Ap 1l o CJMflBSw.i I nJKri- * f VOL. ’BeazscHaHrazsBCT^mEiier: ~rs33ESErar: FAYKTTEVllJ.K, N. C.. .HWi-: \:), ]S7,:]. tiSSCmU vr wwr iTT "■ HV-«i»na , ■_,. I'UI.VTKP BV J. r>. XEWr>Y. i;|)\V\l!l) J. HALi; & SOX, ri>irou.' AND rnoi'i'.ir.Toi'.s. ,;On^ERVEH ijtt 00 if paid in , -. vij .'lO ir pnl‘1 ilurinj: the ycnr of subsorip- , s‘i after tlu' vr:ir lius oxpircl. ■ Wi’o'.c^v ('>T'.rr.vv.n 00 per amr.ni’.. if paid in •• S- p;u*l liUriii" llie \‘oiir oi s'libscrip- « > I ''.iti r t:u' year u;is cxj>iro 1. ;;T:i:Mr.NTS inccrtod for s\\ty oents por • ’, ;in s fv'r the first, and tliirty cc’.U.s fur cni-'i • _ : ■. ' ;t;i>n. ^ early .".dvertiscmcnts liy svc- •■•-.n':'. . t ro:iSi>n;il>lc r^stcs. .Vdvcriiscrs arc ; ; st.ite the luuulicr >f insortions desired, or . ntiir.ii'il till f'lrliid. and clinr_:;ed :U'oord- ; I.':ti'rs ti> ilio I'dit 'rs intist lie ptist-paid. I . iv.i:s !’.. vV i;. \V. UOIUXSOX . i'.I' ilusr orpartnevsliip on the 1st of ]‘f • ■ i '1;'’ • >t'd Ilf llieir entire st'ok of . .Vi’. tk> i'r. 1 luiniiis C. Hall and Il«'n- an olTioe in the same Imildinjr. r T ■■■ fh lie O'C-.snhed as ho)ctof..re. . I : t.iiit !.■ tiiein tiiat their accoU’.;.-- i .-s •; ily :is }'ractical)!e. f.>r ■nl:ich . . ive eiiua>:ed the services of Mr. .l.iim :■ u«'r:i!ly l>o I'ound at their oflioe. S.-)-lf iiiiAiii iiiiiil iiiUATo\i:s. :>('h;c{iois in S*rii*c*. t.! N i (?N. MO'.MJIS vV- CO. ■ ^vv.ke to ■ vder, :m 1 keep e-'iistai'.tly I'lcurh ^ui'v •liiUtiSoiics ■ w-ii r:iutv 1 to lir I>f V>rst . 1>e- !'i’*.:r '• % s.-leeted l>y ihetn fn-iu the - ■ i l aji'e. They keep l. r s;ile I)RU(; S^TOIilO .‘.-nhseriher havinu; taken the Store I ')» Creen street, known a« the Me- 1 lierson l)uildin!i. nearly opposite Pr. lloli- in‘Nj'^1 K Shop, is now receivinp; a fre.sli and 'veil asserted stoek of ( iu'inicals. Mrciicinr.^, Paints, nyo-Slull.-', and I'('rfnnirrv. T'l^otlier v.iti\ a -rood assortment of Hair. Flesh. Tooth. 1 nitit. :iuil hitewash Ur’ashos: t'i']>pinp:. Tooth, and Suririeal Instruments: Calvanie I'atteries. i^e. ,'ie. All ot which he diier.s low for Casli or on time to puncaial enstor.H'rs. Orders re'^peetUijly sulieiied iVnm (’onnti-y I'hvsieians :..id c‘t:irrs. win* may ih-pend ^n )>rociiriii^ fresh and cennlne ariii'les. :i:, l that no pain.c will he spared t i ;:lve satisfaction Ix.tii in 'jnality and ]>rice. A I, Pi; i;scr. I PTl I >N s I'arofnllv :unl- accurately prejiarcd. .1. N. SMITH. .lati'y 2-!. IS-'.:';. Randoljih Shc('lin;r r.nd ('ottnn '\ arn. r..;-salei.y WOI'.TH \ HLl.lOTT. April 1 M:A'rm:R r.\m)s. ^ ’ ii * stretched, eementcd. ;ind rivrtei], ■I 1 he aii 've i>an'ls an' sold ‘Jii j,o|- cent, less than New V,.|k n.aniifactur.'i-s' ]>rices. ';,sh will he re- liiir;'1 in every instar.c,'. I'l.r sile hv ^V. H. 1,1 TTF.KI.OH. r:iyr:te\ Nov. ] illtf vww:. 1 luMt'.ifli ’i’lcki'ts ln'twccii ^ V\ iimii'jrton. N. and I’lalti- r y 3 nio;e. rare^]:v Via Weld >n. ^ P rel''!>lc,irL'. Kielimoiid. \ W- sh- JNO. 1>. \\ILLIAMS, A"ent. sVtf Hi::viovAL. ^I'^HM nndersigr.ed have removed to the sinre fornier- ( ly oi'cnpied hy 11. r>rans‘in Son. five doors east of their old ?tand. (ii’O. W. WILLIAMS .V CO. T lie f)flice of the ('ape I'ear Sti'am lUmt t'o. is ke]>t in the al.Mive Ij’.uldinj;. April 20, 1S‘;L WarrriBfoia E'nnalo Esa^fitiitc. \VAi:i;i:N oi n i v. x. c. rHlHI' Twenty-tifth Semi-Annual Session of this In- St stitiition will ecmmenee on Tuesday the .'>th of •Inly ne\t. (diarL'es as liefore. I’lipils are received at any time and eli:ii'p;ed Ironi the time of entraiiee. Terms: tO pc- Session for P.oard an.I r,ii;;’.ish tuition. Ancient and Modi rn i.aii^ciajrcs. Music. I'raw- inir. an.l f»il I’aintinL'. at former rates. Vocal Music and ()rnament:il Need’.c-work >rratis. Circulars eontaininp the fullest information will i>.* sent to those a]']>lyinjr. (il'.AA'liS \V1L('()X. Warrenfon. .luue IS'):'!. S:“,- hn s!i}N(nj:s. I. watit if!(>.Ofifl ijood .luniper SiIlN'(iLilS, r.-r which the hest price will he j iiiil. •I. iV T. WAKltlLL. Ai'ril 1. IS.'