SBMI-WBEKl, Y. [VOL. III.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPTEMHEU 1.1, 185:^. [NO. 2-28.] ^ Vj» wniar?: l‘KL\TKl) BY J. 1). NKWltY. i:i)U AHl) J. HALK & SOX, r.l>lT»>KS AND rUOlMUKTORS. f,,r till'foklv OiisKiiVKK !j?l CO ’f jmid iii 'i't !uriiig tho year of subscrip- r *') after the year lias esiiired. the WLi'kly (tiiJiruvKii *2 00 i>cr unuum, if paid in I h;ui>-e; •'?•- )0 if pa'ul ihiriiig the year of subscrip- I i = ,in: i'-' after the year has expired. I \l'\ i;ilTl^l'MKNTJ' iiisorteil for sixty cents per I ^r>' "f 1') liuP'* ami thirty cents fur eaeh | i, imlilicatiim. Yearly inh ertisenieiits by jipe- t :il lontnn-ts, at reasonable rates. Advertisers are L (Ui'^tf l t>i state the number of insertions desired, or ,rv will continued till forbi«l, and charjred uccord- lir'!'. 1-etters t* the Kuit«»rs must be jiost-paid. NOrK'E I’O ’V\{\\E\A.rMS. ^■Illl’ LINK from Fayetteville t‘ Warsaw is now prepareil to earry pus'senpers \> .;ii ih'spatch. TIu'v will l onueet with the morning t' N. rtli. This train connects with tlie I’orts |.„ ,;:li :inJ IVtcrsliur}; r*«uto nt Weldon. I ^ill niake s;,o ;:'iiiie»tiun both wavs, ckutaix—more tlian the lias d.iiie Iierotiifore. \Vo leave Warsaw tin arri- i , i morning train from the North. Passage nI. J. 1$. ASKKW. ('OPAR'rXERSIIIR If Bill K undersigned have associated thenjselves in a M ‘ .)'artner.'!iip. for the purpiise of transacting the iMiir iiitilo business, uniler the tirni and style of W. SI. I.utfoi-loli A: Co. Wo li; 0 taken the stand formerly occupied by T. S. ;;!^.r^'ll. near tlif foot of Ilaymount, where we will ,ki' j'U':isiire in w.-iiting on our customers. We will • V • I 'rticii’ar attention to the Hartering business, and ' ; ur''l;:!>e I'f all kiu'ls of ('ountry I’rothiee. Wf li.-ivc now in .‘'tore a good assortment of (Jroceries .1 I’r’ \is! 'U3, Leiitber, I’.lacksmitlis' Tool.s, Iron. i\c.. ■ ' '.ro liaily expecting to receive from the Nurthern tif.- I t!:l’ mid conipleto Stuck f every article in the ir TV line, also. Hats. Honts, Sln>tS, »tc-.—which we 'i ';' ji'r lash i>r good jiaper. or barter ou OS g:i>t»l r ' A* .!ny esiublishuieut in rayetteville. • -liiti v Mi ii-lsaiils will tiud it to their jidvant! ge to ■■ :!'> all. W 11. l.l TTKi: 1.011. M. J. HAMSKV. ■ .--f ]-2. is.V,. :;5tf MiMiiciiH' Stor(' ^7 K h ive just rcrrivi'il a In w tuipnly fifseloct M Kl»li'IN MS. together with a >upori«ir artiole ot' Kn iioh lli-.iudj , choice Madeira. Tort, Sherry and Claret Wines. • whi« h were .xelected f'>r iis l*y a judirc. tiie bi .t housc^ ill rhil.-idelj'iiia, f^r niedical [uir- A> ir Me-iicinei» were Ixniglif with a \irw t'> Pre- Farmers and others who keep Family Medi- :i ' wi'l lio well to give ns h call. .\U our Mclicints , w uranted to be jf the most .telrct kii.d. HALL a: UO151N.S0N. At the Old Stand of l>r». 1>. »V II. W. I'obinson. comer of (Md .-iiiii ilrceii ''trcets. N 1'.. I’re.'v’riptii'iis ea.rel'ulh’ un 1 accurately put up. IL vV K. 1 i;'>tf ( itrutf of ;i codling and - 'it I’urirative. For sale bv HALL i;or,INS(»N. A. A. -McKETllAN. lio-tf !;K N.vri: irch. !• "Trc. l’"W'Iors. Uni.'-h*"'. - - LalicclS. IS.' il)A. Fluid Kx'ract >t Senna. Ciiiiip. Syrujt of .''arsaparilla. Ilarlam i)il, or Mc'licanicntum. llritisli Oil. ('od-liver >il. Turlin'_'tiM's Ual'aui. Wiuilvtir Soap. Nutmegs, .^c. \c. For sale I'V hall‘s H>i;iNSf»N. liotf A hsrjo suj>j)lv of ! r- 'eby * HALL & IKHllNSON. ' i't ■>'. I"".;:. iJotf NOTK'E. f J^IIK '•iib.'ii-riber having changed his former busines.?. be foiii;.! ;if the Store on Nortli-I’ast corner of pi irkot Si|u;ire. rfi-eiitly occupied by Mr Hugh (iraham. I indfbri-d to him are emnestly rei|ueste'l to “U iiliii promptly and settle. I). CL.MIK. F pilK Siil'^.-ribers have formed :i fopartnershi]). un- ■ :■ till- name anl style of Clark i Woodward, for ^ I 'u j. ise of carrying on the Tailoring Itusiness. in ■ ti .11 witli the sale of Keady-.Made Clotiiing, i ■ ■■ * asinieres. Vestings, xc. Tl>(*ir sto.-k was sidected with great care by one of jtli*' tiriii. in New Vork, and is uow ready for e.xamina- p.-.n. D. CLAUK. A. J. WOODWAKD. >' Mt. .'). I'.Vl. L'-j-l’m 1‘OCKEr liOOK I.OST. i^B^Hl, ■'ub’criber lost his I’ockct I5ook yesterday, be- I ■ twt cn the first Toll Ilouae on the Southern I’lank |l!oad !ii;il H'n'ktish Factorj", containing some si.\ or ►even dollars in Hank notes and one Note on Neill Mc Neill, F-.'-ij. of Hobesou Co. for one ditto on Wm. "illis. Fsij. of Kobeson Institute, for >'•'»>, both pay- ; tlie to 1 hos. H. KHis. and endorsed by iiim to me.— ■\ i persons are cautioned against trading for -Siiid TiMtyrnv s. hegans. •''t I’iiul's, Robeson, Aug. oO, I800. li-l-lm NOriCE. DitCTOUS Mallett & MeSwain having left their | I’.ooks and papers with W. McL. .McKay, who is | authorised to receipt for the same, all their cu.