'T. • 1,_ 'Tk'.. T '■] N. [VOL. III.] FAYE rTEVILT.K, X. C., SKPTI'Mr.i:il T2. tMrsr.is.vt ^x.vJunj.LB» [NO. 227.] I'ltlNTKll liV .1. li. NKWIiV. KDWAIil) J. IIALK & SOX, Kliin'lts AND rilOl’KlKTOIlS. I’l ii I-!• r the ^^oiui-'Vecklv OusEin kk UO if paid in •I Iv.iiK’t': •'>** if J'liid ihirinjr tho _ve:ir of sultscnji- tii'ii: "f after tlie year has ex[iire«i. K ■ l^cfmifiiiois^s iinpi'orcft N()X-i:Xri.()SI\ K I.AMP, FOR lU KMNi; I’H Il) .VM) PINK OIL. I’ntciitcd .iaiiuarv t'.tii. Miliscrihors having just ri>c(‘i\e'l ,i lot of tlic -H. ii1>ovo L.V.Ml'S, call tlu* attcntioti df the jvnldie to the saiue. I lie ri^rht to vi tid tlie Lainji in the ilillVreiit eouiitiess ot the State will 1.«‘ vUsjmseil of at a rea.'oiia- • ile priee. Call ami see them. Also, TM) keirs V. lute I.eail, o() oz. Sulj'liate of ^'i\i- two iiiile«; wi-st of the .''toUes line, leM'liiij; from Salem wesi—ilistanee Weekly ('iisKUVEi! if J 00 per annum, if paid in '''I if j'aid dnriiij; the year of su1>seri]i- ,,r ">’■ C''' alter tlie year has expired. i;i; ri.‘'l-MI-NTS in.sertccl for sixty CL'iits p»-r ,• f I'i lines for the first, and thirty eeiits for eaeh e iiiiit imhiieatioM. ^ t'.arly advertisements by spe- ::t reason.alilc rates. .Vdvertiser.s are : 1 to Kt.itc the nnmher of insertions desired, or iwl! y.’. . oiitii-ued till f.H'liid. and ehnrsred aei-(inl- j[. 5, lte:-.‘^ io t!ic IMUors mU't lie po.t-paid. 1^———————a^—r——i»—a» Pilot Mountain. •’treat N itural Curiosity is situ.ateil in Snrry 1 iiiity. N. .- ii,.iin lea' ,■ luar.toti 1 miU"-'. lUnhatiy 17 miles, and n of t!; ■ Str'fje lin > fr on the al>ovi> plaei s • I .. i;5iie !!i I; e I'V .Moinit Airy to tiie Snljihur : ■ N rjiiiiia. The I'oiiht of the I'ilot M'n;itain ( is IT'i'i lei't al'ove the le\el o' t ^ev^. wiiieit i' tile nearest stream, 'i’iie view T> to tio tl'.e tiiandest t'f any in t'o- .Southern St;it*«. emhrrieinfr Kinjrs •. ‘n HI N r- I'i't.. C.. ^:lr!^'is Moiintain in S -■ . :!ie Koek in CreenvilK' ^ (' , -i!! ot' wii'u-h ai* l«ii( miles or moro iH-t.-mt: - . ;•! I’lJne fri.m North I'ast to .''outh - i io- \' u 'j^.inay as t.ir as f!ie »-\ e e.in ri-ach, , r - ^ utter, the r>u!la-> Hauu*. a.i'i many other ' Ml \ ir^'iiiia. A vi“w into I'oiir States e".n he ha 1 -- til! •*. f *' r the ■'oason li;i ?M‘eii niueh \:?iti'd t.. ' V- ‘V' l'i :ill ] of the Cnif'-d States. 1 ho !o >l:e ri’rie’.e is ii.iw sate l>y str] • :iti 1 r- !':• >i> lli.ii'O kept hy the Su!i.->'iil.i-r, om- j‘ I'f mi'i's s-*iit!» of the Monn'.-iiii. V irood ear- >■, :: - u'.liiii si\ hifiilred ynrd.s of the I'inii.-irlo: a ■ 'viil lie fady to wait on stran;:iT'- V ill til' spared »'• wait on visitors ;ind make ':>* ital'le with every tiiin-.: tin' country ;itT -id‘^. well bup|i'ifd with corn. foddvT -ind S.-,.- !*i • i! is a liiio Mii-.ertvl Spvin". ffi. > ■ - ttfii'h are .'^ulph;:r. Iron and Ma-lie- a r.- Il l- tl:e .'^uK i-r'iher'- Uolis,-, ;;S he is thi sole '■t-r and 'wnej :>f th',- rr- t M Just received. An;jrnst 'JO, lt.'i;’,. rH I.KS .M.\c i: \i; 2-.:tf ill'.AI* 1^*1 AUTi;i;S li ii Hi!ii. Mii:. 1 Si MMi'.r.vn.i.r., N. C., .\uj:nst ‘JO, IS.".;',. |' f (’ommandants of iti'iiinients eonstitutin^r saiil M. IJrieaile. .are herrhy lennired to have their re spective commands at the foIh(win;r times mil places, armed and cijuipjied according to la\v, for rt \ ie\v and inspection, \i/: 4 Ith Ixoirimi’ut at t'arti.acre, .Moore county, on i'lie.sdav. 1 1th leto!.er. oltli iteuim Mit at Sur.uuerville. Cumherland eoiiiity. on Thursday, l:!iii >i tol.er. ;‘:id r.epimei:t at r.iyettevilie, •* •• on S.iturday. l-'.ih O -ti'lier. • '.2d Ilejiimeiit iif Ciintoii, Samp.'ou co'i:ity. ou 'I’nc'lav. I >tli »>eto1.er. list lvei;iment at I'li/.ilu-thtown, l>^id ii eountv, on ■rhursl:iy. -JUdi Oi'tohrr. .''■>;h KeL'iuHiit at Whitcvil'ie, I'oiumhu' coiinty. • n .''^.turday. L'lid ((etoiic)-. .\. 1'. M.I KW, i-.r';- i;e-, l. ith N. C. M. 'i'rKi*i:.\'riM: w am i:!). ^^'^!l!'