M III IWVK'n'KX HJ,K, X. ( \0\ i:\iil!:!* [NO. *>41,1 lilNll l' li\ 1* NK\VH\ i;|l\\ \111) .1. H \LPi A: SON. I,.I,!' \N1' fHiifJlll.l'ttHS , , ,\v.fkU >8 M» it j.rii.l ill |. Il l •luiiu(4 thf _\ear i f a ii.- . J •■,1 i-f ,CH1 liUr« ex.J>llt‘J , ii,-^ Hi til {'t-i uiiiiuiii. it'la I .1 l'lui iiitf tiu* yeai-. f-iiK-j, I ij. I. I ,tt' tiie n-iii liii!* ex|)irej I •. 1 !>■' '11 ‘ siXtV I J.fl 1 , ■ r .1 I'If til if. tliil I \ . fUt'- f..i J. li I :,t 'li l tisfllielll- I|\ -J,. I r I • 'ii.it'!>' mti-> \>l\*■! tiM-i d lUfj r itf t!n‘ iuiiii-"-i .it iii-eilLoii.i ii ; nil tiiftiiii. .ni.l t liaiycii i | t.. tli»‘mu>t lie juist jmi'i AM* I' AM. V, , . II llMll'l ,1- i'i:n\»N SI H I* f ft i u 4 I full assortineiit ut i t . iiii'l otlier (ioiiiIm suitnlil** II Wiiitfi I'la-li', mill whiiii 1 i.llfi- for till l’ri"l\ii'»“ (it iiliiiost Hii_\ : ti.'if Kli'Ui. Meiil, t'lirii, liii t!, Bii- T'. i ( iiri' I-. 'I'.'u kt“is. Snlt, » liitt* 4'liiii >i;;_ii'. liiii ;iiii| -Iftv.'i ('fiHt'e. Mo- ir Ki ll, t'ii. ir'i. Suutt. ('HinJle-, ';iiiili«'s, liufk«is. IJrooins. .It l’i'Wil*“i, Jiliot, iVr UAsiiii) Caps, ,'iiii'tit lit liye Snitis: with mnii\ utiiei I . r\ lint- Al,S( I "t l*iy ('n)Oiin, Uontn niil Shoi>s. ;i lii'l ;iinl ;i iisHortnieiit ut' I'tliiiijr ijiaJr-•'all tinil laiv rheup. W H '('AKVKK '' 1 . ■tin II' fiii ^niijntst 1 (frin/iiii/ ffif \ t 1,1,u't. nt M Hm iiiiftmi, uu I :iiiii\ l.iittei loll will li‘!i\t* Kavette- i> ti'ii nil Tufsilny iiiui'iiiri^ tin- >'th 1 !;: :iii‘i !ii;:iiu iii Tluirsiluy moru- ' III.* '.iiiif hour. Tht* Alii*' will lt-:»\«* . u 'ii'l;i_\ thf 14th Niivfiiiht'r. •'11 Syiiii'i, ;iiiil ;ill otlitTs who \isit Wil- .■ iiiiiii.i-r lit utteiitiiiig Syiuxl. will )>t- : N I' liv This l.iu** t RKi: or i h akiiI- . T S LITTKKUm I^tft '(•> ntb inrii unl ('liild/ r/i. i . \\ . \ \\ lMt*Kii\ Kl» liLASTlC i.hKK iii{A('K. ou ('ni:s r K\I‘ANI)KI{. > Hill nit/'l' turxl lint! /(«.-. Iii't I'ttml I'liih r tin Ai'nls, iiin/ ritn h* /'/// - /// f‘i‘tlt mil iiiti! •iiiniort. ^tvl■l••llts. Sf:iin«>tl't*s>it*s, ('hihh»*li nt' Imth iii'l h!1 'thrr.x, wild. i iflit'r I'mni hiiliit .>r ■ • ifiii n w»-!ikly 111' Ifhilitfttfil imi.stitu- 11 |i ii'fl the haKii r.t )ieiniing tt.iwnfl. .iiiij i-iiinjii-e.'.'iiiifr th** t'lient Hiiil • I tin—f r>r:i>’»‘- .'iiijierini- to miv h»*rt*foforf i. Ti) rfii!-i\t‘ tilt* h)miv** ilefV’rt'*. !is th**v r**- ' ■•>-'iiiii. .ii'i alliiw :i tiill. IVfi- ;)iii| henlthy ■ ::lll'i'ill nt till' LltllgS. SO th:lt ;lt f.ll h ill- ' I.nil;:" ■ .'111 t'f tally iiitlaft''i. streai>th«‘ii- '1 ty ■ri:.-!!!'-. .itiil jir*'\ftitilij; all ili"ie:ift s h ll.'K’t*?! . I -t t‘ l-V Fur 'hililrtMi ifii.- tlify lire ia the |.r>iifi . I ' l.l.XSTlf I TKHo \r.l»OMlNAl. sri' , >i l'i'i'la|i.-ii> t mi. Ill- hailing nt tlic \ 111 liiliit-i.'ir-il li\ tlu- \Ifi|ii-;il Faciill\ \\i' HI t.i. s 'I'lU ssi;.^. • I N. SMI'ril. lirii^iii'f. 4 4u-tl Ji \\ S)oi*4‘iV Arw (iloods. I, >i.|i| If'jit'.-ttuUy anniiuuf** in hi:t all ! ;ln* jiiililii- nj-iieially. that he ■ II tin- Sniitli .sjii.- ot tlu‘ NIiirLpt ; >i cnriiHf. w her*- hf ) • firs. IIV«#foi« If^ aovs rfi'ei\iaK her Fall aaii Winter MlLLlXKHV, «.ou9i3liu« ot lloiuiets. troin one liollur to tiftfeu; l>re-js t MHiidkerohiflH Freu« h Artitii iiil Flowvis tiriii Ffdthers 8wisa Ltlgiags :iuil lus.'rtiiiji;^: ('npes, ’..1 lars uail L ii«Jf rsleeves: l.nities aiul t'Lildreu s Wrist tiloves. ami long Ht\d short Mit'. a new aiul itenutilul stock of l>r**s.'« i'riiiniiiug« of the latest style \'rl\et Hini ^iilk .Maulillas; Uailway ('orsets: Wlttilehoiie Husks. I'rrsdes. Maiitillii!*, au.l t'loak» iiiate in the latent I'Liluileljihiii aail N’ew \ ork style« .411 ori|-!s from the roiiniry j.rnui|.fly atteniiod to • K t, ti. lho-1 iJ;nf NKW CiOODS. ' — thut tlif^ IHtnJ of /t‘sallin/ iuHH, | Sfiuliitits / ihitni/i util/ jih-iisti/ with intir'it^, ^ ■V/t/y In hiiiii/^rif " I K hn\e reeeivc.i oitr FALl. STOt'K of ! foinpri.iiag a I.etter selei-ted tin i • lore genernl ! ! usDortineiit of ! I STAPI-i: %.'%!> FA.^4'1 4iiOOI>H, I I'huii ha.s ever been ort'ered in thifi inurktt. j (liir stock of ilats. China, ('rot kerv of every 'ieM-ri|i ! ! tion. is complete. Also. Carpeting, Kugs. Tahl« ami! Floor Oil Cloths; almost every article in *he ho\isefi\r- j uisliiug line; Vitchen furniture, tiihle and hed Linen, j Napkins, may he found. Fine tald« Cutlery, with u tine «tock tiardw;ire and Cvitlejy, suitulile to the country trade. ) —ALSO — Groceries of all kind^4, jsugar. Coffee, NVines and Hr.in- I dies; Uye-Stutls and Urugs: Fine Teas, &»•. In fact we ba\e hcen industrious to make our as.^ortiueni oftJoods j i complete We invite the public to examine them, and j trust they will fiiiit good articles at moderate jirices, j either at wholesale or retail. I SAM L U. TILLING Hast X CO. i Oct fi, iSi‘i.