S 53 M I-W B E It L Y. ^^uijumrragws'q j riwii fVOl,. II.] i’ayi:ttevii,i.e, n. c., .u nk 2;!, iso.'!. [xo. -jor).] sasamsssts:^ I'iUM’Kn liV ,1. 15. XKW15V. i:i)\v\i{n j. HA Li: d- sox, 1 1 IT-'US AM) I’llorUlKTonS. ■ . Si M -Uecklv ('usr.uvr.u ^1 00 if j>jiiil in ; ■ • it'i :iitl .luriii;'tiie vcar of siOisorij)- - > . ■'the \ r;ir h;:s c\jiiri'il. ' . U: - I»'.; ■‘'.i'fKi’.vKU S‘J ii(> pci- lu'.inun, if jiaiil iu : •'J '>0 if p:;;.l ihirilip: tlie vo;\r .'f sul'scrilt- ;■ V ■ ' ;.‘U'r tl'.o viMl- i ,' T1 S',M KN TS iiisfi'ti'il for >i\tv ri'iits por . !'i iiiu-> fur t'.ic tii'jt. an 1 tliirt v conts fur C!u-h . Vi’arlv adM-rtisoiiK'nt.-' l>y .spo- tvu ts. at rt'asi'uablc rates. A'lvfriiscrs are ■ . t • state the uunil er nf insertions ilesireil. or 1, •■ntiini. il till f.Tl'i.l, :;i..l el;ar;jeil ae. iTil- ; ' I.ettei s t'l ilie r ’'t'.ri must 1k' pnst-piiitl. . H. \ \V. KOIUXSON i:i' their e.partr.ersiiip ua the 1st of •. 1 have ihsp'iseil I'f tlu ir eiilire stock of . ■ . i .rs. o..-, t. I'r. Thouias T. llall and llcn- vit.iin an i>t^ieo in tiu* .«anu' l'ui!iHnr, ; I l> th m ay be e->HMihe'l a> hcietot\.ro. i ita;it til tht'iii that tlieir aeeunnts «f’. early a praeticaMe. f.-r v.liieh :* N e i ii^j i^ei the sorv;.-i > i.f Mr. J lin V M'-r^.ily t..‘ : u;ul at tlieir t flioe. ; . .''■')-:f BIIH5 MiL!-ST()\i:S.' CsTv-iit E%t‘iliiflzoia ill Frici*. FOK SALK OK UKNT, fine SL MMhK now occupied l>v H Mr. .1. K. liryan, two miles We.st of town. I'os- !es,sion given iinniediutely. or K. Leete. Mareti Itl, IS-' Apply to Mr. .lohn H. ('ook A. LKKTi;. TTtf r.l’SllKLS OA IS. ti.OOli lUs. N. C. Uaoon. For (sale l.y CKO. W. WILLIAM.'^ .'i ('(). 71-tf r,ANi)s, 11( )ll()l (: 11stretelied, eementel, iind riveted. ■- The above llanils are sold i?0 jier ceiil. less than New York manufaeturers' priees. (’ash will bo re- min.d in every instanc,'. Tor sale by V.. II. Li TTi:ni.oH. Fayetteville. N.iv. l!‘«. l,''-')ll. ".Itf !{K!)rci:i) I'AKi:. 'I’luoujrii Tiekots betwot'ii AVihnitifrton. N. and Halti- niore. i'are^jil^!. Via Weldon, I’etersburj:. Hiehmond, \ Wash- in;j;ton (’ity. or \ ia Weldon. I’ort.^- inouth and Norfolk. For Tiekets apjily at the Offiee >f the \Viluiin;.ti.ii and Ilaleijzh Hail Uoad roiii]>an_\ at Wihiiing- tiiU. or at the Office of the Ijaltiuiore Steam Packet t’onipany, and of the lialtiiui re and (,>hiu Hail Hoai! t'oinNanv. I’ratt Street, I’altlnu’re. 7" 1] want 100.000 jrood .Innij)cr SHINGLES, fmr which the best price will be paid. .J. iS: T. W’ADnil.L. .April 4. IS.').'?. H.itf \VAN'n:i) VO lU KcnASi:. COr>[)S riNl', Wool), to be delivered on inv Wharf diiriu" the next six months. T. S. LUTTEIILUII. Jnly IHo'J. lOjf 'riios..). JOHNSON -ii.vs .irsT iti;’i:ivi;i)— nr.i.s. m;w oki.kans molassf.s. 10 do. lar;r' Yellow I’lantin^ I’otutocs, OtdtO Uis. Northern Haeon, lbs. N. Carolina do. lUOit bushels O.its. Ploughs and Casting’s, r.l.ii ksiaiths’ Tools, 17 hhds. (,'nbu Molasses. —.\I.SO— 1 lijrht four-horse Wagon, and 1 IJiijrjry, 1 Harness Horse, vVc. 'riiO.S. Jt.)!lN.^ON, Person st. Fayettev ille. Feb'v lis. is.'.u. Tl-’lf r-e" CAMPr.ELLTON PP.OPEllTY Foil SAl.K. T. .1. .1. jrs r liiX'Kix i:i), HHU.'s. prime Ni'w Crup Mi >l,As.si;s, l,y UNION LIVKRY STABLES, FAYETTEVILLE, N. rW’^HE rr>0I>P,lET01lS are prepared to furnish the B. Public with Horses^ Carria^fs^ fttsfl BCsrs^gies^ FOR They nre also jirepared to eari'y Passenper.> to any of the neighboring Towns, on reasonable terms. Their Stock may be found at the Stables formerly oecuj'ied by Messrs. Philips .Si; Wooten, a few doors West of the Telejrraph Ollice. 'I’hey always have in attendance good Ostlers and Pieinsmen. A FOril-MOPvSE CAP.IUACE will be in at tendance, at short notice, to convey Passengers to and from tile Steam lioats. 'I'iiey will take Horses on Livery at reasoinible tern;s. They hope, by strict attention to business and a do- terniination to please, to merit a shai-e of public jiat- ronajiC. .1. l>. .V.'