SEMl-W RKKL, Y '•’I ■ '" I I'AVKT’rr’.viM.K, N. c'„ ocroiir.u m, i8f)X [no. ‘2;?4.] i i:i\ ri;i> i;v .1. u. mowhv !j)\\ \i:i) j. iiALi: iV so\. . I :|;s \M' rKtlM!ll l'»i;S. Si-1 \\.'.kl\ I nil il’priiiliu ' ■ I'M .liii'ti- tin- \ «‘:ir ■ 1 i ii \ .•Ml- llUS I'l i:\ 1! (Ml juM- if jctiil in ^ i: : ;i.l ihiriiiL ttn-ycnr iir'inl>'iri ij>- ifi ■ -1. \ lias f\]iir»‘il. , : 'l.\ll-N! ' iiiM'i'tfil fill- -iixtv coiit'; I iu‘lir-t. mill tliirty routs for : . (i. \ t'.'.rlv a'lvi'rlisfiiu'iits Ky r.-rates. \ilvt rii--(‘rs aii' - it.' till' iiuiii- - r I'f i!i-^i-rtii«ii> nr 1:: .. 'I t^il liirl'ii], aiul rliai'Lifl>l- ' . - I'l' ti the IMit-'rs must t>c I'ust-jiaM. j:ii. aitti ^tcin’lvr. -n:i;i T. 1 \vr.iTi;\ 11.1,1:, n. r.. X.'' jii't ri'tni'in'il tr.'iii tlit- Nurili, wiiii a linicll lar:_i-l' 't'■ k t'11 ’■nt tliaii c\i'r l:cl. ri .'MitcI liy 1 lis |>lai‘0. \iiniiiii lii . .-'ttn k Ilia\ ami aii'l "I"'"'-' li!inils at im> ji.-r ■acli spt'- 11 ^U111 1'' siiliscril icrs liiivt' iii->t ri'crivC'l S llit'ir (Mil Staiiil. a vi'vv lar;;(> Stuck of Slatftr ttittf i'anrtf iPrtf imooifs^ KmliraciiiLr •■very style ami i|iiality l.ailit s' Con,Is, Vlso. all stylfs ot (iiMnls lor (icii(l«‘im’ii's wcai; Kim' Miilt'skiii aiiil otlii r st\Ifs fasliiMiialilc |)ri's Hat': Satin ami Straw Moniii'ts; Hoots an.l Slioi's, ct-. " (• call particular attention to a splt-inliil assort- iiicnt of y-iii;ifir 4'lot hiii;::', • •f tlic very licst material aii'l uorkiiiansliiii. In oui'stock may tie fouml all tiooils suite.1 to the season, at the \eiy lo\\(st market prices. All in \\alit III (looil^ in our lino will jilease gi\t‘ us a call. i:. I., .s: ,\. I'KMr.i'irn'N. Hay St., Fayette\ille. Se]>t. ■Ji;. ::iitf pc. I'OK SWA], UdNl'.S Mannfactiir«il Toli.-icco. \\C have in store a 1avi;e stock of 'I'oliacco. an4 e\- to rci’civc I'o’.istantly from .1. W. I!ei4 aiiil Thom- ,'is s aiul oilier factoric--, an assortiiieiit ol i|ii;i1ities to I'lia'iU' Its to I'liriiish purchasers any iiialiiy at lowest f;u-toiy jirit'cs. 1>. '.V. M. I.M KIN Sept. 1 ;;iitf l ( ili!> i t' all kiiiils aii.l ].rii-i's, iV.mi S^ 5, .1 (‘liaiii". Seals aiitl K''V^-; Brca't ; . r,!!:.. r-riiiix-; u l’un‘ stock nf r>r;ua' ■; !, CtilV l‘iu. ainl Uuttnu'; (Inltl, ' ; . i .''I'l claclc'; SiKcr Spoon-, lltittt r " ip L:i'l!i s aii.l ('hi s. Militars (loods; . - V ; Ware; -• . -I -r- •• usn.'illy kept iti a Store of thi' or on -liort lire-cntel. - i: ■help fur ca'^ti, w rien tin ir Kills ;ir« !rc'l. a- n-iiiil. lO IITNC AKIAN AS IIS ul t In '•'t* Ml] IU)()'I'S. rior W.itcr I’ronf r.o..i- for sale ( '(M IK Dk. \\ i\ HALL y \.S removeil to the well-known stan l of th(‘ UrP. loiliinson. Coiner ot'Ire(‘ii ami !>ow streets. April ‘.’I. is.'d’i. STif U. M. OkIJKiJ., l’lli;\MK!)IMi MKHl’lhM \T l'a>rllovill(s V. March 10, f.'J tf .lOSKlMI HAKi:i{, .Ik., A r r o II \ i: v a t i. a u' , H H \S taken an othce next iloor to Win. I!. \\ ri;;ht'.'' B a. oflice on (Ireen Stri-et. He will atteiiil ami practice in the County anil Supi'rior ('onrts ot t'umUer lanil. Hlailen. Itolieson aiul Sampson. March 1^;“.. IS-'):;. 7'.*-tf ( !LMilJ:s P.ANKS, #' o.YM' #; 0'Tt o,vt: i:, w iioi.r..';\i,r. \Ni» r.i;r\n. nr.Ai.r.i'. in Fill'll/ll Fruifa, .\iifs. Siiii^l\A i'. s'fl'Ki:r/r. Fayetteville, N. C. .Mar.h 1, 1 Tr.ij .). i:. l.AW iJKM’i:, Fayetteville, N. C. ^ j^FlK uiulersipneil will ]my cash for Spirits Turpen- I tine, (in (iooil order,) iillowinjr only n fair lufirjjin to pa_\ inci-lental e\]H'nses in soinliiiji to a j!;eueral market. hen ]iarties jirefer to ship on their ow ii acciiiint, the umlei'sij;neii will make lilieral cash ailvancfs (for the usual commission) on all Spirits anil llosin jdaceil in their iianils for shipment, giving the owner always the option to sell in Wilmiiifrtoii or ship to Now \ ork. (IKo. W. Wil-LIAMS iS: '>. .Inly t'l, 1S.'