‘! :'.;; tt WAN'l'KIs lil>LS. Turpentine, delivered at ' my IMHlillery in this place, fi.r ; which the highest prices will he paid, j 1 would also employ two oi; three good turpentine- barrel Coopers. U. \V ROC'tKKS I Luinlierton, N Feh'y 10, iMo:!. tiHtf i atil VV iiitrr Stock ; For k I suhscriher has just received nni tipeued, at I M. his New Store on the Hast siile ot (ireen street, a j few doors troin the Market Houfse and nearly oppnsite i his Old Statiii, a large Stock nf j staple and Fancy IIRV j Ktnhraciug ji general assortment o! Ladies and (ientle- { men s l»re.sjj (ioods, consisting in part ot ithawls. Cloaks and Mantilhut. some very tine; and also a gooil assort ment of SMoLS A.S1> HOOTS, for Ladies, (ientlenieii, tiiri.s. Hoys and t’hildrea. And the hest assortment of Silk and other stvle- ot HtiN.NF.'l'S he has ever otiered to the public. .■^ugul, ('ortt'e, 'IVn, I’epjjer. .Spjcex. and Toliiiccii, a tine article. )• sllKMWKI.L. Ocfoher ti. is.'.;;, .;:jif NO'I'IC'K. DO('roK.' \lallett ,v .McSwain having lett their Hnnks and pKjiers with W. ,\lcL -McKay, who is fxilly aatlmrised tn receipt for the same, all their cus tomers living We«t of the Cape Fear Kiver. who may Jie ia urrearH either hy note or account, will conter a favnr )>v I ailing on him and settling the same. W 1*. MALLKTT H A McSW AIN Fayetteville, Aug. iJn. l^-j-l. Ultf i.Ai rinhuk(;h MICH SCHOOL,; KlCHMONl* COL'MV. NoHTll CAHol.INA ^1HIS large and tiourishing lastitntioa is iinw pi-i £ miinently estnhlislied, niidei- a full corps ot' well i|Ualitied Insfi ucters. and with every thing re(|uisiie tor a tirst class Seminary, being well supjilied with Maps, (Geographical and Astronomical; (ilolies, i’liilosnpliical and ('hemical .\jiparatu-. The S«mi .\nnual Sessionn ot five monthi- conimeiicc on the second Monday >t Jaliaaiy and I iilx respectively Circulnis. contaiumg lull particular:^, will Ke tiir nished by applying to Kev. .1. .tones .Nmyth, V. .M.. t'rinipal. l.:iuiel Mill I'. » . Kit hmond county, N. C or to li C \|cl\'l'\HL. .Se. ietarv o t.ibei 14. IHj;:. ;lbN IMKin, vVc. JN SMITH has iust received and otters tnr !-ale ' • a selcct stock ot I’eitiimery. Snaps. Hru-hes, j c . consi.sting of tlie folln\siag, vi/; iieaiiine Farina Cnlogue. (pints and halt iniit>;, 1! i_v W atei; l.ubias Kxt.s. tor the IIaiidkeri hief. I’laiidoline ' Ox .Marrow; I’oniades; .Macasser and Hears oil; ojij Brown Windsor. Low's ILiaey; I'alni, t'astile ;iad Fan cy Soajis: Military Shuxiiig. Harber s Hlocks ami Shav- ' ing Cream: Woslenholm's Kazors; Lnglisli and French Hair, Flesh, .Nail ami 'I'ooth r.ruslies: Hadgcr and tine ' Hristle Sliaving Hrushes; I'utl'ahi. Fngli.sh Morn. Fine' holy ami Infant s t'ombs; I’enrl, Ivory and Kiis^iaii : l..enthei' Pt rte Monn.'iies; Hnheiiiiali Ci Injrae Itntlb'.'- Cut ((lass l’un;.’ent''; (>tto |{ose; Lip Sahe: I’ovvder 1‘utls; Toilet I'owder, \leen Fni;; l.ily \\ liite; balk Halls. IMialoii s and Koussel's ilair lUe: I'rcsfnii .'■i.lts; Mouth .Vroina«; Indelible Ink, .Vc \lsn. siiperinr Cologne in iti.ltles or by the >|iiart. i O. t 17. .!•; tt I'AN r;r rK\ H.Li: MIITI;AL l\SliRl\(’E I’llMPlW. f I '^HIS t'ompany is now organised ainl prepared t.j le £ ceive ajiplications tor Insurance, on as tavoiable terms as nther ('niiipanies. lUHKcroKS; Av«»\ K. II Abb J. (i. SmKI’MKKH \Vm. Wauhk.n S T. ll.\wbKV. John D W'li.i.i.xM' (V lU'.NHdW \Vm. M li.M Kl.N Wm .M« In i vhk ( HKAT (iOOl)S. I am noiv receiving a mnch larger stock ot t'aney f>#v/ twootis^ lllali 1 have yet ntfeled in f uV etteV ille, colisi-tlli^ ot Mrv (Jnod^ ■ r everv dc'-ciiption, Hatx, Hoot.s, Slmei. and K«-a>ly-Jiiade Clothing, which will be sold as low as any gOnd.» in the .''tiite I will be glad to have the ladies call and examine mv jifock W. F Mool'.i;. Sept, 17. 1 Si:’, ;!I-tf 1 ; \11'. l>i'inighi : I N I' me t ■> see i hem, -tsul >t:ndf ali'i i';illcy 1't_V (iu.Kls; -I'l Itin iit (d‘ l)i)iiut‘t.s, Huts, Ca|>H, Sillies, IJ'-ailv-inailc ('lotliiti^, : I*-- fi.i, tedinii' t" nii'iition. i'atl A* II •###/#'#• Stork BOOTS & SHOES. im:nuv n (J I, KKSI! sriM* dn iiti s. !*iitft/.'>. I tiff -St n^f s. MttNKoK J!' wni IA mui \\ i\V t'f % i I I I vm;c 1’! ht '111 J .-lock • ti i.|.eaeii in \]iril r . ; II :illi( 'V eli seici t ‘ I-ti i k .it l»i ii”.-,. Medicine.-. I’iitit . o'lK liye ,tiiUs. Ln- i-:i>l. and tieriiiaii ’riicible«, I’liil I*e \ ei .V ’o's \ r^e- •!ile LMract- toi' culinary ; il'pi.-iC--: ^ e.i-t rnW-ler«. '. ntliev braud-i; l.yon’'^ K'lthiii ion. F.ar \ wi ', cheriy I’ectoral; W'itlif-nil .V I.-■ ' I'.ui iiiii!.'' Fluid and I'ine Oil l iebrated Nnti e\pliii>ive Lani]i. •' I lint ot' brilliiincv and cmoiio- • r . trive a call liefni'c making ' '•'.!! s‘ll at a .sin.all advance on '' !'