a»A 7f IK TO WTTl Ut>TR 48* w> SEMI-W EEKI. Y. \{)\.. III.I I' AYF/rTFA ILT.K, N. C., SEP'ri-.MP.I^R 26, 185:{. [NO. 230.] fi;i\'n:M Kv .1 lh\ \l{l) 15 NKW IJV w \N'ri:i). f Jl'vn (• Aitm i«AIN'l i;itS will tin. M 1i 'i:- .1. IIALi: SON, wi' ri:(>ri;ii;T(M{s, ly (hi^Kuvri; 1 (M it in li'l 'liiriii", tile i>;\i ol''iil'--ci i|> • ■•■ ; In \ •' 1 r I'N|iii I. ; i; nil I fi- :lllamil. If I'lii.l ill .11 >1 J- ' ; •lurilPj; tilt' yr;ir 111'Siili-cvili I- ;lli- yc:.r li:is csi.iii .1 ,’' \r> -1^ I'l.r :\‘y fcnt-- |m‘i- \V, ('In I'V ;i|i|ii\ itiii to A A 2-> It '■ lii'it, .ui i liiii (y . ciu- \ ■- :il 1\ .I'lvi'l'list llli'llt- ; .!> ;M,' \il\ITti nmii!.. V 'it' i'l-iT'iiin^ 'If ' I. I:nii| t .1 i iu' I ,i s nuist ln> in" t\ir ( :m1i 111'O iir »!* t-\i;iii ! j( »: ro 'I’ll \\ i:f.M:i{s. ■ tXt’-' ‘l'\l .i\ I.INI. liMUi t';i\t'tU‘\ilU‘ . . . w pn i'.M’.-'l !■ i Mrrv pji I . iitici i witli ilic niiiruini: N ' I I'i'- :'.:m i '>iilifi t • willi the I’dl'f-s- ;■ V .it‘ :it '\c|i|..n. 1 will iiiaki- iili u iy- . I'l l; IMS inniT tlinn tlir • !■ I '.111- Wui'^MW (III .'iri'i- iMiii IV.iiu tlic \iiftti r:i';i_:- ^1. .1 15. \sKi:\\ •j'lti (or\ii rM'iisnii*. il,- ;,fl ll:i\r •1'"-' I'lHtf.l 1 iii'tll'"('l\in :i r . r.ji I'T the i'iu-| . I'Iraii^.n tin llic ' ■; ■ ■■ - . iin K'r til*' lirni :iM'1 ?-tyli’ >t‘ . II. I^iitfrrloli «V 4'o. i-n ti >' 'lAnil li.niici'i V ■ rnj.ifl liv 1 S 1853. I'"nl! ainl \Viiil‘r uiuU-vsijrnvd uvo now n'oiMvin^r a i,Ar>(ir. si.uk I of (Ju.i.I-^, consisting ,.{' :i full MSMii tinciil of l.:u!u"- and (u'lil Imu'ii’.s I h't's ■ (loiiils; ;i siipjilv dl lu“;i(!\ iiiiiilo ('liilliiii!.'; Hixits ;in(1 SIkh's; S.idilhTy; llard (;roci'iics; Unijisnml Mfiliriiics; itli a ^I't'.it ni;tii\ ot lii'i'k i nil.'- ot (Jooils. \\lii»-li w > will '^(‘1! nil .•ici-oiniiioi!aiiiijr ifi-ms. .1. T. COl N('l L \ (' \IN Sc|,i. 1. is.-,;:. _'i :;i„ I'. I’t'i'soMs who lii“t“ii indflitcil In n-. fi.i .me yc ir or mon' will plt'asc pay ii]'. ij:\'nii:u uands, (tllL^ sliflclicil, I'ciiK'Hli'il. aii'l ii\i-li-.l riio aliovc Uaiiils iiri- -nlil ’JO |mt ci . lo-- tliaii Now \ ork iiianut' i(-liir(‘i's' jii ici s. t'a.-li v-ill I'O i f inivf'l ill i‘Vfiy inslaiio' Tor >alc li\ W II l,rfTi:iil.Mli. ilio. Niiv. |t;, is.)-_*. -Ill Ii \U(; A1\S! IIAKC \INS" il('t(‘i'iiiiiH“il to i|uit sclliiiii l.ii|’ioi-^, \m- now ■ P otft-r a small loi ot I'iin- l.ii|noi-s at ’Sfw York lust anil cliarires; snoli as I’rcin-li r»iMnily; .laiiiaira aii'l St. t 'ri'i\ Kiini; I’oi t, Maili-ir'i. .Malapa anil I'l'in'i iltf Wint's; ;'> lia'kt'ts ('liain|';iiint‘, (.\uc1ior I’.r.iiiil; . ( lianiiia}.'iif ( iiii r, ,Vi'. I’t‘i'xin> wi- liintr tn ] iircliri^i- an\ nl' llic ali..\.> l,i»iUor» wouM ill. wcli t.. call and 'i-c iis. Ti:t»^ \ M\i:sii Xn;; I, li ii l\ iinici'i . t). liM.l ot II 1_\ lliolllll. wlllT*- \\«‘ V i .’ .A ' '1 -tollU'l s. \\ «• T’! niif.ii tlio r. irti'i iiiL ’inviti(-s ■ ^ (■ iuiitr\ I’loiiniv. \v will w ill aji.T. 1'.. (.1. h-.ii til. ■ it = in ll; ^lli.'ll ii-ll-I.T ■ll.-xil’i'. I.I T I TKI.itli i: \M.i;\ ‘j’.tf : StoiT. ll:.-,.' r art 1 .t', ■ 1. -■ - ; n: i in'1 i'f .-i\i‘il a ii.Mv sii|i|.l\ t M I’ 1 >1* 1 N r.S, 111;.! t lu‘i' w itii i !i- if ri'i ii. l. r.i-.ii'ly, .'li.iii-t' Siii'ii'v :i'. l ('lai.’t \\ in>-s, '.•l ie 1 I', r .1- l.y Juil-r, fr..in “ll ' l i. ’I'h' t. f"V iii. 'Hca! piii- 1 .Ih. 1..- 1.1 til. us a 111. ii-. li' w !t!. •' \ ii-^v ' 1^ w liii ki . |i K;i iiiil V .•all. \li •lur ^l^ 't vrl, ,-t kiliil. rr«' M.li li.-inc" Ll \ini:u' LlMlii:K'! 1^ ll.W F. on lianil a lar^c .amount i.f l.iiiuluT n! ilitViTciit kiiiil.s tlo.ii'ini:. wiilc l.oaril-', \s»Mtln r- liiiar.l-'. s.'antliii}:-, laths, \c.: sonu- ot wlii. li is |.arily ^ca'iini-il. .\lsi«, a lnrj;c assot'tiiirnt ..f ifln-: will -oil I'cfii'c lioiifils I 'll! at •'i^l )i.'r .M , s.'antliiit; al all'l i'ili;iil lioalils nl SaWi-.l sta\c--. s.-.I Hills tilU-.i at slioit luitico. .ittM.. \ I'. 1111'.iiw iiiil, t luiilivr'aii'l. .N. ( ., .Xiiu I. i-'i... I I 711' SALKS OF LOTS OX Mlraufort Ilarhor. ^j'^Mi; t'ai-oUua (’ity Land Coiuyiuuy will »‘ll to tlie I iii;;li»'st liiil.Icf on tln'if piaMiiisi-s, at Whitt' lliill, on .Moiulay tho ;!Ist .lay of Octiilior nt“\t. a hu jji- nuni- licr of v:iluahl> Lots. 'I'h(‘ laml.s of this Coiiipany front about two miles on I he most accossiMo nn.l licst |iart of the Iliirlior, ami are lamsidered the nmst vuhi.alile m it. 