' -’v hj ' r, ' ickl M.!.. • ' ri l‘ t y SEM I-W EBKL, Y. '^nww.'r'niipnn[|i.m ,i» [VOL. 11.] FAYKTTEVILLE, N. C., MAY 30, 185.3. [10-. t*r%, ^ rs. I PinXTKI) nv ,). 15. NKWIJY. i:i)\VAIM) J. HAL!-: & SOX, r.i>iT(>iu> AM) rIK)rr.iKTous. ‘■>r tho Somi-M'ooklv Oi-.skuvku >;♦ 00 if j.aiil in viiiuH': ■>■' if I'.ii'l iluriiif: tlic v('!\r of su1>soi-ii>- , ..r >■' nltt r tho voar hus oxpire(l. Wi'i'klv (^riSKi'.vi K *ll •’.() jioi- :inmiin. if pni.l in ■ ■'.>> if ilnriui: the yo:»r of siilisrrij)- V k’, OU alter tlio yonr li:is oxjtirvl. .'\ r, 1> I I> 1,MKN IS iiisorteil Jm- si\t_v fonts per •f ir. Hn.' for the fir-t. ami tliirtv eents for eaeh linir pu'iiioation. Yoarl v ailvcrti^eiuents l>_v sj.c- ; : 't. at reasoiial'le rates. .\ilvcrtiser. are • >! i t- 'tate the nu.iilier (if insertions ile,-ire.i. or .-..nrhnie.l till forl.i.l, :vul eharj:eil aveor.l- {: Letters t'i tho I’llitors must lie i i'st-i>aiil. czsroBanseaBesmtjKcr: liKinH I'.l) fakr J liroiiiih Tickets bctwcon ^Y)lmin"ton, N. nn.l I’.alti- niore. FareSjl;]. Via WeM.m, I’etersb)!)-^, Hieliiiiond, iS: Wnsh- inpton City, or via Weliloii, I’orts- inuuth iiml Norfolk. For Tiekets ai>ply at tlic Otliee of the Wilniinirton ant) llaleijrh ^ Hail IJoail I'onipany at Wilniinj;- ton. or at tho Oihce of the l*.:iUin\ore Packet ('onip.any, an.l of the Haltiniore and Oliio Ilail Uoal ('oinpany. I’ratt Street, lialtiniore. .Ian. 1. Ks.’>:2. r>:i-tf I 'riu 'rM V- sor ^ r.-l! Alr\. (\ l>:ivr\'s 'fn- iinnt ■K ,11 ii'iil. t'f II.'.n:ir. 'iirl!"iL’ I'rt- r. ” i; Ij I Hi; lb»* M;.l T. 1' r lit' \ I !)■! I !i ii" Uln'iim -In- and . -■ ’L’r ,.h i il iin.till- rt i'iil I I'.in i-r 1! irr\ \ Trii-i - li. ! '.>U '111'tl.i'Ilf i ,tf; ;ir' M .11 . r:.ti ‘ th.it iiliii.i't i’m'. i iN Ih Iu'T. l'r.';Vv»,.r : .viiiiiiviiii'ii I'l li.' >:.| '■ I i; ■'lit ;i\ r i| t. .t.Ut in >;ii ;itii 1' n:: tin- yr. r I'.'",’ « ^ \\ it'rMi ry I.: jTi -n.i ,ii 1. i;;!h ilic i-vi.| t III. Tr I .1. K't (l ■Ml. 't. Ih:^ - l‘T\ . I h. tiinN tti I III.' ' . r I p 1111 li t !l a Ir llr . t ',''.1 ICKI. '. . ' .11 llu' « .11 I' il 'ii li .M- iiir I till- ■irl.,-1,. II II ,■ h -ir, I. 'I rfr •iiii.K'nil ItiMl lh.‘ itn I'i't'.r f. Tu'- liV. rW i>r 111.- tin I ■ fh-.rnt. I'hi' 1 t.l,. « ■ ill r\, ry vr-ii..n of tin- rnil.il 1 Ili.i' « a» I. Ilf 11 II |i :i \\ 111 li^ . If rt ".riK iiriii ..f ihi« \--*i U'l'il r. arht'il. -ml i! is hr- I Ill'll ion ;i ml :t h . ;l ..f l.oltV-. |ir.'..l\v \i’« \ ork. Iln.iil , ; ‘ . \\ ti’ ii .-till- Thi I I II' rti: in r -ii|>. nil i! irr:l Tlo- u Suhscrilx'r still con- e:;rry on tiie I'MUNI'T I’l SI- in !'ii . I'ttex i!!e. aiel in a.Miti-.m to' 'talilis niK-nt on i!"\v Stre.'t. iK'ar j 's r.viM;.;e. has opene'l a lorjie K ■ noo.M on ll.iy street, nearly oj.j.osite the I'avetteville | Hotel, aii'l one door K.ist of .Nle.-«..^rs. Jlaijrii A: ii's, where a creneral assortment of FrilAITlKE. Mai’ie hy eoinpetent an.I faithful workmen, may he ha'i at j.riees eiTrespcndinp; \\itli tlie times. Also, jin as- ' soir.i^'iit of Northern-made FrriNm iM;. seleeti-.l t.v liini-r’.:'. wl;ii li I f s-M ;.t a \. ry mo.lerate a.i\anee. ! itl NCAN .McNi;iI I,. N..V. 10. l.y-]. ;;sif F kec] ? on han-l an nss- rtnnnf of I'isk’s .'elel ra- to.l MKl'M.Lir lintlAl, C\.FS, wl.i,-!i i.axe tioen hi,i:hly reeomniendod l>y W illio 1’. Maiifrnm. ilenrv t lay, Lewis Cass, Wn.. II. Kinp:, and many other il- lii'trioiis eharaclers, who liave examined and witnesse.l their utilitv. NEW S rO( K OF SIMUMI m SniMKR HOODS. ^llh snbseriber is now reeeiviii" a larprc and well Peleeted stoek of (i()(H)S, conijirising a General Assortment of DU^ (iOODS, Kcady-iiuulc l»(H)ts and Shot*.^^, il;ils aiui Hardware and (’ullt'rv, (Jroccric.'^, Saddlery, ^.Vc. v.Vc., hich will lie soM low for Cash, or exehanf^ed f.ir Tnr- jientine and Country I’rodiice. lie ret\irns his wavinest thanks to his ol 1 friends and customers f.ir the lil.eral ]iatrona;ie heretofore e\tende.l to him, an.l hojies to merit a eontinuanee of the same. N. KINC. Kinpslnuy, ,\]iril It',. Is.'i;',. I)o( TORS IJ. \ 15. W. ROHIXSON 'H'felSSOl.VFU ilieir eo];artn('i'shi]i on the 1st of mJi' ,\j.ri!, nii'l have disjiose'l of *Iieir entire stm-1; uf l>ru-s. Mcdieines, .ve. to Dr. Thomas C. Hall an.l Hen ry (KoLiiiM.n. I liey w ill i i tain an oHicc in tlio saii’.o l ui!din;j:, whvre either or lioth may lie Onnsulte.l ;is hen tofore. it is \irv imi.ortant to tluin that their aeeouiits I'.irly a^ ].raeti'il'le. f ir wliicli aire i tlie serviees of Mi', .lolm haw, who may -enerany be foiiiid at tiieir othee. .