SiKlWl.WEKKl, Y. FAVirrTFATM.E, N. C., ()('TOBRR \»o, [NO. ‘237.] Kl> i;\ .i H NKWliV i\\ \!ll) .). IIALK SON, \M* Mlol’RlKloKs ( tH‘ ' 1' -Y.n\ KU N} till it' piiili in I tilling iht' vtvir ot .r liu - : S'-’ M* Mniiiini. it' I'.'iiil in liiriiij; till* \»‘ui' lit siilisci'i|i- -Ui‘i till' has fxiiirvil. ;I!\T' in^frtt'il I'di- sixty o*Mtts per •r tlio :intl thirty rents 1>r i':u‘h it- n Vtvirly .'I'lvortisonn'nts liy s|>o- : 1 (• riitf'^. AilvortistMs ai-t> r e innntu-r nf insertiipus dcsiroil, or •; u' ■ ti'l t'irliiil. tniil ihursicil iici'unl- II. !■ tin- li.litiii’s must 'n> post p:iiil. , Noitli • K?ir ('aiolinu Uacoi., ;i superior artii U*. on i-on- v.ile ii\ to s\iit. 11. H08K. M (>las-(‘s. Ill eve* >r- Ki>SK lU r’TKU. M"iUlT:lill litlttP '•I'rvit'-, M.NKIL! .V fi>. ’.t;-ti \{[\\\{ \u,\\ men sc'nooi.. ' i\p ■ V\T\. NnUTIl ( AHOI.INA, u.l ii ':iri-^lniir Institutinn is now pcr- • uu'ifr :i t’ull I'.irj's ot' we.l : T-. .iti'l witli evory thing roiiiiisite t. r >-■ ,:.;iry, Uein^ Wfi; s\ipp\ipil with Map, i A-^tr •n"inii-;il; i MM'i t's. I’hilosophii'al , j'l a-iUis. \r li i.’. - '•! Ii\t‘ luoiiths .■uHuneni'i' . ■ \! !:! ,y .J>inu:uy imiiJuly resf't‘.tiv«‘l\ ■ iuul; I'lU ]ini-tii'ul:irs. will tie lur- ■,;i : f I II.'V. .1. J-ne Smyth, A. M.. : . li I’, n Uii'lnnon'l founty. N. T . I> ’ \KINT\1U!. SciTPtarv « \ >K «>r « FFAK. i 1, IXiIJFI! I'Jtll. 1>' I '.1 ; . r.. ir !-t'I'ir.Tt.ii s )i.i\o thi"'Iny •, i -innii:!! 1'ivi.U‘Uil ot' Four per . t .• ■ t -' ki, >’‘ler^ 'It the I'linoipnl Unnk 'II i •a't.'i- the l«t No\cmUer next. H l*i. SA\ Ai 1'. Hshier j‘i:un \u:uv. ^ ju--t ie('.-iveil aii'l I'tii-r^ I"i sale • -t i k I’-rfuinery, S..a| •. I'.rnshes, ,.r th^= l-:i"\viiij% viz- ■ F •'•■uiie. I I'iiits Hill h.'lit-pi lit' : Itrty ' t\t I"!- the ll:iii'lkerfliie)': lliin'loline; i’.ni'i lt'-; Maeusser aii l l^ears «>il; ‘M ' ;>i.r- I.ow I- .ney; Puiin, ':istile nioi Kan- ,iv Sh::vinrr. HarKer s 151... ks uii'I Slniv- U teiilii.liii's llfi/'.r'i; Knt; ir'u ai. l FrPin'L ■ : . N /: iii.iT'-'ith lirnshe-; Ita.lir.T mi'l line - . l‘;r I'hes: Butl'il". l'.iii;iirli li"rii. Fine ' • !.r ■- t’oiiii ^: I’e.n'. Iv .ry aliil Kussiftli M Ui.uis >; It'iL •111u ('ith.^ue l.ottle'; 1 utt I.ip Salve: I’owder !' Icr. Meeii I'm., Lily White; ( iialk • 1 i: I--,! i - II ir l>ye, I'rest ,n Sah^: I'l i- Ink. \ -Mperl ’r Ttl.' '.Ill jio ^^riNTKK SPKHM. Oil. W lifile, Tnnners'. Kefint'il Kapo See l.insee.l (Ml. Oil I-' an.! >r s;il. liV jr., IS.' VI/; l{nsK l>, .V W. M. L vl’HlN A HE reeeivinj: a larire stock ot'(iroeeries. llar.hvare, /m Hoots ami Shoes, wiiieli are .ifl'ere.j as lo>\ as tliev ran l.e l((nn;ht in the market, at wholesale or retail 'Vt. l::. MILKS. 1] iiave tour ex.-ellont youn^ Mnlcs. well l.i-oke an.l true, for sale. A]iplv to STKi».M\N .'v t>ct. S. \\ iioHNi; :;■> tf \\ N'OrU'K I'o I'KNSIO.M'.KS. r|mi; un.lersifrno*! continues to a.'i a>^ Attorne\ drawing Pensions, jtayahle at this Aireney. t'lainis 1'or Pension, liounty Laini. or any other Military claim against the I'nite.l States. s,>cnn-.l. Tlie highest r.ish j,n, - paid for all Land W uraiits f.>r a .\urth’nt M. i:(»si:. Fayetteville, )ct. 12, ;;.)-:;m LlMnKR! [JMHKK" I' IIA\ K on hand a largo am.iimt ol l.umKer .'f .lirt'ereiit kinds tlo.iriiij;. wide l.oards, weatlier lioar.ts. s.-antling, laths, xo : smn.- ..t whi. li is pnrtly seasoned. Also, a Inrjie assortment of refus," >\il| sell retnse board.s th> mill at ^1 per ^l , -I'uiitling at ■Sll and giioil edged hoards at S I. Sawe.l ta\e-. -ea- soued. UillB lilled at short ii'iti. e. ,v;i;i:. *iri‘enwood, (’umlierlau.l, .Vui:. 4. ITt ui:i)r('i:i) i ari:. 'I'hroiigli 'I'icki t- ! . twffii Wilmington, and ilalti- m.ire. FareSl:’.. Via \\Clth.n. Petershurir. Ixiclniiond. a>h- ingt'.nCity, or via W P"! ’.- • mouth and N.irfolk. F'.r I'i.