. SI lisrrii'er vii! ”ivo the lii;.:hist >! ,i r;;et > i iivrry 8tahl‘s. Tlio iimlor.siiriiofl er>iiliiino to i-:irry on the LlVHllY lU'Sl- NKSS at this jilace. They have lately lariicly inereased their Stock and can now oiler to the pnldic as "ooil Horses. Cjirria.iies and I>ri- vers as ean be fo\ind in the Sovith- er;i I'ountry. Thankful for the larjre ji.atron- a;xe heretofore extended to tis. we solicit a continuation 'of the putilic favor. We promise a Katisf'aclory trip to i'll who may wish to travel. t-,V'St.-ililes at the W est end of .Miiinford stret t, where one of ihe I’roj'rietors may always I>e found, or at the Store first door Kat.t of Mr. l.utterloh. .1. w . row i;US .s: co. r.iyettevilie, Feh'y l2'J, 71V '•aim: under>i;;ned, ha\in;i purchased Mr. 'i’hos. S. !9 l,u?terloh’s Iiistillery ;iud Cooper-shops. have en- teieil into ('op.i rtnersliip under tlie name of Mcl.-imiu v'i .''tr.injje, for the purpose of carrximr on the Uistilh'- vv of Turpentine, and the m.-.nufaeture ol Si irit I’lar- re!s. I). Mrl.AlillV. UM. Mrl.VriliN. .IAS. W. STKA.N'ii:. IM.'v is. 17t»tf Du. r. (\ uw.i. ■V.S removed to tho well-kuown -taiid of the l)r; I’ohinsoii. corner of (ireen and J!ow streets. April ‘Jl, is.-.;!. «7tf \{. M. Oiriil’J.L. KiiR\v\i{i)i\(; cnMinssHiN ,\t I’a yj*i i€‘viE!e, Tiic Fjftr^esi €'arria^v i-^irtorf; in the Sots iIt ! A. 4’. Marc 11 10, i;2-tf a. \ w V 'S' T O 32 !■: V \ T A.S taken !i;i olVice iie-.t door to \\m. !’>. Wi-j^dit's I.aw efiiee on (1 recM Street. I'l' v.iU attend stliil I'l aetice ill the Couuty :i!' I .Siipi'i ioy (',,iu t - of Cumhcr- l.-uiil. ISI.iden. Iloliesi.ri and S.nnjis- n. Ma reh L’o. I s.',:;. 7!*-I l‘ llA.NKS, r o.Vi- E-: f’ T3 §: fr, w iioi,t:sALK AM> i;i;T\iL ]ii: \i.i;i: i\ I'l.i 'KJH I T'>h‘ircn, Sll i/'}, A'-'. Fayetteviile, N. C. Yl\y A. M.irch 1. C ■V11! 'pirits or t le i lu mati iiai. .!0|!N All-. 1; IN WAN !' Ol- M()M:V. . l>i-’r.TS line me i r! to the lsv.Iul\ !'' e p.lid, :'s ; ir !u'.i-i! -e i-:!i;not \M>U!AVS. >!;,rk. W . A I. Ll\ C! |I1MI1 1111', h'urhe-t prifi' p.ii 1 for riiri-eiitine. W iiite 0,;k StaM''. and >ak or .\she 11e.idiliLi'. C;ill oii ■ >. W', StiMii'jie. who cm always he found at the Stid. Mc!.\i !;iN .V STKANOK. r-'- v IS, IS.-,:;. 7(itf I'ou ^1^15!'. siil'-Ji-riber eO'i is for sn',e liis vahiul'le Pl.AN- TATIO.N iu iJ'dic'-oii coni ty. on l.otli sides i f the I, v.rie Koad. I'l mile - .SoMtli ’>Ve.'-t of I'.wettev il'.i'.iii I "ithin h.ilf a inile i f l.umt'er l!ri i' 'Ik terminus ot' til'- I’m vel te\ille and .Soiitio ni r'tuik Ko i 1. \u opjioftiM^ty i' :io’.'- o'fered f r an iiivestiv.en*. '.vhieli eani.ot be eiiualleii in tl is y -irt of the eour.try. riie land I' heavily .lu l deii'oiy eo\ered witli pines. ■ iVerini: a ;:ri at in iiK-ement to .ill pei-^otis eii^a.ired iu w J)r I'l (f (,'xh:, ■r fri.in . I?. C'Ali !>i:ai.k;; ! ( h’or( 11( s, I', i-ori’er >!arl - Il.;t S(ori-. C: an:/ Pr • S'jUir(‘, ■n r.WKTTl'A 1M,K, X. All kind'^ .'t I’roilu.-e ;i in cxi h o'v o, IS-,::. next t'l 1 ■ r : • :':V Vi. I!l rsoN. MS OS'S E] S^. 3 Fayettoviilc, N. C. M:ir.h U". IS.- Si-; I’iLL 1853. i\i) VlVTI-il in th: .\ I ■ and Tur; eiit and ill fact n C'U’itry. ru:iin m iv he M Iro p:i r e!t ;ir ■.! l;m 1 diiitive — s'U.cr: - - 'I’ \i 1.1 i 1^1110 un ii r-i j; ed :Te i.ow rein.; t!i STOCK (iiMtliS in tiieir '''.e t- r o|?\rcd to the fi.. ;e. c-.. i ■■ rtiaent f T' lins liberal. \i;t 11 1) 1. i':i> e'ti ,\ il:.iist s. 1 out l'"t to an\ 'MiTH. ITtf ■ I. \i: :t the'. \ AU AHM: L.\.M)S I'OR SWA]. til .I line "Jo. 1'-'i 7’. Dt.'if I /Ill's y sin}tp ti'i !ersi”netl luninir c «*4»nun'-Iji*’ } eoniiii, ujous W !ir«di«,ii ;>t l.ower Fayetteville, is nov ;> 7iii ; eiiliMe l U Sti |-a^e. li WM. t;l[.l.AM. '.I tf rs of / tii'in iifim m]i!ett' l his ! it ■.^e ;; m i I.irdw :irc aiui To w iiich tile , ioot- iili; • I r.ii tin i.reiiare 1 to e\ie(-ts to ■ i;;v rcc!; dex.. iii\ ite the . bu'er- ."-'Ik )( 'I C-.lStoIu- iilKlil! 