S Fi M 1-W Fi K K L, Y. [\or III. FAVKTTKVILLE, N. 0{'POBKR 31, 18r>3. [NO. ‘240.] l iUMKl' H\ .) H \KWHY cdw aki) j. hali: ^ sox. KUimi:s vM» i*i{t)rRii;Tt>iis ^ I , ;l„. >e(ia N\‘«‘klv *Mi>kuvkr x4 mi it'jmiil in i, ,1,, , > J •" it I'liiil .hiriii(i th»* y*‘iu ut ■qiti--i»iij.- , ■» , ;tU'> th*‘ Vfill llllS OXJlil »‘ii Wi'i'WU t *ii'i t it. "• Jx'r aiuium. it'jmi.l in I,, e: >' 'lining tho Vfjir ot Huti.siTn.. -s ■ (HI ;itti-l- lllt‘ yt':ll ll:4- t“\Jiili‘.t \ i\ '11-^ I >i\l\ (■•■Ilfs [•(•t , r I*' lino" 1"! tlif tiist. iiii.l lliii ty « eiits fur rii. h j.uMii'iitiiiii \ I'HJ’ly a.lvcvtiscnifuts I'y >-jn> , '*t r«*:isiiiutilc i ;itt's Ailvei tis*-i> iiif ,,t' t.‘ l I thi' immlifi- of iii>i‘i tiiiiis lU'sii fil. tir , ..iitiiHK'il till ttv'iii. fiinl I'htiiv'**'! l.fttt'!"- to tin' Ivlitor-'must t>e jxist ]>;ii«l NO TK K. tFl’KK til'' 'ti>'-'iUuinn i>f tho lat‘ tinii nt Hraiisoii \ .ioliTia.'Ti. th«‘ uiulersigne.l whs uppointfl lo n't- the li> 111“ Mr A. M t’nmi.Jiell i.«t 1 ti' ■‘'lit''t 'U-tits line thf r*!iiil firm iiiiil jrrsmt A. M .IdllNSON [■(HI rm: vketw. *d klUUS riioTH I’AS'l'K. prt'iiHre.l by l*i- 1» W " " » Beiituiw, L^viuist, h'ayt*tte\ilU* Ai' iuatic Myrrh.' us su^tti'stf i liy Di I’. 11 (tar I>fntJst, I’liilmleljihin. • I !i. nn‘ r^'oth iisli. ■ ' T-. ''til Si.jip ■■ .’lmrf.inl l>i‘iUitriot*. r -til l’'.'W:ltT. jireparcil >>y S J. Hiusilalt'. A l:ir>r«“ ;i-'-'rtineiit "f I'n^lish ;m.l Kreiu-h T.mtli ■tli:.. he l»v. J.s, lllf; Hills'. t I".'. T.intll Kt'VS. (illlll l.MllCl'tS, HlNS[iALi; s It J H \IK l>KKSSIN(. AM) SH W IN(i S ALOON. '■ SMITH rt-ippctftilly inform- tin* citi/Piis ..1 K:i.fttt-villf. nn'l tlio surroiin'lin(r country. tli:it e iii^'ve'l liis Harlieriufi »*stnttlisliuu'iit to tLi* H"tel . liii;;. His room may In- iiow to\iuit opjiositf tlu- ■ K-iv»-ttevilli‘ Hank, whoi** lio is piiparfl to SIihm* i I'riiii in lui ommo.lntinjr term>. Ilf vrry respt ot / . rt'tunis tlirtiiks t-- lii-^ oM ciistomkTS iin^l tin- puli f.i i)cr:ill\ ti.r tlicir lilu-ral p;»troiuii:i“, ;in'l li.ijic-i thnt « .-toUiVill l.e (iUKATLV lM'Hi:A.'^r.l>. as he has i-ii t'^ II f.jusijfral'lf expeii.>e in tittiiif; up his Shuji - tfu' I'oinfort ot his .-ustouifrs. He w.iuM in\itf tin- ••■'!ti"n of the riti/t-ns to lii~ UK\l>lNi in f his Shavinj: Kst:i>ili«hiut“nt. ^vhe^^* ttn»y will tin.l thi- lenilinj{ I’olitit-al jiapt'rs of thv 'lay All kin«ls .it I’frtni.aTies aii'l Hair *il-. Slmvinj; ■ftj'. Hair ;in^l Shaving l?rushfs. ini'l m \;irit-ty other tides in his line, for sale. Fnyettfville. X (>ct. 1^., ; .>-'im I'. I.. IIOSI.AAI). 'miiiis!ji(ni I'oruMrdiiiir M«*rrh:iiit aiul ,\^oiil. - t !'•. 1«'. . M . . .J -m r w'\: oi- Noirrii ( auoli\ \, H WIhUJ’H t'ol NTV ; i|.. iiiir (V.iut (it l/iw. l all Tcrni. > !,y.li:i Hu-sfV. 11;.- ■■■. l'.-t!ti'-n tor \'!m.'ny I N till- " it app«-arni}> t'> the tliat thi' ii- ^.-ii ltilit III this i H.st* is nut all iuhaliitalit ot thi: ■ .t.- it 1- tli*-r*^r'av ..|-.J r»- t l>y flu- « oiirt, that ]■ , ii :• ii ‘ niM'le for ihi t-e months in thf i‘n\ctt*-\ill- an'l ;reeti~t>oro I’atj ii't. l'..r liil 'U-li-n'l'iiit : jiHnr lit .iiir n»'xt Tt-rni ot thi« t’ourt. t'. Ke Ih-M for ‘ iiity : Kamlolph, at thf » 'ourt Housf in A h r . '11 the t'lur'h .Moii'lay "t Mar. h nfSt, aii'l [ilfri'l, :.-.T-r i.r 'Ifiiiur to the plaintitl \'ftitiou; oihei wisf. "iiiif Will I'f takfii pi" I'.intfi-o tui'l sft lor hfariiiK ( .'o' t'l •■T j'Hi tf A'tiii'onJ. Hftif, « Ifrk i.ui- muI'I •'"iiii. \VM. H. McRAUY, f'ommission ^Jterehatit^ WIL>FIN^(JT()\, \ ’ Particular iittcntion will )n> jmiil to selling and ship ping N’dval .‘Stores uml Prrnliu •, aiiJ also to the For warding of (.ioods. Merchants who consign their (.JooJs to him can rely on their l»oing torwir'le.l liy tir^t t.unt fitter thev are disrhargf.l from vesoe! IM'FEHKNt'KS. F Fries. K. A Vopler \ t'o . Salem. N. «’ T. M \ onng, Mocksville, Hunt \ .Aihierton, Lexington John I*. Hro,vn, Snllshurv. •) H. \ .1. .Martine, Favetteville Jnii'y I’O, ijOfC s ri:i)M \\ \TioRMi, />/ / Hardware^ (irocfrks, i\r. i AVirrTi:vii.i.i:, c. U'oL l.D resjiectfully inform the citizens (iml the l>ulilic generally, that they have just returned from New \ ork, utnl me re('ei\inf^ their Spriug Stook ot (roods, consistii'g of Ih t/ (,'ooifs, irort rlta, Hanhi are, Ai . -V variety of Hats, suitable f«tr the season: Ladie.s’ and tientlemen s Hoot.s, Slioes and Slippers; a large jis- sortnient of ready-made t'lothing; a great many articles in the hulies' line, and we wouM be pleased to h^^e them to call and examine for themselves. .