vor.. III.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., AUGUST S, 1853. [NO. 217.] i'i!n:-PR()()F R()()iTN(;. I'fftiiris Shciitott^ SI.ATP: and AIKTAL KOOFKII, .'ct-., flHANK III. fur ji:i,st lavnr.i. liojrs to call piililic ;it- ruiNTKD ]\Y ,]. ]\. xi:wr>v. KinVMM) J. HALE & SON, r.l»ITM;s AND I>iu>l*un-T(>RS. oclilv ()iisi;i:\Kit .v4 00 if jiaM in • ill if jiaiil iluriiip: tlu* vear of ¥iil)scri|i- i.'-i: "I- 'r ': a‘t( r the year lia.« exjiircl. ■■ I:;-,' Wci'k’v (>r.si;i;vK.i: t'O jiov aimuiii, if j'aid in ’v.im-c: •')(• it ji:ii«l '.hifiii;:: the year uf siiliscrip- :i: .r after the year lia? C'.;i>irr'l. A ! ■'. 1. !1T!S llAl KN’I’S iiiscrtci i'T .-ixfy c('iits per ! ne "f I'i lines fir the tirst. aii'l tliir’v eoiits for each ■>T. liii ' I'UlilicMtioii. Yearly a>h .•rtif^eiiieiit.-' Ity sjto- 1 .-oiitraets. at reas->nable ratv.. A>lvertisers are M'l'-iie l to state the uumlier of insertions lU'sireil. nr V will lu' e.iutiiraeil till for'ii-I, anil el;arire‘l aeeor'l- ;.y. i..-,- !.i'tt’rs to the Ivlitnrs must ' o >'ost-i'aii!. •■'I *iil 'ric'^vts til AVcMtiii, Wiliiiinjrti'ii, f >i‘ at r liu-O'! r.itt". Stean.er I'.niiiy l.utt-r- «'s liils [.^;ce every .Mon'Iay liinl Thur.s lay at ') \. M 1. fi- LUTTKllI.Oll. l-3-o\v r ly.'t'." A;i-;it 1, IS-". .\FAV GOODS lilt ‘'hf and o/ II. Ti/'un>u;i »V !ifn: r\M:i!sM;M:i» l av.- j.i-t r^.rivr.i a i.Ai:i:i’ STi*i'i\ !).'• 4i(K>l>>. eiii'irai'inir a ireneral a.'s. it- i" i i'-ei.t’v in tli.“ ii..; !!iirn market u;nK r ■ • raMe eirennislaia-rs. iliev have 1.. eni'! -' 1. p.iwi-ri l aii'l Iumwii sugars; .lava, I: .,i; a aiiJ I!’.: (■''^.'e: iie|i].cr. si'i e. uin-er, el"\e.s i l ii .tr...u>: s'i]*- -ar’i. s">!a; in'lij;.'; ma'Mer: I'-Tiix: ; t: altnu: . ]is ini s;;’ts; > ilti‘i‘tre: molasses; syr!:}>; r 'H; sa'i ; s. l>ri>lles:i1' 1 martir,;.;;>ls; (••■V.ars; wairi’U .1 ' !;_uy whii's; sj'-.'Ies. shnveis an ! I’xrk?; traee. ‘1"C, ■ _' i.'. ■ nMsi ai. ! li;i)tei- '.liains; c. tree mllN; v.a.rv'ii ■ ^ 'I - ', rr- ss , an l liaml .-a'vs: eut ii: ;N airl ■ . a l; 1 :i" i:ia li‘ f 1' h’.i ■ .’.til taMe i-llt';!-y: . ki.iit!i ti. .1'■ !ii| ’et--: t.Titi-iitir.e haekv'r'. s. rai ■ ! '. :p.1 aw-; -u 1 ea\i->; _Mi'; .. . ■ ; ri^rt-. A 1.:’Le - k ■! •linV'te : ^;!i'l ' 'irv u'" Is: ■:* ;:!:iy au 1 l;i--ni]: iMjiirin^; ! fvi!;.-: ,\!in-l'ii-a'.l '',;r alhl Ii'mi]- ir.in; M- 11 1 'II s;, oi; t i .TUiaii .■• 11 1 1'listi‘r'I . ei; j ■ ’ ' ' ’ ' 1* *^s. ea^ Imiits :uel II ; ,\.,r ii r.niilina i.a« ' n: t ';.'thi r ^^i^h nil-' ■ ■ery ar" 1 in tl.i' ii.ark^’t. ■ '' I'lii-'h --.M at f:.h- j'riee- nn lisui' t'-. j-r.ih.|-t .ir e-uiilrv : r . • V,. V. 1!.!,! ^^! A ’11. ,1; 'v :;i!, 1 i:.-tt' )- ' i .‘V. ftkeCipc Fe.ii-Sti-a!i;l ■ .1' C'i'iiq’ai.y ‘.f ' !1: 11,-‘ ' ■ t'uli'iihu:. tentinn to .''L.M'K K( lone «ni the ntost approve'] jiriiu'iple, niakiiiLr roi.fs liirhter, tijrliter. anil iiii'i'e thiralile than the old way of sheetinjr, eHeetin^ a ^aviiitr in hinil>er. ami i:i-eater security against lire. 1 he low I'l'iee at whieh Slate Itnofs ai'e nnw nJlereil will coinjmre lavoralily «ith any other kiii'l of lire-i rnof Hoofuijr. SLA'l’lO (’HIMNI'.V I’lI’F.S male ti any pattern. Tliey are an exeeiient remeiiy for sni'ikinjr chimneys, niul sehlom fail to effect a Mire. 'I'iii ail,I (’■ipp.i- (Intters. l.e;ole»- Pipes ini'l lleails, made to any jiatteni. and evi-rv kind td’ lire- pio.d I'oi'tin”' put on nr repaired in tlu- l)c:-t manner, rcasonalile terms. r. S., in solii'itinir your patn naue, feels confident of i;!vin,ir entuf s.iti.'fju tinn in all ras''s wliere a thoroujrh kni'V Ii-iIl'c ot his lui.'-ine.-s is renuired. r.iyetteville, Sept. 7. 1 J. 1?IV xo'i'K i:. !I I'. Siil'seril'i'i' h;is taken tlie 'li'ip B lu-t\\ien Ihs. M.illett \ .Mi.'•wain !ind l^•^ lls■s !lri'I;ri'. viicre lif intends eanyiii^ in thi' 'i'.\ 11, >L’. i N • I'.l Sl- NI.^S in all its I'l anchcs. 11 a l in^i h.i'l pr.i' t'i al !'\pcrieuce in must i f the ,\l- i.in'ic cities, lie fVe'.' a>'Uri-'I tli.it he can p'l'asi- the must f.i>ti'lii"is .Ml I'l k i'.' wi’.I !’C c\.'i-utc'l with r.eat- '•h. i:. M(i.\.'.(i!!AN. .'l-tf STORM Mi- ’’I''ill' Mjiix-ril" r havii - t.iken the I ii'->n .'trv't. klrnvMi a- tl;t riii i- 'ii Tiii. :'njr. Ill ar’.y .>pp'-it'' li;-, i; i> ii;.-. 