>:;. Stf (L Ll'J'/r I’'.— l*fi'SiUi Sfrrrf, 1^! recei\iii!i l>ry (iooils. IIanlwari', tlroceries. r.oots, • iml Shoes, I’.eailvMaile ('lothinsr, aiiil SaiMlery. .\LS(» ll't r.U'iS. Mess I’nrk. L’’> •* No. o .Ma‘kerel. ■J”> •• Si-ale Kish. Id Kits Salmon. \lsn, (i.Tiiian I'.rasive .“sniiii, spnts from Woolens ami Silk. .Ml tor ( ash or I’roilnce. Sept. 'J7. is'i'.;. for i-emovin^>' grease ol which he ntfers low ('. i; LKKTK. •mi nfmrmfirrrniiu V\ . IL C AU\ i:u. Ui:\\ Aiil). ■ '.c lew.'ir 1 li'r tin m_\ - '"'I' me, .r h’ lenient in ('lintoii I.'- ro iirl .Il'.NNV. She is a I" ;"ii. -mill" when spoki n t... ■n hi lies lii”h; i> -•npposeil to nt l-'ai-oii - lii p"t. or iii'-'lien. \\M. 1*. iitir.iis. 1.'. tl ! ■ -M- l. h i'.ii;. ]M-cha-c.l Mr. ’I'h. • S 11- Itisf'ierv iri'l ( 'per-slii p', ll'l\e eli- I- ■ ler ! he name ot .Mcl.aurin 1 . ; it i '.rr\ ii. '’n tlo- I>i--ti!le ue. ;■ ' t^e nc.nutr-ctnre .1 ."-l.irit I’.-Il- l> M. I \l KIN W \l M; l.\i niN .1 W SII!\N(.i: TCtf .!. W . IJAkl.U Is iiiiw iii^f tVoiii llif North the arirc.'t, lliicst, ainl iiio>t ;'art t’iill\ sr- •ctc.l .t.::'!v ot fi'l IS.MTI Ki: i‘vi‘r otlfrc'l in ihi - iiiarM-t: whi-h. a'l'le.l i.. hi- "Wii maiiiit'acture. makes his .i--..rtmi iit c"nip’cte; .I’i which he will sell nii the li.we-t p. !c teini I'orca'h ::r on time to |innctii;il customers. Kilu* itose WoikI 1‘iain.', . lieiillet \ • nt Hinroi wa_\, .New ^ nik, ■ I'asliinnalile paintd c. Iie l-r.. .iii Furiiitiire in ■•etts: curleil liair aiel -hiuk. aiel ■- ittnii M.'ittri's^cs- I., -..kill- !';a"e-; Will..\\ \\:i-. ir .iii i ( rn UK !N /)/•// (tooils. (iI'oct i it (ind Prui' ■ .1 ilnor Tnm \. i;, corner Market .S,|UMie, m (Ice's II It .^tore. (iieeli street. I-AVK’lTKViLLK, N. \11 kiiiils ol I’rniliice t.'ikcn in c.\cli.aii;v i' l-'.i.> ... I"-.;. M. ill rSON, Ifot sm: n.ii»VTt:K, Fayetteville, IVf. C. \lHrrh L’' • lies; I’ritent .''e!f-.w injiinu r;i re:in': Secretaries aiiij I’.i ik-(':i all s"rt>: Wash .'^taii'ls; ('.in'lle tiire Krainc'aiel tila ■; W in'h.v tain I’.aiels; .''.■la- in Mali _ I’etc'; » ittniiiaii--; Iiivali- .-in'l variety. Se|iteliilier. l''’> i. Il ; ,'^i.I.- linar.l-: I’.n Wl, It \ois: T i-; W •ir.ll .K.-: To .■li >; t . riin'i's; Cm I ■ 1 W : 1 IM 11. I • ■ t • • t hail ■ •! wourii \ i:li.I()'i r. « t cssoics m .i. i>. w ii.i.i v>is. I' >i:\\ \ i c'v ( « »M M ».\ .NiKKcii wrs, I w n I r.\ ii.i.i:. n c . I'l 1> |-WII nt MAI 1. \m\m iv m\\ No. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. i .^II^BCI'IIAAT!** fiiK s.M.i-: (»!•’ vi.i, kinds of (inKIN v\i> M\i'iiiM:in \m) “ a IIII I'a V III r t* rA r I i r I • (IF FVFl’.N lii;SCI!ll*TI()N. ('«nii|n i.-'iiiLi- Iicliiiiii', Sliiitlh s, Holler Skins, IvolliT I'lclii, ()iis,iicc. llec. in. 1>".L’. Tht' 0'4trriit:;r t'trrtorif in thv Sotftli! STKAMKI^ iiKNKiiyrrA, f I ^ 11 K( trOIl from ,\. Wessell’s wharf in Wilminpton, I to her ohi wliarf in Fayettevillo, with a sufficient niimher of Flats to accominoilute those wi.shinfi to sliiji thronjih or way freight. I{. M. OHllKLL, Afroiit nt Favpttevillo. Sept. !♦. IH.'i::. ■ :;7tf rnr: sfkamku ‘-sun.