\ll or.lers sent to our care from our frienl8 and cuB- tomers will be jiroinptly attended to. March IH'j ’.. hltl m\{\\ BIRR MILLNTOM^S. 4* real Kediirlioii in Frii'o. KCK.N rON. MOUUIS vV CO. M lONTlNl K to make to order, and keej> constantly " on hand t'reitfh Httrr •fHllstottfs • •fall dimen-iions, wananted to be of best nualitv, hie ing niitde from I’.urr block-^ selecte.l by them from the bfst ijiiarrie-* in France 'I’hev keep for sale ('(Mulirn niul l^sopus Mill- sloiK's; Hnrr Rl»ck., Boltinjr Cloth, S W tro, C’:i!v iiU“(l Piaster, lly»lranli- ('(mihmi!, vVc. Oi'b-I- tioui sn\ purl ol the country prouiptlv atteiiil- e 1 to K. :»i. oil -\gent at Fii\»'tteville. N. ’ ^l:lll■h H. l^.'i;i_ T'iff (' A SSIMI:K1 :s, ('ASS1M K\i I:s. Ill W'K jii't received a fresh siipfily of that ceb-l'ra- tf'l S.\L1;M r\SSlMKKK, to which I w.uild call the attention ot niv trientl- an-t the public in general. 1‘ SHKMWKLL. Mii\ '.lilt ■J,Ono lih/s. l itrjn ntnir W which the highest cash prices will be paiil Mcl,i:\N \ .ItlNKS. Summervill. N \Li\ 1^. is.",:; '.'.iit 1% li«» 'I I trtfii'li. nU'l thf copai tliei'iliip t"V th \\ ; : Itll. r thi- !"Uith .Miii'Uv A. ■ t Septeml •I. H ALK. :i7-"-ms \. 1» \f‘\V \v iiitrr (mmmIs. fived in part, nnd in a If. tiirir Sffoii'l Sto.-k i.t IHK Ulflersigue-l have !> w 111', w ill have in SKASON AHLi: (iOODS. -"elected with care, ali'l will be .f ■M»;.inier" an 1 "thfr» on ifii'-oiiable 11. I. .) Lll.L^ ■ I ' whi, it ' !-- i f , thfir /'» . I\ritiihtis.lnnt nt on th*> .l/ //V«»/ y > >>n, the ('/un-fi, fl UltllK) I'll \/i .Ki: \ r i:\ ri:Ki’Kisi:' I'a>4‘till«> in |4» ''HI. Sub 'libfr W'liil'l ie-pi'tliilly intorm their put'lic, that llie_\ have clUfie'l into ■ pulpo c .1 cn'lii.'tinp the (general t'AKKI \iK. 151 .''IM'.SS in all its \ari"Us j.art'; .^nd Oeiiig b"th prai-t.'-ftl M.'i kmen. t'lilly nii'li'i'taniiing their bii'itie--., they hase n.. hesitation t- c"m)'nre w)rK with .•in_\ f-t ib'ii^lniieni iti Fa\ette\ill.- n., t.: .»tyle aii'l dura bility. I >ne ol til'- lirm liia_\ lie known b_\ i r-i't-i cine I" \ H. Whittield iron work tor the la-t two years e warrant nil work to tiive general xati..|tii't oiii for twelve months Hfpairui^L 'I'liie ill the ii»-Mlf*t manner low f"r ■ ash. I’lr.l; .V HHANl.N JaMK- H. I’iKll .Iv.MKs 1{R\.MN. Fayetteville, .lan'y ’J4. Is'iil '.•Jtt T/##' ijar(f^4’Ht t'avria^e Fart or if in the South! IV ew CJoods. subscriber has just returned from New York, M and is now receiving his JFftli Stock of Croods^ To which he invites buyers. .May Vie found in his stock: Distillers' Gluo, common and FINE. Candles, Crystal Palace, Wax, Sperm. Adamantine and Pearl, City-made Boots. Iieavy ditto, Hats, I'aps, lllankets, kerseya, &c., t. edar Tubs, Pails, Buckets, Kelars, tc , Cocoa Hug Uood.s, for passages. Common ’arpetings, with a variety of seusonable anil useful articles. Sugar and Cotfee and Tea, A lot of tine Travelling Trunks, Carpet bags, &c., '!•) iiozen Wagon and Hray Whips, Mi>b- t’ollars and Oear, patent and commoD Harness. Ciunny and Dundee Bagging and Rope. 6t.H) sacks Halt, fi tons Iron, assorted. 1 will sell for cash, baiter, or on t>me, to suit pur chasers 2 doovs West of ('ape Fear Bank THO. J JOHNSON Fayetteville, Oct 186;! :ytf -KHM) ll»s. |mrt‘ WUri'K LIOAD, 41 M» gallons Linseed (">il. Varnish, Chrome Clreen, (ilass, Putty, \o. For sale by S. J. HINSDALF. Oct. 10, ■ ;*,4-lni Import (ini to Coppr and (^oal Miners. WE have just received -MiO lbs. of 1)HILLS, made j from the best 1 inch eight snuare Cast Steel; ^ price i cts. per lb. Also. :iOU lbs. -i inch Si(uare j Steel, lor striking Hammers. Urills, Hammers, Tani]i- i ing Bars and Scrnjiers made to order. HALL \ BOLLINOKH ! Oct. in, ;‘.4-lm 'rilC SoUtlH'in llariliouy., anl Musi cal ('ompanion. \ liirther supply just received. | K .1 HALE \ SON ' Oct 10 \ AIJ AHLK 1‘I.AN IW riON | FOR S.