'i:'s .''h.'p. is ici.ei\inc a IresL aii'l Dniufs. ('hcmica!':. .Mc'diciiit's. )i!s. n\f-Stuir>. aiul I’crrui'i.'i N. ■j’ .-V w-'h :■ ; ■ -1" >11'.'11 1.*, i! '.ir. li' tl'.. i’aint, and \Vhitia-h r.rii'ln >: 'n|-j.in;j-. T' ' th. :'i. ! Su.^iiI'.^tr.i" i; .Hi ; ^A;! -if liN'h he o'’- 1 - i ■ , .r ‘.'.-' -li I'T I'U '.inn- t'l j in.i M' i. cnst'inii i s. ; s I es; -I'l .-’’y s I'iii'i 1 fr.iUi (’nuntry 1’!:; - ■ .• :! 1: ! I 1 ^I'l :-. w !; II I I 1 . li | ; id i ii proc 1*1 ' ■ ^ t; >''ii a 11 ■ I L-Miiii- artii-Ics. Ml I lii.it ii ' Jii'Iks w;" Fire a?/(l I/ifc Insnrancc. Arc jjdur /Ifiitsrs or ,S/i/r/,- in Tr(ih; /iisiircJ.^ Js lynitr aioi /i/’r Lisurrd for the hnii /it oj’ xtiri ir- iiiij wi/'c iDuI rhih!rcu I/:nc ijoil (t)nj InsiiniHi'p I'jinjt (he lift of ij(jitr sf.ins:^ 'Hi'' inidersiirned i.s A;^ent for tlie (1 rci'tixhara' Mk- tuiil I 'li o / 11X11 n/iicf’ t'o., and tlie !n riixln rn' Mi,- tim! I. f.' In>>irt.tHt- mul Ti(i.l I'n. 'I'he /V/'t will take ri-'k.s on as favnra'ile terms as any other respimsilile 'o. This 'o. is m niaL'ed hy competent officers,—has the larjrcr jiortioii ol’ its lisk.s detached, and is doinir a very successful llusine.-^s. 'I'he Lift ('n. has a liticral eharter, and otlers to those \vishin;.i to secure suuiethinL^ to \'il’e and children after death, a most favoialile oppmtnnity. 'flic insured |.ar- ticipate in all tlie j.rufits of the Co., Imth in the In. n- l aliee and 'l'rii>l 1'ep:ii tiuellts. Slavi s liisurv'd >u rea>oii:vlile terms. I'ull ex[danations L'iven to all wlio wish Iiisiir.iiHM'. I’ei's 'IIS in the country wishiuLr ln.suraiice, will jdca.-e address the inidersi.riic I hv lette r. .INI). M. llDSi:, .\-ent, .VC. Fayi tteville. May ‘J I. IS.'.;;. '.'7-;)in V\ ILLIAM A. (;\\ vi-:u, rti!:WAt;i»INC ,\M» COMMISSION .MICKCII .\XT, A. P i> l>1’iS'N A 1, attention to the sale or sliipment B of Na\;i! Still es. I ha\e ample facilitii's fur eou- diii tin r the l.iisines>: l;it::i- whait and sture slieiis tii keep 'pii its IViiiii expi'snre. N.iv:il stures \\ ill Ke shit ped lo ;iny h'luse in New ^ ..rk. nr tu uil-.er iionkets it';iiUi --.■I'l'e. and litnT.i! iM'Ii ad\,i;n e' iii.i le mi coiisi^nineiit''. I rrtci' til till' fnil.iv. ill;: distillers: I llai'.umii. Wavne cuuiity. I.. II. \\ ..iii.iid .V Cl.., Daijishiniiuun. V, . KMrji. (!. 'riioi-nton. .rdiU'tiiii county. I'ri ii^es rur'n^im. ■■ ■' 1). iliie.itt, Speneer I'niintaiii. 1!. Fatiiiaii. Smitii, lli-y.-iii \ ’ii.. •• r>. II. Il:ii;ri:it. r.vip •• l.ii' ett I'e.' .'.•I I I'lumiiu;- I'ounly. Mt s-i'.-. .I..Ill s o; I.": Ii. r,-.' I.;:v w.'le. I / assi! {>b'v ^IIK siiliserilier has taken the Kast e:id of the Store E- lately oceu]>ied hy Cook .S: Tj;\ ior, here he woiiM he jileasi'd to see his old cii^tniiiers and others. My stock of (i iiOCrii; I !•;.■> will lie lar;::i‘ and full. 1 will take in payment any kim! iif Country I’loduee. Cush will not he refubcil, or credit to ]iunctn.il eiis- tonier.s. .J.(i. COI.K. .May 2, IS-':;. ‘.’'Uf DISSOM I'lrni of COOIv .V T.WI.Oii is diss.ilvel l,y if.-i B own liiiiitati'iii. The liusiness of the cmiei-rii will he sett'.eil liy .Mr. Alex r Kay, or hy either ot'ouiselves, nsinjr the name of the f.nii in si ltlin;: iis .i.lfMir.-. J.'iS. (I. CooK, Vn.1.1AM TAVL‘-ll. l';i vtti-\ illo. .Mav IS'iM. TV- 'SO'Vir]]. ire ilvtenwiiud i’\uin;_ il.is P..i:i,nur anil the / ( oiiiinjr I'al!, to lii f-rny. I’lTsons iiahditci' t ;u'i a!;_:ienient. ai.d to s;ive c.'i’i Mil'll ai;d : . ttle. niir oi:i- I IIS . 1 iiusiness mi'if to a iie ii:f‘ i.'-ti d in tiiis 'V woiiid d'l Well t'l V.' •Inly 1, |: tun. or at the ( 'I’iee ('I'liipaiiy, and of the Com] anv. I’ratt .Strccl Jan. 1. l' .'.:^. Ticlo!s i.i tweeii N. C.. aii'l li.ilii- ssl;;. \ hi W. M-n. ;;;i |:;,;-i.'l. \ Wa-h- ;■ v\:i 'i;. !',ii !s- . ■ 1, .s :»I •! I V .'it T ]u‘ . (':Uinnl I'll fit! r;\ (\'//ni's, c\r. ail - •ril.i'V i' ;v:r.;r the lar-i st j.s- rnncnt .S. in his line e\er iK-i ne j'C.rcl;. .I' i tlie .N' ; t!;. w liich, t",;;i l!ier with his ov. n iiianufaeture, mak. s hi • .•stoek ver\ i-ii:n;.!cte. c i!.^i; ui:'_ of ('ilail-s, 'r:a.l-s, S liVs. i; ■.lsto;i.Is, AV’.-li Su.trls, JJlU' ali: . I.iiiiivl'l'.r I.I'S; :-, Siiic Iviarij'-. .■^.•cii faru s, iVe. .Ml iii' V l.irli w ill .-.:id on iiie luwe.'t t ^l i;;S f ■! C;i-ii. "1 1 1. lihiO to i.aueLii.il . i,.'i..;;ii- ■h.iiN w. i; r!:n:i; i-t m. •la Vi wo;; ri! ki.mott. i-I'-'"- l'..