SEMI-WEEKIjT. [\0U II.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., MA.Y 2, 1853. [XO. 190.] 1>ULNTH1> r>V J. H. NKWUY. ^:i)\V\in) J. HALE & sox, Kl'lTOllS AND rUtPUlEH>RS. . S tni-Wceklv OitsEKVKn •'i 1 00 if jiai.l in vi "I'l if paid during the vcur of ■; ;lu' _vc:ir has oxpireil. Wct*kiy t‘ii>KUVKU >!'J 00 per niimu'.i, if paid in .. s.! ■ if paid lurii>g the vt'ar of subjiorip- . r • after tl;c j car has cxpirod. i iJ’lSl'.Mr.NTS inserted for sixty cents por - ,.f !'■ lines fT tlie first, nnd thirty cents for oiicii pui ’ v ation. Yearly advertiseiuents Viy spe- . , IS. :it ri-asonablc ratos. Advertisers are .. : f .'tato the number cf insertions desired, nr 1, o 'Utinvied till fi>rl*id. and ch:ir;'ed accord- I.otters to tlie Kditors must be post-paid. lIOTI'.r. I'OU SAI.K. ^^ n F. Hotel at ])rt‘sent ocmpied )>\‘ .lolni Harman, formerlv known a- the rianters' Hotel, near the foot of Hay Mount. I'ayetteville, is..tlVrel for sale: and possession can W had wlienevt r desired. 'I'he House is laijxe :nul conunodii)us, has o^hmi tliorouijhlv repaiiH‘d vithin the twelve niontlis. and is now, touether with all tlie necessary ont-bui!dinL^';, in complete and h.inl- sonic ordi'r. It now cnjo\> .i sh.are of the local HUtl transient custom, which, in tiic iiatiils of a compe tent tenant, must be {jrrcatiy increased by the existinc I’lank Hoads and contemplated (tail Itoad, (the Hcpot of which will prot)ably not lie far from this Hovise. These considerations make it a wry desirablv proj>crty to any one wir-Iiin;;r to eif.i:i;.re iu the Hotel business, or !o a capitalist dc>irous to make an investment in jiioper ty increasing: iu \aUie. 'I'ho terms will be made an nuii -latinir. N. a" STK.H'M AN. W. T. llltKNK. Kavetteviib', N. March S. TJi-tf 'nSD ro riiYsu iA.Ns. ,>0 .v.c > .''ulph. Quinine. •_ I •• U»n, by. Hydrocei^.l ; f 1’ X ’’od Liver l>il, p ,1. I’otas. - ri'i H\'lrarp. _■ '• - 11 \d. Sub. ('alomel. ' - curt- t 'hb'rofi’rin, : ‘ ' Tui’.cy (•piuni. .‘T. Ac' !i''tine, (»1. (' V-; :ic. I line, I'n-o- 'te. . : : . V-\'ri;inati of Zinc, iit'c'.e ; inncctcil with the I'ruj; and .Vpc:- V ;;ud pr^'inrt attention pai 1 to orders, an l • ^ ' 'f I ;a^'-'vare. F>'i' st'.'.e bv .AMI KL .1. lllNSbALK.' Hrucui't. . (11‘Ali r.M-.liSHlP xvric K. n V » I-li.Ts rm their friends ai-.d the pub- j - : ;i’l V, that t':‘V have entereil into Co] art- i. r the *irn', nf Murray A: (irant. f>>r the pc.r- • r> V''in'Z (irocery. ('on\tnissi->n. and K r- !' in n" if its 'ifferent V.rar.. lies, at • • • i il. H. 'ir;int. ne\t do..r to tiie t'u-^t'.tn \\ ,i.>v -tri-ct, and would bo jrlad t > serve • .it anv time. H. H. ('.UANT. K. Ml UnAV. N. C.. April -I'v ;1L11!JL1: liOlJ) MIM'S & MILLS FOH SILK. '■■ri''‘r ■■rters f r sa!«' somi- VALrAr>I.i; 1 ; MIM ’' i'.ve n'iles n, rth of Kut! ■ r; .r i? t;. i '! land n(- >n whicit v; it;' have biM'n 'peii- ' -ut K'‘'*y. or m ;-. ^nv.k. and ' 'Uic "f the HI' HK.''T l’\Ulll.S ■ . fii taken ‘Ut. evf-r foind in N -nh ; 1 lie \ar.d> l. '.vo an nloin of the fin> 't ■ r'i';.'.: w - d n;vii th- fir '"’id f>r tunno;’’ii ' 'te-m m.ichinery ■•iiid luiildinc. hi' mostly : ll.i' veins arc believed to be i;/ OK /.C .f 1. JL II i .'k'n s * ^ Koll U UKAT, CORN, SAW MILLS, ‘ lltl.'^r Mill .‘'pill'll.T lialaiu’e Iron« arid Inks and (;r.d:ii-i,ii«, H 'trliki"- aler o ks and Hi l!er*i, kept f. nstaiitly on liand, ’.I'. \\ e make (n arinir aiid .^hattiu'Z t a- I>ri\ W heel.-, and t. r W heal. ■ill. .'^aw MilN al •wei- ropairt d. I hand. \'. e \v i'h N; t- e!,;i! ■ te ‘T lint w i Mar h rj, 1 ’i. Ir.! Kfl'v Is. 1' Si■■ ni !'ii?ines 't any and riiruiu c I'l-i nt ^ i^>'j t i> t.