■,u„- ■■ • ,v ITUss I ' - *”»• tlu' n.i i\Ms" ••1-1 \Ms •>'tf i’.L. Hui, ) S, SEME I-W Fi E) K L Y. .^tsscesmasssB [VOL. 11.] ■XiUiWAaJUHBSignRXPR i'AYi:TTEVIl,T,K, N. C., .11 XE 9. 18o3. mtamamaBbm “*®*‘^*»^isast*K^aia»BMs**a8«s5jBsaiaaaK*fi»3iaBssseBaHEs«aiMKiaMa5Ek353*BEs*s«iB3S3CiabiKiff'-i^ y-tJl I »«—. It'M JJM ■I...LI^.M">l.'J-l-»il..U^i|l-,lP!!- rjeajaiij. t [XO. 201.J TAM.tii:. mxN. PKINTKH HV J. r». NEWliV. i;|)\V\UI) J. IIAI,K & sox, i”-iT;tr.s AM> I'Uoi’niKTons. Si iiii-Wockly OnsEnvKn t iX> if pnij in ■ft 't! if paid iluring the year of subsci-ip- . >■ iifii'r the year has expired. ■ W.'ikly (>it'sr.uvKn ^2 00 per annum, if paiil in !'=“'• durinj: the year of siihscrip- , rf..’ al’tor the year has expiroil. . oTI'^i 'ir.NTS inserted for sixty cents per ni.c !\>r the tirst, and thirty cents for each : . r,;'.lic:iti.>n. Yearly advertisi nuMits by spe- . ;-i, t. .U reasonable rates. Advertisers are ,i t ■'t ito the number of insertions desired, or ; 0'■•'I'liiiiicd till forbid, and charged accord- l.i'tters to the Kditnrsmust be post-i'aid. l-i( roKs 1». \ p.. w. Ronixsox ; Vri> their copartnership on the 1st of jr h:ive disposed of their entire .stuck of . \i.ii ■;! 'S. \c. to l>r. Tliomas C. Mall and llcn- . . r>t:iin an Office in the same building, r b. fh may bo c'^n'^ulted as !ieietofore. , x( i\ imp 'i tUTit to them that their .accounts ^■ttkd as early as i>racticable, for uhich , hv\' •ni.rajred the services >f Mr. John ■ nr'.y crtMier.'jlly be found at their otlice. ;, ^^■j-tf iilEMil IIIRR (;nal ISodiirtioii in Pricc*. j i.I.N roX, MOKKIS CO. . ■ \! '■ J- n;ake to vrder, and keep cnst.intly I rrnrh Mittrr tliillstottrs warranted to be of best rjuality, be- _ , -n r.-arr b’,.-.-ks selected by them fr.-ni the ' ill France. Tliey keep tor sale Cocaiica and j’.^opus Mill- AEW DRUG STORK rpilK subscriber having taken the Store 1 on (Ireen street, known as tlie Mc Pherson lUiildinp. nearly opposite Dr. llob- insftn s Shop, is now receivin!i a fresh jind well assorted stock of Drills, (’liouiical.-^, Modicinrs, Painls. l)_Nc-Stulls, and Poriiiiucrv. j Topcther with a good a.ssortment of Hair. Flesh. Tooth, i I’aiat. ajul liitewash Hrushes: (’upjiinp. Tooth, and , Sur;:ical Instruments: (lalvanic P.atterics. vS;c. ,'vc. All ' of wliich he oilers low for Cash or on time to punctual | custonicr-j. OrdiM-s respectfully solicited from Country Physicians and others, who may depenil on proeuriu" fresh and genuine artit-les. and that no jviins will be sjinred t.i :ive s.'itisfaction botli in iiuality :ind price. Mkpicai, I’kk.>('UU*ti»ns farefully :md nccurate’y jirejiaroil. .1. X. s:\iiTii. ! .lan'y 24. c.^tf ' Ran(k)l|)h ShtH'tini]; and C'ottcm Yarn. l or sale by WtUlTJI KLLloTT. April Mtf i-iv\'nii:K liAXDs, IH V stretcheii. cemented, and riveted. ■_ I he aliovc P>ai\its are solil j'cr rent, less than Nfw Vi.rk manutacturcrs' prices. Cash will be re- luireil in every instance. For s.ib- by U. 11. !,r ITKIM.OIl. I'ayettevi!ie. N.iv. lil, Is.'cJ. :;itf iri:i)rc'i:i) iwin:. ’l'lironu:h 'I'it kcts lii'twecii 'Vihiiiti'Ttnti. N. and P.;ilti- nmre. I'are1'I. \'ia Weldon. Pet*>rsbur;:. lliidimond. \W:(sli- inirtiMi City, nr \ i;, Weldon, I’urts- nii.ulh atel N.irl'i.'k. For Tickets a|>T>ly !4t the >fTiec the W ilir.iii;jT' u and Ila'.ciuli Hail II"aii ('i iiipaiiy at VVilmitij'- t'ln. or at the bTicc"f the l’>!iltimui-e .''t' am I’.ii Uct Ciimpuny. an'l i.f the I'ahimon' and tihii. F.ail lbad Com;*:iny. Pratt Street, Fciltimore. .Ian. 1, l.s.'rj. .'.:;-tf RK.MOVAL. ^I^HK undersijined have removed to the store foriner- I ly oi-eupieil l>y II. Itran^on iS: Son, five loors ea.st of their old stand. C.Ko. WlbMAMS & CO. The OfTice of the ('ajie Fear Steam P.oat Co. is kejit in the al>ove building. .IN(b D. W 11,1,1 AMS, A.ccnt. MTtf April 20, IS.')."). WarroiitoBi Friiialt* liKNtitute. WAlJIiFX COFNTV, (’. rj|lMK Twenty-fifth Semi.Annua! Si ssion of this In- stitntion will comnn-n'-e on Tuesday the 'ith of .luly next. ( harp'cs as before. Pupils are rt'ceivi'd at any time and eharpetl from the ti’ne of entrance. Terms: J^iil U() per Ses.ion lor Hoard and Fnji'iish tuition. .