\r.S WANTF.K. f.r y , « & li V. hieh the hiuiiist lii.-iikct '-. iLC will /;C paiil I'C r.FMlo'.V, KVI.F \ CO.. Aleuts fi,v t IV .M.i.-U" l‘a; i r Mill. ;;:.h-i-h. n. c. rpil!!' utiilersi;.rncd, havin>r purcha.°ed Mr. Thos. S- lA. l,utt(-rloh's iiistillery and (.'ooper-.-hops, have en tered into Cop.irtnershij* under the name of Mcl.aiirin \ Strangle, for the purjiose of carryinjr on the Uistille-. rc of Tiir]ieniiiie, and the manufacture of Sjiirlt Ihir- I els. !►. McLAUHlN. W.M. McLAL lIiN'. JAS. V, . S'J'llANnK. FJ.'y 18, TOtf iHF highest c.vsli piiee ]>ai 1 for Tnrp''iitine, A\ hitc I Ik v)ak Sta\es. and >'ak or .\slie Ile.i litl;.;. Call ill ; .las. W. Stvaii'j:e, wlio can aV.vavs he f..uii'i at the .''till, i " Mcl..\L'UIX X STllAN(iK. I Feb'y IS, IS-V:. TOtf 1 ,^Al)!>LKilS’ AND (’OAril-MAKEUS’ I l'J.3 11 CiM II *Vr. Tiis)i!i! miwm & 'im, \o. 22i llriiliinorc N!., IJ.'iltiiiiorp. TT r »!lTF.i!S and Dealers in Ho^Skin.s, Saddle'Frees, S. r.iiL''V;sh lleadii and lieins, (lirth Wehs. Stirrups, 11 lines. F.itts, i.';c. Siirin^rs, A.xles of all kinds, Coacli l.;:je, l;i',.NT FFLLOi'.-S, ilutis, Sjiokes, Carriage and Tire I’lo’ts. i’.'itent C.”nv.ii-s, Carpeting, and every arti- e!e connected with cit lier brancii of the bu.“incss. which tl.ey ;:ie i re|)ared to olfer to punctual eustomcis on as p;oGd terhio as any otiier Jiouse in the United States. A;:ents for the sale of I’opc’s yelf-Adj«:Aing I'ADli atui Si'eiici’r's (iKi 'I’ilKKS. ' Ordi i.s promptly attended to. A-Mress Tiiy;i.is }ntKpziK> ms, ISo. i:-- Ualtiniiire Street. r.)V] iJAi/n.Moui;. ('hsE3'i*li or ISosase, OI- the JJa- hylon of tiie Api calypse.”—three lectures hy F.ev. l>r. \Voriis\vorth. ^lith an introduction hy I’ev. Jarvis Eu-X- i tun, of Niii tli (.'arolina. Just received hy i j:. j. hale .s: jux. I Mav IL*. 1 f .M F 1 .Ma nut ’lirii/i Miimi/m'h 'V >rn. B.' 2 ' = V 3 i' I ,S ^ t a ■S'*!;;: >','.>eril.er -liK i'.n:!;!;"i Q lie! i r ;.I t' !.' Ilf l.l.iin .111: I .-.11 I : nl t'l p:.i;n ;ind fa :.;e i' ! ii-i. \ '. •”. (; ri I 11 'tree;, iiii"is .'\iiit! liie Market II iir e. w lu re hi W"iiM !ie l..ipp\ t'l se.' '.'I !l ieiids ,:ii'l iUslmr.e’.s. CIIAKI.FS HANK.- Mar.-li 1. I'''.;. 7 'if Mnile ’'V e..'.opi '( I'.t a’.i at pr.ee e HTCs; 'ii'iin, >• li t no !.• i t N 'I ; her II I liini.-elf, V. hi d. w i!i !'C ; ;:e. ^!areh 1:1. Till-; ! ifinnox. U S;-: iN .Nin:!-:;''!’ .\\n T!inniiX(; aKW \OiiK. 'he t- :i. ..'l.-l :! te I\ M lii'i ■■ \N M, Ni l; 1.. t. i;i'i:ir.s .\.\i) 11'r.\.\.\r.s \7.iNFS i"r i.r I Ti; i:. !'Ars'i o. \MXi:!Jin:M:u. u.ii; ami ^^■i: i1.i;-.\!.k 0KAi.i:ns in />'/.'/^7^■ A' JX/> !>f)}f/:sTir HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, &c. A'.-. '1^: Th-r-f N'. ', ■ \reh .and Itace, We t I.', l*!!!].AM;iJ*llfA. I. 0. ; ,1 iiu o ;r FA!.I, ."I ri'I.'l' OF l|^ i. i' lar^i-r and :u rc e mplete tl. in tTered. and which we will dis- • .any huiis- in the emintry. ■V. isc will rocei\>- • ur pers.in.il V. IX I"-^'t ’o iii:\VAin>. i'lvett. r^MiF d S' MiNeiii F.ili:::-!- Faxett.-'ille. 1 ei- E?.\k 5-: in'. has e-tal.H-hi I a l.iikers •' ...... i. j:. >5f (''f/Til/.S, IMFi»i:t::!: aM' iF !;s. MiiJ.lMlix. AM) FANi Y Cl'oDS. A ■ t Zjioa.-lvvay, U. Y,, I.'IV. in St. :■ ai; 1 'i:"- aiel i'il'-r- et" a'Sul! iiielif lU the vai l-.;!.- i - kin'N. 5> ( AV (kO'.xIs 1‘or ! *^53. J. (\ 'riiv'>MSON SS niiw r.' •■iviii'r a k.i-.e aii'l well s'\ te ' St' •• S r ;;n 1 S..::,'. . r' ii O O g> M. w .\.N'i't:i). hieh tlu hi'zhc't priee> wiil he li.aid. I V. 'iiM t . r ti.ree I IMM'iiC i. i nt'rot lliiif iiii’l Ih‘ ’' ■ r...i „f th- !! ■ /. j.AW iiOOKS. “P "6 I’.lTiSj[ C|;o\VN (W.'^IvS, decided by tlie Judjres Ml ^ of Fto^laiid from ]S':7 to IS.'il!, vojs. -Itli. 5th anti ‘ til. by .Moody, i>e!iisi'H and I’earce. A Treatise on the l.;:w of .M:ist>r aiid .Servant, liy Chas. Manley Sniith. i :i;'pii!^ I I'v the Law ol Maiiiiamus. .In.'it ree iL .iune IS. K. J. HALF. .c SOX. ~Lrni(x;lL\p}iic poirniAiTs^ 4S I', F Lishiip ll.\vi:.vsfi:i>!'T, (proeeeils to g“ to tin. V ^ Mi'sii'i.,;rv I'uii'l of tlej Diocese.) And of the ill n. li'outiK L. i’>.