= ouv i.'i'- ry, il.- r in.’.i-l ;■ d -nil- !■ rwar.i HAl.l. \ i'aM.l.lN'.l'.H 7''tt j'ur.r.a'i'd Mr. ■ry and ('i . in-r -V. q . l ave i-n- 1 iindt-r name ; f Md aiirin 'o oi i-.-irr'ii.LT !in ih>- 1’1'‘: '•- liiai ii'.v ti.: . >:’i; it I’.ir- !■. \\^I. Mi l .1 V.. ; KIX. Ml’.] ;'ul. !■ ri!i. I’opVir and h'.r l.un.ti ..•r 1.1 \ir- • r tri :■ ■■: .>V’#r Slork Seasonable Gootls. ^I'^HK subscriber respectfully bejis leave to inform his I customers and the public peucrally, that he has just received hi.“ Stock of Ul) SniMI'R iiftODS, limbr.acing a (iencral Assortment of Stajilo and I'aiicy I'ry (JocmIs, Bonnets,’ .-iml (^liiMrcji’s Hats', Worsfcil Puttern.s, Uiii- )mv11:is ami l’;irasols, Hoots ninl Shoos. I Al.SO, islT.AK AND C(>FFKK. .cc. &c. : V. SHF.MWKLL, North-west rorner Mai-kct t'qii.arc. Green at. Fayetteville, N. April 1, 1S'>;5. 8;Uf 'IVari'oiiloii Romaic liisititiitc. WA!Uli;\ roi’NTV, N. c. fHlMF. Twenty-fourth Semi-.Anniial Session of this Tn- M- stitution w ill i-onimence on Monday the !’>d of .lan- ' nary next. Charfres as before. Pupils are received I at any time and eharjretl from tiie time of entrance. Terms: (tO per Session for Uoard nnd English tuition. .Vncient and Modern I,aniuapes, Music, Draw- inir. and Oil i’aintin^, at former rates. Vocal Music and (hn iniental Needle-work jrratis. rircii’.ars containin}; the fullest information will be sent to tiiose apjilvin^. CUAVK8 k AVIU'OX. Warrenton, Dec. ll. iSoL’. 8;5--lin fi fioo rs \nT)sii()Ks. 7" 1'^ AI;K now receiving our SIMlINtl ww and Sl’MMKH stock of (leutleineu's, I.a.lle.'i', .Misses'. 15o_\'s. and 'liildren's Hoots. Shoes iiinl (i-.itirs. cmlii’acin" a jrre.-it v.iriety of style** and (jual- iti- s. All of v.liich wiTC selected with preat care from tlic nii.'t aj provid Manufactories I'or ihc retail trade. —Al.Sd— .V larce supiily of Trunks, and ('ar)iet I’laps; ('nlf, (loat, l.inin'j. Hindinp. and I’ad Skins: Shoe Thread, l.'r-ts. .'^I'arables. aiol Shoe fmdin^rs of all kinds, for \erv low fi.r t’\>n by S. T. H.\NVI,F,Y SON- •\piii 11. l''’i:’.. 'nios. .1. .loiiNsoN — H.\s .irsT r.i:cHivi;i)— I MOLASSF-S, I. X ^ lit do. larire Yellow I’lantinp I’otiitoes, t'.Miii! Ihs. Northern I’acon, 'li; lbs. N. t'arolina do. liOH bu'-'hels (>ats. I’l 'Uiilis and t'astinps, I’.’ai-kMiiitiis' Tools. 17 hints. I'liba .Mohisseo. —Al.SO— 1 ’;.:ht i'our-horsc \\'a;_'..n. and 1 Hujrpy. 1 Harness I c, ,\c. THnS. .1. .lOHNStN, I’erson st. I'ay.-tt. vi’.lc, F. b'v •J>'. l>.'i;'i. Tlitf t-- '- f \MI‘!!F.l,LTON I'KOl’l’.HTY Foil SAI.F.. T. J. J. !'!H;.\!'!I iiillH )!ILLST()\KS. aSvdncdoii iaa S'rice. I’.cjvN'i'oN. .Moinus vV ro. M‘F t.i make to order, and keep constantly WAxr OF \tom:v. VLL persons who are indebted to me, by note or ac count. arc earnestly re(|uestel to settle—particu larly those debts due me before the 1st .lanuarv, 1 My business reijuires me to make this call, and longei- indulgence cannot be given. A. A. McKKTHAN. Nov. ir>, i8r,2. i:itf KKDl C]:n FARE. 'rintuiiili Tickets Letwooii ^ Wi!inin;iton, N. and I’lalti- ^ f f 0 more. Fare^?!l3.' Yi.i Webbin, t a B l’etersbur;f. Uichniond, \ V.'.-ish- * "^ton t'itv. or via NVeldon, Torts- Noriolk. 1 ti: it IS an exo‘" iMit so ; u ubiidi there is a tiist rati d Mill, »■’-' St.unp. .\raa’i^.:i .■r roastin ' • re. and ma. on 'J.i I'r'.ad MKlirilANT '.irre’s. iar-.:i‘ of evcrv kind e'renrlt SI SStrrr •JiHtstones r.inte l to b»'>t ijuality I. a;; w;;!. . for the imnii-di.