'I'lioy are in full view of tlie (>ci'an, an.I will lie hiin.Is.iniely an.l conveniently l.ai.l out for luisiness an.! jdeasure. No iiiii>r.iv.'iiient c.an lie nia.le with Centriil or Western t'anilina, or lii(‘ wahTS coniiecte.j witii the liarlior, uillioiit li(>nelitin" these lands. 'I'he C.arolin.a City 'oniii.'iny. aware of this fact, lieir leave to say that they liavi* n.i "ajuMits or dnimmer.s in the Western |iart of the State" or any w hi-re else, ollering to sell l.ots at a low rate to secure inllneuee. Imt that all the •■jale.s of tiieir land are rciiuire.l, liy the nilieles of agreement, to lie to the highest t>i.Mer. I 'I'lie frentlemen who c.inijms.' this (’.)niitany have made i arrangements to iu\)>rove th?ir lands to the timoiint of ali.iiit Hui’inj; the w inter an.l ensninj; sprinj;. I a larire ll.itel will lie loiilt. Wharves, Turpeutiii*' l*is- ] tlil.-ries and a .'^te.ani S.iw Mill will !>«• juit in oiieratioii. j 'I'liere is i-\cellcnt clay on the (ireinises fm- makin)^ I lirick and als > on the :i.liacent water.s; an.l as exjieri- I cii. e lia.s iiroved the ini|iort;ince of lire jiroof l)uil.lin”s : ill a .•.inimeri'ial |.lace, the li.iard 'will not allow any luit I -111- taiitial lire |iro.'f liiiildinjis to lie ft.Tiuaiifntly erect I'd .111 ahy i.'Uids they may sell. I To [ii'i-soii.^ who may prefer, tln‘ lioard will leas.' lots 'ill- a teiii; of years, riuy respectfully invite all per ' sons iu any w.iv inteiesle.l to lie pn'sent iit the -ale and SIM' lor themselves. I>peci.ally nieclmnics, .ship caipi'uti'r.". liri.'k masons, .*i;c., a- foi- them in> ri.dier harvest can lie promise.1 than the future prosiiects of '.I l olina ('ify 7' tin* of Siilf. ' ni“ tminh cash the lialance in instalment.s at l‘J, 1^ .and 'J I niontlis, inl.'resi from .late. All lett. i'i on liusiness ot Iho C.impaiiy a.I.Iress tn ; .liilin M liose, Sei-'y, Kayet t. \ ille, r.v or.ler ..f the lio.ard. T It. 1 Nin:inVdOh, rresi.leiit Xnun't |.;, l.''.'i.'! I'.' Jni i\EVV (;o>i>s 1/ I hi oh! s! 111(1 of II. Hra/rsoji V rBlillC l'M»KrtSl(;NKI> h.ave just receive.1 a L.MJliK fi STOI'K OK (J()(I|)S, eniliraciiifr a }rcn(>r.il .assort ment rerefitly lioUf^ht in the northern market iiinh'r f.ivoralil.- .■irciinistanccs. I'liey have Loaf, crushed, 'I’lovvere.l and hrovvn snrai's: .lava, La^uira an.l l!io ('oU’ee; pepper, spice, jjinger, eloves and niitmejjs; snji, i‘url>. s.i.la; indif;o: ina.Mer; Imrax; c.iniphor: alum: epsoiii salts; saltpetre: molasses; syrup; salt; iron: sa.ldles, bridles and mtirtiuffals; fulliirs: wa^on an.l bujrjry whips; spa.les, shovels and forks; trace, .lop, tonjrue, breast an.l halter chains; collee mills; wa^on boxe.s; mill, cross-cut ami han.l saws; cut nails and spikes; :i ;oo.l ;issortnieiit of pocket ami table cutlery; bl.Meksmitli tools com|ih‘te; tnrjientine liackei-s, serapers, di|ip«Ts and axes: bro.ad and choppiiifr axes: guns: stkdman cV iiorm:, i)n/ (t'oixls^ IIttrthf'drr^ (irot'O'K t\r. I’AYI/rTB'.VH.rr, I * * L'IJ) res]iectfully infman the citizens ami the j V w ]mblic fienerally, that they linve iust returne.l ' from New York, and .are receiviiii; their Spriiijr Stock 'of (ioods, consistiu" of (loo(h, (ti’iirrrnSj /lanfii’itri\ l . .\ variety of Mats, suitable for tin* season: l.adies’ .and 4!ent1(‘nieu's Uoots, Sh.»esaml Slippers; a larjre as- . sorlment «f rea.ly-m.a.le ( lotliing; a gia'at many articles in the l;i.li(‘s’ line, and we w.niM Ik* jih’ase.l t.i have them to e.all and i-xamiiie fur themselves. ,All orders sent to our ‘are from our friends an.l ens- I tomers will be jiroinjitlv atten.le.l to. March i.s.',;:. ‘ SI If win.low glass; rivet.s. A large stock of ready-made ill'*' MImI ('ottoil ^ :iril, clothing an.l staple.Iryg.iods; gunny an.l hemji bagging; : r„r sale bv ^ WOliTII \ I'.i.LlUTT rope and twine; Swe.les, .American bar and ho.ip iron; i is')'! S7lf s.piare an.l oct.igon cast steed: (lerman ami blister sl(.‘i‘l: ; xii/il/t-l'iixi mill hhi.itiii;/ jnnnhr; hats, caps, boots aii.l sli. es, western an.l North Car.dina bacon: together with alm.isl every article s.il.l in this market, all of which will be at fair pri. e.> f.ir cash, on time to pr.iinpt cnstiime^M, or country jirtnlnce >>enerallv. ; w wiid,i.\Ms \ CO .inly ls'>:’i. lo-tf ,V' I'he otlice .if the Cape l''ear Steaiiib.iat Company is kept ill the aluivi' buildinir. .1 l». WILLIAMS, Agent, r.w K’i"i'i;\ ii.i.K ,V.liT!;il; I\SIIRIM'!': (OMl’lW. I I 111 IS Companj' i^i now organised mid prejiared tore ceive applications for Insurance, on a« favorable terms as other CoTiipanies, niULCTOHS: \\ at‘hos uihI 'I .»