SBMI-WBEKIiY. Vi'l,. II-] FAYKTTRVII.LE, N. C., MAY 23, 1853. [NO. IOC.] ,,1NTK1> by .1. 15. NKWHY pWVKI) J. If VLK & SOX, AM' I’lUd’lUKTORS. . s. n; "t'ekly (»Df«F.Rvrn $4 00 if piiid in «4 if I' U'l (iurinp the year of subscrip- . s. itt r the vear ha-« expired. . itiiiKRVKU 00 per anmun. if p:ud in V ■ ' if during the Tear of 9uh.'«crip- i I : iftor the yenr haj c.xpired. inserted fur >i\ty cents per . ! i‘,>r the firr«t. nnd thirty cents f«r each -. a' ’iMti 'H. Yearly advertisements by pe- i" n .i‘"n:ih!e rates. .Vdverti.xers are . JO the niimher of insertions desired, or •lit niu'J till forbid, and chartred accord- ,v !, Mt r« the Kditors must be post-paid. ••(//r ^It!r V f' crnnlf Srwintirij. „ 'I pnbHo I'xaniinntion of tlic Stii- • ' liKtitution. on and Tue.'S- . ; -t iiist;int. at which pareiits and :nar- in 1 the pu>>lie ^Tonerally. are invited ■ «>n ^^>I!d:^y ninht. A l>. Principal. ICS n\' l? \rON!: It.XC'ON!!! ~~ ■' -i N.'i'th I'ar-'iina R.icon. \\i"-!frn Sides and Slioulders. •IfEDtCM^VE: S.\M-L .1. Ill.NSD.M K, Wholesale and Retail Druggist, OFFKUS FOR SALK, v\y\:ttk\ua.]: MiiTrii; i.\sr!!!\fi; khiimw. I \ t’n ‘•;uf /’. nfh'K WiKK. I)i '^fil/cr'^. of the best nua'itv. for sale bv w. Market Si|n:ire. ;-.:tf lou S \LK OK UK\ 1\ • S'lmir.i'r Ile.'iijenoe, known as the ■J' miles fr 'iii town J. (WHMON. TO lUlLUI-JiS. 'p-.'ir>i if tlio I’ridze I'lv bid for tliC V ' re*-k, the Mil'-onKtT-* ci\o notice t > th>* b.w ‘St bidder, at ila!;'s !ur l i\ t!.c l-'''lh iii-it.. :»t 11 o'oliick, ' I'ri !;.■ :i.T-said »'reek. 'I'lte IV,-ly bo '■ on :it tlie >tbcf of the . utiuer the T ^'mi at anv time. JMMN 1*. I,K«»N\UI», .IDHN WAIUm.L. KV.VN.". t'ommittee. '.C-tt i lltiroh >r 'T the P.a- ;'.yp«e, —thrcp I.ectiiros by Uev. I»r. ■ : 1 :.n introduction by Uev. Jarvis I’.ux- irjiiua. Just received bv K. J. II AI.K .V SUN. Ni:\v i{()OKs. • . of Shakspeare; the Secret r.ns«ion; • :’.n i his Friends;—cents each.— .i\:> 'iuide; James's .\nxions Knf|uirer; i! \ 'ri r! .\er; ditto «'onuuiinicant's ('oin- I (I il l,' H .rk': M.tson on Self-Knowlcdsre; • I’r iiiises; .\bS;itt « I’orner Stone: \o. ! ' ij | : 0-; Ilf My Novel, by liuiwer: Vil- A - i. r .lane K.\ re: Ik-atrice. by ('uth- iiali.-i' r :i!lets; .Soliool l$o.'ks; v^c. .Iu5t rci'cived. K. J. H.\LK \ S(»N. IIIIJIMI 1 IIJIT. llllill Of the best quality, at low prices. Phvsicianx are in- vitod to call. 1 aiticular attention paid to onlers and to packing. S. J. lllNSDALi;. May IS.'):’,. Ki)\vr\ (Tm)vi',|{. At llir si2» of !lif larip Wiilrli, llay Slrrrt, Mils Oi.Mi ST,t,riK) 11 vs just r('(H'i\c(l his VI,L Stock of (iOODS, consistiiij: of lfV#rr/#r^‘, Jetreinf* SILVER AND PLATED WARE, AND IWILITARY GOODS. tMON(i his assortment may be found W;itches of all kiml'«. from to Sfl-o; •rold Fob, Cuard and ^est Chains; pold Seals and Keys; silver Fob and inard i t h.ains and Keys; I> .and Finjrer- ‘ rinps, i,a tine stocki; »’utf-j)ins: IJr.icelets; pobl and silver Spectacles, Tliimbles ;ind IVncils; );old I.ockets; I'olt s .and .Vilen's llevolxers; Chess men; .Vccordeon.*: silver Spoons; silver Cups, \c.; Military (ioods of all kinds; a fine h»t of Checks, and almost everythin^ called for in iiis line, which will be sold che.ip for Cash, or oi\ short time to tht.*se that will pay their bills wlien presented. VVntches an'l ,Iewc1ry ropairod as ii'iual. Old Ciolil and Silver taken in e\i hai\‘;;e. 6»r«y“ .\n th.'se inilel)ted by Note or Hook account, must pay by the 1st of November. Fayetteville, Oct. 4, .‘11-tf sai)I)|j:k.’ and (’oa( ii .makki:s’ If.f iS f> H*.f Ml m:, ^^c, No. Ill BiiHimorf St.. Il.iltimorr. fMl’OUTl'rw' anil Healers in Ho-jSkin^. Sa.ldle Trees, F.njrlish Heads and Ueins, Cirtii W.-bs. Stirrups, M.-iuu-s. r»itt. ,S;c. Spiinps, .\xle of all kinds, Coaoh«, liK.NT FMLI.tiiiS, liulw, ,S]iokos, Carri.ajre and fire r>u!t-. P.itent Canvas-*, t'arpetinp, and every arti- i lc connectod witii either branch of the bllsinc^s. which they are jireparod to. otVor to pvinctual cu't^mer'' on as jTi.od terms as any otln-r house in the Ciiitf 1 .'