-itc w Mrkiiii: of tiic min*'s. The I iiiit t« . miles !r >iu the \'cins witli a fir-t d f r h-i , to tiieni. miii-s. f':e Siib-ii-riber believes t.> lie c.jual in any evi'i- found in tlii' State. They havf h' .-n I ’ t'i a linuted extent and very ur.'ki’.tu'ily. M-’.! t.o :-.ff ir>ld to yior^oi.s d i inj: t'* t:, ■:u. The shafts have not been \v..rked fir the uiiii is iu operation vs ith a poml cu>t >tn i rt>] lir. It i' Worked by I'arker's Iri'ii : tion wheel, and has an anipl> supt iy Ir ;]•!' up III it l >)ui!din:rs f r dwel’;n:r , ,, xc.. aii'l a very -'ight fvpi-n'ii- ■ ■ thinz up fi.r work. T’o- i i'l- r .• : ;,.'!t' r .ii.i'i'rtiinitV can ati iod for w n^i: H vvr n- -■ T ¥ >:.i,i;i Ti:i- .-'T h k i»F /»i: s f .rf§: s: i ."■I ■■. 'l'l;i*y keep alica aiul I >)C- them frum the fi>r sale >j)US Mill- lilocks, Holtiiiii C'loth, Scr» ( n \\ ir' 11 \ !rauli( •uiHtmT II tt- fr. m .an'. 1' V* rior.a:*' i?>e; •h n. ]' (’al(‘inMl 1’lasU‘r, ('(‘HK'llt. if the conntrv pr>.mjit!v attenJ- s{. TI. oK!(i:ri.. A"C-nt at F.nvcttevillf. N. C. 7titf LEATHER HAXnS, HOIlOl’t; H I.V stretched, cemented, and riveted. JL The above Hanls arc soM '10 per cent, less than New York manufacturers’ prices, ('ash will be re quired in cverv instanci. I’or sale bv W. 11. lA’TTKRl.OH. FixTcttrvinc, Nov. Hi, 31tf XO'l'K'E. ~ VI.L persons intle>)ted to H. Branson, nr H. Hranson Son, are rc(|uested to make immeiliate jiaynient. as longer indulgence cannot be given. The books and notes are in the haiuls of Cliarles Henbow, \\ho is au thorised to .«ett!e. H. HH.X.NSON. April! 1. 8}-4w 1). W . 3icLiiiirin TH .VVK jiKst received, in addition to their former llJi Stock— HMI kegs N.VII..-^, lOlili(|.5, Sugar. 110 bbls. (iranulated ditto, t'ld bags ('tiftec, Go pieces Hundee F.apging, 7 liales (iiinny (’loth, ■I'l Coils Hope. »> tons Swevles and F.nglish Iron, T'O kegs pure ami extra White Li-ad, ;’)U boxes Window (ilass, bags l>rop an.l Huck Shot, ■j') keg-i FFl'tl I'ov.der. —.\ I,S( •— .and ('rushed Sugars, liar an 1 Fancy Soaps, Mackcrcl, in barrtds anil half-l>arrcls, riieese. Spice. I’epper, fiinger. Snutf. Indigo. M.a'lder, .''paiiish Hrown. Salts. Salt|>etre. S.aleratus. Nutnie;.'S, ; Mace. Cloves. Yeast I’owdcrs, Sperm 'andlcs. itc.; with (I general assortment of HHY liitOT.S .VNH SH»1;S. H.\KI>WAIU: AN1» (TTLFKY. We otfer the above Goods at low prices, for t'ash or good paper. I). Ci. W. .\lcL.\l 1‘«1N. Sept. lo, IS'rJ. 'J.'itf liivc'ry Stal)l‘s. j The ini»lirsij:iu'il conthnic to carry on the I.IYFHV lU'.'^l- Nl^S.'' at this place. They have lately largely increase.] ihcir .‘-tock and can now ofl'er to tiie public as good Horses, farriagt's and •'ri vers as can be I'outid in the South- Than!;ful for the lar._"‘ pafron- ’ age heretofore ext'-n'lcd to u>. we .solicit a ci.ntinuati iu of the public favor. ^Ve proniise ,a satisfactory trip to all uho may wisli to travel. UW" Staljles at the West en l of Muinford street, where ont* of the I’loprietors m;iy always be t'ouu 1, or at tlie Store first door F.ast of Mr. I.utteihdi. W. roWKllS CO. Favettevillc. Feb’y ’J'J. 1S->'1. 71 ^ s^r iii'A r:!\ EP. S\TKS l.IVKi:l’()i »L S.M.T. luiH) bushels diiti.. i:i b.ig^, :U> sweet Nbdasses, bbis. City .Mess I’ork. liM •• large size No. Mac kerel, 10 half bbls. No. ’2 do. l!0 lilils. fre.-h cau};ht .Mullets, .'>() b.ixcs I'ried Hi rring:. ]Oi! bids. IM.-uitii’g \ eating I’atatoes. 