\pril 1 L K-'-io. ,"'.')-tf BOX A VISTA I'OU SAT.i:. healthy and ]doasant HKSIDFNCK, owned £ and ocoujiied by the subscriber, is now ottered for sale. Any person desirous of livinix in tlie vicinitj’ of town, and wishin;^ to secure a pleasant .situation, where tln“rc i.'! ■'(Mid water aixl a liealtiiy atmosphere, an op portunity is now jirescnted which does not often occtir. 1 liere art* u))on tho ]iremises a dwellinjr. kitchen. ,«moke house with a "ood otdlar, wood liouse. barn, iS:c, Tho lot Contains betwe;n four and five acres. .More land joininil oouM be )iad if desired. Much of the native frrowth has been jireserved about the house so that the ]>ufchaser can display his taste in its arranirement.— The place is susceptible of beinfr nutde one of the most deli;i!itful residences in this vicinity. Terms made known mi application to tho subscriber. C.. I)i;MlN(;. Fayetteville, May L Is.'.-J. 'Htf C'ASSIMI-:!ii:s, CASSlME!n:s. ^ H AA'i; just received a fresh sujiply of (liat celebr.'i- O te.j .s,\LFM ('A.'^SI M l',|{ i;, to which 1 would call the attention of mv frien.ls ami the j ublic in freneral. 1*. FLL. May Warroiiloii Feiiinlo losMfitiile. AVARUHN COt'NTY, N. C. r|T1TIE Twonty-fcuirth Semi-Annual Session of tliis Tn- JL stitution will commence on Monday the .‘bl of .Lan- uary next, Clinrtres Jis before. Pupils are received .Tt any time and cbarjrcd from the time of entrance. Terms: irii'i’i 00 per Session for iMi.ird .snd I'-ufilisli tuition, .\nciontand Modern Lancnafros, Music. Oraw- inr. and Oil I’aintinfi. at former rates. Vocal Music and Ornamental Needle-work "ratis. (,’irculars containiiifr the fullest information will be sent to tliose applying. fIRAVKS & WILCOX, Warrenton, .\['ril 18")o. SO-hn should be settled }'Urp">e they h.ne h Ti- .. \V. Ill f \ tbr tv, ? u* !hi T*i. t l>r I.i l.v \)u' Ml 1 1 } . ' ;r- ■ I - 'W ■rty. ' t W ■ t : xo’i'ic'i:. f nnnif. 1 t'. tbc .l.ii'. .'f ruml.t'r- ‘.n 'lu- 1 1th ii a jie'jrr.- m.in wh.- .I. an i bi'I- p _s t.. .l.iliii • ■ in;;rt.>n ■>. N. l'.I iM iTi '. i' very M.-ick, he i' a' ''-.it tive tVct nine , ar. 1 is al- ut t« • iit \-tive _y cars ki':i up ;■!! 1 _r;i; >:ii'k-ci at. bhie 1 r.' i_:i :i!i 1 rca ly !i-it. The.iwn- luTcby I! .r'lit''! t.i (■• 111- ! 'Twar 1, ciiai%:*'s :ui 1 take him aw..y, or he s the law lir -. t'. .I«Ui.S l>. \b \i:T!n it. .1 Her. Mav jiiiiiXMlL >"S=^ ('nlihif t I 'tinii Iure, ('Junrs. i\c. fHlIiL sul-M-ribor is receiving the larir.'-t a>. rtmcnt sL in liis line ever l.ef .re purchase.1 Ht the North, w liich, t:iL:ether w ith his «.\Nn maiiufa.-tnr«‘, mak-.« his ,to-k very c 'inplete, coiisi'tiiip of '.'liairs, '1 Sidas, Ht'ilvtc;i.],c, \\ a.sli StaliiiS, ]>urt-:ir.'. h'liikiili: (ila-'i -. Siilc W IIJJAM A. .V\UI»l\*i \N1» i- ^niL'SlnN MLUi I! ANT, Wiiidiii^toia. 4'. ;.>( iN \L attcnt- .i. ^i\en I.- the s:(^• .r shi].m-nt ■ ; N;;' ' r. 1 , i\f amjiic far' ir;cs f,i|- n.u- ' .I- '. ’ V' Ilf at! 1 '■ .re >lii .ls t.- - fr..ii: . N,i\ - w ill bo >hii ; 1 h- ';-e in New ;-l:. . r t - ‘.th. r markets if a Ivi- .nid c:i'h adv-i ..‘c^ m.ade ..n cuii'i-iniicnts. . ! ' tl:e fo‘! ■w in;.' disti'.'. rs: Hannnm. U ayni ■ ■■unty. ■ Her ll.il!. .f^.hiist'.n c. inty. ' 't I’e ■(■■■(•k. •ltn;:’'US county. ,• ;Virden. L \'ai!. I’’ 1 ! '11 connty. .■sinir';, V Iiiirram, Ji iiii'ti.n .'oin,tv. '■ r., Z V .1. .b --S. \” ■r wi.;. h ]' II ■ iii.rt time t ■ ,ir^!s, -i r' tarii s, iVc. I'C s,,; 1 'II th; !■ wi sr t. puiK’tu.i! iM.'t' nicrs. rms f' l JnllN W, ()(•' 11 \Ivi 11. . ■ I f 1' r 1 ui. i: i 4: -M It i;- SM ALE AX!) '1' \EL: f ’oiiw 0'otur ,t!l^ Ati'f ‘j‘I " flint fh'it I'-iU rum/ t I ^ H F siil.jcribcr has !!■■ w on hand, aii'l w ii! .‘•ell ch«*a}i f"i’ cash, his lar^re .ami well a.-.sortci .“'lock if ~in- ffic aii'l 'loulile b.irrel .''HOT (Il'N.'', of the bot make. aii'I latv't patterns. .Msii, Colt’.- Patent Kepeatinjr I’is- tols. an 1 Vib'ii - il'-v: el'.': .'