* f||1HlS now ami very light ilranglit Stenmer has eoni- M. nioticeil running, though not unite tinisheil. She is taking fr-i}>,ht, drawing only inclu's water. !she possesses sujierior ailvanragcs for low water service. She has also a large amount of warehouse, shed and wharl' where Na\:il Stores or other freight may tie stored with safetv. It. M. Apt. Sept. 1(1, lls5o. 27tf ValiKihle 'J'oirn ImIs Vor Sale. ON Friilay the ‘Jlst of October, 1 shall sell at public sale, a number of Town Lots situated at the Depot on the North Carolina Uailroad where the Fayetteville and Western I’lank Hoad crosses said Uailroad. This Depot is in the south jiart of Guilford c(mnty, sixteen miles south-west of tJreensborough, ami 17 miles south east of Salem: it is the highest point on the Railroail, in a healthy country, a I’lank Hoad is already con structed from it to Fayetteville and constructing; and extending westward through Salem to the mountain counties. This depot, being the nearest jxiint on the lliiih-nad to those counties and by l‘l;ink Uoad making it of easy access to them, must, if capital should con centrate at it, make it one of the most important depots on the North Carolina I’ailroad. Terms made kno-wn ou day of sale. SOLoMON KKNDALL. September ti, i> *27-ts lO I lfliKliri'INi; O.V CAI’I''. I'I'.AK. TM’^HF. subscribers having purchased the Steamers M. Fvergi-een and Southerner and 'I'ow lioats, lately the jiriiperty of the Henrietta Steaiutmat ('onipany, are now prepared to forwiird with despatch, between Wil mington and Fayetteville, ;ill freights nr goods entrust ed to them. F. X. J. H. KOP.F.KTS. Favetteville. Feb'v 11, IH.'i:!. Cihtf TIIOS.^. JOILNSOX —HAS .H ST RECKIVKD— I5F.LS. NKW (iKLKANS MOLASSES, 1(» do. large Yellow I’lanting I’otatofs, f.OOd II IS. Northern I.acon, lbs. N. ('(irolina do 1OOO bushels •at.'i, I’lough.s and (.'astings, lUacksiuiths' Tools, 17 blids. Cutia Molasses. —ALSO - I light four-horse Wagon, and 1 Buggy. 1 Harness Horse iVc. TH(>S. .J. .loHNSOS, I’erson St. Fayetteville, Feb'y 28, 1S;">;!. 7‘itf JBiaf' t’AMIT.KLLTttN 1‘HOl'EKTV FoH SALE. T. .1. J. II 1 \ "tl V. \\ OlM M. Fel.rllalV 1". 1 .li.lIN 111' -Ii I I I lOOO .f I ;i' 1 t"I' I'lirpeiitihe. White 1., I- \'lie Hfolillg ('nil oil II 'vvav' be t.'ttnd at the Still. McI \l HIN ,v STF. \Ntii:. 7('tf \i)\{ SALi:. \t or I.AMI. 7V// \.\\ \ \ s . SToV !h li'llid. (■ ir,t. Old !■ \ \ irie l tis-^'i'fliit retail. I’>\ \I.Su ■ f I'ili \\ ari .1 lih •It ■■■ I,' \.\iiKi:\\s. \| ir'‘-.i'i .'^.|U ir ■jiiiii. Mil 1 S'l' \\i\l \ W ILLl \MS, u iiii.i:s.\i,i: i*i:At.i.iis in t'orriiiii ft ml ifotiti'slir ift'ff 4iootts. II \\ ^tki:i:t, Fayetteville, N. C. .1. i;. slAltH.J [.I .\pril ■J''. 1" Wll.I.I.WI ''•■tl ■f 1. .1- I- hi valuable 1*1, \N - •ount V, 1 11 b ith sidc-i ol the i-i, W . - ’ ..I' 1 a\ eitt \ ii!.' nud • >•1' I’.I ' I;.;*-, th t. riiiilill- ■ t rii I'lai'.-. Il- 'ol. Mrta/ici l> ( iN i: ill the (l/iil ( t/if f t I I//i^ . bi' I ii.aii'icr. at le.lucd price-. \Mii;i.\\s. at II W l.N MirLct ■ tier* th'^ ]'art The cl. I'.rm lib \K' H I> ni ■ii\i-'tmeiit. .1 the c.'.llil I", e.l «ith pint-'. ■ii>- en,'.'i_.‘d in ii.d .'»■ ut I'MI ;ipcii r to any .1 lino I.. 1 ^ jirii • otlit o II. 1,. IIOI.MI'.S, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N C. I'h lt I: .ii . .riii i .| I vniit ni l I’rln. c-tl. . IIII i*’- .1 '■III In ! . .flli'c D,', 1" tl \. T Mini ITtf y/.v !,l \Iil.i: I.WD.s Mi roli sAu:. n. situated seventeen tl, Mti l eighteen from lb'.'-\ ille. containing c-.t'-.n and provision ht'ito. i;t.,.r-- ll'M b. M ;n;ii ox i-mentwell w a- the bc*t taiid ti^r a vi-'u i'l'iMl ' lie '11 it oi'ca- r ; With ;ib .lit '.lie hnii- ii-. 'l 1 lel in a \ ei'\ lii'di . r t’ I- . ’ "1 pr ce.l' of them : •Ilf w '1 k 't -even haii'l". 1 «ill re 1. .r if :i larmier tract is de- V:.- ti.-i 't i f land .1 tjoining it that I N r.-:iliable terms. :\‘W Dru^i Sl«>r‘. K'ouikes hi:I (.CISTS. Ill r ■/ I I'll/ iiikI I i‘iiiiilil.«iii Sh-,/'. t list nt /}i- Fiil/'lh’ i^l' //"^ ^ F WF I I FVll.l.l . N « . 1!K li'iw receiviliL' a bil'LT*' . "t Dill (..