1(1 hlids. supt l ior liuc n. 1). .n; W. .Mcl.Al lUN'. N v. IS.'i-J. -4otf ■ V ^,;k‘ts apiilv at fhe Oflieo and Haleigh Kail Itoao ' oil. . . • ton, or at the (tflioe of the Uaitiniof* Company, and of tiie r>.'ihinoiri-and Ohio Comvanv, I’ratt Street, lialtimoro. .Ian. 1. IS-Vi. ' . Tv. : ri » - -'.Jr.'; •'iiy at >\’ilmin{. team I’acket ail Hoad -1. F'lre Insurancei f HIHK J-3TN.V Insurance Coinjiany of Hartford, har- -M ing paid the tax imposed bv the Revenue Law of the late Legielature, will continue its Agency in Fayetteville, under the nninagement of the undersigned, who is prc]>arcd to i.syite I’oIicie« of In.surauco on Huild- Migs or (iooils, cither in this Town or in any part of the State, on proper a]>plication, description of the I’ropcrty. iS:c. Tiie -irrNA ('OMl’.NNV has been in operation nbont ;:0 year.s. its cafdtal is )^:t00,00>. The Hon. Thos. K. Hrace was its first President, and he still holds that office; and several of it.s first directors are still actiy* and ciricieut nielubrrs of the IJoard. It has at all timen ustained the liighest character for the prudence of J^^^n^anageuient. and for liberality with which it ' adjusted iti> losses. -- • - - - - 'rh(‘ Sul)scri!)cr still con tinues to carry on flic (’.\15lNcyr I’.L’.SI- in Fayetti'ville, and in addition to his llstablishmcnt on l?ow Street, near March 10 E. J, HALE, Agent. _ Hartford, ’onnecticit“'^ Insurance (.’ompnny of Fire InsumncL* whicTf tivltleu to its stioli uncx;mi|ile*l i*relit for niaintuineil with LIFK ]NSrUA.\('K l)o}.:irtinorit. Vh years, a , , IV % I'l' 1 A;^ent in this us well as Lccles s bridge opened a large W .VI>K j,, operations; an.l is prepared tS ‘“"•e HOOM on Hay street, nearly oppo.Mte the Fayetteville I of white person, or slaves, on’« risks Hotel, and one door l.ast of .Messrs. Huigh A: Son s, where a general assortment of on tiie lives of white persons or slaves, on .frisks terms )is any ofl»er Company, ntid at lower rates those of the .Mutual C'ompanies. Tiie capital of this department is $1‘0,000, entirely distinct from the capital of the Fire Department, and, Made bv competent and faithful workmen, may be had ! with its accnmulation.'s, reserved exclusively to pay los- at prices coricsiionding wiiiifhc time.':. Also, an us- |-jcs on Life Insurance only. I’olicies will be issued pay- soi tincnt of Northei n-madc FL'HMTI li 1C, selected by | able after death, or upon the parties arriving at u Bpe- i'TTiii\rruRi^. himself, wiiich v. ill be sold at a veiv moderate advance. laScAN .McNFlLL. Nov. 10. oStf ■p 3 F. kcei'S on h.-ind an !issortnient of Fisk’s celcbra- £ B ted MlCTAl.I.lC KCHI.M. CASKS, which have been highly l ecomincnde ! I y \\'illie P. .Maiigum. Henry ('lav. l.c\0. Cass. Win. I!. King, and r.iany other il lustrious characters, who liuvc examined and witnessed their uiiiitv. cified age. E. J. HALE. WANTED, I’.AUHKLS OF TUHPENTINE; for Distillery at thelMank Road Hridge on P,ig Hocklish. Tiie bent market price will bo, paid. F.r further information, iiinnire of .John W. Mur- j)hy. at the iiridge, or of A. A. McKcthuu, Favetteville.’ Dec. IS. IS'^I. 49tf m 'i' .n ■il 11.1 ( nr.MK '■ to 11- . TAUU X W \!.S, \(- Spring. .! \Mi:s Ml- A T.r’ the pri I'Prty u: : » ' I •'.n .in th«’ •• 1 't .■* .1 \ ( >11 N (iltAV i.\ M'.\i. '-7 lut I B8 I> SC , -.I- lii '‘n I 111 ■ 'li-rolii.nt' r ■ O'.1111 I: t;i C \ SII )|V the I 'moiit of j ill of I Packat^e. _“rs w ill fiti 1 it to their in- Fayettcville .m:w rXlTEl) S'FATES MAIL LLNE. ^ I ^ H F. firs’ cla's vi.'.c wheel .'tinrnsh'n i;>ANi*Kl.. I I'Jiio tons liiirthen, F.dw .ii d C.i\ii.dy. i oiiini.m.lcr. le.ives Hii'hnioiid an>i I’ctcr.