B S E MI-W EEKIi Y. HSBa8BE2aceBraHK:s»KBDiF^’^3HS8e»a*!aeFi C., Al'IUI, !25, 1853. [NO. 188.] n'MiiMiiBTIIIlliii II I'llINTKH HY J. B. NEWBY. IDWWW) j. hale & sox, KPlTi'H:^ AND rUOmiKTORS. .- rtii.’.'omi-^V^'Pkly OnsKuvv.n !i;4 IH) if paid in , *} ■>(> if paiii during the year of subscrip- , ■. I'tor the year Inis expired. \\ . ;’v iii!'KUVKU 00 per nnnuni, if paid in v.' if paid during the year of subscrip- , s:, :ifU‘r the year has expired. . i;i;TI>l.'H'.NTS inserted for sixty cents per 1' ;'nrf= f 'r the first, and thirty cents f«r eacli . • ptiblieatii'U. Yearly adverti.«ement:j by spe- ■■‘t reasonable rates. .\dverti;*rvs are r . the number of insertions desired, or ■■ .'.'ntinued till forbid, and cli.arged accord- j;. ;> 1, 'tters to tbe I'ditors nnist be }>ost-paid. i)0 Laborers wanted^ nt !?l per dni/- co/orcf/ preferred. ' | above price will be paid for good linnde. to i | VOrlv on the biWPl* T.rtf'l.* nnd .1 . . sajRssawEKisgBeEzasESSDBESEKaaasE: NEW GOODS. rB>HE I’NDKRSIONKD are NOW UKCKIVING their work on the lower Lock and l)am for the next I four or five months. i Persons having XegrocR which they wish employed, i 'nil make apj.lic ition, during the ml)nth of .April, to I 1 .ill \ Ib.lbn-er. at the Foundry, to Col. .Alex Mur-i chison, or to Col. Nathan King. i , JOHN BOLLINOKU. March ;’>0, 18V^. si-.'Jm ! I» bo received by the *'un»niissii>i\ers '■ I'.. itovillt*. l'"r the cnstrm tion iif u Hrick « ■' ri>i'>f, one hundred feet in length Mr.ilth, ton fert clear in the jiitoh. ■ ■ rt'i-eived tor the entire work, or ■ . ~ > f.,r the dvlivery of iL’O thousand . : t':; ..t'.'iT iu'i'csaiy m.iterials. ,> 11 .1 — .'.s for la_\ ing tlie brii k. with or with- t 1 ! 'r >' itiiig the roof, :mj the necessa- . • r> « ;k. «'i’! be considered. . ; . i:'. :nion> of the building may be ^een :: :it ^l^•^'rs. Cook .lolmson's, where all . r :!. .'^ n w ill be given. - t : I* handl'd in on nr before the oth of W VKHKN WlNSl.ttW, ) •b'HN II. COOK'. Com. ( II \Hl.i:. 15. MALI.KTT. I " , April I-’*. I''’ ’ '5»'tt M'.W STOCK Ol' ,fRI\ii IMI SIMMI'U (IflODS. ■ ‘ vj’ 'T: r i.' lo’W receiving a l.irgc and well • ' k of ri'inpii.'ing a ienernl V(,()()1)S. Uoady-iuatlc C'lotlnii;!!. -11(1 S!ioc,«:. 1 lilts and C'aps, !;.Jwan‘anil (.'utlevy. (Jrocrric.^, S:ni(ll rv, vVc. v.Vc.. ‘ ' 'W for i'a.«h. or exi haiiged for Tur- 1 ■ :Mi-y I’roduce. . '» :jrin-?t thank-: t'i bis oM friends .and '• !'r:il patron.’iL'e hi-retofore «xtci;dc i : s to mi-rit a cntiuuanL-e of tbe >.'«nie. N. KlSii. ; . \jril ]•;. l-^o;!. ?-;tf j'.AMv OF cwn: ri:.\K.^ A pril 1 18.’):?. ^ —The Hoard - f 1‘irei torF have this / : irci] :x Seiisi-.Vnniiai I'ividend of Four . . . ^le t> the St> ckhjMers at the principal . I'lani-iie-i '.n :ind aftvr the l!d day May next. 11. II. .''AV.VtiK. Cashier. r I N'l'V DOM.AKS Ui:\VAUl). ' \ ' \V fron: ■ ur Mill, on 'Jd instant, a Negr. r, named rbTllH, the j.ri.perty ..f l',d«ard '.•■r e .•lorrelieiisi'in and delivery where we iiim. !;,!.■ vt- reward will be paid. ■ al' -lit J'i year.-i oM, about •> feet high, an'l r: Ur:;:i!Iy ive.irs l;ir;:e whiskers. He wa.s •i-l.iii l t- >nnty, by Mr. I'.ir'juhard (’am- • ni.iV be n .w lurkin'.r. Kll>M:it MARTIN. 1'' si;-2w HANK OF CAl’K FEAK, » I'jfii, 1^.\ • M ■ tin-.' "f the .*^t•u'kh"bk‘rs will be • ! I’a'.king House in i!niitigt"n on; • _ , iav of Mav next. ■ II. K. \VA!;K. Ca>b r. ■ I .KS K vV |{. \\\ |{0|{|\>()\ " i1 b tbeir c'p;Artnership on tbe l^t of r I';.] ha\e d>j sc 1 i.f th( ir ft;tir- .*^tock of • to I>r. Tiii'n;:i-s ('. Hal! and ilfii- ' Mti office t'l^jetl.'T. r, ’]' ir.inr tlo :r fi.r- - t ri-rfiitly t.fcuiiicd by .Mfi-r.-. fiotihin •ri‘ thfv mav be i"i;vu’t(d. ai.d where '•■lo f, at th- Aji tlici aiy .“^tore, next :• i;--!' "f tliem may I’f leU. ;t ! .itriiit t'l th*ni tioit tlii-ii' ;irciiunt« • 1 e.irly ;i' { i m. i ■ - ' f..r \> lii-h i:M- ri L':>?’d tlic «rv>- -- f 'Ir. .l-hn "•■iier dlv be f"Und at th-. ir ■ “i'-e. s.-,-tf i i' i: 'I'o ■ i-r '.eep-i constantly on hand a lia’.d- - : of ;i.i kinUft of . I rilisf s, fi/id ('(trjfel - attention. (;KOUt;K r.U A NDT. ■ dar’ ft H'liisi'and Fayetteville ll'itcl. "IKDMAN vV IIOKM:, IIfirdirrire, (iroerries, t^r. t n i:TTi:vii.i.i:, .