I. "1, Of!| "w! s', e» “X- toi to ir- -l- m SEMI-WEESKL. Y [VOL. II.] FAYETTEVIM.E, N. C., MAY 9. 185.'?. [XO. 192.] grm flwriwimg* riam^mdS }>U1NTK1> UY J. B. NEWBY. l\]\\\\\\) J. HALE & sox, Kliinuis .\ND I’HOPRIETOHS. , the $1 00 if paid in :>t ■''' if 'luring the voar of suliscrip- >r ^ ' oxpirod. W -iv’.v (>itsKUVF.u 00 per unuum. if paiil in sj ■>" if Viii'l durins: the year of sii>'!'crip- , s.; i»0 iifior tlip year lias expired. ,V|.;i;TISI.M11NTS inserted for sixty cents per ,f 1, liin s for the first, and thirty cents for each ;;,i; ],ublicati'>n. Vcarly advortis-ments hy spe nt renson.ilile rates. .Advertisers are [ • the number of insertions desired, or ■,o ii iitinued till forbid, and charged accord- 1,1‘ttcrs to the Kditors must be post-paid. liKMOV.M.. M.ivi' n-iii iveil to the larfre fire-proof brick .• I'- ':ite!y O'.'cnpied by Sampson ISoon, VNq.. wc>t 'f Messrs .1. it T. \Vuddill, on Hay rr we shall receive in n iVw ilays. larpe ad- iir t arly >i>ring purchases. Our stock of Shot X, lii '‘ it/iiiKj, I in/trc//os, lie. ; i -'xprcssly for the wiiolks\i,k thade. iiivitcd to give k>ur goods an examina- t^TAKU vV william.^. >otf I AYF/r PFA IL .K ; l.\NIR.l\fl': KHlPiW. spills loinpany is now organised and prepared to re- I ceive applications for Insurance, on as favorable ternis as otiier Companies. i)iiu;rTous: IIknkv Lim.v. II. L. Myroa Kn. Tnos. S. Iji ttkki.oti. John H. Cook. 1>. ll.w. A. A. .^1(M\KTIIA^•. .''I('Xk1I,L. Nathan A. Stkd^i.vn. Jamks Kylk. A vox K. Halt,. J. (i. SnF.iMiK.nn. Wm. Wakdkn. S. T. Hawf.kv. John D. ^YILr.IAMS. (V Bfnuow. Wm. .MoIiAVRiN. Wm. McI.ntyuk. OKFK’KHS: (;i:>. McM;IM„ Pro.Mdent. II. 1.. !t()A I'U, Vi(.-p I’resident. .1. li. SHF.1’11 Kni), Attiirtiev. -• .A. McMll^L.VN, Secretary. (il’.O. McNKlI.L .lOlIN II. t'tUMv. V Kxeciitlve Coniniittee. Dissoi.r riox. 1' ('iM)K .v TAVI.(iU i*» lissolved by its ■ itii'H. The business of the concern will \lr Aicx'r r.ny, or by either of ourselves, ;.c f tlic firm in settling its afT;iirs. .TAS. ('i, william taylou. M ;v 2. 1".^:^. If'tf K. 1 Lxec .IAS. KVLi:. I The plan '■! Mih ai, 1 sst uvni f. inn.'^t commentl itself to our community, for it c;in he demonstrated th.it we have saved w ithin tlic hist six years upwards of-iNoO.tlOlt by insurance in the North ('a'roHna Mutual C'ompnuv; tli.'it is, we should liavc ji:»id to lia\e kept the same in surance in the loreign joint stock companies tlmt sum more than we h.ive actually paid; and yet the North Carolina Mutual Company iias received between .>.'.1)00 and more fmm ,mr community than it has ]>aid out fur losses here,—shewing that we are favorahlv sit uated, as compared witii other places in the State, for Insurance. Our t oiupanj' has gone into I'jjcratinn favcrahly, hav ing the day we .'rganise l applica!inii.i to the anii>nnt of •'T'l 1 i'.0(Mi, and the Conipaii_\ is nc>w placed upmi a firm footing. •\ny director, autliorised .\gent. or Secretary, may receive .\]iplications. but they will n t be liinding tintil approxed by the Kxccutive Committee or the llo.-ud. f.-2y""M. I, Mi;.\i;V, is appointed ticneral ■\gent of the Company. We invite a]'plie:ifions. CKO. MeNLILL, Tres t. C. A. McMILLAN. Sec y. Keb y 7. I'' ):!. r.C,tf NEW GOODS. UNDEUSIGNED arc NOW RECEIVING their JL. Stock of SpriiifT ^ Hiiniinor Goods, Con.sisting nf a full assortment of liJulics’ and (lentlcnicn’.s Dress Good.sj a large su]iph' of IJentlemeii’s ami Hoys’ Ready-made (Mothing; I’aiiama, Ijoghorn, 8ilk, and other IJat.s; Bonnofs of various kinds; a large as- sortntcnt of Boots and Shoc.s; Saddlery, Hardware, (irocorios, ])rugs and 31ed- icitic?. Our friends and the public will ple.ase c.all and exam ine our Stock; it is large, and will be sold on reasonable .1. T. COI’NCIL & CAIN. M airii 21, 185.". 78-‘Jni NEW r;ooi>^. ^I^HK Subscriber.* have received, I Ihigs Kio Coffee, r> do. .lav.-i do., ■> Illul.s. N. O. and Muse. Sugar, 10 Moxe.^ superior assorteil t’andy. i).\ii,v i;xi'ixri:i)7 ('ASK.