S I'J M l -W E K K L, Y \(W.. Ml.: I AYF/ITKVIM.K, N. (H 'roHKu J7, isr,:;. I tii\ i Ki' in .1 I? \ i;\\ l:^ ^iiu \iti) .1. mam; a s(i\. ..... \\i' III, lui;. ... u I : I. . (!■ 1 MU ii u.l II . 1 ' ' I .. I t in- I'MV ,.| ;ii , 1 i I M ■ 1 .: '. ■ iM'in'.l Vv ; ■ . Hi llhumil li I -I .1 ,11 > ■ I ' 1 •' 111; 1 U|. \ r ,.| : ■ , , , ‘ ! Il,' \ ;■ .1 ir. •> |iil ('.I ( 1 \ 1 r I I" : MI \ I '- il VI. i : .i .i\t \ , ,.||! ]■.■] ' I i! i 1 !. lll'l f| ■ l_\ I .-III' (..!■ , -I. Il ■ ■ • ^ ■•'.'1 r ^ -I'l \. .'I ■ I iiirli. l.\ I • I Il . '■ l':itr~. \,1\ crli-i't ■ I .. ■ t ‘ • I >^1 ill IM li.nis ; Ml ! ; ^ I.'i ^ : I. Ml.I 1-Ii:ii-1M-.; •( . ,,I ,| j;_- : ■ ' til'- (Mil. I- lllll'-l In' (i.ii,! \()''li i:. 1 '■ .t' i! .1 Jilt' 1 iti‘ tiriii Ilf llr-iir ■ II !, U:i. ,‘1- ! -Illil \S.I^ :l|lli,liM|..i 111 >.-t I " .-I'lii •' ^l^■ \ M. i 1; ■ : 1 tin- -i .l tinn .in'l \. M .lnll\Sr.N ■> :.t,i.l roli I'lii: ri.irni. ''•'Til r I'l . I : >I .li'il l.\ l>r || W ■ : . I'l lltl-t. |- ;i\; tlf\ Nl ftil. I-" Ml— f.-ti 1 ' , t'l I I. =, r. V ■ . I . : : U . !, T iti S. ::ll' , ;:.-nnn . i*. n r » ■■ ■ il ;■ .. ■ •' i;i.- ■ K., -I l\>'\ '. i. mil l.iiii. f IIIN.'-I> \l,i. " It fl\IK AM) SHA\ IN!. SALOON. J Mil'il li'J.t : tl Il'lv ili|. rill- t'i' fUi ■ ■' r Mil l I'll- 'iirr.-uii liv.^ = ;.im r>. !ii-: VI- l!;ii- iTitij. (■'■t iiili Imu-iit (■: tin- (l. ti i 1 -■ r .III in:i_\ l.o 1! .\N ' .uiiT .'ill' lii.- !lf r.HliV,, uhtTt' lu‘ i-' [.f.-) l t" .'li:i\.’ ■ M-. .11111,. i-ilili- ti')”!::. Ill- Vrl-_; r.'-’..-, ' ’ ..11-^ t '■ . l.| rii-r.iii;,-!'.. iIh- piT- ■r y tiu'ir lii. -rtil > -n i-..ii:>..'|., ,-a, 1 .i q..- t;, . ( r.Ki; \Ti,V iNt'Ki;ASKit. ;i> i, 'II ; ill htliii;: u|. iiU -ft •; lli. lU't‘.liii lie « iiM in\irf 1;;.- ■t tlu‘ . itizi-!'.- Ill- i’ll’.IU"»\|. ii‘ ■' r.stuhii-iimu'iit. wlii-n- thi.v w.'l t'i|, 'iin^ I’.ilitir.il ii.-iiii-r> nt liu- J.-iv. kUl.l^ .f rvi'tuilll'lif" 'li t II . ' •; . :i:. . il iil- ;ili I Sliavill!^r.ni;|i.-^. Mli.j I \ !r> I_\ 1' |:.. r I I i' lino, fur s;ilr. N. T' . ! let. 1 1. ^ ;ii, I I.. l{>SI>\.\l). ( »ll .-IIkI 1.irdilii! and (iriMCal ,V. 0'. Si \ ri: oi' Noirni c vkomn \. i: whui.i'ii ciH \T\ ' . • ’ r if !/i\v, i'lil 'I’.-nii. I" J ‘ i . l!u--.'y, .1. II p. 'iri' .ii '•■r \ •■. .11 . I .. ■! qii.i-ririlii: I.l,. • i . ■ ■ t!l> :->• i> I’ .t ■■•1 - r- ■ ' ■- ' .I-.- -r |.-t- I ‘ \ I;.. I •!,._! ,:i, ^1. . . ! I' •':1(.-1 ■ . 1: ih . 1^ ! -I''-. ■ ■ \« I : l»..; - I art. ) . ,|- - i; i ■ ; . It I .- r 'It • i|:-i, :; \ , ' I" \|..; i ..f \| - . i i:i-\t. . |. ■ :■ I ’ j 'Ii- r \ ■ ' . .•Ml ! r > j.■. ■ : -■■1 \ i : _ -. \ 1 .1 II ; : u- i: ■ « -r -. • ’ ■' ; ' ti. \| . r ni !• \, .i n\i.i;. f ." -M - -111 \rw w intrr (iiooiis. >r,\ soN Mijj; (.(){)I)s. • • ■' -I ‘ :l 11 I i ,' . • : i • -I '..-r • ..!i }■>•■. . . I' .V I ,I I 11,1 " . - 'I ' I'jill ;iihi \\ ililt'i- Slock. I ^1^ ■ . '.-ri'.i-r r;i ■ . ill.. 1,| B ’111 I'ul.! .' I" lii-- r. Ml |,-ii ■ .,! HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, 1.1 tin- i:|l;..i' I i ■I'lllli'IlI lii.ll |.- '■ ' " • :illi-|l!i..li '.f Mr- t|-ii-l|.|~ ,il|.l lilt- j, :• ,. rt ill .'l-.r.- ii. -I’lv i-vcr-. "ivlr i.f Hats. 4'aps, KSootn ttm! Stuns : I : |.i i. r-i i . - nil 1 Ilf I iiiii .-T- I 'i.- I ll ' I1..11- Ilf in-iV ’ Ill V. iiii I -1; i' v..,ft!i Ilf lli(-ir lll'ilU'-, I-. 1 : | ll'l : M ' T--. r \ |‘,. |;i i( >I S ;,i,.| : H'M:- ' ’- ■ M i 111' I- till- :l Ml'- i llt.i I ' , - II ' ■ ^'1 !f In- III I V rt-|.!*-iii, 1). .1 (') l! IM.-: I\. \| .1 rl. t-t :-',,;i 111-. ' ' ' J. tt laijfllriilh Cdifilij ^Idiur/iirloni. ^I^ ^ ^uli •i-ritii-i -1 1 I ■ liltiiiiH- . I . Ill iiiul -.i-itir. :i II ■ : -n ir :irtii-l.- I.! i.i . „ | I'AMili: . :ii I -t.-ili.l, ,N'I. l.r.-(-ii .(i-cct. ,|.,,.r~ .‘-,,,1-tli ,,r I ■..-t lli.u- f. ■ wli. 1- 1,1. V, . I l.|. li -i.|iy n, |.|- lii> • I i ili'l cil ■t"lin-i' ' I' M'.i.r - 1; \.\K. ■••1-'-- :::tl Ihny-, mill Ml iliri//( s, (hi. iinil I hji -Sli/f/s, (tifi.ss anti I* III I If. SWU KL .1. ihnsdaij: M' it-'Ciitl'. ].uri-h,-|.-i-.| in .\i-vv \ ..I'k, I'lii' i.li’, : lilll :ill'l I... t.iti, !| |:||-,... ri.I.litiun tii 111' -l.ii '• .'i Mf lii-iiif -. ,vr. whiili lie i )|iiu ri-c(-i\iiiii. ' 11- li'-j III" Were i-l.i||..l l.v liMii i-if. 'vitli 11-11;! t ■ I'l lily ui-l ;M-miiii»Mii- 'Miiii>li PI13 -ii-i,-ui'', ('..iHitr^- \Ii-i linnr . -iii.l w til iiniw . \|i-.