SRIHI-WKKKL. Y. rWETTEMLLK, N. (X I'OBKR 17, IS’):?. ,,lNTi:i' I’.V ,1 It NKWliV tlW \!M) \'i Pure French Bra^y, Port and Madeira! -j,/ l^urchasc fur (hv t'a/l of ISM. I Wine. : IMF. uiulersigiied WDulil notify their CHBtoiuers iiml ■ . su )K4 11 ler tiurt jiiHt 1 •‘('(‘ivfil :iii'l i>Hfrs l«r milf i | „n others Jmviiiff iii this market, tluit thev iii«* » )i l'ur«* nrtii'lt' nt phi-Ii nt tlit* iiI>i\Tht'st* u li \ KK ■»> 1 ttt! it |)(ii(l ill : j 'Iniiim itif \fiii (.t ''iilisi iiji- t 1 ! >"11 llUX f\]lilt‘ii, Ii. -1 i:v » i; "S'.' 10 JH‘1 :u\uuiu. if jiriiil in ;'l 'liiiiiii; ihf \t‘nr nf i iii ■.! , .1 t :if \ (Ml iius t‘\jiii e.l \11A1> iii-.ijcl fur sixty lOiit-J jxt . . ! tiif tii-t. uinl tiiirty centu for t‘:u h i!- M Vr.irlv :»h I'rtiwtMnt'iils 1>\ s|>f ‘ ; f ,--.IlMlilt;, IMtrs, \.h TtisM H Hi t' tfu' niiiiiluM- «>f iii:*t*itiiinM il**iii»“il. or 1* iii’ ltill ti'ilinl. mill charjf*'!! iiccoril- t' tlu- rMit(.irs luvifit '>> -jiuitt. \i:\\ liooDs. '■ •' tfi' iiimii nt litsultori/ niiiit, mi'/ jifitimi/ tr'th .lordtt/, . . v.‘ ! Ill KALI. S l'(X'K of (.H H U>S, : » I i fttei and muro gpiiorrtl .1 i>i> r%>c% €iooi>K, -ii v.tlVio.i in thin inarktt. . : I. Chin.'i, rrm kerv of t*v»“r_v ilt's. rip- • A:^", t’arpefiiig, Kngs, TaMv aiul ■ iiiii'St »’vt*ry articlt* in the house fur- k hfii lurintui'o, tr’ilo iin'l ^ed Linen. , -I.:!', ' fi'iind Fine laMe Ciitleiy, with ’ i'.:iii' Mini t*nitaMo t.' th«* A LSI »- ■ •; ... r. Ii 1-, Siigr.r, t I'tlt'o. \\ inos and liran- •' r.i! ' Fint' Toh!?. \c. In I'af’t we M-. u-- t'- nuike t'lir assortment oflioods [he j.iililio t.i examine them, and : . i j. ■ 1 urti.'li':-, lit UK der.'ite {irii-es. - . • r I etuil. ' \M \. u I ILLlNdll \ST A » n tf Halt -jiililors lia\ihj!; been plir tia.sed exjircssly Inr iiifdii'al |iiiriniHeM, I all l.e i"pli*-d on >iy tliiisi* in WMiif uf a iTDod arlieh*. .1 \ SMFl'H. Clieiiiiiif .V nruiiirist Oct. S. IS.".:;. ;?.} tf STF.\\l t:N(.ilNi;S FOi; SALK. •si\ llolHf I’ower, and one ot’liA Iforse I'nut'r. witii iMiih-r-). Ill comjilcte riinniua; o,t. ... LS'.::. llAl.L liOi.LlNi.i;!!, I). V\ . ( \ Itriihow, 1>KNTAL sritUFON, I.S hu ate.l third dmir lielow the M;iiUet. ,\U who !ire in need of the si'rvicfH of a Dentist are res]tei’tfiil!\ ln^ilell to call, lit* uua-’HiUeeH m'HiHt'a.-ti.m in all ratioii.s. N. 1«. Tho!e till' wiioiii he ojnTated hlht season will jiieas«“ call into his Itooins at t*>>ine ‘oii\eui.Mit time (•I'tolicr In. ;;ltf i\rw iioixls. r|^nr. au)>Horiher )iaH juHt retumed from New Vork, M and is now receiving his Fait Stoi'h of To whioh he invites liuvers. Ma\ he t'ound in liis ^'to( k: nistillers’ iilue, eommoii ami FINT. I'anilles, ('rystal PnlHce, Wax Sjicrm. .\d;iiu;iMtine and I’earl, (,'ity-madc Boots, heav_\ ilitto. Hats, ( ap8, Hlankets, Kerseys, .Vi-.. Cedar Tuhs, I’aiLs, Hucketn, Kelars. .vc , CocoH Hug tioods, for jiasNRjies, ('ommon rarpctings, with a \ariety uf seasona^iL: an>.l useful articles, Sugar and (.’ottee and Tea. .\ lot of tine TraveUin^j; Trunks, t'arpet Lla^s, i' . ■Jo dozen Wagon and Uray Whiji-i, 'lule t’ollare and (tear, patent and i ommou Hnruo~s. (lunny and Dundee Ha^win^ ;ind H'lju- snck.« Salt. t'> toiiM, assorted 1 will “ell for ousb, I'firter 'ir on time. t.. suit ).ui .•ha.sers l! iloors U eat of Tape h eai Hank rHo .t vM ULN.-^i *N Fayetteville, (N-t. If'T.u. .Mtt likn AM' Ml\TI i-MlKI\(;. ,ftrs. II *a I ton . . h.-r F:ill and Wint,M MILLINFUY. ■ • I’.'.niift', IVoin I,lie dollar to riftem; H :iiid'M-r'’hifts, Fn-iii h \rtiticial Fli'Wci s ' ■ F.')>rings iiiid lii-eniiigs; (’apes. I'ol- ' !: ici'let'\(■': Ladif' :iud 1'hildi‘eu's Wrist ; lij. !iii i 'h vt Mit'i. u i.ew aud '>t;autifu\ . t'~- I Illumines '.f thi- lati'st styU*; Velvet 'l i’itir H'lilway *’i>rsfts. Whule>ou»> Husks Muiif : 1'=. and Cloaks made in tiie late'jt • \ lU'* Ne\\ \oi'k styles. ■1 le; - fi 'iii the . ouiitrv promptly artende>l i" ■ ’ ;::;tf I .ill anti \\ inter Slock I'oi- 'ive l a i(K)() ihs. puiv w urn: lkad, 4(.M» gallons Linseed >il. Varnish. Chrome eJrt'eii (M'l-® I’utty \i- For sale h\ S ,I H1NS1»\LI'. u.t. In, i.v.',:: ;;Mm Jiiiport(i/it to ('oi>i>t r tind ('otil Mi/ir/s. WF, have Just reeeived n,s. ..t I»K1LLS, mn.lf trom tlie l>est 1 inch fight S‘(unif Cast Stetd; I'fiie ’J:'> its. per 111. \lso. ''n> ll's inch S,|ii‘irc Steel, tor striking Jlammer- l»rills. U tmmers, T'lmp- ini£ Uars and Scraper** made to ordei- W \Li, \ httl.iJNt.KK ii't lu, ; I Im all others buying in this market, that they ur«' luiw receiving their Mecond Stock of FA LI. G>(HjS for | selected l>y one of the tirm \>ersonally, 'ou8isting i of a general assortment of > 1^1 y (tunih, llnI'lhvnre, Hnotstiml] .S' hof's. \LSO ,\ lHi'g(* addition to tlieir stock of Ueady- ■Maite (Mothing. All ot whirii they otter to the trad*) upon their usual i .'