N F. ]ff 1 - W Fi F 14 L Y" x-u m. I' WETTEVILLF., V , 0('POHKR 11, [NO. ‘238.1 ^ 1 1 1- t:\ .( NKWHV \||{) .). il \ l\] iV SON. rl;i •l-Ull.Ti»ns W lllllf, 'rrUlllPf Kefiiu'il Kinn- Si »‘.i ( lil nil t'.'i tif t.-. n,-f 1.-,, is:,; l>. A W M. I.AI K1\ . it-' I K V t.K > ) ‘‘-I il j.jil.l in tti' \ i--ii '.i 111. .11]' * MiidtM nii‘1 wliicli in'i- ..tr ii'ii ■! li u a-. ■ i >'! Mniimii. i'" jiMiil ill . MU »•!> iK.nthf in ili.‘ ni'irktM :it w ln.!i"'ili' ■! rctiii! liii iiv I lie \ I'ur iilMili i t ip ^ m: a lari!.‘ si. rk ,,i i, IImi.Iwui.-. .‘,ii In- I: M !• • r >l -'\l \ ]'t*r I'l- !. :iii'l itiii ty cont'i t>ir t'M.'li \f .r! \ ri'h i-vli-'t'nu'iil" ,i\ spi' '.I- ruti'.. V.ivfiti'i**!''" 'ii'f ■ . M .'I ih'frti.iiis li,-sin'll, or 1- ; i. nci-"!-'!- ;: . i: i'-t II •• iiiii-it ^n- lui-it iiiii'i. C'aroliiia Kacon, uiifiinr iirtiile. on rmi- ;iit‘ ill lUHTititii's to suit. u. iiosi:. Ml I.KS. ^ II liiiir fxcflloiit viiiin aiiil trni‘. I'or salt M.il.-s, Ajipl.v tu Sl'i;i»M\N o.t. rlt l.n.k. IIOIINK Mill,I- ill fxrfllrlit 01-- i: HOSi; in r ri:K. M! ‘ 'n Miittt'v M;o Mi NKll.l. r.t ;:f.-tt Ui.H HKiH S(’H()()L, I • I •! \ I -I . N. 'KTII CAi; 'LIN A. ■ ' . Ill iiii'iiiiiLi liisiitution is Ui.-.v I'fi - : ■■> •1. nii'K-r a lull it' well . I , • : i iiii c\t“iy tiling re.iuisitf Im' . i! . fii,; W' il 'iij (liu-il with Maps. ! . II tii.itu'. 1 •|ii’''{'Ilical \: ii-iUt'. 1 . . . .■'.'vsit.ii'- -'t li\i* iiii'iitlis i-.iinnifiK'e ; M aiiav January ami .lulv r*‘S[i*vtiv»‘ly. • i r. lull jiartivuiars. will \v lui- ii; ! ■ I-' ■. -I. .!:'iif Smyth. A M., , i; . r. ti.. liiohiiiuiiil I uuty. . :i. r. M.'iN I 'l US.-iTt‘*Hrv. 86Y‘ »r aim: FFAK, ) ■ il . •iiKi; rjth. I . i ■ 1 1 ;: t-i T..r havt“ thi' \ :.niiuiil l'i\lilt nl "f Fi'iir per • ^ .’.l.MS at til*-I’rinv ipal Uni.k ■ .;i. r .’if 1't Niivcmlier nt-xt. ii. I! > VV.'v.r, Cishit 1 1*1 uri \ii:in. \(. irrn till u t roi.'ivi 1 ni'l ilflVrs tor .xale ! • K if IVrfuniery. S..ai'^, Hnioht^s th>' t' .li-w ii!^. viz; NO'TK K VO IM'ASIONr.liS. un !«‘isifi,iit'i| fi'iitiimps f«> net a« .VitmiHy tur -ft itrawing IN'iisions, ]>ay:iMf at tliis Airciuy. t'laini.x fur IV'Usion, r.uiinty l,aini. m- any othfi Military cbuiii against the 1'niti‘il Stati- . si i'urcil. Tho liight'st I'ltsh i> j.ai'l t'.,r nil L'unl Warrant- t’,.r a .V th, •INti. M. i;nsi;. Fayotti'ville, K't. 12. is')". ;i'i-«ni Ll MBFJi’ I.lMHTJi" U.^ I'. H AVK on hainl ii luii;*- anininit ol" l.iiniluT nf ilitlVivnt kiiil-j Hni.riii", wiilt* l-iianN. w>athf'i- hojirils. s,-:iiitliii^, liitbs, \c.; S'lint' of which is nartlv -t'Hsoht' l. Mso. a l«rgo iivsortnn‘nt ol' retuso: will st*ll rftuso Ixiarils nt tin- ■mil at •'Si |n'r M . .‘-(•autling at aiii| gi.ml oilge'l tiMur'l-i at S^'.. Saw.il ;taM-->, '•fu- 1. Hillb lillf'l at xhiiri i!..tii i‘, .io\i;s A r.AKiiKi: iit‘.Miwoiiil. ('unilH-rlaii'l. \. t ,\n . !. l''.'.:!. [IT* i{i:nr('i:i) iwin:. 'riin>ii!:li Tifkft- liciutfii U iliuiugti'ii. N ( ' . aii'i l!alti lilni'i'. Kan-SI-'. \ 1.1 UfMun. ,, U a-t:- '11, or at flio Otlii'f ini]iaiiy. ati'l "f tlu' oinpaiiy. I’ratt Str»“»‘t. r-ultinini ./an. 1. IsOl?. Ka n I’ctor-'iuri;. IJicini; ini;tiin ( ity. Iir \ ia \\ rMi n, I’. vi iiioiir h aii'l N'lri'i'.k K.'i-'I'ii'ki'ts aii)i:\ :.i ih. ' li. . ■It' tho W iliniimt'.n an i H iit i^h ilail K.'MiI iinii'-iii\ at W illnii: ■ t' rl;(> I’.iilfhiO'Tt' StfMiii T'!! kt't r-a'.tliiiiirt‘ anil ''hi" iJail lii l .V I ..'.I ^ui'. j l;.;- aiu! luiit-pintb . Hhv I !..i tl.o H.iiii'iker. Lii-t': HandnlinP: ! ' il . \1iii .'i-'''-r iHil Brar. U1; V,.l ; 1 1. u H .tn-y l’"iui. 'fi.stilp aii'l Kmi- rv ')iav;jig, U.Hi'lu'f HI' I'lkS an'l ShaV- | i. iitii.’n. I'lM/'irs: Kuglisli aii-i Frt“nch| : III i T -’li }«rupht": Hailg'-r nn I fine : Dr :.i lUitl'iNi. Iliigli'ti Horn, l-'inf ; !- i r>ari. h iry ati'l Rui.ati ■ \! .i> . .U. IfiUMi ■’■■;n«' Hiittlv' t'. "tt-i 1;. ' i.;j' SalvP; l*..