^KIAV, Atrent. l>ecember I t, IS.'dl. o-tf CiJror*rir^ asitl B5ry /W^ 11 E sii>>si-riber has taken the East end of tiie Store Jl_ lately oceupi(>d by ('ook \ Taylor, where he would be pleased to see his old customers and others. My stoek (d’; UOC’EK 1 E.S will be lartre and full, i will take in jiayment any kind of Couiitr\ l’r>>tiuce. ('ash v>ill not be refuted, t>r creilit to pnnetual ei:s- toniers. J.VS. (.1. ( Mav-J. 1.-'"ii' ^^5 K‘\vard. w. WILLIAM.S March 17. 1' CO. 77tf t.l'N TON. 1 t--1.. MOiUilS vV t ' ■J ;ier. and Li eti CO. Kstantl V 'I .irs'i' PKIMi: lot Mi.unt.iiii lUitt. r. New Orleans and Cuba Molasses. l.auMiir.i and lli" i’. :i'n'. UNi\\RALLKLi:i) DlSl’A'l'CJl. raTHE undersiiriied informs tiie public that he is now -M runniu" a daily line *->f lijiiit draft S'teamers on the Cape Fear Kivor, consisting of the following boats: Ne-.\ .''teamer Ze].)iyr, Major \Vm. IJarnett. 1 inelies dr.-ift. I'anny Lutterloh, 14 Kowan. One of these boats will leuve Favetteville every inorn- in;; ;.-'Uudays e^copted at 7 o’ebick; and \\ ilminjrton every ^;iiod.s WoIlTIl vV .I", ' ,iir l’>urr . Fr. ! . e. ircnrli iSttrr •fiitlxfoiscs ■■ ■1 ti> be of bi-'t ijUaiity. bc- se%‘. ted by tlu“!u fimu the Ti.ey keep l"r sale ('(atid I'sojuis Mill- I’livv |?lt.ck. l)ohm«_[ ('lolli. n*. r. •MIT !\ Iraiiiio ■ t. I' i-.nti v pr' nipt'v att- nvl- zs. Ti. A . ■ ..i I'.i ■ Ue\i!’! , N. ' iu' Suhscribcr still con- tiniH'S to carry on the ('VlilNi'!' lU .-'l- N E.s.s in Fayettex ille. and in a Idilinn to bis F.stablishment on lt w Stre. t. ni'.ir F.ce’es's P-ridge. has ojn'nc! a l.irir-.' " \1»E P.dOM .11 H.iy strt-et. nearly opp»^site the F It ttcviP.e Hotel, and oiie d..or F-.ist of .Messrs. llai^'h \ .i.i; s. v'here a ''etieral assortment of Fril-MTl R!v Maile bv e-'ini'etent and faithful wurl.men. m.iy be li;fl at I'l'i e- I'. rrcs]! iK.liiiji vvith the tinn's. AN'>. an as- -• ri ii:ciit 'if N.rtiierii no.dc ITEMri 111., selected b_\ 1 at u ver\ ni'derale advance. 1»FN('.VN McM.li.L ;:.-if Miircii 7. is''; i>. tV ELLIOTT. 7‘.tf received >Hc B iaiiriii Iditiiiu to their formes '.f. v\ hicli w ill be Nov. 1'). IS'-i. u i lUlMMiOOi-' liOOri.\(i. S'r,{)iris S!iC!ttn), ■r:v. ANi> MKTAL !;'M)1KK. E kevp- "U hjiii'l t.-d MLTM.l.lt ' •■ n I.l.l.lv i .••■nin'.''i; C!;|\. I,.«U ( iU'tri-'O' clia:. their uli'itv. a- rtiuent l.FKI \1. CA' I.-.! by W i',' .• P. \\ n.. 11. Kinj’. an '!' i isk’- celebra- \khiidi liaM- M.'ii.jrum. llenr;. 1 UKiiiv .’ther il- r^. v. .!• have ixan.iiu 1 ati.l \sit;ies-ei •_i'- itor ' ,;t. K. ■ !■ . ,'S pub'^- :.t- ; !. t!u- II. 't ht.T ti.'ht*'r. ::l; 1 .■vtili^. die. til.'.r a '•i'ly a.iriiiist ^ire / ; ;i:'red « 1 ta-. -i'l ■: HPINLV t'> any , i.ill:. I' ]Mtterii. i.i:an." s. • lid (' riPE.s Ji rci.'i'' 1;. f' t a cure. ir Cutters. Lea.le ::t'erii. and «‘\';y I^in . oI tire- icl'-iiir 1 iu il.. "st ni.mii- r. .^n A \ E just .■’^t.ick— liiti k...js N MLS, 1* iiiids. Su^'ar, I'bl.'. (ir.'iniilate.l ditt.i, f.U b:.-> C-.tVee. ■'•it pieces Dundee I’>a;:i;inj:, 7 bab'S (iriluiy ('loth. ■i't c.iils Hope, • 1 tons .''\M-des an.l F.ngtish Iron. ; keprs piir»- .-iii'l e\tra W iiit." Lea'l, •'.I b,.\es W iinliiW (il.;", 4i'. b i^^rs I'r"i> an.l P>uck .'i^ t, keirs FI 1 (i I’. wder. — ALSO — L.'.if .•ui'l I'ru.'he'l .''u;^ais, P>ar an i .''.•.ij's, M:;eki^re!, in t>arr>^l' mU'I halt-barreN, • 'hcc'e. .''pici‘. Pi pi.er. CiiiL'er. Snuir. In.li).'.’. Madder, S|>anish P.r. wn. S.ilS'. Saltjietn. Sab-ratus, Nutmeps, >ia. e, ( l.ivcs. Yeast Po\\.lei~ Sii.-rm Caii.l'es, .Ve.: with a -eiieral a's..rtm. nt . f I'KV COOKS. P.OOTS .VN1> >110LS. H \UI-\\ ALL AM» Cl Tl.I.PV. •r the a' 'e *'• .ds at b'W ]i!i.e-. t' r Ca--li or I , IJ. ,-v U'. >K1.ACIII N. “•'.tf lay .;>uuda\s e\eepte.i) at .r.-b'ek. biii'linjr mid p;i.sseui;ers in Favetteville iu lifteeu hours there:ilter. (iiio.’s inteu.b‘il l’..r these ln'.-its should .“^ent to the care of ,1. I). Mellae \ Co., or L. .1. !,iitteil..h at Wiiiniii|iton. who vxill t'orw:ii''i at the usual rate n| e.’il- missions. The .Steamers Zi-phyr and Ma_].ir W ni. P>a.'- iiett are ele^.-intly luiuibhe.i f.ir tlie aeeommod.