\nciiMit and .Mudcrn l,.inj:u;ig;es, Mu.-ic. t'r.iw- ing, anil Oil Paintinp, at former rate.s. Vocal Music and Ornamental N-edlc-work {rratis. Cir> ular.s containing the fullest information will be sent to those applying. C.KAVKS & 'WILCOX. AV.Trreriton. .lune IS'io. 8:;-4ni siiiX(;ij:s. ' want 1(10.0(;n pnod .lnnij>er .''H!X(JL1',S. f*r which the best price will be paid. .1. vS: T. WAI»1HI,L. April I. ISo.l. s.'Uf WAX'n:i) 'ro ih kc iiasi:. COltl).'^ Pl.N’F to be delivered oti my W harf durin”; the next six months. T. S. I,FT fF.IU.Oll. .Inly 22. 1.''.'>2. K»jf r»Mrr iioltiii^ C’lolli. ■ i ) W ir«\ C'alcHH-d IMa«U r, livdraidic C'cMiicut. \^c. ::y ; ;irt >'f th‘ ci.nntrv j'r 'mi tlv nttend- n. >1. >3esci‘:i!g., A_'Mit .'It I'avelteville. N. C. ■ 1' ‘ 7'Uf l lKl.-IMiOOi' i'rftitris Shtntoa^ . \ i i: MKTAL llool KH. .S:.*,, Nh i ri. r J. :-t f:;N 1 b.^_ t" C.'l!! l'U>lic at- . .■''.ATi' pOOFlNii. done .n the m'i.-^t : : i- ■ maki ii: r> ’f' li^ihter. tighter, and the >1'1 way ■.(' sliecti;!;^. efb'i titjtr :i riiii - r, aU'l ;zre:it“r 'security .acainst ‘ire. r -i' it wlii. 1. .'iati' II. . f's are in-w • fl'cred wi’.! : .v. rub’.y witb any other kind of f.re-pr«i'if . t HIMNFV’ riPF..'^ made to any p.attern. ■■ an .-x. ellent remedy for snn’kirii: ciiinine_v. • ;ii t'i efiei-t a cure. • 1 r'opptr (intters. Le.i'le*" Pipes and • ’ an_\ pattern, and every kin 1 f re- ' J ; a on r,r repaired in the best manner. 'i\ ' - ' your patronap(», feels confidt-nt of • ■ ■■ iti't.irtii.n in all ca«es where a thorough • lii' i.ii'inoi is rejuired. ■ > S.-pt. 7. IS.VJ. 24Y !’, M »M w here Siihscnht'i cou th.' C \i; \ ;• t:nu‘ - to c.ury \F.SS in i'a\i'ttc\iilt hi- i''tab;:-':;nn'nt o 1',. ' I'ri'l:^!-. ha' i 01 Hay 'tnct. lu-ar'.y ■ pj and "!n' di r l.ast nt M( I "•eneri'.l a'-sortment I . and in aiidition to 1 U..\v .^trci't. near poncl a lar'.:- W A It K tlM- Fu; -f'. llai>rii I. I rij-\rrrii!„ ■ikn; • •ni] : -i:: at;d f.iithfnl m - I-'udili'j rtli'TU-i:. ma;. « tlic tinu's. .\lsi' ■ I,- FFUMTrU! . s.do d at a vi-rv modi l ate a -:te\ iiie be iiad , an as- . t. .1 l.y dvalicc. ( AX rox MA'i 'r!X(J. PS. CA.NTO.V M ATTI.Ni;, }-J, :,-i and »i-l, w hite and red checked. Sup'r ('(tri)'/ Soda. 2’> bi.xes in 1 lb. ]>ap is: a >ni.eriT ;trti le. 20 •• Fleni.- Fii.-. •lust rccei\ed :ii;d t'l'r sab' bv S. W. Tll,l,IN(;iI AST A- CO. .\pril t'l. 1 s;;tc 'i'lio.s. .1. JOIIXSOX -HAS .TFST i:i;ci;ivi;i)— P.P.LS, NFW oi;i,i;.\vs MOi',.\ssi:s. lOdo. l.irire \'cll.>w Plaiitiiij; Potat.ies, • ',011(1 il,. Northern I’acon, Ihs. N. Carolina do. 11'OO bushels (lats, PloU|.r1'.s ;.nd C:i>.ti|i.^s, lll.ack'iniths' To..!>. 17 hlitl.». Ciib.i M.>’ias-cs. AI..'0 1 Ii_'ht four-horse Wairi'u. and 1 Poii_'jfy. 1 llarne-: '•r'ic. \c. THo.-n .1. .I0IIN''0X, ]’ers''M St. ■y 2>. Is.'.:’.. 72tf .I,ToX PIIo]'|;i:TV fop. SAi.F. T. .1. J. UXIOX T.IVRRY STAliLKS, FAVF,TTKV1I.I,F, X. C. rglHF PPi(')PiIl 1;T()I;S arc jircj^ared to furnish the H. Public with ESorsi's, i'(trs'ia^;ifn:fl JsEniigirs^ son MSBEIE. They are also ] re]iared to e.-ii-i-y I’awsonpcrs to .any of the neip-hboriiip Towns, on reasonable li'i r.is. Their Stock may be f'linid at the .'''l:!l>les forincr’y occupied by Messrs. Phili)is iV: Wooten, a few doors j est ol the Tfh'irr.-iph (MVice. I They jihvays jiave in affcndaiicc p»od Ostlos and | I Tteinsnieti. i I fiif^rA ForiMioi;.'-;!': cap.riacf, win i.r in at-j j tendance, at short notice, to convey Passi'n^cr.-; to iui'i j ' from the Steam Hoats. i They will take 11-irses on l.ivei v at i-ea«onable terms, j 'J'liey hoj.e, by strict aitention to bti>inc>:s ai:d a ile- ! teriiiiiiatioM to p'ea.-ie. to merit a .share of jiuld’c pat- • roiia.Le. .1. il. ,\Si\i;'>\, .\”-ent. iK'ceniber 1 I. lS-'.2. ."rJtf , I nparalij:li-:i) disivx ix 11. 11 F, undersigned iid'niiiis the jn'.blic that lie is now runiiin.sr a daily line of li^^ht di.-ift .'^teamiTs on the Cape Fear llivor, consistin.u; cd the tollowinjr boats: Xew ,'^teamer Zephyr. .Major Wm. P,:irnett. 1 o inches ilraft. I'anny l.utterloji, II" *• ib.waii. f^nc' f’f those bo.its will Ie;ive Fa'.cticville every m^irn- inp (Sundays (>Nceptec|| at 7 o'cl.ck; ai.d \\ ihn:ii;:ton every day i .'u!iday;» eNcejited: at o’l lock. landin;^ P' o-ls and )iassi'n,Lci rf in i'a vcttc\ille in lit'teen hours therealtcr. (Joods intended fi r thee botits lo.o.M !k> ser.t to the c.