!"i]ti‘iii givi II t'l pa('kiiig. Kori.KF.s .V \i.\ci:.\i:. • > •■V -- ; l> iiiald---iin iiid 11 IV street', \. I dnnr v.e t ot 11, .\'i; .1 Li:?y l«>rf‘ OI' Noirrn ( viioLiN ' r\ii;i;kL \\i» (ir\ In thf f\nit'f, e. \illiiilii-4tat..i' i.t .Iiiliii U H,,Wi-ll. - • Heir- :it Law nf w ii.l u i’etitimi ti-i-H Ileal Lsl;ire. Iieieby viveil tn the Heir'. ;it Law ot .lohfj . ‘ eii, I,|, ,||,.| appe.ir before the 'Ml't. It Fay eftek ille. on the 1st Moiid’t\ t ; Hi wer tn the •-aid I'etition, i.r llie III. ..d ..III, Ml WL are receiving a large sto-k of l5oots .V Shoes, en»br;icing every variety of style nii't i|iiality a- dajited to the j^eason’s trade. .V LS(), Calf, (ioat, Lining and Hinding Skin.s, leasts. Spara bles, Shoe I’eg.s. and Findings ol all kinds. W hic h we otlei very low tnr cash, or on time to |ii'ompt customers S. T. HAWi.ilV v\ SON. Sejit. is-'>:i. :;i-tiw NO'I'K i: ro rUA\ KLLKUS. fBlHi; A('('0MM0l>.\Tl0N LINK from Fayetteville M to Warsaw is iiiiw prepared to carry passengers w ith despatch. They will connect with the morning train gning North. This train connects with the I'olts niouth and I’etersbarg rmite at Weldon. I will make the connection botk whv''. ci-BI.vis more than the (•tage has dmie heretofore. S\ e leave VSarsaw on ai'» i vhI of ilie hiiirning train trmn tlie Nnrtli. Passage >J .1 I! \sKi;w Sept. '). i.'s.'t.;. • ;;,'tr HO I’KI.. fl'^HF subscriber having jinrchas«d the Hotel situated ■ on the .Moiith-F.asl ciirner ot Court Hon.-e Siniare, und lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform the public that he is tiow reiidy to accoiiiiiiodate boaiders by the >lHy. week or month. Having made coiisidera ble outlay in furnishing and rehtting the Kstablislnnent, he hopes to be able to give satisfavtion to all who pa tronise him. Hi.s Table shall be furnished with the best the m.'irket atlords. hi> liar with the best ot Li HUors, and his Stalde with a plenty of good provender and faithlnl (Ktlern. .1. \. CILCmtlST. .Inne -Jb, IHiVi. ;‘-tf s2r> RKW AIM). I W 1 LL jiay the above reward for the apjireheiv^sion and safe delivery to me, or lodgmeni in Clinton , .lail, so th.u 1 gwt my aegro girl JK.NN\. She is u likely girl, of light (-otnplexion, wmileH when Hpiken to, ! about five teet sii or seven inches high; is supposed to I be lurking about Fainou's Depot, or iioshen. i W M. P. HOHHS. •lulv l!7, lu-tl' I'OK’ saij:. ^ fc I’lO.Xi;,'^ M amitai'l ill'ud Tnb,ii-co We have III tlO'C a lal‘’c •IncU nt Tnb.li I n. ;ill.l C \ pei t (II l ei-eivi i nir-tal;tl \ ti nm .1. \\ . Heiit :itiil Tlioiii as's and other tai tni ici. an a‘--nirtiiient of /iiialitie to enable iis to tiii iii-li )iiiicl.a' i r aiiv i|iialit v at Inwe -t tai'tnrv prices |1 W. \1. L\I l!l\ Sept l.^"i:;. :;!itl \\iii{i'\is imw No, 70, FINE Street, NEW YORK. i!: 'I'lIK SALH OF .\LL KIMiS uF I iiTni\ \M) \V(i(iLi,KN ^ni iii\r.K\ uii ;* IIII far 11( % rl i- oF KVr.liV DKSClllPTlON Clmi|ni.iiiLi Ifclliiiii. ('.‘ird ( lotliiiiL!, liohlmis. SlmttU's. l*n kcrs, liollcr Skin.-;. Iv((Him ('Io!Ii, OiIs, is„c. 1 lec Iti. l^'.'i'.!. ■>-’ t .V \iirle. Lam ! II, t Mei k tlie : f nitr ■•‘aid ('onet, at t I rt-1.1. •tons McLMUlN. S. S. ARK\ .1. W. I“. Mvl'J! Is tinW I'liciv illL' I'kHII I lie .\nltli flic ];ifofst, lilicsf. ;iinl imist cMl'cfiil! \ c- t'eil - tni.K of S I is \iTi lea: evi-r ofVeied in this linilket. vvliji li, ad.led to liis own iiiaiiiifactiiie. make.- hi'- as-inrtmeiit cniiipletc; .ill ot which lie will sell nn the !nvvc'-t pii.-sib!e terni - 1'nr ca-'li nr on lime to piiin tii:il cnstonicrs. Fine liose Woi.d i’iaiHi'-. ( llellllet ,V t il's, of I’.road way. New N nrk, i lashimi.ible pai nted cnt taj.fe be.l rnnni Fni'nitiirc in ^^eits; curled hair and .“linck. and cnttnii ■ Mattre-.-es- Lonkiii'i (Hasses; Willow W.-igon-i and ('la- I die'-; Patent Sell-Svvin;^ing Cradle>'; .Side P.oard-'; llil ' reail'; .Sei-ret a I ie,. ;i iid I Innk I'.ise; What .\ot- Tables. ;ill sort': Wa^li .^land~: ( aiidle .'■•tand--; Wardrolie'-; I’lc tiire rianiesaiid (ila-Js; Window Shades; Cornice-.; t'ur tain Hands: .Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut: Tete ;t | Tetes: ottnmaii-^: l>iv:iiis and .StnnN: ('han-;nt every V ariety. Se|itcmber. l^'i:;. :'.iitt r #> g£ t.vns V • KOI ^ WHHAT, CORN. S; SAW IVIILLS, C=,’ >v/ VMHtl'.W S-.s M trt und St >n /h jHtI. (’linking, P.ox, .'Hid Pailniir HkNKV lifldA. H. L. .Mvk(»n kk. Tho.s, S Li riKKi.tiH. John H. ('«m.k I). A. K.w. A A McKktmav (iKti. Mi Nkill. Naih.vn a Si'III man .Iamk> Kvi.k (*ffi('i;ks: 51 Ko. MoNKlLL. President. H. L. MVKoVKH, Vice President .1. (!. SHKPHHKU. .Attorney. C -\ Mc.MlLL.VN, .Secreturv. (»Ko. McNLlLL. I John H. cook, y Fxecutive Cninmittee JAS KVLK. . I The plan ot Mi ti \i. Insi kv.si fe mu8t c onmien.l itself to our ••ommunity, for it *-an be deinonxtinted that we iiave saved within the Inst six years npwt>rds ot .'jind.ooH bv insurance in the North ('arolina Mutual ( nmjiaii'.; that is, we should have pikid In have ke',,l the --ame H Niiranoe in the foreign jnint stock cnmpafiies that sum more than we have actually joiid; and yet the North I'.