■■■ \Nl> ,M1:D1( l.NKS, dire, ti_\ iroiii Im; 'rt. r-- an i Maim ta. tili .-rs, which tl.. y wi!! -.-11 to I‘!i \-i. -.ii'^ and Cmin- trv Merchant' at a v.'iy '•mall ad\aiic Thev w ill keep .■oli'-l illtl\ ”11 ball'!, "t the b. 't j'lal I \ , e\erv variety of :;rfii'l.--- in tli.-lr I'lf. b i\i!i” ni.i b’ ,i ran'jeiiieiits to tint etb-ct with e'^t.ii■!i-li.■ 1 lioii-.- in New \ i-rk. Their Stock having b. . n mt\ carel'iilly --eloct. d. and n li.-ise.l tor C.'i li. will . ini'.!.- tli. m tn r.'i"mm. n l .1 \S. ( sMirii S'arlovs, W II.MlNd'IO.N, N ( ( > ■ « i:."^l‘r. I'Fl l.L\ iMl'irm* bis friemW iiii'l the pii).- ■ « li-. that h*' has built ii). larg.- substantial Hrick I'.iiil.lines :,t his old Stand, expressly for iiianntacturing Criri i'.-e llialiktul t.T til.' \el'_\ liberal patr.'IlUge h.' ha- ie.-. i\.'.l for the l i-t Jl >* ar-, h.‘ Impes by stri. t Mtl. iiiinii I" biifiiie- , with a d.'sire I'. j;i\>•-atistactioii, t ' iiieiit II I'onlinii.inci' ol the same. He warrants his woi k ti. lie mail.' "t (he b.v-1 material aii'l by e\]>erienci-d workmen in I'ach branch nf the bu-'iness. His work w ill com|iaie tuM.rably with any made in the 1 nite.l States, t'.r neatnes- anl diirabilitN . He ' determin.'d to sell Mil l do any wmk in his line oil a- i;.-.. | term- as anv Wnik done elsewhere that is a- well iImu,'. II.- iinw h;i- on lian.l. Fimsiii-i>. the l,.\H (iF.ST SY>CK if ('arriaii'f'^, liat'oiicfiOi, lioc/xUiiraif''-, ami liiiHiii c -'' . H\. r "11. red in thi: plac. and a M iy lanre stock of W. ik n.':irl_\ tini hcd. which will be finished -laily. AH of which will b.- -ol'l very b.w b.r C\sn. ..roll short lime to customer-. He ha- '>n liaiel mor.- than (»M: hi NDItFD AND FM T\ \ ehiclc^ finish, p and in i'..iirse . f i'..n-ti iiction. \1) \v,.ik iiri'le b\ him i- w.iriantc'l 1'_‘ months w iih lair u-a'j.', and -li'.uld it Tail by ba'l w "rkiiian-hi]> ..r licit. ri:il " ill bf r.'p-iired tre.- ..f i liame I’. 1 I'll- w i-liili” I” bii\ Would "I'l Well t'l call alel . ■.:i!l.ine 1-ir t ll.-msi'i \ e- ( ii-'l. I - ih.iiikliilly r.-i'.-ix "1 and promptly 'I'liuoriiii \\\ DAY f|lHE swift and commodious Steamboat .Mice, Cajit. I. .''l lieery, will commence her regular semi weekly trips between Fayitteville and Wilmington in a lew days. Those who desi/e their goods 'with certain ty and despatch will obfaii them by shipjiing by her. Due notice of days and hotirs of deiiartnie from each phna* will be given, ( consigned to .1. H. Blossom, .\gent. will be ]iromfitly and carefully forwarde.I, as usual. August ls.'»f!. Kit. istf Pilot Mountain. ri^HIS (Ji'(‘at N’ Curiosity i.s situated in .' urry ' I ('..iinty, \. ('., two miles of the ."^tokes line, on the main leading from Salem west —distance I,’-) miles, (iernianton In i.iiles, I'.ethaiu 17 iiiilcff, and within miles of the St.age line from tli« abovt* places across the Blue nidge bv Mount .\iry to the Sulphur .'-jiriiig'^ in Virginia. Th(‘ height of the I’ilot .Mountain I says I’rof. Caldwell i is 17-')i feet above the level of tirassy Creek, which is the nearest stream. The view from the I’innacle is said to be the tJramlest ot nuy KKW AUl). f\N.\W.^^ from the subscriber on the 2Sth of May last, a negro buy called (CALVIN, nineteen years old, huight about •'» feet 8 inches, weight about Did lbs., a black negro, had ear rings in each ear'when he left, no clothing recollected excejit a dark blue over coat. This lioy was jiurchased of Dr. .John McNeill of llolieson county, about the 1st of .May. The above re ward will be paid for his delivery to me or if lodged in a Jail in this ,'tate. It is very probable he is in the neighborhood of his former owner. JOHN WADDILL, Jr. Fiiyetteville, X. .luno .