-##• Slorh 'III'. -iibscriln.r re--j U'lnmei s and t li |ii-..t r.-i ei \ ed his ,'^tock 1 Svtison nOir 0m OlPffs •Clt'ullv l.eL'~ leave t. int-.ilii lii- |Miblic ;ji-lierall\. tli;it In- In .1 mmum: iMi SI ]\m\\ conns. LmbraeiiiL; a (ieiieral '':i|.li- :ni.l J':in«-y I My (1.1. :ili(l ('liil.l'ftl’s I l:ils, \\ (If l.icll:is :in(l r;ir:i-(>ls, I I 'iiilnnMit ot 1', 1 >1 111ii.'l.-, ^1 t.-.l l’;itt.'rir-, I IMd^ ;iIn 1 SIki( l;iro(' lid (d l/i.llcs, Siiirar ' 1 pl:im, I lire.I.If lliitt.r Knives; ^111! sub.seriber has recently r>“- liiriied trom the Noitli, with decidedU a very rii h and Well se Ici t. d slock ot j A. Jt*%%, i r.inbr.'icing all the lates styles an.l | fashion-. SIL\ K1{ WAKK: SiMioiis, S.iiiii '(•iij^s, l>iiiiiio: ;mil l>cssert I'.aks, I, J. L ;iiJtl Uruii'wick ji;illci ii>,) .^liios; ('n:iiii :iii.l .''lust;n(l Kav Al.-'^o. \Mi CdFI'l i;, .V,-. I* SIILMWLI.L. N.ii th-w (•'•t C.iincr Mai-ket .''.(i .ii.-, t.Ti-cn -t ■tte\ille, N. C., .\piil I. I.'' .;;. S ltf t ’ A SSIM i:!{ i:s. ’ A ssIM I :i; II AYI. iu't receive.1 ;i fi-. -h '-iipply of th;it . elebr: t.d J'A’i.i.m c\ssiMr.i:i;. t tlie attentinll ii| mv lliellds and tin 11 \l.l, ..r I*:- i; iriier I • iiir.'nil 1 llol'.INSnN i; W, i:..bi!,-:..n 'llld I re. -tl I ••Is. 1 o'l iir;itdv put 0|i ll' \ i: If M (v \ I: \\ ( i'• .li. M;ilili« I', f -4l •I \ ■i:i. ;i bv 11 ALL »liiiii ;iu(i Kor.INSoN 'Ill' which 1 Wiiuld 1 :ill public in general. r sin’Mwi LL '.'I tf ST(H{|V ib-i'i iliei- h.iving tak.'ii tin- .''f .ri I .11 li.-.n -Ireet. kniiwn tli.- .\1.- Iiei'iili Ibiildiin.', ii.'arl\ ..pp..-ile I'r l|. b nil Shi.p, 'lilted now i.-k I.f •iviiig a Iri'h Mcdiciiu'.-, :iimI IN rfiimcrN. \ I il|I ■! NWdi 'iilia. a):- lU- bv Itf w ell ( 'IicmucmIs, i)>(*-Sfiitr' j rf':;. tli.-i with a g.Mi.l a-s.ii'tnient id ll.iir, I'le-li. I i I’aint. aiel Whitewash I’.nishe-: Ciippiiif. Toi'th, ■ .iii!.'i.-ll In-I rimieiit(i:ilvanic I’latleii.-'. .\e ' I Ilf wliii h 1 I..W tor Ca~h ir ..n time t.. |'ii!n 'h i CO- t'imer>'. ( n-dei- I ..^peetl'ully •'oli.-ited fr.iiii t’11111)t r\ I'liy-ii im •ind otiier-i. who may depend «.n jii-m ariii'/ fi'.- h .'eiinine arti.‘le. and that no pain-, will be 'pi ■ ; e -a|i-fti. tion b.ith in .|Uality !ind ).rice. t.-:T NIkhh'M. I’i!K-- i?ii>ti«'V" car. fiilly 1-nirately |.re)iarp I. til. \il ■I t ;i)i.| !inl li \; s;im ( ':i(t"illc L . l;oi;i\.-:nN -■.tt .Ian \ S\l I • '.-Jit II \() ri( \ ‘11(‘\illr lloir John iiakm \n .''Jiimlls l'l:(t.il II.hhIs; l'i;i Sids, ('(dlia* i ills,, ('li;ilnliei and 1’ai l.u' ':indlcsticks, (';i.stii s, Sit^/ar j Ihsli, SnutVci' ;unl 'I'niv, l/a*lies’ Work IJnxes,— | l-'iill :i-siirtni.'iit d .^! ilit;ii v (I.mkIs. ('hirionrts. i l'l:ii:(nil t>, 1 lutc.s, I'ilfs, Aci iirdfiins, l'lutiu;ts, l:irgi‘ and siii;dl ^iusic ISuxes, (Sniuc vvitli I’lunu: :ii ciM.ip.iiiiiiM 111, 1 A’li'Iiii.'i, ^.s^lm^• vfi \ mu' Ttril-j i:in. ( Siirvcviii'-’ ('nni]i;i.''st‘.s and Cliain.s, M:illie- 1 ni:itic;d I nstrunicnts, Kyc Jla.s.-os tor .'liiuTs, very } tine I’la/.of' ;ind Strajis, line Scissors. L;u^c lot j I'.i.ket :ind ('ntlcry, some in sets nl' ;'il jii.ci-s I’.K'kt t Knivf'., witli spoon, I'oik, Idadc, j [ihlcl.l.', Ae, Ijarire !•' W ‘II .si lta tcd d.inb!. - I li;irK‘l I intis, I’owiler I'lask". Sind liolts, (;;iliie ! Hao', Al-. .'o.mI iiss.irtnicnt of (’oil’s and v;iri- iitirojl,,-! kinds of I'i'.tols. Five or six dilVcn-nt , kind of (’lock-; Walking (’atn's, j \iid v.irioiis ..ther ii.iti.iii-, whii li 1 would like to stdl ; i„w •' M iu;asli:v \U”ll-t I '., I''-'-'.. 1‘* -llIl A m:\n invi:n'I'I()n. rs^lir, iinder-iirned h.-i- ma.h- an inveiiti.m of a Smut B. Ma. hine, which he will iii'-nre to be perfe.-t in the j extra.-ti.in id nint in whe:it, and wishes to iiiforni Mill i Owners that h- is jiutting np ma. hines at I’nion Ka.-to ll rv, on Ueep lliver. eight miles Norili of .\shbnr.iugh. My ma. hin.-s ar.- . iimjiose.l of three distini t prin.-i- ' pies, cent rifiig.'il, M'liwering and reartinii. It lakes tli« wheat through three oper-itioiis in going through the 111 I. nine .iliee. \nv pi-r-.in'* buying a machine, utter trving if, it it • li.e..^ not clean wheat, .lan\p or dry, 1 will take it buck 1’rir*' .-^ev i-nty ■ li\■ I>olIars. \11 ietteri a idie —ed f” New Salem I'o-t OfVice. Han d.iiidi coiiKtv. I’ r i i:ri:\i\N SuUscriUcr slill cni- carry on the C.