Old ’ -v- .a;, ■> >n Hi. ■ ‘ - fiUisV;- call ::,j ii'lt-!! '•-nf T Acomuu ^- • I':; it? M'-r.. CM- 1;:: \v,. •■■ I' V If. ■ 'I. f'T ’ r ' 'N. .1 -.■■= r?, . • 'r \S!. •■' ■ ■•it- n -li; ;. : i t'V ! li. OflliS. .. I « • )! 'l=4!;iu,:r, ( «ij ? ri* . if. i Tur- c. ■=-tiilp ninl ■ V-.!UJ ,-;lIlU:. KIMi. f BEEBtaDOTSRBnaR S E M 1-W E E K li Y. [VOL. III.] FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., SEPT1:M!51:U UK 18.^:]. [NO. 229.] I'UINTKI) liV J. li. NKWBY. i:i)WAin) J. HALE & sox, I'DIRHIS ANL> rUOrUlKTOKS. ’rici“ f'T ‘''ciui-Woekly Ouskrvku Jjil (K) if i>aul in ii.iv.-iiii'o: ’»0 if r‘i'l during the year of snbscrip- tii'u; »r after the year hus cxiiirc«l. li' I- the Woikly OnsKKVEK >*!2 00 per annum, if paid in :i :\.iiK-c; $- 30 if paid dvirinpr the year of subscrip- ti.iii: “f after the year has expired. Vl^VKKTlSl’MENTS inserted for f;i\ty cents pei- !*’> first, and tliirty cents for e;u h loecc'llng publication. Yearly iidvertiseiiient.s by spo- •.,1 i-.mtnn'ts. at re.'isoinible rates. .Vdvertisers are Ijo.pie.'tfd tii state the number of insertions desired, or Icliov will be oontiimed till forbid, and ehurjred accord- Letters to the Eulturs must be pot^t-puid. te;u!y eni- bv apjih iiijr to A. .McK1:T1I.\N. Ii5-tf A.N'l'K!). fj^wo (wuin.vnr, i'.mnt'.'.ks uiii tin,! -M. ployment and i^im.l w;,^ St'jit. :i, 1853. l''all atul Wisits'r (ioods. rS'MlK undersifrned :irc now rci'rhin.LT a l.Aliiil', .-toik £ ot (•0od.', »un.^i.-ting of a fiill :iSM.i-!im-iU .-f Ladies’ ;nul (icMitlc'Uicu’s l>i'.’ss (Idisi’.; ;i Lir^c supply of lu'iidy rii.Ku* (’Intliinv; ('.ips. iv; Ihir.l- tifii:, s; hioli ^vi.- ’.vill NOrUT': 'I'O 'FKAVi:i.LEKS. ifHlilK .V('l'0.''il.'KH)ATl()N LINK from Fayetteville I IL t" ^Va^s.•nv i.» now prepared to carry jtns-ien;iers [ «itli 'K'.'ip.'itch. They \>iU connect with the niorniii;; Itriiiu jT 'inp Niirtli. This train connects with the IN'rts- ■ utli and IV tersbnrj: mute at WeMon. I will make I tilt- c wine. tiiin bdtli ways, ckutaix—more than the li I' d 'lie horetobire. We leave AVarsaw on arri- . ..l'tiiL- iii 'i iiiug train from the North. I’nssrure •'fj. J. n. .\t^KK\V. Si'i't. •’>. isr>". 2")tf COP.MnWEKSlIlP. rilHl' undcr-ijined have ns.sociated tJiemselves in a I. • ,.partner>hip, for the purjtosc of transactin'; the Mcrv'.'iniilc bn.'iness, under tlie firm and style of W. fil. Liitlerloh A: C o. \V Iiave taken the .stand formerly oecupicd by T. S 1 iitt' v'i'h, near the foot of Hayinouiit, where we will II kt‘'lire in waiting; on our customers. We will .■ j. irticiilar Htteiitio’i the I>arterinj{ business, an 1 )iu. .-::ise of nil liinus of (''ountry I’rodiice. 'e Ii.'Te now in Store n pood assortntent of tlroccrics I I’r'nisi'ins. Leather, Hlacksniitlis' Tools, Iron, .\c., ! ■•iii'l ure daily expectinu to receive from the Northern iUi=-= 11 full .Hid coniplcte stock *f every article in the ■rv iiiic: »Ko, ILits, IJoots, Sh'jcs, »Vc.,—vliich wc i :- r>>r cash or jrood paper. >r barker on as jrood [t'Tii - ,is ;iiiy establishment in Fuyettevi le. ill.try .Merchants will tind it to slicir advant.ice t. ■ ' ,i' a c:ill. AV. 11. i.’TTF.ULOll. M. .K HAMsr.V. .\:;;:ii.-.t 12, IS"):’. ’Jotf Aow MiMliiiiM' Stori'. K have j'l.'t ri'C'.'hf'l : supply of .'•elect KI>1'i-N'ii.''. t"^'i-tlK r w itii 'n|.*-ri'a‘ article fif Fi t in h !’.r.uid_\', -lioi«-e Miidcir.i. I’ort. Slierr;. and (‘l:iict V\'iui‘s. ' which were sdc ted f.>r us \i\ a judL'i-. iV.'iii ■ «'t liie bf.st houses in l‘hilavlcl]Miia, f u" incdic.d p'.ii - \> ur Medicines were boujflit \vith :i \ic\v t.> I'lc- i; :i'.iis. Farmers and others who keej) Family Mvdi- \' vl ilo well ro srive us a call. All our .\lc iif ii-.-.' ..i .-ititcd to be v»f the most scb ' t Kind. ILVLL A. jiOillNSOX. At the •-•Id Stand of l>rs. U. I'c lb W. U.'.’.ins >n. corner of (>!d an. (ircen . 1'.. I’resiriptions carefullv auil acciuMt'-iV put nj'. IL X 11. ; r. o, l^oo. li^lf ( ilr;it‘ of a coohiiLf and :it i’urgative. For sale bv HALL & r. •-‘•'•tt' In'niiot.-i, Uodt.s and Slidis; S.ul-!! waroj (Jroccrii’s; l>nijs aii l .^ii \\ ith a LTi't-at many ntlu r kin.’.~ ofdooi!.' ' sell on ;iccoi:im...iating terms. .1. 'i'. rol N-'lL ix CAIN. 1: j I’. S. 'I'cr.'iii.s \\!io hrive l.(.i n iii lc' te l t.> U' i'. r one I year or nn.rc will p'.case ]‘ay up. L!:A'rm:ii ^I^I'OiiOrClM.V .Mntrhed, cemeur; 1. :,,id livefd. B- I Ih‘ above r';;:id'i arc sobi "Ji) pi r cent, less than New ^ ork m.iiiul.n tui cr.^ prict's. (’.-.sli will iic re- jiiircd in every iiit.i;u-•. For sale Kv V,-. ji. Li rrr.iM.oii. Fayetteville. N >v. Ifi. 1'•i.'iL*. ;',lt:’ r.Ali(;AL\\^! liAlICAi.XS!! 1.1N(! detr rinine.l to 'put si 'iliiiLT l.;.|Ut'i ';, w c no',, otler a small lot . t’Fii.e l.l.iUMi,- it ,\^-w \ oik ei.