•ccumniotlating terms. i I’urchasers will find it to their interest to give our stock Mil examination hetore making their selections. HALL A SAi'KF.TT. ()ctoher !>•');). ;VJtf .SK(’ONl) /’«// o/uf W'i/lii’/- Stock' for I8r»;{. t^TAKK ik. W11.LI.W18 are now receiving their SF.- >* CO.Nl* Stock for tiiis season, of ;iuil Kunoy Uoo«1h; Hats, (!ups, Shoos, Bouts; 8ilk, Satin and Straw lionnets; llnibrel- Ins, and Ready made (Mothing;—with u large ussortitiput of Hosiery, Ulovi's, Silk and (’otton Handkerchiefs. The aliove Stock embraces a variety of Seasonable (Joods not enumerated, comprising one of the largest assortments we have ever ottered; and having recently been purchased by the I’ackage, u' a reduction from the pi ices of the h>’st of the season, they will he oftered to Wholesale Huvers on our usual terms. J y. STARK J M WILLIAMS. Oct. 1', lbr>.. :52tf Fall 'rradoT 1853 ‘ 1 have roceive.l my Fall Ktock of Hv\j fwoods, fj!ror(ri(ii,Si*c. My Stock is large, and v^ell worth the attention of pur , chasers .Anv kind of I’rodvice lakeu ih exchange. .FAS 0 COOK Oo» X‘2tf (HvrroN IH.WF. a plentiful supply of Guuny and l)unitet> Cotton Haggiug. Hale Hope, uml Hagging Twine Snnd in vour or'Iers :uid they "IihU be supplieil JAS. C. COnK n. t ;{‘2tf NoriCK. WAN i'KI' immediately, two go.lluiness Makers. .Steady emploviuent given bv the job. .Aj.plv s..on, to ' JAME.S .Sl'NDV XOTICK. /■^IlF Sub.scri)»er hii.s taken the pho]> K. between l>rs. Mullett McSvvain and Lccles’s Hridge, where he intends ciirrviiig on the TAll.OKlNti I'USl- NK.S.S in all its branches, ii.iving had jiracticul experience in most of the .U- iaiitic cities, he feels assured tiiiit he can please the most fastidious. All onters will lie e\ecnl(‘d with ne;d- ness [Mill dosiiiiti'h, I*,. M(»N.\cnAN Mfvrch IH.%;:. Sl-tf XT I'lii: UKi> sk;n. .^lelloiiall A: U.WF, )ust received a full ami complele slock of . CKdCEKlKS, I'HOVl.'-'KIN'S, iS:c., to which they would invite the attention of the citizens and surround ing country. They will sell low for (’.vsn. or 'u time to p\inctual custoniei's. They purchnse.l their (loods for cash, and this will enable them to sell i.ow. I hey have facilities that many housv's have not: thev have agents established in Haltimore and New \ orK, who ulways advise them of any c!u\ug‘ in articles in their line, and who purchase only when bargains are to be had. We keep always on h.snd a splendid assortment of foreign and domestic l.ifjUors; Lonf, Criished luid Brown .Sugars; Kio, Java and i.uguiia Cofl'ecs; tireeii. Hyson and Hlnck Teas; Now Orleans r.iid ^ iibn Moia« ses; Tftlile and .Sack .S.'ilt; I'.acou, I.ard, Mess I’oik. Mess Heef, .Snutked Heef, l)rved Venison; .No. 1, 'J and .Mackerel; Ikitter, Cheese, Flour. .Meal, Coin. iats. Tobacco, Candles, ('ojiperas, .Saleratus. Indigo, .Mad der, Spice, I’epper, iiinger. Nutmegs, I'inaiiion, Lpsoni Salts, Saltpetre, Ilurdware. ('utlery, Croikery, mid Cilassware; and a '.nriety of otiier goods. They lake this method of thanking the community (iml their country friends for the very liberal jmtronage bestowed ou them; and intend, by selling goods i.ow, to increase their former trade—nlnajs keeping in view that a nimble sixpence is worth a slow shilling- Vellow liuilding, between tlie Market House and the Bank of the .'^tate, Gillespie Street, Favrrteville, N, *' March lil, iy5:{. Tbtf Fall aihl Stock. \VA IX’IIKS, .TI-'AVELin. AND r\N(’V (JOODS. 'riic Subscriber is now re ceiving a large aul well selected Stock of tiold and Silver Watches and .lewelry of the latest styles; Stlctr ami II ((/'(,• (iold, Silvt>i- and .Steel .Spectacles: (iold Pencils and I’ens; Fine Pocket aiul I’eii Knives; Fine Itazors and .Scissors; Mathematical Instruments; .Surveyors' Comprsses hikI ('hains: I>ouV.le und single- barrel (Jiiiis: I’owder Flasks: .'^hot B“lts; (lame Hags; I’eri'ussion Caps; a goo! assortment of I’istols; Wiilkiui; ('anes; I'ort-Moneys; Pocket anl dressing «'ombs: Hair, Flesh, Tooth and Lather Brushes; a good assortment ot \'iolins ami Bows; Clarionets; Flageolets: Flutes: files; .\i;cordeons; large and small Music Boxes; ^'io^Hl anl (iuitar Strings; .Microscopes: Spy (Masses; Ladies Work P.oxes: C>>; Kight and (tne-dav ('locks; vniiety ot Fancy (ioods, ic. \c. .\ll of which will be sol.i low. All Watches mid Clocks cleanoil nn.l reiiaired. w pHioi; Sejit. 1. 1H.5;!. I F'lyetteville. Ort 1, 1S53 rOK SAl.K, tVol Ntf and gentle harness Horse .1 iS; T WADIULL o. t ]. ihj;;. ;i2tf fB^Hf. .SulMicriber calls the ;ittention ot his triends M and the ]iu>ilic t.. hi“ recenl purchases ot HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, Which is one of the largt*«l assortments that he l us ever called the attention of his fii -lids and the put'li.