-ire i f .1. .S: |). McPae \ or \]. .f. I.iitteileh, :it W ilmiu'.iton. \\ lio ill iorward at tin' n'^nal rate id coni- niissions. The Steamers /epliy r and M:.jorWv.i. Far- filiXTISTRV. p''nn ))entist, havincr located in F.ayette- ‘ \ i!le. may be found tbird door below the Marlict. I’.enhow Kyle's block and will be happy to w.-iit it't tliose }'eijuirin" liis services. All work warranted, :ind h ‘ Hatters himself he can jlive sati.si'action, havinjr taken preat ]>ains to f(ualify himself unde- the instruction of one (>f the first Pentists in New F.n'jiand. I'ec. 22. 1S.‘>2. ■^'•Itf !}A(’()X! I’.AC'OX! ■g 111! !).'>. Sides and ,'^honlders, for sale bv a ©P W. II. LFTTFIillolI. Dec. 2:1, IS.',2. r.l-tf RF>MOVAr.. MRP. ANN BROWN 1ms rcmovea fiom the Fayetteville Motel, to the Hotel at !« ■ «i;Jgg the foot of 11 aymount. recently occupied by Mr. John Harman whore slie is well prepared to entertain her oM customers, and the joiliHc freuenilly. .7nne 1, Fayettevilio Hotel. .ioHX HARMAX llespof tfully informs liis friends and tlie public that he has removed from the Hotel at the fi>ot of Haytnount to the larger and more commodious Hotel in the centre of tlse Town, recently occupied by Mrs. P>rown. and v/ell I known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be hap- 'i/lr. Male and I'emalr ertions of himself atid familv will l)e spared to render ,r, commem-e its fourth se.ss.on, m the ,,1,0 may'favor him with their com- )Uildin'r, loth 1-ebruarv. and close its scholas- nett all nas.'Cii' e’e;..:nt!V iiuiiished ;'1S. Pa>s:,-e to . T. !eville. i'eb'v 7. i tor the 1 W il'.r'o.ri..ii : TTi;i:;.on. niniodation . ' _ent. r.i'.ti' an-// . \'_i riciilliird Su(l S/ -rf . II.\V. CO. 2:', FFI.ToN ST., ■ sale a l.ir^re and !-lect Itur.il .and lli.itici'itural In' oiebs. .and Ca-^tii Cm!; H an house an Still fill II. buildin I tic year l-'dh Dec. Orjraiii/ation and charpe.-^ i hcretoi‘‘oi-e, Mr. Murphy excepted, whoso services, if ; iu'ccss;irv. w ill lie su] ]ili('d by :i coinpi'tcr.t Assistaiit. I For particulars address the jirincipal. I .(AMFS H. IHIFXT. I .'''mitiiville. X. C., Hec. :10. .'(tj-lim r!:m()val. 1’, h'lvf' removed to the larpe fire-proof brick .^'tore lately occnjiiei by Sampson lioon. Fsi|., one deor west of Messrs .1. iS: 'I'. Waildill, on Hay .''treet. wliere we shall receive in a few d.-iys. larire ad- ilitions to our e.arly Spring purch.-ises. Our stock of ///•y (ti)oils, Ilntx, I'u/jts, lit u7ij-intlc ('liitliiiiij, I'luhrilliix, (I’v. sdi'cteil exj>ress1y for the wmoi.tsai.k TitxnK. Mei’idiants are invited to jrive our {roods an ex.amina- lioii before piirchasin'r. STAIlIl vN: williams. Ma; 1. IS.':;. '.mtf l)!SS()I,r'i'lOX. ^ ^ 111- I’.rm of COOK T.\^'LOIl is dissolved by its J ov, 11 liniit.ition. 'I'lie business of the concern will l’( s. ttle'l tiy Mr. .Mex'r llay, or by either fif oiirsehes, ii.-iir.' tlic i.:!i;'.e of the firm in settlin^r i»s affairs. pany. •i'i Favetteville, X. C.. .Tune o, H^o}. 200tf Mrfalir/,' !\onfi/ifr and (hdlerinir^ MNF in the best maiMier. at reduced prices, bv ('. W. AXrtKFWS, .Market Square. .Tune t'l, IS'io. 2(tOtf 4 I,W A. *^'1 AXI)Ri:\VlS’8 77// J\'arc and Sfovc Depot. I,W.\V.S on hand. Cooking, Box, and Parlour rovKs. A v.aried a retail. J*.y .Tune r,, IN.' _ALS0— sortnicnt of Tin \\’are. lit wholesale nnJ C. W. AM>UK\VS, .Market Sunare. I. 2Ui!tf F , VI tteville. 'lav 2. S. .i.\s. (;. COOK. WILI.IA.M TAVI.Oll. fOtf W’M. MclXTYRK (tJTcrs^ for sa/r, B PftZ. C1;AT>LFS, •") finirers wedjre brace, a I doz. Cradles, f fingers screw. .Tune fi, IS.'i:!. 2(X>-;!w OL!) RYi:. riLLTAMS'S old Pectifled IIYF, WIMSKF.Y. .1. & T. WAD I‘ILL, •lune f,. IS.':!. 200tf s-'tin;: ot I’ll Ciitlt I.'. Ilor-e I’.iWei i.inir '>IiI’i. (ir.iin Cra M':' -. Miuar M-; K N. YoF.ls. .■tso] tni"!,! ■'eM!ent. C. iielie|-. Sir; of . I'hre.'lu-r les. Sc\lla t Cu!'- 1 0\ V >ki ' aie! Si.aiUs. V- F:tyetfe\ille. Feti Ft'-' c.\mi*i;kI .11 HHl'S. March 17. I^'^-'i l>. s r in:c!:i\ i:i). N. a Ci-..p I’y ;!:o. w. u ii.i.iAXi.'