-ttion of passengers. Passage to or from U ilmiii'iiton, T. S. LFTTEllLOH, A-ent. Fayetteville, Feb’y 7. t.ott Ac‘\v (ioo(Ls ibr 1^^513. .1. c. 'nio.Mso.x t.s now reci'iving a large and well selecte.l .Stock .d' Spring and Summer ■1 o o ('•insisting of ('■entlemen’s line Fa'iiii.nable Moleskin, ('assiUiere. P;inania, Leghorn, ami a i.ii'ge variety ol ..ther styles of H ATS :'.nd C.VPS, which vmII be sfdii low for * ash. .\lhO. a gi^iieral .-issortment of Cenilemeii s, La.lies'. Misses'. ouths', P.'iys'. CliiMren's, an.l Infants’tine lire's ('■••liters, (Iperas, 0\t.>r.i 'lies, P.uskins. liooT.S an.l SIloE.S; whieli he i.i willing aii-1 anxiou-^i t.> ’\- ehaii'.re (.>r C.isli. on liberal terms. ,1. ( . 1. Market Sijuare. March '1'-', l^"!. Sltt \N.\WAV from the suliseriber in October last, a negro b()y nanied S.VM. Said boy is about IS years of age, t;iil, very black, an.l with .i sli'jlit east in one of his e\es. H(‘ v\:i.'? :aise.| by a .Mr. Me!■ iidyeii. in Cuniberlami or Moore i-oiinty, .'tn.i piircliase.! by me last F.ill (d .'dr. N. McK. Mi'Neii. ot .xloere ci.iii.ty. 1 will give the ab.ive reward for his apprelieiisi.iii ainl delivery in any j.iil i:i N.-rth Cai ilina, ur ff;iy dollars for him d'.^li\treil to n;e in Cheraw, .S. ( . ALLAN .McFAPLAN. ('heraw, .S. C'., April 1^7. Ih-jll. ‘.'(itt \VM. II. McRAliV, f'omiHissioii mf^eyrJueaf, V/IL.MINCTON, X. r. Particnl.ir attentiioi will be jiaid to sellin?: itiid sldp- ]iing Naval Stores and Produce, and also to the l or- war.ling of (loods. .Meri hiiuts \\ho consign tiieir (loods to Inm cati rel\ on their being f.irwaidcd by lust lioat alter they are discha.rgei-1 Iron vessel. PKFEllENCES: K. I'ries, I!. A. \ i.gler .V (.'o., Salem, N. ('. T. M. \ oiin;^, Moeksvil’e. Hunt .V A.lderton, Lexingtm. .lohn 1*. Hro vn, .'Salisbury. ,1. II. vV .1. Marline. I'a_'ettev i!Ie. .I.'in'v 'J'l, L''-'-!. ''-(t W. II. McKAV, Wholesale and Retail Grocer, (i!‘iiiTiil I'diiimissioii \ Forw.irdiiiir V.crcliiinl. South Water street, 0 doms bc-lcvv Mari»et, Wtliiiiitiiioii, 5’. I'lii tielllar attention paid to tiie sale of all kinds of Ci.untry Produce. l.ib r.il e.-.sh a.lvance.-' ma-le on eonsignmeiits. lieierenee' .lohn 1). .''tarr, Es.p, Pres't i.f the P>aiik Ilf Fayettev iile, | Will. (' llroadioct, ('ash r, .'o, Elij:dl Fuller. F.s'|., .Missr.s. Conk .V Tjiyl.'f, ('o.ik .V .b.hn.-"!i. L. C. llubbar.l ,v ('o.. Clinton. S nnpson county. Thomas .1. .Morisev, E.-|.. i.umijert.m, K.iiiesuii. ' .1. 11. Ilrown. Esi’., \’> c.sibro'iks, F>l.iden. Oct. S. ’C'.'jJ. V]i HAIU.’AINS IN CKIAUS. fBlHOSE who buy (,'igars t> sell again, the under B. si"iied beirs leave to inform th>it he ha.' now iu St.-re a larue stock of all kinds of Ci;rars. w hieh he will otlVr at prices that ea’inot be umlersvjld in this State The celebrale'l .''tf'r Ilrar.d 1‘iineipe. L.igle " .''team lioat Prime Hav.in.i I'.e ali.'a, and other fnvori:e Cigars or; haiot. (.iEoPUE in:.\Ni>T. Pa\etteviile, Ma'. '.il!--m N!:\v oimj:ans .m(M.assi*:s, fN barrils an'l hali-bavrels, just leceived direct Iroiu Nck. Orleans, and for s.lie by G. .'. DE.MINO, Opi'osite (,'ape Fear Eank. 4, 1.'-'iti' Fa vettev iile. W. .*>0 Ijahoi'Ci'j irinit( (l^ at I j/t colored jtri fi rnd. din;— s-i.t, i; is.'ii:. ! ii\‘rv win L.iciv and ir.iod ha:id-, to I»am for the next i’;r patriina-’O. fe--l - conl;.!ent .>f in a . .-ii:- -' wheie a tiiorough d. NO ri( i: ■tv. . . Hr- .-'.-•s Eri- "II till- i:sv • 11 1' ta'Ken the 'h I' M ^ \L'.v.;i,n w hero h^ ilitelld-i TVll.ollIMi 1.1 Sl- ('.;})inrt Fnnnturr. rHlHE sub", riber i' re.-ei\iiic l-'' ' ir'je't a-s rtnn-iit H. in l.is.ineever b.'.• re j.ur. h..e.i at the N- rth. v> 1.1. h. ti.L'ctlier with his ov,n f.ianulacture, mak-.*! h;s vt.rv * c* *'t ('hail'. S.d’as, In-.lstfaLls, Wash Slan-ls, J>urfati', l.iM.kiii,:: ('.la'si-s. Side U'lauls, .^ceietarii s, i.V:e. \ ' of whl.’h wi;l be S'dd on the lowest terms till ( ■r 1*0 si. I t t:mc punctual custi>mers. crfS T1 tni V i" J . . a;j:o bev t-.tiire i-Nteii'l ot till- public f.ivor. We promise ail who may with t.