\LE. f ■1IIE sn) i.scriber wishing to change his business, of ' .JL fers for sale his PL\NT.\TlON in Bobesoii, I'J miles from Luuibertoii, on th»* Harlleesville Hoad, situ ated on .Aaron's Swani]>, containing 7o» acres, of which about HMt are under culti\ation. The .situation is liealthy and the water e.(Ual to any in the count\. The dwelling and all necessary out-houses are in good re pair. The bf-it recommendation which the 1't‘rtility of the place can receive is to be found in the cropof ('orn and t'ottoii now growing on the Plunt.ition, which nil who de.sire to purchase are invited to examine. There is w ithin half a mile of the house ii bold flush Spring, Relieved to Contain Miluable niineral jimperties. There i:- also >\ithin half a mile of the dwelling house ii large iifW .\cademy, in whii-h a Classical school is coiistHiitly kfi't Terms easy .loHN A. KiiWLAM* All;;'.1st 'Jt., Is.i::. _:itt No'i'ici:. 8*'l»0 KI^:\V.\KD .VNAW \V from the subscriber, about the l ')tli July. It'.jl. hiM lie :ro girl .Saiah. .Said negro in :ibout I'l years of age, black, with large white e\e', birge limbs, weighs :ib.iut l-IO pounds. Said girl is supposed to b*‘ lurking in the neighbi.r h 1 of Mr 1 saac Wright's or (ien. .McKay's, in Bladen County The abo\e reward will be jiaid for her delivery t" me, or her cniitinement in any jail in the State ot N'.rth Carolina. M »i Bl TLF.B Clinton, N. C., .March 14 Is'-'i;. TTtl ^ LL those indebted to the subscriber for Clothing, NOTICE ited to the sub' by note or account, will please call and settle the same, (us no longer time can be given,J or their notes and accounts will be placed in the hands ot an officer. He may be found on Gillespie street, ^ doors south of Market Square. H GRAH-\%L Oct. 1. 1h:.;!. 32tf W CiOODS At tin old atnnd of li. Branson Son. ^■IHE UNDEUSIGNEI* have just received a L.VRGE A STOCK OF GOOU.S, embracing a general assort ment recently )>nught in the northern market under favorable circumstances. They have Loaf, crushed, powered and brown sugars; Java, Laguira and Rio Cod'ee; pepper, spice, ginger, cloveg and nutmegs: sup. carb, soda; indigo; madder; borax; camphor; alum; epsom salts; saltpetre; molasses; syrup; salt; iron; saddles, bridles and martingals; collars; wagon and buggy whips; spades, shovels and forks; trace, dog, tongue, breast and halter chains; cofi'ee mills: wagon boxes; mill, cross-cut and hand saws; cut nails and spikes; 1. good assortment of pocket and table cutlery; blacksmith tools com]ilete; turpentine hackers, scrapers, dippers and axes; broad and chopping axes; guns; window glass; rivets, A large stock of ready-made clothing and staple dry good.s; gunny and hemp }>agging; rojie ani.1 twine; Sweiles, American bar and hoop iron: Hiiuare and octagon cast steel; Gei-man and Itlister steel; siiji (iinl hliisthiij /.'iiwiiir; hats, caps, boots and shoes, western and North Carolina bacon; together with almost every article sold in this market, all of which will be Sold at fair jirices for cash, on time to jirompt customers, or countrv produce generally. G. W WILLIAMS .S: CO July :to, i.s.-,:;, ir,-tf JBfe^The otiice of the Cape F'ear Steamliont Company is kept in the above building. J I). Wll.LlAMS, .Agent. WOUIJrS TAIR. 4' r if St a ! f* nl a r e, FEKS(>N.S visiting New drk or travelling through North ('aroliiia, should prepare themselves by calling at M. A. l’..\KEK'S, Sign of the P>ig (inn, oppo site the Post Othce, where they will find a large assort ment of double and single-barrel Shot (iuns, Hitles and Pistols, of all nualities; ('olt's Repeating. .Vilen's Re volving, Wesson's Repeater and self-priming Pistols. Powdt'r Flasks, Slnit aiid(ianie Bags, Percussion Cajis of French and English make; also a large assortment of (iaming fixtures. whi-h will be •^old at the lowest cash prices. RKP.-\lRIN(i ot every thing in the (iunsmith line will be done at short notice, in the best manner, and for a small charge. Rifles of all kinds con^^talllly on hsnd aii'l manufac tured to order, and warranted to shoot from ](M» to (atO vards. Persons wishinir to jmrcli.ase any of the above- iiMined articles, will do well lo give me a trial. M. A. I5AKER, .''igii liftin' Wooden (iuii. Hay street, opposite the Post (Ifliie. Dr. T. C. hall Has removed to the well-known stand ot the L*rs. Robinson, corner of Green and Byw streets April 21, 1858. i*7tf R. i\I. ORRELL, FORWARDING IHI>1MISS10N MERCH.