W K K IC I, Y. ()! . III. I'AVirn'i'A iijj:. n. ( \()vi:Min:i{ lo, is.-):?. [NO. '2\X^ 1 \ i i t* in -i I’ \ i:\\ in i\\ \ \l\) .1. ll\Li: .V SON. \si> I'Ki >i-i; 11'I't IKS «' I'. ' hl'r l: . 1> • . III! it |iK).t ill . 1 I iiuui. tlie »(■ (1 ■.,! -.n'l-i liji ' ' ■ ' '■'.1 ■' I >1 'iiiniia, if ill ' . iiu- \ . t u'l-:. ri|i I I- \ c ir liM - cNj.iii'.l \i . \ ■ I N''- 1 r . i-iit I'i'i • ; tl!' ■ t:iil'I\ t-ciits l -r rui !i • r ‘ 1\ It i'ciiK-ii I' li\ I'l ■ ;■'.1' 'i'i'm' rili' Al\I'l I i--i'i- Mil' , ■ . ! limn cr "i in'-! rtn-ii ■ ii“.iii‘.i, ,,! • - 'li: . i"V 'i'l. :tii i V h.ir-f'l luTi'rtl : i till- i l;l. 1 - liui'-t I'O |i.i-t-|i;iii|. I s'l'A'i'K or \oirrii ( aijoliw, nwnoLiMi (’oi NTv Superior Court of fiitw, l-'all 'IVriii, l.yHu Ilussoy. .It'ssc llits'n\v. I'otitinii lor Alimony. N ttiis i iise it :if.|ienriii^ to flu“ I'ourt that tlio ili*- lfiiil:iiit ill tliis ciiwc i-^ not :iii iiiliiiltituilt ot lliis I Stiitc; it is tli*Tc*'urt‘ ..nl.-tfil l._\ tlit' Court, tlisit i>ul>li 4'’iti>iii In' niii'lf lor tliifi' iiioiitliN ill till* K;i\ctttn illc or, ati.l ;r(*ensI»oiI’litriot, f.>r sixitl c'ii IViKhiiif I til .•iiipcnr lit our iioxt T.-rm of ttiis (’mirt. to )>4- ln-Iil lor tlif ( oiiiity lit liiuiiliilftli. at tin* Cmirt lloU;t‘ iu A'-li lioro , HU ili»' ioiirtli Moiuiay ul Man'll iifxt, ami ]>lfHil, aii^\v«'r or ilriiiui- tu tli»“ [ilaiiititi \ |it‘titioii: otlii‘rwi;-f, tlu' same will In- t.ikcii |iio i ami ■-•■t I'ur In atnl lu'aiij ex jiartf. W iln.'ss Ail.li^i.u .1. Il:il.‘. ricrk at (>lVii-f, tlii- luuith Miiii'lav ul I"-, \, j 'I'lh' SniltiuM U I larill(Hl\, ,‘liul MllSI- al •'i>iu|iaiiiiiii. A rnrlluT si!|i]iiv Just rcreivdl. K.'.l'. IIAI.r. ,v SON. (III. in. 'in riiii/i on thf- HU, oi>j)itsiti- thi Milliiiihst ('ht j t out iuij on Mu III f'nf,/ ,SV;v/. Mil i/ii 11/ r. ii'arili^ I Ilf (iiir suiil ('iiiirt. SfiittMiilu'r, ,\. I> II \LK, S. •, :!7-;iins I il lil'l N riM'. l.AM> AN'rKl). umlorsij^iM'il liave n-.'iMvoi) in jiart. and iu a M. Ii‘\v itay-* will have in sloro, tlif“ir .'t'couil Stock of SKASON AltLK (JOODS, i; twi t,, III -ai.ii :icri w ithiu I wotit v niilc ■ lU-ll iii^]>osf CitoK. IJ- i; All .•! wliioli wore tVroil t" tli»‘ir uM tornis. O.'t. -.'I. is:.:;. 't'ioi-ti-il with cart*, ainl will h»> of cu.'-tiiiiK'r.s atiil I'tliors uu rpasoiiahlo II. \ i: .1. LILLY. :{S-C.t Moiii: v\ (. \lla(.iii:k, ■ • ■ I -ff'S Sfr-i/, I'h‘hhh''f>h , , i NM K." \M' MWi r\( ri KI’.llS OK . ■•'1 I iti'l ( 'i't liMU llailiiii.-- liint all kiii'l'; ■ "n a!- - 1 Ar. liti'i'turi! h"ii ’ :iii'i t'ri'.aU' (Ii 'Uii'l-. \fiai;- ’• ■ I'l l a^i I till' t'lu lii'iiirf 'I r.iirial 1'. ■f (»i 'i'iiiu I - ali.l 1,;- ■lort^'ll Illl)' 1 ip TKAS.j ! in:sij Tivvs |\ll'i:i;l \l,, (i M’OW- \ oi \i, it \ >oN. o( »l,oN( >1*1 ' Me !. ali'i u'l - i. al; ! i.i j:ii, t' 'II. .•.lioa,. ■ UN l:\l.l n-t! ii\i: Tniiiiiii. Ti iiPi;\Ti\i'; i\ii FVinilM. IIM) :iihI \\ iiiH'i' Slock. I ^■’IIIK Sull^'(•rill«■r oalU tin* atti'iitioii ot liis fricn M- Mill tilt' pulilii' til hi.' roi cut {lurcli.a.'t's ot | HATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES, j Uliicli i' otu' of till' larfri‘>t assiirttiK-iits that li*> lia-'; t'M’r ciilU'il till' attoutiiiu I'f liis frieinl' uuil tlu' iiuMii- til. lie ha- iinw in .'torc lu-arly t‘\i‘ry '^tyle ot itats, Hoots amt Shots iiiiw in viigiu', of all ]irii.i'.-i tn .'uit tlie titiio.s ur tin'i n';- i toiiii'r li'iwi'vt'r fa>tiilinus lu> may In', llf wi.uM say tn I a’.l sucli as want tli*' wurtli iif tht'ir niinioy to call and | fxaiiiinc his st.iok of II .V I'.''. ('.Vi’S. Hi m »TS and S Hi •1’..'^. , as ho is di'sirous to t'xchanjrc tlio -auio into ('x-it as ; s. Kii !is jins.-iil'U'. iu ordt'r that lie mav r*‘iilcnish. I J. (•.' THOMSON, ' .Market Sijiian'. Si'iit. l-J. 1I'T-tf i ttri'iUr ('(t/idij Muniifitctorii. ^■1111! suti'crilii'r 'till C' litiiiiu's tn nianufni.tnrt'a su- fl. ]icriiir article of jilaiii and lain y rANlMI'.S, at th«' • ,d -taii'l. •>, tireeii strvL*t, ;! doors N'irth nf the \larket Hniiso, i win re he v^.nil l lie lia|'i y t" .'cr his Iiii'iids and t'ustoiners. CllA'M.KS H.VNKS, March ;. I''':'.. T Uf all* i«> IxiiiikI l» Sliiii**!! H K .'