U.S. I c I* ' '-'-lul.j ; '"' tin. • tin'tr '■'•'”• V,l tlu v ; • '!> t;'. '' ' ■■' :Ut‘ t,. ■ ' * 1 11! , .. • • t 1 . ^ ' ' ■ .1 \i 1 vi. ,,;r- ' ^ ■- 1. ^ ■ I- .1 ( ■ ■■ K . ■ ■ l-,„ ' I. H. . '•• \ i! il:] ,, ■i- M. II. Ki 1 .. I ; »'i i 'I . ' : i;' / Mil ! I tliO 1 : M • . :>!■;- ti..- - . ■ I,!:. «TTg—^'Wjj»,iBtg;»=3aesBaB.-ti.'i jl. CTK»w.3gii jut T® W Willi Lii Ek Id ’Tj'w-raraanr.r ^yeir'|»j i- v\.] l'KlNTi:i) BY .1. B. Xi:W15V. i:n\V \!M) If \L!v .t SOX, ri'iToKs \n;. iMioriiii'.TtMis. ; ;' ■■ S, ,;-\\ ov'kty Nl CO ;''i'.i;'I ii ,ni o; 1 i•'yv,; 1 r'.u' vc:ir uf-ii'- !.; I- : - ti'!' Mil' ; i : r liMs . n; !!'!''!. ;,u‘ \\ i i..-i;i:vn; 00 p'-r i-.inmin. V' i. N r >'i‘: -7-! 'I'l ii')':iM .lui'luir t!u' vr'>r >1'^ vip- aifi TO T\]]] IM lU.IC. fN or !(‘v (ii iii.'ko n t li'-m f=nk‘ nl' my |>rt's* n( stm-l; ,i;' nil 1 S\n;:iM'i- i('i li-i, I \\i!l i.lViT t’lcm :it ii' 'Uu’oil 1 riii 'i I’oisi !•> ill v;int iif !li‘;;'Iy-iii;u’i“ C!i tii- !!i. :s •i!il .'lio;'.', .'^-tra'.v !l:its. .iii'l utlii r :ii lii'!( s i'' ll.: ■;' «. :U' I lf tlio Sl’:l.Si !l, will ti;: ! it U.'i tll v.!.ill‘ c;i!l- iiii: . :i M.‘. (.ili'KCi; i'.i; AND'!'. I'rtwc'n t!;e :iU'i F.-iVft I;’\illi‘ il.ti.'’ ■'->■•1 -'iilv 7. 1" ■ ^ S I'm I‘f V \Yivrv::vu.h]], x. ('., av^-vst n. FOR SALi\ [NO. 218.] . ) I : t .• -.r 5 Iter tho v(':ir l;.;s o\j ii'i'ii. iiisortfl t- !• si\!.v t i’i('tirst. Mini thirty nt> ■ r ; ;! )■ V 0 ' I’lv ■ 1 Vf I't ’ : 1" . 11 ■t-i ;it 1 ...' I:'!"'. V'lvfri"'■ r- a:- the mun'sir «'!' li. ■ •• . 'tililUUvl till fovlii'l. :iinl > ’ 1 t I tilt' IM';..:--1 't I r • 'M MNS! R \!?CAlNs:! 0- •> > I !• r -ill' 1..;. ; » ;t! I . . ■' " '■' 't .i' '•vti-n. :n- , !!•■ ; >■ •■ . .'lll'l II ■ II :\.l Al l-.-- .1 tl.- I.,-tt..n .,- I I,-: ill tl--' ■ -I'-Ilty. i.!U> I!..; ■■in V. 1! . r.-ii-.Mi i>:;'‘ly ni- I t'; - > -i ,-t m! ;■ i-i- ill t rani‘vy. t!i if Iim-.I,. . hci-n ui.c d. it r. I'-I- ill? i;;-t ti.iii-, \ . .11 ■-. ;1 :* :il. Mit i i' . . - : r> :! - ! lii.ix i-\ hi; . t: ■ t!i(' ...1 '.S rotiinvcil t I thi' well-kii(r,vn st;ni-l >-1' t!i*‘ I>r: ; ^v■.!.il:^clll. (-riiiu-i- I i Mrccii .-mil strM>ts. ; K! i;!. i'-::;. -: \- ii. M. ri.i;\v.\:;ii:A:; yriM'iiwi at . '' ^4 i“ '*! ? V -1 , , 3. -' • !i ' , i -'. .f ■ • \ -. I •?•!■« i 1 -y > t . i . ■ , y rni r- c:: S “i j f.. .:v:s: ■■ 7 i' :: !■ .iiU'ts ;;:i SI,in s. M' t' *M i'il!T.\r.I.I', il\vellin!r In'ii.-,-. v.iiii .-.il i ^1. S!ii-y niit-in jroi^ l r, t' -..-‘tlicr with tt-M neves (if 'i lie ahove ii;;riieil ia)i4 is :i>l| it'iii-: t!,e Siiutlii'Mi liinils nf tmvii. A 1 .ii'ii-aiii inay I'c li.-iii liv ,-i jijMX iiiir s' i’U to th'o .'iilis. i-iin-r. V.il.l.l.\M 1’. .MALI.KT'i. .1 iilv ! 1, 1 i ti' /4" Cftrrsft^e Factory hi' f/jr iiiverv (r.. ■■I I: I'y ('/ ' tfj ■ -n I :■ r I a ;;ll rk I' ‘1- if : t 1 . ■ f, vr.’,!i;e ! I" ijiiit Po'luiu: l.i- ■t- a -iiii:.!! !"t 'I l.i.iit, r.' -:i V ; il rn‘',o!! Ilrui'ly: .l.-min’i : aii l ri. i. Malnjn .-iri'l Ti 11.'