S I*; »l l-W KFiK L, Y \(M.. Ill.l l71”rK\ ILLK. V. SKrPKMIiKR 2», jNO. \'>\ .1 i{. NKwin r.nw Mil) Ci'l I ' .1. ll\Li: .V SON. \\!> i-iN>nui;Toi:s 1 \N( Siihscrilici W .tkIv t I(\t t! 1 no il in ■I . li'l iliniiii! ili(‘ \«Mr tii viiliv, ii|i 1( ;1!' Ii:; |.oi' MMiiimi. if i :iiil ill Iiiriii” ihr \c:ii- Ilf Vf.ir fXl'ilcii. Ini' -ivtN ]iff . t'«r liie fir'-i. tliii i v cent tni- (m1i iti' II. V (Vii )y M'lvi'rti-omcnt)>y -;|ic- 1 ica'-'iKttsu' r.'ites. \il\I'rti'iM - ,iri‘ (■ the miniJ'or of iiisfi tiiiti'. il>“-ir(‘il. or ■ U'lll;]; t'-'l'Mii. « Ikwui'iI :u i ..lil I i(-i ■ t" tli' r.'litur^ mu- t !>»• jmsi [.ai.I, i i; \ Mi > ■ " il ji.-iiil : I" ’ ! I t'l' 1 Ih‘ i-i:MI.\TS il \r» ii ‘I I'K i: ro vnwvAAAAIS. V. r i\lM"l«A ri(i\ I.INC IV-in r:.yvn.'viil.‘ •• •- i \v I'li'i'circ I ti' r.niy i>:t ■-.'ii^i'is it. h T!i-y w ill .'.'MIUM‘1 \vith ttii' ni'tiniiiL' N, rilt I'lii' truia i-nnnoi'i'-' ^vitli ilu' . I’.f'i'■’’’iirj, \V-Miiii. 1 will ni:ik>' ■ . 1, : >tii \v;i\ I i:in AIN - lll.il'C llli“ W I- \\ lir.'.i \s nil ;iri i- (a X )i)s. iiow fi-ifiviiiu lii> I'VLI, \\|i NVIN'l'l'.i; STt)( K t'F Slaitit* aiitl Faiic\ DUN (lOODs. Mill uHVf' ilifin tin- jiuMii- u),..ii t'-riii- ami |iriii-v l,o\. ;i ;.ii_\ --iticK ill Ni.rtli t arnlin.i. \n In- is cli‘l(‘nniiit‘.| to scli l.>r ;i vmall in-.itii, citliov I'mi cm-^Ii ■ T nil fiint' to j.iMictii.il ciisti.iiicrs. :i!l w-iiM well t>> r:lll ail'l M‘(* liis ^tock lit'fiii’i' ll;i>illi.'. • >iit lit liiv storU. Ilf fimiiurati's ;i trw ..I'tin' l.-.ulinu- .■iiticl(‘>: rioli lii-,K';i.i,> :iiicl li^'d Silk-; i.l:iiii hl'k uro il'c lliilH'ilii.: siilliil Miivliii I it'I ,a iiii‘Ilf i‘\•! \ ]iiii‘ ;i III I I'lil- "i . all \M(,,1; l,:u'(“. Muslin atiil .lai-uiict Sli i-Vfs: ( 'liciiii- /t'tti's aiul ('ollais; (irass ami i'ii-Icl Skirts: la'lic^'aii'l i£o\itlonn‘ii s Silk aiiil ot'^Ji.mI iiit\’*'s; Liiioii ('atii- lirif ilMk t’s; ail assoitnifiit of |ilaiii. 'lottcii ami i lifck- f'l Swiss .Miivlin: Cainliric ai; l .lacan t; [loiiiiia/.im- ati l Alp-.n-as; ( aiiiUvic ainl Swi^., Kiljj'o-ami In-crtiiii;: Frciu-h Mi-riiio every color; lailies' Silk ami .Meriiin \ f>t ( orsetts; white t iape Slnnvls: aiiioiipr otlicr styles, a [iroat variety ol holies l*ress (ioods aiul riiiiiiiuiij;'-. \ our iltteiitinii iv Harticulai'ly calleil to his as>ortiiiein t.i taiic\ ilcLaiMes: la'lios aii'l misses' white and cnlM Silk hi'titiots; l’>islinj> l.awiiN ;inil [rish l,itutis: pmiil a'- soiinu'iit lailies Shoes. Sli]i]>eis ati'l (iaitcrs, aiiintitr them a lieaiititiil article nt white Kiil Slipiier ami !ai- ter; ti| k aiiil colM I'retieii aiiil Aiiiericau I'lnths atn ( asiiueies; lot lieailx - Ma’li- I’hithiti)^: an :is-;i)i tiin iit >il r j >1 SAI.KS (>!’ LOTS ()X iSeHHihi'g Ifarhor. I ('o|il|'atiy \vill .' I'll t r |iremi.-cs, ut \\ hiti' \'\ vF/rrKviijj: I'. iVnll ■t 1-ait liialile II. t a rill i ii.i (its I I iii_L; lie-.i I liihli r nil til "II Nloiul.iy ttu' ".1 ! .1 \ 1.1' next, '■'■r n|' Miliial.lc 1.. t I'hi' latiih III' this ( ii!ii|i the lili.st :;i -esril.l(' ;iU'. I ai'f* ci.ii'iih i'cil th(' iii- 'l lilli \iew n! the 111. Ci'inciiieiitly Itii'l •■ut Ini' liu-iiier iiiilir.iveiiu'iit C.iii lie with ('avnlina. or th(' walci-. cninie't( without iii'iieiitin^ tlicso l.ni'l.s. ’■■lilliaiiN , auare nl' thi iaet. 1 eo- have iio “;i-ent nr ilr'iliiinci the St.'ite" nr :ii;\- where ,'ls;- > till- Hall. ii’iiii 1 a'Millt I V- n luil • 1 the llarl>nv. oil it 'I'll )>e h;iiiilsoiiH'l V ami ire ill i ll)t ^I^IIIS ('oin]>atiy is now orcaiiisoil tniil jn'Oiiareil tn re- I ci'ive a|ij»licatioiis I’nr Insitraiiee. on a« t'avorahh- terms ;is other ('oiii]>ailies. IHK Kc’ TOItS: w AN'ri*:i) AHUI \«.K t'MMl-HS v .11111 ml (iieasurt'. \n •iitral nr \\ t >tei ii with the llarlmr. 'rlie ('a rnlili.'i ( it \ leave tn -.av that they ill the Western iiart nt' ft'eriii" to sell l,,,t> ;it a (inni|» fnr iiecro Wear. i’>ro>i.'lli Monts aii'l Shut kej.t ill iiu line. Sept. II. IN.-,;;. 'Itch ■; uith Kersev !1 ..tie ami II ■I '.^nnils .1 c. latikcts. Usual! V rii:. ' ■ri't. tra'li ’I 'til th. N .rth. .1 i: 'K r.w I'VLI.. j,uui:s (()i‘\iri’M:i;siiii‘. fBVll La it'r'.i;lieil ha\i‘ :i'S... i:ite.i themselves in ;i I i'slii]>. ft.r ihe j.iu'pose of tvaii'ai tiiiL; th«- .;,ti'.. ' u-i';!'.!". miller the tirtn iitiil style nt \V. II. I.iitloi-loli A: r». taken the st.iiul iViniierly oecupied l>\ 1'. S. ..m': ■11. iieai thf font ff ll.aytiiouut. where we W'll ■■ ■',o:\'^vu‘e in nuv cvtstoiuevs. We will V. . iittetuinn to the ii.irteriiiji liUsint'-s. :. iiichas'' nt all kiii'-ls nt'C.mntr' rrnvluoe. uHM II..w '11 St.'re a covl ns-joi’ttneiit nf (; rm ei ie- I’l ' -;. n Le^ither. lilaeksiuiths Tools, Iron. n.c.. ^li^ rxt.ectiin; t'l receive fmtn the Northern ti; * :;.l I’onq^iete str.ik i»f every ivticlt- ir. the . , ,1. f lints. Shoe-. \’e..