8KM1-W IM.K I.T. )l III KAVF/I'TF.VILI.K, X( )\ I’M lU'.R 7. [NO. 1^1 Kl» fn .1 H NKWin ,|)\\ \IM> J- . ,..i; \Nl H \ IA] A SON. l'H i1'K11:;T( IKS ff' f * F«r' laff ciJ i»V the iaff • 0 ' K li \ • HI it i.ai.l ill r i.t -lit,-, ii|. I Wr I'M I c« ted im wt ini # K ■>, ,t : U.| 'lilUllj; ihf \ f ; ic , (■ ii li«> e\|iirc.i ; •; > i; !• tiiinnni, it ].:ti.l in .i iiuills* tlif \fiir .it liji r- [ •In* \ Ml cxjiil e.j ,\1S ,u-riri-.l ti.r »i\t\ ])t“i • 1 riLi- til t, tiii'l lliirtv i tr.i *' ii li tiy >)>»- I r,t tnl if I (tf> \it\t*l tisi-i 3 :ii e i:. 1 .111 '‘r I't in'-!'!tlniis ui 1C'' l''i>>il, Miiil cliaigftl Ufi'i'i'il : ilu- IMitiiis nui^t >>e [u.ft |.;iiil I SI IMM.IKS, II li iH'l ;; tilll llSSortliUMit it' iHO- ; i\ !.'■ 1 *NS. :\lul i.tluT Cioiid.s ^i^^it:l^)l»• w • '-I l i i'ie. Hii>l wliivli I i>fiVr tm- 111' ! 'i- I’lii'lvu t‘ lit aliiuisf aiiv liiiiil. • Flniir. Meal, ('(irn, Ki«e. Hh- r ,r.■ riirkfis, .'^i*lt. wliit** (,'lHii- tw. mill lilVH (\it1ee. Mn- -U. Polwu'ci."^iiuti, V'atnlU'H, . ( riliirn'i. IVjijiei', l?UcketS, Hruomii, ,iui', I’l'WiltM', .'^hi't, ^’t■rl•lls^ilu I'lipd. iiieiit i>t l'\*> Stulls: with iiiHMv utliei m B» ■ i\ liiif \ I..';* > ,i’T\T -'t I'ly *ioii(ls. Hoots atiil Shi»t*8, and II jtood assortment nf all !iul huv chea]i. U H 't’ARVKR i-7io i(tenltn/ the ■I U( \V ,'hii - ‘iii'l K ...th.Iit :( .th> u fi i f I w t m la m f 4 u.ii K:iUU) l.uttfiloli will Ifuve Fayetto : W iiuiigt.'ii ' ii Xuf!ilay luiiMiin^the htb ' ; ■ k: mill again cu Thursilay Tni.rii- ' liii- ';i\iie hiiui Th** Alio* will l^ave . •I ’irl'iv tlif* 14th NiiveuiJiei’. r ';i'- Syii ■■.!, un i -ill othei« who visit Wi'.- !i.i i.U!|. (it altfuiliug SyiiLi.l, will fje I. [V *iV this I.iut* FREE or T LI i rtRLdH av^tr nu n mu! ( 'fnlih t n. . \% . V H4»K\'S l\U-K"Vt:ii 1.1.4STU im:u lUiAC'i:. ou rm:sr \\\V\S\)\Al. ' ,-in-i ■ tin t •{ tliiit ■'i Hf t il-'/f/ th' .-!/■//('. Unit itlit f-r ,’i'iu it h.itii t ii>r •••mf'nt. tu tt'iit.'. .''t'ain.'jti t*r III ill "tliei s. w hii, ■ li.iiii a w.'rtkly nr ■ j liifil till- Imliit seM, ('till.li en Ilf li.ith oitht-r trniii haliit or ilftiilitHt**'! I'liiistitu- I •t lieiuliiij; f'ciiwftiil. I ■rf'i’ aiiil ciiiiijiiessilig th*- (.'lifal (tud j i t!n >-f Hfai t*' suj>»*riiir to hny LtTetofVut* ; I. ! r'iii"\(‘ tin* hKi.n 1'di*ti*i ts, nn thev re- : • i 111. iii'l aU"W H tail, f'roi* and heHltbj • .iiU 4 the Limes, so that at em li in- ; Lull:, ■ an Ilf liilly intlat**d. stren^tht-ii- j V -y irii'ins. and [.r**vpntinn all dirti'anes ^ . 1 1; r:ii’t**r Fni' Children they are in- i i 1,;. t !iiey are -ii.vvini; ;S the jir.ijit-r AM» Ml\Tli.l*Mlhl\(i. • firs. IWtltoH Is niw re4'eiving her Fall and Winter .M1LL1NK1{V, ronsi.sting nt Honnets, from one dollar to tit'feeu: luess ilHndkerohiefrt: French Artiticial Flowers and Feathers; Swiss F 'gingsand Inserting^; (’ajie.s, (,\d- lars and L iidereleeves: Ladies’ aiul ('hildren’s Wiiat lilo>es. and long and short Mits: u new and heautit'ul stock ot Uress 'I'rinimings of ihe latest style. Velvet and Silk Mantillas: Hailway (’orsets; Whalebone iSusks. Ih-esses, Mantillas, and Cloaks made in th» latest I'biUiileljihia and .New \ nrk styl^H All orders from the country i>r.in|.tly attended to ( >rt. o, iH.to. iUttl m:\v (iooDs. ** \itrnnis—thut thf* nintd o/ tltyiiltn/'y inun^ //y, -Muy Lt tudulyt i1 Ur F h.ave received our F.\LL STOt'K nf UODUS. comprising a t.etter selerted ainl more general a.-dortment of vr.ipi.i: i'A.\c’v Ciiooos, I'han has «j\cr been otiered in this market. Our stock ot Ulll^3, ('hina, Crockery ot everv ilesciip- lion, is complete. ,\lso. ('arpeting. Hugs, Tatil«t and Flooi’ oil ('loths: almost every article in the house fur- nishing line; kitchen turuiture, table and hed Linen, Napkins, iV* -. may be found Fine table Cutlery, with a hne stock Hardware and Cutlery, suitable to the countrx tiade —ALSO Groceries of all kinds, Sugar, C'ntlep, Wines and Bran dies; Dye-Stuft's unJ Drugs: Fine Teas, &r. In fact we | h:ive been industrious to make our assortment of Goods j complete We unite the public to examine tiiem, ai>il i trust they will find good articles at moderate ptices. j either at \» holesale or retail. I SAM’L W. TH.LINC.HAHT & 0». | Oct b, 18&;{ J8-tt I W AN l'Kl), HBL8. Tuipentine, delirered at my Distillery in this place, for' which the highest prices will be paid ' 1 would albo employ two or three good turpen’iue- ' barrel Coopers I). W RoOER.S Lumbtirtou, N C . h'eh y KJ, IHoii. OHtf Fall VV Stork For 1)953. sut)scriber has just received and opened, at A. his New Stole on thr Kast »i«le of (Ireen stiret, u I tew doors trom the .Maiket Hou*(e and nearly opposite j his Old Stand, a large Stock ot ^la|»l«‘ and Fuiicy DKV hmbracing a geneuU assortment of Ladies and Gentle- , men s Dre-s Goods, consisting in part nt Shawls, I'loaks I and Mantillas, somi very tine, and also a good assort ment of .'sHoK.S .