! ■ Vi - •; I '"i ii' i: t’h ii'i! ■ I'ei '• n-i: t-> ; ■ ' !> i--'* ::iiv *:: Ts £ I. ,r n-i:, 1- tra.'t : ■ ; i. ,• \jl» -5 r, » w ' ai.|i I a , t II' SI! |i ! II ■ ' I ,-4 n ' I fi t. I! •• V i! i :i T f 1 1 ■;--t -, -.; : Sa ..'I ■ i- ■ ., t' ■ 1' i ui. l: t!r .V, nil'll i ':;;t;e'i Iia\iii;r i- 'I: ji'i t'-1 Iiis la;-- ■ i' . (• 'iiiiiii. i. \V.-:ri-lii'MS'-. -'itII I1 i>:i tl:" I'.i'ik. .-It i.Mvv;,!' !■ rivetI' vil’e. i- In ^v j.!-,-]'ari-il t.i i-eei ;- ,- ■'] li it' 'i’iii-['eiit'iic ,.n .'--^ i-a'-e. lie e\i er|.> tn ie\ 'v' 1 i- Si'le Mitclliii.n til tiK- il. - il!"?-;. anil tl.' ri’ V.ll.i .--l-.l'i I ■ :r \\’;Ii iii;;-, ili i ;‘n-l nj’i a i.; ; lieM;^: ii. t!i'.‘ \\ a I eh.tv,-I- everv (In' a- !-i •!i-fert any l>-.-.ka'_’i ^ ti'.'.t ii:-.y : :-,-i,i-. Ilaviil"-.-I •• 1 ' . ^'i-r a'•> ay s ' ii i!: ■ N' .il-eii 'il.-'i-. I.e will lie :ii|e t i I'.Mke it ;m t- ;l: -e wliii i : l i,.- in ii e ■■ . 'i le a- w; !: a^ !■ , Ili i;'-:- til |iati-' 1.'- -'-la. A' ; n i i; ^ i-, i-i i\. >-■ i'-r. w',' !. • I.. - t -.1 ;-e ' . I 'i I . . \ • . ;:,!(• ;-l.a r_ Ina'le t..r siii'li a-- is l-i-.i; v,'! in ’i' ! r, I'; ti -n. .^ifi-i-lian 1)11'. ili'j. I lie a 1 t ii-[e v. ■:! i\e iiiui-'l tf.a:!'’- ..i:.! e.-,i,i-ii ■ i .'ehii.._ it ill;,: !. to the W .a ri 1;, oir- : r ii.:-]>i-.-t; II. 'I In- sill -rl .li.'l- lieiii;r in Ir i ■ • int ri.-te l nV e n ■ • I ill 1 ill a !iV 1 : i,e l-.ats, • It, a.i I-,, e - l.ij' a- ill . I , , ! !•'. tl,. ii\\ i:-i- r •••r. ISli.VM lil.VKK 1. . :'-.i V71i.;li3salo an;l Cvooc llrnciMl (' \ F'lr'-. 'I r: '’-it!! y ater ,,-:i-i !-t. ! ;- 'i--’-- .. 'l.;i \V 'ilml.f.'.u- . .-y > i i :■ \ "i4 , i_. .f \ 4* - L b 4 |-'.''iM.'"i'i-'I 1,I,V inf- rn" liN l'i-;->iiIs an l the n’l'i- iit . t!i::t lie lias hi. t nil lar-;i* sulistantial Ilri'-k V }' r :" !i ■ . ' ..' li i.s ( ! M .-t li!-’. .■ \ ni-e-,-1 \ Il ! la.-i n iit.M-t n ri ,, . T!..ii:!;i'i!i I'o- ■ very liiier.i! |.atvoi;a^e In' '■ i-i'. i-i-, e I I'..;- t^B la-^ :!! yi-ars, he l.n.i s liy striet teiiti.in to 1 II.'til----. \.itli -1 lies;]-" to ve s.-itisl'aet;en, tin lit ;i .-ontiiiii.n.i ,• nl' the same. lie ',v;irrant. his ^ ."^o 1)1'ni:n|i‘ill 11:,'t i.i.-ilei i I'. an 1 ^e.M ; i-ieiice.l tnreil Tiiiiaccn Tlie uiulor.ijiiicil cnntinue to carry on the LIVKP.V >’jit this phico. '! Iicy hnv- lately l.-ir^ely iiii reastMl their Stork mill C!in now offer to the imhlic ns piioil llnrsfs, ('iin'iiigas nml U)-i- vers as cnii be I'ound in thc^Soutli- c-ni conn fry. Thaiikful for tlic lar^e patron- H^re hei-etol'oro extenlp'I to ii«. \sc .solicit a continnii'iMH (it the jmhlic 1-ivor. Vi e promise t\ satisfactory trip tu .-ti! v.ho may wish to tiavel. I iSt.iiiles at tlie We.st en.l of MinnfonI street, where one nt the ri-opvietois ntav al^^r^ys he fouuiJ, or :;t the Store lir.-st ilour I'.ast of Mr. Liitterhih. .J. W. & (’O. l-'nvettf\iile, Feh'v l!‘J, 71V ■Y 'rOH ACCO. piiliseriber continues to receive anil sell, on manufacturers’ account, all jirailes of maiiulac- J. UTl.KV. V'av :J1. 