^tatos. .\‘_'ents for the sale of I'ope's Self-.Vdjiisting i’.VPS and .Spencer's (ili I'lIFl^s. £►3?*“ Orders prontpt’y attended to. Address Tlll)^l\?; MU'KKVZiK x sim. No. 'J'J'J 15alttni‘'re Stroet. 4;'V] r. ^niS Company is now orjranisoil and prepared to re ceive applic.ations for insurance, on as favorable terms as other Companies. DIKKCTOH.'?; Avon K. .1. (t. SlIKIMlKUI). W.M. Wakdkx. s. T. HAWbKV. .loilN 1). Wll.I.lAMf ('. 15K.\»r>w. \Vm. .M('liAriiiN. W.M, Me In TV KK. H Julv uoc'KFisii V the bale or half bale, for sale bv C. T. ll.v'lCII \ SUN. l:'., stf s'l'oK A(;i:. 7" E have comr.iodious brio'^ Warehouses in the rear of our Store, in which we store cotton and other produce. 1'. Ac . MoL.M HIN. Nov. 1. 1 S*>1. •> -tf I! \(;s! UA(;S!! Ll’.s, IIAC.S V.\NTK1), f.r which the highest market price will oe paid bv RKNIIUW, KVI.i: .V CO.. .V^ents for the .Nlanteo I’aper Mill, HaleiLrh. N. Favcttevil’e, Nl^rohv!!. 7^-'>m i \lMONS ."N FMMuNv T N 'rili I 1- Mi, 1 Me in:i’()UT. IIFPUKT on h:^ tie. :*ro;ina. A few v»'t \() rici:. i: nr;, i't ' l»ire J. ii.KLi; bv .V iN. ICE! ICE!! ICE!!! ■ 'i 'I 'K Ai'i': ),• 'penod for the ilelivery •*r'. :i: .|-n-n2 from until >' o'clock. .\. ' I ' It will .a!"o be ■'ip“ned on S.itur- - ■ i ■ t irctti^ir Ice ^>n ere,lit. will • c w I, ! k'; and no Ic' wiM be • I • the cash t> f>aid. • ■ . ■ I rii-o .‘!nd oaroity “f b e North ].T« bo cliar;:od tw . cents por ■ !' ro* oriits—paval.le at the end “f ^■1 I n I ;rrum!i'inc:. wr! 1,0 received in payment f'r S.70 ISi:\VAKI). .\NA^^ \\ from tiie ■-ubcribr. a^' iiit the ].'>th of July. 1''‘>1. hi- ne;;r • i;irl Sarah. Said noero is about 1’: vearsi'f a^e. biaok, wiili lari:e wliitoeyos. larjie 'iu.* '. woi,:l,s .il.out l^l'l p'^ind-. .''.li i irirl i' -up] -e i to bo lurkii,„' in tiie nei^hb. r- io •••1 of \| r. I-aac W riprht's ,,r (ien. MoK iv '^. in liladon o.iuntv. The above reward will be paid t'>r her deliveiy to me, or her continenient in .any jail in the .St.ite of Nortli r.-irolina. N\ Si. •. lU Il.l'.K. Clinton, N. C . March 14, IIknhv Lii.r.v. II. L. Mvkovkk. Th(»s, s. Li ttkuloh. •loHN 11. TdOK. I>. A. Kav. A. A. AIcKkthan. McXkii.l. Nathan A. -JaMKs l\YbK, M'FICKIt.S; ;i;0. McNKIM.. Presi.lent. II. L. M\ PilVF.II, ^'ice President. J. SIIKPIIKKI). Attorney. .V. McMlI.b.\N, Secret.iry. ;i:u. McNF.ii.i., ) .lOlIN II. C(M)K, ' Kxocutive t,’onin\ittee. J.VS. KVI.K. I The jilan ot Mi ti'm, lN>t KvNrK must conimenil itself to our community, for it l>e demon-itratod tliat wo have savc'i within tlio la>t six voars u]ivvard-i of by insurant e in the North Carolina Mutual t'oinjiany; that is, we shouM h.ave p.aid to h.-ive kept the -anio in sur.ince in tiie foreign joint stciok c-'mpanies that sum more than we have actu.illy paid; and yt-t the North t .arolina Mutual Cvinpany lias received t'otwcen Si.”)tHH) and more trosi our community than it has ]mid out (or losses here.— showing tiiat we are favoral'ly sit uated, as conipared with other places in the State, for Insurance. Our Company has iione into operation, Imv- ii'tr the cbiy we orirani-oil appli.-ition to the .'nn'iUnt of ^}:l Iti.UIKI. and the Co\npan\ is now jilace.l upon .a firm t'ootinj;. -Any director, authorised \vront, or .Sooroi.irv, m.av receive .\pplii-;iti"ns, but thev will not l o binditiir until approved b\ the Mxeciitivo Ci.niinittoe or the Hoard. !■ .'lc‘i.\rvV, r."i. is ap],oinled (ioneral .\^ont of the Ci'inp inv. W»- iuviio a)'j''.io:itii,n-. t;i;o. McM.ILL, I're^'t. C. A. MoMlI.I.AN, Sec y. Feb'y 7, is'i'b •■''tf (;ui:i:nsi;()1{()1 (ill Miilnnl I.i/r I nsunntrr 4^- 'I'nirt (\)Hi'i/. •'■■mjiany, as its nam' indicates, ix upon the Bl. rmiluii' y. Y-.'-'. and embraces two distinct de- I'.artinents. to-wit: Life Insurance and Trust depart ments. Thi attractive combination offers to Policy holders double the ordinary secvirity. without destroy ing their rijiht to a full partioijiation in the entire pro fits of the Com|i;iny. Premiums will be rei-eived, in cash, either annually, semi-annually, or ijuai torly, as m.ay be arree 1 upon jit the time the Policy is is>^ued. In the I'lM’.'