1o m;b , .s. lit i:: i! Ib.ad. .Seven lliindrii ' in tf- • t( re'i. re>iiar,,ab’ Stoi-e ill tlie I li rioi,.i'l\ for tile I: ei _l.t\ ':i.c iii.\ p':iniatto!:, situ ",' 't it' l.un:! ert' n. an.l l.d liilic tV 'Ml I! ir’Ieesvil \i res of the l evf . ott,,M an I se\etitee htee;i ti'oi c lofalliiu 1 lTo\i woirrii ( Sr('CrsSO!;S TO .1. I). \\ 11,1.1 VMS.) 1■■A^ lli'fi.V iLLi;. N. C. ( Iil.li MAM> (I!-- il.M.b .'. .lulIN.-'H.. i>IcK!7ri!A.\ IvSp|;i 'i l'’J'1,1.V informs his friends ami the pub- ^ 111', tliat he has built up lartre substantial Urick i’ailiiin^rs at lii-iOld Stand, expre.ssly for m.-inufacturin;: Carri.-..L''e-. Thatikfid fi-r the very lil'cral patronajre he has received for the lust 111 years, he hopes by strict .ittentioTi to bii>iiiiess, with a desiri- to frive satisfaction, to merit a eontinn.-inei' of the same. H‘ warrants his \vi il; to tie niade of the best material and by ex|ierieiiced Wf rknieii ill each lir.-iiuh of the bu-ine'S. llis work will e.i:o;':irc fa\erab]y with any maiie in tiie I’nited States, lor neatness and dur.tbjlity. I!e i> determined t'l sell and ij'i any woik in his line oil ;is irooil terms as any work done eksewhi-re that is as well done. lie now has on h ind. Fixisiii;!>, the I..Ml • ii:sr stock of | ('(trri(iii(:, Jinnmc/ic.s^ llockaiva'js^ (ind j i’.ver oirer-'1 in this j.l.ici*. ;iiid a ver.v i.ar^rf" stock of | v.otk nearly fn.i-l;ed. wliich will be finished daily. -Ml ' ■t wlilch will be > 'M viTv low tor C\sii, or on sliort :.me t ' piuii'tual custi'iiiers. I le has on haiid more | ilrrin O.N'K lil NL>KK1> ,\NI> F11-"1'V \ehicles tinis'iiijt ^ : l:d i’l c. iir.-e of c n'tnietion. ' -Ml work made b'.' him is w arranted 12 months i n'.tii f:i'r us '.;re. and should it fiil by bail workmanship j or iriaiei'i;il w ill be rep:iire,I fret' ot’ charire. I’ers 'iis wi.'hinjr to liiiy woild do well to call iind j e\:imine tor tli( ;ii'c’i\ t s. ! (b'Krs tloui. fully ree«-iv« I and prouiptly attendv 1 to. i '’.•j'fii: in ; e-.eoute 1 at short notice an'l on very rca- ‘ so’tribb- ter'ii";. ',!• V l''oo. Cstf 1 TrurKN TINE. T K Inivo fi convonient v.-arc-honse near the ste.ini boat wharves, in which we can receive atid for ward Spirits Tiiri'entine for our frieiids. ollerinj; them the cu.stoiii.'ir.v shij'j'inji fiicilitie.s. We iilso jmrchase the article o:» our own account, and keep for s.'ile such articles as arc usually wanted by tlio turpentine oneratori. -May 2, IHr.'.i. -T. T. WADl'ILL. 11 o r E L. ^I^IIK subscritier havinii iiureliasvd the Hotel situatci -■ on the Sonth-Kast corner of (,'onrt ilonse Sipiare, and lately known as Stii-ut's Hotel, would inform the public tliat he is n.nv read}- to accommodate hoarders b.v the day. week or month. Huvitij: made considera ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the Kstablishment, he iKipcs to b* able to ^ive satisf-.'.ction to all who ]ia- tronize him. His Talde shall be fun.ished with the bett the nuirUct alfords, liis l>ar with the best of Li- ijuors. and his Stable with a plenty of good provender and faithful Ostlers. J. A. GH.CnUTST. .Tune 2''*, 18')2. ''-tl rOiiAl'C’O. fg'iiMsi: w II. V ill |.io r.i.' 1 r t M;! V ::» NO'l'lC’E. arv iudebtcl to me by Note or .\ccoiiiit ■;ise settle the sanii‘. .\li'l all debts due 1;> I't of .l:'ir_\ IS.V;, MI sT be scttlcl, as n,-e Ci'nii >t >'•' '.'iveii. A. A. M KFTHAN. '.'•stf nt II \I.i. SACKF.TT. 21 tf e 'teiit'oti |o the 'iiirits witii him. business, and th' -e wh iiiv depeii i u}ioii lii-i I ,1. M" li'c e\ery u.iy so, .-is t . iMir. H.i\ iii'j: -i 'j"od ( ■ he will be ;tbb.‘ to ni: k c(i;_M re in the m.-inufacture 0 ' ■ M-oii’se him. .\)1 Spiiit' i 1 b - kept 80 free of charje. -u -h is received in b.i'i n :.. vt' buying r’o- a'';l'-' w;'! - ■ ;-e b; Si" Iji,;.; it directiv to Ictect an\ ■per uU: ,|e l.cii ' e..k.i_i^ - in tl,'- b'o-ct t I as We’l t . ;-ei\ e.i ii! tr 1 [ ■ ler.ite ( iitioii. e much tr' 'A '.i the \\areln r atu! Jnn’tn\ Ii \v s t iii.i; . I Ki 11;\ ii.i.i. .N. c.. Ind 'tlte t..r d1 \ i' . with tine liCaltliN. !i there h: t thiit\ ye: .