‘{d. 7-tf VALI AULH IM.AN PA riON FOB S.VLE. TBIHE subscriber wishing to change his liusiness, of- JL fers for sale his I’L.\NT.\Tl()N in Robeson, 12 miles from Lumbcrton, on the Harlleesville Road, situ ated on .Varon's Swamp, containing 7tMt acres, of which about Idd are under cultivation. The situation is liealthy and the water e.iu:il to any in the county. Tlie dwelling ami all necessary out-hoiises are in good re pair. The best recommendation which the fertility of the pl.'ice c:in receive is to be found in the crop of Corn and Cotton now growing on the IMantfition, which all who desii'e to luirchase are invite.l to examine. There is within half a mile of the house a liold flush Spring, believed to contain valuable mineral properties. There is also within half a mile of the dwelling house a large August ‘J'i, IH"):;. BOW LAND. 2«tf I.ep-lirillL- ■ iiat'b' ti-rii; Mav 1' ■M'. llle l at -lo'lt li-itii lUell'lC'! tl II ver\ I’arii. Ill ir at! Tiirpentin. • Iiilv Jl. I'- ■ntloii pni'l t" the -il. . l uml'.'r, nii' ..f Spirit- '.th. r l-r- other I'oint in the .Southern States, emliracing Kings new Academy, in which a Classical school is constantly Mountain in York Dist., I’arissis .Mountain in I kept. Terms easy. Sjiarfanburtrh, C., the 'I'afile Bock in (Ireenville | JOHN Dist., S. all of whi-h are l(id miles or more distant; | a full view of the 15lue Hi.lge from .North East to So\ith | West, and the Allegann.v as far us the eye can reach, 1 the I'i'.iks ..f Otter, the liufl'alo Hump, and many other ]ioints in \'irginia. _\ view into four .'States can be had at the same time. The I’ilot for the last season has been mindi visited by strangers from all jiarts of the I’nited States. The ascension to the Pinacle is now safe by stc]is and ladders from the House kt'pt by the .'Subscriber, one atid a half miles -outh of the Mouiit.iin. .V good car riage Koad w ithin six liundred yards of the I'innacle; a g.iod (iiiide will always I.e rernly to wait on strangers. .No pains will be spared to wait on visitors and make them Comfortable with every thing the country atlords. The Stat.Ie- arr well sui>plii'.l with corn, fod.ler and I hay. .Nejir th*- lloii-e is a tine Mineral .''jiring, the ' pro]ierties of which are Sulphur, Iron and .Magnesia. In.|iiire the .'Subscriber's House, as he is the sole i pr..j.rietor and owneT ot th' I’ilot Mountain. I WM. GILL A.M. I June-J.'.. 1 f-tf A mm\ II. mmwi I u n n issi o f H^llilSi: wh'i : B w ill plea-.' in.- iirior t.. the I loiiLi'er indiilireiic NO'I'K i:. i.' ind.'bt.'d I" 111.' b\ -'•ttb- the ime. t of .laii'y l'''i''., ' cannot be given Note or .\ccoiint And all del.ts .hie Ml -T be settled, as Wl' I'OliW MI.IU II \N r. »V. 4\ May :».d. I^'o-. Wlio n oil III \. .McKF.THAN. i'^tf /. \( II •,ii:e. M w i: I iih.l- ’h. I' FULMOBF ■.'•Jtf II \ \ i: (>\ 11 \ Ni) 'U.' I 1-, pur. c. nli leiitly all their Drug-, .m li.w rat'-s. Thev Solicit a re'i- .nalib the imlili.'. April L’l;, IN-'.;;. I'OK SAI.i: fBllIH tine .lM.Mi;it i:i:; M_ Mr. .1. K. I’.ryaii, two mib- se'.-^ion given immediately. ,\pp or (' i:. l..eete. M'.rch I'i. til.Ill ;it \er\ -/V' I’l-I.lupl per-olial altelilii'li eiveii t. Iiii'lil-. and ash ad\all. .'s made "11 I’l'idin all Coll- e to b ‘ill'll tiie p-itr.'lc oii nws'w ■'11ii:n( ■ i: II"w oci-upi.' "I to F.'b. ■ ther l-_’. Is' iM in tlii- r k e t. • '-bip- j l.s -t "1 t'.wil 1 " Mr. .1 liii II. C". S. ,\. i.i:::fi:. 77tf ■ t.-i t!: ■ ( 'tl.'-. .M-iri. aibo do. ' ali'l Bojic, ■III i Fii^li'li Iron. ' I :'i'-s, '' X I'l and III .K 1 iI, .\L>0 i I I li-lie-l .ll.;:ir'. V ' V S.i.ip, '' '. 1 lli-rr'iig-. , 'i iiu'. r. .''iintl. Indigo. Mad'ler, Sp;in 'T' . .