-'oii r:r evi ry !’in : !ay i r- Tii II ai.d N oi |( lU I ' I I", !;ii-'*'a v III ■ !ii i i. at II . ■ (\tJiiji(l I'ltniitKi'c, ('iKiirs^ ^yr. [^111' sub.''crilicr is receiving the largest assottnient liis line ever betoic purchasei.1 at the N*irth. wiiici). togctlicr witii iiis own manufiicture, niakts his Stock very ci.niplete. consisting of ('hair'. Tables, Sufus, H^-d.stcails, Wash Stiiiuls, liiircai'.s, l.,t>i)kinfr Ila.'sc.s, Side I)iianls, Socivtaiic.«, c^c. All fif wh’i h will be soM on the lowest terms foi Cash, or on siiort time to pui;ctual cnslonu rs. JOHN W. H.VKKH. (let. -'in. i.s.'ii. ;jotf I xlox Livi:iiY staiuj:s, F XYFTTFViI.LE, N. ('. rp^HI' I’lK iI'lM lyfOHS are preiiareil to furnish the H, Public V. ith i'arritf^f's, ant! S'PSl BSMHSB-:. They are alsr/ prepared to carry I’assengors to any of tho neiirhboring Towns, on rcasoiial.Ie terms. Thi'ir Stock may be tound at the Stables forr.ier’y occtipied liy Messrs. Philips &. Wooten, a few doors Vu st "t tlie Telcgrapii Ofiicc. I’hey always have in attendance gi»od Ostlers and Heii’.^nien. A Ftiril-HOHSK CAHUlAr.K will be in at- i*'iiiiaiu e, at short m ticc, to convey Passengers to and fioni tlie .''team P.oats. They will take Horses on Livery at reasonable terms. Tlu'v hone, by strict attention to Imsiness and a de termination to [, to merit a siiare of public put- loiiige. J. F>. ASKi:\V, .\gent. li.-.a ti’ 1 1. IS'il!. ii'Jtf .irsT El), A I'lliMM lot Mountain Hiuter. . w .Now t'rleans and Cul)a .\iolasses. .l.iva. l.aguir.i an.l ilio CoHee. S:i. ir. Hice. -\c. mm WOHTH & KI.f.lOTT. 7" If *; 2 ■. 't! . Ol'LD respoctfully inform the public that he is V * still at his old stand carrying on the above, business iu all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal patronage he has received, and ho))es by n strict I attention to business, and a desire to please all and ' give general satisfaction, to merit u continuance of the i same. j He warrants all bis work to V>e made of the best ma- 1 teriai and by experienced workmen.—havini a more I i-y/>eritiic‘ti mid practical ^ituilh, he flatters h’uiself tliat \ iiis wiirk will compete with any made in the State for : style, elegance and durability; and sliould any of it fail : ill twelve months (witli fair usage) eitlier in workman- ! ship or material, he will repair it free of charge, i Persons wishing to buy. would d«i well to call and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low for casb or on short time. Orders thankfully received and promjitly attended to. gtaj" KL'PAIHING neatly executed at short notice aud lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, Jun. iO. 185o. >3tf Tin-: LAIKTKST SILK. TUHBOX. AND TRLMMLXG (lorsi: IX NEW york. Thoma}> Gr. Stearm^, IMPORTF.R AND .lOHP.FU OF SILKS, MllJJNKKY, AND VXM'Y GOODS; 1S2 Broadway, N. Y., OAS now in Store and is daily receiving and offer ing at the Lowest Prices, a com]ilete assortment of GooD.*^ IN HIS LI.M;, comprising all the various st\le.“ and designs, consisting of Jiiack j-'aiicv v">i!ks; Marceliiies, I'i 'l’!’ii:nMIHifs; Hoii- ;! Rio- a kind.' V. S-, ■Mi 1 ' (■' Cii Uii !M A10\ \L. • I .'.• rein .ct (n H. i'lranson vV Sou. tui .i'.ti. W wn.i.lA Oi Cii. "I‘t li. WII :,IAM.-. A.-lit. •'•7tf r-iLMD-ll liar ' rti -t notice. I '^li LL. » itii heai Oil iiainl aii'i five hundred calb.n , arm and worm com- :Jo. 70; Lire •*. iv!-W yO'-Ji. '1. i HI. a;.:: ' v: l i im- "F r!irrii\ imi >111 nn n ii li 13 a';» V I i: s* r ’ N A r J s v J t‘ OF i;\ !:!:v 1 !:'• :mptm*v. !' ( a! 1 ( !)t iiir.ii. il i!l.\i ij. I.''