\OL. r\YF/rTrAiLij:, n. ( ., o( ronr.u i:?, i8r>3. [NO. 2:Uh] :iM'i;i' i:v .1 n nkw kv I IIW \CI) J. IIALi: A: SDN. ■ , i;- i'i{tJMur.T»n{s , - ; \V . 1.!'. »!!•'» «\t II 'Si HU it in 1 , 1; I .lm iii>; tlif \ I'lil m1'-.ulKi i ip- . I !• \ • r Ini'- i \|iirc>|. ip : i; jitT MiiiUMii, if in ■ ■ I . M .Im iiiLT ilie \ t'Mi'ot’siitis, I i|.^ ■ 1 1 UlC lllis 1‘XJlllVit. ■; r MlAT> ii!'l t'lir >i\t_v (icr - ; 1 till- 'T't. :ui'l thirty i-ont>; tnr I' trli , II \ o:irl\ iiiivcrti-^cnuMit-^ l.v ' rc i'.'Il'llilc r:it>“s \'l\ ‘I ti"^(‘? ' :U t' • : .1' nuiii'MT I'T insertions dt'sirol, nr . Ml ;fl I'’’ f 'vl'iti. iinil i-h:ir>rt>il ncc.ir'l- . . r ' ttu‘ r,.lit'iis inn-^t tic post \i:\\ (joDDs. !‘t ill ^iilfori/ milII, /' ' r; :(//•' irif/l IfHlhl/, Pnro Fronch Braudy, Port and Wladeira Wine. Mnwi ritn'r ii:t>> in^I n i'civ.'il :iiiil utiVrs fur ■ :i )>iir»‘ !irtii‘jt‘ nt ciirli il tlic ;ilnivf. l.i'|iiors li:i\iiifr lii-en |inri-|i;isfi| .■ x|.ic---l\ I'l.r im-'lii-al ■111 iflicil iin hs llm-f in \muiI '>! m gncnl aiticlf. .1 \ SMITH. ('liiMiii-t ,v »Vt. h. IS.V:. ;:i'tf '2(1 l*itr'hnse for the Full (tf imi|iMHi(j;nPl wmilil nntifv their «‘iist(»int*r.4 hihI ■ all others liitylnji in this market, tliat the\ are now receiviiiji; tlieir secfiuil Stork of KAl^L for •te.l 1)V one of the firiii personal 1V, i-onsi-Jtiny if STl'AM r.NlilNKS Kol! SAI.I', I’ower, uM'l one ot ’J.l ll'tr'.c e of si\ with 1’. .iU-v 1 I 1'iiijilt‘te Oct. 1.' nuiniiif oi-iler I'l'NT \l. Sl licKoN. fS loeatei! tliiiil dour l>elo\v tin- M.ir'\et. in neel of the sei viees of ;i henti'-t :ir j iuvitivl to e:ill 111- uuarantees ^■aii'-tai lion in all I rations. N. 15. 'I’liose I. r wlioni lie (.peiate.l last season jilease eall intti liis Uooni'- ;it ime eon\enieiit lini* letolit‘1' I (•, 1 S.'i: I :! (it All wl.o are ■I'Sliertfnll V o|,e- Will I r t-I'oi'K. of (iottlis. a ■ -I'er -electe 1 and n\ori‘ )^en(-iMl r \^4'V , ’'•■re.l in this iniirktt ( ri rker\ :1 e\ei'. i|c--i riii- •, 'a['etii»jr. l;n!iv, I’ihU and -t i very artii’le in tin- h..n-,> (nr iuniinuf. ta'ile and t'f.l Linen, (\ If in. IliiiitA niiif itoik of Ueiidv- sutisciiiiei m. and is mnv rei “i\I i\(‘w ill>(>!s. lias jnst retiirn. d ti'Mii New ^ ork. i'all Storh of 4miHnls^ May tie touu. ami I I M;, Wax .'III rni. I in his riloi'k: .\ 'hinuintiiii I'Und •i ud Fine t.ali t'lit’i-r,. f ('iitlt nitnl'l. with j 1 the i A I.Si » Siisi.ar. (■ itlee. \\ ine ■ and llraii i'r^!! Kino I'e:,»\e. In fact we '' t ’ n»:.ke i 111 as«.nrtnienr ..t ioods I the I'uMii- t-. exainine tlieni, and ^ d artii les !it 111: di l'.ate ].riees. I u rii.i.iNt.ii r \ n tt i'o wliiuli ho invite' I'istillers (iliie, eonmion 1 'aiidles, ( rystal I’-i.!; iiiid I’enrl. City tuaile lio ts. hea\y ditto, Hafs, t'ajis. lUanket-', Kerseys, \c . ( eilar'I'lili.s, Tails, iiiicket'-. ktlar'. ( oeo;i Kn^ (loods, tor tiassa-.M?''*, t'ouinion t'ar|eiin^s, with a \an‘t\ usefnl iirtii-les, Su^ar and Cotlee and Tea, A lot tin“ 'I’ravellinu Trunks ’ n|. do;eu \Va;ron iiiid l>ra_\ Whins. Mule 'olliirs and (iear, jiatent and roninion Hum s- iunn\ and l>und*'- 15aui;ini.' aii'l l!"|nT ■ >(WI saeks Salt. • ' tons Iron, assorted 1 w ill sell f,ir ea h. Iia i ter. chasei's f ear sel ot a ^.'t'lieral assortineiit Ih 1/ (loiii/s, l/imfnuirf, Ifnf , S fioes. A » \ larjfe iiddition to tiieir M ade ('lothiini. \.ll ot which they offer to the trade u|ioii theii- usual ai'coiiiniodatinji terms, I’urehasers will tind it to their interest to g;ive mir stoi-k tin evaniination 'lefnre iimkinj: their selections. IIAI.L \ S\(’K1;TT. o. totierIM;'.;:, ;:-jtf SK('()N1> I'liH i/ul W inttr Stuck for Villi X’ \Vli,Iil,\MS are now roipivinfr tlieii sl'. ( M\l» Stork tor this sensoii, of Slajili* aiiil I'aiicv l>r.y (iomls; lints, Shoes, Ki'iits; Silk, Satin :iinl Straw Hniin‘ts; rinlufl- liis. aiiil iiiailt' ('lotliiiig;-—with ii larjre a-s(,rtiiieiit (if Hosiery, (Jloves, Silk ntiil Cottoji Ijaiidlcorchiefs. The alio\e Sto‘k enitirncen a variety if Seasonnlde ioiids not enumerated, eomprisinjr ine of tlie larjrest a'-'ortnieiits we ha\e ever oti'ered: and havinjr recently tieeu |iurchased t>y the I’ackaire. ii' ii reduction from tl.c (iiices of the lir-t of the aeasou. tliey will l>e otlered til Uhidesale liuvers on our usual terms. .1 ' K’t n STAHH •J. I. J M WILLIAMS. ;!--'tf it sea-iiuatilc and tune •J doors W e-t ot • M’e ank fill t .1 KavetteviHe. i i, t 1 • UNSuN ; 11 f {(MM) 11),^ AM> ■ItMi gallons Liiisi i-d 'i!, \'.irnivh. ( hrome ireen. h'lir 'ale I'y (let. 111. I"'!.;, ’ w Ill’l l; I.i:\ii. I''all 'I'rado, IH5H. 1 have receive.1 niy Kull .Stock ot ! ih'i/ (m \l\ .'