^'r l>r;PA IITM |;NT. or I)i-j.osit System, the pavir.eiits made to the Comj'any are entirely ojition- al with the l>ep.,sitor. as ie^:ir,|> the :inioiiiit and the time at whi.-h they are made. .V party may pay in as nnicli ,.r .a> rittb*. n«'t le--^ t!ian one 'loliar. aii'l ;is of ten, a-i ma v be c,,i,v enieiit I.'T him. without anv ohii;i.t- tif^n up,,11 him f,« (•'.iitiimo his iiiont-, an i may withdraw them at his p'u:i>uro. .'^o that. OH the of tb:- '..i:ipany, there is creat- e,I .at (.lie and the same tiiwo an a--ur n' —II I'uiltJ •li iilhlf’U tu fir’.iif.'t .and il - i (.>(«/( ■ •III 'Jf. See Pamphlets furii'.-iiod >>v the C. injianv. *FFi» rr.s uF Tin: cimp\n\. iMrectors I’alpli (i 'rrell. l.Tiidou Swaiin. John ,\ (tilnier, 1*. F. Cahlwoll, Hicli'd (iroone, I'aviil Mol.oati, Ivuiiar'l .''lerlinp. .lohn .M. I.";ran. !•. P. Weir, F. . Oj*burn, Ibibert .^l. .''lo.-m, Ib.bert P. I'ick, Ht-nry 15. Klliott. Presj.letit — H alph iorrell. Vice President l.yndon .''w.iim. Secretary and Tre.isnror — 1'. P. Weir. Attorney—l.,hn (iilmer. Fxamininp I’hv sii-ian - IMvvin Watson, M li, Coiisiiltin;: Phv-iciaiiS I». ('. Mebane, t'olo. M. l».-. I', i’. We.r, M 1'. (ieneral .\iront—William II. ('umniii!;r. ' fr"V’’ Any inf-rmati -n relative t" t! o ' bo h.a l by addros-i;i^ .b,hn M. K ville. or 1' I Soorotarv :i-.. i ' Jan-v i;-.. iiiiiii I liii undersigned would respectfully inform H eiti/.en.s of Summerville, the vicinity, and the public ftcnerally, she has opened a House of where she will be pleased to accommodate all who may c.all on her. T'le Villafre is jileasant and healthful, her house larjre anfl commodious. No pains will be spared to remler ajrreeable and any who m.iy favor her with a c.all. She is also prepared to accomotlate with l?oard from l-> to ‘_’0 Students. Price of Hoard .■j!8 per month. K. PAILKV. Snmmervijle, X. C.. June 18, 18.">2. 1-tf 11 s 11, rlsil7T-iTsTi. St, ST received and for Sale. Mackerel. Ilerrinfi and Mullets. .Vlso. Codfish and No. 1 .Mackerel and Salmi)n in kits, lu hhds. new crop .Molasses, bv W. H. CAUVKK. Mt.Tch 4, 74tf KOMKSON LA.\f)S rOK SALKr ^■’’IIF. subscribers having pundiased the entire inter- I est of Thomas J. Curtis, Fsip in the lands lately owned by him in the county of Kobeson, now offer for s.ile about 4(i.O()0 acres in quantity ami on terms favor able to ]>urehasers. Most of this Land is well adapted to the ’I'imber and Turpentine business. Persons wish- iiit; t,’ ]niroliase can c.all on either of the subscribers. •All person- are hereby w.arned noi to trespass on any of these bands, as the law will be strictly enforced ag.iinst ollenders, Jusr.PH THOMPSON. UoIUiRT S. FKKNCII. M.arch 1. 1S.':5. 7;>-‘jin \\M. II. McKAKV, C 'oui m issioif • lirrrhftti t, \vil>il\(;t()X, n. ('. Partictilar attention will lu> jiaid to sellinjr and ship- piufl Naval .Stores and Prodnoc, and also to the For- vT.irdin^ of (inods. .Merch.aiits who consipji their Ciools to him can rely on their tioiii" f' arded by fii-st br at af t«‘r they are • liscliarjred from vessel. KKFi; UKNCKS: F. Fries, i;. Vojrler Co., .Salem, N. C. T. M. Vounjr. Mocksville. Hunt A'lderton, Lexington. .1 hn I>. I’.ro vn, Salisbury. .1 II. \ ,1. Martine, Favetteville. ■Ia:i V 1211, IS.',;’,. ‘ r.-Jtf l>r. T. li. II A i; 11, n.\.S taken nn Office on Hay .Street, West of t!ie Hotel P>uildin{is. July 14. 18r>2. 4-V II w \V. II. M K\V. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, (ifiii'riil roniiiiission \ I'orwiinlins Mcrrliiiiil. .''outli Water street, ti doors fielow Market, P.irtii-nlar ;ittenti,>u paiil to the s.ale of .all kinds of Ciumtry I'ri.ducc. Liberal cash aJvmices made on consifinmentv. llot'eroiu’e' John 1». .''t.arr, r.s.|.. Pres't of the Pank ] of Fa V ottevi'le, | Win. Ib'oadfoot. I'ash'r, do 1 ... ,,,.. 1 ,■ 11 r r ravetteville. I.lij.'ih I ullor, Fs'i.. I Mes.