—vvliich we ! ' t. r ifi i> or poo‘l I'ajior. or l.nrtcr .»ji as t.m.l •. I !ny estatilishinetu in Knyettev ille. !.rr‘, M. ’-clnr.t will tiiel it t.. their .i lv antaiic t.. U M 1,L iTKKI.ull M .1 HVMSF.V -Ott StoiT. 7'Klinvp Hist received anew supj.ly ••I ^eie. t \ir.l'5» INLS, tngethei-with a siiperi.ir artir'..- nt French llrKti'ly. .'hnice Nla'k'ir.'i. l’..rt. .■sherry aii'l ('hivct W im-s, w hich Wi re scl* cte I t"i U" I'V a jud^e, tVnui A !•#>/:; B > in.w veeeiviniz a very laiiie an>i pi-neral assi.niiti nt I I l»i;^ tiOOji.s:. atimio.: which aie l.-'iiMi piece.s new siyh‘ Cali. - 7'>i \! I'fl.ane: 17 > French iind r.ujilislv Meriuns. -j.Vi Alpaca; I'laid I’vn c.i.le.'iiid ntlier Silks; .Nleriii.i and ('ra).e Pl.ii.l an.l pL'iiii >ha\vl.s, assoitcd; ll:it''i. I'.ips and llonnet'; .''ilk jind ott.tn H dk fs; Mohliiet, I.ace atel IMirlii;;.'; l’.n..ts luvd .''^hoes; lioltinff ('l.ith-i. No I to in. W ith m;iny .ither gooils; nil of which Imve l.een jmrch.isi 1 |..r i vsji. l,v the I’lickajie. .nn.l will l.e ntVerfd whnles.ui. n;- ii-tail a~ Inw rate tn -ccini' intliieiice. hut that ;ill the sales nl th* l.iii'l ;!i(' ri'i|uired. Ky the .iilicles nf a^leeiiieiit. : to ln> til the hi|_die-t iiiddcr. , riie ucnileiiieii who compose ihi.s ('oin)iaiiy have tiia le , ariMiiueiiii'iit t" iiiiprnve llieir laiiils I-., the aniniiiit of | aliniit .'s.)li,(Hin. l>urin;.; the w inter and i nsiiiiij:, spriii”, ! a lar::e lloti'l will h»' l.iiili. Wharves. Turpeiilinc Oi^^- 1 t'lleries and a .''team .''aw Mill will he )iiit in nperation. J Ihoi.' is cxeelh'iit .lay nu the pii'iiiisi-s for iiiaUiiii; j lirick .itid alsn on the adjacent Water ; .iti'l as e;peri- ' I'llcc lias pr..\cl the iliipnrt.'llU'e i.f file pronf liuihlill^s in a .'..miiiercia! i'!.'ici>. tlie Imard 'will iini .-I'l.iw aii\ l>ut , siitist a nt :al tire Jir.mf tniildin'.^ t.i !»• peiniauenth eied- I eil nil :in\ l.illd- the\ m:ii .: !1. I'., person- w hn ni.is prcier. the ^..ai.l \'. ill n';i l(,t> ^ Ini .1 tern* n!' _\eais. I hev 1 csprci 1 iilly invite ;ill j.er- sfin- in ;in\ w.i\ intereste.l tn he present at the s;,le pei'ially meehaiiies: -;liip I icher Avo.n Iv Ham,. A . (;. Sll KIMI KKl). Wm. W.\ki)K.v. S. '1'. IIaw'i,kv. .)»I1N I>. ^Vll.l.lAM^ (’. lU.NHoW. Wm. Mi IjAi in\ Wm. Mi’I ntn iu:. Ii. L. .Mvi{it\Ki{. Tiio.s, S. Li 1 I'KiM.oii. ') I > II N 1 L ( 'i M iK . I>. A. I! w. A. .MrKKiilAN. ,i!i.t*. .'!( Xi;i I.I.. X.M'ii.w A. ,i i:ii.MA.\ .)am!,v !\vi.k. »I'FI(K1!S; ii;u. .MeNF.ILL. I'resideiit. II. L. MVItOVI'i:. Vice {'resident. ■ I !. IH F.PII F R I>. .\ttorney. • A. .McMn.L.\N, Seci'etnrv. ;i:o. M. NKH,!., I ■ItUIN II. F\eciiti\e ('niiimitiee. ■IAS. KVI.F, I I'lie plan n| Mi n .ki. I.\si kaNi k niu.st I'ninnieiel itself t'l niir cninniunity. fnr it c.in lie denionsti'atod that we ha\e s;ived within the last si.x years u]iwards o)'0(1(1 iiisnnuice in the North ('arolina Mutn;il t'onipany: we should have pai'l tn have ke]it the same in- in the foreijiii .joint «toek coiiip.'inies tlial sniii uctually paid; and yet the Nnrtli pltiynient and irt>o.| wai'.t Sept. IS.'.;;. 1853. anl \Vi!M r MIIF un'lersiKin'il are now receivin dit. ..h.i. and See fnr them elvc's earjietiiers. I.i !i'k masnii harvo; c.in lie pi I '.'i I'nlil!:; ( it \ ( hlC Inlll th C l i 1'' ami 'J. I ni 'inh .Vll l.'lte .((.hn .M. Ilnse. S. Ilv' or.icr nt till .\i I'ni theni III. I ill an tile iiiliii't |.r. /' I III ■ h the i - . ini -ri : lillsine s S.r/, tl"ui lati ■lalinelit .il I d.lle low as jiossilile. ].lease call :in.l SejiT. li'., Ix'i 'I'hose w ishint I' k,".mine |inrelij(se i.,';- U will \;-.:ii I i:;. r l‘|e-i ]"■ lent. im .''epf. .). S. I{ANK>. Fayetteviiie, N. C. I I \e\s ),esi ill I*!.d;i.le1ph’n. f..r tne.lii’.il pnr /o (III l i t I. |1MF Brntlier?- Stoain Bont ■ . nnw piejiued with the f'lUnwiu^ Ronts Str DliT'GLASS. Ntr HR(,>TUEHS. Tow B"Ht .''^TF\‘l.Ns l'( i\ i» Li;wis. \r.H!Ll> Fl.LI.s. i\- . .\.-sI|.i;', , K I N(• SHI i; i , :iiul I'l.lZ.V M.DA IIL, f.i iran'ip. i t 'ill Nival t .i e- I'l luce .n'I ^ t!iei I'l ei^ ■ ' iiitrusrp.l t.. their .-‘u.'. with i ■ much .1. -pat.-ii as a.-.^ ..ther line "f Bouts ni the Hivei Tjie', pr..\-.ie.j \ lllli; imdci \|:i. hine e.Mr.i: t^ n '1 » >wiier tii;it :i t ly 111 He. My laat ' : i pie-. .■ntli’lll whe!ii thr.uiL' niH. I Vn;. per-.in • loe-- li,.f ele i : ■price Se\en!\ All letters .l.ilj^h Cnlllll '. Oct \-2. I'v iw .m:\\ !•-iClie 1 h.'is ni'lde ;i>i ill', elillnn Of I SlilUt . wh; h he will insure t.i he j.eriei t in the -ninr ill whe it. and wi he tn iiifnrin Mil! le ; ! attilii: Up ni.'n'lillie' il L liinii 1 .i., tn I., ".' N-.ith ,\'dii'..;-.iujih ...i ..f thv. e ■: mi readimi ill in ' .lilli' ! that ; suram i more than we hav ('.'irolin.i .'IiUn.il Coiupany li.is received hetween .SoOfiO and S;i;(i(Mi niijic from onr eoniniunity than it has paid mil for Insse- here,—shuwiiip tli.'it we an* fiivoralily sit uate.1. as cnnip;iie.