*^ Frtlkirk Ale. -Also, a handsome addition to our stock of (’hina, ('rockery, (ilusswnro, I'tc. S. W. TILLIXGIIAST & CO. March ir.. IS.-,a. 77.(f IIOTF.I,. rWlHE subscriber having jmrchascd the Hotel situated on the South-East corner /f Court House S)uare. and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform the public that ho is n«w ready to accommodate boarders by the day, week or month. Havinjr made considera ble outlay in furnisiiing nnil refitting the Establishment, he ho{)es to be able to give satisfaction to all wlio ))a- tronize him. His Table shall be furiiished with the best the m.arket affords, his Ihir witii the best of Li quors, and his Stalile w ith n plenty of gooil provender and faithful Ostlers. .Tune 20, J. A. GILrillUST. o-tf fri \i. MIIX’III'JJ., ..17'ri/’s lunr, aiHpitpir Strrrt, VLWAVS has on hand. (JIlOCEIllES .AND I’RO- \ lSl(>Nf', bacon and lard, tlour, cotTee, sugar, tea. molasses, rice, pepper, spice, ginger, tobacco, snuff, matches, nu'al. corn, Irish [>ot;itoes. dry cnl-fi.»h, dricl beef, nos. 1 and '1 mackerel. \ and \ hhls.. no. :] s.tme. mess pork, buckwheat flour, candles, soap, whis key. brandy, rum, gin, wine of various kinds—all of which have been bought for cash, and will b« sold b>w for tlie same. Thankful for past favors, he hojies by a strict attention to busines.s to merit a continuance of the same. >Lireli 10, lf.';v 7H-:',ini>'l ii*i IliMI'dj. 'B^HE undersigned would respectfully inform -ML the citizens of .'Summerville, the vicinity, and the jiublic generally, that she has opened a House of where she will be ])leased to accommo(l:ite .all who may call on lier. The Village is pleasant and liealthful, her house larj;e and commodious. No pains will be spared to renler agreeable and corufoi ti'.ble any wiio may favor her with a c.-ill. She is also prejiared to accomod.ate with I’oard from ] ■> to 120 .''tudents. I’ricc of ihuird n8 per month. K. il.MLKV. Sumvnerville, N. C.. .Tune 1”, IS.'ri. 1-tf FISH, i-isii. I'lTHT fUST receiveil and for sale. Ma-kerel, Hf'rring and Mullets. .Al.so. Coijfish and No. 1 .Mackerel and S.alnion in kits. lu hhils. new croj> Mol.asses, by W. 11. CAUVEll. Mi.Tch 4. 74tf lAFAV GOODS. IV. r. AS IIECEIVED a lar-e Stock SCM.MER of SIMUNCHANI) \ iir tte- fhf i ■ tv o.-in i ; t hi> old customers and others. . f (.illi i(’Mi;il'S will be large and full. " )ii payment any kind of (’ luntry Produce. II ! rcfukfd, or credit to pum-tual l us- •I.VS. (i. i»>k. >• '.'Utf IJLA.NK JJOOKS. .• r'nu'nt of I’.iank Uooks of all kind.*, just re- ■J :it the Fayetteville I’xi.'kstoii-, E. .L H.\LI'. S(>N. '. 1S.-,;V riiK KM S and 'lie t>v MlUJt t''ie m: ; :i;e (■rorci'it'^ niicl Dry 4iioo(U. I , T has taken the East end of the .'^tore iipie.l by Ciitik \ T:iyh r, where ho would Insurance iV 'I'l'H'-t ('oni'u. ’omp.iny. as its name indicates, is upon the 9. firinr'jih. and embraces two distin-t de- partmi'iits, to-wit: Life ln;-urance and Trust depart ments. This attractive combination ofbrs to I’olicy li..lde! s double the ordinary s'curity, without ilestroy- inir their right to a full particip.ation in the entire pr.i- fits of the t'"ii'.pany. I’rcniiums will be received, in cash, either aniiually. semi-iinnually, or (|U:iTterly. a, may be agree'l upon at the time tlie Policy is issued. In the TltrST HI^PA K'f’M LNT. or Heposit .'>ystem, the payments niad> to the Company are entirely option al with the Hepo.sitor, as reg.-irds the .amount and tiie lime at wliieh they .are made. .V party may pay in as I I , , mueh or little. Hot les-i tlian one dol’ar. ai.d as of- I'jS. ten, i:s may be convenient for him. without .any ol>!iga- In’ K'l'S and MAIlPl'lV.'^ Magazines f.^r May, ti«n upon him to continue his j'ayments,—and may |l ''l e t>v E. J. li.VLE X SoN. with li-aw- them at liis pleasure. S,i that, on the plan ( t'this ('otnj'any, there i« creat ed at i in' and tiic ■=ame time an jis^nrani’c ; ' thiri.h—i fmul • iiriLi’,’, n —and 1/ y ■ >( ” oh{ Kiff. See I’.amphlet* furnl'shed by the Coinpanv. oKKh r.us uK Tin; chmpanv. Hireetois—llalph ioirell. London .'