- ib ratils. Mni'e. ('lov.'s, ^ east _ . .\'lamaiitiiii' and Tallo'.V Calldle- rtmeiit 'it l’i'i\i'inn--. Dry Is, 11 !irdwaI'l' all I Ciitlerv. ('rockervaiid I m:\\ s r)( k Ol’ mm \\\) M hi: •riber stock S ii"W receiv ing a lar; of i( II iD.'S, ( oiiiprisin; 1! Iiel a! al 1"W pric.'h lor cash, good Tl:()^ M.VBSll. '.iTtf WOKLDS I'AIK. 4'r f/st a t t* at a ri I. ol- tl pri'pa,,' ,11 "I the I will tiiid \. (III ll. . ;tin;j Nev. S "i "liiia, slioiii'l i; \Ki;i:'s. si- where t!ie\ \tUiiij£ throii^ih t lo-msi'lvi-s by I’.i^ (.1111, oppo -i.rt- lari V -ingle-b.-irrel Shot (iiiiis, i:illcs aid . : 'i'l I'ities: ( oir- l!e|'.-atiii^. .\lli-i, |;,._ .a l;e|i.Mt. r and -elI -primiii;; I'i-tol-. 1 I' , ‘ . >bot :ilid (iaiiie Bags, I’ercns-ioii ( ;ip- i: I i F.iiili II iiiake: also a lai’ge assoi 1 ment ol ' ,:ol' ~ V. I'i.-ii w ill Ilf sol.I at the InW .-st c.l-ll 1111 \(i "! evej-y iliiiic; in the (iiinsmith line will .! II.,11 holiee, in tin- be-t mantier, and for a ' ■ I'li 1- ciiiisi.-intly on hand .-iiid maniifac- 'I li'l . ani V. arrallte.l to sin, , ;i:) ( , Vdd - i-liiiiij In piir.'li.i e .-my ol liic ai.ove- I': . ill 'in well to gixe nii' a trial. \|. \. BAKi;i!. Si^in of the \\ ooden (inn, Ibi'. -tl-e.-t. opj.o'-iti' the I’osf Office. :i [Of,- •iNll'ilil \|il.l, IweUiii;; hoM-e. with all neces- '’ h"U-.-'. iii-o.mI i-.-pair, tojicther with * Old I lie -ibn\i' iiame.l land i> ad)oining ■'I.-Ml I'lii ts ol town. l.aifii.iii ma\ be had ■ "II 11, t he -ilbsci ilier WILLIAM I’. ,\I,\LLLTT. 11. 1 Kjlf- sill s.-lected A'-'ortnient of Din (JOOD.S, K-:n!\-iii:nlc Cloliiinn, lioots iintl Shoes, liiils Mild Cnps. I hirduitrc :in(l ( ill Icrv, i«riccrics, S:i(ltlclr\ v.Vc., \c. Which will be sold low for ( a-li. or exi liaiigC'l lor I nr pentine and Coniilry rri"luce. He returns his warmest thaiik--^ lo bis oM Irieiidsand customers for the libei-al p.-itronage heretofore extended to him and hopes to merit a coiitinu.nii-e of tbe '^am*-. N. KlN(i. Kingsbui-y, .\pril I'i. |s.»;!. si.-tt 'I'LUMKN'riM: w A\'n:i). F. will jiay until further notice, the highest cash price for Tiirpentini'. Mrj. \l BIN STBANCi;. .\Ugll''t 'J'', 1 '^•'lo. -•> • I l/!\(‘iy Stahirs. 'I'ln! vnilt'rsiirii»'(l contiimc to carry on the Ll\ lll!^ BI Sl- .Ni:SS at this pl.-ice. Tlii-y h.'ive 1,'ilely largelv increased their .''lock and can now oiler to the juiblic as good Horses. Cai'i'iages ;iml Dri vers as can be found in the South ern country. Thankful for th(‘ large patron age heietofore extended to us. we solicit a continiialion of the public favor. WC pmmisi. a satisfactory trip to all who may wish to travel. Stables at the W e-t end of .Miimford street, where one of the Brajirietoi-s may always lie foiin.l, or at the Store lirst door East of .Mr. i.utterloh. J. W. I’OWKIiS \. CO. Fayetteville. Feb'y l!"J, 18;>;l. 71 \ II.WI-: rei-eiveil and opetied the largest .'stnck (,f DBV GOODS, (iBOCEBIES. .Nc., I ever ollercd for sale, all of which I will sell as low :is ali.v house ,n this place. .My and customers, and :ill in want of (.Joods, are respectfully invited to call and examine foi-themselves. 1‘ETEB I’. .lOHNSON. Fayetteville, N. C., September 180^!. 28tf I* \ I I.M I Kl! IMI' W ILKINSON vV i:SLi:ii, df\li;bs in t'liiiiii fmiiiii'i/, /''III ll/ll I'l'id/s, liihii'if), iiii’l Sun ft, .\ND I.MI’OBTFBS OF SI l>r.KI>K IIWt'NIi 4 l4iiAIN. At W Hil.KS,\ l,i; AMI r.KI'AII,. Market St,, Wilmington, N. C. An;.:. 7. l^-M.' Iltf MALLI'/rr vV MALLMll.K, 4/irortrs am! i'omtnissioa •f!tr- rliants^ l;t5 i'l'OIll MI’4‘4‘1, NEW YORK. 1-. MAbI.KTT.] [-1 .\ugust lii. IS-'iJ. T. C. WORTH, ('(l)nilSSl(l\ AMI 1 ilKW lIllllNd Ml’KCllWT, W ILMLNirro.N, N. (’. Feb. 1, IS.',:;. c.dtf w ii.LIAM A. (;\\ ^ i:u, FOB W’.