18')2. O.'.tf •rr oi' i.i:m I I- %-. V. I (■ 1 iit;,-;i!ir , :nii-\ I':-'.'ill, . ■rkiiK n in e:ii-h liiatn-ii "T t’" ii-i'';ii - Iiis work ^ '.n ei'i'.; :ive t.i \ "Ii'.x'.itl. :-ny n.a !'• in the i.’nileM • ate>. li.r neatness aie'i liiif.iliiiity. !!e is ile;eni;-!M-.i to -'.I nn 1 '1 i any work in Iiis lin'- :. as -1M"| telliis ;. a!;y Wi r.v ('.one ( i. (■« here t hat is .I.-! ! 'I 1I-. lie iii.w 1.." II.I ha;;-I, 1-'!.msn:;i>. the L.Vil ; "Ti >i .v i-i' ’(7:;f V. [}/ir'-!’r!n y, /ivrAv/;/v;_y.v, mnl i.:;'ei-.-ii in tl,:.-- ;in i a \‘ iy l:ir_,‘ >tin-k "1' |k lo-aii;. r.iii'iie I. v. Iiieh wiii he tinishi'i! lail v. V hi, il lie s.,;,l \ei \- i iv. l.ir I'vsi!. ,,r on >h*.it suhsi-ril>ers havinpr piircliase.i (he .■^teanier.'S ;- t i :i!:i-t'ial .-ns; ini s. {,• ,■ llelrisoti h.iinl more iS. Kvrrj:ret-n ami .''(inthenier iiml Tow ISoats. lately n 111 ■'I •I'i 1) ,\N1) iil'TV \'chieli-s liiiisln-.l the property of tiic I lenriet t.-i Steainhoat ('onipany, .'ire i ox caim^ vkau. Mil ■ i t. .:il-N -.1 ■i -it ' : r I. .:i ' -t-' r : ' ■ 1 1 !I • \ ■ - ■ - ’ ■ 1 .1 ' ■ I '■ ■ -■ ' Til . t ! ■ . - 1 -n l’ ■- ] , 1 is heav;:. 1 ■ - . ji-ea! ii; ■ • : ' r n 1 7;;v -• ■' ■ ' ' . ..•■1 i:i f ; ■ : ■ ■y * a . .1 :;i. i\ ... .s r. fell I ■l.n I >. , lit 1': V . ;; i; I. I ■I ;■ :.!i i'n’’' r. I -I -. I . , (-■ 'irse o! i i.i.sti-ii -'.nil. innv preii.-ireil to fot w-aril with despatch, hetween Wil- Ml w. r'. m-’i!i- n- l:;ni is wr.rraiiti •! 1montli' 'ninirtoii ami i-':iyettevil!e, all freights or goods eiitruct ■ l.iii- II' i , . alei ;:i'eri:.l ,! he 1-. ■r-oii; V.'.--I.ii.:: t, il l- t , n:'i ■ I- I , !!: ;!r tl;;;;, •' i! •- ■. I ■ Hie i I it f,;;l li,\ • .1,1 vi,rkma;i.Mrn> 'lie.ii aire l free ’if eh .I-^e. iiiiv w,iiiM ilo ueli to e:iil :iii 1 .-Il , I • i a I)' i proiil pily at temU' 1 tl -;i,irt iiollce a;.'l on very re; t'.-if F. N. 1.S: J. n. KOLH’nT.^*. I'.-iyetteville. Feh'y 11. 1(;''tf 'i'nos. .). .loiixsox : tl ;i. !:• '.iv.t ' Ki !' AY I! I V J-i I -n -1 ; r M i : .mv •r • ■ !. ■ I- ri ll. .1 • II: V . ., I.;. t- i..'s 1‘ ■ r \i -oiir.* h. ■ 1. X li’ r.if \K I'.M.I..' pii I: n \ .1! .11. i S 111- -f iii-j . . : -. 1 M \il l; I - 1 ; ,. .;i--v. M i.. - , l'r--'‘ ! i! \) ,\ S V i! ^ , t !-■ nrai:.'^:^ ('■ ■ ’IS. If.// , i Ml '1 le- ,-i 11 !e-l. i I II. \. M.-i;;:Tl!AN. '.''if 4‘ 5hc-;ijrl!s! sS.' ‘ I ' - X V-, . ' K u>' >LL 0,1 ih' Milit ' 7 /’ „!, ' ' !.. AS. 1 I, V ici.iis \i r I i; \i.: i;' in !•! V r.\yott:villo, I'J. C. ' .!. M. \\ I I : ! • . ir ly ■1 -S v I . I! ; lit- ! e h’l- t. . II r ■ •j’:;I{> ‘iJsin;-!! ' III' S,;l-.-rii - W. ^l revi.eei;:.-;;, :nl..i:.; l' ■ ;i 11';,.' ; t:-i j I'l-i'-. .hal !he_\ h::\e enter'-il into ■ 1M,.-I > i): 1' r t!. ■ ; : -J tl;e i;. n,- ' 'MM 'vM! 1! .“si .S F.''S in iill ii- \:iti.ins ] :irts. Atel : 'i ;h pi.o-tie;il wiit!;iii' n. t'liiv 'in'h-ist-imliii^ tin- r ii,. tl.i y have m h^ .-i; n ' ■ ■■■ n,|.'