>t and eli ir;j«'s: sueli I-ien> !i Hraii ly; .!:iiii.i;ci an'l .''t. * ri»i\ l\uur. l*ovt. Ma-lv.i'a. M;.ln_a a.'.-i Ti-iu'viii.'\Viiic..'; • > li.'i'ki ts Cli.in;'';:j;ne, ■ \n. hoi' r.i.ind: , t'i.anij ( ider. .\c. I’er,'^ n.s \U liit:;r t i ]airelt''-e ;iiiv ol' till- ai»o\c Lii]U"r. \’.ouM il,. to t.ali r.ii-i -;i'i* u^i. TIMV v'i MAK.-11. Au,_. !. 1S.V:. SALBS OF I.OTS ON Si€trbor» ^ 3 II1-. ’;iroli!:a City l.an.l (’omp.inv will sell to the f highest biiMi'r on their iiremisLs, :it White Hall, on .Monday liie -Slst 'lay of Ocioher next, a larjje nuni- !>er of v;ilii!ible I.ots. 'I he lanils of this Company front about two miles >n the most accessible an 1 1>; .-^t jiari of tl.e llarhor, a!id are considcreil the most valuable on it. They are in l\ill view ol the Ocean, and will be hivndsomely :ind • conveniently l.aid out for business and pleasure. No I improvcnivrit e;m lie mad“ wiih Centv.il or Western j( .‘irolina, or the w.iter^ c innccted with the ll.irbor, I Without benc!ii..i>; tlicse lands. The ('.ir.illna t'ity j ( onipaiiy, inv.ire of this fact, lu'j; leave to say that the}' , h.ive no "agents or ilruninieis in th-.' We.stern part oi' i the .''late” or any winu'e e'.se, oifeiim to sell Lots at a : lo'.v r.ite to .-;eciire intlueuce, Imt thut all the sales of i their land are rciiiiired, by tl.e :irti..les of a-reement, I to tie to the liijihc't bjiMcr. ■ 1 he jrcntleni. n '.\ ho comjio.sc> this ('or.’jviny Iiave made ’ .irr.iiim ineMls to imj rove their l.ar.ils to t!ie amount f j at loot -.S.)(',(»()(I. I >urin^ the winter ai'.d ensuiri;r spriiiL', I a lai'ie Hotel will l>e liuilt. Wharves, Tvirj'tnt.ne liis- tiiK rie.s and ,i .''te;im .'',i\v .Mill wi.i tie put iii .'per.ition. I 1 lii-re is excellent clay on tin- [ireiiusi s l.^r m.i-.ii.i^ brick :ind also on the adjai ent w.'iters; and as expeii- net- has proved the importaiu’e of tire jiroof l)uiidin;.rs in a comi.ierei.i! plac(', tiie tioard will not allo.v any but : >uh.'tautial fire prool l)uiblinjx>. to be permanently erect- C'l on any i.-iiid.' tiny mav sell. I I .1 peisons who lu.iy prefer, tin* lio ir 1 will lease lots i !• r ;i tern: i f ye:;rs. Tlie_\ re.-'peetfiiliy iiiviie .ill per- ns in an_\- way int^-n-t.’ I to i.,- present at the sal- aii'i .ee tor tlienisehes. }!>pec!aily ine, !i ;ui,'.s; slilp eaipenters, Kriek nias.in>, i\c., :i> I'.r theii; n.i li.-licr har'.esteanbe pn.mi>i'.I than the future presI'ccts ot m .IAM!:s KVLi: E.'j Utiw rv'ceivin;! ;i larire ,ind irener.il as.'ortirient f»f EJi» cr.s e: si all ..f whieh have been pun haseil for C.\.'^li )iy the i’acka;.:e. Country Mereh;:nis .and othcr^i will f;nd it to their in terest to examine tlie .''tock, •March li;, Totf GOODS i.r.Miir.i;: i.i \:i!i:!;i! I'i il.VAK on han 1 a .ii.i ’iihr . t i.oe *V dii;\-rent kiioN - ii,_, w ;'■.i. '.w. Mioardi, can>;int.'-. laths. ,vc.: .oic i t' wi.'.ii. i> 'Cio tied. .V'.'.i, a '.~:Le ;i."i rt!ii'“nt i t r' li..'' >ell r. f'us-. l.L.iriN ^ ... :it •>' I'll- M . ,'oned. i iiN i'.lied al >:i..rr tlreenw.ii ;. i'inir vi ■: n.i, .N C.. Aiil. I. ’. One fourtli c.-i-h ' :iii'i _ ; nou;tlis. .\1' •Iter,- . K. ■ .\n_-us prespec! /! rta. at S ill'. — the tial.iiu-e in instalnu'i.t,^ at I'J. init rc'i !i m ilate. usiiii ,-s of the Company adiIres,-> to y, K;i^i :ir, N. c. r.o.ii.;.' r. i:. rMii;i:\V()oi». rn>:,’ nt. i'.'-lila At llii (ilil .l(i!ul of //. !)r(tnson «V ^S^ilF, rM)f^l{.-|;Ni;i> have just le-ei^ed a LAIICK SL .ST((('K (iF (!(i:eiabrarin;r ;;eui i-.il assort ment reeehtly i).iii;_!it in th-- i.nrtite:-!i iri.uhct unde;- la'. oi-;io;i- eir.-iiiii.v!,-!,!;-!'.-;. i'l.i-y h:;> i' l.oal, i".ii-ill-.!, pow'i'eil aiil '.i'lwa si'.'iurs; -lava, Launir.i .ind !lio Coil'ee; pep!.!f, .-pice, jiiiij-; r. clove, aii'l nutmej^.-^: sup. :*al'h. sola: iii't';.ro: nia i itO" l»ora.\: camphor; aluti:; » j som .'-.ili.-;; s.ilt pet re; no.la.'^.ses; .-j, run: s.il t; i ro:i; s;o! lies, 1 ii iules :i n 1 iii.ii ii i;;^.i 1,~: eol!a i>; v. ,i'.;oii and i'UL;.'y whijis; spaie'-i. slio', cl,-, alei I'.rks; trace, iln^. tou^n', hrea>t and ha.ter chaiii>; coli. i- inill.-; w.-i'joo bo.\C'; mill, cio.'.s-ci.t and h.ii. i ;-av,.-.; cut nails and .-■pile's; ;i LToo'! I i;a-'nt .o' p . ki i am! ta'o!e cutlery: hi.iek 'n:ith ^ooI,•^ ciiiu j.ieti-; t isri i ii 1 i;e ien ker'^. scrap'-i dippers and a:ie.'; !n la.l ,i!el eli. pp;:oL: a:.ts: ^iiii>: win low :;!;iss: ri\ets .\ i.-iiue st' i !i of ready-m.idc clothinji and staple ilry ;jooils: ;rnnn' aiel hi inn bajiuin'j: rope aiiil t'.v;iii-; .'-^-.veue: , .\im' -;, a;i 1>,U' .iii.l iioop iron; S'pi a re al. I i .■ :.i;_i:ii c.'..'': sti i i; i iiiu ill and ii. isi t V steel: i:, / faj,.-', li.ii>;.- :;tel si:..es. wc'tenian ! C;, :■. .1 i na l.a.