naecaraeBBSEaa M MIHMHIW lynwwil |||I| PI I 11 i «ll mp n ■ I ■■■Ill II :rsTsam »';ija»unm gawgjkjy'-BJiiK ” -I I.. 1-lX r,r i'll L. KIV 1). ’■ '.'le >11 -t'r\ i; r. ^ I-,- '■ • .VII -•■Ihi.,,; • -:^=T -,f I r. sv Vll.KY [\OL. III.] [XO. 208.] Hi V III I 11. *-r- 7 : ! 1-i ti-r ■ ; • r N\ > 1 h r.. I*KL\TK1) BY J. II. XHWUY. i:i)\VARl) J. HALE & SOX, r.lUTOUS AND I’KOrillKTOltS. I’ricc for the .'^cini-Wcokly ()ii:skr\ Ki: •'^4 UO if jiaiil in :i'lv!inof; > 00 if }':iiil ihiriiig tlie vear of suli.scrij*- tinii: IT !*'> .iftor the vear has oxjiirfil. I'. r tlic AVi-fklv OnsKRvru 00 pur aiiinim, if jciid in ;;'1\aniH'; N'J .'>0 if j>ai-l f!urin«j tlie year of siihsori])- ti.*ii: ur 0(1 after the year lias exjiii-eil. AI>\ I![!T1.''1!MKN inserted for sixty cents ]hm- vmarc I'f ]t! lines fur the first, ami tliirty eetits fur eavh fJiu'eeeilinc: iiulilioation. Yearly advertisements by .'jpe- vi.i! c^'ntrai t-!. at reasonaMe rates. Advertisers are requeMi' I t" 'trite the niinil>er uf in> rtions desired, i>r tiii'v v.ill lie •‘■■ntinueil till furhid. and charged aeeiird- M'^ly. t“£>" Letters ii> the I’.iliturs luii.': he ]uit-i'aid. Dot \ 1’,. \V. UOIUXSOX ^1SS( »l.\'I'M their ci'p:»rtnershii> on the 1st of April, ■•ni i have di>;iii>sed of their entire stuck of l': uu>, Mediciius, v\e. to I'r. Thomas Ilall ami ilcii- r\ 'rii>l.>in.'''u. Tliey will ret.iin nn Officc in the same liuildinir. vl-.i'r’. either • r li"th may he cnsulteii as heiet";'. re. It i very important to tliOiii that their a 'connts >li. iiM I'e 'i‘ttled as e:irly as praiticahle. t'ur wiiii-h piirp 'se ihey have en;^a2od tlie serxiee' uf Mr. .I .iin Shaw, whii iii iv -tnerally be found at tlicir AiTil 14. 1 ' ;-.'>-tf Fill.MII BIRR ’(!!LIAT0\O. €4rrat ItcMliictiosi iei Priro. i:(;]:N'rox. Moiiuis (’o. ^ 1 'NTlM'r. to make to cinler. ar.J koeji constantly ^ .n hand ff'rfurh iSttrr tJBiftseoitrs *>'■ ii'! •.ii!'ieii.'i'’ns, wair.inted t'l be uf lie>t i)na’ity. t.e- ' iiicr uia le frt.m l!urr blocks sele-'ted l>y them fium the I ’■I 'it ii\ianies ill France. They keep f r ^.•^le ’ C'«)!()i,ni!', (\>c!ilic:i p.iid I'.sopiis Mill- .•^tOi’lrs; !mUT I>I()c!\.. UolliiiLj- (Moth. Screen \\ ir‘. ('alcii'.cd PIa.t('r. 11 \ {ir:m!ic‘ C'cim iit. iV;,-. 'rl r> fi m anv part of thee.iuntrv pi-inptlv atteii l- e 11. i:. tj. >»5slira. Agent at I':;vett.\ille. N.‘ Man-'; 11. l-:.r^. ‘ T^tf j'jjii:-PK(X)i' K()oi'iN(;. >i,ATr: axi> mkt.vl iioofkr, - f^'^ll NKI'l I. '’-'V |ia.-t l':iv.ii', 1.fp IIP ea!i public .it- ^-H tenth'll t" .''l.ATK lli (Inne ^'ii the iii^'St ^p': ■. f . pri:.-hiaki:i- i om!'.~ !i:_!iter, ti- htrr. and J re I t'. Ui thf ..l.i w.iv • I' 'lieetinj:. elle. a if in ’’iM.biT. and ^renter '•■eiirity .’iLr.iiiist tire. ae !>« j.r!'-'- at \> iii. li S!ate I! are now I'tlVred wi’’. c .r*- f.. ■■, •,'1% «itli anv ot'ii-r kind uf tire->'r"oi' l: .'-i'!;:. \ M; 'HIMNKV rn-i:. made t. any pa-tern. 1 ' r-' an I'XffHent i..r sm..kin;r chiiiine'.s. :■ : ' ! ! Ill I ail to elVect a euro. U-, T n airl ('upptr fiutters. Lcadc*’ I’ipes and Ii> .-. Ill ie f. any pattern, and every kin 1 "t' tire- pi M 1 ■ ;iiiir piit on ( r repaired in tlr. lie;t manner, tin rt- I l^■e tiTII;'. I- S.. in ''.:. ;titipr ymir patruna;ro, fet-ls e^nfident of ep.;ire satis;;!Ctiun in all i-ase.i w iiere a tli"ri'uirh i»!.- his bii-iiie'*. i> rC'iuired. r.i;. cit', :ept. 7, 1>>."C’. 'JSV VOTKi:. .''111. ri'icr b i' takon tb.c s’l' [• bi-t"Peil 1'1'i M.liif'tt .V Mi''V.M and i ' s i;rid-“. «lier'' lie iiir N r arryi,- ..ii the TA 11. »i: 1 \( i |;| >1- in all its t.rani b' s. Ila>inu bad j'raetical expcrienc(' in most of the ,\t- ^ • lantie cities, he fe'l.' a-'iired that he i / ^ I .:ii jilease the lir>st fastidious I All i.rders ill ’le e.xecuted with neat- ■ " an t || 'pal'-h. r.. MONAflllAN. M ;ivh -J". 1 M-tf isia rv MAY 5HH sTom: '’lIi; siil'scrilM’r bavii,;.r taken the .''t‘re ai (ircen tcet. kii'iwn .as tin' Mi- r- '11 lluildiriir. nc.irly i’pjiO'ite Ur. Ibdi- iii s S!i ip. i> now ri reivin^r a frc'h and .1 rti d st' i k of (’liciiiir:i!-. Mt'dif iiics. Paints, )■!. 1)\.-iiid IN i t'umcn . T _■ t - r -d a:—riment ' f Hair. Kle^h. 'l”Otli. I’ iiiii. and W li'r'-".a-.:h 1’ni‘lies: •'nppiiifr. T' "th. and i’ I ii'ti>iiii‘'nt>; (i.ilvauie I’atteiifs. .\e, ,V>-. All which he oHV;-' low t'lr ( .ash or on time tu punctual f iim*'i >i di : - r 'p"''tfully .dii-ited from Country I'bysieian-; «r. I ' linT-;, 'vioi may dejiend ■■n procnrin^r fresh and iiii- Mitir-i s. and that no p.ain.s uill be sjiared t ■ ^i-.- a’l-*t:;rnun buth ill cpi.ality and priee. ' .'I Kl'l- Al, I’liKx'KIJ’l Ki.NS carefully ami |. ■ ; t,.!y pi-.-;,.;i-, d. J. N. SMITH. lit. I'"-;. biitf l.i; Ml. r. iiii=. PO'IWSH, ^ 1 ■ ! pl.wdcr.s, :da. Sp’ Indi-.., Sp.lliirli I'l•|•^\Jl. H:,aps, .VC. .1 :n v ,;1. 1R.V3. Hops. Cream Tartar. i;.