^h.'t I'.'tiches; iame Ka^-; l’..w ler Fla'k-: I’ercUS'i^in C.ij.s; \e., ,■■;(•. Ki'b-- ■'fall kill'!' ■•. .1,'t ant' V : ii hnn.l, and ’nanufac- ture 1 to or'Ier. aii'i warr.intcil t. sin.'.t fr.im li^'i to •'■"> yai'l'. I’er- 'US wisliir.i: t^i j.r.r.-hase iiny of the ab- ' ,--nanie'l articles, will d'> well t^i ;iive me a trial, aU'i tlo-;, may i:f‘ --lire to tinil the greatest Ilar^.iins evei ..i!‘re'l in t!:i- t "wn. Rr jiairinjr ‘f every thint: in the jrun-smith line w ill bo .l.'iie at sii.'Tt n"tit'c, iu the bc'-t manner, aici l-r a small \'\\ V\ |)OI,EAKS Ui:\\’AUI)! .\NA\\ .\^' tri'iii till' Snl'^eribor, on the I'.'tii inst., ti Q a Ni--rii man nameil !,ri\F. a1i:.\it ;',\e feet six or '■i,;:ht inches hi'.di. liaik coiiipiecteil. has a sc.ar - n the si'll* o! one ■ f his ey.’s. uliitdi . ni* not rc.-olicctfl. luit l:c 'cvi'd t" I'C the r'L'ht e\e. ■ stout iuiilt, wei^iis ab(.ut 1 I ■> or 1 ) .\'.l;.'s. He w.is puiv'na'c.l iu l.'sl''; fi..iii Mr .b.siah F. I’.rvan of this t.iwn. He ha- r.'l:itivcs in the unty . f S.amp- s' II, anion^j them .i h.alf-bi ..ther iiaiiii ■! >.;iii l?o, n.—a tree man ■■;'e^'l« r. — anl i.'.ay por-^iK’y l.e birl.iu-,: in that ncighb..r!;ooiI. a> I ;uii inf. riiie l he was seen about there :i short time .'int e. i’i'S>ilily he mav have obtain- ■ "I free pai t rs. ali'l is i a\oi ii.^r t>-. e-. apc to .a free Statt*. as I uii'ierstan.l sonii- free ] er- ■li'- of c.l.ic re mote'! fi^.’.i .a!i:j.' !i C'Uinty List wee!; (■■ Imlian.i. ,\ ri \\;u'l lit 'I'en I>'i!!ars iviil be ^iveii ("r his aj'i'ie- h»:i-ion an>l de’iverv to me. if t.iki n iu this county; I'iit.en i>..rar.'if taken in .;i,y ■ ti.cr county in this .^:;it.- r. .| !.. !)_■• 1 in ;i sale .i-iii; . r I ;It_\ Dol'jis il taken cut i.fthe .''tat!'.- ' ' ti. it I t him a.'aiii. M. .\. l.i: \KV. Fi;. •t.•^i’:e. M.,r.h 2''. I'-':'. Sl-f r()iJA( c'o. nilF stil'-rri''. r ■• .ntinues t'. reecive arel .sell, on ni:iii:;l.\i'ture::o'. ;'Uiit, all Lri a'jes "f n.ar.iifae- tnre.l l-bac-i. ' .1. I i l.LV. Mn\ ■".1. 1'.-.'tf i'iui:-i'iioo; U()oi'i\(;. #’ra:iris ,s/icnJo*?, \.VYR .\M> .^ii;T \L IKKU l'i:. r n " II \ .N i' I r 1. fm- 1 :>st l;?'. ..I -. Ki l- t' eaM 1 llM ■• 111- aL ten;- II I" i;i •''I'l N •. !' lie ■■li the lii. -I :i; ir'\" l ) v.>i.'i| 'e. niak !:_ I'l- •'.> !;:.;lit. r, and i-"i-e -iura^ 'e t: t’o' ■■: I way ' t' -lie.-tiet!.■■ ■ tiiil' h s. \in;_' in luih:-!-, ;ilii| ; reat.-r -e.-.iiity aL'-ailist file. I'iie 1"W j.ri. e :.I w h .".ate K.■• 1 > ar>' liow oll'err.l will t;..n.)'.ire t.iN. ra''y ai.\ >tln.r l.iii'l o'. lire-pr-..'i' llootinir. ." L.\ rr, 'III'>iNi!V I’ll’l'.'s III l ie to any ] itrern. They are an e\.•‘•’’(•lit reih. 1 r sin..’ivin^ c!:iiiinc\ aii'i sel'iom tail t" » i.- et a tir'. ’I in all'l I 'l'l'pcr (Juttei s. I,. a.le>' Pipes ;ni.l Head.', nia b' toan\ | atteru, aiol i\t \ kin 1 ..f tire- I'l.' f r ■ iii.^ put oil f i ji.iired in the best manner, on re:i-.'i\ i! ’e ti rms. I' in ' ilii'it'ti.; yorr j':'.'r"i. s\ f. • ^-nt of civii;^ i.tire fi ; ,eti"l; in all e-; , , w here a ti:"io!i;'li kiiowli'.l,.' of his lioine-s i re iuiie'l. '\'vnv\:s'v\SK. F. have a convenient ware-house near tho steam w w bo.at wharves, in which we can receive an.l for- w.ard Spirits 'I'lirpeniine for oui' friends, otlerinp; them • the custom.ary shipjiiii^ facilities. Ue als.i purchase the article on our own account, and keo)) lor sale ;aieh arlicles as are usually wanted by the t urpenti lie (.per.a tors. May L>, l.N.i.;, ,T. T. W ADHILL, .IMI li‘,.\Tn*.i!!KL\(;, 'Nil's. Walton lias just r(*ceived the second stock of .'■'priii^r .in'l .‘^iimmer IK N F'l'.''. consistiii'.r of .''traws of a new and be.iuiiful .'tyie. and %arioH'' prices; Flowers, Kililions, Hc.id-dresses, Mantillas, b.nir .aid sln.rt (!Iov(*s, ,‘^wi.‘-s l’,d;_"-in.:is and 1 nsertiii^'s, rndcr-slee\es. Collar.'^ an.I (’ap'.'s. Ihe.'s Caps and I'rO'-s Trinimin;is. Hresses airl .Maiitill.is ni.ade in the latest stylo. ,\11 oi-.ler- fr "in the country jiri.iiijitly attendc.l to. .Mav '.I, 1' ' .-2 Cape Fear Navigatioii Company. rpllIF .\nnual .Mc.tinjrof the Stoc!;holdcrs w ill l.e iii. held in F;;\etle\ille on Friilav the :;d .him' next. ,1. li. HALL. Prc.Vt. .May 7, l^'i.’