•n ' ■ f '-b- 11 u a - rv impM>\ ements, w ell 1 i ihe bert ''taiid li>r :i il;.: ' ecu one oH it oec:i- w !th about one hun- 1 c i b'li I i:. a ■■ '1 V hiiih A. w o!{ r;:.J Febril:;! '- 1' . IS-. L' r. !; 'J.io ; !' \Vi)o woiiitl thoiitrSit ,! \MS, t' eiiltiv-.ti'in. ■ 11 ui V e I M.' bi Ii i-i t >. . \ e:.r-;. vv it I. the the l.ind' if d ihi i'c i- a ! tr-e ' >'"'o.:ht o', \ er.\ a;''''ic,'it!cn i» ,r til iloe ] iire,|. i.ir'.: lr:;ct 'f I i:.'OIl;il,i,- ' -ircd. i-. e.i-; of tbem i;ili'i'. I v.lll •r tract i~ '.nil';; it tiiat S i' win V. iij wiio!.i;s\i,i: I'l,\i.i;i;s i\ etiift Ufoiitf'st:. S^r*/ ^nooiJs, cj \ \ Fayottoviilc, TJ. C. P.. [.I. VI. Ai'vil 1-.-.2. i: •I -*/ fH^HF. subscriber continuet^ to receivc and sell, on iL manufacturers' nccount, all prades of marmlac-’ tured Tob.acco. .1. I'TKF.Y. .May ;;i, is.-)2. f.-,tf A r 'riii: liEi) sk;n. Tl c I> » II a i 1 A: ^3 c .TS a s I c r Hgj -W F. just receiveil a full and complete .stock of B B CKO’CI'.RII'.S. IMJnA'ISIoNS. &c.. to wliich the.r would invite the attention of the citizens and surround- iiiir cou!itrv. They will s-ll low for 'asii, or on time to wnnctual customers. 'I'hey purchn.sed their fiood.s for cash, and this will enable tli'.'m to «dl T.ow. They iiave facilities that many houses have ni,t: they have aireiits established in Ibiltimore and New York, who ••ilways advise them of any ch iiiLre in articles in theii* line, ami who ]>nrchase only when bargains are to be had. We keeji always on li.iinl a splendid assortment of foreifru and domestic Li'|Uors; I.oaf, Crushed and |!rown Sugars; llio. .luvi and i.agiiira ('offees: Clreen,- Hyson and I’.lack Te.is: Nev.- Orlean.s and Cuba MoI.ts- s' s: Table and Sack Salt; Hncon, Lard. Mess I'ork, Mess Heef, Smoked Jicef, Dryed Veni.son; No. 1, 2 and :’> Mackerel; Iiiitter, Cheese, Flour. Meal, Corn, Oatrt, Toliacco, Camlles. Cop[>eras. Saleratus. Indigo, Mnd- iler. .Spice, I’(‘p]'cr, (■iufier, Nutmcfrs. Cinamon. I'psoni Salts. Saltjietre, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, and ijhtssw are; and a variety of other jroo'is. They take this method of thankin;: the community and their country friends for tl.e very liberal patronage bestowed 01. them; and intend, by selling froods i.nw, to' increase tiieir former tnnle—ahvavs keepinpr in view that a nimble sixpence is Avortli a slow shillinir- Vellow Itinldiii", between the .Market House nnd tho' F.ank of the St.ite. (iillespie Street, Fayetteville, N. C. .March 21. KS')::. Tbtf V. II : I \ A:' /.M 11. ! I' It an retiir:ii"l "Ol. : .;ir_. c \. •1 . V !-th. 1 i.Mt 'i:i:. '.'2tf Olso » the l;, at', w-'l >!iiiiper. • intcr' '’c i I r • ri’I 'l.ip as I 1,-llAM l.I.AKl-: W . 11. McK.W. Wholesale and Retail Grocer, r.i! t c'umivNioii \ Forwardini Mprcliant, •'i 'i\ »-. r : !|'-et. 'i :ji ,rs bi-b'W .M;i'- 't. I’.ii-;.- i' ir .'itt' iitioii p,ii I t.^ the sa’.* ot' kn > him ill t. - p.,- .'. .\ii!- : .■ ' . m-i be !"MU 1 AV .\T‘-'II"f ;i.i k.n.ls ai: 1 ]■:! cs. :V 'ii; s 1 s.‘>; (;. ;,j ('^:ii!.s. Soal K V'-. r>i' i Tins. I!,ir-ri!i!.r', riii;_- r-riiiL'-; a iim k • t 15i ii?s, (i .id Li.i ke’s, ('lit}' I’itiff atnl Hutt ui-; Silver aii'l Sit-fl .'^pectacl' Silvt r .Sji ioi;'. Hiittt Kliiv'S. .''.■lip I.,:, lies alni (’ll].'. i ' id ('! 1 ks; 1 'lot: i \\':ire; \li'l ’ II, .' li'’. . ; S r .: • k:!.,l. '\l,’'-h b ''ill s'.-i! elo' ip '. I- •• ' . ' ,■ n -h.. time t i\ ho p;.\ v.liiii ili"-r -i ■ :'n- j :' t;t. I t-. V ,:,'ii - Kci Msi: ,\r ■;>: i7. I ' ' :;ai 1 \1H. f' r // .V r a I 4,' t tt f ;:s, 'NS vis; '.,,.tii C.tro . at M V I' 1' ,«t I Ittie .f .!,-tii.:e '. of ;i ; ■r. W. 's . I relich .lll'l iiiiii lT 'i.vtur t.ii J iii:r Nca ^ ia:i. .s|i,,ii!d \Ki:u S. s; W here t I b:irrel ities. Colt's i; Ui-pe.-iter .ui'l si'i! ■-Ii t and laaie I’i 1 make: also i ii ^.i:i be S'.el ii or ti pr> par h of tb I' i", ti: .,,,, i:i.l \ii;IM; I- at si,. 1! II-.nc 1 tl" i:i lio bc-t ■ ,1 II-.; thi"'iu'i then,-.N.