\iracts, for flavoring. Madder. I’ath IJriek, I'or sale by J. N. .'f.MI'J’H, Green St. (iUf ,:ie :ird. ri b. lip . . J , . ’eet .1 .. elm. -b: rd T* I ■ r' 1 'iP ,1 ten were .nfv- .n UXP.VKADISl’A'rClI. fH’*tni'! :.nder.sifrned informs the public that he is now .li running a daily line of lij;ht draft Steamers on the C:i]>e Fear River, eoiisistin;; ol the following boat.s: .New Ste.anier Zephyr, Major Win. Ibirnett, l.’l inches draft. F.inny lauterloh, 1 1 •• *• liowan. One of these boats will leave I'ayetteville every morn ing (Sundays excepted i :it 7 o'clock: and AVilmiiisiton every day ;.''undays excepted) at o'clock. landinj: ^0(1 Is and ii.asscnjrers in Fayetteville in fifteoii hours thereafter. (leods iiitendi’d for thc'^e boats should be sent to the c.ire of ,1. iV I>. iS: Co.. or K. .1. I.utterloli, at \\ ilminjrtnu. who v.ill forw.ard at the usual rate of com missions. 'I'lie .''teaiaers Ze|diyr and .M.ajor Wni. IJar- Iictt are c]e;zalitly furnished for the !icconiniodation of jiassenirers. I’ to irr I'rom U ilniinjrton. T. S. lA TTi:ULOll, A>:ent. F:i\ettcville, Feb'v 7, I^-'i-!. 'I' tl' \\ A.N'n:i) I'o Pi iu’iiAsi:. ('••r,l). PIN I' to be tlelivcred on mv \Vluirf duriii'.! the next six months. T. S. Ll'TTFKI.oll. .Tidy -J'2. is'i^. H»if ij:\'riii:K ijaxds. r 9ITi )P»( >r III I.V stvi telied, cemented, and riveted, i B Tiie abii\e Uaiids are sobi ’JO j er cent, less ' New ^'llrk inaniil’acTiirers' jiriees. Cash will be n‘- [uiicd in evcrv instanc .'. For sale bv H. l.LirFKI.OIl. F;,\.'ttcvi’.lr. N..V, I... l-'.J. ;;ltf n \( ON! |{ \( ().\! H I! 111’.'^. .''ides aii'l Slioul iei s. f r sab- l.v S ^i> W. II. 1,1 TTKIn'oII. I'ec. I'".'.!. .'-1-tf .M()!.ASS1:S. n!I!:... —,'upeii..r .piality. (.’iiffoo, j^uirar, Irnu, iVc.. t'lr "al • 1'V n;Ti:ii v .iohnson. March I"'). 77-tf nC-^ I !iin now !(“cci\inix ■'^tock ol SrillNC and .''I'.MMFIl (KXiI'.'' siiitaiib- for l.adies' .iv.d • IcntK ini n's, AN", iini'. ponr.ets, Sli.ics. ,\c. \c. ri;ri;i'. i*. .khin.^i'N. If,. 77.,,- 3L\KBLI': I'Wl'TOltV. UKDL'CKI) I'AI!!',. Tlirotioli Tickets liLtwoeii Wilmiiifrtoii, N. (’., and Ibilti- more. Fa re 1 •!. \'ia Weldon, I'etersbur^r, l{ichmond, \^Va-;h- ington (’it_\ . or via Weldon. I’orts ■ mouth and Norfolk. I'or Tickets ajijdy at the )fliee f the Wilmin;tiin and Kaleiirh ~' - ■' Hail Hoad (’(.uniiany at ton, or at the >fliccof the I’.altimore Steam I’.ai lvcl Com].iaiiy, and of the I'.altiniore and (.>hio Hail I’oad Comijany, Pratt Street, Haltiniore. •Ian. 1. l^oi'. a.’l-tf 'rii(‘ Sul) scrilx'T slill cor.- linues to carry on the C.VP.lNllT lil'SI- NFS."' ill I'ayelte\ille. and in a iditii'ii to his I'^stablishment on l!ow .''^treet. 1;'. :;r I'ci'les's liridfre. opened a;;'' W.\KF on ll.-iy street, nearly o]i]'i,>;ite tlie Fayr;te\ille Hotel, and oiu‘ dour Fast i>f .\lis&rs. Haigli \ Son s, where :i j.eiierai ussortiiieiit id’ Frji.\STrivi>. Made bv competent and faitiifiil worknu-n. may be h:id at juire.s (M'I'respondin: with the times. Also, an as- siiitnicnt'd' Nurthi'rii-made FI NNITI Kl,, M'leeted by hiniselt'. v.hich v. il! be'"M at a v'rv moderate ail\ance. M NCAN .McNKII,!.. Nov. ii‘. i."- i. ;;>tf B H 1- kcep-i un hand .an .is'i i tnn nt of I'isk's celebra- Ha ted MKTM.i.ic i;ri:i\i. c.\sfs. wi.ich have b(>en !ii;;hly recoinmen'lc! I>y illie 1’. Maiiiriim. Henry Cl.av. I.i'wis (■«'., Wii.. I’l. Iviii^r. .and many other il- li!stri"ii' character', who have ex.iniine.I and witnessed . their ntilitv. ■"IS’ liv LAr{)s:i{. Tivii iiiwiis liiniL I' r. iiiii:i! si!\’s sTiiiii:. r:i> i'. •Tan\\ L'O. 1-;.;, t-.l-IYiHl \ AL! AP.Li: LAXDS I'OU SALi:. t'tFFl'l’v for .lale iiiy iilaiitatioii. situated seventeen mi!' ' S..iith-\\or f l.ninl ei t' :i. .an I i:;jhti'cn frniii till' l!.-.'l I’ll a 1. and nini fr. in I la 11 ;'•'vici.ntainiii;.' .''i-M :i Hiinditd Acre' uf the liC't I' tti.n and pii'xi'i.'ii b.nd' in tlii“ I .i'i;]ty. with fine impri.v iiiifnt'. well wa- ti-re 1. I l iiinr'.va' 'y h-. a'tiiv. and tiie bot >t.ilid li r a ."'t re in the c'liinti v. tbcrc ha\iir.r 1 i i n ■ ti.- .in it m-ca- rionally fur the ’, i >t ibiit \ yc.n-': 'vith a!.uut une hnn- ilrcd :.?. l i.;l.ty acre' ■ I cleai i- ■ 1 .•■. i in .1 \ ; ry hiirli tc I'f c!’’ti\aliun. 1 wiM ui\c tl:v land' f r the \ '.’uc.l j r. ci c l' uf tlicni ;.ir twu witii t!ie v. u| k ul ',\cn liai.ds. 1 wiil (]'. id.- till- b.nd' il ib->;rc l. .a' il' a l.ii L'i-r tiai-t i' de- ,'ircd, tiicre i' a larL'c tr.i. t t bmd* aiij. niii.j: it (■Mil 1... huu'.'liT 11 \cr\ ii- i'• ii:i'.ie terms. FaiU npp'ii'' itiuii is di ;n-d. /. \ il. Fri.MOIIF rdille. ^!a\ 1''.’>^b ‘.'iJtf (\if)i/t)t I'u nn t n rt', ('/mlrs, tV^’. r H F. siil)scriber is reeei\in;i the iarjrc't a''urtnicnt B. in bis line ever bet'ure )inreba'cc| at the Nurtli, wiiich, tii'j:ethcr with his uwn m.aiiul':cture, makes 1 is Stock very cumplctc. cuii.'i'tiii^z uf CliLiir.', 'rallies, ."'id'a', l>.