^NT .;T Fayeltevillc, X. C. March 10, liol. t.'2-tf FANCY GOODS. ^r^HE Subscriber is now receiving iiis FALL AND X WINTER ^STOCK OF Staple and Fancy DRY GOODS, and offers them to the public upon terms as easy, and prices as low. as any stock in North Carolina. As he is determined to sell for a small profit, cither for cash or on Time to punctual customers, all would do well to call and see hi« =tock before purchasing. Out cf his stock, be enumerates a few of the leading articles; rich brocade and lig'd Silks; plain bl’k gro de rliine do.: sollid Muslin deLainc of every price and col or, nil wool; Lace. .Muslin and Jaconet Sleeves; Chemi- H •JOSEPH B,\KEK. .In., ATTOR.\El AT LAW AS taken an office next door to Wm. B. W right's zettesnnu Collars: Grass and Cor Jed Skirts: ladies^^ and Law office on Green Street. He will attend aU'i ) gentl^nifen Kid. Silk and W orstcd Gloves; Linen Cam* .1 uly l! 1, 1 Hit'A. 1-Jtf K .11 ST Ri:CEI\ED, 4 PRIME lot .Mountain Butter, m New • •rlean'i aiol Cuba .Mola---et Java, Laguira uiid Bio Cotlfc .’^ii^ar. Hi. e. .\i UuRl H .V ELI.lnTT. MMM h 7, 1 ''o :. 7■'•t I ROC'KI’ISH SMEE riN(;s, V the tiale or halt t'al«;. for sale by ' T Ha'IgH S(»N Stf .'M ;l. 1*': isS I'’all anil W inter Stock. I I Subscriber falN the attention of hi: friend- aii'l the piitilic to lii-- recfiit jiiirrliii'M- of HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, ii is one of the largest as-'irtments that hf h r 1 : iilled the attention of his frieti'ls .iii'l the public Hf has now in .Store nearly every style of ffalM, Boots antt Shofs ill \>"^iie, I.T all price-i t" suit the times ortln‘cus- .--r h' »fver fastidiuas he may >»e. He woiilil say to I' ^ w iiit the Worth of their money to call and I'l, ; ,,fH \'| S. ( U‘S. Bi H »TS and SH »E.''. ■- li.'a'.ii-. to exchange the same into ('x'li a-* ■' " p -'i= '• in order tliat he may replenish. •I. C.' THOMSON. Market .Sipiare. ■ •. r 1 27 tf ('andIf Mtuin/acfori/. till continue- to ni.iniifnctiire a su- ol' plain and f'anc_\ ('.\ .N l»l I'.S, at •’>. Green street. il'ior*^ North of wliert- be Would lie li;ippy to -ee hi,- iiliier-i 'H\RLi;s BANKS 7:'.ff n July i;:. is^2 '2d Purvfidsf for thr i'all of ^■'IHE undersigneil would notify their en.stomers and JL all others tiuyiug in this niarkrt, that they are now receiving their secon'l .^tock ot l'.\Ll.. G>nDS for 1^;j3. selected by .me of the tirm ]iersonrtlly, consisting of a general asuortment of Dry G'xi'ls, I/tirJiran\ Ifitts, (Jionti (iml S hue.-i. -M.-'O—.V large a'ldilioii to their bt'ick of Ready- Made ('lothing. ,\11 ot which they otter to tiie trade upon their usual accommodating terms Purchasers will find it to their interest to give our stock an examination before making their selections. HALL \ SACKETT. October IH.'.;!. :i2tf U’’ oI'LD If"ipecttiilly inform tin* }iiiblic that he is still at hi- ol'l .-tHii'l carrying on the abovt' business in all it« branches. He returns thanks f.ir the litieriil p'ltronage lie ha*^ rei-fi\ed. and hopes Uy j. strict attention to t.usine^s, and a ile-ire t.i pleasi* all and give general safi'factioii, to iiH iit :i continiiance of the same. He w:iirant-- all his Work to be made of the be?t ma- teiial and liy experience.l Workmen, having a more /'/I ■,..(/and /■, ui'iiin! Siriitfi, he flatters himself that hi- w.irk will compete with any iti:idi' in the State for .style, elegance ami diiraliility: and should any of it fail in twelve months i with fair usage - either in workman ship or material, he will repair it tree of charge. Pei'Kons wishing to buy. would d« well to 'all and ex- Hiiiine his W'irk as he is determined to sell low for cash , or on short time. I Orders thankfully received and promptly attended to. REPVIRING neatly exwuted at short notice and lowest jiossible prices. ! Fayetteville, Jan. 2ti, IHoii. O.Ttf practice in the County and .Superior Courts of Cumber land, Bladen, Robeson and Sampson. .M arch 23,180:J. 79-tf O ullLESliA NKS, f ’ O *V JP £; r T / O . V , WHOLESALE ANi> RETAIL DEALER IN Fortiyn Fruits, Ltycirs, Tohaoo. ^nu^,&c. oree:« street, Fayetteville, N. C. March 1,1853. 