>. '.ejtm iu:m()\ i:i). rgiHF .'siilis.'rilier havi'icr r-'movcl t.' tho stan.l for- S morly occupie.l by .Mc>m-s. .sitarr \ 'Villiams. on t. i.tl'ei-' to the pulilic a L'^ener.d ;.ss..i-tment of \N1> F.\N'\ I'llV ;>(iliS, and wouM be >>•. all |icrS'.Ti~ ill \\;iiit ol (lo.i.l^ In f..ii' they as he ’s .lct','!-miiiei| to sell for a small jirolit I on time to pniictu.il cii-tomcrs. J. C. PiJK. 1 !'l.'lf 1! .ti-e S I .'vi’LF p’.'ar.": t pur-!i;,'.- I' r e I'h. .Mav siiix(aj-:s. 7" Ii want loo.uoo jrood .luniper SIIINGLFS. f«r which the best jirice will bo paid. J. \ T. \VA1>1>1LL. April 4, S.'Uf WAX I'Ej) I'o priiciiAsr:. COUl>S PINK \V()Oi>. to be delivered on my AN hnrf durinjf the next six tnontlis, T. S. LUTTFI:L(»H. July1S.-)2, i04f ( AX'IOX AT \ J”I IXd. 1! P''^- ’ANTuN M ATTLNC, -4-4, 5-1 and r.-J. -Si- ^S' white and red checked, Si/p'r ('{irh't Sofht. ‘2-'i boxes in 1 lb. jiapers; a superior article. -> “ I'.lenie Fijrs. .Just received and for s.ile bv S. W. TJLLINlillAST A- CO. Aj'ril l.'s.',.'’,. 8:ltf WAN'F OF .MONi:V~ VLL persons who are indebted to me. by note or nc- count. are earnestly ref|uested to settle—pr.rticu- larly those debts duo me ix'fore the 1st danuary, IX-'i’J. My business reijuires nii to make this call, and lotiger indulgence cannot be given. A. A, McKFTHAN, Nov. i-'i. 4;:tf 'nios. .1. .lonx^oN’ — HAS .TFST HFCFlVFD— P.r.I.S. NFW ORLFANS MOLASSFS, 10 do. larjre Yellow j’lantin/ Potatoes, •iOOii lbs. Northern Ibu-on, ;’.(ioii Ihs. N, ('ar'dina do, 1 0011 bushels ()ats, I’loiiirhi and ('a«tini;s, Pdaeksmitl-.s' T.mls, 17 hlnls. Ciilia .Molasses. —also— 1 li"ht four-horse AVajr' ii, an'l 1 P>ug;^y, 1 ILirness Horse, \c. THo.'s. .7. .JOHN.SON, Person st. I'avetteville. Feb'y ‘Js, IS');!. 7l!tf t'jv-campi’fllton propfrtv for SAI.K. T. .1. .ivsr im:ceivi:i), 4^ HIIIk''. prime New Crop M()L.\.''.'^1’,S, bv C.Fti. \V, WILLIAMS & CO, March 17. I"'.:'!. 77tf [NO. 198.] ]Vew Dni^ Store. Fo Hikes S* •^i€ic llae^ DRUGGISTS, Cornrr of (ind Donohhon Sfrretx, dircctl^ JJast of the FmifcttcviUe JlotrJ, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., VxE now reecivinp a larjie stock of DllUlJS .\NT) _ .MLDICINES, directly from Importers and Manu- ■‘iicturers, w hich they will sell to Physicians and Coun try .Merchants at a very small advnncc. They will keep constuntlj’ on hand, of the best qtiality,’ /•vi'ry variety of articles in their line, having made ar- ran;^ements to that ctfect with established houses ini New York. Their Stock h.ivinn been Tcrv carefully selected, and pnrclniseil for Cash, will enable them to recommend confidently all their Drugs, :iud to sell them nt very low ratc.'. They solicit a reasonable share of the patronage of the jiulilic. Aiiril -l-l, 88tf UNlONlIVEli^'i^lil^E;^^ FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. [1HF PROPRIETORS are prepared to furnish the Public with Hoi'ses^ Carriages^ anti Miuggies; FOR MMMRFs. They .tre al.^o prepared to carry Passenpers to any of tho neighboring Towns, on rca.sonable terms. Their Stock may be found »t the Stables formerly occupied by Me.ssrfi. Philips & AVooten, a few doore \Vest of the Telegraph OtTice. They always have in attendance good Ostlers nn(f lleinsmen, FOFR-llORSE CARRTAC.E will be in at- tendic.ce, . t short notice, to convcy Passengers to and from the Steam lioats. They '^iU take Hordes on Livery at reasonable terms." They hope, by .strict tittention to business and a de termination to please, to merit a »hnre of public pat ronage. J. H. ASKEW, Agent. iJecember H, 185-. 5-tf li\!i(;.MXS 3X C’KJAKS. fHlllOSi; who buy ('ig.irst'i si*ll airain. the undor- B. signed b(*i:s leave to inform that lu* ha'^ now in 't ire a l.ir^rc stock ot' all kind' of ('ignrs. which lu* will • •ll'er at piiees that canii'it be uii'lers.il'l in this State, fhc ceUiirateil .''tnr r-r.ui'i Principe. I’riiuc haul. r.iv Sieain Ilav:(liu lle.r,i' ■It ■tte\ino. M.iv and otlu'r fa^ "l ito ('i(rar« on (IF.ORtlF V.liAMil'. '.'li-l'm F tt. \ i! Rail Road or no Rail Road. 11 IV .'^trect. ‘ign opi', ■ lu! t- ti. . ■ 1 -ave tim be p’ ■;m !n all I'e 1 t" allt. :i) tT' Li 'thor l"t r.f Ni"k (IM ;. h I V-i i ’ low f r ea'b, u r'. (■' ii^i'tiii;: of French I’.raii- • 'l;.i\ an.l .