\in.ii:R, (proceeds t; the bi'!;ct:t of the .vrlist. i For s.ile by L. J. IIALK ii SON. June V. i:MAi()X:s*s ra ■§ i;crI;SS(tl’i FMMON.S',^ llEI’OIl'r on lii.s Ceolo- I- ij:ic:il .'survey of North Carolina. A few yet ru- mainin^r. I’rice •')U cents. Th(' ?dinei- s Ouide aiitl Metallurpisfs Dirertory. by W. 0!t.,n. L. J. HAl.L SON. I':/ III.11. N C F. nirpelitllie- i;(h;i;i:s. '■'Mf ieh w;!l be Mvl .-IK'F. Ch - ue f !• '•i".l a-' irtineiit nf (ieiitlcniei ''. [..oF.e-. , h>'. F.ii_\>’. Ch';.iiei;s. aioi I ;;t:i l.t'' fnii- . (O ir '. tixt i'i 'iie-, l;i;-kir,>. |U>0|'.-; wh^eh lie i.i wil!In.:i .iii'l aiixiioir, to c\- i~!i. on iil'Ci'al teriii’. .Li. I. 1,1.-. M-ii h-;i. l-.' i. >-ltf r I'i'l 'nif'it n;NNv. f|!l- ai. &e \ have tl.i- l iy 1 n'l'rt int 1 n Cu- ;• ti; pin p 'c of c:.rryiti'j; uii the . tin !er tiie name and sf-lei.l Cr.i- . n :.v be f'Oil. 1 O!. tiillcspi'.- .S'trei't. .r .■'I: ith .if t';e market, where t'l' e' their aiid ei|~t iiiUTs. 11. t;i: \ii.\M. It. LITTI.F. . July \ lo-:;t 1 :iiH now I'ccc'ivin^ iiiy st(jck of a:. .'1 .'IMI.U (iOisD.S suita >le lor Ladies' • ' ' W', :.. .M'li. Ilat^, H"nii(-ts. S!i ie>, I’LTIill 1'. JOHNSON. I'-, 1 ■77-tf IMOX L!\i:iiV SI'AllLi'.S. F VVi f i i;\ ILl.r.. N. c. f li;(>n‘iLi»’;v Me j r.-'in ’ t ■ !ll:- ' a ti e k I'u- uiiii JS'ji'srs. C'ri'i'iirjts. (tad /r.s. E'osf an s:. Tlo v .lie ak- ' 'I'rep.ir. ! ; ■ cai'r\' nuers io any ih'- I.I ' i.: : i lU Tl'^' - II ri ,is"iia'.;e li i l o ir ". k ma\ i .- : 'UH'l at th-. M.ib'it''rli;i-r\\ 1.1 0 ^ ie i 1 y .Ml -si'^. i’hilil \ W. .te;.. a ;i u il 'i.l's \'. e 1 1 tl; • 'i'eli ^i .-,'h ' ':0' e. Ti.. V a'iv.ay.' have in at;.';i iaii. e j:o..'I Os'.lei-- aiel r.. tl -no 11. i A Furi: n '!;-!; ( .\i:i:im;i; v,:n i.r in ,;t- tei. h.M-e. -1' s!-"lt !;■ t'.'- ', t'-ciii\‘ \ I'a-sento ami fli'lii the Sti'-i;il |!ii:.t i. They wi’i tak'- 11 l-is ..n Lively at le.i ^"n rib'e t ■. na s. 'I'hi'v h Ipe. liv ‘-triet .-ittei. 1 i..n tn lui'iiii s- and a ue- tei iiiiiiation to please, t > merit a sh.-ire uf piililic o.it- in:Mo\ .\f.. i.ive reiii.ixei to the lar_'e fire-pruof l.rick irehitily i.i-eiipi. I by .''.iinpsun lluun, F";., We.I III '|i .'1 .1. \ '1'. V.adiiill. I'll !l:i\ •1 V. e h.i’.' reeeixi in a lew .Ia\'. lal'fie ad- iir e .rly Spiiiej pui'i has >. Oar stuck ut i/.^. /I'lfs, s, lit ( ' t l! iiii/, / hr/!ht . il l . 1 ' >.]'i ' \v 1 r tl.i' w ii-il.i. *s ai',- in\ .r. 1 t-' ^ixe • nr l’ F U I. I VKl' now re. ei\n.'_' a lar^e - MF!'|C|' I S. dir It.;. I; .i 'ii' tiiiers. w;ii ii they \ id •'i-,. i . tl V Ml rel.an;.' ;it :i very .-m..'; :■ l'lie_\ w'.’Ikie; c-‘li'tahtly !. 1:-' VI I V \ a ri'. ! \ ' ! a 1 'ivies in ; I, -i r r;,!l;iel.ii'nts t l ti.at I ‘ii ct W it a New ^'ulk, 'J'k. ir St... Iv havii.u '"■ n v. rv \N i! ill Ue N. THOMAS ; II aiiwa ■ir •l:ib\ t’l" I 111.- S STVlli; \ V-n.LlAMS ,!)MA\ !)r>i (i'i)Oil'. iIi'‘lU'Krt\ (■'/'■■Cl;'/' '.'.‘.-I the ta\ il.i;"i.'v i 'iV ilie ' ’ ti..e. i;; ,-.i;i;i:nn‘ i 1 i.- \ 1' 'e. Illider t lie m.-i 1;;, _ iiieai o!' tin i' I re]-.ii 1 'i t-i i I’.-L' ^ I'l' • I.s.11 !t. ■' T. ii'AC'Fom'. 'i-V",;:,'.' l.D e-ttii,; la I ti e eit'y ;el.ei a’’x . that t!'ev ! ive j- .:k. :.n i a!-- r. -■' i'i'-^ ih. ir > 't !>' '1--. e>,l tilll "f />r>/ l.' iiiils. (iI‘1 I II , I! !r />'-iir \ vaiietv of li.ils. sait.i'ile l-ir ihe se-u iiiii I;eiitlenien'-^ Fi 'ut-.. Shutsaii'l ' :p;-e: ' ■ li 1- ■la r in any |'..l'. liitimi uf l! 1 .;die '"I t nient - f rea'I \ -nia-b' in the la lies' line, and wa- w them to eal! and t xaioine !ur All I 1 ders ^ellt t" uiir c.ire tomer' will be j runi[itly aticn Mareh ;:n. Is.',.:. ■11':': J. n. •r 1 L .\>KF.W, A'. •'I'-'f It. i'ililMii IHP,!! )!!LLST().\i;,\. isi I’ricc*. i.{.i:,\ i’O.X, MOiililS iJv: CO. * I'lM F- L . make to order, and kec]' constantly SS Of ill" tl b€-* .1-1 ; ■TOIK ^ rcurli ESttrr tfSillntoHcs ■ w.irr.lilted to be of bO't i|iiali(y. be- ■" -1 i. Furr bbiek - selected by them from the ’■ !'r. : -e They keeji for sale Coc ilirii an! I‘'s0j)us Mill- >iirr lilocks, IJolliiiL^ (Moth. ri'cii W ire, C!;i!cirio(l Phistcr, 1 f \ (Iraulic f! ■ !il HIP J'at t d r h II. 1 ('oiiicnt, iSjc. i1 till .. -iiiiitrv proiiiptlv attend- Ajrent at Fayetteville. N. Ti'.tf I, . !• Joi- 6:iU*. J. k T. WAbDl!.!.. '.'tf ' I.!: M'A\ !U)()KS. N 'li aii'l iinieiidations to the tt'xt ol I’lay.': l;r. Kirch and his \ounp: ■'1. Th iekrray: 'I'a'.es >f the CoUIltt.“h II Ilia Hou'l anil Cajitain Kidd: &e. ...! -r, by \V. Kitch; Auicricaii i[ou3e L. J. HALE .0.N. NO'l'K'i:. S.IO Ui:\VAE55^. j ',N.