■%. . ;.b : (•■iji. ctfully inform the citizens and the :"y. that they have just returned nd an* receiving their Spring Stock tint: of ^ . (ts, Ifijrifw(jrr, (f r. ’ II :ts. Riiitable for the seaxon; Ladies’ H. ots. Shoes and Slij)i)ers: a large as- ^ -made ('lothing: n great ninny articles ' and we would Vie plea.sed to have " i ■ \aniine for themselves. ’ "t t. ;iur care from our friendis and ctis- '■ I r .riij.tlv atffiided to. ■ J^ltf (jloods for 1853. c. 'rilOMSO.N a lar^r*? nii'l well selected Stock of 'wn.iner O 4) W S, o j,f riicn - fine Fashionable Md.*«kin, ' "'•’I I. I.;:horn, anfl a largo rarioty of, ■ 1IAT. and C.M’S, which will be ."old low ’ .’i-s.irtmerit of dentlemcn’H, Ladies', ; ■ * . • hiidren's, and infants’ fine i , ’’I'lii?:, (txford 'I'ies, Ruskins, ROOT.S ^ '■‘■o'-11 hr* i>i willing and anxious to ex-: -'M libi-ral tcrniB. J. C. T. • •’•laruh li'.l, Hltf xoriCK. .''ubscriber has taken the shop ■ l. tween Krs. Mallett fi McSwain iiii'l ImcIc.k’w iiiiijjff, where he intends '=‘"yin- „„ the TAlLORlN(J Rl «I- ■'^ bss in all its branches. Having had K^ii tictal exjierience in most of the .At- oiiitic citicH. lie feels assured that he ‘ "1 pl'-asi,- the most fastidious Ail ordeia will be executed with neat- 'riiK sn{s('inin:u Is now receiving his Stock of SPRING .\ND SU.M- MLR (;0()I)S, consisting of Ueadv-iiiado Clotliinir, rollal’is, and llrnwerM, HOO'l'S, sil0i:s, AM) llA'l'S, All of his own selection, whicn he can warrant eijual to any in the market, and to be sold low for ca.sh. (iKORCK RRANDT. Retweon the Market House anl Fayetteville Hotel. N. R. A nice assortment of ROYS’ CLOTHING also on hand. -April 4. IS.j;’,. 8l’-r!m I'irrv DOM.AliS Ki:\VAKl)! K.\N.\\\ A^ from the Subscriber, on the I'.Uh inst., a Negro man named LI KF. about five feet six or eight inches high, d.-uk complected, has a scar (in the side ol one ot his eyes, (which one not recollccteil, but beliexed to be the right eye, i stout built, weighs about 1 t> or ] Sit pounds. He w as pur\-h:ised in IS pi iVoni Mr .losiah K. Rrv.in ot this town. He has relatives in the County of Samj>- Sou. among them a half-brother named .''am l!oon. .a tree man of color, — and may possibly be lurking in that neighbiirho.iil. :is 1 am informed he was seen about there a short time since. Ro«sibly he ni;iy have obtain ed tree pa]>ers. and is endeavoring to escape to n free .''tate. as I uiulerstand some free j't rsnns 'f color re moved from S.auipson cunty last week to Indiana. -V reward of Ten Hollars will be j;iven IV.r Ms apj're- hensioii and delivery to me, if taken in tiiis cotmty; Fil’teen Holl.ars if taken in any other county in this State and lo IgeJ in a safe .lail; or Fifty Hollars if tal;en out of the .Mate, — so that I get hiu) auain. M. N. l.FARV. Fayetteville. March 2'.'. IS.",:’,. Mtf FAY K rri:\ iijj: iHTi iL i.\snn\ii': comimw. ^ j''lll.^ t'"Ui]iany is now irganised and jTcpared to re- I ceive applic.-i'ions for Insurance, i.'n as fl^oI•able tc: Ills :iB other (\-uipanies. l>Ii:KCTt»RS; Stock of Spring & Snminor (loods. ( ojisisting of a full assiirtinent of Ladio.s :ni(l (u'litlt'iiicn's l>rrs,s! (mxhIs; a larr(> supply of rKMitlciiicir« :iii(l JJity.s’ Rondy-niado (Motliiii^f, Paiiaiiia, liOjrlinni, Silk, and other ll;its; lJuiHiots of var’ums kinds; a lar^o a.s- .sorttiieiit of Hoot.s and Shoos; Sa(Mlorv, Ilardw arc, (Jrocorios, Drug:? and .AK J. icitios. Our friends and the public will jilease call and ox.'im- ine i»ur Stock; it if* large, Jind will be sold on reasonable .1. T. COFNCIL 0^: CAIN. ■March 21, lS-‘i:!. T.'i-l.'m J I’l.'iM! I'l.sll! rST Received and fi.r sale: .Mackerel No. 1 to -Also, Mulletts in Oak R.irrels luid large size. I’KTFR 1’. JOHNSON. March 1 f"i. 77-tf F.rSHFLS OATS, lbs. N. C. Racon. For sale by GKO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. Feb, ‘J4. ‘ 71-tf i’!ii:sii CORN mi:al lOl'T CoiKStaiitlv on hand by (iF.O. W.'\V11.L1AMS S: CO. I'eb. -Jl. 7 ]. ti ll. Arri/'x (t ilhsfiit' S/rrrf, VLW \\S has on hand, GnoCFRIFS .\NH I’lJO- \1.SI(»NS, b:ic'.n :md lard, tionr, cotTee. sugar, tea, molar.