*)- j t'.'iii rs living West of the Csipc Fear Uiver, who may ill arrears either by note or account, will confer a > 'r bv calling on him and .settiing the same. W. 1>. MALLETT. 11. A. McSWAIN. Fivotteville, -\ug. oO, 18-’>'5. l!Uf \y\yrvA). CAIUUAC.K TAINTEIJS will find .steady em- ■- ploynient ami g*»od wages by applying to Sept. o, 1S'>:!. 1853. Fall and Winter (iloods. rpHE undersigned are now receiving n L.MKIE stock f of (ioods, consisting of a full jissortment of liUilies and (.iciitlctiit'ii s Dress (iinnlsj :i ot llcuily (’lothiiitf; Hats, (’ap>, ]{omu'ts. IJoot.s and Shoes; Sa(idlt‘rv; Hard ware; (JruciTies; Urug-'f and .^ll■di(•iIll‘s; With a great many other kimls of (Joods. which we will sell on accommodating terms. J. T. COUNCIL V*;: CAIN. SepL 1, is:,;;. P. S. Persons who have bcei\ indebted to \is Vi't one year or moii- will please pay up. LEA'rilIJi IJAM)S, rMlIlOUortJllLV stretched, :t:nl rivote'il. -M. I iic iilKtvo l>aiiIs :u*t* ttirui New York manufacti.rcrs' prices. I'ash v. ill be re- |U;red in every instanc-'. For sale by W. II. LUTTEi: 1.011. i Fayetteville, Nov. ICi, ;;itt j ijaiu;ains! UAR(;aINS!! I KLlNti determined t> ipiit selling Lii|Uors. we now ■ oiler a sniall lot ot l ine Lii|iiois at Ni'w York cost and ch.-irges; such :'s I'rciu h liranily: .lainaif i :md St. . r>i\ Uuiii; Pi»rt. .M.idcira. and Teni*rifVe \\ iiu s: •'1 ba.'kets Clianijiagne. (.\iichor I’.ran'i;) C!.aliipag:u' Citler. ,Vc. Persons wisliiioj: to ]>urchasc any of tin ] above Li.[Uors would do well to call and see us. ! I TIIOV vV M.VKSll. i I .\ug. 4, 1S'>-:. Ib-tt ' Lr.Mi;i:u! LrMin:!i!! j 1‘ H.\^ E on hand a lai;;e amount oi Lumber of | T w dittcrent kinds—llooring. \\ ide bo.-ii d.-, we.-iiher- j boards, scantling, lath.s, A.i.; .'oiiie of wliicli i- ['artly ; •seasoned. .Uso, a large as.'oi-tiiit lit of lelus.-; will ■ sell reliise boards l/i- null at il per M , si aiilling at [ and good »-dj;eil bi ;ii'is !it .'S.;. Sav.ei st.i\es, .~ea- soiied. I’.ilN tilled at sln rt notice. iircenwi.od. Cuiubeiiand. N. C., Aii^. i. Is'o. [17t.' Sf-tsoit(tblv 4iooits ^ I ^ 11 L subscrii'cr resptcttnllv l.e;:s leaM- to infoiin !ii, ■ ciistonK r.' and tiie public gn;er:.!l_\, that he I just receiicd his Stoi k of fiPiii\(; i\!) (;o()!)s. : I';ie;ii'j ;i (I;nei-a! vtn;en* of , ."’tajiK- and Kali-V Pr_\ (inu l.v. ii iiiiK t'. .'li'M s' and tiiiidfrii's Hats. \Vci"tcd I’atforns, !*ni- and i*;;ra-'l'. Ho.its anil .'^lnn s. AL.0. SICAH AM> Cnl i'i;K. .vc. \e. P. .■'HKVi’A l-.l.L. Noi fli-«. «t Ci.rin r M.ii k.t (iro* n st. I'aytncNiKc. N. i’.. April 1, 1;;tf c’AssiMi:iii:s. (’\ssiMi:i:!:s. ! I 5| H V I iu.'t rcfi-ivrd a tri-sb •‘iii'id v 1'f tl; i t i bd ra- ; . a t.l .".\‘l.F,M C \,--Sl MLLi;. to'wbieb 1 w.uil call; the atteiition of niv liicii'!.' ai.d the )'ublic in uein-ial. P. .•^IILMW l.LL. May 1 -'.o. '.'Itf \i:\v DKi ci sroiii': ^l^llli '•iib'erii'er having taken tin- .''tore ; I 'HI iire'-n street, known as the Me- ^ Pliersoii I'.uibling. nearly o|'|. i.-ite I>r. lli b- in-^'M, - Siii.p. i.' now recei\:n^i a I'lesh a:.: well as.- 'I ted rtock ot Druijs. (.'luMiiicals, MtMlicincs. Faints, Oils, Dvo-Stuli’s, and I’cirinnciy. Toieth'.’r with :> good M-ortnu“iit of Hair. I b >li, lootli, P:.ilit. all'l Whitewa'il liru..^lie~; ( lipping. To' th. and Siii; lii.'triiinent,': ia’.\aiii>' Hatti'i ie.'. .\e. ,\e. ,\d ot' which he oilers low 1- r Cash >r on time to punctual customers. Ordi-i -i r. spertfiilly -o’jeite.I fioni Country Ph\s';eians anil other', who i:ia_\ de!'“iid on procuring tre'li and ;:eiiuii:e aitieles. :iii I that lo- pains will be I > 'alistaetioii both iti .[U. lit;, an ! pri *. .'I HDU-.M. I’ltKsiMl'.l’i lu.NS earvl’illly and accurateh prepared. .1. N. SMITH. .Jan'y *JL l>^'o. '■-tf i'a\ ILvU\L\N a T l’ifs|)o,-tfnlly infcrni.s liis friends and ^ till- jiiililic that he has removed lloin the , I W Hole! at tio- foot of ) I ayiiioiiut to tiie biiuei and more coninioiiiou>i Hotel in tiie ei-ntrc of . tho Town. rec ntly :i] ied by .Mrs. I’.rown. and v.ell : known as the Fa;, etteviile li 'tel. where lie wiil be ha]i- ! py to acconillloclate 'i raveliers mid l>o.iiib'ls. No ex ertions ..f hini.-eh’aiid family will be ^p.■ll■ed to rcndei • those eoiiifort.iole \>hu n;ay fa^c,r him witii their loui- pany. Fa_\ etteviile, N. C.. .Inne I s;.'.;',. 'JtMnf WAV I sr.\l!U vS; W ll.l.lAMS .WE now r«-c(*ived 11 portion, and e\peet to re ceive thi. week their liNTlUE STO i\ of F.Vid. (lOUDS, consisting of Staple and i*'ancy Dry (ukxI.^, Shoes, Hoots, I fats, C’a[)s, honnrts and L’nihr‘lias; with a lariro lot ot R(‘ady-niad(‘ Clothing. The above Stock is the largest we have ever offered in tliis market, and will be sold at IIO|,KS \LK lor C.ish, or on the usual tine' for approved notes. Merchants are invited to e.