\W \V fruin the sub~eriber. abunt the l->th nf In.y. l.''-',l. hi:- neiri-o pill S..tah. Sai l luvro is abuut 1'. vears Ilf ;i;re. blaek. with lar,!'-e v\hiteiye'. l;i!'.re linib. wei;rhs ,i)iu:;t L!'! )io',iii.|s. Said irirl >iiiipi>,-.e l to be Inikintr in tlo- nei^zli'nT- h'"-'l Ilf Mr. Is-iac Wriudit's or MeKay s. in F.’aden coiintv, 'I'he abiive reward will be ) aid lor her deliNcrv tu me, I r h' r c intiio iiient in any j.ail in the State uf Ni'iti Cii'i.ina. \> .^L (i. 1>( II.1.1;. Clinton, N. C.. Marih IL l^^ i-L iitt A MAV i.w i:.\'ri()X. rSI^H'' undersi;rned has nride an iiiventiun >f a Smut B M.:eirt:'. . v\ hicli he will insure to be pfi t'e.-t in the ‘\tr;.ctiuii .if Slant in wheat, and wishe,-: to infurm .Mill Owner- that he is putting up niai bines at I'niun I'acto- torv. on Deep Uiver, eijiht miles Nurth uf Ashburoii^h, I .My mathincs sire compo.-ed of three distiiiet prin.-i- I'b's. centrifu^^iil, sfow crin.iz and reatu n. It takes tin. wheat thriiuprli three operations in “oinj; through the n.i'ehine on:re. Anv iiersoni^ btiviiiir a matdiinc, after tryiiijj it, if it I dues not irleaii wheat, damp or I'.ry, I will take it back. ; I’riee Seventy-fi'e l>ollars. i All letters addressed to New .Sali-m I’ost OHiee. 15an- j dohdi countv. 1’. I*. FKl-.LMAN. : Oct. ij, uiv i siilv(;li:s. L Want Dmi.Ii'M) ^'uod .Inniper .‘'lIlN'CiLI^^', f«r vshleh the best jirice will be j.uid. J. T. WADDII.L. April L s.Jtf V. (' SiiJil t IIIf ('oiirl firpo/'fs^ ' ' ; -lit.-, "f ;,ets. with nil other N. C. Law , and Law L- r.: -eneraUy, S'llti on the moBt t.Tills, li\ L. J. H.\LK .S; .‘^ON. ; ir e sf,,( }.; Medie.d Historical, .M irietdlailC- S -l..ii)| 111, ,).h, lilalik IJuuk;-. I’aper. ^Ce. lit, iiii'l letail, at the JJouk .Store, l'a\etteville. w A\'ri:i), iiie 111 the llevi.' ■ i-U- 1 1 ■ ()ij; Statntes of Nortli A uaiu;al\ ()1T'i:k!:i>. A the »uidcr; i;rned has iletermined to remove to the ..‘a West, she otlers tor sali? that commodious House, which hIic how icctipies, in the vill:i;ie of Summerville, and all appurtenances thereunto belonging. Also, llib aci’cs of land iit the mouth of Cruss Creek, in the town of Fayettev ille, ii short ilistnnce above the ('hireiidoii llrid;_'e. 'i't-iiiis casli, or pajicr lie;fotialde at either of the n.inks in Fayt'tle> iiie. llefereiice. as to the Cross 'r'-ek land, i.; made to .Jauiea Hanks, Esip, of Fayette ville. E. ilAlLKV. .Summerville, X. June 0, Itf ~ Jil.ANK JJOOKS. VN assortment of lilank J>ooks of dll kinds, juist re ceived at the EavctteviHe IJooksttiie. i:. .1. HALE SON. 1 April n'l. |s.',r;. t ‘ i\y lam)i:k. TWii fiiMiiis r. t. iniiiii \ sll^^s .vroiii:, E'aji vitvy iilt', .li. Jan'y ‘.iO, L''-'.::. '.l-lYi-d H/iroiirttiir Ifonir Mttn'ifadiirr. rn^HL Sn ..w Camp Maniif.ietiirint: Cumj .iny continue a tu li:annf.ict III e. in the neatest and be.-t s!}le. Wlie.it Thii sl.iii” M.o liines. twu tu ,-ix hurse puw- ( r; Cnttili” .'Lo hil'C'- ol ditl'ei elil .-'i'i 1 luiible a lid Sin- '^le W uol Caidiioj Mat hines: .Mill .-.li'l 1 actoiy (tear .''a', and (irist .Mill Irons; Ldge Totils. ('utton ^aInand I Wi.ui F.ulls. .Ve. >s;e. I’ersuiis within;! to pnrtditise wuuld do wt'll to ^i\e I i!s a e ill bi'I..re ] orcl.asin;.^ elsewhere, as v\e are de- j termined to sell cheap f. r eash or on tiiiu' to puactiial i dealers. ((iir h n,!jr exi.ericnce in the Mannlactui inj; business enables us to fe.l no hesitation in sa\in'j,that our work shall not be surpassed by any Sh-.p in the .'uuth. 'rii.-inkfiil f ir ihe libi-ral iiatron.i;.;'e hei-(“tobire liestowe'l, we re.-j'ccifully solicit a continuance vf the same. AI! letters addi essed to the .\irent of the ('ompany, at .'snow Cam]) F. O., Alaiiianee county. North Caroli na, V. ill receive prompt attention. D.W ID DiXoN. .'.I'ent o) the .S. C. Manufacturin;.t Comiiany. .Snow Camp, Ftdi'y '1'2, iSoIl. i 1-tiiii I l^"av(‘ttcviil(' Hot (‘I. j joifX IIAKALVX lii'spoctfiill^' iiif'irins liis frit inls and I the jiiiblie that lii‘ h;is removed from the Hotel at the foot of Haymount to the lariier ;iiid more commodious Hotel in the centre of the Town, recently occuiiied by Mrs. Drown, anil well known as the Fayettevilb? Ilotei, where he willbehap- p\' to aceoinmodate 'J'ravcllers and Hoarders. No ex ertions of himself iiml family will be simretl to render those comfortable who may favor him with their coui- \A I oMi’AW i... It- ital is F.. .L Fi. Mm-.