\IU.NLT lU SI- l-'.ayettf\ille, and in addition to his Lstablishmeiit on IJow Street, near Ki-.'les’s Hridge, has o]i(-iied a large \V Xlll'- l{Ot),M on Hay street, nearlv opposite the |-'aytdteville Hotel. and one .l.mr Kast of .\le-srs. Haigh & Soti'-*, where a geuer.-il assol tnieiil of KIlKAITITHK Ma.|.' bv c.iiiipetent and faithful woikni.Mi, may b.- had at pi i.-e- cnrre> jioii.liiig w itli the times. \Iso. an as- s. rlment of N. rthern-made Kl ‘iSNi r'',!!,. -.'Ic. ted by hims(df, which will be sold at :i ver\ Tiioderate advan.-e l>l Ni' \N M.NKILL. Nov. Ill, I.^M. ”!'H |-' kc(‘ps itn han.l an assurtiiient ol |-isk s e*d»dira- ted MI'.TALLIC lU T.IAL C\SKS. whi.h have been highly rec. mmen.led by Willi.- I’. Maiigum. Henrv tMav, Lewis ( ass. m. K King liislriou- i-harai-ters. who have their ulility. In:iii4l l>i*y ^ni'^ subs.-riber ha? taken the I'.ast end of the Store lat.dv o.’cnpied by Cook .V Tuyl.ir. where he would bv ple-.ised to see bis old customers and others. Mv sto.'k .if t i i;0(’F, IU LS will be boa'“ * 1 u-ili :■> any kind of ('ountry I’l.idnce t’ush will ii'it be rid'iised. nr credit to piinctua! .-ns- t.iin.'!'-'. * * ** *1' M.iv -J. iJ'-'io. •"" A\'iN K. 11.\LL .1 C. SlIKIMIKKli AVm M'.Mtin.N S 'I'. lL\wi.i.\ ,It||.\ I). W'lM.I.X M- ('. IlKMioW. \Vm. ,M liAl Kl.\ \\'\i .Mi l.vT^iii: II I (lid many other il- xamine.l .-in.l witnt-ssed Fai(( ttrrll/r M(tniifirt(n'\j. f ■111 K •subscriber -till .untinne-to inannfacture a su- I. perior ;irtiide .if plain and fancv’ C.VNHILS, at the ild stand. No. '1, (Ireeii st’t'.'t, doiir.i .North id the Market llousc, i wh.-'re h> w nil tie hap)>y to “-ee his oM friend- and cii-itonie:-. ( llAltLLS i:\NKS March :, I."'. :. T;:tf iiAKi’.in . fBlHK Subscriber hu^ estfibli'-hed a liakery on li.iw B Strert, on the Lot two doors K.a-^t oi iMincan .McNeillV Cabinet Sho]>. He is prepared to turniKli Kamilies, I’oats, and the joitilic generally, with 1‘read, l;i-i-iiit, and Cakes of \arioiis kinds, of lhebe.-.t .|nalit_\, as lie has proc\irOl the Fervicv- of on‘ of the be-t I’l.ikei-s in tlieState. Prices reasonable, (live me .a call. CII V S MANKS. l-’.ivetlev ille. Her. :’.x, If'-'i'J. .i>-tl Ill;.\I{^ hii.LV. II li. M VRt»Vi;K. Tims. S. LbTTKai.dii .Ifill.V II ('»iK l> A. I!av. A. A. Ml Kktiian (iKO. >I N kIL!-. Naim AN A. Sri hma.v. .1 AMKs K\ l,F. OFI-'ICLllS: (iF.o. McNlllLL. I’resident. H. L. MVI!OVi;it, \ ice I’lesident .1 SIILl’HKIU), Attorney. C. -\. McM ILL.VN, S( fi-.-tarv. CKo. MeNKILI., ) .lOlIN II. C(toK, ^ rixecutive C.iiillaittee. JAS. KYLF, i The jilan of .Mi i i ai. In-i h.wck must coninieii.l itsell’ to our c.ininiunity. for it .-an be ileninii-tr.aled lli.-il we have saved within the last six ) cars upw ard- of bv insurance in the N.irth Candin.-i .Mutn.il i.iiip.-in\ that is, we should liavt* paid to have kept th.' am.- in suraiice in the for« i^in j.iint -.itoi'k .■..m)iani. s tli-ii iiin 111.ire than we have actually pai.l; and yet the North Car.dina Mutual ('ompany ha- receive.I between and Nt'iilHd ni.ire from oui- (•ommnnitv th.iii it ha.-, jiaid out for l.isses here, sli.iwing that we are l.-i\..i-:(bl\ ^it- nati-.l, as comjuircd v\itli other pla. es iu tlie Slate. In I nsuraii-e. Our t’omjiiiiiy has gone into operation tav.iralily, hav ing the day we organised applications to tiie amount oi It,,non, an>l the Company i- now placed iipnii a tirm touting. .\nv iMreetor, auth.iiisi'd .\geiit, or Se. ietarv, m.iv re.-eive .Applieati.itis, but they vvill not be binding nniil apiii-ove.l by the I-;xeciitive 1l*o>'rd vv. l.vWHI'NCF, is app.iinted ti.netai Agent of the C.iin]iany. We invite applications (li:o McNF.lLL, l‘r. t. C. A. McMILLAN, Sec’y. Keb'y 7, l^-V'.. '■'■tf W M. H. M( UAliV. f'otHtnissioH • ftrrrhtmt^ WIL.MIXOTON, N T Jittontion will pul*! to piii^ I'ANC Y (Joons. ri'lll-] Subscriber is now receiving his l-.-\LIi A.N1> I wiN'ri;i: stock of Slaph* and Fanc\ DRV (iOOI)S, ami otVers them to the public upon terms as easy, nml ju ice.s as low, as any stock in North 'arolina. -As he is determined to sell lov a small profit, either for cash or nil tin'.' to punctual customers,-nil 'wouhl do well to ea'd and s(>e his stock before purchasing. Out .if his stock, he enumerates a few of the lea.liii’T iirtii-lev: i ii ll brocade and tig *l Silks: plain bl k gro .le • hii'c ,!,i.; sollid Musliu deLtiinoof every jirico an.l col or, all vvool; Lace, Aiasliii aud .Jaconet Sleeves; Chcnii- zeltes :iii'l f'ollars; (jras.s anil (’or led Skirts; ladio.s' ami gentlemen'.