-iroliaa Mulual Cutnjiany lias received between x.itMiu ,-ind .'j;tl(MMi tnore from our cnmmniiitv than it has paid out f«r losses here.—showing that we are favorably '•it U.ated. as compared vrith other places in the .'itale. tor I nsurance. (tnr Cninpaiiy has gone into op«‘ratinn favorably, liav ing the day we nrgatiised apjilications to the ;ininniit nf ^Ilt'i.lHMi. and the Company is now plai-ed n]inn a tinn fnot ing. Anv l>irei.ioi-. autlmrised .\geiit. ir .''••cretarv. ni.ay receive .Apjilicatiotis. but they will in.1 be binding nntd approved b_v the Kiei-ntive Cniiiinittee or the P.nard iKO W. L.\WHLN('L appninted (ienei il .\geiit nt the t’omp-inv We invite applii :itinn (il'.o McNKILL. Pr. t ( A MiMlLL.XN. Se, y t-eby 7. I. ilh‘ Hold. .ioHN HAKMW Kt'sjiffttullV itit’finii.'' liis ;iti'l the public that he has removed fmm the Hotel at the tnot nf llaynnnint tn the larger and ninrc comnindinii., Hot»-l in the centre ni the Town, recently occupied bv .Mrs. Hrnwn. and v,ell kiinvvn as the Fayetteville Hotel, where he will be Imp pv to aci iiinmodale Travellers and Itoardeis. No ex ertions of himself and family will be spared m lendei those comfnrtable who may favor him with their cnin- p.any. Fa'.'etteville. N. (’.. .Iniio 1S'i:’>. I’tHitf I'ltl VLW \ VS nil hail.I. STo\ KS. \ LSI » — .\ varied assoitmeiit nt Tin W.ire. at wholesale .and retail. I!\ C W. .\ N |)l! L W.s, Market Sijuare. .1 line ii. 1 s.'i:;. liHtit) Mt t(iln'f> linnfiiiii (tin/ (t Ilf f « n(I.NL III the be-1 ni.'inner. at reduced pt ices, by C W. ANDIJLWS. Mat'ket Sijuare, .Inin; I'., l.''.'»::. •Jlldtt 7'o fhr I'/ f i^liti/ti; i*iif>lir. fjl^HK P.inther' Ste.am P.nat Cn i- now jirepared I vvitll the fnllowitlu. |’,o:it: Str 1)1 »l (i L.VSS. str hi:otiii;ks. Ti.«- P.nat STLVFNSToN. I» I.LWIS. \LFi:i:ii KLLIS. .1 \s. c \ssil)l:^', KINCSHI i:v, and i:li/,\ McDxmf.l. tn tr.in-pi.lt :ill Naval .Stnrc-i. Pin.iio e and utlier Freight intriistcd tn I lii'ii I arc. v\ it li a^ niiich devpiitcli as any nitier line n| P.. ,1 nii the Kiver l'lie\ :tie jirnvided with uitaijie W li ir: .,nd W:ii> Mon^e accomniodatinn'- tn .|.i 't L'elieial b.l ilie- aiid linpe l.v '•tl'ict .lltention tn the inteieHt nt --hippei'-^ 'n ineei a hare of public pat rnii'i'.;e. -I S. IIA.NK.S. \;.i‘t. Fa vettev ilie. ,INo. P. \NK.s. Av't ;it Wilmingtnii. Se|.t I'l. l.^'i ; L'‘,'tt .1. S. r, \NKS. l'oiiiiiii««vion Ylrrrliaiif. Fftyetteviiie, N. C. Sel.t I'l P NO'I'ICK. pi'Icha'• ei| the '-tnck ot Matel-iel «n U:«n>l .'ii'i|i I'lirnierly owned by XU L. Fuller. •II I'jed the ervices of Mr. .1, C, l.allv. mil i.ielienil ;ind e II t i ye -al i-fait inn. pare.I tn e.se.-ufe ill oi'iltTS flip 'rinifier ' .lit-. Itravs. W'lieeUxirrows. .Vc. H W : 1- iiid and will I'liii'-tatitl V keep a gixMi sii|i- iti Axle-, ( haiiis. P.olts. and in short every it tin- \\ a;,'iiu-maker c;vn need. W itr,,!,*;. with the ini|.in\ei| Iron ,\xles. ni.Tdo ' the shortest notice. ■ ' I'nod and competent Workmen .,t the >.usi- '' i ‘ded Sittentiou, ‘ -h 111 lie :i.„ niodemte us the times w,H mP wil' • ha'.lenge any W agou-maker in the l. ni '■ -iiai in-. Hnrk either in point of style or THOS. ('. FL’LLLK. ,\S oil hand a beautiful ussortment of F.XLL \N1> WINTKK GooUS. He desires to return thanks j to his friends and the public for the liberal |iatroiiage , which they have bestowed on him: and solicits a c«in- j tinnanoe of the same. His frieiidn and the public are j rei(UeKt«‘d to give him a call, at the stand formerly oc- cupieil by S. d. Hinsdale, south west corner Market Square and (Jilleupie street. Oct. 1, IS.',::. ::4-tf rOHACCO. subscriber coiititmeii tn receive and sell, ou M- mauiit'acturers’ account, all grades of niunufac- tureii Tobacco. .1. UTLF.V. .Mav-1. IHVJ. ‘*otf I). vV W. .MeLAri:IN tUL receiving:! large stock nt (i I'nccries. Hardwaic. Piiints and Sli.iM'i. which are otfer-d a- Invv as tlo-v can be bniight in the niiirket. at vvholesale or ret:iil. Oct. p;. •'•'■11 NoricK I'o Pi:.Nsi(km:ks. r|iHi; nndcrsigned cniitiiiues tn act a« \ttnrnev tnr ■ drnvving Pensions, payable at thi^ Vgeiicv . ('laiiiis fill' Peiisimi. Hniintv Land, nr any niliei Milittirv claini ayaiiist the I nited .States, set iired. The iiighest -.(,'///•/«' paid tnr all Land Waii,n.i- f-:r a .