-ket- ipply it"' ■ »tru’C of til.' Wilniingti n aii'l ftnlei-h Kail K'.ail ('i.mpany at Uilmi-.L''- ti'ii. or at the Office .'1 the i'.altimore >t.- im pMi Uet C'inpauy, and of the P. iltino r.’ an I *lii. I!'.’' t.^d r .nipnny. Pratt Street. Ualtim.>r*- •Ian. 1, 1if A NKW IWKNriON. undersigned has made i-n inveiiti..n >1 ■- Min hiiie, which ho will insure to li eitractioii ..f >mut in wheat, nn.l w ishes t" inform .^lill Owners that he is j.utting uj'machines at I'ni.'U F .' t > toiy. on l>.'ep Kivor. eight miles Ni.rtt: '.f \slili,pri'Uj.-ii My machines are mnn'osed "t three o'-tinr-t prini i pies, centrifugal. «c..wering .and reai-ti"ii it t-ik. - th>.- whe-it till..ugh three .'I’er iti.'n-: in f‘,r .uuh the m:o hiiie ^in e. \ny persons KuyiiiL- a mncli'ne. aftvr tiyiiiL' it. i. il does not clean wheat, dam], or dry 1 wil'' ta^ it '' i. k Price Seventy-livt> l>ollars .\11 letters addre-scd to \i‘>\ Salem l’..-t tlii.-. Kan dolph countv. I' I’ l i:i.K\!.\N Oct l-J. I’s.'-J. ::tV .\ow I'all Goods. suliscrihers have just rec» ivo.l an.l opened, at .M their Old .Stand, a verv large an.l ham.l9ome Stock of Staple atui W'ttnry MPry Gootls^ Kinhracing t'very vtyle and .luality l.,alies’ I) Oood.s. •Mso. .all styles of (loods for (.ientlemen's wear; Fine Moleskin and other styles fashionaMe Dress Hats; Satin and Str:n\ Pionnets; Hoots ami t'hoes, etc.! p.articular attention to a splendi.l .assort ment of Koaily-iiiafle Clothing, Of th«‘ very >>est material and workinansliip. In our stock may be found all Goods snitr.l to tlie season, at the very lowest market pricew. All in want ot (ioods in our line will please give ns a call. F,. L. .S: J. A PKMHKRTON H:iy St., Fayetteville, .Sept. 11(1. HOtf FOR SALK, l'OXi;s Manufactured'I'obacco. We have in store a large stock of Tobacco, and ex- t to receive constantly from .1. W. Kei.l and Thom- ; and nthc'r factories, an as.jortment of f|ualities to pe en.'ible us to furni"h purchasers factorv prices. I). .'■ept. I any ipinlity at lowest \ W. McLAl'HI.V :!t>tf I Sniut perl'ec t in the .1. W. RAKKU Is n(i\v rocoiviiifi Iroiu tin' Nurtli the tiuost, ;md rarot'ullv se- le. t.-.l of I I K.\ITI Ki: ever ..trered in this market: which, adde.l to his own manufai’tiire. makes hi.s assortment complete;—all .d’ which he will sd! on the lowi st possible terms for chsli ■ r 1.11 time to punctual customers. Fine Ito'.e W.-v.i.l Pianos. i liennet \ »’o's, fit Hri.ail- w;i_\. \i'w V..rk,, f.ishionablc painte.l cottage bed-room 1- ariiituic in setts; curlo'l li.iir .and shuck, anti cotton M'lttre'-^. s- l.^.okiu;; (il-ls'^e'.; Willnw Wagi.iis and Cra dle^-; P.itent .''elt'-S win^^iiiii 'i.. lies; Side P.oards; l?u- reaii': Si'cret;iries and l$ook-'ases; What-Not.s; Tables, all s,.rt/s; \\ash Stands; t'andle Stands; Wardrolies; l*ic- tnre I raims m 1 (ilass; Window Siia.leH; Cornices: t’ur- tain rtaiids, S..fa' in .Mahoganv ami Walnut; Tete a Tct.- , •tt'.maiia; l>iv(ilis ri'id Stool--: hair' 't ev.-iy v:iiiety. .'' I: 11) the Vreijrhtini^ Puhlir. fBlHK Brothers’ Steam Hont fVi. is now prepared I with the following Boats: Str. DOUt^LASS, Str. BROTIIKR.S, Tow Boat STKVENSTON, n LKWTS, ALFHlvl) ELLIS, .l.\S. ('.ASSIl>KV, KlN(jSBUUV, and KLIZA McDANII'L, to transport all Naval Stores, Produce and other Freight intrusteil to their care, with as much desjiatch as any other line of Boats on the Kiver. They are proviled with suitable Wharf and Ware-llouse accoinmoil.ations to d(> a general busines.s, and hope by strict attention to the interest of shippers, to meet a share of public p.atronage. ,1. S. B.\NKS, Ag’t, Fayetteville. .1NO. BANK.S, Ap’t at Wilmington. Sept. I'.t, ‘J'.Hf .!. S. liAXKS, i 'oiiiiiii.