| with nther p;ai'es in the State, for I i|siir.incc. ^ >ur ( niiipaiiy h.'is j;oiie into operation favoruMy. liav- J iiifi the ila\ we nrgaiiiseil ajiplicatioiis to the amount of | ■sl lii.diMt. all.I the ('(imp>in\ i> now place.j upon .'i tirin lootinii. An_\ 1 lireclnr, .'uithorised Agent, or .'secretary, iiia_\ receive .\pplicatioiis. hnt the\ will not he hiiiding until ' aii]iroved hy the F.xecntive rmntnittee or the Board. iF.n. W. l..\WHKNriC is a]>jiointeil General .Xueiii nf the ('ntnjianv We invite applications. til’.O. McNF.11,1.. f‘res t r. A, McMll.I.AN, Secy. I'ehy 7. IS');;. liUilios’ ainl ionth'tiion's (IuihIs; ;i lari'f su)i{ily uf l{eady-iii:iilc ('lutliiiii.f; ll:it.', ’;i]is, ikxit.s ami SIhhs; Satldlorv; ll;ivii- ware; (froct-rics; Urnos atid .^h'(li(•iu(>s; With a jireat many other kinds nf (inuds. which wc will sell on ficconiinodatin.n terms. .1. T. ('((I .Mil. .M ('.\ I \ Sept. 1, IS.',;;. J I-Jill I*. S. I’ersons who have lieeii imit liled tn nv f..v nm- year or more will jdease pay up. LKArilKli IV\Ni)S. ^Blll )ll()l C II lA stretched, cemente.l. and ri\ete.|. I- The ahove Bands are sold l2l jier cent, les;- ihan New \ ork mamifactvirei's" prices, ('ash v.iV. l.e i i>- 'juireil in every instanc *. Fnr -.'lie hv W. II. l.I’TTFI! h( HI. I'av('tte\ille, No\. lii, l,s,')-j. ;iltf ' sl(M» AiJl). il; fin.l ';tead\ em \N.\W .\\ frnm t|,e iih cvihey, two Neptro Oirls III.I l.ilir ( hiidi'i II. -i/; \1 M’TII \. :i hvifrht liivi- ti\c lei'l fnnr nr fi\e iiiehes hijrh tnnk with hei 1 i hildnii, France-, ;in.| .Vnn; II \NN Ml. e.>pper . ;,l:iiu( the .line heii;hi nf Martha. MannnL iih h'-r fi\-- n:aie cliiMrcii. I..'wi.- :1ml .Inhii 'Ihe .ili.ive i!e'.:“ .s' 1. .fine rly i.ehin'icd tn the est;ite ot (;enri.e T, li.irk'dale. ami are ^ii]»p se.l he lurking ahniit the t'.if.e I e.ir. almut .Mf. 'Vinslnw's plantation 'fill' aiin\e rew.ir I will he paiil I'nr their conlineinent in :ii;; I.ill s,, ili;it the iih-.-riher ■ ,111 ;.;et them, nr tm i!ie;r .|..’;vei '. t‘i the aih ;eriher in .''^amp^nn cnunt\. i l.I’KT I!. I’F.TFBSftN ;-ei,'.enihcr IV.',:;. :2i'-tf IV applvillg tn \’. \ \icKi-:tii \ .\. (aCMxiy;. I,\K(;r. I... I ."J.VDDLKKS’ AXI) .\ KKl!.^’ If .1 K f> II*.f K . dleTrci- Stirrii), al. h: .p. i\i ei llli: ; ..1 er if; \-dli-. lin.'t princi It t.lke- the tln.'iiirh the I >tlF ('oinu rNi:iisini‘. utidersigned have entered intn a eopaitner- TIKIJllS vv I, \o. Ill HaltiiiiniT SL. Iliilliiiior!’. .MI’(-tUTFHS and Itealers in Hot; Skins, .'^ad KnplisU lleatls and iteiiis. iirth \VeU>. nies. Bitts, \i-. .Sj,iin;s. .V.vlesnf all kinds. (' Lace, BFN'I' FliLlJtlCS. Huhs. Spokes. ’arriai;e and Tire Bolts. I’ateiit ('anvass. Carpeting, and e\er_\ arti cle connected with ('ither hranch of the hiisine.-s, w hich they ure prepnred to otler to jniii' tnnl cusioniei'i on as «ood terms as any othr^r house in tin* I'nited State-i. .Vgents I’or the sale of l’o)ie's Sel*'-Adjiisi in; l’.\l> and Spencer's r;l(; TBF.F..'^. (>rders protnpily attende.l i... .Vddres.s iinnns »lu kl.n/u: \ mi.n.v No. P.aiiiniore .Street. 4!*vj B.\i.Ti\ioi.:i;. .\ DS tiir in fiv.- d.Ir. III! a iii'i it. .i iinp 1>..111) --e.l ; \ ■inn. atU'j I w. la I’ ir\ I lie n. It ,) .: I.ike it hiii-U ■ t (ttfice. l{nn I liFFMAN \\ ■r the pr .'■(*cntion of a (General Mercantile hvi'inesa. .ne.'iti.,ii the s;uiie as |V,rtnerly occupied V,y Messrs. II. Mvrovev ,v (',1 . foot nf Ha\’ Mount .1 B TK«)V. Jp .1. F MARSH 'lav IS.j;;. 'i7tt I'ALL and WIN l'KK G(M)|)S. F, are receiving the l.arge t tock of (lood ''^ • onsistinf. in fneat w \.eie > ..Uiiht vvitil a \iew !.■ I’rc .■m l .ithers wh.i kee]. Family Me.li- ! . weM ti. j'ne il a call .Ml mir M.' ii.-Ine- Iite.l t'l l.e nf the inn'-t spleet kind IfALl. KOBINSO.N taiul nl In-- B. vv: 1' W. Hohuis..n. corner .f (.ild and (_irecn street .■I 'l.tn.n-- cnrefnilv 'ind'iccnrateh pat up IL .V H -'■'tf Mll(i i;i>1.1 S'-!»N ■J-',t! ;ii MedicilK- iis. F:uiner (lid ( (>1 vlMi suit;ihie WLart tn'i W tre 11. ,1,, n general '.n'luef-s. -iii l h.>). t the iriter.'^ t t shif'p.ei^v !■ n i y.ntr.'.nnpe I c.^.iiiim. tri. t > • iat'"ii .IN(» :sepi I I, 1‘ ;i iiMi'.- ..I p;i ■‘.'K; \ I Faven.-. \NK.'^ t at \\ rminL'; .i •J'nf A n iiii il Miii :■ ■in «*- ( in F.r'.di.;, 1; ( reek \ liie W. h. tin \ liAiu.AiN ier'i^ue. 1 h:.- ielel mine.1 t.i i elil.;,\ • ■.'ler- t.-!' • i!«‘ tlia: cntnn\...Unu n Clipie . i|i the "ll'lLe . f Sl-mnier\ill ‘Ii nee- fhere'llit. h.-l f the ni'iOth nf ( , . h..l » .Il -taiice -i •111 .iptperi... ■ etl.'.il;* KeTer.'! l;=nk 10 ipi'iir! ( n ill ■ III .hie Ot 1.1 I \i:\V M;ihii*-.