thl >l.„, ■l"l -Kt;; iL* '■■“f- ’'"“s.., ’■_ pr-iperj »!:nk. B S E M I - W E E I£ I. Y. [VdL. II.] I'lnNTKn BY J. K. NIOWIJY. i:i)\\ \HI) J. HALE & SOX, Kl>H’t'US ANl) rivOPRlKTORS. FAYr/FTEVTLT.E, N. C., M\Y ir,. 18.'): [NO. 194.] Hnra^ffrtwuiaBB ■•'■ Ik, fP ■ ' ^ '* :illl »' ichi;,. r« ’/-•''t.-i i.'!2 ‘ - IIU‘ ■'''Ku. ^■tt' V :!\ 3RK, > |> ■r Wli i r I cs- M r. ;' r t •■'omi-Weekly Ousehvek !j^4 00 if paM in ■ MS’.) if the year of Pubscrip-! , >■ :iftor tlio year hus expired. . _, A\..k'v ('‘ii'F.K\ KU ii'J per annum, if pail in . : '-J if p.-ii'l durinp the year i>f sul.scrip- ^ ,, J f; fH‘ :if;cr tiie year ha.s expivcd. ' I. ISKMl'NTS inserted f.>r fi\ty cents per r' ';■ ’inc' l''i' tht“ first, and thirty eonts for eaeh 1 i.i ’. \ early advertienjents hy spe- ,,:r f'. Jit ren-^.'uable rate.«. .\dvt-rtiMers are ,-,i i ■ - the number of in.sertions desired, or ■ . .lutii.uod till fi^rbid. and cliarired :ic«’i>ril- v-'l., *:er'^ to the F'ditors mu't be ]>ost-]i:iid. l’,(>\ \ \ IS'PA FOR s \\a:. ! ' I 'hy and ple.iiaut Ur..SIUr.N('r.. owned ■, ii'ie i by tiie snbscriber. is niw otlered for I v ] do"iir"US of livine in the vicinity of ; iisli'!i2 to M-iMvre a pleasant situation, where , ! w;itiT and .'I healthy iittnusphcre. an oj.- !i «■ i rosoiited wl'.ich th'CS not often occur. . - ; !i tin- i ri'ini«es a dvve’.linj:. kitcheVi. siiioUe . I i!' ‘ 1 fcllar, w.iod hou-e. hum. \c. The ...■ ■ ■iHi.Mi f.'iir and live acres. More land ,. i K ;...d if df^'.red. Much nf the native ' . -11 prc'iTvcd ab..ut tin- In.use so th:it the . r .11 I ?!'’.'iy his ta-itc in its arrantrcnient.— ^ ’ ^'c • f I'ein^ ni.'i le die . f the ni"st U'lu'cs in this vicinity. ; l ie kh.'wn on npplic.atinn ti> the snb'-i-riber. I., M V 1"'.'.. flif \vsiMi:iii:s. (\\ssiMi:ui:s. • r. ■ ' ( 1 !» If-vli ■'■■il pl.' 'f tliat i'.‘'.i'''ra- ' • Nt \^>1\1K11F. t'' wh .-h I wc-u’.l - a’ll . ; i;.v II .cl. i iilid the in general. r, .nr.M\\ Ki.L. '.•itf I rin*i:.N'i'iM:. ‘nt xv;ire-h'Uro n“ ir the sti':.m ' ' r\, ;n wliicli v.e can if' l-ive an 1 !"r- 1 • ■.■.I'.- t' r ,.ur !rie’.i J'. ■ •y-,iin^: them '.i;}.'!'’'.- fnC'-’M' -*. if' '•* tiiv “rti'-lc n mr "■wn av -..u!it. :,n 1 II ;.rtii.lcb as iisu.w'.y wuntt.-i b_\ the ■ ■ ; .'.ji's. J \ T. V. AliDH.L. TO PHYSICIANS. 50 ounces i>ulph. (Quinine, ‘ Iron, (by. Hydrogen.) t> doz. ‘I C ,'c Co. Cod Liver Oil, A(» ciunces lod. I’titas. i! » IbM. I’il. Ilvilrarfr, »•> Ib.s. Ilyd. iSub. Cah'inel. ll> lbs. pure Chloroforni, liO lbs. Turkey Opium, I'.ther. .Vconotine, O!. Croton, Strychnine. Iodine, ('reo.rote. Tannin, Velcrianati of Zinc, AN ith every .ai ticle connecteil with the llru" and .\po- tliecary busini"is. Particular and prompt attention paid to orders, anti to the jiackinjr ot (llass-ware. For sale l»v SAMI KL IIlNSbALl-:' Dru^rpst. April -J.'), IS.'ui. SH--Jm HOOTS AND SHOES. 7" K AUK now receivinp our SPRlN'fl ^ ww and Sl'MMKH stock of (jentlenien's, I.adies’, Misses'. ISoy's, and Children's Jioots, Shoes and (J.aiters, einl.iracini a jrreat v.-iriety of styles and ijual- ities. All of which were selected with prcat care from the most approved Manufactories for the retail trade. —ALSO— \ larpe supply of Trunks, and Carpet Haps; Calf, (ioiit. Lining, liindinp, and I’ad Skins; Siioe Thread, L.asts, Sparables, and Slioe tiiidinp.s of all kinds, for sale very low for C.vsll by S. T. IIAWLKV M SON- ■April 11, SJ-Hw LEATm*:R r»ANOS, ^BinOIlOrOHLY stretched, cenieiiled. and riveted. H- The above IJaii'ls are sold ‘JO per cent, less than New York manufacturers' prices, (’ash will be re- |uired in everv instanc*. I’or sale by W. II. lAi'TKr.LOII. Fayettexille, Nov. Hi. 18.')i;. oltf I 'r wiiiMiVi I. FOi;\V.Ml)lN(i AM> C()MMI.-;S!