^1 ereliaiiI, Fayetteviiie, N. C. Sept. I'.t, is',:;. :j'.ttf S'FKA M I:R i 11:N RFF/r i\\, ri'^HROUrill from A. WesscU’s wharf in Wilmington, I to her old wharf in Fayetteville, with a sufticient nuinbei' of Flats to accommodHfe those wishing to ship through or way freight. H. .M. OHKFLL, \gent at Fayetteville. Sejpt. **, 1^,'*;!. ‘ 27tf 'iiii: s'I'i:a.mi:r “sun." fBlllIS new and ver3’ light draught Steamer has com- menced running, though not .i^iite ftnishe.L She is taking freight, .Irawiiig only I-'! inches water. She possesses sujierior advantages for low water service.— She has also a large amount of warehouse, she.l .and wliiirf room, where Naval Stores (pT other Ireight may l*e store.l with safety. K. M. OKKFLL, Ag't. Sept. In. Ih.')."’.. l!7tf EDWIIV GLOVER, l%\itrhmaker anti J^cicetet\ HAV STREET, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C., Has just returned from the North, with a much larger stock of Goods _ in Lis line than ever b^’fore offere.l by , him in this jilace. Among his stock niny be found— WAT('IIE8 of all kincl.s anl price.s, from §S to SlSf); (lokl ('hain.s, Seals and Keys; Kreast I’in.s, Kar-riiig.s, Fingcr-rings; a fine stock of Brace lets, (jold Locket.'^, Cufi' Pins and Buttons; Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles; Silver Spoons, Butter Knives, Soup Ladles and (’ups. Military (ioods; Clocks; Plated Ware; ■Vnd almost every article usually kept in a Store of this kind, which he will sell cheap for cash, or on short time to those who pay when their bills are presented. Watches Repaired, as usual. .August 17, 18'>:». liO-Hni $•25 REWARD. 1W1LL pay the above reward for the apprehension and safe delivery to me, or lodgment in ('Tinton .fail, so that 1 g«t my negro girl .JENNV. She is a likely girl, of light complexion, smiles when spoken to, about five feet »ix or seven inches high; is supposed to be lurking about Faison’s I*epot, or (.loshen. WM. P. HOBBS. .)uly 27. l ')-tf rgiiii': undersigned, having purchased Mr. Thos. >S. JL l.utterloh’s Distillery ami (’ooper-shops, have en- tereil into Copartnership .inder the name of McLaurin i!s; Strange, for the purpose of carrying on the Distille ry of Turpentine, and the manufacture of Spirit Bar rels. D. McLAURIX. WM. McLAlRlX. .IAS. W. STRANCH. Feb'v 18, I8r.;.:. 70tf streets. 87tf 02-tf f highest cash price paid for Turpentine, White i O.ik Staves, ami Oak or Ashe Heading, (’all m .!a« W Strange, who can alwavs be found at the Still. McL.U’RIN iS: M RANGE. Feb y 18, IS.'):}. 70tf FOR swa:. lOOO ACKE.S OF I.A\I>. ^ I1! K .subscriber offers for sale his valuable PL.VN- I T.VTION in Robeson county-, on both sides of the Lowrie Roa.l, DU miles South West of Fayetteville and within half a mile of Lumber Bridge, the terminus of the Fayetteville and Southern Plank Road. .\n opportunity is luiw otfered for an investment, which cannot be etjualled in this part of the country The 'an.l is heavily ar.d densely covered with pines. /-/■ >• i\'i I'ltFFKF.. :in I Br-wn SI ... af _‘ir. / i/l l.W AYS -ToVF, ::'»tt ANDUI'AVSS arr tun/ Slotw Ih jiol. .'II hiin't Cooking. Box. htuI pKrlour I'RFKiirriNG ox ( aim: i i:ar. fBlIlK subscribers having purchased the Steamers M Evergreen and Soutlierner and Tow Boats, lately i oH'ering a great inducement to all persons engaged in the j.r.>perty of the Henrietta Steamlioat C.impany, are ul-w prepared to forward with despatch, lietween Wil mington ttii'l Fayetteville, all freights or g.iods entruit- ed to them F. N .J H ROBF.RTS Favetteville, F»-b'v 14, IS.'.:!. t8tf Timber and Turpentine. The cleared land (about lOn I acres), and in fact all is pro.luctive—superior to any in that country. .\ liargain may be had. Terms liberal. ARCH D A. T Fayetteville, .\ugust 8, 18.j?.. SMITH. 17tf I ne. ALSO ■ f Till Wm1 .1 Ml.e ISo ij:a'I'iiki{ '■■IHoRoL'dHLV stret.he.i, . M. The above BaH'is are .soiil .N'ew ^^.l•k mniuU'ictiiM-rs' pv!, liiifd in e>ei". in-tane ■ W H Favette\ille, Nov I'p. { AM^n. ■emeiite.t, jinl > percent le's tli'iii ':isli wi;i In i> lie >pv U TTl- RI.oH .:ltf M tiln k l> ON F, in the .hiii-.