\ "> fh> i i> l um’ri n. ,i\o. M i:osi:. Fayetteville. Oct PJ. Is.'i;',. ,;'- '.iii LrMiu:!?' ij \H{i:h*" nl L 11 A L on hand :i lar^c aniniiot nt Lumber ni diflerent kinds tlo- iing. wide bo;irds. weather lioards. ■'•cantling, laths. .Vc.; snme ni which is p.irtlv seasom*d. \lsii, a lai'.jc assnrtnient ot retiisi*; will sell icf'n-c bnard- il th' null at SI per \l . -rani ling at >'J and gnod edged bnard- at 'S'!. .Sawed -laves. ■ ••:i sntieil Hilli- filled at '■hnit liotii e. ■ ION P.'S .V Pi.MlP.Pi;. (Ire»*nwood. (’ II mberl a lid. N. ( ., \iig. L |.*'*i.». | li*t UKDI C'KM I'AUK. 'riiiiiu*rli 'I’iikcfs liefwt'i'ti Wilmington. N. ('.. and Haiti more. Fare \ ia W eldnn. I'etersbiirj!. Hichiiiond. \ W:isli iiigton (’ i t \ . or \ ia W eldnn. Poi t > month .-iiid Norfolk, I'or Tickets ;ipply at tin Olliec of the Wilmington and P.!ilei}:h 'li.-iil Hoad ('omjiany at W ilniln;j ton, oral tin* Oflice of the Haltiinore .Ste;ini Packet i'oiiipanv, and of the 1‘alfiniore and (>hio l!;iil Hoad ('ompany, Pratt Street. Haltiinore. .Ian. 1. 1 S-'j'J, 'I'l-tf .\‘vv l''nll (mmmIs. niHK sit>iscribers have just received and opened, at s’l'i: \\n:ii iii:M;ii: r r \. f|^Hi;oli;|I tii.m \ \\. -cl!' whaifiii W iliningti.n. I to her n!d wlfirt in I'l v ei tev ilie. vvitll a ntlicieni niiniber n| Phil'- t.. acc.iiiiin.i.l.aie lhn„|. wishing tn '•hip rhr ii-.ili 111 way treigliT II. M. (iPHPI.L, \;;eiit at Fayetteville. Sept. l"'.'i L’7tf riii: sri:\Mi:u “sr\." f aims new .•III.I vcrv l!;^lit dr;iilL!lii teatiier h;is (.nin- ■ tiiei;. ei( reiinillL;, ihnii'jli lint i|ilitc tiliisjieil .She is taking tleipbl ll 'ivvilig Ilil . I ini lies \v;,ter, .S|ie p,ivw,..,^,.w „iipi liii) :..|v !iiit 1!'| ' I.r inVV vv:itcr '(•rvirc. She has :|ls,. n lui ge imii.i!llf nl vv .irehnilse. shed alld vvliai't in.ilii. whi le Nitval .sJi.ire- ..rnilier lici^ilit iiiny be st.ii ed wit ll s;it',.tv . 1!. M. ollllPLL. Act, ."sept, 1*1. IS-'i). L'7tf I V«{ \N!» ^ »>IP V N \ ^ 1 I ItLTIKK. FIKKl^iS prLiHf .MouDtain Butter, (’ran^erries. UEO. McNEILL & CO. Oct. 17. Stick of Stapir ant/ Ftinrtj ifrif Kinbracing every style ami i|naliiy Ladies' liress (ion |s •Also, all stvlt'M d inods for (ietifletnen s we:ir; Fine Moleskin and other styles fashionable Hre.ss Mats: .Satin and Straw Honnets; Hoots and Shoes, etc. Ht^'We call [.artioular nttention to a siilendid assort inent of Kraly-nia«ir 'lolliiii£^, (>f the very best material find workmatiship I In onr stock may Vie fonnd all Goods suited to the I feason, at the very lowe.st market prifes. .All in want of Goods in our line will please give us a call. L. .S; J. A, PKMHKHTON. Hay St., Fayetteville, .Sept. L'(j, »(*tf Hldvks for here. M ^ I’lST Mill Spitidler Halance Irons and Ihivers, " H Ink.'.! and (indgeons, Hotchkiss Water Wheels. Hacks and Hollers, kept »-onst;intly on hand. ;ind for sale. We also make (learingand Shatting for W heat, ('orii. .Saw Mills and Factories. .Ste.-iin Kngines i.t'any aovvei- repaiied. (Irate Hars and r'lirnace Fronts kept nil h.and. We wish to make additi.ns tn onr inai hinery pnd tools; to enable us to do this, those indebted by iKite or accninit will jilease come fnrward and settle.j HALL .V HOLLINGKH Match PJ, IS-'i.':. "t'ltf >iAiMn.i: i'A 1’M{V. iiiii: siilis.)iber~ li.aving piirch;ised the .Ste.-iniers Lv cl l; rei.’i and Si illthernei- and Tow Ho.its. I;ilely the prnpei'l v nt the 11 iMil il l t.i .'sicalii'.nat Cnnip.'iliy. are linw jirejialed tn t'n r(\ a I'. I with i|es|,.,ti-||. between Wil niillV'tnll alld Fa veil e\i lie. all I'rei l', ll t s ui- ••ni.ds elltlllst e.l tn them P. N. .1. II Kop.i;i:is Pavettevillc. Feli'v 1 I. KS.',:;. fiStt m£n »v I.AIJDKU, ■nm liiMiK.v iBiin: c. t. iiui.ii .ii .'(iiv.'i stukk. ray‘l(«‘\ ill«\ i\. r. .Iiin'y‘J(t. IS-').'!. f.l lV)id l>. W. ( lii'iil.ovv. i»i:nt \i, SI i!(ii:i»N. B.s loc.ited third dnnr below the .Market. All who are in need of the services of a Hentist are respectfnllv invited to call. He guarantees satisfaction in all ope- r;itioiis. N. 11. Those fnr w Imin he ojici'ated 1;ist season w ill jilease call intn his Hminis at some cunvenient time. ((ctober ](i. 1..‘l ltf •SKMI lii:\\ Alii). K.\N.\W A\ f'rniii till* subscritier. twn Negro (iirls :ind four ( hildren. vi/: M.AHTI1.\. ;i bright mii- .ilitn. live feet fniir or live inches high, tnok with her two girl children. Fraticcs and ,\nn: 11 \N.N \H. copper colored, alioiit the same height of Alartha. Il.innah t.iok with her two m.ile children. Lewis and .lohti. The :ibiivc negroes fni^merly belonged to the est.ite oi' (Ie.ir';e T, H.'iI'ks.|,ilc. and ;ire sii]iposed to be liirkiiig abniit the Cape Fear, ale.ut Mr. \Vinslow's |iIantatioii. The abiivi* rew.ii'l will be paid Ini' their cniifincmeiif in :iiiy .lail sotli.it the sni.scriber c;in get them, or fni- their deliverv ti. the subscriber in Sampson conntv. FLF.KT I!. 1M;TKKS(‘)N. .'September 'I, 1h."):1. 