- to He h.'is now in .'(..ic nearlv eveiy style of Hoots .umf Shots now in vogue, of all pnces to suit the times or tliei us- tomer however fastidious he may be. lie Would say to all such as want the worth of ;heir money to call and examine his stock of H A TS, C.\ P.'^, li X *T.’^ and S H M-.S, as he is desirous to exchange the same into C\sm as sooii US j..issi)ile, in ordei that h.- iiiav replenish. .1. ( ■ THO.MSON, .Market SijUaje Sept. 12, l’7-11 i'A.\( V (;o()i)s. IHIC .Subscriber is now receiving his F.-\LL .ANT) VvlNTLB STOCK uF Slajile anil Faiic> DKV (iOODS, an.l otVers them to the pulilic upon terms as easy, and prices as low, as any Stock in North ('arolina. As he is ileteriiiined to sell for a small profit, either for cash or on time to jiunctual customers, all would do well t" call rind-^pe liis stock before Out of his stock, he enumerates a few of the leaitni^r articles; rich brocade and fig'd Silks; plain Ul'k I'l o ie rhine do.; Kollid Muslin deLaine of eveiy price ai.d col or, all wool; I.ace, Muslin and Jaconet Sleeves: ( '.leiiii- zettes and C'ollars; tirass and Cor Jed .'^kiris; ln.Iies and gentlemen's Kid, Silk and Worsted filoves; Linen Cam bric H’dk’fs; an assortment of plain, dotted and check ed Swiss Muslin; Cambric and Juconet; Bombazines and .Vlpac.'is; C'ambric and Swiss Kdg’g and Inserting: French Merino of every color; ladies’ ;'ilk and M»‘rii\o Vest Corsetts: white Crape Shawls; anio; oil,.-i-styles, a great variety of ladies’ l>res« (Ioods ii'.d I rimniin^a, Vour attention is particularly called to his assortnn nt of (aucy deLuines; ladies' and mis-e.- white auu col d Silk Itonnets; Bishop Lawns and Iiish l.loen.s: gooil as- -ortment ladies’ Shoes. .'^Uppers :.o I iaiters, among them a Vieautifnl article of white Kid .'lipper and C;ii- ter- bl k .Miid col d French and .\merii-an Cloths and ('asimeres: lot Keady-Made ('loiliing: an assortment ot (iood.T ft>r nj^!ro wear, sutdi as Kerse\s and Blankets, Brogan Boots and Shoes; witii all otlier good- iisualls kept in niy line. .1. P*F,. S.j.t. 1», IS.'.::. -JS-iJni I AI.L. !H5:i Af/vi; I'AMll.V I'LOrU. A Fl'.U P.bls. of P.i.iwer’s F.xtra. -‘m This artii’le is as go.,.I »s the Lxtra (ienesee It is Ie. oinmended with t;ieal confidence. (Ill eoii.-1'imio iit mill for sale l,v II L. NnnoVKK & (’O. .■sept.'J7. IS."):;. 3l-tf xiuW (aioDs A/ I Ik old stn/iii of 11. li/'o/iso/i Stn. rB'!Hi; I N hi’1!.'^ f; \ Ml» have just received a L.\RGK 9 SToCI\ OI' embracing a general assort n.t'iit rt'centiv boni^ht in the northern murkot undei fa\.ii-!il,|e cii-.'iniistjilices. They have L' ut, fiii'.lie.j. jiowered and brown sugar.s; Java, LMgniivi !iii 1 i;^, (''et-; pepper, spice, ginger, cloves and nntiii;'; . up. -lub. soda; indigo; madder: borax; ciiiiiiihoi: •i.'Mi;; salts; saltpetre; molasses; syrui»: salt; iron: sirldles, bi idles mi.] niartingals: collars; wagon ■ ind bngv,- whips; sp.-ides, sliovejs and forks: trace, dog, toii-iie, 1,1. .lit :ind lialter eii:iins; eotlee iilillB; wagoli bo\i“: 111!!;, cro'>--rut and hand saws; cut nails and s]iike-; i -Mo.J assoriment ot po» k*n and taVile cutlery; blacksniith tool:, i‘'.inp!ere- tiir]'entine hackers, acrapers, liippers .siul axes; bro-.d and chopping axes; guns; window glass; rivets. ,V large stock of rendy-inade clotliiiig ;md .staple dry goods; gunnv and hemp bagging; i roj.e and twine: ,'^wedes, Am‘rican bur and hoop iron; j s,|iiar( !ind octa^oil .•'1-.t steel; German and blister steel; j '.(f.■ Ih'ii fVinUr; hats, cajip, boots and ; shoes, wc:-,ternaud North Carolina bncoii: together with .ilinost e\.M’y r'lti'-h- sohl Ml this market, all of which v>ill be soj.j nt lair prices for cash, on time to prompt .•nstomi r, or eonntrv l'^o.lul■^^ general ^ . ti W wn.LlAV.S CO .luly ;:o, 1 lf»-tf j liir:^'"The otlice the Cape Fear SteamVjont Company I is kept in the above biiilding. i .1. D. WILLLAMS, Agent^ \\ atcli4\^ and Jewelry- S()ntli(*ni llariuoiix, and Mn"i- al (' 'mpanion. A fuither -iippls ju-it recei\eil L .1 HALF S(i' >. r lo. I opelie.l, Ht e of Gi ecii street, a uid liearly opposite fi ; ..s I'l't re. N..W St' re t,.ii tlie La't :r .111 the .\hirket !!• ii- '• .'.1, I lari;*- ."Stock of F:iiiry IIKV . _'Mieia' :is'..rtnieiit . f L.idies' and Gentle- - - (i . i-, I .iisistiiig 'II part ot Shawls. Clunks ■ 111** very tine: uiiii AM> lii >1 '1t I I ■ : lien. \nd the : ! BONN F IS IVpp >o a gooii ass^.rt- h>‘s, (ielitlemen, i-'t a.'Uortinent of • h:i' ever ..tiered . in.l T..I :i.