-es, rice, ]>0]>])er, spice, ginger, tob.uco, snntT. matches, meal, corn. Irish |>otatocs. Irv cod-fi*=h, dried bt'cf. nos. 1 and m.ickercl. .1 and } bb!s.. no. same, mess pork, buckwheat flour, candles, soap, whis key. bi:indy. rum, gin, wine of various kinds—all of whii h I'.ave been bought for c.asb. and will I'V solil low for the same. Thankful for j'ast favors, he hopes bv a strii t attention to business to Merit n, contiiu;.ance of the same. March 1'.', IS.-.:-;. 7,-^-nnu>d Fo rvsii. A'east I’owders. S-.da, I pices, Itidipo, S|':.ni.h l’>rown. .''oap‘1. v*i:c. Jan'v ol, ls'>:l. J. Il.'l.s, Crc.Tin Tartar. Fxtracts, for tlavorinc M.idder. Rath Rrick, Fi>r sale by N. I Til, (ireen St. f.hf Avo.\ E. Hai.t.. .1. (1. SHKIMIKKH. Wm. W.akdkn. s. T. ll.WVI.KV. John I>. \\'ii.i.iA>i.' (’ IJkmki'w. W.M. I.atuin. Mrl.Mvm:. lll.NitY l.II.l.Y. 11. E. .^lVU^lV^K. ’J'ho.. s. 1.1 jtkhi.om. Jc'HN H- (’(*0K. 1). A. ItAV. A. A. .'Ii'Kkthan'. (Ik.o. .Ah’Nui.i,. N.\T!1AN a. StKI'MAN .Iamks Kyi.k. oFl'ICFRS: (iF.O. Mi'NKII.L, I’resident. II. L. M^'RoVF.R. A'ice Rre'ident. J. ti. SlIKl’llFItl*, .\ttorncy. C. .V. Mi-M1I.L.\N, Secretaiy. (iF.O, McNFlI.L, 1 .loilN H. ( 0(iK, I Kxecuti\e Committee. .MS. KVLF, I The j)lHn of Ml TIM. Iv^rRvsri; must cnmniet'd itself t'l our Cl imnunity. for it can be den'.ot)‘>trated that we li.-ive sa\cd within the last -ix years U|iwariis (if J^^iJo.OfMi by insurance in the North ('ari'lina Mutual »'onipany; that i,'. we .'•houM have paid to h:i\c kcj't the .vi.nie in- sur.ince in the fnrci;;!! joint st.u k cimpaiiics that 5U’.n more than wo have actually pai 1: and yet the N' rtli ’;ir'lin.i Mutual t'l.inpany has received between ."j^.^o lO and v'looo more frOHi our community than it has paid out I’lir losses here.—showing that we are t'a\i-ralil.s sit- n.-ite l. as compared with other plure.» in the State, for Insurance. (>nr (Vnipany li.i« gone into operation favorably, hav- it'2 the dav we organised applications to the anonint of •>11' .OiHi. and the t'ompany is now placed u]ion a firm foiting. .\iiy Hirector. authorised .\gent, or Secretary, may receive .\p{ilicati ‘us, but they will iM t be l>indii:g until ajiproved b\ the F.xccutive •’•■mmittce or the l‘.o;iid. 1,. Mi.'i.\RV. Fs |. is .ifii'oirited General .\gii;t of till Coniji.anv. \'.'c invite a|'Tiiic;ifio!;s, (iF(». McM'lI.L, I’res't. C, A. McMlLLAN, Scc’y. Feb v 7, I"'-'’.. (;!{i:!:\siiouoi'(i!i Jjifr 1 ns'n'ftDf'C t\' ! I'll, t f 'i}U rg^HL'^ ('onijiany. as it A'r 'I'lii: R!:i) sk;\. V fI(>El a E (I cV M V a!>*Irr \\ L just recei\ed a full and complete stock of (tUO( l.Itll.S. l’RO\'IS I( »NS. .N.C., t" which they Wiiuld imite the attcntiuu of the citizens and surround ing c.mntry. The^- win sell liiw fur ’\Nii, or on time to jsunctual customers. They ptirch.i'cd their G.iods tor ca>h. and this will ei;.'ililc them to kcI! i.ow. 'I'hev have faci'.itic.' th.it UKiny hnuscv have nut; tln’V h:i\e ageiits e‘-tab!i.'hed in F-altiniore ai; I New York, who alwa_\s advise them of any ch.aiige in articles in their line, and who pnndi.a^e only whin l r'.rg:iins ;ire to be ha 1. We Uecji alwuys nu band a s)ilendid assortmeiit of fiTciLMi :tnd domestic l.i'|Uor'; I. i.if, Crushed and I’-r' 'vn .■'ugars: Kio. .lava .oi I l.a'.ruira i'trci’s: iii‘en. 1I_\> III and I’lack rcM--: .New (trle.-iii' and t'lib.i .Mobis- T.iMe and .''ack .''alt; R.icon, I.ard. Mess I’oik, ^ll■s Reef, .'smoked Reef. Hi'ved Venisfin; .No 1. ‘J aiiii ■'{ Nl.icktrel; Flutter, (’heese. Flour, Meal, ('oin, O.its. T 'baiiii, ('alidles. t'ojipcras, Saler:itu-. linligo. .M.id- dcr. Spice. I’cpper. Oinirer, .Nutmegs. ( in.itnnn. Fi som .''alls. Saltj'i'tre. H.irdu;ire. Cutlery. ('r'cl.(i\, and I ;i:i>sw ,aic: and a v.iriety of nthiT ods. 'I'hey take this method of thanking the cojnmunity and their country friends for the very liber.al p.atronai^e Ve.'towed I'll them; and intend, by .>e!iii;^ gi.i.iN I.ow, t • incn ;i'e their t'’iiner trade !ilw;i\> k'-eping in viev. th.-it a iiimi.le sixpence is wurth a >low shilling, Yelliiw Ruilding. iietween the Market House and the F.ank (f the Stat'-. tlilkv'pie Street. F-yette\i!le. N. f. March -1,1 7''tf i;\(;.s! i!A(;s!! 500.04I0 pi-ice will f»e j>.'iid bv RilNF.oW. KYI.F CO.. •Sgent.s fi,r the Manteo Fajier Mill. FiaKi-h. N. C. Favi’tteville. M.jrch 'Jl, l''’i;l. 7^^''iii NO'l'K i:. s.io its:wAKi>. 