1 WK/rTFArLLK, N. ()( POUKK (i, [NO. 2‘X).] ■ u'h ,|;iM'f |t in .1 H XKWHV . i)\\ \|!l) J. IIALi: A’ SON. , i,s \\l» I’HoPHir.ToHS. W.-.klv (Kl' (Kt if ji.iiil in .1 ; ii'l lining tli*» ytvir of ";nti--cri|i- .• \ ‘:ir liUN ox|.irt‘i]. ‘ i ii\ K *>•> I'tT if |jnil in ■ I'Mvl iluviiisr tilt* yo.'ii" of >iiihsfrij>- I till'\ •‘:>v li:is i . \H'N I'S in.-t rtcil tor sixt v t’tMit; : i M' tii '-t. :ui>l riiirty ct'iits fftr ■ n \ f:irly :iil\i'rtis»‘nu'iit> l«v sj>o- ■i . 'li'i'lt' latcs, A'l\fvtisois ;ii-v . uuiiitM f of iii^tTtioiis oi 1 l:'l I'oiKitl. fliarjrt’il m-ronl- I li‘ K'lit-.tfv must Ik-jiost jmitl. i\\(h !nn(iLi‘r ami Jeirefei\ r.i r r. r\m.t i'i:\ u.i.r,, n. r,. H\S ju>t ii‘tuiiio.1 troiii tlu' Niiitti. witii :l liliu ll l:Uf;. r stork "f (I Is ; ■ ' !iiu' i'\T lit'fori' olloici la i '}• t lis Viiiong his stook in:i_\ i : .in . - ■ I ' I i > "t kiliils aiul pr'n'os, fVi»in S'' ■ , ; I'liaiiis, :iiul Keys; lircast ! . 1’■ _i i iiiu' stuck of nraco- , *s. ('tiff an.l BtUtoiis; (JoM, ; , ^ : Spu tai U's; SilviT Sjxmiiis, UiitttM- '■ " : I.. i'f'ami ('ujis. Militar\ ImikIs; Avc:ir; l-'ilK' lints; S:itin i\f‘w Cl (>(>!s. •‘^uti.sorihor.s linvf just n'ci'ivt'il ami o|n‘i)i'il, at tht'ir (Mil Slmiil. a very Inruri’ ami liamlsoim* J'took (if Sfftitle attd i'attrtf iPrif 0moofts^ Kinhraoinfr »‘ViM-y stylo anil (pmlity I -lilies' hros-; (loo.Is. Also, all sty It'S ol (ioiuls for (It-ntlt-iiK'n s Moleskin amJ other styles fashioiialile l>ro ami Straw Hoiinot.s; lioot.s ainl Shoes, eti-. i-all )iartieular attention to a s|ilemliil assort ment of K‘:i«ly-iiia«l‘ 4'lolliiii;;\ (*f the very hest material aii'l orkmanshi|t. In our stoi-k may lie fonml all (Jooils snitcii to the seuson, at the \(>ry lowest market |irii‘es. \H j), \\:mt ot (iooils in our line will )iU‘as(' irixi- us ,-i «-:ill. K. li. \ j'. \. i-i:mi!i;kt»>n. H.-iy St., Fayettevilh-, Sept. L’ti. .'itttf II Dit. r. ('. iiM.t. ^S remi,T>oil to the well known stainl of the l»rr Kotiinsiin, -orner of (1 reen ami I'.ow streets Njirit ‘Jl, isr,;;, 4^7,(■ 1^ M. OUKKMm FiiRw iiiiiim; rnniisMo\ vr TayrUt^villo, V. h Id, If-i-'il. ('.‘J-tf *^.>0 I'OI! S.M.K. HOXK.S Manufaetiirvil 'I'oliaeeo. \\f have ill stort“ a lavj;*.* sto»-k of Toliaceo, atnl e\- jieet to-reeeive constantly from W. IJei.l ;iml 'I'lioin !is s ami otiier lactories. an assorinu-nt of i|ualiti's to enalilo us to furnish purchasers ;my iiuality at lowest factory prict“s. 1». \ \V. McLAl lilN. Sept. is.'i;:. :;.itf Mai JOSKI‘11 li\Ki:K, .hi., A TTOK \i:V AT 1. A W , n .\S taken an otiiee next tioor to Wm. I!. U rijrht's Law olhce on Creen Street. lie will alti-nil :iml jiractii’i- in the County :niil Sujierior Courts of ( nm'n-r- laiiil. r.lailen, llolieson ;ind S:im].sou. March ‘Jo. 1X.'):’,. 7‘*-tf ( IIAULKS liAXKS, f' o.vr t: V Ti t:, wiioi.i'.sAI M \M> i;i;t\il i>k\lki: in ll/ll /■’/■»/)'>•, A ('/.s, ('ii/iirs, (/», tS/ini'f s'ricB:irr, Fayetteville, N. C. 7::tf a IHMiAlilAN IJOOrs. W.iter I’n 1 C.\SKS of those snj.erior W.iter rroof " for sale ti\- C(HIK \ .IdllNSdN ^Sejit. L’ti, ls',:l. I’.oot- W; '■ usually kept in a Store of this ■' ’’ cheap tor casli. i.r mi short when their liills are preseiUe.l. ■ ■ I cl, as usutil. l^(»-;'.m UKW Alii). .\i- ri-wiir l f"r the :i]>piehensii.n t-' me, r li.-lij^iiieiit in ('linti-n lie::! -- j^irl .1 KN N \ . Slu- is a ■ mi lc\i'-n. ^milcs w hen -ipoken to, -even iiii hes hijrh; i- suppd-.e.l to .11 s I'fp-.t hijrh; ..r C. U M hen. r, M(»i;i;.' IVtf • , i ,(ili_ ).Mlcii:i'el Ml'. ’I'lii.-. S. I'i^tii^ i \ iii'l ( ....per shop-. liMve en iit-i'hip uii ler the n:iine i.;' .Mcl,-iurin .• !!-p ■ I- 1.1 carrv in^ ..n the l)ist ,lle riiltlo- n;-nufaitvu e i.t Spirit ri.ii 1». Mcl.M KlN. W M Mel. \l ItlN •l.