■^tiii k is larire. ■uid well worth the attention of |iur I hasfi's \n\ kind ot Tro'tnce taken in exchaufre. .1 \S C (’(M»K ict ;. :'.‘itf ('Ori'ON \\\(Ui\S(,. Ill W'L a jileutifnl -njij'ly of liunny and iiiindee t itl.in iVa^.'>.'iug. I'.ale Kw)>e. and 'I'wine. •'(■n 1 in _\oiii ,irihM~ !ind they -liall lie siijiiilie.j ■IAS. (; (’(toK il.t 1''.: 'iL’if i:i- riittv. .r \l 1 : t - liii ■I IVililo't Ld I in.Hi - W illt! and U inter Ml! 1.1.\KK\ . Iroiu one doU.ir to tiftt'en; i>: l-'rciich .Xititicial Fl-.wer' iig' and Insertiiij;'; t'ain s, (',,1- Lrilii--' and t hildren-- Wrist 'h"H Mits: a new and lieantifiil 11^' “f the late't style: N'eKet ilwiy Coi'set'. Whalein.ne T.u>k', ’.nd I'lo.-ik' made in the latest \ rk styles. c. luitry jiroiiiiitly attended t" :;.;tf Iniport(i/tt to ( oppt r (ind W ('ixil Mi/nrs. NorUK. AN'l'Kli iinme.liately, twopoo.l H.niiess ,Mtiker« .'-^te.'i l\ emi'tovment jriven hv the joli. .\|i|>lv .r\MKS STNIA . ■ ict. 1. l>''i'' •■iL’-;.w • ill. K have jn.st received '>ini IKs troiu the liest 1 incli eiirht ^ ri--e 'J-’i cts, j er 111 Als' ■■'teel, for strikiiifi ilaiiinitT- iiiii r.ars aiid .S-. i-ain-r- inn le :'.UU H' i'rill--. t I i.rd. r HALL t»ct in. l^ I HK 1 LLS, inadi' 1U.II>- t'a't Steel; ■ in. li .''iiu.ir. IIanmiei s. T in.I Ki'Ll.INt.l.i: t I 111 'kdlM, O.-I, I. l! I'OK SAlj:, ■m l I'entle linrnes Hi r-^e .1 \ T W AHMIJ. :.-_’tf Nirric K. IMl'. Snii.scrilier has taken the shoji jl lietweeii Dr.s. Mnllett iV .Mc.Swiiiii and Kecles's i’.ridjte, where he intends carrvinji on the TAlLoH|,\(i III >s|- ,\KS.S in all its liraiiehes. Having had jiractieal ex|ierienc»‘ in most of tlie ,\t- lanti.- cities, he feels assured tliaf he etiii Jilease the most fastidious. All c.r.lers will I.e execute.1 with neat- and deSliHtch. I'. MdNViHA.N. ,\lar h 2S, IH.-,:;. Hi tf A'l' rm: ukd sk;n. nol»oiial«l A nvnixstvr n.Wli just received fi fiill and comjilete stock of CKtH'KIUKS, I’ROVISIONS, &c., to which they would invite the attention of (lie citizens ami surround- ' iiijr coiiiitry. They will sell low for (’x-.!!, or on time | to |iunctiial customer-. They inircliase.i tlieir loods tor casli. ami this will enalih- them to sell i.ow. Tliey have faciliti(‘s that m.-iny hniipes liavenot: they have, agents estalilished in I’.allimoi-e tind .New Vork, who ' tilways adviso them of any ( haiijfe in articles in their liiH-, and who jnirchase only when Larjiaiiis are to tit- had. NVe keeji always on liaiid a sjilendid assortment ol foreign and domestic Ijiiiuors: l.onf. ('rushed ami j 15rown Siigar.s; Hio. .lava an.1 i.aguiiti Coft'ees; (jreen, j Hyson and IJlack 'I’eas; N(-w Orleans and ('uVin .\lolas- I aes; Trtlile and Sack Salt; i'>!vcon. Lnvd, Mes« I’ork. Mess I5eef, .Snioked Heef, hrye.l Venison; No. I, li and * Mackerel; lUitter, ('heese. Flour, .Me.al, (,'oiii. Oats. ! Totiaccii, ('andles. Copperas, Salerfitus, In.iigo, .Mad- 1 der. Spice, l’epp»T. (iinger, Ntttmegs. Cinamoii, lC|isom ! .Salts, Saltpetre. Hardware, Cutlery, Crock>‘ry, and I (iltissware; and n variety of other goods. I They take tliis metho.i of thanking t!ie romiiiunity 1 and tlieir -ountry friends for the very liheral patrontige I t.estow-d on them; and int»-nd, liy .selling good.-j i.uw. to I incretise their former ttade nl\v;iys keeping in view that ft nimt.le sixjicnce is worth a slow shilling Yellow lUiiMing. tietween the Market Hotise and the I'.Hiik of the .State, Cillespie Street. Favetti-ville, N V .Mar^h 'Jl, IH.'.:: Txtf r'all and W iiiier Slocli. I IHK .'^ntiscritier calls the attention of hi.s friends and the pulilic to his recent purchnses of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Whi. h is one of the largest assortments that lie lias evei calle.l the atteuti.ili of his frien.ls an.l the jiiUilic III. He has now in Store nearly every -tyle ot liats^ Hoots HHtf Shof s iiow in Vogue, of dll prices to suit the times or thecus- tonier however fasii.li..us he may lie. He vvould say to all such as w.'int the w.irth of their money to call :iud extuniiK* his stock of' 11 \ TS. CA P.'s. IK tf tT.'s and IIfth..s, MS he is desirous to exchange ttie same into Ca-ii a-’ •'oon as possil.le. in or.ier that he iuhv replenish. .1 C.‘ THOMSON. Market .S|iiare. Ii7-if I Sept. I III! aiil \\ iiilrr Stork l'«»r I 'I'll. it I '..mpani Oct 1". Soiitlicni I iannniiN, ;iM(l M H-I- V \ tutti ... I upp i; lU't n ,l' H\LL .s. S«»N I f: i.-r -la- ;n't receive.l and opene.l. at ■ >f,,je oil the L.ist si l*‘ ot (ireen street, a ■ . tiie NIarket H 'U--.- and nearly o)ipo»ite '.ir:.;e M. ■. k if Taiicy IIKl' I _t i i-ra. .1" .rtiuelit ot L.adlcs aiei (ientle- I, ^.!i-;,.ting ill part 't Shaw C!, ak' •• very tine: and ai'" n ■! a-s,,rt- ‘ .