.m i ^ \ ;..i ;:;i !i> ii; i'a" ■ \to >t_-. le alel ;ur r \ . f‘h" fn-i:i 'i; iy ' ' ; • - '■> rel- i et.ee t" ii. ire', \-.- ik ; a- :iie !:.~t t«o ;.e.i!-s. e u M.i : -,V. W: r'.i t.' 'live _i ii'l.ii .'ati->l'.it.ti'ili I'.r —ii.\s .irsT 15MLS. M;\V Olll,F.VNS MOl.ASSi:.'^. 1(1 lio. 1.11-^0 Yellow riaiitiisy Fotatofc.s, C.diio ll's. Northern Ihicon, ;;n(Mi Ills. N. Carolinn do. ]n'Ml hiishels (•;!ts. IMoiiirhs and 'a«tinc:=, ;;!;:eksMiiths' 'fools, ] 7 hhds. 'ul>a Moh'sses. —AL.'O— 1 lijilit foiir-hor.-?e Wa'.ron, and 1 l>iip-?y, 1 Ilarr.cs:> Hi.r.se, .S.e. TIIO.'^. .1. .IOIlNi:JON, rerson st. [’.".yottevillo, Fch'v 2'^. l^oo. 7Jtf I ( AMl’iJLLLTON 1M!(»1>FRTY FOIl SALK. T. .1. J. ••'2'Sn* C'Imreh »!* IS»aiie, or the l>a- liylon of the .\poc;ilypse,”—three l.eftures 1>y l!ev. lir. W ■■id.'Wi'! th. with .‘111 introilnetion liy llev. Jarvi.s 15ux- tmi. of North ('aroliini. Just receive,1 hv i:. J. H.u.i: soy. Vay Ili, isr:;. !.A\V liOOkS. ( ItOWN TASFS. decided hy the .luiljre** E ot' i'n^lami from 1^^07 to IS-'ii. vols. 4th. -'ith Hiid ' ih. hy .\!i;oi|y. iJttiiM ii and Tearce. A Treatise on the l.aw of Mfi‘ier ami Servant, by Cli;is. Manley .'^niilli. 'i'.i| iiin'j oil the Law of .Mandainiis. Just rec’tl. June 1^-. K. J. MALI'; & SON. Ill- 'i.e ui th-- n i 'I - i H *N' • S'.) S A \ ! r ri'j'S '?M)'il •» 4»'i*v-:s5- ; . i; •' ^ I . l.A I- I- • ' ;i:r L1V7. VVHr'lll'TtCll. i'J. ./) -I 'litl - :i' I ' Ki t.L ;n- i. 1!' li. rii:'.:. .i\ \ ‘ »...I'. iii'\ '_M. -t r.'.ii:!!-';- ’.iw fi r cash. I'ii.l; ,v IIKAMN. J Mis lit \\l.\. ii'Jt! Ii:;t- ■;t Will l.i... . I).'!!''’ KJ i^EHcnAr^T, J :■ ’:n!i e Y^ f. It: t. ■ n II ■t ti.: until • ur.-. ' r -1! ’iili> ■ I. r ■ 1 ,.l !1‘V I •- >1' .JOJ 'Fjc ' -nip ■I .. ;i._ I ti, .|::|ie : , L hk \t !;r. ,' -Ti; \NC!:. 7tf Li'i'iio(;iiAi>iiic poK'i’RArrs ^^F Hi'hip II WKNscp.oFT, (proceeds to go to the P 'Iissi(.|i;uy Fund of the I'iocese.) .\nd of the Mon. (ii;uu«iF. K. il.Atu.Kn, (proceedis to ti;e iieu',;:t of the Artist. 1 For Siile bv i:. J. HAL!: PON. .liU;e 1 ivMMoxss iii:roirr. F3 FOFK.'^St >11 K.MMO.N.'s'S HF.rOIlT oii his Oeoln ia jiie.-il Survey of Nortli (’arolin)i. A few yet re- ni.-rniiii'j-. I’riee .'(I cents. The Miners Ouide and Mctailurjrist's birectorj’. by J W. Orton. K. J. HALF \ SON. X5:\\ iiOOKS. I’F.N('KI’.'S P.K.^'TOirs .^Ml'.T( IIL.''. .'-econd seri-“; the (ienius :ind .Mission of I’. F,. ('iiurch in the I', .-'lati s, liy i'alvin ('oltoji: tho I’.ihle in the (’oiintinfr liouse. liy Uoarilnian; (Jreat Truths by (Ireiit .\uthois: a l)ietionary of .\ii[.- to Ketlectii n; the Itace for I’.iches. liv Coiwell: Travels in Lfiyjit and I’alestine. by .1 'Ihom.-is. \l. I*.: .M.-irie l>e Uerniei'C, a tale of the ('reH- ceiit I'ity, by \V. (Jiimore .'simnis: a I’ractical Treatise oil !5iiaitK^». bv F. T. Frci'dly: School J’ooks, >^c. Just leeei'.ed. F. HALL .S: SON. . ■ .' I'l.t >X'. I i lr,.m > ■ .1. '.n, ,. I '■ ii'unijitioii, \ ; V ..i> I . - 1> - ' ■ I. ( .-tivene.