-(!'tcail', ^V:l^!l .''taii'ls, l)iireati', l.oi.kiiiLT Side IJKaril.', .''(■'crct.arii ', .Ml of wl.i.di «i!i t'C Suld I'll the lowest !'• I C.iyh, ur on >iiiirt time to punctual 'mi rs. .lOilN W. F..\KFK. »ct :;i*. l^.'il. ::.'>tf A(*W Druli’ *V mlSac HfiCn ('ijriif r "f iiii'l I Sii'il:'. ‘I-. J /■’list (ir t^i‘ I'-Ijji th rllh tl 'lil. I'.VVF i'TF.VII.b!;. N. r . 4 Hi. iiow receivini: :i lar;ie stuck ui j>lU (.,> .\N1» I'lrrci,' jiMtui , ^ \ \| Fl»lt' i .N i;S. dirc. tly fi uiii Impurtei 'and M aii'i- ‘ii'’ture! '. which they v\il! ^cll tu I'h'.'ici.ans and ( u.n- tiy Men hanl.' at a \cry Miia'd adv 1111 ■. Tlic\ w ill keep cuti'l.intly uii h.and. ofthe hest i|uaMty. .•\erv \aiiet_v uf articb' in their line. ha\ made a r- I ;iii;ji inciit' III lliat i t}, ct w ith e'taMi'bc.l h ue.' ill New \ 01k The-.r .''t i-k having; i . eii very ■ an-fiilly ■ 1. 1. un i piirtdii'cd fur f;i'!i. will eii.iMe them to 11 luinmeh 1 I .nliilcni -y ail thi--r I'i ul''. and tu sell them at \. i y l.'W''.'. Tlicv 'Illicit M :-i- ' inalii.- share uf the'inaire 1 f tiie J.II !',c. Apr;; 1-.-.:^ STKDMAX flOlLNK, l^rxj (fOods, t{iir(Ji('i!i'(\ (trncrnrs, ^yc. 70ri.l> I’espectfnlly inluni: the citizu;."-'and tlie jniblic generally, that they have jn.'t returned from New \’ork, and are rcceivinu: tiieir Sjiring Stock uf (ioi'ils, coii'istin^: of />/'y (/(/()/., (I /'>■> )'i( s, Ihtrihroi'c. >( (■. ■V variety of H.its, suit.ibie for these.ison: I.adie'’ aiui (ientlemen's 1’xnits, .''^hoes and S!i|ip( rs: .1 lar;_-(‘ :;s- j S' rtment of ready-inaiie t lothiii;;: a manv articles ' in the ladies' line, and we would be pleased to iiave , them to call .and ex.iliiiiie fur tiiemseUi s. 1 .\11 orders sent to our care iVum our fiieiuls .and oil'- ! toiners w ill be pia i;;; !ly iittendcd tu. •March .•;(•, 1’ Sltf I .irs r i:!). A I’KIMI'i lot Munnt.iin Hntter. i /'J New tlr'eaii' and ('utia \!i b:'s s. ' .lar.a, l.auuira an 1 iiiu t’ulVec. ' Sii'jar. Kice, \c. i avo::t!i i;i \ kht. I March 7. I‘'u:;. 7utf i Kandolpli SIknMii'-j: :nid ('olt.'.n ' ;irn.! For sale by WoKTH \ Fl.MoTT. April s7tf | X!:\\ S’i'()( K 01' i i\!) !snnH:R ; IIF 'iil -^crit er is ni'w receivi-i;: a ’..rir" .'i!..! v. ell seltctedst ck of (iMOli.'^. cuiat; i'ii:!' a (Icneral, As'iiitment of ' l)U\ (J()()!)S. iJ(‘ad\-snndc ('loi liinix. I>ools and Slioc-;. lir.ts and 1 lardu ar'* aii.l C'lith ry. iroccriv.-s Saddh-ry. cVc. ONc,. Which will be >o!d 1' t':i-li. i r ex'haii;ri'1 f r Tur pentine and t'i lijtry ri'uclnrc. lie iftiiii.s his varniest thanks tu his 1 M friend' ;:nd or. -tumers f ir l!.e lil.eral jiali i nai'e hei erolui". , ti ’ .!i 1 to him, and lu jie.-? to merit :i ci ntiiiuance ul' the >.iiiie. N. KlNii. Kiio^'l’i’rv. '. I'l il I l' ';l. S' tt' I'oli sali: oii rS’UF sr-'IMFIt KFSIIH.NCF nuw uceapied by ii Mr. li. F.rv.aii, twu mile' W i't u; t iwn. I’l -- si >'i.iii eivcn immi !i.;tc’:v. .\pjdv tu .'h-. H. il or r. i;.' laa-te. ' ‘ S. A. l.Fl.'l i;. March I'l. IS'::. 77;f ‘J.dtlU [*';('■. 'I'll r tnn! nn' \\iii!t(l. R Toll whii h the hi^dicjt i ;:h i-ri w' ! I t .(!u a' .\ie(.!,,\.N .e .): iN FS. ."'tinnuer'il’.e. \ . ''•lav P'S. 1 ■ 2»Ks:av\E53:s& SI P!i()si‘ii or OF TliF MOST \ vri> '>F \l.l IV. 7 ' ■ Tm- '/i7 I.'-',, y.' ■ - I' ■ KOYT £t CO , £iGLNT3,~ \o. J’l \';ilcr Slrrrl. i!i!;l IJJ WinI Slrrtt. fDriicr cf ji'V MiTcl. \\:\\ \!ii:K. \I'Fi;'I'!Li/.I'l! ] r'"i'u :ii_ aV, r’ imii' ' tlo- lic't 1*1-1 iail Ciia;,. , wi- h t'. • f . i-iui; miic’i i!!u;c ' isiin^r in t’ e suil. c'teil. .-Ill ! i.iil’i 1 T • 're lli 'ii |i .I'.i--’ the ^ >f all thu'e wh'i h '\e ;i!r^ad\ t-.ici !t. ’I' lene,' thi' is tin-^ 'iiicr. .'i i u. n •"11 I'V- r the p:i': \i-.-ir. I'lit iiu in >• ;;; II. wi.! , '• l':“- tic'ilar to o)i>,Tve l ur !ii'.iii'i np'-n eacii iia'.r ur l .arre!. \'.'u. fur s.iie. Ameii an .nil Fi rciirn Field :ind ilar- • len Seeds, F.n;zH''h I’lay lira>'. 1 u'll Mead .'.v (iia'-^, t.v.e miKed I.awn ;r,i'. White Ci'Xc;-. oj-i m.. ,v,-. ,l;i:;e n, 1‘ ■ ' :: ..m|-1 /M/ V7.S', 0//„ ,Vr. >1 ’''"'TK I.FA I). U IJlake s l i,,-,in,of Faint, Oil, Tr.iin “ Ve;rctable or Uosin (.til, i hrume Yellow, (ireeii, (in Oil,) p-iii^ " " “ I’utty and I’utty Knives, ’upal \'arni.'I., Fd.ick Leather \'arnish, iSruwn .Jajiaii “ kc. Fi r sale low bv J. N. SMITH. .1 n ■- -I. 1 ■" t;-Jtf ^ i:\i i)i: (’()L()(;xi-:, 'A MTa;i»K All'l K I.K. Fur sab; l.v ^ J. N. S.MFJ H,'C; een St. -\rirn 1..,.-,;'. H»tf 1 > iiorsi:Ki:i:pi:!{s. ^111, -nbxiilii-i- |i:i iiivt n-ceneil and oireri.i for lU. a 'in.ili Fu lit Newair.-i Fatciit .Safety I'liiid Lamp beiiifT tii.ade on t|;i. prim^qde (,l' Itiivy’s '■I I • iiiji. iiu uno need be alraid to use it, it being Il I ret; fruiii ,*ill il.anger of (-xpbiKion. J. N. SMITH, Creen St. ■ii* 1 lu P»I.\.N1\S fi,!- .'^alo ul tliis Oliice. I ui Ihiriuiniiii Ihii/if Miiniifiictnii. fH^IIF. .