-i-'. ■ 'k X Tayb’r, j Ci...k \ Johnson, j I.. C. Hubbard \ Co., Clinton. .Sampson county. Thomas .1. M,,ri.sey, I'sq., I.unibcrton, Kobeson. ,1. II. lirowii, Fsij., Westbrooks. IJladen. Oof. S. l^.'ij. ii.TVpd /M/ V7 N, Oil 1000 J. L !i]' iny may r I'^.votto- . ea arcr. For s.ale b •lan'v 1’ I, 1'' S'C. I.PS. PI UK WIIITK LKAl), L’*t libls. niake's Fire-proof Paint, Linseed Oil, Train Vegetable or Ivosin (.>11, Chrome Veliow. (.ireen. . in Oil.) I’.aris Putty .and Putty Knives, Coj>al \':iriii-h. P.lack Le.-ithcr Varnish. P.ri'wn .lapan " .'tc. w bv J. N SMITH. I'.-Jtf Dk. t. c. hall removed to the well-known stand of the I>rs. Piobinson, corncr of tireen and Pow streets. April 21. IK>3. 87tf R. M. ()KKI:LL, FORWAIlDlMi nnnilSSKIN ^IKlM'llAM .\T Fay*lleville, i\. March It), f,2-tf w. \Mirri:iiKAi), WITH kaym:u V.V (;ir.M()UK, €:onnissio:s :?ii:kc iia^t^i*, 151 \Val«*r NEW YORK. (’iistoinary advaiires on .Naviil Slorrs. \r. March 5. lSo3. 7 l-tf .I()SI:iM! H \KKU, .Ik.. ATTOU.\i:V AT LAW, .V.S t.iken an oflioe next loor to Win. P>. W'ri'rht’s Law ofhce on tireen street. He will attend and |ir.actice in the County and .Superior Courts of Cnniber- lanil. Pladen, HoNeson .ami .Sampson. March -jn, IS.',.-;. 7'.nf JOHN A. RIC HARDSON, ATTOIC.-X i:v .M I. AW. ILL (after .lune next.) attend the Courts of Anson, Kichmoiid, IJobcson, Hladen. and Colum bus Counties. ■Address. Llizabetlitown, P>laden County, N. C. March 7. 74-',m ( uarm:s ranks, r; o,vrr. vTio.vr:it, WIIOLF.S.VLK AND KF/l'AlL DKALLU IN Kordyn /’'ruifs., ^ nf.. Cit/nr.^, Tohnrco, Siiii^, tW. KTiei'iyr. Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 18.'>;L 7ntf \v. II. ( arvi:r, UF.ALFIl IV Drif (ioods, (irorcrirs^ and l*rovi.sions\ :id door from N. K. corner Market S^M.are. next to 1>. Gee's Hat Store, (jreen street, TAVKTTKVILLE, N. (’, fraj^.Ml kinds of Produce taken in exchaii'rc for t"!oods. Feb’y ‘i, IS.'i.'I. fitiV M. iirrsoN,' MMo I St: i\Mi.yrr.R, Fayetteville, N. C. March 20. 18.-,81-V WOR'ni KLLUVV’[\ (.SI CI:SS0KS TO J. I>. Wll.f.I VAIS.) FOllWAlMUXd .*c (^().M.MI.SI(»X M KUCIIANT.S F.VVLTTKVlLLi:. N. C. (OLD STAND OF HALL A JOHNSON.) J. A. AVOKTII.] February It’i. 18.">:L S'l'ARR WILLIAMS, AVHOLKSALi: DF-ALFUS IN Foreign and ffomestir i9ry Gooifs, ■ lAY STRKirr, Fayetteville, N. C. J. li. STARR.] [.I April -J8. I having: purchased Mr. Thos. .5. Lutterloh’s Distillery and C.ioper-shops. have en- ter'i into ('opartnership umler the name of .AIcLauriri i iK: Str.-injro, for the purjiose of c.arryiny: on the Distille ry of Turjieiitine, an 1 the manufacture of Spirit Dar rels. i I>. AIcLAUUIN. I AV.M. McLALKIX. j JAS. W. STP.ANOE. Fob’y 18, IS.'.n. 70tf ^ I Ml'SK’. IF. AVlllT.VKl’R. formerly Professor of Musio J» in Carolina Ct.llejre, would resjiectfully nnnounco that he ha.s located in Fayetteville for the purpose of ; teachinjr Mii.^ic. He would be very liappy to receive the i n.ames of thosi‘ who wish their daughters instructed in ' this delijrhful brincli of female literatun*. He, may bo ; found at Mrs. Payne's re.-idcnce. A'ocal Music taught in connection wiih instructions on the Piano, i Terms •‘Sl ’> jier (Jiiarter. PiaiKj.s tuned and repaired on very nccoinmojating terms. Dec. 7, —50tf Fill'Mil liilii! .iii!.Lvr(i.\i;r ESodiK'lioii iia Price.'i'dX. ,\ioi;i!!s & CO. tON'i'INn-; to make to oiilor, unu keep oonstunt’.j on hand I'retifh fStrrr tliitlsfoiifu uf nil diiiionsions. v,n; r:int.>,l to l.e of l)est CjUauty. be in': made fi-.iiii lliirr blocks s(.](.cf(>i| r,y them from the beit (lUarries ill France, 'i'iiey ki'ep for sale I'tjcMiifii :ui(l Mill- stoiu's; Riirr lilorks, Roltiiiui: Cloth, ScHM'ii \Vin‘, ('aiciiK'tJ RliiattM*, 11ydranlic C'ciiient, Iv:c. Ur.jers from anv jiart of the c untrv promptly attcnd- IS. ^2. OUSlfiJBis., Agint at F.nyettevill". N. C ed t Man II. is: *'tf JAMKS KVLi: now a larjre ntid c.' assortment of ■ all of which have been piiroh.asod fi.r (W.'^li by the Packapo. C'ountry Alerihants and others will lind it lo thcil' in terest to ex.amine the .Stock. Alarcli 12. I8'>::. 7f’.'f I » ,j :s. S!