-. ... a shi;m\\ fll. ::.;ti 1 |,'»ii(M)lM \KPl'.NTKIi.s, to wli'.m I will ■ I .;r prii e^. .V]'plv iiiimediatelv tn the .1 KlhisiLL ■' ! L i'-'-V: .i4-pit I ‘t/utililr l*roiK rtq Jor sale. i. ■ - .' I :it Puf'li.- Avu tion, at the .NLirket I.II Satur.i.iv JJ'l inst., thut coinmodioutt i N . 1I(U .'^l, and ten acre-* good urable Land, > nth •.! .\lallett s Pon.L The Kitchen, i 'e. Stai.'cs. an.t other )ut-h«uses are in : ■ : iici coineiiiently ^ituHted. M. iWMPBKLL. .Vuct I. '. i;:hs ( . I'lillcr, suc(‘*s,>.(>r to l'Ji|ab • t, w'tl aitend to all Pension Claims pav- - '.-•■I:-;. He will als.i file .ippjic-iti(Uis * .I'.l, ■ ;niil iite :ill i-lrtlms jiertaining to ilo-.-~ -en-rn'l_\ , i i", 1 . ■ ;’,4-t.t I KKMOV AL. > N SMITH, Chemist aud Qrufgist, 1L\v1.m. n iii'>\ed to tht“ noith- v.e t .rnci 't .Market Sniuvre. ie entl_s uc- •iiple.l l.y p. .'^heniwell, in.w offers to his triends ;»nd the publi- generally a large and • i st'.i k 1.1 |»rii>;r. Cliemicals, P.aints, Oils, , \le ill iues ;uid Perfumery, consisting in ; i. wiiiir: I’ota.-h. White i.,end, Venetian ’ 1 »n. eoj.pcras, alum, saltpetre, huI soihi, i.i-r.tiis, ma.lder, indigo, .sulphur, epboin 'lie. Blake ■' jiaiut, chrome yellow, um- I I II, Pro.', blue, chalk, .spice, pejiper, ■ tarch, ginger, borax, yeiist powlers, ' .. 1. ..gwood, inks. soHps, congress water, .’. I cutlery, varnishes (all, I . . I'ti.r and olive oil, alcohol, sulph. ' • - i i, I'unipheue, piiint varnish; tooth, ■ ! V wash brushe>.: galvatiic batteries: 'iu 1 .lipping instrument-i: .\ii\erican, ei 1- ill I lieiiiiciil..,, patent medicines, iVc., t Wii.. Ii .!ie ..I Iii'.| i-(it,. i|iiHlity, find will be 111 ll I i' :IM. e i.ii ,.ml ilii iti 'i iri-iii . .iiiiitry Pliy.siciaus. mercliKnts, •\ h I .- I ■ -peetliilly invite.1 to cull and -t'li k .letijii- puieliM-'iii;^ elsewhete, as they ■ ii'l '.ri )iioi-uring fresh ;ind genuine articles "i I'e .pared to -.iitisfai tioii both in ' 'lie Ihe -.ubscril.ei- striit at fll"-. til merit || diiiie ,,t til,, piii.ii,. \ ALl Aiil.K I’LW'l A'no.N FOB SALF fJ^HL siibseriber wi.shing to change hiv busiiie-s. i.t- JiL fers tor sale liis Pi,.\N I .XTloN in Bol.esou, I'J miles trom Lunibertou, on the H;irlleesvirie Boa.I, situ ated oil .Varon'f .'sw.'im]', containing 7*'' acres, of which abi.nt lou are under cultivation. I'lie sitiiHtloii is tiealthy and the water eiiual to any in the i- iuiity The dwelling and all iiecc'snrv oiit-house-" arc in gim.l re pair. fhe liest recommendation which tlie tertility ..f the place can receive is to be toun I in the . rop of t i.rn and t'ottoii now gr.iwing ..n the P]:iut'iti..n. which al’ who de-ire t" jiurchasc art' invite.! t-- examine. Tln-ie is within half a mile of the house m ln.ld ilush i-pring, believed to coiituin valuabk* niiiu'ial jn-operties. There is also within halt a mile i.;' the .Iwi'Uing house :i large new .Vcademy, in which a Classical-i-liool -s constantly kept. Terms fivsv. .KtHN I{'>UL.\N1». Augu-t 2'i, ' ~ itt jrsr uKCKivi’.i), I^lBKSH TLAS Extr;i Fine • Hyson Finest ••Imperial Very good ••Voung H\> in ' .Superior ••u.ilong — ALS» on ounr (s (Quinine. •jiMMt Ihs. hite Lead Foi s.mIc by S. .1 ■ HlNSli M.L. Sept. I'.i. IH,');;. L’'.'-lm NO'I'U K. !«.10 Ki:\VAKI». VNAW.W from the subtcriber. about the l.'ith of July, l^ol, his negro girl .“sarah, .'said negro i, about l*'i years ot age, bhu k, with latt;e white eves, large limbs, weighs about L'it jioiiii'N. .''flid girl is supposed to be lurking in the iieigh' or- hood of Mr. Isaac Wright's or ien. .McKav's, in i’.laden county. 'I'he almve rewnr 1 will be puiil tor her delivery to me. 01' her continemeiit in any jail in the ,'tate of North Carolina. W Si G I’.l TLLB. ('linton, N. C., March 11, l^.'i:’.. TTtl NOTICE. VLL those indebted to the subscribci- for Clothing, b_v note or ae'ount, will please call and settle the s»me, (as no longer time can be given,} or their notes iiiid aci-oiints will be ]dac«d in the hands of an ptftcer. He muy be found on !il|pspie ytreet, :{ doors south ot Market .''■luare. H GU.■\H.\^L i,-t. 1, ;i2tt .^1 j\ortli ('aroli/in ('os>t/n( rt\s. . J.\MLS G, ('Oi»K has on h'.iid a lull t-tock tif Hock Island (';issimeres, iiianiilactured by ('ar son, Young iV Grier, at their Mill (■’uunty, N , where consumers and meri hants can In supplied. The nuin\iVact>irers rei i.inuiend tiieir f;»bvios as being ei(ual in durabilify, and as permanent in ^ol- or, as any goods of similar ehnrncier manufactvired or I • f ri\ >" ’**** * • llipy invite the most full and tlmr- / i> tin' ilt'U'S (it IdCllC of I jljttlet0/1 I HI'- ovigh tests of them, snd oiilv ai-k t.> be pntri.ui2ed iu ntr, Uitt uf' Sampson (\',untq, C. ..