\aniine oui- (Ioods. J. I!. ST.VItit. .1, .M. WlLld.\MS. Au?u.=t 1'). IH.'.n, P'tf .>1A R15 L E i'.V C T lUi V. WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND fancy goods. Tlie Sul)Hcril)cr i.s nj\v rc- cciving a large and well selected Stock ef (fold and Silver Watches imd Jewelry '*3 of the latest styles; .SHn-r umi ritiinl Wtirf; Gold, Silver and Steel S|»ectacles; •■'.Id Pencils and I’ens; Fine Pocket and Pen Knives; line I'a/ors and Scissors; Mathem.itical Instruments; •Surveyors’ ('ouiprss^s and Chuine; Double and Bingle- •'.■UTfl (miiis: Powder Flaskfi; Shot IJelts; Game iSags; IVI'cussioii C>.p«; a good assortment of Pistols; Walking * aiies; P'/ri-.Moneys; Pocket »nd Dressing (’oiiibs; Hair, 1 di. Tooth and Lather Brushes; a good assortment of Violin.: »ad IJows; CUriouets; Flageolets; Flute*; Fifes; A' l onleons; large and small .Music IJoxes; Violin and •iuitar Strings; MicroBcope*; Spy GlasBee; Ljwlies’ W'ork l>o\es; Coml; Eight uud One d^ky Clockc; variety of ^aney Goods, &c. &C. All of which will be sold low. All kinds of Watches and Clocks cleancd and I'-paired. W. PIIIOU. '■•pt. 1, 185:]. 24-3m By iU:0. LAUJ>ER. TWO DOORS AIMIVE C. T. & SON’S STOKK, FnyetU villr, !> . .lan’y 20, 18.>5. 01-1 Ypd NOTiCK. $.10 Ri:wAui>. RAN.\WAY from the subscriber, about tho lutli of July, 1H51, his negro girl Sarah. Said negro is about 1*) years of age, black, witli large white eyes, large limbs, weiffhs about USD pounds. Said j(irl >« supposed to be lurking in the neighbor hood of Mr. Isaac Wright’s or Gen. McKay’s, in Bladen county. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me, or her confinement in any jail in tlie State of North ('arolina. WM. G. liLTLEil. Clinton, N. C., March 1 i, 1853. 77tf PALF> OF LOTS OX Hcftulorl Harbor. ^I'^llE C.arolina (’ity LainI Company will sell to the t highest bidder on their jiremises. at White Hall, on M(.>iiilay the 151st day of October next, a large num ber of \alu.ible Lots. 1 he lands of this ('onijiany front about two miles on the most accessible and best jiart of tho Harbor, and 1 arc con.sidered the iimst \:tliialile on it. They arc in | lull view ot tlie Oce;in, aiiil will be handsomely and | CiUiveniently laid luit t»r business aud pleasure. No '■ improvement i-aii be ni.ide with ('iiitral or Wc.stirn i ( arolina, or the waters connected with the Harbor. ' without benetitin;; tlies*’ lands. The ('arolina ( itv Company, aware ot this fact, beg leave to say tli.-it they , ha\e no ••.agents oi-druiiiniers in the Western part of the State" or any where else, olferiug to sell Lots at a low rate to secure intiiieiiec. but that all the sales i.l their land are reijuired, by the articles of agrceiaent. to b(> to the liigiie.-'t biildtr. '1 lie gentlemen v> ho conijiose this ('omjiaiiv have made arraiigi'iiients to improve their lands to the amount of; about Hiiring the winti r and ensuing spring. ‘ a largo Hotel will be built. Wharves, Turpentine l)is- \ tillerics and a Sti-am Saw Mill will be juit in opt'ration. i 'I here is excelient clay tui the ])remi^^■s for inakiiig bncu and also on the :idj:ict-nt waters; and as » .\peri- eiice has i>roved the iiaportan.-e ot lire ]iroof buildiii^is in a eomiiieici;;! ]i’iaee. the board will not allow any but substantial (ire [ roof liuiMings to be iierniaiieiitly eri'ct- ed on any lands they may sell. Ill persons who may jirefer. the lioanl will Ic.ase lots for a tern: of years. Tlu_\ res|iectfully invite all per sons in any w.iy interested to be present at the sale and sre for themselves. Ilsiiecially mech.iiiics; shi]i carpenters, brii l; ni.-isons. vVe.. as for them no richer har\est !iii be proiaiscil than the future pr' spccts of ■ I'.iioiiii.-t ( it_\. i 'J'-rni.-in/'Si/f. j ()nc fc urth cash—the balance in in.stalnieiit s at I’J, ] IN ami -i months, intere.'t from date. ] ■Ml letters on business d' the Company addies.s to .loha M. LoSf, .-'ive y. 1 .iy» lIo\ilie, N. ( '. ! p.; ol .lei- ot tile pM.jii d, ■ i'. U. I N UEllWt X >1), Presi leiit. .\u; l-l. is;.',.;, i'.t-Jhi W J(‘\v('!rv. , ^ j'^Iir .'ub«, l iber has reecntly re- 1 tamed from the N..itl., wltii ” decidedly a \er\ ruh and well ,'c ^ llnibr.ieil.;.:, .ill the late- 'tvlcs atl 1 tashioii.'. Lirgc I d lit’ !!!i Sjhk'H'. S'iui’i Ladlis. Sti^vir 'I'lings, Itiniiiir and I >rs.-ci t ■ pl.iin, tliri advd, ,I. L. atiii i Irnii.'W u l. patt- rn.', ISiitttM' Knives; .^!nL'': Salt. 'i'''-'ni ati'l .^!’l.'tald Sp.mii';. l*Iat. l (ItM.iI'; 'I'ea .'^ets, (’it’Vc i'nis, I "iiai;d'i r and I’arlur ('.indu stii ks. ('astni s, Simar ; l>i.'li. SnulTi-r atnl 'I'rav, Ladi'‘>' \\ n:k Ibi.Vis.— i'nll a.'s'ii tnit i.t nt’ .^lll;t.^r\ ('lari'incts. ! i'lagodlrt', llutts, l-'il’.