-m i.s.'.I. Ml'i: 1\:>1 1;A,N' ’^HF V l:derslL’'n'’d has been :i>'ii"ititc {iaii(iol}>ii S!i{‘ctiii!i' :i!i(l C'oifoii ^ an For sale bv \\i|;TI1 ,v LI.LIi'T f. N!:w S'l'OCk OF ^111] subscriber is now rccci\in.L’’ a larire a ol wi ll selecteil stock of i uii.pi i; iiej: a (.ieucial ,\ "ui ti.ieiiT uf (iOODS. IJcady-Hiatit' (’lothiii':\ Bools anti Sl’.f^x's. !’-a1s an.i Ca.i's, i iard\'. art' and ('ut!ci-\, (’i ()i’( rK s, ''[1 LL N 'ltli t arohna ' ! A ery mei .ber for i'.!V I ' -’.li’. au\ ; al'.'l tlie a;u \,ii-;it :.f the :ir;i.-il i..‘.e I- o ra nee ('• i:i; lany. ;:ti ' i:i the I'l-.'liis . f ihc I'al i re'ui'V,; t'. r lii'e l:- lllbf r- I familx !c it amounts t It in a;id the uti •M ill.-.;ve i.i-nci be iosiiie'i. .t h:> s may oe i!:~r.re.i i.y ei ! own life for the 'I'hc lives of sbi’ I ■ M.-i. i.-'teiii i-: r^.lii'I! V p I intu lavur. all oxer -e l Wurld. li is "lie bv w’.i-.d; a I’.lli.iiv. ini' ;1 II aniiii-illy. n; ly i iu\ i'!e'l iur, .-.rt.r the it!i uf its lovid. uii w 1.' .^c cM itiu;;' li.i-y m.:v h.ive H-.-n lii'pen lent for a suiip-'ri. It is a -uu.l i-'-.-cstment 1.1- oe\. ix.'l: i;' I ne .'I;'':'-; live l--ii”' altii- t.ilNii.r lit a i.ilV Fi'Fu-y. I',\pli;;.it' r\- p-iliij hL-is. ;.;il ti.e .‘>:;(!(ilcrv, vVc. \c., \N l.ieh x'. ill be sold low fur i.’iish, ' t \.-ii:il:iiX’d ;"1‘ I ur- peiitine and t'uiii.t i \ Froduce. He l etiiriis his warme. t thanks to hi~ i.M tneii'ls ,nn customers for the liberal patruii;i;jc l.v-ictulure exli'iioe' to him, and hupes lo merit a cuutiiiur.nce ot lU ! lali; I!:nii - h>.! 'lic.iti'iii. .1. IL\ !.!•:. e s.ime. K I N11. Fa \ ( tleville. .lull' lS-'>i). AKi rJCTKl), mead: J; II! I. \! li' i.i’ll IA !\i r.IlK ’ \I. llOfSr;. r>-trililislieii !.'> ypnrs ‘ l.\ I'r. K.iiKi 1.11, .\. \V. luriitr of Third anil L'liiun S^lrcili: I'll ; lu.i. i: il A i i:I iCTII .\\1) M.WIIiiOP.—vifiorous life ora pre- II, il:ire ili - il,. Kiiil.elin nil Sell'rn-'ervmiiin. duly 2.'> (-nils.— 'I'li;- ! • 'k ;ii't (n.ii'NIiei!, is lillcii willi ti'rfii) iiit'iiriiiadon, nn tlic iiiiiriiiilo-I'll iii'e.i.'C'uf Ihe tiilinan iirsatis. Il H(lilre"es il-.i;l. v- III \i.aih. iii'ii.lioi.ii anil oltl h^i*. himI >h«itilil lie read liv all. Tin' x.-ihi.tliie ailvw e ami liii(ire.-.-ixe wariiiii" it ?ive.s, u.il pre- \,-i ; \e:.r- "1 'iii'ery .'in.I Milterini:. and saxe anniailly tliiii.sanilK .•! i.M .. I'aie.its. I.y readiii(: it, will learn liow to prevciil ihe lii iriirlliir. ul' llieir rhililren. reiiiinaiii e III -.■> eeiits im iiiseil in a li’lter. aildrossed In Dr. Kinlo'lin. .V. W. I iiriier ut'I'hiril iiiid I nion slrfet-^. l‘hilailel|iliia, x\ ill eii'. re .i lioiik. iinili-r »'iivelo|n*. jirr reiiirn iiiHil. rorsons at a lii-laie i 11.ay ad'lre- Hr. K. by U tter. Jll)^l paid, and Ix.' tiin-d at lli.lri**- i’.irkaL'e' uf iiieilicinos. direction.^. &(• , furwardcd hy sendiiip n n liilii.-iio I . .- i:.l iml III' secure trma daiiia^p. llu.'K'eui r'. Xews .\"e:it. I’edler-*. 'anvas-.-crs, and all otUerr si.;.I I.Ill wiili t!ie aliDVe Work at very loxv nitco. .111!'. I'.-.'. 9- B.SVJISt €C».>!LI*£.AE.*5'ir. . I L'hriiuir hr ^Vri roi//s Iiisetixj of d,t Krllli ,/X, \:i.l I 'l .1-f > iiri'iriii from a ili-.inifd l.ivrr or Suuiinrh, Mi»?h ,1- I "US';p:, liiiii. ruUai'". i.r llluud l.i ilic Head, .'.ridily ef llir ei'ii h. .Xaii.'i.’a, He .i-ilmrr.. Hi.'tii't I r l'.."d, I'lillni^s or \\ l.iii in l!.i Sloiiiai h. s'uiir i.rin iaii..n' i^li'kii;; or I'lallerinf :-t • !ie pit 111 ihe Si..iii,-ii h. .^xx iiiiiiiiiii: iil Iho ll':id. Iliirrip.land I M'l. uil l*rt-all.i!i'/. riiiUerias at llu* lif-aru ('h.'kiiii: i.r Sutl'ucHt- iac: S.'i-'i'ii'i'i' XX l.eii in a lyi:-.y (i>*.'liiri'. Iiiiiinrs-i of \'.si.in. liulM ur W I !.' I .'lure ll.e Isithl. l exer. Inill pain in the (l-iot, I)C- la-'.ei.rv uf I’l r>pir.iiioii. \'elloxvicss HI the ^kiM and F.Vfi, I’ain ill llie Saie. IV'i k. ( Iie't. I.iml's, Aic., Sudden l-'hi-I.es uf llrrtt.. in tin- I U-^h, Cimtlaiil laia);inin£s of I'.vil. aud I ;..|.ri'si..a 111 lI.niKiilv nirod l.\ UK. (it Xll'l ii'S t'K I.KR I! ATI-'.!) !rr ri!l!r-. rrepan'd i.y Hr (’. -M. .lai k-^on, hi the (;er..tan .Mi di, ire St.ire, .\u. |-.M .