® Ki.l, Silk and Worstti.l Glovo.s; Linen Cam brie Il'dk’fs; an assortment of plain, dotted and chock ed Swiss Muslin; Camtiric and Jaconet; Honibazines ami .Mp.-icas; Cambric an.l Swiss F.dg’g .and Inserting; l-’rench Merino of every color; ladies' Silk an.l iMe.rino Vest Coi setls; white Crajie Sliawhs; among other styles, a groat variety of la.lies’ liress Goods an.l Trinnning.s. Your attention is particularly calle.l to his nssortment of fancy .leLaines; la.lies’ ami misses’ white and cd'.l Silk I'.onnets; r.ish .ji Lawns an.l Irish Linens; good as- s. lit men t l.a.lies' Shoi's, Slippers ami (i;iilers. anion^ them :i beautiful article of white Kil Slipper an.l Gai ter; bl'k and ( id’.I Fremdi :ind .American t 'hdhs and Casimeres: lot Ueady-Ma.le Clotiiing; an assortment ot iii..ids for negro wear, such .as Kerseys and Blankets, liiogaii F.oots :iml Shoes; with all other goods usually kept in my line. J- I’OK. Sepi. 1 1, 1H.'3;1. -JH-;'.m Al t*#.#'; g ." now receiving a very large ami general as'oirtnient S ot Di;^ (;0()1)S, among which are I..'.no pieces new styl‘ Calit'i>; 7.’>>-M. l>eL.ane; !•> I I'reiieli .iii'l Fiiglish .Merinos; Alpaca; I’lai.l Bro- I 1 ad‘ .•mil other Silks: Merino ami (’ra).e I’lai.l and plain Shawls, assorted; Hats, Ca)>s an.l Ikuinets; Silk and ! C.iitoii II dk fs: F.obinct, Lace and Kdgings: F.oots ami ; Slioes; I'.ohing Cloth:>, No. 1 to l'». With many other I go.ids; :ill .if which have been purchased for cash, by the 1‘acKag.', :iii.l will be otVere.l wholesale or retail as 1 l.iw as p.is^sll.le. ThoS.' wishing to purcha.se goo.ls-RiU I jilease call and e.Kaniine. lb. I.s.'>:;. -■'tf >e]it. S. tiANKS, 4'4»iiiiiii'^wi»ii Tl *■** ll nil I ^ Fayetteviiiej W. C. •pi. I'.i. IK.-, 7 o t hr ‘i'.nf Naval .'tore- and I’roduce. and also to th w arding of ('mods. Merch.’ints wh nsign their Good- to him .-an on their tieing forwar.led by tirst boat att.'t tln-y .lis.'harge.l fr.iiii vessel. HKFF.KFNCF.S: F. Fries, F. \. \ ogh“r t'o . Salem, N. C. T. .M. Voung, M.icksville Hunt .A.Iderton, l,e\ington. .lohn 1>. Iirow'ii, Salisbury. .1. II. \ -I. Marline, Fayett.’ville .laii'v l!H, 1 .s." diip- For- i'rviixhUniS l*Mc. fSllli', I'.rothers’ Steam l!oat Co. is now prepared S willi the loU.iwing I'.oats: Sir. I'OI (iL.\SS, Str. I’.KO'l'HF.HS, Tow IJo.1t STKVKXSTO.N, U. LKWIS, ALFHFI* KLLIS, •IAS. CASSIUKY, KLNtLSBURV, ami FLIZA .McDANTEL, III ir;iiispoi t ail Naval Stores, I’roduce and otlicr Freight iiiini-ted til their care, with as much .lespatch as any oih* 1 Him* -.f Hoatii on the Hiver. They are provi.le.l with suitable Wh.irt' ;nid Ware-llousc accommodations to do a general business, and hipe by strict attention to the interest of (ship)iers, to meet a share of j.ublic patronage. J. S. B.\NKS, -Ng’t, Fayetteville. JNO. }.ANK8, Ap’t at Wilmington. Sept. I'.t, IH.'.:;. 2‘.nf (i.»ods7 fS 100K ,N- .loHXSON are now receiving their FALL * .•> !' >CK, embracitig an extensive assortment of : Hiinhrin'r (^iitlny, Crockerj/ muJ Warr, Piihi/n, Oih aii(f Togeth.-r with thfir ustial sup[dy of other Goo.ls, t.i whi. h lh(>y invite the attention of country .Merchants xisiiiiii; this market. Oct I'-’. 1' IV i ; lii’ .i'll i;. M' Ihi • tlv i- I' -f 1 11! r 1.0 rih’i •■ Jiie- t.^d L\lMv. I-. \i \\\. b-cted willi gr> ■IV \ ll-’:. I '■ iLii"' r It (-are -I Iv f. r ('’ itlnii-. by one of exalllilia- , T l!(-j.f(tliilly infonn- liis fricn.l- :nid 'i'r**! p'dili • that he h;i“ rem-oed trom the i*** Hotel 'll the 1.11.t of Havmiiuiit t-. the l.-n- i r :ilid more eomiui.dious llnt.'l in the ceiitie nt the 'I'l'WIi. recently o.'ciipie.l by .Mis, llrowli. and v.ell known a- the FaycIIeville ll. |el. w here he will o.^ 1: tp pv t.. a. mmodate 'i'r:iveller-; and F*'i:irdi l - N " • \ ert i.ii' i.l hiiHself'Hid family v\ill be -|iare.| t" r.-ii'b 1- ti. !■ i iim:..rTab',e wh. may f’.'.or him with iheir r..iii p-inv I liAKCi AlN on* KUI’:i>. liiis to rt‘i)U»vo A A s tli( ^ % We-t, she otlei-- tor sale that commodi.uis llou^^e, which -^he now 1 ccuj.ies, in the village of Summers ille. and -.ill appurtenances thereunto belonging. ,\lso. I'J'i ai-i-i''^ of land at the mouth of Cross Creek, in the town lit I' lyettev ille, a -horf distanc- ab.ni* the Clarendon Lrid-e. I'crm'i c ish, or paper negotiable at either of the i;.inks in Fav.