-s. Fr_\--ipel.is. i■ I , ■ ,• li.-. I . 1 .’ ii:,iii iti'iii ,'iiid I’aiu in the t'ln'-'t. ' :i :1 i'. 'li-'-a.si'S arising fri-r.i :i ■ - i : ,.t I' !■ .■'toimich. and to relii've tii dis- s j M', :. fi-i.ni e-itinc too hearty !■• I. in i i -,.i'|.iie habits. Warranted to bo Purely Vegetable. '1. i'i net -:s an Lx|-et-liil';il;t. Tnni,'. I *« lie:’ ( >ne _i-i !if !" i\ |ii'S';i-."'-' t h i-i-i- I i .ii'-' ' I 1 ,-iile lii'-'ases th:lll a one i ,!' ir l..,;t’e .^t ■|‘., '.i i’.: ..-.ilns, 1.1- .’':ir.-'aj..U i l-.s. that '■'I : - i "in.i.le tri .l -it 'iiily ;ie b wi.i j t- f’t “ IJjj* N!-rr-t:>j-y «»l :tll ■ iri! -I I :iti.ilhi-I- in ill’ 'I- M -t'-i ia di-.; , 1 able 1,1' iiipai-t'i I -:i;-Ii h--i';!;. 11- rtii'.s to t in- I li'.; - iiliii \ it ; I ((r'f;i-I ' - t hevi |’i”s \ l.niP!- 1(» I-«’ iitdd i!i!il 1 iiu.i.r!,l iii'-!i. I lii: I. w. : - ..tl ‘ t- .i • u ..... ■ t',. 'hi* V \ I ii I -i-n. ••t'trnlar u.s;! I- U-> ets. per bo.\, e ; 'ii i. : J.i d' se^ i.f mei'i, ine II the \-ents who ^.’l ih- Fills. ,ind "et tin- ! i'- .\ inae ' frruti.s. "Ivin^ full ii:irtieiilais and ii t',, i ve-ri:inied Ti!',-- l ie fi.r sah> iji I . . Hinsdale, and -I. N. ."-^m lii; u||. |. . I'I /'/•. !^/>riiC'i'■• I ■ 7 ‘ II ! I’ilh, which slop tie- ( ' . • ... Ill 1 do U'.t sicl.i'ti t!ie I,.111 I, ■t ' ;; M'-'l : ..111 -■ 1.. ; I I. . H: 1;' . ': \ L- V = ! I I ■ 1 1 -. ,,| II . i;,l . •- t , I V ( ■> I N ■■ 'U*- ■ ’ r !»• . t 1. \ 1' r i ■1,1 ■ . i,,-., i' li - l,'H. il 1 .1 I'll :\ ;:.I \ . ■ r -: •• I'l f l!.e l.i'l \ : 1 r- tl.- . i n. .ii I 111 -1 f '11 r, 1 111 ... • \ .• 1 - 1’ : 11,-. 1 I' -1 il ii.’i:'- 1. . . ; r ,1 .1.- Ill ,| 1 I-,,!. '.I.-, il I n; , 1 u : i ij .«l I .*• o- nl: ■ * 1 le -1'. • tl >11 ■■ i;. 'I - ■- l; . hr 11 !. 11 ;, 111 l!,- 1 1 « . c- ■, , t - ^ > i • • i 1 Till' III 1 '.- '1 -- ‘1 ti ll V- . 't ' f; 1. . • • rr^ . !i ' ■ ni\ ) 1', r - iHii tl il 11 i-n -1 I II . i ’ - , u- J - ... 1 1 .-. I'll, 1 iini -r \ •• I' oI ' iir 'I'li.riiir** (It. V ■ t 1 ■ 1 \ i . 1 |! , ■ - ■ rl iii;i it> - mlOi? i » i 1 ' .,. li.iii 1 1 I,. I'r r ; ill* tl-- ..it' f • Ml : i \|.,; > II M. in;. nil I, 1; V r'li-’1 : I" ' ■ I'I i:, .1-111 i I'. ;; lin- l,i"n iiili-,1 ;. II, , iir r..\ u : '1,1 i; ■ 1,11 .,1 1 'lI, ! 11 .1 11 1 I- -i,-\ T V. 1 ;ti-n l.ir l,ii-.- .r-. ,,, 1, ■ • ‘1. n I t. il, 1, 11 ! I,'-'. I, - or i.'l. ;-l -■ Hi . 1 1,11 \ • iii ii,’, 1-1 111 - 1 ll 1- 11 ill, r t'o- rll>> lit' ,1 111 :re 1,1 ii\ 111 iilir til II; 1,1 ll-l I i it \ !.V All \I I. . Ir :i III.:.! ' ■ l.n 1 11 : . .' Iiitn 'i-l |:v |--|-i K .iii| I" ' '> ' ,!• I' 'I O' ,,.;r ..ml ilii- K ' '■ -■-II III.'- Il' l--|"| • i"i:;ti r. • . Ill- 1 :i ml I II ■ 1* \ lit ( 11." I ■ I'. I' ' in I * 11 ! ’ r. Sell- :: w.l I ii, 'iiii|.t I'li Ml. 'I 1 I.'Ill inn : Il 111. 1.1 in. S i|.' I’_'i-i. il I I \\ 1 I I • nil 1 '■ W nil- \.f. II lii 'ii'l;- " ill • ,. Ill 1! iiiii iiii|iiio-lili.iiil il i:i| I I ill-::ri i ir-l I'■ iiri le ,M'il KI 1 '. l.I. 