-V.ND BO( >TS, tnr Ladie?. Gentlemen. I Girl.s. It.iys and Children .\nd the betit assortment of I Silk and other styles nt IjONNKl'S he has ever ofi»*it*d i tn the pulilic Sugai. ('ottec, Teji, IVppci. tpii t*.s and 'I\ibac« u. a tine article 1’ SHL.MWtLL , ( •ctobei- O. iM.'i ’.. rijtt LAliRIMU R(;H HK;|{ Sl’HOOL. RICHMOND COUNTS, NoRTH CARoLlNii ^I^HIS large and tlourishing Institution is now jier manently establislied, under a lull corps of well qualified Instructoi's, and with every thing re.iuisite for a first class Seminary, being well supjilied with Maps, Geographical ami Aslronomic.al: Gl.ilies. I'hilosophical anil ('heniical Apjiaratus. The Semi-Annual SesnioUh of ti^e monthH commence on the second .Miiiiday t»t January and July respectively C'irculars, containing tull particulars, will be fin nished by applying to Rev. .). Jones Smyth. \ M , Principal. Lauiel Hill I*. O , Richmond county, N. (' or to It MclNTVRF., Secretary. Oitiib»*r 14. 1S6:!. ;tiiS pei 1 ti SAI.K, Manutactuiwd'i'lib.icco Ut-have in - tmi* :l liivirc -.tock nf ’I'nbin Ci». and ex •eive I .iii:-tantl v trmn .L N\ . Reiil and 'J’huifi as s and utlier t:icti>iifs, ;ni a^sfirtiiicnt of |iialitie> tij enable us to liu ni'h |iiin ha^^ci s any ijiislity at InHt-si tactiii'y pi ircs. 1» \ W. M, I, \l I’.IN Sept. IS.')::. :;ntt .1 ri'.iti rviKKV, \r. ' N SMITH has just received and ntier* lor sale \ ;i select stock of Ferfumery, Snaps, lirushes. Xc., consisting of the toUowing. viz: tienuine Farina Cologne, ^piuts and halt |iintsi; Ray Water: Lubins Kxts. for the Handkerchief: Handoline. Ox Marrow I'oniades; .Macasser and Rears Oil; (>M Rrown Windsor; Low’s Honey; I'alin, ('astile and Fan cy Soaps; Military Shaving, Harlit-r s ISIocks and Siiav- ing t'ream; Woslenholm's Razors; l^nglish and French Hair, Flesh, Nail and Tooth Rnuhes; Radger and line Rristle Shaving Rrushes; Rntl'alo, Fnglisli Horn. Fine Ivory and Infant s t’ombs: I’earl, l\oiy and Russian Leather Ft rte .Monnaiea; liohemian ('nlugne I'ottles; Cut-Glass I’lingents: Otto Rose; Lip Sahe: Fowdcr Futl's; Toilet Fowder, .Meen Fni.; Lily White; Chalk Ralls. 1‘hulon's and Roussel's Hair Dye; I’restun Salts; Mouth Aromas; Indelilile Ink, .'Isu, riujicrior Cologne in Rnttles ur by the|Uart Oct 17. :’.G It I .AVK’I'll.l.K MITI Ali l\SliRl\(E ^ I ^HIS Company is now organistvl and prepared to re- ^ ceive npplicatiouw for Insurance, on as t'avuriilile terms as other Companies. DlRF.('TORS; .1. W . P.AKKK now rrci 'u tVoin tin* Noi tlj tin* -it, finest, ;iiii| ino.-t ciirrlnilv I ^■^llcl. Ilf S I le^rri ki: ever offered in this inarki-t: wliicli, add**d to his ..un nmniitai tIIr(‘, makes his assuvtinent cuniplete; all .it which he will sell on the lowest possiblt- tfi iii'' tnr c.c-li or on time tu punctual cnstoniers. Fine t!o>e \\m.d I’i.anus, ( i'.ennet ( 'u';;, ni' Uniad- way. New \urk,i fashionable painted cottage bed I'ooiii j Fninitnre in .“etts; curled hair and sluiek, and cnttmi j Mattre-;,c>- l.ookin^ Gla.-:.es; W illow W agons and Cra dles; I'ateni Sell-Swinging Cradles; Side Roards; l!n- i reaus; Secretaries and I'.ook-Cases; Wha»-.Nots; Tables. | all sorts: Wash Stands; Candle ,Stands; Wardrobes: 1‘ic- | ture Frames and (ilass; Window Shades; 'ornice:;: (,'ur- tain Finnds; Sofas in Mahogany and Walnut: Tete a I I'etes; Ottomans; Divans ;ind Stools: ('hairs nf every 1 vatiety. ' September. ;;ittf \mm & .iHsi I’. Wo. 70, PINE Street, NEW YORK. 4 OtI 1 HK SALi: OF ,\LL KINDS oF nil KIN \MI \V(l(ll,l,i:\ )I\I’II1.M-1U WII “ tl a It II Ta €• III IT r ’ .% r I i I v OF FVFia DF.SClUFTtoN ('niii|u isiiio liclliiiii', ( C'lotliiiiL*, P.ohbms, Shuttles, l*i(*k*i‘s. Skins, K»ll*r ('!ttlu (^i! Dec. 1*;, Uollcr &c. .'