\v.lcr i - ici. ’«li -ii bni . i.ily Whito; rimik . M’ Hair I'yi-- I’ivaton .'•'h't -- I. ; , In .. • '' '•u;if*ri. r JKK l-.KM'iS. ,,, Imn i ^ i; ■. iva ' ' ih F'KK. Ti' 1 wi'l Hriiwn SI ti.AH -I i ..:i 1 L. Ht •■'Uk-if • I t .111'lit'.-. . 1, ('.•i.i)L‘r. t(.n>;er, Spice, ."vhii, ^lOT. Klii'sr. Bmi'iiIi. timl every nrti- W. K .Mi>'>Hi; r \\ i; i"i i;\ ii.i.k i IL i\M iiiMi: nniPi.w. ;.y - . I; allisr.hin.l pr.-l r*’ 1 ti. K'- i, ,r I ii-hraiif>‘. ^'ii a*- ta^otaMc IIH". i»:=;l,( iMl^ I I,: 1 KIM ;11 1\ K I SIAN. > Kl I • A\o.n H. Hai.i.. ,1 , « i . SnKl'Hi.KI*. W'm. Wakkfn S '! 11 AWI.K.V .lulIN i>. Wll.1.1 AM^ i. JJk.nk'iw . \Vm. Ml liAl HIN. Wm MflNTVHK MrncF-HS; M N 111 LL. I’rfsiilfii!. I ' "i |:ii\ i.i;. \ ii-.‘ i’ri'si'lviit j 1, IIKILl). Atturney. . .;11,1,.\N. ."fcrftarv. • I . , ' I I 'K, > K\‘'i''itivc f iiiiiiiiittei*. - - '.M-, \ . '>! -I, Iv'i K\M f. mii't ooinineioi it.sclf ;ty. t'lf it can In* Icni'instrate'l that we V. ' :iii 't ‘-'.X yi-ai - upwanis >f ■ 'n.- N lit I i'arcilina .MiituuM'niiipiiiiy; Il i.,d ; .\1- I til have kcjil the same iii- *- e ■ t t ck cunipaiiie- that Sltlil Nvc liiivc ai-tii:i.; :'aiil; anil yet th' Noitli \1 .Mial ( iiinpany . i . r*a ci\eil hetweeii SolKKI ' more frnni iir i i.nmuinit;. than it has jiaiil here. rill,v\ iii;^ tiiat wi- :iia- taViralily sit :;p ii-eij witii '.tlo-r p!ai r> in tlie Slate, for •la’. ii;t giine into uperalion laMiiaKlv. hav- - : ii’_-.iii ■-I" I Hppliea I ion- tw the aiiiniii.l nf ■I 111- iiMp ih. ; iiow placeij np .n a linn .1, I- i \iiclLt, or Secretary, in: y . t tiiev will not lie liilnlinu until li c I.' . CO ivc t oniniittee or the Uoanl. • ' \N 1, \U :;i'\r|, : appointe.l ner.il ‘ '.'ill' ; h , ’ t>- a pplicat iiili ii;u .MiNKILL. I’r-st. i\f'w r'all Cioods. I fBllir suhscrihprs linvo just reeeivod tnnl ojioned, ut | M their • >lil Stun.I, a vor\ Inrpe ami hmiil^onip i ■'toek ol Slapl4> am! i'aiirif tfry iiiiilirai'iiig; every' stylo niwl i|iialitv l.ndies’ Uress (iooilji. ■ \Ko. all stylp'i of (loods for (ientlemen’s w>Hr; Fine \ Molfvkin ami other siUes fa"hion;ilile Dross Hats; Satin ( ainl Slraw iinnnet'-; lloot.s ami Shoos, etc. j Ibfif > hII |iartj.'ular attention to a siilomli.i ns'ort- | nieni .if j I lo:i«ly-iiaade of the very l>est material and vvorkiiianship. In our slock may he found all (ioods suited to the •ieason, at tlie very lowest innrkef prico.s. All in want lit tl.iiiils in onr line will please give ns a t'nll. L. .S: .1. A. rKMlUlHTON. May St., I'ayetteville, So]it. *Jti. i’.Otf I'OK SAIJ-:, H*\KS .Manufaoturwal Tohftoiaj. We have in store a largt* stook of 'I’ohacco. and ex- pi'i t III ita'eivf oon'itantly from J. W. Ueid atid 'I'lioni- as's .and nther tai’tories, an assortment of i|Ualitie; to eiia'ile ns to furnish imrchasers any i|U!\lity at lowest fartorv prices. l>. .V W. McL.VrUlN. Sejit. 1S.'>;:. ;iOtf 1 A M:\\ LWKN'riON. rg’iHK under-igne l has ma le .an i;;\ent :■ >f • -;aiit M. Machine, whiih ho will insure t-i t.c p=-if.- in tin- extraction of sniut in wheat, ami wi-lios tu ii t. r : ^li = l • 'vMier« that he i>J puttinn up machine- at I ni ui i •■■•I ■ t 'ly. mi I»oep Hiver. eifjiit mile- Ni jti “I A ■! : : My inachint ■ are ciimp -e 1 .t tl;t i- i'tM . pr:ii. pie-, ceiitriftl£:al s.'.'Weri . 1 rc ir'^ :: It t.iM -tl.c wheat thrimgh three ..p.-r'if ;.ii'• l=-i''.. mncliine i.nce. .\ny jiersiins Kuyini; h machine. I'ui Irviiif.; it. >1 't do>-s nut I'U'Hii wheat, damp .ir -iry. 1 u,. ; ;sc Prii-f .'^••venty-tive l>.i'.lar-. \’l letters addre-Hed t- Neu ;- i%-iji I’ -! •'tfi' . i: .ti- dn'ph '''’niitv . !’ i’ I i:Kr.\l.i Hrt I'J, I"-'!-. Li:A'i'iii:K r.AM)>. !h H I.V stretch' i. . t-iu.'iii- I iH I i 'm -- A I'he ah ive Hand- arc .Id Ji! p-r ''..i ; c-- t' : .N'imv V;>rk ’n'lni!tHctiirer• j.:!.’' - t'i'li >v i '' e re- luire i in e\-r\ inttMn.'- I "r iic ’■. U 11 LlifKHl.iili i a;, en.-xille. .N'..v. I>.. Is.,J. !; S.V!