-'ri V. ('.liiip ^!;lnafactnl il'ir ( iiipany ci ntinue H t . la 1’ in tlie r.i'ate.'t and bt st si vie. W heat 'Mil . iiii •' .\Iaehw.e'. !r"m tW u tu six hor*" jmw- er; *' ittin;j Mac!i;r,e> ut dillercnt ^i/e^; poidi’e and Sin- W I. .1 'ar l'n'j ^I;lchiIle'; \iiil and I'aeturv dear .''.aw ali'I (iri't \|;11 lli-n.'; I!di:e Tuols, ('ottun Yarn and Woi.l Kol .'. ,vc. ,'vC. I’ei'uns v.ishin;; to pnrcb.i-:e wonl l do well to pi\e Us a call iM-tiire piircha>in2’ elsewhere. a« we are de- ti-riaiiitd to sell cheap f'l carh ui- on time tu |iunetual dealt r-J. Our long e\)ier;cnce in the ^Ianufaetul ;iig bti^ine.'S enables us tu fetl iiu ln'-itatiun in .s.aviii;; that iinr w 01 k ,'h.all n..t t e 'iirp i"i'd Ky .any .''hop in tlie South. Tiiankful fur t!ie liberal p.itron.itre heret'dure bestuwed, we respei ifiilly .'ulicit a cuntiniiatice of the s.anie. ,\1! a-tters addrei^'-eil tu the .\gent fif iheCompany, at .■'lli'W I'anip I’. O.. .Mainaiiec county, Ni rth '.aroii- na, will rei.cive ]irom)it atti-ntiun. Ii.W II> I>I.\(»N. .\p«'nt fif the M.annfactni ing Coinji.any. .‘^nuw C.imp. F(d)'v 'I'l. P".'!:;. 7)-i'iiii \ \i.r \inj: piM)pi:irr^ inr sait*. fR^lIF Subscriber having reniuvc.j to I'eMnssi'e, (]e- B ?^ires tu disjii 'C of his rejiileiiee and lands in the vicinity of Fayette\ille. He therefurc offer-i for sale, un aecummuclating terms, his residence nt K IS F HILL, and the tract of .'(ilO acres of land attached thi-r fo; and also the .Meadow I'arm tract (d' 1000 acres, acijacent to i the furmer. I’rcv ions ad vert isement s have ile.^eribeil the residence and lands and their .ad\ant.ages. I’ersons desirous of further information i-ati ubt.ain it from .Mr. Isaac 15. Hawley, who has full power to sell the property and give deeds. i AV. IF HAIIDIN. Aug. .'!0. 1S.")2. iM Fay(‘tt‘vill‘ ioiix HA UM AX K(‘sji(‘( tfiilly iiitorms liis friends :iik1 the jiublic that he has removed from the Hut(d at the foot of Haynioimt to the larger and more (aimniodious Hotel in the eentre of the Town, recently occupii'il by Mrs. llrown, and v.cll known as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will he hap- : py to accommodate Travellers and Hoarders. No ex ertions of himself and family will lie spared to render ! those ei.mtortable who may favor him with their com- I p.iny. Fayettevill,., N. .June H, 18;',4. -^OOtf I aiil Dry /B^HK subscritier lias taken the F.ast end of the Store M. lately occujtieil iiy Conk A: 'i'l.ylor, where he wouhl be jdeased to see his ohl customers and others. .My stock of (IltOCratlFS will he large and full. I will take in fiayinent any kiml of (’ountrv Produce. Cash will not be icfused, or creilit to imnetual cus- O.mers. G. COOK. .May IS.',;:. („)^c Dissof.iriox^ ^I'^IIF firm of (,'OOK T.\YLoll is dissolved bj’ its I I own limit.ation. '1‘he business of the concern will I be settb'd by Mr. .Mex'r I’ay, or by either of ourselves, uaing tlie name of the firm in settling its affairs. ,l.\s. COOK. WILLIAM TAYI.oll. Fajuttcville, .Ma^ 2, IfciOJ. yuu' w \i;i:kn COl NTY, N. r ;i F, Tweiit_\-li;til Scmi -\nnna1 .''cssiun i |' t!ii-= In I stitiitiuii w ill cuinmeiK e un Tuc'day the .'iili uf .Iiiiy ne?.t. Charge' as bc!.-.-c. I’li] il' are receive d at any time and t hargcd frum the time of ci trance. Term.'; Niil (lu j.i-r Sc"iun f. r lluard and lli.gli-b tuitiuii. .\ncie!,t and Mu U rn l.aiiguages. Mu'ic. I'l.iv.- ing, and Oil Fainliiig. at f.irmer ratc'. Vutal .Mu'.c .and Ornamental Needle-v-ui k grati'. Cii eiil.ars containing t!;e fullest ini'rm.itiun «illbe s'-nt to thuse apph if.g. ClbWF.S X Wll.roX. i Warreiituii, .1 iii.e 1 lin I !:i:m()\ AL. I L have reinuvetl to the large fire-] roof brick V w ,'^ture latiocciipii’d hy .'^amp'un lluun. {'“i].. une duur wc't of Mcs.'is ,J. \ T. \\addill. on Hay .''treet, w here v. e shall re-eixe in a lew days, l.-irge ad ditions to our e.-irly .''pring purch.-i'ics. >Mr stuck uf I htf (I'doi/s, s, fi III f ij-tlli 11 fi' ( ' li/f/i inif, i ni/ii' il'f. I w as selected ex]iressly fur the w iioi.ks m.k tkahk. Merchants are invited to give uurgumls an ex.iniina- I tion befori- purchasiiiir. ST A nil \ W ILl.l VMS. j May 1, 18.',:-i. i'Otf , Mrlnlicl,' Rot >/iifK tuxf ^• tffIrn/is, I >NIi in the best manner, at rednced jirices, by Import(Utl \olicc in (Um)ifrii Mfrrhanfs. B.iM now selling Fashionable Dn-'--: Hats at whole sale as (dieap as they lie I.ought in :iiiy if the Northern cities, lletailing flue I'ress Hats at s;-_* ,'»(( to ' DAVID'cFK. .1 line 1 7tf rwiiiK luiilei'signed lias removed his stock of goods, E- s.iveil from the late tire, to the store in’xt ilour to ’I hos. S. Liitterbdi, aiil ojijiusitc H. i.. .\Iyro\er Co. .\ll ol' v.hich will be sold on tiie most f.ivurabb' tcrm.s. IWlVFIiLY KOSF. .1 une 'Jl*, 1 S-'.'!. 7-ot I'oli sali:, R^FIll \'1.V.N (il.'.\.NOanil .