\ BDlN(i \ND (’(>MMISSIoN .MEBCHANl'. \ViliBiiii;;loii, fl^FBSoNAL alteiill.C! given to the sale or shipment of Naval .'Stores. 1 have ample la. ilities for coii- dii.-tin;; the biiniliess; large v harf .iiid store sheds to keep spirits from exp..sure. N.ival slorc'-; will be sliippe.l to anv house in .New N ork, or to other markets il advi sable. .-Mid cash advam'cs mad.' on consigiiinents. I refer to the following distillers; i:. Hanniim, Wayne county. F. H. \Voodard .V Co.. Farpsboroiifjh. W. Farp, A. G. Thornton, .lohnstoii coniily Bridgi s .V Durham, D. Hoiatt, .'spencer Fountain, “ “ II. Eatman, “ .Smith, Bryiin .V Co., “ “ B. B. Hinnaiit, Esip •' “ Lovett I’, Columbus .Messrs. Jones Leach, hayuttevillt*. .M-iy 2(», 18.j:>. .1 III ir i'nrriiu]!' I'sfnh/is/imfnt ov fhf Mi/if,in/ 11 I'f I It ^ I ij i/ii tsi fi' fill' \IrtlhiiJlsf ( ' }t II I'l'Jl ^ li'iiitiiii/ "Il Sli'''f. (;ui: \'r i:n ri:upuisK! ill‘ ImmiimI lo ri'^lli: Subscribers r.spe.tfnlly inform therl I friend - and the pul.lie, that they have entered info co].ar1nersUip for the j>urpose of con.lncting the general C \l’.l:l A*ii: l‘*l .^l.Vi:.'-S in all its v:irioiis jiarts. .\ml lieing both ].radical workmen, fully understanding their business, tliev have no hi'sitation to c..nipare v\orK with a'lv e-t iblishmi'iit in Favetteville as lo style .-ind dura bility. Ill the firm may be known liy reference to .A. H. Whitfiebr- iron work for tiie last two years. W c warrant all work to };ive general satisfaction for t w »‘lv e months. l!e|iairiii'' done in the neate.-t manner low for cash. I’lFi: \ BB.\MN. J.vMi's II. I’li-.i;. JvMi:s BitvM.s. Favetteville, Jan'v i; I, l^->n. C.'-’tf iPpfmithion'^s t»npi'orv4l N().N-KXrL()Sl\ i: LAMP, FOB BI BNING FLl ID AND BINE OIL. I’atente.l January bth, ls.")i’. fBlHE subscribers having just receive.! a lot of the i above L.VMl’S, call the attention of the public to the same. The right to veti'l the Lamp in the ilifferent counties of the State will be disposed of at a reasona ble jirice. Call .and see them. Also, Idd kegs White Lead, od oz. Sulphate of (.Qui nine. .lust received. FOl'LKS .V MAt'BAE. ■\ugust 2d, IS'il’i. 22tf Offk’i; of the C vri: I'i:ak a.m) \ |)i:ki* Kivkk Xavk;atiox Compa.w. ^ STOCK FOR SALE. ri^HE Stock of the following per.'^ons in the C. F. ^ D. B. N. Company will lie sold on We.lnesday, the Idth of NO\ F.MBKB next, at the ('ourt House in I’ittsborough, said subscriber.'! having failed to pjiy their stibscrijition to the origin.-il CapUal of sai.l Cotniiany under the origitial ('hartei': 'J'Ik* Sul)scril)(*r still con tinues to carr} on the C.VBINET BUST- in Fayettpville, and in addition to his 1-Jstablishment on Bow !treet, near Eccles’s Briilge, has opened a large WARF^ BOO.M on Hay street, nearly opposite the Fayetteville Hotel, and one door East of Mes.srs. Haigh .Son’s, where a general assortment of FLIU.MTURE, .Made t.y comi.etent and faithful workmen, may be had at jirices c'rres])onding with the times. Also, an as sortment of Northern-made FURNITURE, selected by himself which will be s(dd at .a very moderate advance DUNCAN McNEILL. Nov. It). 18.')1. ;i8tf He keejjs on han.l an assortment of Fisk’s celebrn- te.l .METALLIC BUBIAI- CASES, which have beej\ highly recommendci by Willie B. .Mangum, Henry Clay, Lewis Cass, Wn.. B. King, and many other il lustrious characters, who have examined and witnessed their utility-. W AN'l’i:i), BBL.S. Ttirjientine, delivered at my Distillery in this place, for which the highest prices will tie jiaid. I would also employ two or three good turpentine- barrel Coopers. 1>. W'. Rt)GER.S. Lumberton, N Feb'y HI, 18-'>;5. 