- tj. l^•'l•;. at wholesale and C W ANDREWS. Market S.|uure. :_’i*Ott l\0(if!/i>r (i/nl best manner, at rcluce.l priceti. by C W ANDREWS. .Nlarket S.-juare. LMMltf Ani>LKHS’ .V.\n roACH-'.lAKKHS’ ff .f K §0 If.I K Xr. 1 I-.. Pep ■tinf Hi iin> I’.nc il \K. er. .''piee. .''■P.ip. 1, all'I every arti- W. F. MOOR K. r ivr i'KviM.K 'ill!Ill mUM UlMPVW. I .rganised :in'l jprejpare.l t.. re- r ltisiir:ince. on as fnvoiable 'Ini' illi'-s. i>ii;f.cti >R.' l.l.V. i;..\ K>:. I.I T ‘ KHI ''lI. ' ti! 'K. Av»n K. Hall. .5. ‘i. SllKPIIKRl). Wm. Warden. S. '1'. Hawlkv. • lulI.N I). Wild,I A.MS C. Uknhijw. Wm. McLachin. Wm Mt Intyuk. ■ K nil AN. \kiI StK1»'^I .\ N. H.K. ! OF FICERS; •I MiNi;iLL. Presi.leiit. ■■.IVlioVFR. Vic.' Pre-^i'lent. . HF.rilERi*. Attorney. M.MII.LAN. Secretary. - ‘ i H.I.. ! I ■ pK. L-ccutive C.pnimitlee. ■ \1 : ! I, Is-I i!\N. K niu>t coniiiieii'l itself ’ t' . i' T it .'.■III be .lemonslrateil that we ■ t- !i.- i:i t >ix _\ear' upwards of ••••0 •> ill t '■ \p.itii C;iv plnin Mutual Company; di-'il.j I, , - j,:.,i,| t.p have kept the s;ime in- thc i'.ifi',;!: j-,iiit 'tock companies that .sum we liit\.‘ ;i' tti;.';ly |.;ii.i; an.l yet the North I ?u:ii Coni]! iii_. h:; re.-eivepl between .s.",Odd I i..rc frotii ocii '■"iiiiiniiiily th;in it has pai.i iieri*. di'.wiu'.; th:it we :irc favorably sit ■ iiivire'l Vvilii iitlifi p'i ie.e in the State, for : j.jii:', L'.'i;e ilit'I ..per;.Iiipii LiV' "jib’iy, liav- ipf^alii .•'I H] ]ilieati.'lis t.p the iiim.uiit of I iiie CoiiipMiiy i- now pLice.l ujp.pii ;i tiini . ' , licd Ilf. or .■secret:ir\ . ncy ; ■ 1.-. 1 lit they will not be binding ui-.iil ’ , : p- I ive Cp.mniittee or the Boai'l. Tiioins mm'MW- iv no\s. No. lU Biilfimon' St.. litilliiiKirr. ,\1 P( (R'l'Kl'.S :in.l De.-ilers in II 'L; Skii.', .'s:i l.lle Ti ces. English and Reins, (iirtii Web-i. .''tirrups, Hanie.s. Ppitt'. \c. .'Springs. A.\ic- "I' :t',. kin'i'. C.. i.'h La.-.‘, I'.F.NT FF.LLoF.S, Hubs. Spp.ko'. Crnr'. i..' an.l Tire Bolts. Patent C:invas->. Carpeting, aii'i e\.-r\ .irti- cle cppnnecte.l with either branch of ttie bu-i!;.'-'. wh:. h they ar.- prepare.l to "tier t'p pun' tual customer- "ii :is g'.o'l terms as any ..ther h.mse in the I nit*- i .''t:.!.'', .Vg.'lit' for the ..'i’c .pf po( c - S.\! \ ijii-:.!';.^. P\l>." and S].oncer's (il(i TRLL.'^. gle^- Or ler' jpromptiv :iiten'le I i-. \d'lress Tiitnns >nrKr\/!K .s sons. N'p. P.altiinoi.- .■'tr.-et. 4'tV] BXLTlMoUK. 11 S'l' RI :c’ I:I \ KDAM) \ '() I{ S A 1.1 \R(iE No Mackerel A " '■ H-rrin“. Fresh Lime, j •• Plasti-r Pari'. t'oment aivl PlasUriii;; Hair. .1. U. P(»WKP.S \ t i>. .Inly -J'-'. IS.');’.. lo-tf A HAR(iA!N 01'FI:UI:D. A the un.lersigned has .leterniiiu’d to remove to tli« .“M West, she (pffers for sale that cppiiim.p lioiis H.puse, which she now occupies, in the village of SummervilU>, and all appurtenances thereuntpi belipiigiiig. .\N'p, I'J'i ai'res .pf lan'l at the mouth of Cross Creek, in the town ;d Fayetteville, a short distance above the Clareii'l'pn Bridge. Terms cash, or j.aper negotiable at either ol the Banks in Fayetteville. Referen. e, as to tli(; Cros- Cri*ek land, is ma.le tp> .'anies Banks, I'.s.j., ot haseite- ville. i:. BA 1 LEV. Summerville. N. C., .hiiie 1S >;;. Itf ('OPAR'I\NFJismi>. ^■111K ntidersigne.l have entere.l into ii cojpartner- ■ ship uiiiler the name ami style of Troy >V Marsh, for the prosecuti'in of a tieneral .Mercantile businesu. Location the sume as formerly >>c.-upiepl l.\ ,\'essi>. H. L. Myrover Co., of Ha\ Mount. .1. B .1. F M.-iy T.i, ISV'.. \‘w Dru”* St on*. Poulkes mliae Rai\ ItRl CCISTS, • . I'/ Jl'll/ Hull I)li/lil/iJsi/ll ifllr'i'i/j/ l !■/ (h- I iUi' Ilottl, F U KTTEVILLK. N. C., IIL i.ow rec.