^w.iim. .bihn .V (iiliiier, 1'. F. ';udwel], liich'd ireeiic, l»a\id McLean. Kich.'trd ."^^' run^. .bihn .M. L.igan. I». P. \\iir, E. W. Oglturn. Robert .AL .'•h an, Robert P. l>ick, Henrv R. Elliott. Pj-evi lent Ralpli Gorrell. \’ice I'l-c'iident — l.yn.ion ,'^w.iini. Sei-retary ami Treasurer — I*. P. Weir. Att. rney—Joli'i A. (iilmer l'.x;ini:iiing Physiei.m IMwin W;itson. M. I>. t’oiKultiii'r Phv siei.ins - 1*. C. Mebaiic, M. 1).: ,7. L. ('ob . M 1> ; 1'. P. Weir. .M. 1». (leneral .Agetit — N'i’diam H. 'ununing. .\ny informati..n relative t . the ('..nipany may be h id by ad'lri s.'iir.: .b'iiii .M. Ro.-e. .\"Mit ;it F'.axette- IMVrASlI, Vea>t Powvler.^, S.,da. .''pices. Indigo. .''paiusli Rrown, .^oaps, iVc. •Tan'v "I. 1 H.'i;V A T riii: .11 r o II a I 1 IB J. Hops. Cream Tartar. Extracts, for tlnvoring, Madiler, Ibjth Rrick, For sale by N. SMITH, Green .*'t. f.ltf S*^5 Itoward. '''V.'AY from the subscribi>r in (kt'tolK^r last, a . *1 .y nanieil S.\M. Said >Kiy i about 1 *' ■ tall, very lilack. *iiii with a 'light cast in ' fve.®. H^ wa« raised by a Mr. Sb-Fadyen. or M’>'re county, and jnirchase'l by nie ■ if Mr. .N. M K. .MeNeill of .Moore . ounty. I >• tli»> at»ove reward for his apprehension nnd V in :inv jail in North Carolina, or forty doll.ars delivered to me in t’heraw. S. C. ALLAN .McFARLAN. V . ' , \pri’. ‘J7. *.**'tf Tia\sr sAi.K. n^-U’ llcdl Estate fit Anrtio7i. ’ ■ S'.M. at .\uetion, on the 14th -lay of May ;f the Market H iu«e in the town of Fay- • \'l i,-k M.. the Hou.*.- and Lot re-ently I,.. ._re \i,-\lilian. The Iboise i‘ in poo.l of tlte largest nnd best arrung- d Houses iuiving a h'rge brick kitchen, and oth^r .VC. ,\lso. .a good spring cun\e- i Tw.. ..ther lot-* unimproved, adjoining. • .. .( .UPS and H.dlinusworth lot.®, containing ■ ' 'inUj- ti-examine tlie premises, are in- ' ' - tore the sale. . for .approved notes at Rank. \. .lESSL’P. 'Irustee. P. TAYLOR. A'_' t for Trustee. A. .M. CAMPP.ELL. Auct r. vii:. .Tan’v ’J.',. I!'.’ D. P \\i;iR. .'ei rctary and Trea -urer. f.-tf I'liir raiHE \[ Di: ('()i.o(;ni:, -i 'ii .\RT1cLE. For sale bv .1. N. SMITH, Gn K'..tc •en .'^t. S'.'tf |i;u Dill (; "jMii: f. Pr .- .■ti * • tirh ,,t li ■" II,.,I. (.f* aTKP ,t Uie ill. . - f IV- •J I,..** .• I.-'' , 1 il' Hirr'C'*; P'* ' . 1 riiA'n: ywasKsw. ' pleasant .\perient. For sale by .1. N. SMITH, tlr.-en St. • SOtf STOKIv iib^-criber having taken the Store Green street. kti(>wn a- the Me- r- .11 Ruildintr, nearly opp'isite I>r. Rob- ii « .''h'lp. is iKiw receiving a Iresh and rted stock of ^ ii niiculs. .Mcdi^’iiics, I*;iints. • IH*-Stulls, and I’crfuiHrry. 1 .rtment of Hair. Fiesh. Tooth, fi wa'h Rrnshes: (’upping. Tooth, and tialvanic Ratteries. kc. \c. All ■ : ■ 1 w for Cash or on time to punctual , ‘In’’’. ,.^olicitel from Counti'y Physicians •i' ni .r ]epend on procuring fresh and ' uii l that no pain.*! will be spared f.i ■ I 'iMti h:,th in fjuality and jirice. * Ai, I'lih.'C uii'TioN.s carefully and j "J.ir-d. ,iitr(t^r Jlouif Mfniiiffrrtiirc. I'amp Manufacturing Coinpany contimie i t.' manufacture, in the neate.^t and best stvle. Wheat Tlirc>liin^ Machines, frmi two to six hoi>e pow er: Cuttiii;: M.iehine' of dlffer( nf sizes; Hoiihb" and .''in- ' o'e Wool C;irdin;r .M.ichines; MU' ;i;id Factory Ge.ir .''aw and Gri.'t Mill Irons; Edge 'fools. Ci.tton ^arn and \V,,.d Ib.lls. .Vc. .VC. I’ersons wi>hing to j.urchase wouhl do well to give us a call before punhasin:: elsewhi're. a.s we are dc- fermii ed to seii (diea]i for c;i«h or on time t.» pnnetual •leab rs. )ur long ex]tev;enc“ in the Manufacturing business eiiabb". u« to fed no hesitation in saying that our Work sh.ili not lie sm].:i.«sed by ;iny .'^le.p i-i the South. Th.ankfnl for the lib.'ral patr.inaL'c heretofore bi stoWi.d, uc re.s].ectful’y bolicit a continuance uf th' same. .\I1 letters nihlressed to the .\gent of the Compary. at .''now Ciimji P. »., .Mamance cofinty. North (.'aroli- na. wiil receive jirotnjit .attention. H.W'J F) DI.\ >N. .