\S. V,. STKANdi;. Tint .1. W. l’.AKi:ii Is now rcci'iviii^ iVntii tho Xmlli the lar^t-.st, tiiiest, atul ninst caivl’ully s*.'- lecte'l sti ck of ri K.\iTi Ki: • ever otlereil in tlii.- m.-irket: v\hich. a.Me.l t.. his own ■ manufacture, makes his as'..rtmciit c..ia-.lete; all of ; which he will sell on the lowest i.-.'-'itile terms for c^isli ; or on time to punctual customers. l-'iiie Hose 1 I’iaiios, r.eiini-t X ( ■"'s. ..f lli'..:i.l 1 way. New \ ork, i ta-^hionalile ji.-iinte.l c.itta-,;e lie.l-r-iom l-’urniture in setts; curleil hair an.l shuck, aii.l cittou Mattresses: l.ookin^ (ilasses; \Vill..w \\ aprons anil ( ra i lies; Patent Selt-Swiiiu^inji ( ra.!!!--; Siile i;.. iri|>; I’.ii- re.iu-; Secretarie>( ami I!.. ^k-(’a-t\\ h.it-Not-; TaMe', i all .-'orts; \Va'li Staii'ls: ('an.lie Stan.I>; ar.lr..>ics: I’ic- ■ ture Krames aiiil (ila--: Wiiiili.w Sh oles; ( .ii-niccv: Cur ; tain l?aiiils; Sola' in .Mahoj^any an.l VSaliiiit; 'I’ete a I I’ete.s; Ottoman.': I>iv;ilis ali’i St.t iiaii' -! every v:irit‘ty. Septem'ier. l>''i;’.. 'ntf Marcli 1. I So;'.. .1. i:. LAW Sia.V r.U.VTKlR^ Fayetteville, N. C. Septemlier, lS i:i :ai f.m u. II. ( \i{\ i:k’, DK.M.r.R IN lh')j (I nods. (Ii")('rus, and l*rot'isiims^ -ill iloor from .N. I’, corner ^larket .''ijuare, next |.i |i dec's Hat Stoi-e, (ireen street. FAVK'ITKVll.I.K. N. (’. Ml kill.Is ot I'nnhice taken in exchan;re loi-Cmoils. Spirits WaiilfMl. •'^I^ll!' unilersirneil will pay' cash for Sjiirits Turpon- I fine, (in f;ooi! order.) allow iiifr a fair ni.-irpin to )iay inciileiital expenses in seniliii}; to a freiieral market. When parlies prefer to shij* on their own account, the umlcrsi^neil will make lil'.*ral cash ailvances (for the usual coiiimissioii) on all S{irit.s anil liosin |>laceil in their hamls for shipment, - frivinjr the owner always the Option to sell in \\ilmington or ship tf» New \'ork. ill'A). W. WILLIAMS .S: (’(». •iiily t'l, IH’in. Htt (’. i\ Ll'il'/ri'i—l*rrson Sfrrrf^ fS re-eiving l>i-y Ciooiis. Ilanhvare. (Jroceries. lioots, ami ShiK s, Heail, - Made Clothiner. and Saddjpry. ■ _ALSO- iJil lUil.s. Me-s I'ork. l! i -‘ No. •’> Macker«-1. ■J.') '• Scale Fish. I** Kits Sahiion. ■\lso. (lovinan I’rasive Soap, for romovinjc frr(*ase .-•liots from Woolens and Silk. All of which he otler.s low lor Ca-h or I'ro.luce. C. K LKKTI'. Sept. ‘J7, It')'.. ;‘i(i-lm mwm k Ji'im I’, No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. i onmsHio^ Tii:ie iiA.\TN Tin: SALT. (»F ALL KINI»S OF nrmix ami wikilli-v mkiiim-ik^ ,im) ‘•‘ II a IB II I’a «* I II !•€* r ’ A i* I i • I v Of r,vi:in [»i:sci{i|'Tion (’(MiiprisiiiLi' l»fhiiiLl, (’iinl ('lotliiiij^, I li(>!>l»iii'-. Siiulllcs. I*ick«‘rs, Holler j Skins, liollci' ( loth. Oils, &c. I l»ec. III. is'rJ. 'I'J-ly Thf ljttr;irsf i'ltrrin^v t'tirtoi't/ in fhv Sonth! s r A MI: R [ I f: n i i/n' a , r j’^JIKOl'dll from A. Wes.sell's wharf in Wilmington, I to her old wharf in Fayettevilh', with ti sufTieient numlier of Flats to accommodate those wishing to ship tliroufrli or way freifrht. It. M. OKlvELL, A^eut at Fayetteville. Sept. IH.’jo. "JTtf 'rm: sika.mkh “sun.' fBlIilS new and very liiiiit draught Steamer has eom- menced ninninjr, thoufjh not ijuite tinished. She is takinjr freifiht, drawing only 1:! inciios water. She ]iossosses snnerior advantages for low water service.— She has also a larp* amount of warehouse, shed and wliarf room, wlier(* N;tval Stores fir oth-r treight may lie stored with safety. K. M. OKUF.LI,, Ag t. Seiit. 1(1, is:,::. 