(*\ MKp/ciIVNT WILMINGTON, N. C. 15I,HS(»NAL atii'ntion piven lo the sale or shipment : ton, or at the of Naval Ston s. I haye ample facilities for coh-U omjpanv, an-1 si-ribcrs inform their frietuls ami the pub- ductinp the business: larpewharf and store sheds to Coni|^:inv, 1‘ratt Streit, I’.al M-:illy. tliat t!iey h.ive entered into Copart- I '■'•'ep sjiirits from exposure. Naval stores will be sliipjied ' .Jan. 1, IS^ii. L-r the firn> of Murray xCrant. foi the pur- i •‘'•y in New York, or to other markets if 1 advisable, and cash .advances made on con.sipn w lOI’AUl'NKUSIIll’ NoriCK II K Subsi-ribc lii" pc!n ner'hip under the iirui oi >iurray \ tii-ant. Tor the pur pose of transactinp the Cirocery, Commission, and Fir- w.u linp liusiness, in all *f its ilitferent branches, at the old stand of U. 11. (irant. ne\t door to the Custom Ilsuse on Water street, and would be glad to sei ve their friends at any time. W. II. CKANT. K. Mrilll.VV. Wihninp'.on, N. C., .\pril 120, 88 4w VlLl lBLi; (i(lLl) wm & .MILLS FORSlli;. TB^ UK Subseribcr otlcrs for s:tle some M’ll.K ■. it)I,l» .MlNK.'s five miles north of llitherf>irdton. In the tracts of land upon which vein« h.ave been opeti- ed there are about ^.'iO Fifty, or more, shafts have t.eon sunk, and onio of the HlCHKs r Ul Tl..'' nixi'.s lirive b(>(“u taken out. ever found in North ».'ar. ana. The l.-uids h.a\e an .nbnndanee of the finest tiuiber. atTordin;j wooii upon the "round tor tnnnelliiip and tor steam ni.ichinery and buiicHnp. It iii. stly vxo' ilan l The veins are believril to t>. .xttit'itf ouii .\ttachel to it is an excellent '•hoal f>n ‘_’d Proad ItiviT. up' ti wi.ich (here is a tir-t rate NlIMli ll \NT \11I.I.. io’, 1 Nl.'l. «itli .'>tanip>. Aniainaiii barrels, h.rpe Fin nai e !'• r r".-,>!in;i ores, and m.icliinery of »-vt ry kind n'ce'':;ry f>'r the iin'lied’ ite w-rkincof the mines. The Mi';i« nre ab"\it two niles from the Veins with a lir.-t rate road t 'r hanlinp to them. The.''c ininr-. thi' ,'^ubsi rilier bc’ieve*- t be e.|ual in valr.e to anv e\er f..un I in tlii"; .'■l.ite, Tlu v h ive bei-n IlM^ IMS, iCM*. r. s \1 1.1. \ ant and Inserf.nps. Mrs. V/alton i';st received the s.. *■ 1 ^r. -k of Sjv ' j nnd Sumn^.-r lii'NNK'i’S. c. nsistin ' "f >trawM ,.f .i new and w .rked :'liU t ■ a I’liuie-- e I'-1 ■ \ fa' i’i!^ w ; ! be f r e\:unMie the^n, The itt tw. ve:.:>; bi;t tl,.' Ii V’ ; in ■ and i-* in '.Too 1 r ; :'.’r 1' : .''ubnHTpe l Ke-ai't 'li wli. .l • f W :;!• r. It h:iv u] II it p iion*-’ ofhi e-i. '• 'I '. \e tnre wi’' tit every thinp ii*' I.ev c - th;it iio i.ftter M •lit aii'i ! to p Very viu'-kilt'ullv. ■r>oi;s ile'iiini: to t be. n w(.rke.| t’or ■n w -th a 1 cii'tom 1 by I' lr ;i'r s Ir -n !i:.' all -.mple ‘-npply ii;.-J r d« e!!i:i;r : ■ 1 a ' i l _\ ' ';t evperi'li- f'T w. rk Tiie .''ii^'.^eriber • i-:in .e all .r ie l f..r I'.Tat ali'l d ; I f, '.e, :,:;.l varlou> pr cc^: IV : .n«. ll.-;i,i- lre-,.-. 1 .• p ar. 1 •■li..rt i' .ves. Cn 1-r s'e-v. >. C, irs the inv.-Tiaent f t.. tho>e lie.-irous to t iipape pr.’titai ly in i..!.l Minin.: If n. t > I at 1 rivn’e -- I'e. 'lie pr..|.erty will be « .M at j'ublic ‘ at IIuthert'.r it. ii .n the -.l-t ..f ,„.yt ,IoHN !U \V I VMM. Kuthert' iM. -\pril I t. .‘•7-lwpd 1 refer to the foll iwing distillers: K. IIannum, Wayne County, Cji.andler Mall, .lolinstoii Co.. Lovett I’eacock. Columbus Co.. 1$. II Ihirden, “ •• Thos, L \ ail, lUudcn “ Messr.-). .''inith, \ Inpram, .Johnston Co., Messrs. Z. .Jones, •• Messrs. Smith \ .Ione.«, *• ,'^pein-er Fountain, Lsip, “ Levi Ihiiley, Ks^., May JO. is.‘,j. Hr>-yj>d siiin(;li:s. F want 10(»,(Miti poo.l .luniper SillNCiLFS. r*r * W which the best price will be paid. J. \ T. WADIHI.L. April 4. l>i.'.n. h;;tf W an I'EI) I'O IH IUMlASi:. COUPS I’INF, Woup, to be ilclivered on mv Wharf durinp the next .-ix months. T. S. LI TTKIILOII. ,Jnly 'JJ. IHjf ( \N TON MA'I'l'IN(;. PS. CXNTON MATTINC, and f,-J, white and red checked. Skj)'!' ( '(tr 'h't Solid. ■J’ I xes in 1 lb. paper>: a sujierior article. ■_'U Fleme Fips. .lust receiveil an.i f'r sale hv S. W. TlLLINi.IIAST vV CO, ■\pril tl. l>»'io. .'*;'.tf WAN'P OI- MONi:\. LL (.er.' .ii," w ho are indebted to me. by note or ac- 1 • unt. are earnestly re.|uested to settle—particu-'y tli""'e .lebt.^ due me before the 1st .J.anuary. 1 M\ business reipiires me t.i ni.'ike this call, aii'l lonper in.iulpenec be pi\en. A. A. McKLTIlAN. -l.;tf M'.W S'l'OCK OF : Sl’RlMi ;1\II snnii‘i{ (lODDS, ''III', subscriber is now receiving a larpe and well selected stock of (lO(il)S, comprising ii Oeneral .