^iihscritiers would res]ii'ctfiill v inform their friends and the pulilic. that they h.ave entered into I i-o|iartuershiii for the jiiiriiose of condiicting the j;i'ueral I (' .\ U U 1 .\( i I'l IU SINKSS in all its various |iaits. And lteiii>; liotli [iiactical v.oikiiien. fully iiiidersi.aiidin^ their liusiiiess. they h.ave iio hesitation to i iiiii]iMie wotk with any I'stfihli.'hnient in K.i \cttevilh' as to stvle and diira- hility. One of the firm may lie known hy relereiKf to \ II. Whittiel I's iron work for tli,' last two years. , We warrant all woik to nive ueiieial satisfaction for twelve months. Kej>airinp; done in the neatest manner h'W for i-ash. rii.i: \ i'.i;\MN. J.VMI.S II. 1‘lKH. .I.WlKs I'.HASIN. ; fayetteville. .laii'y L’I, I'lJtf The i^ar^i'st €'arriti;ii‘ t'artorif in tin' Soft tit! \ AM AliLi: PL W I'A'I'ION l oi; SALK. I >1 I I K sidiscrilier \\i‘diii|i;; to chaiiffe his liiisiness. (>t lers for 'ale iiis I’L.k N T.\ I'K ).N in Uulieson, I- miles fro’ii Lunilicrton. on the llarlleesville I’oad. silu- >it-d on ■ aron's ."^wamii, containing TOO uT(‘S. of which • iliout ItHi are under cultivation. 'I'lii! situatiuli is healthy and the water ('i|Ual to any in the county. The dweUin^ aiil .all necessary out-houses are in jfoocl re- |iair. The I.est recommendation which the fertility of the place call receive is to he found ill the cro|i of t'orn and ('otton now ^rowinj; on the riaiitatioii, which all V. ho desire to |iiirchase .ire invited to eN.amine. 'I'liere is v.ilhin h.ilf a mile of the hoti.se a hold tlusli Siiring. Iielieved to I'oiit.-iin \.-iln.iMe mineral ]iro|ierti»'s. There ir also v.ithiii half a mil.' of the dwellinir house a lal'ee new \ adem\. in v.hich a ( hissjcal .si-hool is coH'talilly ki-|it. .\iii ■nil-- c,a'\. .loHN A. II t 'Ji l.'^ i:o\\ LANI>. •j;:tf V-, IS FOR SALE IN ROBESON COUNTY. i!l it» i itij l>{0 I km kii; , I . ; Ti . ■ i._ i;: i: riu-\ h ■ tf. 1- f.r . ■ ■ ' : ' i 1 in;. ■11 t: art' ■ nr; * 1 iii ■ Tiir|. i;:,..-. ij r,;’i .•i i:-i;' Tr : iitin. l >ir- 't iu iiii- i|' ..t .1 _ III ■| ■ W : ■ 1 111. Ti W.M. II. MrUARY, i'onttnission • flerrhant^ WII.MLNCTON, N C r.iiticular atteutinu will l e paid to s(..llin^ mid ship- j.hi- .Na\al Mores and I’rodiice. and also ti. the Knr- w.-irdin^ Ilf (iiH.ds. \lcrch:(Ut' \vl: ■ ci.iisi^n their (Im d^i t': him can rely III tlieir liein^ fnrwar h"! Iiy tii-'t Imat utter tlo-y are 1; idiariied from vessel. Ki;i LItLM KS: K. 1 I'C'. L. V. \ ">.iel . S I'elii. N. f. N| ^ '1111,.. ^1■■| k'vilie. 11 lint .Ad'lert'in. Lexington. .1 din l>. iW'i'.vii. .''.ilishiiiA. .1 !l. .V .1. Nlartiiie. I'a \ el t i-ville. .I;in y JO, 1 ''.'i.;. ■ ' -tt .s'i'i:i)MvV iiokm:, /)/•;/ Ihir(lif'ar(, (• met rif tV' * r\i i\ ol l.lt re J i' tfuiis illt'illll the 1 itizeh.s and tin' A A. >l( KI'/i’IIA\ I'.srr.t'TFl l.l.V inloriiis his t'riend* and the ]'uti 111’, that he h.'S l^nilt u]i lar-j^e siiti t;intial I-rid; Kii:ldinrs at hi' I'd St.iiid. expressly for ni.'inufactiii ini; • arrii.ues. Thankful for the very lilier.al patr'Hia'.^e he h;is received tor the l.'is; J1 year'. In' hopes l,y strict .ittentioii to luuiiic". with a lesire to uive satisfai tiiiii, to merit a continuance of the 'ame. He warrant - hi.- Work til lie made "t' the Kest Ul iterial and e\perieiu'.‘d workmen in each liran.'h of the liusiin". liis work will Compare t’avorahly with any made in the riiited .''tates, inr iieatnes> and diira'iility. lie i.s di’teriuiiied to .sell ;iiid lo .•iiiy work ii; lii.s litie on as 1 terms as .any work dniie elsewhere that is as Well done. He li. \v has ,n hand. I'lSl'Hl li, the I. \ I! cr.ST STOCK I.f ( '(trritiit i l)rtr)i(ch( >. /kor/v/z/v/z/.s. n/iil l'\er "tiered ill thi' I'I.