\M‘ llouls. t'.r L:-.dies. lielitlemen. * :Mle ; \lid the Iie>t a-' irtmeilt .it i:oNNKT.' ■V el Vi 1-. SIILMUKLL. '.tt w A\'i'i:i). 5 I >• II III I A it I’LN TKILS, to whom 1 will r ! ; . Ajip-v linme.liatelV t.> the .1 ill I>i.-1LI.. t L i \ Al.l AM.Li: I’LaN'I’A riON For. s\Li: f ■IHi: suL-^cril .er wishiiiji to chang.' his l.u-liie-. t -■L fers I'.r sale his I’L.VN I ATI* i.N in l.oiie- .|i, I mile.-, from LumLcrton. on the IIarllees\ill,. i;.iad. sifn. aic.l .lU .\:u'ou'-- .Swamp, conl'iiiiiiiji 7'"' acre-, oi’ which at.out I'ni are utider •■ultivitioii. 'I'iie -itu.ri-in • lie.ilthy and the water e.|Ual to .any in the county, 'flu- dweliing and all nece"ary i iit-iiouses .irc in j.' le- p-iir. fhe t.e-t re.'.innuetidatiiin which the ter iiity the plact- can leccive i- t ■ In- f..iind in the i-rup I i' .in and ('.'tton now growinir ..n tlie l‘l intati.'ii. win. li ,':1 who desire to purcha-*- are invite.1 to ex.imine. Tliei,. i' within half ii mile of the hoii.-^e a t...ld llii'-h .'^i.riiii:. tielieve.l t.. contain v.iliia'ile mineral pi is al' i within halt'a m !e t tie- iwelii new .\ca.leniy, in which .a t".:: --ical -.'h k>*pt. 1 . rm- e i'\ , ! ■ loilN ‘ .\iiiru-t ’Jt., 1'.',.;. Noru'i:. .1. thii-e in.i'-lited to the siil.scriber f.ir ( lotliing, tiV li.'te nr acouiit. will please call and settle the ^ .;tie. ; :i . n.i loiijrei time .-an tie given.) or their niite« 11 1 .iccouiits will tie pla.'c I in the hun.ls ot :in otlicer. lie may I.e f.iiitid nil iille-]iie street, 1 doors south ol Mai ket .''•luare. H. ilt\HAN|. o, t. 1. IH.-,:: :;-Jtf '/'o thr Ih //■> (if JjUir of l^qttlrton 'I'tir- /icr, lit( of Sitinpsoii ('ountif^ o f |C L is hereby given to you. th'vt nt tlie l\ext 1 erm of the ('i.iinty Couit ot .Sampson, the .;.i M iti.iav i.f N..vcmtier. we shall propuiin.i for prot.ate IL', I."'.::, A orth .i.\Mi:s 'iirohiKi ( 'assnnvrcs. . C(iO|\ has on hand u tull st. ~t W i'l •iti.l Te-tamviit ot l.vttleton Turner. AMMA I!. ( IIKSNI TT, i nioMAS 1 FAlSoN, it iii. N. C , Ort. 1. 1^.^::, .'.I' t iMN K.xecut.ir-i ijertlc i„- h.iu- A. i:i‘U . Theic • 'I ! iigc ii'tMiit'ir L \M> •J:’.tf u I l*rojtrrfii for aoh. 1 i t I' Auction, at the Market ■i ^ i‘ f l..y J-'d in-t.. that comnio.ltoiis '' ■I .'■I. iiid 'ell :i' re- ^....d aratile Land. ' M I'Utt - l'..iid fhe Kitchen, ’i '. an t oth'-r . lit hou«e- are in i-ti eiitiv ''tuated. \. '.M * WIl’IlLLL. \iict r. - ■ :'lts M S I Kix i:i \ i:i). L^i!K>H Ti:\S L.xtiM 11;. i.u r f iiM-si •• Imj erial. \ ery u 'i.d I nil); ll\ • 'II .''ii[)er'i ir lot ill'' VLSI I .‘.II .unices ouitiiiie L’ltlHI 111.,. Wiiite Lead. I 't -ale I.. .1 ■ HlNSii.\Li;. Sept. I'*, 1:;‘'-ini ('I1i:ai» (joods. I tun 11..w r»-cei\in^; a much larger stock ot f'V/lIf*#/ />#•#/ €wOO€iS^ than 1 have yet otlere.1 in Fayetteville, consisfiii.; ot 1*1 V (>’ .i.|s of every !e-i'ription, Hat.s, Boots, .Shoe-, and ] tlea.iy-ma.le Cj.itliing. which will he sold low as any is in the State. 1 will tie cl; t.. have the la.lies call an.i examine mv W. F, r> 1-- .MooHi;. :;i-tf i'a/t A* l%*inter Stork HOOTS k SIfOKS. •iving H large .stock .f 15.Kits \ Sin dapfe Icr. successor to I'J 'tend t.. all I’eii-'^ion CLiinis pav- lle wi'i I. file applict'tiolis fur ; )• .-cute n'' . la in- pert aining to ehcl '." v ::»-i;t ki:m(>\ \l. j N SIVIITH, Chemist aud Druggist, II,\v iNi. irmi.Vfil tn the !'t(irf tiorth- irner ..i Market .'^.in.are, recently oc- li\ 1*. .■'hemwell. now offers to hi-' ;uid the piilili- generally -i large an.i ■ d |ii u^', ('hemicals, i’aiiits, (lil.s, i III- and I’l-rfiiiiiery, coth-i-ting in ill;., i’otash, Wiiite I,cad, Venetian ■I . I pera', alum, -nltpetre. - al sod;i, I . iiDidder. in.ligo, sul[ihtir, epsoni I.; ik'-'- p‘iin!, chroni»- yell-.w, nm- I'lM-. Line, chalk, s].ice, jiejiper, ■ii.i.'er, L.irax, yeast jmw.ler.s. 'il. inl>- o ips, e.iiitrress water, . iitlfiy, varnishes all kinds,, I -t il- '.n.l I '.ive oil, ;!'*ohol, HUlpll. niiphene, j.^int v:iriiish; tootli, Il iiiiislie;,: galvanic Imttcrie-: ’I ‘ ipi.inf; insti ument-: .\merican. ■ ■ a!-, p itent me.iicines, ,Vc.. ..'ii. li le ., 1,1- t rati- 'lUalitv. an.i will I.e -;l .ch 11.. .■ .cite i Iroiii I’hv iician -, merchillits, ■•Ml .re I e-p.-. tf nUy invitcl cull an.' i »>-f.i|e puirha:,inn el-.-whi re, a tiiey 1 111 pio. nrin^ trebh and gi-nnine article-^ : 1 .■ par.-I to ^ive saii-iio tion t.oth in ■ i.'- I he 111. ,. i-,r.cl lii.p.i, (ly -irict at 'lie i . merit a -hfire of th - piit.li, |,„j. fullV and ac. in it. l\ . n! s.mith, mei- \Iarkt-t .Sijiiare I tf It NO ri( i:. Ki:\V\KII. from the sutis-rilier. .'ilioiit the l.'.th ot .Inly, 1>*')1, lii- neiiti. girl Sarah. S:ii.| necro is ulifiiit 1''. years of age. Iilack, with lare.