\ssortnH-nt of DlvY (JOODS. Roady-iiiudc (Motliinn.; l)0(»ts niul Sliot's, i lilts ;ni(l C.ips, ' 1 lardwart' iuul ('utlcrv, ( Jroc('rics, Sadtlk'TV, cVc. ^'c., Which will be s.ild low foi’ ('.ash, or exchanpe.l for Tur- I pentine an.l Ci.untry Prodm-e. j lie returns his w.irniest thanks to hi.s ol 1 friends and - , , I. 1 • 1 I cuslonii'rs for the liberal pation.i:re heretofore extended t i( 1 !nin,.t .11 .11.' 1.1 >p 1 I hopes to merit a continuance of the same. N. KINC. Kinp«bnrv, .\[>ril P'., 1 s.');’,. Sotf Dot TOKS \l. ^n. W. UOIilNSON '■'VL's.'^( lL\'KI> their copartnership on the 1st of uW ,\]iril. lUid h.iive disposed of their etitire stock of Prnps. Medicines, >.'ce. to l>r. Thomas (’. Hall aii'l Hen ry ('. Kobinson. 1 hey will retain an (Iflice in the s.nne Jiuildinp, where eitiier or both may he consulted as heietofore. It is very important to them that their accounts should be settled as e.arly as pr.icticable. for which purjiose they have enpjiped the services of Mr. .lohn .•sjiaw, who may penerally be foui;d at their ofliee. ,\pril 1 L l^•').'!. S-i-tf K!:i)rc'i:i) taim:. Tiekots Lcf'vcen Wilininpti.n, N. ('.. and IJalti- ni.ire. Fare>il-'>. Via Weldoi\, Peter.xburp. Kiehmon.l. i*!; Wa^h- inpton ('ity. or vi.-i Weldon, Ports- nii util and .Norfolk. For Tickets ap)ily at the (Hliee ~ ■ llail Road 'onii'any at Wilminp- Oflice of the l’>altimoi-e Packet 1 of the P.altimore and Ohio Hail llial iltimore. :.:’,-tf ron- iVcw Coods for 1853. C. 'rilOMS(^N IS now rcccivi!i2 u :uni \voll soU'ctcJ Stock of and Siiuiiiu i* ('onsistln;! of (ientlemen s line Fashior.ahle Moleskin, C;i>siiiiere. Panama, l.i -horn. and a larpe variety of other styles of H.Vl’S rii’.d C.\PS. which will be sold low for (.’a«h. ^ .\lso. a p iiera1 iissoi tni* nt of (ientlemen’s. Ladies’, Mi>.-!cs'. Youtlib’. P.oys'. Childien ami 1 nfant.s’ fine • Iress (iaiters. (ip'.’. as. Oxford Ties. Pii.-kins. P>OOTS and nol'.'s; which he is willinp and .•'.nxions to ex- chaupe for ('ash, on liberal terms. ,1. (’. T. .NL'irket S«|tiare, March 'JO, l.'^.>;!. 81 tf .")0 Laborers irnnfcd, ot I j)cr daif— cniorrf/ j)rcf'rr (l. fglllF, nhove j.rice will be jiaid for po(id li.tnds, to Ji work on the lower Lock and Pam for the ntxt four or five months. Person": liavinp Neprocs which they vx'ish emj'loyed, wi’l make application, durinp the )nonth of .\pril, tc Hall vV ilollinper, ;;t the Foundry, to ('ol. Ale.\. Mur chison. or to Col. Natiian Kinp. ,IO!IN p.ollin(;kr. Mar. h IH.":!. Sl-:’,m 'riic Suhsrrilx'r still tinues to carry on the C.MUNHT 15L.''l- NLSS in Fa_\ ette\ille, and in addition to his Kstalilisliment o.i ll.iw .-'treet, near FccIps's P>ritlpe. has opened a laip- W AI>K j P.OOXI on Hay street. ne;irly f.pposite ihe F ivi-Iteville j Hotfl. and one door of .\lessrs. H.aipli X Son's, | w Ih re ,‘i peneral assortment ot j i r!i \ rrriMv .Made liy com)'etent and faitiifnl workmen, m.iy be had at prices corroponiliiip with the times. .\lso. un as sortment of N..rtlii'rn-niade FI UN 111111%. selected liy himself, which will be so!.i at a v« i\ moilcrate a.lvance. 1»PNC.\N McNFll.L. Nov. 10. 1^-')1. oStf K keepc on h.ind an assortment of Fisk’s celel.ra- t.'l MKT.M.l.P’ P.I UIAl. C\.sFS. which have been hiphly recommen'le.l l>y Willie P. Manpum. Henry ('lay. Lewis ('.I'S. Wni. U. Kir.p, an.l many other il lustrious char.acti'rs, w ho have examineil and w itnessed theii ulililv. A \ N. I'', 1' I). W .Me Liiiirin in addition to their former : '. l»ress t'aps and I're^s Trimn.injs - an.l Mantillas ma.le in the lat-st t;t\l* r Ivrs fr.iin tiie country promptly aiten le Is.-,:;. 1 t.. I lii:MOV\L. ^HF un'ler-.pi.e 1 Ime remo\el ’ 1 tli-ir .. upi. . ■ 11 't.iii 1. II F.iMii'on .S. the s; t> rmer- ■ n. five doors ea't Cape Fear Navigation Company. n \nnu:l Meetinp of the St..ckli.d.lers w:’ 1. iftice (i Fi». ■ f the ('ape Fi W W 11,1 I \M. .ir .s-tealii lloat t' r \nnu: i .• •! in F ' • tti villc on Friday the :ld .lune i.ext. J. li. HALL, pre^ t. ■ 7 ■ ‘'Jtm ui:mo\ f:i). :'K .s i'-••ri>)er l.avinp remove.i to th.' stan'l f.r- ■ riv .■.