-ht, ;iiid a \eiy lar-e 'tm k oi' n. ik nearly lini'ln'd. wli ch will Ke tini'lied I'aily. Al! "f whii h will lie ,.,ld \ei\ I 'W tor '\'ii. 'I- on -hurt time t ‘ I'UIli-IUal I-Il -toluer- . {> •; He h •' nil ilMlld neTe than I'Nl'. HI Nl'lllih \Nli KII'IA N'eliich-s lini'-liep and iu c iir'C ot’.list i Mi-t i''11. Urft" \'l Work nia le liy him i' w u r inted I L’ nn uths with fair Usa"c. and 'h u! 1 it tail h\ nr material will lie lepaiii- i tree .j , I'ef'ins wi'liiii’ t . t.uy wouM d . exM.mine f..i themselve' ordel ' tlia!lktu!l_\ re. eive i illd pr . llej 'iUin^ e\( . ute.l Ii..rt n-'t'ci 'ni.'ilil.' terms. .M iv i;". P " id W ni klll.llt'hi]' aruc. w ■■:'! In c il' and n| '';. Mil.'lid. ! tn ;i ll'i :i . e; V P i '."'tf )li't retiiriie .‘•pritie StncL III , «C''. \ieCa-;llln. l.s 111 I .'.J- L.-Iiid : ! e.iIMli i n!i.,-r Ihi,- - any i ir-itM I'l . I 'iirr It pn' iic jieneraHy. th;.! they IriM froiii Ne\, \ nik, .illd are receiviiiii their nt teoii'istiiij; ot I >11/ (t'i.'ilfs, I , ■ .11 I III III''I A variety of Hat', sai? I'lle ln|- the sea»nii: L:i lies' and Ceutlemen s I'.nots. .lines and Slipper'; a large as- - rtmeiit nt rca ly-maii«‘ Clothine; a jrre.it many ;irtii !c^ in :iie la lie'' and we would ne j.l. .I'cd t li.ave ! ■ ni tn ca.l .an i eramiiii- t'-'i' themselve' \'l niilers sent t 1 iiur care Ironi lur fiiend ;i I ■ ii' t III ' i■■ w ll ; p promptly atteiide 1 to. 'd 11 i‘h .111, 1 111 riUAtll Bl iUl lilLLS'l’0.\i;S. tioii ill Price. I:(.I:N TON. MOUlilS V (O. li'NTlNI 1. tn m;.-e t" nr lor, .11 i ..cep NO'l'K I wh me ].rinr ■ • tn loiijrer iiidiili:i Mav ;‘,n. I". ar - II !■ e e '.'tt’e fil.' 1 St ,,t .Ian \ I'e . inilnt I.I ;iven. \. ■|\ N.i \n i : Ml -1 i A. Ml .r \c. .1 :!l .lei.f .1 .!■ 'ettled. ivHTH AN. '.'Stf A r will,'. KllW I,','- ,f i;i Uer' Till' an;, ie i- ^n. • I'nmmeii led w itl. Lifcat > 11’: ciiii'isinmeiit ••III I'LOl K. S llxtr . I a- the llvtra Ce, 'ontideiire. I .nr ale 1,V . L. .\1 vi!i'»\nil i 111 -talit. .10.-1.I'll TH i:oi;lll: r ; 1. li.ilU I 1 '.'•I iN. ri;ii\cj' Kr. I'l led •I .! 1 1 ].|i 'riimii] \ e\-.mitie.i !he title ■ I :i i|! : -.1.1 Ol ti'. II - ,1.; . .iO,' iO Kntie. , , ue lt::;l..).. Ill ,1 M: .jiHN \\iNSl.o\'. .1. C. / II l'll’!!M!;|i. Imi.i i;T ' Ti: \N I NTINI 1. tn m;. oil )!'llld t'rrnrh Harr •fiiltsiont's .'111 iinieii'; :i'. w.'iri . • I t. ' " nt hi'st .juaUty. t'e- L' II.a le fi'.im r.iirr li' k- e’eete.l l.y them tiniii tiie •t .jiiariii'' in I'ranee. They keep i..i ' i|e oloiilic, ( >c;ilic:i :iii(l !'.,>«»|)ii.-^ .Mill- -l»ii» ': ifiii r HIn l\S. !»(>ltiiio ('lofii. Scrccii \S irc, ( iilciiicii l*l;istcr. ! I \ (lr.iiili‘ ('ciiu'iit. f the eountr\ prom[itly at lend 'Pt. J,. I" in. ».\ j> I'dll ami \\ mh I S/m l, W 11.1.1 WIS arc imu X t o. \ tf /or IS.’,:;. 1 ii;_ : lifi I tapk' :i;i'l I’aiii \ 1>IA i-; (';i)i'. Slim , Hnot'', Mtk. .'';itiii aii'i Straw l>i'iiiirt'; I mlnfl- his, aiol lu a'h -iiia.li' (’iutliiii;.''; u itli a lar^o' a-'iirtiiniit id' lli'-iri\. lil.iVt', Silk ami ('(ittiiii 1 iutiilki'i'i'liii t'. alii.\i' .''^toe;. .'iillil... C' a viriety of Se:i'..!i:i l.!e 1. t n;,],ii,,n^ one oi thelnr^esl iiiu: I'ccentU .11 s r uK('i:i\ i:i), tl'i; IMll lot Mountain r.uttei'. .New (irli'.'ins and Culm Molassen. .lava. l..a”iiira iind t!io Coll'ee. Suuar. If ice. Xc. WORTH IlLLloTT. March 7, IH'.n. 7-'.tf FALL, a S now receivinjr a very larjr' and !;eneral assortment ■ il |ll!^’ (i( M »1»S, amoii'r which are I..,(Ml pieies new style C.-ilic.;: M. Deli.'iup; 17-’> I’l'eiich and lliijrlish Merinos; 'J.'iO .\lpfica: I’laid 15ro- cade.'iiid other Silks: Merino iiiid Cra|>e I’liiid and plain .''liawls. .'issoi'ted; Hats. C.ips and lioiiuets: Silk and C-.iitoii H'dk'f'; lloliint't. Lace and l'Mj:ings: 15oots and .''hoes; r>.iltiiitr Cloths, No. 1 to 1(>. With many other Is: all of which have lieen ]iurchased for r.vsii. hy tiie l“,'ickat;e, and will he otVered wholesale or retail iis low as possililt'. Those wishing to purchase goods will ph ase I'.'ill and exuiaine. Sept. li’i, 1.l^'.'tf New Goods for Fall & Winter. • Jh x r iV B S \\'ll received and are now receiving, a large and B ■ well selected 'tock of Seasoiiahle (ioods. emhra- cii.g almost every article kejit iu the Ury ioods line. Their stick consist' in p;irt d' Kich hl.'ick tig'd Silks I’laiii lilack (!i'o de Ithine nil'll Urocadp and I’hiid Silks, latest style I’laii! Silks t'or .