\gent of the S. C. Manufacturing Company. Snow Camp, Feb’y l-'>m w an'I' of M()m:v! I MILL sell my ST MM HI! !! rslPi'X'F. two miles from tiie ,\l:irket. on the F^iyetteville and \V-sfPiri Plank Rfiad—one id' the most desirable .and he.althy place.-- in the ciunty. .Also, 4(( Shares of Fayetteville ;;tid W-stcrn Plank Road Stock, and :>•• Shares of Fayetteville Hotel .'tock. \Vitli the lar'.rost stock of Rea* y-m.ade ( .V R RI .\( i l*..S and over offered in this place—over n.'.00(» ^^•llrth—comple tely fini.'.lied. Ail of wliicli 1 v.ill sell at vi’rv r*dueed j»t*ice..^ forcasu negotiable notc.s. So little attention has been paid to the call made . bv me after the fire of the L’d .lan’y. on those indebte.l to me to call and .settle, tli.it 1 am induced to offer the above property at reduced pricc's to enable me to rebuild • mv C;irri:ige Establishment and continue my business with convenience. I shall place notes in propt-r hamls for collection, if iccounts m.ad‘ out to tlie A. A. McKETHAN. 77tf UKl) sk;n. X .11 V II aster A\ I. just received a full and complete stock of (i RnCE R11’,.'', I’RoV I."'Ion.'', S;c., to w hich they wouhl invite the attention of the citizens atid surroutvi- ing country. They will sell low for Ca>ii. or on time to punctu.il ctistomers. They purch.ased their (ioo.ls for c.ash. and this will enable them to sell i.ow. 'I'hey have facioties that many houses have not; they have agents ostabiished in ISaltimore aii'i New York, who always i.ihise them of any change in articles in their line, and who purchase only when liargains are t(* Ite had. We keep always on h.aiui a sjilendid .assortment of f.ueign and domestic Li'iuor'i; Loaf, Crushed and I’>rowii Sugars: Rio. ,lav:i and L.i;ruir.a Coffees: Cireen. Hys.in and Rlack Te.as; .New Orleans and Cuba Molas ses; Talile .and .'^ack .''alt; Racon. Lard. Me«.s I’ork, Mess Reef, .'^moked Reef, Drywl Venison; No. 1. and .Mackerel; Rutter, (’heese. Flour. .Meal, Corn, (>ats, Tolijicco, C,.indles, Copperas. Saleratus, Indigo, Mad der. Spice. Pepper, Ginger, N«itmegs. Cinamon, Epsom .''alts, S.altj)etre. H.ardware. ('iitlery. Crockery, and (ilassware; and a variety of other goods. They take this method of thatiking the community and their country friends for the very liberal p.atronage bestoweil on tiiem; and intend, by selling goods low. to increase their f.>rmer trade- alwavs keeping in view th.it a nimble sixpen-e is worth a «low shilling. YeRoW Riiilding, between the Market flouse and the P.auk of the State, iillespie Street. Fayetteville. N. C. i .March I’l. l.''.'> 7>tf U \(;s! I!.\CS!! 500.000 j.rice will i>e j'aid by ; RENRmW. KYLE \ Co.. I .\gcnt.s fur the .Manteo Paper Mill. Raleigh. N. ; Fayette\ille, Maridi‘21. IS.').’,. 7'-''m ! NO ri( i:. i S50 Ri:U IKD. ,\N.\W.\Y from the subscriber, about the loth of j .Inly. ISol, his negro girl Sar.ah. Said negro is about li'i years of age, lil.-iek. with large white eyes, large limbs, weighs aliout Pit* potinds. Said girl is suppo'cd to be lurking in the neighbor hood of .Mr. Isaac Wright’s or Oeii. McKay’s, in Rladen county. The above reward will be juiid for her delivery to me, or her confinement in any jail in the State of North Carolina. wSl. G. Ill TI.ER. UOlil'.SON LANDS [\)\{ SALi:. ■^HE subscribers h.aving purchase.l the entire inter est of Tiiomas .1. Curtis, I'sij. in the lands l.afely owtu’d by him in the coiuity of Robeson, now offer for sale .about 40.0UO acres in iiuantity and on terms favor able to purchaser-:. Most of this Land is well adapted to the Timber and Turjientiiie bnsii.ess. Persons wish ing to purchase e.in call on either of the subscribers. •All persons are hereby warned no, to trespass foi .any of these Lands, as the law will be strictly enforced against oflenders. .loSFPH THOMPSON. RORERT S. FRENCH. .NIarch 1. 7-'!--bn NVM. II. McKAIiV, f'otttmission •lierrhani^ Wll.MlNCTON, N. (’. Particular attention will be j'.aid to selling and ..-hip- jiing Nav.al .