■upie'i by Xl-ssrs. Starr \ Williams. .n public a penera'i ass-,|-tnient >■;’ and wouM be ds be] they he ;■ Jetermirie.l to sell .a smail jirotit ■ ii time t'l punctual customer-. ,j C. PoK. .‘Jtf ,)No. I) W II.I IAM.-''. I. is kept \ "ent. 87tf M. \Nl> F\N' V 1 llV (.ool'S, sf'e : 'i per- 'ns in want of i' ■ II II. K. J. I.II.I.V ,~t rei f“ive 1 their second st .’k of .Sprinp I-, eon:prisins n pen. :. r I.. !s. 11. l; iiinets. I'.o • f Snninier (.’ ‘I. I'm- I'ants i Ve.sts. w r \i\S IN ( Hi MiS. ., I. , ii\ :j'irs to ~ell .’ip.iin, the un ier- ■ >/' ie.ive to iiif.-rm that he I.a* n. 'v ii ■ • ,r, ..f n'l kind'.•! Cipars. w hich lie \\ i i ' t.i i atinot ';e unders.d.l in th’.s M.-ile. l.r .n.l Principe. J* HOES, in I) II **_'a ii!' s ‘lav and .'tiier favorite Tipar* on (.Lol'.(ii; ilUANDT. !cj-Jni Th.- in the Apr^ Ivaiid >!j>h Sh(‘(‘tiiij and ('ottoii ^ am. 1 l.\ Wt'U'Ill .V F.LLliiTT. April 1'-..' \‘W l)rii;Ll Stor*. roit(/,-rs tV .Wffr f'ill'll'I' of llfii/ ! hiiiitliis’ii ihrnOj nf fhf -- lU* I.VVLITI.VILI.F, N. (• , 'X a larpe '•t-'.’k "I PUI (».'s .\N1* ii tly li m Imp.’Tter-all I Maiiu- will -eli t'. Ph.\ an 1 C,.un- •1 siiiall ad\ iiii o. .11 I'and. ..ftiie best quality, every varief -.f arti.'b-s in their line, h i\intr ma.|e ar- lan^emeiits to that eflect with estabii-l;ed houses in Ni w ^orW T e,r Stock hn%in>_' >'ei-n very c irefully seb p;;rt ii is" 1 f r '.ish, "i'l enable them - .■.,ntM>-nt y ts- I.I'V r ites. Til. ' i-it a n the ( li'.iic. Apri' JJ. I''”’ I'rrsit liitrin/i^ I'/i/ifl mill ( 'tiiiijt^iiiK,, ,Iust received and foi' ale by .) \. S\ll Tli. ;reen St. •■■Itf II .W’L just recei\e.| liiil kep' N A1 LS, 10 hli'ls .'siipar. ■J| libN. (iranulate.l .litt.\ • U baijs ('.iffee. pieces Pun.lee I’appii.p, 7 bales (iunn\ ( ioth, J.'. c.i’.s It..I.e.’ • t'.ns Swe les an.l F.nplish Iron, '•O kepx pure and extra White Lea.l, .'lO boxes W inil.iW (ihl'S, 4'i bail' Prop an l lliiek Shot, _•*> r.cps FFl li I’oW.ler. \ l.M I r,.i;if ati'l Cruskt'd Supar-, P»ar an 1 F ilicv .s^i ajis, Mai kerel. in l>arrels an.l half-)'irrel«, ('hee-c, ,pice. Pe| r. (liii'jer, SiintT. Imlipr.. M;nl h r, Si.ani'h Pr. vn. .''alt-, .''altpetre. .s^.aleratus. Nutm-:;s. M u e, '’,..\e.s, ^ ia«t Powders, ,perm Candies. ,S;c.: with a L.ener il :is-..rtment of !>UV «i(KII».s:. P.( >o'l'S ,\NP SllollS. 11 \U1>'.\ \UF. \NP ( 1 TLFP.V \\ c .i.ler the ab'iNe (looda at low prices, f r ('ash or I>. \ W. McLAl 1!IN. ('uhitut rifriii/itrr, ('futirs. f. rf'^IIF. subscriber is recei\inp lhehni.est a~s,.rtni' iit B in his line ever pe,rch. i-e.| at the N-.rth. which, topether with iiis onn manul.icture, mak. f his .s^tock very complete, lonsi'Cnp of ('luiii'*, 'raltles. Si>t';is. Ui', Wa'li HiirtMii", l-i'iikiiijr ('cs, Side Hiar«ls, .''crn tarlrs. .\11 of which will be soM ..n the lowest terms f' t Cash, or on short time to jiunctual cust..mei-s. ,loliN W. IIAKKU. o.-t. ;'.o, i>',l. o'.tf iMoN s'i'Aiiu:s, F WIIYTFVII.I.K, N C. fB'«HF PUOPKILTOUS are t re] are 1 t.. fur-’••h the B Public with Miorsfs. 4'trri(i:^rs. fiHft iot: Sigsib:. They are ais,. prepare.1 t.. carry l’->-so,ipers to aTiy ..I tlo- neiirl.tiorii;- ’|. wn«. on reas .n.ible teri.i'. Their Stock ina\ be toun 1 at tlie .'-^labies I'.irmerly o.-cupi.'.l by >le-;. Pl'ilii ■ \ u • ten. a few d - rs West ..f tlie Teb .rapli 1‘Hce. FAMII.V I’I.orii. FFW Parrels superior Family I'lour. Also. 40 Parrels Yellow Phintinp Potjitocs. For sale by (.FO. W. WILLI.VMS \ ('(). Feh'y IT. (i'.itf No'i'K'i: ro 'ruA\i:lleus. ^I^HF subscriber keejis constantly on hand a hand- f some assortment of all kin.Is of ' 7V/////'.v, \ nhs(s, (tnd ('(trpcl Bnirs, To which he invites attention. C.EOUOi; PU.\NPT. Itotween the .Market House and Fayetteville Hotel. 4, IS.',:?. ■ 8J-;'.m sri:i)M \N hoilm:, Dn^ (toods^ I/nnhrnrr, (irocrrUs^ t^r. TAvb:tti:vii.i.i:. \. 7'(»l'l.P respectfully infornt the citiyens nml the ]>nb!ic penerally. that they have just returned f'roin New York, and are receivinp their .“sprinp .''tock of (ioods, con'isiinp of />cy (irfiri rii s, Ihtrifirarr, »C -. variety of Hats. suit:i)ile for the season: Ladies' and (u iitlemea s I’ne.ts, Siioi - and Slipjiers: :i larpe as S'lrtmeiit of re.ady-m.ade Cloihinp: .a preal many .