-s. Arcrdcnns, I', lar-,'- ami .'Ui.ul .Nlii'ji- >, ; >-inn- with i’; in'i acci’hiji'Uiiiiuiif, ' Vi'ilins, , ..nio \rrv liin* i in. ; Snr\ vi>is’ (’ini|ia.'es anii ('hain.', .^latlu'-'.i al Iii'triiii; ■Ills, I]\- (I la"* ~ fur .^lim i s, \ ri_v liin* 11,1/:"!' and Stiai-s, t:iu- .''ci"ni.'. Lar-f Int l*...kct and 'J'aldo ('utlcrv, in .'i t- I’t' ’• I pi. i-e.'. l*iK-k> t Knives, v.iili sj >,in. Tuk. l>!ad. . p’olt lilt . I'vC. Lai irc int id' w I! '■ l- l t- d diiuti'.. - l>alTil IlU|s, PiiwdiT I'la.'l.'. .'^ii'it I’lidt'. (laliii- ]>a;i>, A;-'. -V "'i a"'ii tni- iit of I'i'lt‘> aii'- vai i- i.n.' .itlii'r kin!s id' I’istid'. I'ivc iT >i.\ '’.'i.i' i. ’.it kinil id’ ('I n k'; \\ .ilkinjr t’.iin ', And \arious i.tber notions, wliicli I w .uld lik't > sell \ f!' \ I" • M - I > i'.. \ > I - i - \ . An_U"t 1 i A m:\\ in\ i:n riox. ^E'^liii undersiiriird !ias iii.ide an inxentioii >f a .■'aim B M.iebine, v. lii.ii he will iii'iie to be prft.M-l in the HVtr.tetion ot smut ii> and wi>hes to inforni Mill liwi.cis that he is Jiilttiliir up laai bine' at I liioli I'.u to- t'liv. on I'eep i;i\er. eight niilc' North ot .\sh!iorou;.:h. .\ly maebiiie.' ire eoiiip..'ed ol' three di't'Uet priln i- }des, centi, seowci ing and re.ietion. It ike'the whe.'it tlir.iuj_li three ojiei .11 ions in going thioujh the maidiine once. .\nv I'ei'oiis buying a inaehine, afttr tr\ing if. if it does not eiean wiie:,t, damp .>r dry. 1 uiii take it b.ick. I’riei' .'Seventy f:\e I)ollals. ,\11 ieitel-i .'.'e ! t" N«'\' .'.ib lll I’o^t Oflice. P.aii- do'ph eoiiiitv. P. i‘. Flli.iiMVN. ti. t. I J. Is.'rJ. oiV A ii\u(;\L\ oi'i'i'Jii:!). tS till- undersigned has deterniineii to remove to th' West, siie olfers for sale that conimodious House, which she now occupies, in the villa::e of .'suniiin'rville. :ii; 1 :ili appurt-iiances tiiereunfo lieb'ii^ing. .\Iso, 1 .i'l aeres of laii'l :it tin- iiioiitli of I'ro.-s Creek, in the town of I'.avetteviPie. a short distaiit i- aliove the ('l.irendon P^riiltc. 'I'enas .■;i'.;h. or papi'r negotiable at 'i»her ol tin- ilaliks ill Fa;. ettc» iile. Iti'Irrenee. as t(> the I I’oss ( 'reek land, is ni.a le to .L'tines Hanks, Esij., of l-av ttc- sllle. _ L. HAll.ilV. .''uiiimerville, N. (’., June *i, Itf ^ liOOK lUNDl'JiV. W. H.\P>1>1F. h.ii resumed the P>ook I’linding B « • P.usinos lit the new Store next door to Mr. licasb>'.’. .lewolliT. where he will receive and execute bindiu".r in a!i;.' style desired. .\ii;iii.'t 1. lii • jrsr iii:ci:i\’i:D, tPLIME lot >biuntain Butter. New' (»rleansand (’uba Mol:i>ses. .lava. Lagiiira and Itio Cotlee. Sugar, Piiec, \c. WOllTH & ELLIOTT. March 7, lS'i;l. 7-'.tf 1! \;s! HACs:'. 504KM»0 price will be paid liy BENBOW, KYLE ^ CO.. Agents for the Manteo Paper Mill. Baleigh. .N. C. Fayetteville, March ‘Jl, 1H»5. 7S-(m keduci:d I'Aiii:. Tlironirli Tickets Ix'twoon Wilmington, N. C., and Balti more. Fare ^1^5. \'ia Weldon, Petersburg, Hichmond, & Wash ington City, or via Weldon, Ports mouth iind Norfolk. For Tickets ajiply at the Office — , jimij—uf the Wilmington and Kiileigh '' ., ■ itail Koad Comjiany, at Wilming ton, or at the Office of the B.-iltimore Steam Packet Company, and of the Baltinmre and Ohio Kail Pvoad Company, Pratt Street, Baltimore. Jan. 1, 1852. o3-tf At Kcfliiceil Friccs. Rifles, Shof-(it(ns, Pistols, (^'C. EDWARD K. TRYOW, 131 IVo. 2nd .St., PIIILAI>Kl.i>ill.\, ANUFACTUKKll and Importer of KiHes, Sliot- ItM. Guns, Pistols, Flasks, Shot Pouches, RiHe Locks, Barrels, aud materials for Gun Makers’ use. Dealers will find it to their interest to examine qual ities and prices of uiy goods before purchhsing else where. July, 1«W. Spi .185:]. •I n (r .)AMi:s’ KWA] £S now rccciviiiir a larjic and general assortment of cr all of which have been jiiiri h.ised fur C.'\.''li by the Packajze. Country Merchants and others will Iind it to thoir in terest to examine tlie Stock. March iii, 18.);:. 7i;tf iM'.W (iOODS Af lfi(' old sfinit/ of //• iS' Son. r.Nl)i;i:sli:M;i) haveju.t re.eived a LAiiGE .3. STiM’K (>1'‘ (iOOji.'', eiabr.ieiiig :i geniial jissort- nieiit recently bought in the northern iiiarhet under t.ivorable eireiinist.iiice>. 'i'hev ha^e Loat. ciushe.l. pov. ered am! brov n sa;; .lava, l.agiiir.i au«i KioCoil'ee; pepper, spiee, giagtr. ciovcs and iiutnieL.>; sup. -,irb. soda; ind'go; lua l ler: borax; cailipho;-; aluii;: ij.soili .'.ills; .-r.illpel.-e; iii..Ias.-v-s; rup: s.ilt; iroll: s.iduli's, brid.ale! mart 1 iigals; collars: w,iltoii a.nd biiiii^y whips: spadi s. sho.cisan.l fork'; tr.'iee, do'i, tongue, lii'cast and ii,alter ehaiiis; e.iilee liiills; w.agoa boxes; mill. I ro.'S-i ut and hand .'aAs; eat n.iils and spikes: a ”ooil .a.^soi lnH al ol' poeKet aini table cutU'iy; bliu ksaiith tools eoiiijiK.le; tiii jieiitiiie h.ieV.i r-'. serapers, dippers .Mild axes; bioad and clioj.piag a.