.n. s;;tf \VAN'i'i:i) VO priH iiAsi:. ( ••L[)S I’INFl ^\)()!). to 1)(‘ delivereil «in my \\ hart'dar’;!ir the next six tnontlm. T. S. LI TTKIM.OH. •Tn’y L'-J. la^f ( AN'roX M I’S. (’ANTON MATTiNC. }-}. '.-1 and C,- v.liite and red checked. rxiox LIVKRY S'rAJUJ:s. rAVi'.TTKVll.Li;. N. i’. ^P^HM I’lton; I l’,T()I!S arc prepared to furni~-i the E_ I’uhlic wiih E^orscs, cy.d F'GiS 'I hey are aiso ]irep!ired to eari-y I’;!■-'en;''.'r ' 1.) :i’iy of the neitrhliovinjr 'I'ovn*'. on re:;sonahii- teri'is. '1 heir Stoek may he fontnl at ti;e StaMes foriMerlv oceupied hy Messrs. I’liiiij s iSi Wooten, a few dou' j; est of the Tcl‘';;r;;p!i (Mlii e. They ahvaj, ^ liave in attc ndarice 0‘^t'.i.! > .in'l Ileinsmen. A roriMioiis:: rAiinn.r:: win v.r in .-.f- tendance. :-.t short notice, to convey rasseii;^ers to ;;nd from the Ste-im Honts. '1 hey '.vid tak(‘ H ;ses rn I.ivrryat re.vv',.;’.; tern'-'. 1 liey hope, hy strict at;‘nt;'^n to !ins!ni‘-s an'i 'ie- termination t‘> jilcase, to merit a s!i:'re of iiii'n-c j at- rov.;\'^c. .). U. .'.-out. Itc'ceinher 1 !. 1'''.2. ')L:tf ISVWlWA.VAAAi \'iX 11. fiEvnsTin. S5. W. r. gSrs:«5»ov.. sur-1 ;r''0’> ^)enli.>t. liavin'r located in i'a\ette-; ' ■> il’.e. r.'iay he foi^ivi ilni-l door Ic 'ow the | I Mar’:et. i^enhow \ K;> k'.s hh.rl, and v. ill ! e l''ip]i,v to ! i ','a;t oil ret|trr:!t'.C iiis •■'•iVici I All r. i.ii k M)-i':!nted. :ind lie f’:itter hhn'> 'f he e:in ■ I crive s-iri'i:o-t:on. h-i\inc; takrn pi-e; t p.iin^ to fpialil'y | I lilmsclf itnder the instruidion-d' one of tlie tirst '»entts!> ! i ill New lln^rhi'id. j i l*ec. I [SO. 2( 2.] r.vruOVAh. ^ MikS. .'\NX ]>n)\VX Ill's roTnnvod fs r»* ^ from the l-'ayetteviile Hotel. 1o the Motel at the foot of liaymoui'.t. recently nccv.pieil 1y Mr. .!ohn Havmnn tv here she is v. eli jirepared t-. rr.tert.'.in her old cn.st. mers. and t!ie pnhrie •renerally. •lune !. IS.-,:',. ■ e> .y. nii'Iersi^ned infoi-ms t!i‘ j.ui.’.ic tiiat he is no> i c 9 I 12 i',A(’ON! " HI!]).''. .Sides and Slioi:Id‘rs. tor s.de liv U 51) W. H. l.lTTKIil'oH. Hec. i;:;. r.-}-tf Sjnll//riHr Ma!r i/ul f Arrifh nij(. ei-i’nmenee its fointii vc-s.sion. in the new V * linihiin^r. loth l'-hrn;iry. and elo-^e its srli'ila*;- lle year loili De-. l^oH. OriLrrMiizati.ui :i:id eh:-.vp-es as i;ereto.‘'o;-e, Mr. Murpliy exeej't-d, whose services, if ne. e.j- iry. will l>e si)]‘piied Uy a eonipetent Asi-.stant. I'or particulars iifhlres.-- the prinein;\!, .(a'mks h. r.r.;;nt. .SniithviHe, N, (’., I>ee. .”,0. .';‘i-()m 200-tf yoitoville llolf'l. j joilX llAiniAX ! p Uosy. f ifully infonii.^ liis frieiius ami I 't 1'"''''" that he has retnovcd from the »** - Hotel ill the loot of HaMnount to the larger and more coiisnii dious Hotel in the centre i>f the 'lov.n. re--eTitly oeevpiei! hy Mrs. l^rti\\n. iinu v.ell known as tiie Fayetteville Hotel, -wiiere he will >io Imii- to iice.ininiod.iic Traveih. rs and IJoai’der.s. No ex- ertio!; those ]i|in'’ F',i i1 himseli':ind family will )>e sjinred to render •i.u'.fortable v.iio laav favoi- him witli their com- (“tteviile. (’.. .Titne IS”)}. 200 tf Mttai'irl: Ronfnt.tr atnl (ivflcnn£>;^ ; in ti.;t h.^i-t inanjier, at reduced prices, hy i!;crroi; City. • r ia Wchh'n. Torts- m uth atv! N'or;'i ,k. 1 '’V Tickets .it'p'y at the ()!Tiee ■ f tl’.e W i’minu't- II and I’.iiIeiL'h Ilaii K'thI Comp:ii:y ;.t W ilmin^'- t n. rr at th--' OtVi^e of th'' F.altim >re Steam I’a.-ket Coinjriiiy. an I i f t!ie Ih'.Uinn re and tdiio Hail Koad. Com;- nv. I’ratt Street. Ih-iltimore. •la-i. 1. l>:.2. r.r.-tf Sitjt'r ('(trl)'f Sofi(/. Imxes in 1 11« 2n p;i pers; r.lcnie n--. .1 n>^t recciv cd and fo S. W April Is-,:'.. :i su!ieri srile hv TlLI.INiiHAST M rinmln;: a daily iine of 'i^lit I'lia'.! Sleiniiers on tiie C;ipi> {'car itiver. consi.itinp o! the following: hoats: New .'^teniacr Zej hyr. M:!jor V.'ni. r>:.r;utt, 1.". iin he^ draft. I'anny Lntterloh. 1 1 •• K'.wan. One of Th''; e 1 lOM ts ■will ley % e Fa '-t ir \ ii ;e fv r" mo:'n- in^ iSundays e\cepted) at 7 o‘c’,oi k: ;ind ilmin;ztoa i-very d;iy (Stunhiv ■> excepted' :it o'cl. •%-. lani'iiL ; o(,ls and p;vv-.