\proiis S ilid col’.l .''^ilks lor lining. \c .''Ujicr I'reiicli Merino of all col,,rs rrinted [il.'ii'l .'';iiiii Cassimeie, very tine \ handsome I’lain. priiiti'1 and solid l olur all-wool l>e Laines Mpac'a' of various colors, tinish and ]iri> e ll iiiiha/.ines and Merinos. :i tine assortment Collars. Cndersleeves. Chemi--etts, emtiroidei'eil Hilkis .Mii'liii IMging and 1 iisertings ot'all kinds and nuali'ies A 1 iri,e .1'-iirtmpiit "t Thread. Linen, Lisle, Swiss, c,,t- t'lii .'HI.I .lacoiieti lM”ing' :md Insertings \ lai'.:i' assortment of rich cloth, velvet, merino, s-atin and silk Cloak', \'isettes and Mantillas, of the l.'itest styles, rmiiiiiiji in pt ice trom t to ^ \ Iai".:c .'iii.l /( .' ■ .)( as'i'i-tment of Cloths, Cassimerc' an.I Vc'un^ ; Twei-ls, .Jeans. Kersevs, Lin>-ey M'lr’’ ' 1'.' .'^trijics aii'i I’l.iid'. f.ir servant's wear l ine l-'lannel, plain and priiitci. for cliildron r.ianket'. ,'i large variety .! /'//■'/' Sim h III Hil/.-l, CdJiS, /{ijots A’ iS7(0«.s. lu':iilv-iiiaile ('lutliiiig—Coat', I’unt.', W'sts, IVoin V ery line tn ordinaiy Oiu rt 'ci; is t..o large and varie.l to note down every p .rticiilar article. Inu our a'sortinelit is a very desir.'i- lile ..ae, .iiid cannot fail to ji!e:ise. Vi e wou' l Solicit an c.irly call from all our old triends, customers and the fuihlic ;enerally. We arc ready at all tiiin": t.) .show our goo.Is, ;ind prices, as ive expect 1 I -ell on i: rca- iiialile terms as aiiv other house in oui- line. ^Ve nia\ he found at our .'store .No ] (ireen stioet, N ii'th-ei't Corner M.irket .•'i|iiare. ALKX U .lOHNSoN Co. \ t t|i'\il'e. Sejit l"n'; "l-tf NO'l'K'K. f 11111 Siihscriher has taken the i-lioji l.etwc' ii L>i's. Mallett X .McSwain and r.ri'lc' ' r,ridge, vvhere he intends ('allying on the T.\ll.oUlNi lU Sl- NllSS in all it' hi aiicln's. Having h.id pi.'ictli'al e\].erieiice in most of the .\t- laiilic ( itii s. he feels assured that lie can please the mo't fastidious. ,\11 . I 'li'i - will he executed w ith iieat- l>u. V. ('. HALL K g V.'-- removed lo the well-known stand of the l*r«. I 3 i;oliiiii.on, eoi'iier of (ireen nnd l$ow streets. \[ I'il '.’I. lH.''i;:. h7tf li. M. 05KKLI , lll|{\\\|:|ll\(i ('(IM11ISSI(»> MHIUIIWT AT 8':ftiA. i'. M licit IU, is.'il. tf .lOSKPlI HAKKK, .Ik., % K■: \ \ r i. % w , n\.S t.aken an olhce next door to U m. I’.. Wright s Law othce on (ii'een Street. He will atteiul and priictii e iu the 'ouiity and Superior Courts of Cumher- land. I’dadeu, Itoheson and SMiiipsoii. March IS.-,:;. 7‘.*-tf (’llAULi:s I5ANKS, o.vn: i r # o.vt: k, WlloLKS.VLi: AND HI'.TAIL ItHAI.KR IN /■'tin ii/ii /•'/■iiifa, \ii/s, ('ii/nr.'i, Tnhnrro, Sii uj), d't'. ?«*niKirr, Fayettaville, N. C. March I, IH"):?. 7‘ltf J. i:. LAWliFACK, Fayetteville, N. C. .'seiitemher, IH." w oO-i'iin Drif (fintils, .■;d II. CAU\ KK, DKALKK IN (>rorri if’s, a/til l*ri>n from N. 1’.. corner .Nlarket Sfiuare, ne.t to 1*. (iee's Hat Store, tireeu street. FAVKTTKVllJ.E, N. Ml kinds of I’roduee taken in exchange lor (ioodK. Fel.’y 1^.-):!. \1. III TSON, itofMi Fayetteville, N. C. Mail'll li'.t, iN'vJ. 1^1-V WORTH vJv: I'.LLKVrr, (kICCF.SSOKS to j. 1>. W IM.I VMS,) FOinVAHDINC i (’OMMISSKLN MKUCIIANTS, FAVKTTIlVlLLi;, N. C. STAND OF 1IAL1. A: .KlUNSOVl.) FOU SAT.K. lOOO A( KI:m Oi' I.A.\U. ^ I ^II J] suhscriher otters for sale his valuable 1*L.A\ I TATION iu Hoheson county, on hoth sides of the Lowrie l!o;\d. Iti.t miles South West of Fayetteville and within half a mile of Lumlier Hridge, the tevmitnis ot the Favetteville nnd Southern I'hink lload. .