-ih, ;i I r ■'•lie h\ ll'M.l. 1/ I III old n/H/ll / 0/ IJ, liritiis, ^HI, I N l»FHSl(; N FI' Imve ir.'t r .-ei >// I I : I Stut. \B(.I • Yt'tr ''HK I 'je \ I Stiff L - . I. \!'.i l.'i. ill the t'.Wli I hireii'Inii ■it eitlo'l til- . I , .-c B \ll l.'i lit rnos. .). JOHNSON HAS ,M ST BECEU’EI) BBI-s. NEW (iHLEANS .MOL.VSSE.". Ki do large \ ellow I'laniing Potatoes. i.(>(Mj llr Northern P,ncou. .,110(1 ihs. N. C'nrnliiia >1.. I (MiO hii'ihels (*ats, Plouchs and ('astin);; Black'tniths’ 'I'onL. I. hhd' t uba .Molas'e-. .VLS(» ii; ht I'on h..r e V\:igon and 1 Bug^gy. I H«rne« ever offered in this mnrket varieties of Hats ;ihd Caps Boots and Shoes Sadillery anil I.eathei. Hardware and ('ntler\ W'ood and Iron H 'llo-w W-irc liaggin^f and Bope ('otton aii'l Hemp Hope. t., 1* iiw hes Carpenters . Blacksmith': an l i'r..',pcr‘' T.mh Sail Iron and Steel Beady-Mado Clothiiu’. .Staple Hry (ioo (' .\n'l Orocerie?. .\ll these goo'ls w.- waiit to ex, li iiiv.e l .r I i—io (\^h. 01' to itF ■HiiN'stiii.l Mf..n time I ■ '1 W.XtiLll.l Dit. S'!'IIO.N COMi'OrXI) SANA'i lM*: HILLS. I'illS ;u-* «>iiltr4>iy :tr‘ :i sii|M‘vi>i‘ .flt-diriiio in the cure nf ;ill liiliniis (iiiip!ailit . ('ilills nud Fever, I'vspepsia. ('o-t'Vene~-. Liver ('oiii'.laint, .faundice, .";ick Ile.'id.'iclie. .Scrniiila. .''.ilt Hheuiii. Fevers of all kinds. Lnss nt" Apl'i'tite. «>listructed and )iainfnl Men stritaiinii. :ind all linueriiiji diseases. \s .1 I’enialc Medicine thc\ act lik(‘ a charm, nn.l when ;iee.irdin;z tn the diiectiniis. tlie\ never fail tn i'liie ver\ 'Vnvst e.'|S(>> .,f .'il'te)' all other remedies fii'. rii4‘V piii'tky llu‘ oSlirr li» :i li«>nlttiy !otl4'and as .'II Anti-P.iliou.s Family \|e.|ieinr‘ tlie\ ii.l\e no e(|Ual. 1‘rii^e cent-- |ier hox [/.Sn— !U5. STKOXirS l'K( roiiAL S'l'OMAdl I'JLLS. A l enii ly fnr ('nii^hs, ('.,ld.-. (':■ 1 irrh. Bronchitis, ('rou]), Whoiipinp Cnueli, \sthnia. Cniisumiition, Nervoui ItisCnses. 1>_\ spepsi;,. Cdsiiveiiess. I'lrysipelaa, Disease ..f lit Heart. Intiamniation .'lud Pain in the Che^t, r. tck ami .'■^idc. and all diseases avisiinii from a ile ranee.! sl.-ite of the .sitnin.icli. aiel to relieve the difs- iress and had IVeliiij'from ('.11111;^ t.,n hearty food, in weak and dysprptic liahit -. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. faiHl'Sli PilN .11.1 ti ;in Kxpectorant, Tonic, Hiid .S. .Vperieiit i^ne cent ho.\ possefjscs three times ninre ]iower to cure diseases tiian a one ilollar hottle of aii\ 01 the Syriip.s. Itnlsani'^. r Sarsaparilia.s. that ws'i ever m.'i'ic. and a simple tric.l of only onehox will prove ihi' iuipi rtant truth. Tii4‘v looseit tli- aiii 4'l«>:ir nmt oliif'i* Oi'SHiis ol all iiiorl>i1 and there is not another remedy in the whole Materia .Medica cflpahle of imparting sticb healing l.mportics to the Ltings and \ ital Organs as these Pilli Tii‘y |>i-odii«‘‘ a ^oo1 I'Ojriiiar ati! oli'oiitftlioii the ^ysieiii. Price :!•") ct-. per hn.\. cmitaining !.'•’> do.«es of medicine ('all nl! ilie .'io-ents who sell tli(‘ Pills, and get the Plaiiiei ' .\ini;in i.- ,'iatis. ii\inu lull i.articulars Rud .'ertiticate.-i of 1 ures. Both kinds nf tiie :ihnve-iiame.l PilK are tor sale in rayelteville V>y S. J. Hinsdale, and .1 N’. Smith: ■who iiL'o keep a supply of [>i. » Vtg/’iahlt Pills, and J>, it •ill- ■.'(/■Pilh'. which stop the Chills and Fe\er the first day, and d.> unt icken the stomach ..r npei ite on the howels. flG-Y] I i\ettevilh' TlfcS ,1 Feh'v ■JS, is,', tirtr ' \MPP.F1.LT»»N PBOPFHTV Srtisoit ahh' 4m itotls ,l( 111 NS( *N. Persnu ^t ;. 7i’tf FOB sale T .1. .1 ;-ei-t. It*, lb.,-. onntr\ ^lt•r. hunt ,.nr stock will pi. Hav 'strte' J'.'ti ’ill aii.i ei.',niim .1 ,v I \'. Letter to Ite Keiul and Thought upon. I iih. -..■h Ilitnl h; 11. fill lie ha■ ill \ F'ni.l l.xtrict C iiip ■ yrup Har’.aiii (>1.. " Briti.'h (111. (’ol-liver (»il I'uriinj-f.iu I'.-il Win.ls .r S ia). ■ itmej. . ■ F-.r lie h\ II \I.L t Setitia Sar'ip M*d:''imentUIil H( i|;I NS( >N •J'.tf T( iCK (»!' (.( M ili.s nient leceiitiy h .iiv^ht :n f i\ .ii ahlt tircuni.stun.T Ln'it', crushed, ('...weri L^iiTuira and Ri" ntlce aii'l iiutnieg ; sup. i 'lrh. I aiiiph-.r. aiun; i i.s.,m • iltaltpeti lit. ir..ii -a I'lle . hri'lle- m I n 'irtinu'a’s , and I'U;; jiy whip - sj.a h'^. h \e!-. ;ind l..rk .■nilii Jicitii! a l eiier'i'- •--..ri the I,, tthern tirirket iili h^l I'hey have 1 an.I hi. wn -ul i' la- .. er per, ' p., e. m ■•'! . ' i.e -.i.la; :n.ii'.ii., m oid. r i 'r i\ l;i' e - I"1|- ' i'l I '■ ; i: tr Ilf 'i . Ii I,';. 1. ■ilid nl I in'- liiell.l \ i -11 r I .nil mil :inl I >. NO'I'K i:. Il iv iiii; cii'in^-e.l h; l..riner hn-lne' r iiai e ill I il pr.i •. ■ 1. id it th*' St..ft ..n N iith Il^st ('..rnerot r.'cehtiy ... , npi. d l.y .Mr Hugh 'irah-iiu . I'im are e irnestly re.