-'njii I s in I'aye,U'\il'.e inf'l'lt en liunrs tl'.e:ea!t.r. ( i u"I.' il.ielpli d care of \ l>. W i!min;j:ti'n. wlio laissioiis. 'I'iie Si nett a!-e e;e;:iiitly l‘assen,::eri. I’a,' V IJI'AiOv \{.. [1 h:;v> rer.'.iiv- ‘1 to th‘ lar^e fn e-proof hr'ck Stole lately ficeni)ied hy .S'l'npsun iloon. Fso., •Tline I). 1 > V.'. ANDRFWS. M.-i.iket .SoIIare'. 2('i(Uf iiiesc ho:it Co.. lae n’ll Ke s( nt t I!. i.ntt ilo till ■ii: iorv. .i: d ;i; t! •aiiii 1 ' /. nli^ r : !UI l.i-hed I'.i- ;i one iloor V r'st of Messrs .1. i': T. Wai.dil!. on Hay Street, wlierc v,e shall receive in a few days, lar^re tnl- ditions to our early Sjc-in;^ jrurchases. Onr stock of Ih'JI iSVf ]i> I'liliiii'i, I /.I//(»s, d c. V. ;,'- Si'leetC'i e ,]ivcs>\v for the w niil.KSAI.i: TU Mercliaiit' are invited to jrive onr irooiis an t xamina- lioii hci'ore jiuj'cliasin", STAi:i: WII.LIAMS. 1. ]S':;. '.Mitf I nt lAV \YS SToVi^ A varieij a; .■ta:!. I'-, JuTie ‘i. I s" \xi)in:ws's ]> arc (!!}(! Sfovc Drpol. and. Cooking —Al.SO — 15ox. find if Tin A\‘:ire, r.i wnilc'iaie a: I’. W. ANDUl'lvs, .''•larket S]nnre. 2'Miff a:e t. ’!• iri Ml \\ i!m;r. jton. S^ l. i.I T'iFKl.iill. A--I.!. ' if i)iSS{)Ll riON. 'p 'liilirmof '0(*K \ 'I’A^'LOU i= di.-=olv(i 5 own limitation. Th'' husitnv's of the coi;c liic; riiu! i'st.juis Mij}- .' liohiicj: t loili. W )i i\ I'ln5lcr, ii' iuUr I'cnu nu vVc. .f t’-. ss. ntrv i r'1’11 t^v ;; at F . -l: V ill-'. N. (• 1 iUl'.-lMiOOr Kl)Oi'i.N(.. Air: A.\1‘ >iKTAL lIooFKf:, NKKFI. f ;- p ;.'t t iv jc. 1'i ::s t i dl ]>n’ :ic ;it- : SI..\TF IlooKlNt;. dor.e >n the nn 't ' r!e. makii:_' r' li^xiitcr. tijriiter. and . •• ti:a:i the i w.iy r.f shectin;..'. etYectin:; .a ' > , r. .11.d _T‘ at'-r '•eci.rjy a;_aii.'-t ;ire. i- at nh' i. .^’:itc Fioof' ;.re now ott-red w i'l • r.i’ 'y «'th any ''ther kind of tirc-j i' SiinscrilM'r still irry 'ti tin* I'.M.i.Ni!! :i - e illf, I in i 'ta!'' s':;inent I- i:o(»M 1 11 l!:iy H 'tel. and one ■ V lu re n jrcneral ii rv M.-i'ie ii', fO'ii’ at ; r;.;i\ . - ir.-p - N r- ■t. i:- af.N I'p; r r.iM i.f Si. ii-.tinent : COil- V r.Fsi- lition to w Stu t. near ; a la,-. W ,\|;K t! '■ F.iyefev iih* ILii'rii iV S.'i;'s, 'riios. J. .loiixsox -HAS .M ST r.F.CKlVr.D - r.lll.s. NFW OKI.FANS MOLASSF.S, !'• do. l.ir;:e ^'idlow I’lantinj; I’otatoes. t'.iiUd ihs. Nortliern F.icon. ]!>s N. ('ar 'lina do. 1 (li 1(1 hn-'hi ls ('at-i. I’lon^hs and I'a'itiin^s, I’ll.ack-aiiths' Tools. 17 lihds. Cuba Molasses. — I.S( >— 1 ii;:!it f‘ur-horse W:i_""ii, and 1 lir._^y. 1 Ilari;' "rsc. \c. TIIos. .T. .loHN^ON. I’ersoM st. Fa\etteville. Foh'y 2''. 1 7_’tf t AMn'.i;i,l,ToN FKoFKirrV I'di; S.M.K. ( ill 01/ i cnl ii/ra! . I S' > r ■I'f. I'. .1. .T. si-M'iriiSv I,. :;nd I'lithfnl w.n-'snien :i'l:i.j with the t’i?n-s. may he Iiiid \No. :in :iv- r.MTl UI.. -ehcti- 1 l.y \er\ no'der:ite ad\anc’. I'LNCAN .MeNi.lI.I.. :>tf .M S I' RIX i:i\ I’.i). HHH.v prime N, Maridi 17. ISo;’.. Cl. . w p Mol, \SSI'.- \MLLIA.MS * '-I C(, R.MJMl .V (’{) FFI.TON ST OFI'I'.I’i .'or sjd» a l.-irire an.i >■ I".-; .\"ri.-n!!i:r:d ;ind 11. rlicnitnr-d ]• si'tii,;: ; Ploughs. :iii.l c Cutters. H.tsc I’ower^-. ’i'hre- ar.ii ninj. Mi’.iv. (; • a CradliS\ti Mil;. Sll":ir Niiii"-. FioO? C'.Ut ■t'. ’I'l L' .''tnfler.-. i\ i.;;c> an.l !'. ■'. ll.i , H- Manure F 'r\s, Sp;: Us. S!: •.r!';. : \'.': harrows. \c. Field. C.iiden ni.d Flower ■; ’ r. Feitilisers: I'eriniaii (liiai. '. .''iij.. 1 I- ImiIio iMi't. I'cudrrtti ';. ( ir ir ; 1 M annfact ui-."'r' ' f .''.dim li'y'^ rri;.i'j: Maclilri.-; I’aoi.-l's H:i;.. ;,tii S’;, .\t:c:.ts f .!■ the .',i’e of \\ in. II,,v; ti-i'. ,\ 'I--.-ripti'e CMi.ah w.'.l i'e^c; ■.. N. Y(d;i;. ; :i —' riment of \ llH nt-:. I!- St’-; W S.'o;it ;iti-r--. i'j.n- 1 .''n:;tiis. il :.|n ttlC'i !,y d! ti'e iiaiiie . .-'.h-x'r Itay. .-f the liiiu in hy its •rn v.ill j Ives, ! V. ^ic^X'^Vii^: f rrt/p, 1)0/. c;: \|)LF.'^. ■' finders ved .'C hr: 1 ■Ifi:'. Cra.lles, 1 lintrer.s screw. •;te%ille. "Vlav 2. 