. J -l V V Mii.YtPS WIIF.AT, (ORN, SAW MILLS, » \M)urA\ s s U nrr it/id S((in th'iMtl. hand. Cooking. I’.ox, and I’.ailour Henry Lilly. H. L Myrovf.k. TUOS S. LrTTKRLOlf John H. Cduk 1) A Kay A A Ml KETHAN Ufo McNkill Nathan A Stei'Man Jamev Kylf Avon E. Halt.. J. i.i. Shf.I'heku \Vm Warden 8 T Hawley John 1> Williams (.' Uenbow W.M Mt I^airin Wm .McIvtyre Tn, VI.W \\'S on STOVKS —also— \ viirie.l assortment >it Tiu W are, at wliolesalt and retail. Rv June b. Is." W . ANDRKWS, Market Square. L‘0(ltt I M 1 RIST Mill Spindler Balance Irons and Drivers, I " If Inks and (iudgeons, Hotchkiss Water Wheels, I Racks ;ind Rollers, kejit constantly on hand. ;iiid for I s!ile. We also make Gearing and Shafting for Wheat, i ('orn. Saw Mills an.l Factories. Steam Engines of any ! aower rep;iired. Grate Bars and Furnace i-^onts kept ! on hand. We wish to !nake additions to otir loachinery : pnd tools; tn enable us to do this, those indeljletl by note or account will i)lense come forward and settle.? HALL X BOLLINGKR." ■March 1l!, Tbtf >1AUBTJ: FA( TORY. RKMOV \L. J, N. SMITH, Chemist and Druggist, HaVINu removed to the Store north west Coiner of Market S4uare, recently oc- cupie.l bv F. Shemwell. now offers to his friends and the public generally a large and well selected stock (d' Druge. ('hemicals. Paints, Oils, D\e Sturts. Medicines and Perfumery, > onsisting in j.ait 111 the following: Potash. White Lead, \'enetian red, Spanish browii. copperas, alum, aaltpetre, sal soJu, bi carb Soda, saleratus, madder, indigo, sulphur, epsom salts, yellow ochre. Blake's paint, chrome yellow, uin- lier, chronit* green, I’rus. blue, chalk, sjiiee, pepper, nutmegs, cloves, starch, ginger, borax, yeast powders, essenc*s. mustard, logwoo.i. inks, soajis, congress water, salinl oil. wiiid.iw glass, jnitty, varnishes (all kinds,_) linseed, tanners', castor and olive oil. alcohol, sulph. ai id. burning tluid, camphetie, paint varnish; tooth, tlesh. nail iind white-wash brushes; galvanic liatteries- surgical, tooth and cupjiing instruments; American, h'lench and Knglish chemicals, jiatent medicines. i:c., .Vc., all of which !ire ot first rate ijuality. and will be Sold .it a sniiill adv.ance on coBt. « b ders siilicited frotn country Physicians, merchants, and others, who are respectfully invited to call and examine my stock before purchasing elsewhere, as they may depend on procuring fresh aiui genuine articles. No pains will be spared to give satisfaction both in • luality and price. The sul)scriber hojies, by strict at tention to business, to merit a share of the jiublic pat ronage. Medic.-il prescriiitions carefully and accurately pi’epared. J. N. SMITH, North-west corner .Market Square (»ct. S. IH.-);'.. 34 tf C'OPAR rNKRSHIP. ^■^HE undersigneil have entered into a copartner- M ship under the name and style of Troy & Marsh, foj- the jirosecution of a General Mercantile business. Location the same as formerly occupied by Messrs. H. L. Myrover .V 'o., foot of Hav Mount. J. U. TROY. JP. J. F. MARSH. Mav -J:’.. IS',:’,. '.tTtf 1> M( tiilick iN F. in the Ro{tfin*i and (i uf I f/'t . ).e> T milliner, at reducei.1 jirices. bv C ANDREWS. Market Square. •JiKttt NO l'K K. WoCToRS Mallett & McHwain having lelt their Books atid papers with W. .McL McKay, who i.s fully authoiised vo receipt for the same, all their cus- t.imwrs living West of the Cape Fear River, who may be ill arrears either by note or account, will confet a fav.ir by calling on him and settling the same. MALLKTT \lcS\\ A!N .Mtf 1.1.\."Tir rn;R«. I’l 'up-ilr i ter, 11- illinieiide l iiV ABlM tMlN AL SUP or hailing ot th«’ t he \Iedii al h ai lilt \ in 1.1. S I'lUSSh.'' J \ s\imi. Dru;!,-!-!! Ill tt » u Sloi‘ iV \‘W ^iloods. ^ r V, : '1 Ie-.pectfully announce to his t . id the public generally, that he -h the s.,11th -ide ot the Mai ket • ' I r.- \li Dl anghnli - c.liner, where he • I ■ ’ . i; me t -ee them. ;t'id .'^t;ijilf atnl F;iiii y I )ry iunlB; " ii'M)nr "1' Hniim-ts. H:its, C:i|i>i, , !i"i '. lii'ii'lv-iiiaili* (’lothitii?. Fay et tev ille. .\ilg. oO, lh.')i;. c'iii:ap (joods. 1 am now receiNing a much larger stock ot i^^anru Orff ifioods^ than 1 have yft otiered in Fayett.-ville, consisting '>1 L>ry Goods of eveiy desciiption. Hats, Boots, .Shoes, and Rea.Iy-made Clothing, which will be sold :is low as any goods in the .'state i will be glad til have the ladies call and examine mv btoik W F MOORK Sept. 17, iHi:; ;:i-tf OFFICERS tiF.O \IcNElLL, President H L .MVROVtR. Vice President J G SHEPHERD, .\ttoiney C A. McMILL.\N. Se retaiy GE(.>. McNElLL, i JOHN H (.’OOK I E\e. utive Ciiinmittee JAS K\LK. ) The plan ot .Mi i t aL IssrnvNi t must commend itself to our . iiinmunity. fm it . un be denii.nstiated thut we liave save.l within the last six years upwards ..t SUO.tHio l \ insuian- ein the .North (‘arolina .Mutual Cumpany. that is. We sJiould have paid to have kept the same ;u- siirance in the foreign joint stock companies that sum iiinre than we have actually p'vid: and yet the .North C.irolina .Mutual (.’ompany has received between 's.iIMIu and more trom our I'omniunity than it hiis pai>( i.ut for losses here,— showing that we are favurably sit uated. as compareil with other places in the .'