-j,. ^71 >'i'l('K is hereby given to you, that at the next Term of the County Court of Sampsow, the ;;d i)fliirs (tiul Mfdiciuf s, O/Y.s niul .Moll.lav of November, we shall propound for probate I' now of 1»1 I..',0(1 Fi^ench and Knglish .Merinos; 'JoO -Ail ;i.lefin.| oth(-r .'•^ilk-: ,M(>rino and Crape Plaid and plain ■'■'liawls. assorted: Hats, (’aps and Bonnet.s: ."silk and ('iitton H'dk'fs: Boliinet, Lace and F.dgings: P.oots and Sho(-s; B.ilting Cloth-., .No. 1 to 10. With many other Mecklctibiirg goods; all of which ha\ e been purchased for c\sii, by the Pai kage, and will be offered wholesale or retail a.-; liivv a- po.ssible. Those wi.shing to purchase goods will please call and examine. Sept. 1(>. 1S.'):^. ‘J'.'tf SiYVH'W the last Will and Testament of Lyttleton Turner AMMA B. CHKSNLTT, i TH(*MAS L FAISON, ( lint. n. N. (' . (>« t. 1, Kxecufors ;-t;!\lN (TIKAI* (;0()1)S. 1 am ii'iw receiving a much larger stock of fVfiir#/ Orf0 iwoods^ than 1 have yet offered in Fayetteville, consisting ot I'ry Goods of every description. Hats, Boots, Shoes, and Keftdy-niade Clothing, which will be sold as low hs any goods in the .State 1 will be ginil to have th« ladies call and exatnine mv stock. W. F MOORK .“*e]it. 1 I, l^i:'. Hl-tt FaU A' n*inter Stork BOOTS & SHOES. •eiving a large slock of Bocds i*S .Shoes, Din -Stuff's., (ihtss (unl }*iitty. sAMn:L J. hinsdali: H.\.“s reeeiitlv ]iiirchase'l in Nev» York. Philadel phia :ind IJoston. a large ;i ldition t l>rug his stock ..f ceiving. w itii ii-iial R M. |.i ••■-I ripti'.iis ir(ftillv ai. i aei-urtitelV •i N. s\nm ler Murket .'•^.jiiiue ;i tt \i;ki.i. ..t H d t"! \Vi!t-..n P.rand .lust by V\ I I.I.K I \(JS \ '(>. ;'.Mt S S AlllOV ‘.-.ii.l I beaiitit'iil M'-siirtriie/it of FA LL \Nl •11 1: (itMili-; II,. .lesires to retiiin thanks ii'i 111.I ilie publii ti.r the liberal jiatronnge . Icive (.i-.t.,w,.,i on him: and solicits a con- f the -Hill.. iiin friends aii'l the public lire give hiiii II i iiU. lit the -ttind formerly oc- .S. .1, Hinv.lule, ‘■j.ntli vvevt corner Market .11..1 . illewfije -.treet '■ a4-tf I I. .irs'r KK(’i:i\ i:i), A PKIMF, lot Muuutaiu Butt»*i'. .New (trleans and ( uba Molasses .luvii, Liigiiira uiid lUo Cotfee. .^ugar, i{ice, .Kc UdP.TH .■• l.LLKM'T March I, i’>tl KOCKFISH Slli:i7i IMi.s, K'i the >iale ur halt bale, for sdlp t.y C T lL\'l(iH .V SON .luly 18, 1KV2. Htf THE L.\H(1KST SILK, KIBBON. AM) TKIMMI\(i HOrSK 1\ NEW VOBk. ham (IS (k. Sfrants, IMPOHTKK ANl) JoB!;FH oF SILKS, MILLLNEKY, AND F.WCV (;0()1)S, Af Aeft Cii^h Pi ices—ttini' yimitKi hit addu.'/ 162 Broadway, N. Y., HVS now in Store and is daily receiving and oIl>-r- ing at the Lowest Prices, a complete assoitment of(.i(»f»l*S IN HIS LINK, comprising all fhe various styles and designs, consisting (d' lilack and I'aricy Silk.'-; .Marcclnics, Florences, Shawls, 'I'riiniiiiii^s; Hon- nct Kihbons; "^rartVta and Satin Kio- lK)n; Dress'rriinniiiiiis (*rall Uituls; I’diibroideries; l^'rencii ;ind I^m'IisIi ('i.ijics, ('ra[M“ l.isses. Silk (’la- \ats; (ilov»‘s ()1 ail knids; Silk I.ace Mitts; |{arf'i;e.«, I.aces; White «(M»ds. Il(»sier\, I.,, t . Ilandk(*rchiels. The iiiiilerfiigned would invite .Merchants from the North, South, East and West, when in the City, to fa vor him with a call and examine his stock before pur chasing. TFKJ.MAS (i. 8TKAHNS, H‘i2 Broadway, Between Liberty Btre*t and Maiden Lane, N V. Jhd’7 15, 1868 til-Ypd W W w embraeing every variety of wtyle and i|unlity a dapted tfi tue season's trade. ALSO, ( alt, (iortt. Lining and Binding Skins, Lasts, .Spara Ulc-, .'•'hoe Pegs, and Findings of all kinds. Which we oTfer very low fi,r cash, or on time to prompt customers. S T. HAWLFV i SON. .•sept. lh5‘l. ol-*5w XO ri( i: I’O I RAN KLLKKS. raiHK AC(’O.M.MOl).\TI(*N LINK from Fayetteville M. to Warsaw is now prepared to carry passengers with desjisich. Thf'y will connect with the morning train going North. This train cotinecfs with the i’orts- niouth aiul Petersburg route at Weldon. I will make fhe connection both ways, t KRTAi.N—more than the stage has don«; heretofore. Wo leave Warsaw on arri val of the miu'iiing train from the North. Passage ¥4. J B ASKF.W. Sept. |H.'.:f. I’itf Medicines, \c. which he i- now ri Hi.'i Medicines were selected bv hiniseil, I’ftre as to purity ind genuineness. He will furnish Physicians, ( ountry M‘‘ii ham-, iiid the jiublir with Thugs, Me.lii inc-, .N:. , aV as l.iw priees HS they c’Hi lie atlnrded in the State. SAM I. .1. HIN'SKALK, Market .'si|iiare. Svpt. S, is.)'.. -ii'.-'Jm \VM, II. McKAKV, f 'o m ttt ission • fierrh a tit., \vilmin»;ton, c. Particular attention will be psiid to -elling and -hip ping Naval Stores and I’rodui e, and al-o to t)ie For- wardinjj of (ioods. Merchatits who cotisign their (ioods to him can rely on their being tbrwar.led liy first boat after they are ilischarged from vessel. Bi: FKHFNCFS: F. Fries, K. .