9^ ,\N \'r from the su'i>criln r. at .lUt the l -'th of .In'v. is'il. his ne'.'i.’ g'll .'':;rah. .'^;iid negro is ab..\it lii vears 'f ag'. Mack, with largo white eves, !;ir.^e ’inili'. weighs al- nit I’.:* (n.unds, S;;i 1 ir^rl ir. suppose 1 to be linking in the neighbor- h'iod i f 'lr, Ir- »:.i U'i i;:ht's IT Cl' n. McKay's, in Rladen eioiiity, 'I h“ tv'iiv I-rew ufd v ’l In- j ,iid fur her dt'livcry to me, or her confiiii nu ot in :iiiv jail in tin* State of North ( ari'lina. M >. 1;| I'j.lir.. Ciin'iiii. N, . Mar'll 14. l''”'l. 77ti' H 1 am now rc'ct'i'. ino’ mv stock of SIMUNG .au'! Sl’MMl’.R (iOOi)S suitable for Ladies’ and Gentlemens wear. Also. Hat-. Ronin'ts. Shoes, .'^e. FKTFR 1*. .lOHNSON. Manh I'i. 18.'):?. 77 tf .)Fs'r RiX']-:i\ i:i), > Casks I!ii'(‘. 4-> lloxes io’cse. 10 Coin ShellcM'i*. o Hiirrel.s Pickled Pi rk. HHi Sacks Salt. RF.NLOW, KVI.i: .‘t CO. Friyettev ille, .l;in'y ll4. iS.'):!. (;:!tf (’OF \!ri\\i:!JSl!!i\ rji’SHF umh r.'igned Irive entered into a ( oj.arfnershiji fl- under the name and style of (leo. W. Williaip.s .'1: Co., fi.r the I'rosecution of a geiu'r.il I'usinoss. Loca tion the s iiiie a.« oc.'upi.'d by .1. I). W illi.mis for the hast liveve.ars. ‘ Ci'O. W. U 11,1,1 MS. JNO. H. WILLIAMS. Februnry 14. iSo”. t'Stf !/ rilIc ( 'andij Minnifiirtonj. ^ H ^ 11II suK>, fiber still continiies to inannl.o-ti.re a sn- fii perior article of plain and fancv (WNl'lllS, at the fild st.and, ; No. o, (ireen street. '■'> ilo: r.' Noi th of the Market llnUse, ! where he vvouhJ be happy to see his o’d friends :ind customers. CIMRl.F.S RANKS. Mar.h L is.-,;;. 7:;,f A m:v\ fw i'N'rioN. rn^iiL nndersigiud h;is made an invention >f a .''unit H .M.achine. which he will iiis;ir.‘ to be perfect in the extr.iction i.f Miiut in wheat. ai;d wishes to infoiin .Mill Owners that he i-. I'Uttin;: up machines at Fnioii F.aclo- t iry, on I'eep River. ei;:ht niile« N'irth of .Ash’MiroU;;!). .My niachines are coni]io.'ed of three di.stinct princi- )'b s. centriti!;^.il, scovvei in^ and reaction. It take.- the whe.it throu_h three operations in going through the machine once. Any persons buying a m.ichine. after trying it, if it d.ics ni t (’leMM wheat, damp or diy. 1 wiil take it b;ick. Price Seventy-tive Hnllars, .Ml letters adiU'o.-ed to New i^alem IVist »lfiee. Ran- d.'lph county. R. R. FRLL.M \N. Oct. IL’. I'':’IY is upon the di'tinet de- iKy:, IL MONAGHAN. 81-tf name iiiiiii'ate jnuf'tfjl yr,and **iniiraces tw partment'. to-wit; Life Iiisuratice and '! rust depart ments. This attractive coinliiuation oflers to I’ulicy holders double the ordiiifiry security, withi iit destroy ing their right to a full participation in the entire pro fits of the Com)ian.v. Premiums will be received, in ash, cither aiiouaily. .M-mi-annuaRy, or (pianerly. us mav Ix* !»trreed upon .at the time the I’olicy is issued. In the TRFST DFPA I'.TM FNT. or Hetn-it System, tlie pavments made to the Coiufi.any .are entirely o|ition- al with the Depositor, ns regards the niimunt and the time at wiiich tliey are made. ,\ ]>;irfy may pny in ns much or as little, (not less tlnni one dollar.) ami .as of ten, li.s iiiHV tie coiivenieiit for him, without any oHlij^a- tii^n upon him to continue his pa\nients. —an I luay withdraw them .at his jdeasure. So that, on the plan of thi.s (’ompany, therv is creat ed at one and the same time an assurance ptii/'ihlr at ,/^alh—a J'liu'l nii!aU,- in rirknr.^t—und a provtsiun for old (/'/'■. ferr* See Pamphlets furni.«hed >>y the Company. OFFICKilS OF tin: Co.MPANV. Directors—Raljdi Ciorrell, Lyndon Swaim, .lohn -A (iilmer. I*. F. C.aldwell, Ri- h d Greene, DavidMcl.ean, Rii hard Sterling, .bdin M. Logan. H. P. Weir, K. W. Ogburn, Rd)ert .AL Slonn, Robert P. Dick, Heury R. Llliott. President— Ralph Gorrell. A'ice President—Lyndon Swaim. Secretary and Treasurer—D. P. Weir. Atiorncy—.lohn .A. Gilmer. Kxaniin’ing IMiysician—Kdvvin Wat.-ion, M. I>. (’oiisulting Phy.siciaiis—1>. C. Mebane, .AL P.; J. L. Cole, .M. D.