~ by 1‘Ij: iun. op] o a l::rL.e :i" rl- • t 'in:is, ,,.ri,| •:it:n'_'. A'b'li ' lle- ■priiiiin_' i’is( ,'s. i'ercil: s',.,11 I aj.s l.irue a ■s,,r!iiient ot :it ti.e e. ,ve~t ca ll I; luisiiiith line w ill m.'.nner. aiel for a II. L. ii()lAii:>. Attorney at V/ilmirgton, N. KFl'l' F. "U '■ r o-r 'V i\ i’l'.;; ■ - '• P lUi'b r .biiiia -.i . il;,-e. ii. b! i' 4? '5 T2 B S -> '()ii\v AUi)i'>i. Mi'.iiv ll h 0>1 thf- Mi!i> 7- /,’o ('I,,nh, CASH. ri', W'.VNT to purcliase youn; \ii;;usi 1. ]s.',:;. ->e"roes. ; T. WADDli.L ]7tf iiJ.1' 'llF. Sub-.-li},ers i:N'i'i:iii’iiisi:! int'orm l-’i." I'l'oli.r elll s. M n.l ( ■ 1 to other p Fe... 12. I". ;it;e:.T:, ii pn eii t' I's 'i;,! ,,11 l“r "111-, d in this l.ialki I. :'.l f Liber.ll e isii ;idvuilec.^ Ilia'lc ¥ .\i:w \w)k)k> Muient'. ' ';:iVr. F 1 I-:i \ ette vi, ;e 1. j’.ri ifooT. i r. F^ i. . I’res't of the I’riuk (■.•ish'r, dn, Favettevil’.e. I k i.ijil'ir, , • 'ok .V .Ii'huson. j ' ';ird ■ Co.. Clinton. Samj.s.in county. .1. Moii-ey. F'l)., I.umbeM III. Uobcson. ro" ,. Fs... Westbrooks, 1‘dadeli. illi: S'l’i.AMl'Ji nnvp'i •ALK'ir CS|;F. a I : 1 ill i! VM n b, !. I’.urns. I'V C!i'ibi:iTs; F.-hoi ch.in;. s )', ,|- \! i 11 wi .il: fAI er.ii' . \ss ■ o;,_' • ■ \I ; .\.la:iis > (le.; Knlt'clii m -' i s i.f ( ~ .1 -11 r w av r i’ ’-c., . i:,: , I'm ihrT .suj'p'i; if S le .\n;rust 17. is",;:. Import(lilt ■■'//'■>' / •' w V M ■ ... ^ -1.., .1 l;.,s- I' A 111 . I.' W.,r' ( ei 'iian'.s M e- : l-r.i ii i! Miv- I'iali: 1 r:iy aid I •i, ;ioirir\'; Me- will .|. Ha K .• ,|.-r-ii,t . I I wan iiit>' I t > 'h" ' ; 'hi II '.r to piir'-lia( dl t' .Ilf-. -1 I 1 i aiio maniil'ic tl 111 ! '"• to '.‘nil ny of the abo\e- l:im‘ me a Iri:i1. M V HAKFi:. if the W oo le;i (i nil. ppovit.‘ tile l*o't * ithce. 12tf •> !. A' ' "ks. li \bi. eeived. ON. 11,L conimeiirc her regular trips '.u W'e Incs'biy. ^i' -t \ii_iist; will h'ave FaH'tti viilc W F1 >.N ll.S- ^ aii'l S \ TI i;i»AV morniii'_'s e' *i o'clock, and \ M S sab ,N rther >;;; .1 line erip - till- •t,r' ■.;ii b> ii)i' 1 t; I'ou. [iriss *n -:iil : 2.'. 1 will .MoND.W and Tlil l'.SlbW morning ri'.r ;;ccomii'. "l.’.tioii f..r pas'sf'te.'crs. T. S. I,I I ri;i’.l,oH. ,\ueiit ;it h avetleviile. ,]. R. I'.[.«)SS(t\l. Auent at W ilmin;_fton. s.',-; 2-1-iiu I mil; i Jin'c.Ill/I, ■ ' II • s .at u h"l'' I t in ;iiiy i f lb. II ts ';t .-S-J .'(I t I'.wil' .FK. 7tf M( )L.VSSI:S. (.'dti’ci', .'>ii'_far. Mar >. l> .'I'per; .r . iim r t;. . \I.SO I f' 'II, iVe.. t' 'r S:,b I’MTilll I i'!m:k;h riX(; ox ( aim: i ivvii. ■^HF snl.scribers h.ivinp piinhascd the Steamers F.verureeti and .Soutln‘rner and Tow Ib.ats. l.itely he pi'.perty of the Henrii'tta .steaiidioat Company, are .ow pr.'|>:irei| to t'orw.ar'l i.itb despat h. lietw \\ II.KI Ns'ON Cc r.si I'.!;. Dil \I I'US IN ( " II h 11 iil III, I ',i(-,'' It' 'i.'"-''. A ‘, m: ! Shhu. AM' IMl'iib'. TF..' OF 5^5 IBW XV \vr.u;.Ks\!.v. ,\N!> nr.'v.Mi.. Market St., Wilmiii,ton, L-. C. An.-. 7.1^-1. n-f M VELl'/i r \ PAl LMIi JL iiirocci's c::st! f onsittissioji tTJer- I »."» ii'roiif NEW YORK. [•' ' w . u'.d ri ,'iiectfuiiy int'orm tlx il J Ii ;e;i,;> :in,l the publi',-, tiiat they lia\e enteie,! into .■ H artneislii[i for the iiiu pi sc of cotiduetin'r the jreiieri.i CM’i'.l \iK lU'.si \ F.-.s in ;il! its v.-.rious j.Mrts. .\nd I.eii.LT 'ooth jiraetical workmen, fully under'tanditijr their iiMsinc's. tliey have no hesitation to com]inre vvoru with •i;'.v ' sirio i.'rhmeni in I'ayett il!e as to st_\le and diu.i- bi'liy, (I; t'r‘ tirm may i" kiio-,v;i >y reference lo H. W hitfiel'Fs iron wnk for the l;is' tw.i years. We w.-irrant .all work t'l "ive jretieral satisfaction for ! wflvc niontlis. ilcpairii.e >einc iu ;l:c ii.'.i'' .-t man:icr low for cash. 1‘il.l; .K F.KAMN. .’ , '!. i’lr.::. .I \mi:s Ui:\mn. F '\ etf‘,\;i:i-. .b'.K'v 2 f. I^'o. ''^tf ( '(IK AI>. F\- , .IcIINsoN. pay until fititiicr n.tii-e ,ti:,e. .McL.M IM.V 1'.'. l''-'>o. .n2 oi 1'or 'i’lir- V sTli.VM.F. 2:!