\. L. Iliim. Peach alld \''hi?\ev, S.'-UIi- ,\ 11 just I 'T R AN'.. March 1' .M. ,\. I5.\KF1;, of li;* W'.'i'lcii Ci;:n, 'i?c t iie Mu!' N* \ ,1 r l, 1';! \ .•t|e\ il!o. N (' 17-ft. S. j.i 7, 1-:.J. xo ri( I smI'S ^ bet've* I :.*!.| I'c.-b '-s •J IV r has fal.en tl.o h 'p . .M:i!'ctt .V Mc.'Jwaiii l"e. where he iiiieinls 'i'MLolllM: l-.r.si- rai.. ';.s. ILi.ii.j La.l EA.MPS. 'ive.l ,\1 Uiiett! I :> n: i ::Ild f' r ' in ('ak 1': ' i .•i!(-; Mackerel N.i 1 to iiTi'!-^ and lari.'.* si/o. FiiTFll P. .)«»HN."N. 77 tf ■ •' -'i an ' : (ii \ c me !i 'Uim ' e.l'il. I i '11- ItFMIN'i, i. C ii..- Fear. ' l.J i'/zro/ira^c tlnmr Mfnmfurtiirr, I^HL Sn-w Cani[i .Manufacturing Coni]iany c.ntinue JO L..r, ; .1 ami •iff’. 1 ■ .r" r all i I' ai'.ii k .1 I, >1 rece; \ cl a ll'l i" '.V. T11.1.1 N'. 11 A.-1' \lo. SU- s.ile tiy C( >. •'.tf > 'I'urjirnfinr pr: ,M' 1 - W-’l pai'l. an Ac .luNi:." N. ( Ma nianufactiir*. in th(* neatest ;ind best style, \\|',er;t Threshing Machities, tii'lii two to six horse ).ow- er: 'iir!ii:g \Li. l;ii;e~ of liiffeicnt “i/es: !• '.'!• \'.'*! ( Mr linsr ^LlcblIle': Mill ;in 1 .''aw an I •iii't .M;:l Ir ii*-: L'l^re loo'-, ( .i W.'.il R:- s. \C. .VC. Pel s..I. - wi~hiii;r to j.iircli'i'.* woiiM d ;is a call lief'.re pur. ha-ir.g e -cv.b.Tc. termini d t" sell ( heap t'.r >' .'ii or on tii dealers. (’;.r long experietiet* in the .Maini!.i. tiir;ng business enaloe- us to fevl no hesitati.ui in sayiii-tb.it our w. rk -hall not be suri.a^-^ed by any .“^lioi. iu the Soiitli. Thankful for the liberal patrona'je lu*ret..tore :tful!v solicit a coiitii.uaiice ol the .'it.ie and Factory l.-a •t"n V .rn aii' I well ti j;ive v. e m e .le- '«• t" punctual i: ']'() ' ■ . T' k**Pi -- ■rt: ■l i; \\ I'.M.I'.ltS. coiist.iiitly *'n hand a haii I'-Iit "fail k' .I'].' ol find ( iii'fKt Vnt!S^i .iiu-nt: •!!. Al! letf a t .''II" w ( ': l:a, V' ill re am j: nil)' re-j.cc t.i (ho .V^i'iit of tlie C'unpany. I’, u.. .Maiii.ince county, .North 'aroli- jiii.liijit attention. b.W'ili lll.\I.V, .\jieiit of the S. C. Mriii'ifacturiiij: I''■ iiipaiiy. Feb v -JL’. i T l-’'m NL.rket i!' cfoi:;f I- ;uid I i;i:.\Ni)T, ettl\illc III 1 oi{ saij: oii ki:n'F. • ■ .CMMFi; RF.lIii;S'F. l ow o. l uj.ied >.y ■ ! li. lirvan. tW'. mib'“ 't f'f t'iwn. I’os- ' ' imme li.iteiv. -\pplv to ,\ir. .lohn II. Took ! 1 LFF.TK. \\ .\X'r Ol' MOXI'A! a V. ILL sell my S! MMi.U Hi'S mK S ' T.. two miles from the Market, on the Fayetteville and Western Plunk Roiid'-oiie of the most de.sirable and healthy j'l.ices in the county. 1 wilh lic it all'l M»N ACII i -It A^Vii that bo I jUH'tli’.liV iiil'.rin tin* his olil st.iM'l on itVlM T still at lh‘ rvtiUii' lli:ii;k t i\ M. :ini > J‘\ Ir.'^irc to Jill Mirnt a coiiliKuaiK'C h:i\ 11) W'lrKllM'l I that [l:Ut«*l iiirning I'amphino or Sj.irits Tui'pentine. A ivcil. bv ;.\'M'L .1. HlN.-^l) \Li:. .vErviMj: i.AXDs i-oil saei:. oFl'l'.R for s.'i’.e my |.l;;utnti. n, niib S ,'^olltil-W est •!' Lulll*>el toII. Kail R'i:i'l, : 'id nine tr' mi II.t!!' ■n lluii'lri 1 .'icias "t tin* I'C't c situated seventeen all'l eiL;iit'en fr un 'csville. !-iitainiiig '■t'.ii all'l pi'ivisioii lands in the county, withfiiu* im;ir'ivi*ments. well w.i- ter.'il. remaikably healthy, and the b.‘-t staii'l tor a .•‘'t.'ie in the cmiitiy, there ii.i\ing been one on it occa- si.'iially f..r the l:i»t thirty y. •us; with ;:l.'iiit ' lie linii- .Iri I all'l ei-.;hty acres of clcare l land iu a very higli si 111* of cultivati .n. I wi'l give the laii'ls f .r the valiii'd )ir"ce; Is of tln*m for twii years, wilh the work of seven hands, 1 will .livide the lauds if doire l, or if a larger tr.ict is de sire.1, there is a lai';/e tract of bn:d :i'Ij.m;n:g ;t t'lal can be b.m.ht eii M iy n ■;s..nable terms. F;'.ri\ applic.itioii is dc.-iic l. J). W. 3icLa.iri!i -\VF just I'ocoived, in addition to their former i Stock— loo kegs N.\l LS, 11) hlids. ."sugar, lio bbls. (iranulated ditto, tlU b.lgs CofiVo. .'lO ]iieces Ihindee Ragging, 7 bales !uniiv Clolli, coils Hop..,' 0 tons Swedes and English Iron, oO kegs pure and extra White Lead, •'ill boxes \\ indow (ilas5. 4‘. b;i;_'s lh'.)