-"U: t..ji-!lii-i' with aliiio-t e\e:-y arlicK- !- 'i ; in il.i- i!i:.r\ ail of wlilel' v.i'.l !,e sohl at !air j i lor e isli. oii '.ihii ti customers, (.'i-coui.i ry pro.im i' iLi-ner.iIl v. 1. \i . W i Co. •luly ;; I, ]s' !. l-'.-lf I,':;.*' fhe otlu'o of the I'ape Fear .'^teaniooat ('oinp inv is kept in the aliovc l.nil iin.r. •I.' Wll.L’A \1.. A;ie;it. SrEDMAX v.V l!()i>.M% Dry (iOf'ids, ![firth/'ftrr, (!rorcric-s, tVr. E'V\v2:tts:v3s.s.i:, ’^^^Oi'l.l* res].ectfnl!y iniVn.i the citizces ;uid the w V pnliiic ^ ,-ncrally. th.it they have just retnrn'-d from New Vork, and :ire rcceivinc; tlieir Sprint Stoc-k of ti.'ods. coiis:“lii;;r of /hy 6'oof/s, (/I’l/(■>'/■ if}!, Jlnnhrarr, (fv. A vari. ty of Hats, suitable for th? sea>:on; Ladies’ and ('ent'einen's I'loots, .'^h.oes and Slip]H*rs: a l.irj^e as- ^ortniei'.t of re.idy-niade Clot;-,ie.;.£; a -^reat m:iny articles in the ladie.s' line, and we wouM lie pb'ascd to have them to eail and c.'v.amiiie for t'iems(dves. .Vll (.rders sent to our care fn-m our liiciids and cus tomers will bo jircmpt'v attende.l to. ,M:.rch :in, ‘ 81 tf Shtcliiri ('olloii ^ nrii. REMOVED. ^HTIIF .Subscriber hfivin;; removed to the stand for- 0. merly occupied hy Jlessra. SStarr X Williams, on flay .''treet, oll'ers to the public a 'reiicral assortment of .'‘•r.\iM.K .\N1> FANCY DRV anil wouhl be ple.-ised to see all persons in want of ioods before they )iiui-li:ise, :is he is determined to sell for .a small profit lor ca?li, I t on time to punctual customers. •i. c. roK. May 18.J.I. 'liitf For sa! April is: nolITII .n; ];li.iutt. t'Ttf i-AVi:'!"n:\ 1!.! i: ^irrriL mmt. ^^■'111.'' C,jiip:iny is now I.riranised .-ind prepared to re- I eeive applications for hi.surance, on as favorable tei'iiid as other ('I'mpanies. DlllKCTor.S; olllp Avcin K. lI.M.f,. .1. (1. SiiM’in iti*. W’.M. T. II.vWl.KV. .lollN !>. Wu.J.IAMS. l>i;.\l;oW. AV.M. .M( W.M. McLntvuk. \\ a:i[ Ji‘\v(‘!s-v. [17t: '! • W'lr ’’l!!'^ subs,-I-;!.^ I- r. .'' i-eti'u'.'y ' ■ -ea'. I ; i:.. I m ills cnstoii.er-^ all I ti;.- ' ,.:.;i' tl.at iiC lias • t r.ei-i.c ' of‘ V J '' y\ 4 tr. • cidi ■ ■; !,-.l vi>njV|; W'ii V] ^\\i\ I'll, r^: !i;_ a ( ; . ‘ i.i jile :;!H i 1' .i; .e\ i »i \ ;iinl riiil.lreh’-- li .ts, :nnl - !s, ]: ALSO. SIOAU ,\M' c ■ V .. U i, i5« ti iri^e 1. t «d lot.I la.' .I!A tl.e iati ;il WAilK; Ml ■ I- '. 1 • I • I.' S!.- ■ i;r\nv!'' i N..rih-wi I’a\ l ite . (' \ ?B !i w;- iSL te.l t the a:t> :.ti' u . : a. M.i- r M. il 1. !'.s. (’ \>si\i}:ii;;s. As.'! >ii - : • o. l:,;l. \i;i;oNATK .‘!l>A. ! K rat as. ! .'tr.reh. ■' 'I'etre. l!‘ir:.\. I .til r ^wders. Iliu.slies. 1!- I',,V L-incets. M .»-ard. si'pt. ■’), 18o'l. tl,.- ^ th Drii'j al \!i Fluid Extract of .^enn.a. Conip. .Syrup of .'.-irs;iparill.». liarlam Oil, or .Mcdicanientum. I’ritish (Jil. 'iHl-liver t »il. Turlin.'tofrs l!ais:iui. Windsor Soap. Xutme:rs, I'cc. \c. For sale by HALL Cv lloi;iN.i»N. •2-')tf 1 A o-i/'tiiii.', : Md i’( riii:ii> iiiei'T I’t Hair. F’l ' ’ e-: I iippiii;,:. I i’.,iiti-i ii’-'. r 11 tiiae !. .!!e^, T ‘■'iiL's, I>.i!itiir aiol I>e>.- it I'Orks, 'l,''l, , ji’i.iiii, tlni'aaeil L. ami ! >1 uii'W ifl; jiattcriis, i IM- IJi.tt ;■ .Mil: .''.iI*. 'r. iiii and .-li.iiuis. 1 I 'i'ea ('id;''.- I ’lis, ( L.iUi'ief aioi 1*; i;i 11 • i' -*iek-, i>>h. Si.’.;;', r and T 'r.iv, L.i'lif'’ \\ u;k — i''t.ll a»ni; 111- at il' M liii.u'v (I III.'. ('Ill i.'ii t I I'Ia_'e. 'iet'^, I lilt es. I ’if ', -li'di >11', I ’illt ill:is. IS. l.il;,;' and SHi;ill .Mm •>ir r>‘>.\C', . -iilUf wit 11 I’i.lHU aee. !ll]iai:il:i -tif. \ inl'ii', ' iiie Very fni" 1 'al- ■i ..r\'e\ ■: ( ':'i; ]i;i"e' ('Iriiii.', .''l.iflu-- I i : oat ii-al ! !,.-t i Util ' I:,/' i a;.-i ■It' ■ , I'.v■■ ■! i>'« ' t’"!' Miner-, very i' ;t ..ii.i Ta: '..:K-rv, ' in ''-t nt' i j.. I ’o. I;. I K :i i \ •■', V. .; .''. I' iM. (■ Il 1;. i - 6^ T ’ :: , \e. !. • li.r i f - ; >■:. l ^ Sr .,■ i. .ri ’. • > ill'. 1 ’ ■ V.dl r I'i.i'’;,.', Sli.if Ih it', tl iiiii- ,• Me- K.t.- 1. .. : IIm--, Ae. A i: 1 MO. 1 a".ii tun lit id' i atid vai i- ■ IU> itll'T '.il!'!' ft' ''i'ti'!'. l-'iv .'i.’i .-. iit 'li ;iirt kiii.l.d’Ci Ivs \V., Ikinir (' iii(', \i; I \ar' ai' .■.’hi; . rv . tV\ . ; .I,.', \\hieii I w.iu'. i t ■ >■■!! ill's. .1. M. id;.\.-'i.i;v. iiW.' ... ni!u; i tia M ull\ n*- riiier i.a Ntntli. with hxiii tiH iv^crilx r .!:!! c('!i- ..;i :iic c.m',i\::t i;i \- ' V illi'. a II 1 i.i .11 ti' i.i to .M:ide by eonipeti-lit and I'.ii .It I'lices eorre.''!"!-;’ linvr wi S'lrtment of Noirln i i.-iaa'le him.'clf, wi.:i ii .i. I'c i IlMIl i:io K-i i"i 5i a t.-d .\ been hiniilv r.'C'.iiin ci.iy. i,( wis Ca^s, lustri.’U' I har.u-.er.' ti l l; iiiiliiv. ; ,''t t ■' ! ti.o lit oi F'.sk',' . i ’l l r ;■ . i \ I, C AS i.S. w l,i. ii h.i \ •' V. iv Mai,-.on. i:. :.i. Kim'j. .Ill I Many otlier ii- i\. ' xa;; :;.e ! and witni.: sv i I ■ I I.ls.'i I .