-tf Mrs. Walton li::s min-_toii and i :iy ( li to them. Fa\e'teville. F> II.1.1AM.- •lte\ille. all t'l ei'..:lit- or -ood.-- W il- ntriist- I*. M.VbbKl'T.] .\u;r’ist 1''. 1' I’A I-1. 1^ 1'. M, F N. A .1. IF F.nP.FI’.T' t'stf lor Sale. ^SIFF iini|er>ijr,|,,,|. ],y \irtue of several I>ecils ot ■ 'i'riist to tiieni exei-uteil, will otl'cr for sale for ■ oil .NF.iida\ the 2' th .September riext, lo V:tliial>le .1 ni: •vhoin arc- a first rate l'.L.\(.'KS.NHTH aii'l seve- ^ :-',o i ll.iu e Svivaiits. .loHN TAVI.or., 11. K. TI'.OV, •lOSFPH THOMI’SON. Trnstee.s. Lumberton, X. C., .\up:. 2i’i. Is.'):’. 2:;ts \ \ ALI AHLE PLAM'A riOX FOR SALH. j rHlHF, sub'.scriher wishinp to clian"*' his busiues;,. of- S. f -I S for sale his PL.A NT.\T1( ».N' in Robeson, 12 lai’es from I.uinherton, oti the Hiirlleesville Road, situ ate.i fin .\arou s Swamp, containing 700 acres, of which ,'ib iut 100 .‘ire under cnltivatioii. The situation is healthy and the water eipial to any in the county. The ' ■ ■' I'lii'/and all necessar.v out-house.s arc in rood re- ]. ir. The In st recommendation w liich the fertility of til" pl.'ice can receive is to lie found in the crop of Corn >11 I Cotton now irowin;' on the I’lantation, whicli nil uh.) desire to purchiiHe are invited lo exiimiue. There i- witliin half a mile of the liouse a bohl Hush Sprinjr, believed to contain valuable niinenil propertiet*. Tliere ir ’.so within lialf a mile of the dwelliii}' liouse a lar^e new .\ciideiiiy, in which a Classical .school i.s contftiintly k"pt. Terms easy. JOHN A. IIOWI.AXI). .\ufrust ‘.i*;, l^N.'i:). 2otf Si.-) HEW AKI). IW'lUi pay the jibijve reward for the a]>prehension and s:ife delivery to me, or lod;>;mcnt iu Clinton •lail, so that I pet my negro j^irl .IKNNV. She is a likely j:,irl, of li^ht coinjilexion, smiles when spoken to, ■ibout feet six or seven iiudies hi;'h; i.s supposed to be liirkinir about Faisoti’a Depot, or tioshen. WM. 1’. IJOllliS. Fily 15-tf OLD km:. ; ..M I'.eetilie.l I .1. ,V T. C. WORTH, nniMissioN .\M) ri)!!\v',i:ii!Mi i!i:i!t'i!\M, \\ !I.’\l!N(i'r()X, X. 'eb. 1. I^.'i '. ' ''tf ‘i tlu* >» iil.'l "■"‘’t; "1 I .Slimmer l’>( >N N F I'."'. eon Istin,.^ of Straws of :.. new an 1 beautiful style, and v:ir!oiis priccs; l louers. Riblioiis. iiea i-i!rcsses, Maiitilbis, boi;; and short tloves. Swiss F'I_!;in;.'s and I n'ertinrs. I nili-r-sleeve ( ollal^ and C.-qo-s. jlr'-ss Caps :ind hres., Trinimii;.::s. ]ii.,.sses ati'l Mantillas n.;:de iu the latest stvle. .Mi orders from the cotirtry promptly atten led to. .1 line 1; W IIISKIIV. T. WAI'ldl.F. 2!'"tf roii s\Li:, V( ■( »M F iRT.\ I’lI.F. lUvelliii'.: house, wiih all ncees- sarv ont-hoiises, in jLood repair, foi;ether with ten .-icres ot'Pm.i. I'lie a!)o\e named b-ind is adjoinin.c: the .Soiiiherii limits ol tov.ii. ,\ barcain may be ii.id liy a^plyin.H soon to the subscriber. S 1 7!'?i ® 3>« .IAS. C'. SMi’ril .V S'itrtors^ W'l i..^!IX;'!■^ »X, X. (’ alc nil Particular atteutiou paid to th' 'fiirpentine. I'imlier, 1.umber .Iii!v 21. 1S-';1. C'O., .f .Spirit ither Fr. Kosiii. (iFl.l* respectful'iy inform the public that h‘ is still at his i.M stand carrying on the above 'iu>iiic.'S in all ils iiranches. He retunis thanks tor the liber.ll patrona;:e lie has received, .-iii'l hopes by a sttict atleiiiioii to business, and a desire fi I'leasc all and 2ive treiieral s.itisfaction, to mi-rit a coittinuance of the same. He wnrraiits all his work to be made of tlie best ma- tei i:.l and bv cxi'crieiiccd w orl-.meii.—ha\inr a more .-iii'l /ii iirhr'i! .s,;,;'//. ht‘ ti.ittcrs iiiiiiseif that his work will compete with any ma.le in the St.-.tc for st\l ". eb :_ar.ce tiii'l .liira'dlit -; ;i!.il shoul'I .-my of it fail in t^^e^.■c 1:1' ntbs (with fiir usa^c) eitiier in workman ship or material, he will repair it free of ch.'r^re. \’ei-oi:-. wis'.iiu'i' to bu\ . woub’i do Well t > call :ind e\- I amiiie his \Mirk as he is detcrmincii to .sell low for cash 1 ur on sb.ort lime. ' Orders th,-.nk!'"