> and llnck l*^hi>t, I'-j kegs FFF; Powder. —ALSO— Loaf and Crushed .'sugars, P.ar an 1 Fancy Soaps, Mackerel, in liarrels and half-bnrrels. Cheese. Spice. Pepjier, Criiiger. Siiuff. linligo. ^^adder, .'■■pani-^Ii Rrown. .''alts, .'^altpetro. Saleratus. Nutmegs. Mace. Clo\os. Yeast I’ow.b'rs. Sperm Candles. ,S:c.: with a gener.il assovtment of IMiV i()Ol»S. litxCi'.'^ AND Sl'lOLS. H.\R1)\VARF, AND (TTLLKV. We od'er the atiuve (.lufls .'it low ).rices, for Cash or good j aper. 1>. W. .McL.M'KI.N, ;.t. i:;. l.'^.'rJ. -J-'.tf UNPAUAELELEI) DISPATCH. rS'^IIE uudcrsigncd iaforns the public that he is noW i running a daily line *f light dr«ft .Steamers on the Capo Fear River, «OBtisting of the following bjats:' New Steamer Zephyr, “ “ Mikjor W'm. IJarnett, IS inches draft-. “ “ Fanny Lutt^rloh, 14 “ “ Rowiin. One of these boats will leavs Fftvrtteville every morn ing (Sumlays excepte.l) at 7 o’clock; and Wilmington every day (Sundays excepted) i.t o’clock, landing goo-l. and jiHSbengers in F.^yetteville in fifteen hours thereafter. Goods intended for t^esc lioata sho'ild be sent to the care of .i. D. McRae & Co.. or I'. J. Lutterloh, at Wilmington, who will forward at the usual rate of com missions. The Stenmers Zephyr and Major Wm. P>ar- nett are elegantly furnished for ihe accommodation of liassongers. Pfvosage to or from Wilmington, i?3. T. .S. LITTKRLOH, Agent. Fayetteville, Feb’y 7, IW.T. OUtf I nioil u‘i»zricultural nrehousc and Seed Store. RALPH CO, TS FULTON ST., N. YORK, , FFI'R for sale a large »nd select assortment of Agricultural and Horticultural Implements, con sisting of Ploughs, and Castinjjjs, Corn Shellcrs, Strair Cutters. Horse Powers, Threshers i«id Separators, Fan ning Mills, Grain Cradles, Scythe* and Snaths, Grain Mills. Sugar Mills, Root Cutters, Sausaf{e Cutters and .‘^tutl'ers. Ox Yokes and Hows, Rakes, Hoes, Hay and Manure Forks, Spades, Shovels, Carts, Wagons, Wk««l- barrows, I'cc, Fi(*ld, (Jarden and Flower Seeds, a large ▼.'vriety. Fortilisors: Peruvian (!uano. Sup. Pho.sphate Lime, Pxine Dust. Poudrettes, ('harcoal Dust, Plaster, &c. .Manufacturers of Schnobly’s Reaping and Mowing .Machine: Daniel's Hay, .'■^traw and Stiklk Cutters.— Agents for the sale of Win. Hovey’s Patent Straw Cut ters. descriptive catalogue will be sent ou applica tion bv mail. .March ‘2-2, 18ii8. SX>*.1mpd MAlliiLE FACTORY. ZA( il. Alfor lsvilU*. Mav 0th, P rn.M(w;i '.^i:if Ni:\\ ()iilJv\XS M('EASSI:S, inst rccci\ ed dii i ct fi"'' arrels an-l half-I.ai re New Orleans, and for sale bv Als l^'- tf \i:w Dili T STOIlIv '111, ubscriber ha'.ing taken tlie Store „ (;i-een street, kliowii as the Mc- 1 .,1- .11 I’.uil'Iing. nearly oj.p.-ite Dr. il"b- . - .ir* >ii"p. i iK'W receiving a Iresli and ..•il ,- lied «toi^'.; of ( liciiiM'Jil^. .Mcdic'inc."^. I’jiiiil.". I)\r-Stiills. and IN rt'uiiH ry. a u^ood assortment of Hair. Fb'sh. Tooth. Whitewash Hrii-lies: Cuppin-r. Tooth, and tnimciit-; (ialvanic P.atteii*s. .Vc. iVc. All ■■ ..tier- low for Cash or on time to jiunctual I' j.e tfulU- -'.licited from Country Physicians • . vh'i mav depend on procnring fresh and >' ii . and that i:.i pains will be spared t'l ■ '-'i .ii ''otli iu )uality and price. 'iKiiKM. l'i{K.'''r.ii'Ti>.Ns ciircfully : l icpared. Ill Shares'of F;iyctteville and V.'estern Plank ito.id St'ick. and "O Sharesof Fay(*ttevillo Hotel Stock. Witli the l.irgest stock of Rea'iy-niaile C \l:l!l VCIiS and ni'tiOilv'' e\er otiered in this place—over •'i^ iOiiO worth- completely fmished. ,\1! of which I will sell al verv r. diic.'.I ].ric'es f,,i-ca-li or i,.-;_.itiable note.s. [■^o liltle atii nfl 'li h is been p:r.'l t'l the call ma.b* bv me after the tire of the -J.l .lan'y. on those iiidctite.l to me to ( all aii'l settle, that 1 am in.lin ed to offer the afiove property at reduced price.- to enabii* nu* to reliuild mv C;irriag(* Kstablishment uml continue business with eonvenieiici*. I shall place notes in jiroper hands for nillection, it not paid soon. 1 have all my 1 st .lan'y 1 .March I’l', 1^"''‘-’. ccounts made out to the A. A. McKETH.\N, 77tf S'i'i:i)MAX cV ilOlEXE, Urif (loods, JIcirdu-ftrr. (iroccrirs^ *Sfc. am .J. N. SMITH. Ci-Jtf Sheetiiiii (’f)ttoii ^ f»rn, , t,v WORTH ELLIOTT. Ei:A'rm:ii p.axds, tCOllLV stret(hed. cemented, and rivete.L Is are sold liO ji.