\es: guns; window gl.iss: ri\its .V large stock of ready-madi? elotliing and st.ijile ilr;i' iiooibj; iruniiy and hemp bagging: rojie and twine; Swedis, .Vn.eriean iiar .and iioop iioii; .'ipiare an l o. ta;.oneast steel; (iei li!:.n rn.d bli.'ter steel; tin’l I.’^ hats, eaps. l;oots and shoes, western .an ! .North ('.irolin.a bacon; to'.;, i!ier witli every .article .soid in tl.i market, all of v.Iiieh will la* sold ;it lair j.riee.s (,,r ca>ii, on linie to promjit cu.'toiiicrs. or country produce generail i . C. V. . \V! 1,1,1.V.'IS .• CO. July ;;:i, l.'^'.'.o, l.-)-tf i'.j'‘l'iie otliee oi'tl.O Cajie 1'; ! r S t C.i III'loa t Coni|>.Miy is ivl'pl in tlic above bnildiii;'. J.' 1». W!l.l,l.\\;s, A-cut. The Sii!;.-cri!;( r siii! con tinues to early on tiie ('.'\ 111 il'i’ lit .-•!- Nl..''.'^ in I .1 \ i ti.-\ ille. ;in l in a.i iitlon to ^ .SI..".'' in I .1 \ iti.-\ ii.e. in aiiitioii to /?: i his 11-:..iili>lii;n ot 11 r.ow .'^tieei. t i;evb ''s r.rid-e. b,.s oia n.d a W \!U-; P.OOM l U Hay ,'lreet. li.-.irly i.l>po.'lle liie F,i\eHe\ille iloti-l. anil one door l..i't of .Nie't!.--. l':.ii;_a A; .''o;i's, where a MMieral asjortmeia of Made by eoriii'cti nt faiilii'u' woikmen, may be h.iil at ) riees eorie.-i ...le 1', if.i with the ,\!>o. ,.iii iis- S'l.'tmeii! il ol t liern-lnade 1 i il.Nl'I'l Hi.. ..-.-.eiti •! Ii'. iiiiaself. which ivill be .--'.1 1 ;ii ,\ei”. i.ioli r.ite/.I', anee. .\N Me.N Ml I.L. Nov. 1». E ki'c;"^ oil band ;in a.-'-..rti’.. lit of 1 .-i ;e' ra te I .Mii'iWi.i.ic i-.c:ii\i, cA.'!'--, v.i.i.ii ii,',. iiei n hi>.r!ii,\ reeoimai nded b_\ Willie P. M.ingitiii. Ib ai v ( i.iy, l.iwis ( ass, W n,. k. Kiii_. and m.iiiy other 11- lu.-:i ii n> cii il:ie;i.I ^, v. hi' lia\e ;^.i;iiii.e.i rwi I v.iliK'sSC 1 ih‘‘ii utility. ’/■ S>r> CkOcnN. /3 ^ II11 >iib>er;ber t iki n 11 •• 1 -1 i n-1 o: the .''tore )3 bil' l;. o. eiipied by ( '.■ok .S. Ta'.lor. o -n lie woul'l be p.e^ ■; d t o--- oi' . e\l'toI,.er.' ai..i o;|,el ".. M; ''od ot • I i;> (( f! K i i;. % 1 e larj;e ;ilil till!. 1 Wi.l take il. p..;. IP I t .ii'v k;iei i i ..!i!.,:ry l’r...iui c. I'-'o V. Ill : i ... 11.1.-el, o.- - I..lit jnm'^nal eu." t • . 1 ' . (i. I I M IK. ^!a^ is.';'.. '.'Otf srED\L\X vk HORNE, I't'y (toods, J[(irdtrnrr^ (irorcrics, f\vV2:TTi:vii.i.!:, ^^/■Ol'L!) re.''j)ectfully infori!i the citizens ;md the w ^ pu'ilic generally, tiie\ have just returtied from Now '\'ork, and arc receiving their Spriiig Stock e.f (Jooils. Consisting of Ih'/j (lijinhj (/njrrrN’x., jfit/'(hrarr, f'r. \ variety of Hats, siiit.'iblc for the sea>^(,.n: i.a lies' and Cieiitlemen's Hoots. Shoes i; Slijipers; a large as sortment of re.idy-made ('lothing; :i gre:it many articles in tiie hi'iies’ line, and we woubl b-; jdcased to liavc them to c.tll :ind examine for themselves. .\!1 orders sent to our carc fruai i .ir friends .ind cus tomers will be promptly attcn'Ied te. .M.-iieh ;!•. l^.'o. Sltf Kundolpii Shectiiii: ;i!Ki ('(>tlon V:ini. For sale by WolxTH Cv ELLKtTT. .\;.ril o. }s7tf 1' \Yi; i''i'i;\ li.i.i’, iirmL '"I'^HIs; Comjiany is now i.rgaiiiscil .and p.repared to re- I ceive ajipliea;ioiis for lnsi.raiicc, on as fivorablc terms as oilier Cianjianies. HlKMCTOl’.S: A\().\ Iv IIai-l. J. (]. Si!i:riii.r.i). >\’m. 'Wahiikn. S. 'J'. ll.\wi,i;v. JilIi.N 1). WiM.IAMS. (’. i5k.M!(iW. WM. .Ai( Lai uin. Vi'.M. Mi'I.NTVHK. j (\ihuit I'nnn!,!i'(. ('har."^ rBllI E siib'criber i.' leeenin” tiie .;i r^i'st .i --•i;inn at II in hi-^ line e\^ r '■.-lore p^r-h:i. ■ :i; tl..' >■ ■lili. v. hieh. t' g' th'T w itb M.' ow a l: ai.u. . t..l c, nii.i^ ^ hi.' Sioek very c. mplete. i .i;; '--fiig of M'jiMt's. Snt'i', l> 'd.'tt:lds. AV;|1| .''tMlds. i5urt‘:iti', Lu.kkil: tll sscs, Sidi' 1’ i.M'd.'. .''(•rl'ft.irii s, ,\c. ' .\il of v hieh wiil I.e > a! on lhe]o\.i': teinis f. i (■:;--i . or I'-.i ,'iiort time lo j .inetiial custo:: ■ r . : JdllN V.. !l.\ivi;il. (let, •It', l^'."'!. • 'tf j i'ntu Hri!Ic ('tn(hj Minn/^'nr/,. i f HII'll sMb>erilier stiM; i.i m.n.'.it'.ieture a Mi- 1 B perior artieie of plain aii'i ta:.ey ( .XNldl.^, .it ' the old st.ind. iNo. liieeii slieel, doers .Noith i>l . the .\iark‘-l House, ■■ wiiel'i- he Would be happy t.. e his obi frieii'is an l en.-l •laers. ( il.U’.i.'.lS ii.VNKS. M .irell i , 1 ''•eb • • Lii.i.y. II. Ij. .AIvi;o\ KK. 'I'lKi.-:. S. lii-i'i'ii:ii.o:i. •Ism.\ ii. (’(loiv. !). .\. Kav. A. ,\. .>!( ICkmia.n. iiai. i.ii.i.. -\ '.I'li.v.N A. s’ d.v.Mi;.; Kvbi:. OFFICni!.'': Clio. MeMlll.l.. i’resideiit. II. 1,. MVlKA Ili:. \'iee President. (i. S!111PII11U 1). .\;torne\'. C. .V. MeMi!.L.