\n o;iportunity is now oli'ered for an investment, which cannot he eijualled iu this jmrt ot the country The land is heavily and densely covered with pined, ollering a great imlucement to all persons eu^ngeil in Timher and Tur]>entine. The cleared laud (about Dmi acres), and in fact :ill is |irodiietive-~ superior to :ins in that Country. .\ h.irgaiii mav he had. Terms libei'al. ARC HI) A. T. sMnn. Fayetteville, .\ugust H, ITtf \ AIJ AliI.K LANDS TOK SALK. fOFFKI! for sale my ]>Iantation, situated seventeen miles .''^outh-vvest r>f l.,uini»erton, and eighteen from the Rail Road, ami nine from ilarlleesville, containing .Seven Hundred .\cres of the best cotton and provision lands in the county, with tine imiirovemeiits, well v;h- tered, remarkably healthy, and the be^t stand for a Store in the country, there liaviujr been one on it oeca k-ioiially for the last thirty years:—'w ith about one hun dred and eighty acres of cleared land iu ii very high state of cultivation. 1 will give the lands for the valueil jtroceeds of them for two years, with the work of seven hunds. I will divide the latid.s if deirired, or if a larger tract is de sired, there is a huge tract of land atl.ioining it that can be bought on very reasonable terms. Karly application i.s desired. .Mfonisville. May 0th, IH' Z.\ H. FL'LMOUK. yjtf 1*. KI.LIOT r,i-v WILLIAMS Sf.tf 1!. MoNAiiHAN. si-tf Tin Is Mot ellUlllel'.'lti sot'tmeiit s V. e h:i \ e ■'11"'' .tier. Oi 1 : ' ; I ■ '111 j( ny pM I t M !i. h 11.1- ic. VI. 4»ki(i:b>i.. .\.;enr :,t I' lyetteville, N 7'tl tieel piir.'ha'e.l l.y i In' I’m the prices of the first ol tin to Wholes.'ile I’liivei' on mi .1. i:. Sl.VLl:. let. I■ :. d; and Ir e. :T a re.jllction I'l'om ■.III. thev w ill lie ollered fS^HL ■.’Iider'i-Iii'.l, having purchased Mi fi. I.iuieiloh ' Distillery and C,.oper-sliop Il I'e.l ini.i Cni' i l ine!'hip under the name of ,X .'str:ilii:e. fnr the jiiirpi s r\ .it Tiiriientine. and tin’ S. Tin . ha\e en- Mi'Laiirin of cari'\ ing on the Distille- nianufaeture ot' S]iirit Rar- re lerlll ' M. U LLI A MS lltf I’eI.'v I". L D. McLVTRIN. W M McLAl RIN. •IAS. W. STi:.\NIF. 7litt f '*(1 l*Krrhusf for I ht I'dll of I IHL iiii.|t I signed \. iiild iiotifv their ciisloiin'r' a '.tilers liiiviii'.: in this m irket. tliat tln-v a I ^pirils ^!!ll niider-igin l w;ll j. i'. c:;-h |i r .-Spirits I’m' lowiii:; oiilv tine. , in trooi I oi'de sA L( )i )\ ) sn w\\(> li'/ I'll ■ ll; I'ul-'. !• V .■111 w;' ! 1 C.ilisid I iiiifort I II of the I'lti/e:,- ;.. Ill' .''^h.i\ in.: L'l'i I' I liii”' 1‘nlitica! p ij :i'd- of I'ei'tiimeric I lir iiii'l .'shaving Inrushes, ;oi'l line, inr s-de, N. c.. oci. -JO, I.s.',;;. 1 il;.'i iiii'rv t., iliT pp.i'it .'■I to ery re ii’l tin' li hnii. Hi.tc^ e the .“Sliave 'pect- ■ 1"*'- •s tliat iinu receiviii'.r their second Stock of 1 >elec(e 1 by one of the lirm per nf ,1 gi-ner.'il .'issortment of Ih'l/ (l'ii“!;', 1111III ll'l I I'l , l/'lt:, I S/inr.s. LSI I \ l.ll ge ;l'l lit'.ill !.i tiiel M:i |e lothillg. \11 ot w'hicli they offer to the tr:i 1 .•ici'omiiiodating terms. !‘iil'cli:i -Cl'S will till.I it t tock an • iiiiina; Inii belor F-VLL (iO( H»S ■; o M; I . ! V. c o 11 M s ’ ll/I'. liiiiit.^ I ■ndiiiL :i tail' m.iruin to ;i eelies'al .\\ 11 a ■ h am Ro'in ] ollllt. Ill t heir llsu'i to pay incidi'Ut.il market. When p'li'tic' preler lo hip oh their tin' iin.ler'i^:iie.l will m.ike lil er:il casli the U'iril commi'sioii I on all .spirits am in tiieir hands i',,r shiiiliieiit. giving alw.ivs the o| tinii tn -ell in ilmiiigt.iii or ship to New ^ ork. (illo. 'i\. U |LLI.\MS .Iiilv 1. \ CO. their interest to !NC|:|1 ^s!.;|, I,,. I,,,. ■ in iiitiiii. U|i hi.' Shop lie V, nlild lir> ll e I ^e 1! I. \ Di N '; l;oi I \|. In t. V. he , . t lie V wi'! tin.I - 'f tin, ,| :y. alul ll.i'ir 0,1.. Sh;i\liii: li't_\ of niln-r :is-iini (», toli.-r liOC’Ki'iSII the b;rc or ii.'ilf b .lulv l:;. l.s-'i'J. re niakiii” their selection'. H.