>I>LKRS’ AND ('(t.\( II A K KKS’ f#.f R if If.l ff A'r. TiiD.Mis .)iirKi;.\zii; k so\s. \o. JjJ Balliiiiorc .’1.. iialiinnMr. I .Ml'uKTKItSand Healer^ in H Ski;;-. -nidi. 1 r. Knglish Hea l" ati ! liein-. i;rtn W c '•Mrin} -, ilames, Hitt'. vVe. .''pirlng-*. Axli-...! all kia la, > ;v b Lftce, r.KNT I'LLIJ'tS. Mu! -, Sp.ukc-. i air;ai..‘ >'nd Tire Hciits. I’atent ’anvMss. arpetint'. and every arii- i'Ip ronnected with ^ither hranrLi nf the fiu ii.c*!-, v\h;cli thev are prepared to otler tu put;, tual iH'lt. a;* :'i ■;i a” jiuod teriii;* as any nther hnu-c in the l aii»d Stm. tur the .s-iU- of I'.ip- Se:! \ ■ 1 | M ill-. I'Vi',- xnd .■spencer's lilii TKFKs, I Inters promptly at?end‘.[ t- Address THti>i\s >n(KiA/ii: \ .nii.ns. N'l llaitiini're St-eet. 4.*V] l'.AL ll.M'iUK. JI s'r EC I: IV1: n \ n i > i-(> i»» s a l i AH(.;r. N ■ Mn.’kerel J Mirriii'i Kre-i. Lime. IMa'tor I’firi- •' I’ement and I’l i ti riii It i ■I. U . I’DWI i;: ■('. •Inly V n\\u,\\s ^^S‘ the under' igned has dctormin* ii I■’ la no.v t" i lii* We.st, she otters f.r ''.ale that CMnimndii U' il"n which “he now occupie.-, in the vlllauc nf .'''.iinnicr^ il c, and till appurtenance- thereunti■ hc!.ini:.ing. \'si'. acres Ilf liiud at th(‘ nooith of «'r,i Creek, in the t.,wn of Favetteville. a shmt distnm c ali.ivo the ( iarendnii l!rid.w,o. 'I'erms cash, or |ia]ier negotialile at either t the Hanks in Fayetteville. l-telerence. a- tu the 'i., Creek lanii. is imule to .Fame- li-ink-. F-n.. "f I .i.v'tte ville. F. IVMI.IA Sumniervillo. N. .Inno I'l, Itl COPAK'I'MIKSIIII*. r|1iii •i undersigned have enteia‘1 iiitn a c .paitiier- ■ ship nnder the n.ame ..md style i.f’I’r.iy Mai-h, for the prosecution of a fieiieia’. .Mercantile hu-iio \ I'lf.tr > • \ l‘\ ili«‘ I lotol. i>MN IIAKM \N 4^ !!■ p. r tl illy infMiin^ !iis IVifitds ami ' '' t lie hi lernoveij from tiie ■' ' 'f ll.iy iiiiiuiil tn tiie lar.tiet ■ itiiiii .1' I . 11^,1,-I j|, ]||,. ( cntre ol I ' ' 'd I' I’ruwii. and ..'ell ‘ H t' l. V. he,'.. w iin.ehaji- i r • I ;.M - a nd 1',., f l.-r- No c\- ' laiail;. will I:., ii.ire.l t,, n ndi'r li: U I:i ..r him with then- ei11 1 'f'o tllf' h'/'t'l ir/ltt/lli Hrothers Steniii IJoat Co. is now prepared I. with tlip followiti}/ Itont-. Sir DOUl’.LASS, Str. HRdTFIFHS. Tow Boat STKVENSTON, l> r.FWIS, AI.FKFI.) KLLIS. .1 VS. ('ASHIDKV, KIMISBI liV, and FLIZA McDAMFL. to trani'port all Naval Stores, I’roduce and other Freight intrusted to their care, with as much desjiatch as any other line of I’,oats on the Kivor. Thoy are proviilod with suitahio Wliarf and Waro-Mou.se accommodtitions to do a general business, and hope by strict attentiiui to the interest of shippers, to meet a share of jiublic pntronage. Sept. r.i, lb.' S. .l\(l BANKS, Ag’t, Fayettovillo. BANKS. Agt at Wilmington. U'.Hf .!. S. RANKS, €'4»iiiiiiiM«»ioii Tl(‘reliant, Fayetteviiie, N. C. Sept. r.t, is:. U'.ttf BTMiaaKflBltfiSttlt .1. W . RAKKR i Is iKiw rtTfi\ itiir tViiiu tlic >»nrtli tlu' largest, liin'st, ainl iiKist laiftullv st‘-; b'cted -tock Ilf ri K.\IT1 Ki: c\cr i.llciid in this market: which, ailded to h ^ own i Hi niutaclure, makes liis assortment laiinji'.ete: -all of I which he will sell nn the lnwest [mssilile termx for cash ! Ill 1 11 time t'l punctual ciistntiiers. i I iiic lliise Woiiil I’iaiiiis, (liennet Co's, of Broad- i way. New V..rk, fa-hinnabb* p.ainted cott.nge hcd-rooiu ; Fuiiiitiirc 11 Sett-.: curled hair and shuck, and cott(iii ^lattrc ; -cs- l.imking (ilasse-: Willow Wagons and Crii- dle-: Patent Self-Swinging ’radloh; .Side Boards: Bu reaus: .'secretaries and Book- aso.'s; W hat-Nots; Tables, suit-: Uasli .''t.indh; ('.ind'.e Stand.s; Wardrobes; I’ic- ti'.re F l ames i,nd (.ilass; Windnw Shades; Cornices; I’ur- t.:'n f'ands; .Sufas in Mahogany and Walnut: Tele a Tete : Otti'tnans; I»iv>ins find Stools; Chair.s ot everv sri:\.\n:u iir.NRiF/rrA, ^j'^MHnl lill from .