\ericultural I'laster. iJ —also— • ’rdcine.] I’!;ister, Hydraulic ’emeiit, and Thoiiias- tiiv. II i,ime. ill ijiiantitics to suit. .\|iplv tu iJFVFili.Y IIOSF. li'*. IS.':!. 7-^U ^N and .after the first of .hilv. the iindersi' will fiiithi r iiutice. W e are cotijpclleil to .adujit this course owing lu the bc.arcitv td’ water. McLAFUIN vs; STKANCF. ■lime L".i. is.',;:. 7tf III! nin’ersignel being appuinted to t.ike the tax J list tui- the District uf F.-iyetteville. will sit in the Market lluU'c ut that t .v.n. frviii the D'th to th(- ;:i.-!t .Inly, fi-i.tii S.l t'l 11 o'clock in the morning, f r that purpu.-c. 'J'hose inter-sled will plea'” mecl him. J W VDliILL. .Ir., .1. P. .Inly 1, Is'i;:. 7-tul.I June (), 18.').'> C. W. ANDIIKWS, Market .'^|uare. •JdOif AXDiil'AVS'S 'Tin Ware and Slorc Drjinf. VLW.W.S on hanrl. Cooking, F»ox. ami I’arlour STOVKS. — ALSO— A vnried .assortment of Tin AV.ore. .if wliolesale and retail. I5y C. W. ANDKFSVS, >L‘irket S(|uare. June 0, ‘JOdtf F(iy( I IcrHle i'andy Mnnnfurtorjj. i r subscriber still continues to inanufactnre a su- fi perior article of plain ami fancy C.VNDIFS, nt the (dd stand, (No. (Jrcen street, o floors .North of the .Market House,) where he would be happy to see his ohl friends anil customers, CHAULFS I’.ANKS, March IR.Vn. 73tf i\i:w rjI'^nF Subscriber has established 11 Hnkery on I?ow Jl. Street, on the Lot two doors I'ast of Duncan McNeill’s C.abinet Shop. He is prepan-il to furnish Families, ISo.Tts, iiml the i>ublic penerally, with ISread, l’d.scuit, and Cakes of various kinds, of the (juality, as he has iirocureil the services of one of the best Makers in the State, Prices reasonable. (live me .i call. CllA 8 IJANKS. Fayetteville, Dec. 28, IS-'i'i. Tio-tf WAX TKD, IH:L.S Tiir])cntine, ilelivered at ^* F ™ F * P my i)istillery iu this place, for which the highest jiriees will be j>aid. I woubi also employ two or three good turpentine- barrel Coopers. D. W. KotiFll.S, LuuihcUoa, (J., i'ob’> 10, ObU W. 11. MrivA\. Wliolesale and Retail Orcccr, llfi'.i r.d ( o;ii!i!isNioii \ roruini'i!'" ’Iin loiii!. ."■.';tli \\ it. 1- 'tr.' 'i !■ 'I s 1 I '• w M„! ,.i i, 1^- I'articuiar :.t11 | >''i i liie - ; I' -I I I'.iiitry I’r.iiiiic-.-. l.ii-' Im; ■■ '!i a .-i > i;i:i ..- -.i cin'i'.nnients. Ficfcrcncc- .lulili D. .''t.itr. I i[.. I'ics't ut tl;c F.ii.',. uf ..ttfX ille. i.i. F.iuadl'iiut. ('.I'h'r. du. 1 .i\ cU'-' L.I'Ml I u::- r. I.^ M I-'- r-. I I k Tiiyb r, t '..i.k .V .bihnsuii, L. 1'. Hilliliard \ (11.. ( lintun, .''anip'un ouiiut;. . Thui-.i i' .1. Muri'ey, IN j . l.uui'i; I'T i!'.. KiiiiC'uu. .1. 11. liru'Aii. 11' ; , W e.'tbruuk.-.;. Fi.-ulcn. I II r s, 1 v.-.u : ■;y,.,] oS' asslvcJ. BW ILL pa\ i-K, per p.iin, I .-- -h ! r ■ " '-lean cot- tuii :!iid '.ill. II IbiC.s, iicl;\, r id t - .i. D. \tiH;a';is. in I'.;\ ette\ ille. I am n-arly rcadv t' i v,! i;, u],(>i-.-it:uii ■ a F.-iper Mill in this neighburhoo i. ;ii I ;iiii .'c'iru!;s of getting my r:i;-,' in this m.irki-t. '.i_\ ■ '■ cci tu p.-iy a' much fur lag' a I c.-i'i Milur-l, and !; pe ;hat 1 i.iav imt lie turced tu distant marki t' luj- •, ^ lit 1 have :irr.-mge l wi.h .Mr. W iiiiani'; t.i rtci i.e ,-m;i1 I'.-iy for all rag> delivered to him. D,V\1D Ml l!l‘ll\. F.-i\etti.yille. Feti'y "1, iS-tf Lll 1: IXSI UAM i:. rai HF old cst;iblish(-d .Mtna I’lsin-.-im e Cutc.j :',!;y of H.. H.':rt!'urd. t'uiinecticiit. has n i'cnt!\ added to its Fire Insur.ince liusine'.-:. which it l :i> maiiitaincd with sindi iinexanijiled i-rt"lit fur ui-\\;ird' ut thirty veais. a 1.11 1', INSI ll.\NCF Dejiartnicnt. The subscriber has j been appoin'cd .\gent in thi' as well as in the l ire De- ]>arlment of its operations; and is jirej'ared to take risl.,-- . on the lives of white j.crsuns ur slaves, on as guu.l ' tt rnis as any othei' Company, and at lower rates than those of the Mutual Cumpanies. The capital of this department is ^1 entirely distinct from the capital of the Fire Department, and. with its aceiimiibitions. rcserv*-il exclusively to pay los ses on Life Insurance only. Folici-s will be issued ]iay- able after death, or upon the pai ties ai riving at a spe cified age. I’. J- H.VLF. TllH I.AIKJKST SII.K, KIBBON. AM) TRI3LM1X(; iioi si: ix xi:\v vokk. ^rhiHiKia^ (w. i IMl’or.TFll .\ND Joni’.KH OF j SILKS, MILI.INKUY, AM) F.\N('Y (iOODS. 162 Broadv/ay, W. Y., y.\S now in Store and is daily receiving and offer ing at the I’rices. a coni]dete assortment of GOODS IN in.S IdNK, comprising all the vaiiuus styles and designs, consisting of P»lack and i‘'aiiry Silks; Marrclincs. Floroncos, Shan ls. 'rritnniinizs; Hoii- U(‘t UiUbons; 'PaHota and Satin l)Oib-; Dross Trimminirs ot all knids; l^nibroidcrios; l‘'r(’nc!i and iMiuIish Cra|)cs, Crape Lisscs. Silk ( ra- vats; (ik)NCS of all kinds; Silk Lace Mitts; Harpircs, Laccs; \\’liit(‘ (Joods, Hosiery, L. C’. I landkcrchii'I’s. The undersigned would invite the attentfon of his friends and the Trade generallv. H(‘ will ofl'er gr‘at imlucements to CASH AND SlloKT TIMF liCVFlbS. THOMAS (jI stkailns, Di’J I’.roadway, l’>c'weeii Liberty street and Maiden Lane. N. ^ . Jau> lo, ' Oi-Vinl J- d',-teriuined during this .