-tate, tor Insurance. Our Cumpany bas gone into operat on tavorably, hav ing the day we organised apjilications to the anmuiit of SlltJ,XM», and the Company is n.iw placed ujmn a tit in looting. -\ny Director, authorise.l .\geiit, or Secretary, may receive .\pplications, but they will not be binding until approved bv the F.xecuti\e Committee or the Board GEO W L.\WRENCE is appointe.l (;.*nenil -V^ent ot the Ciiiiipanv We invite applicatii.ns C.Eo McNElLL. Pres t .McMlLLAN, Sei y 7. Ih'.:: '•'•II r !h, hi Util i^ithlic. I1HL Brothers Steam Boat Co. is now prepared with the toll.jwing B.iats :'tr Dol t,L.\SS. rti BRoTHF.RS. T..W Bi.at STKVENSToN I- I.LWIS. \LFRKD KLLIS. .1 \S. C.VSSIDF.V. KlNGSP.FR'i, and ELIZA McDANIFL. tn tr.in :)i -tt all N.iv.il Sture- , Pi.i lu. e and utliei Freij.^ht intiuste.l tu theii laie, with a: much despatch as any iither line ..t B.iti!-. ..n the River. I'hey are j.rovided with suitable Whait llld Ware HuUse acconiniodations ti. Ill a I'ehiml :.asine.-s. and hojie by strict .ittentioii - 'ii'iililiii'' \orth ('arolina ('assbnvrcs. R. J.\MES G. COOK has on hand a full stock of to till* llltet ).Utl nl. lv'e --t ‘.I -hlppei s, t. J public .ISO Sept. 1''. !>>■ i-t a sh:ire ol P.ANKS. A- t. Fayetteville BANKS. Ag t at Wilmington •J'ltt I .1. s. HANKS, 4'oiiiiiii*>*«ioii TIrrrliaiil. Fayetteviiie, N. C. ■pt. I'l, is' C A. h el.'y -i- #V«II A* %%*ititer Stork BOOTS k SHOES. tehous t HENRV ■ mention. N. MONROE I RKSII SI PPI.V . Mrdl ri/tf (his, and l)iir-Sh([f's. W I- :Ui Imw ii-cfivili^ a Miti^ li t.. I.lir Stock ii w.- ip.*ned in April . I ial'ue all 1 well sfj*-i t- idsti.ck il Druj;>. Medi.'ines, Paint'. > '. Dye-.'^tufls, Fn- ;_iish and Cicrniaii Crucibles, I’aui De \’cr -V Cii'v Vege table E.'ciracts for culinary rpiiji : ; y. MBt Pi.wders, ,1 tlo r br.’ind-: I.yon’s K.athaiion; Bar •r 11 \\t-r , Cherry Pectoral; Witheral .'t ; ' I'.iiiiiing Fluid and Pine Oil. ; I. !1 lel.biate.l Null-explosive Lamp, !i’ !i 111 ji-.int lit brilliancy and econo- ' tu give us :i call l.f fore making ' I will -el! at a small advance on k ; '•i i.tiuii given ii, packing. l o, LKES .V \l VC P. \i:. * I 't 1' ■'.a’ll'-oii and Hav street.s, N.-xl .|..,r w.-t I.t M. ,v'i; Lilly. Bttt’ : Ol’ NOk'I'll ( \K()MN\, I I M I, wii c(i( N'fV In th. i- in-e. \.liiilni‘.tra!or ot .lohii \\ IB,well, t^ii' Heirs at Law of said .lohii W Petition to sell I’eal Estate. ■ heieby "iven to tlie Heirs at Law ot .lohn ■ • ell. to be and ajipear betore the JiHti,.,.v • iiirt. at Fay '•ville, on the 1st Mondiiv MyKT" H rjre receiving a large stock of Boots i; Shoes. ▼ W eml.racing every variety of style ami iiuality a • lapted to the eea.son s trade. A LS( Calf, Goat, Lining ami Binding Skiiis, Lasts, Spara bles, Shoe Pegs, and Findings ot all kinds. Which we ofler very low l..r cash, ..r on time to promjit customers S T. HAW LEV \ .'^ON !s«pt. 2'.*, iH.'i.;, 31-bw Norici: I'o i'KA\ i:lij:ks. f|1HE AC'().M.MODAT10N LINE from Fayetteville M. to Warsaw is now prepared to carry passengers with despatch. They will connect with the morning ^ train going North. This train connects with the Ports mouth and Petersburg route at Weldon. i will make the connection )>otk wiiys, iKRrAl.N — more than th* stage has done heretofore. We leave Warsaw on arri val of the inorninLr train fri.in the North. Passage ^4 J. P.. ASKEW. Sept. •'>, is."i;;. -jotf MO I'KL. ri^HE subscriber having purchased the Hotel situated “ on the South-East corner ot (’ourt House Square, and lately known as Stuart’s Hotel, would inform the public that he is now ready to accomino.lHte boarders by the day, week or month. Having uiaMe consi.iera ble outlay in furnishing and refitting the Establishment, he hopes to be able to give satisfa«tion to all who pa tronize him. His Table shall be furnished with the b(‘ht the market art'onlH, his liar with the l>est ot l.i- «|Uors, and his Stable w ith a plenty of good provender and faithful (tstlers. J, A. GILCHRIST. June *j*;, is.j‘_». ;:-tf ill«‘ llolrl. .ioHN llAUMAN Ikfspfctfully iiit'iiriiis his t'ri'inls :itiii the public that he has removed ti.iHi the Hotel at the toot i.f Hay nil.lint tu the linger and nii.re cuiiimodious Hotel in the leiitreut the Town. lecently occupied by Mrs P.r.iwn. and v.ell known as the Fayetteville Hutel. where he will be hap ]>y to acconimodate Travellers and Boarders. No e\ ertioiis ut him.selt and family will be spared tu rrndei Close conitortable win. mav tavor him with their cuiii I lany. Fayetteville. N. I) C.. .1 line I S'.:’., \ W .Mil.A11!IN •JUUtf s ri: \Mi:i; iiK.Miir/r r \, 'HROl liH truiii A WeSM-'il'v vvliait ill V\ ilmingtun. lu'r uld whail in F:i \ .t tevillc. with a 'iithcleiit i.iinibi-i ,.t t int tu .ic. .iiiiiiiiidate thii'e wishing’ t.