\. W'e.ssell's wharf in Wilmington, I to her old wharf in Fayettovilb*, with a sufticient nuniher of Flats to accommodate those wishing tfi ship | through or way freight. H. M. OUBKLL, .\gent at Fayetteville. ; Sept. '.V is.a;?. :^7tf j rni: sri:\Mi:u “sun.” i r§iMis new and very light draught Steamer has com- I A inonced running, tliongh not )uite finished. She ! is taking freight, drawing only l.’! inches water. Sho j poMSOsses superiiir advant;iges for low wtiter service.-— .She ha- also a large aninunt of wairehoiise, shed tind whiirf riioiii, where Naval .Sture'' i.r other tri-ight may lie stilled with safetv. 1! M oHKFbb. Ag’t. .Se|it. Ill, IS.').'!. l!7tf EDWIIV GLOVER. \%*atrhmaker ami Jeweler^ HAV STREET, FAVKTTEVILLE, N. C.. Has just returned from the North, with a much larger stock of Goods __i in liis line than ever before ofl'ored by . plnep Among his stock mny be found — j WA'l'CMIES of all kinds and prices, from ! to .SIS;"); (Jold ('liaiu'!, Seals and Key.s; Breast i I’ins, I 'ar-rings, Finifer-riugs; u fine stock of Brace- j lets, (Jold Locket.>, Cuff Pins and liuttons; (Jold, Silver and Steel Spectacles; Silver Spoons, Butter i Knives, Soup Tjudles and ('ups. Military (Joods; f’lock.s; 1’luted Ware; ,\nd almost every article ustially kept in a Store of this kind, which he will sell cheap for cash, or on short time to those who pay when their bills are presented. Sk-g^' Wtitches Kepaireil, as usual. .\ugii.st 17, 18oo. lJU-'5ni S2r> RFAVARI). BWILL pay the above reward for the apprehension and sate tlelivery to me, or lo'lgment in Clinton .lail, so that 1 g«t niy negro girl .IF.NN'V. She is a likely girl, of light complexion, .smiles when spoken to, about five feet six or seven inches liigh; is supposed to be lurking about Faison’.s Depot, or (.loslien. Dr. r. C. HALL Has removed to the well-known stand of the Drs Robinson, corner of (ireen and Bow streets. April 21. l8.o«. 87tf K. M. ORRLLL, FORWARDING C0)D1ISSI0X MERCH.4\T AT Fayetteville, iV. March 10, 1H;')1. G2-tf JOSEPH HAKER, Jr., ATTOR.\EV AT LAW, H as taken an oflice next door to W'm. B. Wrip;ht’3 Law ottice on Green Street. lie will attend Rud practice in the County and Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, FiCibeson and Sampson. .Marcli 23, 1W:5. 79-tf C'HARLES BANKS, WHtiLESAI.E AND RETAIL DEALER IN Fi>r^i(/n Fruit.', f'ii/trrs, Toharro, Snuff, A'c. €iRF:i:\ STREET, March 1, 186;i. Fayetteville, N. C. 7.Stf W.M. .Julv 27. P. HOBBS. l->tf .v,.j,tclct>er. r .’.ntf ANDREWS'S i'l/i n art ttnd Stove Dcpol. V1A\A^.S nil liuiid. C.Hiking, Bux. and 1’nrliiur Ti'V FS ALSO - \ \ -iied n-.riiftnieiit ot Tin Ware, 'it wholesHio niid lef Bv C W ANDREWS. Market St(uare. .1 ...e 1.S-, ; -Juiitt ^Irfali/'k f{oofi/ir (uh! (t Kttenn^, I'.M a the ti«-t niHnner. at reduced prices, by i'REi(.irriN(; on c api: i i:ar. rpi^MF t-uli.scribers having purchased the Steamers M F.vergreeii and Suiithornor :ind Tow Boats, lately the property nf the Henrietta .Steanibout Company, are now prepared to forwiird with desputch. between Wil mington and Favetteville. .all freights or goods entrust ed ill theni. Fsv ettev ilb F. N Fet.'v I t. \s:,:: llOBEF.T.' t;stf .1 CliU 1 ' W .\NDREWS, Market Si^uaro. 200tf \f‘W Dni^ Store. Foiilkrs 4%’ Rae^ I>HI (Kil.'^TS, '■ I / //(»/ iiiitl Dunf’lJsun S^rntti, h/"'tlt/ !'ist of (hr Fiii/cflri i7/r f.\vi;ttkvii>ll, n. i .. Vl:i; t.iiw receiving a large stock of l)Kl'(.iS .\.ND- .MLDICINES. dii'ectly frmi Importers Kiid .Manu- ] l-ictiiieis, wiiich they will .sell to Physicians and Coun- trv .\IerchHtiIs ‘it :i very bmiill advance. 'I'iiev w iii keep ci.nstant'.y un hat.d, (if the best quality, ev:'rv ••-irie!. ; t artii-!''-- in their lino, having nmde ar- tliat ett'ect with . ^tablished houses in r- iii.'eni'''it' \. 'i .. J k. 'i'ueii .-t". p.n'i'hasfi c.inrtdenfly low rate-. They s(i the publi.