|iciiirv. it , li,\v |iiMi-, 111 '.• ■ fl..r |i-i| ill the St:llf. ^ \ M L .1, lll.\.'h \|.|,. Mmvi.i-i 1 n.-. M'-\V '■1111; .iit.MTil„.r Ik, .. ., |;:,k. rv.ii. i;..w ■ "I*'’'''-'1"". l::i i iii- jiinii-.-in ^ II- i i'v.-,i.r.- l t.. fiu-ni^li ■ i.l.Uti-. Ull.i lIlC |,uii!,.- iri.l,,.,^,:', • ■ ;U|.| r..,k-. uf v,-irii.ii- kin.Is. ut ni,. ,|,i:,n,^, '* I riicun-il tht‘ 'fr\i.-cs nf * I in ’in- Mitic. I’rii-c'-' reii'-oiiutiU*. (livt- mi- u ' lia .S l5.\.MvS. ' •'•TtHville, Dec. 2^, Ib-ji'. nvm. II. \\i \{ , - ^ otti»nisshnt •fii'rrltnttt. I _ U IL.MINCTON, N (’ I t I>tii-iii:u- Mitciitiun i\;il 111- ]>:ii.j t.. .-(.lliiii: Mini slii).- : I'lii.u \:l\;ll .-;,ircs jillil I’ii hIiicc. mIhI iil-ii In t!ii‘ |-'iir , w ii-lin- 111 j M 11 li.'Uit - w III I ciiii^i I.'Il tlicii (idiiil', to liitii citii r»-lv ! 111. their h..ji,:. l.,rwMii|.-.| hv lir-t l,n:ii ;iH,., tlicx n rc .li-i-li-iri’cl ii-.,)ii i:t:i-'i:i:i:N» r.s: ] *■' 1: \ \ ii-lcr A t SmI.-ii,. X. - r M N ..IIM.'. Mi.i-k-villc. iliinl \,I,I..,1.111, l,c\iii.vi.,n ■ liiliii I) liii.ivii, S;ili-iliiir\. ■ 11 •'i. -1 M:illiiic, I-:i \ cl I i I Ic •Imii'\ jn, I.S,",:;. ' sri:i)M\N \ iioiiNi:, ; Ih tj (tiiiid.s, I/uI i/ii'iii'f\ (fi'um'u s., i\t. rw !'/■I i.i.i:, . III Ml ic-lic-llllllx iiil.iriii III,. ,-ltl/,.ll ;(l,il tllC . |iiili!ii- L'cncr,-ill_\, th.-ii tlicy li,n\c Jii.-^t rctiiriicil trmii .N,-\\ N.,ik. i inlin-.- rc.-,Mvimr llicir'siirinir St..i-k I'l i.',i.( c.ilisir tllli.^ Ill />/_,'/ f/. A. I , ■-t, 1(1 s, //ifn/.rt(ri,,\ i . \ \ nicty -f ll-it-. ••iiit:ililt> i.ii- ilic .^c.-ui.n: L,-iiiics' -iinl ii'iitlciiicn iliiiit ;. ^h.ii Mini .'^lijijicr-^; ;i hirpo ns- 'iliiicnt 111 rc:ni\ liiinic ( liilliiiii;; :i l rent i>.:inv in'ticlf in 111.- hiilic- line, ,-unl >sc wnil.l he i.le;i';e.i in li-i\e llit'iii 111 ,- til ainl cxaiiiiiic for tli,‘ii>,''clve .. \ll i.i'lci--. '.fill III mr (-,-irc from oiir tiienils :ini| ,-ii tiiniei-' will i.c iironqitl^ :iit^nile,| ti. ^l:lr,-ll 1 s.') Slit' ISIRIl MILLSTOMIS. IC‘(liK’fi»ii ill i:t;i:N TON, \iouiiis vV (o. 1 INI 1 III ni:ikf to oril,‘r. an.l keep con-iiMntlv I'll li,-iii.l i'mifh ttnrr •fiillstotus I't ::il linieii'iiiM-, w;u-i-ime.l tn h,> ,.1 i|ualilv. he- iiiu ni:i Ic triiiii Itiirr I1I..1 k M'lericil h_\ tliein fi-niii tli,- >'c-: ., :;i-)ic ill rr-iiii-,.. Tli.-v ke.-|. f..r ,-,lc ( olnoii,.. ( oralica ami lv-;(Mill- '■tnnr; 15nnUlctrk,. lio!tiiio ('lutli, Scifrii W irc, (.’alfiiicd IMastrr. ll\«lraiilM- ('t'MHiil. \r. I >’ IC) Ir.iiH nn\ |.ii! i.i I in-I i.iiiil r\ i.rnliiptlv att.-n.l • ‘ K. »l. 4MK 1:1:1.. \'^'-lit :it l-'-iM'rteville. \ •' M n 11 I 1 1 ‘ 7,.,,- r \ssiMi:iii:s, ( AssiMi:in:s. Ill \\ I ’,-:'t rei-,-i\,..| .1 fi-1-..ii lll.|.!\ .-f tli:ll i-elel.rtl I'- s\i,iM r\,.iMi;ni:. r, wlii.-h i «,,iii,i ,-in tlie :i-teiiti.ili :! 1||_\ t|!‘ 1- -iii.l |||i. |iuliin in ^cll,“i-:il. I- siii;\iu r.i.i., M ... r ...1,, i illtls. I H!'jK nl I tn \^a/ill, ^^•M’l w incli tin- tin !n---t i-:i li Jiri.-r- will he j.ai.l .Mi-I.i;\\ .IiiNlS. ,'^iuiuiicrvill, N \|n I'. I'■‘.11 lio U011I4I 1 f I. ■/'I III i-^li nil III nil fh>‘ y.lit'h/ f,' .. Il„ M.fl,rI, . I/..,.,,- (.in:\'r i:N’i'i:in*i{isi:' l':i\4‘tl«‘\ ill«- is to ^Iiiii4‘!! fl'^lll, u- . : '..-r \N..ii; i rev|„ , iiif..rni ilieir I ' i - -1 t!:e ■ M- ■; . th- t t li-\e enter; -1 'A - 1-. ;i t 11 r li; j till- tlie |-,ir|' .'c .if .-.,nTni tine^ the ;_'ei)e,- ,1 « \l:lll \il, la in it.. \ -riiiii ['-irt. \i,.| '.eiT ' ,.|l, |,1-:.. liral w -I' .laiii. filliv 1111-I a I ni i 11 - tin ir ■ M ■ ■ ' - . t ;,e_\ 111,- ll ■ III- ! it: 11 t ill W . - I-K W i I h I- ■ ' L::;. : ’ I'l t' a 1 111-: n' a ^ ‘ ■'t_\ Ic . n. 1 .iur:; • •in- • firm n--e ! 'n-wii '.y referen-■ t \ |(. Uhitti- i ir..ii w- rk ti.rtlie i i 1 w . \ i- ir^ n I ,rralil '” :! I, • _i-inl • at i 1' - m Im- ! ,. e iii .ntli - K-' 111 iiu Ill iln- ,i, ,t« t 1,1 ;nii' r i,,w f..r , .'h. ni;i: I’.K \MS .1 ' I - II, I’l m: ,1 \ 'U.- I’.i; \mn. I i\effi-! .Ian I. I - - I. 