^ .V ' o. Si ii'rers. .\Ianiire barro-.vs, .\c. r'iebi. Carden alid i'lower S Feitili^crs: Peruvian liciiie Do'f. FoU'iretti Clir.rc M.inufai tnrei's . Schneb'iy Machine: |laii;.'i's Hay. ,\l'i nts for tlie s i^' ol \\ ni. !'• ter>. ,V iji! i; tive cata’...,i.,i tl' •; by len'l. ai ' b L’ J. ’ ' ' . Fa ’.V il,.i .''cj -I |-at.'! S. i :in- aiei .''liatlis, (i, aill ';lllr-.l ’.ic I 'ut f ef' alld ; H. ' ^. H..V .and :r-. Wa-ons. \Vi e. 1- ^.iii'ocvi'ivs> ;?E2sS 3>n*y sill'M i ibei' lia t.ikeii the F.ast end of the Store ll lately ocenpicd by C..ok \ T:.ylor. where he would ■ j.:c.: ed to SC" Iiis ' Id custiiiiiers aid others. .\Iv sioi-k of C i'. )C FK I FS v.ill be lar;;e and full. 1 '.'.ill t .!:e in payment any kind of Cduntry Produce. 4-I1 will II' t be refused, or credit to punctual cU:4- Mf .. .I.VS. C(M»K. RA(iS WAXTI'J), jlOPi whii h tlie hichest market ]>rice will be paid; 1^ Apply to ^ i;f,vi:rly p.osf. .1 line '1 20(J-:Jt ‘.'Htf ^j'^ill! hiiifiest market j.rir £ clean Wool, free from 15 I'h.s variet y. ■iiate i.ime. ;cr. .’.c. 1', i M..; .•Straw Cut- on a; i lica- Ucwnr!!. lilMAN M, N. lo. l.-.'il. NFII.L. oSlf . 3i(*Ji;nirin •eived. in a Idition to their f R. F. kec] - on 1 and an a"'Ttiuent ot Fi'l.'s celebr.i- t.-d MF.TAI Lie l;Fi:!.\L CA.''F.. which hive I -cn hi-hly mniended tiy U i'.Iie ['. Matnrnm. Henry Clav. 1,1 u is C.,"i. Un,. i;. Kinir. .>!; I many other il- lu-^trionv c!iaraeter, who have ex.amined and witnesscl their utiiitv. xirPKi:. ^HK Su' scriber his t:iken the between Dr«. Ma'.lett \ :'U :iT.d F.c.jirs's F.rid;:". where !," intend' catrCm;; t'U the TAll.olU'^'i I’l "1- Mv''.'' in all its brunches. Ha>inpha 1 ! ; ictic.ai expcri''nce in most of tin- At- iitic cities, he feels .assure.i tii.it i;e I in [ilt-ase the nio>t fastiiiii i;s Ali op-ers will be executed with ne.it- ■-lii.p mmrn ('ahhxt I'‘>r/ii: nf(. ('hairs. ^111: subscriber is r'c the !ar-' r-t in lii"- line ever be!' ic j'lirci-.asi vbich. t' iretl.er wiih his own nianiil;: ■tock vi-i v coiiiolete. coiisi'tini: of 1 ^ rtnu'nt 11 H'O ke-s nails, 1 o lilnN. II;:. 1 r. 2" lib!', (ir.iiiu’atcl ditto, • 111 ba--^ Coffee. .'ill pieces Dundee Ibappinp, 7 >iale« Ciinny Cloth, ■l.'i Coils I’,o].e, • tons Swedes and Fnpli^h Iron. •'lO keps pure ,111 I extr.a \\ iiite Lead, .'ill boxes Window (fl.a''"'. I'l b;i::s Drop and llucl; Shot, ■J.'i kc”-i FFl'lI Pov.’ le’’ — ALSO— Li if and Ci il'hed .''ilLiar,-, F> ir an 1 I'.incv ."^oaT'^. Mac';eia-1. ill b >rrels and !■ I’f-barrels. Chee»e. .''pice. Pepj.cr. CiiiL'cr. .''iiiitl'. Indi'.:' .■'•.'.ini'h lirowii. .''.alt', .''a'tpetie, .''aleratiis. .\lace. (’loves, ^’ea'-t Powders. .''perm Candles FF'iV !•■ ivr. ' V oH t nor ; llaniiii-j (.i;:i. V !,Oi anii'v F!-'e.r. •. t-r' c^. l’..r . V. 11,1.1 A.MS F"b-v 'ill] d Also, to sab- I’V \ CO. I'.'.Mf ill I r.l.il last Fa! f.o'v rci-ei\i!:r a h.r Sprinir and Suii.iiK r j()ods {or ('. 'niOMSON and well sciccte 1 .''jocl; ii O O P N I ''irisistirip ( ’.a- simere. . -Madd. r. N iitmcLrs. ,^c.: with idiier sr; for (■;i.li. Also, a . • M:s~e-. Voiiti. ll C'' t iai UTs. and .■'lb chat.-e 1 IC;:! M'ilirti s i-::-. Ic;h. II A i'.'' and (' i'.. a 1.1 ai _e Variety of v. ’.n be sold low I ,1 a-- '. F,o rtmeiit ■. I'i.'' . ij'cran. (»x,i.s ■ wLicIi he is wi isll. 01; libel'a’. I; ;tlcni ar.d n Inf: lit' 111; hislvii s. I’l )i )T: i .inxioii' I .1, C, \- al a-ortiiieiit of D!!N IIOltD.''. FlMlT.'^ ,\ND S. iiAi:iiw.\i:F ofler the above (ioo .MoN.VCHAN. si-tf ritairs, 'I’ablf' lime ;>l d’;.', 15i ii'ti‘.ii!s, W:i;-li .''tainls, poo.l pap All Hof. •. ' ' II I- V '::„i v.'th 1 ^ d : cal ‘7 ',f ' ■■ nil- ni t. I TFiK LAUr.EST 'Lk. lilliliON'. AM) TIM.M.MlXf; iiDi Ni: L\ m:w_voi!K. I'III)>11 OK iw. Stf'drii)^, 1iFTF.P, \ND .ToP.P.Fi; oF ■ Mll.I.l.NKiiV. WD F.\N('V fiOODS. 162 Broadway, N. Y., II M St re and i-^ daily recpivinc: and offrr- • I ■ • .. L^ ' 'f Prices, a coniplete a'sortment •' MIS LINK, comprisiii'' all the various , . rot,-i'tinp of > I'aiicv Silk'; MarceliiK's, Shan is. 'rrimiiiiH;s; I»on- 'rall’cta and Satin Ri:>- Dn'I’riiiiiiiiiiiis ot all kiiuls; '■iioi(lci-if>.; I'rciicli and iMijilish •('rape Lis.