> shiji tllli.ill'll "I w:i\ Ileiiilil II \I OKKIM.L. \s:clit at F.i\.'tteville Sejit 1st.'..; •J7tf S'lKAMI.K •STN." new aiiil vei v light draught ,'stealin r has nienc«*d reIiniiii;. tliuiljjli Hut qiille tlnis|ie.|. is taki'ig treijfbt liawiiij; uiil . 1 ' in. hes water. «:iiperi..i ;idv ant 1!^. s t.,i- !uw vvatei She h>is a!-:: a large iiiii.iiniT ui wharl lui'io. when- N*iv >1 Stur be stored with satetv . It S.-pt lu. is.-,;:. I'HK 'l^ll IS um- She She er\ ice. war.'huuse. stied and i.r iithei treiu'lif ni;iv .M oKRELL. Ag t. •J7tf tRE receiving a large xtuck ut (iro. eries. Hardw:iie. Roots iiiid Shoes, which are otlere.l as low as they •an be bought in the market, at wholesdle or retail Oct. )i;. I ■I. tu answet •I- lieaid ex .luhn .Mcl vetti--, sail! Petition. or till I KKW .VKI). W ILL )ay the above rewar.I for the appreheiwion M and sale delivery to me, or lodgment iu Clinton Jail, so that 1 g«t my »egro girl .IKN.NV. .She is a likely girl, of light complexion, smiles when spoken to, about tlve teet six or seven inches high; is supposed tu be lurking aVmut Faison’s Depot, or Goshen. W'M. P. HOBBS. .1 ukv ‘J7. 1 ij-tf .NOl'K i: Vi) IMvNSIONKKS. [IHE uiulersigned cuiitinues to act .as .\tt..rney tur drawing Pensions, payable at this .\gencv. Claims for Peiisiuii, Bounty Land, or any other Military claim against the I niteil State;,, secured. The iiighest (•».»/(/./«■ pai.l lor all Lan.l Warrant.s f..i n Surthi rii lonrti'i. JNO, M. ROSE. Fayetteville, Oi t. 1-’. l.s.'>:;. :;.'.-::iii Ll .MRKK! LIMIIKK!! UT E H.WE on hand a large aiiiount ol Lnniber ..f dirter'iit kinds tlomiiig. wi.le bu»rds, weather boards, scantling, laths, \c.; some of which is jiattlv seasfiiie.l. .Also, a l.Tige assurimeiit ot retiise; will sell refust* buar.ls itt tit* null at ^1 per \l , scniilliiig ;it V- and good ei|g**d boards al •>■'1. .Sawed stn\c-^_ -(*:i Soiled. Billti tilled at short notice. ,loNES \ P.ARP.LE. Greenwo.dl, Cumberland. X. C., \ug. 1. lso:l. [ I7tt uKi)r(’Ki) iwiii:. Tliroii^ii 'l'ick»*ts lictwt'cii Wilmington, N. C.. and Balii- Iiiore. Fare^}^l•'!. \'ia Wi-ldon. Petersburg. Richmond. \ W ash ington City, or via Weldon. Ports. month and Norfolk. For Tickets apply at the ( Mliee of the Wilmington aii.t Rtih-igh Rail Boad Company at Wilniin^- Oitice ot the Balliniore .sJteam Packt l I.t the Baltimore and Ohio Bail Boad I'KKK.irnXC ON (WPK I'KAU. fH^IlL subscribers having ]iurchased the Steamers M. F.vergreeii and .Southerner and Tfiw Buats. lately the property uf the 1 leiirii’tt.a .Steaiiibuat I'unipaiiy. are now prepared tu t'urward with i!e-.pa mington and l'a\etieville, all fleii;hl' h, between Wil- ii- guild entrii>-t d to them. Favettev ille, Feti'v 1 f F. N. IS'.-: ton, or at the (Company, am Company, Pratt Street, Itaitimore Jan. 1. IHTiU, -tf ItoBLBTS. f.stt Xolirr to llrr«‘liaiil«. I'HKoi .n \\\ \)\\ i.i(;ii r. fBiiii: swilt .and comniodioiis .Steanibu.at .Mice. (’aj.t. M .Salii'l P.eery. will comiiience her regular si-mj weekly trips betvvceii Fayetteville and Wilinini.it. ii in a few .lays. Those who desire their guuds with ceit.ain- ly and des|iatch will obtain rlieiii by shipping by her. Due notice ot days and hours of departure from each jilace will be given. Gouds consigue.i to .1. I!. Blosviuui. .\gent. will b«* pi-uiiiptly and carefully furw a rdcl. :is ilKual. .\unnst IH.'i,!. K.ii. IStt Ol'FK i: oj’ I'lii; ( aim: I'i:ak \nd f DkKP IvIVI.K i\ VVKiA rioN CoMP\N\ . ^ STOCK FOR SALE. r j^HE Stuck ot the tollovvinsi persons in the C. F. I D. R. N. ompany will be sold oii Weiln'»>l;iy. the li'ith of NO\'F,\| i'.EP. next, at ihel'uurt House iu •ir said ('ourt. at i IM.',;:. i L.\LB1N. ii .1. i.iircii. ■ Slii.p f,,ri. >-iiga(:ed the ►’ive iich j^eiif-r. ; | .•pared lu exccul Ua. Ic.inl l; . ..1 Materiel on haml hy Mr F. t'uller, of Mr. J r Lully, .nd entire s i isfa. tioii. all orders for 'I'imber CaitH. l)ray''. Wheelbarrows, ,vc. 'vill conaantly keej) h good sup- li' .'i .\xle-. » liuin-. liiiit', an.I in short evurv •lat the U i.Kiker can need. •11 Wa^uiis. With till- iiiiproved Irun Vxleij, made r ■ \ th** in.tuM* iM I Hii.l * oiiijiftftit U :it thfr* ‘1.1 Will .‘iVeit Illy v\ iiole :iiid Iin.