-iving a large stuck of DRl'^tS AND .medicines, directly from Imp.prters nn.l Manu h they will stdl t tai’tnrer-. whi trv Mer.-haiit' 'Th> y will k. every variety raii'.'enient' t' N.-w'K Their St' .1. ]piir.’ha'c'l .■oiifi'ieiitly l.iW Itvt.' They '.plicit a t*lie public. April 1 : Physicians aii'l Conn ery small a.Ivan."e. •p -'U'tautly on hand, of the best ([Uality. | f ,'irticles in their line, having ma'le ar- tli:it etlei't with established houses in lri\ing bei'ii very .;urefully selecte.l, ami ’■r ('ash. will eniil.le them to recfpinnien 1 ill their Drugs. ;niil to sell them at very rea-..Pliable share ot the patronage .pf Hstf 1-oR sam: ok iUvN'r, I^HL line Sl'MMKi; RESIDENCL m.w occupie.l by Mr. .1, i;. Bryan, two miles West of town. Pos- 'si .n given ininiep|iately. Apjply to .Mr. John H. Cook C E. Leete. S. .V. i.EETF.. M:ir.h Dp. 77tf \F\V srOCK Ol' sl'KiMi \)M mmm liooiis. I now receiving a large and well jf COODS, comprising a (leneral TP.o^. .Ik. MARSH. !'7tf nilE subscriber .■lecteil stoci X'vortment of I)I{V CJOODS, R(nk1\-inadr lioots and Shoos. Hats and Caps, Marduart' and ('ntN'ry, Grocrric's, Saddclry tk:c. W hich w ill be sohl low for Cash, or exchange.1 for Tur pentine ami Country Produce. He returns his warmest thanks to his oM friends and customers for the liberal jifttronage heretofore extended to him, an.l iio)>e.s t.. merit a continuance of the same. N. KIN;. Kingsbury. .\)piil D‘>. Is.'>;!, S‘,-tt ri Rl’KN'riNF w antfd. 10 will pay until fiirtlu'r notice, the highest cash 1, \\\ Itl'.'M K ■ •1 )i \ \\ .■ ■ ii\ it ri 1, \N aip[pointed (leiii-i • :i)pfplications. M. NF.ILL. Pres’t •;t,tr y*tH‘\ilh‘ llotrl. i(Hi\ iiAiniw I’l' p'‘•fVii’ly iiifpii inv liis friend li aiHl licit 111- III ii-niovei| from the • po..! 1,1 H'iMiioiint io the larger nioM- ( .,11.111. lip.ii II. tel ill th'- centre of i-nliv pic. iii'i' I bs Ml Bri.v.ii, and v/ell l :iyette\ii .■ Hot.-l, vvio-!.' he \\illliehap- 1: Tr -'-ell.-r um I B . .i I,-: ■. \o ex- ■ ’ ^ I t llil uill be |p ife.l in leli'b'i ill- in I V I;-, or llilll \»ltll tlli'il . olll- .i one I ‘ L'Ul.itf 1. ptel :it KlvMON Al.. J. N. SMITH, Chemist and Ilruggist, Havin(; removed to the .''tDic Tinrtii- west corner of .Market S.)U:ire, re. ently >,c- .upie.l by P. Shemwell, npw .pIHts to his friends and the jmblic generally a large rui'l well selected stock of Drugs, Chemicals, Paints. Oils, Dye Stutfs, and Perfumery, consi.-:ting in [part d' the f.pllowing: Potash, White Lca.l, \ enetian reil, Spanish brown, coj.peras, alum, s:iltpetre, sal sp>d.'i, bi earb so'la, saler.itus. madiler. indigo, sulj.liur, cpsom salts, yellow ochre, Blake's j.iiint, chrome yellow, iin. lier. ciir.iine green, Prus. blue, chalk, spice, ]>> )iper, iiiitiiieg"^. cl ives, st.arch, ginger, borax, yeast jpowlers. e; -;fii.-es, niustar.l, logwood, inks, so:ijis, congress wn‘er, halad oil, wimlow glass, putty, varnishes (all kinds,) linseed, tanners , c.asloi' and olive oil, .alcohol, suiph. acid, burning tlui.I, camphene, jiaint \:iriiisli; to. tli, flesh, nail ami white-wash brushes: gaK.iiiic battiies: surgical, tooth and euji].ing instrument,.\n eric.-in. French ami English chemicals, patent medicines, iS:e., ,Ve., all of which are of lii-t rate .jUalit \, and will be soM at a small advance on .-.isi, (>rders solicited fi'oni cmintry PliNsiciaiis, mercha’its, and others, who are respe.-tfully invite.I to c.ill and e.xaniine ny stock before ])iiri basing .•Isewhere, as they niaj deyvend on pro‘uring fresh and genuine articl‘ d. No pains will be spared to give satist.u' both mi (.(Uality and price. The subscriber hopes, li\ st'ii.'t ;u tention to business, to merit :i share et the pnbli.- |i;,t Ionage. Me li.-al pre^cri[.fions c;irefullv ami :iccurately prepared. .L N. Nortii weHt comer Market S'juare Oct. 8. iH.'i::. o4-tf price for Turp August ]S;'):{. ntine. McLACRlN STR.VNliE. •_';!