- white eye-, large limtis, weighs atiiuit I '^'i pounds, .''ai.l girl is supjiose I to tie lurking in the nei^hl.oi- hood fif -Mr. Isaac W right s or (ien. NicKny's_ in lUaden ciunty. The at,.jve l ewar.l w ill I.e pai-l f.ir her .lelivei y to me, or her c.iiitiiicment in anv iail in the ,-t ite ..f N'ortli ('arolinn. Clintii'i. N. C V. M . •. March n. r I'.l T!,i;n. 7"tT .irs'i' ui:(’i:i\ I'lUMF. l..t M.ouitain r.uttei. New (irleaiis and t iiLa Mof; .lava, Laguira und l!i..C. ttie Sii^ar. Kic'’. .V.'' ■nilira. ini; every variety ot style an.i "Hi.-ility n- ■ th tt:iile. .\l,SO. I'alt. (iiiat. Lining aii'i I'inding Skins, Lasts, Spar.-i .''li.ie l‘eg“, and Findings of all kinds. Which we :ler \er\ low for cash, or on time'..I proni|it customer-. S. T. HAWLK\ .V .-^ON, Sept, I"', is'.:;. :u-iiw NOfin: TO 'l'K.\VKI,l,l-',KS. j THIIIL .\ C( lMMOl»ATloN LINK from Fayetteville I m to W arsaw is u..w prejiared to carry jiassciigers i with .lespat.-h. They will c.mnei-t with the morning train g.iing Nortli. fhi-. train connects with the Ports- I month and I’etei-stiurg loiite at Wehion. I will make I till nne. tion ti.ifh ways, ckrtvin—mor' than tlie ! -ti-.ce ha- .lone heretofore. We leave Warsaw on nrri- ^ val .1 the nioininp train from tht' North. rassnpe .1 IL ASKKW. ,-ept. 'i. 1".'.:: 'J-’itf |{ock Islan.i (’assimeres. manufactured hy Car- s..n, Viiung .X tirier, at their Mill in .MeckU-nt.iirg ('ountv. N. C., where consumers and merciiants can tie -iipiilie.i. The manufacturers recommend their faliric.s as tieing eijiial in .luraliility, and as permanent in i-ol- or. a« any goo>is of siniilar character manufactnre.l or soM in the r, ,S, 'I'hey invite the most full and thor ough tests of them, and only a-k to t.e patii.nize.l in proportion to their merit-^, Se]it -7tf f///(l Mrili('t/t( s, l*fii/its, ()il\ a/nl Dtft-Stuff('tlns.s ami l*utti^. SAMI i:i. .1. iii.nsdalk ■ ■ ,\, lecently purchased in New \ ork. i’hiladel- I 1 jihia and ilo-ton. a largt* addition to liis stock ol iiru^s, Me.lii'ines. ^I;c.—whiih he is now receiving. His Medicines weri- -eU-. ted Ly himseif. with uxiial care a- to ].nrity an.i ;:e!iuineiies'^. He will furnish i’hy-ici.ins. Country ,Merc!iants, an.i the pnt.lic with l*rii;r'. Me.licine-. \'c.. at a-low jirices as they can lie -ill.>r.led ill the State. SAM L .1. HlNSUALi:, Market .Si|Uare. Sept, Js. l^'i:;. ‘Jti-'Jlll \VM. II. McliAUY, #'otn»nissioH • lierrhant^ w lh.^Il^(:To^, X. ('. I’articular atti-ntioii will tie paid t.i selling and sliip- ping Naval .'-^tores and I’rodui-e, ami also to the For- w.arding of Coo.'s, Merchants who consign their (loo.ls to him c.iii rely on their tveing forvvar le.l tiy tirst tiont nfter they «re discharged from \ es-el, KF.FKH i-NCF.S: F. Fries, K, A. Vogler .X C.... .Salem. N. C T, M V.iung, Mocksville. Hunt .V Ad'ierton. i.exingtoii •lohn I* i’rown. .Salisluirv . .1. 11. .V .1, Martine. Fayetteville, .lan v '.ill. is.'»;;. ' (i-tf WA I’CIIKS, .TKWKLKY, A.ND I'WCV GOODS. 'Plu* Sul)scrilx‘i‘ is ik>w rc- -eiving h large and well .selected Sto»rk of Gold luul Silver Watclies and Jewelry of the latest Htyles: Silrrr iiiol I'lutnl W'liri’: (iiiid. Silver aud Steel Sjiectacles; (lold Pencils and I’ens; Fine Pocket and I'en Knives: Fine Razors and Scissors; Mathematical Instruments; Surveyors’ ('oinpssses niul ('hnins; Ltou>>le and Bingle- tiarrel («unn; Powder Flasks; Shot IJelts; CL-ime Bags; Percus.sion ('ajis; a good assortment of Pistols; Walking Canes; Port-Moneys; Pocket and Dressing Comhs; Hair, Flesh, Tooth aud Lather Brushes; a good assortment ol Violins and Bows; f’larion^ts; Flageolets; Flutes; Fifes; .Vccordeons; large and small Music Boxes: Violin and (iiiitar Strings; .Microscopes: .Sj.y Glasses; Ladies’ Work Boxes: Coral; Hight and One day Clocks; variety ot Fancy (!oods, &c. iic. .\11 of wliich will tic sold low. All kinds of AVatche« and Clocks cleaned and repaired. W. PKIOK. Sept. 1, IbO.'L 24-:im I'ANC^Y (ioons. ri'^HK .Sutif'critier is now receiving his FALL .AND I W INTER STO(’K OF Staple ami Fancy DRY GOODS, and oHVrs tliem to the putilic upon terms as easy, and jirices as low, as any stock in Nfirth Cai-olina. As he is determined to sell for a small protit, either for cash ; or on time to piinctutil customers, all wiuld do well to call and see his stock Viefore pui-chasing. Out of his stock, he enumerates a few of the lea.liug article.s; ricli hrooade nniJ tig’d Silks; plain Ll’k gr.i de rhiiie do.: sollid Muslin deLaine of every price and col or, all wool; Lace, Muslin and Jaconet Sleeves; Chemi- zettes and Collars; (irass and Cor led Skirts; ladie.i^ and gentlemen's Kid, Silk iiml Worsted Glove.s; Linen Cam- liric H'dk’fs: an assortment of plain, dotted and check ed Swi.ss Musliti; Ciimhric aud Jaconet; Bomha/.ines !ind Alpacas: ('amliric and Swiss Edg’g and Inserting: French Merino of every color; ladies’ .Silk and Merino Vest (’orsetts; vvliite Crape .Shawls; amoii' .ither styles, I great variety of ladie.s’ Dress Goods ami frimmings. Vour attention is particularly called to his assortment of fancy d-Laines; ladies’ and mi.sses’ v.hite and col d Silk I?onnets; Bishop r.awns and Irish i,in(-ns; good as sortment lailies’ .Shoes, Slippers and (iaiters, among them a tieautifiil article of wiiite Ivid .Slipjier and (Jai- ter: til k :ind col’d French and American Cloths and Ca-imere.e; lot P>eady-^lade Chithing: an a.s.sortnu-nt of (ionds for negro wear, such as Ker.seys and Blankets, i^rogan Boots and Shoes: with all other goods usually kept in my line. ’• POK. Sept. 14, IH;'):!. ‘JH-om l-ALL, 1853. K\*L,P. IS now receiving a very large aitd general assortment of DH\' (iOOD.s, among which are l,;‘i(i(i pieces new style Calico; 7>j() .M. DeLane; 17.'> Frt-nch and Englisii Merinos; I’oO Alpaca: I’laid Bro- ca.ie and other Silks; Merino and Crape Plaid and plain Shawls, assorted; Hats, Caps and Bonnets; Silk and k of (' itton H'dk’fs; KoLinet, Lace and Edgings; Boots aud Slides: Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to KV With many other goods: all of which have lieen purchased for cash, by I'AMILV ri.Ol R. 4 FEW IJIils. of Brower’s Extra. This article is as good as the Extra Genesee. It is reconimende.i with great conti.leuce. On consignment an.i for sale l>y II L. \n R('tVEH & (’(t Sf]it. 27. IS."):’,. -tf i\KVV (;)()I)s .1/ thi old stand of II, iintnftoti »-V Son. rjllIE CNDERSKINED have just received a LARGE ■ STOCK OF (iOOl)S, emliracing a general assort uient recontlv lioiijrlit in the northern market under favoralile ciri-umstaiices. They have Loaf, crushed, powered and lirown sugars; Java, Lagnini an.l Itio Cotl'ec; jiejiper, ,spice, ginger, cloves and nutmegs; sup. i-arti. soda; in.ligo; madder; borax; camplior: alun:; cpsom salts; saltjK-trc; luolas.ses; syrup; Salt: iron; sa.l.iles, tiridlesand martingals: collars; wagon and tiiigfiy whips; sp.-ides, shovels and forks; trace, dog, tongue, hreast and halter chains; cotTee mills; 'wagoii boxes; mill, cross-cut and hand saws; cut nails and sjiikcs: a goo.i assortment of pocket and tatile cutlery; blacksmith tools (-omplete; turpentine imckers, scrapers, dippers nnd axes; broad and chopping axes; guns; window glass; rivets. large stock of ready-made clothing and stajde dry gooils; gunny and hemp bagging; rope and twine; Swedes, .\merican bar jind lioop iron; siiuare and octagon cast steel; German and blister steel; yiiutji-iii.-:- anil liats, caps, boots and shoes, wostevn and North Carolina bacon: together with almost every artii-h- soM in this market, all of which will be sold at fair prices for cash, on time to prompt customers, or countrv produce generally. C. W WILLIAMS & CO July ;{(i, IS.',:’,. 15-tf tiP^’Tho ofhre of the ('ape Fear Steamboat Company is kept in the above tniilding. J D. W1LLI.\MS, Agent. atclios aiMl J(nvolrv riHIE siibscriiier has recently re- turned from the North, with decidedly a very rich and well se lected sto-k of Jewelry, l-'.mliracinir all the lates styles and fashion-^. li;iro'f lilt of SlIi\'KK WAliK: Spoons, Soup Ladles, Sulmi' 'i'oJifrs, l>iiiintr aiirl l>e.s.sert Forks, (plain, thrt-adfil, J. ij. and Brunswick patterns,) Hutt(a- Knives; Mugs; Salt, (’ream and Mustard Spoons. 1‘lated (.Joods; lea Sets, Coffee t'rns, (’baniber anti l*arlor ('aiidle.sticks, Castors, Sugar Dish, Snufter anl Tray, Ladies’ Work Boxes.— Full assortment of Military (joods. Clarionets, I'hio-eolets, l-'lutes, Fifes, Aceordeons, Flutinas, lari^ and small Music Boxes, (some with Piano accompaniment,) Viidins, (some very fine Ital ian.) Surveyors’ Comi)as.ses and Chains, Mathe matical Instruments, Kye (ila.s.ses for .Aliners, very tine Ita/ors and Straps, fine Scissors. Large lot Pocket and 'I’able Cutlery, some in sets of 51 pieces. Pocket Knives, with spoon, fork, blade, phleme, i^c. Large lot of well .selected double- barrel (Juns, Powder Flasks, Shot lielts, Game tiu- Package, and will be oft'ered wholesale or retail as I liags, iVc. A good as.sortment ol Colt s aud vari- low a.- possible. Those wishing to purchase goods will ous other kinds of J*istols. Five or tix different Uuj'.Tll ,v ,M:irch 7, iK.'i i;LLiol T, i'ltf KOCK risii li \ till- bale or halt ' July 1:!, siii:!’/nN(;s, II'. fur .lie b\ C I' ilAKiil ,V SON Mf WAN'n:!). II C\|!l!l.\(iE !’\1\TEI!S will tind stea.lv ern- l.i I'l e-.i riptioii-; al ('iirdhnit lirrtifird W fiIIcIf. •f 111 iiir-ei \V 11; ,,n I’.ralli I .'ll-t • t-.r ■lie l.