-r cent, less than j.riees. t’a.sii will be i e- For sale by W. Jl. JATTLRLOII. Nov. 1*'., IB.',2 l...ve r.:ind manufacturers .11 \ iiistanc *. ■'\VB:Tn:vi8.i.B:, . v. «7-()ri,l) respectfully inform the citi/ens and tho V ¥ public generally,* that they have just returned from New York, and are receiving their Spring Stock of (loods, consisting ot Dry (iooth^ (!rorrrlrs, Hnnlwdrr, fv, \ variety of Hats, suitable for the seaxon; Ladies' and (ientlenicn’s Roots, Shoes and Slippers: a large as- .sortmont of readv-made Clothing: a great many articles in tilt* ladies' line, and we would be jileased to have them to call and examine for themselves. .Vll or'lcrs sent to our care Iroiii our Iriends and cus tomers will bo j.romptly attended to. March :!(», l.s',;'.. 81tf bii.'ine‘'S iii all ;t- luaiic liberal patroiiiiue h* has i( attention to bu*iiness. and give ?r*'neral satislactioii, t '.IIIH*. lie w a riMiits .I’l his w Ici i.il and b_\ e\I'CJ ieiic , J, ' II' nr, i! and his w. rk will (*omi'Cte with aii\ m.i'le in the St.iti* for stvb*. eleg.ince and I'lirai.ility; and should any of it fail in twel\(* months iwi.'i ‘liv n.-.iui*' eitlu r iu workman ship or material, he v iil ;epaii- it tree of charge. Persons w ishing to buy, would do well to call and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low fur cash or on shoit time. Orders thankfully received and j.romptly attended to. 1’. LiP.\ 1 KI N( i neatly execute.1 at simrt notice and lowest possiiilo prices. Fayetteville, .Ian. i'>, l^-.'l. f'-ltf Tin: SILK. MUUm. AM) T!{IMM1X(; IfOl SK JX \i:\V YOKK. (w. Sfrarus, IMPORTER .\ND .TOP,RFR OF SILKS, MILI.INHHV. A.M) FA.NCV flOODS. 162 Broadv/ay, W. Y., P B daily receiving and otfer- 5 H ing at the Lowest Prices, a conijib'te assortim*iit ol GOODS l.N HI.S LINE, comprising all the various styles and designs, consisting of iilnck aiul l'’:mcy Silks; Aliirceiincs, I''Incnc‘S, Shawls, 'rriinmiiius; Hoii- iK't Ivihhoiis; 'Fallc la and Satin ln>ns; |)n;ss'rriminiii^s of all kinds; lOinhroidcrics; I'rcMich and I'nirlish Cra{)('S, (’rape Eisst's, Silk ('ra- vals; (iiovt'S of all kinds; Silk Eac(‘ Mills; Hart'gcs, Eaccs; Wliitc (ioods. Hosiery, 1.. C. I Iandk('rehi('t’s. The undersigned wouM invite the attention of his friends and the Trade generally. He will otter groat Mav •», l'«' Oj.po ; S. Dli.MINC, ?ite I ajie Fear r.aiik, Itf Jiiviry tStal>l('s. Thu tiiidorsi^ncd cuiitinuc to carry on the LI\'Fi;V HC.^!- ^ Nl'S."'^ at this ).l:ice. 'fliey have lately lar^i ly increased their Stock and can now olfer to the imblic as g'lod Horses, C.irriages an.l Dri- v. IS as tan be ft.uiid in the South ern country. Thankful for tl’.e l.irgo patron- ago li;*retofoi-(.' extended t.) us. wc soli, it a continuation ot the jiublic favor. We prcimise a satislactury trip to all wh'i may wish to travel. Staliles at the West end of Mumford street, I V. l.t re one of the Proprieti rs may alw ays lie fcunil, or i at the Store first door East of Mr. Lutterloh. .1. W. POWERS .'i CO. - -'Si H VRDIF h;is resumed the I' 11' ss at the iK'w .Store nt*\t Reasley, .lewcller. where lu* will rcccive biiidiii” in any .style deshc.i. .\uuiist 1. ock Rindir.g door to Mr. and e.xecuto 1^7t’ rayctteville, I'cb';. ‘.‘l’, IS-'i:’,. .irs r i:ec Ei\ El). SACKS Ll\ !:RP0(!L*SALT, lY 'il ditt.i. in ba"s. Bv i:eo. i.auder. TWII milllis .llfilVE r. T. IIAIUll & SlIVS STIIItE’,’ Fayc'UcviUr, IV. i\ •Tan’v' 20. ]8-')-‘>. (il-l^jid RAJtRELS OF TTRPENTINE . , v n CII, n.-r -n m r itiv l-’l's; for Distillery at thePlank lioud | inducenu nts to ( AMI AN D Ml(»U Rridge on Rig Rockfish. The best market price will be j i iiaid. For further iiiformatiiiti. iniiuire of .John W. .Mur- ihv. at the Rridge, or of A. .McKethau, Fayetteville. P.etween J.ibcrty street ji'cc. IH, IHOl. STKA Dil! I’roailway, iiil Maiden Lane. N. V. ;l-Vpd 'ro PJIYSU IANS. ;■»> ounces Suljdi. (Jiiinine. *JO “ Iron, (by. Hydrogen,) ti do7.. R C ’o. Co.l Liver Oil. r>0 ounc('s III.I. Potas. l!') Ihs. Pil. Hydrarg. :.’•■) lbs. llyd. Sul). C.iloiiu'l. 10 lbs. ]iiire ('hl'iroforni, liO lbs. Turkey Opium. Ether, .