-ttev ille. Hel'erence, as to the Cross w AN ri:i), r»l>LS. Tvirpeiitiiic, delivered at ^ ^ r rmy Iiislillery iu this pl:ice. for whi. h the highest prices will be pai.l. 1 would als.I emjibiy tw.) or three I tiirpentine- barr.'l ('oopers. P. KO(i|-.l!S Lumbeitoii, N C.. Feb'y Ml, iS-i;;. iisitt ‘J.(HH) llhls. I'tti’i)rnlint' ■ lil! which the highe-t ca; h ^o iceswill be paid C.lJtf ('opMrrNKiJsiiiP. nndersigne.l have entered into a cnpaitner- I ship under the name ami styb‘ of Tioy ^lar-^. tor the jiro-ecution of a General Mercantile business, Lncnti.iii the same as formerly .>ccnpied by Me^ L. Myrover \ Co., foot of Hay Alonnt. Us-;-!w -IS. IL May 15. TIIOV. .In F MM'.Sll '.'7if .lOIIXSOV .McLF.NN IS. Is.'.:'.. '.'•■.If 10 IN.' JOOti CL.MIK J WouliWAItl* M Kj-r IU)().\ LOS'i’. ! - I'll. K.'i L ■ 'k ye-lerday, be ll iiM' ilu- >iiutlii‘r!i I’laiil; I I. ry. 1 ■ lit -IKIi. -'IKe 'ix 1!. - :md "lie it.' oh .Neill ,\Ic- i • f 1|- . lilt.' "ll Vi 111. i II I' -tit -'e. t r s.'i", bi.lli p'ly- I •11. 1 ;-M |. ■ ...I !:V him 1 . me. - I .-ii..i':isl tra.liiiir for .-:iid j 1 I MOT in i:i;t \iii AN s. Jl-I tteville, N. C.. .Iiine m:\v I'Ai.ii S'l Mil! \ W 11,1,1 VMS nW I'. now reiei\e l a portion, and exp." I re '•l ive thi- week their 1..NT1KF S’fOCK ol I- ALL Go )11., ciinsi-ling of Sla|il(‘ :iik1 I'miicv Dry (Jonds, Sinm>s, nM»fs. I hits, C’;i|»s. |{(Hiiicts :iii(l I iiihrcil.'is; willi i\ hirii'c lot >l Kr:nl\ -uimlc (. ’l >t liiMU. The ab"\e St.i. k i~ the laige-t \>c hav.' ever ollcred ill ihi'^i maiket, aud will be sold at W l|oLl,.'-'.\LL lor Cash, or .)ii the usual time f.u- ;ip|irove.l m-t.-s. Mel-i-haiit'^ are invited to e.vamiiie our i Is. .1. 1; SI'\ 1:1: I r. ( vilb k land, is made to .laiiic' i!.', N. C.. . liOOK Hank' . is.-,:; 1:. .if Fav elte r,AiLi;v. lit KINDKUV il. .1 M N( >'['!( I M. w !■ V. Mi l,. Ml K .1- 1 Ijc i!i . er. b^li tlii.ir ; V. wlio i- tlo-ir r.i - Wflii 111 iV Cl.Til.‘1 a .\ligu-t l.'l, l^-l 'i. .MAIMiliK W ILLI \MS r.'tf I A \ \1 M.LLlt Ml SW \l\. \uu ' M A N J > V A \ r( iii:s, .!i:\\ i:Lin , i'\N((;o()i)s. riic Siihscnltci' IS now ro- \ill^ :i ' I ;.ii l s.'le. led Stock •f' i if Cold ali'l ,'1I\! I' W.ifi lu' : -llld .leWi ll V » ' ^alv-t stvle : ''(/) .- «;ii/ I'l-ih l II' ...■ ii.ld. .'^iKer .'iiel .-st.il S|ieclacle--. « I 111 ! I’l-ii Fine l’"i i.. l and I’eii Knives; -h I I": Mathemati.-.-iI liistriimeiits; I.lap - 111.1 ('haiii«: lioiibl. and single- 1-1 I' -w |i r F|:i k--: .>Iio| IJeit.'.; (i.-iiin' lia;.:.-.; -i n • 1 ' . , itnieiii "I I’i 'tols: Walkiiii; I’.'il '*1 I it nil.I lire-,ill;; Combs: Hair. ' ; ll ' 1 . ‘■ I I: ■ u !,. ■( ijiii. I I liielit of • I I- •' . ‘ , ,1 : : Fl.i-e. le: . Fliile . Fife-; !•- .11 ' 1-11 ■ I ' \!ii I, o..^e : \ iiijilt .llld | '. I. - M ro ,p,. ;| I- Ladie*'Work i I.' : ' I ‘li.i- I',-, ( I ,, ' \'il-iet\ of I iu i.AiDKir TWII IIIMIKS AliilVK (’. T. inilill SUN'S STIILT, ray4>U«>%il|(N '• .l.-in’y -JM, lsr>:'.. HI I Yp I u. oh ll Watche- all 1 Cb cleaned and IM’.IOK. «4-am SiYVWW. AN’AW \^ from the subscriber, atmut the l-'>lh of .Inly, iH.'il. his negro girl Sarah. Said negro .•iboiil III xears of age, black, with lai^e V\liite e_\ C'l, large limbs, weighs about L!l pounds. Said girl is snjiiioseil t.i be lurking in the ncighb.u- Ii.i.i.l of .Mr. Isaac Wright s or Gen, McKay’s, in liladen c.iiintv- I'lie above rt-ward will be paid for her delivery to me, or her conlinement in any jail in the State of North ('aroliiia. ^V^L G. BUTil‘’K. Clinton, N. C., March i4, 185^. 77tf \V 11\U!>1F. has resumed the r.ook r.iiiding I’lif'iiie-^'- -It the new .'^tore next do.ir t.i .Mr. r.eashy, ■(••weller. where h(‘ wil! receive aud exe.^uto binding in any stvle desired. .Vugii-t I. -■*' .n s r ui:(’i:i\ I’J). 4 1*1! I M F hit M.iiin^.iin F.iitler. New Orleans and Cuba Mul.asses .la\.i, Laguir.'i and l!io \'olIee. Sii;^ar. 1’iii‘e, Nc. WOHTII \ FLLloTT March 7. IS.VI. T.'.tf ui:i)i TAU!’:. 'I'liroiioli 'I'icki'ts liflwet'll Wilmington, N. and Ualti- more. Fare^l.I. NiaWid.hui. Petersburg, llichmoii.l. \ Wash ington City, or vi.i Wei.Ion, I’orts- iiiouth and Norf.dk. For Tickets ajiply al I he (llliee of the Wilmington and Kaleigh Kail l!oa.l ('.impany at Wilming- ihe OlVice of th(‘ I'.altimore Steam I’acket ami .if the I’.altiiiiore ami Ohio Kail Koad I’ratt Street, lialtimore. r,:!-tf >%( IC‘ilii«*4‘l IHllr.s, Shol-f l*isfi)ls^ Av*. EDWARD K. TRYON, |;ei .'%o. 2iui M., ANI F XC TMtFU aud Importer ot liilli's. Shot Guns, Pistols, Flasks, Shot I’ouches, Kith* l,ocks, r.arrels, and materials for C>nn Makers’ use. Deah-rs will fiml i t" interest to examine .