-, Ai-ni •i. iiaviug heen Very carefully ■'elected, .\nd fi.rt’ash, will ennble them to recommend ail their Driig^ , and tu nell thein at very lici* n reusonaMe share of the patronage of 1^.-, ■ S.stf . .1 une 1 K.'i:;. 2bUrf L'lcatinii the -aine :is I’nrmerly i..-cupied liv Me -r-- II. L, Mvrnver .V Cn.. foot of Mav Mount. .1. I!. 'I Kn^ , .lit. .1. F. MMiSM. M:iy 2:'.. IS.jo. ''7tf REMOV A I.. J. N. SMITHj Chemist and Uruggist, Ua\ IN'. rciiKivtal f.i tho Siiip' iiurth- we-t corner of \j.arkei Si|uaie. recent!', oc- t il]iied by I’. Shenivvei!, miw nlb-rs ti> hi- friend-- and the |iut'!ii' gen rally .a l.aruc and ed stock of l>riigs, hemicals. I'aints. (tils. Iiitf-. .Medicines .and I’erfumeiy, cniisistint in f the following; I’otasji, White Lead, Vem-tiaii red, Sp;iiiish brown, (aipjieras, alum. s.iltp'tre, sal si,da. t'i carlisoda. siiler.-itiis. mtidder. indigo, sulphur, e]iSDm -alt'', ^ellow ochte, Blake s jiaiiit. chrome yellow, uiii '>er. idirnmi- green, I'nis. blue, chalk, spice, iieji]ier. tiutiiie^s, cluves. sl.irch. ginger, bor.ax, yea^t ])o\vders. e- . iii (... iiiu-laid. liigwood. inks, siiajis. c.iiigi'cs.; water. H.-ibid i.;l. \\ii;!i,\v trlass, putty, varnishes (till kimN.j linse«.(|. tanners'. ca.^*ir ami olive oil. tilcohol, sulpli. acid, burning liui I. camphene, |iaiiii varnish; tootii, tlesii, nail and wliile-vvii-h brii.-he.-: ;.;.ilv;inic balieries; i-urgical, to..tli an.I cupping instrnmeni •: .\mericaii. French and Knglir h l-.eniicais. patent iueilicines, vVc., iVi'., all of which are nl Ursl rate i|iiality. and will tu* S'.hi at a small .•idvance on cost. Orders solicited from country I’liysicinns. laercha its. Mild others, wdi'i are rcspecttuliy invite.I i call and eii.-ilnine ni v .stock !)etore purchasing. Isewliei , a- they may depend on prociuilig fiesl; and geniiiue :,iticles. No pain- will be .spared to give sati: l.-icli'in ii .wi in iiuality and price. Tin' siib.scriber hopes. Ky ii-ii.i tentioii to bii-ine.s.s. In merit :i >hare i t the piiMic |,.|i ronage. Medical ju escription'^ c.aret'ully .and :icciirately prepari'ij. .1. N. .'s.Ml'l’H, North-west coiner M:irket Siiuan.* Oct. H, l»'j:;. •il-tl I'OR SALi: OR RENT, rB^lli; tine srM\li:it BlNiDIINCE miW occujiied by Jl. Mr. .1, K. Brynn. two miles W e.st of town. Fos- -e-' ,.ii ktiveii immediatel\. .\pply tn Mr. John H. t'ook ,,,. c i:.' I.eeic ‘ s A LEETE. Match I'l. I''.v; 77tf \i:\\ s ro(’K OK mm\ iMi si.MMiin iiooiis. ri''MI’. su'iscribf-r is nnw receiving a large and well I -c’ecH'd -lock of OtHiDS. comprising n General A-'iiriment •.!' 1 )R N (;(>OI )S. Rc:itl \ (’lotliiiitS lloot-s :mm1 Sliors, I1:j1s ;iihI (';ij)s. 11 aidNv arc aiid ('ull(‘r\ , (Irocrrii's, Satldclrv tVc., tSjc. Which will be sold low lor Cash, or exclnuiged for Tur- licntine and Cmintry i’roduce. Me return- his warmest thanks t,, his old friends tind cu ti.niei's i',,r the liber.'il patromigo heretofore extended t.i him and linpes to merit a ciiitinnance of the t-time. N KINii. Kin:;-tiury. .\)>ril I'i. l .^.'i'i. Sti-tl i I RIM:N'1 1NE WANTi:i). 1! will p!iy until further notice, the highest Ciish ]irice for Turpentine. McLAFRIN \ 'THAN(iE. \ngii‘'t 2'.', is.">:i. :J;!-tf Stables. 'I'lif tinder.signed iMinlinne to c.'irry on the LI\'I;RV lU’Sl- NF.S.'^at this jdace. They have lately largely increased their Stock ami can now otfer to the imblic as good Morses, Carritiges and Dri vers !is c;in be found in the Soiith- 0111 1‘nuntry. 'I’hankfiil for the largo ]iatroii- ..|._c heretofore exfemb'd to us. we solicit a continuation .i: the public favor. We jiromise ;i satisfactory tri]i to till wlianiay wi.^to trti*»»k-irwwjB * Staliles at the“^Vest end of .Muii ford street, where niie of the l’ropri‘tm's may alwtiys be found, or !ii the Sliire first door La ;t of .Mr. Lulterlob. .1. W. I’OW KHS CO. Favetteville. Feli'y lil!, ISoo. 71^ s.')0 Rl-:\\ ARI). !35 \N.