^iirnmc r .-in-l the V / ci'iiiing Fall, to tiriiig our 'uisine.'s m-irc to a ' ' . I’eisuii.s indebted to us will be illtcr.■^^ed in this arrangi-mciit, and to jave costs they vvjiiM do well tu call a ..111 and settle. J. T. WWDDILL. .!ii:y 1. l.'^'i;:. 7tl' ui:\VAiii). '.N.\Vl■.\^■ tV'111 the subscriber on the l.'-'th of u'& '\|.-,y k-ist. a negiu buy e.-illed C.\L\’I.'n, nin.'teen years ubl. h-.'ight abuut ■') feet .s inches, weight abuiit DiO lbs., a bl.-H k negro, had ear rings in each car w hen he lett. IIU cluthiiig recullected excejit ;i dark blue over- cu:.t. This buy w.Ts ]iurchased uf Dr. .iidin .M.-Neill of I'.ul'--' :i c- lint' . .•d:iii:t thr ]'t of M-iy. 'I'lie aliove rc-'ii will tie p iid tor d.-livery to me ur if lodgeil in a .laii in this .''tnte. It is very j T.d alile he is in the nei'_diburSi 1 ol hi^ .niicr owner. .loHN* W .M;D1LL. .Ir. I'aicvilb'. N. C.. .luiie 7-tf M'.l.iiO IJOV S.MJ-:. V'. F'lKo buv. 1} years uf age, fui-al(.. .\ii]>lv tu v.M. TAVI on. 1 ;. eticv ille. June li;b l''-'i.':. .'>-tf !ijijiorlo/il to It Jiai{'n's. F, nv mnii'ifactui-ing a suj eriur article of V »/ .\ioN -VXI.F.'^, frum one and lhi.-e ipiarters tu till, c iIII he.'. HALL k F.oi.LINtiFi:. .1 •; e 'S’. 1 ^ .'1 uiu 7' ! }'is!i ■!( rs Shij,jic rs of '!'iirj>(ii!'i:ir. ^I^llil 111:- rsigi.ed h.-i’iiig cuiiipleted iiis l.-irge : iid I c ill! ii^i;, u- V.'ai c!;.:i ■ ■-. -Itiia’ei on tiie iliver ' -!ik. :,t I. ver F.-i;. eiteville. i:- non I'li-i'- !e-l lu receive '■ i I ;: 'runicv.t ille (U Stui-;.-i‘. lie iXpect' tu ilevutc !;:■ > ■!-• Mt:i:itiu;i to the tn;'i:i. and tie s.' w hu ^ture I ir .''■pivit' with him. may di'i'cnd upuii hi' lii'ing in tu.- \ .•irehmi'e t very day .'u as t.i di'tect any leakauii s Tli:.t iii.-.y uct ur. Il.iviii.; a good I'u'.j.i r ai'v.iys in the W,.: i pi.iise, he will be able to make it an oliject to thu'.-wiio engage in the luamifacture as well as tu s'i,i| ':,T' ;o jiatrunise him. .Ml Spirits received in guod i-rder, will lie ke]it s.i free of charge. Mud-rate charL;c ii.ade !'.,i- su.-ii a' is i-.'ceiveil in bt il cuiiditi- 11. .M.-ii-.i .iit' liu'.li:;.'- the article will s.ive much truulile -iii'l e\i e:. e hy s-ii ling i; uirectly tu tin. W.-u'eliouso I'..V in'...'ci;'iu. ■fi,,- -ii'.'.'ri'.er i'cii'.g in lo wise int-'re-ted or coii- ci r;ie 1 ill ,-uiv ul'tlie l>ua!. will in ail ca.'cs sliij. as di- 1-1 I .- 1 i tin- uv. ii,.-i- or tiiii'pvr. ISllAM Dl.AKF .1 liiie u 'l. I S.',;’,. ')-um s*3.-> RFAVARO. .\N.\\V.\Y from the subscriber, on the I20tli iv.Et., ^ my boy LFHFD, li-j years of age. ab!Ut ■') feet D> or 11 inches high, and weighs about 1-'lO jmunds. I'f dark compb'xion, speaks clear and •p.ick, ar.d shows t«;s teeth when talking; very intellig^'nt, c.ui rea I well; v.' r« off w hen ho left a black cloth and p:;nts; car ries a silver wat -h. He is a goo 1 brick and stone ma son. t-an do jrood j.’.intation work in a sniitli's shoii, is handy and active at any kii;d of business, lie may be lurking i:i Cuilford c(uinty, as he has acf|uaintaiices and rel;i.ti ns there; or he may be in I'ayctfeville, pass ing hiniseir oH" :-s a free i.iau. He is a shrewd tellow, and will, if [lossiblc, make hi« escape to a free State. The Captains of steam boats aud rail roads are reijuest- eil to bo on the look out. 1 will give tiie above icwai'.l for hix delivery to me or his confinement in any jail in the Slate 'o that 1 get him, or Fil'tv Duliar.' if taken out of the State. SAMI 1:1. l’ALLF,Y. Miore c iiiiity, N. June 7tf ■^a*llF ,l-7rN.\ !n.=nrance Conij'aiiy of Hartford, hiiv- « ing paid the tax iniiiosod by the JiCVCtiue !-aw of i!ie late Legislature, will cuv.tinuc its Agency in I eyetteville. under the i.ianagi-i.. . ; t 1 f il.j innlci signed, who i' j.iepared to issue I'olicic- of 1 ;^ur'inceon i’uild- ings cr (;o,ids, either in this To-a.i ur in any part of the State, on proper application, ileseriptiini of the I’roiierty. ,'tc. The -l”i .N.V COMl’.-\NY has been in operation about •'lit'. Its capital is The Hon. Thos. iv. Lrac»“ was its first President, and he iill h ilds tl1.1t office: and several id' its first Directors are :itil! active am! eflicicnt members of the Doaril. Il Iins at all times sii.'tained the highest ch.iracter for the fsrudenee of its i!’.;'.nagem(-nt. and for the liberality v.ith v.liich it has ever adjusted it.s bja.svs. K. J. H.\LF, Agent. :\Iarch 10. 