(iial- ilics an.l prices of my goods before purchssing else- .11 S' 1' 1:1 I', IV i : n V M) I ■() i{ s AI. t;, | .\l(il-; No. ;{, Mackerel. J “ “ Herring. F'resh Lime. “ I'laster Paris. “ Cement and Plastering Hair. J. W, POWERS & CO. 1.3-tf m or nt July 22, 1H58. .■Summerville, N. May SADIHiKKS’ AM> (’0.\('Il-.M AK K15S’ ##.# il if II*.# is i-s, A'r. Tiiiniix & ms, \o. iJi lliilliiiiiirr SI., llallimorr. SMPI »1;TFKS and Healers in llo^ Skins. Sad lle Trees. Fnglish Heads and Kcins. Girth Webs, Stirniiis, IIallies, P.itts, .Vc. Springs, \xles of all kinds. Coach L.-ice. IM'.N T FFLLoFS, Hut>s. Sp.ikes, Carriage and Tire F.olts, Patent C.invass, Car).eting, and every .•irti .•b* connected with either branch of the business, which they are jirepai-ed to otl'er to jinm tiial customers on as good t.Tiiis as :iny other house mi the 1 nited States. Agents for the sah‘ of Pope's Self-Adjusting PAHS and Spencer’s (iH I'HKLS. lifeiY" Orders promptly atten.led to. A.hlress TinniAs MACKKX/.ii: \ SUNS. N.I. li'J- Haltimol'e Street, .p,y^ P.ALTIMOUF ri UI’I'A'nNI^ LAM) I'OK SAIJ*: G^^OK sale. acres .d LANl* on .lames Creek, ami till! .ici’es on Cypress (’ret*k, in Cumberland, convenient to the estern Plank Koa.l, heavily timliere.l, :imi admirably adapte.i to the making ol I iirpt“iitine. \]i)dy at this ( Hlice. acNov.’-’S, I.Sol. A LelW'r to l»t‘ Hoad and Tlioim;lil upon. '|Ml^.l^l'l. W.-st an.l N.irlli Icive s|iiikcn. now sjicriks the .^.iiilli ■ III., siinii) S. Ill 111 - Hear llie Irilmle "iv.n li\ mie 1 it her sons in In', nil y.'itr. ('all there lie ;iiiy iiiiinl m> |in-jii.li.'.-.l as not yiel.l In Midi 11 iiiHss ol le-tiili.iii\ .laily niveii in tavor ol Ilaiiilil.m’s \ .-i'i* l:ilil- Till. lure. Ill ever) liaiiil.-i. \ ill;ii;- iiii.l ( il\ , w here il has luiin.l ils way? ;ratel'iil lie.irls sjieak il' praise. I'iiK-ri.:i! ll|-rlti.T S.nilli C.iri.lina, .laniiiiiy :til, l.-.Vt. Messrs. Miirliiiii i U .Miiwlirav - lemleincn: l-'or llie Iasi live years I have lieen a severe siilferer I'rniii l!li'iilimli'iii,-.'eiii!: y,'iiir r.c.n.i iiu-nilitli.in ol llani|Uoii’s Vecel.it.le ’I'iiK-liire. I |iiirrli-ise.l a li.illle iiii.l ttie lir-I il.ise lias s.i iiiii. h rrlieve.l me Itial I . oii'nler il lull iii>li.-e 111 irive 1.1 the siirt'erin" unrlil the result ot Ilu- :i|i|ilii ali.in. Aline was a. III.. IIheiinmli-.ni 111 llie lia. k sn hail liial I w.is run line.I to my heil liir Ihe Iasi siv iii.inlli'.. The tirsl h.illle :n-le.l like a . h.-iriii ihe se. oiul n ..liire.l «irenulli In iii\ (uMir :ilili. leil li: I am nou as well an.l feel as yoiue.; as w In^n I was siM.i'n ii.iw se\eiil\ lour \ ears 111 ace. ..... i I I'liiisiiler your 'rinrCiirf" Ilii* yr.'al.’st .li-i.'.iv.-rv ol iIm' :ii!e. iiii jvnor stitU-rinii tuiiuauiiy ounhi a uumuihh iU lo Mr \\ lio has savt’il thcui^ainis from pain. .\iul you. ironiU*m« ». iH'leil Ih*" part ot pultlic hi'nofarturs in ilissriiiii»a*'i»p tn** nenetHs whirh hav*'y*mr invaWi;iUU''ri«« iur**. I aiu a plain rtiltini plaiil*r am! havt'im*v»t w rillon lor lii*'rar> Oiine: htil u h« n my I’ellow U-inu-*' »r*» aft1irl«**l. shall I hpsicalr. i»r, lhroU‘'li iiHulrsiy, uilhh«ih) any inf»rn»a!ioii vaiuahl** loniy tfUnw man* So if y*>ti ronsi(l(*r tl»is worfhy t>f a plar** in any yi»ur neuspapers. \.iii are al lit.erty lo niak. ] llaiiiploirs \ eirei.ilile 'rinrliiro, liy its mil.I ai lion on Ihe Slonmrli, l.iver anil the Ki.lney-^. wilt -«ire C.uiKh, Asthma itr.in.'hiiil an.l l.iiiie Aiferiioiiv. i’ains in the Hark. Side and llreit.-t. riinsiiiii|ili.>n. rs-r.il'ulH, Kheiiiiiati.sni. louil. Neiiraluia, I’isliila: Piles r.owel Coniphiinls. \V.,Tn>s, Nervous l>chilitv—wilh all ili-i cases' nrisinK Ir.nii ini|nire IiIihhI. and is tlie ereatesi Female .Medicine ever known. ... . u . Kor Chdlera Morbus, Cholic, iriHrrhii'H, and nil diseases incirient 1(1 the bowels in ihc summer season it has no equal. Sol.i VVholc^«nle an.l retail liy S. .1 HI.NSI).\I-E. Fayetteville; C, ft, D.UuPKK. WilniiiiRtnn: MORTIMER t .MOVVBR.AY, BHltiniore, and by Druggists generally. 0-Y IS-'.;:. ^riios. .1 — 11 \S .irsT KKCF.IVFH— lU’.LS. NKW oKLF.VN.'' MoL.\SSF,S. in do. larg(* Yellow Planting I’otatoes. I'liMiO llis. Northern l!;icon, lbs. N. C.-irolina do. luiMi biishel.9 (tats. Ploughs an.l Castings. Pdiicksmitlis' Tools, 17 hhds. Cuba Molasse^. —.