\N. Scerctarv. (ill!). M-'MllLL. j .loilN II. ( ooK. . ]l\ecini\e Committee. J AS. KVLE. j The of Mi ll \i, Insi i.'W' t: must commend itsel* to oi;r eoii'mnnit \, for it be demonstrated that we l..l^ e s.'i\ ed w ithin the last six yi ar,' iipwai ils of b\ iii.'iir.i.iee in the North ('.i rol;;ia Mutual Compaiiy; that i-i. we should have paid to hrivc kej't the same in .'lu.iiiee in the f'lrei.L'ii joint st x'k eoni|'anles sum more th.ii. we h.ive actu;*llv ]i;iid; nnd yet the Nortli Carolina Mutii.i] ( ompaiiy has received between •'S-'IMKI and .'siKiUil mole ironi our commiiiiiiy than it has jaiid .lilt for losse.' here.—shouiiiLr we are t.-ivoraiily sit- il.ite l. a' e.ila^ ared with other pl;.;cs in the StiltC, lo ! iie-e. Co;iip:iny h I' int.* (.]ie)-;ition favorably. hav- ii:” the d..y \.e orLi.'inised api.lic,iti as to the ali'.ount of i'l.‘ ;i‘, aii'l ti.e ('omji.aiii- now placed npoii a tirni l-.'.tli z. -\ny Piieetor. :iuthoi-iscd .\^eiit. or Seeretary, may li'.ei\e .\ j.’ilieatioiis. l.iit sliey will let 1'e Iiiliililijr unti! pi..\ed by the Hxeeuti\e Committee or the Board. l~ ‘ill>. 'V. 1,.\ \\ I! H.\( E is ajipointed (iener:d \ ’.eat oi ll.e I'.impain . We invite ap]dieations. CEO. ,'dcN El L!., Pre,..-t. C. A. M.-MU.LAN, .-'ee'v. r,b-;, 7. is.',:;. ■ W .M. II. McilAin', 'outHi :ssi oti t ISvrrhtaf, \viL?diN(i'iox, ('. attesnii.n will be p.-iid to selling and ship- ] 1..:! N.iv.d .'^loi-.-s aiei Produce, ;ind also to tiie For- w ;i riiing ot (I i .o.!s. .Mereliants wlm c nsi:;n t’leir (iooils to him can I'cly on till ir beiii^r forwarded by lirst boat after they are >li--> har'.;e'i iruiVi vess'.d. KIIFMP.ENCE.'^; I-'. File-. E. .\. \'ogler ,V t'o., Salem, N. C. T. .’i. Voiimr. >biek'ville. Hunt ,V .Xd'ierfon, I.exington. .'oh:i ]i. !!io VII. .•'ali.'-tiury. .1. 11. .'v .1. M..rtinc, l';.;.a-tTcvi!’e.'.v lid, c.:itf ('orAirrM:usiin\ ineicrsigiu-d Innc entered into a co].artner- £ -.^hiji undrr the nan.e and styb oi 'iroy vS; .Marsh, ior the ,ii'osecution of a (ieniral Mi rcantile buiness. I.oe:itioii tlic .■-■.•iiiie !is (ormerly oci-upied by .Messrs. H. !.. .M\r. Mr ^ Co., loot of Hav .Mount. J. lb Tl’oV. Jk. J. r. .MAPSII. M; e 1 s:.;b ^7if ' REMOVED. rH'^illE Subscriber having removed to the st-.nid for- -B- mei-ly occupied by Alessrs. Starr iV^, on Hay Street, (dl'ers to tho public a general a'soriment of >r.\PI,i'l .VN1> F.\NC^ 1)1!\ GOtdr^. and wou’d le jileascd to see all persons in want of (Jin ds before they purchase, as he is deteiniiiied to S'?il ter a small prolit for cash, oi on time to puiictual castomcrs. J. C. POE. May (•>, IS.'.o. ',i2tf ]>rt. STi’iOxrrs (.'(),\!!'(MM) S.\.\.\T1VE PlIXS. E’iliH ur«» «>iitirelv Vesctubl**, I Hisd in the cure ol all Bilious Complaints, Cfiills and Fever, i>\spei.sia, Costivenes.s. Liver Complaint, Jaundice. Siek Headache, .''crofula, Salt Ithoum, Fevers of all kinds, i.oss of Ajijietite, Obstructed and painful Men struation. and all liiiLrering liiscases. .\s a Female Medicine they act like a charm, and wlicn taken according to the directions, thi!j- never fail to cure very worst cases of after all other remedies fail. TEn‘y txii'ifv *is* 5>lood *qii:iCixc llie ‘ir'iihslioii, r«‘st«>r‘ tliu l£id£i:‘ys ;intl otl>3‘9* lo :t Siy .IIKI iK'Ctost; aiid as an .Vnti-Bilious Family Me'liciuc they have no cipial. Price 2-j cents per box.- 1LSO— ])R. STllOXCJ’S PiXrrOKAL STOALVCII PH.LS. A remedy for Coughs. Colds, Catarrh, Bronchitis, (’roup,- ^\hl•0Jllng Cough, Asthma, Consumption, Nervous Iiiseases. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Erysipehis, Disease of the Heart, 1 nllaniniation and Pain in the Chest, Back and Side, aud all diseases arising from a de ranged state of the Stom.ich. and to relieve the dis tress and b:id feeling from eating too hearty food, ii wi'ak and dyspeptic habits. Warranted to bo Purely Vegetable. THMIESE Pills act as an Exjiectorant, Tonic, and -S- .\perient One i;-i cent box jiossesses thi'ee times more jiower to cure diseases a one dollar bottle of any of the Syrups, B.ilsanis. or Sarsaparillas, that was- cvi r made, and a sinijtle trial of only one box will provo tliis im[iort:int trutli. 'fi'i>-y proiiioto ff)xp(‘’tor:i1ioii, Iocnosb ih> aifid tlie .'HUS' !«•• i‘to»-y of aJS leioibiil ;ind tlierc is not another remedy in the whole Materia .\letiica c:i]>alile of imparting such healing properties to the Lungs and Vital (Jrgansas these Pills. 'a*Ji«*y C«>«iiiveatess, |>i*olu*e :v iM'milar Appolito, and the i’rice l!') cts. per box, cont.-iining‘J-") doses of medicine. Call on the Agents who sell the Pills, and get the ••Planter's .Vlm.-inac’’ gratis, giving full ]>articulars and cert:tieates of cures. Both kiieis (d'tlie above-named Pills are for S'ale in l’.'iye‘tevil!e by .S. J. Hinsdale, aiitl .J. N. Smith; who .'ilso keeji a sup)>ly of Dr. S/niinr'x Vnj>tiihle I'if/x, aud />r. lluU'is Crtrbraled J’t/h. which Slop the Chills and Fever the first day, and do not sicken the stomach or operate on the bowels. 