> tr.iv. !, -V' St.ibles :,t the Wc't elll Jersi'.ni'd i.iiitimie f.. ea.ry on the l.IVllKV P.I Sl- N!1."S at this ]ilaee, ’I'hey liave l.i;elv lar-.:i l_v inTe;i'e.J thi :r .''l.n k and can n..w elVer to the jiuMie a' ;;iioi! H' l-i’s. I'arri.iges and I'ri- Vers : ' I ;iU be fi.i'ud ill the SnUth- e’!i .•..iuitr\. Til inkful for the lar'_*‘ jiatrnti- 1 t.) us. we '.dieit a cnnnuali.in ti'fa. tory trip to 1111. ai.ove iirlet w.'i;» on tiie !• fiii’.r nr fi\ e lu.iii'lis. Pel s'liis lia'i!o4 Negi oi-s w hieh thev wi- «i'ln'.ake a’lpliv'ation, diirin'.rilie month Hall i:ollin;_'.-r, at the I'oundry. t.j (,'ol chi'.III. Ill t'l Col. Nathan Kil'.g. .John UoLLlNC.ElL M.ireh I.''-'.;!- •''l-oio Mditlic!: end ONE in the best niatitu r, .'it re.luee.l prices C. W . AM'llEV. S, Market S.)iiai-e. _'i(»tf employeil, f .\prii, to .Vlex. Mur- bv .1 une !>.•) J(iHN W. P.AKEIL t let. l-'.l. .>1! t w hei e at the iiie of th 'tnre tir' Pi-i'pri. t-ir li,' ‘I- (last • may .f Mr. ,1. ^V It: ex; I till ■ r- v. bralichi • lo e i!i lie Iv"’- ni'st f: " 1 e e\. W; in-r had At- ti..it l.e E. ."iiri ' t !■ ;i' .U' ruted with ne.it- M(»N-\(.H AN. 'i -tf ^ri:i)MAX vS: llOKNi:, J)ni (imuh. Ilordtrtirr, ('>ror(rn (II I It publi Ac. ! r 'Til N . -1 ( I . M M I ^ . . A \ar ‘t and • lent '•• res’ieetfillly ilifi rill the eiti/‘ l.' gelier:lly. th.it they hav je-t r Voi U. an'l ;ire rece;\ing tlieir Spr.n ■i.n'i'ting "f fin-iils. l/'i 11 it-;, suit able f..r the s.:i»' n: L; . lliMit'. .''h'H ' and 1.1 the urn.' 1 Stock I'uv. -t-ville. F of Muniforl strer alw.iys be f.-und, Lutt.Tl.ill. , 1\I\VE11S « O. 71V t. axi>ki:\n s\s 77// Won and Store Dri/ol. 1,W\\S on hand, (ooking, P>ox, and P -TOVES. ■ if iin-'. i.Ai:ia;sT !!1I!I{(IV. Wit 'ri!P.l.ML\(i hii sn LN MIW VOIIK. hlHIKI^ Sl( tll'IIX, ' ■ ■ Li; AM) .Joia’iLi: «'!' '';!,I.1M:HV. -\M> F.\M'V goods, lu2 Sroadway, N. Y., ^|.rtnlent ■ f r.-idy-ma.ie in the lii'C- ' ti.i t . cai! and e\amiii All ..r let- s. lit t iiii.-rs will be i r iii:] tiy M:in h C'l. 1 ■ ■■•-■ ..•rs; .1 laiV'e .i-- l.ithing; a --i. at mtiny article' w w.iul.l be 1 Ic.i^'d to li.ive • '.. r thelliselv es. ■:ir.‘ fi' tii our liieiids and cii-- llt" ll'icl t'J. Sltf >'!' iii:i i:i\ i:i>. \CK.' LlVilP.PooL SALT, li- I'l biiHh. l' .Mum ditt.i, ill *iags, ;.ii hlid'. eet M.ila"es, ;'.ii bb:~. ( itv Mes' Pork, ^''1 •• 1 ii;;e si/.e No. o .\Lickere1, in li.ilf bl.l,«. N... -J d... •Jil lib’s, fla sh *ail”ht Mullets, .'.(I til \es I'lied Herring, ]ii(i bl.'-. Pl.iiiting >v eating Patat es. .\ v:iiif.l retail. P*y .1 line O, 1 -^Al.SO- - a's.irtnie'.it of Tin V. are, at wloilesale ami . W. ANItULV.S, .Malket Si|uare, s';’ •_’»( It f iwixrs. Oil.. ,w. LP.S. PI UE WHITE LEAD, l!(i bbls. niake's Firc-iiro.-l Palat, Linseed Oil, Train Vegetable or liosin Oil, ('Iiri'iiie Yellow. (Ireen, ' in til,' Paris Putty and Putt\ l.nive-, ('. '.al V.'irnish, P>i.,ck Leather ^’arnlsh, IJrov. n ,Lipan •• .'«.c. K.ir sale l.iw bv .1. N. SMITH, .l.iny -JL 1 >••■.:;. ''-'f Vavot 1 (‘viik' Hotel. .ioliX llAUMAX llesjHM tt'iilly iiif'iinns liis iVieiuls ami the ]iublie that he has reniove.l from the H.itel at the f"ot of Havm.iunt to the larger and more eonimoitiiiiis Hotel in tlie centre ot ■ the Town, recently iiecii].ie.l by Mis. Kn.wn. and v. ell known a.' the Favetteville Hotel, where he v.illbeha)'- pv t.) ace.>1111110.1;ite Tra\i^!b-rs an.I Ibiar.b-rs. No e\- eitioiis of himself and f.-imiiy will be sp;.red to render th.'se cciiilorlable v. ho mav fa', nr h;m v>ilh tlieir c..m- >1: 'ro Piivsici,\xs. ,■>0 ounces Sulph. (^‘uinlne, liO Iron. .by. Hydrogen,! I'l .1,1/, 1« (^ iC ( o. Co l Liver (-‘il, ;”>(i 0111.ces lod. Potas. Il)s. I’il. Hydrarg, ■J-*i ll;s. H,\d. Sub. Ca'.iiine!. l(t lbs. pure ( 111..rofoim, •Jo lbs. 'I'urkev Opium. EHier. .Aconotine, (Jl. ('roton, .‘•‘ti'vclinine. Iodine. Creosote, Tannin. \ I'lu ianati of Zinc. W ith e\ei'\ .•iiticlc connected with lue Drug am.1 Apo tliecary busine.^s. Particular atnl iir.nirpt ;;ttciition ].ai.l to orders, aud to the packing of t !biss-wai e. Fit sab- by .•sA.MCEL j. Hl.NSD.VLE, Druggist. April 1. VAi.r \i’»Li': i‘iiopi:irrv tor Saic; rgMlE .'':nb.