1S-" ■r hy either f'f out ^'•tiiin^ its I'.tiair,.'. .MS. Cot »K. WILLIAM TAVI.OiL 2or» -w ILLl \MS': • Inne o]A) n\]]. ' old I'eciiiied IlYK VVHTSkF,V. J. & T. WADDILL. 20Oif r«r«*ri“s :sis(2 E&a*v i ll.te! he ! ^-a-e. M v sto. -•-.'iii't-r ! IS t;iK .--,-O.T.| d in ( ’.-illv 1 hi“ oM cn^t of ci:ocr;iU!;s • I Ih. ■ill 'attei ' !i;.v o-.;. : el .M.. I liTtI ,ai I will t:.l;'‘ Ml -i-li v.ill U'-t t> M; ist eijil the Store ;.-r. w io-re he ■\vouhl :ilid ..thf i'O, larpre and t'lill. iMiient any kin.I of Conntiy I’ro.Iuce. refused, t'T cretiit to iiunetn:il I'lss- .JAS. (i. COOK. ;!(nf KA(iS WAX'FFJ), ;^oi: which tiie highest market i>riep will he j.aid a Apjily ti. iSF.VKF.LV llOSK. .1 uni- >. 1 H." I •d. lil. I). »S: W. M J SI .iiiiiriM :. to their f. any ]'att.-rn, 1;,: chimni '. s. niMNFV I'iiTS ma.le t - ex.-client renie.ly f.jr sm-. t-' etiect :i cure. 1 C pper (iu'ter-i. Le;idc' ripi -i an.l ■mv j-attcMi. :i!>d p\er,v kin I i-f fire- ' ;• . r repaii c.i in th-' hcst tnanner. .'ii ■ ■ '!r pafron.T"f*. fe. '■ . . nfi ■ • • r' n in all eaces wliere a t!i i' re juire.i, .No'i u /n-s i K : ... : . •• • a F, ' ; - M hand an rtniei-.t of r^.l MF.TALLIC I’d I!! \L CASH' : M hi-_t'’v i~k's ce.( hra- ihicli have mnp'ti'-i^ 1 ''V \' i"ii' I’. Man^rum. Henry -;«. Wn.. II. Kiiip'. .ami many .ither il- ^-r*^. who have ( xamined :unl witnessed 'Utto, M r.MLoiilN in m- \OH AN. 4 ' « rsi'iF- ■i’--rl fi in nil wl li. t- ther ('li:hr . fr.itn of ti. .\ varii ty Silks; .Marcflillf'.^^. an.l C-.^l’emenrt F.o.t-, S! rtnient of re:i lv-:nade i 'III!: L.\i;;i:sT lillSliOV. \M) TI!I.M.Mi.\; ii-ir>ii i.\ .\i:\v voiiK, 'ifniiKl^ fM. Slcdl'll.'^, |! 1 il!'. \NI' .'(HiiniK OF 'I^Ml.NKlfY. \M) F,\.N('Y GOODS. 162 Broad^ray, N. Y., - • • ■ ,. ; ,!:,ily receivin" ami offrr- L • ■ t Prices, a complete I'sortnieiit . ' LlMl. I oinprisin;.: all the various , -• 'till.:: :-f i i'iilK Slia'A.'-. 'i'riininiii^is; I!on- • :i>. ■ 'i'atl’cta aiul Safir* IJiu- : i-!‘ 'rriinniiMi;.' ot ail kinds; !• ! ru -; Fn'iicli and I’Ji.LHish ( r:i[)(‘ I.issr,'^. Siik ( ra- ; '»\ «■’ ot’ all kinds; Silk Milts; l»ai'o^ Iiac’c’j’j !it- (ioods. Hosiery, .. (1 iandkcrchicts. 1 W. -M invite the attention of his i ole (ren-ral!v. He v^ill offer preat -H AM* Siloin' TIMF lU.YMP..'^. Tilo.\IAS (i .'^TKAUN>^, Ii'i2 Piro.a'lv.av. ,t. ,tre-; : ;id .Mai-leii Lane. N. 01-Vp.l Fnrniinrr. ('hairs. i\r. •r i- -■ivlii- r!:.' -ir;:"-r ^ ■yfTnr: t i-v r 1 I" : j.o.rchase I at th.- N -i th. ^ ■ ■• n nniiuif icMire. m,il.' 5 h:- n-i-'iuL" of , Ucijvt,.'••tall'U. ■kiii'r I!:i'^e-, Si-le .S.-.-i tarii^'. 1 ..n th'-lowest terms f. i »';ish. ■tnal cn'^^-'Mu-rs. .iollN 'A. i:.\Kiij;. :;'.tf I’.ar- >th h ■■ir>i'. he Sol \^'F. just rccei'cl. IiMi Ue-s NAILS. I '• hlnN. Su":ir. 2(' t'hls. ir:inul;ite I • ',11 CotlV.-. .'0 jiieces Inileloc T’a.’-^ilig, 7 lutle^J (iiinny ( loth, *•'» coils I’.opo, •i tons .'^wedes and ri:,i;o'h Iron. •'lO k»-frs j.ure nn.i extra White Len.l, otl hoxes Window (il.-i-is. •1'i ha'.rs Hroji :ind Itiick .'■'di. t, L--'. ke-« FPFi; p. -.Vdvr. — ALSO I o.-,f Crtijiud. Sn^rai', P.ar ail 1 F;iticy So;!!.-, M;ickerel. in l.arrcN ;in l linlf-hnrreN, Cliee-e. .■'pice. Pepp.-r, (iin; i r. ,'snuff. In'li;:... Madder. .''|'.-in;«ii P.rown. .'aif“. .''altpetr*-. .''idiretu-i, Nntmejs. .N|:||.'. t'loves. Vca^t Povdrr-*. .''[.i-ini C;in.!!c«, .^e.: «ith a p.-ner.il as^ortiu.-nt of HUS' f,t>til>S. P.DOTS AN1» SHOFS. II \i:i‘U VKIl AM> CFTLLKV. \\ (■ -‘h r the ahove (io.Hi- ,at low (iii.'er d 1 a; cr. I>. W. .M s.-j,t. i;:. ls-2. M: A T(‘M 1. i'i;w IVirr. Sw !i .••{‘I'iJca* •hii] I I'AMIL^. I'LO! \l. P.-i'Te s s'l: erlor F;iml'\ I !■ Is \ clh>w Pi;intil;u P ■■ F--r (lllo. W. V. 11.LI AMS ifi Fei.-y 17. A (‘W Co. t.'.'tf (soods ioi’ 5(^5*: .1. i'liOMSOX 15 I'o-v receivlncr a larpe an.l well selected Srfiek & .'').rinz and Summer ii O O *■ (ic.ticnicn's tine ’:in:ilii:i. I,i-!.dlori;. 'till" o (’:is-i iiM-re. I I'ther-t; le- ol 11 .V 1C.\PS f >r C;>v!i. .\lsii. a _'e!;e;-al Mi.-—’. Voiiti.-’. drc" * iaiti T'. t ip :ind Slit >! >: w'li .