\W.W from the subscriber on the l!htli of May last, ti negro boy called C.\1..\'IN, nineteen yetirs iild. Imiglit about 5 feet S inches, weight abtmt Dill !bs.. a blaci; negro, h:id e.ir rings in t'ticli earv.lien he left, no (dothing rectdlected e.xcepi :i d.ark blueover- co.at. This boy was jiurchased ol Dr. .lohn .McNeill of Itobeson county, about the 1st of May. The above re- waril will be paid tor his delivery to me or if lodged in a .lail in this >Stiit«. It is very probjible he is in the neijdiliorhood id' hi.s former owner. .loMN W ADDILL. Jr. Ftiyettevillc, N. June !iU. 7-tf .\olice to lleroiiaiil*!*. : rHRoi’c^ii in DAY ijcnr. ' rjiHE swift and commodioub .Steamboat Alice, Cajit. M. Sam’l Beery, will commence her regular somi- i weekly trips between Fayetteville and Wilmington in a | tew liays. Those who desire their goods with certiiin- i ty and despntch will obtain them by tihipping by her. | Due nntice of days and hours of dei>Hrture from each | pla’>- will he ;ivcn. tioods consigned tn 11. lUnssoiii. ■ .\*:rni. will t..- prnm]itly and c:(refullv f .i vvar le.l. a-' n-ual .\ngust l""i.; K.Ji. l.‘'tt Pilot Mountain. ^I^MIS (ireat Natural Curiosity is s'nuated in .'-urry | I Cnunty. N C . twn miles west of the ."stoke-i line. ; on the main r.isd lo.'iding from Salem west—distance ■J;'i niile.s, Oermanton 1>' miles. Bethany 17 miles, and i within .'i miles nf the Stage line from ihe above place.s i across the Blue Hidge by Mnunt .-Xiry to the Sulphur I Sjirings in Virginia. Th(‘ height nf the Pilot Mountain ;says Prnf. Cfildwell i i.s KoO feet tibove the level of Orassy 'reek, which is the nearest stream. The view from the Pinnacle in said to be the (,lrHnde«it of any other j.'oint in the Southern States, embracing Kings .Mountain in York Dist., S. (’., Parissis .Mountain in Spartanburgh. S C., the TaMe Rock in (ireenville Di.'t.. S. C.. all of whiiJi are D'n miles or more distant: a full view nf the Pdue Uidge from North East to South West, .and the Allegiinny as far hs the eye can reach, the Peaks of Otter, the Butfalo Hump, and many other points in Virginia. .\ view into four States can be had at the same time. The Pilot for the last Honson has been much visited by strangers from nil jiart^ of the I'nited States. The ascension to the Pinacle is now safe by steps and ladder.s from the House kept by the Subscriber, one and a half miles swuth of the Mountain. .V good car riage Road within six hundred yards of the Pinnacle; a good (luide will always be ready to wait on strangers. No pains will be sj>ared to wait on visitors and mnke them comfortalile -w ith every thing the country afl'ords. The Stiibles are well sitpijilied with corn, fodder and hay. Near the House is a fine .Mineral Spring, the properties of which are Sulphur, Iron and Magnesia, lufjuire for the Subscriber's House, as he is the sole proprietor and ovvnei id'the i’ilot Mountain. WM. (ilLL.\M. ./line 2.J, Ih.'in, '.t-tf ■ • ■ ■ ■ MPeGititioH^s itttitrorcd NON -EX PJ.()S IV E L AiM 1‘, FOR BCBNINC. FLCID AND PINE (HL. | Patented .latiuary t'>th. 1H,V2. fBlHE subscribers htiving .just rccoivcd a lot of the tibove L.V MP.S. i-all tiie attention of the public to the same. The right to vend the Lamp in the dill’erent counties of the State will he disposed td' .at a reasona ble price. Call ;ind see them. ,\lsn. llllt kegs White Lead, 50 oz. Sulplnite (d' (.Qui nine. Just received. FOULKS ,S: M \C RAE. August 2*I, 1S;')C. 22tf Oj'fici: (»!' Tin: ('aim: Ekar am> } I)i:ki‘ Rivi'.r Navi(4Ati()\Company. S STOCK FOR SALE. ri''IIE Stock (d‘ the following pennons in the (\ K. f D. K. N. Comjviny will be sold on Wednesday, the Dith of .\(>VFMP)LR next, jit the t'onrt House in Pitlsborough, said siihscribers Iniving failed to ]iay their subscription to the original C.ip'tal .'stock of said Comi'aiiy umler the nrigimil ('barter: II. Itofhwell 1 Niciiolas Mitiks 1 .