|Ueste.l t.i an.I settie h. (' L A P. K. tnnL’ue, hrea-t aii'l h.ilter . h;iin - .-.tlce mi 1- ■, .n i...\e-;; fill;, .-r . ' Ill I hail'i - I - . it ; il; 11 1 pike- ; a g I as'i.rtmep.t . I p, . ket ,!rl t I'.le . I »h I hlick smith tnnl - cnlllplete t 111') •'!( t ill e In. s il . . 1 :| j • i' dippers ill,.I a\es-. hrn i.t ^nid clinp]i.ii' a\e , je.n windi'w el.l's; ri\el . \ 1 ir:_e st ,ek "I l-i l\ lilMie I'l.'thiim ati'l st.aple .Ity L ;_'unny atcl heiii|i hai.': iiii, r. p»‘ and twine; Swe les. \m*'ii. aii h n- and li ...| ir..ii -i(U;ire an.I ...■t'i;^.iii ea-t sj,.,.p Cerm.in and i,lister ■’>■ T 1 *r\ ( . I.. In.uii, I . Nj I I 1 » . \\ i |';ltfelll . I III ■.] . i;.i ■' - ;ili.l rlii.i's \l; '. M> M 1 1 I. ... . .\. P .s H IMW Ll.L, ( -ni- ' M 'iri' • ’ (; reen \ 1. 1 ‘ ‘ t! \un. \N.\W\^ tr..m the suliscriher mi the l’mIi nt M iy l ist a net-r.' h.,y t a11*‘.l ( \l.\ IN, nineteen ye n h«iglii ahniit t'eet '' inches, weight aliout jt.ii ih-.. ( hlack negrii. hail ear rings ir each earwheii lie lei'i. iin I lothing recnllected except a dark hint* nver e., ii. I hi l,nv w:is purchase.l nf l»i. .Inhn McNeill ..f 1! 'hes..n cnuiity. allnut the Nt nf .May. 'I’Ik* ahove re u i.l will lie [i;ii 1 fi,r his .lelivery tn me .>r if lodged in ■I .I'll) ill this State It is very pmhahle he is in the lo ichi.nrhn.i.l 111 hi- l.il’liier nwiier. ji sr urx'iAMAK IHElH tea.- -Exti';i I hie ■ H y-ni Fine* t ■ Imju lia! Verv good ■■Vi.niu H'.- .'■'upermr --.\LS(i ■jO ounces ljuliiine. •JitiiO u,.. White ( •oh uP' I. 1.1 ll. .1 in: 1.“.', Favetle\ille. .\ ( AS.NiMi.KI'.S. ( ll w 1. the itlel:'' \l lAl t \mMI i.l ■ t ^ - 1. -. ,\ssi\ii.iii:s. i|.) . . tliat eelei.r^ '1 t; ti- I: 1 V uld I a 1 • 'I. pil'. • 11 .;eliera;. P .'IIFMWF.LI. ■■lit (■ . .1 line I'ISII' :;ii •loll.N U \i»l*lLL. .Ir 7-tt Sept 1 M \R1JM; I' \Li: V-1 111 i/.. hfit 11-. llljit I- 1. |\>' : .|lne.| a ( .ipartliersliip. iili Ml, I st'.’e ..1 ('' irk .V Wn. dward. t .r rr\!n>j nil th.' Tiilnriii'j' P.usines.. in -lines, westein aii'i Nnrth ( ainlina hac.,n t..:^etliei with altllnst e\ery 'irt'. le -Iild in this niai ket. ill ..1' whicl; will he s,,l,l ;,t f:iir pi ice- {..r c ish, ,.n time t i pr 'Hipi •U'tnniers. i,r iiiiiti prnduce .jenerallv, ; W W 1LI.'|,\MS (• m:u i>i{i ' I Mil; I ’ I .11 (,re.'. sroiiiv -ale till'.; .1 Beadv XIade Clothiiie. • Inly -I'. l.''‘e Jtfc'iV- The ntlii kel.t ;l! the ,-i .'t the ( :ipi \ e iillildill' anihn'it ( l-tl .111). ^ .rk. .th >:i'> I- II..■vs n ■Iv fnr nil*' "f ,'iliiiiia \, .-nt. CLABK .1 W(M»1»U ,\i:l'. ■J',-’.^ni .1 l». WILLIAM. \\ jUcIh's ;uhI .!M‘\vclr\ I i> f >i; " I. ■ NorK'i:. ,v MeSw;iio ha\inj; lelt tlielr :ii)d jiapei - vith W \lcL MeKay. wlmi- ed t" reeeipt fni the ualiie. fill their i-iis- We-i tlie('a]ie I'ear Biver. win- may eitner hy note ..r accnunt, will ('.nifei a , ..n him and settlin>i the s:ime. W, P. MALLE'IT IL \. MeSWMN. ^ 11 L suliscrilii'r turned fr.iiii deei.|edl\ a \er\ r lecte.l st,,, '. . \V:tivUv^ \ Llliliracing all the fashi,,iis. re.-.':iti\ re N'.rtii. with aic! well e- «‘lr>. l.ltl'S S| vll's Mill I ml I.lit. eliUllii •11 th' .-'I. II a- tile Me ■ te It:- linh ■I fre II ^|i ('i)('iiiic;i ! )\ ('-Stiili’s ■ :. I ■ :i I : . r.l- U. M'iiciiM*>. [‘iiints;. :iii(l 1*( rt’unicrN. lie:,l : 1 1.. ir. I le il. T..ntll. Ml nciiial ite.l fr.'iii I . u!;ir\ l’h\ ISM" AK \( ’Kl.l!l!l. in half an.I w Imle Barrel-. fnr sale hy .vS PETER P .lOHNSoN Sept I 1 L'Sfl \ \IA AHLi: l*LAN I'A riON Fob sale. fHj^HL snhseril.er wishing tn change his husiness. of- ■ tei's fnr sale hi'- PL\NT\Tl(iN in Boheson, I'J miles trniii l.iiiiiliertnn. mi the IIarllee>;vil1e Rnad. "!itu- •ite.l 1.11 Aarnii • swain|i, I'ontaining acres, of which ah,,in lull ;ire under cultiviition. 'I'he situation is lie'ilthy aii.l the witer ei|iial tn any in the eounty. The necessar_\ mit-hnuses are in good re- recununenilation which the fertility of the plai e l aii reeeive is tn he fmin l in tilt* cmpof r-,rn and Cntioii now grnwiiig on the Plantation, which all V. hn .h'sire t.. purchase are in\ited to examine. There ' \>ithin li.ilt'a mile i,f the liniise a hold flush Spring, helieved t.i ('niitaiii Valualile mineral pmperties. There is a1s,i V, ithin half a mile of the dwelling house a large new V '.nlemy. in which a ('lassi(*al s kept Term- eas\. ■IdllN W'oi ih.l .v.i.ili h .,. |M.ken II.iw Speaks (lie Smtli— ;a.-. s.mth- 11( ir Ihe Iriliiite ci\ t ii ir» ,iie nl her sons in hi ^ • II llii ie l.e :,.:y Ii.il,ll •. lu-ejiiili.'til as lint to yicirt tn I ..i I.Ml. .11 .11 Iv ill i i\-,iri,r H.'iiiinton'’Vege I v.i.' iiii.tiiie .11 evi = li ieilei »illii'je .'iml ritv whore it hai: tntinil .i ■' I' i.nilelMl lioarl p- ak il, inin.-e Hi 1 M! I!i 1HI. 1, .'..mil ('.ir.iliii.i, .l.iiiiniy 3d i~a,T. 'hi . .Morliiiiei & -Mnw l.r.iv—(lentieiiu ii h'or the last five yeari 1 hue I,.