\ LS( I 1 \ight fonr-horse AVagon. and Horse, \c. THOS, .1. .lOllNSON. Person St. , Fayottevillc, Feb'y‘js, ls-'>:’.. cJtt fir/.' CAMPlU'.LLTttN PKOPFUTV FoK SALK. T .1. .1 FIII:M'II IIIIUI lllLLSTItM;S. i*:(.’i:x'rox, mokhis (o. to or.ler, ami keep consbinlly Ittiriie K LNTINI' I’, to mak« ' on hand i't’furh iSnrr •Jtittstonrs ot all dimensions, warrante.l to bo of best nuality, be ing ni:i.le from I’urr tilocks selecte.l by them tvoin the best .(inirries in France. They keep f.ir sale (’(»lt>^iK‘, (’ocjilirM iind l'iSoi)ii Mil!-: sloiK's; niirr fiiorks, I’oltinn (Motli, ! Severn \V ir(', (’nlciiu'tl l*l:isl» r, i ll\«lnuili* (’(‘luciit. cVr. | Orders from any jiart of the country proiiiptl.v atl.'nd ' ed to. K. .’fi. .\gcnt al Fayellcville. N. C , March 11, i.^^.');:. i Sll\\ l-] received .ind opened the large.st .Stock of IH’.V (:ot>l>S, GKoCHl’.lFS, .S:c., I ever oti'ered Ibr sale, all ol which I will sell as low as any liotise in I'li- place. My tricnds ami customers, ami all in want ot (iiiods, an' rcspecll'ully invited to call and examine for themselves. PliTEU P. JUHNS()N. Fmvetteville, N. .Seidember 1S53. 28tf I'ISII! I'ISJI!! Va \CKF,l!F,L in half atvl whole Harrela, for sale bv ^Ti I’KTKK IV .lOIINHON. ‘ Sept. 11. -«tf W Iiri'K POTASH. flKFSH and of superior ((uality. For sale by S ,]. IlLNSHALK Sept. I.',. l,v^;;. I AI.L AND \\ L\n:K CIOODS. K :ire 1 (■(•('iviiig the largest stock of Goods vvc ever otVered ill this market, consisting in great ^■.i!-ieiies ..f ILit.s and i 'aps. Pioots and Shoes. .'^a.ldlery and Leather. Ha'rdware and Cutlery. ^\:‘o.l and Iri.n Hollow Ware. P.agging niid Kope. C'itt(in ami llcmji Kope, ] to 1.'. inches. Carpenters', l>ia-ksmitlis’ and Coopers' 'Co.ds. N:iii Iron .•iml Steel. Ke.'i.Iy-Madc I ’lothing. Staple l»ry G.io.Is. And (; rocerios. .Al; these goods w'e want to cxchjiiige for I’ro.lucc, Cash or to HKsfii.\«iiu,i: .mk.\ on time. J. T WAUDTLL, Hay Street Se]it. IS, IS.-.:!. ‘.,!'.*tf It?-' , Couiitr.\ Merchants will please call and examine oui stock. .1. .S: T. \V. .irsr uKCKivKi). S^lllFSil TK.AS—F.xtr: Kino “Hyson” ll^ Finei-t “Imjierial.'’ Very good “\onng Hyson.’' Siipeiior “ttolong. \ L.S(»— ll Uii I am KI:V\ AK1». 1 \.\.\W.\\ from the subscriber on the L'Sth of; .May last, :i negro ln>y calle.l C.\L\ IN. nineteen yt‘:irs .dd! luiight about 5 feet S itiches, weight ab.mt j ICitl Itis., a black negro, ha.l ear rin.L's in ea.-li ••■•ir w hen j f he leti. no clothing r‘collecti>.l ‘.Kcepl ;i .l;ii k blue over- j (-oat. This boy was purchased of Hr. .bdiii M.•Neill ol K.ibeson county, about the 1st of M:iy. Fln’ :ibove re ward will be pai.l for his .lelivery t.> me or il lodged in a .(ail in this State. It i.s very jii-.diable he is in tiie neighborhood of his t'oriiier oWner. .lolIN W AKHILL, .Ir, Fayetteville. N. C . .Inne I'O. 1 it ;'iii ounces juiuine. •juilll Mis. \\ hitc Lead. Sept. I!'. IS-'*-'!. For sale by S. J.’ HINSDALi; SADDLKS. W L' are now receiving the largest stock of SA1» 1>LI':S AND SA1>1»LKHV ever olfere.l in thi Market, which we -will sell to eonntry such iirices as will induce tliem to bii_\ . ,1. .V T. Fay lief Sept. i;5, isr.;!. rOUACC’O. Merchiints at Call and see W AHHILL. •Jht f rilHE BVihscriber continues to receive and sell on JL manufacturers’ account, all grades (it inannfac- tured Tobacco. u--*p May 31, 1852. \ ALl AULK PLAN rA'I'lOX Foil SALF. IIIH subscriber wishing to change his tmsincss, of S- feis bir sale his PL.\N l'\TION in Kobeson, PJ I mib\s from Lumb.‘rt.in, on the ILirIh*esvilh* Koad, sitn- ! !it( (1 on .Xinon's Swamji, containing 7tM> acres, of which I about llio are un.ler cultiv;ition. The situation is I iienlthv and the water eipial to atiy iu the comity. The j dwelling and all nece.ssary oiit-hou.ses are in j;o(>d re I p;iir. The best recommemiation which the fertility of i lli.‘ place cm receive is to be found in the crop of Corn ! ;iu.l Cotton n.iw growing on the Plantation, which all I who dc'-ire to purchase are invited to examine. There ! is within h.ill a mile of the house a bold tlush Spring, j believ'd to ciiiitain yaluable mineral properties. 'I’here I is also within half a mile of the dwelling h.inse a large I new \c:idemy, in w hi( h a Classical school is constantly ! Uciit. Terms easy. .lOHN A. l{oWl..\Nl> ' .August 2i'i, iS.'i:!. AI.MANAC S! fH’IHF Farmer’s and Planter's Almanac, for 18-^4. I .lust received and for sale by Sept. P.M853. K. J- HALE & S.N.

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