27tf i'UKi(;irri\(; on cwim: i kau. fU'^in-' suliscrihers having purchased the Steamers M l-'vergreen and Southerner and 'I'ow lioats, lately the property of tlie Henrietta Steamhoat (.'onipany, are now prepared to forv\ard with d‘spatcli, hetw>eu Wil mington and Fayetteville, all freight;^ or goods entrust ed to them. F. N Favetteville, Fe)»'v I t, T ((ludltlc l\nrn Ijols For Sale. ON Friday the 21st of October, I shall sell at public sale, a numlier of'I'own [.ots situated at the Depot on the North Carolina Railroad where the Fayetteville and Western I’lank Hoad crosses said Railroad. This Pe}iot is in the south part of Guilford county, sixteen miles south-west of (ireenshorough. and 17 miles south east of Salem; it is the highest point on the Kailrotul, in a healthy country, a I’lank Road is already con structed from it to Fayetteville and constructing and extending westward through Salem to the mountain counties. This depot, heing the nearest point on the Railroad to those countios and by IMank UoaJ making it of easy access to them, must, if capital should con centrate at it, make it one of the most importunt depots on the North Carolina Hailroad. Terms made known on day of sale. SOl-OMON KENDALL. September (I, IH-'i.;. u p 27-ts lO .V .1. II. li-ii Fcbv r..;V M. ill f'SON, no f 's t: r, im, vtm:t:, Fayetteville, N. C. March -J'.'. is: \-\ WOiM'li \ I'JJJO'i'i', SI rssoKS I n .1. i>. \\ 11,1.1 \ >is,) i (>i:w.\i:i*i.N(; .'t co.ximission .MKIH'li A.N'l'S, 1' \\ i.rTi.\ ii.Li;. N. c ■: iil.li OK II Al.l. \ .lull.N \. W OK i ll. F-'t.ruar. h'. Is I III. I \\ . I*. I 1,1,10 I I'. ti Ki/riiA\ |{Or,K!lTS. t;Htf to .Yln*(*haiit!!). 'i'ili{Or(^H iiV DAY LKJliT. fB^lIK swift and commodious Steamlioat .Mice, ('ajit. M. Sam’l IJeery, will commence her regular semi- wci-kly tri)is between Fayetteville and Wilmington in a tew days. Those who desire their goods with certain ty and dcsjiatch will obtain them by shijijiing by her. hue notice of days and hours of deiiarture from each plat-e will be given, (loods consigned to .1. H. lllossom, .V.irfiit, will be (iromptly ;ind carefully* forwarded, as usual. ,\u;rust 1^'>:1. i;.ii, istf •S'li J.Mi lOOO pai.l t..r Turin-ntine. \S hite k .r .\she Heading, ( all on w111 alw-iv' 111- f'lun.l lit tiic Still. Mcl.Al KIN \ STIlANdi:. 7"tf 1 OH saij:. \4'KI> Ol' i.A\n. ■ I' :T-r- ? -r '.-le his valuable l’l.\N i: .c 11 I- llllly. -.11 !i ith side- III the Mth \\ I >t Ilf F:i\ctt>‘\ ille ;in.| Lumi-rr llnd;;e. tiif teiininu- • ! - S itli. I ll l'!:iniv 111.a.I. ! u tl.ri-1 f.ir an invoimtut, • i ill th^s p:ift of tlic c.iiiiilry 1 densely ci.vcie.l with p'Ile. n-lit t.- a-- pci -..11 eii-.iucl in rh>- cieare.j l:i||.| -i 1 ..ill 11•• i I. .1 III anv / /// VLW \VS . SToVKS .V v:llie.| as- •tail. l>y .li|!ie I-.. 1''.-. AM)Ui:\\ s*s II (ir (tnd Sfoi'r Drjinf. ..II haul, (’ii.kiiiir. aii.i !’ A LSI I • t' Tin arc, C W. at wholesale \M»i:i:us. \l irkei .s.|ii:iri •Jill It f yjf tiiltcL' Roofin'!; im! iiiittt niii^, ONF in the bc-^t mani.cr at ic liici- l pric'.-. c w \Mii:i;\\s. Market ,Si(U;ir’ June t). Is,'. ,. IJi'Hif l> ■| i>i 11^ St - pi-ililctive -ilpi ! 1 Teriii' liberal. \Ki in. \ 1 I'-V-.. ^MITII. 17tf Hikes 4%’ •Jtar i^nrcci.^'i’s. ■ntri'f //i/y Iiilif / Sf i ' f-y if I i ■' ■: V ■f I \l;Li: L\M)S I'Oii SALi:. lilt tiiiu, sitiia!- .1 st-veiiteei) .11 ' f-r*'.'i. -in.l eighteen fr.iiu • fi itii llarl.. c-;ville, c..ntaiiiiiu- ■ ■ 1 til. bf't •-..It.Ill an.I pr.ivi'ii.n • 1 iiiii- improvemr-nt'. well wa- :!i_\. and the bf*t '■taiid tor a • re i\:' - be*-n o' 'iIi it in-ca tv with r.>..iut i.ne hull 111 cli-ared Ian.I in -i very hit'll ■ I iJie v ’;;c.l p!-..cee.ls of them e w \ i f i-\en hands I will ir*- i. .r U :i bir:;er tract i.-s de- if: i t =.t land a ljoining it that ren ,!)iiable teriii'. I'list nf' thf h'ntt> I ill> FKTfl;\ li.l.L, N ( argc 'lock 111 (ijll'li tly from Ini{ \M» irters aii'l ^L•lnll i-ll ti. I’hy >iciMii' .'iii.l ('■ nn ill a.Ivalice. i.n b in.I. i.f the bi- t .