\n h Siriet. Philadelphia. T'l. il p'lxxet iver tli‘ iilnixi diM-iiNe" i» iiui »-\cclled. if «Mniallei! |.\ .-'ay ..liier preparalii.n in Ihe I'liiU-i! Soitcs, hs the cure* atlost, hi HI li.y I'n'es .ifier«it;ilfiil phy^iriiiii' had f.iih d 'ri.i ve nittef'* rtre xvorlhy ihe -itteiitioii if iiiv.i!id.-. Piis^e-isini: v-ri at viiliies in llic rectilicaliun uf .li-.t-a>e' uf iho l.iver and lesser e\erri'i'ui“ thi; ic.nst seari-liiii'.; poxvers in vxi-akiieNs anil nf 1 N'cii.ms of the dl"L■^livc orjiaii.-!. ii.cy art .xilhal, ^aft•, ceruiin. antf nie.-tsalil. IIKAt) A.VJI in; CD.WI.M'KU, rrmii llic liiistiiii lUc. 'I’lii' eilltor said. Iter. «d— r ■ |:r. Miiiill iiid’s Celeli.-iiled (ierninn Hitlers fur Ihe tan- of f.ivr.. t'i.iiipl.-iini. .lattadire. l»y>pep'ia. I hronic or .\erx .hi-; dehility. i‘ ile-ervi-dly one of the iiiiisl |uipul:ir I'ledieincs of the d.iy. ’I'licsei I’lller- have lii,>»'ii used I.y ;h.inlands. ai;il a friend ai onr oll.nxv sayv lie lo'- liiiii'.elf rcre';ved nn ell'i-cuial and peiuntiitnt cure of l.ivfi. I'.miplaiiil fmiii tlie 1I1P of lhi.- rcii:eiiy. We are eonviiifrd thsi; ia the Use uf llie^e r.itlers, the patient i oi)>taiitly iiain.s streriithl aial vi'.;i'r—a fut xx iirlhy uf i;rr'a I eiiii>ideration. 'J'hey .ir«» pleaniini- iii l i'ti’ and Mtiell. and r;in he used hy per'aiit'. xxilh the tno'-l de t ia lie >t>>ni n ils willi safely, under anv eiti'uni'laiu-fS. \V(» iir*..' s|:(.: kii-i! Iri III e\periei l e an.I tu the .-.illieled xx e ; ilvi'e Iheir I..H k well t.i the iii.-irks ol ihi-L'eniiine 'Chey hav(- the writlou s;^'!iati:re ul f. M..lai k-iiin upun the xxiaji'er, and the name liluix li li, il,e li'.ltle, xvaliuiii XX hu h Iliey arc spurious. I'.ir sait, w hole vale and retail, ill the t;i'.i!.MA\ .MKmci.M-; s'mriK. .Nil. I Jil .\ri-h .‘Street, one duur lieloxx Si.Mh. I*hl!a., ai;d hy rt si-ci-t tide liea'ers "eneriHv ihn ii”houl the ci.untrv. I \|s.., f.ir vale I.y SX.M'I. .1. II1.\SI1.\Ml. rHyetlPvllle. (’.— I Whiilrsale .\i;i'nls I'ur North and Suutli (Jarolnia, 11 .\VII..\NI) ! II \ i; i; A I. , Ch-irlestuii, S. ( I ' \ \ >"• I ll. imail V \N HIT .lAMES .185:^ KVLi: kiiiL'^sbi'.ry, .\]>ril Di. I"-'); panv. Fayetteville, N. C., June 0, 1854. 200tf 8J.-) RIAVAUI). Max A WAV from the subscriber on the 2Sth of Mfty hist. !i iie^ro boy called C.VLVIN, nineteen veiirs old, liid^ht about T> feet 8 inches, weight about DIO lbs., u blaek negro, had ear rin-'S in each c.-ir when he left, no elothiiig recollected except a chirk blue over-^ coat. This boy 'was juirchased of Dr. John McNeill of Itobeson county, aliout the 1st of ^Liy. 'Ihe above re ward will be jiaid for his delivery to me or if lodped in :i Jail in this State. It is very jitobable lie is in the neieliborliood of his former owner. JOHN W.XDDir.I.. Jr. ' I’OK sALi: oi; \i\:s'\\ ‘ rB’illi; fine SFMMI'.K IIFSIDIINCI: now oe.",:pie'l by I Mr. J. E. Fiiyan, two miles West ot towi . I’vs- I sessinn given immediately. Apply to .Mr. .loliii !l. Ci.uk I or ('. F. Leete. S. A. Ll.r.! L. I Mareh 111, IS'iiL 77tf I !2,U0() fyhls. III I lie U tnih 51011 which the hi^fhcst cash ] ricesv,i!l be ]iaid. ■' MeLF.AN \ JONFS. .Summerville, X. ^L;y 1^. D''.u. O-'.tf PSSfiCfi* %f£S:5> suim:u ]Miosi>ii.v'ri: oi' l\m\: OF THE MOST Al’l'UOVED (‘FALITV, Kxju’ciathf lii nijiciiil to Ti(niqi., iiini iu' nth'r ll-jvl C/''yi.v. HOYT &. CO., AGENTS, \o. i]l Water .stn'cl. luitl 111 Wt's! SliTit, foriitr of DfV Slrci't. .^L’\V \OP.R. n now yeceivinu' a birji'e and I'eneral ii 0 53» 'THi" GT^ G liCI 3li'■'!» all "f whiih haxe bci n purch.'i"^ed fur t'ASlI liv the l’.icka,u;e. Coiintrv .Mcr.il:,Ills and others will l;iul it to their in- tcrc.st t') examine the .'''.ock. .Marcii Hi, is-:>;!. "''If ! ji'i*: L\sri(AN( i:. ^ rn'!!HF iild e-^taloi'he'i .Etna Insnraiiee Comiianv of M , , . 1 . 1 1 1 1 exicedeil e\peet:i liartfui-.L ( onnecticiit. has rcc'- nt.y ad.le I to its | „ „i„,ut 1: I nO”^ Protcp.sor Alex. C. Barn's 'J'ri* I n'n*". or for H#-uuif\ it'tr. Pr* ’ I 4*1 i!ir Skill, urii.tr nic Pains, anti iicnlini! E.vTt rJial wonrdN . i- j I'V nil "•‘‘•i’tmn!iir.U iln* *»l Harr\‘s Trir» liCTv-wlrH iljf I ninrj. 'I’Im* >;tli s ot’iln* Jirtirlo of I Fire liisiiraM'x biisim ss. v hieh it has ni.-iiiitaine.l with ' .