'iJlf '#’/♦#' 4 tn’rhiiit' I'tirtortf in tin Sottfh! i\t‘W (11 (XXIs. PnlisoviluT Inis rptnnifil from York, " ninl is now rcctMviiijr liis fV#// stork of iHootls^ In \\ liicli lie in\ it OH hnycrs. M uy ho fouinl in liin stock: 1 lisliller-- ttliie, coiiiinon unl FINI-!, -muIIcs, Crystal I’lilaic, Wiix, S|ioriii. Ailaiiiantino ainl I'cail, ily-maile Uouts. licavy ilitto. Mats, ( ujis. r.lankcts. Kerseys, iScc.. ei|a|- I iihs, I’ails, liiu ketH, KoImih, iVc I 04-0;i I'liiir (1.0,1', fur ] lasi'utres, \imnioii rar]ieliii'.:-!, with a variety of seasuUHhle ainl 11 ,'fii! ..irtii-les, Siiyar lunl ( -ill,',' ainl I'ca. \ lot ,if line 'ri-,-ivellini( 'I'rniiks, 'ar]iet l^tijs. .\e , ■J,i ilo.'eii \\nj>iin aiiil hrav Wliijiy, Mule ( ollars iiini (>‘iir, ]iatent arnl coiuiiion llni ness, (iillin_\ ami Itiimiee liauj'.in^' ainl Ko|ie, ■>Hti S,-Icks Salt. ti tons Iron, assoitcil I I will sell tor ca- li, hnrter, or on time, to >iii( jmr- clmsers. I il.Hii-s \Ve.«t 111 Cu|ie l-’i'iii- [{link. TJlo. J JOHNSON, Fayetteville. t»ct. is.",;;. ;!4tf I HHM) ll)s. |,mv W liri'K LIvM), III" jralloin Linseeil Oil, \arni-ti, t'lii-ome (ireen, (ilnsH, I’uttv, .V-. l'"i- t'.v S. .1,' IIINSD.XLK. *»ct. lu, IS.',:!, Iiiiporlluil to ('ojtjK'r tind (\xil Mimrs. UJ \. li.-ive iust receiveil .'>1X1 ]hs, of 1>1!1LI,S, mmle troiii till' l,es| I incli eight siiunre (';i:Jt Steel; j.ricc 2 t ct'.'. |icr 111. .Al.so. Ihs, ;; incli Sijimre steel. i,,r striking llamniets. liritls. Hammers,'ramp- ini- l?avs ainl Si-rai'ci-' iiiaiie to iinler. H ALL \ j;oLLIN(ii:i{, »ct. 1". is,-.::, :'.t-lm 'I'Ih' Suiitln'i n I lai iiioiiN, and Miisi- c.-il I'..mjianion, ,\ further .siiiijilv ju^^t receiv»‘.i. i; '.r H \i,i; \ SOS Oi-t. 1(1, \ \\A \H\A\ PLANrA'nON K»H s\l,K. f ■lllK siit.scriher wir-hiii^: to ehanpe hi-' husiness, ,.f ter- lor sail* his I*L.\N I AT|( in Itohe.s^ni, l‘J j mile fri'iii l.ninhorf.in, on the H,'irlleesville Hoatl, .sitij- , ati-.l nil .Xai'in - Swatnji, eontainiujf 7H(> :icre«. of which , alioiit KMi are iiinler i-iiltiviitioii, Tlie situation is j healthy :iini the water e.jii;il tu any in the cotinty. The j ilwelling ,'init alt ne«'essary out-liuuses are in goo,I re- ; i>-iir. The l..--t recummemlation whii-li tin* fertility of I the ]il:n-t‘ can receive is to he fouinl in the »-ro|, of Corn ; ami Cotton now growing on the I’lantation. which all ulio ilc-irc to t.iircha-e .are iinite.l to e.xamine. There i - within half a mile uf the house ,-i Iml'l tlnsli Spring, heli.-M-il to ciiiitain \ aliiahle mineral properties. T'hert- ' i- al'.. within h.-llf a mile of the ilwelling house :i lan;e new \.-a.|emy. in whi-h a Cl,-is-;ic:il--clioiil i- cimstantlv kept Tt-riiis CM'V KtllN A. |{mU1,.\M> 1 Aiiiiii'-t :;ii, I'-,') ;. 'j-itf NO'i'K K. Ki:\VAK» ■ B AN \\\ tri.m the ^uhscriher, ;iliont the l-'itli nf M«. .Inly. IS-M, liis negro girl Sarah, Saiil negio i>, hiiiit I'l ye.-irs ..t age. hlai-k. with largi- white c\t-.-, !atf:e iinihs. weighs ahniit l-)(i ]..iuinl,s. Sa;.l girl is - ii].! e l t.i hi. lurking in the iieighhi.! h 1 -I \lr. l-a.-ic \S right's or (mmi. M,-Kay's, in I'.laileii i .nnt v. I he ahi.v e I'cn ,-ir.| uill he j.-ii-J fur iier ieiivery ti. me, ..r her c..iifnienn-nt in aii\ jail in the Slate ,.f N rth C a-iilina. U \1 (J. |;l Tl.i:i: ( .lit.111. N, t'., .\l,i)i-h 11. l.^.'i:;. 77tl .M S I' iii:( i:i\ i:n, A I'lIIMl. li-t Miiiintain itiiller. Ni-w ( M'lc-in-- :iii-l ( iiha \loi.-i--■(-•• ■ I ' I. l.aL'iiira 4ii I I! i'. ('..li'ci- .■'li ir. Illce. .V,-. W 01; I'll I.I.I.KU l , Mar. h 7. l^'i .. 7.-,tf NO'PK 1:. VLL those iinlehtoil to the suhscrilior for Cl,ithing. hy note or aeeoiint, will )ileiiso cull lunl settle the H iine. (as no longer time can he given,) or their notes >ii>il lua'ounts will he phiceil in the li!inls of an otlxcer, Jle niuy lie ti,unl on ailespie ,''treet, ;{ loor,s .south of ,Miirket S.|uaie, |1 (ilfAllAM. Oct, 1, IS,',:;. Al tin oh! sIiukI of 11. Hranson y So/t. I N 1>I'1I!S|(iN1-'I» hiive.inst receiveil a •- SllM'K ()!-’ (i(M)|lS, emhrHcing a gen''riil assort ment recently hought in the northern ii.Jirkei innler I a vorahlc ci rcunistances. They hav*- l-o:il, criislieil, ]iowcrei| ninl hrown sugars; Jma. Lagiiira ami ItioColfee; pejijiei-, spice, ginger, cloven uinl nutmegs; sup. caih. so|a; iinligo; minhler: horax; ciuiiplioi'; aliiit:: epsom s.