|Uality. thi-ir Iiii-. liaviti^; ma.jc ar with e-itablivhe.l h'.iisc in y. Mil FILMOUK '•Jtf N i: iiA\ i: ON w \M> i:-. c .tbe. \larii-ai^::. •Mid /; = .pe. ■I F.n r'i.-h Ir.iii. 11• an 1 1II X 1 "J. \I..'0 Vl’iK n.iW receiving MKI»K INKS, lir l.iciiirers, which they will try Merchants at a very sii Tht-y w ill keep c..nstaiitly every variety of article' in rannenieiit-i to that ettccf Ni-w Vi.rk. Their .Stock havin^r very carefully sele.-ted. and purchase.1 f iri’a'h. will eimble them to reciiiiiiucnd confidently all thei liriiir-. .and to -cll them at v. rv low rate-i. They solicit a rc:t--iinable share -1 the p:itr..iia.je ot' the putilii-. April l'--.'‘ "''tf I'oit s\u: oi: ui:\'i\ fj|\HK fine ,si:.MMi;i; 1:i;sII»i:NC1: now miuiiii-l liy i Mr. .1. F,. liryaii, two mile- West of tnwn. I’l.s- session given immedintelv. .\].ply t'. Mr. .lohn H. ( ok or- C F,. Leete. S. A. LliLl'K. March I*;. 1».'.:!. 77tf NKW S'i'OC:i\ Ol' nprim; \\\\ Ni inii:i{ iiooiij;. S'i'AliU \ \S iiJJ Wl.s, uiio(.i;s.\i.L IH,\i,Li:s i\ i'ori'iit; n niitl MPomrstir IPrt/ €m4totls, IIA % >>'riei:!ri', Fayetteville, N. C. .1. It '1 \Hi: 1 f-i 'c w ii.i,i.\M'. .\pril Js, lx.,-J. ‘MHf II. i.. iioi.Mi:s, Attorney at Law, Wiluiiugton, N. 0. Ol Fl( K ..11 . .riit i ..1 I'l nr an l l‘i nc- -trci t--. lUidct .liilini.tl •■fiice. I>ec. 1-J, I" If .1 \S. ( . SMi'I'll \ ('(>., i'artors^ WII.MINCTON', .N (’ I'alliclllar :itteiitinn pai-l t.i fie sale Tiapentine. rimbcr. Lumb>-r. an.l .luly -Jl. I''-'-:: JIISCIMI it. liLOSMI.M. (' o n ^11 I o \ Wl* I'OiiW Ai;!M\(.’ MI:K('II \n i\ H B I'.srr.i'TFI LL\ inform* bis friend'^ an l the pub- Bfc lie. tliai he ha-i built u)i large substantial I’.rick I’lUiliiiii;,' at his ( lid Stand, c\pre^-l\ for manufacturing ( ani.-.-i--. Thankful for the very lilicral jiatroliage he ii:i- ii i i-ived f'.r the last 1 ye:ir', he hopes by strict atteiiii. i; to bu>-ines'. with a .Ic'iie to give s;itisfa'-tion. 1.1 iiii-rit a coiitiiiiiance ol' the same. He warrants his w. tL to l.e Iiiadc 1.1 the best man-rial ainl by experience.! w i.rkliii n in each branch of the business. His w ork will ciinip.irc l'a\or;ibI\ willi any iii.-id in tin' I nile.l .''tale-. 111!- nealnc's and diirabilily. He is .b-lt-iniine.l t.i 'cll mioI .|.i any work in his lini* on ,-is L'oii l t(-rm-- a - any work done el'^ew here that is as Well diiiie. He le-vv bus on ban.I, FIN I' III-: 11, tlu- L\U i;i:sr stock of ^litirotich( lkoc/)'tiit'((ii'>, anil (S. l'.\i r ..lb rcl ill this pl:ic,-. ami a \cr\ large st..ck ot w..ik loarly tini-he.l, which will bi-tini-'lie.l daily. .Ml ..f which will be 'obl very 1 ivv f.-r Cv'ii, or on short time i'.]iunctual customer-'. I-'.- He has mi hand more than >\i; II!MH:|;1> \M» FIFI'i \ehicle-. fmishep ail.I in cui-'e of ci.ns!ru«-tii.li, \ll Work nia'h- b\ him i-^ w,-ii-r:iiite.l I'J months with fair U'ii^i . nn.l -ii niM it f.iil t.y ba-1 workmanship ..i- m-iti-i ial wMl lie rep-iire.l free of charge, I’, i-.iih' wi'liillk to buy «'*uM 'io well to c;ill :U)d ex inline |..i thclii'eU I" I 11 del' 1 h-1 Ilk full \ receiv c I tile I pri.llljitly at I •III le. I t". THOS. .1. .lOUNSON —HAS .Jl'ST KK'KI\ Kll— BHLS. NKW ORLEANS MOLASSKS, 10 do, large Yellow I’lanting Potatoes, (idOO lbs. Northern l’>acon. oOOO lbs. N. C'arolina do. KK.IO Jiusliels (lats, I’loiigiis ami Castings, Hlacksiuitlis' Tools, 17 hhds. Cuba .M olas.ses. LSO— I light four-horse Wagon, and I Buggy, I Harness Horse iS:c, TII(>S, .1. .lOHNSoN, Person St. Ffiyetteville, Feb'y l!S. ls');t. 7*2tf JBteiY' ('AMPP.ELLTON PROPEHTV FOH SALE, T, .F. II licpaii in- b|e term M.tv -.'s, |s at 'Imrl li.itii and .|i: 111 ver\ rea- '.