-' I J f .f f-, iicoT' A^^D r;iioi:rj, . V C ii.ivi- addoi io our .sl ick ««;l'-d assortment c! M.VFK .1 \'.hiih «'■ iitfir to liiiycis at our .i ai coniinoii.iting tciiiis, H.M.L SACKFTT. :ition paid to orders. i i ;tf Olllpi r,.»l»lM!l.-. SliUll!.'. Slviii.'. iiollcr I ici\ r.~, 'lolli. ()il. .!!* r is.' r.ler of the b4’st material and ex^ra Tins is m.ide aftor iny usual man- riianuf.ii turing, -so universally approvi .l of .North i‘arolina. Persons wi?.h- i; v. iil a.ldress I,. P.. SMI I.L, No Pratt St., I’.iihimore. [v. 11. V.] J'OliAC'CO. . 1. . tun 1 Tobacco For sale cheap by .'.L’ -l V vir;.'h tiic liighc> i w. ul'i al^o c barrel ( oop. rs. Lnniberton. ,N CdOK a: .KHINSON. ^'li(.-{.‘linL^ ( otloii ^ :irn, V “ WdKTII & KI.LIOTT. H7tf MISIC. JF. WHiT.VKF.U. foinierly Prof.-s, r of .Mu.-ic J, in Can.r.i.a (■■ Ml would r'i-i'i'tfii!:;. announce that he ha>. lno.vted in Fa;. i ttovill. tor t!io,. of teaching Musif. He would l.v very hapjiy to icceive the names of tiiose wlio wi^'ii tlio'r dau_;it“is i this delighful br.iin h ot ffUiait; literature, found at^Mrs. I’.au..' - n ^ bm e. Vocal in connection uilh in.-truclions on the Pi ino. y/ Terms ^Sl '> per (^larter. Pianos tuned and repaired on very accominoK terms, •• To ('(nintrij Mtrcliiiiila!! i-trr,rti’d in He ni.iy lie .Music lauglit datin; yg^H I: srP.SCHlHFH ha.s now or (‘W l)l •nir Store //'V/ n,,,! ' o/’ tl„ • »»fhcs A' ,fiac Jlne, mil 11(1 isT.-i, 1 fiitinliisi/ii Sh'‘t^, '•j f!" J''nif/:lhrillf Hold, FAVETTKYILI.E, N. ■ •iiig a li-.rge stock of DRl G.^ .\ND •I-.', dirii-tly from Importers and \Laiiu- • iliey will .sell to Pliyisicians and ( oun- *’ a very :mall advance, i ' ori>tantly on hand, ofthobest ((uality, • ‘ilic:. 3 iu their line, having made ar- a etb ct with e«tublibhed houses in casli, or on iviiijr liccti very carefully selected, and ‘•II. \siil eiiiible them to recommend io ir Drugs, and lo sell tlieiQ ut very rtaboiiable ihare of the jiatronage of B8tf hand and otl'ers fur .sale the fi llowiiig articles, vi/: ] gf’itoc P. and .^!- ^ *ast 1 o^^ders. o ' .. Seidlitz Powders, li “ Hal. ('. Capsules. il Castor Oil.—assorted si/es. •* liss. Pejipermint. •• •• ('innatiioii. 5 I- “ l.emiiii. ' “ Paregoric. *• Laudanum. 3 “ Opodeldoc. .>5 “ P.ritish Oil. ;; “ Harlem “ .3 “ Turlington's "al. ] >• Tain Killer. Togi fli.-r with a large supidy of Dycstuns. Drugs. \c ki.' ". all of which he olUr.'low loi time to punctual customers .J. N. S.MITH, Druggist I’aints, Oils, F(d). md Chemist, Green St. 70-tf w .AN’n:!), H1U,.' Turpentine, delivered at my Distillery in this place, for prices will be paid. piov two or three gooil turpentine- D. W. HOGFPiS. I’eb’y 10. f.Stf \iiLLiiV! i. (;\v\i;h, F01lW\HDlN«i .\ND COMMISSION MKllCHANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. tgFlI.'sON.\L attention given to the sale or shipment oj Naval .•'toros. I have anijdc facilities for con ducting the busines.‘^: largewharf and store sheds to keep spirits from exposure. .Na'val stores will be shii]>ed to anv house in .New \'ork, or to other markets if advisatib', and liberal cash advances made on consign ments. I ri'fer to iSie following distillers; F,. Haniium. Wav)ie ('oiinty. Chandler Hall, ./olinston Co., Lovett Peacock, CobinOm.s Co., H. Ibirden. Thos. 1.. \'ail, P.laden “ Me.'^srs. Smith, i; Ingram, .Johnston Co., Messrs. Z. i*c .L .lours, “ Messrs. Smith & .Jones, “ Spencer Fountain, J^sip, “ Levi Hailey, ICsij., “ AL'iy :2(». IS."):.'. * i)3-ypd XOTICE. raiHl' Annual Meeting of the r>oard of Trustees of H St. .lolin's ('olli-ge will be held at the .Masonic Hall in the town of Oxford on the :>d day of May, 1853, at 11 o'clock. .