\. Vogler .v Co., Sniotn, N (' T. M. Young, Mocksville iiunt .V ,\dilerton, Lexington, •lohn 1>. Brown, Salisbury. . H. .1. Martine, Fayetteville, .lan’y 'JO, IS-'):!. 'i-tl NOrK’K. fl'^HF. siibsi-riber having changed his former business, I will be found at the .'store on .North-F.Jist corner of Market Square, recently occupied bv .Mr Hugh Graham. .Ml perswiis indebtid to him are earnestly rei|Ueste.| to call wu him j)roiuptly aud settle. H, ('L.\BK. ri^HF. Subscribers have tornied ;i Copartner-hi|i, un- WAN TKl). fBlUt) ( AHKI.VOK PMNTKR.S will tind steady em- I plovuient And gttod wages by applying t»» A A .McKETHAN. Sept. I^, IHi'io. ‘25-tf 185 3.' Villi and Wiiit(‘r Cioods. ^■''HF. undersigned are now receiving a L.AROK stock I of Goods, consisting ot u full assortment of Ladies’ ami (ientleincn’s Dress (iood?; a large isujiply of Ucady-'naJt* Clothing; Hats, ('aps, lionnot.s, lioots and .Shoes; Saddlery; Hard ware; (troceries; Drugs and Medicines; With a great many other kinds of Goods, which wo will sell on ac‘ommodating terms. J T, (’Ol’NCIL & CAIN Sept, 1, lhr.:i. •24-2in P. !S. Persons who have been indebted to U8 for one year or more will j.deaae pay up. HOTEL. ^■^Hn subscriber having purchii3«d the Hotel situated ® on the .South-Esst corner of Court House Sqnare, and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform the public that he is now ready lo accommodate fioarders hv the day, week or month. Having made considera- bie outlay in furnishing and refitting the Establishment, he hopes to be uble to give satisfaction to all who pa tronise him His Table shall )>e furnished with the bc-t the market affords, his Bar with the best ot Li- (|UOrs, and his Stulile with a plenty of good provender ftuvl faithful Ostlers J. A, GILCHBIST. .June ‘.it;, IHO'J, _ FaqetievUlf t'andif Manufartnry. rB'^HF subscriber still continues to manufacture a su- M. perior article of plain and fancy CANDIES, at the old stand, (No. 5, Green street, 3 doors North of the .Market House,) where he would be happy to see his old friends and custoni(?r9. CHARLES BANKS. .March 1, 73tf I' £ (.ler the name and style of Clark Uoodwanl, tor the purpose of c.arrving on the T:uh.r!iig Business, in connection with the sale of Beady-Made Clothing, ('loths, Casimeres, \ estings, iVc. Their stock was (-elected with great i-are by one of the firm, in .New Vork, and i- now ready tor examiiiM- tion I' CLARK A .1 W(»(H»WAR1> Sept. f), If'O:! •J-5-U’m fH^HI-; Subscriber having, at a Special ('oiirt hel.l -.if M. the ('le)^k's Oflice in the county of Cumberland, on the I’Tth day of Sept. ISoIL taken .Special Letteis of .Vd- ministration on the Estate of F.lijah F'ullor, dee'd. will exp'ise to Public .Sale, fi TuDthnj tin l^'.'A /.'(/ ot . his entire sToca or uooips. consisting (>t Dry (Joods, (rr(^cerit‘S. ll:irdwaic \ rutlery, Hats, Boot, sIkm's, \'c. .\ well selei ted Stock, and but recently j.urchaseil iu New i.rk. Country Merchants !nid person - i;etiera11v are invited to atteml. .\t the same time vvill be sold, the Stock on hand Mt his Blai^ksmith and AVood .''hop. credit of six months will be given, jiureha-.iers giv ing bt.tills with approved security. .\11 persons indebted to the estate of said deceiised will please make payments. U.WU) A. ll.W, Spvcial Adm r, Fayetteville, .Sept. ‘JS. 186:*. ill-ts Iiiiporlant to Builders & House ('ariienters. fllHE Patent Right of .Short's Window .'•^iish, .io uni- Jl. versally introduced in the Northern cities, is fur sale by the subscriber. This .Sash has numerous advantages. It combines greater strength with neater aiipearance, as putty is entirely dispensed with, .“strips of India rubber, laid on the sash, prevent all noise aud jingling, at the .same time making the window water-tight. The wimhiw with this improvement may be easily taken to jueces. clenn- td th iroughly or repaired. For particulars address L. C. Tt KNEH, .Vrchitect, :il-!Mpd Wilmington, .N (' New Goods for Fall St Winter. tUc.rr ./o/ni!ion iV i'o. II i'^JIK subscriber has recently re turned from the North, with r‘ \ decidedly ;i, very rich and well se- lectcd stock oi Walrhes X Jewelry, Embracing ail the lates styles and fi^hii.-no S(L\ l''Il WAKK; Spoons, Soup uo;ii 'IViiiiis, |)ii)iii(f and De.s.sert Forks, . phiiii, tlin :nifd, .1 ii. ■•ind Hrnnswick pattern.«,) l^itt. i Kiiivc:-; .'-^:ilt. Cream aud Mustard .Spoiiii.. I'i.iud (iuials; 'IVa Sets, Coffee l>ns, ('ImmLvv and Parlor Camllosticks, Castors, Sugar I'lsh, Siiiificr ;iii'l ’I’ray, l..;idie.T ork Koxe.s.