■(•II ;i •■'. e.'e Miii'iTer tViaii Uheiiin-.lisiii, se«*iii{r yonr recon. iiiriiil.iii.iii .ll ll'tai,it..ii‘ \'.'L'f*i;il,|e 'rii)c|i;ic. ( |,uirliM'e(i a l.otile ..ml ihf iirsi ,|,,'e : ii iiiiirli r.'lifVPil iik that I ron-iiilcr it t,iil 1 li.-e t.i iiixe 1.1 i\ie uiiennL' wi.rl.l ihe re-nil ..r ihe ainilicalion. .Mine W-. Ill'll!.' Kheiiia iiisiii ni ihe liarl, ., l.;iii ihal I wascon Kill’ll |.. in', il- tl i,.i Hie I,! I ,.i\ iii.iiuir, 'riie tirst linille acted like . ctniiii ilii -ti. ii.! I! I.lie.I firni'jih lo iny poor atltirlert hack and 1 . Ill i.i.'.i, ■ ■ wt I.l tiiui 1.1 I as vmiii'.; :i when I w:e, sixteen 1 am t. '» eiil\ I.nil yc:u- ol :iL‘e. I .lie iil'-r . ..Ill 'rinrliin !hi' lire.ile-;! ilei .iv ery nt the age, find I -iilierui; hiiir'.iiilv nlii'hl l.ierei t a iiinniiliient to Hr. lla'*iptoti, >\li. h . iM'.l ihi.iiMiiiil- lr..iii p'liii \iid\nii t'rnllemeii, have i, ll ihi pm ft ptilil..^ I.cni I.K'i'.rs in ilisst niinniin}'the lietiefil> Mini h hue re^iiUeil Ir.iih ymir iinaiiiaiilc'I iiirtiire. I 11,1 pl . n I • ;!.iii pl:uiier aii.l liave iievei wrillenl.ir liiernry I i.Mii liiii w I.en lie. i.'liow lieiiiir .are ,ailllrteil. .sli.all I hesitate, ni, ilir. auii iihm;' l\ wiililiiilil .iiiy iiiinrinatinii valiiiiUle to my I'fjlow nir.ii' Sll it ■ ..ll 1 nil-liter ihis w..riln nl .-i jijare in any of vniir ii! i> ^p,'■,pi r '. .HI are :it lii.rriN in make use nl il \fl K KM BALI. lli.iiilil.in'- \ e“f'tahle 't'li.i-inre. \iy il-^ mild Hrtinii on the Stoinarli !.,\t’i :'.ii.i lie' K.i!ni \- Will ( lire liyspo|»iin. Couch, Asthma Ri-.Tiirliial :iiii! I.iii:l' Mlei'tinii' l‘a,iis in tlie l?.ack. Side and llreasl ('.'.iis.iiiip:inn, Si-roliila, l!|ieiiiiiaiisiii. ;f.iil. Neiiralcia. Pi^tnlH' file . r...wel ■iimplaiiit-. WniiiiK, .Verveii-. tieluliiy—'.vith all ili i'ase- -.lisln? Irmii impure I,Inrvj riaili- I he L'reitenI ft male Meiliciiie • V .1 k IliiW 11. I ,i I li..iei I .Mi.iliii'-. I iinlir jii irrli.i-a, itnd .ill ili'C issi inridpnI I I ilie linwels ill ilie -iiiiiiiiei s,.ns,.n il ha- iii.tnnal. ,■^•.1.1 Wh.ilesale .mil lelail hv S, .1 111\.-s|I \ 1,1'. Favenei ille:( . .. II 11'il'nr, \V,1||11III!I..||. Ml ii:ilMi;K Mh\\ HK \V. Itallimore ml ll ■. iirii-i:i'ts L’cii* r.i|'’, . i; \ ilwelling all.I all j. iir. The hcst Uv (ir.o LAnniJt TWO IMMIKS \BO\F. I . T. II \ll.il a MtN .s .M dHI . I'a> «*l «•% ill#'. .lan’y ‘JO, iS'in. '■! 1 \ p 1 NOriCK. choiil is constantly It di'|. I mill I- >1 s'Cl-t I'lil'i ,11], \; ',(1. l.s(." •Jltl I em il I iiin 'iOll I m:s. .ii:\\ iaaiy. \^(^ (.OODS. 'I'lic SiihscrilHT i.- AM) HOVS re in^ :i ' .r^e and well seleeted .''t.ick iild and .'silver S\ atehe" and .h-welry he l:it '-,t r-t\les; .S','.-.- mnl I'hilul I'M. Siher and .•'feel Spectacle.s; Fine Piicket and Pen Kni\es; '!■ ; 'l.ithematie.il Insfriimeni'^; alel ( liailis; llnilhle and single- >si;-: Shot Belts; (i.ime Bags; la- .iiiiient i.f Pistnls; ^\alk'.ng inj; ('oiiilis; Hair, m l ;l- -..I tineilt nf ■t ; rime- ; l-'if. ■.i,.\e \'i.,lin ,'iiid Wnrk rieiv nt' La Clnek'- /> \s p.,rt Moneys; Pncket ;uii f ...th :ind Lather P.rii In -; ■ilid I’eiws; (’lar'iinet- Fla-j.' lei.ii-. Inrg.' and iiiall 'hisi .''triiiL-; Microsciipes: Sj.y ( ( ..ra!; F.i'/ht ali.l (>iie da\ ti i.lti, \c. ,Vc. 1 W 'iich W ill he iild InW. ' '\ll kill.I - nf W.'iti'hes ami Cl.,eks cle.itieil ;im| e.| W PB|(»i!, ’ I 1».V. J4-::m s'n:i)\i w v\ iioum:, •I (•iiiiils, niinlii in\ (• 11>(' rii s, »V'. 8V\ t i:tti:% ii.i.i:, . ll Ml ie-pe,'tliill\ ilil'nrm the citi/eii- aii'l the p.iiilie ^'eiierally. that they liave jnst retnriied Sew 'i.iiV iii'l are iteeiviiiir their .Spring .''tnck Lrii-nv lot (if I'^llA i:i; WAKL ,'^ugar'I'uiiSs, i»iiiiii;; ;iinl tlireatlcd, .1. I*, auil l»ruiis\vii-k pattciiis. i liiittfi' KiiivCs; Allies; ."^alt. ('ri-aiii aii'l .Mii.stanl Sj)0(iii.'. Platf'l • louds; Tea Sets, (Vificr I riis, ’li;iiiiLor ami Parlor Laallf.'stii-ks, ('iistors, Siitriir IMsh, Simfter anil M'ray, Linliis’ Work jJhxc's,— I‘'iill as.sortnicnt of Military (iiiods. ('liirimifts, l-’laiifoji'ts, l'lut('s, l’'it(‘s, Aotaiidcoiis, I'lutiiias, hiia^o Mini 'inall Miisir IJnXe.', (^somo with l*:aiiu acc(iinp;uii!iunt,) N'ii'liiis. iconic very tine lial- iaii. ,1 Stii’vrvoi's’ 'iiin]i;issfs a!il (.Miaiiis, Matlic- inatiral lii'truintMits, l-)yc (Ihisst s jui- Miin rs, vi iy iiiii' i’/izoi-.s ar.d Straps, liin- Srissnrs. I.nrgc 1(,I IVickrt ami 'I’alilc Ciitli'ry. shiik' in sfts i.f Til jHi'ces, I'ocki't Kniv's, with spnnn, fork. I.ladr, ]ihloiii(', \c. Larn'c loi ol w '11 .''ch'ctod doulii«‘- liarnl fliiiis, Puwdt'r r'la.-ks, ,'^hnl Holt'. Luiir llaos, A:c. i'dikI assortnieiit of ('ult's an,! vari- '.it; - ;ai • inn h..t li in . I--;?* .'1 r.im .\i. l‘i:i e,||-ltel\ pi'('pare.