^iv 'lin k I ni'.l t.i\ , Ii V ill ;. ri!.. r has ta!.. : •m;_ 1 t.y C i; i I" --fi' his M i e..~t I it (ii.i I 1,1.1 I-,.- wi in I.:i \ nieti t :. :i'. k ■ b.‘ r- d, .'r , i.d ..1' la!'. al.:i ■ r !. ro^ither with .j !’.iill^ and I.'t ".' .1' .•sur jieal 1 n st rnmet.t - ot i.i. h h - '.riei .' 1 ■'' cn.-'loniei s. 'r.ii i s n sj't • tfiill_'' it. 1 fr a aUil ■ tin-rs. ho li s;i ;! ■' . ! .ii jTi'iii.ioi' ar'.icie-:. an 1 tiial n (•,.:! ^;ve -.itisr-.i tion ’■ th i'l ,u. 'ity . ; JC-y“ .'! ki>i ai. h accuratclj. jo e; w i. ■ 1 i:; i:nd n Li»! m:\\ T^l-ned h; I-. V. I;. l .N'v i:.N'!'P >N. S iiiadi I liuntiv eiioii of' s;!iut r •I ' liiat he i- : I an iii\ei. ’! 'nsan- t.. b w heat, ;ilid w i.she- til'- lip II.:o l.in -- .1 111 if a Smut P'-’-fi'.'t i:; the ;• inf'rm Mill l i.i.oi Faeto- if \shboroujrh. '.i'lin. ! pri.ii i- It i ii-o- the tl.r 'i;'zli tl.e .1. N. .\ lar^c supj)lv ot Kalsain C’apsuK s f„r- 'i.bv’' HALL vSi P.0J;iN.»»N. Jan'-, \ il!' i-pl. o, lSj:>. 2*tf NOTICE. ^I^IIF. svibseviber havinjr c’uiin^ed Ins former business. I will lie lotiiid at the Store on N'orth-Kast corner of M aki't .''ipiare, reci'iitly occupied by Mr l!u;;h !rahani -\i! 1 efs..ns indebted to him nre e.irne.stly reiiue-ted t>> ' . viu him jiromptly ami settle. D. (.'L.VlIiv. ^I^HF Subsi-rihera have formed a Copartnership, un- 1 lii r the inime and style of Chirk I'c Woodward, for t!ie ]iiirpti:e of carrying on ti»e T.ailorins ISusiness, in ‘'^.aii: ..n with the sale of Keady-.Made t’lotiiin^. • ■ di-, ' asinieres, \'e.stiu"s, &c. Tlieir stock was selected with j^reat eare by one of die fina, in New Vork, and is uow ready for examiua- I). TLA 11K. A. J. WOODWAiU). •"‘■nt. ■'», 18')??. 2'>-Jni l‘()CKE'r BOOK Losr. ^■■^IIK sulcseribcr lost his Pocket I’ook yeHterd.iy. be- ■- twi on the fir«t Toll House on the .Southern I'lank Ilo. d and Ibakfish Factor}', containinjr some six or seven lollars in Hank notes :ind one Note on Neill Mc Neill, |;,s.|. of liohesou Co. for sii'J'.*, one ditto on \\ m. Willis, Ksip of Uobesou Institute, for •'j'.jO, both piiy- iih'e to Thos. n. Ellis, and endorsed by him to me.— All persons arc cautioned ajrainst tradin; for s:iid > t(s. TIMOTHY S. UKGANS. St. I'liul’s, llobeson, -\ug. .‘>0, lb');5. 24-1 m NOriCE. DOCToIIS Mallett iSi Mc.''waiu havinp; left their Hooks ami papers with W. McL. .McKay, who is iy authorised to receipt for the same, all their cus- t iiie r' living West of the Cape Fear Uiver, who may bi- ill arrears either by note or account, will confer a 1 mu- by calling ou him und aettlin;^ the srime. W. I’. MAI.LLTT. H. A. .McSWAIN. F.iyettcvillc, Au^'. oO, I8.’i.‘l. llUf WATCHES, JEWELRY, AM) EANCY GOODS. The Subscriber is now re- ceiving a large and v^ell selected Stock feiU—/ hJ ef Gold iiiid Silver Watches and .Jewelry of the latest styles; Silre.r nwl Plated Ware; Gold, Silver said Steel Spectacles; ••'ihl I’eneils and Pens; f’ine Pocket and Pen Knives; Fine itu/.ors and Scissors; Mathoinitical Instruments; Surveyors’ Comprsses and Chains; Double and single- hairel Guns; Powder Flasks; Shot Pelts; Game Hags; l*cn-ussion (^ips; u good jissortnient of Pistols; Walking Canes; Port-Moneys; Pocket »nd Drcflsing (’ombs; Hair, F! h. Tooth and Lather Hrush“«; u jrood asnortment ol’ ^ iolins and Cows; CUrionets; Flageolets; Flutc»>; Fifes; -\i'eiirileons; large and hiiuiU Music l!oxes; Violin .and •luitar .Strings; .Microst!ojief: .Sjiy (ilassen; Ladies’ Work lioxes; !oral; Eight aud One d»y Clock*; variety of Fancy Goods, ilte. I'ic. ■Ml of which will be sold low. All kinds of Watches and Clocks cleaned and 1 ejiaircd. W. PIIIOK. ' I'. 1, lbo3. 21-Lim Mote uii.w n a eriioiis ot bun com Uo\c JOII.X ILViiMAX .•.-ji'-i tf’iilly iiif-^Jus p'.:’il;.- that he has r ‘ 'I; 1 tor\, on lieep Fi\.-r. c\:ht I'liles North . . t I ■ My maehiiH s a r.' . i.ii’p o.l of ihn.' pics, ccntriliiu li. s,-.,',\ crii.u .iii'i r-a. ti"n. .v.lly ulitl . wheat tlirongii tlirei- oj.i i.iti.':,- i:i '11^: nia' hine onee. ,\ii’, pcis..!!' i'O-i'.:^ :i i!;aeliinr. aft.r tr_\iii'_; it. if it 'j.i. .- Ii.'t e!ea>; v h. :i d. Ui, '1 li e. 1 wiil f.l.e it b i.'k. I'rii-e .'si v.-nt' -ti\e li.'ll ir-^. \11 Iclt- rs a ldi I s.'i'.l to Nev. .^'nU-m Post Miii-e. liaii- : ’ C.'lory. P. P. FliLKMAN. tilt. i'J. I "IV 2, I.'' ■ . ■;! " ' ^^ji*i i'-‘'ji'* "■ —-'i ;;lio f.i.l. olliliy I’loilti.-e. ' ] iinetiial i-as- S. (I. C, l(ll\. '.•inf f : - vMlTII. I ‘-’tf ('/ihttii! r'i;nnfnr(\ ('l.rttr-. i\c. rr'",11 r. ,'Ub-i ! il.T i r. eeiviir/ ll.e l;ir.:i--l ;■ .: r;. . fi :n li’s '-I ■■ eM-r l.i-’'. i-' ; iiv-' ^-i 1 ;it t!. - N- vhiih. t. ;rotl r wi’h his own man.if.oturc, n.,ii> .- ! .''lock very c.einiii ie, i of (’li.'