\. .NL It is desirable that all the mem bers .'-lioiild bo jircsent, as il is jiropo.scd at that time to settle on tb.e dimensions of suitable College buildings and to make ariangeiiieiits for lettii>g contracts. Un dertakers of large buihling.x are invited ft> >»e prt-sent, iireparatorv to jmtting in bid.s. Hv order of tte Hoitrd. .)AS. T. LITTLE.JOILN, rec’y. .March IH'.o. 80tm li "rnin^ riuid and (J(tmjthin(\, i-ivid and for sale by J. N. S.MITH, Green St. Ollf 10 I'.t. y'.V!. c AX rox MA rTL\(;. PS. CANTON MATTING, 1-1, o-l and b-4, white and red checked. Sif/tr C'arh't Soiht. i>r, l.oxes in 1 lb. papers; a su[.erior article. liO •* Kleiiic rigi^. Just received and for sale by y. W. TlLLlNGHASr ( O. April 0, 18. bi!tf siil\(;ij:s E want l0(i,0((0 gooii Juniper SHINGLES, f«r ^ T which tlie best price will be paid. J. & T. WADDILL. .\pril 4, 1 Ho.T. S3tf W AX rEf) 'ro PURCilASE. C01U)S I’lNK WOOb, to be delivered on my Wharf during the next six months. ■ I. t ;>■ I ■ ■ in.' i ;.i 1> 1 i aj.].'-. I" ».F1)1..\M \ \V \ fSoN. :.i Invin .. S.\M'L I.'.PTIS'!’. l\t.r>, J. M. SMITH .V F.KO.. Noiio.k. Februnrv 14, li~oo. Ci' ''.ni The .''tcamship .I.\MFSTOWN. i l Miiil fotis bintlion. now biilMing in New ^ ork. and to bo coniniaiidcd by ('aj)t. Lewis Parrish, will !>e ad.led to the line in ;lic Spiing. giving travellers a!id shippors a coinmntiicat;.'!’ twice a week between the above ]>iaccs by first class side-wheel Steamships. { i: V M'.s; ill: w. IS. If ." t p il l i -I- ’f'liri ' I.line. \'i i.ite r .« 'he 1!(loliiCa !l on 'va'.s ))c I'oiiiiii a» the Still. •la'lkin \ Sii;.\N(;i;. 7(>tf A i'I.d!'!:. I'F.'iV P.arrels si'jcrior F.aniiiv Flour. Harrels Yellow I'hinting Potatoes. For (ii;o.'Vt. Wll.LIA.MS Fob'v T. S. Jnlv 22, 1852. LUTTERLOH. lOtf Fi{Ei(;nTL\(i OX iWPK fi:ar. f||^HK subscribers liavinp purcluised the Steamers j JL Fvergreen and Southerner and Tow lioats, lately the }>roperty of the Henrietta Steamboat t'ompany. are now prepared to forward witli despatch, between il- mi.igton and Fayettevilie, all freights or goods entrust ed to tliein. V. N. & J. H. nOHFllTS. Fayetteville, F'eb'y 14, IHoli. (iStf lxparalli:lei) dispa rcii. rjiHK undersigned iiiform.s the public that he i.s now .H. running a daily lino of light draft Steamers on the (,’ape Fear Itiver. consisting of the following boats: >'ev,' .Steamer Zephyr, “ “ .Major Wm. Harnett, 13 inches draft. “ “ Fanny Lutterloh, 11 *• “ Rowan. One of those boats will leave Fayetteville every morn ing (Sundays exceptcd) at 7 o’clock: and Wilmington every day (Sundays excepted) at o’clock, landing poods nnd i>assengers in Fa.yettevillc in fifteen hours thereafter. Goods intended for these boat.s should be sent to the care of J. & i>. .McH.‘»c Co., or F. J. lAitterloh, at Wilmington, who will forward at the usual rate ul com missions. The Steamers Zejdiyr and Major W ni. Har nett are elegantly furni.shed for the accomniodatioii of p.isseiiccrs. Passage to or from Wilmington, T. S. LUTTERLOH, Agent. Fayetteville, Fcb’y 7, IHo.'L ErT. LUl'rERL()IL FdSWAR&HG MiE^T AND )JERC!HM, AND AGKNT FOR Steamer Major Wm. r>arnett- “ Fanny LutterU^U, “ Kowan. WILMINGTON, N. C. Feb’y 7.1303^ W-. 2m V ObiIv BS:i&*n3 out bei l*ar(. ! A. A. .MrKirni \X I TILL continues to carry on the C.\|;HI.