-irticles in the ladies' line, arri we would be pleased to have them to call an.i examine for themselves. All orilers sent to our care from our frier..Is an.l cu«- t'.mers win be pr>!y attended to. March .">•. 1 SItf \VA.N'n:i), •>81 '»•' TrnPFNTlNF, for Pistillerv at tluT’lank Uoad liri'ipe on P.ip llockfish. The bfst market price will be pai'l. For turtlier inl'orniation. iii|uire of .lohn W. Mur- pli\. .at the Pri.lpe. or of A. .V. McKethaii, Fayetteville. i»ec. IS. ' 4;'tf No'i'ic'i:. II L ."'uJ'Scriber has taken the shop lietwef'U Prs. Maliett \ .Mc."'wain an.l F.ccles's P.ridpe, where he inioiiils rarryinp on the T.\ 1 L >1! 1 N( i I’.t .'sl- N F.'s.'s in all its branches. Haiinphad 'nil': snis( uinEiJ t.'' now ree‘ivinp his Stock of .Sl’HlNG .\ND .SUM- MiiU (iOOp.s. consistinp of lv('a(ly-uia(l(' Clothing, I'oSBars, and llra^vcTw, noors. SHOES, and jiATs, .\11 of his own seleetioji, which he can v an ant etjual tc’ any in the market, and to be sold low foi- cash. ii:oi;(;i-: puandt. Piefwcen the Market House and Fayetteville Hotel. N. P. A nice assortment of POVS' ('LOTHING also on hand. .\pril 1, IH.'io, 8--rrn lU’SHFLS OATS. • i.O(to UlS. N. ('. Paeoti. For .sale by (illO. W. W ILLIAMS & CO. •JL ‘ Tl-tf Fe> F( 1'RES 11 CORN MI:AL I'.PT constantly on hand by (;lo. w.' V, illiamm "0. .. Jl. 71-tf ! am lUAv r(‘cci\ iipi i}»y siod^ of .'spPlNd :'.nd .^I'.MMF.l'i COOP.S Miitaljle for Ladies’ and Oentleuien's wear. Also. Hats. PonneI.s, Sfioc.s,' .\c, ,\c. PLTLU P. JOHNSON. ir., ]s.- r-tf C'OR \irrN!-:RS!!Il‘. rW^HF under.sipned have entered into a copartnership' & umler the name .nnd style of ieo. W. W iiliatns & Co.. the prosecution of a peneral business. Loca tion the same as oc.'upiod by J. P. William.s foi‘the last five years. (!F(t. AV. WILLI.VMS. JNO. P. WILLIAMS. Februftrv 14. 18;',^. 08tf nes.' and desjiatch. March :: V ir. i» . » . »t'iiPi>i;*v ^ -rur- peon flentist. havinp located in Fayette- ’ \ iile. may be found thii-d door l)clow the Market. Pen>. >w \ Kyle’s block, and will be happy to wait on those re.piirinp iti* services. All woik w.irraiited. and he flatters himself he can pivt'sati'faction. havinp taken prcat pains to‘qualify jiractic.-il experience in most of the ,\t- ],iniself under the instrtictiou of one of the first Dentists' lantic cities, he feels assureil tiiat he can jile.’ise the most fastidious .Ml orders will be cxccutc.l with neat- P.. MoNA(ilIAN. ."1-tf in New Fnplan'l. Pec. JJ. 18Vi. r)4tf li.-ive attMrlaii (I'tlcrs and P' I p,.l er. .,t l:;. P 'J'.tf VP. F Ii w n Mi;ppTNi.>. t'.. r urers, \\ iiich th try ^^.•rcll:llll' -.t a The', w ill keep c Pm = P-. an.l to '• 1' tl. te.l. and i.innieni at ver\ ^hare of the patron:itre i-:r r .ii s i' i!i;c'i:i\ i;i). " IP'Ops, '■rs, 'H. l .-^havea. Inp Knives. . r's I'r.iws, • oTiipa'ses, Vis-s, -t ' ••rv (ilup, f article^ ti«e'l by distillers tir.d Turpen- C. E. LFFTK. 0-2-’4x LAMPS, up ('amphine or Spirits Turpentine, n just received, by SAM L J. HINSDALK. .1 ,n'y ol. 1' ri-^HF subcerib'r re-pectful.y bep«; leave to bis I customer' ind the public penerally, th.'it he ju^^t >t"ck of ximiim: tM) mm cooiin, Fmbr.ieinp a (ieneral As-ortment of niwl Faii. v I'i v C-.cls, H'-iuu ts, Misers’ an.l (’liililrcir.-'ll-.its, W.nstnl I'afft rns, 1 m- br lias .nti'l l’aras..l.«, l>->nfs and Shncs. • Sl tiAll .\S\) COFFFF. \c. kr. P. SUFMWKLL, N-.rth-v.e^t Corner Market S.piare, (;reeii st. Favetteville, N. ( ■, .\pril 1, l.S-i->. ' •'*1 WaiTfiiloii ■Viiialr WAIiUKN Col NTY, N. ('. M r. T\v*r»t\ totirtli Svmi - Anini:il Sessi'.n nT t li- stiiution will commence on .Monday th next. ■ time — , i. I- uo jicr Mii'l 1 Modern Lanpuapes, Music. Praw former rate.s. \ ocal Music liiverv Stahlcs. Till' Ulnl'Tsi;:!!,..! cOtl f i 11 IK' to carry on the LIYLUY P.PSl- NFSS ;it this pl.:ce. They lia\- l.atel v lar^relv increase.1 their .*“tock and n now i fb-r t.i the public a» p. -i| II. T'CS. ( ;irri.ipe> an.l Pri- ver® as e:in be foun'l in the South ern ountry. Tli.inkful f'or the l.irpe patroii- aire lirret 'fore exten.led to H'. we solieit a c. ntinuation of till- public lav r. We pro:nise a satisfactorv trip t.