|. .Ian v •-;i. I 1,. ).:in. u 'i:ilit\ .'iii'i pr; l:l I' 1 ll IN ' '-h aiel ;.r.d i 1 \UL’-Ust lj‘l. is." B(»W LAN1>. 2;;tf ■fttlL ;\i Fill llotrl. John iiaijman l!i's]M‘ctfnll} iiifmiiis his friiiK the pu'iilii' thai he has rcniiucd ir lintel at the f,„,t nf llaymnunt m tin .'iild mme inmmiidinus ll.ite! in the centre ..| the 'I'owii. reeently ne,'U],i('.| hy \|is P,row 11. and v.ell known as the F iyetteville lintel, where he will he hap- ),v to accnmmodate 'I ravellers and Boarders. .Nn ex- ertiniis nf hit.iself and f.imily will he spureil to remler tli..se coiiifnrt.'ihle wlin iii'iy fa\nr him with their cmn- l,,'in_\, F.i\etteville. N f . .hllie 1 S." •4.10 IS i:\VABS II. \N.\^^.\V Ifiim th*‘stihscriliet. .ihnui tin' I'.th ni' ■ liily, P'S.',!, his negro girl Sarah. Sni.l m-jr-. is ahoiit |ii years of age. hlack. with lafje w!ni, c\es. large liinhs. weighs uhnnl P'.o ji.mr.d' Said girl is suppdsed tn l.e lurki'ig in the neiejihi.r- liond nf .Mr. Isaac W right s ,.r (!en. M,-K;i\ . in l>i;i.leii county. The alinve rewarl will he ]i;ii.l fnr her >lelivery to me, i,r her cnutineniont in ,inv jail in the ,Si;,te ..t' Nnrth Carolina. \\ \1. P.l fLEi:. Clinton. N. 1'., March IL l!s-')';. TTtf ..I II, i; 11 ph. .■ ii.i'. (-.■irr iiiinil.tr 11 .. .' ill ruil p infill I . ii-.-i III.' I.'l,,;i ..r Ml- !i. I,.'. In’-’.i'riiii; ;i ml .' >klll. I 'nrili;. K ilr'l !.-.| III n.i -i.iiii . N f I'civeii flits (ither kinds of 1’isfnls. Hv* kind of ('locks; Walking 'aiic.s, .\lid \ ai'ious I \ery InW. \iignst l;. ither iinti. IS' which 1 r -ix dilVcn-nt Illld like In .^ei; . Bi'ASI.LV l'.t-;:tn ill \\ F, rcceive-i and npeiied the 111:'. (,(I(||)S. (; l!( M F.B I F.S. \1 Inr '-ale. all fif which 1 will -ell as Inv this place M\ I'rieiids :iml customer 111 (londs, ;ire lespei'tfiilly invited to for themselves. PI'/rF.B I'avctteville. . C., Septeiuher |S- H It t kirgl'.st Sti.c'K nl . I ever nlfere.l a an\ hniise in s. .Iild till in want 'all .ind exaniine P. .lOllNSoN. :. 'Jsif 'rilC SllbsCrilM'r still con tinues tn Carry on the C.MJINE'f BF.'^l- NESS in Fiiyi'tteville. and in adilitinii to his Esialilishnient on Bow Street, near Eccles's Bridge, has o]>ened a large W \ RE on I lav street, nearly oppnsite th*' Fayetteville and one iloor l'ast of .Messrs. Haigh it .Smi s, I ,eneral assortment of rilRMTllll^. M;ide l,y competent ami faithful workmen, m.'iy he had at prices cnrresjionding with the times. .\lsi,, an as sortment of Northern-made FrBNITl’RE, selected hy 'It' wliii'h will he sold at rt v('ry moderate advance. I>I'NC\N McNElLL. 10. IS-'il. -«tt MST i{K('i:!\ i:i), A PRIME lot Mountain Bvitter. V New ((rleans and Cuha Molasses, •lava, Laguira and Bio CntVee. Sugar. Rice. \c. V\(iBTII I March 7. IS-'*:;. LldoT'l' 7-'»i f him Niu / hi/ 11','•'I:, 11,1,. , , I hi I'llirii II . d •. 1 .|,ei-. Ill H ll iiit ihle |.,r ihe sea.eili La'lie'- I I ii tit ei.n-ii ■. p. nt , ,''||..e- :,||,1 Slipper' a liirpe af - ' I Mu, 111 ,t re'nly ni:ide • hitliiiie i j.re^it mmiv artn'les '* fhe i nlii. line and we Wolll.l he pleuse.i tn !iU\e 'MU, tl. fi,l! ;i|iii examine for theiic-elves Ml orders sent to our care from our friend . 'iiid tin- '»iiier- will lie prijmptly attended to. March iiO, IHft'-'. ’ 8Jtf liAUCAINS' KAIMJAINS” «LIN(i determined to (|Uit selling Li.iuors, we now olVer a sin;ill lot of Fine MijiiorH at .New \'ork cost :itid charges; vnch a I’l'ench Biaiidy; .laniaica aiel St. ('mix Rinii; Pnrt, M:iiieir.i, .^lalaj;:; and Tenerill'e Wiiu*s; ' ;; Imskets h;\mpapni'. ; .\nchoi Braml;) Cliaiiipagne Cider. \’c. Persmis wishing tn purchase any nf the ahii\(* l.ii|iinrs w’r,uld 'In well tn call and see us. TI’.ON MABSll. .\ilj;. I, l''-’»-’- lli-ll IJMIiKK! LlMiiKli!! L H.Wi; on hand a l.arge amount ol Liimher of T W dilfereiit kinds llooring. wide hoard-. w,'atli('i' hoard:-, -ica nt line. laths, \c.; some nl' whicii i-. pjiitlv season»‘il. -Vlso, a large as.sortnient ol retuse; will i f ell refuse hoard ,ii i/,c niill at >!l jier .M , scantling at ! S!l! and good edged Ijgardfl at Sawed “taves, sea- 1 soned Bille filled :it r hort notice, i JONES BARBEE Greenwood, Cumherlniid, N. C., Aag. 4, 1853. [ITtf M'AV I ;ooi)s. \ W 11.1,1 \MS »E ket'ps ,,n hand an assortment of Fi.sk s ct'lehra- ted METAlddC Ul Bl.\L CASES, wliich have heeii liiglih rec,,iiimended hy Willie P. Mangniu. Henry Clav. I.ewis Cass, Win. B. King, and many nihei il- liistrinus ehnracter'i, wlm have examined and witiies,e.