*RIX; GOODS. '^®rP".re now ro-eiviii'; our SPPiING t.iOOl>S, (ii » w lar.'or stock tl.aii anv foiiiier one.) consisting of mi¥ HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. In addition to tiie abov(‘, we have added to our stock a 1 irie and v.ell->elect(“d assortment of PL.\!)Y-A1.VDK CLUl'tHNi.. -Ml of -wbith w e offer to bavcrs at oar usual low prices and accomiuodatiii'r terms. HALL i rACKF.TT. N. 15. .'strict attention paid to or'lers .March lli. 18.'.:?. 7*‘tf ['V r. KLMOTT. (i'J-v i; .M. WILLIAMS, .^titf -ti I Mv.V ^11 o Subs~riboi n\K i:u Y. d. '^111^ .'subsci il.ors have roceiv .‘!H P.a"s llio 'ollee, do. .lava do,, nil Is N. U. and Musi'. .iic:ar, 1*1 I’.oxcs s,ii,(.rinr a-'ortcl Caiidv. MOi.Assi:s. 40,- HHDS. Man supoi (piality. — ,\LS()— ’ .^ti'far, Iriiii. iV'c.. t>>r salo (’llK.M*. Iiy PFTLll P. JUIINSUV h D'.. "‘-t'' DAILY i:\Rix'ri:i). C.\SKS F.ilkirk .\le, .Vlso, a h.indsonio ,ad‘iiti"n t'j our st-ick ot ('hina, Crockerv, ilas-ware, .Vo. S. W. TILLINtillAST CO. March I'i. ls‘.;L T7-tf H. :j. 1 KnVMPKKT, Pr. ipr;e» -r. \Vlio %voiii(l liavt‘ il' R. An,,' \\iDsox (’OLLi:(ii':. ; ' f, r S. ; -.'i-irships rosi.Pmf: in thi5 sec- !t"'. w.ll pb-.ase call and make pay- ;r ('ertitic.ates. GLO. McNLlLL. '.»i-;{t \i:\\ (;ooi)^*. VI.WVA S has on hand, i Ilui'FK 1 i;S \'l.''luNS. bacon and lard, fioiir, ci nooRi: irire .Stock of SPRINtJ AND o ) i> s, i :ll( I - , ,,s «| -1 I m; fiF — Dr.'sscs and Dross 'I'riin- lioiiiKits. SIkx's, wVc., i the attention of the Ladies in i- wn and ('ountry. — ALSO — ir oiiif SIff*'*, for (n uth itn'n■ 7'.ttf mi tV M'lW (i ■I - are iic,w receivinjr from New \ork. /•■iHTal as.sortment of '•'//// rnncif Drij (ioods^ Kltli:., IIAItDWAKK, 'lid liiMit.s and .Shoes. Aim,.11^ w hiidi are : r. ..t?.,n 15a>:jriii;r, P.ale Rope. ‘ ihr , .Swedes anI Knglish Iron, ■a Salt. Ini|>erial anl Black 1, ■ ■ •'. •liiifrer. Powder, .Shot, l’-ir aiiii Fancy .Soap. I great v!iri«'ty of other articles, to ’* 'hi .attenlion of the public, and which • i to -oil a- low for Cash, or on time • |>r( iiiptly, as any house in the .South- tiiiels, at the highest market prices, v" for lioods. McLKAN & JONKfi. IH.M. 47tf vnr Cnrrhnir Kfnhh'shmf'n( on th^ Mihtnri/ (ii'fi'H, thf' ( hiiri’/i, front hit/ fin Mnmfmil Shtrt. (;uiv\t' i;.N ri;i!i’i{isi:! I Fay‘ll*vill* i** l»«iiii»l l« j H F .“subscribers would respectfully inform theii i friends and the jmblic, that they have entered into j copartnership for the purpose of conductinr the nr,.nenil CAltUI.VOi: P.rSINFSS in all its various parts. And | bein" l.oth practical workmen, fully understanding their i business, thev h ive no hesitation to compare worK witli | j any establishment in Fayetteville as to stvle and >lura- j ; biriiv. » II ' i One of the firm may be known by reference to U. , W hittiehl's iron woik for the last two years. I We warrant all work to give general .s.itisfiiclioii for i twelve months. i P.epairin? done in the neatest manner low for cash. ! ' PILK X P.K.VMN. ! Jamk. H. Pikr. _ Favetteville, Jan'y 24, 18.».‘?. Mri'(’iii:Li.. (i llh Sfiii' Sfri>\ AND Pi:o- itl'ee, sni;ar, te.i. molasses. lioe, pepper, siui-e. ;;iii>:or, tobaoo, snuff, matohi’s, meal, ci,rii, potatoes, dry co,l fish, dried beef, nos. ] ant| 'J mackerel, .i and J bbls.. iio. same, mc'-s j>ork, buckwheat tlour. candb's. snap, whis- kev, brati-ly, rum, jrin, wine of vari.,us kiii'ls —all of which h.ave l.ei'ii b^.ujxlit for cash, and will bi* so.d ,*.w for the s.iuie. Thankful f.,r fav .r-,, ho hope.s l>y a strict attention to liusiness to m'rit a ..nfinuaiice ot the s.aiiii*. March 10, IS.',:!. 7s.nnu'd has est.ab'.isliecl a I’.akery on Pow •troet, 1,11 the L"t two doors Fist of Duncan NIcNeill's Cahinot .“^li.ip. lie is prepare^ to furnish Families, I’.o.ats, an I the public jrenerally. with llread. i'.i'cuii. i:id I a!;os of \ irious kinds, of the best ijuality. ns lie has procured the services of one of the best r.; in the State. Prices re.ison.ible. Ciivemeacall. ' CHA'S HANKS. Fayetteville. Dec. L’''. lS.')'J. o.»-tf i!ori:L lOR sALi:. rj^lIF, Hotel at preoent occupied by .lolm llartHan. M. fonnerlv known as tlie Planters' H.