-ills: saltjictre; nmliisses; .svrup: salt; iron; saiMles, liriillesami martingal.s; collars; wagon j ami hiiggy whips; spa'les, shovels jiml forks; ti'ace, 'log, I tongue, hreast ami Imlter chains; cotlee mills; wagon tioxes; mill, cross-cut ami liaml saws; cut nails ami spikes; a gooil assortment of pocket iiml tahle cutlery; I hliicksmith toots c(>ni)ilete; turpentine hackers, scraj)ers, ; itijipers ainl axes; hroail ainl chojiping axes; guns; winilow gla,s.s; ri^ets. ,\ large .stock of iTjitly-niii'le clothing ainl staple ilry gomls; gunny anil liemi' liHgging; rojie ami twine; .Sweiles, .\nierican har ami liooji iron; sijuare ami octagon cast steel; (ierman ami tilistcr steel; ■'‘tijt tfj-Ju.\r mill /i/iistiii>/ I'tiirihr; hats, caps, hoots alnt shix's, western ainl North 'aroliiia hacuii; togeth(-r with almost every article sol'l in this market, all ot' whii'h will he sotil at tair prices I'or cash, on time tu pronipt ciistoniersi. or i-oniitiy proiluco generally. (i W WILLIAMS CO .(uly is,-,:;. The ottice ot the Cape Fear Stealnhoat Company is kejit in the ah,,ve hnililiiig. l>. WILLIA.MS, .\gent. WORLDS I'AIU. r f/s tat t* a I a € e. ■ l.i{.'^( i.N.S vi.siiing .New York oi’travelling throiigli M Nni-th ( arolina, shoulil jirepare themselves hy calling at ,M. H.KKFK S. .sign ot tue l>ig Jun, opjio- site the post Otlice, wlnjre they will Iiml a large assort- inont of ihfiihle ami single-1,.-irrel Shut (Juns, Kitle,s ami )’ist,,l.s, ,,f all .(ualities; Colt's Hepeating, .Vilen's Ke- votving. \Ses«iin's l!o],eater ami self-priming Pistols, Powiler h lasks. Shot aml(!ame I'ags, Percussion ('ajis of l-rem-h .-mil i.ngli-^h make; ;iLso a large ;is.«orfn)ent of (iaming fixture-, which will he v,,hl ;,t the lowest ca'-h ].rice. lU. P \ I K I N'(; of every thing in the (iunsniith line w ill he (lone at stiorf notice, in the l,est manner, ami for a sni,-ill charge. Uilles of all kin.Is ci,nsfantly on haml ami ntanufiu - ture.l tn oriler, ami warranfeil to shoot from K.Xt to ‘.'(1(1 yur.ls. Persons wishing to ptir.-hase any of the ahove- n,'imeil nrticles, will iln well to give me a trial, •M i i:.\KKI{, .''ign of the UHoilen iiin. May street, opposite the P,,'.t Oflice. .Inly J!, 1 S.‘).'!. ] ifoc'Ki'isii siii:i:'i'LN(;s, \ tl,,. hiile .»r liatl hale. t..r sale hv ( 1 ll.VKIIl SON .Inly I:;. stf i:."! i:c II 1 I.I.'k inli.nn- h till ini' aii l til.- I’lih 11 Ill- tl, .! In- In. - hnilt o 1' l-il;..- siih'iaiil ial P.ri.-k P.inl. ill;’ - lii 1 Hi| S t-Uel. t-\ 1" - Iv I.l niaiiiifi.i-tiiring c.-in' I'liankliil fur tln- V( rv I'lh -r.-d patrolla'je he ll1 . . .-iu-.l f.il- the I ir f -Jl \ ifS. ll ■ h.i[ie-- hy strict 'U.-I. ; i.,11 to hll-ilie with u I.- ill- ll L'ive :i 1 i.,t;ii I ioli. I'l nil -lit : .-• l|liilU:illC - I.f til. s line 11- \v,-irrani his V. .! i. ?.i h ■ ll a'h- Ilf ill - h. -I 111 ll. rial ;ilnl hy exin-riein-eil Will i; iin-n ill • -:icii hrain-h o.' Ih I- till- ine- . Hi-- vviiik il . ..nip ii-e f.r. irahly with aiu ni i'le in (he ( nildl St-Ill-., fill neallie‘- ainl iliirahUity. Ill- : ili-ii-rmineil tn ■ e'.l ;iii.l :|,, ,iiiv wni’k in hi- line "11 'I- I term- a ,-iriy u-.rk i|.-ne el i-u Ihtc }li-it i .1 Well ilnne. Ife n.iW ha mi liaiiil, I-'iM'IIKI'. the I. \ It (.r.Sr Sl'Ol K .if ( t!'n liai iiifclirs, RdcL niriitjs^ iiml /rs\ r.'er ..llcn-il in ihi' place, ami a m ry large -link of wi.ik iieirlv lini-heil, which will l,c lini'-hcil ilaily. Ml of (^hlcli will hi- -.il.l \ery jiiw fur ex'.!!, or on short time to |.iinclual customers. iii-.-r '11 e ha- on hanil more than OM; IHM)i;i;i) ,\M» l'rF'l"i \chicles linishep ainl in ci,iii---c ot'consfriiction. ,\lt W ork nia.le l,y him i^ w ai raiite.l I'.J nioiilhs wilii f.iir ii'age. riinl slniul.i il fail h\ ha.I w .irkniaii^liip "I' m-ili iial will he r«-)>aii-ei! free of charge. Pir-oiis ui^hing t.) hii\ wouhl i|.i well tn call ainl > ■ -I .11 ; lie Inr I licni'ch T-. •’I'l- i - Ih inkfiillv rei-civeil ^inl pi-nmptly attemleil to, 1,1‘pa il ill.' exei-iltcil al sjnirl initlce :iinl on verv I'ca- '^.,li:ihli li-iiii ' Ma\- 'JS. iH; '.lS|f Noru I-:. . ra^liosi; win, an- iinletit,.,! t., me l,y Note or .A.'count i B. will please settle the --,me. Ami all lehts >liie tlie prior tn the 1st of .Ian \ ls',,;_ \n >| |,e setfleil, a« ' iii-.'er iinlulgeiice (-.-innot he A A McKI:TH\N M ay -‘'II. I'-:'!';. '.tSIf 1 ^\\IIL^ I'LOrU. A I'l’.W I'.hls. Ilf P.rowei's Fxtra, , » Tlii-’ -irticli- i-.- :|.; gno I as the l-.'xtra (ieiio'-ee. |t i- recomnicnileti wiih grc.-it coiifiilence. ( hi consignment ami for sale hv H, L. .MVHth'Ki: .S: CO. Sept. H7, IHOn. :;i-tf ‘•^(1 I*itrr/iii.'