|lvl.l..il Httentioll pi.i e .l.illl lie h;. model,tie l, the tinier will ud 'I maker in the I n, ill point of style or •S. C. FULLER. .‘l^tf dcill 'it 1 will n .. S. s. AREY Has i.n hand a beautiful nssi rtment of F.-VLL .\Nl) W INTER GOOD.S. He desires to return thanks to his trien.lK and the public foi the liberal patronage which th(*y have liestowed on him; an«l solicits a con tinuance of the same. His frieiuis and the pulilic are re.juesfed to give liini a call, at the stan.l f.irmerly oc- ciijiie.l by .S. J. Hinsdale, south west I'orner .Market .S.juare and (jillenpie street. Oct I, ;i4-tf r()BA('((). ^■IHr Hutiscriber continues to receive and sell, on M manufacturers’ account, all grades of manufac- tuied Tobacco J. UTLEY .May :il. '.oil HL'rrKH. FIRKlNy pi,mi .Vlountaiu Butter Cranberries GEO. .McNElLL .t CO. Oct. 17. ;jo-tf Pittsboroiigli, said their subM iiptioii ti subs the 75 I fBlHE subscribers have just receive.l and opened, at j * 'I'uler the original h;irter; I JL their Old .stand, a very large and liamlsunie ; .Stock of Staph' amt t^ry Embracing every style and quality Ladie-^' Dress i J.iii I-. ■■Mao, nil styles of Goods for tielitlenien's wear; Fine I .Moleskin and other sty les fashionable Dress Hats; .Satin I and Straw P.onnets; lioots and Shoes, etc. We call jiarticnlar attention to a splendid assoi t ! ment of K«‘a(ly-iiial‘ 4'lolliiii;;;, Of the very best material and workmanshiji In our stock may be found all Goods snitril to the seaeon, at the very lowest market pri.'es. .Ml in want of Goods in our line will please give us a call. E. L. .Si J. A. PEMBERTON Hay St., Fayetteville, Sept. lib. :C*itf Ulnnks for sale here. ribers lijiving failed to )ia\ iriginal ( ';ipital .Stock of »;ii.| .1. H. Rothwell 1 Ni. holas Marks 1 A. B. llothwell 1 Thomas I',. Lung - W. 0. .letlrcy-. 1 1!. .1. Hackney - •luhn .\. Co.\ 1 o. D. Petty 1 P. (ii.-ird 1 •lames I*, i’lilliii !'• \n.lreiv \ c' lal 1 Jill,II McKcllal 1 C C Tiilly 1 (i. U lliniii 1 () .\ n.lrews 1 .lames 15ru\v ii 1 .laiu(*s Hutton 'J. .luhn W. L.ine 1 A. N. Beth 1 (ic..r;>e W ilcox 7 William Wats.m ■> .luhn U. Iluiiker W illiam SmiiII 1 C. M ''.ra/ier .'i .lames .Mciiaiv 1 M. ('. (iar.Iner \ E. i; Drake 1 J..hn A. .M. Donald J U F. Collin- .1. M. Walker 1 E. Fooshee 1 H. Hughes I O. W. Lindley I Charles P.riuht By order of the Boai .1. HENBV \. LONDON. Treasurer Pittsboro'. Sept. 7, lS.'i:i. •'7-ls llv l. VIJOKR. T«U SiMIRn .IHlllR I. T. Iiuiill 4 SlIV S STIIRE. Fav«‘lt«‘vill(^ .\. Jan’y -20. .'.l-lVii.l l>. \V. C. li.-nl.ow. liENTM. srR;EoN. S iucati*d third diiur below the Market .Ml who are in need of the services of a Dentist are respectfully invited to call. He guarantees satisfactiun in all ope- ratiiins N. B. Those tor whom be o];erate-l last season will ]ilease call into his Rooms at some convenient time. Oct..tier in, ls.',:l. ;’,.}tf s\m RKW AlU). K\NAW.A\' from the subscriber, two Negro Or. Is ■ind tour hildreii, viz: MARTH.V, a bright mu- altto, live t'eet tuur or live inches high, took with her two girl .-hildren. Frances and .\nn; HANNAH, copper i.iluied. about the >aiiu‘ heijilit uf Marilia. Hannah t.iiik with bet two male children, Lewis and John riie abuve negroes furmerly belonged to the estate uf (ieurge T. Rarksdale, and are su].posed to be lurking aliuiil the Cape Fear, abi.iit Mr. \V inslow •- plant.ati.m The :ibiive icwaid will be paid ful their i...nlinenient in :iny Jail s.. that the subst riber c.in get them, ur lui their deliverv to the subscriber in Sampson ountv. FLEET R. PETERS()N .Septenilier '■>, 1 •Jt'.-tf LKArm.R liANDS, ^ ■’I HoKoI I; H I. V stretched, cemented, an.I liveted. H. I'lm abovi Ban.Is me Suld JO percent les-^ than .New \'..rk ni;uuifactui el .-i' ].lice^. ('ash vwll be le )uired in everv iiii-tanc.*. For sale bv W. H LI TTERLOH Fayetteville. Nov. lt>. IS')'_’. ultf .AI)I>LKRS' ANI> (’)A(’H-.MAKKH.'^‘ f#.f K IIM R §:, A'r. TiKnns & N».\s. \o. Ill BiiHiiiiore .St.. Balliinon*. M P( iHTER.s and Dealers in Hog Skins, .'^addle Trees. English Heads and Reins, (iirth Webs. .Stirrupp. Hames. Bills. .Vc. S]irings. .\xlesuf nil kinds, (’..acii Lace. BE.NT I’ELLOE.'s. Hubs. Spokes. Carriage and Tilt* Bolls. Patent Canvass. Carpeting, and every arti- cl(* i .iiinected with either branch of tiie business, which they are [irepareil tu ofl'er to punctual custuiiK'is on as g I terms as any other house in the United Slates. .\gents for the sale of Pope’> .Self-.\d)Usting PADS and .'•jiencei's (Mi TREE.s. Orders pioiniillv attended to, Aihlress TIIIIMIS >l\(KK\Z!i; \ .S(I\S. No. "J'J'J ll.