•hi'.nie t'or '■I'^ii. \|;;lket .■'■■,'1 ire. !-'M'-liionah!(‘ IMoleskln. • -I .a 1,-1 r>re \ ;iriety of w liieh w ill he sohl l..w a^soi tment >M, c'lth'nK ^ ::o.! -. Pn-’Jiis. ;.n I anxioii' lam for ('a>*h or I,AFi:iN. 2-'>tf > Lahiu'crs Cii/ni irrmfr:!. All 1*! iw.’i nr 'HI sluri t timo t- I'ln liiv(‘rv Stiihh’ •n« atnl tin* r''tnrned V\ ^^ortf’r fiini .ff/r. I . ■ d.-n p. -'.nd F;ilkirk Ah* )ct. o", 1 -'>1 • S’i'KDM \X llOi.M:, Di if (innds, iiiinhi'firi. (i racr > >r^, B‘siT’rs:^ S3.I.8:. -'v. « . 'oFLI> rc I'ectfully rrn the it j.tililie ;r,'nei-:d!y. th;it they have New \ .;rk? an-i are icceiviiif: tiicir Spriti- Stock ids. (-uii-'istini.- '-f /V/*y (Irt*]i11j'tJi'111 *. { /. f ILit-. snit;ihle for th- uon: l.a.lies' les an.l Sri].per«: a liMV^ thlii'.': a '_'ii-;it many articles in the ladi-.-;'' Fm-. and \'e \Miid-t le* i.l.-is.,-. them to i-all and .■x;-!iiln- f.-r thenw-lves. .Ml ..rd'Ts ..i-nt to onr care from our fiini'ls tomers will he j-roiv.ptly att.M,del to. M :ir.di h 1 X('W Store. o/' 11''!/ (lirti'iiiy fj'ist ti/’ tlif I'tii/fi'i' l-n7f FAVF.TTLVILLF,. N. C.. p,F. now receivinc: a lar;_'^>- stock of I)Ll fi.S .\NI> .\1!11M' INKS. i;r‘-.-Hy fr-in Importers ,'in' ti'rers. whi(di t'.- Mi-i-cliants (!;ey will TV varietv . m to have atld eUK- Sltf r. Till' iiinlersioni''! cDntiintc t.> carr\ on tin' 1,1 \ FI’V IH -''1- NllSS;it this ]'!:ice. They have Idtely lar;re!y ineri-ased their .‘^tock :m.| can now offer to the j.uLlic as eooil Hi rses, Cania.je'^ and I*ri- vers as c:in he f.oin.I in the South ern ciiiintry. 'rhankfiil for tlie'.-trL'e j'.-itron- a^e heri'tc.fore -xtende.l to u. we s..licit a cintinr.ation ol' the pnhlic 1 ivor. We pioniise a satisl'actoiy trip to all wli.' ni:iy wish |.i travel. St;i'hles ;it the West en-l of Mnmfor.I street, where one of t!;.' Pr.'prietors m;ty alw;iys he f.mnd, rr at the Store first door Fa.-t of Mr. I.iitterloh. .1. W. PoWLKS .'t CO. Fiivefti*\ille. Feh’y 22. IS-id. 71\ .U S r iiiu i:i\ i:i). S\CKS LIV Id: POOL S'. LT. lOOO hnslie's .\!iim ditto, in h;ijrs, hhds. s'veet 'd hi 'Ses, ;hi hhls. t'ity Mes' Folk. 20 •• lariie Kize No. ;; .Mackerel, V.) half h!.I-. No. 2 d... 20 hhls. fre-h ciineht Mullets, .'id hoxes l»rif 1 Heriin',*', 10(1 hl.'.s. ''hintii;;: .^c eatiip!i T’atato( s. 10 lih-I;;. superior P.acon. 1». .V. W. McL.\FI!IN. Kavetteviile. N.'V. 22. IS'2. L'.tf rB^HIl a'.ov.* price ■- a ■\'- rk i n t! >• lo^\ nr ''V tiv(' montlis. Per-"II' ha\ :■ ;T N* ;; w ill make apj'iication. Il.all .V llol; ii'_er. ;it :! ciii-i. n. I r to Co!. .Nati; ! :■ ('J si per :(rr tl. i-e- u nil-:i f ley n i; ilurlii'i tlie ni'iiith r t lie IK \t ! e:np’ ye-l. I' Aiu'ii. to .\h .Mnr- K;n.:. .lOiiN P-Ol.LlNi March ;;i>. I 'riii: SI r.si UNM'ji ^ S V 'V r.'ceivini’- h’s . f fiL .Mllit (i(Mlll.'. consialiii'Z ot d'lMNn \ND SFM- C’cjISni'N, ass; llOO'i’S. SIIOI'.S. \ .\11 of his ovMi selection. ■v\iiicli he c -.n : nv in the i.iarki t. .muI to he s-M iow (illoL'i: i’let-veen the M::rk‘t H‘ :i.'e: n I 1'; N. P., 11 h;:n.!. April A ni. assortment') P>(OS' C!.( I \ "I.;; c.iUjii to •ah. ’I'.- !' !tl. Tl 11 N( i alfi.t V.V :sii (’Oi’v.N an.In . P;.,. 1 1 • (;L0, V.'. V.II-LIAMS \ ' ' ' from the suhsi'rllier in Oetoher last, a !ri ^ ;. ■:;! - t.ov named .SAM. .'■••lid hoy is ahout IS ’ ea’^- ; ,-il'i'. tall, very hl.-ick. ami with a, sliirht c;i:it in one 11 i.N evt-s. He was raised liy a Mr. McFadyen. Ml ('nnd e;-hinii r .Aloore county, and iiiircliased hy me i-'-H of \\v. N. McK. McNeill of .Moore c.'unty. 1 wi’l 'live the ahove rewar'l for his ajiprehension and leiivorv in ;i:iv jail iii North Ce.rolin;!. or forty \o\l:irs fi r him d.'Tivcn-'l to me in ' licr.iw. S. \LLAN McFAKL.W. Cheraw. C.. \]'ril 27. l‘'-'>-L '.'Otf \VM. II. McKAin, ^'ommissioti »lSerrhaiit^ \V1L.ML\CT(L\, N. ('. P:;:'ii.'ulnr attention will he j.ai.l to -;ei’dnp :m.I shiji- j)in;r Nav;il ,tores and Pro.Icce, and als.> to the For- \T:ii linir of (looils. .N!'