•"tf f Spirit ther 1‘r.i.lni- 1 ‘J- 'Jill I’lO'in, rgiiiosi wh M will ].lc';--:e -.'III me prii.r to the 1 -t of bili!.M-I- in.lulu.'iK May I" !:;. W lii» oil III liavi NO'i'K'i:. in.lebted to me by N’ole or Account the - inic \nd all debt-^ du- -in'v l'' )-^ Ml 'T be settled, as aTin..T b« \ M(-KETH\N "stf iri ven. \ 9* meiit p..I i I .- I’r.impl per'-oii il attentii.n ^;ivcn to all C.in~i^'ii •iii.| C-i'h -I'lvalii c ma.le ..n I’l-.i-liice to be ship other pi.ri' 111- Sol.I 'n thi-; m:irket. . I J. 1'' .;;, '•7y \\ iLKiNsoN vV i:su:ii, i)i:\i,i;i:s iN ( *■ > II t * I'f n m if t If ^ tiiriitfn I'ri/it^^ I ijhiii'i' iiii'l Snujl^ AN1> IMPoilTFns OF >i| l*i:iCI4»U IIAVA\% 4 14;.lies, ,\ r W Ml (I,K,S.\ IK. AM* IIKTAII, Market St., Wilmington, N. C. n> V ('lu rii'i/' I'sfi'hfisltninit nn thr Mililmj/ ( I /'f * /#, /III Ml tli'ii?i>i/ i'll lirr/i, /'roll f I III/ I'll Mmnfill’ll Sfriit. All; 11, 1 Itf aliil we I (ietu rr ■ II, r- ip. 11 i-rri li- . r. SnuH. Indi;iii. .Miid.ler. Span ib-ratUs. .M-1C(-. Clover., ^’e.'lst -i iiitine aii'l Tallow Candles iiieiit o! I’rm iions. Hrvlioods. ''HE subscriber is now receivintr a lar.'' selei-ted stO(-k ot (ioiiHS, coniprislng -oitment of ( i()()| )S, IvfiuK -lii:i(lc ( lotlilliLr, i it(»()ts and Shoes. I lats ;iiii Caps, i lardw ar‘ and ( ill l‘r\ . (* r xcncs, Satldclrv \c., cVc. in.l Cutlery. ( rockery and | whii-h will In* -old low for ('ash. or ex(-haiiged for Tur I pentine :ind Country I'n-.luce, i\ prii-e ii:ov f..r i-ash. good .M\i:SH. •.'7tf He returns his warme't thank-- to bis old friends and cU'toniers for the liberal patronage heri-tofore exten.Ied to Itiiii, and liopes to merit -t conliiiii.-iiic( UoUl.irs 1 Alii. 4 r if s t It I I* if I a r e. '"rig '.ew \ ..r;. r travelling throiigli • :ir. 'ili.-l, sh'illM jir-.paie theiu.-elves by \. li \ K i;i! s. siuni I.t till- I’.i;. (.1111. ojipo- I 111 I-. w here they will fmd a iar^re assort- 1 .1:1 ingb- b.-irrel Shot (iun-, lliili-s an.I i;^:it;es: ('olt's Kejieafing, .Mlen'^ Ite- • II - lb pealer an.l self-primiii” Pistols. .f tlie s.inie, N. KINC. h'i-tf It iiidtlume Hags, I’ercussion C;,!,!- h m.-tkc: also a large assortiiieiit of b(- -oM at the lowest ca'h .t ever 111.lice ■ thing in the (iunsniith line will in the best manner, ami for a .] .-.I': taiitly on han.l ■ » in :ilited to shoot 'r ' I 'liiii! to piin-li:. I- any 111.I manufac- :n !''M to '.1(H) ot tin .it.i.ve 'w ell to Lii -. e nil- a t rial. .M, i. I!,\KI.1!. Sir'll of the W ooih-li (inn. ti'ii t, Iip|,i)site the Post OHic IJtf Kingsbury, ,\pril lii. Is.):!. I'l iiiMvX'i'iM': \\ A\'i'i:i). L will p.-iy until fiirtlier notice, the hi M jirice for .\u^iist 'J'.l, l>^') hest cash rurpeiitine, McLAI IilN \ STI{\N(ii:. !, -o-tf KM( S\Li:. "Mi oi:t \i;i.i; .iwei’.mj. i„,„ i Ill’ll :d The '.11. t . of ■II I.) the ' 1, I-:;. , with all neces- lli ^ro- d i-ji:ii|-. toiii llier witii abiiv.- iialiie.l lan.l town. ,\ bargain 'Ubscrib(-r, WILLIAM P MALLLTT. HJtf ;s uiijoining liiav be hud liiv‘i*v Stiililrs. The tiudi-r.sigiif'd contiiitir to carry «.n the I>I\’EI\V lU’Sl- , Nl-^SSat this [dace. They have lately largely increased their S'ock ' and can now otfer to the public :is good Horsi's, Carriag-s and Dri- vt-rtf as can be found in the .South- ern (-oiintry. Thankful for th(' large jiatron- ( age lieretofore extended to us, we solicit a continuation of the luiblic lavor. We promise a satisfactory trip to all who may wish to trav-l. Stables at the V> est end of Muniford street, v.hure one of the Projirietors may always be found, or ; ut the Store first door East »d' .Mr, Luttei-loh. .1. W. POWKI'.S & CO. Fayetteville, Fch'y71V II ,\ \ 1'^ received and open«‘l the largest Stock of 1>KV iOO|»S, ;|{OCFI{lES, Xi-., I ever idfered for sale, all of which I will sell as low as any house in . this )jlaci‘. My friends and customers, and all in want ^ of (ioods, are respectfully invit(-d to call and examine for themselves. PETEU P. .JOHNSON. Fayetteville, N. C., September 18o«. 