3 1' l5AkMI{V. g^HE Subscriber has establisla I .'i B.ikery on Bow .''trcet, on the Lot two iloors of iMiiic.iii eNeill s Cabinet Sh.ip. lie i-; prep.-ii'ed to tiulii-a iiiiilies, lioat';. :iiid the pi;'.lie oea*-raily. witii Bi"ad. i.'ciiit. and ('akes >f various Kiii'is. et ihe bi-'t ipiality. i he has I’roeiired the .«er\iee' of one ol the best akeio in the .''late. 1 rices'e. (;i\eme:i '-all. ( Ji.w-; p..\';k."’. l-’a\ettevlllc. Dec. L'S, IS-'i'J. -i-i-tl W AN'i'i:D. Tui'i.entine. deliv.-rcd at my Di'il!ery in this place, b.r whidi the highest prices will be ]'aid. I would also employ two or three good turi'cntine- biirrcl Coopers. 1>. . kO( i ill!S. Lumberton, N ('.. Feb'_\' li. ii.'^tl lih/s. 'I'ltrjK iilin(i H fTOB which tiie highest ca^h luieeswill be jiaid. ■' .MeldlAN \ JoNFS. Summerville, N. (’.. May IS. 1.■'•);>. '.i.iit SAHDI.KllS’ AND (’()A(’ll-.A! A K lOllS’ ii.s n S9 S5’.i Si e-:, »vr. mm & NO.\S, \(b 211 liiilliiiiorr St.. Hiilliiiiorr. 1M POKTEI\S and Dealers in Hog Skins, Saddle Trees. English Heads ami Ueins. (iirtli Webs. Stirrups. Hanies, Bitts, \c. Springs, .\xles of all kinds. Coaeh Lace, BENT FELLOES. Htdis, S]«okes. ('arriage and Tire Bolts. Patent Canvass. Carpeting, and every arti- -le connected with cither branch of tlie business, w hich they are jirepared to ofl'er to punctual customers on aa good terms as any other house in the I'nited Mates. Agents for th(> sale of Pope’s Self-Adjuslii’.g PADfci and Spencer’.s (ilG THEFTS. Orders promptly attended to. Address TIIO.llAS .M'irKKNZiR .'v SONS, No. --- Baltimore Street, 4()Y] _ BAI-TIMOKE. nJiU'EN TLNE LAND I'OU SALE 1'^OK sale, 3U3 acres of li.AND on James Creek, ^ atul 040 .icres on Cj'press Creek, in Cumberland, convenietit to the Western Plank Boad, heavily timbered, and admirablj' aibi|)ted to the making of Turpentine. Apply at this Office. acNov. 1301. Htf I'^Hll .'■-U'.imer I'.'ii.av Luttcrl di is runniir.r as fol- lo'As; I.ea\e I'ayett-vine Mond.iy ami Thiirsd.iy at o'clock, i ai.'i Wi'uiinirton 'I'ues.iav and J'iidav ,it IJ o'clock.— l';:sra-e ■>l’ * ' I T. S. LUTTEltHHI. .Tilly IS-j-'l. 11-Lila I 'i llOS. .1. .)()iL\SON — HAS JEST BKCEiVED—- e I'P.i.s. Niiv. (;i;i.K.\N.s Molasses, mdo. l.irge Yel'ow Plai.tii^g i'olatoes, I'.dilU lbs. Northern Bae.ill, oi^tMl llis. N. Cai'olina do. I.U.'ilcls ( i.-ltS. Ploughs and (,'.istings, Blaeksinillis' Tools, 17 lih'ts. Cuba .Mol.-isses. —ALSO— 1 liglit four-horse V.'agon, and 1 Buggy, 1 Harness H.a'se, \c. THOS. J. JOHNSON, Person st. I'ayctteville. Feb’y l!S. IS.'':'.. 7l.’tf CA.MPBELLTON PKOPLllTY P(Hl SALE. T. J. J. nu;.\n! litiiR ESoliK*4ioii iis S*a*ii*c. lua.N'rox, MOuins cV co. /f lONTlNPK to make to order, and keeji constantly ^ y on hand S'rcach SIttrr or all dimensions, warranted to be ol best iuality, be ing made from Burr blocks seleetci. by them Ironi the best ipiarries in France. They keep ior sale Co!oi;n(\ C'ocalica and Esojhls Mill- stoiu's; IJiirr liiocks, I’oltinij C’lotli, Scrct'H Wire, (.'ulciiicd Plaslcr, Hydraulic (’cint'nt, (irdet's from any jiart of the country protuptly attend- . cd to. K. .IB. Agent at Fayetteville, N. C. i March 11. IS.VL * 7dtf Prolcssor AIca. C. iiarry’s 'I'ri- r« j.)tt r.*U'. or Mrd.r.ihul (lor !U*Hutir\ inii. Pre ■ ■‘•rxini; IN't rrii t» ;tn«l Str»*nmh^'n»!;« the H;‘?r, DisPast^s »f iljr urtni: Kh»*iHintlr rains, jiinl IN'Hrtnii EvieriiHl woiiniis. il hy im tin* rfpntHtion «»l‘ Carry’s 'I'ritM* lijM'nui.' iH'ixMiU-* iho \ ni«»n. 'J'h** s? l4*.s ot ihp itriirle of'i;Ue years ttri\f im rt-a-( il in a ratio that ulmnsl wttU Itt'Urf. r* trry. alt# r .» tarrtiil cxaiiiiit.ition oj his salo' lMW;k. tinrN that t!i« nnitilKT of irlisrn «i to onlrr. in |uantitics of from lialfa npu;«rt!. ih«* y«*ar \\.»s within a triile ori>r>0.tHN). li i' iiiip. r. ^;iry to hi i»*nirih thf* evid*nres »f’ ihr ^^o^- propcrti'*' of the']'rirt>|ihcnr.i, u lien the |HiItlir li« v»* fur- ni'h« il 'U« h ..II iiHlor.M n»»‘i!t n this, "‘lit* rht*apiie>s of ihe ariirli? «nl thf c.\{ ianaiion> i.'i\en of it> chf inic'al ii|H)n ih** hair- th* --alp, aiiil in ;«ll ra^»* of *iiiprrilvial irritalitni, first ri'Coinnieiiii* «■»! it to til*- att/‘iiii(»n of ih* pf'cple. 'J’his was all that the inventi>r »i«*»irt*tl. E\rry Ihtiile ativ»Tt:s(*il ilst-If. 'I’ht* t*lf*rls of th»* fliiiif t“\fi*e»it'il Itaclt*ii hke » rharni. lailirs woiihi not litr uithoiii il. niintry in every sertion of the L*nite«l Siaie^ fiiihol thi'V inii't liavf* it. am! IIkis was huill U[i a wholesaln rr nir ti> ail ( \0‘!it hithf'rto nr;iic;)ril »f a.»» rrsards ariirles >f thin kin«l. 'I'h*' hivhr'^i |MMul has nni yi i In'-en ri’arheii. Hnil it is ho iitNfr’*! that thf ««alfs this y(*ar v. ill !»r a niillion an*l a half of liottles. D» poi mimI M.anutartory, No. 137 lJrMuiu*ay, \cu' A’ork. Urtail prirt’. ci'iil' a lar;;c hottle. I.'l.t r;il lo purchascTs tiy tlie quantity. hy till tlie pri:u ip:.l nn r li.iiit ntii drn'jiii'^ts ihroiiL'houl tli* l'i;itt‘«l Slater. unr t'.HKMla. \\>st inJi»s. rp rit Ur-lain, Fraiicc.