^^rs, Silk (V;i- t': (iloM s of all kinds; Silk I. i 1 Milts; l»ar‘iTf*s, !.iaccs; V. liit(‘ (ioods. llosirry, L. (1 laiidkf‘rclii*{s. 1 Would invite the attention of his ■ Trrsde peiieraliy. He will offer preat • \SH -\N1> SHOUT TIMK F.UVKF.S, THo.MA.-^ C STH.XKNS, ]ii2 Ilro.-idway, • L,’.eitv street ai;d Maiden Lane, N. - . ' ■ i.l-Vpd aiul •Hv. 4 I : - I.. I|.|.,|| p..rter and Falkirk .\h'. sii- -.t, .I,,.t receded and for sale by '■WFL W, TILLI.NWHAST .V ( t ►. , IjIXiKIIIJI * IJ iirds. So; r«‘tai f which Tvil! be sold '11 the 1 1 short time to punctual c::.- hi'Si -, Mile li '. iVe. owc't terms fot Cash, •. •niers. .JOHN W. P.AKFK. ::.'tf ■It. :d Cl ^LF.l:^•. s at low ).rices, for Cash D. .Mcl.AFKlN. 2-'.tf M.arket S.[uare. '.'ar> h ^Itf ."jO Lahnrcrs ira.-ilc '. at 1 jxr daij Oct. ;io. h.'jI. S'1'KI)M\X vJv: IIOR.M:, Dry (iiiods, Ifardirarc. (iroc( r 'trs, t\-c. I’\vi:tti:vbi.i-i:. . ■■inT'OFLD ri 'pectfully inform the citi/ens ai.'l the F V public irener.ally.' th.il they ha\e jii-t returned from Xew York, and .ire receiving their S[irinp Stock of (i ieds. coti.si'tinp of I) !'!J ft/'tll'f I'^ F [l r l’> t If'l t t'f‘^ (f ^ . .\ v.irietv of H.its. suitable f 'r the se,a»on; Ladies and Centiemen s P.oot*-. Shoes :.nd Slip]., rs; a lar-e as sortment ot ready-made iotlr.nir; a ;jieat iii.iuy .iitic!'s in the ladies' line, .and we woiiM be pleased to have them to call an i ex.amim* for themselves. All orders “ent to our care from our friends and cus- tomeri: will be promptly atten led to. March -’lO. IH >:l. Sltf I arm at'me Wniilc'l, ■ price- wUl he pai'L M'Li.AN 1 IM.-,:!. .I-i\f> H'ltf rt V jira- .1.1 . r* 1: '! () i'RA\i:i.Li^Rs. ■r ..I'l - con^tant1y on ha:id a iiaiid- ■ .ii-nt ol all kinds of I aUsfs, and Carpel Ba^s^s, |. attention. GFOIICF, P.RANDT, ■ Market House and Fayetteville Hotel. f2-:'im SAI.l', oit UI'.N'l', MMFIi I! LSI DF.N'CK now occupied by .\('W Dru”' Store'. I'onlkes *V Hmc, ('uni' r >if' Ih'lf "ihl (fir'cllj/ Kn^t of fh>‘ Ftlil' ff'-rillr Ifotrt, F.WFTTFVILLi:, X. \IIF, now receiving a larye stock of DUI CiS .\XD .M FDK "1 N FS. directly froiii Inijiorters and Maiiu- ‘a-:iirers. which they willsell to Ph.-'^ieians and Coiin- trv .Mi-rchaiits at a very small adv.ince. 'Tiiey will keep coiistaiitly in hand, of the best ijiiality. .-verv ‘varietv of articles in their line, havinp made ar- ran-« mer.t- to that eflect with establi.-hed houses in New ^'ork. Tlieir Stock linvin;; been very carefully selecti'd, and purcha.se.j for Casli, will enable them to recommend confidently all their Drups, and to sell them at very low rates. ... e They solicit a reasonable share of the patronape of the I'lll.iic. April 22. l''.o. [T_/^ i^'olcs'or Alc.\. ('. IJarrv’s roiilieroii-. or Meiiiralri! (■ciii|ioiinil. O r r.i aiitilyiii'.’. ' — rvinL' 1:1 torins Hill .'l.-i'"!:!!!'O"' H'or. lu lu viii!: In rMnu. 1.1 ,,,^,1 iii.alin;; r.'.leriial w. laitiii'oii el It.irry s 'I'ru' 'I'lie uinlersiiriirtl contiiiui' to carry m the Ll\ Kl!\' l!l sl- Ni:.''.'' at tiiis |>lace. They htive lately larfiely increasecl tin r 'tock and can now offer to the public as L'ooil Horses. C.irria^es and Dri vers as • all be found in tiie S'Hith- ern country. Tliaiikliil for tbe lar^re p.ition- a'ji' heref.ifore extendeil to us. wi' solicit a continuation of the public iavor. W e promise a satisfactory trip to all wh I may wi.di to travel. Stables at the West end of Miiniford street, where one ol ihe Proprie'or- may .alw.iys be found, or at the Store first d.oor Fas,: ..f Mr. Liitterloh. .1. W . PttWKKS & CO. Favetteville. Feb'y 22, I^ i:’, 71 \ .irsr iii:( i:i\!:i). SACKS LIV FItPOOL SALT, H)0(t bushels ,\lum ditto, in baps, I'O hhds. sweet Molasses, .“I*; libls. City .Mess Pork, 211 *• lar;_'e size No. ■’> .Mackerel, 10 half bbls. No. 2 do. 20 bbls. fresh caiipht Mullets, TiO boxes Dried llerriti'.;, 100 bbls. Plaiitiiip iV 1‘atinp Patatoe-;. 10 ilhds. superior Ihicon. D. .X W. .McLAFIMN. Favetteville. Xov. 22. 1S.'.2. I"'!' ',)l'K'('d }>r( ji rn ,7. f'B'!Hi: a’-..ve j'rice w ': !,.