> all who Tiiay wish to tr.iM-1. Slalib s at tiie West end of Muml'ord street, wlii'ic one Ilf the Proprietors m:iy always be found, or at the Store fust do. r Fas' of Mr. .1. W. POWFIIS CO. Fav ette\iile. I'eb'y ‘J'J. P''.>o. *1^ .n s r UE( Eiv i:i>. S\CKS LlVF.UP(»oL SALT. pioO liushets .Mum ditto, in baps, r.O hhds. sweet Molnsse«, Ih'i bbls. City Mess Pork, lio “ larpe si/e No. .'t Mackerel, lO half bbl.s. No. L' d.., •Jo bbls. t'resh c.aupht Mullets, r.O boxes Pricl Herrinp, loo t)bls. Plantinp e.atinp Pataf.ies, 10 hhds. superior P.acon, P. .V W. .McL.VPIUN. F-ayetfeville. Nov. 'JJ. !^VJ. 4.'.tf The\ !!' P.einsnien. A FoFu !:oi:.i; ( \UKi\.r. win b ten i.'ince. .it 'i;ort U' tice. tf l’.l^ en^trs from the .''te:in) 1’ •at'. They will t il;.- II .i-." on 1.'very at r.’a-.i; i'' T!ie\ ho].e. b\ tnct atti t.ti- !l t.> I 'i-iln" an.l a de- ti-rnriiiation t.i please, to nierit a slnire of pii'olic r..iiape. Pecomiicr 1 I. I to and tern.' .1. P. ASKLW. .\irelit. .•Jtf M .11 S T inu I'.iN i:i). PUniF. lot M .unt.iin l’utt‘r. New Orle;ii!s ale! l iiba Mola-s.,s. .lava. 1,’ipuiri and Uio C..tlee. Supar, llice, ..Vc. Wor.TH .V FI I.IOTT. m il 7. P-'-'-o. T 'tf I lOOO A ' — 1 of Man- uiry next. Chatves as b.-foi-e. Pui.ils are received at .-my time and diarpe.l from the time of entrance. 'i'erms: S;i tuition. ,\ncient aie d Ornament .I .>eeilie-woiK O'- Circulars containinp the fullest information will be sent to ap;.l% inp- M'.Li: LANDS I'OIv SALI''.. I : ; r •^ ilo mv plantation, situated seventeen ' util-west :,v Lumberton. and eighteen from 1' i. at,.l nine from Harlieesx iile, containitip •, i. i \,.rev of the best cotton nnd j.rovisioii inp, aii'l Oil 1 iintinu, -n • . . .ill, t'„/in,rr.,vo,nc«,. ..11 : .....I ..I........ ... .' N-B—* MM'.IV healthy, and the best stand for ■ . ...ititry, there havinp been one on it ocea- ' ■ !■ ti ■■ i-,»t thirty years; - witii about one hun- ; ty acres of cleared laud in a very high ' ation. ' - . the hinds for the valued proceeds of them | ' r-. with the work of seven hands. I will : ■!- If deiired. or if a larper tract is de- ; ■ '• - II larpe tract of land a«ljoining it that , - t .11 MTV reasonable terms. ; !. .itiou is desired. { ZACH. FULMORF-. j ■ May '.'th, I .10.000 ol" i:aa> \\ ILL 1 a\ ”... cts, per poim'l c-ish for all clean c«t- in.1 linen U.\(iS. delixercl to .1. P. W iliiams. in Favette\ille. 1 am nearl\ to put in o]>eration ;i P.apcr Mill in this iieiphb'rlioo.l. aii.l am desir ii.' of pi-ttiiip my raps in this iiiark> t. .\ly ohject is to ]'ay a.s much f.’.r raps as I can atb.r I. an i h .pe that I m.iy be torced to .li't.uit m.irkets |..r my supj.lies. 1 have iirranpt'd with .Mr. W l.t reccivi' .and pay t’.ir .all raps‘lelivere.l to him. Ml LI 11 \. Fa\etteville. Feh'y 'JI, I's-i'J. f.^-tf raiHF hiphest cash j.rlce ji.iid f .r Tnr|>‘'iitine. White H (lak ,'st:i\es. and (i;ik or .\s1k* 11 i-;i.liiip. ( .all on .Jas W, Straiure, who can alwa\s bi' fouii'l at the Still. McLa'i UIN .V S'lUANCF. Feb'y 1^^. 1S--.0. rRi:i(;ifriN(; on (wim: I'I:ar. fBAIIF subscribers havinp jiurchased the Steamer.s “ ^lialv Itin’Bif oiil ill B*arl. A. A. McKl'/rnAN T1LL continues to carry on the (’.\ U UI .\f-1' P»I SI- j ,,f dooiis; j \; ^ MISS in all its luMiudn's. at the remains of his old returns'^ for opp Libert', Point Fverpreen and Southerner and Tow Poats, lately i t|,,. lil>,.ral patrotiapc he hen-tof .re receive.I. and Cll.WFS i'e WILCOX. 8.S fm 10 .''T.W : 5. iH. O Tv L i:Ns .M (^ LA ss i-:s, . I half-l(firrel«. just received direct from ‘ ms, and for sale hy O, S. DKMING, Opposite Cape Feiir Hank. * (*ltf li()OKT,iNT)ERV. IIM'PIF has resumed the Hook I»inlir.p ■ '- :it the TievT St>re next door to Mr. , r, where he will receive and execute ;‘ .y stylo ikiiired. Warreuton. Pec. ‘J. 1>' *J. I’iios. .1. .lOllNSON . II \S .IPsT UFCFIVFP— piu.s. NFw ouli:ass MOLASSFS. 10 do. l.irpe Yellow Phintinp Potatoes, (',000 lbs. Northern Ihicon, TiOOO lbs. N. Carolinu do. 1000 bushels O.its, Plouphs and Castings, Hlacksmiths" Tools, 17 hhds. ('uba .Mcdasse^. —A LSO— 1 lipht four horse Wagon, ani 1 Pupfry. ^ Harness Horse, \c. thoS. .T. JOHNSON, Pers_on st. Faj'ctteville. Feb'y ‘J8, 18i)l5. 