.iis, 'I',;’: !c', .“^..i.is, !>, .I'll ;!i;s, ^\ a'!i .''t.ilo iJlir.'.li;', l."iiKUi:X tita,sscS. l> i:in!s, .''reietorii ,-, .Ve. .\li of which will be ^'ll.l oil t!;.‘ -owe t t riiis f. i C,i> or on .short time to pnie-tnal . U'ti.ao rs. IIknhv i.ii.i.v. 1!. !i. .^! VitoV KK. ■J'lio.s:. s. 1.1 iTbia.oH. II. !'. A. II.KV. .^!(•Kl TIIA.N. (;t:o. .McXiii.i.. .X.VTiiA.N A. Sti; DM AN. -I.v.'iiii-- Kvi.k. OFllCKUS: ; Ci'.O. MeNKILL. President. ' 11. I.. .M i IM , i',i;. \'ic I’resii'cnt. .1. G. .''I! lil’li KK!>, .\ttiirnev. C. McMlL],.\N. .'-'ecritarv. Cl-;!). .VcNl.il.l., ) ‘ .loliN II. Ciju!', - Kic. ntive Ci’mniittee. J.\S. KV!.;;, i The plan of M: uwi. Ins: i;\n( k r.iiist loiiijnen.l ilscl*' t'l "ii;-••"i.!iii!i;iit\, foi-it c.iu he ihmo,'.-ti,itcd that we i,i \ I- .s.i \ • 1 u i; hin the Ijist s: \ y.; r« iipw;ir'ls of x:)0 ! . .ii;.-,' in the .\firili t'aii lina Miitua! Company; (iia: '^!;-,m1'1 have pai i (.• have ke; t th'" same in- ■ III- :.. e i;i ti e |. ri igu .joint .sti.ek conijiaiiics that sui.i ’.i.-.i ' tl.aii .VI- ha\e actually I'aii’: and \ ot the '.orth I'.II ilii.a '.lutiia! C'.mi'^iny has re.ei\cil h.'tween -'S'lUiai a;. 1 I I, ..i-f from oiir community tliau it h.is j aid leit f 'r ! ss.'s h^.re.—showing that v, e .ire favorably sit uate 1. !.s •■ompare'l ^'.ith otln-r j.laces in the St.ite, fo ' I iisu r.i nre. ('"i:ip:iny h:i s ■.’■one into oper;ifioii f.iMTably. h:iv- ii' liie d,iy \M‘ or;^:i:iised apj'lica!ions to the amount of I 1 ai. l the Ci'’!:p:in_',' is now pl.ued upon a tirm lootii’g. .\i:y I'iiivtor. aTitboiiseil or S»‘cretarv. ma.y .eii-;-.e .\i.]>''eatii'ns, but tliev will Hot be biniiing until ■ipi r, M 'i i v tl.e !i:ccutiCuni.iiittee or the I’oar.i. ;■ 'Jl>. \V. L.V'.N i; I'iNt' F is a|ipoint;‘d Gener;il .i .'ill "f tie' C. ;i!;.aiiv. \\ i- inNiti* :;] plic'itions. ;ro. .'i.'M;!!,!.. Pns’t. C. A. McMII.I.AN, Scc'y. I'l ii y 7, l >'-i'I. *i‘itf V.M. ii. .McliAin, f h^sioit , llrrcii >:n V. ih.ML\CT!).\, X. (’. P.-U'ticii’ar attei,ti"ii will be ] ai l to selling and ship- piai; N i\al .‘'t> res and Pro iucc, and als;i to tiie For- M ■;! dini’ of .M>11 Iia'it' w!oi e. nsigii their Goi.i’s to him can rely on their beiii'j: f'rwardel by f;^^t boat alter they are lii'.-'i.ir-'i*'! from vessel. P.LFFKKNCKS; I'. Flies, ii. A. \'og!cr v\ Co., .".liem. N. C. '!'. M. Voiin.-. .Mock-vil!e. ll':nt .V .Vd'ierton. l,e\in'.rton. .'ohn I*. llro»!i, Sali-liury. .1. II. .V .1. Marline, i-'.iyclteville. .T.:o'y ‘ bi^tf ni-.'lerslpi.i. I h.ivo citeic l into a coj artner- shi]i ei..lf;- tho i .imi' :i>i'l stx !«■ i !Tn v M.irs’ii. f'lr the ] rosei'iition ot' a Gener.'il .Mercantile business. 1 •■•'tion the s.inie ;is formerly o'cnpie.l by Messrs. H. I.. M'. er ,v Co.. toot of ll.iv .Moutit. .1. P.. TI’.OV, .Ik. ,1. F. MAPSII. M-iv 1 ‘.*7tf jiany. Fmvetteville, N. ( frioii'is :iiii • •'1 fr"ia the foot of li.'i'. niounl t" the larger e .mne'dioUs iioti'l in Uo' •■ iitri- "1 oi'c'io':,- 1 t v Mrs. ii'. o-,\ I'., .in 1 v.ei. levillc il' te], where he wiil l e hap- Tv,ivelli-rs .-ind ISoai'lers. No ex- 11 I t’amily will be sp.ired I" le’.. ler ho may 1.1 vor him with ihcir c.ui- .lune 1 s'o!. l^!iinf u hir r,\:;(;Aix oi itjj!:!). 'dotermim 1 to renioM-to the '•:i'e that comiio 'lii us IIoU'i-, ■i.s. i ll liie V ii!a;:e of .'siinilliei \ ille, • s I iivi-cinito lie!.'11 iiiiig. .\lso. ] Jii month of ('ros.s ('reek, in the town f .r M'A\ SI '.KIi .V WIi.I.iAMS g & AVF iei\> rcei'i\e 1 a portion, ae.'l e\|ieet t'l re- B B ccivc this wi-ik their L.NTiKL S'.'cn’k oi i'.VLL GOUi).S, eofi.-ji.-jiing of Staple aii(! I'aiicy I)ry Sliofs, l»()ofs. Hats. ('aj)S, j}(>ii{i('ts aiui ri)il)i’(.‘l!as; witii a iaruo lot oi' lica(Iy-ii!a(!; CI)1 iiiiiir. T'oe above Stock i.s the largest we have ever oil', rc'l in tins market, and will be s-.ld :it \\ linM,.''A 1.1, I.ir Cash, or on the usii.il time for ajiproved notes. .Mcrciianfs arc invited to e.\amine our Goods. .1. P.. STAKK. ,J. .M. '.VILLI A MS. .■\ugust l-’i. IS-'):’. F'll SlAilili.S: iMCTORV, I- lial I Ky LAUD5CR. TWO UIHIRS (’. T. IIAII.’II k SO.\*S STORi:, rayotlcviSJr, I\. Jiiii'y 20, 185o. tll-lYpd NOTICE. §,*50 Ri:W.VBtI>. HB .\N.\W.\V from the subscriber, about the l-'ith of July, 18-‘>1, his negro girl Sarah. Sai'l nejrro is about It; yenrn of age, black, with l.irge white eyes, large limbs, weighs about loO i»ounls. Said girl is supposed to be lurking in the neighVior- hood of -Nlr. Isaac Wright’s or Gen. McKay’s, in Hladen county. The above reward will be paiil for her delivery to me, or her confinement in any Jail in the St.ite of North C'lr'dina. W.M G. I5LTLLII. I Clint'^n, N. .'larch 1 1, 18oo. 77tf A - the uii'b l 'i ,-hi' ' I she 11" ■■ • ;• aj.i.'irt.'n II aeres of land at ih of I'a Vi'. te'ille. a sli.irt ilistance alio'i' the Cl.'trt ndoii i iid.;e. Ti'tnis c i''l:. or ]'.i;icr in-gotiable at itloT of tiic I'.aiik' in F;i_\ eftcville. lle 'erence. ;is to the Cross I'r. ck land, is ni:oI‘ t i .lames I .inks, Fs'|., of Fayt ttc- vilU-. ii. P.MLFV. Summerville. N. C,, .Inne li, I'^.i-l. in iiv)OK iUM)i:i:v. (t. t. no. 1! ■ 1 .lolIN W. P..