\ WII.LKIM.S \ ;i CO. tf Il 111.' I'Li; t. II'I.- all'l li:. ha\ I- I.e t ■f the . line ■ e him .1 Him i . .iitl'.eiit Hr lesiK-. I, 1 III.!;, ti.i 111 e i .,li jiilii; Hi llieli.l- a . ill it till d ill-, s .util We trc.-t. K.\LL AND , to I'.‘turn thanks lilier.il jiatroiiage llld -olicits ;i con- -.iid the pntilic are •tiiiiil fornierly oc- nier Market THI-: LAi{(ii;sT SILK, KIHBOX. AND TIM3IMI\(i Horsi: IN m:\v vokk. "ritomas (m. Sfearns. IMPORTi'.ll AND Jo1!BI:H OF SlLkS, Mll.LIiNKHV. AM) FAM’V (,001)S. 1/ \- ff ' Ur.tt A// f tut- -■/ 162 Broadway, N. Y., H\S now in .Store and is dariy iecei\inp iind of!(»i' ing at the Lowest f'rices. a complete a sortment ..t ( i( iD.'-' i.N H LS LINL, coni]iri‘-ing all tii*-various ■'tyli", and .lesigns, eon*-iiiting of lihick :iii(l I'.'iiicy Silks; M;irc«‘lincs, l'lor( iiccs. Slum Is, 'I'riimiiiiius; |»f>ii- D(-t Uihhoiis; 'l’:ill(‘t:i ;iiil S;ifili liio- ItoH^;; i)rcs 'I'rimiiiiiius oriiil kinds; l'jiil>roi(i(-ih>s; I'lcncli ;iii(| I jioli.sh ('r;i()«-s, ('rape Lisscs, ^’ilk(’|■}|- v:its; («l»\-s of ;i|i kinds; Silk l.,;ic(* Mills; llan*o(-s, l^iiccs; \\ llllc (•(Xxj.s^ l|(i'-:|‘r\ L. (’. Maiidk. ‘rcliids. 'i’lie iindcr,-ign-d Would invite ,Mi-n from the North, .-^oiith, F.ast an.i W i st, when in tin ( ity, to fa vor him with a call and e,\ajiiinc iiis stock lii-fi’ire j.ur- cha^iii'.'^ THOM.\S (I .‘^'I’KAILVS, DU Broadway, Hotween Litieity street and Maiden i^ane, N. V. Jan’y 10, 18-'i3. (jl-Vpd I B pl.ivment and goo.i watfe« bv applying to A A SicK ETHAN Scj.t, I's.'iH. ‘Jo-tf 1853. V',\\\ and Winter ^HF, uii'iersigne.l are now receiving a L.MKiE stock f tlooils. Cl nsi-^tiiij; Ilf a full assortment of Ltidit' ’ and (lontli'irif'n’s I>rcss (loods; a large supply of Kcady niade i’lnthing; Hats, 'aps, Bonnets, Boots ami Shoes; S.idfllery; ILird- w.trc; tirocories; Drugs and Medicines; i With H tn'ent niany other kitids of (toods, which we will sell on iie.'oininodatino' terms. .1 T ( (il'NClL .V ( AIN. Sept. 1, IS.,:;. 2l-‘Jm P S. Persons who iia\e lieen indetited to u- for one year ..r more will please [lay up MO I'KL. f|1HK sntis. rilier liaving p\Mi-httS«d the Hotelsitu-.ited ® on tiie South East corner of Court House Square, an.I lately known as Stuart s Hotel, would inform the putilic that lie is now ready to accommodate lioardeis bs the lay. week (.r month. Having made consideia- tije outlay in fiirnisliing and refitting the E«talilishment, 111- liopes to I.e atile to give satisfa(-tion to all who jia- troni/e him. His Tntile siiall tie furnished with the best the market atfor.is. his Uar witii tlie liest ot Li- i|iiors, and iiis Stable with a plenty of good provender hi taithful (t.-tler? •Iiine J'i. 1 S-) J A (ilLCHRlST. :i-tf I roiiftlfvillf Candq Mann factory. 1HE sut-iscriber still continues to manufacture a su- I perior article of plain and fancy C.\\1.»IES, at ih- old stand, (No. 5, tJreen street, :{ doois North of tlie Market House.) where he would be happy to see his 111.I friends and customers, CHARLES BANKS. March i, 185o. 73tt NO ri( i:. r I H i' siitiscritier lia\ing change.1 his t’.irmer t.usiness, I w ill tie foiin.l at the .'-^tore on North-East corner of ' Market Sipiare. recently occupie.l liy Mr Hugh (Iralnun. ' ,\11 pei'suns indebted to him are earnestly rei)uested to call wii him jiroinptl_\ and settle. I>. CL.MiK. ri'MlE Sntiscritiers have formed a Cupartnershiji, un- I der the name and style of Clark \ Woodward, for I the purpose of carrying on the Tailoring Uiisiness, in I connection with tin- sile of iiea.ly-Ma.ie Clothing, ' *'loth«. Ca'-inicre-', Ventings. \c. Their stock was sclci'ted witti great care by one of I the tirm, in New \ ork. an.i is now ready tor exatnina- tion D CLAliiv. A ,L WOODWAKD I Sept. a, lb.^:;. I ~ XO I'K K. DOCTOUS Ma’lett .V McSAvain having left their Hooks and papers with W. McL. McKay, who i.s I fully authorised to receijit for the same, all their cus- 1 tom(‘rs living Wist of the (Jajie fear I’iver, who may i tie ill arrears either tiy note or ac-ount, will confer a ! favor liv calling on him and settling the same, j W P M\i>LETT II .McSW'Al.N. Fayett(vi!li‘, .\ui;. iin, lS.j:5, L'ltf 7o t/if I'rci>/itlnii^ Pnhlic. IHE lirothers" Steam Hoat Co. is now jirepared with the following Piontsr , Str D(»l\iL.VSS, ! Str. BHOTHEHS, Tow Roat STEVENSTON, D. LEWIS, ALFRED ELLIS, .1 VS. CASSIDEV, KINCSP.I KV, an.l ELI/A McDASlEI-, to transport idl Na\al .stores, I’ro,luce and other Freigiit intrusteil to their can-, with as much despatch as :iny otiier line of i?oafs on the lliver. 'I’Ik'v are provided with suitable WTiarf and W.