>tel. near the foot of' Hay Mount, Fayetteville, is offered for sale; and posses.siun c.all be bad whenever desired. The House is lar;xe and coinmoilious. has been thoroujjhly repaired w ithin the last twelve months, and is now, together with all the iK-coss.iiy out buildings, in complete and hand some order. It now enjoys .a l.irge share of the local and transient custom, whieh. in the hands of a compe tent tctiani, must be greatly increased by the existing Plank I’.oads ;ind coiitemplateil Kail Koad, (the Depot of which will jirobably not be from this House.) These consider.'itioiis make it a very desirable property !•( anv one wisiiiiur to envrage in the Hotel business, or to a capitalist desirous to make an investment in proper ty increasiiitr in v.-ilue. The terms will be made .accomodating. N. .V. STFDM \N. w. T. hokm:. Favetteviilc, N. March S. IS-.o. r-'.-tf RO'I'ASli, A'east Powders, Soda. Spices. Indigo. .Sj.anish Prown, Soaps, i'i:c, Jan’v .TI. 18'.:!. J. IloJlS, Tartar, Fxtracts, fir flavoring. Madder, Path Prick, For sale 1>y N. SAHTII, (Jreen .St. •;itf A'r 'nil*: II ’ II o IB :i I «i Uid) , liec. AND liA(’ON, J. & T. WADDlLL’.S 7Utf ^lOir RICWARU WILL >»e paid for the apprehension and confine ment in jail of a m.iii liy the name of ALFX- ANDKP P>Kt*WN. He is about •'> feet I(» or I 1 Jnches iii«-h rather stout built, weighs about lb-') or 1(0 lbs., has I’ight colored hair, rather incline.l to red. .lark eyes, and is somewhat freckled in the face. He is very polite i„ no knie.1,. Springfield, Richmond (’o., Jan. 20, 180:L ^Itf Ti()'n^^- ri^HF, subscriber having purchased the Hotel situated 1 on the South-Fast corner d' Court House b.pi: re, and lately known ns Stuart’s Hotel, would inpirm the public that he is n*w ready to accominodHte boaiuerH bv the dav, week or month. Having made considera- f(ic outlay in furnishing and refitting the hstnblishment, lie hopes to be able to give satisfaction to till who pa tronize him. His Table shall be furnished with the best the market attbrds, his Par with the best of Li- ipiors, mid liis .Stable with a plenty of good provender and faithful Ostlers. J. A. Juae 20, lb52. GILCHIIIST. 3-tf ri:d sk;n. iV II • II a I * r nAA'K just received a full .'ind complete stock of (JUOCFIil FS, PROVISIONS, ko.. to which they would invite the attention of the citi/.eps .uid surround ing country. They will sdl lowforCvsii. or on time to punctual customers. They ]iurchased their Goods for cash, and this will enable them to sidl i.ow. They have facilities that many houses have not: they have agents established in Paltiniore and .New Vork, who ahvavs advise them of any (di.inge in articles in their line," and who |uirchase only when bargains are to be had! We keej> always on hand a si*lendid assortment of foreign and domestic Liquors; Loaf. rushed and Prown .Sugars; Rio, .Iav>i and Lagiiira Coflees; (ireen. Hvson and Plack Tea.s; New (trleans and Cuba Molas ses; T.ible and Sack S.ilt; Paeon, Lard. Mess Pork. Aless r.eef. Smoked |!eef. Dryed Venison; No. 1, 2 .and :5 Mackerel; Putter. Cheese, Flour. .Meal, Corn, Oats. Tobacco, ('andle.s. Copperas. Salerutu.s. Indigo.* Mad der. Spice. Pepper. Ginger. Nutnieg.s. Cinamon, Li»som Salts, .Saltpetre, Hardware, Cutlery. Crockery, and Glassware; .and a variety of other goods. They take this method d' thanking the community and their country friends b»r the very liberal patronage bestowed on them; and intend, by .selling Is i.ow. to increase their former trade—alw.avs keeiung in view that a nimble sixpence is wiirtli a slow shilling. Yellow Puilding. between the Market House and the P.ank d' the .State, Gillespie Street, Fayetteville. N. C. 78tf or ^ FOR ■” \ i WHKAT, CORN. Hj SAW MILLS, s/ ' ANI> .V/ ■'O' "'v C iPI.sT Alill S[)indlcr R.alance Irons and Ib’ivers, W Inks and (Jiidgeons, Hotchkiss Water Wheels, Racks and Rollers, kejit constantly on hand, and for sale. We also make (tearing and .Shafting for Wheat, Corn. .Saw Alills and Factorie.s. .Steam I'.’ngines of any aower repaired, (irate Pars ami Furnace Fronts ke]>t on hand. We wish to make adilitions to our machinery pnd tools: to enable us to Ii. this, those indehted In note or account will jdcase come forw.