28tf MALIJ'/ri' \ i*Al i.Mll'.li. 4mrorrrs tiHft 4'oniisiissiott •fl'rr- I'roiii NEW YORK. 1*. MAI.bl'.TT,] 1-1 IVMLMIKlt .\llgl|-'t lb. IS.’i'J. 1st! T. C. WORTH, rini>iissi(i\ AMI riiKWARiiiMi Mi:K( i(r\T, \\ II.MIN(i rON, N. (’. Fe>>. 1, is.'.:',. ('.(Itf w iijjAM A. (;\\ N i:i{. Fol!W.\ itlilN(i ,\NU COMMISSION M l’.l!( Ml .\N T, \Viliiiiii;;loii, .\. i\ 0 I'^’iSoN L attention givt-n to the sale ot- shipiiient Jl of .N.-ival .Stores. I have ample t'acililies fm- con- diH-ting the business; large wharf and slot-(- ,sheds to keep spirits from exposure, ,\.-ival stores « ill be shipped to anv house in N(“W ^ ork, ot- to other markets ii advi sable, nnd liberal (-ash advances m.; le on consignments. 1 refer to the following distillers; F,. Hantium, Wayne county, E. II, Woodard \ Co,, E.-irpsliorough, W. Far)), A. i. Thornton, .lohnston county, P.ridges .S: Uurham, “ 1>, llocatl, “ “ .Spencer Foiintaiii, “ “ H, l']atman, “ *• Smith. Hryaii *V ('o.. “ P.. It. Iliiiiiant. I’si|, “ Lovett Ft*aco(-k. ('olumbus county. Messt-s. .loiies Li-at-li, Fay «t t(-ville. May -20, iSo:;. (;in:A'i' iv\'i'i:Ki*iiisi:! i':iv«‘lt4‘vill4‘ is fo ^ I H E Subscribe!-' w oiild respectfully inform therl I frit-nds and the pulilic. that they have entered into copartnershi]i fm- the pur]iose of conducting the generai (' \l>l>l.\(iE I’.l SlNL.'^.s in all its various jiarts. ,\nd lieiiiir both |.radical wot knien. fully understanding their liii'iMes-;. they have no lu-sitation to comjiare work with anv e.-tablishmeiit ill Fayetteville as to style and dura bility, (ine of till- linn may be known by reference to H. Whitlield's iron work tor the last two yearx, Wt- warr.-iiil all woi-k to jiivi- gen«-ral satisfactioti fot- twelvc months. I'lcpairing done in the neatest manner low for (-ash. Pilot Mountain. ■'HIS (Jn-at \.-ifiiral Curiosity is situated in .Surry ('ounty, N. ('., two mib'S west of the Stokes line, on the main i-oad lea.ling from .Salem west—distance ■J’> miles, (M-rmanton 1'' miles, llethany 17 miles, and within miles of the .Stage line from th* above places across the lllue liidge )>y .Mount .\iry to the .Suljihur .Sjirings in Virginia, The height of the Pilot Mountain isays Prot'. ('aldvvi-lll is K-'iO feet above the level of (ir.-iS'V Creek, which is the nearest stream, 'I’lie view from th(- Pinnacle is said to be the (iraiidest of any other )ioinl in the .Southern States, embracing Kings Mountain in \ oi-k i)ist,, S. ('., Parissis Mountain in Spartanbiirfrb. S, the Table Hock in (ireenville Ibst,, S. C,, all of which are loo niile.s or more distant; a full view of the lllue Hidge froin North East to South \Vest, -iiid the .Mlegaiiiiy as far as the eye can rcai-h, the Peaks of Itter, the P.utl'alo Hump, and many other ]ioints in Virginia, ,\ view into four States can be had !it the same tiirie. The Pilot for the last season has been much visited by strangers from all jiarts of the I nited .States. The ast-ension to the Pinacle is now safe by steps and ladders trom the House kept by the .Subscriber, one and a h.-ilf miles Si^uth of the Monntain. \ good car riage Road within six hundred y ariN of the Pinnacle; a good (iiiide will always be ready to wait on strangers, .No jiains will be spared to wait tm visitors and make them comt'ortable with every thing the country at^ords. The Staliles arr well sujijilied with corn, fodder an.l hay. Near the House is a tine Mineral .spring, the jiroperties ol' which are .Sulphur, Iron and Magnesia, lni,aite for the .Subscriber's House, ;is he is the sole ! priiprietor and ownei of the Pilot Moiint.