“'toi-rs anl Produce, and also to the For- ^ warding of (io xlt. I .Mi'ii-hants Viho consign their tJoods to him can rely ! on their lieing forwarded by first boat after they are ilischarged from vessel. REFERENCES; F. F'ri('s. E. A. \’ogIer Co., Salem, N. C. T. M. ^’oung, Mocksville. Hunt .\ihlei-ton. Le.\in«.rton. .lohn 1». Rrovi', S.tlisbury. I .1. II. .V .L Martine, Fayetteville. •lan'v l-’O, a o o i> N, rONSIPTlNT, OF — [.aclio.s" I^'inr Drt'sscs and Dress 'i'riiii- lljilljr.s:, HomiC'tS, SilOCS, cVc.. To which he would call tiie attention of the Ladies in Town and Country. —ALSO— ^1 siipf'n'iir lot >J ]i iiilt/-tuihlr ('loth llonfs, (fii(/ S h'K'X, Jijr O'cii firm III. March 'J:'., lS.-.;5. 7'.’tf im:w riini & cooiix. ^H'^HE subscribers .are now receiving from New York. J8L a large and genend assortment of Staple and I'aiirij J)nf (iooils^ clu)(’i:inKS, iiAiiDWAin*:, Hat.s and ('.ips, Boots and Slioe.^^. .Amonjr which are: Coffee. Sugar, (’otton I’agging, P.ale Rope. Nails, Window (il.iss. !w-edes and i'.nglisli Iron, J'-ack and .Mum .'''alt. Imperial and Rlack Teas, Pc]iper, Alspice, Ginger. Powder, Shot, R:ir Lead. Rar and Fancy .''loap. Together with a great variety of other articles, to which they inviie the attention of the public, and which they are deteiniiiied to sell as low for Cash, or on time to those wlio pay promptly, .as any house in the .South ern conntry. Prodiiee of .all kinds, at the highest market prices, taken in exchange for (ioofls. McLEAN & .10NES. .Snnuiierville, N. C., I)ec. S. 1S.'»1. .I7tf l»i*. T. I>. E9AE(;il, .\.S taken an Ofhce on Hay Street, Vt’est of the .Jul Hotel lUiildinus. 1 L IS 4-tf •n-2-tf Dr. T. C. \l\l.h \S removed to the woll-knowti stand of tlie DrS' Kobin.son. corner of (ireen .arid Row streets. April-il. IH.-,;',. i57tf K. M. 0!Uil*:M>, roRW.iiiDiM; cii^r.iissiflN y.i:iirii.\\T at i'ayc‘IJi*ville, V. :\Iarch 10. 1>.')1. w. wjirriJiKAD, WITH ii.\VNi:ii vV (nr.MOKE, cna 'I a I Cl \ .11 s: kc ' ii w TSj ioi NEW YORK. fiistoiiinry iidvaiircs on .\aval Storrs. i\r. Marcli IS.'.::. 74-tf .)OSi:i‘ll |{AKi:U, Jr., .4T .A.'' taken an ofliee next tioor to Wm. R. Wright's' Law olHcc on Green street. He will attend and jiractiee in the County .and Superior Courts of Cumber- land. Rl.-iden. Rolieson .and Sampson. March •J.'l. lS.':i. 70tf JOHN A. UlCllAUDSON, .%TTOIi:%i:V AT f AW. /"ILL '.after .Ume next.) attend the Court.s Wf \ PIANO FOR SALi:. SECONI>-H.\NI> PI.VNt>, of good tone, .\pply at this (Ulice. Feby 17. I.AliD AND UA(’ON. ~ At .1. T. WAIil»lI,L’. 70tf r.L'tf W. n. M( K\Y. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, finiPMl rniiiiiiissioii »\ Forwiirdiii" 'IrrcliMiil. South Water street. •'* doors below M.arkct. ’• (rif Particular .-ittention p.-iid to tiie sale of all kinds of Country Produi-e. Liber.-il c.ash advances in.-itle on consignments. Reference' .lohn H. Starr. Esip, I’res’t of the Rank ! of Fayette%ille, j Wtn. G. Rroadfoof, Cash’r, do, Elijah Fuller, Es,|.. Messrs. (’ook .V Taylor, | “ Cook .V .bdmsoii, I L. C. Hubbard \ Co.. Clinton, Sampson county. Thomas .1. .Morisey, Es.j.. Lumberton. j olieson. .1. R. Rrowii. Es'p, Wt'>tlirooks, Rladen. (tct. S. \sr,-i. r.rlVpd Fel.’y 17. i:i)\vi\ /i.ov{ci{, ,\t tlif siirn of tlip Inrirr Watrli. lliiy Strrct. {Mils fti.lt ST.t.riK) Has jiisl rt'ccivod liis I'-M.L Stock of (iOODS. eoliMsling of HVffr/ir’.v, •Fetrefiy/m SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND ' MILITARY GOODS. A AIONG his assortment may be found Watches of . m .all kinds, from to nI'J."); goM Fob, Gtiard and \ I St Chains: gold .''cals and K-ys; silver I’ob and (Juartl | Chai:i :'i'd Ke\s; P>rcast-].ins, Ear-rings and Finger- j rii'gs. ; .a fine stoek i; Cii!f-|«ins; I’racelets: gold and silver .''[H'ctacles. Thimbles and Pencils: goM Lfiekets: ■ ('.•It's and -Mien’s Revohers; Chessmen; .Xccordeons; i .'il\er S] silver (’uj'S, ,vc.; .Military Cioods of all Kinds; .a tine 1 it ot (’locks, and almost everythin" called for in his line, v. hicii w ill sold cheap for C.