\KIii:. ;;.‘.if ril/c i 'amhi M.n; ;■ i:-/ * il F su'-.,, ri'’.'r stiii .' otii.-.iest.i n,,iii',if ■-■■Mir" : peri'T article ol' p'ai’i :;nd I'ae.i-y C 'vNi'il..' at s N.O'th of \ l>. .Si e his W. 11 \1»IMF h:is resumed ill % • P.usiness at the new .'^(ore I’.c'islev. .!cwe bindiiiL'' in aiij Au”iist I. -t'. ie de: the Piook Pdndiiig next door to Mr. he will recci\e am! c?.ocnte 'd. -7»f .ii sr iii:c!:i\i:i), tPlllME lot Mountain Ilutter. .New ()rle.'Uis and Cnlia .Mola.sses. ■lava, i.aguira an.l Kio Cofl'ce. .''U'.:;ir, Fiice, A.C. WOHTH .S: F.LLIOTT. March 7, 1 I -it t K.\(;S! [IM'.SV. UAGS WANTFD, for which the highest m.'irkct pi ice w ill (»e paid by P.FNnOW, KVLi: CO., ,\g‘nts for file .Manteo i’cper Mill, Pah'i;.;h, N. t’. Fayetteville, March lil, IKiJ. 7s-iim U!-:!)i'CEi) KAin:. Tlirouoli Tickets bf.dwcon VN'ilmington, N. C., and Ualti- niore. Fare!j!ld. \’i:i VVeblon. Petersburg, Hichnioml, .Si W;ish- ingfon City, or via Weldon, Ports mouth and Nt>rfolk. For Tickets ajipli’ at the Ofliee Wilmington and Haleigh ~^ ' Pail Itoad Company, at Wilming ton, or at the OHiee of the Paltimore Steam Packet Comjiany, and (d‘ the Paltimore and Ohio Pail Hoad Company, Pratt Street, Paltimore. Jan. 1, IH.VJ. r>3-tf At I5f!isccl B*i-iccs. Rifles, Shot-dmt.s, Pistols, i^c. EDWARD K. TRYON, 131 .'Vo. 211(1 St., PIBIl.AI>i:i.l>BII.4, ANCFACTCIlKIl and Inijiorter of HiHes, Shot Guns, Pistols, Flasks, Shot Pouches, HiHe Locks, l$!irr(‘lfi, an'l materials for Gun INlaker:;’ u.‘,e. Pealers will find it to their interest te examine qual ities ami prices of my goods before pnrchhsing else where. July, ISjo. ll'lOt the old staii'l, ;No. ."i. tiiei li .street, .'I do. the Market Hou>\'. ? wluie he \^o;>ld be ha; old f riends and c'o.'it nier.s. Cli \KI.iiS P..\Ni'v.>. March 7'.If ~ M'V-A' BAk^''JlV. /^K^ilii .‘siibs'iibrr has i'';:il'’'sln‘l a Pakery on I’.iw fit .'street, on the l.oi t a o ij " rs II-..'f of lUriiean McNeill's Cabinet S'."p. lb- is i-i.'pand t'l furni'li F '.milies. Po.its, and the pn'ilie gi'iierally. with I're.i.l, 1‘riseuit, .'111 I Cakes of v'lrious i.iii'ls, ot ihe 1 ('-t ijiiality, a.s he h.is pr'eund liie s rvi, i .s of . ;ie oi ti;c bi st r.akers in l' cSi:iic. I’ri. cs re;;:'oiablc. Iive nu'a call. CPA'S i:,\\KS. F.iyettevil'e. Pec, L‘', l''-’':J. •'•■■tf w AX'i i .n. Pi’.LS. Turpenline. ib'livere l at my Pistillcry in this phe-e, lor which the highest jo-ices will lie paid. I would also cniiiloy two or three good tui j-entine- barrel Coopers. P. V*. Pi)(il.b.S, Lumberton, N C.. Feb'y 10, IS-io. I'b'y 10, IS-'.:!, liStf 'I'ln'i'Ciitt iie n ,/I'(’{/, a..Xji S ”Ull which liie hi::hcst cash prices will he p.ml. JA'' McLKAN X JONKS. .Summcrvilb*. N. May P's. IS-i l. ‘.lot! 8AI)i)LHH''’ AND ('0A{'Il-3IAKllilS’ 11,1 li S? B5M K . rmm Xn. 23:’ H:iltiinniT St.. "iiHi’uKin', fMPfC’TFIlS ami Pealers in llogSkins. Saddle Trees, F.nglish Heads an.i Peins, Girth \* ebs, Stirrujis. Ilames, Pitts, iVc. Siuings. .Vxles of all kinds. Coach Lace, P.PN l’ FFLLOKS, llub.>. Spokes, ('arriage mid Tire Holts, Patent Canvass, Carpeting, am! every arti cle connected with either branch of the business, wi.ich they are ]irej>arel to dfer to punctual customers on as good terms as any other house in the I nited .St.ites. .Agents for the sale of Pope’s Sell-.Vtljua'ting PADS aud Spencer’s GKJ TIIEES. Orders promptly attended to. Address Tl!fl.ll.\.s ini’KK.XZin ICON'S. No. 2'_’2 Paltimore Street, 49V] HALTI.MttUJ:, fl!l!l'Kl^NK LAND I'Olt S.U.I'. f^OR sale. acres of LANL* ui James Creek, ^ and •j-P* .ncres on (’ypress Creek, in Cuniberland, cfuivenient to the Western Plank P.oml, heavily timbered, and admirably adapted to the nniki”g of Turpentine. .Ajtply at this Office. acNov. 28, ISol. rjrillF. Ste:ii'ier F; nny Lntlerl .h is running as fol ia I. I 'X s: I.>' i\'- Fayetteville Monlay :ind Thui sday at o o\lock. an ! V' ihnii'ut'Oi Tues lay ami Friilay at I'J o’clock.— I’as-a.ie Js i. j T. S. LCTTKPl.OH. .Inly IS. lS.j;b 11-'Jm 'i !i()S. .1. .lOlLXSON -HAS .irsT PF.CFIVLD— -pf PPI S. Ni;W OUl.F.ANS MOLASSES, Jt 1) do. large Yellow Pl.Tnting Po'.atocs, (itM.u ibs. Northern P.-icoti, ib.s. N. Carolina do. 1 !MH) bushels ()ats. Ploughs .and Casiinirs, Placksmiths' Tools, 17 hh'is. t'nba Molasses. —ALSO— 1 light four-horse Wagon, ami 1 I’oggy, 1 Harness Iloi'se, \c. THO.S. .7. JOHNSON, Person st. I’ayettcviliO, Feb'y US, 1S.'>;’. 