-iin. WM. CILLAM. ,1 line 'J~>. I S'i ’ ‘.'-tf MPetmniHon'>s imfirot'i'fi NON-i:\PLosivI: lamp, I FOR RCHNIN(i FLlTH ANH I*!NE OIL Patented .lanuary r-th, IS'*!*, fBlHE suli.scriber-. having just received a lot of the ft above I,AMI’S, call the attention ol the public to ' the same. Tin' rijrht to vend the Lamj) in the difl'erent I counties td' the .state will be disposed of at a reasona- ’ ble jirice. Call and see them, .Uso, 1(10 kegs White Lead. .'»(• nr. .Sulphate of (Qui nine. .lu't received. FOl'LKS .-t MACHAE, August :J(>, lH;')o. ^iJtf OFFiri; OF Tin; Cai*i: I'i;ak a.m) } ‘ Dr.Ki* Kivkk Namcation C'omi’aw. ^ STOCK FOR SALE. * ri'^HE Stock of the following perstms in the C. F. .y ' J l>. H, N. Company will )>c sold on Wednesday, : the li.th of N(H'EMP>El{ next, at the ('ourt House in i Pittsborough, said subscribers having failed to pay j their subscription to the original Capital Stock of said Coiniiany under the original Charter: - $:>() Hi:\\ AiU). AN.WV.W from the subscriber on the 2Sth of May last, a negro boy called \\LVIN, nineteen years old, height about feet S inches, weight about I'iO lbs., a black negro, had ear rings in each ear when he left, no clothing recolh'cted exi-ept a darii blue over coat. This boy was purchased of Hr, .John McNeill of Hobesoii (“ounty, about the 1st of May. The above re ward will be paid for his delivery to me or if lolged in a .lail in this .State. It is very probable he is in the neighborhood of his former owner. .HHIN WaDDILL, .)r, Fayetteville. N. C,, .June IlO. 7-tf \ AIJ AI{IJ: IM.AXTA'PION FOR SALE. fjl^HE subscriber wishing to change his business, of- JL fers for sale his l’Ii.\NT.\TloN in Robeson, 12 miles from Lumberton, on the Harlleesville Road, situ ated on .\aron's .Swamji, containing 7(10 acres, of which about 10(1 are nndci- cultivation. The situation is healthy and the water etjiial to any in the county. The dwelling and all necessary out-hoiises are in good re- [lair. The best recommendation which the fertility of the place can rec-eive is to be found in the crop of (’em jind Cotton now growing on the Plantation, which all who desin- to |iurch;ise are invited to examine. There is within h.-ilf a mile of the house a bold flush Spring, believed to contain valuable mineral properties. There is also within half a mile of the dwelling house a large new .\cadeniy, in which a Classical school is constantly kept. Terms easv, loiiN A, Rowland. .August L’(», 2otf 'I'lio Snl)scrilK*r still con tinues to carry on the C.iBlN'ET UUSI- NE.SS in Fayetteville, and in addition to his Establishment on Bow .Street, near Eccles’s Bridge, has opened a large WARE HOOM on Hay street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel, and one door East of >lessrs. Haigh & Son’s, where a iM-neral assortment of IHUl.MTURE. Made liy competent and faithful workmen, may be had at prices corresponding with the times. .Also, an as sortment of Northern-made FURNITURE, selected by himself, w hich will be sold at a very moderate advance. DUNCAN .McNEILL, Nov, 10. l«ol. ;8tf UE keeps oil band an assortment of Fisk's celebra ted .MET.VLLIC BUR1.\L (WSES, which have been highly recommended by Willie P. Mangnrn. Henry clay, Lewis I’ass, Wn.. H. King, and many other il lustrious characters, who have examined .and witnessed their utility. *^0.000 .1 \MK II, Pir.i; Favetteville, ■J-J. is, I’lKl: vV r.K.lMN. •lv.Mi:s P.tiwix. I'l-Jtf .1, H, Hofhwell 1 Nicholas Clarks 1 A, P., Hothwell 1 'riiouias B, Long l! \\ . O, .letfreys 1 P., .1. Hackney O .lohn ,\. (’ox 1 o, 1». Petty 1 P. (.iard 1 .1 .-lines D. Pullin lo .\ndrew \'estal 1 .John .M-Kellar 1 C C Tiilly 1 (i. W. Hight 1 O .