\. B. Rothwell I Thom.-is B. Long 2 W. O. .leffreys I 15. .1. Hackney 2 .lohn ,\. Cox I O. D. Petty I P. (iiard I .lames D. f’ullin Id .■\ndrew Vestal 1 .lohn .McKellar 1 (’ C Tully I W. Iliglif 1 O Andrews 1 .Itinies Brown 1 .Ijimes Hutton 2 .lohn W. Lane I .\. N. B(*th I (ieorge Wilcox Willitim Watson .lohn \\. Hooker '* William Smith I (i. M. Bra/.ier •> .lames Mctiarv 1 .M. C. (iardner 5 E. B. Drake ' 1 .lohn A. .McDonald W. F. Collins J. M. Walker 1 E. Fooshee 1 W. II. Hughes 1 (). W. Lindley 1 Charles Bright o Bv order of the Board. HENRY A. LONDON, Treasurer. Pittsboro', Sept. 7, 27-ts I'lSH! I'iSH!! Mackerel in ImU and wlmle Barrels, for sale Viv ■ g?Pt. 14. fSlHi; umlersigned, having jnirchased Mr. Thos. S. I M. Lutterloh s Distillery and Cooper-shops, have on- ^ tered into Copartnershi]i under the naiue of McLaurin iS; Strange, for the purpose of carrying on the Distille ry of Tur])entine, anl the manufacture of Spirit Bar rels. D. McLACRIN. WM. McLAL'RIN. jas. w. strange. Feb'y IS, 1hr>;i. 70tf ^ fB^HE highest ca.sh price |>aid for Turjientine. White ! i Oak Staves, and Oak or Ashe Heailing. Call on I .las. W. Strange, wiio can alwavs be found at the Still. | McL.VCRIN \ S 1 i’.ANOE. j Feb-y IS, IK.jn. 7(»tf ; EOR SALE. I looo of i.a:\i>. f I ^ H E subscriber ofl'ers for sale his valuable PLAN- j I T.\TloN in Robeson county, on both sides of the j l.owrie Road, Ib.i miles South W'e«t ..t Fayetteville and i wltliin half n mile of Iviimber Bridge, the terminus of j the Fayetteville and Southern Plank Road. \n I'pportnnity is now offered for an investment, which cannot he equalled in this part of the country. | The land is heavily and densely covered with pineH, ; oflering a great inducement to all persons engaged in 1 Timber and Turpentine. The cleared land (about 1(M) ' acres), and in fact all is ))roductive—superioi’ to atiy ■ in that country. •\ bargain may be had. Terms liberal. i ARCH’D A. T. SMITH. | I'ayetteville, .Vugust 8, 18');’.. 17tf \ ALI AHI.E LANDS EOR SALE.i iOFI’ER for sale my plant:ition, situated seventeen miles .'^oxith-vvest of Luniberton, and eighteen from the Bail Rond, and nine from Harlleesville, containing Seven Hundred Acres of the best cotton and provision lands in the county, with fine improvements, well wa tered, remarkably healthy, and the best stand for a Store in the country, there having been one on it orca- isiontilly for the last thirty years;—with about one hun dred tind eighty acres of cleared land in a very high state of cultivation. 1 will give the lands fnr the valued jiroceeds of them for two vears. with the work of seven hands. I will divide the Itinds if de»irel, or if a larger tract is de sired, there is !i large tract of land uiljoining it that can be bought on very reasonnblr- terms. Ffiriv application is desired. ZACH Fl'LMORE .Vlfordsvillo, May '.*th, IS.'i.'l. l*2tf WE HAVirON hand” HI Hhds. Sugars, '» Bbls. tiranulated do. 1Bags Rio Cofl'ee, •• Maricaibo do. Ragging and Rope, .Swedes and English Iron, Window (ilass, 8x10 and 10 x 12, —also— Loaf and l, rushed Sugars, Bar and Fancy Soap, 4t Bbls. No. i Herrings, Spice, Pepper, Ginger. Snuff, Indigo, Madder, Span isli Brown, Saltpetre, Saleratus, Mace, Cloves, Yeast Powders. Nutmegs, Adamantine and Tallow Candles— with a general assortment of Provisions. Dry Goods. Roots and Shoes, Hardware and Cutlery, Crockery and Glassware. We offer the above goods at low prices for cash, good paper, or produce. TROY \ MARSH. May 2r:, 18.').?. 97tf fH.WE received and opened the largest Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, \c., I ever offered for sale, all of which I will sell as low as any house in this place. My friends ami customers, and .all in want c*'tJoods. are respectfully invited to call and examine fc* cret-’--'. ‘ PETER P. JOHNSON. Faviittvi le. N. C., September 185?). 