'I It., ' :■ '1. '■ .liL’i. \ 'l;ii |I : lio I il.- I ■ N itirr to ' i'll rj/f III I in DisHUrrs. il \ I, .w I.;, haiiii 1 tinnil er of ,'sjiirit Iliirrel.-, ■ • l i -t 1.-I-I.I -I iiiateiial, and by non I ' II" :i Ai. l III 111 . Kiii^'■ a! Hill ei-hty barri'N per J waiit;ii;i ivill 'lo well tn ‘iive me a eall. '1. K. I'N MiL Wool). ■' i'.. :. I-','..:. .‘^tf ^Hl. uii ii r-.iiied v,id pay cash forSpirit-- Tiirpen- tine, il, poml oi li r. / ailouin^ only a lair in:ir,:iin : ly im iileiit.i. i-n ,|., i|, .sendili;^ to a j^elieral " •'n I I't'es ]ir‘-!i'r t'l •!. ji on fheir own a'coimt. ilili-I- J, 1 d ;>ill m:i!e h!eral e;i'.h adv:inei-s I for ■1 11 I 1111,1, - .ill : on ;ill :ri!> aii l Ko,- n pl.n-e.I t'o-ir h ii'!' f.ir shipment,—>:i\ii,,- the ov.ti. r alway; "piioii to sell ill Uilminjrtoii (,r siiip to New Vork. ii;o. W. WILLIAMS CO. ' • l-^.-i:; s.tf 1.1 I ;■ 1 • l*-r - M'.rlu' riiulir. I’i ■ rr{ .im . ;t n*! ;• M *•' I'-- li * 1 1*1 ill-" ' IIIIIIIK I 'I- • *M|: il t «> .jU I ' ' ; M... M t.. M.\ S I III'vSl Ml. I ;i\. tt. V l!« : (• !• I'll'.::. I ;.1 nijl.ii; \ll \| r.l; .V MiiW IW:\V ll.iliomu, . ii.r li\ I ni;. -I , i-,i:, r, AM)iii:\N S‘S 7 /// 15 mu and Store Drpof. .11 h,-ii;,l. t'ookin;;, I’ox, and I’arhiir VI \VA\ S STOVI;.' - ALSO— ,\ varied :i,-;.5ortliU'llt d 'lin \\are, at vli ilesalc and retail. I’.y -’• W. \ N'DUKWS. -Miuket Si|’i.ire. •JuOif jlditlicL' lioofiit^ (itid ONF. in ti.c best manner, at reduced prices, bv W. ,\NI»!!I';WS, M.'w ket .s^ijUiire. •liuu' I ’ '. lO'.f .-.1 \ . • . t I. V » ,> i . 1 • . - . 1 i;ai.::i: in r. oits. .V.I/S T.' : I. \Ni> iM.'i'i.Ti.i: ir I " i: •:.! \ !.i; a Mi i;! i .\ 11.. Ilirliot V’ilmin^toii; N. C, i;;f Ai I i'occ:'.\ fontissioa fv'i 8'r» i5 NEW YORK. I*. \ I.I.iT i .] [•' • I’A ' !■'! I I !!- Au”t-.i 1 .. 1, ■•••-•. :^tf T. C . W 3 R T H, roiniissii'' W!) mi'kchim, NVlLMiXC’i'OX, X. f. fi. 1. r -I-; 'i‘'tf .\. Ov '!'. .iom:s, CTcneral Agent.s k Commission riercliants, Vi ■. j I l’:ii tii'iil.ir atti ntiiiii jrivn t,i tlie sale of Titn- i ^ r. LiniilK i. and N;iv:il .''t ii. >. Liberal cash :id\alices ; ,,11 ei.ii'i;.' nhic nis. L.II I X. 15. s'i'Ain>rt'iv, Tro!/, .\V’#r 'i'orh’. ■ lUO.N ForXDKll AM) M ACIli XisT, i Mfi IIII/'(II i II r> r Ilf S/>ii)ii MUhiniil lloiltr:^, Mill (1 ruriu(j of uli L'imK, I’hiitifli:-, i\ r*^lllL undersijined, as the .\gent of the :ibove Fst;ib- U lishmetit. v.ill oi-.h r any articles wliicli iiniy be wanted, on :ipplie;itinn to him. "'lie Steam .Mills iiiaiiuftK-tnrcd by .Mr. Starbue'i have been tested, ami :ire hi-;hly approved on tlie 1‘lank lloads ;ibi)Ut 1-ay ettev ille. FDW’l) LFF V. INS LOW. F.'iyetteville, Sejit. I. IS'il. -*tf MO!.AS.s|:s. -41 UllHS.,—sujiciior i|iiality. —also— (’i.ll'ce, Iron, .S:e., lor sale (’ilKAi*. I.y IT.TLK 1’. JOMNisON. M irch M TT-U' 'O i' ■ ;e i.ii'.v i'fi.-e;\in-.:' i-i r SrV.l' ii (lOiii''. V d l.il_'l-'’- ’ 1 .; i; :l ny f, Mi.i. !' I lie. 1-, II':-l;__ 1 L '-i'r-. II. V;? . ?-T " 3 -7 '*?