7-tf CAMPHFLLToN PIIOPKIITY FOR 50 . March 17, .irsr Ri'X EivEi), IIHPS. )>rime New Crop MOL.\SSKS, by iii:o. W WlLl.lA.MS & ’0. 77tf the j.rojierty of the ll. iirietta Steamboat ('ompany, are now prepared to forward with des|>ati h, between W il- minpton and Fayetteville, all freiphts or pooils entrust ed to theju. F. N. .V J. H. POPFUTS. Fayetteville. Feb’y 14. IS.-,;'.. '.>^tf U.NI‘.\l{,M.i.lCI.Kl) DISI'.V'rt'll. n.iir. 1* fWlHF undersipned informs Ihe jiublic that he is now M. runninp a daily line «f lipht draft Ste.imers on the Cape Fear Kiver". consistinp of the followinp boats: New Steamer Zephyr, ». *4 Major W m. Harnett, I T inches draft. *» “ Fannj’ Lutterloh, 14 “ “ lUiwan. One of these J)oats will leave Fayett-viUe every- morn ing (Sundays excejiteil) at 7 o’clock; and Wilniinpton everv day (Sundays excepted^ at o’clock, landing poods and passengers in Fayetteville in fift(?eH hours there.after. (Joods intended for these boats slionld he sent to the care of .J. & P. MelUe it Co., or K. LHttevloh, at Wilmington, who will forwanl at the n»ual rate of com missions. The Steamers Zephyr and Major Wm. Har nett ire elegantly furnished for the accomm«hiti«B of nasseneers Passage to or from W ilmington, ^ T. S. LUTTERLOH, Agent. Fayetteville, Fcb’jr 7, 1863. 60tf hopes b_\ strict attention to business aU'l a desire to pi\e entire satisfaction, to merit ji contiiiu.ince of the same. Il;i\inp ki-pt the preater portion of his Timbers at a disf.-ince from the manufactory. h‘ has on h.niol a larpe and well seleefed b-t of thorouphly seasoned Timber, of uverv desci iption used iii his business, which enables hiiii to rrtain all his iirincipal workmen. He is therefore now jirepared t.> do any work in his line in the very best style. !ind on the most favor.iblc terms—as b'W as j ,'iny Work of the same iiiial.fy in N. C. He has on hand, completely finished, 8 !>arouches. for 1 or 'J horses; (■> Pockaways. and Pi Puppies. .\ls*i. nearly finished, lo Carri.Tpes for '2 horses: 20 Harouches for 1 and J horses; PJ Rockaways, and .'lO HnppieR; .\1I of which are of the most aii|)i*0Ted i>lan and finish, and will compare with any work in the U. Statts foi neatness and durability. Havinp been enpaped in the sJiove Jmsiness for the past ‘JO years, his work is vreH known, and he refers to ohl customers for proof of its durability. ®aSr ALT. work warranted for 12 nmnths, and repaired free of charge shooTd it fail hy had workman ship or material, withiu that time. 8^g“ Rkpaibino exocTiteJ at iljort notice, and rea- sonalile terms. Jan'j 26, 1853. ^*’'oFLI) respectfully inform the pulilic that he is w w still !'t his old staii'l c.’irryinp on the above business in .all its br;!uches. He returiis (hanks for the liberal patronape he has recrive.l. nnd hopes by a strict att.'ution to business, and a desire lo ]>lea“e all and pi\e peneral satisfaction, to merit a coutiiuuuice of the same. He w.arr.uits all his work to be niade of the best ma terial and l.y experienced workmen.—ha\inp a :nore » .-111.1 / I'lii ’:riil he tlatliTS liiliiself that . his work will compete with any made in tiie .“state for st\le. elcpaiice and durability: an.l shouM any of it fail : in twelve months ;with fair usape'l either in workman- ^ ship or niiiterial. he will repaii’ it free ofcharpe. Persons wishinp to buy. would do well to call and ex- [ amine his work .ms he is •ictermincd to sell low for cash I iir on short lime. i Orders thankfully received an.l pr..m]itly attended to. ! ULlP.MUlNti neatly execute! at short ii.itice ; .and lowest pf.ssible j rices. F.iyctteville, .Ian. Il'i. P's-'io. (iotf TIIH !.AI’.':i:ST SILK. Kinnox. \\\) TlllMMIXG norsi: ix m:\v voniv. (mt. Strartt.^, [ IMPOPTFU AND -JOP.P.FR OF ' SILKS, IMIM.INKUY, AND F.\N(T GOODS.; 162 Broadway, N. Y., \.S now in .Store and is d.iily receivinp !i?