— iMiil assiiriiiii lit of ^lllit;ll•3 C,oods. Clarionets, Fl:igi*nkt,-^, Mutes, I’iles, Aeeordeons, Flutinas, l:n'LH- and stnall Music liox*‘s, (.sonie with Piano ; uccompaiiiiu. nt,) Violins, (some very fine Ital- Mathe- very Ijarge lot I’uik.f :mi T.-ihlf Ciitlerv, some in sets of 51 j.iciHs I’lu ket Knivi'.", with spoon, fork. ))lade, phletuf, \i- l^rirge lot of well selected double- Land Huns, Powder I'lasks, Shot Helts, Game l>:ig', . A good a.ssorfment of Colt’s aud vari- cuts other kinds oi l'is;tols. I'ive or six diflForent kind of Clocks; Walking Caucs, Auil VHi'.ms other notionwhich 1 would likj to sell very Uivv. L M BE.\SLE^ .\ugust 1C. Isoj. 19-3m DK ■ receiving a very large and general assortment ; j. , Survoyor-’ ('oiupassos atid Chains, Ma I* uct'T.v" kv,:c,for ind Knglish .Merinos; lioO .A’liaca; Plaid Bro- liii«‘ li.'izor.'' aiid Sti.tji.-, lint i eissors. l^argi D NOTICK. i(jCToR.S Mallett \ McSwain having left tlii-ir Books and papers with W McL MeKay, who i., fully authorised to receipt for the same, all their cus tomers living West of the (.’ajte Fear River, who may lie in arrears either by note or account, will confer a favor >»v calling on him and settling the same. W 1- MALLLTT 11 \. McSWAlN Fayetteville, -Aug. 8(1, 'Jltf 7o ihr l*id)iic. THF, Brothers’ .'steam Boat Co. is now prepared with the following Boat«: Str DOUGLASS, Str. BROTHERS, Tow Boat STFVF.NSTON, 1), LF:W IS, ALFRKH KLLIS, ,i.\s. cassidf:v, KlN(JS^.l’R^ , and F.L1Z\ :\lcI)ANIFL, \\ !•; received and are now receiving, a l.irye and well selected stOi^k of Season:iblo (ioods, einbrs l ing almost every article kept in the I)ry (ioods line Their stock consists in part of Bii h black fig'd .Silks Plain lilack («ro de Rhino Rich Brocade and Plaid Silks, latest style Plaid .Silks for .Vprons Solid col d .Silks for lining, i&c .•Super French Merino of all colors Printed jilnid Satin Cassimere, very tine & handsonip Plain, printed and solid color all-wool De Laines .Alpacas of various colors, finish and price Bombazines and Merinos, a fine assortment Collars, t'ndersleeves, Chemisetfs, embroidered Hdkfs .Muslin Kdging aiid Insertinga of all kinds and iiiialities A large assortment of Thread. Linen, Lisle, .Swiss, Cot ton and .laconett Edgings and Insertings .A larire assortment of rich cloth, velvet, merino, snfin and silk (Moa!:s, Visettes and .Mantillas, of the latest styles, running in price froui .'i'l to .A large and hayulsonie rssortment of (.Moths, ('assimeres aud Vestings; Tweeds, Jeans, Kerseys. Linsevs .MarUioro .Stripes and Plaids, for servant's wear Fine Flannel, plain ami printed, for children Blankets, a large variety A hinjc tStiK'/.' of I'httx, Boots l' i%hocs. Readv-iuade Clothing—Coats, Pants, Vests, froin I very fine to ordinary ! ("Uir stock is t'o large and varied to note down every particular article, but our assortment is a very d"^ir;i- ble one, and cannot fail to please. We would solicit an early call from all our ol.l t'rieiiils, cu.stomers and the puVdic generally We are ready at all times to show our goods, and jirices, as we expect STRONG’S coMi'orxn saxatim: pills. ''IF5>i: :«»•*» Vegetable, ;ir‘ :i *>ii|M‘rior ^l'»liriiie in tlieeure of all Bilion-" ('oiiijilaints. ('hili- and Fev«?r, l-Nspejisia. Co-'tivMU‘s, Liver (,’omplaint, .Jaundice, Sil k Headache. Scroiiila. .Salt Rheum, Fevers of all kinds, J>oss of ,'ippetite. Obstructed and painful Men- truntii.iii. and all lingering diseases. As a Female .Medicine they act like a charm, and vvi.eii utken ficeording to the lirections, they never fail to cure vet V worst oases of |>ile«4, after all other reniedie-i f.iit, Tliey piiritv lh«» blood, «M|iialize tljie 4‘ir«-iiiatioii, ii-Moi-e llie laver, K.i«liicyM, and oilK C **e« relory Organ** to a liealtliy lon«* ciiid iK'tioii: and as nn .Anti-Bilious Family Medicine they have no e-;)ual. Price 25 cents per box ])\\ .T KONG’S in:( roUAL STOMACH PILLS. A for Coughs, ( olds. Catarrh, Bronchitis, Croup, Ulifiopmg «'oiieh. Asthma, Consumption, Nervoua Itisease.s, Hyspepsia, ('ostiveness. Erv.'-ipelaa, Disease ot the Heart, Intlainmation aud Pain in the Chest, Back aud Side, and ;ill disease^ arising from a de ranged state of the .'•Jfomach, and to relieve the dis tress and ba(i fe«ling ironi eating too hearty food, in weak ami dyspeptic liabit.s. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. rBlHKSF. Pills act as ai> Expectorant, Tonic, and ■ Aperient (me lio cent box possesses three times more jiowcr to . ure diseases than a one dollar bottle of any of the .‘syrups. B.alsams, or Sarsaparillas, that was •■ver made, and a simple trir 1 of only one box will prove this imiiorl.'iiit truth, |»E'oitiol‘ I]\|>ectoralioii, loo*>eii Iii4‘ aia! fieai- tiio and >i*aat3*i of all morbid and there is not another remedy in the whole .Materia Medica capable of imparting such healing properties to the Lungs and Vital Organs as these Pills. 