\LL .V \( KIl l'T. ;:-Jtf SI II :i: i'l N(;s. lie, t'ol' sale b'-,' C. T. HAHill \ SON S:f r L llOSI>AAS>. • iiiniisswMi ;iih1 1'»^\^;n'«iiiiif MM’ iiiini :iii(l (iciii rut Aj'(*iit, 1%'iftniniiloit. »V. 0\ ran 111 siiii IS.. L' ir ■ ' 111 li;i« e e Lot ■l;'.p. i the I -laMl di 'd tw.. '!..nr 11. t :n tin \U Diiitcun irep:!ied to fiiriil h nera!ly, with lire.id, . nf the iic'i i|ii;ility. nf one of the last I Ci ve nie a call. l;\\KS. n.,-tf ■J.t H M I iihi.-i, J'urj)t III I nc ,^ot: ',',1, .-I, the bigliesf i',i,h pii, ; .inmervill, N. C., .Alay I's. ]) ■M. LL.VN .V M un(( -i^ will lie paid ./ON U.S. ^'■■>tf i\‘w ■riber has jii -t returne.l fi'nm New ^ ork, B and is now receiving his I'all Storh' of imooits^ 1 .. w hii'h he in' ites biiv er-. NLiy be found in hi.s stock: Di-tillct's' (Hue, cominoii and I'l Nil. ‘ :iiidles. Cry till r.'ilace. Wax. Sperm. ,\damantine ali'l I’eal'l, I ity-imide Loots, heavv ditto. Hats. aps, I’.hinkets. Kersevs, \c.. Ced.'ir 1 libs. I’ails. liiickets, Kelais, ,vc.. I ocoa Rug liofids. tor passage's. Common Crirpetings, with a variet v of seiisonalile nml | U'^^efiil articles. Sugar and Cofl'ee and Tea, ■\ lo nf line Tr.'ivelling Trunks. I'ai'j.et Rags. Ac.. ■J.'i do'/.en Wagon and Dray V\ hips. Mule ( oll.ii's and dear. ]iatelit and common Harness, tiunny und Dundee It.-igging and Rojie, .')(i(i -^acks Salt. t'/ tons 1 roll, assorted. I will sell for cash, barter, or on time, to suit )iiir- cliasers. Ll doors We«t of Cajie Fear Rnnk. THO. .1. .JOHNSON. Fayetteville, Oct. IH.j:;, :;4tf NO rici:. w-p \N.\W AV from the -ll^-criber. .'iboni the ,,i ■ tfc' .'illy, Is.'il. hi' negro girl Sarah. S:iid negro i' about D; years of age. Iilack. witii l.irge white eyes, large limbs, vveiglis about |..o jmuiids. S.'iid girl is supjiose 1 lo be liiii.ing in the neighbor hood of Mr. Isaac Wright's or Ceu. McKay's, in llladeii countv. The above rcw ard w ill be p.'lid for her delivery to me", or her co.ifmenn nt in any jail in the State of North ':irolina. M . >. IH I LLR. Clinton, N. C., March 1 I. Is.':;. , iit W ILIJ \M A. (iW \ I'M. FORW.\RDIN: .\ND COMMIS.-ION M IIRC II .\ N'i’, \Viiiiiiiiii;'lon, i'. IJ^FR.SilN.VL attention given to the sale or shipment (d'^aval Stores. 1 have am]de f.icilities for coii- iliictiiig the bii.siiiess: large wli.'irf and .stori' sheds to keep sjtirit.s from exposure. Naval stores will l>e shipped to ;inv house in New N'oi-l;. or to other markets it advi- sablel nnd liberal cash advani'es m.'ide on coiisiiMinients. 1 refer to the following distillers: K. llannum. Wayne county. i;. II. Wood:ird \ Co.. Kar|i'borougli. W. Kai]), li. ’riiorntoii. .Johnston count,\. liridges Durham. “ “ D. ilocntt, “ Sjieiicer Fountain, 11. Latmaii, '•'iiiiith, l>rvan \. Co.. “ i;. IL llinnaiit, I'ls(|. " “ Lovett I’ertcoi'k, Cohuiibus county. Messrs. .Jones i'e Leach, Favutteville. May 2U, 180U. ‘ •''’'V ,!. \. MOKTH.] [>v Februat'y Dj. ISO:’.. srARK cV WILLIAMS, WHOLF.SALH DKALF.RS IN M'orri^ n and MPomestir Mtrt/ Uootis^ n iv >*tri:kt, Fayetteville, N. C. .1. H. sjaKH.] [.j. -M .\]iril ‘Js, lS-j2. II. L. IIOLMKS, Attorney at Law, Wilmington, N. C. OFFICK on I'orner of Front and I’rincess streets, under .lournal office. Dec. 111. -l>^-tf JOSKIMl R. BLOfiSO^l. V o nmssM AND I'OKW ARl)lN(i MERCHANT, I’romjit jiersonal attention given to all roiisign- nieiit.s, and Cash advances made on Produce lo be ship ped to other ports or sold iu this market. Feb. \-2. IS'.n. b7y W ILK IN SON cV KSLKR, DM.U.HRS IN (’'III frit I'miti ri/, h^iil'rii/n f''rllil., Alifs, I nl/mrii, tfiiil Sniijf, AND IMl’ORTMRS OF II.VVA.\ i \WSi, AT \VlltiLKS.\LK .\.\D KKT.VIL. Market St., Wilmington, N. C. .\ug. 7, 1 Sol. .MALLiyrr \ pallmii.r, iironrs and f'onimission •fter~ rltftnts^ Froiil NEW YORK. M.M.I.KTT.J [-I- I'AI l.Mll'H .\il2list Di. l-''-)li. l.stt T. C. WORTH, KlinilSSlllX .\M) FIIK\V\Rfj|\i; >lKII('ll.nT. \VILMIN(i rON, N. Feb. 1, IS.'