!ly rt'coivod :Mid i>romntly attemle.I to. U FI’.M r> 1 N' ne;itl_\ execiitv .l at short notice aud lowest possible prices. 1 Fav etteville. .Ian. 2i>. l.s.'io. Ci;5tf rg^inC -KTN.\ liistirance Curripaiiy (d‘ Hartford, 1 jiv* -fi inu' paid the tax impo.sed by the Revenue Law ot tiie bite l.e"islature. will continue its Apreucy in Fayetteville, nii'ler the inanne'ement of the tiiider.sitrned. wc.o is jirepared to is.sue Policies of Insurance on Ibiild- iii;:s or (biods. either in this Town or in any part of the State, on jiroper ajiplicatioii, description of the Property, ,!ic. The .KT.N'.V CO.MPA.W has been in operation about :in years. Its capital is $:S00,000. 'J'he Hon. Thos. K. P>race was its tirst President, and he still holds that otfice; end .several (d‘ its first Directors are still active and efTieient mer>ibprs of the Roiird,. It has at all times sustained the liiphest charaettr for tlie prudence of its iiKimi'rement. and for the liberality with which it h.is ever adjusted its losses. F. .T. HALF. A pent. :\Iareh 10. ti2-tf LIKE IVSLKAXCE. fH'XHl', Unilersijfned has been appointed .\pent of tho I. North Carolina Mutual l,ife Insurance Company. Fvery ineiiiber for life participates in the profits of the ! t'ompauy; and the annu:i! jiremiuiu for life member- j rlii)), wlu're it amounts to S’' or more, muy be pnid i one-half in c.ish, and the other half in a note at 12 , months. ■ Debtors' lives may be insured by creijitor?. A ninn : may insure his own life for the exclusive benefit of his I t'amily. The lives of slaves nuu* be insured. 1 This system is raj>idly "rowing into favor, all over , the civili/.eil world. It is one by which a family, for a i sm:ill sum anim.illy, may he provided for, after the 1 death of its head, on whose exertions they ma.y h.-ive i been deiu'ndent for a support. It is a pood investjiient ; ot' ni'incv. even if one should live lon}r after taking 1 out !i Fife Pdicy. Fxplanatory pamphlets, aud the necessarv Rlanks. furnished ou aiqilication. ’ ■ .J. HALE. I Favetteville. .Jutio iS'iO. 72 WiFFl.\M P. I .May ‘.I'2 .Iiilv 11. IS.- MALFFTT. inif W i: 1IA\ E ox llAXl) lU Hhds. Su>rars. F.bls, (iraiiulatC'l do. ',■> Rafrs Rio Coflee. "( “ Marie.aibo do. I!.i"'.:in2 and Pope. .Swedi's and Fn;rlish Iron, Wiiid.n-.- Class, S X 10 and 10 .x 12, - M.SO— F'.af and Criish(-d .Sii'j’.-it -', Far and Fancy .Soap, lo Rbls. No. i Herrin;;s^ .spice. Pepper, (iiii^er, .Suiitt', li.slifro. .\iadder, S]i:iii ish P.rowii. SaUjietre, S.ileratus, .Ma'e. Cloves, \east Powdcri, .\utm'l*s, .\d:imantine and Tallow t'andles— with a p:enera! assortment of I’rovi.sions. Dry f>oods, I’oots and .stiocrs, D.anlware and Cutlery, Crockery aiicl (iliissware. W e offer the above floods at low prices for cash, goo'l paper, or produce. TROV & M.\R.=^H. May IB.'):'.. '.iTtf xorui-:. IllF .Sulmcriber has taken the shop J between Drs. Maliett .McSwain and Kccles'rt P>riiljre, where he intends carryiiijr on the T.\II.01»IN(t I5FS1- NK.SS in all its branches. Ha>-iu{'had l»ra tical experience iu most of tlie At lantic cities, lie feels asstiroj tluit he can please the, tuoiit fantidious. All orders will be executed w ith neat ness anI despatch. li. MONA'IHAN. March 158, 1853. 81-tf 'riir|M‘nliii‘ W»iif‘«l. ri’^HF under,si;:ned will pay cash for Spirits Tut-pen- 1 tine, 'ii'i fiiMi'l or'It*r.) allowing citily a t.-iir inarLriii to pay incidental e\i>euses iu sending; to a ficneral market. W lieu parties jirefer to slii]! on fheir own account, the itudersiirned will make lil eral cash advatu’es ibu- the usual (•oniniissioii i ou :ill .-'pirits and R*'siii pbic(*d in their haii'ls for shipment,—iiivin? the owner always the option t( sell in W ilmin>;ton or ship to New \ork. (iFO. W. WILldAMS \ ('O. .luly IS.',.'I. f^tf TvXDKI'AVS'S 77// Ware (uk/ Store Depot. VLW.WS on hand, Cooking, Uox, and I’.irloiir STOVFS. b.so— A varied nssortmcnt of Tin Ware, at wholesale and retail. l’.y C. W. ANDRFWS, Market .Sipiare. .Tune 0, 200tf M( lalic/c lioofiug and (iutttrinir^ BONF in the best’manher, at reduced prices, 0. \V. ANDRFW.S, Market Square. .Juno (■), 18-")o. 2(iOtf Import nut to Wa^on jMalcem. WE arc now nianui'acturing a superior article of wagon axles, from one and three quarters to three inches. HALL & BOLLINGER. June 23, 1853. 