\(M' HI .SI- NLSS in all i(s branches, at tiie remain.s of his old ■Stand, op|iosite Liberty Point 'lie returns thanks for th'e liberal ]>atronagc h‘ has heretofore rcccived. and i hopes by strict attvntii . to biisiiu-ss and a ilesirc to give entire sati.sliiction, to lucrit a continuance ot the same. Having kept the greater )>ortion ol his 'rinil>»-rs at a distanci' from the manntactory. be has on hand a large and well selected lot of thoroughly seasoiu>d Timber, ol *>very de.sci iiition used in liis business, w hich enables him to iPtaiii all his principal workmen. He is (hcrclorc now prepared to do any work in his line in the very best st\!e, iitid on the most favorable term.^—at* low us any wmk of the s.'uiie ipiality in N. C. He has on hand, completely finished, S Poirouches. tor 1 or 2 horses; (1 Ibickaways. and IJi Huggies. A!.'^ '. noMily fiiiislicd, 10 ('arriage.s for 2 horses: li(! H.ironche.4 for 1 and 2 horse:*; ll! P.iM'kaways, and "0 P>uggie,^: .All of w hich arc (tf the most apyirovcti plan anil finish, and w ill compare with any work in the U. States foi neatness and durability. Having been engaj^eil in the aliove business for the past 20 years, his work is well known, and he refers to old custoHiers for proof of its durability. A LL work warranted for 12 iiiontiis, and rejiaired free of charge .should it fail by bad workman ship or material, witliiu that time. llivi’.MniNQ executed at short notice, and on rea- ; sonable terms. Jaii’v 2G, lbC>2" M ■ “J,, 1 ja(‘osj L. {l:nu{k('rciii(‘!s. ^ Tiie umiiMsigncd would invito tiie attention of hie iVietnis and tiie 'I'rade geiHT.illr. H** will offer great inilui-fincnts to I' \‘'H .\ND SlloHT TIMIO HUYEllS. THOMAS (} t^THAUNS, 1()2 P.roadwaj, Hofween Libertv .street and Maiden Lane. N. V. .hit^v 15. ]8.'i:l. ' (il-V Co",’ No. 84 "William Street, (Corner of Mniilen Lane.; >EV» lORK, IMPOHTFllS OF €iiefi!lemets-s I'arnishittf:^ Ooods,' SN this F^stablishment. being the largest in the city, mav be found u lar.;;e and well selected StiR'k, con- s:rting in ]>ait of rich Scarfs and Cravats, Hosiery', ! taovts, Ciider Garmenta, Suspenders. Stocks, London I iin l Napoleon Ties. Shirts of all ipuilities, &c. Having ! been cp.gaged in this business the last twenty years/ I conini-nt is unin-v-essary, as they have made 8Uch ar- ! rai>ge)iients in Eurojie that they are receiving by nlm'ist i evt-rv .st(';i7>ie»% the choicest goods the market affords, i and jiurchasi-rs need only call to s.-itisfy themselves that eviTv artii le in the Furnishing line may be foui’d here. Feb'v 2-’>. l>s;’)‘’>. Mct>. T2-3in Atn'i cultural Warehouse and Seed Slore. i:\LriI A: (O, 2;5 FULT^LN ST., N. YORK, • OFFF.H for s; :, a large and select assortment of .\grii ultiiral ar.d Horticultural ImpUinents. con- l si.'ting of Plough.'^, and Ca.sting.s, Cora Shellers, Straw ('utters. Hoiso I'owers. 1 hreshers and Separ.tfors, Fan-^ ning Mills, Gra^n ('nidles. Scythes and Snaths, Grain Niills, Sugar .Mills. Hoot ('utters. Sausage Cutters ani Stufi'ers, Ox Yok*‘s and I’vows, Hakes. Hocs, Hay anti Manure Forks, Spades, Shovels, Carts, Wagons, W heel- barrows, ^c. Field. tJarib-n nnd Flower Seeds, a large v.iriety. Fertilisers: Peruvian Guano. Sup. Phosphate l.iine. Hone Dust, I'oudrettes, ('harcoal Dust, IMaster, itc. .>Linufacturers of Schnebly’s Reajiing and >lowin|f Machine; Daniel’s Hay, Straw and Stalk Cutters — .\gents for the sole of Win. llovey’s Patent Straw Cut-, tors. .A descri[itive catalogue will be eent ou ajjjdic** tioii by mail. March 22, 18o3. HOOK lUXDEUV. RV>. HARDIE has resumed the Book Binding • Business at the new Store next door to Mr.^ Bea.sley, Jeweller, where he will reccive and execote binding io uuy tityle dcBired. Angubt 1.

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