■ ;.,i: 1 f C W' rk on tlie low r I.o k and four or five iner.tlis. I’l I'.ais haviii'.Z .Neprocs w liich they willm.ake app'ic.itioM. dur;!. the nn. Hall F.olliii^cr. .It tlie Foiin lry, to clii.'ion. .ir to ('"I. .Nath,in Kiir,r. •loiiN March ;:o. IS.',:',. I- .I 'l hail I'am lor ti: !s. to ni \t wish enqdoyed. iitii of .\j.i;!. t'» Col. ,\!e\. .Mnr- F.i' LLIVr.Fi:. M :;;ii a- nii', sri!sri;ii:i;i; .--puiNi; .\Ni> II' w recei\ iiip In'" .''t' , ,M LK (iOODS. ci'iu'iatii; 'F.M- \N,\'iV,\Y from the subscriber in October last, a ! neLio boy n.iaiC'l .'',\M. .''aid boy is .about IS ' i ape. tall, very black, and with a siiplit cast in . f his eyes. He Was raised by a .Mr. McF.'idycn. I laiiii or .Moore coii’ity. and jmrchased by me | f Mr. N. .Mi K. .McNeill of Moore eminty. 1 j th ' above rewar.1 for his apprehension and j li\cry ill anv Jail in North f'.ii'olina. or foi ty dollars I":- li iii ileliveri 'i to me in Clu-raw. ALL.VN .McFAPI.AX. I'heraw, S, \pr;l 27, l.'^-':!, '.iOtf WM. II. ,M( RARY. f 'oiii iii issioii • JSrrrli tntf^ WIL.MLMiTON, X. (’. P- . t:. 'iLar attention will be ]iaid to seliiiip atid ship- .N.ival .'^torcs and I'ro'liice. .and also to the For- w:ii-linp of (ioods. ,Mercli.ints who consipn their (’mods to him can rely on their beinp forwarde'l by first boat after they are discharpe.l from \es'-el. i:i:fki:fncfs; 1’. Fries. 1^ A. \'op’er \ Co.. Si.lem. X. C. T. ,M. Yonnp. ,Mock-^ville. Hunt .\ddertoii. Lexiiiptoii. .F'iin I*. F>ro vn. Saii'biiry. .1. II. .V .1. Martine. Fayetteville. .'an y 2''. IS.'.:;. ' f,2tr \V. il. McKAY, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, (iciiiTii roiiHiiissinn \ Forwariiiii^ VcrrlFint, .''outli ^Vater street, fi doors Im'Iow .Market, :Sisss:i;2l>:9. I.-'"'"’ Pa.rticul.ir atteiiti "!i [laid to tlie sale of !tll kinds (d C.'iintry Produce. Liberal cash ailvanees m.ide on c •!: 'i;.'nnu'nts. lleference- .lohn D. Starr. Fsip, Pres't of the Ihink of Fayetteviile, Wr.i, C, P.ioadfuot, Cash'r, do, F.V:i .h Fuller, Fs'p, Mc'srs, Cook .V Taylor, j t’ook \ .lohnsou. J L. C. Hubbard \ Co.. Clinton. Samjisou county. 'i'lii'iiiiis .1. Morisey. F.si.. l.mnbi'rtoiv. Uobetfoii. ,1. I’>, I’rown. lOsip, W c.'tFrooks. liladeii. Oct. S. |S,'.2. o.'lYj'd .June ti. 1S.'>;’. ■)()(*(> /hr. Lard, for s;il('. •luiio ti, IH-'iH. wool.. ce v.iil be ]>aid for good Jiirrs. ni:VEHLY POSF. 200-i!t yorth Carolina Bacon and Appiv to p>. nosK. 200-,'lt DKXriSTRY. P,!;NP>()W' would respectfully inform his friends and the jmblic. that he intends leaving Fayette ville on the 2Uth inst. He ^^ill be iibsent until tlie 1st of ()et. dune ti. 200ts l)n. C. H. RAKKR, H .\\'1N'1 tahen the otlice adjoininp the store of his H n brother, .l,is. IJ.aker, .Jr., in F!li/aV>ethtown, ten- ih'rs Ids professional services to tlie public, and will bo> jileased to attend to ,vi,r, calls. ^ Fli/abethtown, .lune 2, lS.i:>. 200-r.t F.ivetteville. 4'oSIar»«, aasJ S>r;i lioo rs, SI 101,s. AM> liA i s. ,\II of his own selection, whiidi he can w::n:;iit laji;;:! t. anv in the market, and to be sold low n r c.islt. (iFoiii;); i-.i;AM'T. Pctwcen the ,NIarl;et Hou»e and !■ ayettcville ll !el X. P>. .V nice a.-sortimnt of iIO\S t Lo 1 IIIN(' alsi oil hand. Ai'ril 1, IS':;. P2-om i'Ri:s!i ('oivN ,mi:al FPT coiistanllv on hand l>v (ll'.O. \\.‘ Vi ! I.LI .VMS \ I't*. For sah' low by •Iairv2t. IK /M/A7X OiL. Ac. LllS. PI i;F WHiTF, Li;,\i>, 2ti b'hls. rdake's Fire-jiroof Paint, Linsce.l ()il, "'rain Vepet.ibb' or Kosln (hi. Chrome \'ellow, (Irrcn. (in Oil.) P.iris Putty and Putty K:iives, Cop,il VaIT,isll. lilack Leather Varnish. Frown .lapan '• .1. X. SMITIL f.2tf XOTICE. F.LlXiT'F,XT Subscribers to the Capo Fear and Deeji lliver Xavipation Company are notified that the iindersipned will be in AVilminpton about tho 2oth. and in Fayetteville on the 2-')th of .JFXF, to col lect the amounts ilue. Those who fail to }>ay, will fiinl tlieir .Stock advertised forthwith for sale, with tho natiH's of each delinr)uent Stockholder. Tiie Subscribers under the amended charter will bo called ujioti at the same time for the first instalnient of 2”> jicr cent. Bv order of the I’oard. HFMIY A. LOXDOX. Treas. and Sec'y. Pittsboro'. X. .Tune 1. is.');";. 2tHI-t2.'».T wiijjA.M A. (;wyi:r, FOinVAllDTXO AXD COMMISSIOX MFKCHAXT, Wiliaiin^toii, C. I2F1IS()X.