.^'^T received and for sale. Mackerel. Herring ami , prices, to-wit; No. 1 at ->42, No. 2 at and No. :5 at S^-IO per dozen. 1 takt' this ojiportunitv of returning my thanks to my former custoniers. and invite them ami other well ilis- posed jiatriotic gentlemen, that .-ire in favor of Sl’T- ToRTINtJ SOI TIIERN M.VM F.VCTCRES, to give me a call on or after tiie 20th inst., as 1 expect to have readv for exliibition and sale Hats of my own manufac ture that cannot be surpassol in style and dnr.abilitv. 1 wotild be pleased to see every gentleman, in coun try or toWH, and will take ]>lea>^ure in exhibiting the Hats, and showing the different process they pass throui'h from the fur on the skin until re.idv for the head. DAVID GEE. Fayetteville, N. C, Oct. D, 1S.'.2. oltf FOR SAU: OR REN'l', rBnilE fine .DIMMER RESIDI'NCE now occupied by M. Mr. .1. F. Rrvan. two miles \\ est of town. Tos- session given immediately. -Vjiply to Mr. .lohn II. ( ook or C. E. Leete. S. .\. LEETE. March lO. iSoo. Mullets. .\lsn. Codfish and No. 1 Mackerel .nnd Salmon in kits. 10 hhils. new croj> Molasses, hy W. H. CAKVER. Miirch 4, IS.',:?. 74tf ROIiLSON LANDS TOR SALi:. ri'^HE subscriliers having purchased the entire inter- I est of Thomas.J. Curtis, Esi). in the lands lately owned by him in the county of Robeson, now offer for sale about 4i*,KlO acres in i|uantity and on terms favor able to jiiirchasers. Most d" this LamI is well ad.-ipted to the Timfier and Turpentine business. Tersons wish ing purchase can call on either of the siibsiTibers. .\I1 persons are hereby warned not to trespass on any of these Lands, as the law will be strictly enforced against offenders. JOSETH THOMTSON. RORET.T S. FRENCH. March 1, IS.',:’,. (:!-.”ini ''Hi; Sul ,scrifi'rs have received, :;•» Rags Rio ('offee, r> do. .lava do.. Hil ls N. O. and Sugar ]0 Roxes superior assorted Cand.v. DAH.V i:Xl‘EcrED. C.VSK.'s Falkirk .\le. .Mso, a handsome addition to our stock of China, Crockery, Glas.sw.ire, iS;c. S. W. TILLINGHAST .t CO. March D'l, 1S.',H. 7i-tf I WAL H. McRARY, i'omtnisHiou ,lterrhant^ I WlIiMINiJTON, N. (’ i Tarticular attention will be },aid to selling and ship- '• Jiing Naval Stores and Troduce, and also to the Tor- \ warding of Goods. j ^lerchauts who consign tluMr Goods to him c.'in rely I on their bt'ing forwarded by first boat after they are discharged from vessel. REFERENt’KS: F. Fries, E. Vogler iS: Co., Salem, N. C. T. .M. Young, Mocksville. Hunt it .\dderton, Lexington. John l>. ISroAii, Salisbury. J. H. & J. Martine, Fayetteville. Jan’v 20, is:)-’.. ' f'-’-tf Who would liavr flioii$;lil iti A Ill'll' ('iirriiii/i' KtitnJJisliini'tit on thf ^h1 iltii'i/ (mi'i'i'II, ii)ifinilc the ^li'th'xl!»t CIiKi'i'fif frnntliiij on Minii fnril Stm t. (JREAT ENTERPRISE! Faiyellovillo bound fo ^liiiie!! rf^HE Subscribers would respectfully inform their I friends and the puf.lic, that they have entered into copartnership for the jiurpose of cmducting the generiil C.VRRIAtiE RC.'^INESS in all its various ]>arts. And tieing both practical workmen, full}' understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare work with any establishment in Fayetteville as to style and dura- hility. One of the firm may lie known by reference to A. H. Whitfield's iron work for the l.isf two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for AH lottors mMrcgscd to the Agent of the ( ompany, at Snow Camp T. O., Alamance county, North Caroli na will receive prompt attention. DAVID DIXON, Agent of the S. C. Manufacturing Company. Snow Camp, Feb’y 22, IBoo. 74-Gm ReDairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. ' TIER & RRANIN. Jameh H. Tikk. Ja.mes Br.\nis. Fayetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. 