> .**‘1 /.'Jo J i-*; ; C -.i i.'X e 'J9 IIAT3. C-i?3, 3?00TiS ADJD SHOES. In .-nl lition to ihe :ib,M-. we h-ive :i.'i;.- I t-. oiir -t „-k .1 l.iii^e aiid »\ (.11--e!i-i-1 ei 1 .-i ,|-t nn i-' ,-l I!! .\ilN ( I.iiiliiNii. .\!l of whii-h we ■ lfi-i- to li'.i;, i-rs at iiir !iiu ;,i!,'i' :;ii,l ,-;.-ei'mn,--hit'.ii'.; ti :;:.-. li \ 1.1. \ s.\ Ki;'i T. N. I’. .-Mfi -I :if":i;ii,;i pai 1 t i i i .e; s. M.iu-h IJ. 7rT Ji/.'-l /i' c, / -i (/ i!:-:! for S’ti'r, •'? ^ '• M’>i:ll.-' piime SI i: I III ba'.is 1^,1,.,1 ii; 1 (' .;|\‘e. ! .'illliU i-i.v. N. ( . I'.: ,• .11. ' F.liNF.oV.', KYLF .V ’o. M.-iy .'.It. I '.Ml' ‘ 3 \ J I P ’n ' 4'M ; .j.it' ..5 1.. I : .i’.ii aixl.tiii T Mi sii' iu)Oks. ' *l'i,I) resjie,-'t'l.’i y in!, i-ni tlie ]iibiie that he is ra'^IJF, Hesperian Harji; r.oston .U'sideniy’s f’tillcctiin; V sii:l ; t hi- old ~t:iii 1 c,-;i'r_\ ;n;: on tho above | the I’resbyteriaii I’salnmdist, v'ie. Further sup- I,-'... --s in -il: il-'’r-’.r.rlies. 11 e r-,-iu;-i'.'th.-n.us lor the plies just received. K. J. il.\LE & fcON. 1 ’ 1 1 * . ■ . . ' r '. p..;. t; '.e le In'S iee'.‘ive,l. .-ml hopes by ;i str'.^t iteiiti, n to iiiisin, :,'.;1 a .’.e-ire to po‘:;se all and ' " L .-;i v.,1 s.iti.-:.t I I’.n : ;t a coiitiiuijince of the June 14. S. (-. Supreme C'onrt Reporls^ il>' w.in-iints all his wo'.k to be ma,;'* i f the oest ina- 15 N sets, or ptirts of sets, with till other N. l,aw teri;il and by expcrieiiceii workmen.—haviiiL'- a more 3 I’fioks. and Law- liooks gciKrally, sold on the mos* .•■':itid /iitic i'iil he ilatters hill.self that favorable terms, by !..> u-ii,. will compete with .-my mad'' in the .■'late t,,r K. .J. HALl-j \ SON. stvle. e;e;i:iiice am! 'IiTi;''- : iiei .■'imii.d aii_\ ot it lai! Also, n hir;^e stock Medie.-il, JHstorical, Miicelbine- •i; t-.w !ve iiioiiil'.s 1 witti fair ns'i;.:e; either in workman- and .Shoil Dooks, lilank IJook.s. Faper, \c. nt, siii|i or nniteri.il. lu’ will r"pair it liec I'f cliiiiiio. who'esalc and retail, at the l>ook Store, Fayotte\illej f . ; -ii;i-- u i- to ti’iy. W i iiM do w eli to eall and ex- ^s. '. atiiiiie iii> v.-,i-k :;S he is Icti l-ln;Med to sell low let'c.';s|i , — ..r .11 shni t timi'. (ij-ilei's ' 'i;-i I kt'ii” V r.'i-eive.' ! pi'omjitly -itfen-led to. r.KI’\ii.lNil lie.;:. e\-jei.le’i at siiort notice ^ gH K First Volume of the Uevised Statutes of North ] :ind hiv.e-t ib’e pl i«'''S. Jan. 1.1. I" ^ 1.»t T jnst ie;''iv‘-ii the >i-i-'':d s'i"'k of Gr> Spi-iii;: anl .■'nniiii'-r 1’.'>N N I. 1 .tr.-i''. s iiT a new :in i . . beantitiil style, ainl nil,II' pi ll es: riowcis. Ilib’iu.ns. 11 ead-i!i-i '"I'v M:;i!tilhis. b.t;- and s!;oi t Clnves, Swis.s I'.d,uMin.:s and lnsertin;:s, 1 i: !ir s'e, -.i s, ('ni'.ai: :,nd ('-ipes. lire s Caps ami I'n -s Ti- i.imiii:.s. lll't s'i's .-ind Manlilias Iin.'ii' in the hite.^t -tvle. ,\ll ordi'i:- iroiii ilie I'nuii, \ ] i, t.ij t,v atli.-n !e;i ! i. Mav I.^'i '.. WAX'i'{:i), me of the lievised C:iroliii!i. A['ply at tiiis Otiico. xi:w iJooKs. rjS^IIF l’L.