- D. i’. Weir, M. D. General Agent—William II. Cumming. Any information relative to the ('ompany may U‘ had by ftddressin-; Joht. AL Rose, Agent at Fayette ville, or ' D. P. WFliJ. Sccrctar^’ ana Treasurer. .ian’y 25, " C.'i-tf ^ h'jHCOiirni'c Iloiue !S1iniif(ieltirc. rBlHF Sn«w Camp Miinufactnring ('ompany continue H. to manufacture, in the neatest and best style. Wheat Threshing .Machine.s. from two to .six horse j.ow- er; Cutting .MachinPs of different sizes; Double and Sin- . gle Wool (’arding .Alachines; Mill an'l Factory (Jear | Saw and Gri.^t MiU Irons; F'lge Tods, Cotton ^ arn iind ; Wool Rolls, .'ic. kc. „ * • . I’ersf»ns wisliinir to piirclmse woiiltl oo well to pne U8 a eull before purchasing elsewhere, as wc arc de- , teriuined to sell cheap for cash or on time to punctual 1 dealer.s. Our long experience in the Manufacturing , bu^incHS enaMes ns to fettl no Iiehitatioii in saying that j our work shall not be surpassed by any Shop in the | South. Thankful for the liberal jmtronage Iierctofore | bei«roweL we respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. All letteiH addressed to the Agent of the Company, at Snow Caif^ji P. O., Alamance county, North Caroli na will receive prompt attention. DAVID DLXON. Agent of the S. C. Manufacturing Company. Snow Camp, Feb’y 22, 1853. 74-6m M0FASSI:S. C linii.'"'., — siipeiior ijnalitv. AI.Si»-‘ ('■dTcc*, Siii'.ir, Irmi, I'vo.. f’>r s:!c f’iiK.M', 1»V PLTLR 1’. JOHNS! i.N. M.iridi I'i. 7 tf Vi)\{ sma: ok kc:n'1', r*^IlF f-ne SFMMFR Ri:siI>FNCF now ..ccnpie.l by I. .Mr. .1. L. lirvan, two miles cst of town. Pos- st'ssifui given imiiK diately. Apply to .Mr. .lohn 11. Cook or K. I.eete. March I'',. ’S.':',. S. A. l.FLTF. 77tf %i:\v €;4N>i>s. rMIIF .''ubscrilicrs have received, £ ;!0 Rjigs Rio ('oll'ee, 5 do. .I;iva do.. .'> Hhds. .N. O. :ind Muse. Sugar, 10 Roxes sujii’i ior assorted Candy. DAll.V i:XFi:cTEl). ('.ASK.'s Falkirk .Ale. .\lso, a h.indsome addition lo our btock of (’hina, Crockerv. (ihassw.iro, »^c. S. AV. TILLTNGHAST CO. March If., L%;!. T7-tf Who \Toiild liare thought il? if\umax*s iiotfj., raffetteritlr^ ,V. i\ FviLseriluT Inivin;: taken tlic larfxo ifHf T Hotel, formerly known as the RL.VNTLRS’ HOTFL, situated at the foot of ILiy Mount. ^ - ILi v Street, F.-iyttteville. Nin'tli Carolina, respectfully infi^rms his friends av.'l the juiblie that he is noiv t'ngagcd in refitting the liuilding. Avhich is si'.pj-Iied with cr.tire new I'lirniture. Jind is pre]>:ired to !K’coniniol;ite the tr.ivclliiig jmbiic. Il.aving had Some expeiience in the biisincss in the town of Piits- Iioroiigh, N. he flatters himsrlf th;it he will be able to give sati'f:iction to tho.«e who m.-iy favor him with their conijuiny. His rooms are large and airy. He has lar;:e .nnd convenieiit Stables, and a good and faithful Ostler. .JOHN HAR.MAN. Feli'y 17. lSo2. (;Ctf no'i'i'.L. i ^'P^HF subscriber having purchased the Hotel situated I on the South-Fast corner of Court House Sijinire. i and lately known ns Stn.nrt's Hotel, would inform the I ]>n!iiic tinit he is iihvv ready to .•icconimmiate boarders I liy tiie day, week or month. Having made consider;i- I l)!e outlay in furnishing and refitting the Lstablishment, ; he hope.s to be able to give satisf:ietion to all who ).a- i ti’oni/.i* him. His T.iVile ;-hall be furnished with tbe ; best the market aflords, his R;ir with the best of Li- I ipiors, and his St.able with a jdenty of good provender ! and faithful O.^tlers. I J. GILCHRIST. I .Tune 2r,, 1S.V2. 8-tf Sl.V.Mi'IUILLi: ilOTi-L infiirm \icinitv. ’'el.ti't, h:ivi!i;: 1. . ,i;ed in I'.'iyette- ‘ ville. m.-iy be fi.in;d third ib or below the Market. Ili nb.w \ Ixyle's b’l ek ;ii.d will In* happv to w.-iit I’ll those rei|uirinir iiis si ]\iees. .\11 wi.ri; w .irr.uite l. ,iiid lie tb tt.T.- hiinsclf he can ;iive s.iti.'-t.ii tiiiii, having tak''ii j:re:tt ]iains to qnalifv himself under the instructioi; "I • ; • ^if the first Deiiti.st,- in New Fi gl Old. Dec. J--'. l''VJ. .',ltf n » rgiiiK ni>.dei>igned would res]iectfnlly in I "3 3- the citizens of Summerville, thevicinii and the public gener.illy. th.