-ire-House ficcomniodations to do a general business, and hope !iy strict attention to the interest of shi))per'=. to meet a share of ]iublic jiatronage. .1. .s. ILVNIvS, .\g’t, Fayetteville. .)NO. P.ANK.S, Ag’t at Wilmington. ae|it. m, is.'i;L 2W .1. S. HANKS, iflercliani, Fayetteviiie, W. C. Sept. 19, 1853, 2Utf please call and examine. Sept. D;, ll'.'tf NOTICK. fB^HE Subscriber having, at a Special Court held at the Clerk's (tffice in the county of Cumberland, on the ii7tli day of .Sept. 18Go. taken Special Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of Elijah Fuller, liec'd, will »-Npjse to Public Sale. /u Tiitsilaij t/if Iht/i doij ol Ottn- hri, hi.s entire STOt'U OM' iiOOiPS, ctmsistiut; ot Drv (tOods, (rroccrics, Hardware \ (’iitlery. Hats, Boots, Shoes, \'c. ,\ well selected Stock, and but recently j>urchase.l in .New Vork. Country Merchants and persons generally are invited to attend. ,\t the same time will be sold, the Stock on han.i at his lilacksmith and Wood Shop. \ credit tif sis months will be given, purchasers giv ing tionds with approved security. .\11 persons indetited to the estate of said deceased will please make payments. D.WID A. I'.VV, Special Adm r, Frtvetteyille. Sept. liS, ISo;}. ;!l-ts IniiMirtanl t» Builders & House (’arpenters. fBlHE I'atont Right of Short’s Window Sash, so uni- JL versally introduced in the Northern cities, is for s.-ile tiy the subscritier. This Sash has numerous advantages. It combines greater strength witii neater apjtearance, as putty is entirely dispensed with. Strips of India rubber, laid on the sash, prevent all noise and jingling, at the same lin^e making the window water-tight. The window with this improvement may be easily taken to pieces, clean- c.i th.irougiily or repaired, t-'.ir particulars address L, C. Tl KNEU, Architect, :il-'i\pd W ilmington, N C New Goods for Fall & Winter. • //r.r’r Johnson S( Co. H.WE received and are now receiving, a large and well selected stock of Seasonable (iOOls, embra cing almost every article kept in the Dry tJoods line. Thtir stock consists in part of llich lilack fig’tl Silks Plain black Gro de Rhine Rich Hrocftdc and I’laid Silks, latest style Plaid Silks for Aprons Solid col'd Silks for lining, &c I Super French Merino of all colors 1 Printed plaid Satin Cassimere, very fine k handsome Plain, printed and solid color all-wool De Laines .Vlpacas of various colors, finish and prico Bombazines and .Merinos, a fine assortment Colla-rs. I'ndersleeves, Chemisetts. embroidered Hdkfs Musiin Edging and Insertings of all kinds and qualities ,\ large assortment of Thread, Linen, Lisle, Swiss, Cot ton and Jaconett Edgings and Insertings \ large assortment of rich cloth, velvet, merino, satin i kind of Clocks; Walking Canes, i .\ml various other notions, which I would like to sell ' very low. ^I- RL.\SLE\ j .\ugust lo, 18'):i. 19-.3m i DH STBONG’S COMPOl ND SANATIVE PILLS. rpilESK Pills aro (‘iitirrly Vegetable, I aiil are a •tiiperior .Tledieiiie in i the cure of all Dilious Complaints, Chills and Fever, i Dyspepsia. Costiveness, Liver Comjilaint, Jauudice, Sick Headache. .Scrofula, Salt Hheum, Fevers of all kinds. Loss of .\ppetite. Obstructed and painful Men- •;truation, and all lingering diseases. As a Female Medicine they act like a charm, and when taken according to the directions, they never fail to cure very worst -ases of I*ile^, after all other remedies faiL They piirifv tlie blood, equalize the ‘iiTiiiatioii, re**tor* the Liver, 14.idiicys and other Secretory Organs to a healthy tone and aetioii; anil as an Anti-Bilious Family Me.Ucine they have no e.;iual. Price ‘Jh cents per box. — .1/..S-0— DR. STUONl’.’S Pi:CTOKAL STO.MACH PILLS. A remedy for ('oughs, ('olds, ('atarrb, I’ronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, .\sthma, (’onsumption, Nervous Diseases, Dyspejisia, (’ostiveness. Erysipelas, Disease of the Heart, Inflammation and I’ain in the Chest, Uack and Side, and all diseases arising from a de- nmged state of the Stomach, aud to relieve the dis tress and iiad fe«ling from eating too hearty food, in ; weak and dyspeptic iiaViits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. ' fjr^FIESE Pills act as an Expectorant, Tonic, and M .