\ck.iiotint*. Ol. ('roton, StrychniiH*. Iodine, Creosote. T.uinin, ^'c! .rianati of Zinc. With every article connected with the Drug an.l Apo thecary business. Particular and jirompt attention ]iaid to orders, and to tho packing of Glass-war(*. For sale by S.\Ml'l-L .). 111NSD.\LE, Druggist. April 1S')-I. S.''-lIm KEMOV^Af.. ri'^IIE urdcrsige.ed l’.:*.vo removed to tho store former- I ly occupied by II. Rransoii i'l: Son, tive doors east of their old stand. GEO. W. WILLIAMS .ic CO. Tho Office of the Cape Fear .'^te.ini Roat I'o. is kojit in the above building. WILLIAMS, Agent. .s7tf '.(). D. April 20. 18.')o. Stork Seasomtble imoods. ri'^HE subscriber respectfully bogs leave to inform his I customers and the jiublic generally, that he has just roceiveit his .Stock of fiiMiiMi .i\ii mmm liooiis. Embracing a (Jeneral .•Vssortmcnt of Sta}>lo ami Faiiey l^i'V Oootls, ]>onncts, Misses’ and (’liiltlrcti’s Hats, AVorsted Patterns, Tin- brellas ainl i’arasols, lioots and Shoes. ALSO, SCGAR AND COFFEE, kc. kc. P. SHE.MWELU North-west ('orner Market Square, (Jreen st. Fayetteville, N. C-. .\\'ril I, Lbo'i. l(i(i!i I'l s'lels .Vlum ;!0 hlids. sweet Mo!asses, oil bl ls. ('ity .Mess Poi-k. 20 • large size No. .Mackerel, 10 1 .(1;' libls. No. 2 do, 20 libls. fri'sh caught ^lullets, ')0 boxes Dried liei'ring, 100 bills. Planting eating I’at.itoes, 10 hh'Is. superior Racon. >ia2v iiSnrsit >«t in Part. l.„v..Uev,lV. .Nov. 2-_. IK.-.. *•« A, A, .McKKTllAX ^^Tlf.T. continues to carry on the C.-\RRI.VOE BFSI- NESS in all its brandies, at the remains of his old stainl. oji]iosite Liberty Point. He returns thanks for the liberal jiatronage he has heretofore received, and hopes by .strict attention to business and a desire to givo entire satisfaetion, to merit a continuance of the same. Having kept the grc.-iter portion of his Timbers at a distance from the manufactory, he has on hand a large and well selected lot of thoroughly seasoned Timber, of every descriptitui n»ed in his business, which enables him to rftain all his princip'al workmen. He i.'i therefor© fgMlE siilisi-ribcrs having ]>urchasc.’ tho Steamers | j.ropared to do any work in his line in the very 0. Evergrecit and .'^oiithcrner and 'j'ow P.o.its. lately I etvle, and on the most favorable terms—as low as the -property of the Henrietta Sleanibo;it Comji.-.ny, are ' now jirepM.rcd to forw;ird with dosjiatch, between Wil mington aii'i I’ayetteville, all freights or goods eiitrust- e.l to them. F. N. .S; .1. I!. RORFRTS. Favetteville, Feb'y 14, Ih')-!. OStf r!ii:i(ariiX(; ox caim: feau. ^L•l .irsr lii'X'i'JV]:!), PRIME lot Mountain Rutter. New Orleans and Cuba Molasses, •lava, Laiiiiira and Rio Coifec, .'sugar, Rice, iS;c. WOr.TII & ELLIOTT. rch7. 185:^.. T-‘>tf .10,000 Ihs. ol* Wanfrd. tAViI.L ]iay cts. pc*r pound cash for all clean cot ton and linen llAC.S. delivered to J. D. Williams, in Fi. vetteville. 1 am nearly ready to put in operation a Pa;ier Mill in tliis neighborhood, and am desirof.s of getting mv rags in this market. My object is to pay as much for rags as I can aHord, and hope that I may not bo forced to distant markets for my supplies. I have arrjingetl with Mr. W illiams to receive and pay for all rags delivered to him. D.V\ JD MliSPin. F'jiyettcvi'.le, Feb'y 21, lS-32. liH-tf buy Work of the same iu:ility in N. C. lie has on hand, completely finished, S R>*rouche.s. f..r 1 or 2 horses; Cl Rockaways. and Id Ruggies. .M.so. ne;irly finished, 10 Cairiag*s for 2 horses: 20 |?ar»>u-hes for 1 an'l 2 horscir; 12 Rockaways, and 30 Ruggies; .\11 of which are of the most approved plan and finfsh; and will compare with any work in the U. States fot neatness and durability. Having been engaged in the above business for tlic past 20 years, bis work is well known, nnd he refers to old rnstomers for proof of its durability. Be*^ALL work warranted for 1- Tiionth.'s, and reji.iired free of charge should it fail by bad workman ship or tnaterial, witliin that time. feS?” PiKPAiRiNO executed at short notice, and on rea- sonaiile terms. ^ .Jan’y 20, 18.-.2. TM^lIE highest cash price paid for Turpentine, White M. Oak Staves, and Oak or Ashe Headiag. Call on‘ .Jas W Strann'e, who can alwavs be found at tlie .*(111.' McL.VURIN & STUANGK. Feb'y 18, 1833

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