-.neh unexampled cr.dit for upw.u'ils of tliirly years, a ! I,IFF INSFUANCE Department. '1 he -ubscrilier has I been a'lifiointed AjiCiit in this as well as in the l-'ire De- I p.artincnt of iis e.pcr iliuns: ai.'l is prepared to take risks ! on the lives of white jiersons or skives, on as {rood I t -rms as .iiiy uther t'unipaiiy. and at luwer rates than i those t(f the Mutual (.■oiniiar.ies. ! The capital of this department is •'SL")“.'t(iil. entirely ■ distinct Irom the cajiital of t!ie Fire l)x i.artment, :ind. I with its accuniiihitionH, reserved exclusively to pay los- I .ses on i.ite insurance only. I'olicies will be i.ssued fiay- 1 able alter death, or upon the p.irties arrivinir at a s[ie- i eificd ai;c. i'... J. HALL. A FEETll.I/I'Il )irodiirin;r all the immeiliate efi'ect | of the best I’eriiviaii (.iiiano, with the advantaii'e i T m;\v hooks. Eayettcvillc, N. C., June JiO. (-11 tested, and found to more than realise t!ie expectations ; -ti. White Shivery in the Harbary Statc.': Stray ^ aii- of all those who have already tried it. 'i'he best cxi- : kee in 'i'exas; '1 iic Lolty and the Lowly; '1 haekeray s denee of this is the hirgely increased ilemand this sea- j Mr. lirown'.s Letters. son over the past year. I’ut up in bafrs of DiO jiounds: i DWiibiene's Itelormation, ■\'ol. f>; I’ulpit ( yclopeilia; barrels‘_’”.0 jiounds each. Kuyers will please be jiar- i Church Identified. tieular to observe onr brand iijion each bafi or barrel. ' Hoskini!; s Carjientry, Duildinir and Masonry; Dowti- Also, for sale, American and Foreign Field and Ciar- j iuj^'s Hiual Esi ays; I’liii-.ter s and tiildcr s (iu'.de; Fopu- den Seeds, English Itay (irass. Foul .Meadow (.ir;iss, fine ! lar Ldiieatuj-; Frcstoii s lime lab'.es. iS;c vcc mixed Lawn tirass. White (Tover, OsaiiC Oi'an‘j,e, .S:c. Ili'e d this iiioriiiiijr. L. .1. I!.\LL .V; .''ON. June 11, lc-33. r:-.'>inr* I ‘ -'Li» 1'-^ haxe iiiereased ill a r.iri.i that :i!iiiuvt exceed'* tu'liet'. rrulcsvui Itarry. aft»-r a rari-i'nl i-\'iiiiinJiti*in of his sale.s’ tiook. finds that tho iitinilH'r of li.iti!,'.-* delix ered tu urder. in i|iian(itir» of frum half ii 2rii.->s iipxvard. diirin! the \ear If-.VJ, was within h trirte of ii.-.O Oftil. It is iinnece-isary m present at h-nu'th the fvidenre of the xx im derful pro|H*rIii*v uf the Trie.upheruus, u Iieii the piiMir }imv»‘ tiir- nished siieh I'M ii.diir.sement as tiii«. Thr cheapness .,f the ariiclf. and the e.xplanat iuiis (;iven Id' it.s rhoiiiieal » tion upon the hair the scalp, and in all eases uf superticiHl irriUition. first rerunitiifnd • ed il to the atteiitiun of the people, 'i'his viav all that the inventor doired. i;very Imttle Bilverli.ted itself. The efti-ris nf the lliiid. i*xecei!eil e.xpeetulion. It acted like a charm. 'I'he I-td es .,u!d iiiitry deali-rs in every s*-rlioii uf the I n.ted s f.miui tl-( y iiiti ;l haxe i!; atiil thus xxa^ l.iiil! np a xx huU-.vale trade III an xi.'nt iiilliertii tinlieiird of as ret'- rds ari.rles >t tliis kind. Tlia hiuhesi pi.iut has nul yet heen n :.»'heil. and it is I.e-, biveil that ihi- .'..le' Ihl.' year will In' a iiilllii.ii and a h-iil of l.ottlr s I>*‘pul and Mair.ifacl..ry. .\u. IH7 JJr..adxvay. \txv \ ork. Ki-tai. priee, ^."i cents a lar:;e tiottle. I.iheral d scoiii:! i.. purchasers hy the quantity. Pidd hy all lli prini’ij.il ni.‘rch t n ,s aufOIruiiilisls ihri'M'jhotil .hi I n.led si-i.es ;;n.i ('.iiKoli. >ie,\.eu. W ,--t Indies. t;reai llr taili, rrar.cc, S.r. Ai:.; I.x S. .1. lil.\Sl,.vi.!.. Kas.-tt. xilie, .\ . f. f ;.r,-r,mi..l 1 ' NEW lU)OKS. f^I’FNCEIFS l*A.S'rO[FS .SKLT( HES. second series. the tieiiius and .Mission of P. F. Church i;i the I . State.s. by Calvin Colton: the J^ible in the Coiintini; House, by Eoardmaii; (ireat Tnttli.-i by Cire.it .\iitiiors; a Dictionary of .Mds to Ketlecti .n: the [{ace for F.iehes. by Colwell: Travels in Efry[it .ind I’akstine, by .1. 'I'honias. M. D.; Marie De ISerniere. .t tab* of the Cres cent Citv, b^- W. (iilniore Simms: a I’racfieal '1 realise on llutiness, by E. '1'. Freedly; .School l;ouks, «*ic. .lust received. E. .1. H.VLL sV: .■'(>X. Airsic HOOKS. _ : ^MHE Hes]>eri'in Harji; llostiin .\cademy's Ci.!’.ft;' ti, I the I’rtsbx terian I’salnioili.'t, .Vr. I iii lher sup iilie.v just r;'ceivi'|. 1.. J. il.ViM. -v S'»N .!iiTie M

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