\perient. One 25 cent iiox possesses three times more power to cure diseases than a one dollar bottle of • any of the Syrups, Balsams, or Sarsaparillas, that was ever made, and a simple trial of only one box will j)rove : this important truth. They proiiiot‘ ii-'xpertoratioii, looficn the i*iile;;in, and clear the L.ungs and other S«‘cretory Origans of all niorbi«i matter, and there is not another remedy in the whole Materia Medica capatile of imparting such healing properties to the Lungs and Vital Organs as these Pills. Xiiey ‘ure Co««tivene*s, produet' a ^ood regiiiar .tpp‘tite, anl Mtreii;;tlien the Sy**teui. Price Jo cts. per box, containing 25 doses of medicine. Call on the .Vgents who sell the I’ills, and get the “Planter’s Almanac” gratis, giving full particulars and certificates of cures. Doth kinds of the atiovo-naniod I’ills are for sale in Fayetteville by S. .1. Hinsdale, and .I.N. Smith; •who also keep a supply of ^>r. Spencer's Vegetablt Pills, and Dr. Iluir.f Cehbntted Pills, which Stop the Chills and Fever tlie tirst day, and do not sicken the stomach or operate on the Imwels. A Leiier to be Read anti Thought upon. 'I'UKK.isl, West and North have spoken, now spcnk^Ihe South— •1 Itif 'iiiin> ?oulh—Hear llie li ilmle pivt ii liy one oi tier m.iis in his ___ tih yc:ir. t an there lie any iiiiiiil mi (irejintireil not to yield Hi and silk Cloaks, Visettes and Mantillas, of the ' a mass ..f lennni.ny ila.iy eiy. n in , . . • £> c. I * I J.'ililc 1 iiirtJire, in every hanilei. villHtc and nt>. u nort* Il has lounil r latest styles, running in price from §4 to .S-l.J ,\ large and handacnH assortment of Clotiis, Cassimeres aud Vestings; Tweeds, .leans, Kersey.s, Linseys Marlboro’ Stripes and Plaids, for servaiit’.s wear Fine Flannel, plain and printed, for children lllankets, a large variety .1 lunje Stork of Cap^, Hoots li' Shocn. Ready-made Clothing—Coats, Pants, Vests, from ; very tine to ordinary' j ()ur ,‘itock is too large and varied to note down every ! particular article, but our assortment is a very desira- ; t.ic one, and cannot fail to please. i We would solicit an early call from all our old friends, customers and the public generally. We are ready at all times to show our goods, and prices, as we expect to sell on as reasonable terms as any other house in our line. AVe may be found at our Store No 1 (ireen street, i North-east corner Market .Square. ; ALEX’R JOHNSON & CO. Fayetteville, Sept 18.j8 ;il-tf luiUiAlNS! HA1K;A1NS!! BE1N« determined to quit selling Liquors, we now ofl'er a small lot of Fine Liqtiors at New York cost and charges; such as French Brandy; .Jamaica and St. ; Croix Hum; Port, Madeira. >Lalaga and Teneriffe AVines; :> baskets t'hampagne, (.\nchor Brand;) Champagne Cider, &c. Persons wishing to purchase any ot the above Liquors would do well to call and see us. TROV & MARSH. Aug. 4, 1853. IG-tf iH vvHy? t.rHtefnl hearts s|K*:»k its praise. Chester Histrict, South CfirolinH, January' 3d, IH5S. Messrs. Mnrtiiiier 4l Mow lir;iv—.entleiiien; For the last five yeafi I hHVe been » severe snli't rer Imin IUieuinitisni. seeine yourreconi iiienitrttion of ll.iiiipi.urs \iTet:ihle Tincture, I purchH>.eil » liottle :ind the first d.i>c li:iit so much relieved me that I consider it but jnsticc to pivc to the jiitrerinp world tlie result of the applicntion. .Mine whs .iriite Khetiinatiiiii in the hack—liad that I wnscon lined lo iny Iw'd for the last six months. The firt buttle acted like a rlmrrir. the second restored strength to iiiy piHir afflicted back and I Hin now as w ell and feel as younp as w hen f wh.'i sixteen. I am now seventy four years of !i£e. I consider your Tincture the (rreritest discovery of the a^e; and j»oor surterinc' humanity ought to crerl a monument to Dr Ha"ipton, who has saved lhoii«ands from tiain. .And you. eenllemen, have Ki-tcd the |iart ofpiilitii: benefacinrs in disseininatinK th*' lienetits w hirh have rcsulled from y..ur invaluable Tinctnre, 1 Hill a plain cotion planter and have never written for literary fanif . but w hen iii> lel|ow-|i*‘inj:s are aUlicted, shall I hesitate, or, throvi.'h moilestv. wilhliold any infnrnmiiiin valuable to niy feWow- man'" So it you l onMiler this w.aihy >'t a place in any of your new'liaiiers. \ou »re at lilierly to i:iake use of it ’ .AIA AU KEMBALL. Il.iinpton's Vegetable Tiiii tiire, by its mild action on the Stomach. I iver and the Ki.lneys. uill cure Kyspepsia, Cough, Asthma; llriinchial and l.iing Aiii inons; I'ains in the Hack, Side and Breast; Consumption, Sir..lulH, Khetimalism, Gout, Nenrnlgia, Fistula* riles I’.ovvel Voiiililiiints. Worms .Nervous Debility—with all dis eases arisin;froni impure bliMxI.and is the greatest Female Medicine (*vf*r known. Yor rhnl«‘ra Morbus. V^mrThrra, and all diseases inciacnl lo the bowels in the suuiiiier season it has no equal. -i.ild Wholesale and retail bv S. .1 IIINSD.AI.F.. Fayetteville; C, &. II Uul'Rt:, Wilmincton. .MOKTI.MF.K .MOWBRAY, Baltimore, nd by Druggists eenerally \^ Sept FISH! FISH!! .\CKEREL in half and whole 14. peter JOHNSON. 28tf

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