\NTI-ni, or thirteen ye.irs in the IsDnth; E. \'v hite .Shivery in the iiarbary istatrs; Stray Vtin- ki'c in Texas: The Lofty and the Lowl^; Thackeray’i Mr. I’.rown'# Letters. I>'.\ubijriie's ISeformation, vol. 'i; I’ulpit ('yclopcdia; Church Identified. Hiiskin^i's Carpentry. r>i:ihlin,!r and Masonry; l>ow-n* intr's Itural lissays: I’.-iiiitei \s :ind »ilder's (luide; I'opU'* lar KdtK-ator. I’resten's Time Tables, &C .^'C IJec’d tiiis nioruing. E. J. HALE & SON. .M:IV I'.I \\ i: : ;..N J ox !• Ii’:ils. Siej-iirs, ■ > Ilbls. I raiHihitc'l ih). I-‘i l!a;j-s I’io ( nlfee, •• M.-irii ;libo M-J. Fia^'fiin;: tiiid !;i>”e. Sueilesaini l-n.ili.sli Iron, WiiidiMV lhiss, S X 10 mid 10 x 1-, —.\LS(t— Lo;if and Crushed Sn;j--irs, Lar and F.iiuy So:ip, 40 libls. No. i llerrin.ir'. ,S1. Mi s %\ ^\vin:\T. TORN. H; C- SAW MILLS, V » il I j xf ■ II’iST -Mill Siiiniiler P.aianee Irons and I'rivers. W Inks and iud;:eons, llitehkiss \\ uter Wheels, liacks and Fvollers, k(‘pt c(*nstantly on hand, and lor sale. \\ e Ills') ni;ike (ieariu”: and Shtiltiu':; for U heat Corn. Saw Mills ami Factories. .Steam Fn^iues of any ! aower repaired, (irate liars sitid Furtiace Fronts k‘]it ' on hand We wish to m.-ihe adilitions to our nitichinery I pnd lools; to enable us to do this, those indebted by I H^OMESTH' Medicine and. Honseiioh! Surgery, by : note or account will plca,se c'.me forward am! S'-ttle. i tLF Thom.son and Smith: Domestic .Medicine, Sur- ' frerv. Materia Medica, iScc., &c., tor the use tif f-antilies; Chil'li en, their disetises ajid luamifrement, by Hr. ishi'W. He;ilth, Di.setise iind Keniedy, by Ur. .^loore: !'imoiis'H SMiril ox COXTRACTS. EW F.ditioii. for just received bv E. J. HALE V SON. arch :;i. IS-','?. 'S'ijf BSareiioi&y, a further .su;»plv jnst received. F. J. HALE & SON. J une’ti I. TAMILV MKDICAL HOOKS. .March ill. lS-)o. Xi-:\v r>ooKs. IIAI.L .S: r.OLLlN(iEK. 7(df Spice, 1‘ejiper, Cinder. Snnll, lndi;o, Maihler, Sjiaii | ish Frown. Saltpetre. S.-ilcratus, .Mace, Cloves. Yeast j , • , . . r Fovvder-, Nutmegs. Adamantine and Tallow ('amlle.s—' /J ^OLLIFU’S Notes ami Emendations to the te^t ot with !i ;eneral as.sortment of Frovisions. Hry loods. ! H .Shalispeare’s Flays; Hr. Lirch and his^ 'i onn>r F.oots and Shoe.s, Hardware ai;d CutU rv, Cruckerv :ind Fr’.emis, by W. M. Thackcniy; 'I ales ot the Countis.s (Hassware. ’ HWrbourville: Itolii;. Hood ami Cai.ttiin Kidd: Xc. W e otler the above goods at low prices for cash, good j American .Vrchitect, by J. W. Hitch; American House papei', or produce. ! Ctirpcnter; ■.'cc. TUOY .K: .MAUSll. - >!:'V !boo. '.'7if .^Lly JO, K''-)-’-. F.'imily Medicine; Ewell's Medical Comuunion; (!unn s Domestic Medicine. K. J. H.'LE & .SO.N. June 18. E J H.VLE k SON. IJLAXK r»OOK8. VN assortment of Blank F.0'd:s of all kiud-4, just r’ ceived at the F'ayctteville Hookstore. E. J HALE k /.pill

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