-cri>'ei-having remove.1 !.• I'eMie'see, de- a -ire' tn dis](ose of iiis residence and laii.ls in the \ i. inity of Fayetteville. He therefore offers for sale, oil aeeomiiiodating terms, his residence at KOSE HII.L. and the tract of o!>0 acres of land attached thereto; and aiso the Meadow Farm tract of lOtJO acres, udjaceiit to the fiiii.Kr. Previous ailvertisements have describeil tlie resilience and laiidb and tlieir a.lvautages. Persons desirous of larther intormatioii can obtain it from Mr. Isaac 1$. Hawley, who has full power to sell the property unj 1,1 ve ileeds. W. II. IIAliDIN. .\iig. •‘‘>0. lSo2. CllRVVV: :.!A(^NKSiA, tMlLI) .-aid pleasant .\perient. For s:ile by J. N. SMITH, Green St. AiTil-JS. IS.',:;. .sittf \vAN'n:i). re^IlK 1 irst Volume of the P.evised .Statutes of North I Carolina. Aj>ply at this Otrice. SMAIJ. AND TALL: i'omtv Oiii\ i.oisse ,111, A iiiJ /> t j/iiii it a till that vill caifi/ a Bnll! TH'^HE sul.'criber has now on hand, and will sell thcap foreash. his large an.l well assorted Stoek c>f hiu- ple anil d*.»u’ule barrel .'•HOT (il NS, ot the best make, an.; l.itest jiMiterns. Also, Coifs I’atent Kepeating Pis- •..., ai. I .Mien's llevolvers; Shot Pouches; Game Eags; PowiUr Flask*; Percussion C!ip&: .vc.. iVe. Itiiles ol all kiii'ls eonstamiy on hand, and maimlac- tuieii tu Older, iiml warianied to shoot from 100 to oOO y.-irds. Persons w ishing to j.urchase any of the above-named articles, will do well to give me a trial, and they may 1 “ ,'U.e to l;nd the greatest bargains ever oOcrcd iu tills town. Itepairing f every thin" in the gtin-smith line will be d ine at short notice, in the best manner, and for :i sinull charge. -d. -V. li.AKLIU Sign of the Wwoden Gun, Hay Sti'eet, opposite the Marble ^ ard. Eiiyetteville, N \iignst Iti. 1 H-'-’J. 17-tt. I pall y. r-n. tteville. N. ('., .lune i4. L’Hlitf ■tteville. N. in hli'ls. sup D. I-. '1-1. ir P.ac.iii. W. .McLAl inN. 4-'.tf Prl .-.•ehinu' ati'l nfl'cr- ni' lete n>siirtnieut - !!i' LINL. ci'niprisii;;! ;.ll thevari-.U:- . I -ti.'ri "f : i: 1 I' iiif V Silk.^; Marcdiiics. > . .'^!iau Is. 'rrimnnn‘j.'=; l»>n- i'/: .H ; Taircla and Salin Kii)- : I )i i '''rriinHiiiiiis all kinds; ! - •!■!( rics; 1 rciicii and l'..nii'lisli .* ('ia|)t‘ lasses. Sdk C ni- ; (il')\( s of all kiiid>; Silk ■ Mills; l»arcu‘S, Laccs; \\ lute (ioods. 11 nsi(*r\, L. (’. I lanfik(‘rchi*ts. ’ d w..!ild invite ■ Trade generally. Druii Stor(‘. 4V olSae Biac^ i)!iri;n,T., l„.l ShxfS, ( 'll'ui /■ ''/ ] 'il i/r// ' EAYETIEVILLF. N. •^tiiek ol DKI (»■'' -VN D • •••!- MEldCiNES ' 1 •turcrs, which they try Mereiiatits at Tlie\ will keep .•very v:iri-ty of arlieb rali;.;i liieiits to V.CW \ •Il k. Their Stock hnvinp been iiiireh.'i'i’d t-ir ;i-ll. I'Ki:i(.irriN(J ox c\\i‘ fH^HE sub'criliers having pu.-chase.I : I'l'^AiL the .Steamers 'rm: sri?srii!P.i:ii fS now ri'ceiving hi' Stuck nf SPUING .\ND .''I ,M- .Mllll (KtODS, citi.sislin;.; of K(‘culy-niadr Cloliiin*::, ijoo'rs. s!ioi:s, axd ha'I's. All of his own seleetion. v. l.ich 1 e c.in warraiit e.jual to anv in the market, an.l to be s....I l.iu lor e;..-h. (.lop.(;e p.p.andt, Ib’twei 11 the Market House an.l ]• av etteville Hotel. N. 11. iiiee ass.jrt.iient of P.O"^ S' (. Llfi lllNG also (»Ti iiand. A[tril 4. 1 S':'. I'ui'.sii CORN .mi:ai. EPT constaiiilv on han.l by ‘ GE(t. W. WILLIAMS Feb. ’Jl. C(t. l-tf i;II r.'iw receiving a lar;:e ^ diiecily IV.im Importers aii-i M.imt- will ’hell to physiciai.s ; iid Cnun- verv small advance, n-'a’litlv I'll han.l, of the best f|UMlity, in their Hue. havinjr made ar- thut ellect with establishe.l hou.ses in IIOIHIKTS. t.Ntf irefully selecte.l. aii-l them to rec ininiend .> sell them at very i • -'P'' the attention of his He will off-r great « \SH .\ND SlfoKT TIME P.FVEilS. TIluMA.S ; .^TKAltN-', 1 li'J Hriiadway, Lioert\ street and .Maiden l>ane. N. f.l-^pd .,f the patronage of S.stf Y. K> L./ii.|.tn 1- ' " ‘lit V. s M L ft I* ft •Itv. I’, rter and I'alkirk .