-1 chae.ts who eonsipn their (Iof?ds to him enn rely i-n tl-,i Ir I'l-iiij; I’orNvar.le'l hy tirst hoiit after they are .iiHcharge.l licni ve-el. KFFiinr.NCF.S; F. i'ries. F,. .\. \ t ('.'■. .''ulem. N. T. .M. V' !i”.2, M.-cksxille. M’lnl \ .\ii.lerton. Lexinirt'-.n. •loiin 1*. Hr.) VII. Sali'hr.ry. .L H. .1. Martine. F:i,\ .-f .'ville, .'■i-i'v 2". IS'-'-’i. »’2if W. II. McK.W. "wlioiesaio and Rotail Groccr, CciiiTiil I'ordmiv.vifHi \ I’orwiirdins ’!rrfli:!!i!. lit’i V, -itcr street, 'i .|o-r.' oelow Market. f P:irt’'od:!r attenti-.n p-iio; to ti;e !-;i’.* of all kin-lsi ';f ( ountrv Pio.iiu-.*, Lli» r,il iMsii a'iv;incf.-^ ma'le on CO* '' L'linien' . i.ci'ereiue- .loiin 1*. .''tarr. F'-''p. Pres't .d tlie l>;ini» o! Fa\ etfevidf, I Wm. O |tr,ad:,.ot. Cash’r. d',. ettev iile. Lli.'aii I nher. L.-ip. M.'s.-r'. (’o. k ’laylcr. Co'd; .loiinson, L. C. litdiiiard .V (’.i,. Clinton. Samps;.n county. ■j’liomas .1. .Morisey, lls l.umherton, Puihe'on. .L if. Pr-'^'vn. Fs'i., WcKthrooks, Phuu-n, >ct. ! > ;2. j''i r il \ / s. on.. cVr-. p ■’> ''IIITi; LF.AH. 4 S*" \ ir 2'i hhls. Phi’ue's Fire-]U'ool P'lint, Lio ^'-ed ( Ul. Ti-ain Vi-..;et:ihle . r Piovin Oil, Chrome 'l ( !!ow. ' “ ('re.’;:, (i;i f-I'..) P'lis *• .... I’ntty nnd Pn'ty Ixidves. : C 'p;il V;irnish. I J'l.icK Le;ithei \'!.rnit:h. ' P.rcwii .lai'im “ .Vc. \ For s:iie h'^v .1. N. S .M Pi II. ' .!; n'\ 2 1. is:;;-;. 02tf WOOL. ^E'’.nH iii;_diest nmrkot {'vlee v.ill he paid for jrooil Fd:vrcLY nosr. clean Wi.'ol, tree from Ihirrs. .Tune t'l. AO.'M) //).•. ird, for sale. ,i line (>, IKi'io, ynrth C'croliita Jiaro}) and Applv to IL IIO.SF,. 200-;u PKXTiSrK’V. IL PdlN'BOW v.-ould resjiectfullv inform his Triends an.l the pnhlic. that ho intends le.aTin,CT Fayette ville on the 2(ith in-^t. He vviil be si'osent until the 1st of tct. .hine (i. 20(>ts i)p.. i{. i;aki:r. \\'INi tfikeii the ofnce nirjoiniiiir tiie store of hi.s i.roilier. .Ins. Faker, .Jr.. in Illi/ahethtovvn. ten- dei-s his professional services to the public, .ir.d will bo l'le:ise-'l to attend to \i.i, eallc. Flizabethtown. .Inne 2. IS.'fl. 200-0t XOTICE. FLlN'f-T'r.NT Snhserihers to tlie Cnpe Feir ami l>eep Itiver Navi(.»^atlon ’om]iany are notified t’.iat the nnd*rsi^ned will ho i:i Wi’minpton ahout the 2(Hh. an.l in Fayetteville on tiie 2-">th fif .IFNl'l. to eol-r h'ct the amounts due. 'I'hor-'e ’.vho faii to pay, will find their Sto, k .•idverlised fortli'ivith for sale, with tho ;!:inies of i-ach lelin.|uent Sioekhohler. '{'he Snhscrihers under the amended charter will he called i’,])on at tlie same time for the iirst instalment .'1 2-'i I'l'r cent, l‘*v or.lee of ti;.^ F.o.l’d. IIF.NUY A. Lt'.NbON*. Tre.as. ari-I Sec'y. I’itlfch -ro', S'. C. .Time 1. i .Y'';. 2(>0-t2-'i.I WIlJ.lAAl A. (rWVKU. FoItWAiUHNt; AND roMMlSSmx ’MIllU'IIANT, FFP.SONWL attention -.dven t'. t'le sale or '•hipTienl of N;iv;i! Stores. T ha\e ::nipie facilities for con- ducflnji ti;e h^^ines: larp.e wharf ami store sheds to' keep si.irits from exposure. Xaval *ores will he slrpped to anv house in New York, or to :!!ier markets if advi sable. r.nd liberal cash a.i>;inees n ;i'l‘* on cousijrnnients • 1 refer to the fullowin" distillers; F. Hannnni. Wayne county. P.. )J. \\(io.i;ird ^'■c Co.. ll:irp.--hor.iU2 I, W. F.-.rp. A. (I. Thornton. .T. htisl.ui -o;mty. Prl.t^es 5^ Hurh.-im. •* 1'. Hocatt. “ '• Spcne -r 1-..nnt:tiii. J|. F'i'*''i;in. ‘* .■'niitli. lirvan ( o.. “ “ H. !:. F:;j. *‘ Lovett Pea.'o.'k. Columb’'; eoiinty. Messrs. .lones \ Leach. F;iy«t;evil..-. Mav 2(t. l-'s.-,:',. ' !'(.V w wiii ;---il t'l ;;r ,1 very ;^iiiall ;o • II cm-fantly en ha d' artic'es in their .Mann- ('onn- \ M L V. I'--. i'i\ e.| an I ! TlLLlN^iHA.-'l' ,r s:ih- b .V CO. '•■•'tf N« 'ni“i.ts t') that York . iiy»«iciau!' all' V i lice. ,'l. o! the best :iuali;y. line, inivin^ nnole ;ir- esrahiislied houses in 'to k h.f,ini: 1 ' will licet with n very carefully selected, and nTr" i am r(‘C('i\in-i' niy s'.or^ oi SPKlN'i an.l .'MM'\iMI! (ifMii'S --.nltaiile j. r L;!diei,' ;in.l C.enlleni-'n's wear. Hal-^. lioni'o'-. ^dloes. ,s;e. ,'l;c. PKTlli: .'OilNSON. arc.i i') I -ft i'ajji (IcnlIc ( 'andt/ Mannin'iu'ii. rjj^lli’. subscriber still continues to r,i.