-tf „ . 'I'lic unilfrsignod continue to carry on the LIVERY BUSl- .Ni;S,S at this iil.ace. They have lately largely increuse.I their Stock ami ■ an now offer to the public as gooil Horses, Carriages and Dri vers as can be found in the South ern conntrv. 'I'hankfvil for the large jvatroti- :ii;r heretofore extemle.l to us, we solicit a continujition ot the [public favor. We promise a satisfactory trip to all who ni.'iy wish to travid. Stables at the West end of Ajunifonl street, where one of the Proprietors may always lie found, or a1 the Store first .loor East of Mr. l..utterloh. .1. W. POWF.RS .'i C(*. Fa vetteville. Feb’\ lI'J, 71V HFWAin). \N\WA\ from the subscriber cm the liHth ot .May last, ;i negro boy called '.\liVIN. nineteen years old. height about feet .M inches, weight about D'i>) lb,s., a black negro, had ear rings in each ear when lie left, no clothing recollected excejit n dark blue over- ( ip;;t. This boy was purchased of Dr. .Ldin .Mc.Neill of Rolpeson county, about the 1st of May. The above re ward will be paid for his delivery to me or if lodged in a -Inil in this Stat«. It is very probable he is in the neighborhood of his forrrier owner. .JOHN W Al»DILL, -Ir. Fayetteville. N, C,. June ^0. 7-tf ■\oliee to ^ercliaiit**. riiRoi (^11 in DAY ijcnrr. FBI HE swift and commodious .^teamboat .Ylice. Capt. .H. Sam'l Beery, will commence her regular semi weekly tri})s between Fayetteville and Wilmington in a few days. Those who desire their goods with certain ty and de.spatch will obtain them by shipping by her. Due notice of days an'l hours of departure from each I'lace will be given, troods consigned t.> J. R. Blossom. .Vgeut. will )ie promptly ami carefully forwar.led, as usual. .•Vugu'^t 1 >r»o K.ii. I8tt Pilot Mountain. ^j^HlS (Ireat Natural (''iiriosity is situate.l in Surry I County, N. C., two miles west of the Stokes line, on the main roa*l leading from Salem west —distance miles, iermanton Is miles, Bethany 17 miles, ami ■ within .'i miles of the Stage line from the above places j I across the Blue Ri'lge by Mount Airy to the Sulphvjr j .'springs in Virginia. The height of the Pilot Mountain i(s!kys Prof. CaMwell) is 17-')0 feet above the level of ' (irassy ('reek, which is the nearest stream. The view . from the Pintiacle is said to be the (Irandest of any other point in the Southern States, embracing Kings ' .Mountain in York Dist., S. Parissis M.'untain in ' Spartanburgh, S. C., the Table Rock in (ireeuvillv : Dist., S, ('., all of which are 100 miles or more .listant; I u full view of the Blue Ridge from North East to South : West, an'l the Alleganny as far as the eye can reach, I the Peaks of otter, the Bufl'alo Hump, uml many other points in \'irginia. .\ view into f.>ur .st.-ites can be ha.l at the same time. | The Pilot for the last seas.'u has been much visited by Htr.-ingers from all part,'^ of the I'nite.l States. The ■ ascension to the Pinacle is now safe by step.s and | ladders from the House kept by the Subscriber, tPiie an'l a half miles si>uth of the Mountain. .\ goo.l car- | riage Roa'l within six huii'lre.l yards of the Pinn.acle; a 1 good (rui.le will always be to w.ait on strangers. .No pains will be spared to wait on visitors and make tiiem comftirtable with every thing the country affords. ^ The Stables are well supplied with corn, fod.ler and ; hay. Near the is a tine Mineral .Spring, the properties of which are Sulphur, Iron an.l .Magnesia. Inquire for the Subscriber's House, as he is the sole proprietor and ownei of the Pilot Mountain. WM. C.ILL A.M. .lune ‘J5, IS."):’.. '.'-tf MPe On hi ON’.s # Ml pro rett NOi\-FXlM.OSlVF I.AMR, FOR BURNING FLUID AND PINE OIL. Patented January (ith, 18o‘i. fBlHE subscribers having received a lot of the JL above L.