-it she h.as opened BBottse of Ihtlvrfnhnttcitt,, where she will be jileased to accomnu’date all who m.-iy call on her. The A'illage is ]i1e.isant and healthful, her house large and commodious. No pains will be sjuirrd to render agree;ible and comfoitiible any who ni.iy favor her with ft call. She is also prepared to accomodate with I’loard from 1.') to I’O .s^uidents. Pi ice of Ro.ard jier month. F. RAILFV. Sunini'i\ille. N, (’.. .Iiiiie lo. IS-'i’J. 1-tf ami:kk'an jio'fi:i., CllARLOTTF. N. ,B. esb:tsbb\vf:. k! N ofVcring my services to the travelling jmblic as the H proprietor of the American Hotel. 1 will refrain from all uiinci'cssMry bursting, but will assure those who stoj) with me. that nothing which personal efforts on niy part can aci*.-nipiish to contrilr.Oe to their comfort will be left nnd"iie The buildings have all lieen thoroughly re- jiiiired and fiirnished with entirely new furniture. It is ^itU!^ted within about three hundred yards of the nc))ot. The .'^tage Oflice is kept .-it ih's Hotel. 'I’he Northern St.ige arrives and departs d.-iily. the Western .'stMge tri-W( ekly. Reing agent at this ]ilace. tr.ivellers ]i:issin:; will receive all the .attention tliat I uiu able to l est.iw. My ’uiitto is—"I study lo ].lease. " f>r. T. £>. IIAK^EI, AS taken an Ofiice on Hay Street, AVest of the Hotel RnildiiiiiS. July 14, IS.') 1. 4-tf \i. Ai. ()jnU':FL, FflRWAKiiiM; cinniL^MUN 3ii:iirii.\M at Faj^'llcville, C. March 10, lS.')'l. C.2-tf \v. w iirn:HEAD, AVITH - . RAYXKU iV (lII.MOUi:, , c’«.71:?! 1 I \ n I: R c: n a rs, 15 J NEW YORK. (’ust(»m!iry advaiires on .\uval Stores, \f. March •>. IS.jH. 74-tf .10Si:i>II HAKFR, Jr., ~ V AT I. AW, "HTW .VS taken an (dbce next door to Win. R. AVriglitla B S Law oflice ui (Jreen street. He will attend aii(l jii-.ietice in the Ceiinty and .‘'Uperior (,’ourts of Cumber- hoid. Rl.aden, Robeson and Samp.son. .March l!o, ]S-’):j. 7ittf J01F\~\. HlC nAKDSON^ A'rTOB5\H:V AT ^ ltt'®7^ILL (after June next.) attend the Courts ot V W .Anson, Itichniond, Robeson, Rladen, and Colum bus Counties. -\dilres.s. Llizabethtown, IMadcn ('ounty, N. (''. March 7. 74-ijm ('llAKFIvS HANKS, r ,\T r. r T i o b: W HoI.KSALF .VND RFTAIL DEALFR IN Fotritjit Fniif.'i, Tolmcco, SniiJTyd'C Fayetteville, N. C. March 1. 18o;?. 7;uf W. IF C'AUVKK, llKAI.KK IN . Dry (I nod s. (Groceries, and Prorisio?}Sf ;id door from N. F. corner Market Sijuarc, next to D Gee's H.it .''tore, (Hri'eii street, fayi:ttk\'illi-:, x. c. j[;r»T"-Ml kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Feb’y '1. L's'i:’. (itlA' ~M. nrrsoN, BSO rSK Fayetteville, N. C. Rl-Y' 14. V A. RFTlirNF. 1' 'I'OU \(CO, |1HF snli-ir;lier i'..titinues to ni'eive and rell. on inaniitacturer.s' accounl. all grad-s of niai;!i'.-ic- tured Toliaccii. J. FTI.I.V. .May ;;i. L''oJ. {••■'tf .sloo !li:WAI{f> 1 LI. 1 e p:iid f. r tbe :ii prehensimi :m t C"t^1’,ne- ▼ * ment in jail of a man io the name ol’ .\LF.\- .\N1H;R Fdt'tWN. He is .•iliont'.-, iV^'t lOoril i:. lies high, r.ither stunt built. wei;;lis abio;t H.o or 17oll.s., has light co’.ired hi.ir. r.ither iii.-'ii.v 1 !• 1. dark eyes. ••Old i' s,.niewh.it lie l.'ed in t!.i 1: : He i,N very jn.lite in '-jieaking. He kiiled ;i lo gr" K v of iiiine last :,ii;Iit. (’.VMFRON VvillGirr. .‘'I rii.gfield. Richmond (’o,, .!an. J'!. l>'o-’i. 'iltf i‘iA\os I'oi; svFi:. ^|'’HRFF verv g. 1 I nnd ban 1 I’iai:- s f r sale. \p- I ply to ■ L. F. V. HIT \KFR. J;in’v 1. itf I iMi. I'i.-iF I isil. R r> r rxCr ived an I '.' r s:(’e, i-1. i’l-rri’.i'j: and GW Mii’lets. . C,,i- s|, :in i N" 1 M i.'l.trei ;i;.d .'s;i1hi 'o in i:.ts, ]i| i,h'l>, new ci^ ]' Mo,;i - . s. hv W. 11. CAUViMl. M:;r.'li ;. 7 ttf Ilf If J'y.sfdhfi.sJiint'Tii on tho ^lilitai't/ (I'i'f't’ii, opjKisite (he ^l>t]i,>(hst ('Jiurcli^ frontimj on Jfitnijoril (iUFAT KNTFKFRISF! Fu?