\L attention pivcn to the sale or shipment of Xaval Stores. I liave ample facilities for con- diictinp the business; large wharf and store sheds to keep s]*irits from exposure. Xaval stores will be shippel to :iny house in Xew York, or to other markets if advi- sabb'. and liberal cash advances made on consignments,’ 1 refer to the following distillers: F. Hannnm, Wayne county. F. H. Woodard Sc Co., Farpsboroup;i. W. F.-irp, “ .\. !. Thornton. .Tohn.ston county, liridpes i't Durham, “ “ D. liocatt. ‘‘ “ .spencer Fountain, “ 11. Fatiiiiin, “ “ .''Miitli. Frvan iS; Co., *■ “ 15. !!. Ilinnant, Fsrp “ J,ovett Peacock, Columbus county. Messrs. .Tones Leach, Favutteville. May 20, IS.').”,. !I0V am Fell. 2C iCrl SPlllMi aii'l aii'l t icnih iiK'u \c. \c. March li’i. F-' 1 tl HOW r*cci\i:i.r !ii\' siociv o.i FMMLll coops siiit.ible f.,r l.adii v.car. .M'o. lla','. Fom.e'-. .''Iioes. PF.TFit P. .!011X;;0N. 77-tf ' Mrsic\ fF. WHIT.VKFIJ, formerly I’rofessor of Music’ Ju in t'arolina ('ollepe, would respectfully announce j that he has located in Fayetteville for tlie ]iurpose of teachinp Music. He would be very happy to receive thft I names of those who wish their dauphters instructed in yii3111!’ Hoii'l at present occupied by .lolni Harman. ! t>,is deliphfnl branch of female literature. He may be ' found at Mrs. Payne’s residence. Vocal Music taught llori’.L I'OR SAI,K. l 'at/( tfrri!/e ( '(indi/ Mann/ac/'irn. rSJlHF snbsi-riber still coniinues to manuf.ictr.re a ai |ieri'ir arlicle of plain and f.incy C,\.\DIFS. S.Sff i 1- I’re a'r* I'lls lielict'. l‘riil'esor l!,,iin.leil liv nn !:> "!>r:i |iliiraMitU'. Ilie ri'ii i,Ill's llie I Miori, 'riic 'Iiles 1.1 Itie nrlii le of lale y lliiit hIii: rcil to oriler. in i|u:intiru « of from hull 11 ai w-' w ilhin a trille ol !l ill.IKKI, lit nt leiiL'lli the rviileni p' lit lli'“ VMin- |;hi ri.ii-i pcrv .„e ,n. re.'. .l in a his .aU"’ lioi.u. lii.il- that ill. ' lirn the iiiihlii- have I'lir F. liryati, twi ■aijii diiitely. miles W e«t of town. Pos- \iiply to Mr. .lohn If. Cook S. A. LFFTL. 77tf It irr-,. al liT miiiiiIm r of hotl(e« lU liv crfi-s luiwari!. iliirins tlie ye; h 1'iiiinerc'-:»ry In t»re'i‘i (lertul proeeriii'H ol' Ifii* rri."iiphero’|s. w ,1,,. ,,riirl#» ni -l.eil'111 h ...I \nili.rsi im'iit as this. 'I he cheapness ol tl >irlir!e "m.I thecM.lanaiion.i-iveaof ilM rhcn.ii al lion n|»in the ha.r. the 'l alp, ill .1 in all r I'cs of *;lipTlii iai irritation. lU't reoeniim ml l i it to tl - ailenlion of the preple. This was all that the invenln rie'irril. I'.verv Imllle ,..|verti.e,| it.elf. The tl)e. ls o the Hio, Cti ee.le.l e.xpi i 'ation. Itart. il like a harm. 1 he lailio' woiili n.,l I.e wilhoiit it. fi.iiMlry ileal, r.- tn evi-ry sei-linn ni the * H,:;,e. f.ainil ihey noi^t have it; iin.l th'.'s was l.liilt lip a traile to an extrnt hitherto mihearil iit an rcuarils 11 rln I'”' of ItiK i kinil. The hitfhe't point lia.s not yet licen rcii'dieil. anil i| !• tie ' licveil that the *ah" this year w ill lie a iiiillion ami a ln'H ^ rRi-:i(;n rix(i ox capi: ii:ar. r*MlF subscribers havinp purch.ised the Steamers I. Fvcrpreen and Southerner and Tow P.oats, latcdy the property of the Henrietta Ste.imbo.it Com]iany. are now jirepared to forward with despatidi, between il- minpton and Fayetteville, all frciphts or poods entrust ed to them. F. X. & .T. H. IIOP.FIITS. Fayetteville. Feb'y 11, IS-el. ti.stt .11 s'l' Ri:('i:ivi:i), A PIIFMF, lot Mountain Ibittcr. Xew Orleans and Cuba Molasses. .lava, Lapiiira and Ilio ('otlee. Supar, Itice, iScc. at the old stand. (No. •'•, (Ireen street. :'> doer.' North of the Market House,) where he would be hapi'V to see his obi friends and cuslomer--. ’HA1’.LF,S i;,\XKS. Mandi 7::tf 1 AVOPvTII & ELLIOTT. 7')tf 'HFLS OATS, oiH) i|,' V. C. iiacon, de by w. WILLIAMS & CO. ^ 7l-tf March IJ»«. ot‘ WaiiU'd. SAVILL {lay '•>>, cts. per pouml cash tor all clean cot- 1 ton and linen ll.V(iS, delivered to -T. D. Williams, j in Fayetteville. I am nearly ready to put in operation ; a Paper Mill in this neiphborhood, and am desirot:s of ^ pettinp my rar.s in this market. My tdiject is to pay ! , us much for raps as 1 can aflord, and hope that I may i l»«.p..i anil Maniifai iory. No. 137 I'.roaihvay, New VorW. Ketail , fi.rccd to distant markets for my supplies. I : prire,‘i'l centi a lart-e Iietiic. « n i... „n thp , h ive arranged with ,Mr. Williams to receive and pay j five years. l,i|„ral ili'^-iiiint to piirrha-rrs hy the quMntity. Sol.lhv all the j liav c .11 r.iii^i i .