7-tf I V-CA.MPPPLLTON PPOPPPTY FOR SALE. T. J. J. iHEMi! urn M!LLS'Ti!\!;!i.' E;«“dJ5fSioii set S^s'sco. rox, .Moinus cX cn>. ^ i I )NTIN C F to n;.ike to order, and kceji con.stantly -j. ' on hand i'renrli SSarr ^TSitlsiones Of all dimensions, warr.;nte.l to be of bc?t ijuality, be ing nia’le from Hurr bhicks selci'fcl by them fri.ni the bc.st ipiarries in Fiance, 'i hey keep ior sale Coiojriic. (’oca.lica and I^sc)|)ii.s sto,’!t.'s; liiirr i»locks, !>(jlliii>’ (Motli, Sci’iMMi V*'ire, (^aicincti Plaster, Hydraulic ('ojiifiiK Orders from any iiart of the country promptly attend- icdto. as. .u. Agent at Fayetteville, N. (?. I Alarch 11, IS.'):?. '' 7Utf DU. 8TIU)N(J\S (OMPOrxi) SANA riVE PILLS. § ;ir* a issosi .Tfcdiriiio in tiie ciiri- of all Pilioc.s Complaints, Cliills .and Fever, Ifyspeiisia. Costiveness, Liver Compla'nt, Jaundio’. Sick ll-adache. Scrofula, .Salt Rhenr.i. Fevers of all kinds. Loss of .\]']>etite. Obstructed and painful Meir- stm.itioii. and all lingering diseases. -\s a Female Medicine they act like a charm, and when taken jiccording to the directions, they never fail to cure Very worst cases of after all other ri'iiiedics fail. Tiit'y fsssrify ‘s;3a!izo fli« -iISje ami as an .\nti-Pilious F:imily .Mcdicine thc\- h;ive no eipial. Price 2'> cents per box; _.1A.sY;_ STUOXG'S PlX^'rOliAf. S'1'0.\L\CII PUJ.S. .V remedy for Coughs, Colds, C;itarrh, Proncliitis, Croup; Whooping CoU”h, .\sthma, ('onsuni[.tion. Nervous liiseascs, I'vspej'sia, Ce.-tivciiess, Erysipehis, Idsease of the lle.irt, Intlammation and Pain in the Chest, P.ack and Side, and .all diseases arising fram .a de- r.inged state of the .Stoi.i.-ieh, ;uid to relieve the dis tress .-in.l bad feeling f;-oin eating too hearty food, iit weak ami ilyspeptic habits. 1 Warranted to bo Purely Vegetable. .'B'^IIESE Pills act .ts an Exjiectorant, Tonic, and -IS- .\perient One cent box possesses three times. , more power to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle of any of the Syriij s, liahsams. or Sarsaparilla.s, that was' evir niado. au'l a simiile trial of only one box will prove this inijiort.'int truth. pi'03Si0c> i^xiM'Ctorsition, Iookoi; ll>‘‘ asad ‘iii‘ar t!io f>;3eis's iifS!j«*r !«»i*Ti*Sory Oryrasm of isIS isios'bitl liiafiiT, and tliei'e is not another remedy in the' w hole M.i tcri.i Medica c.-ij'able of imparting siicli healing pr"jierties to the Lungs and \ ital Organs as these Pills.' 'S'Ii«*y Co«£l5V4*se*Mi, prodiK-e ;i r-;xii!ar aul strej!j;t!jcia t!i« Price 2') cts. per bos, containing ‘i-'i doses of medicine.' C;ill i,;i the Agents who sell the Pills, and get the ••Planter's Alman.-ic ” gratis, giving full partic’ahirs anf cerfiricates of cures. Poth kiiids of the iibove-nanied Pills arc for sale in Fayetteville by S. J. Hinsdale, and .T. N. Smith; who also keep a sujiply ot hr. Sf> nrir'.' Vi'f/i iiiftlr a!id I>r. Ihilt'.f CJrlratetl J'iliy, which stop the Chills .•ind Fever the first day, and do not sicken the stonnich or epei.ite on the bowels. flti-V] Professor .Ale.v. C. IJarry's Tri- r'-p^K Tini-. nr (’i>inp' !in(L for Ctir’inff. Pre •“ rvinL*. Kc-»i*iriitj: rtmi Strci'i»ilu‘iiiii*r ihr Hair, bi^fax'S i lln* Skin, i iiriiii: UhriinrtiH* Pains. Mealinz E.\torn:il wouruW. n>>!init(‘il hv I'.o *:« ‘»i»r;tpliirJil iin»*, the ri'|kiitat>on t»f hMrryS 'I'rico I pj rv:u!c> tlu* I nion. 'Phe shU's I'l the «riicle of laie y»*ars l'a\p itirrr.f^Ml in .1 r:iii(i th:'t ii!n)o>i c.vret.'(N IVoii-s.mir !’* • rry. ;tr r ;t i in fill »*.\aniinatif>ii nf !iis salps* finiU lhai 11»« i Ti:iihtr*! h (i« I:v n ti lo i>rl(‘r. in quantilies nt' frnfn half ft •ir.t'x i]pv. «!nrii ir thi* y^-ar Ir.Vi. was wiihin :* tritle It * ui'.i'rciwvarv ii» pr« > 1,1 ;\i It iiiiih il«p e\ i)rnrr» of ihr \v«*n- li^Tiul projH-riH -«.f lln* J rlrt'plionr.is. \\ hen tho piiMir have f'ur- ni'lit ii *i:ch «»ii iisilorscmrnC as this. 'Piir chrai)nP'>s of the ariirit? anil th«* rxplati.tihms tivrn of ii rhriiiiraI Hction n;>on the hair- ihe >ralp. anil in all vh\v\ i.f snpfrlirial irritation. fir>t rrff»nunenil* it ii» I li»* :i ittMiiion of the prcplr. 'J’hls w as all that the inventor (l« sir»d. L\rry iMtiile Hilverlised itself. I’he tiferts of tl»e fiiiitl I xcreilfil t'Apfctaiiwn. It acted like a rhariii. i'he hnlies wouhl not he without it. -untry dealers in every secij»n »f the rnitnl Siatf^ I'ntintl they nnt't liave it: nnd thus was huilt tip »i u hnle.^ahs !»•««!• t«* an »'\ir*!it hithert» unheard of a« resartU articles «'f th»^ kiii't, i'll* hi.ht '^i pniiit has n*>t yet Iwr n rcai heil. and it is ht*- lirVfij I’lstJ i!if s;th*s thi*- ye^r will l»e a iiitiiicn and a hv.lf (;f hotil**.'