-ish. or on : short time to those th.at will jiay tiieir liills when ' presented. j J[>;> Wafclies and .Tewelrv repaired as usual. | old CfoM and Silver t:.ken in excbange. I I:-if .Ml those indebted by .Note or Rook account. Ti)U“t p'ly by !h,‘ 1st of November. j I’:i \ ette\ ille. Oct. -1. ISo'J. "1-tf I -Anson, Richmond, Robeson, Rladen, and(,'olum- bns ('oi'.nties- .Addres':, Llizabethtow-n, Rladen County, N. C. March 7. 74-t'.m C'llAKIJ'.S liANKS. f' o,vr/; f' T s: £S. AVIIOLI’.SALE AND RET.ML DEALER IN Vnri ’xjn .V/f/.s, Tohnrro, Sii)rjl,dc Fayetteville, N. C. March 1. 1.'^.'.:;. w r.’itf II. CWIVIM, I'llAl.KU IV -D/'j/ (ioods. (iroccries, and Provtsions;: 0,1 door from N. E. eortier Market Si|uare. tiext to ]>■ fiee's H.at ."'tore. Green street, fayi:tti-:vili.e, n. c. £it.?“.AIl kinds of Produce taken in c.xchange lor (ioods- Fet.’y IS.-,:;. c.r.V -M. Ill j\so;N, ~ EtOM Si^ Fayetteville, N. C. Mar-h 1S.- Hl-V Favetteviric. l‘ 1000 R Clinton, N. ('., M.arch It, IH'ilJ. ’7tf MOLASSi:S. IIII DS..—superior ciualitv- --AL.^^O— ‘ Colfce, Sugar, Iron, /xC., for sale ('hkap, 1>3' PETER P. .lOHNSON. March I'i- 77-tf 40 Who would Itavc llioii;;lif itt We ^re ,, :r rt'i' " . I, V* n ^liul«- AND TAr.F.: Oiir, f'ome .f#f, •'* n (,'ini (liitf v ill vjtrrji a ’ '■‘•r li!'8 now on hnnd, and wii! sell cheap | ' h;:- large and w«dl a.ssorted .'>tf»ck ol sin- j ' ‘ ' rn l .'^|I(»T (iCN.'', of the best m.ake, ; - .'.’-O, Colt’s Patent Repeating Pis- ; l!( v,,ivi.r^: Shot Pouches; (iame Rags; iion Caps; i^c.. I'cc. • "instantly on liand, and manufac- ■ lid warranted to shoot from 100 to ''r to piiridiasc any of the above-namel ■ ‘ ii 1.: give me a trial, .'lud they m.ay 1 iiie greatest Rargain.s ever offered in ' ‘ v ry thill',: in the gun-sniith line will be ’ ■ ill the best niHnner, and for a small .M. A. RAKER, •Sign of the Wooden Gun, *'■: •''■’re. t, opposite the Marble Yard, Fayetteville, N C. ‘ 17-ft. A i ISII! risil! '1 and f(.r sale: Mackerel No. 1 to .3. in ()^^^ Rarrelh (ind large size. PETER 1’. JOHNSON. 77-tf , not tiail so(?n. 1 have* all my .J. N. SMITH. I ] .Jan’y IS.rJ. Olitf i March i:;', 1S.V2. I'IP rV DOLLAKS Ri:\\ AKD! RANAW.W from the Subscriber, on the T.tth inst.. a Negro m.'in named LCKE, about five feet six or eight inches high, «lark complected, has a scar on the | .«idi; of one of his ey,'s. (which one not recollected, but Ixdieved to be the right eye,) stout built, weighs al)out 1 7.') or ISii ]ionnds. He w-as purtdiased in IHRi from Air .Tosiah Fi. l.r^an of tlii-s town. He has rel.atives in the County of Samp son, among them a half-brother named Sam Roon.—a free man of color.—and may jiossibly be lurking in that neighborlioo.l. as 1 am informed he was .seen about there a short time sin*e. Pfis.sibly he m,a\ ha\e obt.iin- od free j.aj.ers, and is etidoavoring to escape to a free State, as I understand some free jier.son.s of color re- nioved ffotn Sampson count\- last week to Indian.a. A reward of Ten Dollars will lie given for his appre hension .and delivery (o me, il t;ik‘n in thiScount\; Fifteen Dollars if fallen in any other county in this State and lo Iged in a safe .lail; ir Fifty Dollars :f taken eut of the Sl.ate,—so that I get him ag.-iin. AI. N. LEARY. Fayetteville, March 20, HItf T()|{Ac:c:o. rBIIIE Bubscriber continues to receive and sell, on jifir ('(1 rrKK/f' JjntiihlishniKnt on fhp ^Iihtdt'if (ii'Cf)i, (he Mrth.xlmt ('liiirch, /'iiDitiiU/ 1)1 Jliiiti/»/nt Slircf. (JKK.A'l' K.V'l'f.Ul’KISK! 1!* l»oiiii«l to Sliiii«‘!! ri’^IIE Subscribers would respectfully inform thei> I friends and the imblic, tl "t they have entered in'o copartnership for the purpose ot conducting the general (’.ARP.I.\(il’, IH'SINES.S in all it.s various parts. .And being both practical workmen, fully understanding their business, they have no hesitation to compare worn with any establishnient in Fayetteville as to style and dura- bilitv. oiie of th'' firm may be known by reference to A. H. Whitfiehl's iron work for the last two years. We warrant all work to give general satisfaction for twelve iHonths- Renairin"- done in the neatest manner low for cash. ^ " ]*1ER .S: RRANIN. Jamks H. Viku. J.