-i firinrilial ineri'liaiiK am) ilniirei't' threinh.piit Ihe l iiileil Statesanil j'y,- jj]] ragS delivered to lljm.^ Canaila. Me.viro. West Imlies. (Jreiit Br tain, France, ir. | FaVettCVillC, Fcb’v 24, 185tJ. fl. J. lllNnLt.VLF, Fayetteville, N. C. f Jj-biiiiMlJ J A NKW 1N\I’lX'i'lOX. fHlHF undersipncd has niaile an iiivi'iitioii >1 a Sinnt W Machine, which he will insure to be perfect in the ‘ extraction of smut in wheat, and wishi's to inform Mill (.(w tiers that he is imttinp iip m:i(diijies at Fiiion Facto- I tory, on Di'i'p F>iver, eipht miles North of ,\shborouph. j Slv machines are composed of three distinct jirinci- 1 pies, centrifiipal, scowerinp and reaction. It takes the I wheat throiiph three operations in going through the I machine once. i .\ny persons buying a machine, after trying it. if it does not clean wheat, damp or dry. 1 will take it b.ack. Price .Seventy-five Dollars. All letters addressed to Xew Salem Post Ollii'e. ILan- doljih countv. 1'. P. FUFFM.VN. Oct. 12, l‘s.‘>2. 34Y il^ jormcrly known as the Fl;inters’ Hotel, near the fbct of Hay Mount. Fayetteville. isotiVrid for s.ile: and p..ssi ."ion can be li:id whenever desired. I'-ie House is l irire nn'i coniiiiodioiis. lias been thorouphly repaired within the last twelve months, and is now. together with all thi' ncccs: ary ont-builc.inps, in complete and hand- i So;,11' order. It now injoys a hirpe share of the local ■ :iii'l transient cu.'toin. whieh, in the hands of ;i 'ompe- tent ten.int. iiiiisi be greatly increased by the existing Flank I’.oads ati I coiiteiiiplated Itail I!oad, (the Depot of ■wli'.ch will probably not be fir from this House.) I These considerations make it a very desirable property I to anv one wishinp to cn'jage in the Hotel business, or lo a capitalist desirous to make an investment in proper- tv increasing in value. Till' terms will be made acconiod.itinp. X. A. STFI'M \X. W. T. IIOPNF. Favetfi'viile. ?■>. C. March S, lS.i-’>. i-i-tf 31A il BI i!: I A CTOitV, in connection with instructions on the Piano, Terms •'Sl') per Quarter. Pianos tuned and repaired on very accommoilatin:^ terms. liec. , 1S52 — Ott DAVID MUIU’lIY, C'OPARTXKRSIIIP. fHlHF undersipned have entered into a copartnership i xuider the name and style of (leo. W. Williams Co., for the jiroseeution of a peneral business. Loca tion the same as occupied by .F. D. U illiams for the last GFO. W. WILLIAMS. .1X0. D. AYILLIAMS. February 14, 1853. ti8tf lv\l 111'. COI.OO.NK, A Sl PFlllOU AUTICLF. For .sale by J. X. SMITH, (jroen !^t, April 2S, 1M.',:L 8'.*tf F'ire Mnfinranci\ fH^llIC ,F,TNA Insurance Comimny of Hartford, hav- M inp paid tlie t;ix imp ised by the Hevenue Law of Ihe late Lepislature. will continue it.! Agency in Fayetteville, under the manapement of the undci sipied, who is pre] ared to issue Polii'U's ot Insurance on Luild- ings or C.o;.-N. either in this Town or in any part of the St.'ite, on proper ajiplication, ile:-;cription ot tho ProiH'rtv, \'e. ... The VtN V COMPAN\ has been in operation nbour ;10 vearL^ Its capital is )s(:s00,000. fhe Hon. Thos. K. Prace was its first I’residetit, and he still holds that office: and several of its tir«t Directors are still active and efficient members of the I’oard. It has at all times sustained the liighest character for the prudence of its management, and for the liberality with which it has ever ddjusted its losses. •’ F. J. HALE, Agent. March 10. 18.j1. C.2-tf Bv CEO. LAUDER. TWO iioORS ,\BI)VE T. IIAICII & SON'S STORE, Fayetteville, j\, C. Jan’y 20, 1853. t>l-lVpd ClTRA'n: MAGXKSIA, A MILD and pleasant Aperient. For s.ile by J. X. SMITH, CJreen St. April 28, 18.',:L WAX ri:i), ri'^HE First Volume of the Revised Statutes of Nortbf I Carolina. Apply at thle

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