62tf Hymn JJOUKS and Disciplines of the Methodist E. Church. A fresh supply just received. ^^prill. E. J. HALE & SON. \V. H. McKAY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, GnK'ral ( oiiimissioH \ Forwnrilin? Mcrrhanl, South Water street, (i doors below Market, Wiliiiiiitftoii, 1%. ■ Tarticular attention paid to the sale of all kinds of Country Troduce. Liberal cash advances made on consignments. Reference* John 1). Starr. Esij., Tres’t of the Rank I of Fayetteville, | Wm. G. Rroadfoot, Cash'r, do, j p^yetteville. Eli.jah Fuller, Esq., ^ Messrs. Cook & Taylor, “ Cook & Johnson, L. C. Hubbard >Sc ’o., Clinton, Sampson county. Thomas J. Morise.v, Esq.. Lumberton, Robeson. J. 1$. Rrown, Esq., Westbrooks, RIaden. Oct. 8, 18r>2. 33Ypd 1000 PM STS, OH., Jifc. LRS. I’URE WHITE LEAD, 20 bbls. Rlake’s Fire-proof Taint, Linseed Oil, Train “ Vegetable or Rosin Oil, Chrome Yellow, “ Green, (in Oil,) Paris “ “ “ Tutty and Putty Knives, Copal Varnish, RIack Leather Varnish, Browu Japan “ &c. For sale low by J- N. SMITH. Jan’y 24, 1853. 62tf EIRE-PROOF ROOl'lNC;. Francis ShvHtoii^ SLATF: and metal IJOOFKH, kc., ri'^HANKFl L fiir jiast favors. In'gs to c;ill ]niblic at- .BL teiition to .‘'L.VTE ROOFI.NG. done on the most approved principle, making roofs lighter, tiglitir. and nil rc durable than the dd way of sheeting, effecting a saving in lumf>cr, and greater security against tire. The low price at w liicli Slate Roofs :ii e iiovv ollered will compare favorably with any other kiml of fire-proof Roofing. .SL.VTE CHIMNEY TITES made to any jtattern. They are an excellent remedy for smoking chimneys, anl .«eliloni fail to efl'eet .a cure. gKtY" Tin and Copper (iuttens. Leadcv Tipes and Heads, made to any pattern, and every kind of fire- l>roof roofing jiut tm or repairetl in tin. best manner, on reasonable terms. F. S., in soliciting your patronage, feels confident of giving entire satisfaction in all cases where a thorough knowledge of his business is required. Fa.vetteville, Sept. 7. l!^'>2. 21\ ROCKEISH SHI:E'I'1N(;S, Y the bale or half bale, for sale by C. T. HA Hi II & SON. FFICE on Corner of Front and Trincess streets,’ under Journal office. Dec. T2. 48-tf JOSEPH u. “blossom, c: o n 111 ssiii ^ AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, *1*. C\ Trompt personal attention given to all Consign ments. and Cash advances made on Troduce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, ls.',:l. C7y W ILKLNSON ESJ.ER, DEALERS IN Confect I'onari/, Pm its, ^nfs^ ToharrOy mill Sm'ff, AND IMTORTERS OF SI^9*F:RI0IS II ICJ.4RS A'r Wlidl.K.'^ALK AM> RKT.\iL. Blarket St., Wilmington, N. C. .\iig. 7. 18-')l. 11 tf .MALLETl' vV RAl L\HEU, imroci’t’s atui Contitiission tlier-’ chants., 135 Froiil NEW YORK. p. MAM.V.TT.] [J- PAVLMIKR:.’ August 10, 18o2. 18tf IS Jul July 1.",, 18.'>2. Stf 1 AC TORY, T. C. WORTH, fO)nilSSI()\ AND F(!R\V\KI)1.M; MERrilAM, W ILMLMJTON, N. C. Feb. 1, 18.j.^>. >^>tf A. .1. cV .J. T. .10Ni:S, General Agents & Commission Merchants,' \vii.-Tib\;to.\, Tarticular attention given to the sale of Tim ber, I..umber. and Naval Stores, on consignments. N. R. Liberal cath advances 4;itf By GICO. LAUDER. TIVO DdOliS AllllV : I'. T. imiill k SIIVS STlIRi:, Fayetleville, I\. Jan’y 20, 185J1. fil-npil IT RRENTINE LAND FOR SALE. 110R sale, 3'.t3 acres of LAND on James (’reek, and 640 acres on C.vprens Creek, in Cumberland, uonvenient to the Western Think Road, heavily timbered, d .‘idmirably adapted to the making of 1 urpentine. Apply at this Office. acNov, 28, 1851. 44tf STARIUCK, Trot/, .IV'ir I’orA', IRON FOrXDER AND -MArillNlST, , ^Itimif'nrfuri r of Strum Jl i!h aiui Jioihra, Mill (,'rnriitif of nil kimh, J*loiii/fix, ^f'c. fBlHE undersigned, as the Agent of the above Estnb-. ■ lishment. will order any articles which may b© wanted, on application to him. " he Steam Mills manufactured by Mr. Starbuc’? har« been tested, and are highly approved on the Plank' Roads afloat Fayetteville. EDW’D LEE WINSLOW'. Fayetteville, Sej't. 4, 1851. 20tf TI'* • 1MTERLAL. Gnnpowder, Hyson. Young Hyson, Oo-. long. Howqua, Tecoe TE.\‘S, selected expressly for my retail sales, for sale by S. J. HINSDALE. March 10, 1853. 77-2m .H ST REC EIVED, HHDS. prime New Crop MOLASSES, by GEO. W ^ WILLIAMS & CO TTtf

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