-ird and settle. HALL & P.0LLIN(;FR. March 12, 18.>‘?. .March 21, 18>5. IMA NOS FOR SALI-:. ri^nilKK very good secoiul-btuul Piiiiios for A I ply to WllllAKLK. Juu’y 1, 185a. Ap- i\iii{i;\V!i & .ii'isiip, No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. i itnnIIIBKiicliAT.* ? THF SALF OF ALL KINDS OF roTr(i\ \.M) wiiiiLLt.N .ii.iriiiM:RV a IIII Ta c I ii i*t* r ’ x A r I i c I «* s” OF KVKUV DFSCHIPTIOX. Coinprisiii(T Rrlting, l\nrd (,'lothing, Robl)ins, Shuttles, Picker.s, Roller Skins, Roller Cloth,- Oila, &c. Dec. ItJ, 1852. 64-lj II. L. IIOLMLS, Attorney at Law, Wilmingtcii, N, C. FFICF on corner of Front and Princess streets, under .Journal office. Dec. 12. 48-tf J0M:I’1I II. V o n nissio > AND FORWARDING MERCHANT, l%*ilnii»ifftoii, .1*. f. Prompt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. 12, 18.'.:L 'Ty _ W ILKINSON cV' iCSLLR, DFALFIl.s IN ('onj'frtiii)m r^, Foreij» Fr it;^, Tif»ii-io. aiuf Snujf', AND IMPORTERS OF AT WIItll.KSALK A.M) HKTAll.. Market St., Wilmiiigtou, N. C. Aug. 7. I.'^ol. II tf MALLr/rr cv rai lmikr, Grocers find CotiimissioH tlier- rhants^ 135 1'i‘oiit Street, NEW YORK. l>. MAI.LKTT.] [.t. August It'., lS.'»o. T. cT vToYth, rOM)llSSI(l\ ,^.\D FIIKWAKlllMi )ll^Hni.\.\T, V\ !LMIN(iTON, N. C\ Feb. 1, 18."..S, t-otf MI RRAV CRAN r, \VJiol(s(dc ih'ncvr and ('onimission M crcJianh^ Wilmington, N. C. April 2i\ IS.'):!. S8-."m A. cV .1. T. .U)Ni:S, General Agents & Commission Merchants, Particular .attention given to the sale of Tim ber, [..umber, and Naval Stores. Liberal cash adv.inces on consignments. 4 -itf N. Sl\\RRrC’K, Troi/? ‘Vrw S*«r/t, IRON FOUNDEK AND MACinNlbT, Manu/arturf^r of Mtih and Boifers, Alill Grjtrimj of fill kiitih, J’loitt/lis, d c. WAS'Vl'A), PI5LS Turpentine, delivered r,t my Distillery iu this place, for which the higl'.est prices will be paid. 1 would also employ two or three g0(,d turpentino- barrel Coopers. D. W. PktHi I^R.S. Luniberton. N C.. Feb'3' 10, 18o:L G8tf LIFl': IVSTRANcl:. rg^Hi: I'ndersigneil has been apjM.inted Agent of the Ji_ North Carolina .Alutual Lite Insurance Conipany. r.vcry member Au-life participates i;i the pr..fits of the ('i iii],an_\: and the annual premium for life inember- .'hij'. where it amounts to or ni'ire. may be paid '■■■,e-l;:il:' in ca.-jli, and tiie other half in a note at 12 lil'l.tb.s. Debtors' lives n.ay be in.sured by creilitors. A man n ay ih.sure his own life f'.,r the exclusive benefit of lii. l;.nii!y. The lives of sI.lvcs inay be insured. 'I'iiis ?\.■^tem is r:i;'i,riy gi'owing into favor, all over tlie civilizetl world. It is one i>y wiiich a I’amily. for ti small sum aiiniially. n:;y bo j,rovi'ied fir. alter ti.o death of iis heatl. on win .sc exertions they may liave been derieiolent f.,r a sU]'port. It is a good investment of money, even if one sh.'iild live long after taking out a Life l’,'licy. Fxpl.inatorv pamphlets, and tho nccessarv Pl.iiik.s. fiirnitiicd on .ij,plication. i:. J. HALE. F.ivetteviile. June 1 8.',0. 72 s!;. (•'inlilislipfl 13^ r.jft:' i f 'i'hinl hiiil Ciui i. I>All,VIKll. IStf rrRPKN riNi: i.and loii sall. f'^OR sale, o'.i:! acres f>f L.AND on James (’’reek, ^ and f'iO acres on t’yiircss Creek, in Cumberland, uonvenient to the Western Plank Road, heavily timbered/ d admiraldy adapte I to the makini; of Turpentine, Apply at this (.d;:cc. acN.'v. I’s, ]8.')1. 4 5tf Al l'LU'ri:D. !:caT)T piML \!>rLnil.\ .'MKDi'’M, HOI' * liy I'r. Kinkt l:n. .N. \V. orm*r rhii.MjilphiM. 11 r. \r: —N Ml 'rtl \\!> — .\ viponmv Vj.> or ?\ pr*'* iii ;!nrr KM:ke ; i'. ctj >«••«'I'ri*'-* J'mtl.-1:. Or.i\ vr* crn;«.— *rir'‘ li-M k j;i't i >1 v. ill. ti-t lul iiif>ti'.m tU>n. ••n th« .-f*! .i.'» t.i I? tMlfirC'.'O M y tiil*. oltl tiiui bf by kI). 'Thr \ rnlv’cf* ;tlol UolMr^N;v»' WMrsiiii;! ;t >1 I’fe** v**nt \ rrifN I'lini'.t r\ ?i Mil ' ii sir«i savi* li.