^i /nr (in I'all of l fJllIK iiinler'ignc-1 wniiM notify their ciistnniers an*l ■ all iither-: hu_\iniriii this market, that thev ar‘ III'W i-e.-eiving their -ecomi Stock ot F.-\i.L (i(H»l>S tnr I.'' :-eh I te I hy one I't the firm personally, consisting of ,i general a-~ortmi'iit nl Ihl/ /I'llifl'-Ill- , ^ /{'Kits Util/ Sfinis. \LS(» \ huge ,-niiliti.iIl tn their .-tnck of lleaih- M I.le Ctiilhlll^. \I1 lit which tli-\ ntler to the tr.'nle iipnn their usn,-il ,1. . "iiiiin..latin_- ti-rm . Pur,-has,-1“^ will tiinl it to tln-ir intei-esf to give nur i-ii-k -111 examinafiiiii hefi.te ii\akiiie tlieir selections. II \M, .V SACKKTT. ( '.-tnher :i, I S.’i ; .'iL'tt ."KCOM* I all ami If in/rr Sfnrh for lS.”>i». Si \ltl» 4V \\II.I.I\\iS Mir lidW in^ tln'ir SI, i’oNI* Stock l«*r this ot Sf:i]tK‘ :iUil !'alley I (mmmI:; lints, i^ijis, SIiO(‘S, I’.niits; Silk, :iinl .'^tr;i\v Hdiincts; I tiilirol- his, ;iinl I{v:k1v ln:nli- 'Inf liiiir; wifh a l:ir^i' as,si>rtijn Ilf nt’ Jlo.siery, (iliivc,-. Silk and ('('ttuii 1 l.iiiilkcrcliit'f’s. The ahnve Sto«-k emhraces a variety of .Scasnnahle (looils not eniiiiH-rate.l, comprising one ol the largest a'^snrtnn-nt' wt- tiave ever otfernl; ami having reci-ntlv heeii jiii!clia--i‘i| hy the Package, a' a reiluetioii from the pri-os of the first nt the sea-ioil, they will tie otlcieil to \\ liiiles:ile P.uyci- oil our usual terms, .1 P. STAl'ti:. .1 M WILLIAMS, (ii-t. Is;, : ;;-jtf l-’iiH 'I'ra.le, I have ncciveil iny Fall Stock of ih-ii t; (Huh, (1!rort rif s. iVr. My Stock is large, ainl well worth the nftentioii of |inr 1 hasers. .\ny kimi of Proilm'e taken in exchange. .I.\S. (J. COOK. 0(-t, is,',;;. ;;o(f (oi rox i{\(a;iN(;. SlI.W'F. a I'leiitiful su],]'ly of liunny ami humleo ('ottoii P.agging, Pale lUijie, ami Itagging Twine. .Senil in yoin orilers ami they shall he siipp]iel .l,\s. «l- ’ooK, Oct, i.s.'>;i. ;52tf rOK SALK, A^'O^.N(; ami gentle harness lloi-se. .1, .'V T. W \1H>ILL. Ort, 1 , 1 ^-'>n- nl!f f Spiriltx Tiir|>«‘iiliii‘ WaiilcMl. ^I^IIK umlersigtieil will pay ‘ash for Spirits Turpeii- 1 tine, (in pood order,) allowing only ;i fair margin to pay incidental expenses in sending to a general market. When ji.-irties prefer to stiij) on their (I’.vn account, the under.signeil will make liheral cash i>-,lvanees (for the usual commission) on all .Spirits and Hosin pl.-ioed in their hands for shijiment,—giving the owner always tlie option to sell in Wilmington or ship to New York. (iKO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. •Inly n, stf \hi. r. (’. MALL Has removed to the well-known st.iinl of ftie l*rs i{oliinson, corner of (ireen aii'l l>o\s --treets. .-\l>ril ‘Jl, l.s');{. S7tf U. \L OUliKLL, Fiiini iKiii.Mi riniiiissiiiN )ii:iirii\\T it rayf‘ll‘vill«‘, i\. Mari-h Kt, IHril, ('■•i-tf JOSLIMf IJAKKIL Jit.. y%TTOKAi:V \T LAW, H as takt'n aji oflice next iloor to Wm. U. Wright's Law otiiee on (.ireen Street, Me will atteinl ainl /irjictice ill tlie County and Superior Coui'fs ot t umher- laml, P.huleii, llohesoii and Sami.soii. ,March ii:’i. |S:"»::. 7'(-if ( IIAKLKS HANKS, f o ,VM' §: V T i o t: k , wn(»Li;sALi: and p.ltail i>k\i,i;u in Fiiieiijii aYk/x, ^'ii/((i s, Ttilii i, Sii iijf, (‘r. Fayetteville, N. C. March 1, IHoH. 7;itf .). i:. LAW r.:nck, Fayetteville, N. C. September, 1K.',:{ :;u-t,m \V. II. CAK\ HR, DKALER IN th’ii (f00ls\ (i rornii s\, and l*rori.' iotis^ :M door from X. E. corner Market Sniiare, next t,, I>. (iee'.s Jlat .Store. Oreeti streot. FAYETTKVII.LK, N. All kinds of Produce taken in excdiange fm- (ioods, Fefi'y ■>, iH.",:;. ,;,;v M. III TSON, ttorsK Fayetteville, W. C. Mnrch li'.i. Ib.jH. hl-Y WORTH \ Kf.Lior'r, (sr i F.sst>Ks ro ,i. i>. wii.i.i \>is,) FOHWAHDINC .'t (’OMMlSSKlX M K Hr HANTS, FAYKTTKVILLK. N. C, (dLl» ^-^AM) (IF UAl.l, .lOIlNSOli.) .!. A. WORTH.J Fehrnary 111, IM-',;!. f\V. I*. KLf.lOT! C,'J-y S l ARR cN W ILLIAMS. WlloLKSALi: DFALLHS IN t'orei^H an4l iPoinestir Mfrif 0isooifs^ IIA V sTKi:iyr, Fayetteville, W. C. .1. U. SlWKK.j [.). M. AV II.MAMS. -Vpril *Js. iS.'j'J. si'.tf o II. I- IIOI.MHS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N, C, Lli rcspe.-ffully infi.rin the jiiihlic t!;at lie i = wW >lill a* hi- nld -tainl carrying mi the aliovc hii-inc- - in .