«*lteville is bound lo Sliiiio!! riUlK Subscribers would respectfully inform their I fricmls and the j.ublic, that they have entered into coiiartnership for the purito.se of conducting the general C.VRRL\(iF P>US1NFSS in all its v.irious parts. And being both jiractical workmen, lully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compai'e woik with nny establishment in Fayetteville ns to style and dura bility. Orie of the firm mny be known by rcfercnce to H. Whitfield’s iron work for the hast two years. \\ e wjirrant all work to give general satisfaction for twel f«* iB'uiths. Repairing done in the neatest manner low for cash. PIKR & RRANLN. Jame.i H. Pier- Ja.mes Rr,\mn. Frtvetteville, Jan’y 24, 1853. C2tf Hymn books nn*l Disciplines of the MethodistE. Church. A fresU supply just received. April 1. Jd. J. HALE & SON. Koui.soN I. \ vi)s I’oii s \Fr. ^ II F snbsi-ribc! s h :\ing l urid,:; ' I t!ie ntii e inter- I Ost ‘1' lh>Hw'.s.l. (■url ^. l'.s |. in the ' 0.0s iately i.wned liv him in the i ..iint\ of Ri.’.:: s^n. n.>w i :1> r for B.ile all 'lit Jo.M.o acres iii ()U:oitil\ :.nd on t( rnts t'avnr- mMc t I )iurchaseis. Most of thi.s Land is wt il ad.ipted to tlie Timtier .and 'rio-pei.tiiie l usii.ess. IVrs.ins wish ing to ]inrehasc c.'Oi > al! on eiliier of t!u‘ subsc:‘ibers. .\ll persmis :ire hcreliy w.oin-d no, to (resp.i.ss on :i!iy of these L.Olds, as the law w 11 be striulv mi. rc-d ar^.iinst olKii'leis. Jo.-Kl'll TllOMP.^'ON. Rol'.LKT ,'s. FRFNCH. M.iri'h 1. IS.'i.'!. 7:!-i.’in \VM. Ii.M( UAKV, tf V> ill Hi i ss ion •llerchftnt ^ AVIIiMlNtno.N, N. P.;rticnlar attention will be paid to sel'ing and .ship- ping Naval !''t(ircs :oid I’ro'liice, and also to the I'or- w;irding of Goods. Merchants who consign their (Joods to him can rely on their being forwarded by first boat after they are discharged from vessel. RFFFRFN('FS; F. Fries, F. .A. \dgler \ (’o.. .'-aleni, N. ('. T. M. A'oiing, MK'ksville. Hunt \ .\ddcrton. Lexington. ,)(din D. Rro.vn, S.alisbiiry. .1. II. \ .1. Maifine, Fayetteville. Jan’y lit), IS.',;:. ‘ r.L’tf W . n. McKAY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, Gc1nT.1l (’ommissiflii \ Forwiiniiii? Mt rchiiHl, South Water street, 0 doors below .Market, Particular attention p.-dd to the s.ile of all kinds of ('(Mintry Produce. Liberal cash advunce.s made on consignments. Reference- John D. St.irr. Esq., T’res t of tho Rank T d’ F.ayetteville, | AVni. (L Rroadfoot, (’ash’r, do, Klijah Fuller, Esc|., Messrs. Cook & T.aylor, | Cook iS: J(ihns(m, J L. C. Hubbard ('0., Clinton, .'^anipson county. Thomas J. .Alorisey, Fsip, Liiniberton, Robeson. .1. R. Rrown. Fsip, \Vestbrooks, Rladen. Oct. 8. 1S.-.2. nrlYpd IJI'I*: IVSFRAXC!:. rElHK F ndersigned has been .appointed .\gent of the a North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Ci.mjiany. Fverv niendier fur life participates in the profits of the I’l'iiipany; and the .annual premium for life niember- shiji. where it .amounts to or more, may be paid oiif-hali in cash, and the otlier halt in a note at ll! nil nths. Dft'tois' lives may be insured by creilitors. man m:‘V insiire h\s nvvn life for the exclusive benefit of his laniiiv. 'i'he lives ot sl.-ivis may Ite insured. Tiiis s_\ stem is rapidly grow ing into favor, all over the civi!i/.ed wiirld. It is one tiy vvhidi a family, for a i^niall sum annn.'lly, nitty be provided for. after the dcMth of its he.-id. on whose exertions tln'v may have been dependent for a sup]iort. It is .a good investment of niii!o-y. even if one should live loiiir after taking I'Ut ;i Life Policy. Fxpl.ainitory p.imphlets, and the neiissarv Fdank.'. furnishcl on ajipliiation. F. J. HALE. F.-ivctteville. .Tune l^-'id. 72 rHllir'. .'^ubscrilier has established ;i Rakery on Row Ul .'sti'cet. on the Lot two doors F.ist of Duncan AlcNeill’s Cabinet .'^hop. He is j rejiared t'f* furnish F.iniilirs. l.i..ats. and the puldic gener.ally. with Rread. I'i' 'lit. and Cakes of various kinds, of the best (p.iality, as lie I.as prmured the services of one of the best Rahei's in tiie.'^tate. Prices re;isoiiable. Give me a call. CHA’J^ R.ANKS. Fav ettev ille. Dec. 28. 1S.'2. ■'>'»-tf \. (\ Sfffifane (\>iirt l\ ports, 17 N sets, or p.irt.s of sets, with al! other N. C. Law Ltt. I'Onks, aioi Law Rooks generally, sold on the most f.iv iral^le terms, by E. J. HALE .V SON. .Also, a lar'.re stock Medic.1l. Historical. Miscellane ous. and Si bool Rooks, Rlank Roo’ss. Paper. .'i;c.. at vvho’c.sulc and retail, at the Rook .'store. Favetteville, N. C. Fl!{!