\.MP.S, call the attention of the public to the same. The right to ven.l the Lamp in the ilitferent counties of the State will be dispose.l of at a reasona ble price, (’all and see them. .Also, DMI kegs White Lead, 00 oz. Sulphate d’ (.^lui- nine. Just receiveiL FOULKS AIACRAF. -August I’d, 18-'»>L ‘jL’tf (^FFK i: OF Tin; Catk 1'kak am» } I )i:ki» Rivkr Xavkjation ('ompan v. ^ STOCK FOR SALE. ri’^HF'] Stock of the following persons in the C. F. ,V £ D. R. N. Company will be sold on Wednes.lay, the Kjtii of NOVEM15KR next, at the ('oiirt House in Pittsborough, sail subscribers having failed to pay their subscription to the original Ca]>ita1 Stock of said Company umler the original Charter: — \ ALl AULF LAXDS FOR SALF. ■ (•FFER for sale my plantation, situated seventeen miles South-west of Lumberton, and eighteen from the Rail Road, and nine from Harlleesville, containing Seven Hundred .\cres of the best cotton and jirovision lands in the county, with fine improvements, well wa tered, remarkably healthy, and the best stand for n Store in the country, there having been one on it occa- kionally for the last thirty years;—with altout one hun- dre.l and eighty acres of cleared land in a very high state of cultivation. I will give the lands for the valued proceeds of them for two years, with the work of seven hands. I will divide the lands if desired, or if a larger tract is de sired, there is a large tract of laud aJjoining it that can be bought on very reasonable terms. Early application is desired, ZACH. FULMORE. Alfordsville, May 0th, 1853. 92tf ~\\ F IIAVF OX HAXD lo Hhds. Sugars, Du. T. C. H.\LL Has removed to the well-known stand of the Drs. Robinson, Cvirner of Green and Bow April L’l, 18r).'5. \i. jm. orrfff7 FOR\V\RDI\T. I’OMMISSTON M Fayofleville, March 10, 18^1. JOSEPH It VKKU, Jii., ATTOK.\KV AT I.AW, Has taken an office next door to Wm. B. AVright’s Law oflice on Green Street. He will attend and practicc in the County :inl Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. March‘28, 18.‘>:‘>. 7fl-tf C^HARLFS BAXKS, r o .V r T# o .VJE Jf, WHol.ESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fnrp>(jn Frit it.-', Cii/ar.'i, Tobacco, d'c. CiiREFIir ^TREKT, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, 18r>;!. 73tf J. F. FAW RFXCF, Fayetteville, N. C. September, 1 8'»o :i(»-Oni W. n. CARVFR, DKALF.R IN Dry (ioods, (iroccrics, and i^rovisiuns^ :il door from N. E. corner .Market Stjuare, next to D. (iee’s Hat Store, Green street, FAVKTTKVILLE, N. All kiudf* of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Fe>)"y tjOY M. HITSOX, iiOM SK Fayetteville, W. C. Marcii L'O, 18.W. 81-V WOR'ni cV FFLIOTT, (si (' ESSORS T(» .1. n. FO({W.\Kl)L\(; c*? COMMISSION MKKC HANTS, FAVETTKVILLE, N. (’. (OLli STAND OK IIAI.I, .v .)«*HNSOp.) J. \. \V«»KTH.J [W. P. KI.LIOTT. February Di, 18f)o. C9-y S'l'ARR cV \VILFF\MS, WHOLESALE DEALKRS IN JForeifi ii and MPotnestir nrtf IIAY STRKKT, Fayetteville, N. C. H. rtTARR.] [J. .M Ajiril 28, 18o2. II. WILLIAMH. 8Gtf L. HOLMFS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. o FFICE on corner of Front and Princess streets. under .lonrnal oflice. Dec. 12. 48-tf Bbls. Granulated do. 1.^ Bags Rio Coffee, •j •* Maricaibo do. Bagging and Rope, Swedes and English Iron, Window (Jlass, 8x10 and 10 x 12, - -ALSO - Loaf ami Crushed Sugars, Bar and Fancj’ Soap, 40 Bbls. No. 1 Herrings, S[>ice, Pejiper, Ginger, Snuft', Indigo, Madder, Span ish Brown, Saltpetre, Saleratus, Mace, Cloves, Yeast Powders, Nutmegs. .Adamantine and Tallow Candles— with a general assortment of Provisions, Dry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Oockery and Glassware. We offer the above goods at low prices for cash, good iiitper, 01' I'rodtice. TROY MARSH. May 2.1. IS.'):?. S'7tf IH.VA'K received :ind opened the largest Stock of ]>RV (iOODS, (JROCERIES, &c., I ever offered sale, .ill of which 1 will sell as low as any house in this place. My friends and cusfonters, and all in want e* Goods, arc respecttullv invited to call and examine ft* ‘ PETER P. JOHNSON. Favtiftvi le, N. C., September 1853. 