-ill it- hram-tn-s. lie retuin-- tliaiik- tnr tiie lihenil patronage he has reeei\ei|. and hopes hv ;i stri,-t atteniioii til iMi-ine-s, ami a .h-ire |,, plea-c all and give gener:il sati-faction, to nieiit a -ontiniiance of the s,-inie. He wari-.-ints all his work |., h.- ma.h- .if liic he-t nia- t.'iial ,-iml hy e\p.-rieni'e.| vv.irkmen, having :i nmri- , ;,inl y, . , S, ,ir/i. he flatters himself that his work will cnm].t-tc with any imnle in the .State for st_\l , -!egance an.| dniahili| ; ainl shoiiM any of it fail in twelve iiinntlis . with tair usage) either iii Workman ship or material, lie will rep.-iir it free of charge. Pers.iii'- w ishing t-. huy. wniild do well tn c,-i)l ami ex amine his wi.rk a- he is iletermincd tn .-ell Inw for cash !>r nil '■lii’rt lime. (Irders thankfully re;-ei\cl ami )ir'.niptly attemled to. PiFP\lKlN(i neatly exeeiitcl at short notice and low.-'t pnssihlc prices. Fayetteville, .Ian, :;'i, IS,',:’,. (i:Uf ’rii«‘ Sul)S( riluT still coii- liniie- tn carry on tin- ('\P.1NF,T P.l'Sl- M:Ss ill F.-iyettrv ilh‘. and in addition lo liis |-Nfahlishnienf on P>ow .Street, near I'^ci les s liridge, has opened a larj^e W,\HF l!(lOM oil Hav -Ireet, nearly ..pp.isite the F:»yefteville Hnfel, and one d.mr F.ast nf Nlcssr-, Haigh .Snii'-. where r. ireni-ral as-iirtnient ot' .Ma.le hv t-ompetent and faithful workmen, may he had at jii'ices correspoinling with the times. .Mso, .-in as sortment of Norlhernmade I’l PiNlTI KL, selected h\ himself, which will he soM ,-it a very moderate advam-e. 1»I N( \N M.NKILL Nov, K». IS.'.I, ;:,stf Hi; keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk's celdn-a- ted MF.TALLIC P,rp.lAL CASKS, which have heen hig^hly recommended hy Willie P, .Manguni. llenrv 'hi_\, Lewis ('ass, Wiu. K. King, and many oth‘r il lustrious charaeters, who tiave examined iind witnessed f heir iifilit v. W A r(’lli:s, .IKW KLin , AM> I'AXl’V (JOODS. Sul>s‘ril)('i‘ is now rv- » eiving a large ami well st lected Stock cf (iold and Silver Watches and Jewelry of tlie latest styles; S./rer iin/ 1‘luted Wiiri: (iold. Silver and .Steel Spectacles; (Sold Pencils and Pens; Fine Pocket and Pen Knives; Fine Kazors and Scissors; Mathematical Instruments; .Surveyors’’ Cojnp> sses ;ind Chain.s; Double ami .single barrel duns; Powder Flasks; Shot llelts; (iaine Hags; Percussion Caps; a good assortment of I’istols; Walking Canes; Port-Moneys; Pocket and Dressing Combs; Hair. Flesh, Tooth and Lather Pruslies; a good assortment of Violins and l!ows; Clarionets'; Flageolets; Flutes; Fif‘s; Accordeons; large ami small .Music IJoxes; Violin and (iuitar Strings; Microscopes; .Spy (llasses; La.lios' Work lloxe.s; (?or,al; I'ight and One day Clocks: v.-iriety ot Fancy (ioo.ls. I've. .Vc. All of wdiich will bo sold low. .Ml kinds of Watches ainl ('locks cleaned ami rt'paired. W, PHlOK. Sept. 1, 1S5:1. 21-:’.m I'n I hr Ihtrs fit Lair of Ijjitlblon 'I'ltr- iier. Idle of Sanipson ('oatily, A. ]^T(H'ICE is hereby given to you. that at the next Term of the County Court of .Samp.son. the :’.d .Monday of November, we shall propound for probate the last Will anti Testament of I,,yttleton Turner. AM.MA U. CHKSNLTT, | „ THOMAS I. FAISON. Clinton, N. C., Oct. 1, 18r).l .S2-t3MN FFICB oil Corner of Front and Princess streets, uinler .lournal oflice. Dec. I Is-tf i .lOStlMI It. BLIISSO^I. ! V o .11 n I I o ^ I AND I I’ORW AR1)I\(; MLRCII\.\ r. j ,V. i\ j 6“}y“ Prompt persoii.-il attention given to all Consign- ‘ meiits. and Cash advances niadt' on Pro.luce tn he ship- , pi'd to other jiorts or sol.l in this market. I Feb. \2. is,-,;;. ,;-,y ■ W ILKLNSON vV LSLKR, : DLALLltS IN I ( niijri hiiiiiirif, Fun ii/n Frin'fs, Xnfs^ 7'ii(niri-n^ j 11111/ Siiiiji\ I AND niPoRTKHS OF KrPF.KioK iiava:%a AT WUdbKSAI.I. AM' ItKT.Mh. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .\ilg. (, 1S->1, I itf MALLr/rr \ patlmilr, iiirofers tttiti 0'ouitnissioti rhatits^ i:tr» rr»iil HIm‘4‘1, NEW YORK. p. MALl.r.TT j | .|, PA I LMIKH ,\ugust 111, is.",i'. istf T. C. WORTH, nnDllSSlON AM) FIIKWAIIIIIM; 11KI!( II\NT, W ILMlN(ri'ON, N.('. Fob, I, Is,',;!. t;utf W atclies ;iimI J‘\v‘Ii*\ . ri^lll'i subscriber has recently re- I turned from the .North, with decidedly a very rich ami well se lected stock of lValcli€‘« cV , Hmbracing all the 1,-ites styles aTnl fashions. Ji;irgo lot of .SILVKK WAlUv S|iootis, Soiiji Luillt's, Sugar Toiip;*, and Ih'ssert Forks, (plain, tlireaik*(l, .1. Ij. ;in‘l Hrimswiik |iaf1erns.) liuttor Knives; Salt, (’ream atul Mnstard ,Spoons. I’luted (lOiuls: ’i'o;! Sols, ('ntl’i'e I’nis, (Mianil)i'r ami I’arlor ('andlcsticks, (';istor,s, .'