73tf T e7 LAV^:\ci^i Fayetteville, N. C. September, 18').‘{ HO-bm W . H. ( ARVER, DKALER IN Dr if (foods, (iroccrics., and Proi'isi(>ns^ ud door from N. E. corner .Market Square, ne\i to D. Gee’s Hat Store, (.ireen .street. FAYHTTKVILLK, X. Jjfeiy' .Vil kinds of Produce taken in exchange tor (Joods. FeI.’y 1 H.V:. '■•'■.V M. niTSON, uo vsr. f».fff, Fayetteville, N. C. March 2‘.t. SI V WOR'I'H iV EIJJO’J'r, (si t;( KS.SORS TO .1. I>. Wl 1.1.1 AMS,) K(U{WAK1HN«; cH: (’UMMISSION MHIU’IIANTS, FAVETTEV ILLE, N hTAM) OF UAI.I. .i. .IdUNSOlt.) .!. A. WORTH.] February 1»>, S'J'ARR vV W II.LIA.MS, WHOLESALE DEALERS JN t'oreigii and MPomestir MPrtf Ooods., ll.VV JiTREET, Fayetteville, N. C. .1. H. KTAKU.J [J. .M. WILLIAMS. April 2^, lH.'i2. ^Otf M. L. HOLMES. Attorney at Law, Wilmiugton, N. C. FFICE on corner ot Front and Princess streets, under Journal otfice. brie H\lk fs. a:, assortment of plain, dotted and check- e.l ^wi.=s M'is’in; Cambric and Jaconet; Bombazines and Aipncns; Cambric and Swiss Edg'g and Inserting; French Merino of every color; ladies’ Silk and Merino Vest CJorsetis; white Crape Shawls; among other styles, a gre?» variety of ladies' Dress (joods and Trimtnings. Your attCTition is particularly called to his assortment of fancy dcLaines- ladies’ ard misses’ white and col’d Silk Bonnets; Bishop La'wns and Irish Linens; good as sortment ladies’ Shoes. Slippers and Gaiters, among them a bean'iful article of white Kid Slipper and Gai ter: bVk and col’d French and .\merican Cloths and Cnsimeres: lot Ready-Madp Clothing; an assortment of Goods for ncsiro wear, such as Kerseys and Blankets, Crogan Boots and .Shoes: with all other goods usually kept in my line. J. C. POE. Sept. 14, 185;5. 28-3m [«• I'.IJ.IOT T. t;n-\ O Dec. I 2. IS-tf II /'V/i/f ti( rdir subscriber ■ I. perlor '>rtic1e oM stand. 1N" ’if NIarket House, i friends and cii-t Murch ]«■ lh itrs and Mcdit i/n s, l*(iinls, 0//s I-Sl)/f/s, (ilas\ (tnd Pttllij. and II l>i SAMI EL .1. hinsdali: AS ri l eiitly purchased in New Vm k. Piiibi'lel- phiu iiii'l Bij-ton, a largt* n'Mition to hi-, -toi k '.f ■ . Mf'licine-i. .M-, which he is now receiving. Hi: .\|filicines were '^elected by himseif. with U'Ual If as to purify and genuinene-.. He will tiirni-h Ph\•'ician-. Countrv Merchants, and pul, ttiev fpt II with Drug*-. Me.iii ine-, \r., at a- low )il ices an be afbil'led In the .Sf„te. SAM L J. HINSDAI.E. Market Sipiare. 12b 2 in A A. McKIVniAX E.SPKi'TFC LLV inform* his friends and the pub- that he has built nji huge unb«taiitial Brick P.uildingfi at his old Stand, expressly for mannfactni ing Carrii.gc'-. Thankful for the very liberal ]>atronage he lias received for the last 21 \ear-', he ho]>es fi\’ strict jilteiifioii to buji'ae«H, with H desire to give satisfaction, to merit a coiitiniiwiice of the same. He warrants his Work to be madf of the best material and liy experienced workmen in each liraiich of the bnsine's. His work will compare f'avorafily with any ma'Ie in the I nited .State'-', for neatness :ind durability. He is determined to ‘■ell und do aii\ work in his line on as good terms as an^’ work d ine elsewhere that isjis well done. He iiow hus on hand, I'immhkI'. the (iEST STO('K of ('arrio*i ^y liaroiirhi s, liocl tiiroijs., and ^ ( .s, liver oflered in this place, and a very large .'■foi k of Work neitrU finished, which will be finished daily ,\11 of v.liicli will be sold very low for ('.\-ii. or on short time to punctual customers, H‘ has on ham! more than ONE !irM)RED AND FIFT^ Vehicles finishep : and ill Course of -onsfruction. jjjfaj*' .Ml work made by him ir warraiite'l 12 months with f:iir Usage, aii'l should it fail by bad workmaii-hip or matevial will be repaired free of charge. Persi ns wi'^hing to liuy would do well to cali and ex:imilie f'oi' tiieni'^el\e-i. Ui-'b-rs thankfiilly rect'ived aiel ]irom]itly attende'l to. itepairiiig execiiteil at short notice and on very rea ■ soiialile terni-. .Mav 'jy, IS.'i:;. ‘.iKtf SKCOM) /■’/// ftnti H uitrr Stuck' for i8,)i>. N'TARR .Sl WlLLl.AMS are now receiving their .SE- ('OND .Stock for this season, of Sfajile ami Taney hr^- (loods; H.ifs, (’aps, .Shoes, Itoots; Silk, Satin and Stniw l>onn*-t.s; rinbrel- las, and Head}' inado nothing;—with a largo assnrtinont of IIo.