1,t;-J-tf lAl'E INSl KAXC Ib. rp^iiF u ndersigned has been appoiiited Agetit of the ji North Carolina .Mutual Life !npur.';!ice Cujiijiany. Kvery member for life jiarticipaies in the jTolits of the ('(iiiiiiany: and the annual jin-miuni fur life member ship. where it amounts 10 s^oO or more, may be paid one-half in cash, and the other half in a note ;it l- moiiths. liebtors' lives may l>e insured by cred'nois. A ni.i’i niav insure his own life li'r the exclusive bene.ut 'd his faiidly. The lives of slaves may 1-e i’i-"red. This system is rapidly iuiu Ir-.'or. ))11 OTtv the civilized world. It is one by v^hich a family, fcit .i small sii'.n annually, may be provided for, aUer the de.itli of its head, on whose exertions they may have 1 ecn de]>endent for a support. It is :i >food invertinent of money, «-ven if one should live b-ng r.f'fer t.'iking uut a L;i'>^ 1‘olicy. Fx]>Ianutory fi.uiijihlets, and the ncce-s irv F»haiks, ♦'iirni.slied on ai*plic:.lion. E. J. iiAi.i:. I-'ayctte.iile, Juiie 72 n irpKX'i’ixi: LAXi) for saf.k. sale, 'W’j ficres of L.\M.) James Creek, ^ and tiJO .-.cres on (,’yprcss Creek, in Cumberland, -unveniei.t to the Western Flank lloa.l, henvily timbered, and admirably adapted to the making of Turpcutiiic. .\]>ply at Otiicv. •Nov. "JS, ].*>.'>1. 44tf ()!J) RVi:. ILLI.\MS'S old Rectified 11^'K M'HISKEY. J. i: T. WADDILL. June IS.'.:-!. -JOI'tf 'I'O 'I'WMiKS. il A\ I'l a large .Xlaibie .slab f..r T.-iniicr ;. The si/e i - ! ft. 1 iu. by !'• feet. 1 Wuubl take j-.-iy tor it in hi!-. .I.'.S. (I. CooK, r. iM teville. .1 line l‘7. I''-'':!. ti-hv FA lli XO l'K l.. A l.L NoT( ' ;nid accounts due tl i- subsi-riber, iiut . ^ iiai-d in ten ii:.,v ' '.viil be put iiitu utlier hands for llei-tiuii, as I am desirous of leaving tuwii. and want ti.e lili.liev . (_■. DF.\iINI. WAX PF!). ''Iir. Fir't \oltnne of'tlie Heviscd Statutes of North (j'.rolina. Ajiply at this OHice. IJI.AXK J]()()KS. VN assortment of Tdank Books of all kinds, just re ceived at the Fayetteville Ho;>k'toie. 1:. J. HALE .N ifON. April GO, IS;').". xi:\v ]U)()KS. ^I’FNCFK'S l’.\STOirS SKKTCH sccond .'icrio.s: kN the Oeniiis and >iission of 1*. F. Church in the I'. States, liy 'alvin Coltun: the JJible in the Counting Huuse. b_\ lluartinian: C.veat Truths l.y Great Authors: a Diciionary of .\iiis to Fietlectiori; the l\accf. r Hifhes,' by Culv.-(dl: 'I'ravels iu Fgyjit and Palestine, bj- J. 'lliuTiias, -M. D.: .M.-irie De lierniere, :i tale of the Cres cent ( ity, by W. Cilinore Simnis: a Practical Treatise (.n F.u.siiuss, by 1'. T. Frcedly: School Fouks, kc. Just received, F. .1. H.\LF, \ .‘'ON MFSIC P»()OKS. I'^HF Hesi’erian llarji; P.oston Aca.lemv’s Collectiun;’ tl'.e Presbyteiian Psalmodist, vVC. Further su[i- plies ji’.st received, V^. J. HALF Jc S.0>. .Illliri 14. ■Jl. 1)K. M('US17S INVIGORATING CORDIAL, I 01: nn: j:r.); .i.v/i I'r.n.v.i.vr.vr' t n>: oh j /ii: l uLLun; ni'^r.-iyns. t //. I itil-i-ti Ill'll. Ilir-ihfill''’,"'’. I'l' M- .'i-l- I'lr J’/li/.''li'll Irr-'i-'f’i'ii. nui' r’! Ir.-iii uf' i, liii'iis; r nil/ ii:.--n />■ >l'i-'■11111, urn', Il ''illil'iii;/ In llfi SllrJllifSllf Ih.'-'lk’ Sir 'I', llU'lIj'ih'! if !,,,• ,V,or /.(.«. Ill M’ ii 'ni. ^ i.iiiii'ii‘:i, Iiln„il tu ihi lloi'iK A'- .1.''.-//'/ l>,h:Htl/. ! I'Ut, f lli/fll.lli/ll, \\ ri'ii'lll'lhi 1 !,ill:;!‘'1 i-'>'rlt'l)i.'li,irl,iiii. I'rnr if l.un.ny. ,V.-. /' ii!,/ ri^torr ,-I/i/k f'li iif/t/ult f.'/' intni-fi'i'I. ri'nliiii.o! {•hiCifiiliK ss mill iiinaiinu:!;/ iJ i.'^. un'/ />fi\ fS'tillS reiiu-iiy having O.'cu for the aln've disorb'r.' fl most suece'sfiilly ns'-d iliiring a niimlier of vear' it is now jircscntcd tor the benelit of all, as a remedial agent, in which jierf.'ct rt-il:nice m.-;y be placed, for etlicacy and s.-ifety. It contains neither mercury, nor any other metallie jircpar.ition whatever. H. KINO, Chemist and Druggist, lUl' Uroadv.’.iy, New York, , .\"ent in Favettcville. J. N. SMIIH. I July I, l.s.'.:{, 7-lm A I.Htcr 10 be Hfiid and Tlioii.i^lil iipHi. ' I' Iir. !-'.:i'l. W el anil ortli In v c 'inikcn. tmw >|ic ik' ilie ."i i"h — * llif 'iiniiv Si.iilli —lli-:irllictril'm«' tivt ti l.v u:n- ul lier'uii 111 his Ttlli vi’iir. I'm lliere lie .oiv iiiiiiil •> pn .jiiilH-cil -i' liiil In >iel(l In Mi. l, ■> Mc-i.i i.-'iini..ny .l lilv u in l,.v.r..l m.mi.ti.n ^ ; Cihle 'fiiicliir.-. Ill every liai-ilcl. vill 'te .-i»'l tHJ. " liere o h is tuiiiiil ils wav ! t.i:ilel'ill lieirl- '|--- ik iH i iik“ ' I- R I'iti:i(T. •■^i’hOi Carolina. .lanmry Hil, ls.'>:t. I \lc'«r' M.iriiii,cr& M.m; l -.-y-'^eiitleiiiea; |-'ur the |.-i't five \ c.,rs | I I,.H|. 1.. .-11 H '.-V.TC '■ef If'i'i l!lieiiiir;ti-iii. f.-ois: yiiir - , an 'i il ilKiii III' Ve-. iil.le -l-im iurc. 1 imr Ici'c.l a l.oUlc -Old ilie lir-l !l r.'>rn‘Veil me that 1 i-uii'iiler it Imt i i~iii I- III 1,'iv.' •" Oie 'iilfi-r.n" wtirlil itu* re-iilt ul' tin* :i|iplic:itii>ii. Miiii- w :i'‘’iilc liheuiicili'iii la Ihi' liat-K—mi haii IImI 1 w.isruii- liat il |i> iiiui‘0>'. '1 he lirst ImUle ai-tcil like ,1, iiii; llie > (-un(! rc'liircil 'lrcn;;tli to lay piiur :itr.'