'I'li*> |>rodure a kooI resiiiar and str*n{;llien llie *>‘y*il«*si!. Price ‘J.) I ts. per box. containing iJ-j doses of medicino. Call oil the .\g uts who sell the Pills, and get the •Plantci s .\lnriuac gratis, giving full ])articulars and j certitii'ates ot cure-. I Both kinds of the above-named Pills are for sale in Fayetteville by S. J Hinsdale, and .1. N. Smith; who also keep a supply of I>> Spt^icei'i Vegetable Pills, and J>r. IluU\^ Vehbr-aed I'vh. -which stop the Chills I and l ever the first d.iy, and do not sicken the stomach or ojieratc on the bnwels. J A Lfiicr to he Ut-ad and Thoii«;lit uihul ' J'illl K.i«i. e-it Milt .Norlli huve spoken, now s|M:ik« ttie Smith— I I III' -IIIIin ^1 mill — Hear the trihnu; (Siven liy one ol her sonii in his to transport i.ll .Saval Stores Pro,luce and other Freight «(>n on as reasonable terms a.s any ntU»>r house in our intrusted to tl.eir care, with us miu li despatch as any other line of Boats on the River. They arc ju^ovided wiih suitable AVharf and W'are-Hous(> arconitiiod.ifions to ilo a general business, ■jind hope by sniet at>(‘iifion to the interest of shippers, to meet a “hare oi p\iblic patronage. .1, B.\NK.S, .\g't, Fayetteville, .INO, BANK.S. Ag't at Wilmington. Sept. IV*, l^t'i:!. _’ttf .J. S. HAMvS, ^ CoiiiiiiiKMioii illereliaiif, Fayetteviiie, N. C. Sept. 19, 1853. 2ytf Tiili \.- r ■ ll lliere In- I'liv iiiiial -o |ir»-jti(lic»'(i hs nut li> yiPld lo T.iirli .1 111 1-- 111 ll 'iiiMony kiV' Ii hi l ivor i.f ll.oiii.ton’s Vcge- r.iii turv, iu every sUlHge aiij cilv. vvlu‘f* it tias found IIS vv.iy! i;r;itf!'ill lie.irts il |ir»i)-e. ('iiKSTrR 1‘isTRH T. Sniiih C.irijllna. .rrina.'iry 31, 1^53. Me*srs. Miirtniii r Mow liny—(JeiitleiiiPii Tor li.e IhKt five yenfs 1 li:ivc- l«-eii ii ►ev' i.- 'iill'. rei rr-iii Itlit iiiii •ii-iin. strinj! ymir recoiii 111. nii;Uion of 1 lioiii.ton - V. ;;. t i l.le •i'ini tiire. 1 piirch-.^eil n Imtlie mil Uie tir.?t d"'' li!- iini'ti r‘lipvcliii« thnt I consider it litit jus!i-,. In iiivo to the .iilleniiii wiirlil llic rexult Ilf lh«- npplirntioii. i Minv v.^ HCIIK- Ittu'Hiii ‘liiin in the hark—sii had thitt 1 wan con : fintd u> inv iifd li r 'l‘‘- '■''t liiiaitti-". 'I'tic fint Imttle Mcled like i ;i clnrin; liic M' restnred slreni;th to iiiy poor iifflicted hiick and ! I ;iiii iiii'v .'* "*''l "”'1 '*■'*' •" yauic as vvhun I vvn.« slxieen. I am ! now -.•vmty-loar years of «Kf. I mnsiilcr your I'indiire llic ):reatpt disrnvery of the «ge; and ■ Ilfforin)' hiiinnnily luiBht to erert « nmnninent to Dr Ha'iptiin. who has-iHVeil ihoii«aii(i'Irmn pain. Anil you. nenilen>en. linve 'i:irli (l the ;i;itt ofputilir hi nef^. tnrv in ili-.'^_*-niinMlinfi the henefm whirli hsve rc'ii'ieii riniii your iiivHliiHlile 'i'lncture. i I ;ii!i phon . .Iii.m I.l iiiii r ;iml h.ivi-never written fur lilemry t'-Min ' h'U '•^1" " "iV tclli'vv li.-ini’« Hie atflirted. sh«U 1 hesitnte. or, thiouVli iiioiie.iy, uiltih. lil .in-. intoriii.Uion vnUi!ilile to luy fellow- iiiin’' ^o ll I'in^iiiii'this vvorthy ot h plate in iiny of your 1 new ,11 .I>er-. \’.n arc al liherty to inBke nv- of it I ‘ ^ .\I.VAH KK.MUALL. I 11 nuu.'n'- \ ecetalile Tinrturc. hy it-^ mild Hction on the Stomach livt r 'out the h,i.lney>. v. ill care Dyspcpiia, Couch, Asthma; ■ Ilr.iiii liiiil :inil t.unsi Vllectinn^-: I'-'ins in tin* Hack, Side and (li-eHm; l''l"'"aiatlsni. (Jout, .Nenralt'i.'v, FiMnIa' I files r'lvM-l ('..iii|ii:iiiii'. Worms JiJervous nehilily—with >»ll dis- o iscs :irisin; I'ri.m iinp'oe hlood, and ii the Breate"! F'eniale .Medirlne tmler 1 Murhu!*. t'holir. Diarriupa, and all disease* incident - ' V. .1- 1 I,, the li..« ^ in ihe summer season It no eqiJHl. offer ft small lot of Fine Liquors at New York cost ., ^ ^ j \vt,.>iesale ami retail l>y r^. J. m.NSD.M.K. Kayettevllle; C, and charges; such as French Brandy; -famaica ami St. ^ p iimPKK. vViliiiini!tor>: Moin'iMKR & MOW HK.\\ . Baltimore, Croix Rum; Port, Madeira. Malaga and Teneriffo Wines; j nd hy Oni'icist- eener-«llv ;{ baskets Champagne, (.Vnchor 15rand;) ('hampague Cider, &c. Persons wishing to purchase any ot the _ _ i r i > above Liquors would do well to call and see us. | ‘'^^.•VCKEllLL in halt and whole Barrels, p/", 7 TUOY & MARSH. IG-tf line. We may be found at our Store No 1 (Ireen street. North-east corner Market .Sijiiare. .VLEX’ll .!(HINSON X CO. Fayetteville, Sept 23, 1S53 1-tf HA KG AI \Sriu \i(; A1 NSlT” jj^j^EINtl determined to quit selling Liquors. \~e now i; V I'lSH! FISH!! ■Ang. 4, 1868. Sept. 14. PETER P. JOHNSON. 28tf

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