0-3ra wmm I No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. TIIF SAI.F OF AI,F KINDS (M-' rf)TT()\ \M) WliOLLKN llACniM'-KY WD n 11II Vi\ c t u V V s- ’« r! i • a € OF FVFRV DFSCRlPTfON. ('-oinpvisini:^ lU'ltinii, C ard C Hol)l)ins, SluittK's. i’ici\('rs. Roller Skins, Roller Clolli, Oils, &r. Dec. 10, 1S.'>2. '>2-ly , .10,000 ll>s. ol‘Waiia‘«l. 1AV1LL t>ay oA cts. per pouii'i cash for all clean cot ton and linen RAtiS. delivered to .1. D. Williams. I in Fayetteville. I am n?arly rea'ly to put in o]icratioii a I’ajier Mill iu this neiphborliool, :iu‘l am desiroi.s ot getting my rags in this market. My object is to pay t as much for rags as I can aflord. and hope that 1 i»iay not be fori'eil to distant markets foi tiiy supplies. 1 have arr:)ogel with Mr. Williams to receive and p.-iy i for all rags delivered to him._ Favetteville, Feb’y 24, 18->2. 4 t 0®^ „v i\ .DAVID MURPllV. f,8-tf ‘‘Tlic ChH»*c3l ol' Rome, or the 15a \)vlon of the Apocalypse,”—three I ectures by Rev. Dr. Wordswortli, with an introduction liy Rev. Jarvis Rux- ton of North Carolina. Just received b.y E. J. HALE & SON. May 12, 18.-i3. JJI.,AXKS for sale at this Oliicc. WHK.VT, CORN. ■.■Ci SAW MILLS, ij,' d \ RlST Mill Spindler I’.alaiice Irons and Drivers, ® Inks and (iudgeons, Hotchkiss W.-iter Wheels. Racks ami Rollers, kejit constantly on hand, and for sale. We also make (iearing and Shafting for Wheat, Corn. Saw Mills aud Factories. StcaTn F^ngines of any aower repaired. Grate I’ars and Furnace Fronts kept on hand. We wish to make additions to our machinerj' pud toid.s: to enable iis to dr. this, those indebted by note or account will please come forward ami settle. HALL \, BOLLlXOFR. :M:irch 12, 185.1. 7'itf EOU SAf.E OR RENT, fine SUMMER RESIDFNCF now occupied by S. Mr. J. E. Rryan, two miles West of town. Pos- ses.sioii given immediately. Apply t.) .Mr. John II. Cook ot>- (' K LEhilE. rrRi>i:N'r]XE i.axd for sat.e t^oR «ale, oOo acres of I,.\ND on James Creek,- and lo .-.cres on Cypress Creek, in Cumberlam?,- convenient to the Western Plank Ricid. heavily timbercil/ and admirably adayited to the makrig of Turpentine. .\pplv at this ()Hice. acNov.l’S, IS.'.l. 4-ltf A('w Dl •ii«- Storo. l^ouikes Ituc^ \ DKiriGISTS, Ci>r»rr of DonaltJuon ilircctJ^ /Jn»f of' (he Y'lnjrtti rUh‘ llotol^ FAYETTEVn.LE, N. C., A Rl’, now receiving a lurge stock of DRFGS AND* ' \ MKDICl.NE.S, directly from Importers and M.anu- j lactiirers. which they will sell to Physicians and Coun- ' try Merchants at a very small advance. 1 They w ill keep constantly on hand, of the bopt quality,- 1 every variety of articles in their line, having made ar- i rangements to that cffcct with establishel house.s iu New York. Their Stock having been very carefully' selected, and purchased for Cash, will enuble tlictu to recommend confidently all their Drugs, aud lo sell thciii ut very low rates. Tlie^ solicit a reasonable share of the patronage of the jiublic. April 2'i. 18.-.;’.. 8Stf or- C E. Leete. March Kl, 18-')o. "tf HARPER’S magazine, 1JXOU yeptQ*Qb.er, just received by B. J. ILU*E & SON NEW STOCK Ol' mm AM) mmi liooDs. ri"^HE subscriber is now receiving a large and well I selected stock of tiOUDS, comprising a General Assortment of DRY GOODS, Rcady-iiuulc Hoots nnd Shoes, Hals and Caps, Hardware and Cutlery, (irocerios, Saddelry S:c. WTiich will be sold low for Cash, or exchanged for Tur pentine anl Country Produce. ,, „ - , j He returns his warmest thanks to his old fnenf.s amt customers for the liberal patron ig'- heret. for** extended to him, aad hopes to merit a continuance fd th^^wime. Kingsbury, Apiil IG, 1853. 8b-tf Blank Warrants ftrr sah her^^