\le. su- .Jii«t rei eive.l and lor sale by W. TILLINGHAST -v CO. i.'jtf and ('otton ^ arn. WOIITH A: ELLIOTT. ill eii.ible eonlideiitly all their Drugs, un.l low rales. They s-.ilieit a ie.;;«jnablc s.iat the iiiiblir. April l^'->-L WAKHKN COI'NTY, N. C- ^ , r»'^I!E Tnentv-fifth Semi-Annual Session of this In- 3. .titutiou will comtiience on 1 iiesday the -.th d jJlv next. Charges as before. Piipi.s are received ..t any time and charged from the ® , Terms- NOI 00 per Session for I.oard am l.ngiis tnil;.:.; .UieientiLl Modern Latiguages, Mu'tc, I...- i,i^. aiid Oil Painting, at l.mner rat. s, \ .e.i -Mu. •iiid' Ornamental Needle-work gratis. Cireular.s co.itaining the fullest information will be sent to tho.se upplyiu H7tf '> W DIM STORI-> •■ -j-M, Warrenton, .June GP.AVES & WlLCtX. s:; Im ir: eiib. r having taken the Store (.r(ti street, known as the Mc- nuildiiig, nearly oppo.-ite Dr. P»ob- li. p, is now reeeivinj a Ircbh uiul ried st-.-ck of ’ailits, rrT" I’rofcs.^or Alrx-C ^ ... I It. , W..A .-^u d r4.iiiiM.uiuL lur Ili- HUilvinL* :[^;:;;Te‘';..miu'Hn.l MrencO,. .O... (he nil/. [;■ ,,l il„- .'^kiii.( iinni; utieniii ioi I ton liarrv’rt 'I'li- i 'tirhni!. I’r«‘ >-y ‘"Tl,‘e ">:ile>.’i.l ll.e .iroi W I 111 If \‘ IM-Iief. I'role ‘ iiciiiicals, Mcdicinos, . 1)\(-Sliiirs, and I’crrniiK'ry. -,,, d a S..rtment of Hair, Flesh, Tooth .■•,va h P.riishes: Cui.ping, Tooth, aiij M.,,^ ; (iahaiiie. E;itteries, K(:. \c. -il I.- b w f.H- Cash or on time to punctual ifiillv solicited from Country Pliy.siciaiis ibpeii.l on proeoring Iresli aii'l •iii’l that no pains will l>e Kp.tred t-J „.,th iu .jiiality and price. rr.K.-^' UiPTi')NS carefully and ‘uI'iMia"lio'n ol Ills }}‘\ — III li'Miu li;»n a VMllini a irille et itVI.OlH). ^Illeiitlh Ilie eviil. Ill es of llie w i.n ,,V the "I "I'''! V''''-.|",|;7l'ie!!lm«'S ol llie Hrlirle rlieinir«l itinn ll|«ii1 tli‘ li'iil’. I .iiiiiiieMil K Al. .•ji.’ired. J. N. SMITH. o:'tf Hllil lleHlill!; I'.Mertliil WiHinil llie rej.iU II'liii i>r ll irrj s I ru- i.hereii- |i:i\e llii rell'eil til '• 21.1" iijiwHri!. iliiriiii: 0" lM'uane,es-..rylo |.re-^^ , rlul pfMjw rlM'!*'* * i; ne.lie.1 Mii li ..il li.(lor»eii>eilt »■> HOs „„.l llie I V, ^r.u i.il irrit .t lir-t rei . (lie lOl.l III llll I 1 ,... „1| the IHVOIllor e.l II lo III* •''•eiio.iii 111 Ihe p'I li'l • .... n ,,| iho rliii.l ,|..M,e.l. i;w r> iMitUc ‘ . II. The hoiie.-, w.ail.l ,.V, eeile.! ex|.ei ime.i, Il n. te.l ^ of llie I'liile.l l,.,l |,e « itli.'iil It. « .lunlr-, ile ileri in CM rv Sli.le- I.UIIkI (to y l>"‘"> '* , , , ,r„.le li. .Ill « xlrni liUli. r,.. iinlieiir.l ol ri - j, t», J. I11.N!=0-^LL, I ayetteville, .N. t I Evergreen and Southerner ami Tow IJnals. lately the propevrv of the Henri' tla Steanibo.u Conipaii;., are now prepar’e.l to forward with despatch, between W il- miii.'ton and Fayetteville, .all freight: or goods entnist- cd tn them. F. N. i'^ II. Favetteville. I'eb'y 14. Ls-i.!. .■5I>,«K>0 \Vaii9«-!. twill pav :l'. cts. per jiounl e.'ish for till clean cot ton and Vinen UAOS. delivered to ,1. D. Williams, in I'avetteville. I am nearly ready to i-ut in o].eration . ‘ r -Mill in this neighborhood, ami am desirous of ..ttiiig my rags in this market. My object is to^.ay as much f.'.r ra;:s :is I can aflor.l, ami hope that 1 may not be forced to distant markets lor my supplies. I have arrautred wi:h Mr. Williams to receive and pay for all rags delivered tn|iim._ DAMD .Ml, EPH\. Favetteville. Peb'y L IS-VJ. ( an TON MA'rriX(i. PS. C.\NTON' M.\TT1NG, 4-4, .0-1 and i.-l, white and red cheeked. Sup'r (ydi'lt I Soila. boxes in 1 Ih. papers; a superior article. •JO “ Elenie Figs. Just received and for s.