-ini-f;t.-ti'rc ;i fa Tiei-ior arli'-le of idaiii and faii'-v (’\Ni'll ni:ible II 'I'tirpnil I lie n niilfd^ ' ■ ~t I-, -h prices will be pai.l. .MeLIl.VN .V .JoNKS. . Miv 1-. IS.Y!. ^*'>tf 11 their Drujis. and to sell tlieni at ver'- ^ p'lr.'irise I con'i.h’iit ly low rafe;. Tiiev Mdicit a n-a.'^oniiblc trhar-.* ct the patrona-c .f thf* jiiiblic. April 22. l-'^- them to recommen'l I'lvl'iK* irrjx(i ox (.\m: ri:AU. S8tf "iirr 'I’o 'rKA\ i:i iM I rix I [r7" iVofossor Alc.\'-('. lianv’s 'I'n- |‘J I ro'ilier. IK. or \ieiiic;,ie,l' for llenitit\inj:. ( nrlinL'. Ire I 1 1 . n 1 i v.-rviie’ tti-lor'ti.'j Htiil Kin;: Itietlmr, tv.-ti.-Mr.i: lli-r-i-e* on han.l a hand- , ” "r J , „rirL-Itheiuii inr l^.l^-. ,-.iiH in-,ilin2 I'.vw tnM wimn.ls .,1 till . Kia. Ill ,1 ilir reiii.l lO.iii .’1 l!;irrs s I rii e I'tdisfs, nnd ('nrpcl .ttention. h iw •f'rri'M'riJ in M l r* * rry. nll**f :t i iiiiilK’r «>r h>ltU’ th't f i xniiiinalidii o! his th-livrml Hi on*»T, in 1 ()j; : r iieep--- eoii'tniitly ti.ii-iit of all kin.Is ol I,.., •!.. I I.I..11 1 IK* •'» 'ii»- .i»f’ iieeil- lii-fief. I’rnlei''e,r Ille-’ liiiiik. IiihN tl ill the n-'fililie-: of Croui •. ■n ;i C.KOIICF. P>K.\N'J>T. I -r..'- ii|i« .iri!, iltirii!" ttie Ve^'r III tieil -iirli on iiiHor-^ iiieiit HH till • n I j, S A IJ’. o li I*. I’-X I , I f. till- ,,lie..li..i. T',"'e(fl-.‘-‘t‘‘ 'of ine 'niilll i;j.’.'’'n>ilN('1' nriw occnjiied hy 1 o.I.'„ i,:.,. ■ .hunii. I’lie lnlies wmilil mile- West of town, Pos- Sl.ite- tv.iiml llicy Ii'.«-‘t liiis.- il: mil) Hi:*-* Tirnt hitheriii initn*:iril fit ■ an. trr 'li !elv Auiily to Mr. .John U. ‘ook K. A. I.KMT!:. f :;iFLS O.VTS. ' N. ’. Hacoii, ■(.LO. W. WILLIAMS f f). 71-ti' 'J J- seriion of (1i« J'niteil :i l.«iH i«1» ’> wtiol^-s .li re" iriH :irlirles of ihi-« MiK snhscrihers liavinfr purchased the Steain(*rs ^ i-;ver"'reeii an-l .''oiitherncr ntel ‘I'ow Poats. hitely the jiri.iierfv of tin* llenriett.i Ksf'.-.ndioat Company, are now prep:i«-'l *'» forward with dcnprit. h, between Wil- min;:ton and Fayetteville, all freij,hts or e;oods entrust ed to tJiom. ,, F. X. i J. H. UOBi'KTS. Fayetteville. Fcb'y 1 ». IS-'.n. bStf .11 sr K!':ci:i\i:i), A I’P.nin lot Momit.iin Uutter. New Orleans !ind Cuba .Molasses. .lav.-i. I.auuir.-i an'l Ilio ('olfee. .Sutrar, Kice, itc. WOIITII & ELLIOTT. March 7, I otf I'crior ar!i' le of plain i tiie f'hl st.-iini. (No. (ireci ‘ the .M.-irket House.l where In ; ohl friends ami eusti'iners. 'March 1. IS--.;:. and fam-v s;rcet. ihi.-rs N.u th of « ouM he liaptiy to tee his CMAllLF.S K'vXKS. 7otf Ml'SK’. fF. W I!lT.\KPi;. foriiiefly I’rofcsser of in C:irolin:i (’olleire. wouM res]>ci tl'ully annonncti that he has located in F;iyetteville t'or the purpe.^e of , I \ J J' ' teachlii}: Mn-'ic*. He won.id be very happ.y to rec(i\e thft I ! ( ) I l‘ I r V > IV S .\ I i i'y. i natc.es of tlio.'C who ■wish tlicir dati^hters instructed in rjllilil Iioii-1 at present o.-cnpied by .lohn H;irnian. | dii-; de!i‘_l.l’iil hjvinel’. of female liter;iiure. He mav be •i fi rmeilv known as the IManiers Hnl»-i. near the | f,,unii at .Mrs. Ha.vne's residence. Voc;il Musii: tiinght foot of ILiv .Mount, F.-iyetteville. isoflVred for sale: and | jn connection with instructions ni I'.m I’nino. j.,.^..,-»sii.H c;,n be irt'l s, ii*.' -»‘cr ilc'ired. I'he House is i Terms ‘si.') per (^uart(*r. l:irn“ and e.:mmoi’ion«. has been thoreuLrhly rej'aired j pia;ios tuned and rep-iirt''! c-’t very riccontnio,;j\(in;» V. i I hill t he i,-i,' t tVi clve mont hs. and is now. tiijfcther with I ,11.;. i 'ei-. ,, 1 ,S.i2 — (itt :til 'Ii;' necc'-^arv nut■Iniiidin!:'. in c.-.mpleTe ami h:in'i- i some or.h r. It now enp'Vs a biiire share of the local :.ii.i tri'ii'^ient cnstoni, wiiieh. in the h:in.’»' of ,-i coii'!;e- ^ !« f,t teti;inl. nin.'t bo • re:itl'' inc!-ease.| by the existi!.;.; j F’ank l!i ads atnl contcinplate'! Pail Jto.-oi. (th* l)ep,ji j \:\v SI I’LP.toli !)