&r. Anl hy r?. IM.\SD.\l-i!. Kayt'itt*vi!U*. i\. fUi-Ompdj -V Li-liiT (0 l.*t‘ lit'ut! and Thought upon. 'lM!EKa'*5. VV“t muH .^orih ha vi» sjMiken. n(»v.’speaks t!i* »S'iith—‘ the 'Unny Staiih—Hear \\w tritmie siiven liy «*ne oi hcT in his 7Uh y«-ar. r.m liu re he any uiimJ s«» prrjmliretl • > tinl t«» yit hJ lo '‘lu ll a iii:i>s III trsiiiiK*ny ilaily L’lV^'n in fr»vor of llanuHonN Veye i.ilih* 'fiMi iiir«*. in evrry hainl»*i, villaiit* aiui tiiy. \% here il liiis loiinif It' way? irat'fu! !u*«rl> >)»vak its prai.^e, r!{K>TKR I’lsTRicT. Soijtli C’aroiinn. .lannary 3*1. Messrs. MoriiiihT Mov\ bray—ientleinen: Eor the hisl i\vv years i liavt- h«‘»*n a •«-t ver»“ ^nti'erer l'r«»ni Hhenni;*.lis!n. scein;* loi-oiia(iiiit «»t Haniptoirs Veirtialdi* ’j'inrtnre. I purhas»Mi a hottle :wh\ the l;rl su \nur\v r'lievtMl me that \ cnnsiiler U \>ut H't re to L'lve t*» the .'»ul}erinL' u«»rl;l the resiiil o! the Hpplic ilion. >!ine xvas ;cnie K h*'l3iiia tisni in the hark—.so hal that I WK.Nton- lin«-*i h) my 1»«*I ii»r the la*'t si.\ itinnlhs. *J*he titst hortle -irteti like ( Irinn: the ^rronci revt..r«‘«l sire hifth to tuy potif atMii le*! hack aiiti I Hin iii»\v a-' \\«?H Mni fee! as youn^ «.s when 1 was si.xieea. I anr iM»u .'•eveiity lour years of ajie. 1 CMni^idiT y»»iir 'J’ineiure t!*e {rrealesl disrf»very of !he «£?•: Hn«l‘ fNMir ''ittierii!*! hnnianity (Mi5ht to erect i\ nioniim^'nt to t*r Ha**tpion, \\ f o nas saveii ihMU^anii.s from \ut\n. Atiii yoit. centknien, have* ihe part ofpiihlie in iictartors In (li>>f>iiiinatiii^ the henetits hich hav«‘ p >nl!eii f'n lu y>*ur imaluahic *i'ii;rt(tre. I am V. pt iin nMio!) pl.tnu r anil itave never ritlen for liten'ry ♦ apH-; hnl wlien ni> tV Ho\v-U*int»s art* ainicU?«l. shall I hesitate, or,• t)in>Mt:h i(i lie^tN, withhiih! any intorniation vahiahle lo niy fi'liitw-* man* So if yon ron'^ider this wnrtljy of a plare in any of yoiir new&papers, ^ou are at liherty U> j:iakc Use of it. AI.V All KF..^^1^AIJ.. llanipt‘>n’H Ve^'e! ihle Tinctnro, hy its iniM actU)n on the irloniarh • l.ivrr JMiii tlie Kithieys. will cure l)v>;M|»sla, (’on^'h, A-thina;- nmnrhial and Lnni; \irerti«in: l*jiii;s in the Uark, Side and Hrea-^tt iin'^nniption. j^rroinlH. Kheuinatistn« (iout, .Nenralyia. F>.*‘tiila!’ I’iles TritweM'omplaints. Worms .Nervous l?ehiIitv—\^ ifh all liix s ari.'^in* from impure hltHni, and is the greate.^t I'eiiialo MedicinL*^ ever known. Tor * 'ho|«T:i .'lorhi*'. ’hofir. Diarrhrea. and all diea.scs in« idea^ lo the howrls in the Muumer season it has no equal. Solil \\’iioi«*sale aud retail hv S. .1. Ill.NSD.ALI^ rav* tle\ille; C,» 6l !i I .in:K. lViimiii» .Mlurj'iMKK & MuWIJUA V. r.iltimorc,* aed hy I»ruirL'i''ts pent rally. t»-\ .)i's'rui:ci:ivi:i)AM)FORSALi> "B No. Mackerel. *• “ Herring. Fresh Lime. I’I.ister I’aris. “ (,'cnient and i’lastering Hair. J. W. POWEilS & CO'., •luly L'--’. lS-r>:l. l:;-tf IB I " s.-)(i uiiWAitn. RAN.VWAY from the subscriber oti the ‘J8tli of May last, a negro boy called C-\LVIN, iiiueteen I years old. lioiglit about o tVet 8 inches, weight about : Ibti lbs., a black negro, had ear rings in each ear'vvhen , he left, no clothing recollected excejit .a dark bluejvcr- coat. This boy was purchased of Ur. John McNeill of Kobeson county, about tlie 1st of May. Ihe above re- . ward will be paid fur his delivery to me or if lodged ; a Jail in this State. It is very piobable he is in the i ueiyrhborliood of hio former owner. I JOHN WAUDILL, Jr. i Fayetteville, N. C., .June 30. 7-tf Jor sale here. Till-: l.AllGKST SILK. IMBBOX, AM) THJMMlNd HOUSE IX XEW YORK. T'lu)ina. (jr. /Stearns, I.MI’OUTMU .and jobbeu of SILKS, MILLINERY, AND FANCY GOODSv ,1/ ym Ci/yfi I’rict f—timf grauted hy adding 162 Broadway, N. Y., .\S now in Store and is daily receiving and offer ing at the l.owest Prices, a coiiifilete assortnjcnt of(!OOl).S IN HIS LINK, comprising all the various- styles and designs, consisting of lUacii aud Fancy Silks; Marcclincsy Florences, Shawls, Trimmings; I»on- net Kibboiis; Tallcta and Satin Kii)- i)ons; Dross Trimmings of ;dl kincL^'; I'.mbroiderics; Frencli and English Crapes, Crape Lisses, Silk Cra vats; (iloves of all kinds; Silk Lace IMitts; Bareges, Laces; White Goods, Hosiery, L. C. Ilandkercliiels. j The undersigned would invite Merchants from the' 1 North, South, Enat nnd West, ■when in the City, to la- j vor him with a call aud examine his stock before pur-* 1 chasiug. , THOMAS G. steak:>s, 1()2 ilroadway. Between Liberty slrctt aud Maideu Lauc, K. V-- J.iD’y 15, 185i. «l-'/pd

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