'Jii-tf Li:\'riii:i{ ijands, f B''I lloPiOPt i II LV stretched, ceniented, .iiid riveted. B The above Hands :irc suld ’Jll |ier cent, less than New ^ ork iiianiit;ictnrers' price*.:. Cash wil! he rc- (iiired in everv inst.iiic', Pnr sale bv W. 11. LrfTLHLoH. Fayetteville. N'nv. li'i. l.s.'iL*. nitf .AI>I>LKK.’ AM) COACII-.MAKKn.'^' ff .1 K gP II*.f K iU A'r. TiKi.Mis iiii'i\i;.\zii': & wian. ,\ib J2J Ikiilliiiiiirr .'1., ItitlliiiiDrr, BM Po 1! r L il.S and I lea It. rs in 11 og .skins. .S,-iijdle Trees. Lni’.lish llc:ids and Heins, (iirth W eiis. .Siirrups. ILinics. Hilts. .Vc. .S|.rings. \\Iesof all kinds. ( o.-icli l.ai-i . P.PNT l’l’.l.l.( •F..'s, llnbv. .SjM.kes. C;irriage :;nd l ire Holts. Patent Canvass. C.arpeting. and every arti cle cniiiiei-teil with eitlii'r lirain li nt'the business, which ihey are j.re)>ared to otiei to punctual customers on as gnoij teinis as any ntlier Imiise in the I nited .stntes. \geiits In) the s.-ilc 111 Pnpe S .Sei f-.\i Ij list i llg PAll.S .i!ld .'''pence^'^. (il(i TllPli.S. Orders prnmptly attended tn \i|ilT’ess PiV TIIIMIIS ^nChKNZli; \ S(I\N. N.I. -J- H.'illini' I'e .s tieet. P.Al.fl Mill! P. 'i'iiiior(.ii l;^ i>\^ iJ(;iir. fBIIlP, ■ witt and cniuiiindiou^ .Steaiiib.iat ,\lice, ( apt. 8 .Sami P.cerv. will I'niiinseiici. lier i egnlar semi vveeklv II ips bet V, ecti pjyI’tteV illc ;i 11'I W iliniligtnii in a few days, Tllnsi- vvhn di'silc tiieir gnnds vvitll Cert:iin ly an.I dcsp.atch will idit.-iin them by shipping by her. jhie iinti.'c nt d.-iy- and Iniiils nl' depai'tnic t'l'i.iii e.o h pliice Will be given, lino.Is cnnsigned tn ,1. H. lUnssi.m. .\gcnt. will be |iroinptl_v .ind carefully lorw.ii.hd. a- usual. .\nfi!.‘U l^'i.'l. ri!. iStf ()n’ici; or rm: ( api; ! I )i;kp Ivi\ i:i{ .N w i: \ pion STOCK FOR SALE. ''lip Stock ot the Inriiixiin'j: )ier4..iis in the ('. !•’. .\ I*. H. .\. ('niiipaiiy will be sold nil \\ cd iie>. lay. the Ibtli ot N0\'P. \l HLi; ne\t. at the Court Mouse in Pittsboroiigh. said siibsi-rib(.rs having ('ailed to p;iv their snbscriptioii to the oi igiii:iI ('.-ipitai .Stock of said Pompany under the nrigiii.il Charier: .1. H. Hothwell I Nicholas .Marks 1 .\, H. Hothwell I Thomas P., Lniig i: W . O. .letlrevs 1 I;. ,1. liackney .! .Inlill .\. ('nx 1 I. I •. Pet ty I P. (ii-icd I .lames |l, i’llllin 1" Andrew \'t‘st:il I .li.jin McKellar I C C Tiilly 1 ti. W. Hight I (I .Vndrevvs 1 .lames P.rovvii 1 .lames ilnltoti ’J .lohii U. L.iiie 1 .\. N. Heth I lii'nrge Wilcox , William Watson ■> ,lohn W, Hooker •> \S illiani .Smith I ti, \1- P>razier •lames McGary I M. ( • (iaidiicl’ L. P., brake 1 .Inhii .Mcbonald 'J W. F. ('nllins .I. M. Walker 1 K. h'mi'jhee 1 W. H. Hughes 1 o. W. Lindlev 1 Charles Hritiit ■'> Hv order of tiie P.o.ard, HliNllV LONIION. Treasurer. Pitt-born'. .Sept 7. is,',:! •’7-ts .11 s'i'i{i:ci:i\ i:i)ANDi'oiis\jj:, 8 Midi; N.i '. Maikcrel J •• lleilin,.;, Fle-ll Lime. I’laster P.iris. t’enicnt .'Hid Plastering Ilair, ■I, W, POWPIi.'^ .‘v CO. • Inly 'J-, is'.-'!. P. II \ ii\iv‘CAi.\ OI I I t.S the iMldei-siii lied has ileterniilied tn reniiiv • til I !u‘ West, siic otters for s;ile that comniodiniis lloiisc. which she niivv neciipi«.s. in (he village .,t Smtimei-v ilie. .•Hid all :ippiirti nances therciiiito belonjijng ,\lso. I:jii ;icres ot' i:illd at the liiontli ol l'|ns> Creek, ill tlietnvvii nt I',iv ettev ilie. ;i sh.nt distiiiice above the Clarendnn P.ridgc. Tcmiis cash, nr p:;j.er n.'^ini:,ible at either'nl' the P.,iliks in Fa \ et tevi lie l;..I'eieiiie. ;is tn the Cms.- I'rcck land, is m.i.le In .1,-inies H iiik--. Ksi|.. nf Favette ville. i;. P..\ILPV .'siinimerv ilie. N. ('.. .Iniie li. 1S-»;1. Itf St HI ftttni! H,\V STHPLT. P,\VI;TTP\ ILI.K, N. ('.. B .1"''^’ reliu'iie'l tmm the North. with a mill ll larger st,,(.y; of tiooiU •r befiire otl-rei Viimng hi'', stock tiiav J liis line lliaii ever befiire otli-red. Iiv . V I'i'n in ihi be foniid I W.VTt'HK.^^ id’ all kitnl.s atiij ]n-ices, iVaiii Ss |titSlSi’i; (idlil (’ii.titis, 8(“:ils ;iiii| Kcvs; Hr**:isf i Pins, ivir-riii;.''-:, T''iiio-er-riiiifs; ;i fine stuck of I’ract'- It'fs, (lull.) l.of-ki'ts, ('ttlV }*itis :iinl Litftiiii.-:; (lull!. ! ."'ilver ritnl Sfcfl .'Sjioi-I:icl(‘'.-; Silver .^jii"itis, l»iitfer ■ Knives, Soup L;ulli's ;iinl ('nps. .Ali!if:irv (Juoils; ‘ ('locks; IMatcil W:ii-r; And .'ilinost everv article nsii;illy kept in a .Store of this 1 kind, which he will sell ctie.-iji for cash, or on short j time to those who pay when their bills an* ]ire«ented. j Watches Hepaired. :is nsilal, \n_nist 17. I.-^ '- -Jil-nni UKMO\ AL. J. N. SMITH, Chemist aud Druggistj H,a\ I.