^itgar !>isli, Snuftt'r and Tray, Ladies’ \Vi>:k Hoxo;^.— Full assorlinont of Milit;iry (mxkIs. Clariuiicts, Flag‘olets, I'lute.s, Fife.'^, Ac-ciirdeuns, Flutluas, large and small Music l>cxes, (sonic* with Piano acfompaniiueiit,) Violins, (some very lin(? It;il- iau.) Surveyors' ('oinpasses and Chain.-^, Matlic- inatical Instruments, Kye (jlla.sses for Miners, very lino liazors and Straps, tine Sei>;surs. I^arge lot Pocket, and Table Cutlery, some in sets of al pieces. l\)oket Knives, with spoon, fork, lilade, plileme, itc. Largo lot of well selcetod dtuible- barrel Guns, Powder Flasks, Siiot Belts, Canie Bags, &c. A good assortment of (’olt’s and vari ous other kinds of Pistols. Five or ,-ix differejif kind of Clocks; Walking Canes, •And various other notious, which I woul.l like to sell very low. .1. AL Hi-’.-V.sLK^ . August In, IH');’,. Pure French Brandy, Port and Madeira Wine. subscriber has justj’eceived ami ofl'ers for sale a pure article of each of the above. These Liijuors iiaving been purchased expressly for tnelical purposes, can be relied on by those in want of a good article. .1. X. SMITH, riienust .V Druggist. Oct. 8, 1H5:?. TANC Y (U)ODS. TMIIK .Subscriber is now receiving his F\LL AND I W1\TI:H STOCK OF Stapit* ami Fanc> DRV (iOODS, mill ofl'ers them to the imblie upon terms as easy, and prices as l,,vv. as any stock in North ('arolinn. As he is iletermiiie.l to se|J for a small profit, either for cash or on time to piinot^d customers, .all would lo well to call and see his stock before purchasing. (hit ,.f his stock, he enumerates a few of the leading arii,-lcs; rich brocaile ami tig'd Silks; plain bPk gro de ihine il.,.; sollid .Muslin doLaiiie of every jirice and col or, all Wool; Lai-e, .Mii.siin and Jaconet .Sleeves; Cbemi- /ettesaii.l CoUars; (Irass and ('or leI Skirts; ladies’and gentlemen s Ki.l, Silk ami Worat«d Cilove.s; Linen Cam bric 11 Jk Is; ail assortment of ]ilain, dotted and check ed Swiss .Musliii; Cambric and Jaconet; Bond)aziD6S and ,\l[iit-as; C.-iinbric and .Swiss Kdg'g and Inserting; I r.'in-h M.-iiiio of every color; bnlies’ Silk and Meriuo \ i-si ( or--etts: white ('rape Shaw Is; among other styles, a grt-af variiMy of ladies’ Dress Oood,^ fvnd Trinnnings, Voiir attention is particularly callcl to his assortment oi fain-\ del.aines; ladies’ ami misses’ white and col’d Silk P.onnets; P.ishoii Lawns and Irish Linens; good as sortment ladies’ .Shoes, Slijipers and Gaiters, among them a beautiful article of white Kid Slipper and Gai ter; hl k and col’d French and American Cloths and Casimeres; lot Hea'iy-Made Clothing; an assortment of C.oods fnr negro wear, sin h as Kerseys and Blankets, P.rogaii P.onts ami Shoes; with all other goods tisually kejif in my line. J. c. POE. Sept, 14. lH.j:{. 28-3m TALL, I853. I.'' now receiving a very large and general assortment of DUY tiOOD.S. among which are 1,.')0(( pieces new style (,'alico; 7')0 M. DeLane; 175 Freiu h and Lnglish .Merinos; 2.j(l Alpaca; Plaid Bro cade ami other .Silks; Merino and Crape Plaid and plain Shawls, assorted; Hats, Caps and Bonnets; Silk and ’ofti-n H lik'fs: Bohinet, Lace and Edgings; Boots and .Shoes; I'.olting (.'loths. No. 1 to 10. With many other g.iods; all of which have been purchased for cash, by the Pa kage, .ind will be offered wholesale or retail as low as pnssUile. Those wishing to purchase goods will please call ami examine, Sej.f If,, 185:'.. 29tf liii|>ortaiit lo Builders & House Carpenters. TBIHE J'atent Right of Short’s W’indow Sash, so uni- Jl versally intro'luced in the Northern cities, is for Pale by the subscriber. Thi.s S.