-illiiiii.r.* .''tieet. J’.'V I B\LHMo|.!E. Jrs r RK('!•:i\ i-:i> \ m> i >r s \ li I \BGK Nil. Ma.kerel. i •• “ Herring. ! Fresh Lime. : Plaster Paris. Cement ;ind I‘la--teri iig Hair. J. V\. POWLBS CO. •Iiily is.'.;;. l::-tf \ KAIUJAIN Ol' i-I':RK|). A S the nndersigne.l has .leterniine.l to remove to the West, she otb'is fur sale that cumniodii.us llon^e. I which she now occiijiies. in the village of .Sunimervillc. I ■•llld all .■i)ipurieiianc(*s thereunto belonging. .Mso. iL’ii acres of Ijind :il I he mouth of Cross ('reek, in the town of I’ay etteville. a slioi I distance aliuve the C],.)i-,.|idun Bridg.i. 'I'ernis cash, or ]iaper uegutiable ;it either of : the B.tnks in F.iy eiti*viile, lieft reiice. ,i>. to the Cross Creek l.ind. is made to .i.iiiics Bank; . Ls.p. of Fayette- , ville. i;. P.AlLi’V. .Summerville. N. ('.. .lune Ii. IS.'):!. itt' H\ttrhtmtkvr amt Jvtrvter, \ I! \V STREET. F A V ETf I! V II.Li:. N i , I son, Voung iV Grier, at their .Mill in .Mecklenburg County, N. (’., where consumers and merchants cf,a be supplied. The manufacturers recomtuend their fabrics as being equal in durability, and as permanent in col or. as any goods of similar character manufac urcd or sold in the U. .S. 'I’hey invite the most full ax-*! thor ough tests ol them, and only ask to be jiatronizeJ in jiroportion to their merits. Sept -Ttf DG^ Prolcssor Ale.\. C. Rarry’s Tn- co|ihPruHs. or .VleibcHted CoiiiiHiunit. lor Hpamifying. Curlinc, Pf*’ ;eivlii(;. Ket^liiriii;> and Sireiigllu 11111“ the Hair. Kclievins l)iseair'. ..I the Skin. Ciiriny Rheiimallr I’ani'. and llealiii); E\lernal wouniL t'uiii..letl t.v n*. «eii2r;ipliiral lines, liie repiiialioii of H.*irry'« I’ric*.. [.tieruii' iiervii.le-the I'nioii. 'I'tie i.l'ttie article of late year: ti.ive iriiTca'eil in a ratio lhal ulinn'l cvreed- t.elief. Prole-i^uf I! irrv il'ler a areliil exKiinnaiiiiii of lus »ale>’ tifw.l;. timU ttiHl the iiiiiiii.er III l.iitii.'*s delivere.l lu iir.ltT, in .juamilies ul from hall i ur..-- iii>\viir.t. diiriiio tlie year Ifi.V,’. was within a iriHe of9j(l.(XKJ It I' uiiiii i essary l> (irespnt hi len^iti the evidciire.s of the w.m iterl'iil |ir.>|ierlie uf the Triro|iher.ei-. wlien the pulibr tjave lur iiislieil 'Urtion in.I.irseniPni a“ this. The rtieapne's ,,f jhe nriicle aii.l the e\|.lanaliiins ;;ivpn of its rlieniiial action U[miii [tie hair lh»- ^cal|i. an.I in all rH'e> of superlicial irrilalion. lir-l rei unmiend «.l it 10 llie .•menliiin I.fthe pep|il»-. 'I'hiN wii all that the iiivenlor ileviri'd. r.vc/'y l.uttle aUvi*rti.>iMl it-elt. 'I'he elll*. i.l the Ilui.1 e\i eoijp.l evi’Pflatii.n It acted like a i hariii. The ladiCs would nut I.P vvilhiilU 11. Ciiiititry dealers in every seoti.ni uf ihe I nlted Slat.'' loniid they liilist tiave it; and tliii'^ vv a^ l.iillt ilfi a wholesale trade tu an extent hitherm iinheard of as ren irds arlirle ot thU kin.l- t he hiehest p.iint has not yet l.eeii reached, and it H l.e- lieved tli:it the sales thi' year will lie a iiiiHion aii.l ;i ha'I of bottle- Depot an.1 Maiiufactnry. .\o. i:iT Hroadw.iy. N.'vv York Retiil price. 'Jj cents a large hottle. I.itrt-r.il di«rinint to purrhavprs l.y the qii intity. s^uld l.y all the princip.il iiierchani' and drujji!i'l“ lhr..ui;hiiiu iIk- I niied SiatP'-ano I'an-olii. Mevii'ii. Wc't Indies, (.'real llril:nii. .•■ranfe 4iC .-Vrid fcy S .1 111 N'Sll.M.r. I'ayeltev ille. (vk; (jnipdj DK. STKONd’S COM ROUND SANA riVE PILLS. mill are a sitpt^rioi* .llt^dirine in the cure of all Bilious Complaints, („'hill9 and Fever, Dys)iejisi:t. (’o:'tiveness. Liver Complaint, Jaundice. Sick Hea.lache. Scrofula. Salt Rheum, Fevers of all kinds. Loss of .\pjietite. Obstructe.l and painful .Men struation. and all lingering diseases. As a Female .Medicine they act like a charm, and when taken according to the directions, they never fail to .'ure very worst cases of after all other remedie*^ tail. Tli«^y piii'if) tli«‘ l»lootl, «‘4iunlize the 4-ii‘riiintiuii, the iiikI ^*e4'ref»!*j Or;;atis In a hraltliy aiicl ar*lioii: and as an Anti-Bilious Fami'.y .Mediiine they have no equal. Price 'Ji> conts per box —.47..SO— I)K. STllONCJ’S RfX'l'ORAl. STOMAC H PH.LS. -\ remedy turi'oughs. Col.Is. Catarrh. Bronchitis, (.'roup, Whouping Cough, .\sthma. Consumption, Nervous Diseases. Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Erysipelas. Disease uf ihe Heart, Intlammation and Pain in the Chest. P.:ick and .si.le. ainl all diseases arising from a de r;inged state of the Stoniai^h, and to relievo the dis tress and bad teeling from eating too hearty food, in weak and dyspeptic habits. Warranted to be Purely Vegetable. ^HE.SE Pills act as >in Expectorant, Tonic, an.i .Aperient One 'J'l cent Vxix pfissesses three times more jiower to cure .liseases than a one dollar bottle of any of the Syrups. P.alsams. or S.irsajiarillas, that vvas ever ma.le. and a simple trial of only one b.ix will prove this import.ant truth. l»i’OIII4»l«‘ i]\p4‘4*t»l'ali4»ll, l4»4»M‘ll Ili4> l*ft}4'tfiii, :iii4l 4'l4*:ir fli4‘ :iii4l 4»llt4‘i' >i4‘4-i‘4‘t4»i'> 4»r;;aiis 4»l' :iii iii4»rhil lti:ill4‘l% aii'l there is not another remedy in the vv hole .Materia .Me.lira ciipiible of imparting .such healing pr.iperties to the l.im^s uiid Vilal (li'ji.iiis a> these Pills. 'fl'il4‘!i 4'ltl'4‘ ('4>«>li\4‘II4‘»^, |»I'4*1 H4'4> a ;;4>4»4l i'4‘;:iil:sr .\|»|M‘lil4‘, :iii4l >1 ■’4‘ii;i;|||4‘ii lll4‘ >>>>14*111. Price 1!') ct«. per box. conlaiiiing ‘J.> .loses ot medicine, ('all on the .\i;enls who sell the Pills, and get the ••Plaiilev's .Mmaiiac ■ gratis, giving full particulars and certili. ates ..f i-ures. Buth kinds uf I lie above-n.-inu-d Pills .•ire f>r sale in Fayett.-ville by .s. J. Hinsdale, and .1. .N. .Smith; wliu .llso keep a supply ol l>r. Sjiimtr S V1‘Jls, and Ih. lliili'.'i ('I'/rhriitiil /‘illy, which slop llie (’hills and h ever the first day, and do not sicken I In* stomnch ur operate on the bowels. [li.-\ j T (',. H ,\.S iust retiiiiieil Irutn the North, with a much larger stuck of Goods in his line tiiaii ever l.eloia* ofl(*red bv Amung his stock mav p!;lc. him ill tlii be fuiiiid W.VTrni'].^ I'l all kiinl.s atnl ]iric»*>, IVoiii SS foS]S.»; (inlil (’haiiis, ,'^cals jitid Ki'V.'s; IJri'ast. I’iiis, K:u-riiiirs, ]'’iiij£('r-i iiiirs; a jinc stock nl' IJraco- l(*ts, (lolil !jO( ki*ts, (’urt I’itis ami ISiiffnti.'; (inld, SilvtM- atnl St*ol SY'*''*'" I^'lvci Sjumuis, liuttor Knivt's, Siutj.) 1j:ii11c,-. .iinl ('it|js. .^Ii!it:l^y (Iixjtls; (Moclcs; Plateil Wnre; \nd almost every article usually kepi in a Stfire of this kin.l, which he will sell clie;i]i for cash, or on short time to tln.se who pay when their tiills are presented. W atches Repaired, as n«nal. ,\u(rust 17. l.s'. ;. 2(t-'5ni A ixll(‘r to 1k‘ Hniil :uhI TIioiiij;IiI ujKiii. ' I'll I' .Vitrlii It tvf'.(Mikfil. ii*iu •*k'-ihr itlli ■ lilt* > 11 liny South I Ir.ir lh«* lnl»ii i*- i*i\ i-u l»\ nju* «»f |ir*r >*mh i;* h; - ;i?i llirrr N*’ :m\ in.uil ,t,.\ |«> »i»*M "tnh :« ‘*t H'^ltiiH'iiy liivrn iti lavor ul 11 ;i mm»J-‘' N « ’l iiiciiir«*. in * v» r\ liaiiilft, \ ;uiil cilv. \\ il )i I* immI ii* v\;i\ ’ .rMfitil -pvnk il' IlK'TKR Snm(» .I;»i»n »r\ iUl .Mi'vHf'. -MoriiiiMT at .Mowiiny—ii«‘iiil»*nM*ii. Tnr liu I I'l ii w \ iMr« I havr :i >f*vert* snttV*r**r Imui Khmiiirty*iir rt t »*in; HM'iiiiatioii nl MaiitplonN Vri»ri.il»lr 'rin« inn-. I |nirrii.t>» i{ .. Mint lh* lir-ol ii.» iiiiirh r-lirvt**! m» tlial I r«>n'.i1 ii i*iu In l!»ve to lln* U nrhl «*l th* ;.|I||(:C MiiH- u :i> :n uii* R iitMliii iin ill** Ii.’m k—'*0 l»:nl ili I ni\ i** '! tnr ili»’ l i'l 'i\ nmiiih'. lir^l liwiHt* ;•* i. ii 1ik» ' :i tin* -♦•run*! 'lr«'i!lftl» in iti\ pin.r l» *l l*;i« k -lUit ' I Mill in*\\ ;i> ;hh1 h*«*l iis \nUiiL* u h»*ii I u:t>. I .im ' iiiiw -* \rnl\ t-Mir w-.ir-J>r ! I inu'itlt-r V‘»Hr '1‘iiM Min* lilt* :/r« :iIf** «li • n\i r\ nt lli** ;if»* iti.1 iJiS I .ni; liiinriiiiiy ni^hi i'»' i'*' * uMiinunriit in t *r 11:> '>;i \ *'I hnnN:itHt« tVolii pMiii. \lMtynii. tt'iii* 11. :n K'4l hr |i:irt hciiri i«mr^ in ri-^eniiii;iUitf' tin n« iii • ^^lln il h iv** r» -nlt» il li*.in \ «mr in\iili*'|‘i»irHin . j 1 :Hii :t i niiini |il u»l*‘r :ind h.ive iu»v«T \\rui»*i, for { r«in»*. iini vv In-n ni\ art* I «»r t})r*»:i!:ii ini'(l**'l\. iiif«»rtii:ilinh v:«!>i;«iii*‘ l> tn\ l‘ lU u n^n* Sn II \«'ii I nii'nti-r ihU \Vt»nl»y oi‘ ;i in MhS •-! y“iii UlicitX t4> itiMk** nt il. \*A .Mi 11 .iiii|*tntt' • \ 'I tn*'tnrf*. ity lt' litiUI :trlini nii | iip Sioiit;n It i;.\rr .itnl Uu* \N jU rnr*‘ t’i.ujili. A'-iI.m*. f!rnni'lit-ti ‘‘ini l.«ne Atl'iTtinriv; l*aiu' in tli»* Suit- ;»hl Hr* t 1 ri*nvuiii|»linn, S rnlMl:i, Rh«‘iiiii:ti>siii. iionl. (Ml*-. l>n\vei '(iiii(»l:tinl'>. \V.rn»s. .\er\»iiN heliiUiy—uHh.tll lt ivispn Mrt-'ins Irnfii ini|nir»* i»l«MM!. ;nnl is lln* FVinali* M* iImme j'Vi'r knnw 11. I'nr *'!»nlHr;‘. Morlm-. * hMli*-, Iti.-irrltti'K. :inl all inndt'nl tn til** ImjwI'N :n the 'lIliiniiT il iia- nn Snia Whnlfsali* :in.l n*l:iil l.v S. .1 r.'iyctieVtl!*-; T. Ai 1> WuRUr.. U iJmini;tonM4)R'riMI R ^ \h»UUR\V. n:tliiiiiirf 'Mul liv «f*n« ra|l\ '

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