. i)rp;:i and .Manufactory. Mu. I3T P»r»alw.iy, Now V»)rk. PLeiiiil j;r«r. . J.') conw a laige hoiUe. I.:h« ral PsiN uni lo purcha'^ers l*y tlu' cjnanlity. SoM hy all lh*5 principal ni'*n h iitts and dru2ti* lhrf*u”hnul the Cniletl States nnd I’.iii.ul.t, M«*.x'r4». Wes! Indies, (.’real lir'tain, Frai.ce,&r. Anil hy S. J. li 1Li;. rayetlevilh*, C, j A Li'tti’r to be lUad and Tliouglit upon. 'I'HK Tavf, V\ e^it and .Vnrth have spok*n. now .«peaks the S'-uth— * tt.v '.un»iy Suul’i—Mear ihe ir\h\ile given hy one o\ her sons\u his Till; >« ar. i'an thi-fe any tnind so prej«idirel as nt»t t»> yield to' nfh a Hi 4>s «»f (e'oliiitony dai'y jriv«'n in favor of llaniidonV Veye-, i.ilj!e 'fiiirttir.*. in every hanlet. village and city, u here it has: found’ il> way? (iraJeftil hearts sjK^ak its pnii>e. Cut-sTKR I'intuk t, South ('arolina. .T-mitary Messrs. Moriiiu* r ^ Mou hra) —(ientlenien: Tor the hist live \e.ir'* I havt' heea a >evere .'^ulferer froui llheuni;*.li'‘:ii. s#*eiui» yt»ur rrc»>ui nil ndhthui of flauipiotrs VejrelJihle 'J'incture. I purch.i*-ed a hotile and the first iIom* Uha m» much relieved me iliat I ron>ider it hut jU'*i*i*e t.i "ive to Ihe >titierintf world the result of the appliratlon. .Mine >vas aciiti* hMieumali>m in the hack—so had that 1 wa^ ron- tin ti my Im d tor the h\.t >i\ m«»nths. 'IMu* Hrst hnttle nrted a ch:inu: the >eetuu! re»>iored >irenjrth to iriy piM>r aftlii ted hnck niwl I in i:uw a" ut ll and feel as youe^ as when I wajs sixteen. I an* j;ou enty huir ye-:rs of a"f. 1 Cfin^idrr your 'I’iiuMure th»» ?rente«;t discovery of thence; nncf p'tfir '^u:1i‘rin» humanity oti^iu (nerecta monumeTit to f>r. na*Mpton, V. I.‘» ha'>av«'d ihoU'-ar.ds from pain. Andyoit. s*nilemrn. hav»i ai led (he part ofpuh!ir i*t urf.trlor' ir di^'^eniinaliiij Ihe he»M-fU.s u ltii'h liavr- tf'^uUed frojii y«*ur in\alualde'Tinrture. l aul H plain cotton ;danler atu! have never written for liiprriry f;tme: hut u hen my folhfw-lu'ini!- are allhcted, ‘^hall I he.sitate. or, liirt U’jh im ihv^tv, wilhhtvid any infoririation valuahle to my fellow . man? So if ynu con-^iiler this woriliy of a plarc in any of your neu»paper>. you are at tiheriy to make u»e ot it. AKVAII KK.MnALI>. Ilnniplon*^ Veiii tahle Tincture, hy its mild action on the Stomach l.ivt-r aud tin* Kidneys, will cure Cotieh, Asthma, I’nuichtal autl Luii*: .\tIi rtiou'*: Taitis in the I5a« k, Siile and Hrea-t., Consumption. Scrofula. lUu umatisui. (Jout, Nenralffia, ri.-tnlar ri'.e r.«*Wi’l C4*itiplainls. \V«.iui Nervoi'v lit'luritv—uilhall dis-^ rase s arisinj from in;pure l>hMrd.aud is the jreaiv't r foalo .Medicine i \ IT knou n. , K(*r Ch«dera Morhu^. (*holic. Diarrhtra. and all dise;;se^ itieidenr tit the howel in (tie >uuum r ^iMvon it ha'^ no ruinl. >i>U\ Wholesale and retail hv S. .1 III .\>0 \ I .i:. l\*veft» ville; C/ ii h MuIMM:, Wiliuinutoi,; M( rii'il.M I'J: M'U\ |:K.W\ Haltimore* and hy l)ruj;i:j>ts •renerally. (i-V .u S' r iu:c i: I \t: 1) A x i) f() li s a i f,\r.C,F No. :l. Mackerel. J •• “ Herrinp. I F’resh I.inie. I’laster I’aris. 1 “ Cement and I’lasterinj:; H.air. I J. POWEUS vS: CO'. I .hilv l.'5;'a. l;j-tf §,30 iii:\VAIII). AN.VWAY from tlie subscriber on the 28th of May last, a negro boy ealleil (’ALVIN, niueteen I years old, lieij'lit about •"> feet 8 inche.^, weight about I itUi lbs., a black nepro, had ear rings in each ear when i he left, no clothir.;? recollecteil excej)t a dark blueover- ! coat. This boy was purchased of I>r. .John McNeill of ! II jbeson county, about the 1st (>f May. The above re- i w.ird will be ptJid f^r his delivery to me or if Imlged in I a .lail in this State. It is very probable he is in the I u ■ichborhood of his former owner, j .JOHN WAUDILT,, Jr. F.ivetteville, N. f-, .Tunc ^0. 7-tf Blanks for sale here. THK J..VRGKST SILK. lUBBON. AN’]) TIJIMMlXfi ifOLSi: IN xinv yokk. (jr, Stearnsj IMl’OKTFll ,\ND JOBDKn'OF SllKS, .MILUNKRY, AND FAxM’Y GOODS.’ .it ytt ('ttxh I’lHis—time Ranted hy intcntl. 152 Eroadv/ay^ N. Y., rS -ViS now in Store and is daily recciung and ofTsr-' S ini' at the Lowest I’rices, a eoni[dete assortment of(i()()L>S IN HIS LINF., comprising all the various styles and designs, consi.'ting of iihick and Fancy Silks; Marcelinry,'- Fiorcnccs, Shawls, Triikiniin^sj Ikjn- iict Hil>boiis; 'I'aireta und Satin Uib- boiis; Press Trimaiings of all kliids; iMnbroidorics; I'rcnch and Fnrjis!i Cra[)cs, Crape Lisses, Silk Cr«i- vais; Cloves of all kind.^; Silk Lace Milts; Bareges, Laces; White Goods, Hosiery, L. C. Handkerchicls. The undersigned ■would invite Merchants from the North, South, Fast and West, when in the City, to tu- vor him with a call and examine his stock btfcre pur- chaain^r. THOMAS G. STEAKNS, ItVi I’roadwiiy, Ectwceu Liberty etrctt and Muiden Lane, .V. V.' t Jan’v lo, 1853.

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