08tf I '.ir.V A 1FD.\B FAI.L.^ Cotton Varn :iml Sheetings, for .sale ^ y !it Factory prices, by TBO^ M.\B.SI1. May ;J0, iHr.h. ■ '.'Htf l-'ISII! I'LSM!! n.VCKEBEL in half an.l whob' I’.arrels, for sale l.y BETEB P. JttHNSON. Spt. 14. 28tf J. II. Bothwell 1 Nicholas Marks 1 B. Bothwell 1 Thom.'is B. Long 2 W . o. .leffreys I B. J. Hackney .i John .\. t'ox 1 >. D. Betty 1 P. Giard I James I). Pullin Id .\mlrew \estal 1 John McKellar I (' C Tiilly I (i. W. Hifiht 1 O .\ndrevvs I James I’.rown I J:imes Hutt >n 2 .lohn W. Latie 1 A. N. Beth 1 George W ilcox 7 William Watson () •lolin W. Hooker W illiam .Smith I G. M. Bra/ier r> .lames Mctiarv I M. C. Jardner i> i;. B. Drake 1 John -\. -McDonald 2 W. F. Collins • ) .1. M. Walker 1 E. Fooshee I W. H. Hughes 1 O. W. Liiidley 1 Charles Bright it jrST RHCFJVKl), LIRE.SH TE.V.S.—Extr.-i Fine “Hyson.” r Finest “lni]ierial.” Very good “Young Hyson .Superior "Oolong." \LSO- ')d ounces tjuinine. 2ddd lbs. W hite Lea.l .'^ept. I!', i sale by S. J. HINSDALE. 2'.*-l m I'ACl'ORY Bv order of the Board, HFNBV A. LONImiN, Tre.-isurer. I’ittsboro', Sejit. 7, l^-)o. 27-ts » * ((FLD respectfully inform the jmblic that he is ▼ V still at his old St.'ind i-arrying on the above tnisines.s in all iIs bramdies. 11e r«‘tiiriis t hank.s tor the liberal palroiiag.' lie h:is received, and hopes by a strict atteiilion to business, ami a .|esir.‘ t.> pleaso all and give g'(‘iieral satisfaction, to niei'it a continuance of the same. H> warr.'ints all his work to be made of the best ma terial and by experienced workmen,- having a more / and /inir/inil Xnnth. he flatters hiniself that his work will coiiipcte with :iny made in the St.nte for stvle, «-legance and diiral.ility; and should any of it fail in twelve months (with fair usage) either in workman ship or material, he will repair it free .>f charge. Persons wishing to buy, would do well to call and ex amine his work as he is determined to sell low for cash or on short time. ()rders thankfully received and promptl.v attemled to. liEPAlRINt; Jieatly executed at short notice and lowest possible prices. Fayetteville, Jan. 2ti, 1858. 63tf WllKAT, CORN, SAW MILLS, - ANI) C'iBIST Mill .'sjiiniller P.alance Irons and [»river«, PI Inks and (iudgeons, Hotchkiss W ater Wheels, Backs anil Boilers, kept constantly on hand, and for sale. W e also make Gearing and Shafting for Wheat, Corn, !saw NHlls and Factories, .‘^team Engines of any aowc'r repaired. (.Irate Bars and Fnrn.ace Fronts kept on hand. We wish to make a.lditions to our machinery pnd tools; to enal>le us to do this, those indebted Iiy note or account will please come forward and settle. HALL BOLLLNGEB. March 12, IS.Vl. _ Kaiidolph Slieelin£ and Cotton \ am, For sale by WORTH & ELLIOTT. April 185S. ‘ 87tf lU ;i:0. I.AUDER. TWO IHIOUS ABOVE T. llAIUll SON’S STORE. Fay‘IU‘villr, I\. I’. •lan y 20, IS.j;’,. til-lVpd NOTK’i:. $.10 Ri:iVAKl>. ■ B ANAWWY from the subscrilier, about the I 'lth of 1% July, isr.l, his negro girl Sarah. Said negro is about lb years of age, black, with barge white eyes, large limbs, weighs aboiit l:!d poiimls. Said girl is supposeil to be lurking in the neighbor- 1 of Mr. Isaac W right’s or Gen. McKay’s, in Blfiden county. The above reward will be paid for her delivery to me, or her confinement in any jail in the State of North t’arolina. W.M. G. BUTLER. Clinton. N. C-, March 14, 185:5. rtf .iijsr iti'XKivf.i), t PRIME lot Mountain Butter. New Orleans and Cuba Molasses. .lava, Laguira and Bio Cofl'ee. Sugar. Bice, &c. WORTH ELLIOTT. March 7, 18'):i. ".Otf ROC KFLSH s 111:1 :ti ng s, Bv the bale or half bale, for sale by C. T. HAIGH & SON July 13, 1852.