«ii'ry, tilove.s, Silk and ('ottoii n:Midk(*rchiofs. The above .Stock emi>; aces a variety of Seasonable (loods not enumerated, compri.^ing one of the largest assortments we have ever oflered; and having recently been purchased tiy the Package, a a r«*duction from the Jirices of the tir-it of the season, they will be offered to Wlndesale I’livers on .nir usual terms, J. B. STABB .1 M NVILI.IAMS. Oct. 2, IS.'):;. ;!2tf I'all 'I'rade, IH53. I have received my Fall Stock of J)nf (h rorcrifs,S^*r. .My .St(M-k is large, and well worth the attention of jmr- chasers. .Any kind of Produce taken in exchange. , JAS. G. COOK. Oct. :i, 18.3;:. o2tf ('(vrroN ■ HAVE a plentiful snjiply of (Junny and Dundee Cotton Bagging, Bale Rupe, and Bagging Twine. .Send in your orders and thev shall be supplied JAS. tJ. COOK. Oct. .'!2tf 'riic Siil>s(‘ril)t'r still con tinues to carry oii the CABINET Bl'Sl- -NE.''.'^ in Fayetteville, and in addition to his Establishment on ]5ow Street, near Eccles's Bri'lge. has opened a large W.\RE ROOM on Hay street, nearly opposite the Faj'etteville Hotel, and one door East of Messrs. Haigh & .Son’s, where a general as.sortment it i'liiiM Ti'iii:, Made by coinjietent and faithful workmen, may be had at prices corrt'Sponding with the times .Also, an as sortment of Northern-made FI RNPrL RE, selected by ' himself which will be sold at a%ery moderate advance. Di:.N(’AN .McNEILL. Nov. lo. ly.'il. :Wtf E keeps on hand an assortment of Fisk's celebra ted MET.AI.LH’ Bl’RI.XL ('.VSES. which have been highly recommended by Willie P. Mangum, Henry Clav, Lewis Cass. Win. R. King, and many other il lustrious ch.-iracter-'. who have examined and witnessed their utility. It MAY ItAKTJlV. fHlH I. Sub« i-riber has e-t:ibli'died a Bakery on Pcw ■ Stieet. on the |,ot two doors East of l)iincan 'If.Neill .S ( abinet .--liop. ||e is prepared to funiisll Fumiiies, Boats, an.l ti.e p„t,\„. jr..,„.,.,,n^yith Bread, !'• -uit, und Cakc'^ of varioii: kiii'l-, of tlie best iiualitv. he has i.rocured the -ervi.e- ,,ne of the best Baker'^ in the State. Prices re>isonable. (iive me a call. CHA’S BANKS. K'lyetteville, Dee, 28, O-j-tf XO'I'ICE. fHllhtSL who are iihlefifed to me tiy Note or .Account ■ will {ileii'.e me jirior to the 1 setlle the st of .Inn \ longer indulgence cannot In same. IH.'i:;, I'iven. ,\ .\nd all debts due »ll -I be seltled, as A. Ml KETHAN '.iStf May .no, 18.'.:;. TAMILS ELOLR. A few I’.bl';. of Brower’s Extra. awL I'lii- article is as gofid as the Extra Genesee, is recommended with great confidence. On consignment and for sale by H. L. MVR()VER & CO Sept. 27, 1H03. 31-tf rOR SALE, VoU.NG and gentle harness Horse. J. & T Oct. 1, 18.’>:;. W A DDT LI.. ;:2tf ri'^HK undersigned will jiay cash for Sjiirits Turpen- I tine, (in good order,) allowing only a fair margin to jiay incidental expenses in sending to a general niai'ket. When parties jirefer to ship on their own account, the undersigned will make liberal cash advance.s (for the usual commission) on all .Spirits and Rosin placed in their hands for shipment,—giving the owner alwaj-s the option to sell in Wilmington or ship to New \ork. GEO. W. WILLIAMS & CO. July 0, 18.W. WA'rciiES, .lEWELRV, AND FANC Y (;ooi)s. 'I'Ik' SuhscriUcr is now r(‘- ceiving a large and well selected Stock (d'tiold and Silver Watches and .lewelry of the latest styles; Silrrr mu/ /‘litti’il HV;-.'; Gold, Silver and Steel Spectacles; Gold Pencils and Pens; Fine Pocket and Pen Knives; Fine Razors and Sci.ssors; .Mathen atical Instruments: Surveyors’ Conipvsse.s jind Chains; Double and single barrel Guns; Powder Flasks; Shot Belts; Game Bags; Percussion Cajis: a good assortment of Pistols: Walking Canes; Port-Moneys; Pocket and Dressing Combs: Hair. Flesh. Tooth and Lather Brushes: a gootl assortment of Violins and Bows; Clarionets; Flageolets; Flutes; F’ifes; .Accordeons; large and small .Music Boxes: Violin and Guitar Strings; .Microsi-opes; Spy Glasses; Ladies’Work Boses; Coral; Eight and One-day (’locks: variety ot Fancy (ioods, iS:c. ,S:c. .All of which will be sold low. .