.c U-il liark and I iiii iiiiw a' well and fei-l as yniii;;: as wl'en I wa> 'i.yieeii. I am Mii\\ ' luur V«-;tr'ut' I (iiti'iiler Vuiir 'I'oirlure Ihe crcale-^i di-rovf-ry of the aci’: niid piiiir 'iiti'ei ii:! iMiiiianily oie^'hl tn t-rei-1 a miniiiiient tu Hr lla>M|i|uit whu h.-i' .ivid iliiiii'^i^d'Irum pain. .\nd yi'H. ceniN-iiieit. have M-lcii ita- part of piihlir Ik nel'artiirs in di"eininatin): llie luMU lils whii-li have resiilteil from yuur invaliiahle 'rinrllire. I nm :i pl:on cotlun planter and liave never written fur lileniry f'ame: liitl when iitv l'ellow--li('inu'art* jilliiclcd. ^h»ll I lie'iiai**. or thi.'U-jli aiiidi'-tv. wilhliold :iny infurncition viiliiatile lo iiiy fellow - man! So if yuii ruii'iiler this vvuriliy of n plare in any of your n.-W'iiai I’r', vi-u aic at liliL-rty lo iiinKe u-'t* ol'il. ,\1A AM KKMIIAIJ,. Ilnaiplun’' Ve2el:ilile Tinrlnre. hy il-^ niiUi iiclion un the Stom.-ifh l.ivir iind llie Kidneys, will cure OV'|«'l>'i.-i. Cu'ieIi. A'lhmn- (triiiii-hi:tl ;uid I.line .Xlferliun'; P:iins in Ihi* Itnrk, Side anI Itrea&t; ( (111 iimpliun. Si-riilal.-t IthenmiiliMn. tumi. N'cnraliiia, ri'liila- I’lli-s l;uw-ci I'nm|ilainl'. Wi.rms .N'ervuii' llehiliiy—vs ilhall di.s- c:i'('s ari'iii^ from impure hlood, and i> the );featp'l Female .Medicine ever knuw a. . ■ . I ur I l.uli-ra Murhus. Chulic. Ili;irrlnea. and all diseases iiindent to tlie huwi.)' in liie 'Ummer 'c i'un it h.-i> i-.oencil. >.ild \Vh..le«-ile !ind ichoMiy S. .1 III .NSIl.'v I .K.. I'ayeiteville; it 11 Iiitl’Ki;, V\ ilniinL'iiin-. Mdii'flMKU & MnW'IUl.W, ItaUiiiiore; and liv 1'riiiiili't't;encr:illy. Pnlnain's Ma«j[a/.ino for .Inly. .lust rccciyed. L. J. HALE .Si SUX. J auc l!7. I AMILV MI:J)1CAL P>Ol)K'S. I'giOMF.STlC Meiiicine and Household .Surgery, by Thomsi.n and Smith: Domestic .'viedieine. .‘^ur- gerv. Materia Mt-diea, \c., \c., for th.c uso of Families; Children, their diseases and management, by Dr. .'Shew; Health. l>iseasc and llcmedy, by Dr. Moore; .''imoiis’s Family Medicine: FwcH's Mcd.icul CoiHpanioii; (iiinti's Domestic Medicine. L. J. HALl^ iS: SON. •Inae IS. LAV. HOOKS. lliTISH CKOW N C.\Si:s. liecided by the Judges ^ of Fnglaiid from IS:!7 to l>'^ ‘J, vols. 4th, ;ith and, by Moody, I.H'!;isoii and Pearce. A Treatise on the Law of Mai'ter ind Servant, by (,’has. .M.inley .Sliiith..- T.i!i"iii.r on the Law of M.-indataiis. .lust roc’d. .t.'iuc'is. 11. J. HALi: cV SOX. LI I'llOCiiAi'lIlC PORTRAITS ,F Fiishop Pi.vyr.'scitorT, (proceed.-5 to go to the* Missionary /'und of the Diocese.) .\nd of the ilon. (ikoi;i;k 1’. li.M>c.Kn, ('tiroceeds tc’ the benefit of the Artist.) For sf'le by K. J. HALF. & SON. .Iiine I*'- FMMOXSS RFPORT. iSPiOFLSSOK FIMMONS'S liFPOllT on his C.eolo ' gical .‘survey of North C.'irtlina. A few \et re- ui.'tining. Price .'jO cents. * 'I'hc Miner's Guide and Metfillurgist s Dirt'ctory, by £•. \V. Orton. K. J. HALK SoN. Tli‘ ^oiidierii iliirinoiiy, a further supply just received. j:. j. hali: \ son. June ‘24. Professor Alex. HarrvV 'i'ri- roplM'n.U'i. or Mrciiraifv’i N»ntpn!in«i, r.>r Ki'aiUifyinc. Tir'inc - :i!mI Sirfnj:th*nin>j lh;» Hhir, \ ir.j; ot ihr ^ki^. ( tirinu II lu*uiu.ilic Pains, ami Healing Lxtrrtni J' !►> ii*» thi- t H.irry » 'J rii» naiH |uT\a«lf" tin* ( niun. 'TIk’ saN’s of i!n* nrit' le I ; \ t •. rs iia\I* liu'i't*a'*r(l in a rali«i ihal I’Acri 'U !m lii l, Pn»l^'‘'“ r ll*rry. al'lcra ar« ini e»ainina(i{>?» salt's* luxik. lliat lh»r ol'«l. livorriJ tu in *t frnpi >ialf a trrovs luru:z ilie \t*«r v w itbin a iriiU* of ; If »> u!inr» fs*^arv m at leii;ilh ihr e\ ult n« i»f ilu' 'r.- j tlcrnil pro]wrt!es **V ili*'l’rirn|ihertiu>. v* lien rhv [luMir \'nt ! MU’hon in^lorsriitrnl thin, 'Phr ' ul’ ariirU* 1 aiwl ihc fX| lan;tlioii'« eivrn of its rhomi.'HI a* ii»n i)m* Irtir- ihe sralp. an*l in all CH>es c»f snprriirial ijritaii«»n. fU>t r» «•« TT»tif» riti* ! ♦*il i t !«> Ill** a lieu lion o|* tlie prrple. 'I’ll is w .'ill that Jir ii»v» tiiur j llxrryhniile adveriisnl itself. '1 he rlf-> I' »»t lli*' fdfil r.\pe( laiion. It aClfd likr n charm. 'J'lic '’I'tl I iiot h»* wilhMMt il. I'oiiMtry ili*al«Ts in tvrry srrti‘»n *t ih«‘ I n*i«*d i foun«! ih^'y niTi’l havr» ii; nn«! thu> hr It uii ^ u iX'lt'.Hale j t:» nn hiihtTlu uiil.Piinl of ns ariir'* '* "t I kind. 'J’he hiyJiesi point ha-^ nt*t y»*t hrm rmrhi il. and ii " j lit'Vf'd that The Kales this y»‘ar .. ill Im* a million a lui’f "I I and MnntifaCiory. No. 137»vay, i pri'-r,rt'nl^ n iavt; h.iille. ti t l/»l>eral *h-^ct>;int to pnr« Ky tfto rpnrfity. hy all ! principal nicrrh nml tlifo iL’iioiii iht I nUfd ' rana»pA. n. Ur laiu, I lancc.&f. ^ I J. lilNoUALK 1 aypitfville, N. C. fMi t'fi'i'dj SMrPHT)X C'OXTUAC’PS. 'KW Kditlon, for 186C, just r-ceived by L. J. HALE .V SO arch c51, iSCti. i.llU"» Rui:

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