« »U’'H i.|' hy ro:uiiin» il. ui;i Ifirji l.ow to prevcui \ ft ol in W ttrr. t»» F^r Kink»*lii'. N. \k . *'rn* r «»l:uhI i ni'-u sim :-*. I*hil:i(ielphiK. v\ ill ♦ :i lM»Mk. umlrr !»♦ .' r* turn »u «;!. IN r>nr;s ht i% may Dr. K. l)v IvUt r, and curcii nt iMMiie IVirkJtc#*' uf tn# ilirinr«j. iir . t'“rwarde(i by senlln{( m r» niil!:4iir**. :!!]*! |iTii up '‘t ruu* In nj |{(>tvkxoU*r'. \f\vs .Vsfni". IN dlvr". Tvvnv ai.d a i v jsnppl.ed wjii: till- ab«»ve \\.»rk p.i very Io\v nit*''. I ,hil\. I'.VJ. 9- Cil3f rjr^ME undersigned, a.T the .Agent of the above Esfab- JL lishinent, will order any articles which may be wanted, on application to him. "'he .Ste.anf .Mills manufactured by Mr. Starbuck have been tested, and *re highly approved on ttie Plank Uoi«J» about FayetteTille. EDW’D LEE WIXSI-OW’. Fayetteville, Sept. 4, 1861.- 20tf ?.i«e:EC >7iS*8.AB\T. Jmn -IicK . 1> ,'y dinihir i.r • , i:, t,- Ih ':,iUiy^ J> 0/O,. KoU,;/!>, :;!! ilW* I'f s nri'iiii: Irimi a ili'iinlrnd l.i' t'r .r StoinHCh. "Ufh ;i 1 iiUm or ltli",l to l!.o llcii.l. Ac:diiy . f li,r S|. liiai'li. .Naii'.-a. lie::r!t.nrii. I'i :.U't li r t ,,.,il. I i.r W eiclil o) Mil- 5!i,!ii:irh. >i.i,r i;ri!cl.uir,!i. Sliikirizor I'lniterii.e ill the pit 111 Ilf ^toiiiarli. Sw iii.iiiii j; ol ilic llerol. Hiirripil iir,.] I'roall.ini;. riiUlcriii!: I ll.o I !ei rl. hokin" • T SittVoci’.l- i!,2 S. ii'.iiic II' w liiMi in M Iyis2 po'tnr.-. 1 limm-'s ol Vivii.ii. linK c,r Wflis I,I'll,re ilic I'c'er. I'lili j tin In tlie lleiiil. I'e- fn iei; \ i,r I'or-i' '•Mlii.ii. 'I oll, « > r" .:| lli>- J^kiii itiiil K\ts, IVla ill tin- .'.ill'. Ilio k. I host, l.iiiilis. &f . r^ielilen KlnsJies, of Hiirion* in Uio Klo'li. ',:ii>l:iiiV liii:'.Eiiiir ::> i,f «i,il lii.iil 111 •pr* til \\ i.i-. i!i . (iiaiu .-iiie.i i.v i n H(!nrt.A.M; s cn.KnKATKry CKUM \N IM’l"ri:i:s. l-r. inr-il liv Ur C .M. J:ok'. ii.;,; il.» (; rniaii Ml ilii iiie Siorc, .\n. I'.’O .\rrh J^'reel. I’hiladi l|'ti ;i- 'I*heir |«t\v or *,\ i r I lie ;> hiive iiisi*:iM.> is in>i #*\r* li. li. u‘ . iii!iill#'j, liy any otlior |,n r r ,l on in ilie t'liiU il s^ial. . m' llie cures alle>t. in in:ii!y ^ll>-r'Kill'al j.liysirinns l oiod 'rho'O f.iiti T' re ihe nriei lion ".'real virtii* ' ,n tin- roititiralinn ofili'oa--*- tilanii... t'xoriasoi:; llu* iia!.-! '.‘.-irf liiii;; |,nv\ r.Tii.tps III’llie ii;^i''Ii\o or^jaiis. they nieasanl. i:r.Af) .\.M> nr f'i\v).\ci;i). rroni ilie l!o>ton l!ie. Tlir edifnr .xaiil. I'* I — • Dr Il-.i rt.TiidV ( olel'rilri! Cerinan Biller* for the riiro ofI,i\fT l’om)ilaiiu. .lanod:!"!’. |)V'| 'lir,,nic or .Ncrvoii-debilii\, in, ile-erveiliv I'lie of the nio«t (wi|nilar iiiediriiiP' of the il.ny. 'l'hc>« Hitter' have lii eii ii'efi l.y ih, Ti«nnil''. arcl a friend hi our elhoxv ^nys he h!i«^ hiiii'ell' rereivi d an eirerlil il and peiiiiniicnt rnre of l.iv*T ('..iiiidaint l>i.|ii the ns.'nl ihi'reiiady \\ c are rorvirired thhl, in Ihe ue ol lhe«e tliller... the iialieiit roii'taiilly nnins Mreniill). »nd vij£or—» I'iirl \\ nrthy of._'reat coii'idpriiiii.ii. 'J'i;ey arv“ pleaiinnl in lii'te and «iiiel!, nnd ran lie H-ed hy per'on «ithtlie lonst do- litale 'toiiiach' with safety. ni;rier iii>\ *-irciiin«lnnce*. VVe nr» 'peakirs fri in e.tperieiire fiwl lo the r.ft'irli d ^^Plll^vi'e their l„'iok well t.. ihe marks i,f the "eimine 'I hey ha\e the ritlc n sisnatiire of C. M .larkson upon the « rapper, Hn(i the n'iiif Mow n in the lii.itle. w ithout w hich they iirp spnrions. For sHie. w lioln- 'ale and retail, at the (;f.i:ma.\ MF.I'K r.\K .>-TOf;K. No. 1211 .\rrh Street. i»ne door helov^* r'ixth. Thiln., Ond liy r^* • liertHble ilt^ater' ceni'rallv thr.'tiphi iil Ito’ r.'iintry . _ AIs... fur sale hy SAM’l. .1. IIIs'llA T.F. Fayetlrville X. Whole'alft .A;jents lor .\i,rth and Souiil Ca.roljtia. llAVILAKli liARRAL St CO.. Ciiialcs,tua, S. O. ( ti,v:.!ids. Pi »sp«sir)t of the l.ivcraiid less r T'* in \v';4kne'‘‘> himi nf ft’ V. iiliai, sHif, teriain, hi*C

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