-Ml kiiuls fif Watches and Clocks cleaned and repaired. W PRIOR. 24-:'m Sept. 1, 185;!. 'I'o thr Ilrirs at Lair i>f Ijjfttlctou 'I'nr ner, hitc of Satniison ('oiinti^^ A. ('. l^^OTK’E is hereby given to you. that at the nest Term of the County Court of Samp.son. the .Monday of November, we shall propound for jirobate the last Will and Testament of Lvttleton Turner. A.MMA P.. CHlfSNl’TT, 1 THOMAS 1. FAISON, i ■ Canton, N. C.. Oct. 1, 1858. :V2-t8MN JDSI^PII K. BLUSNO)]. V o nmssi o \ AND EOR\VARI)IN(; MERC HANT, p roiupt personal attention given to all Consign ments, and Cash advances made on Produce to be ship ped to other ports or sold in this market. Feb. 12, ls>’)3. biy W ILlvfNSON cV ESLER, DEALERS IN f.\)Utt''tiotniry, Fort ii/ii Fruili, ^uta, T'‘l>ucro, (imt tSiiUjf', AND IMPORTERS OF !«rPERIOR IIAVA:% A OG.4RS, AT W'HOLESAl.K AND RF.TAIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. Aug. 7, 18-">1. lltf MALi1^:TT »5v: LMIER, Orocers anti fCommission •T/rr- ehants., 135 Fruiil Stro(‘t, NEW YORK. p. MALLKTT.] [J. PAILMTKP August Iti, 1852. 18tf T C. WORTH, rOMMISSlON W\) FORWARDING .MERCHANT, W II.MFNGTON, N. C . Feb. 1, 185:;. (>ltf Wafclies aiul J(‘\v‘lry ri^HE subscriber has recently re- £ turned from the North, with decidedly a very rich and well se lected stock of IVatclie!^ A: Embracing all the lates .-.tyles and fashions. Large lot of SILVKK WAHK: Spoon?*, Soup Ladles, Sugar Tongs, Diniag and Des.sort Forks, (^plain, threaded, J. li. and Brunswick patterns,) Butter Knives; Mugs; Salt, (’ream ami Mustard Spoons. I’lated Goods; Tea Sets, (’offee Ons, (’baniber and I’arlor (’audlesticks, Castors, Sugar Dish, Snuffer and Tray, Ladie.s’ \\ nrk Boxes. Full assortment of Military (lOods. (’larionots. Flageolets, Mutes, Fifes, Ao(’ordeons, Flutinas, lari^ and small Music Boxes, (some with Piano accompaniment,) \'iolins, (some very tine Ital ian.) Surveyors' (’ompasses and Chains, Mathe matical Instruments, Eye Glasses for .Miners, very tine Razors and Straps, tine Sci»;sors. Large lot I’ocket and Tahle (’utlery, some in sets ot ;>1 pieces, i’ocket Knives, with spoon, fork, blade, phleiuo, kc. Large lot of well selected double- barrel Guns, Powder Flasks, Shot Belts, Game Bags, &c. A good assortment of (’olt’s and vari ous other kinds of l*istols. Five or six different kind of (’locks; Walking (^anes, ^nd various other notions, which I would like to .«ell very low. -h M BEASLEY. ■August lo, IKijil. l‘.i-'5m Pure French Brandy, Port and Madeira Wine. /■IHE subscriber has just received and offers for .«.ile ■ IV pure article of each of the above. These I.iiiuois having been purchased expressly for medical j.urposes, can h-' relietl on by those in want of a good article. ,J. N. SMITH, Chemist & Druggist. Oct 8, 18ii3. «4-tf SS FAI.L. J853. K\*L,K fS now receiving a very large and general assortment of DRV GOODS, among which are pieces new style Calico: 75(1 M. DeLane; 175 French and English Merinos: 2-50 Alpaca; Plaid Bro cade and other Silks: Merino and Crape Plaid and plain .'^hawls, assorted; Hats, ('aps and Bonnets; Silk and Cotton H'dk’fs; Bobinot, Lace and Edgings; Boots and Sho« s: Bolting Cloths, No. 1 to 10. \S'ith many other goods; all of which have lieen purchased for cash, by the Package, and will be offereil wholesale or retail as low as jiossible. Those w ishing to purchase goods will jilease cali itnd examine. Sept. 18-3:?. 29tf liiilH)riant lo Biiilder.s & House Carpenters. fW^HE Patent Right fif Short's Window Sash, bo nni- ■L versally introduced in the Nwrthern cities, is for .s!ile liy the snb.scrilier. This Sa-^h has numerous advantages. It combines gre.-iter strength with neater apj>earance, as putt}’ is entire’,y dispensed with. Strips of India rubber, laid on the sash, jirevent all noise and jingling, at the same time making the window water-tight. The window with this iuiprovement may 1)e easily taken to pieces, olean- *-d th irougiily or i-e]«aired. For ]iiirticul:ir addresrf L. TL'HNER, Architect, ;;i-'.'»pd Wilmington, N (’ New Goods for Fall & Winter. • Hv.vr JolnisoH (Jo, ■ ■ .W E received and are now receiving, a large and £1. well selected stock of Seasonable Goods, embra cing almost every article kept in the Dry Goods line. Th(:ir stock consists in part of Hich black tig’d Silks Plain bl.