.;: ''Otf \\ atchos and J('\v‘!rv nil I'L subs» riber li«s recently re- North. with and well se The SuhsrriWor still con tinues to carry on the (WlilNKT l.L'Sl- N'KSS in Fayetteville, nml in addition to his Kstablisiiment on liow Street, near Kccles s Rridge, has openi'd a large WARE HOO.M on Iliiv street, nearly opjiosite the Fayetteville Hotel, nnd otle door Fast of Messrp. Ilaigh .S: Sou m, where a general as.sortment of FUHMTLliiO. Made by comiietent anl faithful workmen, nifty be bad at prices corresponding with the timeB. AIho, an as sortment of Northern-made FI KNITL'RK. selected by himself which will be sold at a very moderate advance. DUN('AN McNKlLL. Nov. 10. 18')1. 38tf He kcpp.s on hand an assortment of Fisk’s celebra ted .MKTALLIO Hl'Rl.VL CASE.S, which have been highly recommemled by Willie 1’. .Manguin, Henry Chiv. Lewis (’ass, Wm. R. King, and many other il lustrious characters, who have examined iiml witnessed their utility. w A rc:\n:s, ji:w euiyTJ> FANCY GOODS. 'I'ho Sul)scril)(‘r is now ro- ceiving a large and well selected Stock of (Johi and l^ilvei’ W'litches and Jewelry of the latest styles; Sih'cr aiitl Plated U (Jold, Silver nnd Steel Spectacles; Gold Pencils and I'ens; Fine I'ocket and Pen Knives; Fine P.azors awd .Scissors: Mathematical Instruments; Surveyors’ (,'omp!>sses and Chains; Double and .single- barrefIuns: Powder Flasks; Shot Belts; (iame Hags; Percussion Cajis; a good assortment of Pistols; Walking (’anes: P..rt-Moneys: Pocket and Dressing Combs; H»ir, Flesh. Tooth iiud Lather Brushes: a good .'issortment ot Violins und Bowei; Clarionets; Flageolets; Flutes; Fifes; Accordeons: large aud Bmall ^ilu^ic Boxes: Violin aud (luitar .'Strings: Microscopes: Spy Glasses; Ladies’Work Boxes: (\>ral; Eight and One day Clock.s; variety of Fancy (io>ds, &c. &c. All of which will be sold low. All kinds of W atches and Clocks cleaned and repaired. 1 Ilf a a ^(il'I.D respectI'liliy inform the juiblic that he is ▼ W sliil at his old stnnd ('.'irrving on the above business in all its branches. He retiii'iis thanks for the liberal patronage he has received, and hopes by a sfrict ;ittenlioii to business, aiiil a desire to ple.'ise all and •rive genei':i’. s:itisfaciion, to merit a continuance ot'tin- same. He wanaiils all his work to be made of the best ma teria! and by experienced Workmen.-- having a more (v"/.! / f//c../;iiid lu iii in :ii Si.ii/li. he tiattei's himselt'that his Work will compete with any niinle in the .Sf.ite tVv stvle. eU'g.'iiice :iiid durability; and i lnuild any of it f';iil iu twelve nioiitiis (with fair usage) either iu workman ship or ni.'itcrial. he will repair it f ree of charge. , persons wishing to buy. would do well to call and ex- : amine his work as he is determined to sell low tor cash III' on short time. I Orders thankfully received and promjitly attended to. i RtlP-VlltlN*' ne:lt!y executed at short lloticr anil lowest pos'ible prices. Fayetteville, .Ian. i'i, IS.’.:’.. lil’.tf 7’o /In ilfirs (ll I.utr of Lifl/l toii 'I'lir- jici'. I(>/( of Sdi/ijjsoii ( ouulij^ A. C. OTICF, is hereby given to you, that nt the next Teriiioi' the County Court of Samj.son, the Sd Moiidi'.v of November, we shall j>ropound for jirobato tiie list Will and Testainviit of Lvttletoii Turner. A.MMA B. CUKSMJTT, i THOM.VS I. F.MSON, i Clinton, N. C., Oit. 1, 18->.!. ;’>‘J-t;5MN Executors. Blanks for ,salr lirrr. £ turned trniii the ilecidedly a very rich lected stock of WaU-lic*^ tV Jrwrlrr, Embracing all the lates styles aud fashions. Large lot of SlLVKU WAllK: Si>ooiis, .Si.up Ludles, Sugar'rougs, iMiiiuo- aiul Dosst'rt I'oiks. throadeil, .1. li. ami Brmi'V.'ick |.att»-nis, ) ihitter Knives; Mugs; Salt, ('roam aiul Mii.«t:iil Spoinis. I’latcil Goods: 'IVa Sots, (’i.tloo I rtis, (’h:iiti)ior ;iiul l*;irlor ( ;uillt'sti( ks, ( :isti'is, Stig.ii nish, SiuitVcr and '^I'rav, l..adios W ork Boxos. Fttll assortiiK'iif of 31ilitarv (hmmI-.. ( lari.uiots, Fl:nMM.lot, I'hito', I-'ifos, A0Of»nk'Oii>, Fhitiuas, larirt- ;ii\il small Musio I’>oxos, (some with riaixi af«'oia}ianimoiit,) Violitis, (smtio very lino ia,n.) .