\mks R.iiamn. Favetteville, Jan'y 24, IH-'ill. (i:itf nmniifactiirerti’ account, tured Tobacco. May 3], 1802. all gr.ades of nianufac- J. I’TLEY. l‘5tf ^100 HinVAHU W WT" ill be jiaid for the aiiprehension and confine- ▼ ▼ ment in jail of a ii n»i by the name of ALEX ANDER RROWN. He is a’o. ut ’> feet 10 or 11 inches high, rather stout built, weighs about lb.3 or 170 lbs., has light colorel hair, rather inclinel to red, dark eyes, .-‘.nd is somewhat freckled in the face. He is very polite in sneakiim. He killed a negro boy of mine last nij;ht. ‘ CAMERON WIUGHT. Springfield, Richmond Co., .Ian. 20, 1 85.‘L (Jltf PIANOS FOR SALH. ri'^llHEK very good secofKl-hnnd Pianos for sjile. Ap- I ,,]y to WHITAKER, jan’y 1, 1/A 7X on.. ,Se. Ll'.s. PI RE Wlin r, l.E\D. ■Jil bbls. ithikc’s Fire-prool Paint, I.iii'ced >il. Train A'cgctable fir Rosin Oi;, ('hi'onie Yellow, Green, in Oil. | Paris Putty and Putty Knives, Copal Varnish, Rlack Leather A'arnish, Rrown .lap.-in '• ,'^c. For sale low by .1. N. SMITH, .lan’y 24. ls-’>o. ti'Jtf A I/A HAKi:ilY. rW-^HE Sul iscriber has cst.ablishc'd a R.-ikerv on Row M- Street, on the Lot two d.mrs East of Dnncan McNeill’s Cabinet .'''hoji. He is pre]>:ired t,i fiirnisli Families. Roats. !ind the pulilic generally, wit). I’-read. Riscuit. and Cakes of various kinds, of the best ouality. as he has procured the services of one T>f tiie bt st Rakers in the State. Prices reasoii.ible. Give me a call. CHA’S P.ANKS. I’ayettevirif, Dec. 28. l‘'-')2. .'i-'i-tf FlUK-PUOOl' UOOl'IN(i. Fratiris Shrntoit^ .‘^L-VTP: and -MKT.Mi iMRH'KK, \o.. rflll.VNKFFL for past favors, begs to call publii* at- Ji. tention to SL.X'I’E ROOFING, done on the most approved ]>rinciple, i laking roof’s lighter, tighter, and more diiraide tliaii tl.e old w:iy ol' sheeting, ell'ecling .a s.'iving in lumber, jind greater security .against f;re. The low price at w hich Sl.ate Roofs are now offered w ill compare favorably with any other kind of fire-]>roof I Roofing. SL.\I’E (’HIMNEY PIPES made to any jiattern. They are an excellent remedy for smoking chimneys, , and seldom fail to efl’ect a enre. Tin and Copper Gutters, Leade** Pipes anti He.i'is, made to any iiattern. anl every kind of fire proof roofing put on or repaired in the Viest manner, im reasonable terms. F. in soliciting your patronage, feels confident of giving entire satisfaction in all c.-ises where a thorough knowledge of his business is rcfiuired. F'ayetteville, Sept. 7, 1,‘'.*>2. 24\ MARBI.E I AC 1X)11Y, and McMlIcine. SAViri'J. .1. IllNSDAl.K ' Now RE(’i;i\'IN(i .-idilitioiis to his I;U'i:c .'■'tock of Dn/^rs, Mrdic'mes nnd ('Jicinicals. His arrantrements w ith large importing Drug Houses in New- York and Phil.ididphia .are such, that he can al- ■w.iys ]iroctire ini]iortcd I>rugs .and Chcmi'als of the very best unality, -All the Pharmaceutical Preparations and Coni]ioun,is sold by him are made under liis ]iersi'nal .'apei-intendem-e, ••m l Physicians and tlie public m.ay rest asMired that they are genuine. He ri'spectfully solicits oi-'lei's from Physicians at a flistance. .as well as from those in the a'ljoining coun ties, feeling confident that he can sell (Ui as good terms ■!i any house in North C.arolin.a. -\s to the (juality of his Drugs, he refers to those Phvsici.-ins who have been his p.atrons for the past ten yeavs- jg..,-..'- Parti,-ular attention ]>aid to orders, and to the packing of (ilassware. SAMl'EL .1. HINSDALE. Druggist and .\])Otheciiry. Alarch 21. 7,^-2m SADDLKII.^’ AND (’()A(’I1-.MAKKIIS’ BM.M MS MP !*•.# If TiioiiiJi .i]KKi:,\zii: k m, ,\o. 22J r»iilliiiRiri‘ St.. Hiilliiiiorr. fMIMMd'ER.'-'. and Dealers in Hog.'^kins, .“Saddle Trees. F.ngVish Heads .and Reins, Girth ebs. Stirrups, Hames. Ritts. ,‘ic. Springs, .\xles of .all kinds. Coach Lace. RE .NT I’ELI.OES, lluhs, S(iokes, Carriage and Tire Rolts. Patent Canvass. C;irieting, and every :irti- . «de connected w ith either branch of the business, which they iire prepared to offer to jiunctual customers on as good terms as any other house in the Cnited States. .Agents for the s.ale of Pope’s Self-.