-ile by S. W. TILLING HAST Ajiril IS.ol. A NI'AV IX \ i:X'l'lOX. riTiiE undersigned has nia.h' an iii'.eiitioii )l a .Smut Machine, which he will insure to be perlect in the extraction of smut ii. wheat, and wishes to inforii. Mill Owners that he is ).utting up maehines i't \• “'*'»- torv OH Deep Itiver, eight miles North of Ashborough. mV machines ;ire ci.mi.osed of three distinct priiici- scow eriiiir and reaction. nCrl am lunv n'cciMiiir ni\ sto«-k oi SPKINC and SlMMIlll (KtOl'S suitable for I.a.lies and Gentlemen's wear. Also, Hats, lioiiuels. Shoes, ,S;c. PETEK P. .lollNSitN. March 1(1. IS.Vl. CO. .s:;tf i'aqtttcviUc (\indtj Mfnnif(tctoni. rn^HE subscriber still eoiitinnes to manufacture a sii- B_ peri.ir arti. le t>f ]ilain and laney C.VNDll-S, at^ the old stand. i No. •'>, Green street, doors North ot the Market House. I where he would bo happy to see his ol.l friemls and customers. CHAELES P.ANK.s. M.-ireh 1, lS-‘o>. '•’** liA('OX! li \('OX! HHDS. Sides and Shnublers, for s.ile liy W. 11. LLTTEKLOH. Dec. Sniithrillc Male and I'nnalr Aradcnui. ILL commence its fourth session, in the new b'libling. I-‘)tli February, and close its scholas tic year l-'th Dec. IS-'):!. Organization and charges as heretofore. Mr. Murphy excepted, whose services, il necessarv, will be supplied by a competent Assistant. For particulars address the principal. OLD RVi:. II.LI VMS'S ol.l llectitiC'l EYE W HISKEY. ,1. .V T. WADDILL- .lune l.^.'.:;. -‘"'tl' xorui:. R iLlll.lNorilNT Snbseribers tn the Caj e Fear and S .P Decii Eiver N'avigati..n ('..mi .-iny are m.titied that the iindersigne.l will be in \'ihnin”t..n about the ■Jntli. :in.l in F;iyetteville on the ;.’-")lh of .11 NE. to col lect the amounts due. Those who tail to jiay. v, ill tind their Stock a.iverti.ed forthwith for sale, v^ilhthe, name' of each delimnient .'^t.ickhnhier. The .'Subscribers nn.ler t!.*' amen.oil charter will be called unon at the same time tnr the f.rsi iiistalment of '1-t per cent. I oriler .it the Un:>r'(. llENliY LONDON. 'i'le.is. and Sec'y. Pitt.sborn', N*. C. .111110 1. L'nii-tll 'I I WILLIAM A. (;\\ Vi:iL Foliw AP.DlNtJ .\ND COMMISSION .MilUCH.VNT, ^VilEllhE^tOES, i'. fJllKSONAL attention ;;iven tn the sale .ir shipment of Na\:il Stole.- I ha\e amjde lacililies lor con- diu tinir the business; large wharf aiid store she.Is to i keep spirits fioin exposure. Naval stores will be shipjie.l ] to anv house in New ^ ork, or t.> oilu r niar’Kcts il advi- I sable, and liberal cash adv.-inees made on consignments. I refer to the fidlow iiig distillers: E H.'tnniim. Wayne cunty. I E. II. Wood.ir.l Co., Laqistiorougti. ^V. Earp. i A. ('■. Thnriiton, .Fohiiston county. ! Eridges .V Durham, I D. Hocatt, I .Spencer Fountain. ' H. Eatiiian, Smith, Eryan & Co., •• J{. U. llinmint, Esij. “ Lovett Peacock, Columbus county. Messrs. .lones \ Leach. 1 a_\ >.tie\i.le. M.iv -J(t, IS.'.:;. MTSK*. F. WHITAKEU. formerly Professor of Music • ill Carolina College, woiib.l re.-jicctfully announce that he luis locate.1 in Ea;. etteviile for the j.iirjiose of te.ieliing Mu'ic. He would be very h;i;>py to receive the iiniiies nl tii.'se who wish their daughters instructed in tiiis iK-li-.;hfui branch of leniale literature. )le iiiaj be touml :tt Mr>. Eavne's resilience. \ i cal Music t.iught in connection with instrnetioiis on the Piano.//;•(!/(■>. Terms >:l-'. per (.Quarter. Pianos tuned ;.ii I repaired on very terms. Itec. aecomniodating IS-'.:!.—jOtf II ^ b ^ roiiY. i:.\i ^ SI PLKloIl A].ril -JS. |)K C'OLO(L\i:, AETICLE. For sab; by ,1. N. S.MITH, Green St. S'.'tf Suiithville, N. C., Dec. I'O. .lAMES II. EEENT. oti-iim pies centrifugal, scowering ami leuciin... It takes the wheat throii-h three operations ingoing through the machine once. . Anv persons biijing a niaehine, alter tr\mg it, if it es not clean wheat, damp or dry, I will take it back. W’ Uan- ."il-aiul Vtiai^wlis l.uilliili ’ - jiriiflrs ol trii doe I’rire Seventy-five Dollar.s. Ml letters addressed to New Salem Po.st Olhce, Ka dolph county. i' Oct. I'J, li:r>2. COIWRTNLRSHir. m^ilF. nndersigiied have entered into a copartnership H under the name and style ot (ieo. W. Williunis \ ('o for the prosecution of a general business. Loca tion the .same as occupied by .1. 1). five vears. February 11, lb5G. (JEO. W. WILLIAMS. JNO. D. WILLIAMS. ti3tf RIvMOVAL. E have removed to the large fire-]irool brick Store lately occupied by S.uii]ison Eoon, Lsi|., one door west of .Messrs .1. \ T. Waddill. on Hay .street, where we shall receive in a few days, l:irge ad- ■ litions to our early Spring purchases. Our stock ol I)ri/ iiooih, Jldtx, Sfnx's, Jtuofs, Rruily-inmh ('liidiiiKj, I ni/nt/fas, (r. was selected exjiressly for the wiioi.ksai.k tr.vi'k. Merch.