( their iililit\. UKl)r('KI) WWIK. ThrotiLrh 'I’ickt ls Let •.vtcn Wilmington. N. ',. ami Ihilti- niore. FareSil'i, \’ia Weldnii. Petershnrg. Richiiimid. \\:i'h- ington City, nr \ i.l \\ eMoi;. Pnrls. mouth and .Norfolk. Foi- Tickets 'ippl.v at ihe Oflice ,nf the \\ iliiiiiigtnn ;ind Raleigh Bail lioad ('otnjiany at Wilniing- the Otticeiif the I’altimore Sie;im Packet and of the BaltinUiie and (ihio Bail Bnad ton, or at ('ompany, (^omp.aiiy, Pratt .''treet, Baltinmre. .Ian. 1*. IS-VJ. -tl S’VWIH H\ \ E now recei\e,l il pi,rtimi. and expi -ei\e this week tlieir F.NTIBE .ST()(’K (;( K »H.S, cnnsisting nl Sl;i|»l(‘ :iii(l \ I >i s lioots, I lilts. (':i|>s, ( iiil)i'cll:is; \\ It ll ;i •t tn re- if FALL ( «( •( kI":, SIiOC i^)lilM‘ts ;iii(l ilTiiC lot ol u AN'n:i), BBLS. Turp(*ntine. delivered at my Distillery in this place, lor which the highest pricen will he paid. 1 wouhl also empdov two or three good turpentine- harrel Coopers. 1*. " RO(,iER>S. Luinherton, N C . I'eh'y lo. IS-',:!. hHtf K('ii(l\ -i!i;t(l- (’Iniliiiiu, The ahnye Stuck i'- the largest \ve have CNcr ntlereil in this market, and will he sold at WIKlLL.' .\LI'j inr Cash, nl' on the usual lime tor a]ipro\ed note;. Merch'int' are invite.l to i-vaniine mir (ioods. .1 B STARB. .1 M WILLIAM: •\ngu',t l.'j, Ibbv. !'dl 1 BLANKS tor sale at this Office. I Fal! (;>»(ls, 185a. j 1 tf 1‘JOlv ik' UUINSON are now receiving their FAi>L ■ : * SToCK. embracing an extensive assortment of Hiirthi-nit'uiul Cxtkri/, Grocerici, Ct'OcLeri/itna \ ] (,'/iis^ Faints, Oils and Dt/e- ' fogether with thtir usual supply of other Goods, to I which they invite the attention of country Merchants visiting this market. ' Sept. 1'5, 1863. 28-3w Al Ke4lii4'‘«l Priori. HI firs, Shol-( EDWARD K. TRYON. i;tl M., PITH.ai>eLi*iii t. |m« ANUFACTl RER and Importer of l{itles. Shot I tJuns, Pistols. Flasks. Shot Pouches. JHtle Locks, i Barrels, and inalerials for Cun Maker.s use. i Dealers will tind it to their interest to e.v.imine iiu.'il I ities atid prices of niy goods hefore pun liKsinu el-e j where. j •Inly. 18-3::. ll^lC.t JlSTRECElVKDANlvroHSA Li:. LARGF’ No, Mackerel “ “ Herring Fresh Lime Planter Paiia Cement and Plastering Hair j J. W. POWERS o: CU I July 22, 1858. 13-tf or Alr\. ('. l>an\'s 'I'ri- . •..(M.nuil. J*‘i ’iirliinf. Pr* ir» ni,Mlu nin^', !h«- M.iir, iiri iiu' .*nnl llraliti:.' uriiniil i f !' in* s. th»* ri jMii iiinii f\ Knrrv'.'i Triro ;». r\ uir s \ U-- rim.ji. 'Ph*’ >riir »!' tL*» irticlr nf hie v#*hi !■ rt «! il. • I llia« t ProfVssni iVu .* •' » ‘ hi'- Iwmk. hn«ls that th“ f tifll'.-i lo .*r*li*r in «>!' from halt' -t i«\\ .1. l‘ii i;ii: : jj'* ; ..r u aijjii .1 inil«- ni '.i.Vi mh» t I |T. i Jit tl It Il'Jih IIm- r\i«!«. IIC‘*'i >»f lh«‘ W OH rtu v Um i l icnph* w In II Uu- i»ul»Uc liavo tiu I ‘-ll imi' I'* II" I'hr ul llu* :iriirlr ■ i ii»:: I ::i \ f*i nl' rh* nrr-tl :icii*»n M|»**n ihc liau iJir 'C.vip. m.i ill :tli : i' *1 >n}*♦ rfi‘‘I trriinunii. nr'-f r» roir.i?ipni1 I i .r I.* ih«’ :» « i 'li»* j't t iiji*. I li;-- \\;»- all iii.it ih»* iju^nio/ lt '1|« •!. ImiIIIi' :(.fvrrii «‘ij itvnlf. 'fht* rtfer!-; of » \» .Tjlfil rv( c» i ni*Mi. I: ai i \.ki ;« c));irn*. I li* l;uii« s Moulrl noi 1*0 if in i . th#* f’fiile't ' r»*un 1 ih* y Mill-. Iia\* ll arul llm" Iiiiill up a u liol»ial«' tr.'i'!** lo all “\tc?ii hiiin-ri> unlic.trd «»i rt uarils ariic|*>» ti| ihi-* kihil. 'Tli'* Ilii:!!!''! pniiii h » n«*f \v Im ^mi rt'ar!M‘l an«l ii bo 1,1 \rtl ilial iIm’ salt " till" \: ar \\ ill he a inilli«>ii amj a Lall *>1 lioltlr- aixl -MMPlla* it.rv. No. i;5*. Itro nhN a \ . \« u \ ork fN'tai) \}\u v, i ;* laru»‘ Ifoitl*'. (li'i’MMni Ut pmc|i:;v,T'‘ l»v tlic |i»a!UUy. l»y all iht' j»nn. ipai nn n lMuis and ilru^L'i'ts ihroinjli.uii iln l nittal Si:\tC'SanJ t’aiiada. ... LmIh -. t.n at r.rit iiii. !’ranr\ And b\ S. .1 in\>n \i.i: t ;. .curMiu- \.i’. \\n\ rmipdi rilK LAiaJKST SILK. I{IHB(L\. AND IKM Si: L\ NEW VOHK. 'i'lifHiias (w. Sfearttfi, IMPfU’.TEll .WI* .lOBBEB o[ MMvS. MILLINEIIY. A.NP FANCY (ittODS. !■ \t'ff f'iish Ifi'ihih*! A// Itfhiiuu 162 Broadway, W. Y., vs now in Store am! is itaily receiving and ottei iiif! at the Lnwest Prices, a complete nssorlment fiitiOL.'s IN lll.' LINE, coniprisinp; ^ll the \arioU' IVii's and ilesi^'iis. Cfill.sixtin^' o( >l;ick iind l-'juicv Silk>; M;iic«*liue.‘', r'ioi‘iic(‘s. SliMMds, 'l'riHiiMiii*s; Ron- net liihhoiis: 'I'nlKi'l:! :iii(l S.Mlin Riti- !)oiis; l)r(‘s>'rriiiHiiiii^is ol all kiiui.s; l''nil)roi(l‘i i(‘s: I'rcncli and I /Uj2;lisli (')’a|)cs. Crajx* lj>s» s, Silk Cra \aL-'; (iloNOS ol all kinds; Stlk Lac(‘ Mitts; l»ar\u,‘S, f.a c>; \\ (mxuIs, llosioiv, [.. (1 faiidkerclijcls. ! The iin iei-it;.ned Would iu\ite .Merch.'iiits Ironi ihe j Nnrth. .S'..nth. East, and West, niien in the City, to fa I \or him v.ith a call and examine his stock before pui • I i h'i'itu>' : ’I IIOM AS .^'I'KAKN.'S; l»i2 Rroa.lway, i l.'iOi\\een Lineit\' street and Maii.h'ii Lane, N. .lan'y l'>, Is3n pi NLW Mrsic. ti'RE.Sll 'upplv iu‘t roceived Sept 19 E. J. HALE ic SON- tept. 16, 18'53.

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