28tf RaiKiolpli Shorti? ^ and C’otton Yarn, For sale by WORTH & ELLIOTT. April 18.")n. B7tf S S AR^Y Has on hand a bof.utiful assortment of FALL AND WINTER GflODS. He desires to return thanks to his friends and the public for the liberal patronage which they have bestowed on him; and solicits a cim- tinuance of the sam‘. His friend.s and the jiublic are reiiiiested to give him a call, .'it the stand formerly oc- cuiiied by S. J. Hinsdale, south west corner .Market Siiuare aiid Gillespie street. Oct. 1, 18.;>3. ;M-tl J. E. LAWRENCE, Fayetteville, N. C. September, 18o:{ 30-Cm \V. H. CARVER, DKALEH IN ])rif (>oo(/s, (yroccries^ (tnd Provisions^ :iil door from N. E. corner Market Square, next to I). Gee’s Hat Store, Green streot, I’AYKTTKVIl.LE, N. i). Jyi^ All kinds of Produce taken in exchange for Goods. Feb’y T), 18.'>l!. OCY M. HL TSON, itOM SM: Fayetteville, N. C. MhicIi 2C, 18o.}. 81-Y w OR' Fi i\v 1: LLI () rf, (si (’CKSSORS TO .1. I). WILIJA.M.*^,) F()HWARJHNJ COMMISSION MElie HANTS, FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. (out STAND OF HALL i JOHNSOp ) [w. P. KLLIOTT. tJ9-y .J. A. WORTH.J February D'>, 18i'>3. S'LARR cV WILLIAMS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and OomeHtir If ry OootH., IIAV i^TRKET, Fayetteville, W. C. J. B. rtTARR.] [J. M. W’lLLIAMH. April 2h, 1852. 86tf hT l. hoiLmes, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICE on corner of Front und Princess streets, under .Journal office. Doe. PJ. 48 tf JOSEPH R. BLOS!yO,«.~ t o :?i Ti 1 ^ «I o AND 1 '>R W A RDLN(; M KRCHA NT, H*ilinington^ *V. f\ Prompt pei'sonal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12. 1853. 67y WH.KINSON & E8LEK, DEALERS IN Confectionary, Forr{y» Fruits, A^uts, Tohareo, •tnd Snuff, AND IMPORTERS OF HIPERIOR HAVANA CIGARS, AT WHOLE>?AI-E AND RETAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 1851. lltf ~ ^LLEl T ^ PAU^il^R^ fmrocers and Commission ^Jfer- chants^ 135 Front Street, NEW YORK. p. >JALLETT.] [J. I'AULMIER August 16, 18r>2. IStf T. C . W 0 R T h7 CiniMISSlON ,\M) FIIRWARDl.NG MERCHAI^T, WILMLNGTOX, N. C. Feb. 1, 1853. 60tf .f KiA*nS WHEAT, CORN, Sj C: SAW MILLS, C- AM> PETER 1’. JOHN.SON, :»8tf ^ i HIST Mill Spindler Balance Irons and Drivers, ^ If Inks und (iiidgeons, Hotchkiss Water Wheels, Racks and Rollers, kept constantly on hand, and lor s:ilo. We also make Gearing and Shafting for W heat. Corn. Saw Mills and Factories. Steam Engines d'any aow(>r repaired. Grate I?ars and Furnact' Fronts kept on hand. We wi.sh tn make additions to our machinery pnd tools: to enable us to do this, those indebteil by- note or account will please come forward and settle.j HALL i BOLl.INGER. .March 12, 18.53. 7i;tf rOBACCO. fBNllF] subscriber continues to receive ami sell, on .B- manufacturers' account, all grades of nianufac- tiireil Tobacco. J- I’TLEY. •May 31 IH.VJ. JT 1!M).\R FALLS Cotton Yam and Sheetings, for sale ^ ' at Factory prices, by TRO\ & Sl.\RSH. May aO, 185*a. WHJ.IA.M A. GWYER, FOinVAUDlNG AND COM.MISSION .MERCHANT, c;. PERSONAL attention given to the sale or shipment of Naval Stores. I liave ample facilities for con ducting the bu.siness; large wharf and store sheds to keep spirits t'roni o.xposure. Naval stores will be shipped to any house in New York, or to other markets if advi sable, .md liberal cash advances made on consignments. I refer to the following uistillers: E. Hannuni, Wayne county. E. H. Woodard & Co., Earpsborougn. W. Earp, “ A. G. Thornton, Johnston county. Bridges & Durham, “ “ I), llocatt. “ “ Spencer Fount;tin. " “ H. Eatnian, “ “ Smith, Bryan .V Co., “ *• B. II. Ilinnant, Es(|. “ “ Lovett I’eacoek, Columbus county. .Messr.*!. Jones liOaeli. Favutteville. May 20, 1S53. ' '.*«Y >1A R U LI: J'AC TOR Y, * |{y GEO. LAUDER TWU .U)(im C. T. H.tlGII .( SlIVS STIIKK, Fayetteville, ’• Jan’y 20, 1853. il-lYpd

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