\ndrews 1 .lames Brown 1 .lames Hutton .lohn W, Lane I A, N, Beth 1 (ieorge Wilcox 1 William Watson r> .lohn W, Hooker 5 W illiam Smith 1 (!. M. P.razier .lames McOary 1 M. C, (Jardner F, B, Hrake I •loiin .\, .McDonald •> W. F, Collins ■"» .1. M. Walker 1 E, Fooshee 1 W. H. Hughes 1 O, W. Lindlev 1 Charles Bright 'M-.V I and .Sheetings, foi- sale TIU>V .V .MAHSII, .ISif ' 1 LD.Mt FALLS ('otton Yarn at Fa»-tory prices, by .May .'iO, l.s.V;:, I'ISM! 1-ISII‘: &8 ,\CKF.REL in half and whole llarrel'-, for .«ale by PETEI! 1’ .IDHNSON. Spt, 14. liStf (>ULI> resp«'ctfiil]y inform the public th.-it he is still at his old stand (-arrying on the above business in all its branches. He returns thanks for the liberal ]iatronagi‘ h(‘ has rcceivi'd. and hopi-s by a strict .-ittentioii to business, an.l a ib-sire Io please all and give geiier.-il s.-itisl'.-iclioii, to merit a continuance ot the s.-iiiie, lie warrants .-ill his woik to be made of the best ma terial and bv ex pet-ienced woi-knien,- ii.-iving a more i‘ I'/’ii'ii iiri il and /iriirhfiil Siniih, he thitt(‘rs hiliisidt that his woi-k will coiiij.ete v\ilh any made in the .St.ate for style, elegaiK-i- and dniabiiity; and should any of it f.-iil in twelve months (with tair usage) either in workmaii- sliiji or material, he will repair it free of charge. Persons wisliiit'.r to buy, would do well to call and ex- jimine his work as he is detei-miiUMl to sell low for cash III- on short time. Orders ihankfully received and ]iromptly attended to. I{|-;i*.\! i;i.\(J neatly executed at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, .Ian. tiO, 18-'>3. 63tf I’.y order of the Board, ilE.NBV .\. LO.\|)(*,\. Treasurer. Piitsboro'. .Sept. 7, 18o:!. 'J7-ts It i.vif s V\ A.N'l'Kl), BI5L.S. Turpentine, delivered at niy Distillery in this place, for which the highest jirices will lie [laid. I would also emjiloy two or three good turpentine- barrel Coopers, D. W, ROtJER.S. Lumberton, N C.. Feb'y K), If'oM. tjHtf Jl s r RKC KlVKl), fj^HESH TE.VS. — Extra Fine “Hyson,” Finest “Imiicrial.” Very good “Voung Hyson,’' .Superior ‘•Oolong. ’ __also_ OO ounces (Juinine, ‘JOOO lbs. White Lead, For sale bv S, .),'HINSlbVLE, Sejit, 1'.', Ds;"):’., >iAiii$i.i: .1 !. yoiK WllKAT, CORN. SAW MILLS, jp.s-II ^ i illST Mill .Spiudler Balance Irons and Drivers, Inks and (iudgeons, Hotchkiss Water AVheels, Hacks and b’ollers, kept -oristantly on hand, ;ind for sale. Wt- also make (iearing and Shafting for Wheat. Corn, S.-iw Mills and Factories. .Steam Engines of any aower rcjiaired. (irate Bars and Furnace Fronts kept on hand. We wish to make additions to our m.-ichinery pnd tools; to enable ns to do this, those indebted by not(^ or account will ]>lease come forward ami settle. HALL & BOLLIN(JER. March I'J. IS-V’.. 7titf l\and()l{>li Sln*(‘tii)o and (’ofton Varii, For sale bv WORTH & ELLIOTT. April 18-53, ' 87tf By {iKO. LAUDER. TWO lllUIRS ABOVF T. T. IIAilill & SOWS STOKH, I’. .lan’y l!0, 18;'):!. (Il l VjhI XOTK’i:. S*iO Ki^U AKII. ANAWAV from the subscrilier, about the I'jth of ■ V .Inly, 18") 1, his negro girl Sarah. Said negro is about 1C years if age, black, with largi' white eyes, large limbs, weighs about l.‘!0 pounds. Said girl is supposed to be lurking in the neighbor hood of .Mr. Isaac Wright’s or (ien. McKay’s, in Bladen county. The above reward w ill be paid for her ilelivery to mi*, or her confinement in any jail in the State of North Carolina, WM. fj. BUTJyEL’. (Minton, N, C-. March I t, 18;>3. iitl .11 s r rk(m:i\ i:i), A PRIM!', lot Mountain Butter. Nc\v (Jrleans and Cuba Molasses, •lava, Laguini and Hio Coffee. .Sugar, Rice, iS:e. WORTH & ELLIOTT. March 7, 1853. 7;)tf i^OCKriSIl SHRF/riNiS, RV the hale or half bale, for sale by C. T, HAIGH & SON July 13, 1862. «tf

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