\(i n'lniiVtnl fo the Stnre in>rth- west corner of Market Sipiare. jeientl) oe- cupied by P, .Shemwell. now i.tfeis t.. his triends and the public generally a lai'ge and well selected stock of Drugs, ('hemiial,a. Paints, Oihs. live Stuffs. Medicines anil Perfumery, consisting iu parr of the t'ollovv ing: Potash, White l.ead, \ enetian leil. .-;p:inish brown, copperas, alnin, saltpetre, sal soda, bi larbsnda. saleratiis. madder, indigo. Hulphur. epsiiui s.ilts \elhivv ochre, Hlake's ji.-iint, chrome yellow, um ber. chrome green. Prus. bine, chalk, spic.e. pepjier. nntniegs. cloves, starch, ginger, bor.'ix, yeast powders, essences, iiiii.st.ird. logwood, inks, soaji.s, congr*ss water, salad oil. window glass, putty, varnishes (all kinds,^ linseed, taniieis. Castor and iilive oil. ah'ohol. suljili acid, biirniiig fluid, camphene, jtaint varnish; tooth, tlesli. nail and vvhite wash brushes; galvanic batteries surgical, tiioth and ‘up]iing instruments: American, French and I'nglish chemicals, patent medicines. ,. Ai ., .'ill ot which :ire of first rale i|uality. and will be si.ld at .1 small adv.-ince on cost, Or.lers solicited f rom eoiintry Physicians, tnerchants. ■iiid others, wlio are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock before purchasing *lHewhere. a« they may depi'tid on procuring fresh and genuine articles. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction both in .lii,ility and jirice. The subscriber hojies. by strict at teiition to business, tn merit a ^hare nf the jiiiblic pat milage, - Medical jirescriptions carefully and accurately prepared, , N. S,M1TH. .North west corner .XL-irket Sipiare Oct. s, IS.',;!. i'.J tt (oi‘AirrM:usFni\ fB^HF. vtTidersigned have ejitered into a cojiartner- M ship under the name and style «d'Troy .Murfili, for the prosecution of :i Genenil .Merfantile busines.s. Locatioii the same as foinierly iiccnpied by Messrs. H- L Myr.iver \ C ,., foot of Hav Mount. ■J. H. THO\, .Ik ,.1. F MAUS)1 May -J;’.. H7tf \(nth ('iiridi/m ('assit/teres, n|{. ,I.AMF.'s (i. C(M»K has on hand a full stock of Piock Island Cassimeres. inaniifaetured by Car- snii. Voiiiig iV (irier, at their Mill in .Mecklenburg ('oniity, N. C., where consumers and merchjints ('an be sujiplied. The manufacturers reconnnend their fabrics as being etpial iu durability, and as i)erm»nent in col or. as any goofls of similar cdiiiracter njanufactured or Sold in the L . S. They invite the most full and thor ough tests ol them, tind only ask to be patronized in proj.ortion to their merit.s. .■sept, ‘JTtf l^roti'S^ior (’. Harry’s 'I'ri- ro|»heron«. *r Meiliraied roiiiiMiiind. for CDrlinp. aiul ih‘ Hair. Kelievinu • >i th(' Hkin. iirin;; Kh#^iiinai1f‘ f'aiti'^. uiut Mealing f!«ternai vvoiiiiil) ISwutiiU'ii hy U4i *:e(»tfra|iliirat line'*, thr* repiUHlioii of* K:irry*M ’J'rU>> Uii* l.’iiiuii. 'J'hi* oriht* arlirle lai*» ye-a/'j ha\e iiirrea'‘t»l ill « ratin lhal l*rol€»ss(*j' Harrv. alier :i larrru! e\uiiiiiiaiion ul liis >alen’ lnM»k, fiii*!-* lhal Ihe nutitl»t*r i| III onl«T. iti i)unnttties nt I'rctin Imit :i np\\:»nl, iliiriii" lh»‘ year lKV.i, uas within a IriiU* ti i> iiiiti»- (*Nv;iry i4i at th*' ‘vit«‘ii * s n{ iht* won iUtHU ot’ lh»"'rriroiihern’i'. w Iumi iht* liavt* lur iii,*'ht'il >ii h on iiMlor^PtiK'Ht a^^ this. ’Th** rh«*a}in«''^'» ol ih«' arii* an«l lh«‘('\|>l:inaiioii'> »ivp|i of it rhrniir:tl arlioii U|niii the* liuir th‘ :«n.l in ail o| su|>4*rfiri:tl irri(ati»n. fir^t rfMNiimtienil eii It lo tiie atwiilion 'Phi') wu'^ uU \Wi\ thi* invt^nlur iloiri'U. ery ImUiU* adv‘rii.^«*d il'»»'H. 'I'he ol tlie riiiiil e\« *x|*i*rlrtti«ni. It a tiMl lik* a i*harni. I'hi* woiihl not he witlioiU ii. ('oitniry ilealers in every sei-iioii ol the riilteil Sl;ue> t'tiiiiMt lh*‘V iiiU"l have it; anl thp was huilt Up a whole^aic; irnle i»i a!\ e.vieiit hitherui iiiiheanl of as rei;anW ariirles of’ihi^ kind. 'rh^ hii!h**st point lia> not yet )M*en rearheil. and il i'* l»e- Iir\t'd that the 'ciles this yi'ar will l>e :i iiiilli«»n and a lihlf'ot hottle'. Ivpot and .ManntMri«»ry. No. KIT Mrfiadway, New Vork. IN*lail prire. ‘iTj l i nt'* a lari»e hoiile. Lilwral diroiint to pun*haser^ hy the i|n:intify. Sold hy all the princi|k*tl iiierrlnnl.'o and drn!;s'i>t> throuuhoni th«- I nited Slater nml VW-1 liidii‘;». #r»*al Itrilaiir. IVaiiri*. Kr. And S. .1. HI.\SI» \IJ:. I'axetteiille. N. C |'m; t.mpd] I HI. ST1{()N(;S co\H‘orM) sana tim: imlls. Pills Hi'« ‘iilii*4‘ly V4‘K4‘l:il»l«‘, I aiKl :ir‘ :i iii4»«>| iii|M*i‘ior iTI‘4li4‘iii‘ in the cure of all Hilious Coiiiplaints. Chills and Fever, livspepsia. Costiveness. Liver Comftlaint. .I;inndice. .Sick IIe,'id:iclie. .Scrofula. .S.alt Hheiim. Fevers o( all kinds. Loss nf .