>d ofl'er- inir at tlie Low■e^t Prices, a complete n •■■‘ortuieMt HIS LINF. comprisinp nil the various styles an * desipns. consistinp of 1 l»!ack and I'aiicy Silks; .Mai'ctdijP'S. I’iorcncos, Siiaw Is, 'rrimiuinL's; I’om- lu't 1’ihhoiis; 'I'atlcta aiul Satin Rio- hoiis; Drt'ss'rriinmiii'is of’all kiii(l; I'.mln'oidcrif's: l-'rcncli and i'siLdisli ('raj)t'S. C rape I.isscs. Silk ('ra- vats; (i|o\('s of p.ll kinds; Siik I,ac(‘ Mit{.~; liai-oiTPs, l.accs; \\’hil(‘ (Joods, l!o^i('ry, f,. (\ Handkorcliirls'. The niider."ipned would invite the attrntion of his friends and the Trade pener.'vllr. He will ofTer irri^at inducements to r.\.H AM) Sli(»nTTIMF P.UYKRS. TIIOMA8 G STKAKNS, Iti’J I’ro-odway, nctwpen Liberty street an.-? Mai'JeH Lane, N. V. Jan’j 15, I8-33. (Jl-Ypd HrriiIr ('and'I Mainif(ictorj. Fg^lir. •!'- ■'■■'^K.r still . oiitiniics to mnnufaeture a sn- K • • vTii.'eoi' plain and f.atvy C.S'.PIP.S. at tiie (.1.1 'I-.nd. •’>. (ueen street. .loors North of the ^iarket llouso. where he woiiM be ha]>py to see his ii' 1 friiii ’> a:; 1 customcis. CII.VPLFS HANK.":?. March 1. 7otf A Nl':\\ IN\ I'N’l'iON. ’ fR'^ilF unde^^ipn•,l Im* made an invention if a Smut 0 .Mai hiii*-. whi'-h he will insure to in* perfcct in the extraction of snir.t in wheat, and wishes to inform Mill Owiiers tiiat he is puttinp tiji machines at Pnion Facto- t'.iy, on Peep River, eipht miles North of ,\shbor(>uph. Slv machines are coni]>os‘d of three di.'tinct prinid- plcs, rentiifuc-il, scoweritip aiidieaction. It takes tiie wheat throuph three operations in poing throuph the machine once. Any persons Imyinp a m.achine. after tryiiip it. if it d.-es not clcan wheat, damp or dry, I will t.ake it buck. Pi ice .'seventy-five Pollars. Ml letters addres.sed to New S.alcm Fort Office. Ran dolph county. P. P. FRFFMAN. Oct. PJ. 1--VJ. 84V RAl'ON! RACON! 'Q *•' HHI>.. Sides an.i .''iioulder.s. for sale bv S 9)^ W. H. i.LTTLULOir. Pec. ‘J^. Ih-VJ. 04-tf SfiiitiiriUr Milr and I'cnrdr Artdcmiji ILL c.nimenee its fourth r’“v-ion. in the new buiidinp. loth February, and clor^e its .«chola«* tic year l-'itli Pec. Is-'i8. (>rpani7.ation and charpes a*. hereto‘(-i f. .Mr. Murphy excepted, whose services, it neces.-ary. w ill be .■«ui>p’i‘''! by a competent Assistant ' For panic liars address the jirin-ipal. .lAMLS II. p::fnt. S:i:itl.\illc. N. C.. P’c,-. ."0. .)ti-iim No. 84 William Street, (Cortier of Maiden Lane,) NFW YOUK, 1MP(»UTFRS (»F Goods,’ tN this Fstablistinieiit, heinp the l.'irpest in the city,' m.'.y be f.tund i'^r .-uid well selecteff Stock, cof*- '■i=tinp in jmrt of rich .'sc.irfs and ('ravat-s. Hosiery,' Clove.-, Pnder (Jarments. .Sus|ienders. Stocks, London an.l Napoleon Ties, .'shirts of all ((Ualiticfl, &c. llavin*^ been enp.iped in this businesn the Iti^t twenty years, coninicnt i.- unnecessary, as tiiey have made such ar- r.incemenis in Ftirope that they are receivinp by almost ‘very --tcamer. the choice.“t poods the n:arket affonls, ' .i!.d pin-, hasers need only call to satisfy themselves that ever, article in the Furnishinp line may i*e (■•rnid here Feb'y i^'-’. Men. 7l-’-on.pd .11 ST RECEIVED, /) Casks nice. 4.') Hoxes Cheese. 10 Corn Shellers. i) Harrels Pickled Pork. TOO ^ncks Salt. HENHOW', KYLE it CO. TB7«U«tiU«, Jan'y 24, 1853 62tf ( /lioh A^ricultund V. (tr(hottsc ami Seed Sforr. liALPll iv ( O. •j:; FULTON ST.. N. YORK, . FFLPt for J'nie .i Isrpe nnd sdcct ns.sortftieflt of Apricnltur.'il and Horticultural Inijilenients. con sistinp of Piouphs. and ('astinps. (’orn Fh'‘llers. Straw ('utters. Horse Powers. Threshers and Jseparators. Fan-' I ninp 'dills, (irain Cradles. Scythes and Snaths, (irain Mills. Supar Mills. Root Cutters, Sansape Cutters and .Stiitfer., Ox Yokes and Hows, Rakes. Hoes, Hay amt Maniire Forks, Sjmdes, Shovels, Carts, ^VapollS. Wheel- liarrows, &c. Field, Garden and Flower Seeds, a larpe variety. Fertilisers: Peruvian Gunno, Snp. Phosphate Lime/ Bone Dust. Pondrette.x. Cliarcoal I»ust, Plaster. &c. Manufactnrers of Schnebly's nnd Mowing Machine: Daniel’s Hay, Straw and Stalk Cutters.— Agents for the sale of Wm. Hovey’s Patent Straw Cut-' ters. A descriptive catalogue will be scut on applies-' tion by mail. ^ March 22,-l«o3. 5^'^crcp3

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