28tf Raii(lol})li Shcotii For sale by- April 18.W. and Cotton \ arn, WORTH & ELLIOTT. 87 tf S. S. AREY H.AS on hand a beautiful assortment of F.ALL .\ND WINTER GOODS. He desires to return thanks to his friends ami the public for the libenil patronage which they have bestowed on him; and solicits a con- tintiance of the .same. His friends and the public are requested to give him a call, at the stan.l formerly oc- cujiie.l by S. J. Hinsdale, south west corner >Lirket Square and Gille.spie street. (>ct. 1. 18.');!. ;u-tf OK .MIjMj KM.vns It J. H. Rothwell .A. B. Rothwell W. t. .letl'reys .lolin -A. t’ox 1*. Giard .Andrew Vestal C r Tully O Andrews Janies Hutton A. N. P.eth William Watson William Smith .lames McGary K. B. Drake W. F. (’olliin E. Fooshee O. W. Lindley Bv order i 1 Nicholas Mi.i-ks 1 I Thomas P«. Long 2 1 P.. J.Hacknej 2 1 o. l». Petty I James D. Pullin 1 John McKellar 1 G. W. Hight 1 .l;inies Br.iwii 2 .lohn W. Lane I George Wilcox ■’» .lohn W. Hooker I ti. .M. Brazier 1 M. (Jardner 1 .lohn .\. McDonal'l .1. M. Walker 1 W. H. Hughes I Charles Bright d' the Board, HE.NRY ;\. JiONDoN, Treasurer. Pittsboro', .Sept, 7, I So.'!. 27-ts WHEAT, SAW MILLS, f' FISH! FISH!! j^jACKLUEL in half and whole Barrels, for snle by ®pt. 14, UlST Mill Spindler Balance Irons an.l Drivers, If Inks and Gudgeons, Hotchkiss Water Wheels, Racks and Rollers, kept constantly on hand, and for sale. We also make Gearing ami Shafting tor Wheat, (\)rn. Saw Mills and Factories. Steam Engines of any aower repaire.l. Grate Bars and Furnace Fronts kept on hand. We wish to make additions to our machinery jmd tools; to enable us to do this, those indebted bj' note or account will please come forward and settle.j HALL & BOLLINGER, March I’J, 18.''):L 7t>tf rOBACCO. f B^HE sub.scriber continues to receive and sell, on nmnufacturers’ account, all grades of manufac tured Tobacco. d. UTLE^. May -J.\ I8V2. M lED.AR FALLS Cotton \atn and Sheetings, for snle JOSt:PII R. BLOSSOM. i onnissio AND F(Mn\ ARDIXG MERCHANT, WUmiHgton^ .V, C, jjiaf Prompt personal attention given to all Oonsign- ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, 1833. G7y WILKIXSOX & FSLER, DEALERS IN CoujWtionari/, Foreitjn Fruits, ^Tuts, Tobacco, nutJ Snujf\ AND IMPORTERS OF StFERIOR IIAVAlfA CIOARS, AT WHOLESALK AND RETAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. lltf MALLFTT ^ RAl LMli:ii, ~ imroeers and Commission rhants^ i;J5 Front Slro«*f, NEW YORK. r. MALLETT.] [j. I'AULMltR August lb, 18')2. 18tf T. C. WORTH, COM.MISSKIN AM) FORW ARDING )IERCHA\'T, WIL.MIXGTON, N. C. Feb. 1, 1853. «Otf \V1FLL\M A. (I\\ YFR, FORWARDING AND COM.MISSION MERCHANT, \% iliiiiii^toii, I\'. €. PERSON.AL attention given to the sale or shipment of Navjil Stores. 1 have ample facilities for con ducting the business; large wharf and store sheds to keep sjdrits from xposure. Naval stores will be shipped to any house in New York, or to other markets if advi sable, and liberal cash advances made on consignments. I refer to the following distillers; E. Hannum, Wayne county. E. H. AVoodanl (’>., Earpnborougii. W. Earp, “ A. (5. Thornton, Johnston county. Bridges & Durham, ** “ 1). Hocatt. “ “ Spencer Fountain, “ “ H. Eatman, “ “ !'iiiit)i, Bryan iV Co., “ “ P.. R. Hinnant, Esq. “ “ Lovett Veacock, Columbns county. .Messrs. Jones Leach, Fayetteville. May 20, 18;'.:’.. ‘ M A RIM. K J A( rC) R Y, PETER 1 JOHNSON. 28tf nt Factorv prices, l>y May 30, 1853. TROV MARSH. 98tf By GEO. LAIJDKR. TWO DOORS ABOVE T. T. HAIGH & SON'S STORK, Fayrlteville, Jan’y 20, 1853* Cl-lYpd i i 1

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