!: (’OLOi.XK AlFi'i i.H, .1. lb?*, ol' WILL jiay -Jo cts. ]X'r pouml c.ash for all clean cot- sa t-oii atld liuen llA(iS. dt'livi*red tn .1. I). Williams, in Fnyetleville. I mu nearly ready to put in operation a I’iinvj* liili in hi.s neip:hborhood, and an* desiror.s ot ''"ri,":.'.:;-' i pi-.tii.s .»>•i.. .ms My r».v iliiye;,rvMtt i.eM.M,Mioiwii-.-H.il.:.lfnflioitlev. | i,,,,,.), for r«pi «« I Ci\n afford, and hope that 1 may nejliiVi.iiii M.niiii'X i.irv. ,\o. i:i7 ftm.iilw.iy, New YorU. „ot be fofccil to dist:int markets for my supphej. I Si.i,Hiv:dl the! have arranjied with Mr. Williams to receive and pay A XKW jxvi:x’riox. | undcrTiiiine.l has iniide an inveiui.m if a Si;)iif j M Machine, wiiich he v\ili injure i > be perfcct in tfie j extr;icti'iii cif smut in whe;it. and wishe*; to ini’orm Mill j (Iwncrs that he is juittin;; nj' machines at I’nion Facto- j tory. on Heen P.ivcr, ei.criit miles .Nortli of .\shiionnt':!i. i Sly machines arc c.uojiosed of three ili.stir.ct ]'rinci- j pies, centrifnsia’, seowerin;! and rea. tion. It tikestho; wheat thron;rli three operations in jroing thron.Lli the machine oncc. .\ny persons buyini: :i machine, after trying it. if it does not clean wheat, .lump or 'liy, I will t;i!;e it back. Price Sevetity-five Dollars. -\n letters ii.Jufe.'i.-jed to Xew Snlem Post Oftice. IL-.n- dolph eonntv. I’. P. t UFi-,M.VN. Oct. 12. ;tY of V, hich will ]irob;ib!y not be t'lr f’rom this House.^ The-e Cons'. U iations make it a very dcsiiablc property t'l nnv on*‘ wi-:lii;i'j: to Oi’ir,-i:^e i; the Hotc! bus-in'.-s, or jo a c‘i] itali.'t d("irons to make an invi'stmcnt in j.'t oper- ly i!iere:i.''iM;r in value. The ternio. will ho i.iade .'jr'Minodatin^. N, A. STtlTiM.VN. W. T. HOKMl. F-;'"f-di V iile. N. ( . March S. L's-i-’i. i-i-tf M A !lsJ iA'. C"rOHY. Afoi 2-. 1s,',;L or .Kfi'e iiy SMl'l H, Grco’t St.- K'tf ; P'M • •• -A} is Ir life III lui kinil. TIk* lotllie't l"'0't Ice* i>"« jet lievTil Iti'it llie 'iilei llii' ye;ir v> itt he ii oiioioii iir-' '• i • y. ,\o. i:i7 ltrii,iilw.iy, New York. Kel.ol I t:irce l.onie I ilie'rMi il''’."i"t to l’"r'li““er'i I'V tt.e riH 'rlilv. . . . . •.iii-iii-il inerch ini' iin.l (lrii!.'"i't itin n'jlu'iil itie Cniteil St itesiind . f„|. .|]1 rajTS delivcrt'd to him. ■' I Ve,^r.i. Wr-l fn.l,.-. iJreiit ftr'ti.in, I'raure, flir. Anl I'V f*. J m.NSI».\Ll',, r.tyelltviHe, N. C. pj6 CinjiJj Fayetteville, Fcb’y 21, 185^5. DAVID .MUni’IIY. ('oi‘Ai{ rxKKsmp. rg^ilF- unden-t^nc'i have entered into a copartnership ’ H. un.h'f the name and style of (leo. W'. Williams ,'c ' Co.. for the prosecution of :i general business. I.oc;!- tion the *aj)je iiS 0C3Upii*d by .1. D. W iiliain.s for the, last five years. (!FO. W. V.ILLI.VMS. .1X0, V, W'lLM.VMS. ri‘Vrn»i7 J i, l?v>3 Kv ^ !:0. 1.AUDER. T\v:i [)(ii)Rs Amivi: r. t. iiiicn s. sn\’s store, Faycllcvillt 20, 18.V$ 91-lVpl l^src rH^nil .KTN.V Insurance Company of Haitford. hfiv- H in^ paid the tax ')np>sed by the lievenne L,i'tt’ i;f tl'.i* hite Lejiish'-flire, will continue its .\"ency in p:'veric» il!»;, ui.iier t!K* inanafretiient of the undc.-.-'i^rned, whoi.s prepared to issue Policies of Insurance «m linild- inirs or (looiN. either in this 'I''wn or in any part if the .^tate. on proper ajiplieation. description of tuc Projierti', ,'cc. Ttie j-lTN \ ( OMPANY hnn been in operaf.on rdiout ;’|0 years. Its lapital is 1i»;{00,00(>. The Hon. Thos. K. P.race was its nrst President, and he still holds that office:' ami scveriil of its first I'iroctf.rs are etill nctivo •m.l efficient members of the'iUird. It has nt all times l;ust:iincil the hiphest character for the pnidence of its management, and for the liberality -with which it has ever los.s5«. Jk J. HALE, A.crent. March 10. 18nl. (>2-ti CITU.X Tl’, ,'\L\(;N!’.SfA. MILO and pleasant Aperien*. For sale b- .1. N. SMITH, Green St. B'.'tf .4. April 28. 18-')3. First Voltirao of the I’evised Slatutesi'of t»ort¥ y. CirolVnft. Apply at t)»i:r»Offi'e f, 'M S' I jr

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