-ish has numerous aijvantages. It combines greater -strength with neater appearance, as putty is entirely dis]>ense.l with. Strips of India rubber, laid on the Rash, jirevent all noise and jingling, at the same time making the wimlow water-tight. The window with this improveniont may be easily taken to pieces, clean ed til ,roughly or repaired. For }>articiilars aiMress L. Tl'KXEK, Architect, •>1-''M"1 Wilmington, N C New Goods for Fall & Winter. */lh\rr .foltnaon Sf Co, ■ ■ .W K received an.l are now receiving, a large and m-B. well selecte.J stock of Seasonable Goods, embra cing almost ever}' article kept in the Dry Goods line. Their stock consists in part of Hich black fig'd Silks Plain hlack (iro de Hhine Ptich itroca'ie ami Plaid Silks, latest style Plaid .Silks for Aprons .Solid Col ,I .Silks for lining, &c Su]ier French Merino of all colors Printed \ plai'l Satin Cassimere, very fine & handsorae Plain, jirinted and solid color all-wool De Laines Mpacas of various colors, finish .and price Bombazines ami .^Ierinos, a tine assortment ('nllars, I ndersleeves, C'hemisetts, embroidered Hdkfs Mus'iin I’.ilging and lusertings of all kinds and qualities .\ large assortment of Thread, Linen, Lisle, Swiss, Cot ton ,-iii'l .laconett Eilgings and Insertings \ large assortment of rich cloth, velvet, merino, satin and silk Cloaks, Visettes and Mantillas, of the latest styles, running in price from !j>4 to $45 \ large and luiinlsomt assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres ainl Vestings; Tweeds, Jeans, Kerseys, Linseys Marlboro Stripes ami Plaids, for servant’s wear Fine Flannel, plain and printe'l, for children Blanket', a large variety -1 hii'iji Storl: of Hal., liwts «f- tShoes. Kt aly-m:ule ('lothing—Coats, Pants, Ve.sts, from very fine to ordinat-y (»ur stock is too largo and varied to note down every particular article, but our as.sortment is a very desira- lile one, and c.'innot fail to please. \\ e would solicit an early call from all our old friends, i-ustoiners ami the public generally. We are ready at ■•ill times to show our goods, and prices, as we expect to sell on as reasonable terms as any other house in our line. \\ e may lie foiiml at our Store No 1 Green street, North-east corner Market .S.juare. ALEX K .JOHNSON & CO. F.-iyetteville. .Sept l!;}, IS;j;j .'il-tf I?AK(;aI\S! ItAIKiAIXSI! ■ J|l!lN(i detfrmined to «iuit selling Liquors, we now M 9 oiler a small lot of Fine Liijuors at New York cost and charges; such as French Brandy; .laniaica and St. Croix Klim; Port, .Madeira. Malaga and Teneriti'e Wines; n baskets Champagne, (Anchor Brand;) Champagne ('i'ler. \t-. Persons wishing to purchase any of the ah.,VC Lii|iiors wont.I .1., well to call and .•ee us. TH(»Y ct MARSH. Vug. I, is-'i.:. i(;-tf vv riiK iu:i) sHiN. .^1 4* IIo II a I 1 '11 € It anter n\ \ F. Just re-eived a full ami complete stock of (!l!0('Ki;iKS, PI{o\ ISloN.'^, Ac., to which they wiuild invite the attention of the citizens and surround ing country. They will sell low for C.\sh, or on time lo punctual cu,stomers. They purchased their Goods for cash, and this will enable them to sell low. They have facilities that m:iiiy houses have not: they have agents est.-ihlisheil in Baltimore and New York, who always .-idvise them of any change in articles in their line, ami who purchase only when bargains are to be had. We keep always on haml a splendid ass(irtment of foreign an.l domestic Licjuors; Loaf, Crushed and Pimwn Sugars; Kio, .luva and Laguira Coffees; Green, Hyson and Pilack Teas; New Orleans and Cuba Molas ses; Table ami Sack Salt; Bacon, Lard, Mess Pork, .Mess P«eef, Smoki-d Beef, Dryed Venison; No. 1, 2 ami ;• Mackerel; P.utter. Clii'cse, Flour, Meal, Corn, Oats. Toliacco, Candles, Copj»eras, Saleratu.s, Indigo, Mad der, Spice, Pej.per, (Jinger, Nutmegs, Cinamon, Epsom Salts. .Saltpetre, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, and Cliissware; ami a variety of other goods. They take this method of thanking the community and their countr}- friends for the very liberal patronage bestowed on them; and intend, by selling goods low, to increase their former trade—alwaj'S keeping in view that !i nimble sixpence is worth a slow shilling. Yellow Building, between the Market House and th« Bank of the State, (Jillespie .Street, Fayetteville, N. C. March 121, IS.'j:;. 7Stf NOTICE. ^■^HK Subscriber has taken the shop between Drs. Mallett & McSwain and Eccles’s Bridge, where he intends carrying on the TAILORING BUSI NESS in all its branches. Having had pr.actical experience in most of the At lantic cities, he feels assured that he can please the most fastidious. All orders will be executed with neat- nesR and de.spatch. B. MONAGHAN. March 28, 1853. 81-tf Blanks for sale here.