\dju>iting P.\bS ami .''pencer s (il(i TREE.''. fr/’y Orders promjitly attendcil to. Address ; TiKiii.is inrKiAZii: .V ' No. 222 R.altimore .'Street. 4'.tV] RALTIMORE. woMTH cV i':LLiorr, (srt i r.ssoKs to j. t>. a\ ams.) rnilWAKDINt; & ('()>!. MHItCllANT.S F.VYETTEA ILLE. N. C. (OLT> ST.\.\n OF H.VLI. .t .TOIl.VSON.) .T. A. A^OI'.TII.] [w. P. ELIJOTT; February I'i. IS-':’.. CO-y STAUR cV WILIJAMS, AVHOLESAl.E HEALERS IN JTorcig:!! tin ft SPomesiic IPrs/ (aoodsi IIAV jiTiii/irr, Fayetteville, BJ. C. .1. 75. STAKIl.] [.J. M. AVll.LIAMS. April -2^. IS.-,2. St'.tf II. L. IIOL\il-:s. Attorney at Law, Wilmington, W, C. und.vr .lournal ollice. Dec. 12. 48-tf JOSiri'il il. liMISMI.^1. V 12 .Tl B « S I « •\ND FORWARDING MERCHANT, .V. C. I'romjit personal attenlion given to all Consign:-^ meuls, anil(’:>.s\i advances made on Produce lo be shij>- pi'd to (.fhcr ports or sold in this market. Fel). 12, iNo:;. C7y wjiJviNsoN i:sjj:r, DEALERS IN C"’>pf ‘iiii)]ian/, Fi>nii/ri Fniil^, Tolmcrn^ 11)(I Sinift\ AND IMPORTERS OF E3AVA.\A Clft.VRS, AT WIH>1,I.S.\LF. AND RETAIL. Market St., Wilniingtonj N. C. Aug. 7. IS.', 1. lltf MALLiyrr .v pai lmii-k, iirofi'rs ftud 4'oittmissiou •licr^ rltanfSn fl'roEif Slr‘c*f, NEW YORK. I'. MAM.KTT.] [.r. r.WLMIER,' An-ust 111. IS.-,2. IKtf I Bv GIX). l AUDI.U. TWO DOORS .1I50VR I’. T. IIIHIII S; SOWS STORC, Fayc'tteiille, /. .Jan’y 20, 18-J.3. r,l-lApd FOR SALK OR RKN 1\ r|pHE fine SUMMER RESIDENCE now oocn])ied by fl Mr. J. E. Rrynn, two miles AVest of town. Pos session given immediately. Apply to .Mr. .Tohn H. Cook or C. E. Leete. S. A. LEETE. March 10, 18-5o. 77tf SMPI’RI.\L. (luniiowder. Hyson, ^'onng Hyson, f)o- ! long. How-i|ua. Pecoe TE.\.S, selected expressly for | mv rct.-iil sales, for sale by 1 S. ;. HINSDALE. j March Ifi, IR.',.",. 77-2m Hoc’KFisii sii!:i:'riN(JS, Y the bale or half bale, for sale bv C. T. H.U(iH S.ON. .luly in, 18.')2. Stf sroi; A (.!•:. 7E have commodious biick Warehouses in the i rear of our Store, in w hich w e store cotton atul other produce. I*. iC . .McLAl RlN. Nov. 1. l^ol. MFK i\sru \N( i:. rH'^IIE rndersigned has been ajijiointed .\gent id' the M- North Carolina Mutual Life Insurance Company, Every member for life particip.ates in tin- profits id' the Company; .‘nul the annual p-emium for life member ship, w here it iimount.-! to iji;,0 or more, may be ]i!iid one-half in cash, and the o’.her half in a note at 12 months. Debtors’ lives may ’ne insured by creditor.^. .A man may insure his own life f’or the exclusive benefit of hi.s family. The lives of slaves may be iiisured. This systiMii is rapidly growing into favor, all over the civilized world. It is one by which .a family, for a small sum annually, m.ay be provided for. after the •leath of its head, on whose exertions they may hav(‘ been dejiendent for a support. It is a good investment of money, even if one should live long after taking out II Life Policy. Explanatory jiamphlets, .and the necessary Blanks, furnished on .application. E. J. HALE. Fayetteville, June 1850. 72 T. C. WORTH, fOlilHSSlON ,\M) rilKV, \R!)IMi MERI'HA.NT, WiLMlNCJTON, N. C. Fe>.. 1, IS.';;. • fiotf MI UKAY (.liAN'J', hoUsale (irnecr and ('onnniasiun Merehantu^ Wilmington, N. C. Aj.ril 2H. Sf^-^ni A. .). CV J. 'J\ .l()Ni:S, General Ageiits Commissicn Blerchants; \VaE.TSI\)JT0.1i, « . Ijf-jV' Particul:ir attention given to the .'ale of Tim ber. Lumber, and Naval .Stoia on consignments. X. n. i.iberrd cash advances 4;;tf s rAUP.rcK, Trot/, IIKIX FOrNDKIt AND MA(’H1.\I."T, Mannfacturrr '\f Sfmm Mii/xnntl />oi7t'rs, JJill Gcor!i:j of ftU kinds, Flumihf, ir. r^lHE undersigned, as the Agent of (he above Eslnb- -H. Hshmcnt. will order any articles which may be wanted, on application to him. '"he Steam .Mills manufactured by Mr. Starbuc'v have been tested, and are highly approved on ttie Plank Roads about I'uyettevilie. EDW’D LEL AV1NSL0W\ Fayetteville, C“pt -1, 1^51 2^tf

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