-ick Gro de Rhine Rich lirocade and Plaid .Silks, latest style IMaid Silks for Ajirons .Solid col'd Silks for lining, l^c- .Sujier French Merino of all colois Printed \ plaid Satin Cassimere, ver}' line & handsome Plain, jirinted and solid color all-wool De Laines -Mpaciis of various colors, finish and price BoinliHzines .•uid Merinos, a line assortment Coliar.s, I ndersleeves, Chemisetts, embroidered Hdkfs Muslin Edging and Insertings of all kinds and qualities .\ large a-sorfnieiit of' Thread, Linen, Lisle, Swiss, Cot ton and .I.'iconett Edjjings and Insertings large 'I'^sortnient of rich cloth, velvet, merino, Pfttin and ^ilk Cloalis, Visettes and Mantillas, of the latest styles, running in price from $4 to $45 \ large and liaridyomc assortment of Cloths, Cassimerea and Vestings: Tweeds, Jeans, Kerseys, Linseys •Marlboro' Stripes and Plaids, for servant's wear Fine Flannel, plain and printed, for children Blankets, a large variety ^4 htryc Stork of Hats, Caps, Boots tl" Shoes. lu idy-uuidu Clothing—Coats, Pants, Vests, from very tine to ordinary Our s^tock is too large and varied to note down every particular article, but our assortment i.s a very desira ble one, and cannot fail lo please. We would solicit an early call from all our old friends, customers and the public generally. We are ready at all times to show our goods, and price*, as we expect to sell on ns reasonable terms as any other house in our line. W e may be found at our Store No 1 Green street. North-east corner Market S4uare. ALEX’R JOHNSON it CO. Fayetteville. Sept 2^. 180^ 81-tf iTa KGA I .VS! BA KGAI \S!! F.INCi determined to quit selling Lionors, we now offer a small lot of Fine Liquors at New York cost and charges: such ns French Brandy; Jamaicn and St. f'roix Rum: Port. ,M:ideira. .Malaga and TeneritTe \Vines; 3 baskets Champagne, (.\nchor Brand;) Ch.ampagne Cider. &.c. Persons wishing to purchase any of the above Liquors would do well to call and pee us. TROY & MARSH Aug. 4, 1S5:’. ItJ-tf AT THE Ri:i) SIGN. M r II a I tl &. .TI c .11 a »t e r H.WE just received a full and complete stock of GROCERIES. PROVISIONS. &c., to which they would invite the attention of the citizens and surround ing countrv. They will sell low lor Cash, or on time to punctual customers. They purchased their Goods for cash, and this will enable them to sell low. They have facilities that many houses have not: they have agents established in Jialtimore and New York, who always advise them of any change in articles in their line.’jind who purchase only when bargains are to be had. We keep always on hand a splendid assortment of foreign and lomestic Liquors; Loaf. Crushed and Brown Sugars; Rio. Java and Laguira Coffees; Green, Hyson and Black Te.as; New Orleans and Cuba Molas ses: Table and Sack Salt: Bacon, Lard, Mess Pork, Mess Beef. Smoked Beef, Dryed Venison; No. 1, 2 and ■i Mackerel; Butter, Cheese, Flour, Meal, Corn, Oats, Tobacco, Candles. Copperas, Saleratus, Indigo, Mad der, Spice, Pepi'er. Ginger, Nutmegs, Cinanion, Ej)Som Salts. Saltjietre, Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery, and (ilassware; ami a variety of other goods. They take this method of thanking the community and their country friends for the very liberal patronage bestowetl on them; and intend, by selling goods tow, to increase their former trade—always keeping in view that a nimble sixpence is worth a slow shilling. Yellow Building, between the Market House and the Bank of the State, Gillespie Street, Fayetteville, N. C. Mari-liL’l, 18."):;. 78tf isoriCE. /■^HE Subscriber has taken the shop Jl. between Drs. Mallett k McSwain and Eccles’s Bridge, where he intends carrying on the T.AILOKING BL'Sl- NESS in all its branches. Having had practical experience in most of the At lantic cUies, he feels assured that he can please the raost fastidious. All orders will be executed with neat- ne.ss and de.spatch. . .n tt . ».t B. MON.AGHAN. March 28, 1853. Blaiiics for sale here.