\ppetite. Obstructed and painful Meti- «trnation. and all lingering diseases. As a Female .Medicine they act like a cli.'trni, and when taki'n accoi'ding to the directions, they never tail to cure very worst cases of after all iither ri'iiiedie.s fail, T|i«*y lli4‘ I»I4»4mI, 4‘(|ii:ili/,4' tli«' 4‘ir4’iiiafi4»ii, r4‘ot4>i'4‘ Ilie f..iv4>r. I4i4lit«‘)«, nii4l »fli4‘r ^4‘4*i'4‘l4»i'v Or;;aii««l4» a lM‘allfiii t4»ll4‘ ail4l :(4‘lioii; and as an ,\nti-Hilions Family Medicine they have no ei|ual. I'rice 2''i cents )ier box DK, STUOXirS IMX'rOiiAL STOMAC H PHJ.S. remedy t'or( 'onghs. Colds. t'ataiTli. Hronchitis. Croup, Whooping ('ongli. .\stlima. Coiisnmption. NeiMiiii! hisca-es, llyspepsia, ( ostiveness. LrysipeI.-i.s. I»ise;i e I’!'the Hi'ai't. Iiit!;imni;itiiin .and Pain in the Chest. P.ack .iiiil .Side, alld all diseases arising fmiii a de ranged state of the .Stom.-ich. :ind to relieve the dis tress and bad feeling from eating too hearty food, in weak .'iiid dyspeptic habits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. fB^HF.Sl-; Pills act as an Pxpectoriiiii. Tonic, .and M. .\perient One If■"> cent box possesses three linies nmre power to cur»‘ diseases th.in a one dnll.-ir buttle nt :iiiy ot the .Syj.iips. H:ils:ims. or .S;irsap:irtllas. tll;it Was ever made, and a simple trial of only one box will prove this important triitii. I>r4>lll4*l4‘ l]\|K‘-|4»l-ali*ll, i4»4».'ll lli«‘ i*iii4‘;;iii, aiii 4-l4‘ai- lii4> f.iiiiu- a»i«tl «>lli4>r S4‘4‘i*4‘l4»i'> Or;;a>i«k 4»l all iliall'l'« .'ilid there is not another remedy in the vvhnie .M.iK'l i.i Me.lica i .-ipable ot imp.il't iiig sudi healilijt jii'npertics to the Luiigs and \’ilal Ol e.-iiis as these Pill- 'B'll«‘\ ('lll‘4‘ ('4>'>(i\4‘il«‘v., |>i-4»illl4-«‘ :t i'4‘;;iilar ,\|»|M'lil4‘. aiil '•fi‘‘ii;iili4‘ii lit*- i Price L'.'i ct«. per l.ox. coiit;iining dosc's of iiiedicine Call on tiie .\gents who sell the Pills, and get tiie •■i'laiiter's Aliii.'iii.ic ' gratis, giving full particiil.ii.s and ccrtitic.ites n! cures. Hoth kinds ot the abov«--nani*‘rt Pills are for saie in F:! \ et I evilic by .s, J. Hinsdale, and .1. .N . .'■mith; wlm als.i keep a .supply ot l>i\ S^„ i 'VI’lil'. :ilid l>. . liillli > % liliiiihti I'liI.-i. which slop lliel lull' alld Fever the lirsi day, and do not sicken the stnmai li I.r operate on the b.ivvels, ! M A Leltt*r to !»* Read iifid Tiiim.uli! iijMHi. ' I'I ir. I‘I't. VVe--j and *\*>rth ht m-'|Miktii. n *w spt :,kv ilti • iht* ' tiiiii \ Si»iil h lI*Mr I lie I rihii I*'"i\I'M h V .ntf Ml lif-i'xoii ui l*i* ^ Ith \r iF. ‘an lln r.' Im* an\ tinnd »o pr**.|lH m rd .i* «i«t t.- .. M (M'h a ma'^ ol i4‘-hnioii\ da;ly iriVi-n in tavor oi H ^ i'ov* tuo-. IU lii«i(iU*i. viUa«f und t . w a i» • »l- wa\ ' «.ral«*tifl lnMrl'» >p*'ak »l'‘ pr.ii e. * HK- M R l«lTKli T. >otllli I *;iro|iM;j. Jaiil| ir\ i’d Ir.i.J .Mortiiner 6l Mow bray—.«niiU‘iiien: I’of il»e ia'l five • ! have Ui*en ^evert* ^uj'erer Imni Khenio*»i'in •»•*•»»»»• >•*»»! Mii‘iidalion o|* ilaiiiplon's Vej’rtHlde ’rinrliir* . I ptirrh.>' d .. |...|ii#* and ihe Jif't lia- 'OitilK'h n*lii-v**d IIm- lli il I r«tn'>i«l*'i •! jn ltf'e t»» i:«ve t«» ih»' '‘UCltTini* worUI sh** re-nJt ««i th* .p| f.r .h.mi .Mine w H' anil** UhcuiiM I i'fiii »n th*- h.o k -'o had Ih • i I " «^ liiM’d lo tii\ Iwd lor ih«- I I'-l 'i> month'. I'tie lir-f Im.iiI** t. ii itkt a rharni: lh«* -»• n*r.d re'-loreil -^Iri'ntflh lo iii\ )M»..r te4l l.ro k .Mtd I ;ini now a well anil Uel a»^ v. Ii»-a I "•*' 'i\l« « .. I am tiM.\ -i‘\fjilV l“nr \ e.n N ol a:*r. i I I.n .*'* r .••III rilM Jiire th*' ••ri ate-I d.-«' \er'v ol tJo* «»/♦ i,,.‘ ■liM.r • n:t»-n!!i: hninanit;. «*ii«:ht io*r«* T a moHtiiiieut lo hr tl . who ha- '‘av«*d ilioU'anih In-m pain. And you. t^eniieio* n ii.tv* aried the part o| pllldn lM-iie!a»*iof> in diA'eiiii|i:i(niw ih«- In ii» lii w hi il have riMm >«iiir inialtialde 'riMrllire. I am a fdrun r»iton |d:«nier and have never w rnien ti.r Jsi* r.ov JuiM*"-. lul wh« u my leUoW Iksuk?* are uthi*te«t, .-.hsill I »i thrtni'jh iiKMleMV. w ifhlioid at»\ iiitoMiialion valii.ihk (oin) i4*Uow niaii^ ti von ■oii'^idt'f lhir« Worthy ol a plaee oi aii^ of \i>ur ni'W i»ii»i*r* v**»i art* a! IilH*rt\ lo make ii'** ol ii. AIAAM Kr..M»*.\l.l. H.impton*' \ t ii’lMido 'I'inctnre, hy in mild aiMtoM oh iIi»- >'t«-m.»« h I.iver ti.d the Kidney-, will rlire ri.iiifti. \ ihin.** Itronrhi:*! :uid I.UHff Affreiions: Pains in the Itarl., >'tdi- and i:re/» i CoiiMiniptton. J^Tid'nla. Ulieufiiali^in. «oiit. .Neiirultffa I'l'in* • • Pile'., Itowrl 1'oniplaini-v. W'i.rms Nerxotis l^hiliP. w »ih aU di- 1‘M'eM artsin:- I’roin impure ldtMMl,and is ihe sreaie-i I VumI*’ Mr-dt« »ne ev**r kiHiw n. Tor Cholen* Morhiw, Chtdii*. r>i.irriiu*a, Hnd all ini'olent l«) the liow el in the snminer '•*a«»n it ha*^ no equal. Sold U hoU-nle an.l retail h\ S. .1 111NSJ »A 1.1Kavetleville: . n 0 huPUK. WiluoniHon: Mn'irnMl i: * MOWMtR \N fViliiniore. tiid l.\ lirn;*;.'!'-"on' ialU . ^

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