-ints are invited to give our goods an examina tion before purchasing. STAKU 6: WILLIAMS. May 1, 18o3. _ DISSOLU riON. rpHE firm of COOK & TAYLOU is dissolved by its ^ own limitation. The business of the concern will be settled by Mr. Alex'r Hay, or by either of ourselves, using the name of the firm in settling its tiffairs. FajcttcvUle, Maj .TAS. G. COOK. WILLIAM TAYLOR. 'JOU' rB'MIE ,ETN.\ Insurance ('oiuiiaiiy of Haiil. rd. b;.v- Ja ing ] aid tlv* tax impose.1 by the lieviliiie Law of the late Legis-l.itiire. will ontinite its .\geucy in | !'a vette\ ille. under the nianagemei.t oi'tlie uiiilei -i;_;iie.l, ■ who is preji.ired to i.-;su* I'olieu-s of Insurance oii iiuild- , ii,-s ..r (inods, either in tiiis Town or in any jiart if; the .''late, on proper api'licatioM, descr;[ition ot the ; Prooertv. .'»•. 1 'I'he .KTN.X. COMPANY has been in nperation about ;!(l years. Its capit.'il is )i:500,000. The Hon. Thos. K. Erace was its first President, and he still holds tiiat otlice: and several of its first Directors are still active and eiricient members of the Eojinl. It has at all times sustained the highest character for the rrmlence of its maiiii.^ement, and for the liberality with which it has ever adjusted its losses. E. J. HALE. Agent. March 10. IH-')!. _ WANTKl^ 15AKHELS OF TUHPENTINE* for Distillery :it thel’lauk Road l?ridge on I?ig Rockfish. The best ninrket price will be paid. For further information, inquire of .John W. Mur phy, al the Bridge, or of A. A.- McKethan, Fayetteville i)oc. la. V^r ■ . . •^ •ir ' —' Bv GKO. LAUDKR., TWO D'JOUS ALOVE {’. T. 1:A!(iil i SON’S STCitC/ Fayoltt viJft, .laii'y ’io. is.');’,. (il-l \ pd VALl AliLL LANDS FOR SA1>E.; fOFFEIl fnr sale my ]dant.-ition, situated seventeen miles South-west ;if Luml>erton, iiiid eighteen fron. tiio Ib-.il Itniid, an.l nine from Harlleesville, eonti.ining Seven Hundred .\cres of the best cotton and provisiou laii-l' ill the e.^unty, with tine imj.rovenients. well wa- tere.l, remarkably healthy, and the Lest stan.l lor lu Store ill the country, there h.-'ving been one on it occn- »ioiially for the hint thirty y«-ara;—with .about oue hun-^ dre.l and ei^^hty acres ol cle.-ircd land in u veiv higK state of cultivation. , 1 V ill give the bimls for the v.ibied proceeds of then^ f..r two vears. with the work of seven hands. 1 will .iivi.le the lands if desired, or if a larger tract is de-. siie.l, there is a large tr.ict of land a'ljoiuilig it lli.il can be b.niLdit on very reasor.•ible terms. E;:il' a’ ldication is disire.L * ZACH. FULMOUE. I Alfordsville. May fth, TP-V). -t'-’tf UL’^irJiOOKS. N assortiiicnt of Eiatik Eooks of w'l kinds, just re teivcd al the Favetteville P.ookstoie. E. J. HALE & SON. ,\pril IS.'e'i. Enronntixc Ifo/nr Mann/aclifrc. fg'^JIF. .'ii»w (' iiiip .M:iuufaeturing Company continue ^ to i.ianuf.ii'tnre, in the* i.eat*^st aii'I best style, Wheat Thn shiii'r Machines, froia two to six horsepow er; (fitting M:.eiiii;es of .lifferent sizes; Double and .Sin- ;ric W n.il ^Car.liii'.^ >Lichines; Mill an.l Factory Ge.ir Saw and (irist Mill Irons; Edge T..ols, Cotton Yarn and Wool llolls, \e. i^:o. Persons wishing to purchase would uo well to give us a call before i.urchasing elsewhere, a.v we arc de termined to sell cheaj> for cash or on time to jiuiicIuhI dealers. Our long experience in the Manulactur-.iig busines.s enables us to fevl no hesitation in saying that our work shall not be surpassed by any .Slioji in the South. Thankful for the liberal patronage heretotorc bestowed, we respectfully solicit a coutiuuance ol the same. All letters addressed to the Agent of the ( ompaiiy,^ at Snow Cam). P. O.. Alamance county. North Curoli na, will receive prompt attention. DAVID DTXON, Agent of the S. r. Mauul'ucturius Companj Cnor 22, Vl-'.iT

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