^urvoyiifs" ('ompassos aiul Ciiain^. JVIatlio- niatical Instrniuents, Kyo ( Hasses for Minors, very lino lla/.iirs and Stiaps, fino .'^cis'sors. J^argo lot 1‘ockot ami Tnl)lo Cutlory, sonu> in sots of ftl jiioces. Pocki't Knivos, with spoon, fork, nlado, {ihloino, I'k.c. Largo lot of woll si leinod douhlo- liarrol (inns, I’owiler Masks, Shot Holts, (lanio liags, \i-. A gix'd as.sortniont of Colr\and vari ous other Kinds of Pistols. Five or six ditioront kind of Clooks; Walking Canos, \nd various other notions, wliich I would like tj sell ,.ervlrw. .1. M. BEASLKV. .Vujiist ir;, 18'.?.. Pure French Brandy, Port and Madeira Wine. , ^ /fllLE subscriber has just received ami ofli'is for sale M. n pure article of each of the itln.ve. These Liii'.iors _ having been purchased expressly for medical purposes, Cfin b? relied on bv those in wnnt if a good article. •l. N. S.MITH, ClicvniPt \ Druftgist. Oct. ■' •-tf W. PRIOR Sept. 1. ISOo. 24-:?ni WORLD'S FAIU. C r y s tat P alar e. PERSONS visiting New York or tnivelling through North Carolina, should prepare themselves Viy calling at M. A. BAKER S, Sign of the Big (iun, oppo site the Post Oftice, where they will find a large assort ment of double and single-barrel Shot Guns, Rifles nnd Pistols, of all nualities; Colt’s Repeating, Allen’s Re- vcdving. Wesson's Repeater and self-priming Pistols. Powder Fla.sks, Shot and (iame I’>ag.s, Percussion Caps of French and F.ugVish make: also a large assortment of C.aming tixtures. which will lie sold at the lowest cash ^ REP.\ I R1 Ni of every thing in the (Junsmitli line will be done at short notice! in the liest manner, and for n small clnirge. Ritlen of all kinds ( onstaiitly on hand and maniifae tured to onler, and warranted to shoot from D»0 to '.'OO vards. Per.soiLs wishini;' to pu.chace any of the at.ove iinmed articles, will do well to give me h trial. M. A. BAKER, .'Sign of the Wooden tiun. Hay street, oppoi'^ite the Post oftice. .luly-Ji. is.v;. ■ NOI'K'K. rBIHF. subsctil»ei' o'tfers for .sale his L.V.NDS. six iiiile.- M- Nfirth of Fayetteville and about one mile trom the Favetteville and Raleigh Plank Road, c.uiHisting cd about suited to the ma- kini'- of Tiirpe?itine or Timber. 'I hei i' ai e on the pre mises a "ood saw and litist mill, all in goort repair and now in operation: also a dwelliii.tr, and all the necessH rv out-houses. iu good repair. ' Also another traet of two hundred and fifty acres, on the’head waters of Carver's Creek, known as the T'lrrv Place, on which there is a small tarni, a dwel- i ling house and other houses. j On the first named tract there arc cut about twenty i five tlioiisaiid Turpuntine boxes, from two to four years Vll the above lands will he sold on the most accom modating terms. Persons wishing to p.irclia'e will please call ou +lie subscriber, who w ill take pleasure in showing the ab.n> ’ i.ids, noi/I’ON. -Kitf Oct. IS KIM: i iu IT! I’INK KIM IT' /S^EN Ihousnml Ai-plo Trees of the finest kinos. M. ripening in succession, from the earliest to the Latest Ten Thousand Peach Trees of the linest kinds, I inening in succession, from early in -lune to November. One Thousand Cherry Trees of the finest kinds, ripen ing iu succes.sion, fnmi the lirst ot May to . ul\: al.o. a fine as.sortment of Aj.ricots, Nectarines, 1 unis l ea s :u,d Strawberrv plants, for sale :it the Pouiologtcal (.ai- dens and Nurseries, at Cane (rock, » hatham conn > .ndNew tiarden, (iuilfbrd county. Onlers for tree.s ai'lv. Catalogues will be sent to all should be sent in eii applicants. During mv absence mv vu...vf deliver t.ees at Cane 1 reek, Lindlev. at New (iardeu. .JO.sHl .\ LINDL1.\ New (ianlen, (iuiU'ord county, N. ’•. ' The Mth of the 10th mo., i brother. (>wen Liiidley, will :V.»—:',ni. FISH! FISH!! half and whole Biirrols, for sale by PETEK 1’. JOH>«‘>‘''- 2Htf ACKKllEL in Sept. I'J. .. - Shrrtiiiir and Cotton A'arn, Runlol})l» For sale by .^j.ril WORTH & ELLIOTT. 87tf

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