-:-rMU)OF kooffm;. B'ranris Shenfo}t^ slatt: and mktal isooi-i:];, kc., f E11 .\.N K I'L L for past favors, begs to c.all public at- H teiition to SL.VTl' ROOFi.Nti. done on the most aj'jtroved principle, making roofs lighter, tighter, and more ibir.alile than the old way ol' sheeting, efrecting a saving in lumber, and greater sicnrity ag.ainst fire. ; The low jirice at which !slate Roofs are now otl'ered will i com])are favor;ibly with any other kind of firc-jiroof j Roofing. I SL.Vl’E CHIAINFA’ PIPFS made to nny pattern, j They .are an excellent remeily for smoking chimneys, j and seldom fail to effect a cure. I I'in nnd Copper (iutters. Leade>- Pipes and ! He.ids, made to any ]iatteru. .and every kind of fire- ! jiioof ro.'ifing I'Ut on or rejiaired in th%' best m.anner, on re.Msonable terms. F, S.. in soliciting yoiir patronage, feels confident of giving entire satisfaction in all eases where a thorough knowledge of his business is reijuired. Fayetteville, Sept. 7, lS-^2. 24Y WORTH cV ELIJOTT, (srCCK.‘iS()ll.S TO J. 1). MILMA.M.S,) l\)KWArvl)TX(", .'c ('OMMIS.^IUN M KlU'llANTS, FAYETTEVILLE. N. C. (old .STAND OF HALL & JOHNSON.) [\V. r. ELMOTT, Cit-v J. A. WOUTII.] February 1C, fSTAKR cV WIFFFAMS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN I'orcisn aittt B^otmcslie B^vy Ooods^ HAY STREi:T, Fayetteville, W. C. J. r.. sTAitR.] [.I. M. vrii.r.iAM.s.* ■April ]S.-, Hbtf JF L. 1101.Mi:s, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. I'l'lCE on corner of Front au'l i'rincess streets, under Journal office. Dec. I’J. 48-tf JOSiil'll II. BLOSSO.M, C .TI .T3 I S II \ AND FORWARDING MERCHArJT, ll'Htiihtfilott, .1*. €\ Prompt personal attenti(ni given to all ronsipn- menis. and C.ash adv.ances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ]torts or sold in this market. Feb. 12. L'-o:L 07y W II.KFNSOX vV ESLEU, DFALFRS IN CoiiftctioiHiri/j Foii lijn FmitA, Tohaccc,' on if . AND LMPORTERS OF llAVAli.l B«ARS,' AT Wllni,KSAl-K AND KKTAJL. IVIarket St., Wilirington, W. C. .\ng. 7, ISol. lltf .MAi.Fi:T'F cV FAUFMIl'U, €mvocrrs and f'onnsiission ^ller-' r lid lit s., 135 Froiil Siroof, NEW YORK. V. ALALLKTT.] [J. TAULMIER. August 10. 1S.')2. 18tf T. C. WORTH, ro)nnssH»N am) rouwAUDi.M] .>iERrii.AM, W'IF.MFXGTOX, N. C. Feb. 1. 180:3. f.Otf Fayetteville. iOOO 7M/A'7'.S, Oil., ^c. LliS. Pl’RE WHITE LEAD, bbls. Rlake’s F'ire-proof I’aint, Linseed Oil, Train “ Vegetable or Rosin Oil, ('hrome Yellow, (ireen, (in Oil,) Paris “ “ “ Putty and Putty Knives, (Jopal A'arnisli, Rlack Leather A^irnisli, Rrown Japun “ &c For sale low by J. N. Jan’j 2i, im. ROCKFISIl SIIEi:'i'F\(;S, V tho bale or h.alf t):ile, for sale by C. T. H.AlGll & SON. July 1’"., 18.V2. 8tf M A R J3 L1: 1 A CTOll Y, '7^ !|i* SMITH. 62tr By GEO. L.\U1)ER. TH'II lilions nillVE r. T. IIAICII j SlIX'S store, Favftlfvillc', 1%. Jan’y 20, 18.-,:L • VV1 IFEN ri X E LA XI) SA LE. Oil sale, .“?03 acres of LANl> on James (,'reek, ^ and ft4() .■>cies on t'j’press Creek, in CumberlancL tionvenient to the Western Plank lload, heavily timbered, d admirably a.’apted to the making of Turpentine. I Apply at this Office, ^icNot. 28, 1851, A. J. J. T. .lOXES, General Agents & Commission Merchants/ C’. trfr Particular attention given to the sale of Tim ber, Lumber, and Naval Stores. Liberal cutsh adyances on consignments. 4otf ~ X. n. S'I'AKHUCK, Trotf^ •IVir TROX FOUNDKR AND MACIHXIST, Maimfactnrrr of Stcom i7// onJ Jioi/ers, J\Idl (li irrif.ij of all /cimh, Fluuijliss, dr. nndersigneiL as the .Aj>;ent of the above Estab-. -M- lishment. will order any articles which may be wanted, on application to him. • "'he Steam Mills manufactured by Mr. Starbuc\ liave^ been tested, and are highly approved on the Plank Roads about Fayetteville. EDW’D LEE AVINSLOAV. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 1851. 20tf 1MPERI.AL, Gunpowder, Hyson, Y'oiing Hyson, Oo-- long, Howqua, Pecoe TEAS, selected expressly for my retail sales, for sale by S. I. HINSDALE, March ](>, 1853. 77-2m JUST HECEIVED, IIHDS. prime New Crop MOLASSES, by *. Off JEO. AV. AA'ILLIAMS & C'f>. March 17, 1853. r/tf

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